Docks of New Orleans (1948) - full transcript

The LaFontanne Chemical Company is shipping out a load of we're not sure what, disguised as something entirely different. Mr. Pereaux and Mr. Grock don't want that shipment to ever arrive anywhere, and they and a man named Aquirre mean to stop it at any cost. The ship's owner, Mr. Fontanne, smells a large rat and calls Chan in on the case, since the famous detective is in New Orleans because, well, because he felt like being in New Orleans, I guess. Chan gets what facts there are from LaFontanne, who is promply set upon by a gang who attempt to kidnap him, but fail. Mr. LaFontanne's partners come up with some insurance; just by chance they tell him, a partnership agreement (why they would have been running a company all this time without one is another large mystery which will not be solved) that bestows upon the living partners the portion owned by a deceased partner. Then the guy who invented the formula for the poison gas that the company is making but who was, in his opinion, swindled out of his rights to make a profit from it, shows up and threatens LaFontanne with a gun. Well, he turns out to be a harmless crank. Or is he? Everyone seems suspect, clues are boundless but don't seem to fit into any particular pattern or too many patterns, take your pick. But Chan must solve the mystery before Monogram is depleted of out-of-date film stock. Can he?

You're gonna get a bullet in your back
one of these days doing that.

I had to see you quick. I found the stuff.
It's being loaded abnard the Presidente.

- The Presidente?
- Yeah.

An old tramp steamer, tied up at Pier 52.

Well, you've had your instructions.

Nota chance of getting near that ship.
There's a million guards.

You know, don't you, if those Chemicals
fall into certain hands, we're through?

Sure, I know it. But I told you, that dnck's
swarming with guards, Mr. Pareaux.

Well, let's figure out another way, Grnck.

That ship's gotta be stnpped.

Those Chemicals must not reach
South America.


- Helln.
- Helln, Nita?

NITA: Yes.
- Andre.

NITA: Yes, Andre.
- There's been a slight change of plan.

Yes, l understand.
I'll take care of it immediately.


I think we've given them the slip.

Sir, are you sure
that car was following us?

- Only too sure.
- Yes, sir.


That must be him.
He had an appnintment for 8:00.

He come in one of them limousines
a block long.

You hide in here sn you'll absolutely be
in pnssessinn of all the facts of this case.

- Ynu think it'II be all right?

Okay. This sounds like a very important case
and Pop needs all the help he can get.

You can't expect him
to solve everything alone.

He don't do bad that way.


I am, uh..

Mr. LaFnntanne n¡ the company
n¡ the same name.

- I want to see--
- Mr. Charlie Chan, the eminent detective.

- I have a--
- At 8:00 and it's exactly 8:00 now.

Come this way
and Mr. Chan will be with you at once.

Thank you.

Right in there.

- Wish pleasant good evening.
- Gnnd evening, Mr. Chan.

Charlie Mitchell sem me to you.
He said that you might be able to help me.

0h, yes. In this event,
my humble talenfs at your dispnsal.

Please to sit down and state case.

I'm afraid I haven't any case, Mr. Chan...

...only a firm cnnvictinn
that I have a secret enemy.

An implacable enemy
who watches everything I do.

Well, a most gruesnme cnnvictinn.

- You suspect someone?
- I don't know exactly.

I only know
that I'm followed Wherever I go.

It's driving me crazy.

Yes, oi course.

Hnw long you have been
shaking hands with trouble?

A cnume n¡ months.

Ever since two men came to me
with a prnpnsitinn... ship a load of Chemicals abrnad,
which I accepted.

Since then,
there's been nothing but trouble.


You have infinite cnnfidence
in all employees?

LaFONTANNE: Everyone
that knows anything about this deal.

My office manager, Thompson,
is above reprnach.

And my secretary
happens to be my niece...

...who 'mheñted a inunh interest
'm the business irem her íather.

Yes. You have any other
suspicinus circumstance?

I have a feeling
that I was followed here tonight.

Mr. Chan, Innk.

Yes, was afraid
you were about to notice him.

Come out.

Small assistant, second son,
suffer from sinking spells of stupidity.

I was only trying to help you, Pop.

L knew this was gonna be an exciting case
and l wanted to get all the facts.

This is a very interesting case,
Mr. LaFnntanne.

And 'u was a smart move
to come to my pop.

He'II get to the bottom of that.

He who takes whatever God send
with smile...

...has learned Iife's hardest Iessnn.

I persnnally find it difficult
to achieve that smile. Heh.

I'm sorry, Pop.

Well, please be sorry out of my sight...

...because while in it, vision blurs,
and find self-control leaving me.

Yes, Pop.

That was a fine idea you had.

You're now hip to the facts, ain't you?

We're in pnssessinn of the ne plus ultra
and the habeas corpus...

...which will help us
in nur investigating of this case.

Pnp's plenty sore.

Nothing ventured, nothing nverheard.

Anything else?

Yesterday, a Miss Aguirre carne tn me with
a Ietter of introduction from Owen Brennan.

I saw Brennan today
and he'd never heard of her.

0h. Well, what about two men with you
in chemical business?

Castanarn and Von Scherbe,
two fnreigners.

They're okay as far as I know.

I've only been associated with them
in this one deal.

I haven't gnt a clue, Mr. Chan. I--
There just isn't any.

Yes. Well, sometimes most essential clue
very difficult to find.

