Doctor Who: Shada (1992) - full transcript

This unfinished story from the television series Doctor Who (1963) was released on video with linking material from Tom Baker. When a dangerous artifact goes missing from the study of retired Time Lord, Professor Chronotis, he calls on the help of the Doctor and Romana. Also looking for the artifact is Skagra, who is armed with a mind-draining sphere.




Anybody there?

Why, it's a museum!

I've always felt at home in museums.


Giant Robot.

Beat you, cock.

Cybermen, beat you.

Daleks... Beat you.




I beat him as well.

I was irresistible in those days.


Yeti. (LAUGHS)

Gundan Robot.



No, no, no, no.


Sea Devil.

Ice Warrior.





The untransmitted story.

Why wasn't it transmitted? Oh...

Of course, we didn't finish it.

Starring Denis Carey
and Christopher Neame,

written by Douglas Adams.

I thought it was a very good script
and there was an invisible spaceship.

Douglas said,
"Anyone can design a visible spaceship,

"but to design an invisible spaceship,
that needs imagination.”

I think he said that or did he say...

I think he said "genius".
Yes, he said "genius".

Poor old Douglas.
I wonder what became of him? Huh.

That's right, Cambridge!

About 1979, punting on the Cam.

There was a choir on the corner
as I biked by,

singing Fauré's Requiem

or some train song or other.

Daniel Hill.

I'd heard he'd become the manager
of an old people's home

or maybe he went into
an old people's home,

I can't remember.

Or maybe he was always old,
I don't know.

And Victoria Burgoyne, ah.

It was her first television
and when she heard it was cancelled,

she was so unhappy, she cried a lot.

We all cried a lot.

We were very sad.









COMPUTER: This is a recorded message.

The Foundation for the
Study of Advanced Sciences

is under strict quarantine.

Do not approach. Do not approach.


Everything is under our control.

This is a recorded message.

The Foundation for the
Study of Advanced Sciences

is under strict quarantine.

Do not approach. Do not approach.

Everything is under our control.

This is a recorded message.

The Foundation for the
Study of Advanced Sciences

is under strict quarantine.

Do not approach. Do not approach.

- Excuse me.
- Yeah?

- Do you know where P14 is?
- Yes, it's over there. Okay?


- Come in.

Excuse the muddle.
Creative disarray, you know.

- Professor Chronotis?
- Tea?

- Oh, thanks.
- Just put the kettle on.

Er, Professor Chronotis,
I don't know if you remember me.

We met at a faculty party
a few weeks ago.

- It's Chris Parsons.
- Oh, yes, of course.

- Enjoy these faculty dos, do you?
- Well, you know...

A lot of boring old dons
talking away at each other

and never listen to a word
anyone else says.

- No, well, you said that...
- Talk, talk, talk. Never listen.

No, well, er... Look, I hope I'm not
taking up any of your valuable...

Time? Oh, no.

When you get to my age, you'll find that
time doesn't matter too much.

Not that I expect you'll get to my age.

- Oh, really?
- Yes.

I remember talking to
the last Master of College but one

or was it the last Master but two?
Could have been three.

- Three?
- Yes, nice young chap.

Died rather tragically at the age of...
Run over by a coach and pair.

What was it you said to him?

Oh, I don't know.
Long time ago, you know.


Professor, when we met,
you were kind enough to say

that if I dropped by you'd lend me
some of your books on carbon dating.

- Oh, yes, of course. Happy to.

Ah, there's the kettle.

You'll find the books you want
at the far end of this shelf.

- Third shelf down.
- Thanks.

Or is it the second shelf down?
Second, I think.

Anyway, take what you want.

- Milk?
- Oh, yes, please.

- One lump or two?
- Two, please.


Ah, here we are.

Oh, actually, Professor,
I've just realised!

I'm going to be really late for a
seminar. Look, I'm terribly sorry, um...

Look, I'll bring these back to you
next week, all right?

- Yes, of course. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

Actually, Professor,
could I just ask you,

-where did you get that?
- Oh, I don't know.

I think someone must have left it there
when I was out.

Yes, well, I'll, er... I'll bring
these back as soon as I can.

DOCTOR: Wordsworth, Rutherford,

Christopher Smart, Andrew Marvell,

Judge Jeffreys,

- Owen Chadwick.

Owen Chadwick. Oh, yes.

Some of the greatest labourers
in the history of Earth

have thought here.

- Newton, of course.
- Oh, definitely Newton.

For every action,
there is an equal and opposite reaction.

That's right.

- So Newton invented punting.
- Oh, yes.

There was no limit to Isaac's genius.


Isn't it wonderful
how something so primitive can be so...

- Restful?
- No, simple.

You just push in one direction
and the boat goes in the other.

Yes, genius.

Oh, I do love the spring.
All the leaves, the colours.

It's October.

I thought you said
we were coming here for May Week?

I did. May Week's in June here.

- I'm confused.
- So was the Tardis.

Oh, I do love the autumn.
All the leaves, the colours.

Yes. Well, at least with something as
simple as a punt nothing can go wrong.

No coordinates,
no dimensional stabilisers, nothing.

Just the water, a punt,

a strong pair of hands and a pole.

The pole.

Er, I think it's about time

we went to see
if the Professor is back in his room.

- Ask me how.
- How?

For every reaction, there is an opposite
and equally different action.


- Did you just hear voices?
- What?

Chris Parsons went to the lab

and discovered that
one of the books he'd borrowed

was written
in a totally unknown alphabet.

Here we are,
St Cedd's College, Cambridge.

Founded in the year something or other,

by someone someone
in honour of someone someone someone.

In honour of someone
whose name escapes me completely.

St Cedd?

Do you know,
I think you're very probably right?

- You should have been an historian.
-1 am an historian.

- Good afternoon, Wilkin.
- Good afternoon, Doctor.

Wilkin! You remembered me.

Why, yes, of course, sir.
An honorary degree in 1960.

Yes, but how kind of you to remember me.

- That's my job, sir.
- And you do it splendidly.

- Now...
- Professor Chronotis, sir?

He returned to his room
a few minutes ago.

Oh, good. Good, good.

Wilkin, how did you know I wanted to
speak to Professor Chronotis?

Because that's who you asked for

when you were here in 1964,
1960 and 1955, sir.

Did I really?

I was here in 1958.

- Were you, sir?
- Yes, but in a different body.


- Yes, sir.
- Come along, Doctor.

Nice to meet you, Wilkin. Bye-bye.

(SIGHS) Yes.

- Come in.

Come in. Over there.

- Shh-shh. He'll ask us if we want tea.
- Tea?

Yes, please. Two cups.

- Milk?
- Yes, please.

- One lump or two?
- Two please, and two sugars.

Oh, Doctor! How splendid to see you.

You too, Professor. This is Romana.

Oh, delighted, delighted.
I've heard so much about you.

- Have you really?
- Well, not yet, but I will have done.

When Time Lords get to my age, they tend
to get their tenses muddled up.

- Would you liked some biscuits, too?
- Well, I wouldn't have said no.

