Die Unberührbare (2000) - full transcript

Flanders, a famous female author, travels 1989 after the fall of the Berlin wall into the German capital. She is deeply depressed of the events because she saw the communistic states as a very good thing that has now ended. In the joy of these days she finds no person to understand her, so she has to travel back to Munich. After meeting several people, known and unknown, it seems as if there will be no way to go.

What're you doing?

I'm sitting here.

With the Arsenic in my hand.

-And you?
-I'm just sitting here, too.

I'm going to kiII myseIf.
I'm hanging up.

No, don't hang up.

Are you smoking?

I'm Ietting it go out.

-Let's smoke another.

Is the arsenic stiII good?

Can you keep on Iiving
just Iike that?

I don't know.

Just Iike that? No, probabIy not.

Then why don't you kiII yourseIf,

I'II take the arsenic and you cut
your wrists.

It's betrayaI!

-I just don't understand.
-I'II canceI the fIight, Hanna.

I'm coming over.



-Say something.
-I can't.


give yourseIf some time.

I feeI so heavy.
I can't move at aII.

-Have you heard from Joachim?

WouId you do me a favor, Hanna?

PIease put the bottIe on the tabIe,

I saw the WaII go up and now I'II
see it come down!

-VoIk und WeIt pubIishers?
-This is Hanna FIanders.

-May I pIease speak with Joachim Rau?
-HoId on, pIease.

-HeIIo, Joachim. This is Hanna.

Hanna! Nice to hear from you.
How are you?

WeII, what shouId I say?

-When do you think we'II meet again?
-I'm coming to BerIin.

-Great! When are you coming?
-In the next few days.

Depends how Iong it takes here.

Isn't it incredibIe how quickIy
things have changed?

Yeah, reaIIy.

How Iong are you staying?

I'm moving to BerIin.

What? You are moving to BerIin?

I thought I'd finaIIy do it.

Remember? We taIked about it so much.

And now that the catastrophe
has hit...

WeII, yeah...

Are you sure?

You aren't pIeased about it.



I'm hanging up now.

Come on, Hanna, don't be stupid.

Give me a break.

I guess I was way off about how
things were with us.

I just can't cope anymore.


Ms. FIanders, what a surprise!
Long time, no see. How are you?

-You Iook great.
-WeII, considering the way things

-are going... I had a Iot to do.
-We've great stuff, Ms. FIanders.

The new coIIection is fantastic.
Can I show you something?

-Yes, the coat with the bIack Ieaves.
-Yes, that's quite speciaI.

-WouId you Iike to try it on?
-Yes, pIease.

Just a moment.
RoIf, couId you come over here?

Oh, Ms. FIanders, nice to see you.
Like to try something on?

-Yes, pIease.
-May I take the coat? Thanks.

We thought you disappeared.
Don't you stiII Iive in Munich?

-Not much Ionger, you couId say.
-And where are you off to?

-To BerIin.
-BerIin? That's a surprise.

-You can handIe that?
-It'II be a shame not to have you

in Munich anymore. May I?
That coat Iooks wonderfuI.

And of course the coIIar
is removabIe.

It Iooks as if Dior made it
just for you, reaIIy.

I'II take it.

-Where were we?
-You said that in the communist part

of Germany you're more respected as a
writer than in the West. And that you

can't understand what's going on
here right now.

I find it aII reaIIy unfair.
I'm pretty depressed.

Consumer society is now
eating us aII up.

I know what you mean. But a few
wiII survive, don't you think?

I don't know.

I don't know if I care anymore.
It makes me sick to see these cIones

aII over. It nauseates me how they
rummage through the underwear,

grabbing. Now, suddenIy, I see the
depressing reaIity, that they're

fighting for Mon Cheri cherry
cordiaIs. And so they can stuff

Western tampons, coIa bottIes and
bananas into their cunts.

They aren't fighting for truth
the way Lenin meant.

These peopIe have Iost aII sense
of respect and seIf-esteem.

What do you think is the truth?
The way Lenin meant it?

Can we stiII see it that...

The truth.

The truth is, disfigurement
has become a prayer.

Can you put that more cIearIy?

The truth is, I have
no dream anymore.

I beIieved in Lenin.

If I have to admit that Lenin was
wrong, and this parasitic mob

that's taking over was right, then
Iife has Iost aII meaning for me.

You're an exception. HardIy anyone
feIt so personaIIy attacked by the

opening of the WaII as you did.

CouId it be because West German
pubIishers have been

rejecting your manuscripts?

-Do you reaIIy think that bothers me?
-Sorry, I was just wondering.

It had to effect you somehow.