But about this letter of introduction,
you still have it?

Yes, n¡ course. At my niüce.

We'll be at your office
at 10:00 in morning?

Fine. And thank you very much, Mr. Chan.
I'm very grateful to you.

Not at all.

If matter not snlved, it is will of fate.

But feel inclined to give fate small tussle.
Heh, heh.

Thank you very much, Mr. Chan.

TOMMY: Pop. Hey, Pop.
BIRMINGHAM: Mr. Chan. Mr. Chan.

We found this guy prnpped up
against the fence.

Someone slugged me
while I was in the car.

Dnesn't that bear out
everything I've said?

Yes. You are in dangerous situation.

Hope small talent: will be able
to alleviate same.

- Gnnd morning, Rene.
- Gnnd morning, uncle.

Mr. Chan will be here at 10:00.

I don't want to see anyone else.

Yes. Mr. Von Scherbe and Mr. Castanarn
are waiting for you in your office now.

0h, thank you.

HENRY: This is Henry Glover bringing you
your favorite string quartet from the_.

CASTANARO: Good morning.
VON SCHERBE: Good morning.

- Anything wrong. Simon?
- Why. no. no. nothing.


Well, what's nn your mind this morning?

Simon, we have nverlnnked one little matter
in nur pannership agreement.

There is nothing to cover the situation
which wiii arise ii one ni us dies.

Von scheme think: n¡ everything.

In order to provide
for such an emergency...

...I have drawn up an additional clause
to nur agreement.

"In the event of the demise
of any of the principal: in this enterprise... is hereby understand and agreed...

...that his interest shall reven in its entirety
to the surviving principal: nr principal."

We have already signed.

The way I figure, Simon, it's wise to be
prepared for anything in a deal like this.

Well, I think I better cnnsult my niece
before I sign this.

She has a fnurth interest in this deal.

But why bnther her? You're her guardian.
You have full power of attnrney.

Certainly nothing can happen to her.

I'm beginning to wish
I'd never gone into this.

Trying to back out again, Simon?

No. But you know what perchlnric acid is.

If that stuff gnt out of hand, there wouldn't
be a trace of that ship nr its crew left.

We are too far in it now.
That ship is going to sail.

And as soon as 'u does,
nur wnrñes are over.

Another thing, Simon,
that ntüce manager n¡ yours_ Thompson...

-...I don't trust him.
- Why not?

0h, yes,
l was meaning to bring that up too.

You see, a note drnpped to the right source
could upset this whole applecan.

He hasn't been with me long,
but he's trustwnnhy.

- Why don't you fire him and be certain?
- Ynu let me manage my own affairs.

After all. he had nothing to do
with this proposition.

0h, very well.


See you later, Simon.

Mr. Chan should be here by now.

Well, he isn't due yet
for 20 minutes, uncle.

- Gnnd morning, Miss Blanchette.
- Gnnd morning, Oscar.

I heard Mrs. Swenstrnm nn the air
the other day.

She has such a beautiful voice.

If you had a radio, you could hear her again.
She'II be nn in afew minutes.


- I want to see Mr. LaFnntanne.
- Nnw, you know that's impossible.

You're Keeping me
from seeing your uncle.

No, I'm not.
He's told me never to admit you.

- He doesn't wanna see you.
- He will see me, today.

Hello, Swenstrnm.

SWENSTROM: LaFnntanne will see me,
won't he, Thompson?

Well, I--


You're using my formula.
You have a bnatlnad going out.

- Where do I stand?
LaFONTANNE: We bought your formula.

We gave you $500 for it, didn't we?

Prnmised to make me a partner.
Now you're washing me ou! n¡ the deaL.

Read the contract.

The small print at the bottom. That gives
the Syndicate control over the formula.

- No, no. It's a lie.
- Take him out.

You're a crack, a thief, aliar.
I'II kill you for this.

- Get him out.
-l'll kill you.

Phone that pnliceman friend of yours.
Get him here. I want that man arrested.

- Uncle--
- Phnne him up.

Snmebncbfs gotta get him ou! n¡ here.
My He's 'm danger.

- Leave before there's any more trouble.
- Ynu'II have to throw me out.

I'm going to see him
if I have to stay here all day.


- Sergeant Dansiger.
RENE: Captain McNalley.

Just a minute. For you, captam.

- Helln.
RENE: Pete?

0h, hello, Rene, honey.

There's a man here,
and he's threatened to kill my uncle.

- He what?
- He pulled a gun and threatened to kill him.

We'II be right up there
and take care of him.

Trouble at the chemical works.
Somebody: trying to bump off LaFnntanne.

Let's gn.

- He'II be right up.
LaFONTANNE: Don't gn out there, Rene.

That man's dangerous.

No, he's not.

He's just a poor, unhappy old man.


I'm sorry, Oscar.

Sorry? None n¡ you intended
to make me a partner.

It was a swindle from the very beginning.

That's not so. They paid you for it.
I have the contract.

- Ifs just as he said.
- Ynu're all cracks.

You stnle my formula.

- Will you go now? Please go.
- No. No, I'm going to stay.

I'm going to see him
if I have to wait here until midnight.


There he is now waiting for us.

- Hi, Rene.
THOMPSON: Hello, Captain.

- Hi.
RENE: Hello, Pete.

Where's your gunman?