- Crackers?
- Oh, sometimes.

- Three hundred years?
- Yes, my dear.

- And in the same set of rooms?
- Ever since I retired from Gallifrey.

Didn't anybody notice?

One of the delights
of the older Cambridge colleges.

Everyone is so discreet.

Now, Doctor, young fellow,
what can I do for you?

What can you do for me?

You mean, what can I do for you?
You sent for me.

- Sent for you?
- Yes, we got your signal.

- Signal? what signal?
- Yeah.

Romana, didn't we get a signal
from the Professor,

-would we come as soon as possible?
- Yes. We come straight away.

I never sent you a signal,
but it's splendid to see you.

- Have another cracker.
- will.

Professor, if you didn't send a signal,
who did?



- Were you addressing me?
-1 want Chronotis.

- Professor Chronotis.
- Where is he?

He will not wish to be disturbed.

He is with the Doctor. A very old...
A very old friend.

- Wait.
-what for?

I've had an idea who sent that message.

- Who?
- Me.

I thought you said you didn't.

Yes, I know.
Memory's getting a bit touchy of late.

Doesn't like to be
prodded about too much.

But my dear old things,
it must be ages since I sent it.

I told you
you'd got the time wrong, Doctor.

- Yes, but you're always saying that.
- You're always getting the time wrong.

- Professor?
- Yes?

- What was it about?
-what was what about?

- The message.
- I don't know.

You've seen it
more recently than I have.

- Was it to do with the voices?
- What voices?

Well, when I was on the river I heard
a strange babble of inhuman voices.

- Didn't you, Romana?
- Yes.

Oh, undergraduates talking
to each other, I expect.

- I've tried to have it banned.
- No, no, no, no!

It wasn't like that at all.
It was the sound of humans or...

Or ghosts, very quietly.

- Screaming.
- Yes.

Overwrought imaginings, Doctor.
No, I remember what it was.

- What?
- Delicate matter, slightly.

It, uh... It... It was about a book.

And no sooner had Chris switched on
the spectrographic analyser

to examine the book,

than smoke started to pour out of it.

And then he tried to x-ray the book,
which immediately started to glow.

Chris switched off the machine,
touched the book and burnt his hand.

- I say.
- Yes? Can I help you?

Yes, perhaps you can.


BAKER: Skagra opened the bag
and the sphere emerged,

attaching itself
to the driver's forehead.

The driver, not surprisingly,
passed out,

and Skagra took charge of the car.


- Did you just hear voices?
- Professor, I think that...

I just heard voices.
Romana, did you just hear voices?

Yes, very faint this time.

Anything to do with that book,

What? Oh, no, no, no.

That's just a book I accidentally
brought back with me from Gallifrey.

From Gallifrey?

You've brought a book from Gallifrey
to Cambridge?

Well, just a few knick-knacks.
You know how I love my books, Doctor.

Professor, you said you brought it back
by accident.

An oversight. I overlooked the fact
that I had decided to bring it.

Just for study, you know.
And as I'm now getting very old...

You thought that perhaps I'd take it
straight back to Gallifrey for you.

Well, as I'm retired,
I'm not allowed to have a Tardis.

Professor, I don't want to be critical,
but I will.

It's very risky bringing books back
from Gallifrey.

Isn't it?

I mean, they could be so dangerous
in the wrong hands, hmm?

"On some nights, New York is as hot
as Bangkok." I've read that.

Hmm. Saul Bellow.

"Once upon a time..." Read that.


"And in the Great Days of Rassilon,
five great principles were laid down...

"Can you remember what they were,
my children?"

-It's just a Gallifreyan nursery book.
-I know, I know.

-I had it when I was a time tot.
-Yeah, it's very good.

Oh, that's just a memento.
Not the right book at all.

Where is it? Is this the one?
Oh, dear, no.

No, I know it's here somewhere!

Professor? Professor? How many books
did you bring back, for heaven's sake?

Just the odd two or seven,

but there was only one
that was in any way...


What does it look like?
What's it called?

The Worshipful and Ancient Law
of Gallifrey.

The Worshipful and Ancient Law
of Gallifrey?

Yes. Red book, about five by seven.

Professor, how did that book get out
of the Panopticon Archives?

Well, what I did, you see, was I...
I just took it.

- Took it?
- Yes.

There's no one interested in
ancient history on Gallifrey any longer,

and I thought that
certain things would be safer with me.

- And were they?
- Yes, in principle.

Well, excuse me.
Delicate matter, Professor, slightly.

That book dates back
to the days of Rassilon.

Does it? Yes, indeed.

- It's one of the artefacts.
- Is it, indeed?

Professor, you know that perfectly well.

Rassilon had powers and secrets
that even we don't fully understand.

You've no idea what might have
been hidden in that book.

Well, there's no chance of anyone else
understanding it, then, is there?

I only hope you're right,
but we'd better find it.

- Romana?
- Yes?

- Little red book.
- Five by seven.

- Good, good.
- Could be green.

BAKER: In his invisible spaceship,

Skagra absorbed masses of information
about me

and then informed the commander
of the carrier ship via the communicator

that he would be joining him soon and
that the universe should prepare itself.

The commander assured him
that all was ready,

as his image solidified
on the spaceship screen.


BAKER: In his invisible spaceship,

Skagra absorbed masses of information
about me

and then informed the commander
of the carrier ship via the communicator

that he would be joining him soon and
that the universe should prepare itself.

The commander assured him
that all was ready

as his image solidified
on the spaceship's screen.

ROMANA: Roget's Thesaurus.

British Book of Bird Life, in colour.

- Alternative Betelgeuse.
- Time Machine.

Wuthering Heights.

Tandoori Chicken for Starters? Huh!

(SIGHS) Sweeney Todd.

Yes, well, there's no sign of The
Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey.

- Do you really think it's important?
- Of course. It's one of the artefacts.

- Other than its historical value.
- Yes.

Each of the artefacts was imbued
with stupendous power.

I mean, the meaning of most of them
has been lost by now

but the powers remain and the rituals.

I just mouthed the words
like everyone else.

What words?

At the Time Academy induction ceremony.

You know, "I swear to protect
the ancient law of Gallifrey

-"with all my might and main..."
- DOCTOR: "With all my might and main."

"and will, to the end of my days,
with justice

"and with honour temper my actions
and my thoughts.”

Yes. Pompous lot.
All words and no actions.

Oh, that's not true.
What about Salyavin?

Salyavin? Oh, yes.
He was a boyhood hero of mine.

Really, Doctor?
A great criminal, your hero?

A criminal, yes, but he had such style,
such flair, such...

- Panache?
- Yes, yes.

A bit like me in that respect.

- Did you ever meet him?
- I certainly did not!

- All right.
- He was imprisoned before I was born.

- Where?
- Oh...

Do you know, I can't remember?

- Professor?
- Yes?


He was a contemporary of yours,
wasn't he? Where was he imprisoned?

- I just remembered.
- I've only just asked you.

- What?
- Where Salyavin was imprisoned.

