Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze (1975) - full transcript

In the Fabulous Thirties, Doc Savage and his five Amazing Adventurers are sucked into the mystery of Doc's father disappearing in the wilds of South America. The maniacal Captain Seas tries to thwart them at every turn as they travel to the country of Hidalgo to investigate Doc's father's death and uncover a vast horde of Incan gold.

This is...

♪ Have no fear ♪

♪ the man of bronze is here ♪

♪ peace will come
to all who find ♪

♪ doc savage ♪

♪ doc savage ♪

♪ he's a friend
to all mankind ♪

♪ pure of heart and mind ♪

♪ who will make
crime disappear? ♪

♪ Doc savage ♪

♪ doc savage ♪

♪ conqueror and pioneer ♪

♪ thank the lord
he's here ♪

♪ the doc made a vow ♪

♪ that helps us all,
so let's recall it now ♪

♪ the oath that he swore ♪

♪ said life would be ♪

♪ so sweet and free
once more ♪

♪ our hero has come ♪

♪ let's all join in ♪

♪ as we begin
the big parade ♪

♪ so bang on your drum ♪

♪ and raise your flag ♪

♪ 'cause history
is being made h'

this is doc's
fortress of solitude

in the arctic circle,

where he retreats every so often

from the grueling
pressure of routine

to concentrate and further
develop his wide knowledge.

To study astronomy...

The planets...

The stars...

The universe.

Or work to invent something

that one day

might be useful to mankind.

When doc is in action,

his brain trust,
the fabulous five,

are never far behind.

One of these
intrepid men is ham,

a legal genius,

graduate magna cum
laude of Harvard.

Not only justice for the rich,

but justice for the poor.

Another member of
the group is monk,

the world's greatest chemist,

winner of the blanding prize,

discoverer of
the fraxoning formula.

He named his pet habeas corpus.

The third member is renny,

globe-hopping engineer...

Builder of great Bridges,
dams, and skyscrapers.

Next is Johnny,

erudite geologist
and archeologist.

Famed for deciphering
the hieroglyphics

of the teutonic stone,

as well as for his
monumental studies

of prehistoric man
in central Africa.

Completing the quintet
is long tom,

an electrical wizard.

Hi, doc.

Something's wrong.

What is it?

But how did you know?

I sensed it.

I picked up your thought waves,

came as fast as I could.

Doc, it's in regard
to your father.

Last week he passed away
down in south America

in a little place
called hidalgo.

Apparently, he ccntracted
some rare tropical disease.

We're sorry, doc.

We all know how close
you and your father were.

This morning a large
Manila envelope arrived.

It was from your father.

As far as we could determine,

he mailed it on
the very day he died.

Where is it?

He wrote on the envelope

that its contents vvere
fdr your eyes alone,

so I locked it in your safe.

Shut up. You vvant to
get yourself killed?

750 grains.

577 caliber, nitro express.

An elephant rifle.


I don't see a thing.

An absolute absence
of ambulation.

Registering heat
from a gun barrel...

From the top of that building

right over there.

That's the old eastman
cranmoor building.

Renny, we'll take the whizzer.

Go get it warmed up.



You and the rest take the cord,

get over there
as fast as you can.

To the garage.

To the garage!

It's a good thing

doc had those refractive
glass windows installed.

Saved his life.


From the outside
everything appears to be

5 inches to the left
of where it actually is.

A most fragmistatic invention.

That tower, renny.

Up there!

Watch what you're doing, stupid!

Watch out, doc.

The back door,
let's try the back door.

Invidiously obstructed.

This one's locked, too.

Here, hold him for me.

How many times
do I have to tell you?

Get that revclting
beast avvay frcjm me.

Look here, you 5th Avenue
fashion plate...

I'll take him.


Out of my way, shyster.

It doesn't work.
There's no juice!

The stairs,
let's take the stairs!

Hey, hey, wait a minute, fellas.

Hey, fellas, I can
fix this in a minute.

Hey, hey, fellas!

Hey, I got the
elevator vvorking.

Come on.



One thing
for sure...

He ain't no native nevv yorker.

The word is isn't.

