Dead of Winter (2014) - full transcript

In the wilderness of Colorado teams compete in a Geocache treasure hunt that suddenly becomes a deadly game of survival.

Really, 1:30.

John, you need to
check in with me.

You break your parole

and I don't want
you going backwards.

Call me.

It's open.


What are you doing here?

Consider it an intervention.

I've seen the show.

Aren't there supposed
to be friends?

You don't have any.


Dobson told me he's
looking for a driver.

I'm not workin' for Dobson.

It'll get you out of here.

Eat some real food
and take a bath.

You stink.

That's a pretty
good intervention.

You gonna do this?

How much?

I told you how much.

Just tell me again.

200 bucks.

So I gotta drive, what,
16 hours round trip,

all night, sit there all day?

God, you know what that
works out to, right?

No, I don't, tell me.

Come on, it's shit, man.

Oh, okay.

Cool, go back to bed.

Hey, hey, I'll do it.

I'll do it.

Course you will,

because you're smart
as you are handsome

and you know you
have no options.

Hand these out when they board.


Hey, I got you this gig
'cause of what happened.


You get another
DUI and I'm screwed.

Not you.

I hear you like being screwed.

Happy trails.

Fuck me.

Jesus Christ.



How's it goin'?


I'm Bradik.


Do you do this a lot?


- No.
- No?

Wow, you
want some tips?

I can give you some pointers.


No? No.

Wow, a virgin, right?

This is it, huh?


This looks great.

It's my first time.

I'm super pumped.

Sorry, Simon Richards.

I'm the head of the
World Wildlife Forum.

John Garber, I peaked
in the 12th grade.

Here, I'm really good
at self-defense stuff.

I could teach you some
stuff if you want.

You want me to,
sure, let's do it.

Here, throw a punch.

Throw a punch.

Ow, Jesus!

Ow, no, in slow motion.

Nobody fights in slow emotion.


Here, listen, if you
go real time on me,

trigger my shit, I
go lights out, okay?

I can teach you some
if you want me to.

I'm like big into
this Steven Seagal

kind of technique.

Gotta grab this guy
by the hair, right?

Stick your fingers up
his nostrils, right?

And then while you're,
while you've got

the fingers in the nostrils.

Don't forget the
fingers in the nostrils.

You just wanna, you
wanna twist like that.

Ponytail flying
in the air, great.

Who's your friend?

I don't think we've
been formally introduced.


- Rachel.
- Rachel, Rachel.

Hi, baby.

Rachel and me, we're
gonna be long-time friends.

Hi, what's your name?

- Hi.
- How's it goin'?

Y'know, it's very
rude not to answer a person.

Hey, Your Highness.

Your chariot awaits.

My chariot needs a makeover.

Well, don't be like that now.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Ah, reunion, bringin'
old friends together.

I don't see any friends here.


- Angry.
- Very scary, ooh.

I'll take
a dump in his truck.


So, what's the deal with this?


It's like a treasure hunt,
but you use, like, GPS

and riddles to help
find boxes hidden

throughout the woods.

First one who signs
the log book out, wins.

Wins what, a set
of steak knives?


25 grand for playing
tag in the woods?

Shit, man, I'm in.

Sorry, it's by
invitation only.

Well, that is too bad
because I would kick your ass.

Honey, you need
climbing skills,

decoding Braille, Morse,
ROT13, just sayin'.

Well, I hope you
use your super powers

for good and not evil.

The pirates always have
more fun than the Navy.

Oh, really?

Welcome, big guy.

Your bus stinks.


Excuse me.

I think I hurt the
bus driver's feelings.

Hey, I'm surprised
to see you here.

I mean, I'm happy.

I just haven't heard from you.

I know, I'm sorry,
I've just been...


Who's your partner?

Oh God, don't tell me it's him.

He's the best navigator around.

Best climber, too.

Yeah, I know, but he's Robert.

I can use the money, okay?

So, I don't know
what you're thinking,

but four teams?

