Dead in 5 Heartbeats (2013) - full transcript

Adapted from the successful novel, Dead in 5 Heartbeats, by Ralph "Sonny" Barger with Keith and Kent Zimmerman. The story follows the Infidelz MC's former President, Patch Kinkade, who has left his personal demons behind for the calm of desert life. When war erupts between his brothers he left behind and the rival Hooligans, Patch rides back into town to either make peace or do battle.

- Cocaine, meth, they're killers, man!

Vroom zoom zoom, it's all television theater

coming through the magic door and see

all the wondrous things there is to see.

There's no magic door, it's false advertising.

Why risk it at that level when you could

climb the stairs to the top, bra,

and jump off where the money walks way before it talks.


You okay, Ang?

- [Angelo] Here he goes again, Seesaw,

and his powder induced mood swings.

- Especially if you're talking about one or two deals,

it's an in and out score, you're in, you're out,

bing bang, like Ricochet Rabbit.

- [Angelo] Sometimes he's up flying like

a babbling teenager from the seventies...

- Magilla Gorilla for sale!

- [Angelo] Other times he's a total downer.

Like a depressed basset hound.

- I've had a really hard week, Angelo.

My girlfriend Allison, you know her, right?

She didn't come home last night.

I think she's sucking the dick

of this guy she works with at the hospital.

They both work in pediatrics.

You think people that work in hospitals

have time to suck cock like that?

Hey, do you think maybe you could send somebody

from the motorcycle club over to the hospital?

Maybe cut this guy's dick off?

- [Angelo] Seesaw could be a sneaky son of a bitch.

The kind of guy who would key somebody's

brand new Camaro just for laughs.

But he had certain connections worth

exploring for my situation.

Listen Seesaw, the reason I called you here...

Is I need your help.

- Well sure, you've always been there for me, Ang --

- [Angelo] Shut up and listen.

First off, no one is to find out what I'm doing, understood?


- You said to shut up and listen.

Nobody finds out, I understood.

- Supply me with a couple quick shipments of heroine.

Black tar, china white, golden brown,

I don't care what grade.

- But the club, you know I was just talking before.

- You were just talking before,

fuck the club and don't fuck with me!

- But the club's the reason you

get to smoke in a non-smoking --

- [Angelo] Do you wanna test me?

- environment like this!

You trying to test me right now?

- No Ang, I know better than that now.

- I got a kid in high school

I gotta send to college or someplace.

I gotta get him a ride too.

We got shit to show for.

I'm just scraping by here.

All I got is my bike!

Now I've had your back many a time, Seesaw.

I'm cashing in that chip and I'm cashing it in now!

- I heard about this absolute killer shit from Tora Bora.

- Tora Bora, you mean Tahiti?

- No, that's Bora Bora.

I'm talking about Afghanistan, the war zone.

- I'm gonna be moving H for the fucking Taliban?!

- No, I know these Amsterdam guys,

they've been using the (mumble)

Afghanistan connections for years

way before all this terrorist bullshit.

I got some weed to calm those anger nerves of yours.

- I'm not fucking angry!

- [Seesaw] It's on the house.

- [Patch] Rule is when you're flying you colors,

never ride alone.

But then again, some of us say...

Fuck it.

(rock music)

Thursday. Bike Night at Traders.

It's primarily a one percenter's night out,

depending on who you ask or how you looked at bike riding.

The one percenters are an elite group.

The lifers of the riding world.

The ones that will never conform.

The one percenter doesn't give a shit

about what the rest of the 99 percent are thinking.

We have a peace accord with the MCs.

The motorcycle clubs.

All of us have had enough trouble dodging the cops,

the FBI, and worse, the grand jury investigations.

Better to unite against the law

than to fight one another.

In theory, everyone got along.

In actuality, it didn't always work out that way.

All it takes is an inconvenience...

- You got a problem, motherfucker?

- [Man] You say something, you little white pecker wood?

- [Patch] And a couple of words in the wrong tone.

(rock music)


And the peace was over.

(indistinct yelling)




My first night in my new home.

I live in Arizona now, out in the desert.

Spent 23 years in the California charter.

Half my life.

Ten years club's president.

- [Enrique] You're gonna end up hitching

a ride home tonight, you stupid bitch!

- Fuck you, you insecure piece of shit!

I'm done with you, Enrique.

- [Enrique] Is that right?

That's one long walk home, stupid pendeja.

- Fuck off!

- [Patch] Hey!


- [Store Clerk] $2.

- Fuck you!

Fucking (mumble).

- [Store Clerk] Thank you.

- [Teresa] Do it!


Get off of me!

Get away from me!

You're an asshole, fucking...

- [Patch] Sitting on the fence is for the birds.

- [Teresa] Help!

Don't touch me, get off me!

Stop it!

- [Enrique] What's the matter with you,

get in the fucking car!

- [Teresa] I didn't do anything!

- You okay?

- Hey compadre, mind your business

this ain't got nothing to do with you, so fuck off!

- Mind your business, I'm talking to her.

- Get on your cycle, biker boy, and ride out of here.

Get in the fucking car, Teresa.

- Hey, why don't you hold my arm like that?

- Whore, get in the truck now!

- Okay, let's put an end to this night.

I'll get her home safely.

- Man, who the fuck do you think you are?

- Look at me.

Everybody's a tough guy...

Until you meet one.

(rock music)

- Fuck you, Enrique!


- [Patch] Some say warriors are born, not made.

I don't fully agree.

Some warriors are born healthy and strong,

but some are made under a string of conditions.

Temper the steel to forge a strong blade.

- [Ahab] It's hot as fucking hell out here!

It's hot in here too.

How do people live in this state?

- You've been here one night.

- And that, brother, is one night too long.

- I'll just go back to sleep.

- Ahab, why the fuck are you here?

- Marco.

- What about Marco?

- Somebody shot him, he's dead.

He was in the parking lot of Traders.

Three in the back.

Me and some of the boys went down

the next morning to check out the scene,

but all we found was bloodstains on the asphalt.

The bullets in his back were .357s.

My gut tells me it's them fucking Hooligans.

We need you back in Cali with us.

- Kid just got his patch.

- This is the life we chose.

- [Angelo] As a 26 year member,

I can still remember what it was like being a prospect.

There wasn't anything I wouldn't do to wear that patch

and be part of something different.

I believed in the cause.

I did time for that cause.

And now I got shit for it all.

- [Hollister] Dad, are you smoking a joint?

- No!

- You just threw it on our yard.

- (chuckles) It's a cigarette.

I rolled it, fresh tobacco.

- I thought you said this stuff makes you dumb and lazy.

- I said that?

- You're sitting on the front porch

in plain sight of an entire school bus,

or anyone passing by for that matter,

in the middle of the afternoon.

Pretty dumb and pretty lazy.

- What school bus?

Did you color your hair red, or am I seeing things?

Hey, don't you be shaking your head at me,

I'm your fucking father!

Don't be walking away from me

with that high and mighty attitude!

- I'm not the one who's "high" and mighty right now.

- Open the door, Hollister, and let me in!

- [Hollister] We were supposed to ride today!

I have my riding test in ten days!

You can't teach me how to ride your bike when you're high!

- It's not much fucking different than riding dirt bikes!

- [Hollister] That's not what Patch said!

- Oh fuck Patch, he's not your father!

- He's my Godfather!

- Where's your Godfather now?