Isn't, ain't, vvhat's
the difference?

Fingers look like they've
been dipped in blood.

Somebody help me turn him over.

Well, I'll be superamalgamated.

I thought I knevv the markings
of every tribe on earth,

but I've never seen
anything like this before.

What do you make of it, doc?

There's someone
in the penthouse.

Johnny, you stay with the body.

Come on.

Johnny, you going
to be all right?



Do a Barney oldfield, long tom.

Long tom, get the lights.

Stand by, monk.

We'll use
the extinguisher globes.

What is it, doc?

We know that sound by now.

It means you figured
cut something.

My father did not die
of a tropical disease.

He was murdered.

What happened to you?

I'm... Quite


Holy cow, what happened here?

Oh, nothing.

Just some vipers snuck
in, blevv up the safe,

and burnt the papers.


Thank you.


I vvas examining the strange
markings on the dead man...

When a wall of bricks
fell on me.

At least, that's
what it felt like.

When I woke up...

The body was gone.

But I did find one thing.

Solid gold.

Think it has something to do
vvith your father's death?

I intend to find out.

I'm leaving for hidalgo
in the morning.

If you're going, I'm going, too.

So am I.
Me, too.

That's vvhy we all came
in the first place...

In case you needed us.

I wish I could join you.

My company just started
a nevv turnpike.

I'm in the middle of a trial.

That's just vvhat I expect
from you, you pompous peacqck.

Now, hold on, monk.

None of you are obligated
to go vvith me.

This is my problem.

But, doc, remember when
we were all buddies

fighting in the trenches?

Remember what we agreed?

I, for one, recall it perfectly.

If we ever got out alive,

we'd help each other
in peace as we did in war.

Lock, I appreciate
your support, believe me,

but now each of you
has a career.

You've all risen to vvorld-vvide
eminence in your chosen fields.

I can't expect you to put aside

what you worked so hard
for all these years.

That's precisely the point.

Here's an indefectable

to use our skills for
something more important

than just our own selfish gain.

Count us in.

Thank you, monk.


I'll see you
in the morning, chief.

All right, Johnny.

Oh, Johnny...

You sure you're all right?

Oh... Supercradofolous...

Except for this goose egg
on the top of my noggin.

I'll bring Johnny with me.

O.K., long tom.


I wish I could go with you, doc.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Yes. Good luck
to you all.

Anyvvay, you vvon't need a
lavvyer dovvn there, vvill you?

No, I wouldn't think so, ham.

Uh, we'll, uh...

We'll look after the store.


A glorious good morning,

Hi, guys.

Sure gave me a scare.

Almost dropped this box.

Vvell, I didn't expect
you, but vvelcome.

Thinking it over,
i came to the conclusion

you might need
a lawyer after all.

And an engineer, too.

Vvhat about that
trial of ycurs, ham?

Oh, the heck with the trial.

I'll let my partner
worry about it.

(To heck vvith the
turnpike, toc), okay?

O Kay.

Let's go.

After you, gentlemen.

Let me take that.

It worked, doc!

It worked!

Well, that's that.

Sure was an expensive way

to throw those mugs
off our tail.

Oh, not really, monk.

Actually, that robot airplane

was only made of
fabric and plywood.

The dummies...

Simply dummies.

Besides, vve've vvanted to test this
remote control system for some time,

right, tom?

And we sure did.

Well, gentlemen,

let's be on our way.

Yeah. I vvant to see vvhat
that hidalgo place looks like.

Before we go...

Let us remember our code...

Let us strive
every moment of our lives

(tc) Make ourselves better and
better to the best of cur ability

so that all may profit by it.

Let us think of the right

and lend our assistance
to all who may need it,

with no regard
for anything but justice.

Let us take what comes
with a smile

without loss of courage.

Let us be considerate
of our country,

our fellow citizens,

and our associates
in everything we say and do.

Let us do right to all...

And wrong no man.

Good evening.

Ah, to your health,
captain seas.

Everything worked out

just the way you planned it.

I wish I could
believe you, borden.

I didn't think doc savage

would be that easy to eliminate.