Your noveI ''Sacred BIood'' as spent
years Iooking for a pubIisher.

The gentIemen from RowohIt pubIishers
are boycotting me.

It's common knowIedge that they work
cIoseIy with the CIA.

I won't work with them.
I won't be pubIished in the

FederaI RepubIic of Germany.
I despise these cuIturaI fascists.

But right now I can't afford
to go abroad.

Or I'd have gone to London
or Paris ages ago.

BerIin wiII have to do for now.

You Iook sad, Hanna.

Are you afraid of faiIing?
As a person or as a writer?

I can't pin down my sadness.

And when I verbaIize my hate
it's just externaI rhetoric.

The hurt is deep down inside.

Down there my Iife is being
summed up without mercy,

my Iove and my understanding of art.

And my chances are being weighed,
whether or not.

What do you mean, whether or not?

Whether I continue writing untiI
I finaIIy win the Buchner Prize

or if I'II end up seIIing fIowers
at the market.

I couId imagine that, too.

It's nice to see you smiIe.

-Can we start taking things out?
-Of course.

Start with the sheIves.

I don't want to keep you.
Thanks for taIking with me.

I'II think of you.
Good Iuck in BerIin.

HeIIo, this is Hanna FIanders.
Is Joachim Rau there?

-He's stiII not in?

I wanted to know if someone
can meet me at the airport tomorrow.

Joachim is not here. If he can't
make it, someone eIse wiII meet you.

Good. Thank you. Goodbye.

So, Ms. FIanders, we're done.
We'II Ieave earIy tomorrow morning.

This is for you and your partners.

Thanks. CouId you pIease sign here?

-It turned out very expensive.
-I don't set the prices.

Ok, thanks again. Bye.

HeIIo, Mum. How are you?

Come on in.

The pIace Iooks terribIe.
We don't get anything done.

We spent the day in East BerIin.
There's an incredibIe feeIing here.

It's amazing, reaIIy.

-When did you get here?
-This afternoon.

-Where are you staying?
-As aIways. In the ExceIsior,

but just for one night.

-How Iong are you staying?
-A whiIe.

-What does that mean?
-I'm moving here for a whiIe.

ReaIIy? That's great!

How did it happen?

Oh, the Iast few times I was here
I reaIIy enjoyed it.

And now my boyfriend asked me
if I wanted to move here to him.

You have a boyfriend here?
That's great!

Don't you want to sit down?

We haven't seen each other in ages.

-Three years.
-CouId be.

What are you doing?

Are you writing? A new noveI?


Is RowohIt pubIishing it?

I won't write for them anymore.
They took me for a ride.

I'm too radicaI for them.

And you? What are you doing?

Are you stiII trying to write?

What do you mean ''trying''?
Of course, I'm writing.

What's that supposed to mean,
am I trying?

I wasn't being criticaI.
You just kept saying that you

-tossed everything!
-Yeah, I was on Speed.

I'm not so seIf-destructive anymore.

How's your wife?
You are married to her, right?

She shouId be here any minute.

She's out jogging to reIease
her aggressions,

since we stopped smoking
when the WaII opened.

I couIdn't do that.

Say, I was wondering...

CouId you get me some Speed?

How couId you even ask me something
Iike that?

You used to be so proud that you
couId get me the stuff!

Hey, I want nothing to do with that.
Don't ever ask me again.

Ok, ok.

CouId you pIease refrain
from smoking?

There's no smoking here anymore.

Sorry, I'm a IittIe on edge.
It's because I stopped smoking.


That's Isa. I'II get the door.

-Where have you been?
-What's the matter?

-Mum is here.



-So, how are things?

Nice to have you visit.

Too bad we have to take off.
We're invited to an afternoon brunch

with some peopIe in the East.

Yeah, weII, we have to go.
Isn't that right, dear?

Can we take you somewhere?
Where do you have to go?

Oh, I guess I'II go back
to the hoteI.

You can come with us.
We'II drop you off.

No, not necessary. It's ok.

That's a nice coat.

Oh, you Iike it?

-Good evening, Ms. FIanders.
-Good evening, Harry.

-I read aImost aII of your books.
-ReaIIy? That's amazing.

-That's very nice.
-Oh, I read them aII.

-I'm a reaI bookworm.
-Any messages for me?

Sorry, nothing there. Of course,
I'II Iet you know immediateIy.

-CouId I have my key, pIease?

-Thanks, Harry. Good night.
-Same to you.

WouId you Iike a drink at the bar?
It's on the house.

Thank you.

May I join you for a moment?

CertainIy. My pIeasure.

-I am ZoItan Quais.
-I'm Hanna FIanders.

This hoteI is so empty.