Your Godfather left town, he's not with us anymore!

I'm still here, I didn't leave town!

I'm your father, your real father!

None of this Godfather bullshit!

("Kick down the doors" by The Glass Heroes)

Hollister, open the fucking door!

Hollister, open up the fucking door,

I swear I'm gonna break the motherfucker down!

Okay, one, two, three...

Back up, it's coming down!


Calm my fucking angry nerves.

Shit heightened it.



- [Ahab] Pinecone transferred for our charter

about eight months ago from Iowa.

He's got some ticks we're still working out.

One of which being a pinkie issue.

- Pinkie as in his pinkie?

- [Ahab] Yeah, his pinkie, he rested it on the bar

like a bitch like this.

So I says to him...

Pinecone, you put your pinky on this bar like a bitch again,

I'm chopping it off with Duffy's cleaver.

- What you talking about, man?

- [Ahab] Sure enough, the conversation starts up again.

- I gotta go with Caddyshack.

- Caddyshack's your best movie ever?

- Yeah it is.

- It's a fucking comedy.

- And it's fucking 30 years old.

- So fucking what?!

- I don't think Bill Murray got an Oscar for that one, Red.

- [Ahab] And his pinky hits the bar like a bitch again.

- Didn't give up a pinky for it either.

- Ah!

- [Ahab] In California, we have this three minute rule.

If you leave a personal item out on the bar,

or out anywhere in public for someone to glom,

and they get it and keep it for three full minutes,

it's fucking their's.

- [Pinecone] (screaming) Fuck man, fucking Christ!

- 20 seconds and counting, Pinecone.

Couple more minutes, that pinky ain't yours no more.


- The fuck is going on out here?

- Everything's cool, bro.

- [Pinecone] Give me my fucking finger!

- Hey man, it's mine!

I didn't chop it off, it's a three minute rule.

It's mine!


- Red put it in his fucking mouth?

- Yeah, Red put it in his mouth for three full minutes.

It's fucking his now.

He's wearing it around his neck like a fucking souvenir.

- [Voiceover] Wait, he's wearing a

fucking finger around his neck?

- [Ahab] It's fucking his, he can wear it where he wants.


- [Voiceover] We gotta get that three minute rule here.

- [Voiceover] We'll bring it up tomorrow at the meeting.

- Sorry to hear about Marco, brother.

- Thanks, man.

Hey Groover, I gotta talk to Ahab for a minute.

- Sure, man.

- [Ahab] So what's up, bro?

- I'm staying here.

- We're gonna bury him in a few days

and you're not gonna fucking be there?

- [Patch] He's dead, he's gone.

I said I'm staying here.

- Shit might get ugly.

You're the glue, man.

The MC presidents listen to you.

- You're the president now.

It's time they started listening to you.

- I rode a long way and you know I hate this heat.

- I know.

- [Ahab] All right, guys, let's go.

(motorcycles rev)

(rock music)

- [Bushnell] So where's the fire?

- Seriously?

- You have any idea how fast you were going?

- I...

I really couldn't say, Officer Bushnell.

- You seem like you're in a little bit of a hurry there.

- Here's my ID, can we just get this over with?

- So where you headed to, Everett?

- Friends call me Patch.

You can call me John.

It's a joke.

- Wait a second, Patch Kinkade,

leader of The Infidelz motorcycle gang.

- Club.

Motorcycle club.

- [Bushnell] Mr. Kinkade, I need you to step

away from the bike, sir.

- Aw shit, here we go.

- Are you armed?

- Just this.

- Very slowly take your knife out,

set it on the seat, and step away from your bike.

- Is this necessary?

Can't you just write me the damn ticket?

- Just do it.

So how do you have an Arizona driver's license

and license plate?

- [Patch] 'Cause I live here now.

Either you write me the ticket, or I'm outta here.

- Mr. Kinkade, I need you to step away from the bike, sir!

You're in my state, you do as I fucking tell you!

- Is that right?

I do as you fucking tell me?!

- I'll tell you what.

I'm gonna let this ticket slide.

But I know who you are, and I know where you live.

And your gang squad knows now too,

so I suggest...

You watch yourself.

Don't fuck around in my state.

Have a nice day.

- Fuck off.

- [Patch] I live by choice

in the cross hairs of my adversaries and my country.

I've seen a lot of people look the other way

when the cops were breaking down my door.

We may think we're the freest nation in the world,

but that doesn't mean you can relax for even a second.


- So you ordered a snow cone?

- [Voiceover] Corn on the cob?

- Snow cones are frozen tap water.

Water that hasn't been filtered.

- It's still fucking water. - [Seesaw] Wrong,

tap water's guinea worm water.

- Guinea what?!

- It's a parasitic worm infection,

it occurs mainly in Africa,

but like most things in Africa it gets here eventually.

The guinea worm lives in water that's not filtered,

like tap water or snow cones.

Once digested, it lives and grows

in the subcutaneous tissue.

It grows up to three feet long inside of you.

Jimmy Carter witnessed this long worm

come out of the breast of an African woman.

- Jimmy Carter?

- 39th President of the United States.

Boom, right through her nipple.

Can you imagine that?

- Pilgrim, come on down here for a second.

You feel this blade under your arm?

It's called sharpfinger.

I'm gonna tell you a little story about it,

kinda like your little worm tale.

The 187 Crew carries this knife,

you know what that means?

Me and Patch, we learned this

old marine kill technique in the joint.

One push through the armpit, down the rib cage,

through the chest wall, slice the main artery of your heart,

you're dead in five fucking heartbeats.

If you are fucking with me at all, Seesaw,

you are gonna die and real quick,

you must reassure me that is not gonna happen!

- Our Tora Bora connection's on.

I'm talking great Afghan stuff for Mexican prices.

$22,000 a kilo.

And the good news is they can swing half the ki for 12.

Now that'd be a lot of Ben Franklins between the two of us.

- [Angelo] Patch told me on the inside,

Ben Franklin once warned us,

when we hand over freedom for security,

we deserve neither freedom nor security.

- And?

- [Seesaw] And the motherfucker looks like

he's from Lebanon or somewhere.

Dark hair, accent, arab looking.

- A fucking Mohammed?

- Close, his name's Ali.

We're talking bonafide Horse, genuine Afghanistan shit.

- When do I meet him?

- What appears to be a gang related shooting in Redwood City

between the notorious Infidelz

and the Hooligans motorcycle club

has resulted in three fatalities.

The victims' names have not been released

and no suspects have been arrested yet.

Reporting to you live from Big Daddy Saloon,

a known biker hangout, I'm Sarah Olsen,

with Channel 2 California.

More in a minute.

- Hey Patch, Groover had to take off,

but he wanted me to show you this.


- [Ahab] Hello?

- Ahab, it's Patch, what the hell's going on out there?

- [Ahab] It was all out war last night, bro.

Disco's old lady caught a stray bullet and she's dead,

so he starts hanging around with Smokey Joe.

- [Patch] How did it start?

- [Ahab] Who the fuck knows how these things start.

- [Patch] It always starts with a bully.

Bullies bring nothing to the table

except their own needs and wants.

Many times they turn into rats and liars.

I used to act decisively and sometimes violently

when I spotted one of these guys.

Today, it's a little more complicated.

I have to step back and look deeper.

Try to find out the motives of this person.

Why do they do what they do?

That's where you'll find the problem

and hopefully the solution.