I like those odds.

shown you this five times.

I know you've shown
me this five times.

Yeah, you're retarded.

Okay, can you just,
like, talk to me

like a normal human being?

So two loops?

No, yeah.

And then...

Nope, it's fine, no,
we're just gonna die.

You're gonna kill us, it's fine.

Yeah, this is gonna be fun.


Hey, it's me.

Are we good?


Fill it up.

Here we are out with
the future B-Dik, Bradik,

you all know him.

I don't need to have
an introduction.

Alright, let's meet some people

on this wonderful trip
that we got goin' on here.

Let's start at the back.


Alright, here we
have a dumb haircut

with a body attached to it.

So what's your name?



So, what's your
strategy for today?

Actually it's interesting,

I just downloaded an app
that does calculations

and projections using
the Vincenty method.

moving on from you

because the audience is
gonna shoot themselves

in the face.

Oh, and, oh, I'm sorry.

I apologize.

Alright, and oh,
here we have Eve.

Hey there, Eve.

Turn around,
sweetheart, come on.

Come on, there you are.

Now what does it
feel like for you

to be defeated in
such a horrible way?

Sorry, those are my
questions for tomorrow.

I'm gonna make you my bitch.


'Cause that sounds awesome.

That really does, alright.

Back to reading.

Hey there.

So in the 69 position,

do you guys have to kind
of like tap each other

when you're tapping out?

Is it like a UFC fight?

I'm gonna fuckin'
bitch slap you so hard.

you guys have sex,

is it, do you have to
come up for air a lot?

Shut the fuck down.

Sir, what is your
strategy for tomorrow?

Two-man team, both
on the same page,

and no one goes rogue.

Leaving everyone behind.

For some people
teamwork is not having

to take all the blame.

Yeah, I don't even
know what that means.

English, Robbie.

I mean,
was that biblical?

Because it sounded stupid.

Stalin knew how to get
people on the same page.

He sat before his cabinet,

got an underling to
bring him a chicken.

It was running around
back and forth.

He grabbed it by the
neck, plucked it, live.

When he was done, bloody
feathers all around.

The savage chicken wasn't
running around any more.

It stayed in his lap,
quaking in terror.

stupid, I hate you.

That's how you control people.

Is this it?

That's what the map says.

You drove all night?


You get us lost?

No, this is right.

Yeah, it says we
self-start at 7 a.m.

That's in 15 minutes.

Oh, shit.

Let's go.

Hey, check it out.

A Tarptent?

Jerry-rigged it off a car.

It'll tell us the exact
location of every cache.

That's fuckin' brilliant.

I love you.

For a sponsored event
this isn't very organized.

How's your ankle?

It's good.

Dude, like, my
shoulder is sore.


Sorry, gotta go talk strategy.

No, no, it's fine.

Go ahead, it's fine.

What's the read?

Okay, so we're
at 537 at 13.997.

Okay, good.

Channeling energy through

the parts of your body
that touch each other

that are touching the sky,

also down to the earth below.

This is where I pet the tiger,

and the fish swim by you.

It's like I'm in a river.

Keep workin' on that tiger.

One day you'll be a lion.

everyone, set your watches.

6:55 now.

Okay, first riddle.

"Alive without breath,
as cold as death,

"this tale ends
with me belly up.

"Run past me and then look up."

Cold, I'm really cold.

Really cold, like me?

Stop it, no
really, two seconds.


Dead fish.

Oh, you're so smart, baby.

Hey, Vegas has got
you at four to one.

Bet the
farm I'm a lock.

Go get 'em.

20 seconds.

Are those orthopedics?

Youth and vigor have no match

for age and treachery.

You smell like
a cheese danish.

And three, two,


Go, go, go!

Babe, come on!

Let's go!

Shouldn't we be running?

Come on!

Babe, come on!

You know, that's a dick move.

You're tailgatin'.

Read it.

"A penance you'll pay
for the acts of depravity,

"no way to escape for I
am the center of gravity."

