Do góry nogami (1983) - full transcript

Stand on your hands, it always helps.

I invented it myself.


For all occasions, it helps!

Stop bawling!

Come on now, your turn.

And if I do not know how? I won't, I don't want to.

Wait, I'll try to help you a bit.

I won't do it!

Come on now, quickly!

Do it yourself, I can't.

I'm not going to!

You will. You'll see.

Well, how's down there? Everything's different, right?

Of course, in another way. But I don't see anything.


Why are you crying?

Why did you kick me? Why?

Because you wouldn't stop bawling.

Let me go, I don't want to do this!

Leave me alone.

Leave me alone.

My head is spinning.

Let me alone.

Let me go!

Yeah, I won't touch you, you fool.

Waste of time with an incompetent like you.

You better play ball with Gerard.


What's up, Gerard, standing here with your mouth hanging open, do you see something?

What the hell are you doing, what do you want? Do you think I want to lose her milk?

Don't annoy the goat, snotty-nosed brat.

~ What are you doing?
~ My window!

Oh, you damned idiot!

Wait. Just you WAIT!

I'll catch you.

Wait for me, you scoundrel!

Oh, I'll catch you!

I'll catch you!

Oh, you bastard!

I'll beat you, little rascal.


You losers, you'll never catch him.

I'll catch you both.

Who allowed you to do that?

Pay me for this window!

~ A broken window?
~ Yes.

You should be paid immediately.


with which foot did you kick this?

The right.

Do you taunt me with your nonsense?

Not only did he break the window, the bastard, all my washing is ruined.

Quietly, Mrs. Zemlikov. Neither Gerard nor I threw your clothes into the dirt.

You bastard, you'll pay for this! I'll show you football!

Gerard, give me the ball.

I'll pay for that window. And for the second one, which isn't broken yet.

I'll pay you for all the windows, whatever it takes.


Good day...

Well, knock out some more.

Why didn't you knock out them all?

"Announcement,: at 8:30, all associations and individuals assemble in the square in front of the Urliha spire."

Okay, okay.

"At noon, there will be a procession from the church to the council, to welcome Mr. Michal Grazhinsky, the new governor."

Did we ever hear that the governor himself was pulling such stunts?

Read, Mother, keep reading.

"to lay a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier,
At noon: a grand...

"cutting of the ribbon. The highlight will be the opening ceremony and dedication of the new stadium in Hajduk with a match...

"Before the match and during the halftime break, a
concert with the new gramophone...

"in the new stadium ideally located --- right in the heart of big Hajduk street...

"The match will be played with the ball..."

Read for yourself, morons!

Zemlikova --- are you lonely?

It provides food for thought...

I'm a cleaning lady, hard-working...

I'm too old,...

who will look after you when I'm gone?

Yes, and still no grandchildren as I approach my death!

And you're still with someone else's youngsters,...

would you think about your loved ones, you could settle down.

~ Always the same old hobby!
~ Leave that alone!

Real, beautiful legs, you would be better off engaged...

Stop, Mom.

And all you have in your mind are those plaster feet.

Quiet, you damn rascal!

Stop fucking around!

What are you, crazy?

Stupid lessons. Well, why not!!


Alojz, Hubert,...

Erwin, come on.

Pawelek, let's go.

Wait up.

Go on, beat it.

Oh, you hooligans! Bugger off!


That's the best plane in Europe.

Never mind Europe, all over the world!

That's probably being flown by Zhvirko Vigouroux.

You fool, Zhvirko Vigouroux died in a crash.

But if he hadn't been killed, it's exactly the way he would fly.

Peterek effort on goal.

No, Vodazh from the left...

I tell you, that's Peterek...

No, Vodazh!

~ Peterek!
~ Vodazh!

Oh, shit!

Vilim, goal!

The right!

Gerard, pass left!

Gerard, pass back!

~ Guys, hand me some clothes --- I'll will make the goal.
~ Pace it off.

~ To your places.
~ On the right.

~ Fall back.
~ Don't worry, now go on.

Vilim circles one defender, the second one doesn't have time...

Passes back to Vodazh,...

Vodazh passes Peterek,...

Peterek fouls Divis.

Divis shoots!

The goalkeeper picks up the ball.

Give me the ball.

Peterek heads the ball,...

Divis vies for position.

Vodazh has a breakthrough.

Vodazh traps it with his chest...

The goalkeeper picks up the ball.

Peterek holds the left flank.

Vodazh passes to Vilim.

Divis comes into position.

Peterek jumps --- boom!

Peterek runs off and hits the right. Goal!

G'day Mr. Edya, how was it yesterday?

Didn't you see it?

Sorry, guy, it was a GAME!!!

I was there, but the guard threw me out.

But I'm going to play in that stadium someday!