("Do the Evolution" by Pearl Jam)

- [Voiceover] Later, Patch.

- [Voiceover] Yeah, state your business.


- [Tony] Yeah, who's there?

- [Patch] Who the fuck you think it is?

- Patch Kinkade!

How the hell are ya?

- How are you, Tony?

What are you doing with that, making sushi?

- (laughs) Handmade samurai katana.

This thing will slice a fucker's head right off.

- [Patch] Tony is known as Tony to only a select few.

To everyone else he's Nine Inch.

Tony grew up around one percenters.

His dad, Big Jeb, formed the 187 Crew

and blazed a trail in the late 70s and 80s.

Tony wanted to be one of us, but his dad was against it.

He didn't think the kid was tough enough.

It was a touchy subject between the two of them.

Club gave Tony his first camera

when he was around eight years old.

Actually, we gave him a bunch of camera shit

that fell off the back of a truck.

You never know when you might play a part

in someone's future.

You've certainly done well for yourself, Tony.

Your dad would be proud.

- [Tony] You like my bombs?

- [Patch] Very cool.

- [Tony] You're welcome to stay as long as you want.


- Ali, right?

- [Ali] Got the money, my friend?

- Hold on, first thing's first, I gotta check this shit out.

Now listen, cowboy.

I don't know you, you don't know me,

let's keep it that way.

- [Ali] You belong to motorcycle gang.

Infidelz, no?

- How the fuck you know that?!

- Hey bro, it's cool, it's okay. All right, it's good.

That's why I make deal with you.

I don't do deal with just any people.

I have to know you for real.

- Seesaw told you?

- Seesaw what?

- Guy, crazy hair, sad eyes?

- Yeah, no, he tell me, he say, "Infidels don't fuck with."

I know, where I come from Infidels very bad.

- Well in America, Infidelz very good.

Independent brotherhood.

- Okay, bro. Okay, Infidelz very good.

Proud of it, right?

So listen, this is for your Infidel, no?

- Yeah, well, whatever, Ali.

- Deal is done, I go.

DEA, motherfucker, put your hands on the wheel!

Put your fucking hands on the wheel!

You have the right to remain silent,

anything you say can and will be

used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you can't afford one, one will be appointed to you.

- [Angelo] When I hear the word rights,

I think of the foundation of the American Constitution.

Freedom for the individual and his right to exercise it

in any manner or form that he pleases,

so long as he doesn't infringe on the rights of others.

It all comes down to how much or how little

the government has on you.

It is possible to live outside the law,

but once they have you on their radar screen,

and you require their subsidies in order to survive,

you're a marked man.

- Would you like one of these?

You married, Angelo?

You got a job, Angelo?

A family?

Any kids?

You got no wife, no job, but you got kids.

Girls, boys?

- I have a son.

- [MacIntosh] You have a son.

And you ride with The Infidelz.

- You're not DEA.

- FBI.

Look, I'll admit it was a chickenshit deal

those DEA guys stuck you on,

but they can make it stick, and they will.

Your motorcycle friends aren't gonna be able

to save your ass on this one, Angelo Timmons.

In fact, without my help...

You got less than 1% chance of getting out of here.

You know what the worst thing's gonna come of all this?

Your son?

He's gonna be the biggest loser.

He's gonna pay for all your fucked up ways.

What if I told you that I can make all this go away?

Angelo, you can walk out of here right now.

I mean you don't want the word to get out on the street

that you flew solo on a drug deal and revealed your colors.

No, I don't think The Infidelz are

gonna be too happy about that one.

Especially with a war brewing.

You know what?

You could wind up roadkill.

- What about Seesaw?

- [MacIntosh] Seesaw?

- Never mind.

So what walks me outta here?

- [Patch] There's this quote written by a German minister

back in 1933.

First they came for the socialist.

I did not speak up because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionist.

And I did not speak up because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews.

And I did not speak up because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me.

And by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.


- Hey, did we wake you?

- No, I could hardly hear you.

- You wanna start the day with my new energy drink Positive?

Got a bunch in the fridge! - [Patch] Negative.

If you've got some eggs you can scramble,

that sure would be positive.

- All right.

Hey Patch, can I ask you something about my dad?

- Of course.

- Why didn't he want me in the club?

- I don't really know, kid.

Your dad was just stuck in his ways.

- So it was a do as I say, not as I do kind of thing.

- Maybe he envisioned a different path for you.

Could be that simple.

- He's the one that killed himself on the bike.

- Yeah, he did.

- I wanna show you something.

I got my own MC now.

We're called the Bushido Blades.

Got it from a Sonny Chiba flick.

- [Patch] I was wondering what that was.

- You know Sonny Chiba?

- [Patch] That explains the sword.

- [Tony] Yeah.

Hey man...

I was wondering if the Blades could

become a prospect charter.

I'm ready to become an Infidel.

- I'll consider it, pass it on to Ahab.

(doorbell rings) (moaning)

- Who the fuck is that?

- What the fuck is that?

- Someone's at the door.

- Lester, Louie, what's up?

- Hey Tony. Hey Patch, Ahab's calling a meeting.

- They found two dead Hooligans last night at the estuary.

(rock music)

- [Patch] Tell me something good, Angelo!

- Patch!

The hell are you doing here?!

How am I supposed to miss you

if you don't fucking go away?!

Let me get you a beer.

- I'm all right. - [Angelo] You sure?

- [Patch] I'm good.

- [Ahab] Patch, my brother!

Just fucking great!

I knew you wouldn't let us down.


- [Voiceover] Come on, man, Lester got shot!

- [Voiceover] They've been shot, (mumble)!

- Let's get him up.

- Motherfucker!

- What in the fuck happened?

- The fuck happened, Louie?

- Two fucking bikes rolled by

and opened up on our asses, man.

- Hooligans?

- Don't know, couldn't see any fucking patches,

I was on the ground too fast.

- Fucking Hooligans?

- I've been a member for 23 years.

That's long enough to remember a few bloody wars.

But this one?

Doesn't make any sense.

Two Hooligans get wasted last night.

Something we have nothing to do with.

And they ambush our clubhouse firing on a couple prospects?

- Fuck that.

- I'm with Wrangler, this shit's upside down.

- Yeah, the shit started with Marco,

we got no closure on that.

- I say we sit down with the fucking Hooligans.

- [Angelo] Frisco Paul, they ain't worth

an official sitdown.

- I agree with Angelo, fuck 'em.

- [Voiceover] Fuck 'em.

- Being Sergeant at Arms, I wanna say something.

I say they should suck our fucking dicks,

let's bomb 'em to smithereens!


- Calm down, calm down!

We need to figure out what the fuck is going on here,

so calm the fuck down!

- I got something else to say.

Where was I?

- You got something else to say.

- You all right, Ang?

- Yeah.

Patton said it best.

It's better to have a good idea than a...

It's good to have a good idea first...

I'd rather have a good idea than

not have an idea that can

happen if you do a good idea...

Fuck, I don't know what the fuck he said.

I'm sick and tired of getting the short end of the stick.

We have to make a stand, we have to stand for something.

Something bigger.


(phone ringing)

- [Voiceover] Are you fucking serious?


- Put that phone in the basket outside!

- We find out who gunned down Marco, we find the problem.

- The bully.

We find the bully, pull back the curtain,

find out what's behind all this.

- Richmond Pete and Patch are right.