Right here.
I'll let uncle know you're here.

What's this all about, kid?

He doesn't answer.

I saw him in the window as we drnve up.

Hum that guy outside.

McNalley speaking.

Accident at
the LaFnntanne Chemical Company.

Looks like a homicide.

Yes, everything. Right away.

Pete. 0h, Pete.

Aw, take 'u easy_ kid. Take 'u easy.


- Helln, Mr. Chan.


I thought you were nn your way
to San Francisco.

Would have been had not been
for appnintment with Mr. LaFnntanne.

- Trust I'm not Iate.
- Late?

I'm afraid you're too Iate.

He died no more than five minutes ago.


Death, one appnintment
we must all keep...

...and for which no time set.

It's npen-and-shut.
This is no murder, McNalley.

As far as I can see,
the man died of a heart attack.

We have a man whn threatened him
with a gun.

Man would have to be dead whole year
to be killed with this gun.

Same have not been discharged
for many means.

0h, is that so? May I have it, Charlie?

I'll give you my report later
with an autopsy.

Well, thanks, doc.

This looks like a cinch.

This nu! Swenstrnm Waves a gun
under LaFnntannSs nnse.

The old man had a weak heart,
it's cunains.

That's the way it looks to me.
Look that way to you, Charlie?

Hmm. Looks sometimes are frightful Iiar.




Radio nn but no sound emerge.

St range.

Why radio should be nn?

Uh, beautiful young woman
still remain nn premises?

- I'II get her for you, Mr. Chan.
CHAN: Thank you sn much.

Miss Blanchette,
Mr. Chan would like to speak to you.

Sn sorry attendance in presence
of Iate uncle is distressing...

...but would like to question.

Mr. LaFnntanne play radio in the morning?

Why, yes, Iturned it nn myself.

- He always played it when he was alone.
- Oh, I see.

But radio now as quiet
as custnmary church mouse.

That's strange.

- It was repaired only a few days ago.
- Oh.

Well, will be sufficient for present.
Thank you sn much.


Here: your trauma, Chame. Broken tube.

Yes. Must agree.

You want same?

- Nn, I don't think so.
- Oh, thank you. Thank you sn much.

What's the idea?

Well, have certain information.

Mr. LaFnntanne was vicüm
n¡ attempted kidnapping... front of Chan house last night.

0h, holding out nn me, huh?

Well, patience very lovely virtue.

Your race, I perceive,
does not regard patience with great favor.

- Must gn.
- Why?

Well, have great Curiosity
about this radio tube...

...which you consider no! important.

Thank you.

0h, hello, Charlie. Still Chasing radio tubes?

Most interesting development.

I show you.

- Heh.
- Well?

Tubes manuiactured with aid
n¡ Chemistry mends at state university.

composed n¡ extranrdinary combination.

Most fragile, would break very easily.

What's that got to do with it?
Charlie, I've come across something...

...that puts an entirely new cnmplexinn
nn this case.

- Om
- This was found in the dead man's pocket.

An agreement signed by him
and his two partners...

...stating that 'ñ any n¡ them shnmd die,
the survivnrs 'mheñt the business.

- Excellent motive for murder.
- You think so, Charlie?

Same motive would also threaten
other members of Syndicate.

Say, that would affect Rene.

- She owns nne-inunh n¡ the Syndicate.
- Even so.

Please tell me,
Swenstrnm still repnse in arms of police?

Yeah. The Iunacy boys
are giving him a going over.

Charlie, I still think that Swenstrnm's attack
affected the murdered man's heart.

We prove that he's ready for the nuthnuse,
and the case is finished.

Hello, doc.

- Whafs the verdict?
- There you are, sir.

- Off his trolley, huh?
- Nonsense. He's as sane as you are.

Hnnnrable doctor tarnish Iily with gilt.


McNalley speaking.

The autnpsy showed what?

The chemicai anaiysis indicate:
that LaFnntanne died irem poison gas.

Poison gas?

But how could he be gassed?

Ha, ha. That's for you to find out.

You're the detective.
I'm only the cnrnner.

Yeah, but hnwn?

Smart gHY-

Did you get that, Charlie? Poison gas.

Unless expert calculatinns very fnnlish...

...this similar to murder instrument.

- Radio tube filled with gas, huh?
- Possible solution.

- Ynu figure nn account of the broken glass?
- With aid of university friends.

I get it. The gun was a trick, a cover-up.
Swenstrnm put that tube in the radio.

At precisem what moment?

Mr. LaFnntannEs death
is a terrific blow to us, gentlemen.

If l ever saw a motive for murder,
this paper is it.

Are we to consider nurselves
under arrest?

No. Now, Henri,
the nfficer is only trying to do his duty.

Pardnn, please.

But were listening to radio in office
while waiting for Mr. LaFnntanne?

- Yes.
- I see.

And was radio playing
when make depanure?

Yes, Ithink so.

L do not recollect anyone turning it off.
Do you, Henri?

L don't remember either.
What has that got to do with it?

- I guess that covers everything, gentlemen.
- Again, pardnn please...

...but Von Scherbe
Central European name, no?

Bavarian. Well--


Just Chinese Curiosity.

Thank you se much.

- We've covered everyone.
- Oh, cnntradictinn, please.

Still have infinite Curiosity
to interview young woman...

...who visited LaFnntanne at office
with letter of introduction.

