Dirty Money - Undercover (2008) - full transcript

A Swiss policeman infiltrates an international money laundering ring. Based on a true story.

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Based on the true story
of Fausto Cattaneo,

a Swiss police officer specialising
in the fight against drugs

He was one of the most f?ted
infiltration officers of his day

Loosely based on the book
"How I Infiltrated the Drug Cartels"

Goodbye, daughter.

I love you.

- Hands up. You're under arrest.
- Help. I surrender.

Go ahead and search me.

Search all you like.
I'm innocent, I swear.

What this?

It's a mother goddess statuette.

From 6,000 BC.

In Anatolia
it was a symbol of fertility,

believed to make crops abundant.

Is it for Mummy who's in heaven?

Her love will protect you now.

Emmeline knows
you played truant this morning.

You've always seen
straight through me, Hans.

Elsa's a lucky girl.

But that's not the real present.

What is it?

What is it?

A phone.


- Hello, my little princess.
- Hi.

Hans, we can start.
Mother will join us later.

So you've been consigned
to the archives?

My word. You are on form.

I had dinner last night
with the prosecutor, Mrs Ferrucci.

Mrs Ferrucci?

She's a surprising woman.

She might well agree
to join our board of directors.

Ferrucci? Make no mistake.
She has no friends.

You're the one
who has no friends, Marc.

Only informers.

Anyway, you don't know her.

She only mixes in the best circles.

- Losers like you, you mean?
- What's a loser?

It's a bit like a fox
who has lost its tail.

Very clever.

Your service record
is hardly glowing, though, is it?

And what makes you glow?
Licking Ferrucci's arse?

You poor sod.

Refine your language.

This is not a police station.

Don't follow their example.

A respectable young girl
must rise above this filth.

I was expecting you last Friday
for our card game.

- Work.
- Of course.

You still manage
to see your daughter.

Coffee, Hans.

Yes, madam.

Your phone is very pretty, darling.

- Alexandre.
- Yes, Mother?

The State Councillor came to see me.

He's not happy at all.

Avoid these mistakes in future
and nurture the relationship.

We stand to lose money
through his brother-in-law.

You see, Marc?

Your brother
has no sense of priority.

- Marc, I need to talk to you...
- I'd love to, but another time.

I must go.
You do forgive me, don't you?

- Can I have a kiss?
- I forgive you.

But remember you have a family.

Only one.

Don't forget to phone me.

- Eh?
- Daddy.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you, darling.
Thank you, pet.

Thank you.

I love you.

What would I do without you?

Department of Justice and Police

I've been expecting you in my office
for a week now.

Don't tell me
you've brought me some filing to do.

What really brings you
into the bowels of the earth?


Simon Wenger.

Swiss citizen.

Vast private wealth.

Based in Gstaad, lives in Paris.

Tons of brass.

Far too much money for an honest man.

There's nothing special
about people with vast wealth.

What happened to all your talk
of powerful drug traffickers

corrupting our young people

and laundering money mountains?

That's enough
of your sarcasm, Girard.

I've had my eye on him
for three years.

He's a big fish.

And I need you to nail him.

Track down Wenger.
Eat in his favourite restaurant.

Go to the same tailor as him.
Fuck his tarts if you have to.

But I want him.

You will accept this mission

because you're sick and tired
of festering in here.

And because you can't do
anything else, Girard.

I'm sorry.
Girard can't accept this mission.

Superintendent Cambas.

Seems the archives are the place
to be for a bit of federal chitchat.

Don't be so two-faced, Marc.
I'm not pleased to see you, either.

I've got some good guys
ready in situ.

The consideration you show Girard
is to your credit, my dear Cambas.

If I accept I want a free hand.

It's out of the question
for you to accept this mission.

What is it, Cambas?

When will you stop crapping yourself
every time you deal with me?

Have you already forgotten
Keller's death?

You're lucky Ferrucci
buried you in the archives.

That's right.

I'm being used as a scapegoat to
save your arse and the department's.

But who is responsible?
Who sent the kid to be slaughtered?

Stop it.

Why did you give the signal?
We all nearly went down.

That's enough.

Keller died
while carrying out his duties.

The case is closed.

Superintendent, I want you
to put Girard onto Wenger.

And as for you, I want you to accept.

And this time
I'm leading the investigation.

I will decide in situ

whether it is necessary
to grant you a free hand or not.


OK, I agree, but I want to see
a full psychological report on him.

And I'd like one of my men
to back him up.

Who is this novice
you want to put under my feet?

Maroni. Enzo Maroni.

He's an excellent cop.

What do you say?

I need time to think.

And if I go,
I want Anita to come with me.

I'm counting on you for that report.

You keep missing your sessions.
You'll never recover at this rate.