Before we run and gun,

we gotta do a little investigating.

- You gonna do a little investigating

with my fucking pinky around your fucking neck?

- Yeah I am, motherfucker!

- Yeah you are? - [Red] It's mine.

Won it in the three minute rule, bitch!

(indistinct yelling)

- [Voiceover] Easy man, easy.

Come on, brother. - All right, all right.

- Everybody listen the fuck up!

Patch is back with us to rep with some of the clubs

so we can find out what happened at Traders that night.

So barring any incidents, we're gonna hold off for now.

Are there any objections to that?

- I'm making motion to adjourn.

- Any seconds?

- I second it.

- Meeting is adjourned.

- [Voiceover] Let's have some drinks.

- [Voiceover] Yeah.

- [Angelo] Hey, Red. - [Red] Yeah?

- [Angelo] Have you seen Seesaw?

- No, why?

- 'Cause I'm looking for him, that's the fuck why!

- [Tony] All right ladies, sell these cans,

and get sexy with it, look alive!

(rock music)

- [Patch] Will you do me a favor?

Check on a call that came in around 2:30.

- Got it, 2:34.

- Give it a call.

(phone ringing)

- [MacIntosh] Hello?

- Hey, what's going on?

- [MacIntosh] Who the fuck is this?

- Are you kidding, who's this?

- [MacIntosh] MacIntosh.

- MacIntosh?

MacIntosh hung up.

- [Patch] Who the fuck is MacIntosh?

(phone ringing)

Answer it.

- Hello?

- [Angelo] You son of a bitch!

Whoever the fuck this is, I don't play the thee minute rule.

You've got three minutes to get the phone to me

or you are fucking dead!

- That was fucking Angelo.

You think he recognized me?

- [Patch] He's too high to recognize shit.

- What's the three minute rule?

- It's a club thing.

I'm gonna go for a ride, check out a few places.

Feel like going with me?

- Hell yeah, I'm in.

- [Patch] Get rid of this then.

(blues music)

- [MacIntosh] Angelo, did you lose your phone?

- How the fuck did you know?

- Well somebody called me from it.

It sounded like a kid.

That's your son?

- No, no, I don't think so, no.

- You better hope so.

I'm sure you and your club heard about

those two dead Hooligans out at the estuary.

- We heard.

- [MacIntosh] Well, any retaliation back at The Infidelz?

- Why would you say that?

- [MacIntosh] Why wouldn't I say that?

You guys just had a shootout in a fucking nightclub.

Wouldn't they be blaming The Infidelz

for their latest two casualties?

- I don't know.

- Your Sergeant at Arms of the most powerful MC.

Don't ever play me like that.

I'm out on a limb for you at the US Marshall's Office,

and the DEA.

I wanna know everything, Angelo.

Every single move The Infidelz are considering.

Or should I just hand you back over to them now?

- I got it.

- [MacIntosh] So what do you got cooking for me?

- [Angelo] I got a meeting tomorrow with two club members,

and a major pot distributor.

I'll need a sizable amount of front money

to make it worthwhile.

- I told you that I want drugs and guns.

These deals need to be big enough

to take down your brothers in arms.

- [Angelo] I got a connection in a club that knows these

Bosnians with a shitload of guns.

Four Sergeants and a Captain, they're called.

Like I said, we'll need some front money.

- Bosnians with a shitload of guns.

Do you know anything about The Bosnian War?

- That I wasn't there.

- 200,000 Bosnians got killed, you know why?

- 'Cause they didn't eat enough fucking peanuts?

- They had no fucking weapons!

- Well they got 'em now.

- [MacIntosh] I'll call you with a pickup address

for the cash.

- I'll need a new phone.


("Crocodile Tears" by Taylor Duffy)

- Where's Jerry?

- He's busy.

Stay here.

- Hey Jerry, how's biz?

- Patch, good to see ya.

Can I buy you a drink?

- You know why I'm here?

- I thought you left town.

- I'm back.

- Hey, can we talk about this tomorrow?

- [Patch] We made the Thursday Bike Night a hit,

we gave you a license to print cash!

- I left early.

- You fired your pistol into the fucking ceiling!

- [Jerry] Who told you that?


- [Patch] Fire your gun and scatter the cattle?!

Is that how you think of us, Jerry?!

- It was out of control!

- You one of them now?

- [Jerry] I'm running a business here, Patch!

- No, you used to run a business.

Now it's all about the bodies and counting the money.

- I don't know what happened!

- What clubs were there?

- The Hooligans, Rollin' Knights, Alma.

- [Patch] What about The Gun Runners?

- [Jerry] Yeah, Lock N Load was there too.

- You're a fucking slave to your own fucking place,

and you don't even fucking know it!


I'll be sure that Marco's old lady

gets your generous contribution.

Stay down, you fucking piece of shit!

We're done here.

("Fast Eddie" by Outernatural)

- [Voiceover] What the fuck, Business, who the fuck is that?

- [Business] That's fucking Patch Kinkade.

- [Patch] Follow me.

- Patch Kinkade, I heard you left town.

- I'm back!

- [T-Bird] For good? - [Patch] For now.

- Who's this guy?

- I'm fucking Nine Inch.

- Nine inches of fucking what?!

- It's Big Jeb's son.

- No shit?

Me and your pops had a lot of good times together,

much respect for him.

- Thank you.

- [T-Bird] Your old man's a legend.

You a prospect, Nine Inch?

- No, he's got his own thing going on.

Is there someplace we can talk a little less loud?

- Sure, upstairs.

- I'm out of town and one of my own gets three in the back.

- We feel your pain. What can we do for you?

- Who lit the match at Traders?

- Started in the bathroom,

then it took off in a blaze from there.

- Which way did The Hooligans head out?

- They went through the bar and then out the front door.

- [Patch] Anybody else head out the front?

- No, not that we know of.

- What about Rollie and The Rollin' Knights?

- Saw Rollie and his crew carrying out one of their own.

- Yeah, they lost one also.

They've been on lockdown ever since.

- Any word on who took out the

two Hooligans down by the estuary?

- Wasn't you guys?

- Nope.

- Then we got a wild card in the wheel.

(cheering) (banging)

Ah, punching machine.

That time of night.

- Wanna give it a punch?

- Why not.

- Yeah, I'll give it a shot.

(rock music)


(doorbell rings)

(motorcycle revs)

(dramatic music)

- Fucking guinea water.

- I wanna thank you for letting me ride with you tonight.

Those guys, they respect the hell out of you.

- They respect your dad all the same.

- I miss him.

- I miss him too.

Sure could be a pain in the ass though sometimes.

He kept everybody on their toes.

- Yeah, he was not the easiest person to live with.

- Always up for a great laugh though.

- He lived in extremes, you know?

- That's what made him a great man.

- You know, after he passed I got this awareness.

This confidence with everything I'm doing.

I'm in sync with it all.

- Maybe he saw all this for you a long time ago.

You're doing pretty good on your own, kid.


- [Tony] They tagged our spot.

- Did what? - [Tony] Across the street.


- Anybody home?

- Patch, my brother, we've been expecting you.

Who's that with you?

- Big Jeb's son, Nine Inch.

He took a ride with me.

- Come on in, have a seat.

Find a seat, Nine Inch.


- I'm not in your league.

- Then maybe you can learn a few things

on how this game is played.

We go way back.

Back to the days of lumping on the dock.

You only lasted a couple weeks.