Salyavin? I'm not talking about

Good riddance to him.
We must find the book.

Professor, what do you think
we're doing?

- I just remembered.
- What?

There was a young man here earlier.
Came to borrow some books.

He might have taken it while I was out
in the kitchen making tea.

What was his name, Professor?
What was his name?

Oh, if only I could remember.
Oh, dear, I've got a memory like a...

Oh, dear, what is it
I've got a memory like?

What's that thing you strain rice with?

- What was his name, Professor?
- Was he old? Young? Tall? Short?

- I remember!
- What?

A sieve! That's what it is.
I've got a memory like a sieve.

What was his name, Professor?

- Oh, I can't remember that.
- Oh, please, do try.

A? A? No, it doesn't begin with A.

B? B? B? B? B?


BAKER: Chris Parsons told his friend
Clare about the book.

Clare decided to wait with the book
at the lab

while Chris went back to the college

to find out more
about the extraordinary illegible tome.

P. Q. R. X! X! Y?

- Young!
- Yes! Young Parsons.

Born 1956, graduated 1978,

honours degree in chemistry.
Currently engaged in sigma particles.

Where would he be now, Professor?

Physics lab, I should think.
First left!

Yes, yes, I'll be back in two minutes.

If I'm not back in two hours,

you and the Professor lock yourselves
in the Tardis,



- More tea, my dear?
- Lovely. Two lumps, no sugar.





Is the Professor alone now?

Oh, yes, sir.
The Doctor left a few minutes ago.

- Oh, dear.
- What's the matter?

We've run out of milk.

Oh, I should think
that's the least of our problems.

I do feel so stupid losing that book.

Don't worry, we'll find it.

I hope so. I do hope so.


You're shivering. Are you cold?

No, it's just a feeling.
Those voices unnerved me.

- A cup of hot tea will do you good.
- Mmm.

Ah, no milk.
I'll just pop out and get some.

I don't think that's an awfully
good idea, Professor.

Why not? It's the only way
I know of getting milk,

short of having a cow.

We've got plenty.

Ah, splendid!

- Type Forty, isn't it?
- Hmm.

Yes, came out when I was a boy.
That shows you how old I am.

-1 shan't be a moment.
- Oh, yes, you will.

The kitchens are too far
from the control chamber.

I've never known
the Doctor use them anyway.

Salyavin! Good riddance to him,
Salyavin. Good riddance. Bah!

- Undergraduates!

Come in!

Have to be lemon tea, I'm afraid.
No milk.

- The girl's just gone out to get some.

How many of there are you,
for heaven's sake?

I've only got seven cups.

- Professor Chronotis.
- Where are the others?

Professor Chronotis.

-Who are you?
-I have come for the book.

- Book? What book?
- You know what book.

I don't know what you're talking about.
I haven't got any books.

That's to say, I've got plenty of books.
What book would you like?

The book you took from
the Panopticon Archives.

What do you know about the Panopticon?

The book, Professor.
You are to give it to me.

- On whose instructions?
- Mine, Professor.

- Who are you?
- My name does not concern you.

-Give me the book.
-I don't know where it is.

If you will not give me
the information voluntarily,

I will...deduct it from you.

I'm sure there is much else in your mind
that will interest me.


Do not fight it, Professor.

Do not fight it or you will die.

Then I arrived at the lab
and met Clare.

I decided to examine the book
very closely.

I've got the milk. Professor?
Come on, K9.

K9: Coming, mistress.


-Who is it?

It's me, Professor.
I just came back to...

- What's happened? Is he all right?
- I don't know. I think he's dead.

Negative, mistress.
He is alive but he's in a deep coma.

- What's happened to him?
- Processing data.

- Do you know him?
- Hardly at all. He just lent me a book.

A book? We've been looking for a book.

- Chris Parsons?
- Chris Parsons? Well, yes.

- Have you got it?
- No. I left it back at the lab.

- You see, I couldn't...
- Isn't the Doctor with you?

Well, how would I know?

I mean, how would I know
the Professor was ill?

- No, no, no. The Doctor.
- What?

Mistress, the Professor has been
subjected to psychoactive extraction.

Will he be all right?

Physical prognosis fair,
psycho prognosis uncertain.

- It's a robot.
- Of course.

- A robot dog.
- Yes.


K9, did you say psychoactive extraction?

Affirmative, mistress.
Someone has stolen part of his mind.

What did your dog say?

Someone has stolen part of his mind.

His attempts to resist
have caused severe cerebral trauma.

- He is weakening fast
- Is this all for real?

- Do you want to make yourself useful?
- Well, if I can.

Go and get the medical kit
from the Tardis.

- The what?
- Over there.

First door on the left,
down the corridor,

second door on the right,
down the corridor,

third door on the left,
down the corridor,

-fourth door on the right...
- Down the corridor?

No, white cupboard opposite the door,
top shelf.

For a minute I thought
you were pointing at that police box.

- I was.
- But I...

Please get it.

What the...

Hurry up!

Professor, can you hear me?

Professor? Professor?

- Mistress, his mind has gone.
- You said part of it, K9.

The part that is left is totally inert


No response, mistress.



Thank you.

What are you doing to him?

- He's breathing

and his hearts are beating,
so his autonomic brain is functioning.

This collar will take over
those functions

and leave his autonomic brain free.

- What good'll that do?
- He should be able to think with it.

Think with his autonomic brain?
Don't be silly!

The human brain doesn't work like that.
The different functions are separated...

The Professor isn't human.


And Clare and I discovered that
the book was minus 20,000 years old

and decided it must be returned at once.

In the ship, Skagra was able to
see into Chronotis's mind

and view the Professor's experiences.

He saw the point at which the student
came into the study to borrow the books,

but the picture was too distorted
fo be of any use.

Skagra was determined to find
any possible trace of the book

in Chronotis's mind,
despite the consequences.

ROMANA: The collar is functioning.

K9, is there any trace
of conscious thought?

Processing data, mistress. (WHIRRING)

Far too early to tell

- Good.
- What do you mean, good?

Well, don't you see?

When one works as a scientist, one
doesn't always know where one's going,

or that there is anywhere for one to go.

That there aren't going to be big doors
that stay permanently shut to one.

But I look at all these marvels

and I know that a lot things
that seem impossible are possible,

50, good.

-I take it that you're...

No, I mean that you're...
Well, you're not from Earth.

Mistress, the Professor's condition
is rapidly deteriorating.

Isn't there anything we can do?

Negative, mistress.
The condition is terminal.

But is he thinking? Can he hear us?

Minimal cerebral impulses
detectable, mistress.

- Can he talk?
- Negative.

The speech centres of the brain
are completely inoperative.

Well, your collar was
a nice idea but...

- Shh!
- What?

Wait a minute.

K9, can you amplify his heartbeat?

Affirmative, mistress.


- Brilliant!
- What?

The Professor is a brave and clever man.

I don't understand.

He's beating his heart
in Gallifreyan Morse.

Professor, I can hear you.
What do you want to tell us?



sphere. Beware...

