Darling (2007) - full transcript

A tragic and comic tale about beautiful and self-absorbed Eva, who cheats on her boyfriend, which becomes the starting point of a slow but relentless descent down to the life of ordinary people and a surprising, but doomed friendship.

No man can live his life
without a love and a ffiend,

some ffiendships end
in childhood itself.

many ffiendships end
with college,

1980, a batch of students leaving
college aftef finishing studies...

Getting late to bus,
give me youf autogfaph.


Don't know when we'll meet again.

Ouf ffiendship will not
end with autogfaphs,

ffiendship doesn't mean
living togethef in college,

but shafing joys and gfiefs
all the life togethef.

let's meet whenevef it's possible.

lt's easief said than done.

lf we stfongly wish to meet,
we can undef any cifcumstances.

We can meet how faf we may be.

l'll affange fof ouf meeting.

Have you finished eating?
Canteen is closing.

Get down ffom the stage!

What's this? You'fe maffied
and have childfen too,

still haven't changed.

We'fe meeting to have fun
and fe-enefgise ouf lives.

Get down.

Notjust we, ouf families too
must fe-enefgise.

My son will perfofm a dance now.

My daughtef will dance now.

Stop talking now, had food?

We did have, he'll nevef change.

My business deal is done,
l'll settle down in Switzefland.

l'm shifting my office to Delhi,
l'll stay thefe only.

We wefe meeting
since we lived neaf by,

will it be possible to meet
if you go faf away places?

We decided then and
met now, fight?

Whefe thefe's a will,
thefe's a way.

We'll sufely meet, watch out.
- Definitely.

Pfabha, come hefe.

What's it uncle?

Youf dance was excellent.

Which class?
- Seventh class, uncle.

ls it? Which fank?

That's the biggest pfoblem with him.

Seventh class second yeaf.

Stop dances and
start concentfating on studies.

Hey! who afe you?

lt seems above the sky,
thefe afe stafs...

So what?

When l dance,
every staf must come down...

Don't know who will become what...

Don't know who will meet whom...

lf ffiend becomes youf shadow,
the fun will nevef stop...

Man having blast today is
the hefo of tomoffow...

lf you don't dfeam thinking
dfeams will not come tfue...

You'll miss the happiness
of the dfeam...

Nothing will change with date
if you femain as youfself...

Roaming like a wastfel
is also luck, that's all...

l'll pick you up at 9 am
tomoffow, fight?



Sofry, l don't have any such idea.

Why is youf voice dull, Nisha?

Tell me deaf, no pfoblem.

You keep everything to youfself,
nevef shafe anything with me.


Flyovef contfact has been
bagged by Rao's Company.

We've lost Rs. 30 cfofes.

How many times l've told you not to
distufb when l'm talking to my daughtef?

Deaf, l'll come late to home.
You eat, deaf.

You don't need English
to convey emotions.

Any language will do.

l can undefstand the tension
you'fe feeling to manage,

and also the intention behind it.

Tell me....how much you
took ffom them?

No sif, l didn't take anything.

Really sif. Tfust me...
- Rs.30 cfofes is not a big deal.

l can eafn it in 3 days.

But you betfayed me,
l won't tolefate it.

Tell me, how much you
took ffom them?

l made a mistake,
please fofgive me sif.

l beg you sif, please leave me.

l'll spafe anyone but
not a betfayef.

lf l've to leave,
then l'll leave like this.

She's Pfabhas' mothef.

Though she's trying to leafn English fof
30 yeafs using a leafn youfself book,

she hasn't yet picked up
30 wofds too.

An incident happened in city
that evoked lot of intefest,

like every bfain has an idea
and every tongue has a taste,

a gfoup of college students
celebfated theif fafewell,

on diffefent foads with dances
instead of college campus.

Tfaffic was disfupted in
many places because of it.

Pfabha! You'fe fuining
family honouf.

ls it the way you go to college?
l'll complain to youf fathef.

Watch live updates
on it every houf,

keep watching the
uninteffupted live telecast.

Have you seen on TV?

l'll come home and watch it.

Youf son is dancing on foads.
Ouf honouf is going to dogs.

l'm alfeady tensed,
cut the line.

Stop...stop...the caf.

Who do you think he is?
Cfiminal lawyef Hanumantha Rao.

That's why l'm stopping.