- [Patch] You had kids to raise.

I had nothing but time and a bike.

- Three, all from the same mama.

I put their asses through college.

My oldest, he's a lawyer.

- What kind of law?

- Criminal.

- I'll bet that comes in handy.

- [Voiceover] So you miss it here or what?

- [Patch] Haven't had much time to.

The minute I leave, all hell breaks loose.

- [Voiceover] Tell me about it.

- I heard you're on lockdown.

- Until I know what the fuck is going on out there

in those streets, I'm not gonna lose another brother

to an unidentified white cause.

- Who says it's white?

- Unless it's black...

It's white.

- We lost one of ours too that night.

- Your move.

- Did you put a hit on the two Hooligans

down by the estuary?

- It don't bother me none to have two less white boys

riding out on the streets, but no, I didn't.


- Sit the fuck down, Nine Inch.

- Who got your guy at Traders?

- [Voiceover] Civilian with some skills.

- [Patch] Anything else you could tell me about him?

- Not a big guy, full of tats.

Snuck out of there like a fucking ninja.


You know how I beat you, Patch?

- 'Cause you play this game more than I do?

- [Voiceover] Nah, that's just why I'm better than you are.

I beat you because I kept you focused on the frontline

when your real enemy is sneaking up behind you.

- Is that right?

- Some brothers, with the best intentions,

have the most devious motives.

Diversions, distractions, that's the shit that wins wars.

So my lesson ends.

- [Tony] You got a fucking problem?

- No, but you do, motherfucker!

- Calm down, move out!

- [Angelo] You guys get a table, I'll get the beer.

Two pitchers of Sun Brew.

- You know if their popcorn's free?

- [Angelo] Yeah, it's free, Merle.

- Man, I got the munchies, I swear to God.

Think I'll get me a bushel, okay?

- Well you could get a basket if you want.

- You want some?

- Okay.

- Hello?

It was fucking CAMP, man.

So you know what I had to do?

I had to build some traps,

some tripwire like when we were in Vietnam.

Get some fishhooks and some other devices,

string them together, put them on eye level,

booby trap the field.

"Booby" trap the field.

- It was like camp?

- Like camp?

- What fucking camp...

Lets Counselors booby trap the fields

with fishhook devices and tripwires?!

- C-A-M-P, CAMP.

Camp Against Marijuana Planting.

You got it?

The government strafed my place, buddy.

They came over there with airplanes and helicopters.

It was a righteous fucking war.

The only thing I got going for me, man,

is my marijuana, my Mary Jane,

she's the best thing in the world for me.

She's my closest love.

I love Mary Jane, gave me

three motorcycles, I don't even ride them.

I got a sailboat that I'll probably never sail.

I'm off the grid totally.

Do you guys bank at all?

Are you into banking?

Where do you bank?

I bank at the Bank of Mason, mason jars.

You get your dough, you stuff it in the mason jar,

and I put like what do you call that wax around there

paraffin (mumble)?

Oh, aren't you smart?

And I put it in the drawer and if

I wanna check on my bank account,

I go look at the paraffin, if the paraffin's gone,

somebody's taken my money.

If the paraffin's there, my money's there.

So far so good.

- Merle, my pot smoking friend,

we're looking to move 50 pounds of primo weed,

the best shit you've got,

sometime within the next two weeks.

What do you think?

- I think that can be done.

50 pounds isn't that much.

In two weeks, maybe even before.

- Eight Ball, 12-12 will pick the stuff up

and move it onto the customers.

- All right.

You're a pretty smart boy,

I want you to give my love to the rest of the club and

why don't you meet me down there

at The Four Bs in about an hour?

Bring me 20 grand, get you set up, get you going.

- Okay.

- [Merle] All right, take care.

Big ol' son of a bitch you are, I'll tell you that.

See you later, baby.

Good doing business with you.

You guys be safe.

- What the fuck?!

- What?

- That fucker's fucking high!

- Way fucking high.

- It's all good Ang, we're gonna make some money, aren't we?

- Yup.

- [Patch] The lines of demarcation are hard to see at times.

With the authorities you assume it's easy.

You assume what they are thinking.

I'm right, you're wrong.

It's the other more subtle enemies

that you have to watch out for.

- We're here to see Lock N Load.

- You don't mind if I pat you boys down?

- Do whatever you gotta do.

- Fuck is this?

- What the fuck's it look like?

- Good luck with that.

(rock music)

- Give me a minute.

- Brother Patch.

Who's your friend?

- Big Jeb's son.

- Big who?

- [Tony] The name's Nine Inch.

- Yeah...

Been working out still, Patch?

- I can still bench my IQ.

- Have at it, brother.

Let me take some of this weight off of here for you.

- No, leave it. I can handle this.

- Why you here, Patch?

I heard you left California.

- [Patch] I leave town,

one of my guys gets killed punk style,

three in the back.

- [Man] Yeah, all this fighting ain't good for anybody.

Bad for my business too.

You got a problem with The Hooligans, we're there for you.

- What do you know about the incident at Traders?

- I don't know much.

What do you know?

- What do you know about the civilian covered in tats?

- Loves of civvies with tats.

It's the in thing.

Everybody wants to be a badass like us, Patch.

- I'm talking about the one with the fancy moves at Traders.

- Fancy moves?

- The Houdini who started the fight.

- I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

- I understand.

(laughing) I'll see my way out.

- [Voiceover] All right, Patch.

Yo Patch!

You got this Hooligan thing under control?

- (mumble) dope man!

We got everything under control.

- [Man] Sure you do.

- [Merle] Bike sounds a little raggedy.

- Yeah, I've been meaning to buy a couple parts for her.

- What do you call her, Babycake?

- No.

- Well what's her name?

- Vivian.

- Vivian, what, has got some significance

to it or something?

- Hollister's mom, my boy's mom.

- And where's she?

Is that the love of your life?

- No.

- You know, Mary don't lie.

- Who the fuck is Mary?

- Mary's the mystical smoke of the planet.

- Brought you right down to The Four Bs, didn't it?

- Yeah, what happened to her?

- She took off, got sick of it.

I don't know.


- I'm gonna go in there and get myself

a float for the ride home, all right?

The passenger window is down.

I'll be in touch with you.

You take care.

(motorcycle revs)


(doorbell rings)

- Good I'm gone, aren't you, Ethel?

(cheering) (rock music)

(indistinct chatter)

I know you see me!

Don't worry, I'm not coming back.


- Charles.

- Daddy, that guy's writing on his arms.

- Those are tattoos, honey.

- And they never go away.

See this one here?

Snake dance.


- What's that one?

- You gotta do something real stupid to get that one.

Eve, why don't you show her your tattoo?

She's got a Mickey Mouse on her ass cheek.

(laughing) - That's enough.

I'm sorry, Charles, he's as bad as the kids.

- I'm just gonna take a raincheck on that pizza, Eve.

We'll make it another night.

- [Eve] That's sweet of you, Charles,

I'll see you tomorrow morning.

- [Charles] Let's go, honey.

- Bye, Patch.

(car revs) - I hope you're satisfied.

(dramatic music)

What do you want, Patch?

- There's no sign of me around here anywhere.

Not a single picture.

We were together, what, 12 years?

- I was alone for almost half of them.

- I was in prison.

- I cleaned toilets in motel rooms.

- And I was in prison.

- I barely paid the bills.

- I was in prison.