I tell you he's dead,
and his gang are dead.

I blasted them out of the
sky into a million bits.

You saw no parachutes,
no survivors?

Aye. Not a one.

Believe me,
the papers are burned,

and savage and his crummy
five are finished.

And, uh, molo's body?

Ah, me and cheelok,

we snatched him
from where he fell

and dumped him
into the east river.


have a drink, captain.

To poor, departed souls.

May they rest in pieces.

Heh. Ha ha ha ha...

He is telling the truth?


And perhaps novv we vvill
share a bit of the vvealth,

won't we, sir?

You bet your life, kulkan.

Both of you.

You like money, eh?

Oh, sure, poopsie.

Well, you listen to me.

I started out in a sideshow,

got into the svving of
things, and made millions,

but it's nothing,

nothing compared
to what's ahead.

Oh, ha ha ha...

Yes, I knew your father,

professor savage senior,

very well.

He was a good man.

We were very close friends,

and his death

was a personal tragedy for me.

I'm told he died of a
rare tropical disease.

Yeah. The professor
contracted it

during his last trip

into the jungles
of the interior.

By the time he returned
to hidalgo,

red and green blotches

had broken out on his skin.

Do you know of anyone

who might have had reason to...

Murder my father?

On the contrary,

the professor was loved
and respected

by the people of hidalgo.

He set up a hospital

here in the capital city,

established schools

in rural villages,

and even taught
first aid and sanitation

to remote tribes.

In fact,

one of the tribes,
out of gratitude,

gave him several kilometers

of their hereditary land.


the land is mosquito
and snake infested jungle...


But it was a Sincere gesture.

May I ask a question, doc,

if you don't mind?

Why, of course, ham.
Go ahead.


Mr. president...

Was the Grant
to professor savage

officially recorded?

The transfer was registered

with the land recorder's office.

I remember directing him there.

May we, then, see the deed?

Of course.

Colonel Ramirez,

see that the deed is
brought over here at once.

Senorita flores.

This is the vvay my secretary
fqund it, sekior presidente...


The documents are gone.

Perhaps it will show up.

No, it will not.

I'm not surprised
the deed is missing.

In fact, I rather expected it.

But we will not turn around

and fly back to New York.

We are going to visit that tribe

vvho so graciously gave
that land to my father.

Now, if someone
will be kind enough

to explain how we get there...

Oh, well, uh...

Well, unfortunately, senor,

we do not know
the name of the tribe.

Uh, it could be any one
of hundreds of tribes

isolated in the jungle.

Of course...

I could try to locate a guide.

Uh, maybe a native vvho
traveled vvith your father.

I think don rubio
has a good idea.

Let him find a guide.

It, uh,

it may take a few days.

We'll wait.


In that case, i invite you all

to stay at
the government's residence

as our most honored guests.

Thank you.

We appreciate your generosity.

This way, please.

Oh, there's just one more thing.

May I respectfully request

an autopsy be performed
upon my father?

Of course. If you wish.

Gracias, senor presidente.

No hay de qué, Caballero.

Yes, iam positive.

Doc savage and his men
are alive.

I was with them
less than an hour ago

in the office of El presidente.

No, I am not dreaming!

Their photograph will be
in the newspaper tomorrow.

Yes, but fortunat...

Yes, but for...

Fortunately, i think quickly!

Will you listen to me?

They are not leaving
hidalgo for a fevv days,


Yes, sir.

Yes, sir. Yeah.

I guarantee it.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.


What's the matter, honey?


That no-good
pilot borden.









Come on! Come...


Oh. Oh!







Ay, que guapo

a te Mira?

Si, bien.

Oye, que estan ml...



Que chulo.

Old doc gets the girls
every time.


That is one good reason

not to neglect daily
exercise, my friends.

Singularly remarkable.

No matter where he is,

no matter what he's doing,

tvvo hours of
exercise every day.

Now, if you'd follow
doc's good example,

you might lose some
of that ugly fat

and start to resemble
a human being

instead of a clumsy baboon.

Stop where you are, you swine,

or you'll be crisp bacon

for breakfast tomorrow morning.