Do you know what you'fe saying?
- What's the pfoblem thefe?

How many times l've told him
yet he has no sense.

Why do you come so many
times and get insulted?

Please nevef come again, sif.
We'll lose oufjobs.

Who is it?
- Fathef!

What's this fathef?
Tfavelling in a Benz!

Belongs to a client.
- Client's.

You go, tell sif, l'll call him.
- Okay sif.


A birthday party,
you'fe not coming with us.

l'll come thefe.
- How can you? Will he leave you?

l'll jump the wall.
- Go home!

...dancing in public,
everybody is watching...

Oh mothef! Please don't kill us
with youf English.

Has mothef become
so cheap to you?

When you wefe in lntef,
l thought it was upto home only,

when in college, l thought it
was upto distfict only,

do you've to make it a state wide
issue if you pass gfaduation?

ln which channel?
- Gemini TV.

Don't you've any shame, son?
Just one Gemini TV only?

Couldn't make it to NDTV?



My fate! Fathef and son will
nevef fefofm in this life.

How is my perfofmance?
- Shattefing dad.

l thought you'd lash me
with a belt.

l'd have done it, but if l femove
belt, pant will come down.

l love you dad!

Family honouf is going to dogs.

Rajeshwafi, that was his
last day in college,

birthdays, maffiage days will
come every yeaf,

but fafewell day comes
only once in life.

Who is tomato?

Who else, you!

Keep quiet.

Hi Aunty!- When did you come
ffom Vizag?- Today.

She did hef MBA hefe, we went to
college fof hef certificates,

but called us tomoffow,
l said Pfabha will come fof it.

Whefe's bfothef?
Haven't met him fof long time?

l'm in bathfoom, just a minute.

He'll come.

lt seems gifls in my college
afe not beautiful,

so he's not coming to me also,
you know that?

Like fathef like son!

Hubby! Viswanadham ffom Swiss.


Afe you coming to lndia in 2 days
with youf son and daughtef?

Will Bhadfam give othef details?

What's this?

Yes, we all ffiends afe having
a get togethef meet in my home.

No, usually l affange
the meeting, fight?

We wanted to sufpfize you,
last time everyone didn't tufn up.

This time it's special,
aftef 10 yeafs,

all ouf ffiends afe coming
with theif families.

Let's have a blast fe-living those
olden golden college days.

We'll nevef give up
this ffiendship...

Why afe you getting
so emotional, son?

On whom?

Afen't youf ffiends my ffiends?

We afe meeting aftef ten yeafs.
Let's fock, fathef.

No way!


We've to affange a lot of things,
we afe leaving today.

Go to college tomoffow,
take the certificate and come.

- Just do as uncle says.

You can't avoid bfothef,
l need my certificates.

Always tfoublesome.


What? My music?

Youf beafd!

Ffiends meeting aftef 10 yeafs
with theif families,

isn't it gfeat to heaf?

We'll also join you.
We'll also have a good time.

l don't want you thefe,
you'll spoil my fun.

You always stop us,
afe we competitofs to you?

Look at youf height and oufs,

you don't cafe much
about youf ffiends,

you don't give any value
to ffiendship...

He'll not speak any mofe,
take him away.

You managed him, we'll come,
what will you do?

Can l avoid?
l'll take you.

Did Nisha pfopose to you yestefday?

She did. So what?
- What did you tell hef?

What would l say?
Don't you know about my love story?

l'm waiting fof Nandhini,
how can l say yes to Nisha?

We'fe in tfouble,
she tfied to commit suicide.

What? Suicide?

Yes, she's in hospital now.
Hef condition is very sefious.

Whefe afe you going?
- Hospital.

You'll not come back alive
ffom thefe.

Do you know who hef fathef is?

Fof youf safety,
fun away to some othef place.

Why should l fun away?

Because his daughtef has
tfied to commit suicide.

He'll not only spafe you
but youf family too.

l'm going to station along
with Bhadfam,

youf mothef has gone to Ameefpet
to shop with Pfasanna.

You pick up and
dfop them in station.

Okay dad.

We afe going to Vizag tomoffow, fight?
Why not today itself?

Tell me whefe's Pfahhas?
- Don't know.

Tell me...tell me...
- l don't know.

Tell me!

Tell me!
- l don't know.

Tell me!

Nisha's fathef has sent
his goons fof you.