- Skagra.
- Skagra?



K9: He is dying, mistress.
ROMANA: Professor!

All life function has now ceased,
mistress. The Professor is dead.

- Doctor?
- Yes.


I am Skagra. I want the book.

Well, I'm the Doctor
and you can't have it.

You attempt to hide it from me?

Yes, it'll be taken to a place
of safety.

- Where?
- Oh, a little place I have in mind.

Doctor, you will give to me
everything that you have in your mind.

Your mind shall be mine.

I'm not mad about your tailor.



# Satin and lace
# Do do wah

# I used to call funny face
# Do wah, do wah, do wah, do bah

# She's going to cry

# Until I tell her that I'll never roam
# Never roam

# So Chattanooga Choo Choo

# won't you Choo Choo me home
# Choo Choo me home

# You leave the Pennsylvania Station
'bout a quarter to four


# Read a magazine
and then you're in Baltimore

# Dinner in the diner
Nothing could be finer

# Than to have your ham and eggs
in Carolina

# When you hear the whistle blowin'
eight to the bar

# Then you know
that Tennessee is not very far #



I beg your pardon.








- Doctor!
- Yes.

- Shh! Hurry!
- Coming.


BAKER: Romana explained
that K9 had traced the sphere

after it had attacked the Professor.

I decided to retrieve the book.



who are you?

Chris Parsons,
Bristol Grammar School and Johns.

Never heard of you.
You're the one causing all the trouble.

- Me? Well, where's the book?
- Where's the Professor?

- Well, he just, just, just...
- He just what?

Well, I just don't know.
His body just disappeared into thin air.

Where was the body?

It disappeared just before you arrived.

- Here?
- Yes.

He's gone.

He must have been
on his very last regeneration.

Did you say someone had stolen his mind?

- Yes.
- Yes.

That's what Skagra threatened
to do to me.

- Skagra?
- You know the name?

Just before the Professor died,
he said three things.

- What?
- Beware the sphere, beware Skagra.

- And beware Shada.
- Shada?

- Do you know the name?
- Shada, Shada. No. You?

Doesn't mean anything to me.

Well, Mister Skagra,
or whatever it is you call yourself,

you've killed a Time Lord
and a very old friend of mine.

It's time you and I had a little chat.

- K9!
- Master?

K9, can you find any trace
of that sphere?

Affirmative, master,

but it is far, far too weak
to take a bearing.

we'll have to wait
till it's active again.

Now, listen, K9,
the moment the signal becomes clear...

- Affirmative, master.
- Good, good.

- Right, we'll wait in the Tardis.
- Excellent thought.

Come on. You too, Bristol.


BAKER: Clare was woken from a deep sleep
by the teleprinter.

She tore off the text and rushed out


BAKER: As I prepared fo dematerialise,
K9 detected the sphere's activity.





- Did you just see what I didn't see?
- No.

- Neither did I.
- It just vanished.

That's what I said. Watch that cow pat.

Come on, K9.

BAKER: The sphere reported fo Skagra

that I had escaped
and was approaching the ship.

- Oh! Don't move.



- K9, there's something here.
- Affirmative, master.

Then why didn't you tell me,
you stupid animal?

I assumed you could see it, master.

- What is it, K9?

K9: A spacecraft mistress,
of very advanced design.

Many of its functions
are beyond my capacity to analyse.

If I built something that clever
I'd want people to see it.


K9, what's it powered by?

Insufficient data.

Aren't we all? Where does it come from?

Insufficient data.

- What does it look like?
- Very large, mistress.

- How large?
- One hundred metres long.

One hundred metres?
That should keep the cows guessing.

There must be an entrance somewhere.

What's that carpet doing there?

Got to be an entrance.
What's that carpet doing here?

BAKER: Skagra instructed the ship
to allow us to enter.


- A door is opening, master.
- Affirmative, K9, affirmative.

- DOCTOR: Come along, K9, heel.
- Affirmative, master.

Finding no sign of the sphere,
I suspected a trap.

Suddenly a cube of light
surrounded Romana, Chris and K9

and they disappeared.

Skagra revealed himself to me
and took me deeper into the ship,

assuring me that my companions
would come to no harm.

I chided him
for the death of the Professor,

but Skagra revealed that he was
only interested in the old man's mind.

Chris? Chris Parsons?
Professor Chronotis?


BAKER: And in the ship's control room,
I was shown the book by Skagra,

who attempted to force me to reveal
the code in which it was written.

Of course I refused, but I kept on
asserting my own stupidity.

Responding to Skagra's gesture,
the sphere attached itself to my head

and I let out an agonising cry
as I fell back in my seat.

There's no door.

We must have got here
by some sort of matter transference.

Very clever.

Oh, I suppose you do this sort of thing
the whole time.

Yes, actually.

K9, can't you pick up
any trace of the Doctor?

Negative, mistress.
Every signal is shielded.

I was meant to be delivering a paper
to the Astronomical Society tonight.

Oh, yes? Can you pick up anything now?

Negative, mistress.

Finally disproved the possibility
of life on other planets.

- Oh, yes?
- Well, I can deliver it next month.

- Now try.
- Have to be a complete rewrite, though.

Triple negative.

Curious substance, this wall.

Oh, blast it!

Please duck.

- Apologies, mistress.
- Not at all.

The wall is blast-proof.

It was a good try, K9.

Mistress, I am now picking up
faint signals.

- What is it? Can you let us hear it?
- Affirmative, mistress.


- Sounds different this time.
- A new voice has been added.

- A new voice?
- Affirmative.

It is the Doctor.

- Oh!
- Mind where you're going.

You don't know where
Professor Chronotis has gone, do you?

- Calm down. Isn't he in his room?
- No, I've just come from there.

Well, that's funny,
he didn't come out this way.

I'll tell you what. If you'd like to
leave a message, I'll see he gets it.

Well, look, it's terribly urgent.

A book a friend of mine
was taking to him,

well, I think it's very dangerous.

Well, what I say is
people shouldn't write things

if they don't want people to read them.

No, you don't understand. The book
itself, it's atomically unstable.

It seems to be absorbing radioactivity.
I think it's very, very dangerous.

- What, a book's doing that?
- Yes. We must find the Professor.

All right, Miss, I'll tell you what.

You go back to his room
and I'll ring round the College

and see if I can't find out
where he's got to.


But wait. Look, it's...
All right, I'll go back.

I don't know,
nowadays they'll publish anything.

Are you positive, K9?
Absolutely negative?

No signals on any frequency, mistress.

(EXHALES) Oh, I wish
I could get out of here.

That's it!

- Please explain.
- That's what you have to say.

I wish we could get out of here.

I wish we could get out of here.

Oh, I wish we could get out of here!

Oh, blast! No! No, no, no, no, K9.
No. Good dog.


ROMANA: Where are you taking me?

- Where are you taking me?
- Quiet!

Or I'll use the sphere on you as well.

How did she get out and not me?

Insufficient data.

Insufficient data!

Insufficient data.

