Don Sajn (1971) - full transcript

The age-old story of Don Juan, played by giant puppets.

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CentraI FiIm Distribution



Based on an oId Czech puppet pIay

Voice-over Artist



Script Editors

FiIm Editor


Camera Operator

Scriptwriter, Director


My heart jumps with joy, Do?na Maria,

when your beauty strikes my eye.

If you disbeIieve my words,

reach out,

unsheathe my sword

and pierce my chest.

You wiII see that

the spiIt bIood is innocent

and untainted

by thoughts against you.

Why aII that troubIe

and torment, Don FeIipe?

How can you faiI to notice

my utter Ionging for you?

But you are weII aware

that my parents want

to wed me to your brother.

May a thorn pierce my heart

and the sun shun my face!

WouId you marry that phiIanderer

who has frittered away

aII his possessions in cards and skittIes?

Even if the whoIe worId agrees,

I shaII disagree.

I shaII agree with you

and shortIy take

a different course of action.

Come to our garden

at nine o'cIock.

My father and I shaII expect you there.

Now I must take my Ieave.

May your journey be peacefuI,

gracefuI beauty.

With deIight I shaII await

that bIissfuI hour of nine.

What did my eyes just see,

what did my ears just hear!

Wicked breed, sinfuI deed,

thunder above and beIow!

Did I just hear my brother FeIipe

put himseIf in the way of my Iove?

My heart cannot stand for it.

Hey, Jester!

Present yourseIf for duty.


Am I not aIready present?

I cannot see you here.

How couId you see me there

when I am stiII here?

You rogue!

How Iong wiII you be?

Too many orders for no return.


you know very weII that oId Don Avenis

promised me his daughter, Do?na Maria.

But my brother is putting himseIf

in the way of my Iove

and my heart wiII not stand for it.

No wonder, nor wouId mine.

In your pIace, I wouId have married Iong ago.

You see, Jester.

I am to arrange a wedding

but my pocket is empty.

Mine aIso.

Let's join forces.

You wretched toad!

I am not without heIp!

Go to my affIuent father

and ask him

to Iend me 400 ducats.

But you must not

mention the wedding.

TeII him I am graveIy iII,

indebted to doctors and apothecaries.

And where is your father's abode?

You see that street.

That is my father's house.

Jester, I am counting on you.

You can count on me.

You wiII remain singIe for sure.

M arye, hmarye!

M arye!

M arye!

M arye!

M arye!

Who is it?

and what is it?

Who is it and what is it.

Are you bIind? Can't you see it's a man?

I can see a maIe person

in front of me.

But I don't know who you are.

Don't bIabber on, oId man.

Your son has sent me.

He ask s you to be wise enough

to Iend him 400 ducats.

He wants to get married

but is penniIess.

I hear my son mentioned

but I do not know which one.

havve twe sens

It is your favourite, Don Juan.

Don Juan?


If I Ient a singIe penny to that knave,

I wouId regret it to the grave

since he does not treat his father

as a proper son ought to.

To his utmost shame

I herewith send him 1 0 pennies.

Let your master buy

two pieces of strong rope,

one to hang himseIf with

and the other to hang you with,

to get both of you rogues off my back.

You oId fart!

What a grand wedding for 1 0 pennies!

Do you have the money?

PIenty of money, sir.

Stack s of it, stack s of it.

I knew it since my father

Ioves me enormousIy.

I think your father Ioves you

Iike a dog Ioves a cat.

Here is your 1 0 pennies.

Buy two pieces of rope

to hang himseIf and you with.

Is that what my father said?


There is no pIace

for good deeds in this worId.

I shaII chase my father,

smash his coffers and grab his goId.

He may be my father

but he must die at my sword.

Sir, wait!

What do you want?

SIash the the head

and Ieave the hide intact.

I wiII sIash what I sIash.


I have achieved my aim.

Now I must ask Do?na Maria

whether she means to Iove me.

If not then she must die at my sword.

But for that I must assume

the voice of my brother FeIipe.

Do?na Maria, come outside.

He whom you invited

for the hour of nine is come

and awaits you with burning desire.



Now she must truthfuIIy

reveaI her Iove.

If not then she must die

at this sword.

Oh, Father.

Come to my rescue.

The earthIy firebrand is here,

mistreating me badIy.

Don Juan,

why are you chasing my chiId

with a naked sword in the garden?

I shaII caII the guards and have you

thrown into prison as a rebeI.

Hey, guards, come out!

HaIt, you two-faced person!

You kept promising me your daughter

and now that I have wasted

aII my possessions on you and her,

suddenIy you deny her to me.

Therefore you must die

at my sword Iike a dog.


Don Juan, what have you done,

murdering an oId father Iike myseIf?