Yes, yes, of course, you will.

And the guys played...

the goalkeeper came out,...

Peterek would shoot!

Even the goalkeeper had no time to blink.

Only here, we also scored.

1 - 1 --- a result, too, huh?

However, he'd face more and more attackers.

Or: When Ping was blocked, Noveck knocked the ball into the field,...

Peterek's shot was a little overdone, yes.

Man, the ball flew into the goal and goalkeeper grabbed it,...

but he went right into the net, too.

Man, those feet on Divis...He passed out --- a bullet to Vodazh.

The referee barely moved because he stood in the way...

Vilim took the ball on his left leg, swung to the right, and went forward...

~ Hello, Mr. Hebel.
~ G'day, my son, G'day.

Peterek looked around and one defender broke in on goal.

Another defender had to take over, and the ball went past.

And he thought he'd score an own goal,...

but the ball hit the post and flew into the field.

Peterek didn't lose it. It popped up as he charged...

And it then it was 2 - 1.

All that was worth the wait.

Even the referee lost his whistle...

2 - 1, Mr. Hebel, 2 - 1!



got you, boy!

Why are you shaking, if you've done nothing wrong, eh?

Well, I'm going to school.

I wonder...

do you mean the way to school runs through this stadium?

Well, no...

but I wanted to see it.

Well, look,...

look, now!

Beautiful stadium, right?

The unemployed built it.

The City and Steel Works fronted the money.

And now, at least, the champions...

...of Poland won't have to play in the market place.

~ What's your name, anyway?
~ Gerard.


Well, Gerard,...

since you got in here,...

then do something to earn your visit.

Like what?

What's this? You've got what, no eyes?

Look around you...

check out the garbage.

Stuff all the papers into garbage cans, and bring the me.

You'd like to have this ball, right?

Mr. Guard, give me this ball.

This ball?

Start with the bottles.

Hop to it.


Hand them all over.

Right. That's the real job!

I didn't go to school, instead I became a real man.

You know,...

school is for someone destined to be some engineer, or a plant manager, or someone else...

So don't you go to school.

You can't all be the same plant manager.

Your health!

I do not want to be a director...

I am a player.

What did you say? A player?

Oh, my son, my son...

Well it's better than a plant manager.

Well, who knows the plant manager is or not?

Who will duff him up, who it...

...who it will be to carry on, like Vilim or Peterek?

Who sees everything?

Well, in truth, back in'21, when there was a strike,...

Director Karenborna also was on hand.

He wanted a renegotiated contract from Hell.

Well, then what? Was he dismissed?

Yes, sort of!

The army came to protect him.

You are my assistant here.

You didn't find any vodka?

You want to play...

so chase down more bottles.

Hey, where are you with the ball?

Vilim surveys one defender,...

another defender's too late.

He shoots to the right side of the goal...

off the upright!

Vilim doesn't give up...he nabs the rebound and shoots!

Hey, kid,...

you wretch!

There's rubbish to be collected,...

so don't kick the ball around. I'm not just giving it to you!

Oh, you...

Hey, you're running away? Don't be afraid.

Gerard, well, come back here.


I've undressed to be washed.

What are you doing today, why a bath?

Usually you just race off.

And where did you get undressed?

In school? On the street? Maybe in front of the church?

Well, answer me when your mother asks you.

Wear pants like other kids do.

~ What's this?
~ Nothing.

That appeared itself, yes? BY ITSELF?

~ Itself? No!
~ Then maybe at school?

I wasn't in school!

Is that true? What's your excuse this time?

Should I to go to school with a bare ass?

I ripped my pants before getting to school. The guard helped me home and drove off.

Mrs. Gustlikov, mother requested that you lend us some soap. The tint you gave wasn't enough.

1 - 0!

Father, you should arrange a dressing down,...

since I really don't know if I'll have the strength after scrubbing him.

You hear?

Are you his father or not?

Why are you asking me?

You'd know better than I would.

Do something, or he'll grow up like his grandfather.

But, hey, it's no biggy. When I was a kid I tore lots of pants on fences.

No kidding!

But I have to do the mending, and I don't have the time.

Quiet up there!

What do you mean "quieter", for fuck's sake?

Down there, you should be quiet!


Come on, scream for your audience!

Louder, pinprick.

Come on, cry,...


Good, cry, like I'm clobbering you!

Gerard yelled loudly...

such a poor guy, what God should prevent.

He only wanted the leather ball.

And just for that, so many problems?

He wasn't in school and his pants were ripped.

And where's the ball? Taken away?

No, hidden.

But we don't know where.

~ But his poor ass got hammered.
~ Poor guy.

He was screaming so loud.

I had to stand on my hands.

Don't talk, Pavlik still can't, and Gerard wouldn't help.