Also would like name of gentlemen...

...who went through private papers
in office at night.

Yeah, but what about the guy
that tried to kidnap him and stole his car?


Must harvest vice beinre can bau u.

Well, let's see.

Sn far, we know
that Swenstrnm had a mntive.

That is, he thought he had. His formula.

Von Scherbe and Castanaro
had plenty of motive.

The dame with the letter and the guy
that tried to steal LaFnntannEs car...

...what about them?

Well, have great desire
to make careful search of that car.

Perhaps that may point finger
to true path.

Well, I've done everything I can.

I've sem out a special bulletin
to the traffic squad.

Both n¡ you bmndered.

You must have, Nita, nr LaFnntanne wouldn't
have gone to that Chinese detective.

And you, I told you to be careful.

What are you kicking about?
LaFnntannSs ou! n¡ the way.

Yes, but that Chinaman
can probably identify you.

So I'll attend to him too.

Within the next 24 hours,
there's gonna be a dead Chinese detective.

Hey, Tommy, l ain't going to investigate
another parking place.

This is the 15th time this morning.
And my dogs is killing me.

I've gnt a hunch this is gonna be the one.
Pop says the Chinese are a psychic race.

But if you don't want Birmingham Brown
to fold up nn you... better start that psychic going
and full blast.

Any chance a black Iimnusine
been parked here a couple of days?

Right there. I been wnndering
when you gonna take it out.

- Ynu get your stub?
- Nn_ Pop ¡urge! to give 'u to me.

He couldn't even remember
where he parked the car.

- Well, Mobile Jones.
- Birmingham

- Hnw's you?
- Hnw's everything?

- Oh, man, fine. You know what?
- Uh-huh?

I was at home sleeping
thinking about that money that I nwed you.

And Ijust rnlled and tnssed
and rnlled and tnssed and I couldn't sleep.

Nothing would do but for meto get up out
of my bed to come down here to tell you...

...I can't pay you.

Now you done üxed 'u
se we both can't Heep.

- Hnw come you can't pay me?

MOBILE: Races?
I play the races, the low-down hnunds.

- Hnunds?
- Thafs it.

- What kid n¡ race: you pray?
- Hnrse vacas.

- What track?
- I play over--

That tracks crnnked.

- Why don't you play over here?
- Thafs where I Inst.

- Hnw much you lose?
- I Inst--

You didn't have that much.

- AII you had was--
- I Inst more than that.

You know, I bet nn a horse over there
and he didn't come in.

BIRMINGHAM: Was he that far behind?
MOBILE: Sure was.

MOBILE: Gnndness gracinus, Birmingham.
Get right in there.

- See you, Mobile.
- I'II be seeing you.


AII right.

H ey.

There's 2 bucks nwing nn that car.


Tommy, your psychic sure is working,
and your nerves ain't bad neither.

Wait till I show this to Pop.

He's gonna be sorry for that bawling out
he gave me.

Captain_ what number
n¡ missing LaFnntanne car?

Well, let's see, 58357.

- Charlie, there it is right ahead of us.
CHAN: Same.

Dansiger, force that car
to head into the curb.


AII right, get your hands up
and get out of that car. Come nn.

Pardnn, please,
but this is adventurnus number two son...

-...and this is Chan personal chauffeur.
- Oh. Where'd you find the car?

Bourbon Street garage
near Saint Louis Street.

We've been searching every parking Int,
all morning.

Sixteen of them. I done walked sn far
that my feet is pnpping like a firecracker.

Luck has turned smiling cnuntenance.

- Say, the boy has a head nn his shnulders.
- Oh, yes.

Even melnn grnwn in shade
will ripen in the end.

Please, take car to police garage

Yes, sir.

There are no fingerprints nn the wheel
nr nn the doors.

Everything has been wiped clean.

- I wnre glnves, Pop. I thought of everything.
- Yes.

The ignoram always loud in argument.

Find something?


Man who stole car picked up Companion,
perhaps from south of border.

- Snmewhere in the cigarette ash?
- Yes.

Cucina bark.
They mix 'u with !chance there.

- Well, I hope he wasn't a hitchhiker.
- Ha.

Where do we gn irem here?

Wen_ suggest that man
trem your department...

...make careful examination
of house of Oscar Swenstrnm.

Think he's in the glass-blnwing business?

Wen_ who knows?
But he's :Em number-one suspect.

And cannot get anywhere
until we eliminate him.

Then perhaps get nn true path.


- Drew a blank?
- Yeah. I went back to the parking Int... see if your friend could remember what
the man looked like who parked the car.

What happened?

I'd fnrgntten I'd told him
that Pop parked the car.

Then what happened?

I had to pay the 2 bucks due nn the car
for parking.

Good old Mobile.
He don't miss a trick, do he?


Hnw about digging a little
of that chop suey bnngie?

Well, I ain't hungry but come nn.

Man, I been waiting to do this.




Your friend told me to tell you
he expected a visit from you tomorrow.

He did?

Excuse interruptinn of music festival,

...but would mind repeating
excruciating sound...

...made with assistance n¡ cat intestine?

You mean like this, Pop?



Discover something new, Pop?

Maybe yes, maybe no.

Thank you se much.

Mr. Chan, of course I want to help
in every way possible...

...but I'm afraid you've come
to the wrong man. I didn't see a thing.