Everyone is out on the street.

I'm happy there's not so much going
on here.

Me, too.

And what are you doing here?

I'm here for the fashion trade-fair
at the convention center. And you?

What shouId I say? I'm here because
of the poIiticaI events.

-If you want to caII it that.
-Let me guess.

You must be a journaIist.

CIose, but no cigar. I'm a writer.



To our meeting. Cheers.


Thank God. You're the first who
hasn't toasted the WaII coming down.

Why shouId I?

It wouIdn't be very tactfuI.

I can see by your face that
that's difficuIt for you.

What? What makes you say that?


WouId you Iike something
from the mini-bar?

No, thanks.

It's better we take care of
the money first.

-It costs 400 marks.
-Ok. One moment.


What shouId I do?
ShouId I get undressed?

I don't know.

Come here.


Don't be afraid.

-I Iike you.
-I don't know. I feeI so...

Sh, sh.

It's a wig.

I know.

It doesn't matter.

It aII doesn't matter.

ReIax. CaIm down.

I Iike it with you. A Iot.

Come on. Lie down.

Good morning, Ms. FIanders.
You Iook great.

And your coat it Iooks tremendous!

Thank you.

What are your pIans?
A IittIe distraction?

-I'm not sure. I might go out.
-Yes! DefiniteIy go out.

Life is waiting for you.
You just have to enjoy it.

That's right. Goodbye.

Oh! I aImost forgot.

-This is for you.

-Have a wonderfuI day.
-Same to you.

'' Dear Hanna, sorry I couIdn't
meet you. I couIdn't make it.

PIease caII soon. Love, Joachim''

Hanna. What are you doing here?

HeIIo, Joachim.

How did you get here so fast?

-I got your fax.
-My fax! Fax? Who faxed here?

That's what you said.
Your secretary typed it.

No, it was your standard fax!
With your fogged signature.

Yes, yes.
My secretary can't even type.

Sorry, we're aII a IittIe...
What're your pIans?

-How Iong are you staying?
-I foIIowed through on my threat.

The moving van is
on its way to BerIin.

-What made you think of doing that?
-I thought you'd be pIeased.


Hey, that's FIanders.

I know you! You're the spoIed
Western bitch, right?

Who, except for champagne parties in
Moscow, knew absoIuteIy nothing about

our poIiticaI reaIity. Who beIieved
in fucking East Germany since it's

the onIy country that printed
her inteIIectuaI crap.

Ok, I just wanted to say that, ok?


Hanna! You can't just go.

Listen, sorry, that reaIIy
was a IittIe much.

Ok. I've had a bit of something.
It's been Iike this for 2 days!

Maybe it was a bad idea
just to show up.

Come on. Don't be angry.
What did you expect?

I know it's better not
to expect anything from anyone.

But I'm aIso here because
of our conversations.

-I guess you can't recaII.
-Hey, I can remember.

I just can't keep my word any more.
The times have changed dramaticaIIy.

Sounds Iike it's from a bad movie
on the Nazi Period.

But it's true, don't you see?

And besides, Iook,

I know I promised you couId stay with
me but that isn't possibIe anymore.


don't Iive aIone anymore. Yeah.

Besides, how couId I know you'd
show up here with bags

-and furniture and aII? WeII?
-You couIdn't, of course.

Oh, there you are.
How was your fIight?

-Hanna... oh, you know each other.
-Sure I know Hanna FIanders.

I discovered her when we were
young and handsome.

-But she's angry with me now.
-Yeah? Why is that?

-I can't pubIish her anymore.
-I think I shouId go now.

Take care, Joachim.

Ms. FIanders.

Do you remember me?

No, sorry. I don't.

We spoke often back when we pubIished
your first book ''Win on Points'' .

Oh, yes, excuse me.
I can't remember at the moment.

No big deaI. Can I heIp you?
Who did you want to see?

Can I sit down for a minute?
I've hardIy sIept.

I just moved here
and have no pIace to stay.

It didn't work out with the
apartment I was promised

and now I'm here with aII my things
and no pIace to go.

Why don't we go to my office?
I just made some coffee.

Oh, coffee sounds great.

The coffee is very good.

It has something in I Iove.
It reminds me of something.


It's chicory coffee.

We aIways drank it since
we couIdn't get the reaI thing.

Oh, yeah.

I'm ok now.

-I have to be going.
-Where wiII you go?

No, it's out of the question.
I won't Iet you go.

The pubIisher has a
writer's apartment.

The Iocation isn't very centraI,
but it'II do for a start.

Oh yeah, and I couId have it?

It's not beautifuI and it's
far from downtown.

That doesn't matter. Not at aII.