I dunno, here.


We're close.

"Frolicking about
before the blast,

"Bambi looks up and
breathes her last."

Who the fuck writes this shit?

Deer stand.


Fuck you.

V, V, V!

Ooh, okay!

Follow the track.

What's it say?

I don't know,
it looks Native American.

What tribe used to
live in this area?


Here, decipher codes.

Let's go.

Wait up!

What's it say?

Read it.

Do you know the answer?

Where are you going?

Got it.

We'll be there soon!

Where are they going?

It doesn't matter.

This tells exactly
where we want to go.

Up or around?


Definitely, fuck.

What's the terrain reading?

4th class, small holds.

We should probably tie in.

Stratus looks down and away.

Over here it's angled up.

Is that a Tarptent?


Ow, geez!

Those aren't allowed.

Y'know I don't need a
Tarptent to kick your ass.

Bring it on.

Is your cock ever soft?

Only when it's in your mother.

Okay, I'll swing on you Boris.

Because of you fucking idiots

I lost four of my sponsors.

Let's go,
we got shit to do.


Navigation was
your one strength.

Now you're just dead weight.

I brought trail mix.

Like you noticed.


Stop, stop!

What happened?

cable cut him down.

Oh my God.

- What the fuck?
- Jesus.

What the fuck happened?

He had an accident.

Is that my beer?

Let's go, get us out of here.

We're not goin'
anywhere in the bus.

It won't start.

And look, there's no
cell phone coverage, man.

Did you check the plug?

Try your cell.

Ah, fuck.

Hello, anyone?

- Pull my finger.
- Go away.

Come on.

Hey, what do
you got for tools?


Holy shit!

What the fuck?

Oh my God, that bus
was such a piece of shit.

Oh my God!

Everyone okay?

We need to get back.

You wanna see if
it still starts?

How far to the nearest town?

I dunno, 200 miles maybe.


Can I see the map please?

What do you guys think?

I dunno, walk four
or five days maybe.

Maybe a car will come by.

Someone's gotta be
at the last geocache.

That's what it says.

"We'll be with you at
the end, 15 miles".

Let's go, we've got a
lot of ground to cover.

I'll fuckin'
follow this guy.

We gotta be close.

Here we go.

"I stood strong before
people came to my feet.

"I stand yet, a
broken Centurion,

"guarding my progeny
scattered to the wind."

Well, that makes sense.

Wait, what are the
lines on the back there?

Here, let's see.

Clever, it's the
image of a hieroglyph.

It represents a
waterfall in the clouds.

There, where the water
finds its way down the hill.

It's rotted through.

We gotta go, guys,
the weather's coming.

I don't know, guys,
it seems kinda sketch.

The bridge is fine.

I used to hunt up
here with my dad.

Okay, maybe just
go two at a time.

Go ahead.

Sure, everybody go.

My turn.


Listen, okay Coyote Ugly?

Women, children, men,
then in-betweeners.

Sh, Lindsay!

Stay calm.

Look at me, look at me!

Alright, give me your hand.

Give me your hand.

Steady, steady.


I'm fine.


Still waiting for your balls
to drop, huh, little man?

Listen, tit queen, okay?

You might be the top
with Red back there,

but in our relationship,

I do the fucking.

Give me a fucking
reason to kill you.

Just fucking give it to me.

Why don't you
go fist yourself?

Stay away from Rachel.

Oh, I just wanna watch.

I just wanna hear that.

Alright, enough.


You know, I've been
meaning to ask you,

what's with the
Thompson class ring?

It's where I went to school.



Well, that takes a
helluva GPA to get into.

Yeah, or a hell of an arm.

So, how did you...

End up driving
a shitty tour bus?

I said I went there.

I didn't say I graduated.

Oh, God, I'm sorry, I...

It's fine.


Okay, waterfall in the clouds.

Now what?

We think, we don't speak.

Try it.

No no no no no, you think.

I'm freezing my ass off here.