It's because I am better.

I've come to warn you
that they want a report from you.

Have you been given a new mission?

You're not ready.

Have you seen
the financial pages today?

The mayor is accusing the banks
of money laundering

and Prosecutor Ferrucci
of dragging her heels.

You'll end up up shit creek
without a paddle, as usual.

Turn down this mission.
It's too soon.

Agree to be my partner.

My brains.

You can babysit me.

You can help me
see things more clearly.

Why not carry on with Anita?

Anita is a good sidekick
but she's not a good guide.

I need someone I have confidence in
to back me up.

I need you to write
a full psychological report on me.

A favourable one.

To convince Cambas.

Operations Bureau - Geneva

Nice pad.

You've come up in the world, Cambas.

Hi, Marc. We were expecting you.

I'm sure you know
Officer Lisa M?ller.

I've decided she should join us
on the Wenger case.

She's written me a thorough report
on your psychological state.

She knows exactly how you operate.

What about my strategy?

I'll adapt.

I'll train her.
She can stay here at the base.

She can keep a log for you.

Anita Ledoux is already in situ
in Paris with Enzo Maroni.

The Parisians will tap the phones

You can send them a copy.

Here. This came for you.

Giancarlo Perrotti,

a financial consultant
from Buenos Aries

who has come to the rescue of
his Italian cousin, Paolo Perrotti.

Does my cover story hold together?

Is this Paolo collaborating
of his free will?

- Or to get his sentence reduced?
- It's up to the Italians.

At any rate, Paolo has named
Giancarlo as his right-hand man.

And Vastel has confirmed
that he's part of the family.

So your offices
are your cousin's in Milan.

Officer M?ller,

your role is a very important one

for the infiltration to be a success.

I hope you will be adaptable enough.

I can adapt, Girard.

Spare me
Mr Perrotti's sexist remarks.

Let's just enjoy working together.

He's our man.

Who's that guy with him?

No idea.

Shit. There's too much reflection.

Let's go.

No, stay here.

They've spotted him.

Darling! Don't sulk.
We'll miss the bateau-mouche.

Do you have to cause a scene?

- Come on.
- Stop it.

No, we're going.

Now kiss him.

Don't ever stick your revolting
tongue into my mouth again.

Forget it.

Wenger's a pro regarding cops.

Don't do anything that stupid again,

- What is it?
- Lift maintenance.

It will be out of order
for half an hour.


Nice bachelor pad,

Mr Wenger.

Business must be booming.

Can you hear me? Hello.

- Loud and clear, Marc.
- I don't like your man.

He's not meant
to be searching Wenger's flat.

I've never seen an infiltrator
do that.

If he gets caught,
he'll fuck up the case.

I refuse to end up
dishing out parking fines.

You'd like it.
You're a stickler for rules.

Well, I'm not an ex-hacker.

Cool it, Maroni.

Marc knows what's he's doing.


Just like when Keller got killed.

Do you know what I think?

You should have stayed in the office
to lick Cambas' arse.

I've found a computer

and I have the access code.

Install the spay access
on your USB key.

And don't forget to plug in
the switch on the internet cable.

Right, Wenger,
how do you launder your money?

Do you go through a bank
or a business lawyer?

Simon, are you there?
It's Helena.

Are you still mad at me?

You know me.
I couldn't help myself.

Next time, if you like,
I'll let you join in.

I'll see you at Sherwood.

Who are you?

Well, well.

Nice one, Wenger.

Anita, I think I've laid hands
on a financial arrangement.

Shit. Here's Wenger.

- Wenger?
- He's just gone in.

- Are you sure?
- I swear, it was him.

- Marc, Wenger's coming.
- Shit.



I've just this minute got back.

No, that's impossible.

All right.

Stay there. I'm on my way.



The number?

Yes, "Daddy" is "Dad".

I put "Dad"... You just have to...
Yes, my love.

If you press "Dad", it will call me.

It's Hans who... Yes.

Yes, you have to...
Wait, I need to...

I miss you, too, my love.

Raw silk.
How much did that set you back?

Hands off.

Who's this?

Helena Brancusi,
one of world's best paid models.

But her lust for sex and coke
have been the ruin of her.

She's even made a few blue movies.

Her shop on the Faubourg Saint-Honor?

is on the brink of collapse.

They're meeting tonight.

- And you're going.
- I'm not.

But Giancarlo Perrotti is.

Magnificent and broad-minded.
Do you like it?

Isn't this a bit square?

Italian style, darling.

- There.
- We don't have authorisation.

Who are you working for, Enzo?

Follow my instructions. Put your
suit on and no more questions.

What are you scared of, Enzo?
Aren't you up to the job?

I'm off.