Gerard is supposed to do that, not me.

What about Baska there? Did he get any further?

Did it burst?

I don't know, someone came by, and I stumbled.

Me, you don't tell me anything.

Now you, confess, I told you everything.

Gelka, something's burning.

Let's check, Gelka.

Go look...I still can't make it out.

~ Can't you see, it's getting darker?
~ Yes, yes.

If a villain looks into the hole, then he must open his eye and shut up, huh?

Come on. Up now.

Oh, you old drunk,...

don't you have somewhere else to be?

Crap, what's in your head, anyway?

And you, shameless hussy, aren't you afraid of God?

In front of the kids, you fools!

Do you want to scare my goat's udder dry?

You old goat,...

peeping at girls?

Well? Did you see something there?

There was nothing to be seen.

So why did you look so long?

Well, I was listening.

I saw a bit:...

Gelka kept her feet up, and he pushed her.

Why did they do that?

God, you're stupid.

You can't play football, and you can't stand on your head, either!

Somehow, they're to be pitied.

Mrs. Hebel was furious with the old guy and those two.

Adults are always making mischief.

You're the fool.

You don't know how to hand-stand yet,...

so at least you should learn that!

Well, what? Well, what?

And you kicked me again.

Try it!

You'll see, you will get it from me.

In the ass, you buffoon.

Right, we're ready.

Father, let me do it later, we have a match now.

Topcu, son, cabbage. Topcu.

That's how to grow up into a good player.

Like Peterek? He certainly doesn't trample on cabbage.

Yes he did!

Cabbage was good for Peterek, do you know how much he had to do?

The guys'll lose without me.

If they lose,...

you shouldn't be playing on such a team.

~ I'm not a loser.
~ Topcu, son, trample.

They aren't losers --- they can win without me.

But, you see,...

if they can win without you,...

that means you're out there and they don't need you, right?

Topcu, son, trample!

You remember the bigos mother cooked? Hmmm...

Carol, give me the ball's bladder that you got.

The trombonist's already finished stitching, he made a patch of genuine leather.

Well, give me the bladder!

I'll bring the ball bladder myself.

When? After the cabbage?

When I'm finished, damn it!


look, where's the bladder?

The guys are waiting.

Take your time, son, don't rush,...

cabbage doesn't like it.

You need to march peacefully, like a soldier.

Pavlik, bring two more bricks.

Look, will you give me the ball's bladder or not?

I will not! I'll bring it.

Bad for you, son, it turns out.

You'll give us the ball's bladder or not?


~ Just two?
~ We'll see.


under Kaiser Wilhelm, my backpack was bigger than yours in this cabbage.

The front was there, and the soldiers had to march there...

and back...for hours.

A quality ball.

You haven't played enough with it yet.

He won't hand it over, he said --- he'll bring it himself. Honest.

He should fight.

He'd get smacked in the ass.

~ And who will play if he doesn't come, can you?
~ I can do it. I know how.

There'll be enough if we're lucky...


come here.


this is from Vilim's left leg.

Yes, but how did you get it?

I had to grind his crankshaft for him, so he let me do it.

Vilim was with you at the factory?

Well, he was.

Well, like this: Vilim's leg was in the oven, is that it?

Heck, I work at the factory.

I won't talk about my methods with you.

Vilim is lucky that he wasn't injured.

Don't be so curious.



This is Divis's leg.

This from Vodazh.

And this one --- Peterek.


if you go for it,...

then your leg will hang close to Peterek's and Vodazh's.

We still haven't seen all of them that hang here.


Gr?ss Gott! Peace be with you!

I came to buy the dove for my brother-in-law.

Well, hmmmm.

I won't bargain with you.

Your brother-in-law should come himself for the pigeon.

He can't...

his old maid is ill.

He had to take her...

to the hospital.

When he returns, have him come by.

Well, I need it, I won't leave without a dove.

The dove doesn't matter.

Tell Gustlik that I don't agree.


Gustlik will not forgive you.

Well, you want me to go back without a dove, eh?

This is a gun!

Now, if this gun were loaded for Carol, a shot in the ass...

Only Gut would object.

Why do we have to ask Gut?

If I just wanted'll see...

I just don't want to.

The battalion marches, a French battery of 75-s...

What just happened?

Why did you take the gun?

Who fired the shot?

Who shot it?

Why were you shooting?

Where do you keep this dynamite?

Old bastard, speak up!

Talk, or you'll get it!

~ What's going on?
~ I'll give you a what.

Leave me alone!

Leave me alone, I didn't fire it!


It wasn't me who shot!


Guys, what happened?

~ Are you alive?
~ Nope.

Do you have a ball bladder with you?

Alojz shot at you with a gun.


You shot at me with Gut's gun?

Well, have something to say to me?