I have reaIIy mixed feeIings.
I don't know if it's so good.

And besides, I'm not the type
who can stand Iarge crowds.

Maybe one shouIdn't ask
so many questions.

You have to just go with the fIow.

-I'm a chain smoker.
-Me, too.

Oh God! I didn't know
it Iooked so bad here.

Come on, Iet's go.

You don't have to stay here.
You can stay with me.

-No, no. It's fine.
-Are you sure?

I'II be in Dresden for 3 days.

When I get back, I'II pick you up.

-You'II be ok tiII then?
-Yes. Sure.


-Ok, then. Ciao.
-Ciao. And thanks a Iot.

No need to thank me.
I Iike you a Iot.

I Iike you, too.

-We'II figure something out.
-Yeah. Ciao.

-What'II it be?
-Same as everyone eIse.

-To your heaIth.
-To your heaIth.

-I'm Dieter. Cheers!
-Cheers. I'm Hanna.

It Iooks Iike you can reaIIy
hoId your Iiquor.

I've drunk quite a few Russians
under the tabIe.

-Do you know that I know you?
-No, I didn't.

But you know you're quite
weII-known in our country?

Yes, that I do know.

-I've read aII your books.
-Yeah, reaIIy?

I Iiked your Iast one the best.

The one about your sister committing
suicide and how that happened.

Thanks, reaIIy. Not many Iiked it.
Most found it too heavy.

No, no. It reaIIy affected me.


it was a reaIIy moving portrait
of how barbaric

interpersonaI reIationship can be.

How do you know it was my sister?

I did some research,
since I used the book in my cIasses.

-You're a teacher.
-I teach German and history.

A fatefuI combo.

WeII, then, Cheers.
To the fatefuI combination.

I didn't know you were
so good-Iooking.


What do you think of it aII?

What shouId I think?
I'II survive no matter what.

I concentrate on other things.

And what do you think of it?

WeII, I find it aII
rather depressing.

That isn't necessary.


Come on, Iet's have another drink.
Gregor, pour us another.

I saw right away that you aren't
happy. I see that immediateIy.

Maybe I can cheer you up.

To the greatest woman here!

To Hanna! Cheers!

Uhm, heIIo there!
You're a fast mover, my oh my!

Life is short, Hanna.
To your breasts.

You have great breasts.

I can touch, right?

-Come on, stop it.
-Why? You know, you Iike it.

-No. come on, hands off.
-Oh, don't make a fuss.

I bet no one's touched you in ages.

-How shouId you know? Cut it out!
-Come on, it's nice.

You just have to get used
to it again. Just Iet yourseIf go.

-CouId you teII him to stop it?
-Leave the woman aIone, Dieter.

-Stop bothering her.
-Shut up! Hey, are you crazy?

Why'd you caII for heIp?
What did I do?

I didn't ask you to touch me,
so just pIease Ieave me aIone.

Hey, you're a reaI bitch, you know?
You shouId be happy that anyone

even wants to touch you anymore!
Look at you, you oId bag!

What're you staring at?

You, with those sagging tits.
Hanna FIanders...

wrote nothing but shit
in the Iast 20 years!

Hey, you measIy teacher, you!
No one asked you to come here.

So go on back to where you came from.

Leave the woman aIone,
or I'II give you some troubIe.

Come on, Dieter, Ieave her aIone.

-What an asshoIe!
-Get Iost!

AIways the same oId thing.

-He's totaIIy fIipped out.
-I can't beIieve it.

Hi. Hey, wait. Where are you going?
Come, join us.

He'II Ieave you aIone. That shouIdn't
happen on days Iike this.

-Have a drink with us.
-Come on.

-I'd rather go. I've had a Iong day.
-Oh, don't be angry.

-Don't Iet it get to you.
-You must have a drink with us, ok?

To understanding and that
we'II be reunited!

-To unification!
-To understanding!

Don't be mad, he didn't mean it.
He's drunk. He's usuaIIy nice.

I don't get it either.
I know him from our schooI days.

He's not Iike that, reaIIy.

-Ok, then. Ciao.

-So Iong.
-Bye, bye.

What a nightmare! A nightmare.

Now I can't even faII asIeep.

'' PeopIe in their cIothing
staggering over the graveI,

stroIIing under the vast sky

that spreads out from hiII
to distant hiII.''

A cup of hot coffee, pIease, Hans.



What happened?

Oh, excuse me. I must Iook terribIe.

Yes, you Iook terribIe.
It doesn't matter.

We aII Iook terribIe now and again.

I couIdn't sIeep. I was up aII night.

The apartment I'm staying is
so terribIe I couIdn't stay.

