Darling Nikki (2016) - full transcript

Nikki is a carefree, fun-loving girl, juggling the men in her life, in her quest for the ultimate love. She soon falls into a fantasy world where she is no longer able to distinguish her real life with her "secret" one.

(dramatic excited music)

(mystic music)

(funky chill music)

(man speaks in foreign language)

Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you for joining us

for another episode of "Edible Desires".

Before we begin, please welcome

my fabulous co-host, Nikki.

- [Narrator] From the outside looking in

it would seem like Nikki has
everything under control,

that life is glamorous, full
of joy, excitement, luxury,

all the things.

And sure, while some of that is true,

there's always more
than what meets the eye.

We often only see the surface layer

and that's for good reason.

Most people don't wanna go deeper

out of fear for what they might find.

Whether it's in their minds

or in their physical existence,

humans tend to trap themselves.

Not Nikki, though.

She will find a way to be set free.

(breathing heavily)

(sultry R&B music)

From the outside looking in,

her life could even
seem like a fairy tale.

But every fairy tale has a villain.

(electronic dance music)

♪ Derry derry poison, derry derry poison ♪

♪ Till you get some snack, some snack ♪

♪ Some crack, get back ♪

♪ And see what you lack ♪

♪ Do you get your sleep high ♪

♪ I'll get the strap, the smack ♪

♪ A little of love ♪

♪ Pussy pussy cat will always come back ♪

(breathing heavily)

(woman moaning)

(lightly tense electronic music)

- [Narrator] Her boyfriend
Ethan was a genius,

always working hard on the next big thing.

This time it's something
involving binary sound waves.

- Hey, babe.

- [Narrator] Which keeps him
busy enough not to notice.

- Mmm.

(kooky music)

- [Narrator] One ordinary day,

while out walking her dogs,

she noticed the most
handsomely attired man.

He looked different.

As if he was headed to a
grand event of some sort.

He behaved a bit like a white
rabbit from a fairy tale,

caught in a time warp
as he stared her way.

Sometimes he visits her in her dreams.

(light hip hop music)

Rose has done a lot for Nikki.

But she can't help but feel

like there's more out there for her.

- Who would have thought I would have

to give up these so soon?

I knew you'd be popular.

You are quite different from the others.

Oh, my sweet Nikki.

- Rose.

You protected me.

When I was lost, you took me in.

I'm never gonna forget that.

- Your parents would be so proud.

If only they could see you now.

(calm music)

(pulse throbbing)

- [Narrator] She remembered
how one naughty man

played very mean with her.

(eerie music)


He gave her nasty medicine

and left her behind like a broken doll.

(tense music)

Maurice still haunts her.

She really believed that he
was a good man deep down.

Will she ever heal from the trauma?

(light electronic music)

- Ladies, I've worked
very hard on this piece.

You've all been paid well.

I hope you're prepared.

(bright music)

The premiere's tomorrow.

(lightly kooky music)

(singing in foreign language)

No, no, no, don't nod.

I sing, you repeat.

I sing, you respond.


- No say.

- Si.

I sing, you repeat.

I sing, you respond, respond.

(speaks in foreign language)

- No say.

(speaks in foreign language)

(speaks in foreign language)

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Women] To papa!

(circus music)

(crowd applauding)

(upbeat electronic music)

(song in foreign language)

(plane whooshing)

- Layabout, (mumbling)


(man screeching and laughing)


- Remember her, Sarah,

this is the female form, a divine nimbus.

- Oh!

- I'm just gonna tickle you!






(birds chirping)

(light electronic music)


- How's it coming along?

- It's not good.

I have my presentation
for the grant in two weeks

and I'm shit creek fucked!

Can you hear those damn dogs barking?

It shouldn't be happening.

Not at this frequency level anyway.

- You're gonna figure it out, don't worry.

You're too smart not to.

- Wish I could take you with me

to the review board. (sighing)

Yeah, I can get this.

(whimsical music)

- Ethan!

Honey, are these yours?

(chimes ringing)


(light music) (birds chirping)


Wow, what is this place?

(gavel banging)

(kooky music)


- Nikki, wake up!

Are you okay?

Wake up, it's me.

It's okay.

Hey, come on, come on, breathe.

Come on, it's okay.
- Getting tighter.

- I got you.

I got you.

It's okay.

It's okay, I got you.

(tense music)

- [Narrator] One is told
to stick to the devil

they know best.

But what if one knows multiple demons?