I didn't want to, I didn't mean it!

I tell you, I wouldn't kill you over a ball bladder.

Isn't that right?

Get away from him.

Why didn't you give us the ball bladder?

Have you got it?

Well, finally! We've been waiting for this a long time.

~ I'll blow --- it's my bladder!
~ Whose skin is it?

In all fairness, let Pavlik blow first.

We'll be waiting forever, if a feeb like you blows it.

Give it me now and I'll do the rest.

Come on, now it's my go.

Give it to me, come on, let me!

Give it to me, and we'll get this done.

Gut pretended to be German, he talked in German to my father.

Gerard, pass!

Alojz, shoot!

Karol, pass it!

Well, where?

Where's the ball?

What ball?

Gerard, give us the ball.

Well, come on faster.

Well, what he's looking at?


I'm open!

~ And, now! Oh...
~ Where are you?

Ervin, Open.

~ To the left...
~ Pass!

~ Come on, pass it.
~ Okay.



Play it.

Play on!

I'm open!

~ Forward!
~ Come quickly!


~ Well, let me!
~ Okay, okay.

Let me look.

My turn, it's my turn!!

Quiet, I haven't seen anything yet.


Oh, you damn hooligans, I'll show you!

What are you doing, moron?

And what now?

Wait, don't move.

Don't run away.

Gotcha, you bastard!

Let me go!

It's you who knocked away my stick?

It wasn't me! I didn't mean it! It's just a coincidence!

Then why did you run away?

Well, held me.

~ What did he do to him?
~ Who?

Well, the blind guy...

Yes, he didn't do anything!

~ But he's leading him!
~ Who?

Well, this blind guy!

You fool, Gerard's leading the blind guy.

Gerard? And is he blind, too?

Shut your stupid mouth.

~ The midfielder passes the defender.
~ Defender! ~ Attacker!

The center rounds one guy one, passes to the flank.

~ The flanker moves to the center.
~ The midfielder play a header.

He slips forward on a breakaway.

Moves to the center, passes right.

The defender's beaten.

Erwin, a hand!

Penalty, hand ball!

~ It was not!
~ It was too!

Tell me, was it, or not?


Oh, I forgot that he's blind.

Yes, boys, the last thing I have seen was Director Karenborna,...

as he hung on the balcony railing.

Striking workers hung him by his feet over the balcony.

And when asked whether he would sign off on their demands...

How could he sign if he was hanging upside down?

Don't talk nonsense!

Police drove around and whistled.

And what were they to do? There were...

...about twenty of them, and we --- the entire plant.

Somewhere around two thousand men.

~ But the police weren't on strike?
~ Why would they strike? They got their money.

Is that right?

If I don't become a football player, I'd like to be a policeman.

So go right now, go to the police, you're an asshole player!

Then came the army.

I was hit in the eye...

and since that time I've never seen again.

And the army gave you money for it?

Stupid, the soldiers have food, shoes, carbines --- what money?

If I don't play, I'll join the army.

When I was a kid your age,...

I was also determined to play.

Hey, Carol, here's something...

A blind father must have a blind son, right?

How would I know?

I'll give you "must"! You are hooligans...

I'll give you "must"!

Well, let's play football, you snot.

Come here, quick!

What is it?


Is she crazy or what?

Chic girl!

Give us the ball.

Give it back.

We didn't do it on purpose. It was our goal!

~ Give it to us.
~ Give over, we'll now leave.

Well, it's the truth. We're just leaving.

Fucking bastards!

I'll clobber you!

Oh, my foot!

~ Hush!
~ No noise.

Well, hush!

Mr. Edya...

Mr. Edya, give us the ball.

Mr. Edya, we didn't mean...

"They didn't mean, they didn't mean"...damn hooligans!

Fuck off, you snotty assholes!

You injured the girl badly...

But she made a hole in our ball!

Hey, give them the ball.

Give it to them.

Thank you, Mr. Edya!

Wretch, stop fucking around!

Decent people are trying to sleep now!

Play, play, trombonist.

A scoundrel is a scoundrel and will always be a scoundrel.

He's unable to play even cards, the rascal,...

And he tells the others stories...

Poor Hebel,...

again falling back into his old routine.

Well, you old drunk, where did you get drunk?

I'll give you those "in the pub"!

You drunken bastard, get out!

I'll knock your block off over that damned Julia! Beat it!

What a damned woman!


It's daylight?

Jesus, I'm late for work in the mine.

Why didn't you wake me up, Gypsy, what the hell?

What did you think, drunk, that today you're on the night shift?

Get up, yes, hurry, go with the goat into the master's field.

Soon it'll be mown, so let it eat its fill there.

Know that whoever pretends to be German is even worse than most Germans.

He should call himself Schlauch, rather than Gut, if he was...