Hey, read it again.

Oh, babe, I gotta
make a doodie.

Ew, baby.

"I sit strong where poor
people came to my feet.

"I stand yet a broken Centurion

"guarding my progeny
scattered to the wind."

What's all that progeny stuff?

Progeny means that
the seeds were scattered

by the wind and
created this forest.

Oh yeah, I knew it was about

trees and wind and stuff.

Did you hear that?

Hang on a second.

Oh my God.

Holy shit.

Is it loaded?


No bullets.

Let me see it.

I'll hold on to it for now.

Anything else?

Yeah, "Abide by these
words or in 90 seconds

"screams will be heard."


Aw, mommy.

Hang on a second.

"No sooner spoken than broken."

I can't...



No, baby!

We move now.

What the hell is going on?

Just keep moving.

How much further to the place?

Maybe a mile.

Fuckin' voodoo shit, man.

What did that clue say?

Silence, Bradik.

We go back to
where we came in.

Maybe someone saw the explosion.

Yeah come on, let's
try our luck on the road.

I don't wanna see it anymore.

We just left her there.

Maybe Robert can give
one of his eulogies.


I'm sorry I didn't bring my
English-Geotrash dictionary.

Are you ready?

Come on.

Where's Ben?

Listen, Bus Boy
is right, okay?

That guy is dirty.

I'm telling you right now, okay.

So what I say we
do is we find him,

we attack him, take
his stupid hat.

I could hear all of
you over a mile away.

I got separated after
Lindsay was killed.

I went back to the bridge.

It was gone.

What do you mean, gone?

I don't know.

I don't believe you.

You'll find out.


This bridge was blown.

How do we know
you didn't do it?

Why come back to warn you?

We can't just stay
out in the open here.

She's right, we're exposed.

Come on.

Is there another way out?

Alright, well, you know what?

Let's take a look, alright?

We got the gorge here,
mountains here and here,

lake here.

Actually, I remember
a cabin up here.

It's off season, I dunno.

Maybe someone will be there.

Well, maybe
they'll have supplies

or, like, a satellite
phone or something.


Okay, but wait, wait.

See, you wanna go
back in the direction

where the lesbian
just got torn apart

- like a wishbone?
- Her name is Lindsay.

You dick.

I'm just telling
it like it is.


Easy, man.

What if we found a
way down the gorge?

Follow the bank of the river?

Too steep, we'll
never make it.

With no equipment
we're as good as dead.

So we run?

We evade.

Okay, this is not the
game I signed up for, okay?

We are the fucking
game, asshole.

Go, go, go, go, go!

Johnny? Johnny!

Marcus and Eve!

Split up, okay?

Meet at the hunter's cabin!

Just fucking great.

I get stuck with C minus T.

Wait, wait, maybe we
should wait here for help!

Ben, can you tell

that we have to keep moving?

We're all in this together.


What, you wanna sip
some cocoa, huh?

You wanna rent a rowboat,

maybe roast some marshmallows?

Listen, you're either helping
me or you're in my way.

Right now, you're in my way.

His tactics, feels
like he's ex-military.

That's not military.

How would you know?

Because I did a tour.

Well, whoever's behind this

knows this is the only way out.

I'm gonna get a
higher vantage point,

see if I can see the others.

With Rachel they
couldn't have gotten far.

they're still alive.

What does this mean?

So he knows the area, right?

Yeah, he said he used to
hunt up here with his dad.

Yeah, hunt what?

Maybe we're not the first.

Maybe his dad's
out there right now

and he's leading
us right to him.

Oh, come on.

No, no, isn't it odd?

He's left alone with the
bus and it fucking explodes?

He supposedly knows the area.

All I see is some jerk-off
getting us into trouble.

Have you noticed his tattoos
under his collar line?

Those are prison tats.


See anything?

No, I can't see 'em.

Let's move.

Do you think
geocaching is any way

to spend your golden years?

It's a way to test oneself,

to see what you're made of.