I can scarcely believe my eyes.
Let me buy you a drink.

Yes, later.

A bottle, then.

- Ah. Here.
- Cheers.

Let's clink.

Now take me with you.

- Thanks.
- Pleasure.

Let's dance.

- You're lucky you met me.
- You're very kind.

- Get off.
- Very good.

- Let's kiss.
- No, get off.

Get lost.

Get lost, you arsehole.
Have you seen yourself?

Stop bothering the young lady.

Thanks. That was great.

I thought chivalry
was a thing of the past.

- Let me buy you a drink.
- No, no.

Come on.
I'll introduce you to my friends.

Forgive me.
Someone's expecting me.

But I'm leaving you in good company.

How was I?

- Did you see me?
- You nearly broke his nose.

No, I didn't. I hit him here.

Look what I've got. Isn't this nice?

Helena Brancusi.

- Did you nick it?
- I just borrowed it.

It's a pretty bracelet, isn't it?

Did you see that, Lisa?


It's too dangerous, Helena.
Klein says we should wait.

- The clients won't wait.
- Klein doesn't want to go.

If he says the timing's wrong,
he must have his reasons.

You know I'm in deep shit.

Please don't go. Just leave it.

Stop making a scene.
You're just chickening out.

I'm going and you can't stop me.

If you're in such a rush,

I'll give you your share now, OK?

You're out, Helena. Do you hear?

What if Klein refuses?

You can find someone else.

Klein must be
one of Helena's old flames.

He's in Switzerland
and only deals with Wenger.

He's buying time.
Why? What's he afraid of?

What does he know that we don't?

We just haven't worked it out yet.

That's true.

What does Wenger risk
if he doesn't do it?

Losing his client and getting shot.

What will Klein do if Wenger
finds a replacement for him?

He's likely to take it very badly.
He won't let it go that easily.

You can hear the fear
in Wenger's voice.

His clients must be bloody dangerous.

You're not saying anything, Marc.


we've checked out merchant bankers,

stockbrokers and trustees,
but there are no Kleins.

Who'd want to use a pseudonym?

Perrotti's office.
What can I do for you?

Just a moment.

I've got to go, Lisa.
I've got Wenger on the other line.



Mr Wenger.

How are you?

Helena told me about the bracelet.

Congratulations to the staff
at your hotel and laundry.

Honesty is so rare these days.

They found it in my jacket pocket.

I hadn't even noticed.
I wonder how it got there.

Thank him for the shares.

And thank you again
for your tip about share prices.

Tell me,

where do you get
your information from?

I trust...

you made a tidy profit, Mr Wenger.

Absolutely, but...

It's still strange that my friends
have never heard of you.

My clients really appreciate
my discretion.

Until he fell ill, it was my cousin
who handled affairs in Europe.

We'd like to have dinner
with you tonight. Are you free?


I'd love to.

I'll postpone my appointment.

Thank you.

Not so stupid after all.


Let me handle this.

I am Italian.

I am Giancarlo Perrotti.

I am a financial consultant.

My cousin is sick.


Of the lungs.

Some transactions
produce then best results

when they happen just like that.

The most complex operations
are sometimes the simplest.

And the lower the price, the better.
I hear you.

With the different regulations,
it's not always easy.

I imagine you have friends
in high places.

Let's just say
I find alternative routes.

The Channel Islands, for example.

Stopovers with no borders.

In theory they're subject
to the laws of their mother country.

- But in reality...
- They're not.


You remind me of Cloquet.

You do know him, don't you?

I believe we met in '99.

Did you know he'd joined
the Bank of England?

Right, his name's Paul.

It might be interesting
to exchange ideas with him.

You know, my dear Giancarlo,

we have friends who would be
most interested in your activities.

Don't we?

I already have a lot of work
with my own clients.

What a beautiful diamond.


That's interesting.

Exchange ideas with Cloquet?
Why not?


Didn't you know
that Paul was out of favour?

He lost credibility

when he persuaded a group in Qatar
to buy 500,000 Enron shares.

Now no one will trust him
with a single dollar now.

The Bank of England is a safe haven

for people like him.

Weren't you expecting
to meet someone like me?

I must be prejudiced.

Against Turks or against women?

No, no.

It's a very pleasant surprise.

I'm here on behalf of my family.

The family is very important.


Yours has shrunk somewhat.

I hear your last remaining cousin
is in hospital.

Is he why you have returned
from exile?

Blood ties take precedence
over personal choices.

Elegant phrases can sometimes
ring hollow, Mr Perrotti.

We'd like to invest
a million euros in cash.

How would you like
to make this investment?

Are the funds readily available?

The money will be here in five days.

That doesn't give us much leeway.

Don't feel obliged to accept.