Well, sometimes Witness things
without realizing importance.

You have a very unique sense of humor,
Mr. Chan.

0h, sorry you misinterpret words
as well as motives.


No. l don't think l misinterpreted
your motives. Mr. Chan.

What is it you think I may have seen
without being aware of it?

Murderer planting instrument of death
in Mr. LaFnntanne's office perhaps.

It might have been placed there
in my presence?

Pnssibility. You were there that morning.

Well, sn was Mr. Von Scherbe.

Yes, true.

You're a very ingeninus man, Mr. Chan.

You're quite right in thinking that the,
should we say, eliminatinn... Mr. LaFnntanne
would be prnfitable to me.

But I'm afraid I can't help you.

The Cnuntess Allemand.

I'm sorry we have to cut nur visit
sn short, Mr. Chan.

0h, yes, quite understand.

0h, my dear cnuntess,
what a pleasant surprise.

Cnuntess Innk even more
charmingly beautiful...

...than last time saw her.

I don't recall the nccasinn.

0h, but countess,
ball at Royal Hawaiian in Honolulu, surelym.

0h. 0h, yes_ how stupid n¡ me.


It was a very gay evening.

Yes, will remain forever golden item
nn scroll of memory.

0h, Mr. Castanarn,
mayl intrnduce my cnusin, Mr. Fernand?

- Hnw do you do?
- Glad to know you.

- Mr. Chan.
- Mr. Chan.

Cnuntess has told me
about your activities in South America.

I'm glad we're nn the same side.

- Oh, Watkins, some Cocktails.
WATKINS: Yes, sir.

Won't you sit down?


- Helln, Watkins.
WATKINS: Good afternnnn, miss.

Mr. Castanarn wanted to discuss
some papers irem Mr. LaFnntannSs nüice.

I'm sorry,
Mr. Castanarn is entenaining just now.

Well, tell him we're here.

- We'll wait in the den. if you don't mind.
- Very well. sir. I'll inform him you're here.

You know, you have
a very remarkable memory, Mr. Chan.

0h, so?

L happen to know the countess
has never been in Honolulu.

Heh. Well, location not important...

...just sn I meet beautiful cnuntess
snmeplace. Heh-heh-heh.

Yes. Heh.

0h, uninrtunate iamine n¡ cigarettes.

Thank you se much.


Not popular brand.

No, I have them made up for myself.

0h, I see.

Very pleasing and distinctive flavor.

- I'm glad you like them.
- Yes. Taste like have cncina bark in them.

I wouldn't know.

Must be very cnstly cigarette, huh?

- Nnt se expenswe, no, Mr. Chan.
CHAN: Uh-huh.

Very delightful.

WATKINS: Cocktail, sir?
- No, thank you.

Thank you.

Cncktaüs no! one n¡ Charüe Chan vices.

- I see. May I?
CHAN: 0h, please.

0h, thank you.

I seem to bejust in time.

CASTANARO: Hello, Theodore.
- Andre.

CASTANARO: Cnuntess Allemand,
this is Mr. Von Scherbe...

...a business assnciate n¡ mine.

- Her cnusin, Mr. Fernand.
- Hnw do you do?

- Of course you know Mr. Chan.
- Oh, yes, I have met Mr. Chan.

Yes, already enjnying
growing acquaintance.

Well, I certainly am glad...

...that I have decided to drop in
nn my nld friend, Castanarn, for a cocktail.


Hnw are you enjnying your trip, Mr. Chan?

Very much indeed. Charming.

WATKINS: This letter came for you, sir.
- Thank you.

Miss Blanchette and Mr. Thompson
are waiting in the library.

- Miss Blanchette?
- Yes, sir.

AII right, thank you.

Will you pardnn me, please?


You'll have to excuse me
for a few minutes.

- Helln, Mr. Castanarn.
- Oh, hello. I'd fnrgntten.

You brought the papers?

Before we hand over
any of my uncle's papers to the syndicate...

...we feel his affairs should be audited
and his will prnbated.

That's ridiculnus. There's nothing
to be debated about nur particular deal.

- I must insist upon that.
- Oh, very well, Rene.

Now, you'll have to excuse me.
I have to make a phone call.

I'll get in touch with you a little later.
I'm sorry.


- McNalley speaking.
CASTANARO: Hello. This is Henri Castanam.

I've just received a warning
my Iife is in danger, at this very minute.

Yes. Well, you know what happened
to LaFnntanne.

Be right there.

Come nn, sergeant.

0h, charming portrait.

Yes, isn't R?



And I have never gone back again.

I say, where is everybody?

Pardnn me a moment, please.

NITA: I think I'II have a cigarette.
- Oh, certainly.


- Where's Mr. Castanarn?
- He was in here. What's happened, nfficer?

Keep everybody in the house.


- Say, how did you get here ahead of me?
- Was seeking information.

When heard pouca siren
knew something was wrong_ se ínrced door.

Very much like the way
Mr. LaFnntanne died.

- Therâs no doubt about u.
Nes. Same way, same method.

It can't be Swenstrnm this time.
He's still in jail.

Shouts him out of the case completely.
Now what?

Patience. Pnssess plenty time to listen.

Many questions must be asked.

Found this in dead man's hand.

"You're in great danger. Lock yourself in
until you secure police protection."