Oh, why did I ever let myself
get involved in this?

Insufficient data?


- Where are you taking me?
- Your travelling capsule.

If you think I'm going to open the door,

you're going to be
extremely disappointed.

It's just as well
I have the Doctor's key.





In the ship, I slowly came to.

The ship wondered why I wasn't dead

and I explained
that I had let the sphere

believe that I was stupid and so
it didn't pull at my mind very hard.

It had taken a copy of my mind
but the original was intact.


Are you in there, Miss?


With a fascinating display
of illogic logic,

I convinced the ship that I was dead

in order to secure the release
of my companions.

The ship agreed,
but shut down the oxygen supply.

As I sank to the floor
gasping for breath,

the last thing I heard
was the voice of the ship.

"Dead men do not require oxygen."



Are you in there, Miss?

With a fascinating display
of illogic logic,

I convinced the ship that I was dead
in order to secure the release

of my companions.

The ship agreed, but shut down
the oxygen supply.

As I sank to the floor
gasping for breath,

the last thing I heard was
the voice of the ship.

"Dead men do not require oxygen."


Not a clue.

BAKER: Chris and K9
were transported to the corridor,

where they discovered
the way to the control room.

As they entered, the ship
returned the oxygen level to normal.

K9 informed me that the Tardis
had gone.

In fact, the Tardis was now
on board a massive command ship.

Skagra revealed little fo Romana except
that he needed Time Lord technology

to discover what
the Time Lords had hidden.

She was introduced to the Krargs,
creatures made of crystallised coal

Skagra took her to an annex in the ship

which contained coffin-shaped vats
of heavy gas.

The Krarg Commander required
new personnel

and pushed a button near the vats.
Crystals quickly formed around

a basic skeleton.
Rapidly, a Krarg was formed.

Then it pulled itself out of the vat,
Romana was appalled.

Meanwhile, on the invisible spaceship,

I decided to order the ship
back to its last destination.

The ship complied, but as the
launch procedures commenced,

unknown to me, a Krarg started
to form in a generation room nearby.

I was delighted, until I discovered

the journey would take
nearly three months.

I ordered the ship to stop.

I introduced the ship fo new
concepts, including switching

the conceptual geometer from
analogue to digital mode

and triggering feedback responses
up to readings of 75-839.

As the Krarg generation was completed,

my voice was heard
over the ship's intercom

ordering the activation of all
re-aligned drive circuits,

which would enable the ship to
travel anywhere in a couple of minutes.

A familiar sound was heard
as the ship dematerialised.






- What have you done with my machine?



BAKER: On the carrier ship,
Skagra was using the sphere

to delve into my mind in search of
the code that would unravel

the secrets of the book.

Images were thrown up on the screen,
but one word kept recurring.

Skagra was frustrated at my
apparent lack of knowledge,

but he knew the book was
the key with which the Time Lords

imprisoned their most feared criminals.

As the crew and I prepared to dock,

the Krarg burst into the control room,
determined to kill the intruders.

With the help of a booster power line,

K9 was able to hold the Krarg immobile.


May I ask who you are?

I am, I was, I will be
Professor Chronotis.

Oh dear, we Gallifreyans have never
managed to come up with a satisfactory

form of grammar
to cover these situations.

Look, I don't understand
what's happening. What situation?

Standing obliquely to the time fields.

Is that what we're doing?

Oh yes, and very grateful I am
to you for arranging it.

Me? But all I did
was just press a button and...

Yes, I know.
A very ancient Tardis, this.

I rescued it literally
from the scrapheaps.

I'm not allowed have one,
really, you know.

Still, just as well, though,
isn't it? Otherwise I'd be dead still.

- Still dead?
- Oh, yes. (CHUCKLES)

Yes, I've been killed.
Only your timely mishandling

of this machine meant that you
tangled with my time fields

at the critical moment.

You're not following me, are you?

- Er, no.
- Good.

Think of me as a paradox in an
anomaly and get on with your tea.

Oh, yes.

We must find Skagra.

- Yes?
- He has the book.

- Ah!
- You know about it?

- Well, I sort of ...
- It's a very dangerous book

and I have been very careless.

It is the key to Shada.

- Oh.
- The ancient time prison

of the Time Lords.

I see.

They have been induced
to forget about it.


If Skagra is meddling with time
control and time transference,

he's only going to Shada for one
particular reason and it is imperative

-he be stopped.
- Well, yes!

Um, why? What on earth's there?

It's not a matter of what,
it's a matter of who.

BAKER: Skagra decided
the Time Lord code

would undoubtedly involve time

and reviewed what he
thought where my last few hours.

Then he took the sphere and Romana
back to the Tardis.

Chris and I left leaving K9
in control of the Krarg.

This is a recorded message.

The Foundation for the Study
of Advanced Sciences

is under strict quarantine.

Do not approach.

Do not approach.

Everything is under our control.

DOCTOR: Where are we?

- I don't know.
- Neither do I.

And I don't believe that we
travelled hundreds of light years.

Why not?

You cannot travel faster than light.


Do you understand Einstein?


What? And quantum theory?

- Yes.
- What?

- And Planck?
- Yes.

What, and Newton?

- Yes.
- What?

- And Schoenberg?
- Of course.

You've got a lot to unlearn. Ah.

Institute for Advanced Science Studies.

- ASD. Advanced State of Decay?
- Shh.

- What?
- Shh.

- Did you hear something?
- No.



Think Tank.

- Quite interesting.
- Quite interesting?

This is fascinating.

Absolutely fascinating.

Do you mean to say that all
this means something to you?

Oh, yes. It's all terribly simple.
You see, when...

BAKER: Inn the Tardis, Skagra
was pondering over the book.

As he turned the pages, he
realised the Tardis's central column

operated as well.

When he stopped turning,
the column slowed to a halt

He realised that time ran
backwards over the book

and that turning the last page
would take him to Shada.

Who are they?

What are they, Doctor?

Victims of Skagra's brain drain.

Their intellectual powers
have been stolen.

But their memory patterns might remain.


But if only they could tell us
what happened to them.



If only they could tell us
what happened to them.

- Bristol?
- Yes?

Bristol, I'd like you to do
something for me.

- Certainly.
- It won't be pleasant.


On returning to the command ship,

Skagra informed the Krarg Commander
to prepare for entry into Shada

and warned Romana that she must prepare

to meet one of the most
powerful criminals in history,

the linchpin of his plans,


There we are.



I'm going to allow this man
access to your intelligence reserves.

- Oh.
- It's all right, it's only temporary.

It might just allow him to function.

I just hope you know what you're doing.

So do I.

So do I. Now, take a deep breath.





K9's continuous blasting was
still holding the Krarg paralysed,

but the creature's strength
was growing.

- Who are you?
- The Doctor.

What are you doing here?

Who are you?

My name is Caldera.

What? Not A St John D Caldera?

- The same.
- The neurologist?

- Yes.
- It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.

One of the great intellects
of your generation.

- So are we all.
- What?

There's AST Thira, the psychologist.