Why not? A million isn't much.

- It's what I do best.
- Really?

I wonder.

Why are you here, Mr Perrotti?

- This is my job.
- Oh?

I thought
you were here for your family.

I get the impression
you're looking to be disappointed.

I hope your interest in appearances

won't affect your judgment.

Business is business.

Geneva Airport - Switzerland

- Hello.
- Hello.

I have a reservation
in the name of Perrotti.

Ah, yes, that's right.

Your signature, please,
as usual, Mr Perrotti.

This side. Third floor.
Enjoy your stay.

Thank you.

We've clinched a good deal.

Yes, Marc? What is it?

Ah, Girard.
So? What happened?

Tell me the week in Paris
wasn't a waste of time and money.

The food was good
and I caught some big fish.

Sukran Baka.

Daughter of Abdullan Ilvan Baka,
isn't she?

- Yes, that's right.
- Do you know who Baka is?

Is Wenger involved
in heroin smuggling, then?

No, he just handles the money.

Baka doesn't just smuggle heroin.

He also sells weapons,
women and influences.

He's been smuggling cigarettes
for 20 years.

He exports a tonne a year to Europe
and twice that to the United States.

As for her,

she has an economics degree
from one of the top schools.

Apparently, she wants to make
her father's fortune respectable.

The million euros is a test.
She knows

that if I'm a cop, I can't let it go
without declaring it.

A million? Wait a second.

What's all this about a million?
There was no deal.


You let those bastards
keep an eye on you at your hotel.

The deal's going ahead.

Wenger told me so just before
I came back to Switzerland.

He also said there would be
even bigger consequences.

We're being tested.

We must be suspicious
and play the game.

Can you organise
the investment for me?

It's not that easy any more
dealing with banks.

I no longer have the power
to let a million euros go like that.

I must inform the Department
of Justice and Police.

I have no choice.

Inform no one,
especially not Ferrucci,

or we've had it.

You know what she'll do,
given the deep water she's in.

She'll use this
to seize the money for publicity.

So we arrest no one
and the smuggling continues.

This is my case.

I have carte blanche
to let the money into Switzerland.

So let him get on with it, OK?

Stop trying to cover your arse,

Leave it to us for once.
We're onto something here.

We've got the biggest drug smugglers
in Europe.

And there's more.
We can catch Wenger

and his Swiss middleman,
a guy named Klein.

What is this nonsense?

Who is Klein?

A crucial link between Wenger
and Baka. That's all I know.

I don't want to hear any more.
Sort it out between you.

I don't want to know.

And I'm completely
against these methods.


Maroni, you're either with me
or with Cambas.

Next time you grass me up...

- That was harsh.
- No.

Infiltration is teamwork.
You know that as well as I do.

With you at the back and us in front.

They're merciless.
They're afraid of nothing.

The slightest slip-up
and we're dead meat.

Unless we're united, we're shooting
ourselves in the foot.

Have you ever tried to run
with a bullet in your foot?

You take things too much to heart.

How do you plan
to nail the pretty boy?

Baumgartner. Ferrucci's case.

Filed away.
No further action taken.

Contraband cigarettes.



Lisa, it's me.

Go away.

Your shrink phoned. She said
you missed your appointment.

- I'm cured.
- Liar.

Show me, then.


You come here
so you can take off your mask.

Don't tell me you don't enjoy it.

The mask is like a drug,
an addiction.

It will destroy you.

Not if you're there.

Why don't you trust me?

It's the artist in me.

It's never far away.

Are you thinking about her?


Did Hans send you?

Sort of. I'm taking you
on a carousel.

Would you like that?

No, this way, or we'll be seen.

You'll never build up
your child's personality

by teaching her to run off like that.

She needs order, rectitude.

Elsa is very sensitive, you know.

Your lightning visits
upset her a great deal.

Why don't you join us here?

You could move into the top floor

and watch her grow up.

Not everything we do
is for our own gain.


You're running away from yourself.
You're a coward.

You don't have faith in your ability.

My son a policeman!

Marc, it won't always be like this.

How do you plan
to invest the million?

Jean-Claude Baumgartner,
trust fund manager in Lugano.

He was caught investing
Camorra money in Switzerland.

Cigarette smuggling
is more profitable than cocaine.

Who was in charge of the case?

- Madame.
- Ah, so...

Ferrucci didn't detain him.

So Baumgartner is at large.

You're not thinking
of the Camorra to scare him?

- Why not?
- It's a technicality.

If you nail him by blackmailing him,
it will sink the investigation.

Don't forget Ferrucci
wants to save his skin.

She'll have to cover us
unless she wants a scandal to break.


Very risky.

I need some cocaine
to bait Baumgartner.