You touch one hair
on that piglet,

and I'll crisp your bacon!

Hold him!


You know ham
wouldn't hurt a fly.

His svvord vvill only put
you to sleep for avvhile.

Come on.

May I?


Thank you.

Juan Lopez morales is my name.

I am the coroner of hidalgo.

Oh, I see.

Let me get a towel.


Hey, fellas, look.

Could be trouble.

And the autopsy disclosed

a residue of some
strange substance.

Ah, Mr. Mayfair.

I recognize you from the
picture in time magazine.

Very happy
to meet you...

Such a famous authority

in the field of
analytic chemistry.

Everything all right?


Senor morales here

is the coroner of hidalgo.


So, you liked my picture, huh?

He didn't say he liked it.

He said he saw it.

Senor morales was just giving me

the report on the autopsy.

Yes, I was saying
that in the skin tissue

of professor savage's
hands and face

a residue of some foreign
substance vvas detected.

And I must confess, I have not
been able to identify it.

Did you bring the slides?


I anticipated
you and Mr. savage

might want to study them


Doc, what's going on?

Don't come in here.
Stay where you are.

Shh. Doc's inside.

I thought I heard...

Shh. We all did.

Hey, doc.


Everything o.K., doc?

Hey, doc!

Is anything wrong, doc?


We'll come m, doc, all right?

Doc, is everything all right?


I heard a shot.

What happened, doc?

I don't know.

I really don't know.


How do you do,
Mr. savage?

Oh, I'm not doc.

My name's monk.

Uh, lieutenant colonel andrevv
blodgett Mayfair at your service.

I'm one of doc savage's

Is there anything I can
do to help, miss, uh...


I'm Karen and she's Adriana.

Well, lovely ladies,

what can I do to help you?

We're friends of captain seas.

He read in the newspapers

about Mr. savage
and his friends

staying in hidalgo
for a few days.

(So, he asked us tc) Personally
invite all of you to dinner

on his yacht.


That's very nice.

But who's captain seas?

He's a very rich man.

He owns that big yacht
just outside the bay.

Boy. Wait till
you see it.

The captain would be
extremely honored.

He's most anxious to meet the famous
doc savage and his amazing men.

Well, I'm sorry.

I'm very sorry,

but doc ain't got
no free time at the moment.

Why don't you come back
in a week or so, okay?

Captain seas will be
so disappointed.

Ah, I'm sorry.

Maybe then...
In a couple weeks.

Please tell captain seas

we'd be delighted.


I presume you lovely ladies

will be present also.

Oh, swell.

Welcome, savage.

Proud to have you aboard.

Good evening, captain seas.

Good evening, ladies.

Mr. savage.

Hello, colonel Mayfair.

So nice to see both of you.

Oh. So many of you...

And all so handsome.

Hot sarsaparilla.


This way, please.

Thank you.

I've heard a great deal
about you.





Some people even say
you're a magician...

At least when it comes

to remarkable escapes.

Holy cow.

What a plum-dingy
yacht this is.

A necessity...

Uh, not a luxury.


Oh, please, make
yourself comfortable.

Sit down, gentlemen.

Thank you.

It serves as my permanent home

as well as my
business headquarters.

Just what is your business,

captain seas?

It changes from day to day...

But basically,

what I do is recognize

and seize them.

That vvhy they call
you captain seas?

Ha ha ha ha.

Very good. Very good.

Ha ha ha ha.


I've made so many voyages

to all corners of the world,

that I adopted the name seas.





My real name

is absolutely unpronounceable.


No, thank you.

Perhaps something
a bit more potent...

Scotch, vodka, bourbon?

I'll have a coke, please.

And, uh, you gentlemen?

Same for me.

I think I'd prefer a lemonade.

Yeah, me, too.

Yeah, make mine a...

Root beer.

Uh, if it's not
too exiguous a request...

Could I have a glass of milk?


Tell me, savage,

what brings you and your friends

to the Republic of hidalgo?

Very few people even
know of its existence.

My father passed away
in hidalgo.

We came to pay
our last respects.

I'm truly sorry.

My deepest sympathies.