What to do?

- Tomorrow, let's go to our favorite spot

for a nice picnic.

You need some rest.

- Why so disappointed?

You know I can't give you them all.

Overhead is high, I'm losing money.

All the hotel rooms for you girls, rent.

Credit cards, security, travel,

dining, car leases, fucking cat food.

The new girls especially don't
have their shit together.

(phone ringing)

He's calling again, isn't he?

- Who, Maurice?


I've changed my number three times.

He just does not quit.

At least he stopped threatening
to barbecue my dogs.

- You have that effect on people.

- I make them wanna murder my pets?

- No, but you're dangerously enchanting.

I'm shocked that more of your clients

don't take things too far.

Does Ethan know?

- Hell no.

After what happened last time,

Ethan would castrate him.

- Maybe that would be for the best.

You have to think of your own safety.

- Maurice is harmless.

Besides, Ethan is so stressed
out with work right now and

the last time those two had an encounter,

one was in the ER,

Ethan was in handcuffs.

I have enough drama in my life right now.

- You know what's best, you always do.

Just let me know if you'd like me

to speak to Maurice, I
can be very persuasive.

- I will.

- Come on, boy.

Come on, go on, go fetch it.

Go on, go on.

Oh, boo boo.

(light music)

- Hey.

- Hi.

- The last few months have
been beyond intense, huh?

I don't know how you're not burnt out.

I could barely drag my ass
out of bed this morning.

- Trust me.

I share your exhaustion.

But I don't know.

Ethan wants me to go
away with him somewhere.

What's going away somewhere gonna do?

It's not gonna change anything.

- I just wanna be free.

You know, I had this dream last night

that I was flying.

And I was hovering above the earth.

And I saw my mom down there

and she was waving and calling to me.

I just wanted to sweep her up

and take her with me.

But then, for some reason,

I just, I passed her by.

And then when I looked back, she's gone.

What do you think that means?

- It means you should stop
fucking your therapist

and actually talk to
him about your problems.

- Then I would have to pay him

instead of the other way around.

- (sighing) A dream
child wandering to a land

far and new.

A friendly chat with bird or beast

and hath believe it true.

- What's that from?

- It's this poem.

I had to memorize it for an English class.

You know, it pops in my head

whenever I get really stressed out.

It just relaxes me, makes me feel better.

- You are one strange girl, Nikki.

- The strangest.

And that's why you love me.

(waves crashing)

(door creaking)

(whimsical music)

(light piano music)

(woman shouting in foreign language)

- Sit.

I told Amy you were an eager one.

She has weaseled her way
into your mind, hasn't she?

She's playing us against each other.

Just give me two weeks

and this whole town will
be crying out your name.

You'll become a fucking
legend, I promise you.

Ah, you're a stubborn one, aren't you?

Just like your father.

- My father?

How'd you know him?

- I'm shocked.

You've forgotten?

Ah of course, you were very, very young.

Rose took you in

and raised you as if you were her own.

Of course, she had her
best interests in mind.

There are things going on here

which are way beyond your control.

There's things you could
never even have imagined

in your darkest fantasies.

Watch your back.

♪ You and I should wait ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ You and I ♪

(whimsical music)


- Come.

Come here, come here.

Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick!

Before they see you, come, yes.

Yes, yes, come.

Come, come, come.

Come inside.

You're safe here.

Yes, yes, yes.

You've been through quite the journey.

You look famished.

- Where?

- Here, have some tea.

Yes, yes.

All better. (giggling)

- Who are you?

- Who am I?

Who are you?

- Oh, enough with this nonsense.

I have zero tolerance for games.

- Ready to play?

- You're not making any sense.

- Oh, but I am.

All sense is nonsense. (laughing)

Where did you get this?

- I don't know.

- Here.

Yes, yes.

Here, here, take this too.

You won't need it.

Until you do, until you do. (laughing)

- Which way does this thing go?

- Any way you like.

Up, down, left, right, in, out.

The only difference is it
makes no difference. (laughing)

- [Nikki] I must be dreaming.

- But how can you dream
when you're not asleep?

- This is batshit mental ward crazy.

How the fuck do I get out of here?

- Where do you wanna go?

- Anywhere.

Anywhere but here.

- But which is it?


Or anywhere but here?

Whatever choice you make is right for you

but I must say if you go right

there's a mad being there today, yes.

- A mad being?

- Yes.

- Okay then I'll go left.

- No, no, no!