- Pure stuff.
- You're crazy, Girard. Not that.

It's not for me.

Enzo and Anita, leave us, will you?

How long have we known
one another, Ren??

It's been a long time, hasn't it?

You've always helped me out
and I've paid you back.

Go to hell.

What about Antoine?


The opium pipe?

It was to cure my sore throat.

At least Antoine won't talk now.

This is blackmail.

We're in the same boat, aren't we?

You're a bastard, Girard.

Milan - Italy

OK, you've got the warrant.

But he's suspicious.

This time you can't mess around.
Do you hear me, Giancarlo?

- Our plan is at stake.
- You're scared, Simon.

You could easily have done
what you always do.

If the deal is as important
as you're saying,

it would be easier to share the sum

and manage it effectively.

- Klein doesn't like sharing.
- Klein?

He doesn't think you're capable
of seeing the operation through.

Who is this Klein
who dares to say such things?

He's my associate, no less.

Your associate?

And where is your associate today?

If he wants to keep his distance,
let him keep his distance.

Do you always worry about
what people say about you?


Only when the rumour might reveal
the secret behind my discretion.

But I admit that in Klein's place
I would have done the same thing.

I would have badmouthed the newcomer.

Personally, I'm not bothered about
what those who are absent say.

You're a free spirit.

I like that.

Mr Wenger, will you give us a moment?

What I have learnt about your family
speaks in your favour.

But lots of people play a role
and are not what they pretend to be.

I don't have the same means
at my disposal as you.

Are you really
your father's daughter?

Sometimes we prefer
to ignore the facts.

The facts can be dangerous.

This statuette...

It's a copy.

It's the symbol of fertility
that interests me

about this mother goddess.

How can you be certain a goddess

doesn't have an ill-fated face?

What about you?

Do you bring fertility or death?

Mr Wenger,
I've finished with Mr Perrotti.

Lugano - Switzerland

Go on, take it, sweetheart.
Take a line.



Have you got something for me?

For me?

All right.


Thank you.

You're gorgeous.

Will you leave me some?

That can be arranged, Mr Baumgartner.

How do you know my name?

My cousins in Naples
have been wondering

why you didn't go to jail.

It's hard to trust you.

You need to be put to the test.

My cousins and I need you again.

And this time you have no choice.

Aspen Bank - Geneva

Gentlemen. Giancarlo Perrotti.

Your passports, gentlemen.
Photocopy them.

Thank you.


Right. This sum belongs
to Miss Sukran Baka.

For this investment I need to know
where the funds are from.

I can guarantee this sum.

It comes from the sale
of a fig tree plantation.

Excuse me, sir. There's a problem
with the passports.

Is there a problem
with the passports?

All the accounting records
needed for the deal are here.


Photocopy them.

My family appreciates
the quality of your services.

Your father would never trust a man
he hadn't looked in the eye.

He's invited you
to come and meet him.

There's no time to lose.

57 million euros
are currently in Germany.

57 million.

Of course.

The bank is under investigation
for money laundering.

We must withdraw the money fast.

A jet will be waiting for you
in the morning.

Will you be coming, too?

Do you know the price of
an invitation to my father's table?

I know the price of privilege

and the value
of meeting someone like you.

Should you decide not to come,

get back to me.

- 50 notes for Perrotti.
- I don't get it.

Baumgartner is a criminal.

- Do we put him in the cooler?
- Are you kidding?

He gets three times that
for his trouble.

And now I'm off to Turkey.

Sukran has chartered a jet for me.

What about Klein?

I aim to convince Baka
to get him on board with the deal.

It's the only way to trap him.

If he's on board with the operation,
he'll have to reveal himself.

Could someone be good enough
to keep me informed here?

Mrs Ferrucci.
What a pleasant surprise.

Spare me your hypocrisy, Vastel.

I gather you let a million euros go
without carrying out any arrests.

You've been bothering
one of my sources.

A trustworthy informers of ours
says he was persecuted by you.

Your methods
are bordering on illegal.

I had no idea.

Superintendent Cambas
wasn't informed about the operation.

In the light of your actions,
I'll handle the matter

You don't have the authority.

Apart from the current mission
in Turkey,

you can brief me on the case.

I want a copy of the financial pages.

You're abusing your position, madam.

And you, Girard, are nothing
but a hot-headed fathead.

I'll be watching you and
if I detect the slightest blunder,

I'll take you off the case and send
you back to the archives for good.

Madam Prosecutor,

this is a very delicate matter.

We don't know yet whether
this investigation will lead us

to any files
that involve Mr Baumgartner.

Do you see what I'm saying?

Girard is right, madam.

It seems premature for you
to intervene at this juncture.