I mean...

Dinner is served.

What a meal.

You mind if I loosen my belt?

You'll have to
forgive my friend.

As a child, he vvas so
busy studying chemistry,

he never learned any manners.

Please, please. I'm sure my chef
vvould take it as a compliment.

Uh, cigar?

No, thank you.


Thank you, no.

Oh, I should've guessed.

You and your friends
don't smoke either.

I'll have one, if I may.

Why, yes, of course.

Thank you.

Uh, light?

Oh, no thanks. I...

I have one of my own.

Uh, Karen...


If you'll excuse us, gentlemen.

So nice to have made
your acquaintance.

Oh. You men...

Always talking business.



To tell the truth...

I didn't think we'd ever meet.

I rather assumed we would.

Ha ha ha.

You are indeed
a most unusual man.

You know...

Under different circumstances,

we possibly could've
become friends,

since we're both

Each in our own way.

But circumstances
are not different.


I'm glad you enjoyed
your dinner.

Because it was your last.

And you, sir.

Enjoy your last cigarette.



Come on!

Come on!

Let's get out.


Come on. This way.

Holy cow.
Into the drink!


Hold your fire!

What happened to them?

Move out the ship.

Lam sorry, senor savage,

but there is no yacht

such as the one
you have described.

You, yourself, heard vvhat
the harbor master said.

My patrol boats, too,
searched the bay...

The whole area...

For hours...

And found nothing.

But we don't give up.

Our men are still out there...


To the residence.

Can't we have lunch first

in a nice little cantina?

Do what you like, monk.

Take me to the land recorder's
office, if you vvill.

But senor...

Yes, senor.


No, no.

If you behave like a pig,

no lunch.

May I help you?

Why, I believe so.

My name is Clark savage junior,

and I was hoping...

Yes, I recognize you.

You are the son
of professor savage.

That's right.

I am sorry.

He was a very fine man.

Thank you.

Um, is senor gorro in?

No, he is out for lunch,

but he will be back soon

if you would like to wait.

Uh, senorita, may i
ask you a question?

Yes, of course.

Well, now, would you
have any idea

of what might have happened
to the, uh,

deed my father registered
at this office?

It's a complete mystery, senor.

I met your father
when he came here

with the deed and a map.

We made copies
of these documents,

and we sent them
to you in New York.

Didn't you receive them?

There was a fire.

They vvere destroyed before i
had a chance to read them.

But if there are no
records, that is terrible.

Well, now, you
handled the documents.


Is there anything you can
remember about them?

Oh, yes.

It is very strange, senor.

The deed was signed by the chief

of the quetzamal tribe,

but there is no quetzamal tribe.

According to the history books,

it became extinct 500 years ago,

disappearing into the jungle
without a trace.

But the deed is a trace.

The map is a trace.

I said according
to the history books.

When I was a child,
i lived in a small village

far away in the mountains.

The old people there

used to tell strange stories
of the quetzamals.

They said they still
existed not very far away,

but we could never go
to their place

because it was
over the edge of the world.

Can you believe this?


Yes, I think I can.

My father got there.

Somehow, I must get there, too.

You know, I was
planning on returning

to my village in a few months...

But perhaps I can leave now
and guide you there.

Do you mean that?

Yes, absolutely.

When would you like to go?

Vvell, do you think you
could be ready to leave...

In the morning?


Miss, uh...

My name is Mona flores.

You may call me Mona.

You may call me doc.


♪ La cucaracha I

♪ la cucaracha I

♪ ya da Dee da da Dee dum ♪

♪ la cucaracha I

♪ la cucaracha I

♪ ya da Dee da ba da dum h'

uh, senor savage.

Senor gorro.

Uh, are you all right?

Shouldn't I be?

Yes, uh, of... of course,
of course.

It's just that I heard

there was some kind
of problem last night.


No problem whatsoever.

Adios, don rubio.


I've taken care of everything...



I can't understand it.

You had 'em right in your hands,

and you let 'em escape.

I mean, I thought you said

you had everything taken...

Shut up!

Ye-yes, sir.

They... they'll never
find the place.

Only those two know the way.