Come, stay with us. It's nice.
I have a big famiIy.

-One more doesn't matter!
-ReaIIy? To your famiIy?

They're used to it.
Come on with me, ok?

I'm exhausted.
I reaIIy have to go to sIeep.

I was thinking of taking a cab
to the hoteI, but I don't think

I have enough cash. I have to go to
a bank. Is there a bank around here?

First you come with me and get some
sIeep. I make you something to eat.

You'II meet my husband and kids and
my reIatives visiting from Witterda.

From Witterda?
That's where my mother is from.

-You're from Thuringia?
-No, I'm from Nuremberg.

But that's where my mother grew up.

That's funny.
That's where I'm from, too.

Come on home with me.

It's nice at our pIace.

So, now go to sIeep.

-So, I have to pick...
-What do you have to pick?

-I'II take these three...

-Go on. PIay.
-No peeking.

-I don't have that suit.
-You're taking too Iong.

-No, onIy one card.

Did you sIeep weII?
Put on the bathrobe and come on.

-I can't sit here Iike this.
-No need to hide around us. Sit down.

-Come, join us.
-First I'II introduce you.

-This is Hanna. This is my husband.
-I'm the husband.

-Say your name!

-Our neighbor.

-Her husband.

-My sister.

-I'm Horst.
-Her husband. These are my kids.

-Say heIIo.
-HeIIo, heIIo.

-Oh, aII the chocoIate.
-Want some tea?

-Yes, pIease.
-I'm drunk aIready.

Carmen said you're originaIIy
from our area.

-She's from Witterda!

-And what brought you here?

-You have reIatives here?
-Oh, it's a Iong story.

It's a Iong way from Witterda.

You cIown. Cut it out.

Just fooIing around.

-That's freedom. Cheers.
-To freedom.

For us Iife is just beginning.
Now we're free, right?


-What do you for work?
-I'm a writer.

-ReaIIy? From where?
-From Munich.

-Don't take it so hard.

Right now she doesn't have a home.
Don't tease her. That isn't nice.

But we can taIk, can't we?

Of course you can taIk. But Ieave her
aIone for now. She had a rough night.

-What do you do?
-I work as a typesetter

-at the printing works.
-He used to be something Iike you.

-A journaIist.
-And not a bad one at that,

-tiII they fired him.
-He did meetings.

-That was ages ago!
-Go get your poems.

-Go and get them.

-Everything ok?
-I'II be right back.


-And I couIdn't keep up.
-This piano bar, I wanted to go in

and you know what he teIIs me?
''You can eat and drink at home!''

Imagine how Iiberating that is,

for years we weren't aIIowed
to think.

He was Iucky.

Just imagine what is was Iike.
I reaIIy thought we Iost them...

freedom and truth. They were buried.
But they're inside us.

-And then it just broke out.
-That's why we're so happy for days.

It's Iike being high. I never
experienced anything Iike it.

-You think it'II Iast?
-Why not?

-I hadn't thought about it.
-Why shouId we?

You don't seem aII too happy
about it.

It reaIIy threw me.
I don't want to spoiI the fun.

-PeopIe are happy far too seIdom.
-What is it that reaIIy threw you?

-You're pretty nosy.
-I'm just asking a question.

For me, your communism here in
the East was the perfect worId.

I had a Iot of troubIe
with Iife in the West,

since returning from EngIand.

And I often thought of moving
to East BerIin.

With a Western passport
in her pocket!

Now it's aII coIIapsed and it's
as if I too have faIIen apart.

CoIIapsed? It's onIy starting.

It'II be ok.

I guess I shouIdn't take myseIf
so fucking seriousIy.


Now you've met some new friends.

Fucking communism. We're aII peopIe.
From the East, but what the heII.

Turn down the damn TV!
It's making me crazy.

-Come on, Ieave the kids aIone.
-Isn't it nice here?

-Yes, I feeI good for the first time.
-That's a good reason

-to have another toast.
-So it's finaI.

-You stay here a IittIe whiIe, right?
-Of course she'II stay a whiIe.

I won't Iet her go in that state.
Such a precious person.

No, no, you'II stay here.
As of today, you're one of us.

Let's drink to that.

Cheers! To you, Hanna.

RonaId? It's me, Hanna.
Everything's gone wrong.

I'm broke. I'm going back
to Munich on the next train.

Where were you Iast night?
Where did you sIeep?

With a famiIy. ReaIIy sweet peopIe,
way out in East BerIin.

They were so sweet.

They couIdn't get enough of it; that
finaIIy their Iives are changing.

They even wanted me to stay.

-Why didn't you?
-What wouId I do there?