Should things turn nasty,
which is unlikely,

you won't be troubled.

But I'm making the arrests.

If it gets out of hand this time,
I want you to be ready.

That goes for you too, Girard.

Once is enough.


I want daily updates.

Very well, madam.

Learn to hold your tongue, Cambas.

It's all very well for you.

But not for me.

I'm telling you, I'm sick of it.


You go to Turkey.
You gain Baka's trust.

You organise delivery
and you take the first plane back.

Interpol? Well done.

What next?
You're an idiot, Cambas.

Tell me you haven't warned
the Turkish police of our presence.

- We're operating on their
territory. - Abdullan Ilvan Baka

is one of the biggest
drug smugglers in Turkey.

He greases everyone's palms.

And you decide to tell them all
that we're investigating him.

Nice one.

What do you think he'll do?

This is Interpol,
not the Turkish police.

Your papers are ready.
They'll never make the link.

Well done!

It only takes one corrupt policeman.

I'll go alone as Giancarlo Perrotti.
You two stay here.

It's not your decision.

Kocaeli - Turkey

Welcome, Mr Perrotti.

I get the feeling
I've come at a bad time.

On the contrary.
We were just talking about you.

You clearly don't trust us

I don't trust my mechanic, either,
but I still leave my car with him.

That's true, Mr Saki.

We've met before.

- In Paris, wasn't it?
- That's right.

- Welcome to my house.
- Hello, Mr Baka.

What do you know about me?

That your name is
Abdullan Ilvan Baka,

that you are a major exporter of...

fruit and vegetables,

that your estate is estimated
to be worth over $150 million,

and that the assassination attempt
on the Pope in '81

didn't come
as a total surprise to you.

I never accept an invitation
without doing my research.

You're wily, Perrotti.

You were right to be frank.

My daughter would have seen
through you.

She reads people's minds.

Let's eat.

My network is working perfectly.

When you put money in good hands,

there's something for everyone.

Who exports your drugs to the west?

Anyone who can get through
your system.

Anyway, we're in business now.
You know too much to back out.

Wenger and his girl are
no longer useful now you're here.

It's true, they're not very discreet.

They weren't very meticulous
in their search for a collaborator.

And I'm not interchangeable.

By the way,

Klein arrives tonight.

Are you bored with me already,
Mr Perrotti?

- Are you reading Proust?
- Yes, I like Proust.

He's curious.

He's a shrewd observer.

He didn't judge.

What about you?

You haven't escaped
the prejudices of your upbringing.

You're a modern European.

Your reputation and pride
are more important than anything.

You're not wrong.

And you're attracted
to the depths, the shadows.

You only trust a handful of people.

Yes, but I'd do anything for them.

Is that what you want from me?

My father wants to entrust
his war chest to you.

Despite my warnings.

He refuses to let it go.

Is that why you've agreed
to run this risk?

Is it your pride that permits you
to risk the family estate?

My father worked hard

to transform these arid hills
into verdant gardens.

He was a stubborn man.

Why do you use the past tense?

My father is ill.


Hello, Mr Klein.

See you this evening, Mr Perrotti.

The director of Aspen Bank
would be delighted

to continue working
with people like us.

But these days it's not that easy

to invest such a sum
in a single cash payment.

It would wiser to collaborate
with Mr Klein, for example.

Don't talk to me about Klein.

That bastard is wasting my time.

I've been working with him
for years, and now...

he refuses to cooperate and
cancels his trip at the last minute.

Isn't he coming?

Giancarlo is saying it would be wise
to split the sum in two.

No, I have no time to waste
on these little games.

The money must leave Germany
immediately for Switzerland.

I've got smugglers.
I just need bankers.

OK. I'm your man.

Give me the green light to persuade
Klein, I'll seal the deal.

Fine, but I'm telling you,

if you want to invest this money,
you must let me handle it.

If you succeed,
you'll have nothing to worry about.

Give me your word that you'll let me
manage your affairs in Europe

and I guarantee you that,
with Sukran,

when you are no longer around,

your laundered fortune
will secure your children's future

and your grandchildren's.

You are ill, Mr Baka.

You know too much about me

and you talk a lot.

You're ridiculing me, Perrotti.


Sukran holds you in high regard.

I hope she's not mistaken.

Here we kill thieves and pigs.

I gave them money.

I helped their family.
And these two policemen betrayed me.

They've been stealing
from me for over a year.

Klein is great.

This is no less than I expected
of him after all these years.

He's sent us the names
of two Swiss spies.

Klein says you're the third.

I say he is.

This is your problem.
It's up to you to resolve it.

I work in finance.
This is not my field.

But if there is no trust,
there's no point.

The deal's off.

I understand Mr Klein's reluctance.
It's all clear now.