- Signed Oscar Swenstrnm.
- Yes.

Events now break rapidly... firecracker explnding in face
of innncent passerby.

Suggest we gn interview writer
ni warning note.

Good idea. But first,
Iet's interview these birds out here.

Come nn.

- Whafs happened?
- Ynur masters been murdered.

- What?
- Is everybody here?

Everybody except Miss Blanchette
and Mr. Thompson.

They had an interview with Mr. Castanarn
and then Ieft.

But there was another gentleman here.

- What gentleman?
- A Mr. Fernand.

He left just a few moments
before police car arrive.

- Did you actually see him gn?
- Oh, yes, without doubt.

We'II check nn them later.
First, we've gotta get to Swenstrnm.

Sergeant, keep everybody here
until we get back.

You don't deny writing this, do you?

No, I don't deny it.

Why did you write N.?

I can't tell you that.

Hnw did you get the letter out of the jail?

- Snrry, but I can't tell you that.
CHAN: Please...

...all cards should repnse nn table
when personal liberty at stake.

- I'm sorry but--
- If it's a little persuasinn you want...'re gonna get u.

Ryan, send over a cnume men
irem the DN: nüice.

Now, you're gonna talk
no matter how long it takes.

Pardnn absence, please,
but have other matter requires attention.

But as soon as we find out
why he wrote the warning letter...

...we'll know everything. Stick around.

You know, Chinese funny people,
when say gn, mean gn.

Thank you se much.

Now, Innk, Oscar,
I know you're innncent.

I just wanna help you.
If there's something you're afraid nf...

...I promise you and your family
every protection.

Yes, like you protected
LaFnntanne and Castanarn.

Thank you se much.

Swenstrnm, don't you realize
if you persist in this attitude...

...we'll have to indict you for murder?

I'm entirely innncent.
You have prnnf of nothing.


She admits she mailed the letter, Captain.

Swenstrnm süpped 'u to her
when she came to visit him.

Why not? I have the right to post a letter for
my husband no matter where he writes it.

It just happens to be against
Police Department regulatinns.

Your husband is being held nn suspicinn.
I'm holding you for the same reason.

But whafll I do, Mr. McNalley?
I have a broadcast tonight.

I'm sorry.

Now, Swenstrnm... you wanna talk, or do you want me
to throw your wife in jail?

Tell them what they want to know, Oscar.
I know you have nothing to fear.



I told you I wasn't taking any more calls.

0h. AII right, put him nn.

Hehe, captam.

I can't hold Van Scherbe much longer.

He wants to phone the DA.

Insists as attnrney for both
the murdered guys, you can't hold him.

Wait a minute.

It's Von Scherbe.
He's screaming for the DA.

Can't I hold him as a material Witness?

I don't know.
He's gnt a Int of friends dnwntnwn.

Okay, Dansiger, release everybody.

Tell them to go back to their own homes
and stay there in case we need them.

That goes for Von Scherbe too.

I don't care what he says.
He's a material Witness.

You fellnws take over for a little while.
I'm going out and get some air.

- Everything going all right?
- Oh, fine. We'll be loaded by morning.



- Where have you been?
- The police held me.

«J ust you?
- N o. Everybody.

- And?
- Nnthing. Not even fingerprints.

They finally released us.
Why did you leave me holding the bag?

- I didn't know there was a bag.
- Ynu cnuld've told me...

-...the police were nn their way.
- I didn't know they were.


You were superb tonight, Andre.

- When did you do it?
- Do what?

- Kill him. Castanarn.
-l didn't da it.

I didn't even have a chance.

Well, who did then?

We thought you might be ame to !eu us.

I don't know a thing about it.

Yes, who?

Somebody else must be sitting in
nn this game.

It was done by somebody in this room.

- I wasn't nn the premises.
- Ynu could have been.

You're no! being modas!, are you, Andre?

Maybe he doesn't trust us enough
to cnnfide in us anymore.

I tell you, I didn't do it.

- Then why did you leave?
- Chan. He's nn nur trail.


Maybe you won't think it's sn ridiculnus
when I tell you he was here tonight.

He searched this apartment.

What are we waiting for?

Put that carving knife away.
You make me nervous.

- What about Von Scherbe?
- He'II have to wait.

We're going to take care n¡ Chan ürst,

But how can dispnsing of Chan
help us get the formula?

Mr. Chan will be able to tell us where it is
before he meets his hnnnrable ancestnrs.

I've been trying to play ball with you
as far as I can. I've released your wife.

- In time for her broadcast?
- Yes.

You know who killed LaFontanne
and Castanaro, and I know you know it.

You think you're safe but you're not.

Many a man has gone to the chair
for less than we've gnt against you.

You are a very Iate caller, Mr. Thompson.

Zeal and Inyalty for Iate emplnyer
most cnmmendable.

Also most dangerous.

But, Mr. Chan, Mr. LaFnntanne was more
than my emplnyer.

He was Kinder to me than a father.

And now he's dead.

I almost feel it was partly my fault.

It is too bad.

But can iauen ¡rui! return to branch?


I repeat, your actions most dangerous.

I don't care.

His partners in the deal,
they're the ones who are responsible.

Iwarned him in the beginning.
I told him he was playing with dynamite.

Would respectfully like to remind you
that Mr. Castanarn extremely dead person... same way
Mr. LaFnntanne was dispnsed of.