I haven't a chance.

I haven't a chance.
They're so different.

I have nothing to do with them.
I haven't a chance there.

Oh! HanneIeh!

Next time teII you Papa
that you're coming

so he can at Ieast pick you up.

I promise.

-WouId you Iike some wine?
-I'd Iove some.

Papa, give her some wine.
How Iong are you staying?

Me? Tonight. Maybe tomorrow, too.

You don't Iook good at aII.
You're so drawn and thin.

Why is that? Don't y0u eat enough?

I smoke too much. I work too much.

We tried caIIing you when we heard
about the WaII,

to hear if you finaIIy caught on,
but you weren't home.

You didn't pick up the phone.
I'm sure you had your reasons.

It's not worth arguing, Mama. Your
adversary this time is far too weak.

Come on, we aren't arguing.
What kind of attitude is that?

I just wanted to know
where you were the whoIe time.

I was home,
if you reaIIy want to know.

I just didn't answer the phone.

Did you hear that? She was home
and didn't answer the phone!

We were worried. How shouId we know
you didn't kiII yourseIf?

-Don't say that.
-Why not? Her sister did it!

Come on, Trudi, pIease don't
get exited.

First Iisten to what she has to say.

And anyway, Iet's toast to her
being here. Cheers, Hanna.

Cheers. To our finaIIy getting
to see your face again!

Do you stiII take so many piIIs?

You have that harsh faciaI
expression again.

We're not going to pay for
another withdrawaI treatment.

You stiII don't have
heaIth insurance.

Father and I aren't wiIIing
to pay such astronomicaI sums.

I cut down.
I don't take many anymore.

At Ieast she's back and can
reIax for a few days.

-Did you come right from Munich?
-Why don't you say what you want?

You never come for no reason.

I can't taIk Iike this.
Mama aIways pressures me so much.

-There's no sense.
-That's right.

Why don't you Iet her
get settIed first?

Are you making ruIes for me,
how I'm supposed to behave?

Ok, Mama, you're right.

I need money. I'm totaIIy broke.

I wanted to move to BerIin.
I spent aII my money for the move.

I didn't pIan out.
If you don't give me the money,

I Iose my apartment in Munich.
I don't even have enough

to buy myseIf some cigarettes.

I don't get an advance for my
new book tiII next spring.

Then I couId pay you back part of it.

What do you mean, you wanted
to move to BerIin? Why?

That's beside the point.

Don't teII me what I can
or cannot ask you.

It was personaI, ok?
It didn't work out.

But it didn't change
my situation at aII.

-How much do you need?
-1 0,000 marks.

That's out of the question.

First I'II take my stuff upstairs.
Or shouId I just go?

But HanneIeh, Mama doesn't
mean it Iike that.

She's just annoyed that you onIy
come when you want something.

-I'm in troubIe. I can't change that!
-Just Iet her go.

You can't do that.
She's our daughter.

You are and aIways wiII be
a pushover.

HanneIeh, pIease. Don't go.

You can't do that to your Papa.

Go upstairs and wait
untiI everything caIms down.

I'II taIk to your mother.
She doesn't mean it Iike that.

Ok, Papa, I'm going up to my room.
I'm tired.

I can't deaI with a scene right now.
You can teII her that.

Go upstairs, dear.
We'II work something out.

Ok, Papa.

Papa, I have to taIk with you.
You have a minute?

Papa, I can't stand it here.
I have to go back to Munich.

I can't stay here another minute.

-You have to give me some money.
-ChiId, caIm don.

No, Papa. It won't work.
I have to Ieave immediateIy.

I'm going crazy.
I have to go back to Munich.

I can't take it.
Can you give me some money?

-How much do you need?
-Everything you have at hand.

Here are 500 marks.

Is that enough for a start?

It'II do for the first
few days in Munich.

I have to get the apartment back.
Maybe it isn't gone yet.

Thanks, Papa. I'II never forget this.

Somebody has to do it.
You know what I'II have to deaI with

-if I just Iet you Ieave.
-Just say I was gone.

That I just took off.
She'II beIieve you.

Ciao, Papa.



What're you doing here?
Were you at your parents?

And you? What are you doing here?

-It's my IittIe brother's birthday.

How funny to run into you here.

I've been thinking of you
a Iot recentIy.

-Yeah, it's strange.

I remembered how we were in IffeIdorf

and you bathed the baby for the
first time. Stuff Iike that.

It was strange.

You doing ok?

The opening of the WaII and aII
that has reaIIy confused me.

Come on. Let's go for a drink.
When is your train?

I have time.

Come on. Let's go.

Two vodkas pIease. DoubIes.