You didn't tell me
the police were on your tail.

I have clients to protect.

The risks go with the job.

You spoke of three men.
I can only see two.

They're policemen.

If you get rid of them,
you'll create such a furore

you'll no longer be able to invest
a single dollar in Switzerland.

You'll be needing me, Mr Baka.



- Why did you let them go?
- I had no choice.

- Did Ferrucci authorise it?
- I won't...

You've sent two cops
to the slaughterhouse.

Baka has no scruples.
He'll shoot them.

I saw him do it with my own eyes.


And that's not all.
Do you know who grassed them up?

It was Klein.

He's the only one
who knew the identity of our men.

- There's been a leak here.
- You don't mean...

I'm telling you, there's a leak.
Word spread from here.

We must catch this mole
or the investigation will fail.

Who knows the names on the passports?

The Swiss embassy
is working with Interpol

to find our men and free them.

We can do it. We can still do it,
even if we don't know everything.

I don't know by what means but
in two days the money will arrive.

The priority is
to free Enzo and Anita

and find the mole.

Then we can catch Baka.

And Klein.

Let's not forget Klein.


Hello, my dear friend.

The borders are not
that straightforward.

It's simple. One load for
D?sseldorf with two passengers.


Hello. How are you?

Wait here.

Thank you very much.

What the hell are you doing here?

Where were you?
I've been looking for hours.

You're not on board any more.

Wait, Simon.
You have no right to throw me out.

- It's finished.
- You still need me.

I introduced you to Klein.

Simon! No, no! Simon!


Please. You need me.

You need me.

Still here?

I can't take any more, Lisa.

I don't know who my allies are
and who the mole is.

I feel as if I'm not in control
any more.


This is crap, Giancarlo.

The aerodrome is crawling with cops.

I hope they're not here for my plane.

I'm going.

Don't worry, Simon.

I'll try and find out more.


I'll call you.

- Arrest them all.
- Excuse me, madam.

- Where are you going?
- Ferrucci, public prosecutor.

These men
are suspected of trafficking.

These men have diplomatic immunity.

I cannot let you intervene
without authorisation.

- You are obstructing our inquiries.
- It's the law.

Do you even know their names?
You'll create a diplomatic incident.

I will take full responsibility.
Don't prevent me from doing my duty.

I am sorry but I am bound
to abide by procedure.


Well I never.

Look at that.

Klein with Ferrucci.

I've got you.

Shit. Fuck.

Enzo and Anita have arrived.

They're fine, yes.
Wait, before I put her on...

Marc, how are you?

You were most impressive.
You saved our skins.

Thank you, Marc.

It's good to hear you.

Make the most of the break.
Have a holiday.

But Anita,

I need your skills, my darling.

I need Ferrucci's phone tapped
right away.

See to it and don't tell a soul.

I will.

He sends his love.

Hello, sir.

Hello, Vastel.

I've just found the bodies
of Helena and Wenger.

Mehmed's men have done a good job.

It seems she was planning
to leave Switzerland.

The bitch.

She had a packet stashed away.

I get the feeling
she wanted to escape on her own

long before Wenger discovered
what was going on at the aerodrome.

I'm beginning to understand.

Helena betrayed Wenger.

She sold Klein the time and place
of the delivery of the money.


I'm coming, Ren?.



I don't understand your insistence,

A man who loves money hates to share.

I'd rather see this through.

But as a precaution I feel
I must put Klein on the case.

I hope you know what you're doing.

You entrusted this case to me.

Let me handle it my way.

I'm not convinced.

I think
you're hiding something from me.

And I'm not often wrong.

I gather you were at the aerodrome.
What were you looking for?

I have nothing to say to you,
Vastel. Why don't you ask Girard

how he managed to get rid
of two of your suspects?

- Be serious, Mrs.
- Stop messing me around, Vastel.

Ledoux and Maroni
are back in Switzerland.

And the money is here, too.
57 million.

I want to know where it is.

We're going to collect it
as soon as possible, madam.

Very well.

I demand that you take Girard
off the case immediately.

This is my investigation!

- You are not authorised!
- What if Girard has swapped sides?

Have you considered it may be him
who grassed up Ledoux and Maroni?

He knew they'd be released.

He's proved his affiliation to Baka

by getting rid of Wenger
and his companion.

I'll say it one last time.

Girard is to be taken off the case
with immediate effect.

Otherwise, I'll take great pleasure
in sacking you, both of you.

Lisa, I need you.

- Whatever I do, I'm in deep shit.
- You don't know how right you are.

You must stop.

That's my report. I'm sorry.

You, too?

I seem to be losing everyone I love.

You don't know how to love.
You're the one who's not clear.

Shit, Lisa. I'm a cop.
Let me finish the job.