You're right.

Guys, look around....see where he is...

He's not there.

A show like a Gypsy, on a signal from Gut?

Of course, a show, son. A show for you.

Gypsy, hop!

I slept well with the goat by my side.

Gypsy! With a Roma's leg!

She's more intelligent than Gustlik.

By all the devils, so much milk she yields...

a very good animal, you know, damn it,...

a barrel, as much as four liters, that's what she can produce.

Go, go, go.

Let's live, live,...

more grass, my treasure.

Well, run, run. Run! Run!

You, kids, you can see...

what she eats:...

shrub roses --- tobacco.

But only the young leaves,...

she doesn't confuse the damned rose bush with a thorn bush.

Okay, okay, Mr. Hebel.


I hope they gave you some fresh herbs before you came home.

Do we tell her or not?

There's nothing to say!

It would be better not to say anything --- it's because of us Mr. Hebel died.

We'll hide our ball, and for at least one month we won't play with it!

Looks like yesterday I was a little gruff.

I'll give him "the vodka"!

Seeing what you like.

You're so shameless,...

so I'll give these, for your adventures!

Mrs. Hebel, Lady, I thought that was our stable.

Not just my stable, why do you come here at all?

What you are you really doing, do you want to ruin my goat's milk?

And what are you doing here, scoundrels? Beat it!

Take this pipe away.

This is pagan...

this custom.

Why not the pipe...

heaven will not be pretty for the old guy.

You want...this object...

with this subject...'s not really allowed into heaven.

Oh, do you see? It's Divis's brother!

Silly, it's the brother of Divis's brother.

I see Vilim in another window.

I always did know about him.

Boys, come over here.

Oh, Peterek called us.

Boys, buy us a liter,...

and bring a rope to us, to pull it up.

Here's the money.


go get some vodka,...

say it's for your father.

My old man doesn't drink.

He has to, a little.

Alojz, bring some rope, you'll find it at home.

Here's five zlotys, don't lose it.

Let's go.

~ Don't steal someone else's money!
~ Why are you doing that?

~ Come on.
~ Let's get it, guys, up quickly.


This is for you, guys, for candy.

And you here, you scoundrels, what a calamity, I have feet for your asses.

You mark my words, you damned jerks.

Have you got no brains, boys?

Do you want Poland to lose the competition?

Follow the stairs to the restaurant...

go to the coach --- he's at the back door --- tell him about the vodka you're supplying.

But what could we do,...

when Peterek told us to?

Peterek or no Peterek!

Now, before the match, it's the coach who decides...

the rules, or I do.

But sir, at least let me get my basket back.

A basket...

Hey, give me the basket of vodka.

Keep your basket.

The basket, they delivered.

The vodka was taken away by the devil himself.

Bugger off from here, damn hooligans!

If I see someone else under this window --- his own mother won't know him anymore.

I'll give you vodka!

Leave it, it's mine.

This innkeeper's stupid.

Maybe not so stupid? Vodka, before the match...

They have their own heads --- they know if they can handle it.

Not here in Hajduk, Peterek is one who wouldn't listen.

Same with that woman...

Mom didn't want to hand over a basket,...

she said that Peterek has ten times more money than we do.

Only when father spoke up would she give it to me.

Maybe they're worried about the game, eh?

Instead of drinking vodka, they could do handstands,...

only maybe they don't not know about that.

So suggest it to someone,...

the players must decide for themselves.

Well, exactly, they'd be sad to lose the championship.

Yeah, see how sad they are?

Looks like vodka helps better than our handstands.

You're good at buying vodka --- now you just have to learn how to drink.

Singing and drinking vodka...

Get lost, scoundrels, I have feet for your asses, I said!

Don't look there, take care of your eyes.

We will ask Mr. Huber for his glasses, so you can see better.

Against good music they don't have anything,...

but this...trombone --- I can't stand it!

But now you'll hug your wife.

Better than the trombone.

I know, I know.

Our teacher at school told us.

And the newspapers:...


Edward VIII...

has given up his crown for the sake of a women.

But it was not just any woman, it was Mrs. Simpson.


but the crown is the crown.

If I were king,...

I wouldn't give up the crown,...

for a woman, not even like Mrs. Simpson.

You can't become king, numbskull.

I don't want to be king.

I'm a football player.

Vodka, you see, is equally well drunk with either grief or joy.

So maybe vodka is better than our handstands?

Better or not, we can celebrate --- also, we can do handstands.



Peterek! Vilim!

Come to us.

Bravo guys, bravo!

Bravo Peterek! Bravo, Vilim!

Hello, guys!

What have you done, you klutz?

Well, give us the ball back --- we didn't mean it.

We'll go away now.

Doggy, doggy.

Dog, please bite his ass.