Except for being a bit oIder,
you haven't changed at aII.

It's the makeup. I've used the
same makeup for 30 years.

You're probabIy confusing me
with my makeup.

And back then you didn't have a wig.

You had more hair, too.

I stiII have a IittIe patch.
Isn't that enough?

Yes, it is.

-To this stupid city.
-To this stupid city.

Two more doubIes, pIease.


You couId have caIIed. There's
certainIy enough to taIk about.

-Our son, for instance.
-Yeah, that's right.

It's time for me to go.
What are you pIans?

I reaIIy don't know. I'II take
the next train back to Munich.

Why don't you just come with me
to Darmstadt?

Ok, I'II come.

Ok, so Iet's go.

Do you have ice? Where is
the kitchen? I need gIasses.

Yeah, wait a minute. I'II get them.

-Where is the kitchen?

What's so funny?

PIum spread, margarine, this
Thuringia sausage, a ryebread.

You stiII have exactIy the same
things in the refrigerator.

I hate change. When things change,
as you see, I try everything

to keep things the way they were.

They pIayed tricks with us.

Now things are better for us.

-Now we exist again.
-Yeah, we exist again.

To our new existence.

When are you finaIIy going to
take off that wig?

I'm not. That wouId be
the uItimate nakedness.

Do you wear it even when you
sIeep with someone?

I'II wear it in my grave.

And when I face the finaI judgement.

When I go to heII.
I wouIdn't subject my worst enemies

to such nakedness. Not even God.

And if Lenin... asked you to?

Then I'd take it off.

I'm Lenin.

Can't you see that?

Now take that damn thing off.

I can't. I Iook ugIy without it,

-Iike the woman from '' Naked Kiss'' .
-You don't Iook ugIy at aII.

You never Iooked ugIy.

Even if you had onIy one Ieg,
you'd Iook pretty to me.

I don't beIieve you.

I know you don't beIieve me.
You never did.

You aIways pIayed the IoneIy hero.

How couId I have beIieved you
as a young girI?

You aren't a young girI anymore.

You're everything but a young girI.

What do you mean? Do you mean
I shouId beIieve you now?

Why are you doing that?

I Iove you.

In contrast to you,
I was never afraid of getting oId.

How do you know, I'm afraid?

I know you too weII.

I can feeI how afraid you are
of every touch.

Yes, I'm scared.
I'm scared it'II go '' Pop''

and I'II burst Iike a puffbaII
mushroom when you Iie on me,

with spores shooting out in
a smokeIike cIoud.

Oh, cut the crap!

You can put that
in one of your noveIs.

-I'm much more exact then you are!
-You started it.

So, you can have me Iike this.

Ok, then. Come on,
Iet's go over to the bedroom.

Yeah, we'II get it over with.

Now you're Iike me.

Oh, that's awfuI.

Hanna, what are you doing here?

I thought you'd faIIen asIeep.

I'm so furious.

It's so fucked!

So fucked. I'm so angry,
I couId cut off my hand.

Gudrun, Ingeborg, Rita, UIrike...

I can understand these girIs so weII.

They knew what was going on.

You have no idea
how much I Ioved Gudrun.

I Ioved that girI so much.

Do you have a recipe for death?

I've known you 30 years aIready.

You're stiII so stupid.

And the others are so fucking stupid

Grass never knew what was going on.

OnIy the girIs aIways knew
what was going on.

You didn't understand either.
Why not?

Why don't you ever understand?

Everyone survived
when Ingeborg burned to death.

Except for me.

I'm dead in here.

-You don't know what that means.
-Bruno, Iie down, .

Get into bed. There's no sense.

No, you finaIIy have to understand,
girI. I am not your hero,

your great guy.

I am your first
and most important man,

but nothing more. Understand?

Yes, I understand,
but you stiII have to get into bed.

The pain is very deep.

It won't come out anymore.

When wiII you finaIIy understand?

I'm going now.

I'd Iike to bring you to bed first
if you want.

Yes, then go, girI, if you must.

-I won't take you in again.
-You asshoIe.

You're so fucking unfair. I shouId've
known things wouId go wrong with you.

You have absoIuteIy no respect.

I have to go. You're so drunk,
there's nothing eIse to do.

And because I see how exhausted I am.

I have to go, even though
I have no pIace to go.

You're forcing me to, Bruno.


Ms. FIanders, what a surprise
to see you here. What about BerIin?

-I am here onIy temporariIy.
-What happened?

The move was deIayed.

You're not wearing the white coat.

-That's what I'm here about.
-Is something the matter?

I wanted to ask if you'd take
the coat back? For haIf-price,

of course. I onIy wore it once.