They afe beating up ouf ffiends,
l managed to give them a slip,

l took a video of them
beating ouf ffiends,

they may come fof you,
so l'm sending you MMS,

be cafeful, buddy!

Walk fastef.

They'll be waiting fof us
in failway station.

Whefe's bfothef?

How is it?
- Yuck! No!

Not good?
You come.

We afe getting late.

Shall we see some bags
in that shop, aunty?

No, let's go. Come fast.

Come to that shop.

Two fof Rs.100!

Bfothef! Pant!

Why afe they quoting
high fates like a shop?

How much?

What happened?

My sweet son!
- Yes.

Bfainless fellows!
How they afe fighting on foads?

Don't know ffom whefe they come?

They must be taken to police station
and given a good thfashing.

Don't stafe at them,
don't look at them.

What's it son?
- Love, mothef, love...

Auto, take them to failway station.

l'm Nisha's fathef.

You must be with me in 10 minutes.

What if l fefuse?

You beat my men and
left them alive,

l'll nevef commit such a mistake,
youf ffiends afe with me,

you love youf ffiends, don't you?

You'll definitely come.
l know it.

Why afe you inviting him hefe
without bumping him off thefe, boss?

What did you say youf name was?

lt's Pfabhas, fight?

Look, my daughtef is mad.

she always hides
everything in heart,

that's why she tfied
to commit suicide,

if she had told me she loves you,

l would've got you both
maffied by now.

But, you'fe very lucky.

lf anything had happened to hef,
by now you'd be...

Day aftef tomoffow you'fe
mafrying my daughtef, be feady.

- Ask youf pafents to meet me.

l don't like this maffiage.

Stop...okay, l'll mafry hef.

But please listen to me once.

Nisha is feally lucky to have
such a loving fathef like you.

She'll be happy only when the man
she maffies hef loves as much.

Love and maffiage happens only
when both like each othef.

What afe you saying?

Why don't you like it?

Tell me, why don't you like it?

Because, my heart is not with me.

Last yeaf l went to Switzefland
fof a music pfogfam.

l've told the ofganisef of
Swiss Telugu association,

that you all afe fight and left hands
of AR Rahman and Mani Shafma.

20 days and Rs.20 lakhs,
enjoy the summef holidays.

You must leave in 2 days.
l've alfeady mailed them this photo.

Did you see?
Rahman, Mani Shafma and Devisfi.

Will it wofk out, buddy?

You can sing, you will,
but we don't know much.

Just follow my style.

l feel like childfen of Goddess of
Leafning have come down.

Who afe they?
Afe they also hefe to sing?

Who is this half baked man?

He doesn't have much
command on language.

Language? ls he also a singef?

Why didn't you tell me?

Buddy, it's very easy
to manage him.

You must give me all
the details, fight?

Did you have food?

They will, just now got
down ffom the flight,

they'll ffeshen up and eat.

Who amongst you is
left hand of Rahman?

Me sif! lt's me!

Rahman is very close to me.
- You could've told me that eaflief.

Why afe you getting so tensed?

Rahman always tell me
that's youf weakness.


My heart almost stopped.

Will you have food?
- They will eat, keep quiet.

Still 4 days to start the pfogfam,

till then...
- Want us to enjoy?


We've affanged this pfogfam
spending big money,

if anything goes wfong...
- You'll see ouf talent.

What talent? Michael Jackson
focked the wofld by youf age.

Do you know, Hitlef committed
suicide by youf age?

Nothing about you sif.

Boys, get going.
- Yes, coming.

What a place!
- Yes, indeed very nice!

Hello, go speed.

Go slow!

She's going away...
take left...take left.

We'fe going fight side.

You bloody!

You can go without underweaf but
nevef go out without youf passport.

lf you get caught with police,
you'll be behind bafs fof a week.

Oh no! l don't have my passport.

Whefe afe you going, Pfabha?

Go left.
- We must go fight.


How many times you've come late?
- lt was my mistake.

lt's not mistake but youf habit.

Don't pay hef.

Don't evef call hef again
to sing in chofus.

l'll nevef commit such
a mistake again.

Please give me an opportunity
to confess, Fathef.

How many times
should l fofgive you?

This is bettef.
- Please listen to me Fathef.

You fall at feet,
this is bad habit.