I was so afraid of the dog!

It's weird, but I've seen...

with my own eyes.

The dog is rich...

why would he care we took those roses?

Why is it that the rich always have a lot of money?

~ Maybe they do handstands?
~ Where's your head, boy?

We lost the ball, handstands won't return it to us.

Let's pray better.

And maybe this is God's punishment on us for Mr. Hebel's getting shot?

We need to pray.

Guys, I came up with an idea for revenge while praying.

Stealing roses --- this isn't enough.

What are these roses? A new trap?

And now I'll make a solution!

I would never have kicked a ball like this.

~ Such a ball!
~ Gerard, come here.

Make my shin guards from newspaper.

First-class ball.

So maybe we'll try it?

Let's play this game quickly.

Now? Over the fence?

Come on.


Take off the newspaper.


Because I'm going to kick it.

It's Gerard's who'll kick it.

And who made the shin guard, and who invented it?

But Gerard has the best shot!

Looks like I'm not needed.

He said himself that a kick like that's impossible.

Always be optimistic before the game!

I agree. "Butter is true, always pops up."

Play "rock-paper-scissors".

No, just "heads or tails".

Are we football players or not?

Peace be with you!

God is great!

Mrs. Kurtts, please lend us five groszy.

We'll give back, I swear to God.

Oh, young man.

Does the young man not know that money only flows one way here,...

over to this side of the counter?

So you come here, Mrs. Kurtts, to this side,...

and we'll go back there,...

just this once!

All right.

But I'll write it to the account of Alojz's mother.

This will guarantee it.

Thank you, Mrs. Kurtts.

Thank you.

~ I'm heads, the eagle --- you're tails, the value.
~ Okay.


"Oil is true, it always rises to the top."

Did she wipe out the debt or not?

She struck out two and gave us some candy, too.

One for me, for bringing it back,...

a second for you, for the guarantee.

~ What is this "guarantee"?
~ How do I know? Maybe some Hebrew word.

But the debt --- it's wiped clean?

Wiped clean.

Kick stronger, and then fall.

Here, as a consolation.

And you?

I won't have any...

~ my teeth hurt.
~ Well, no, no way!

Beat it.

~ Oh, I can't stand it.
~ Leave, then.

Well, where have you been, all the time you weren't here? Well?

Answer me when I ask you!

Just like your father.

Lunch is over.

You can't order up food at any old time here.

Go run to your father and his Julia!

You were supposed to be home hours ago.

Why are you so dirty?

Well, where have you been, eh?

I was in the park.

And how do you account for the smell of shit?

I don't smell anything.

"I don't smell anything"? "I don't smell anything"?

Did you crap your pants again?

Maybe Mrs. Voychehup is cooking some old cabbage up there?

I'll clobber those who spout such nonsense, see if I don't!

Take off your pants, quick!

Go wash yourself!

And then go and bring your father home --- like a flash!

Well, it still stinks!

Where are you going?

Mother sent me to get my father.

Did your mom say anything about us?


Come with me, let's get the old guy out of the tavern before he gets kicked out.

You assholes, hooligans, push off!

Well, come on, you're my ruin. Lie down on the trolley --- I'm taking you home.

What have I done to deserve this?

So now we go home!

Well, don't shout, don't shout --- I'm going.

Quiet, Father!

What "quiet"? What "quiet"?

England has given us assurances.


we stymied Hitler's plans!

~ Shhh!
~ You'd better believe it!

You aren't afraid?

Quiet, Father!

I'm also not afraid...of Hitler.

But I'm afraid of this old woman.

Can you explain to us, Father, what "guarantee" means.


"Guarantee"...means this:...

England has given us a guarantee.

It means this: if I go home, I shouldn't be afraid of Mother.

But I AM afraid of her,...

and that means, that I don't have guarantees from England.

Go home, drunkard, you'll wake up the babies!

"When I went to school, the teacher taught me to drink beer and to play cards."

Hell, no!

Go home, Father. Mother is waiting with dinner.

I'll not go home. I'm afraid of this policeman.

You know what?

If we're scared, or whatever,...

we do handstands, right?

Words don't give guarantees!

Yes, I can handstand, but go home --- no! I won't go home!

I can handstand...

I'll show you. I'll show you right here...

Come on! Up!

Legs straight!

What are you doing with him?

No, don't go, lads.

I'm sick of you, you give me no peace!

You damn drunk, I'll let you have it now!

Fucking bastard!

Just you wait!

You're a drunkard, a consummate womanizer.

~ March home!
~ I am...Once again, I...
~ Go!


I'll give you...

I at --- home. Home!

Easier on the ass somehow...

Now there's nothing we can do to help.

He has no guarantee from England.

~ Guys, it's the Sergeant.
~ Oh...