Sorry, Ms. FIanders,
but we never do that.

I'd never ask if I weren't
in troubIe. But considering

I shop here so often...

We're very sorry,
but we don't do that.

We simpIy don't.

-Is everything ok?
-Yes, thanks.

Say, where is that song coming from?

What song? That oIdie?
It's from the radio in the back.

-Taxis are out front?
-Yes, right out in front.

How Iong have I been here aIready?

SeveraI hours.

How did I...

Why did I... Did I have an accident?

You coIIapsed in front of
a restaurant at Odeon Square

-and they brought you here.
-What happened?

We found a Iarge dose
of barbiturate in your bIood.

I took the piIIs too earIy.

I wanted to get a taxi.

I must've faIIen asIeep on the way
from restaurant to taxi.

-Then I can go now.
-CaIm down, Ms. FIanders.

-Lie back down, you can't go yet.
-Why not?

-We'II probabIy have to transfer you.
-Transfer? Where to?

-Another hospitaI.
-No, no. Why?

-I can't afford that at aII.
-PIease caIm down.

-I'd Iike to taIk you about it.
-Can I have a cigarette, pIease?

No, smoking is out of the question.

I'd Iike to taIk to you openIy
about it, but pIease promise

to stay caIm. In a routine
examination we detected

acute symptoms of vascuIar disease
in your Ieft Ieg, due to smoking.

-PIease caIm down.

-You promised to stay caIm.
-My Ieg is numb!

That's ok. We gave you a bIood
thinning injection to reguIate

the bIood fIow. That's normaI.
In two hours you'II be abIe

-to waIk normaIIy again.
-What's wrong with my Ieg?

-What is that, vascuIar disease?
-It means if you keep on smoking,

you'II Iose the Ieg pretty soon.


PIease caIm down. Don't cry.
Just Iisten.

You have to be very strong
and discipIined.

You'II start immediate
nicotine withdrawaI

and not touch another cigarette.
We wiII aIso initiate a withdrawaI

from your piIIs. So we'd Iike your
consent to keep you for about

ten days on a cIosed
detox ward in Munich-Leim.

Then you'II be moved
to a treatment center

for recovery for another four weeks.
That wouId give you a chance

to avoid having your Ieg amputated.

But I'd Iike to be very cIear
that it is onIy a chance.

You have to do everything
to make sure you come through ok.

Are you in agreement with that?

I consent to everything.

Ms. FIanders, what are you doing?

-Isn't that a bit much?
-The cIock is ticking too IoudIy.

You're Iucky.
It couId've been broken.

Why do you say Iucky? Nurse Marga,
couId you give me a cigarette,

-so the withdrawaI symptoms go away?
-No. You know I can't.

You have to get through on your own,
with an iron wiII. Hanna, wouId you

-do me a favor and get into bed?
-I can't sIeep.

I tried. It's no use.

Ok, but Ieave the stuff on the waIIs.


RonaId, where did you come from?

They toId me to stop smoking
or my arteries wiII cIog up.

It's aII so terribIe. I can't sIeep.

They made me go from 1 00 to zero!
It's torture.

I was Iooking aII over for you,
Hanna. You Iook so exhausted.

Did they take away your
aII-important cigarettes?

AII-important? Yeah, it seems so.

I'm so happy I found you, Hanna.

You can't imagine. How are you?

How about you?
Where are you off to?

You don't Iook as if you'II
be staying in Munich.

I have to go to Vienna.
They're interested in my pIay.

ReaIIy? That's wonderfuI.

-That's good.

I'm reaIIy happy I'm here.
What do they say; I'm in good care.

I think it's good to be
in someone's care for a whiIe.

For sure it's good. You don't have
to worry about anything.

The nurses are your maids.

It's aImost Iike in the ExceIsior.

Soon you'II be abIe to sIeep again.

-It scares me.
-SIeep wiII come, don't worry.

-You think so?

-Know what I think?

You'II do this one Iast time.

Then something new wiII come.
I beIieve in that.

When I come back from Vienna.

Inside me everything is moving
around so IightIy; it's strange.

The memories,
the feeIings are aII returning.

That's good.

They are so Iight because
they aren't reaI.

They don't want to Iive in me.
They are drifting away.

They're drifting away, you see?

And I'm hanging in the air
Iike an iron weight.

They aren't drifting away.
They'II come back.

It'II be Iight and easy again,
beIieve me.

You do beIieve me, don't you?

Here. for safekeeping tiII I
come back from Vienna.

-No. No.

So nothing wiII happen to me.

No. Keep it. It Iooks so good on you.

You have to keep it.

You'II net it in Vienna.

So go now. Go on!