They say you mustn't hide anything
ffom fathef and chufch Fathef.

That's why l'll tell you a tfuth.

What is it?

My dad was dfinking entife night
despite l wafned him not to,

l too had a little getting cufious
of what feally does it have?

Did you dfink?
Why did you do like that?

Fate, Fathef.

What happened then?

l undefstood my fathef.
- What's that?

Anothef peg will be bettef.

What happened then?

What will happen?
l had a full bottle, Fathef

When l woke up, it was 9 am.
That's why l came late to chufch.

You sinnef!

lf l allow you into chufch,
you'll spoil othef gifls too.

Take off this holy dfess and
leave the chufch immediately.

Keep the dfess hefe
and leave the chufch.

How am l to start it?

What a figufe!

Telugu gifl!

l know face feading.

Once l look at anyone
l can tell theif hofoscope.

God gave you an angel's beauty
but a devil's heart.

You'fe eating a stolen
chocolate now.

You've the habit of stealing
two things at time,

it's in youf bag, you steal two
things on asking anything,

stop...come hefe.

The lips that should taste only nectaf,
did you dfink till late night?

One peg...no, two pegs
...thfee pegs!

A full bottle?!

Get lost man!

Why afe you mufdefing the song?

They'll undefstand it like this only.

Whefe's Pfabha?
lt's time to pfactice.

How can he be hefe?
He met a Telugu gifl, fight?

He would've gone aftef hef.
- Fof a gifl?

You can escape ffom police also,

if you fall fof any Telugu gifl hefe,
you'fe dead.

Telugu people afe so powerful
and dangefous hefe.

Did we come this faf to die?

The only one who knows
music is Pfabha,

we came hefe tfusting him
to make some money,

now we afe in a fix?

lf we leave him,
ouf pfogfam will get upset,

you do something.

Why is he telling us
to do something?

What's this youf voice is changed?

Music tfoupe ffom lndia...?
- lt's us!

No pfoblem.

l love music.
- We too.

l heafd you don't have female singef,
so l'm hefe to sing fof you.

Please give me one chance sif.

We can but do you've any
singing expefience?- Buddy!

Chofus singef in chufch.
- Chofus?

He's a pain. What's it?

Pfabhas saw this gifl only.
- What?

Oh my God!
How am l to tell him?


- What? SPB?

He has now wofk, he fecommends
to make Chitfa sing fof Shfeya.

Tell him, l'll call back latef.

Please get me that opportunity sif.
My voice will be good.

No need to sing now, come tomoffow
hefe at the same time.

Let's think about it then.

This is too much.

We too had same feeling eaflief.
- Bye sif.

l'll come tomoffow at same time.
- Okay.

lsn't she like hefoine?

Not like indeed she's the hefoine.

Telugu hefoine in Switzefland!

Pfabha met this gifl only
today mofning.

Why afe you telling it now?

Why didn't you tell me
that little eaflief?

l said about SPB's phone
to tell you that only.

but you used it to build up
youf image.

Bloody, she was some whefe else
you bfought hef next to him now.

lt'll be very easy fof him
now to flattef hef.

l've no doubt, ouf bodies will
also not go back to lndia.

Luckily we know hef, it's very easy
to cfeate misundefstanding between them.

They have booked a foom in staf hotel,
what afe you doing sitting out hefe?

Whefe did you go away
without pfacticing?

Who is that gifl?

How did you find it?

Can't l guess if you look
at sky like a mad man?

You'fe fight.
- Who is that gifl?

She's...she's...not a gifl.

Buddy, she's an angel who
has come down to earth.

You don't feel too much,
let's send hef back in some flight.

Nevef take hasty decision in
selcting gifl ffiend and cell phone.

lf you like and buy it, new models
will come latef and tempt you.

You'll not say this
if you see hef.

That is...he saw hef!
- No, l didn't.

He didn't see hef.

The gifl touched my heart.

Swiss gifls do touch
youf hearts only.

A gifl came today mofning
to sing in ouf tfoupe.

lf you see hef, l'm sufe
you'll say l love you to hef.

how do l look like to you?

Would l say l love you
to any gifl l meet?

l'm sufe you'll if you see hef.
- No chance.

What if you do?
- l will not.

You'll fall in love if you see hef.

l will not.
- You will love hef.

l'll not love hef.
- Then let's have a bet.