- I could have gone to Law School

for all the legal work I did for you.

- Should have gone to rehab.

- How fucking dare you say that to me?

I was alone and scared.

- This ain't about that.

Let's try to be civil.

I left on a bad note.

I just want us to be friends,

give you a chance to start over.

- Like you did outside there a few minutes ago?

- [Patch] He ain't gonna fix your pain, Eve.

- Fix my pain?

No one is gonna fix my pain.

We're over, Patch.

- I miss Corky too.

Real bad.

I came here to let you know I know it's over.

And I love you.

I know you're moving on.

So am I.

There's something about a good woman

that will always stay with you.

I always say the better the old lady,

the better the MC member.

Eve was that better half that made me better.

The Jackals were a club we were patching through.

The one that didn't make the cut was The Jackal's president.

He held me responsible.

Few weeks after, I went for a ride with Eve and Corky,

out of nowhere a red pickup truck came speeding towards us.

Eve and I were quick enough to get out of the way.

Corky didn't have a chance.

Never got a plate, all I remember

was a smiley face in the rear window

with a big FU under it.

- So what happened to The Jackal's pres?

- Disappeared, gone.

Like mine and Eve's relationship.

- You never know, man.

Things might work out.

You have to stay positive.

- If I drink that Positive drink of yours,

Eve and I might actually work out?

- It's a positive thought.

Have a sip.

So what do you think?

- This sucks.

- Come on, man, don't be like that.

- What the fuck is in this can?

- [Tony] Well for one there's valerian root,

it makes you feel at peace.

Ylang-ylang is a tropical flower,

it enhances your attraction for others.

Acai berry which is an antioxident,

and green tea for a little zip in the gate.

- That explains the taste.

I'm gonna call it a night.

Gonna take it in.

- Hey Patch.

You ever look for that red pickup?

- Every fucking day.

Catch you in the AM, kid.

(rock music)

In prison, you can't put a price tag on friendship

or on trust.

Having someone watching your back.

Most people can't count on one hand

the number of people they can trust with their lives.

For me, that list can go into the dozens.

- [MacIntosh] Had a good month out there, Psycho.

Looks like your bitches are working overtime.

- Two of my girls got picked up last week,

thought I was a protected zip code.

- Get the fuck outta here, I got business to take care of.

Oh hey, I'm spending the night,

so send me up one of your brother-sister teams,

about an hour.

- Hey, (mumble).

- [Patch] People who keep their friends

and comrades at arms length often

find the world a very cold and lonely place.

- [Angelo] Well if it isn't Puff Whitey.

- Get in.

- So this is the real you.

- I'm working undercover.

- Undercover, that's for sure.

- [MacIntosh] So The Infidelz are thinking

of hitting The Hooligans.

- Where'd you hear that?

- Just got a feeling.

Gotta go with your gut sometimes.

Sit in the chair.

- I don't like you showing up for my meetings,

sneaking in on me like that, it's dangerous.

- Fuck you and your danger.

You really think I give a shit?

If you want a new life for you and your boy,

you're gonna do exactly what I say.

Are we in sync?

- I made a drop for the weed.

I'm meeting with the weapons guy tomorrow.

Everything's in motion.

- I want you to wear a wire.

- Fuck that, I don't know these guys,

they could pat me down.

- In case they speak in a foreign language

I'm gonna need a tape to translate.

- Fuck the tape!

That's too big of a risk for me,

you're gonna bust these guys anyways

when we set up the deal with the club.

No need for a wire.

- You scared?

- There's no need for a wire.

- What made you join The Infidelz?

- What made you join the FBI?

- [MacIntosh] I bet we got more in common than you think.

- I doubt it.

- We ain't got shit to show for

being dedicated over 20 years to our specific causes.

- I got this patch.

- And I got this badge.

- That ain't the same, law man.

- We're more alike than you know.

It's called power.

You intimidate people with force.

I intimidate people with reality.

Yours is physical, mine is intellectual.

- I don't see it that way.

- Because you're slipping.

Physically intimidating people with force

has lost its foothold in today's society.

The brains are running it now.

Getting rich and getting away with it.

- Club, we respect each other.

That's what the patch represents.

- And that's why you're in this position.

Because you respect the patch.

- You don't know shit about me!

- I know that if anything happens to me...

You go down in flames.

The club receives a certified letter

with your signed agreement with us.

And your little boy?

His life is over.

'Cause daddy's a snitch.

- I'll need 25 grand to start this deal.

Nothing less.

- [MacIntosh] I suggest you tape it under your balls.

Here's 22 grand, make it work.

If The Infidelz makes a move without me knowing it,

you and your son are fucked!

- Nine Inch thought you might need some company.

- Oh did he?

(soft R&B music)

- You know, you're a living legend.

- [Patch] Is that why you're here?

- Yeah, basically.


- [Patch] What happened to the zen garden?

- [Tony] Zen garden?

- That was a zen garden.

- Underneath the Santa Monica pier maybe.

- [Patch] This yard used to be a Monet, man.

He put some serious time into it.

We used to fuck with him good.

Hey, here he comes, put that in the zen garden, the sandbox.

Red, hurry up!

Come on!

Hurry hurry hurry.

- The margaritas are ready, ladies!

Who did it?

- Did what?

- Fucked with my nature!

- [Voiceover] We didn't do shit.

- Hibiscus is yellow like fire.

This here, this brings me money.

It's called a money plant.

You can't put hibiscus fire next to money,

it'll burn it!

- I burn through money all the time.

I must have a hibiscus in my pocket.


- [Angelo] Aloe is water, this here is Earth.

You can't put water and Earth together,

they erode each other!

It's like you, Eight Ball, having

a house next to a Hooligan.

- Got a bunch of Hooligans in my neighborhood.

- [Angelo] Fuck off, you know what I mean.

- They're plants!

Not humans.

- It's called nature, Red.

We're all connected.

- It's like feng shui.

- No, it's like Angelo's way.

Angelo's house, Angelo's yard,

Angelo's garden, and don't fuck with it, I'm serious!

- Can we have a margarita now?


- [Patch] I believe you should always be extremely cautious

in writing people off.

If you're dealing with truly unique individuals,

you need to look deep enough below the surface

to see if there is something salvageable.

- Looks like Angelo lost his way.

- Godfather!

- Oh, why you always call me that?

What does a Godfather do anyway?

- Holli, what's up?

- Tony!

Where you been?

- [Tony] Cashing checks and breaking necks.

- Your dad home?

- No, come on in.

- [Patch] We could never be 100% sure

of a person's character.

You gotta do your due diligence,

your homework, and listen to your gut.

- You guys want a Coke or something?

- No, we're okay, kid.

So what are you now?

- Turn 16 today.

- [Patch] No shit, happy birthday.

- [Tony] Happy birthday.

- I thought that's why you guys stopped by.

- Wish I could say that.

- Some Godfather, huh?

- Well you're here.

Maybe that's God intervening.

- So how's life treating you?

- Well...

- [Patch] What's the matter?

- I'm worried about my dad.

He's not his usual self.

Maybe I should say he is his usual self,

you know what I mean?

- [Patch] No, what do you mean?

- He kicked down my door last week,

high on some kind of shit.

I got pissed 'cause he flaked on my bike lessons.

I don't know what's going on.

Sleeps on the couch, takes secret phone calls all the time.

- [Patch] Secret phone calls?