GV Santori, the parametricist.

LD Ia, the biologist.

RAF Akrotiri.

Some of the greatest
intellects in the universe.

And Doctor Skagra.


Geneticist, astro-engineer

and cyberneticist
and neuro-structuralist

and moral theologian.

Yes, and too clever by seven-eighths.

Who is he?

Where does he come from?

- We don't know.
- What?

But he was very impressive.

He offered very handsome fees,
so we agreed.

To do what?

- Don't you see?
- No.

The Think Tank was his idea.
He set it up.

He did?

To do what?

The pooling of intellectual resources
by electronic mind transference.


He conceived it on the grand scale.
Just how grand, we didn't realise.

Not at first, not until after
we had built the sphere

but by then it was too late.

Why? What happened?

He stole our brains!

The Krarg was absorbing all
the power K9 could pour into it.

The blaster beam was now fused into
the haze which surrounded the Krarg.

He stole our brains.

- Shh. Easy, easy.
- Stole...

Easy. Shh, shh.

The whole of humanity.


- The whole of humanity?
- The whole!

But he needed...

What did he need?

One mind.

- Which mind?
- One unique mind.

What mind?

- A man called...
- What was he called?

- A man called...
- What was he called?



Realising he had lost the
battle, K9 headed for the door,

followed by the lumbering Krarg.


Bristol? Are you all right?

I feel marvellous!

Good, good, it'll pass. You're fit.

- What did you find out?
- Not much.

Not enough to locate Skagra, just
enough to frighten me out of my wits.


K9! Why aren't you back at...

K9, try and keep it back.

Power supply at danger level


- CHRIS: Doctor, look out!
- Ah!




Bristol? Are you all right?

I feel marvellous!

Good, good, it'll pass. You're fit.

- What did you find out?
- Not much.

Not enough to locate Skagra,
just enough to frighten me

out of my wits.


K9! Why aren't you back at...

K9, try and keep it back.

Power supply at danger level


- CHRIS: Doctor, look out!
- Ah!


- Bristol?
- Yes?

- You still feeling marvellous?
- Yes.


- Give me 10 seconds.
- What?

Well, come on, then!

Well, come on, then!

Doctor, come on! It's going to blow up!

Danger, Doctor, Danger!

CHRIS: Doctor!



Danger, Doctor, Danger!


No, Doctor.



It's jammed!


' Danger, Doctor, Danger! '

BAKER: As I rushed into Skagra's ship,

I ordered her to lift off
and dematerialise immediately.

I was determined to find out
where Skagra had gone,

though the ship resisted telling me.

So I asked to be taken to Skagra's home.

The ship complied. Clever, eh?


Look, I don't even know what
I'm meant to be doing.

We must get this old
perambulator moving again.

Well, it certainly moved
when I touched it.

Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm.

I just hope it wasn't a dying spasm,

because it has left us
jammed between two irrational

time interfaces.
Time is moving away from us.

If we do manage to
disentangle ourselves,

I'll just have to be careful,
otherwise I shall cease to exist again.

Oh. Really?

- Now, do as I do.
- What's that?

- Forget about it.
- Oh, Professor,

that's easier said than done. (SIGHS)

Who is this, uh, Salyavin person?

Salyavin? He was a criminal.

His exploits have
been wildly exaggerated.

He was a hot-headed, brilliant young
man with a peculiar talent.


-I can't fix this.
- Can I help?

Difficult, very difficult.

To repair an interfacial resonator
requires two operations

which must be performed
absolutely simultaneously.

And to be honest, my dear, I
don't think you have the knowledge.

- So we're stuck?
- Yes.

Well, I can learn, you know.
I'm very quick.

What's the matter?

Listen to me.

Listen to me very carefully.

What I am about to do,
you are never to speak of,

and this is the only time
I will ever do it.

- What are you talking about?
- Do I have your promise?

- Well, what are you going to do to me?
- Do I have your promise?

Yes, yes, all right.

What is that piece of equipment
you have in your hand?

- I have absolutely no idea.
- Good.


What is that piece of equipment?

This? Uh...

It's a conceptual geometer relay,
with an agronomic trigger,

a totally defunct field separator.

But it doesn't matter.
We can dispense with it

if we can get that interfacial
resonator working again.

- Splendid!
- Well, let's do that, then, shall we?


BAKER: K9, Chris and I emerged
into the carrier ship

and came face to face with Skagra,
Romana and a multitude of Krargs.

With the aid of the sphere,

Skagra intended to make
the whole of creation merge

into one single mind,
one god-like entity.

The universe would be Skagra.

As the Krargs prepared
to lock up the prisoners,

K9, Chris and I made a break for it.

Romana was dragged into the Tardis by
Skagra and a detachment of Krargs,

while the remainder of the creatures
pursued my group.

Suddenly, I spotted a door
and decided to take cover.

- Keightley!
- Chris?

Cup of tea?

The Krargs attempted to break
into the Professor's room.

- Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
- Oh, ace. Ace.

It's strictly unofficial.
I'm not really allowed to have one.

Yes, and what better way to hide it
than by living in it, you old sly boots.

What are you doing here?

How am I supposed to know?

Yeah, and what's the Professor's
room doing here?

(CHUCKLES) Oh, you may well ask.
But ask the Professor.

- Doctor, where is Skagra?
- Shh. Not so loud.

- He's just outside.
- Oh.

He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis,
he's got the book.

-1 thought you were dead, Professor.
- Yes, so did I.

- Did you really?
- Listen, Doctor,

if Skagra has the Tardis and the book,
he can get to Shada.

- Shada? Shada?
- Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet.

- You've probably forgotten about it.
- I never forget anything.

I never forget...
Well, that's right. I had forgotten.

The Time Lords' prison planet.
Now, why would I have forgotten?

Got it! Of course!

Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada!


- Ask me who Salyavin is.
- Oh, now, he was a great criminal

imprisoned centuries ago
by the Time Lords.

A great criminal.

Unique mental powers.

He had the capacity to project
his mind into other minds.

- Didn't he, Professor?
- That's what Skagra's doing?

No, no, no, no, no, no.
Skagra, quite the opposite.

Skagra had the capacity
to take minds out of people

but he couldn't put minds into them.

That's why he needs
Salyavin in his sphere

-and that's why he's going to Shada.
- Of course!

- Doctor!
- What?

He must not get there.

BAKER: Inn the Tardis, Skagra
turned the pages of the precious book,

activating the central column
of the spacecraft by doing so.

While Romana watched impassively,
the craft proceeded to Shada.

With Skagra's mind and
Salyavin's in the sphere,

Skagra will be omnipotent.

What, you really mean
he could just move himself

into every mind in the universe?

Yes, eventually.

It might take thousands of years,
but that wouldn't matter.

His mind would be immortal.
It would spread like a disease.

CHRIS: It's quite a thought,
though, isn't it?

I mean, every mind working together
as a single organism, a single mind?

Skagra's mind.

Not a pleasant thought.

Well, Doctor, we've got to stop him

-from getting to Shada.
- Yes. But how?