Guys, come over here.

Who of you threw something dipped in shit into the garden of the chairman?

Well, who?

Come inside, Mr. Sergeant.

Take your head away --- I can't hear.

Make a place for the Sergeant.

Move. Move.

"...the Poles take the ball..."

"Vilimovsky again takes the ball,
passes to the center..."

There's not a moment to lose!


"...Dudash --- Adam. Adam --- in the center and bouncing by Sharoshi, who misses the ball.

"Sharoshi --- one of the best players in Europe today.

"Now the Polish team plays a combination...

"The Hungarians start another attack.


"Again, this formidable Dudash with the ball!

"Passes on the right flank to Adam, and immediately on to Shengeleru. Shock...

"The referee looks at his watch. This can't last much longer"

4 - 2!

Well, Mr. Sergeant,...

you have close contact with the politicos...

will there be war or not?

That, gentlemen, I don't know, and to tell the truth, neither do our Polish authorities.

But we won't attack Hitler. Honestly --- we won't attack.

Will there be a war or not?

This, you should ask Hitler.

But if Hitler should attack us,...

he'll be hit so hard that we'll be saved.

Britain and France gave us guarantees?


Thank you.


This isn't a Hebrew word --- "guarantee".

It's English like "corner"or "out".

Or maybe French, as in "Pardon".

Well, boys,...

who kicked it?

We didn't kick anything.


Now tell me the truth:...

~ who was the person who kicked it?
~ We don't know.

To tell the truth, I do not know.

But one thing I do know:...

shit has no wings.

And it doesn't fly by itself.

Believe me:...

shit will not fly by itself.

Oh, there, there!

Report! Report:...

nine from Katowice, one shot down.

A second and a third.

Sixth, seventh,...

eighth, ninth.

They were massacred!

Nine aircraft! The shooter just received a medal.

Oh, come on!

The same thing.

Probably a deceptive maneuver.

Probably our "Moose" will fly to Berlin.

It might be a "Moose", but you need to report everything.

Maybe you mistakenly called Berlin --- this happens often on the phone.

Run to the Commandant, and report in person.

So give at least give me the helmet for the trip.

The helmet stays on point duty, and you are be assigned.

But I'm also assigned to spotter duty!

How everyone will see that I'm on duty if I don't have a helmet?

Run to the Commandant.

Give me a helmet or they won't know who I am!

Damn! We can't take the blame ourselves.

We must blame it on some Polish bandits.

What's that "Ruch" all about?

How should I know!

And this is not pleasant:...

"Movement" appeared in the 20th year, and remained in Poland following a plebiscite.

And in that year the championship was again in our pocket.

"BSV", "BS", "V" --- what is it?

A German name.

Is that Hitler a fool or what?

Handsome Adolf --- good, wise, and strong.

Very strong!

He'll show how capable he is.

He's going to show how capable, you'll see!

~ Everyone will see!
~ Crazy.

But the Germans are strong.

I'm not afraid.

Tell us again how the Germans acted on the street.

I don't know didn't make sense.

But they killed Gut.

Well, then what? Maybe they're saying that Gut is still alive?

Maybe that they heard about that dove.

After all, Gut had stolen a pigeon.


Well, you think?

They'll kill over a pigeon?

You hid on the roof in fear, but now you regret that you didn't fight the Germans?

Can I go back into the store for a moment?

Come on! Let's go!

Young man, I could be your mother!

Hans, this is all right, yeah?

If she were your mother, I would arrest you both.

Okay, you can go back in.

Hitler is good --- good, wise, strong. Oh, how strong!

Gut was also, he was good.

In old times everything was far better.

Let me go!

What's that?

A Polish Volkswagen.

Enough! Let's go. Move!

Where are they taking her?

To her death.

What for?


Because she's a Jew,...

and no one gave them guarantees.

It's lucky that I'm not Jewish.

Sorry, gosh, sorry,...

they'll take you, too, asshole, they'll get you.

Don't eat them --- it's a sin.

She went to her death, and you just want to eat candy.

Well, sorry about this. Maybe we should give it someone who doesn't know about her.

Pity to waste such good candy.


We're giving them up?

Maybe we should give the candy to trombonist's wife? She's deaf, she doesn't know...

~ and she gave us the ball.
~ And cake at a party...

And she is a beautiful girl.

~ Yeah, you and her...
~ Well, what, what?

Maybe she isn't home?


Why "quiet"? She's deaf.

What about the trombonist?

He's in the factory, on the second shift.

It'll just stand here for a while, then someone will find them.

Guys, maybe handstands are good for the Jews? You think?

Shut your stupid mouth.

You're blind, like a sick mole.

You say that because you don't know how to do a handstand, asshole.

You can't see it. You don't see that the whole world's collapsed,...

that Hitler turned the whole world upside down?