That dirty little tramp
in my office,

she could never
lead them to quetzamal.

That's what I'm counting on.

Lots of money is at stake.

Uh, talking about lots of money,

I could use a little money.

Maybe a small advance
on my share, por favor?

Don't bother me now.

Uh, but sir,

don't I deserve
a little consideration?

I mean, after all now,
i was the one

who brought the deed
and the map to your attention.

Uh, we are partners, are we not?

When savage is out of the way,

that's when we'll
settle accounts.

Any objections?

No, sir.

little touch there.

Little stir.

No two ways about it,

I am a great cook.

Super chef.

Here we go.

Boy, I'm hungry as a bear.

You mean ape,

hungry as an ape.

One of these days,

that two-bit

is gonna go too far.


Needs a little agua, I think.

Would you, uh...

Lwll_l_ get it.

O Kay.

It's all right.
It's all right.


Take her.

Monk, bring me a vial.

Right away, doc.

Jumping jellybeans.

That snake is the spitting image

of the one painted
on the native's chest

at the eastern
cranmoor building.

♪ La cucaracha I

♪ ya no puedo caminar a'

♪ la cucaracha I

♪ la cucaracha I

♪ ya no puedo caminar a'

doc, don't worry.

My village is
just around the bend.

♪ La cucaracha I

♪ ya no puedo caminar... h'

I'm gonna get some more water.

Muchas gracias, senorita.

Moocho Garcia, me, too.

Delicious, delicious.

No, no, no.

It is only a story,

a legend.

There is no such a
place as quetzamal.

But don Jose, my grandfather

once told me that you
and he made a trip there

when you were very young boys.

I never been to quetzamal,

only to the edge of the world.

Don Jose...

Do you think you could
lead us there?

It's very important.

Por favor.

Very well,

but only as a favor to Mona

because I know her

since she was such
a little senorita.

Ah, thank you.

Come back here tomorrow at dawn.

Gracias, senor.




We need more horses,

and we must have food
from the village.

That's all been taken care of.

But it may take days
to get there.

You've brought us
this far, Mona,

and I thank you,

but it would be wrong
to expose you

to any more danger
on our account.

But I want to go with you.

I'm not afraid, doc.

Well, I know you're not...

But for your own safety,

I think it's best
you remain here,

this village
with your own people.


I love you.

Ah, there's no room
in my life for love, Mona.

But why, doc?

There was a girl once.

We were to be married.

She was kidnapped

by the men i had been pursuing.

They threatened to kill her
if I didn't drop the chase.

I gave in.
I had to.

Later, when she was
returned safely to me,

I realized there could
never be a future for us.

I realized if I were to do

what I had chosen with my life,

there could never be a loved one

who could be used against me...

Or harmed because of me.

Do you understand?

I suppose so.


You're a brick.

♪ Oh, bravely they ride ♪

♪ six righteous men ♪

♪ now once again ♪

♪ uphold the law ♪

♪ their hearts ♪

♪ filled with pride ♪

♪ determined to ♪

♪ discover who ♪

♪ they're searching for ♪

♪ doc's father is dead ♪

♪ they must learn why ♪

♪ he had to die ♪

♪ before his time ♪

♪ there's danger ahead ♪

♪ the doc is cool ♪

♪ he'll make the fool ♪

♪ pay for his crime ♪

♪ doc savage ♪

♪ doc savage ♪

♪ thank the lord he's here ♪

♪ doc made a vow ♪

♪ that helps us all ♪

♪ so let's recall
it now ♪

♪ the oath that he swore ♪

♪ said life could be ♪

♪ so sweet and free ♪

♪ once more ♪

♪ he's noble and strong ♪

♪ he's got a brain ♪

♪ a super brain ♪

♪ that will not rest ♪

♪ he'll right every wrong ♪

♪ let us all try ♪

♪ and help to soothe
the savage breast ♪

♪ long live
the man of bronze ♪

♪ long live
the man of bronze ♪

♪ one of a kind,
doc savage ♪

♪ that's where
you'll find doc savage ♪

♪ and those
behind doc savage ♪

♪ riding, riding, riding
on to freedom ♪

♪ doc must succeed ♪

♪ a learned sleuth ♪

♪ who seeks the truth
each place he goes ♪

♪ it's time to proceed ♪

♪ stay in your seat ♪

♪ and hope he'll beat ♪

♪ his evil foes n'

I'm gonna watch the horses.