Don't go that way.

That's where she is.

And she's even madder. (laughing)

You see, we're all mad here. (laughing)

Oh, I have something for you.

Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yes, yes, here, here.

Here, take it.

Here, yes, yes, yes.

Open it, open it, yes. (laughing)

It's for you.

- An invitation just for you.

- For you, it's for you.

- The queen wants to see what you can do.

Join us for the Red Rose Roy.

- Join us, yes, yes.

- And happily dance the night away.

Look, I'm not really into dancing,

and yeah, have fun in your tree.

- Travel well.

Bye Nikki! (laughing)


Be safe out there! (laughing)


Bye, Nikki.

Come back soon.

- Why were you in the water?

I got you.

I got you.

(tense music)

What's happening to you?

Nikki, talk to me.

- What?

- You were underwater

I don't know for how
long until I found you.

You seem lost, not there.

I'm worried about you, Nikki.

I can't lose you.

- I'm fine, I'm fine.

- But I saw you.

Still, motionless, almost dead.

Your eyes were open but you were gone.

Why were you trying to drown yourself?

- I wasn't.

I'm the happiest I've ever been, okay?

I love my life.

I don't know what happened,

I must have blacked out or something.

- You're working too hard.

Fuck, we're both working too hard.

Look, soon as I get that grant money,

I wanna take you somewhere.

Somewhere special, okay?

Just you and me.

- Sounds good.

(gentle piano music)

- You had me worried.

(film clicking)

- Nikki closes her eyes

and the memories of the night are erased,

if only for the moment.

A new day begins and a
chance for redemption,

another chance to prove
something to herself.

(crowd applauding)

- Please, and lock it.

Scene one, take one, mark.


- [Director] And action.

(speaks in foreign language)

Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you for joining us

for another episode of Edible Desires.

Before we begin, please welcome

my fabulous co-host, Nikki.

All right, let's get to it, so.

You have some dough here.

Add some nuts to it, right?

Again, mix it and mix
it and mix it, right?

Now, give me your hand, okay.

We're gonna put together okay?

Okay, slowly.

Yeah, that's enough.

- [Director] Cut.


And action.

(funky music)

♪ Right down down the road ♪

- [Director] Cut.


(everyone chattering)

And action.

- Oh, right.



- [Director] Cut.

Yeah, put it back in her mouth again

and take it out again.

(beeping) (funky music)

- [Director] Cut.


- Oh of course, to the camera.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Got it.


Oh, oh, very nice.





- [Director] Cut.

You got it, you got it.

(beeping) (sultry music)



- Where do you want my face?


(breathing heavily)

- [Director] Cut.

(solemn choir music)

(pensive music)

(chill music)

- Don't listen to Edna.

All that sow does is sit
around on her fat ass,

eating away at the profits.

This is showbusiness.

But if you want to join
her sideshow, be my guest.

- Believe me, I don't.

I'm loyal to Rose.

- Don't even mention that
manipulative cunt to me.

We could have run this town.

But she'd rather sit on
her antique high horse

judging people who
aren't stuck in the 50s.

Maybe I'd buy her a rotary phone

so she can call for help
when she's going down, pfft.

- Sure, she's old school but

she's always been like a mother to me.

I can't leave her now.

- Don't you see you're
just a payday to her?

But to me, you're a star.

Rose doesn't care about
you or anybody else.

She's using you.

Come with me, Nikki,

and the world is yours.

So we have a deal, no?

Kay, bring me the FCDA document.

- [Kay] The document, sir.

♪ There will be another
just long wait for return ♪

♪ Of your simple hands silent smile ♪

♪ To warm my lonely heart ♪

♪ You and I will burn ♪

(pen scraping)

- Welcome aboard. (laughing)

♪ You and I ♪

♪ Drink unto me only with thine eyes ♪

♪ And I will pledge you mine ♪

♪ Or leave a kiss within the cup ♪

♪ And I'll not ask for wine ♪

♪ The thirst that from
the soul doth rise ♪

♪ Doth ask a drink divine ♪

♪ But might I of Jove's nectar sip ♪

♪ I would not change for thine ♪

(lightly tense music)

- How could you?

How could you turn on me like this?

- But Rose, I, please-

- No!

I don't wanna hear it.

What's done is done.

I would have expected something like this

from Sarah or Greta.

But you,

I always held you so high.

You're my baby girl.

- Rose, I have to do what's best for me.

- Save your excuses.

I know how it is out there.