What are you made of, Bradik?

What does that mean?

Well, adversity
doesn't make the man.

It reveals who we already are.

I'm tired.

We need to find
a way to the cabin.


Do you need a
puppet show, huh?

Do I have to spell it out for
you like an Etch-a-Sketch?

It's cover.

There'll be food,
supplies there.

Well, what kind of food?

Oh, Peking duck with
a three-bean salad.

It's a prefix, three
course, really nice.

Try the rib eye, get it
nice and medium rare.

Oh, and the creme brûlée,

it's a nice passion fruit.

How the fuck should I know?

Why are you so mean?

Sweet, I got an idea.

Come on.

Look, we can avoid all
that shit over there

if we cut across the
quarry over there.

We'll be sitting ducks.

Rachel, Rachel, come here.

Do you wanna go that way,

or do you wanna go that way?

I don't wanna go either way.

Okay, that's not
an option, so...

I just wanna go home.

We all wanna go home,
pretty little girl, okay.

Listen to me.

Do you wanna go the
super hard climbing way,

or you wanna go the
super easy walking way?

I wanna go the
non-climbing way.



You comin' with?

You guys, you're
making a mistake.

Great, that's great advice.

Okay, well you stay right there

and you tell me
how it goes, okay?

Come on.

You've got blood on
your face, you know?

I mean I guess if you knew that

you wouldn't be standing
there like that.

Ow, dick!

Just fucking saying.

Just saying it looks better

when you have
blood on your face.

Not trying to be a
compliment or an insult.

Yeah, this is a
good position here.

I don't know, it
looks pretty open.

Are you kidding me?

I could run that in
under two minutes.

Oh, really?

Yeah, I used to run track.

I find that hard to believe.


You should see my
calves, they're huge.

What, what about me?

You'll be fine, too.

What, what is that
supposed to mean?

Are you coming back?


You guys see any tracks?

I don't see anything.

Is that hunters?

No, a hunter's round
would be more measured.

Those are pretty fast.

They came from that ridge.

Are they
with the other group?

I don't know.

How'd they get in front of us?

Maybe they're already there.

Look, I think we're being
squeezed from both sides.

Okay come on, let's go.

Let's go.

You okay?


Stay down.


Yes, Ben?

Are you hurt?



Yes, Ben?

Back where you came, to me.

Okay, thanks Ben.

Alright, the shots came
from around here, right?


What, you're gonna
throw a pebble?

Just get ready to move.



You hit Bradik.

Throw another one.

Well, what the
fuck's he doing there?

Fuck, ah!

Stupid motherfucker!

Ben, sorry I called you old.

I am old.

Yeah, what the hell

were you guys doing down there?

He took a shortcut.

Oh, it hurts.

Just shut up.

Fuck you, okay?

Motherfucker hits me
in the head with a rock

and then tells me to shut up.

Oh God, I hope you get
stabbed in the heart.

I wanna go home.

We all do, come on.

Gotta keep going.

I miss pizza.

I miss beautiful, naked women.

- Shut up!
- Big-breasted women.

What is that?

Hey, be careful, that
could be a booby trap.

It's a cairn.

Originally used to mark
Celtic grave sites.



What is it?


"I mark you death,
cold and bloodless,

"in God's light."

Geez, that's great,
more great news.

Gimme the bullets.

Why do you get
to hold the gun?

'Cause you know me.

I don't know anyone.

Well, you wanna
give it to the ex-con?

You didn't think we knew
about that, did you?

Why don't you pull
down your collar

and show those prison tats?

Just fuck you, Marcus.

Why didn't you say anything?

Because it didn't
come up, alright?

See, I told you this
guy was full of shit.

How does a bus just explode?

You know what Robert
said to me when he died?

He said, "Eve and Marcus."

What the fuck did
he mean by that?

What the fuck do
you mean by that?

I went to prison, right?

So I'm guilty.

You're ex-military, you
know what that means?

It's a gateway drug
for sociopaths.

Give me the bullets!