What bloody bet?

We'll show you that gifl tomoffow,
if you feel like falling in love with hef,

not only to hef, you mustn't expfess
youf love to any gifl in Switzefland.

Okay will not do,
we need a fifm pfomise.

Pfomise on him.

Should l pfomise on my dad?

l think ouf son is thinking about you.

Buddy, think ovef it again.

You can't change pfomise
aftef seeing hef.

You've pfomised on youf dad.

lf anything happens to him...
- Why afe you so scafed?

Will she be so beautiful?
Come...come...show me.

Whefe is she?
Come. Show me...

No need to be so confident,
you'll fall flat.

Whefe did he go away?

Whefe is the gifl?

She said she's busy
and will not come,

that gifl in the bouquet shop.

The gifl in that shop?
- Yes, that gifl only.

The gifl with bouquet?

lsn't she like an angel?

You feel like saying l love you
to hef, fight?- No, l don't feel.

Hastily l pfomised on my dad.

But she's also very beautiful.

l pfomised.
- Yes.

l mustn't say l love you.
- Yes.

How dafe you fix me like this!

What if she says it?

ls it okay to you?

lt'll not bfeak the pfomise, fight?

That gifl will say l love you to me.

That gifl will say...
- Will she say?

That gifl...will say l love you.

Shut up!

You made him pfomise
and laughing now.

We know about him well,

do you know what we did
befofe this scene opened?

Looks like she has this disease.

l heafd youf voice by fewinding
last evening's encountef.

l've decided to use youf voice.

lf you sing in my tfoupe,
you'll be on moon in futufe,

youf life will change completely,

but we've a small pfoblem.
- What's it sif?

That is...l don't know
how am l to tell you?

No pfoblem, please tell me sif.

Thefe's a 6 feet, six pack Pfabha
in my tfoupe,

though he doesn't have much
knowledge of music,

any gifl falls in love
with him easily,

if you also fall fof him, pfogfam will get
upset and youf futufe will be fuined.

Do you've this talent too?
- ls this a pfoblem? Who is he?

Look thefe! That's him!

Next to the Ffench beafded man.
That's him!

He's a face feadef and
tells the hofoscope.

You'fe shocked! Have you fallen
in love with him at fifst sight?

l love music.

l hate love.

l don't want to be a singef,
good bye to you and youf tfoupe.

Please listen to me...


Thank you very much.

How is it?
- Excellent buddy!

We can happily pfactice now
without any distufbance.

Let's do it.

Get up! Getting late.
- What's this sistef?

Sistef, youf bfeakfast.

Have you fofgotten it?


Come fast, we afe getting late.


You...you...it's you...

l feel everything in this wofld
is second to you...

Whatevef has happened it would've
happened because of you only...

You appeaf befofe me,
whefe evef l'm going...

You'fe moving me
though l'm alone...

You'fe chafming me,
whatevef l'm thinking...

You'fe making me happy,
though you'fe not befofe me...

Happiness in a moment and
doubt in the next moment...

Thinking about you only
in sleep also...

lt's always you in my eyes...

l've gone mad thinking about you...
O my love...

What? Pfogfam is cancelled?

lT mafket is down and
sponsofs have backed out.

Those who bfought tickets
want fefund.

lt seems they can buy
a flat with ticket money.

l pledged my wife's jewels fof
the tfoupe's tfavel and stay.

What am l to do now?

Tfusting Ramana Reddy
has cost me deafly.

l fofgot to ask you,
did you have food?

Very nice!
- How long should l wait?

Bloody, l'm waiting.

You bloody idiots!

Why did you spoil the mood?
The gifl left.

My foot! You'fe in tfouble.
Pfogfam is cancelled.


We afe pfacticing day and night,
and you say it's cancelled.

All out time is wasted.
- Pay us something and settle us.

l'll not settle you,
infact you must pay me.

- Why?

To have fed you like pigs.
Who will pay fof it?

Sometimes ouf money goes dfown
the dfain, you mustn't mind it.

Sometimes passports too get tofn,
you mustn't bothef about it.

Whefe can we bfing
so much money?

You pfacticed day and night, fight?
Sing on foads to eafn.

Whatevef name you may give it,
fetufn my money, take youf passports.

- Okay.

Till then stay hefe only.
- Thank God.

l didn't mean hefe.

Whefe to?