Then it's Von Scherbe.
He's a crack, an embezzler.

South American republics would nab him
tomorrow if they had an extradition law.

0h, really?

Very interesting.

I've been checking up nn him ever since
Mr. LaFcntanne went into this deal.

I was going to lay the facts before him
the day he was killed.

I wanna do everything I can to help.

Then please do nothing.

Then Charlie Chan not have to worry
about you too.

AII right, you win.

I'll tell you the name of the murderer.
but if you fail to catch him. it means my life.

- We won't fail.
- Ynu must take no chances, be very careful.

He's a cunning criminal
who will stop at nothing.

Who is it, Oscar? We'll take
every precautinn. What's his name?

The name n¡ the man who murdered
Simon LaFnntanne and Henri Castanarn... Von Scherbe.
- I knew it.

- Get a cnume n¡ cars and the boys.

Told you I'd crack this case. Come if
you'd like to see me pinch a murderer.

Yes. Desire same most earnestly.

Could I have a radio? My wife's broadcast
will be nn in afew minutes.

- Give him anything he wants.
DA: Right.

Get the radio ou! n¡ the matrnws room.


AII right, you men,
surround this place and nail every exit.

Sergeant, you wait here.

Well, he beat us to the punch.

Yes, and with usual weapon.

Why no!? He knew 'u was sure and Past.

Captain McNalley speaking.
Let me have the Homicide Bureau.

Yes, very sure and very fast.

Hello, Bill?

Well, we gnt your murderer all right for you.
Yeah, Von Scherbe.

Yeah, well, he bumped himself off
before we gnt here.

Yeah, send Doc Double
and the wagnn over, will you?

Okay. No, no, no, to his office.

Right, Bill.

I hated to be hard nn poor old Swenstrnm,
but it was the only way to break the case.

And what happen
to Mr. Swenstrnm now?

He can gn home. There's no more danger
now that the murderer's dead.

Well, would suggest
Keeping original suspect...

...until all side issues of case are finished.

That might be a pretty good idea at that.

I'll come up to your house tonight,
we can talk the case over.

0h, very nice idea.

Would ask you to bring original suspect
to house also.

Okay. We nught to have
a very interesting cnnfab.

Yes. Thank you se much.


Mr. Chan tem us to meet him here.

Come right in and make yourself at home.

Who was at the door, Birmingham?

Anything the matter?

Hnw do you do, Miss, ah...?

0h, I'm Tommy Chan. Can I help you?

- Ynur iathefs no! at home?
- Why no, no! yet.

- Did Birmingham let you in?
- Why, uh, yes.

Well, what happened to him?
Where'd he gn?


Pull the shades.




Good evening.

Sn sem¡ no one at home
to admit nr wekznme you.

Please sit down.

You sit down.

0h, thank you se much.

Greek, Mr. Chan ¡urge! to dose the door.

Close it, please.

Well, cnuntess add inevitable decnratinn
to scene.

Or is 'u Miss Aguirre? Heh.

And Mr. Pareaux,
nr Mr. Fernand if you prefer.

Or perhaps would rather use name
of Citrnn nr Vnrnnnff nr Rnmbnur.

This unexpected pleasure.

And strange gentleman
last seen driving Mr. LaFnntannEs car.

I have some questions to ask you,
Mr. Chan.

And you'd better answer them
straight and fast.

You've been following
this LaFnntanne Chemical deal very closely.

A little too closely for our comfort.

You know too much.

0h, that cnmpliment.

But he who squanders today
talking about yesterday: triumphs...

...have nothing to beast n¡ tomorrow.

Forget the parables, Chan.

We're determined to find out
what you know about this deal.

0h, what deal?

You know what we're talking about.

Well, uh...

You did say sit down?


Thank you se much.

Know nothing
except that shipkaad n¡ chemicens...

...nn way to nppnsing party
in your country.

You could not stop ship from Sailing... you determine to get inrmma
irem one n¡ !nur men who know secret.

You make plan
to kidnap Mr. LaFnntanne...

...and get secret irem him
under three! n¡ death.

But before could succeed...

...Mr. LaFnntanne murdered.

Gn nn.

Yes, right safar?

Yes, good. Can see in faces it is sn.

- This isn't getting us anywhere.
CHAN: 0h, patience, cnuntess.

Must gather at Ieisure
what may use in haste.

It is fool in hurry who drink tea with fnrk.

Never mind the platitudes, Chan. Talk.

It was a matter of Iife and death for you
to get formula because if you fail...

...the people who you represent
would show no mercy.

That's Tommy.

So your next move was to use
most charming of all deadly Weapons...

...beautiful lady.

And Miss Aguirre prayed her par!
to peñecünn.

We'll dispense with the cnmpliments.

Yes, oi course.

Here you are, driver.


Answer the door, Chan.

- And be careful.
- Well, heh...

Totally unexpected visitor.


0h, Mr. Chan. I can't find Pete.
There's been another attempt nn my Iife.

Someone tried to Cheke me 'm the hauway
n¡ my apartment.

Then someone else came up in the elevatnr
and he ran away.

0h. Very interesting.

In here, please.

Miss Blanchette,
secretary to Iate Mr. LaFnntanne...

...ürst 'm series n¡ murder vicüms.

You know anything
about Swenstrnm's formula?

I've never even seen it.

Yes, please sit down.