- Some guy he calls JW.

He whispers into the phone thinking I can't hear him.

- What's he whispering about?

- [Hollister] Just whispers.

I was supposed to take my motorcycle test today and

he's MIA again.

- Rooster, why do you keep looking at your watch?

- I told these guys we'd be there at noon.

And they're very serious about the time.

- What do you know about these guys and The Bosnian War?

- I know they got fucked.

- Take that petrified pinky fucking necklace off your neck.

- I won it in the three minute rule.

- It's fucking ridiculous and disgusting,

take it off, put it in your pocket.

- What the fuck is your problem?

- Hey guys, these Bosnians are serious.

That whole Bosnian War thing was like a genocide, man.

They lost family members.

- These guys Eastern (mumble),

they speak Russian, right?

- Are you fucking kidding me?

They speak Bosnian, they're Bosnian!

- Shut the fuck up!

- Look, their language sounds a lot like Russian.

- I thought so.

This Captain, what's his name?

- Just goes by Captain. - [Angelo] What?

What about these Sergeants?

There's four of them, right?

- I let the instructor know who his Godfather is.

- Why would you do that?

- Seen purposefully, had some iffy energy.

- Iffy energy?

- Yeah, kinda like this, Angelo's phone bill.

I saw it on the table.

- Open it up.

- It's past due.

Look at this, same MacIntosh number.

Eight minutes, five minutes, four minutes.

Bet it's the same JW Holli's talking about.

- Fuck has he got himself into?

- I got some cyber ninjas that'll figure that out.

- What the fuck?

- What?

- Ditch that, Hollister, two o'clock.

- What happened?

- I'm done.

- What do you mean you're done?

- Made me turn on the bike, ride 100 feet,

turn around, ride back, stop, kill the switch.

- And?

- I passed.

- See, that's what a Godfather does.

- Great job, Hollister.

I gotta roll, Tony'll get you home.

- See, I told you I'd hook you up.

- Yeah, you did.

- Yeah, now you gotta ride with me.

- I gotta ride bitch?

- Yeah, not for long, kid.

- Jesus Christ!

This is like a Waco setup, these guys Christian cult?

- No man, they're Muslim.

- They're Muslim?!

Terrorist fucking Muslim?!

Hey Red, you know that?

- No.

- Me the fuck either!

- Hey, Rooster, I got a problem

making deals with terrorists.

- No man, they look just like me and you,

they're not terrorists.

- [Angelo] Who the fuck is this, he's got an uzi!

- How can Muslims look like me and you?

- Islam isn't a nationality, it's a fucking religion.

- Who the fuck said anything about Islam?

- All right guys, you gotta listen to me, seriously.

- [Angelo] We're listening.

- When you're in their place,

you have to greet them a certain way.

- And what way might that be?

- I'm all ears.

- You have to say Assalamu Aaikum.

- Assalamu what?!

- Assalamu Aailkum, it means peace be with you.

- Peace be with you?

We're buying fucking weapons.

- Come on, man, let's be cool,

let's get this thing done, man.

Assalamu alaikum.

- Assalamu.


(Islamic music)

- [Rooster] Assalamu alaikum.

- [Angelo] Assalamu. - [Red] Assalamu aluma?

- Rooster, you're late.

We have been waiting almost 15 minutes.

- Sorry Captain, we had some traffic on the way in.

- 1,440 minutes in one day!

One minute is no less important than the next.

Do you all not agree?

- I agree.

- I'm not sure I fully agree with that statement.

- I'd have to think about it.

- Let's think about it.

Time is equal for all of us.

It's a simple fact.

But so many people think their minute of time

is more important than someone else's minute of time.

Only a few of us truly respect the quality of time.

Even if I pay for your time, I don't own it.

No one own's time.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

You can't stop it, you can't reverse it.

You can't move it forward.

You either you respect time like a dear friend,

or you neglect it like an enemy.

Our enemies neglected it.

- Yup, yup.

- That's why we survive while their atrocities die!

So my fellow infidels,

who do you plan to use those weapons on?

Or against?

- My fellow infidels?

- In the war, we were called infidels,

the name on your jacket.

- We're against terrorism.

- Just because we believe Jesus was a prophet,

and not son of a God, doesn't mean we are terrorist.

You a cop?

- I hate fucking cops!

- Try it.

Good stuff, huh?

(Islamic music)


What the hell is that?

- It's a pinky.

Three minute rule.

- Pinky.

- [Red] Yeah.

- So who are you selling to?

- I don't know, other MCs.

- Why?

- Because they're buying, what do you care?

Nobody's gonna find out where these weapons came from.

- I don't know what Rooster told you about us, but we care.

We care a lot.

And we would like to know who are you selling to.

- Okay, Mexicans.

Because they're Mexicans and they buy 'em!

- Hey, give me that.

I think you're making up shit.

See this here?

It's okay, I trust you, you wanna see the product, right?

- [Angelo] Is this gonna go off?

- Only if I pull the pin and you let go of the lever.

So once again, who are you selling to?

- No one in particular, just wanna make cash.

- Just wanna make cash.

Sounds dangerous.

If you don't have a cause,

I don't think it's worth it.

You biker guys will stand out.

- Fuck you and your fucking Bosnians!

- Sorry the deal didn't go down, Ang.

It was out of my control!

- [Angelo] No shit, kiss my ass!



- [Patch] His name is fucking Corky! Say his fucking name!

- [Voiceover] Corky!

- [Patch] Now apologize! - [Voiceover] I'm sorry!

- [Patch] Not to me, to Corky!

- [Voiceover] I'm sorry, Corky!

- [Patch] Corky says FU!

Fuck you, motherfucker!


(indistinct yelling)

(rock music)

- [Ahab] You just heard pianist

Michelle Permello on Jazz 88.

A sad tune entitled Remembrance,

which is dedicated to all those that we've loved,

lost, and will never forget.

Ain't that right, brother?

Next up, on a much lighter note,

a funky pop tune by trumpet player Lee Morgan.

Morgan died in 1972, shot by a pissed off girlfriend

five days after Valentine's Day.

Probably forgot to get those roses.

You all right, bro?

You seem a little revved up.

You got that look in your eye.

- Can we talk in here?

- It's fucking soundproof.

- That microphone...

- It's behind the glass and it's shut off.

- We've got a tough decision to make.

This whole thing reeks.

The only way we're gonna find out who's behind all this

is to hit the fucking Hooligans.

- And if they're not behind it?

- Then we'll know exactly who is

by the time we're done.

- All right, bro, I'll call the meeting.

- I'm gonna speak for the newer and

younger members in this room.

I haven't been a member for ten years,

but I don't want the older members thinking

that they can torpedo us into some shit that's not right.

- Might's the only right!

- Unless you're fucking wrong.

- [Patch] Sanoma Mitch, you have a valid point,

it isn't what we want, but the game has changed.

The bully's no longer on the playground.

We have to bring him out.

- An important piece of information has some our way

courtesy of one of the brothers' old ladies.

The Hooligans are having a big get-together tomorrow night.

All their West Coast charters are gonna be there.

It's at the old abandoned Court Motel.

Streeter's already checked the place out.

- [Voiceover] Access point, escape routes, all looks good.

Go in, hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast, get the fuck outta there.

Vans and cars are lined up, drivers assigned.

- 10:45 rollout, brothers.

Bring all your shit.

We're not gonna use guns unless we're fired upon,

but we're gonna have 'em!