Get off!


Get off me.

You okay?

Fuck, I'm sorry, come on.

You okay?

Don't fucking touch me!

I'm sorry.

Where's Ben?

Fuck, I don't know.

Bad things happen
when Ben's gone.

Where is he?

Come on, let's go.

Do not give him the
fucking bullets, alright?

Where were you?

I'm sorry!

Oh, God!

Hey, hey!


Over here!

Over here!

Help us!

No, don't!

Are you kidding me?

I will track you down
and gut you like a pig!

They're not coming back.

Nice, Bradik.


Look at her frickin' face,
she looks like fright night!

Shut up!

She'd scare a monster,
for Christ sakes.

And you
led us to a dead end.

Are you sure it's
even out this way?

Pretty sure, I don't know.

You're pretty sure?

Yes, I'm pretty
fucking sure, alright?

I don't know.

I haven't been in this
area since I was 12.

Oh, so we're going
on hunches now?

We're gonna risk hypothermia

'cause Ex-Con has a notion?

Got any better ideas?

Yeah, don't follow you.

Any-fucking-time, Marcus.

Okay, okay, listen,
listen, listen.

Listen, stop.


It's iced over there, we
can walk across, come on.


Come on, let's go.

Such a fucking ass.

You idiot,
you fucking idiot!

Holy shit.

That's not cabin,
it's a mausoleum.


Let's call it a cease fire.

That was subtle.

Thanks, I hope
you like ghosts.

taking so long?

I know.

Come on!

Hey, basin's cleared.

You okay up there?

Yep, all clear.

Alright, let's
get everyone else.

It's all clear.

C'mon, let's go.

Come on, Bradik.


Just keep it small, alright.

She needs heat, man.

Yeah, well, we got enough
wind to dissipate the smoke.

Any bigger and we can
be seen from a distance.

It'll warm up.

These things heat
up pretty quick.

Here honey, let's put this
around you, keep you warm.

Got some stuff to wipe
off your face, too.

You know, if we
huddled together naked

our bodies would
probably warm faster.


That's not me, that's science.

I'm just, it's fact.


Hey, I found some
vodka and beans.

This stuff is good.

Like, I don't even like vodka.

What the hell is that?


Get it!

Hey, give me some.

You know what,
it's not that bad.

Kinda what I imagine
baby deer to taste like.

You're a terrible cook.

I'm sorry, next time
I'll put some scallions in.

Hey, who do you think we'd
eat first if we had to?

Bradik, big boy.


Yeah, I'd eat you.

Wow, I'm honored.

I mean you get the,
you know, the most cuts

from the biggest cow, right?

But you know where
I imagine myself?

I imagine myself like Kobe beef.

Like, I'm kinda
just sittin' there,

people massaging me, you know?

It's like an experience,
it's not just a meal.

Wow, you really thought
that through, didn't you?

You've never
thought about this?

Oh my God.

Want some?

I can't smell anything.

You'll be
smelling something later,

after this rat, I'm not kidding.

It's gonna be bad.

Mmm, you guys do not
know what you're missing.

Well, there's an organ.

You are disgusting.

are so disgusting.

dinner here, people.

You know what, guys?

We should really
get some shut-eye.

Yeah, we'll sleep in shifts.

Someone will keep watch.

I'll take the first.

Good night.

Hey, does my breath
smell like rat?

Really, get out of my face.

What, I need to know!



I feel
a lot of tension

coming from this
side of the room.

Go eat it
in the other room.

It's so gross!

C'mon, I cooked it,

I'll eat it wherever I want.

You know what I'm saying?

Can't sleep?


Mind if I sit down?


How's your nose?

It's okay, but if
I get a bump there

I might have to kill you.

You promise?

Sorry about that.

It's okay.

Why didn't you say
anything about prison?

I don't know.

You wanna talk about it?

I got into it with some guy.

It was in a bar.

It always happens in
a bar, doesn't it?

Fight broke out, guy clocked me.