He's got a start on us
and we don't know the way.

- We must follow him.
- CHRIS: But how?

The same way as we arrived.

You followed the Tardis's
space-time trail. Of course!

Of course.

Let's go!

BAKER: Taking Romana
and the Krargs with him,

Skagra searched the records of Shada
to discover the whereabouts of Salyavin.


They set off in pursuit of
Cabinet 9, Chamber T,

leaving Krarg guards
at the records centre.

Doctor, we've arrived!

- Good! Good! Now, you two.
- BOTH: Yes?

- Stay here.
- Oh, but...

Ah, no, no, no, shh.
I am not at liberty to explain.


You can come along,
but no tangling with any Krargs,

unless of course you have to tangle
with any Krargs.

- Hurry! Skagra will be here already.
- Come on.

Come on, K9.

The Professor seemed in some way able
to know what Skagra was thinking

and insisted they head
in a particular direction.

Skagra, meanwhile, revitalised
the prisoners' cabinets.

They began to stir.

Oh, it's odd the way
some days work out, isn't it?

- Chris.
- I mean, there I was,

just cycling down King's Parade...

Chris, there's something very
odd about the Professor.

- Why single out the Professor?
- Well, because when I was...

I want to know what's going on
out there.

- Chris, you're not listening to me.
- I just don't like getting left behind.

I mean, just because
we come from Earth,

it doesn't give everybody
the right to be patronising towards us.

Well, admittedly, all this does
make us look a bit primitive.

I mean, I haven't got
the faintest idea how it all works.

I have.

- You do?
- Yes.

At least I did a while ago.

What do you mean?

Well, that's what I've been
trying to tell you all along.

It's something that the Professor
did to me, to my mind.

The prisoners were reviving
from their sleep.

Skagra approached Cabinet 9
and activated the revival

as I and my group
burst into the chamber.

Skagra warned us to keep back.

He reached into the cabinet and pulled
out a pathetic dummy-like substitute.

Skagra's anger mounted

and then Professor Chronotis
explained that in fact

he was Salyavin.

Now, let me just get this right.

You say he just, well,
just walked into your mind?

Well, sort of.

It was as if he just barged in
through the front door

and started shuffling
all my thoughts about.

But the Doctor said that that
ability was unique to,

well to the guy that Skagra's
come here to find...

On your feet, Keightley.

Come on, let's see what's happening.

Skagra ordered the sphere
to drain Salyavin's mind

but K9 blasted it into pieces.

Each fragment reformed
into another smaller sphere,

one of which settled on the old man.

Skagra was exuberant.

"You shall see the beginning
of the universal mind,"

he cried, as the spheres came together,
discharging vast amounts of energy.

And then each of them attached itself
to one of the prisoners,

who turned towards me.

Chris and Clare entered the chamber,

and the young man rushed
forward to try to help.

A sphere absorbed Chris's mind
in an instant.

The prisoners, including Chris,
advanced menacingly towards me.


Skagra ordered the sphere
to drain Salyavin's mind

but K9 blasted it into pieces.

Each fragment reformed
into another smaller sphere,

one of which settled on the old man.

Skagra was exuberant.

"You shall see the beginning
of the universal mind," he cried,

as the spheres came together,
discharging vast amounts of energy.

And then each of them attached
itself to one of the prisoners,

who turned towards me.

Chris and Clare entered the chamber

and the young man rushed
forward to try to help.

A sphere absorbed Chris's mind
in an instant.

The prisoners, including Chris,
advanced menacingly towards me.

K9 was quick to the rescue.

He fired at one
of the prisoners, who collapsed.

One of the Krargs lumbered over to K9,

picked him up and
hurled him through the door.

Seizing my chance, I made a run for it
with Romana and Clare in tow,

and, with K9, burst
through the nearest door.

Quick, come on, come in.

Come on, K9. Sit down!

Got it!

Well, what are we going to do?

So far he's beaten us on every point.

- Yes, he's even got Chris.
- Mmm.

Shh! Shh! Quiet, I'm thinking.

I'm thinking, and it depresses me.

Skagra's little zombie gang
have got the brain power

of the greatest intellects
of the universe shared out among them.

- The Think Tank.
- The who?

Never mind about that. Just believe me.

All the minds that Skagra's stolen
are now in the melting pot

along with his own and operating as one.

And with the Professor's, I mean
with Salyavin's mind in there, too,

they can now control anyone.

They can control everyone.

They'll be invincible.

- Doctor?
- Yes?

- May I just remind you of something?
- Yes.

All the minds that Skagra's
stolen are in the melting pot.


- That means yours is in there, too.
- Yes!

- Romana?
- Yes, Doctor?

Romana, I want you to do
something for me.

Stand there.

Romana, I want you to wear this.


Well, now I can think.

Skagra and his entourage of prisoners
returned to the Tardis,

where he announced his intention
to return to the carrier ship.

From there, each of them would be taken

by small craft
fo various population centres.

The great mind revolution
was about to begin.


- It'll be tricky.
- And dangerous.

Well, a touch.

Doctor, it'll be terribly,
terribly dangerous for you.

- You'll stand about as much chance as...
- As what?

There isn't anything that stands
as little chance as you will out there.


Well, I'll just have to be...

I'll just have to be
very brave, won't I?

- Doctor, it isn't funny.
- Listen,

I can do your part if you can do mine.

I'll try.

You're a hero. Remember?

- Clare?
- Yes, Doctor?

Hold on very tight.

Skagra realised that something
was wrong.

- Ready?
- Yes.

- Clare?
- Ready, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Hold tight.


BAKER: I was travelling through
the space-time vortex

in the college room Tardis,

which was generating a force-field.

(LAUGHS) Got them. Well done, Romana.

- We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
- No, we haven't got long.

- Clare?
- Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.

Come over here and hold onto this, then.

Now, whatever you do, don't let go,

because we are in
for a very, very rough ride.

And twenty-thirdly,
out there in the space-time vortex,

time and distance have no meaning.

But here in this little, little room...

Oh, get on with it, Doctor!

- Romana?
- Yes, Doctor?

I want you to switch off the vortex
shields in this small area here.

Come on, you can do it.
I showed you how to do it.

Just one little bit of timelessness
and spacelessness.

Over there, behind the tea trolley.

I said behind the tea trolley,
not in the middle of it.

I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.

Focus it!

Now just one steady line, eh? One.

Steady. Hold it.

- Hold it!
- I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!

(SIGHS) Right.

Now, this is a little trick I learnt

from a space-time mystic
in the Quantocks.

He made it seem very, very easy.

(GASPS) He did it!

Hold that switch down!

BAKER: The college room Tardis
was just holding the police box

in the force-field as I appeared in it

Slowly, I half-crawled, half-swam
up the tunnel in great pain.

It won't hold much longer.

It's fading even faster than
the Doctor said it would.

K9, K9, wake up and come here.


Check out the sub-neutron circuits.

Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.

With increasing difficulty, I was able
to reach the Tardis in the time tunnel.