Chan, I'll give you exactly three minutes
to give us Swenstrom's formula.

Well, but maybe not know
Mr. Swenstrnm's formula.

You know the formula.
We've been watching your work closely.

You've gnt two minutes
and 50 seconds left.

Well, necessity drive hard bargain...

...but he who goes into hills after tiger...

...must pay price.

This glass tube contain chemical
made from formula.

It is poison gas
which can cause very quick death.

- Hey, listen to that.
- Shh.

Now you're showing some sense, Chan.

Well, many thanks for apprnval.

Have made some experiments.

Will be interested in discovery.

Glass is of very peculiar composition.

Very sensitive to high pitch n¡ sound.

Never mind the glass.
What about the formula?

Can't you see he's only stalling for time?

He can't :tah very kung.

You have two minutes left.

0h, not much time, will hasten to explain.

Of course, you are familiar enough
with gas to realize...

...could kill everybody in room.

One minute and 50 seconds.

I'm hastening fast.

One minute and 45 seconds.

You better talk, Chan.

Have here a record n¡ radio program.

Beautiful lady singing
in high coloratura soprano.

Easüy achieve note n¡ E.


This very high pitch.


Gas now in room.

Advise no! to move.

Physical exeninn only make final death
more agnnizing.

Poison invisible and ndnrless...

...but even now in Iungs
and seeping into blood stream.

Why doesn't somebody do something?

Open a door.

Open a window.

This death cannot be escaped.

First, chnking sensatinn...

...then üngüng n¡ üngers...

...then Iimbs become paralyzed...

...and then poison strike: heart.

Come nn, let's get out.

What the dickens is going nn here?

Merely entenaining friends
with little mental suggestinn trick.

- What's the matter with them?
- Oh, they think they're dying of poison gas.

You know_ power n¡ suggesünn
away: very interesting to me.

Actually, tube contain nothing but air.

And what's Rene doing here?

0h, charming Miss manchette
meteu 'mnncent bystander.

You shnuldwt have tried
to handle this thing by yourself.

Well, ship with too many pilots
sometimes have difficulty reaching port.

0h, pardnn me, Captain McNalley,
Miss Aguirre.

And Mr. Pareaux ana: Mr. Fernand,
and severa other names n¡ hand...

...who has been cashiered
from at least three armies.

And Mr. Greek who was born
without cnnscience.

- Are they mixed up in this?
- Oh, most assuredly.

I know the tomate,
but how do the others fit in?

Wen_ 'm business n¡ ¡erreüng ou!
warüme secrets.

Immediatejnb at hand nnw
is finding out formula of dangerous gas...

...and prevenüng shipment n¡ same.

Here, I have pictures
and also list of crimes.

Many foreign governments
very interested in finding three people...

...with very busy hands.

Dansiger, turn them over to the federal boys.

Well, Charlie, I guess
that about washes the whole thing up.

- T um with gñei to disagree.
- WhaD?

Have a small experiment
to take attention of valued friend.

Also, believe Mr. Swenstrnm
will be interested in same.

Have just learned this evening
identity of true killer...

...and how he murdered his victims.

Clever inventor have discnvered...

...dangerous poison gas.

When partners try to cheat him...

...he make plan to kill them one by one.

He place gas-filled tubes in radio
in advance of killings...

...making sure victim was alone in room...

...with certain particular radio program
turned nn.

Not so?


You're very clever, Mr. Chan.

I'm afraid I underrated you
when first we met.

Yes. That custnmary.

Only important thing
that you do not underrate me when we part.

Take this guy outside and hold onto him
till I find out what this is all about.

Come nn.

Well, Mr. Swenstrnm spend Iifetime
inventing poison gas... kill cnuntless thousands.

When he find out partners
tried to cheat him...

...he thnught nothing of destrnying them,
just sn long he not in danger himself, 5o--

Now, wait a minute.

Swenstrnm was in jail.
Hnw did he set these things off?

He did not.

Mrs. Swenstrnm planted tubes in radios...

...and she then tuned radios
to her station.

In cases of Castanarn and Von Scherbe,
she turned radio nn...

...but sn Inw that no sound emerge.

In case of LaFnntanne...

...she knew that he always Iistened
to her program in the morning.

Then, as you know, Mr. Swenstrnm
sent out warning Ietters to victims...

...telling them to lock themselves
in rooms...

...and Mrs. Swenstrnm then did
actual killing over radio.

I had the right guy Incked up all the time.

0h, yes_ Ponce Department emerge
'm Shining garments n¡ success.

I've gotta go to the station. book that guy.
then put out a pickup for Mrs. Swenstrom.

- Cnme nn, honey.
- Oh, please, do not forget...

...humble Charlie Chan
when sending out wedding annnuncements.

- Sn long, Charlie.
Goodbye, Mr. Chan.

Mr. Chan, you nught to have all the credit
for snlving this case.

Well, after dinner is over,
who ::ares about spnnn?

Let's pack and gn back to San Francisco,

Yes. Wherever one is not,
that is where heart is.

You know, twice tonight... grave danger
nfjnining illustrinus ancestnrs.

Is you really gonna gn, Mr. Chan?
No fnnling?

0h, yes. To San Francisco.

- Oh, of course.
- Yes.


Yes, nn this, I am firm like Gibraltar rock.

[English - US - SDH]