This is street brawling, brothers.

Let's show 'em what the fuck we got!

- Hey, thanks. - [Man] Sure.

- You didn't have much to say tonight.

You all right?

- Yeah.

That Hooligan shit's starting to get to me, you know?

I've had it.

These young kids just don't get it.

They don't know how hard we fought to make this club.

- Or what we'd do to keep it.

- I hear ya.

- Do ya?

- I said I hear you.

(rock music)

- What can I get for you?

- Tequila.

- [Angelo] If you can't change the players,

then change the game.

(phone dialing)

- [Angelo] Yeah, it's me, I'm at your favorite

fucking peanut barn and you're not here.

No, no, no, the shit with the Bosnians ain't gonna happen.

No, but I got something else for ya.

It's on.

Tomorrow night, Hooligans, Court Hotel.


I'll get your fucking money.

- [Lock N Load] Oh, a fucking toilet?!


- [MacIntosh] In the car.

In the back.

- In the back with you?

- There's plenty of room.

- So what's this shit about?

- Tomorrow night, The Infidelz go to war.

- Who says?

- They're hitting The Hooligans.

- Who's your source?

- [MacIntosh] Hey, fuck you!

I run the show!

But you know The Hooligans are gonna get fucking killed.

Gang squad doesn't even have this.

Our plan is working out just like I said it would.

You follow what I say and we'll be running this town.

I got a pot connection working

that's gonna supply the entire state.

- Look man, Patch Kinkade came by to see me.

He's back in town, he's asking questions

on why his boy got killed at Traders.

- (laughs) You tell him you shot him?

- Fucking really?!

- All right, all right, this is how we're gonna work this.

We tip off The Hooligans.

Leak it anonymously to Chino and his boys.

That way they can't trace it back to any of us.

Now here's the cherry on the whipped cream.

I want you guys on the sidelines out of sight.

Things start to settle?

Gun runners roll in and take out the winner.

Think of your position in the food chain.

Gun runners just became the great white fucking shark.

And me?

(laughs) I'm Captain of the fucking sea.

I'm gonna let you feed off all the little fishies.

- Where the fuck did he go?


- Where's Angelo?

All right everybody, listen up!

Patch has something he wants to say

before we roll out tonight.


- I know a lot of you in this room

have never crossed this road before.

You've enjoyed the peace from the beginning here.

This club was founded by brothers

who fought in The Vietnam War.

Many of us continued our service for our country!

Fighting in The Middle East!

We fought wars for our country

that did not necessarily make sense.

But we fought them for our basic freedom!

Our human rights!

Majority of people today...

Only have a vague idea of what's really going on.

What the true conflict is.

What clubs like us stand for!

Our enemy lives in the ignorance of society.

And plays on their fears!

They made it today where a good ol' fashioned fistfight

will land you behind bars!

Well fuck them.

What's happening today is happening

because no one fights for anything anymore!

- Ain't that the fucking truth!

- What we're fighting tonight...

Is to show there are a few of us

that will give you your fucking change

and earn your respect!

- Right on!

- We are determined men destined to be treated fairly.

The fuck does that plaque say?!

- (unison) Treat us good, we'll treat you better,

treat us bad and we'll treat you worse!

- This isn't about living for a good funeral.

But I sure the fuck will die for one.

Let's do this for Marco.

- I appreciate your speech.

- Me too, brother.

- [Patch] What are your names?

- Stevie-O.

- Mac Attack, we are Sonoma members.

- It's good to know ya.

- How long you reckon the fight will last tonight?

- You know, the Sioux Nation had an old saying

about Cutard's last stand at Little Bighorn.

The battle will last as long as it takes

a hungry man to finish his meal.

- And we're hungry.

- [Voiceover] We're here, man.

- We'll be waiting across the street, motor will be running,

beat those motherfuckers good!

- Place is too quiet, man.

I think they know we're coming.

- Of course they do.

Let's scope it out first.

Everyone follow me and Ahab.

Line the wall.

It's fucking dead in there.

- Somebody tipped 'em off.

- Yup.

I'm going in.

Wait here until I give you a sign.

- What fucking sign?

- You'll know it.

("The Weight of You" by 8 MM)

I'll drink your fucking beer all fucking night!

I got nothing but time!

- You looking for a fucking game?

- Actually, we heard you guys were.

Looks like someone's trying to match us up.

- All I know is we lost two of ours,

and now you're fucking here?

- Strike three, motherfucker.

- Then let's keep this real.

Make it a good ol' fashioned fistfight.

(music intensifies)

Looks like the bully made his way back to the playground.

- You're gonna come back to town pointing fingers at us?

You need to fucking go!

This is our fucking town now!

- The fuck it is.

- Thought you said The Hooligans needed our muscle.

- The fuck we do!

- What the fuck we doing here, Lock?

- Yeah, this fucker's not smart enough to set this shit up.

Who you working for, Lock?

- The fuck are you doing?

- You pull that trigger and you're a dead motherfucker.

- [Patch] Look Ahab, a .357.

Looks like we found the fucking rat that shot Marco.

- Die, motherfucker! (gunshot)

- [Voiceover] Get your fucking ass up!

Get the fuck up!

- He told us your guy had a gun pointed at him at Traders.

He's all yours now.

- For Marco.


- How you doing, JW?

- Angelo.

You're so fucking dramatic.

- You're so fucking dead.


(motorcycle revs)

- Got the cyber info on JW MacIntosh.

Dude's FBI.

- Ang, man.

- I put a tail Ang like you said.

Saw Lilac, he fucking smoked a guy at a rib joint,

now he's gone fishing.

- Fishing?

- Yeah, fishing, real fishing.

- Call back Lilac.

Cut her loose.

Thanks for everything tonight, Tony.

- You got it.

(dramatic music)

- [Patch] We alone?

- Yeah, we're alone.

Just like the old days.

- What the fuck happened, Ang?

- I don't know what to say.

- [Patch] What about MacIntosh?

- [Angelo] Departed.

- Any other concerns?

- Seesaw.

- That's it?

- No, that's not it.

I need you to take care of Hollister.

- How do you expect me to do that?

- There's around 40 grand in that bag.

- It's just fucking money, Ang.

He'll have to carry your shit the rest of his life.

- Not if you make me an Infidel forever.

(heartbeat) One, two, three, four...

- [Patch] The American way of life.

The legacy our founding fathers mapped out centuries ago,

was a revolution staged by radicals and renegades.

Smart motherfuckers who stayed loyal to one another and true

to one single vision.


Angelo's body was found a day later

by a fisherman.

The cops dismissed it.

Just one more MC member out of the way.

In the end, Angelo died for a good funeral.

(dramatic music)

Riding in a pack is the most definite example

of harmony I know.

Beating to one drum, one symphony.

Everyone in sync.

Being a part of something greater than yourself.

♪ Tell me why towns have to change

♪ Our lives, they rearrange

♪ It makes no sense to me

♪ Drive me mad with mystery

- [Patch] Tony realized that his old man

had a vision for him all along.

He didn't need to be an Infidel.

He was a Blade.

As for Hollister, now that he has his motorcycle license,

and his father's bike, where he goes from here is up to him.

He chose to live with his Godfather.

And we took Angelo for his final ride.

♪ I'll never see you again

("Crawl" by Nick Nicholson)

("Ride on Sonny" by Charlie Brechtel)