My ghost wiII chase,

haunt and oppress you

wherever you turn

and your young body wiII shortIy

come to wrack and ruin.


I am



You grey doormat,

do you to dare threaten me?

I am a young nobIeman.

I shaII go deep into the woods

and perform heroic feats there,

assauIting and murdering

whoever I meet.

And you, rotten head, stay here.

I have avenged my rage on you.


What a woefuI drama to behoId.

My father has been murdered.

His bIood stains the fIoor.

Do?na Maria, come outside.

He whom you invited

for the hour of nine is come

and awaits you with burning desire.


Don FeIipe!


Your eyes are tearfuI.


BehoId, Don FeIipe.


What tyrant

has ruined this eminent body?


Who eIse

but your brother, Don Juan?


My chiId!

I am startIed and perpIexed.

He may be my own brother

but I shaII hunt him down

and when I catch the scumbag,

I shaII have my wicked way with him.

Go, Don FeIipe.

God wiII protect you.

And heaven wiII guide you.


Jester! Come here at once.

What the deviI got into you?

Too many orders for no return.

Did you know that

I have become a desperado today?

I didn't.

I have murdered my father

and Do?na Maria's father.

PIenty to boast about.

You see, Jester,

they are chasing us aII over town

with Ianterns and Iamps.

If they catch us, they may remove us

from this worId in one fataI bIow.

FortunateIy, we can avoid aII that.


We'II go into these desoIate woods

and perform heroic feats there,

assauIting and murdering

whoever we meet.

Give me your money!

- What are you doing?

- I am murdering.

Not me!

Wait untiI we meet someone.

What's the difference,

you or whoever?

But our first victim wiII be mine.

It wiII be yours.

I have heard that my brother Don Juan

is hiding in these desoIate woods,

preying on poor hermits.

But since my arrivaI here

I have not seen a singIe human being.

OnIy wiId animaIs foray

in this dangerous pIace.

If onIy I couId turn

my arms into missiIes

and shoot into my brother's eyes

for he deserves no better.

Jester, I just heard the voice

of my brother FeIipe

whom I must sIay

to prevent him from betraying us.

Young or oId, at my sword,

everyone must die.

Take that!

Take that!

Take that!

Take that!

Take that!

Take that!

Take that!

Take that!

Take that!

Oh, Do?na Maria,

my souI is being Iaid to rest

You see, Jester,

I have murdered

my brother, Don FeIipe.

Sir, you shouIdn't have done that.

Of course, I shouId not.

Jester, that murderous expIoit

has made me very thirsty.

CIimb up a tree and see

if you can find a fresh water spring

to refresh my body.

How wiII I find

a fresh water spring at night?

Go on, Jester!

Oh, sir.


Bad things are coming.

What bad things?

I bumped into someone

in a Iong shirt.

What wouId someone

in a Iong shirt be doing here?

Jester, it must be some

rotten ghost from the underworId

who can do no harm.

Go and ask why he is crossing

our path and disturbing us?

Why do you keep sending me.

Go yourseIf for once.

Why do I keep you?

Why do I stay with you?

Do you want me to stab you?

Listen, Iong shirt!

He wants to know what you want.

I am oId Don Avenis,

father of your master's Iover.

I come to make you two repent

as you hurry

towards eternaI damnation.

Sir, you have friend here.

You wretched toad,

how couId I have a friend here?

You do.

It's the oId man you kiIIed.

New hes cehme te bea k ryeu neck

Sit here. I shaII go to see

if it is indeed him.

Sir, don't go near him.

He wiII bite you.

Do you think

I am entireIy without courage?


Get him, oId man!


You gave me such a fright.

I am trembIing aII over.

Yes, I recognise him.

He made me a promise

as he faced death

that his ghost wouId pursue me.

Dear son,

I have come so that you repent

for you are hastiIy

approaching damnation.

Give me your right hand

so that I can bid you a fatherIy goodbye.

I shaII give you my right hand

but onIy on the condition

that I never see you here again

since I have pIenty of time to repent.

Let go!

Let go!

You burn very weII.

New, sen,

I reIease you from my promise

because at midnight

you wiII be damned.

Jester, the ghost's handshake

has made me very drowsy.

Go to an inn and eat your dinner

whiIe I have a nap here.

Yes, sir. I wiII eat and drink

aII that is good.

Now I shaII waiI and pray

that I shaII be an exampIe to the girIs

so that they do not suffer as I did,

I who sinned so greatIy.

Oh, you innocent chiIdren,

Iight up the torches and Iamps

and stand by my grave.

BehoId, the deviI aIready awaits me.

And thunder wiII strike

and to burning heII

it now must transport me.

Open the jaws of heII.

Sir, sir, who wiII pay me

for my 20 years of service?

Ji?f? Trnka's Studio Prague

CentraI FiIm Distribution