I hit him back, I hit him hard.

Holy shit, did I punch him.

How long ago?

I've been out for a year.

Let me see it.

What does it mean?

It means sometimes
you have to pick a side.


Shift change, huh?

Goodnight, John.


Crazy night, huh?


Makes you think.

Think about what?

What's important.

Um, look.

I don't know how
this is gonna end.

Don't say that.

I don't wanna die
without telling you

how much I care about you.

I care about you, too, Marcus.

I thought we
connected that night.

We lost someone
that we both loved.

I don't know what I would
have done without you.

I thank God you were there.

I was grieving,
we were grieving.

Anyway, it was hard
losing him that way.

I just...

Rachel, are you okay?

Rachel? Rachel!


Come on!

We need light, let's go!

She's not breathing!

Her airway's blocked.

She's not breathing.

I need a knife and I
need you to go in my bag,

take apart the pen.

Hurry up, go now!

Hold her down, Marcus.

I got it, I got it.

Hold her still.

Okay, ready?

One, two.

Shit, there's no obstruction.

I need a pen, hurry up!

Thank God,
she's breathing.

Okay, you can't move, okay?

Do you understand me?

Don't move.

You were choking.

We had to go into your throat.

Do you understand?


You're gonna be okay.

You'll be okay, okay?

Here, I need for
you to hold this,

just for a second until it
holds itself into place,


You're doing fine,
you're gonna be great.

She's in anaphylactic shock.

Her throat was swollen shut.

What could have caused that?

Granola bars.

Honey, are you
allergic to nuts?

Blink once for
yes or two for no.

Did you get them here?

So it's poisoned, no?

This box is clean.


So everything
else in this place

is covered with
dust except this.

How'd they know
she'd eat that?

Oh come on, look at her.

She's the poster child
for eating disorders.

That could've
been any one of us!

So you're saying
every move we make,

is planned from the beginning?

Think of the
choices you have made.

Could you have made other ones?

Not if we wanted to live.

We're being hunted.

No, we're being herded.

This is worse
than Scofield, man.

Scofield was an accident.

This is by design.

What was Scofield?

I'm gonna go
heat up some water.

Marcus, what was Scofield?

What the fuck?

It's gonna be okay, I promise.

Scofield, you wanna
tell me about Scofield?

We were at a geocaching
event there two years ago.

Who's we?

Marcus, Bradik, Robert,

me, and Jeremy.

Jeremy, who is Jeremy?

Why isn't he on this trip?

Jeremy was my...

He had a climbing accident.

His line got tangled,
snapped in the belay.

You guys were close?

We were all close.

Was Rachel there?

No, we just met her this trip.

What about Ben,
Lindsay, Simon?

Were they there?

Dunno, why?

Just trying to
put it together.


Come on, go get Marcus!

Come on, let's get Rachel!

Stay low, stay low!


Come on!

Get her out of here.

Rachel, Rachel!



Get away from...!

What happened?

They took her.

Bradik, go!

Come on!




No, get away!

Eve! Eve!

Where the fuck is she?

- I don't know!
- Where is she?

I don't
know, she was taken!





Guys, footprints.

That way, come on.

What are we looking for?

We're looking for
our instructions.

Oh, man.

"Your requiem awaits
you as you pass

"through the door.

"You'll have your last judgment,

"I am number four."

The Four Horsemen.

Pestilence, war, famine.




Well, there's our door.


Hey, you guys wait here.


What is it?

It's our marching orders.

It's a compass.

What language is that?

It's English.

"O Death, where is your victory?

"O Death, where is your sting?"

That's Corinthians.

How do you know that?

It's backwards.

I'm dyslexic.

Let me see.

Like there's a gap.

Right there, 12 degrees

Right there.

You know it's a trap, right?

Yeah, it's been a trap
since the bus blew up.

But that's where Eve's gonna be.

Let's go.

We're expected.

We can't just
walk into the trap.

What are you saying, Marcus?

I'm saying it's suicide.