I don't have time for hurt feelings.

Let's have a drink.

For old time's sake.

Could you go any more slowly?

Get down, down, down boy!

- Yes, my lady, sorry, sorry.

- That's all, now bark!


(barking) Bark!

Do you know know how to bark?

Have you not heard a fucking dog?

- Woof, woof!

- Woof?

Woof woof?

(Rose howling)

- Woof, woof, woof!
(Rose howling)

(Rose growling) (waiter barking)

- Now crawl, get out, get out, get out!

Crawl, crawl, not walk,
crawl, crawl, crawl!

(waiter barking)

We've had relations.

You know.

(tense music)

To new beginnings.

(glasses clinking)

- [Narrator] Rose gave
Nikki her first taste.

She'll never be the same.

- Swallow.


(gavel banging)

- Silence in court!


The court has come to a decision.

Nikki, as punishment for her crimes

must give eternal servitude to the queen.

Any failure to do so

or attempt at escape will result in quick

and painful death.

- No!

You can't do this!

(gavel banging)

- [Judge] Court in session, silence!

- Silence!

- There is an exception if you so please.

If you can complete the queens challenges,

you'll walk free.

But if you fail to do so,

you Nikki, will be sent
to eternal quarantine.

What is your decision?

- Bring it on!

- Let the challenges begin!

(percussive tribal music)

Now let's see what you're made of, haha!

- 3403N, 118

15W, what city?

- Madrid!

(man blabbering)

- Oh, you call that sportsmanship?

- 4331 12N,

122 40W, what city?

- French lick?

- Oh, that's just childs play.

Cut your head off!

- 5033, 23 56E, what city?

- Chicago!

- Two looks hate.

- 4880, what city?

- London.

(fists whooshing)

- 832N, 86, what city?

- Los Angeles.

- How can this be?!

- The queenie pie is crying.

I thought this was your queendom.

(exotic music)

(song in foreign language)

- [Narrator] This magical
green substance is her escape.

It seems to make everything okay

at least for the time being.


(melancholy music)

(water gurgling)


- Welcome.

- We've been expecting you.

- Such a pleasure to see you.

- Right this way.

- You honor me.

You honor my family.

- Welcome, Nikki.

Fantastic to see you, come have a drink.

- Ah!

There you are.

I thought you'd never come.

Didn't anyone tell you
this was a mad party?

A party of epic proportions

and tea party! (shrieking)

- Hey oh, wasn't my fault that I was late,

I tried to be here on time.

But it's not my fault, it's not my fault.

Everything was set,
everything was planned.

There was this thing,
this thing in the road.

And a tree, there was a tree and a thing.

There was a thing and a tree and a lady!

This old lady was in the way,

I couldn't get around her, I tried.

I really tried, I tried to get around her

but no no, she was in the way.

But I had everything set today, set, set!

(speaking gibberish)

I was late, oh,

♪ But I do wanna be late today ♪

(speaking gibberish)

♪ With the way ♪

I'm late!

(crowd applauding)

- I love tea parties.


Woo, woo!

Now we can begin.

Ladies, gents, let the show begin, woo!

(crowd cheering)

(acid hissing)


- Are you okay, honey?

- Yeah.

I'm fine.

Go back to sleep.

(discordant piano music)

(bass thumping)

(light eerie music)


(heroic music)


- [Narrator] The dreams
are getting more intense.

It's hard to tell what's real anymore.

Will she decide to stay
in this fantasy realm

or will she face her true reality?

Behind the glitz and glam

there's a darkness that follows her.

A world where she's a prisoner

stuck inside her own mind.

(dance music)

- A toast to my darling Nikki!

(everyone cheering)

- [Narrator] Detached from true
feelings of love and peace.

Where will she go?

(thunking echoing)

- Well what do we have here?

You guys started without me.

(urgent music)

- My name's Maurice.

Thanks for coming tonight.

(laughing) Yeah, this is Greta.

We used to perform together.

- You're new here, aren't you?

- I think so.

I'm not sure.

- You must be.

I'd never forget a face like yours.

- I think I've seen you someplace before.

- Of course you have, darling.

I'm quite famous.

- [Woman] Let the show begin.

(airy classical music)

- Is this my sweet prince come to save me?


So strong.

- [Narrator] Maurice is here.

And somehow he seems different.

- Ooh.

He likes you.

Wow, oh, oh.

(tense electronic music)

(Nikki whimpering)

- I loved you.