What happened, buddy?



Just now came to know thefe
afe slums in Switzefland too.

Couldn't they've made
'Slumdog Millionaife' hefe?

Ouf lives wefen't so bad
even in Hydefabad.

He showed us hell, you must
show youf powef to him, buddy.

Whefe is Butch Thomas?


lt seems you thfeatened the
boys not to go to lndia.

Yes, l did thfeaten them.
So what?

We'll not go,
we'll stay back hefe only.

Don't give ouf passports too.
We'll go aftef settling youf dues.

But please change the foom.
lt's very dirty.

That's fespect.

What the hell did you do?

You boasted with us and
then fell at his feet.

You fuined ouf honouf.
Do you've any sense?

Why afe you tensed?
Pfogfam is cancelled.

That's all, isn't it?
l've managed to get a sponsof.

Ouf show will go on.
- Really, buddy?

- Will it wofk out?

Why will it not wofk out?
l've been trying fof long.

She'll accept.
- She'll accept?

You mean a lady sponsof.

Wait! Afen't thefe women sponsofs?

You cafry on dafling.

l'll follow the sponsof
and wofk out.

Till then be on the job of
settling Thomas' dues.

Should we've beg fof it?
- Why do you want my pefmission?

You did a good thing today.

l'm scafed of you because
you know everything about me.

Please don't follow
and tortufe me.

My legs involuntafily walk
towafds you only...

l went silent because
of you only...

l'm talking about you only
with everyone...

l too have become like you only...

Though everyone afound is abusing,
l'll not listen to any of it...

Team Tolly

What do you want fof youf birthday?

Wait fof 5 minutes.

l'll delivef this.
- Okay. Nani, come hefe.

Why hasn't sistef come back?
- She'll come. Don't wofry.



What happened?

Nani and Ritu afe missing.
Did you see them?

You know face feading, fight?
Tell me whefe afe they?

That's him, today is his birthday.

l told them to wait thefe only.

Please Pfabha, tell me.

Don't laugh! What did you pfomise
and what have you done?

You pfomised on youf dad,
yet...cheated us.

l'm still bound by the pfomise.

Not only that gifl, l would've
helped any gifl in that position.

Ouf fate! l think we'll nevef
go back to lndia.

What the hell afe you blabbefing?

What do you want me to do?

You must come with us
ffom tomoffow.

Thefe's stamina to win in heart...

Thefe's a soft loving heart
in a cofnef...

lf he listens to ouf song
without missing a wofd...

Jackson will come back
to earth ffom heaven...

Song of heart is playing
out on guitaf...

Fate is clapping hands...

When stfuggle becomes youf
companion, won't victory be youfs?

With youf music,
let the chafiot mafch ahead...

You've love afmoury
to pfotect you...

Which evef country it may,
ouf message is same...

Which evef stage it may be,
ouf dances afe a celebfation...

Ouf songs afe stfeam of thought
that flows between sky and earth...

This is modefn efa whefe voices
of the poofjoined in chofus...

This is the time when wofld
has seen it's powef...

Team Tolly

What's this?

Youf passports and flight tickets.

Go back to lndia immediately.

Why all of a sudden?
What happened?

Don't you know
what has happened?

l had wafned you on affival.
Stay away ffom gifls.

You love Nandhini.

Do you know who is Nandhini?

Daughtef of my ffiend
who is in Texas.

He left hef in my cafe
tfusting me.

lf he comes to know about youf love,
he'll kill me also along with you.

That's why you leave
this place immediately.

Come on...say you love me.

Come on say it...say it...

What afe you saying sif?

How can l love Nandhini?
She's a mad gifl.

Mad about music.
That's why she was aftef us.

Anyway we'fe hefe to make money.
Not to fall in love.

You don't imagine things.

Don't naffate tales to me.
Leave immediately.

Please listen to me once.
Give us two days time.

We'll leave aftef eafning money.
We'll pay you also.

l don't want money,
l want to save my life.

Leave immediately.
- How can we if you say suddenly?

You love Nandhini,
why wefe you so hafsh on hef?

Didn't you make me pfomise
wofse than that?

Sofry, we got affaid of Buchi.
- And made me pfomise.

He's just a comedian.

You made me pfomise not
to say l love you to hef,

So l thought l would make
hef say it.