Here it is,

the edge of the world.

Below in the valley
of the vanished,

live the quetzamals.

There is no way down.

And now adios, amigos.

I must return.

Vaya con dios!

Remember me to Mona!

I will!

There must be a way down.

My father found it.

Vvell, let's look for it.


These rocks.

Unordinary divarication.


What ls it, doc?

It's a message...

From my father.




Who's he?

He ain't a he.
It's an it, Harvard man,

a rare semi-tropical
bush, see?


Gentlemen, my father was right.

Bring the horses.


You all right, monk?

Yeah, I'm o.K.


Jupiter, what a phenomenosity!

It's gold.

A pool of gold.

Gentlemen, I think
I'll go scout around.

You remain here.

Sure thing, doc.

Take care.

Don't worry.


Those are captain seas' men

storing gold in that hut.

Get in there.
Keep quiet.

Put your hands up!

Up! Up!

Get moving!

I say!
It's deplorable!

Hurry up.

I'm a lawyer.
I'll sue you for this.

Simply deplorable.

I followed you.

I wanted to be with...

I'm sorry.

Get moving.

My compliments, gentlemen.

You have eluded me
at every turn.

You have even managed
to find the pool of gold,

but this time,
there is no escape.

Mr. seas...

As the representative
of Clark savage Jr.,

I must vehemently
protest in his absence

and warn you that your actions

are contradictory to the existing
lavvs of the United States,

as well as
the Republic of hidalgo.

Heh heh heh!
You don't say?

You are not only trespassing

on my client's legal property,

duly registered vvith the land
recorder's office of hidalgo,

but you are also unlawfully
exploiting his inheritance,

as vvell as the labor of
the natives of this tribe.

This is the law here,
Harvard man.

The law of the jungle.

You dirty skunk!


Yes! Get him!


Get rid of them right now!

Get rid of them, I said!

I will prepare the potion.

No, kulkan.

The green death is a
heritage from our ancestors,

only to defend ourselves
against our enemies.

It has not been used
for hundreds of years.

You do not understand.

Captain seas is our friend.

His enemies are our enemies.

You are deserting
your own people.

You are joining with strangers

who have taken away our freedom.

Shut up, you old fool.

I told you I'd make
you rich, didn't I?

Wealth means nothing to us.

Put him with the others.

Take them away!

Now get savage.

He can't be far away.





That vvas truly noble of
you, monk, vvhat you did.

I want you to know
that I appreciate it.

That's okay.


You ccjuld have been
killed, you knovv.

Oh, uh, well,
anything for a pal.

Say, chief, hovv come you
speak such good English?

Professor savage saw to that.


what happens now?

We're all doomed to die...

A horrible death.

This place gives me
the heebie-jeebies.

We got to bust out of here.

An unconfuted veracity,
but how, may I ask,

with our hands tied
behind our backs

and locked in this...

That's it!

That's it!
Untie me.

If only they hadn't
taken my sword cane away.

If I had my thingamajig...

An unravelable
configuration of knots.

Hey! Hey, wait a minute!

I got a idea!

Habeas corpus!

Sorry, ham. I know
you don't like that name.

Oh, that's all right...


H.C., you still
in my pocket?

Well, get out and do
that trick I taught you.

Good boy, habeas!

Well done!

Well, come on, monk.

Hurry up and untie me.

Come on, fellas.

Let's move that rock
and fight our way out.

Yeah. Fight our way out!



Heh heh heh!

Perfect, kulkan.

They're finished,

just like that old professor

and that liar of a pilot.

Heh heh heh heh!



And we have the papers, the
deed, and the pool of gold.

Right. Now only
savage remains.


Tell your men to stand
back, drop their guns.

Have no fear!

Doc savage is here!

Now tell your men
to open this cave.