What about Eve?

Eve's dead, you
know it and I know it.

Look, I'm sorry, but you're
not thinking clearly.

How do you know
she's dead, Marcus?

Because that's their game.

Look, I loved her,
but if we keep going,

we're gonna die, too.

She's not dead, Marcus.

How do you know?

She was taken, okay,
she wasn't killed.

They want us to come.

We take this all the way.

He's right.

Oh God, fuck you, Bradik.

Yeah, I'm done.


We've been friends
for a long time, man.

Everything that happened to us.

And I don't sleep
too well anymore,

how 'bout you?

We have to do this.

This is reality, Bradik.

It's not a fucking video game.

If we keep going, we will die.

You wanna leave
her there to die?

How are you gonna
sleep with yourself

after that, man?

I'll sleep just fine.

Look at me.

Look at me.

Give him the gun.

Give him the
fucking gun, Marcus.

Let's go.

See ya.

What do you think?

I'm thinking it looks
like a place you go into

and you don't come out of.

You got balls, Bradik.



Look, just let me go, alright?

I walk out the door,
you never see me again.

I don't know anything, alright.

Just let me, please.

Just talk to me.

What do you want?

Talk to me!


What's the plan?

Last man back buys the beer.

Let's call it a tequila run.

I've come to take them back.



Join us.


What's this all about, Ben?

Don't fuck with me.

Hands behind your back.

Face there.

Here, Bradik, cuff him.

Look the other way.





You never said
anything about murder.

Things have escalated.

They escalated when you
started killing people.

It's my ant farm
and I'll shake it

when I see fit.

And the Kevlar?

You didn't tell me it
wouldn't stop an arrow.

The arrow collapsed your lung.

That's why your skin is blue.


At the end of the game,

the king and pawn go
back into the same box.

The accent starts to grate.

What do you want from us?

We're gonna talk
about my son, Jeremy.

The boy you left on
a mountain to die.

This is a trial?

I think we're more
in the discovery phase.

Why don't you just kill us?

There's no sport in that.

This was a tribute to
the game my son loved.

I gave you a chance, a way
to distinguish yourselves.

But sadly, you revealed weakness

and a lack of character.

It was a dangerous race.

Jeremy knew the risks.

What about the others?

They weren't even with us.

Simon, piece of
shit that he was,

created Jeremy's fund.

It was his own
personal ATM machine.

Lindsay, search and rescue.

She didn't even leave the truck.

He was dead.

He was not dead!

Get in the chair.

In the chair!

And Rachel?

Sometimes a little fish
gets caught in the net.

You stupid fucking idiot.

Something happened
to his braking device

and he dropped.

All we had left
were bad choices.

There was weather coming.

We pulled Eve out.

And Jeremy?

I'm so sorry.

Apology not accepted.

God damn it, man!

Down on your knees.


You're crazy.

For two long days,

he crawled down Jagged Rock

breaking his bones.

When he hit the ground,

he crawled for a quarter
of a mile on one arm.

And then the wolves got him.

That rope, the one
carrying my son,

was cut clean with a knife.

Maybe he cut it
himself, you don't...

Fuck you!

You fucking maniac!

You want a more
measured response

to the murder of my son?

What is it, huh?

An eye for an eye, so the
whole world goes blind?

I'm taking more than eyes.

I was with Jeremy
for two years,

and he told me stories
about his mother,

his grandfather,
even his pet turtle,

and he never mentioned you once!

You're no avenging angel.

What was he like, my son?

He was kind.

And funny and a terrible singer.


No, no!


Stop, Marcus!



What are you doing?

You know I cut the rope.

I felt bad about it, but
Jeremy got in our way.

And then you go for
this piece of shit!


about that night?


It was one night.

You loved me, I
saw it in your eyes!

Why are you doing this to me?

Let's try it again, okay?

We'll try it again.

It's too late.


I'm sorry.


You fucking bastard!


Fuck you!

What do we do now?

We stay alive.