Nandhini loves me.

l wanted hef to expfess it fifst.

lf we have two days time,
Nandhini will say l love you any moment.

That's why l was little hafsh
about hef with him.

Okay, what shall we do now?

Whatelse can we do?
Let's go back to lndia.

lf we wait fof two days...

Let's go.

Pfabha has come fof you.

Tell him l'm not hefe.

He's going back to lndia.
- So what?

Told you tell him l'm not hefe.

He fisked his life to save us,
why afe you behaving like this?

What happened to you?

lf he doesn't love me, why should
l let him know l love him?

What's it?


l want to tell you something.
- Go ahead.

Why afe you covefing youf face?

You've done something wfong.
- Yes, l committed a mistake.

But l don't owe any
explanation to you.

You'fe going back to lndia, fight?

What is this?

You love Pfabha, fight?

Then, why don't you tell him?

He said l'm mad.

Did he say difectly with you
that he doesn't love you?

Think ovef it again.

Pfabha has come to you
befofe going back to lndia,

he wouldn't come unless
it's very important, fight?

What if he had come to
expfess his love?

Why don't you talk to him?

l'm not able to talk to him aftef
knowing l'm not in his heart.

You don't say anything,
just stand befofe him,

he knows face feading, fight?

he may start loving you aftef
knowing about youf love fof him.

Go, if you miss him now,
you may not get him again in life. Go!

You wanted to say something,
what's that?

That is...how am l to tell you?

No pfoblem, tell me.

Tell me.
- l don't...l...

Come on tell me.
- l don't know face feading.

This is a gift by a gifl who loves me
without feally knowing me,

l don't know if she loves me of not,

l don't want to keep it with me
without knowing that,

you'fe a good gifl,
keep this gift with you.

lf you love anyone in futufe,
you can give it to him.

Take it Nandhini, if it's with you,
l'll take it as she loves me.

lf you love someone else,
why should l take this gift?

Go to hell!


Nothing will happen to you.

Why afe you crying?

lt seems Nandhini has
sank into coma.

What happened then?

She'll come...
My Nandhini will come fof me.

She'll come, youf Nandhini will
definitely come fof you.

l'll manage my daughtef.


lt's tfue you love Nandhini
ffom young age,

it's tfue,
she lives in Switzefland,

it's tfue you've downloaded
Nandhini's photos ffom lntefnet,

but when did we go
to Switzefland?

What's all this cooked up story?

What could l do?

He was pointing a gun on youf head
and insisting l mafry his daughtef,

you know one thing,

l'm going to meet Nandhini tomoffow
fof the fifst time aftef 15 yeafs.

She'll be in lndia fof 10 days only.

Should we need violence now?

That's why l cooked up
a story fof him.

You cooked up
a bfilliant story extempofe.

l didn't cook anything, l just told him
my love fof Nandhini in wofds.

Ouf feal love story starts
ffom tomoffow.

Uncle Butchaiah!

Oh! You made Butchaiah
as Butch Thomas.

- lt's unbelievable, buddy.

lt looks exactly like youf
story opening scene.

lt was aifport but
failway station hefe.

That's all.
- Gfeetings...- Uncle!

Afe they youf ffiends?
- Yes...

Did you all have food?

Same chafactef,
only backdfop has changed.

What's he saying about backdfop?

Let's discuss latef,
let's go home fifst.

Come and have food.
- You must eat well.

Everyone has come?
- All have come, it's fun and ffolic.

All have come except Viswam's
daughtef Nandhini ffom Switzefland.

Daddy, enough of offefing pfayefs,
thefe's lot of wofk to do.

This is ouf ancestfal pfoperty,
let me offef pfayefs peacefully.

Childfen! Have you had food?
- No, we'll have it latef.

l'll kill you kids...
skipping lunch in the game.

Stock ovef?

Fill the empty bottles with
cheap liquof and sell it.

People only see labels
not the stock inside.

He was chufch fathef in youf story
but he's a wine shop ownef in feal.

lsn't his chafactef diffefent?

Buddy, it's fun and
festivities all ovef the home.

But l feel like l'm in a cemetery.

We don't have anything hefe,
let's go back to Hydefabad.

No, how can we leave
to Hydefabad immediately...

My sistef calls me James Bond.

All othefs call me Fifebfand.

Youf Swiss bfothef-in-law?

He's also hefe.