Don't send this report.

- Don't make me betray you.
- You're betraying yourself.

I'm going to send it, Marc.


Ferrucci has sacked me from the case.

Well? Are you happy now?

I'm sorry, Marc.

Hello, Vastel.

How could you have done this to me?

It's out of my hands.
I can't cover for you anymore.

But, Marc,

when did you ever do
as you were told?

Let's finish this.
We'll sort it out later, OK?


Be reasonable.

Watch out!


We've got you, Girard.

Hands on the wheel
where we can see them.

Get out of the car.

- Get out.
- Sorry, but I'm Italian.

Put your hands on the roof.

Go on, love.
Have a good grope.

You're a bastard, Girard.

Where were you going
dressed like that?

Are you the mole?

Are you working for the Turks now?

I'm going to drag you through
the courts and sink you for good.

- Are you still running away?
- Where's the money?

Where's Baka?
Where are they?

Just calm down.

- I want to talk to you in private.
- Stop it.

You've got the wrong target, Cambas.

I'm not the mole. It's Ferrucci.

Why do you have
so little trust in me?

We may not have the same methods

but you know very well
I'm not corrupt.

Listen, Cambas. I've got them.

I can bring them all down.

All of them. Do you hear me?
Klein too.

You're insane.

I can't let you do that.

Do you know who Klein is?

He's my brother.

I've got to finish him off.

That'll do.

I tried to persuade my father
to pull out.

He's not the type to take back
the trust he's placed in someone.

You got him to place his trust in me.

I'm here to honour that trust.


How are you?

Better than Wenger and his companion.

Why did you persuade my daughter
to let you bring Klein in?

Don't you trust your own abilities?

Did you know Klein was
at the aerodrome with Ferrucci?

Wenger phoned me.

I went to the aerodrome
and saw Ferrucci with her informer.

I hoped Klein would be here tonight
to reveal his identity.

He's the traitor.

I think this is a trap.

You'll soon find out.

- Go and get him.
- And make sure he's not followed.

We'll wait for him together,
Mr Perrotti.

I'll get you some fruit, Father.

Leave us.


She protected me.

She's yours now.

What makes you think
I need protection?

Tonight the masks will fall.

Mr Perrotti, allow me
to introduce Mr Klein.

Pleased to meet you, Mr Klein.

Haven't we met before?

You look familiar.

I don't think so.

Mr Baka, it's out of the question
for me to join this operation.

- Are you joking, Klein?
- I recognise you, Mr Klein.

You're Alexandre Girard
from Banque Girard, are you not?

How is Prosecutor Ferrucci?

Don't listen to him. He's lying.
He's a cop.

Kill him.

You've always been pathetic, brother.

Baka, tell them
to drop their weapons.


Come out
with your hands on your heads.

You're a dead man, Perrotti.

I will have my revenge.

Get down on the ground.

He's one of ours. Leave him.

Leave him to us.

I never doubted you, Marc.

Mrs Ferrucci.

This is nothing to do with me.

Quiet. You're under arrest.

Everything you say
can be held against you.

Cambas, seize the money
and take all these people.


You know what the law has in store
for traitors like you.

I'll see to it
that you are made an example of.

Where is the daughter?

No idea.

Make sure my brother is protected.

I'll do what I can, I promise.

"Ferrucci cleans up
the bankers' act."

"Infiltration is a dangerous game."

"A woman of the law."


"Undercover cop."

"A police infiltrator is the subject
of an internal inquiry."

The bitch!

Good to see
you're still in one piece, Girard.

Gentlemen, you can leave us now.

Look at this.

As usual she's taken all the credit.

As usual she's managed
to clear herself of any suspicion.


I've been waiting to give you this.

It's Ferrucci.
You bastard, you were right again.

Listen to this.

Ferrucci and her friend, Klein.

What would it cost you
to let me off the hook?

Forgive me, Alexandre.
My job obliges me to apply the law.

- After all I've done you?
- You have been amply warned.

I have to go.
Someone's on the other line.

Why didn't you tell me
my brother was on the case?

Hello? Hello?

Where did you get that?

I got it off the internet.

They should have been more careful.

This will never stand up in court

but it's enough to launch
an internal investigation.


you know what that means.

One day Elsa will find out
what you've done to us.

I wouldn't like to be in your shoes.

Nothing will make me change my mind.

- Are you coming to collect me?
- Yes, I'll be here.

- Promise?
- I promise.

OK. Bye.

Come on. Quick.

Despite the control systems
put in place,

money from drugs, arms dealing,

sex slavery
and the bloodiest dictatorships

continues to flood
in the tens of billions

into the coffers
of numerous banking institutions

in Switzerland and abroad.