♪ Breathing slowly ♪

♪ Smoke might burn your eyes ♪

♪ Listen closely ♪

- But now I'm gonna hurt you!

♪ Tears won't help this time ♪

♪ Break the ceiling ♪

♪ It's made of thin glass ♪

♪ Face the feeling ♪

♪ You might not regret ♪

♪ Blackened roses ♪

♪ Lively in the sky ♪

♪ Strong devotion ♪

♪ Catch it before it dies ♪

♪ Break the ceiling ♪

♪ It's made of thin glass ♪

♪ Face the feeling ♪

(tense music)

- Wha, wait a minute.

That's it, okay.

45, 76, one.

And 110!

(laughing) That's it!

That's it, I did it!

I did it!

Yes! Yes!

Oh god, I can't believe it!

Woo, woo!

(laughing and screeching)
I did it, I did it!

Yes, woo, woo!

Haha, woo!


(Nikki screaming)

You first, then you!

And you mister, I want
to hear you all together!

One, two!

Yes! Hahaha!

(somber music) (pulse thumping)


I can't believe this.


- Are you okay?


'Cause you're on in five.

- [Narrator] Nikki knew in her heart

something was off with Greta.

But she just trusted.

They were friends no matter what.

- Bravo!

- [Narrator] Why is he here?

He would never be invited to such a party.

- Bravo!


(tense music)


- [Crowd] Chap, chap,
chap, chap, chap, chap,

chap, chap, chap, chap, chap, chap, chap,

chap, chap, chap, chap, chap, chap, chap,

chap, chap, chap, chap, chap, chap, chap!

(sobbing) (somber R&B music)


(Nikki whimpering)


- Wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait.

(humming) Oh, look at this.

Have a fish, really good fish.

Try, try, try, try.

Yes, kissy, kissy, kissy.

Need some spices.

Hold on a second, hold.






Wait, wait wait.

Last one, last one, last one.


I can live with that.

All right.

- Taste this!

You sick, maniacal fuck!


(chef speaks in foreign language)


(tense music)

You sick fuck.

You maniacal motherfucker.

You bastard!

- Get your hands off him!

Who the fuck do you think you are?

You think you can just come into our world

and destroy everything that
Kemper and I have built?

- You ungrateful harlot.

Did you forget about
the contract you signed?

You're mine now, forever!

To do with as I please!

You'll soon learn your place.

- How could you do this to us?

To me after everything
that we've been through!

- I don't know you and I
don't wanna fucking know you.

You stay the fuck away from me!

- You've left me no choice.

(Greta gasping)

You shouldn't have done that.

- Nikki, darling.

It's a shame we could not work things out.

You had so much potential.

- You've ruined everything.

This was our shot at the big time.

- Finish her!

- No!

(heroic music)


I'm so sorry.

I feared this was going to happen.

I should have never left your side.

What should we do?

- Let's teach that
self-righteous prick a lesson!

Sweet dreams, asshole.

- [Narrator] Nikki
started at the beginning.

She's reached the end and
now she's ready to stop.

(melancholy piano music)

No longer stuck in her mind.

Her body no longer merely a toy.

The power is hers, free.

(electronic dance music)

♪ To see a pumpin ride ♪

♪ To see her pumpin forever ♪

♪ when you're gonna get home ♪

♪ To a girl on the run ♪

♪ To see her pumpin a ride ♪

♪ To see her pumpin forever ♪

♪ When you gonna get home
to the girl on the run ♪

(song in foreign language)

♪ When we think we fall in love ♪

♪ We move around like bubble gum ♪

♪ We waste our mind on liquid soul ♪

♪ Our lips are out, we hit the ground ♪

♪ When we lie enough around ♪

♪ We break it off to play around ♪

♪ We drop some time on liquid sell ♪

♪ And then we fall and hit the ground ♪

♪ To see her pumpin a ride ♪

♪ To see her pumpin ♪

♪ Forever when you gonna get
home the girl on the run ♪

♪ To see her pumpin a ride ♪

♪ To see her pumpin ♪

♪ Forever when you gonna get
home the girl on the run ♪

♪ We got to paradise ♪

♪ We fly away in minicabs ♪

♪ We dance around we heartless love ♪

♪ And then we let each other down ♪

♪ Off we run to gala dom ♪

♪ The time has come to turn you on ♪

♪ It's easier to dream alone ♪

♪ And though we think we fall in love ♪

(song in foreign language)