I just managed to get part
of my arm through it.

Impossible to effect repair
in time available, mistress.

Well, hold it, K9.
Stop it deteriorating.

Impossible to stop it mistress.

I can only slow down
circuit deterioration.

The Doctor needs every second
we can give him.

This switch is getting very hot.

You must hold it down.

- But I can't. It's getting hotter.

I seemed unable to get any further.
In fact, I started to slide backwards.

It's burning me.

Oh, hold it down with a pencil.

But I haven't got one.

ROMANA: I can't reach it.

Well, here, hold this.


BAKER: And I vanished
as the room and the Tardis

spun wildly away from each other.

What about the Doctor?

I don't know.

It was a very dangerous idea
trying to make that crossing,

and he didn't get as much time
as he wanted.

I just don't know.

What should we do?

Well, we'll just go ahead as planned.

There. How's that?

Oh, that's fine, thank you.
It wasn't a bad burn.


Well, do you think the Doctor
will be all right?

We'll just go ahead as planned.

Then I regained consciousness
in a small equipment room in the Tardis.

I rummaged through the equipment.

In the carrier ship, the Tardis arrived.

Skagra planned
an infinite concert of the mind

as he surveyed the stars
from the command deck,

unaware of my presence on board.

- Repairs completed, mistress.
- Let me see.

Good boy, K9.

Now we can go.

Though I dread to think
what we're walking into if...

Oh, well, let's just do it.

I managed to lash up
a helmet-like affair

made with bits of electronic equipment
and a chunk of table top.

The Professor's Tardis,
now in its usual form of a door,

materialised on the command deck.

An unpleasant welcome committee
was prepared for me,

but it was K9 who emerged
from the door.

I'd been watching all this
on my own Tardis screen

and emerged wearing the strange helmet.

All the prisoners turned to face me
as Skagra threatened my life.

I pressed a button on my helmet
and looked hard at Skagra,

as did all the prisoners in unison.

With intense mental effort,
Skagra tried to control the prisoners,

but I told him
he'd forgotten something,

and that the deranged billiard ball
had been used once too often,

and that my brain was in there as well.

Skagra strained for control.

The prisoners nearest him
turned to face me,

the ones in the middle of the hall
were confused,

and the ones near to me
were firmly fixed looking at Skagra.

A mighty battle of wills took place,
with me gaining the upper hand.

Momentarily distracted by a Krarg,
I lost control

and a prisoner swung towards me.

"Fire, K9," I called,

and the metallic computer held the Krarg

in a beam near the door
to the generation annexe.

The prisoners split into two groups
as I regained some lost ground.

The two groups wrestled with each other,

obeying mental instructions
from their two leaders.

I manoeuvred Skagra nearer
to the dangerously overheated Krarg.

The evil genius ordered the Krarg
to back off.

It did, and fell backwards into
its generation vat, where it dissolved.

K9 was firing relentlessly at the
reinforcements of Krargs who arrived.

Skagra thought victory
was within his grasp

as Romana emerged cautiously
from the door

and into the generation annexe,

where she tipped over the vats
of heavy gas,

which poured into the main command deck.

She examined the wires of the main vat,
pulled them out of the sockets

and trailing the wires,
marched forward to Clare.

The girls made for opposite
sides of the room,

which was now swimming in the green gas.

Skagra had turned the tables on me.

I was being forced towards
burning Krargs.

Romana and Clare plunged
their wires into the gas.

The Krargs started to dissolve.

As Skagra stood appalled,
I took mind control,

and the prisoners, in a solid phalanx,

turned on Skagra
and he ran for his ship.

Onboard, he ordered it
to take off instantly,

but a block of light engulfed him
and he vanished

and was deposited in the ship's brig.


Let me out of here.

I am your lord Skagra.

Let me out!

SHIP: I am very much afraid
I can no longer accept your orders.

You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.

I am your lord! I built you!

Release me, I command you.

And-and-and launch instantly!

SHIP: Do you know the Doctor well?

He is a wonderful, wonderful man.

He has done the most extraordinary
things to my circuitry.

Release me!

Truly wonderful. If you like,
I will tell you all about him.

Let me out!

Let me out!


Romana and Clare were tending
to the prisoners, who were in shock,

while I was dissecting the spheres
to restore the genii's minds to them.

I intended to take them back to Shada,
as I refused to play judge and jury.

I informed them that Shada
was only forgotten

because Salyavin made
the Time Lords forget.

He didn't want his escape discovered,

hence he stole the book
when he left Gallifrey.

Stolen a room?

That is the only way I can describe it.

Well, you see, sir, in my experience,

people don't usually
steal rooms very much.

They may steal from rooms, but steal
the rooms themselves? Very rarely.

In fact, I think, uh, "never"
is probably

the word I'm looking for here, sir.
I mean, where's the advantage in it?

Not much of a black market in rooms,
is there?

Wouldn't get much for it.

I know it's very difficult
to understand,

it's also very easy to be sarcastic.

Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word.

Now, why don't you run over
the salient points again?

Oh, well, I got to the door of the room
and I opened it

and beyond it there was nothing.

- Nothing at all, sir?
- Absolutely nothing at all.

Well, nothing except for this sort
of blue haze.

Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir,

might be the vital clue
we're searching for.

And I was not drinking.

Romana wondered whether
Chronotis, or rather Salyavin,

was still alive on Shada, considering
that the reason the Professor

called me to Earth in the first place

was because he thought he was near
the end of his lives.

- So this is the famous door, is it, sir?
- Yes.

Behind which you saw your, uh,
blue haze?


DOCTOR: Come in!

Well, whoever took it, sir, seems
to have brought it back, don't they?

"'Her little homely dress,
her favourite,' cried the old man,

"pressing it to his breast
and patting it with his shrivelled hand.

"'She'll miss it when she wakes.

Hello. Can I help you?

Routine inquiry, sir.

Report that this room has been stolen.

- Stolen?

I don't think so, Officer.

Ah, here you are.
Cup of tea and some aspirin.

- Thank you, Professor.
- Aspirin, sir?

Yes, headache.

Bad night last night, sir?

Yes, you could say that.

A lot of celebrating going on in
college, was there, sir, last night?

Nothing out of the ordinary.

The normal hijinks that would
be, then, sir, would it?

Students roaming the streets stealing
policemen's helmets, bollards and...

Might I ask where you got that, sir?

Yes, it's mine.

- CONSTABLE: Oh, really, sir?
- Yes, really.

Come on, Romana.

Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley.

Goodbye, Professor,
we'll keep your secret.

- Bye, everybody.
- Bye!

Secret, sir?
And what secret would that be?


Cup of tea?

Where did that police box go?

What police box would that be, Officer?

Right. Right.

Coats on, everyone.

You're all taking a little walk with me
down to the Bridewell.

Romana explained how she found
it hard to believe that the Professor

was the great Salyavin
when he was such a nice old man

and I speculated that in a few hundred
years someone would meet me and say,

"Is that really the Doctor?

"How strange.
He seemed such a nice old man."