Now Hitler should get down,...

to see what he's done.

Who painted that?

I ask you for the last time!

You don't know?


I don't know.

You don't know?

I'll show you! Who did it?

Now you want to play with this ball?

Real leather...

You're Germans, right?

We're Poles! Silesians!

Then you won't play.


No football for you!

Polish pigs.

Erase that from the wall, fast!

Leave her alone, you!

Get out of here!

What will they do to him?

Whatever they want. You don't know the Germans.

Did they win the war or not?

Well, they won...

They didn't win!

We won...

since England and France gave us the guarantee.

We should win with that guarantee...

Isn't that right?

It looks like whoever gives the guarantee wins...

and he who receives it loses.

Right now, we need a guarantee.



I was thinking:...

we need to go to the Germans and tell them...

Tell them what?

Well, what we did...we'll show them...

that we've been doing such things like...

upside down...

But the picture showed that he was hanging on the gallows...

And who knows that it was a gallows?

We can also say that it was just a prop.

We don't know: maybe Hitler cannot handstand...

...just like me, eh?

You're almost like Hitler.

We'll do it...

but only all together.

Run, Pavlik, get Gerard, and tell him that we want to go to the Germans,...


But I must tell Mom...

she always punishes me.

But if you tell her, she won't let you go.

Stupid, if we don't tell,...

the trombonist can't be saved.

Good thing he's not a Jew.

Well, who isn't a Jew?

Don't talk, you stupid...

son of a rebel,...

that's even worse than a Jew.

I knocked at the door. Gerard has to work at home and his mother won't let him out,...

I wasn't even allowed to talk with him.

She drove me from the doorway.

Well, then,...

can we go without him?

Let's go.


it might be better if I don't join in?

Do what you want...

but I'll keep watch for you...

from the street.

And if something happens, I can bring you food or whatever.

Keep an eye over your shoulder...

Well, what is it?

So it was just in fun, huh?

Go on, show me!

What is this circus?

They defaced the wall by Huty Bator.


They insulted the Fuehrer and the Reich and you call it a defaced wall?

But sir --- they're just children.

Not children, Polish pigs.

Son of an employee at Huty Bator.


Son of a rebel.

He's a spy.

Son of a Polish miner.

Oh, son of a soldier of Kaiser Wilhelm.

Good, good.


Well, what happened?

Carol, I sat there the whole time,...

Carol, I'm scared.

Carol, I was so frightened,...

My pants really began to shake.

I was also afraid to go,...

but now they let me go, and I'm even stronger.

Now tell me: is it very bad that I didn't go with you?

You were right, Pavlik, you did the right thing.

It was stupid.

But think: I was guilty --- why did they let me go?

I wasn't beaten, and they said my father had served the Kaiser.

Why wasn't I beaten?

If you weren't beaten you were really lucky.

And we didn't help anyone...

neither trombonist nor ourselves.

Damn, well, how can that be?

I see now that the whole world has turned upside down.

Why, you villains, you went without me to the police?

Your mom kicked me out.

You could have waited.

~ We couldn't.
~ You could too!

You would have done nothing!

Tell your mother thanks, since she saved you.

Look, as I...

~ They hammered you?
~ Ow, I got it more than ever.

Don't lie, I didn't hear a thing!

I cried softly and kept repeating to myself:...

"for --- for being a coward --- for being scared."

And when Mom heard that,...

she did even more, and I --- nothing,...

just winced in pain.

She was so surprised, she stopped beating me.

Check out blue my ass.

Yeah, I was quiet, too.

There are welts everywhere.

Yesterday it was all red.

Father waved his belt around but kept saying:...

"I'll give it to those politicians!"

I gritted my teeth so I wouldn't scream and said:...

Good, father, beat me all you want.

It's because of you that your son is saved.

And he immediately stopped.

Surprised. Or maybe ashamed...

Looks like he should be:...

it's surprising you're still alive.

The Germans also were surprised when we confessed.

Only these Germans are surprisingly brutal...

Poland has guarantees and we should win.

But now they know that it's our fault.

They blamed the trombonist,...

and he's not even a Jew.

They didn't even care!

The guy that played the trombone....

Germans believe in the same God as we do, right?

I think I did it!

Oh, my God! I'm standing on my hands.

Success! It's a sign that they'll be released.

Let them go!

Let them go, let them go!

Just release them!

You'll see that they are coming!

I made myself a vow --- if I could do it...

they would be released.

Now they're released. Just released!

Should be released.

They have to let them go, you know?

Now they're released, let go! You'll see!

Let them go, that's for sure!

+ |T|h|e| |D|e|a|f| |B|o|y|s| |F|o|r| |B|o|y|s| |G|r|o|u|p| +
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