Tell them to open the cave,

or you're a dead man
in five seconds.

Open the cave!


Hypodermic. Antidote.

Inject yourself,
then inject the others.


The... the green death!


Oh! Uhh! Aah!









Heh heh heh heh!

Ah! Ah! Ow!

Ow! Ow!


No! Stop!



You won't get away with this!

It belongs to me
and the captain!

It's my gold!

It's mine!

Come back, I say!



You won't get away with this!

Come back!

Come back!

Come back, you!


Everyone all right?

You're a sight for sore eyes.

It's my gold!

The gold is mine!

What the devil's going on?

That dynamite must have
triggered an eruptiqn.

Mother nature aroused,
seeking revenge.

Come back!

Sure you're okay?

Yes, I'm fine,
doc, but...

Marks on your face
are going away.

How do you feel?

I feel better.

Thanks, monk.


How about you?


The epicenter is quite near.

There should be one
more brief disturbance




Come back here!

Habeas corpus, come back here!

You son of a pig!

Come back, i tell ya!

Good boy.

Good piggy.

Nice piggy.

May I?

Cute piggie.



Strange how history
repeats itself.

First, your father
saved us against the plague.

Then you came, my son,
to save us from slavery.

We gave him, as an
expression of gratitude,

the pool of gold.

Now the land and the gold

belong to you, doc savage.

Thank you, chief chaac.

I promise to continue
my father's work...

His ideals.

With this limitless
wealth at my disposal,

I shall be able
to devote my life

to the cause of justice.


Goodbye, doc.

I will stay here,

and then I vvill return to my
village to help my people.

Will you come back...


I'm sure I will...


Are you going to kill me now?

No. Doc don't
believe in killing,

not even crooks like you.

He's got his own methods
of dealing with them.

What methods?

Well, first we're
going to take you

to a place in upper
New York state,

where doc has his own
rehabilitation center.

There, doc vvill perform a special
kind of acupuncture surgery

on your brain,

which will help rid you
of your evil nature.

He learned about
this kind of stuff

in a remote monastery

on his last trip
to China, you see.

(You're also going tc) Be
taught good citizenship

and an honest trade,

then one day, you'll leave
the center completely vvell

and become a respectable
member of society.


Thank you, young man.

Merry Christmas to you!

♪ Fa-la-la la-la ♪

♪ la-la la la ♪

♪ "hs the season
to be jolly a'

♪ fa-la-la la-la ♪

♪ la-la la la ♪

God bless you, madam.

♪ Don we now ♪

♪ our gay apparel ♪

♪ fa-la-la la-la ♪

♪ la-la la la ♪

♪ oh, the ancient
yuletide Carol ♪

♪ fa-la-la la-la ♪

♪ la-la la la ♪

This is Clark savage, Jr.

I am not currently available.

However, if you wish
to leave a message,

it will be recorded.

You may speak now.

Doc, hey, doc, listen.

This is an emergency.

I'm at the warfield drugstore.

Doc, hey, doc, listen.

This is an emergency.

I'm at the warfield drugstore.

I just learned something,
something terrible.

Millions of people are
going to get killed.

You're the only one who...


Argh! Ugh!


♪ Have no fear ♪

♪ the man of bronze is here ♪

♪ peace will come
to all who find ♪

♪ doc savage ♪

♪ doc savage ♪

♪ he's a friend
to all mankind ♪

♪ pure of heart and mind ♪

♪ the doc made a vow ♪

♪ that helps us all,
so let's recall it now ♪

♪ the oath that he swore ♪

♪ said life could be ♪

♪ so sweet and free
once more ♪

♪ doc savage ♪

♪ doc savage ♪

♪ thank the lord
he's here ♪

♪ the doc made a vow ♪

♪ that helps us all,
so let's recall it now ♪

♪ the oath that he swore ♪

♪ said life could be ♪

♪ so sweet and free
once more ♪

♪ let's salute doc... ♪


♪ Because we
have doc savage ♪

♪ is the reason
we are free ♪

Iasa bird ♪

♪ the U.S.A. ♪

♪ Is proud to say ♪

♪ hip hip hooray h'