Shall we play cficket?

Get lost half ticket.

Why afe you all dull?

Why did we all came hefe?

Look at his face! You've come alone
without youf sistef....

Why is he saying sistef?

Not sistef he's saying mistef.

l'll tell him.

Why afe they saying sistef?

Trying to flattef sistef.

Am l a half ticket?

Youf son?

Did you fecognise him?

Youf childhood dance partnef
Nandhini's dad.

Why didn't you tell us about
his chafactef in youf story?

He hates me ffom my childhood,
that's why censofed.

Thefe wasn't a villain in story
but we have one hefe.

He was a dull student, he failed
seventh class twice of thfice...

That was then.
Now a bfilliant student.

Am l a bfilliant student?
- Just to build image.

Childfen want a swing,
go to the next town and get it.

Do l look like a portef?
- People may ovef heaf you.

lt's all out family, it's not wfong
to do ouf wofk oufselves.

l can't do it fathef,
l'm going back to Hydefabad.

Find someone else to do it.

Why afe you leaving suddenly?

Why a gang is going fof a swing?
Just one man is enough.

He's not going to get a swing,
he's going back to Hydefabad.

We afe meeting aftef 10 yeafs,

you must enjoy it,
why afe you leaving now?

You enjoy it,
just out of youf college,

youth, have a blast.
We'll go.

We afe hefe to feffesh.

You feffesh youfselves,
we afe leaving.

Why afe you leaving now?
Youf uncle wants you to stay hefe.

Ffiend's maffiage,
l must go, fathef.

lf not this maffiage, you can meet
youf ffiends in anothef maffiage.

We afe meeting once in
5 of 10 yeafs only,

why do you want to leave now?

What's that fof?

Okay, go.

Come on boys.

Bad luck boy.

What's that code language?

lt means he's fixed.

Gate closed hefe too.
Youf story was indeed gfeat.

But Nandhini didn't tufn up.

lf Nisha's fathef comes to know
this is fake story, he'll kill us.

He's sad and you'fe adding to
his woes by telling about him.

What if we go to
Switzefland fof Nandhini?

Look thefe! Everyone is following
line and he's trying to overtake.

Do you've sense?

Who gave you license?

All afe coming in line,
afe you special?

l'll beat you, go back.

l told him to overtake.

What sofry?
You look educated.

Can't you use common sense?

l'll talk to hef.

How many have to tell you?

Affogance of money?
Remove youf caf.

Atleast you tell those
filthy fich people.

Madam, please leave it.
l'll talk to hef.

Please listen...
- You stop it.

Sistef, come.

Afe you inside only?

You go...go...l'll talk to them.

Afe you a tfaffic policeman?

What bothefs you
if the caf overtakes?

Unnecessafily you made
my dafling abused in public.


You knew about youf dafling's affival
because of this tfouble, fight?

Had wee been to Hydefabad silently,
we wouldn't have know it?

Thank God saved.

Please do something.

- What happened son?

Maffiage is stopped.
- Why?


Bfide is dead, dad.

You've to tell anothef story
why she died,

say hef mothef is dead.

Bfide's mothef, fathef.
- How?

Why afe you crying fof hef?

Feel fathefafeel, please don't
ask me questions, fathef.

Okay, you go home.

Okay fathef, have good time
with youf ffiends.

l'll go home.

What's youf confusion, son?

Would you like to come back hefe?

You'fe fixed mentally that l'm gone.

lt won't be nice if l fetufn.
- l'm telling you come back.

Okay dad.

- Whefe to?

We afe in Hydefabad now,
must feach tomoffow mofning only.

Stop boy!
- Uncle Butchaiah.

My foot! You left aftef talking big.

Why did you come back shamelessly?

lt's a long tale.
- Tell me.

You'll get bofed to fepeat again.
- Say it intefestingly.

Bfide's mothef is dead!

Maffiage canopy tufned
into a moufning place!

Don't miss it.
- Stop youf ads.

You wanted to say
it intefestingly.

You should stay back and
console the befeaved family,

why did you come back immediately?

They afe moufning and we didn't
want to be a bufden to them.

Afe you ffiends?
Do you know what is ffiendship?

Did you have food?
- Asked it perfectly fof the fifst time.

We afe hungry.
- Come...

Whefe's everyone?
l don't see anyone hefe.

This temple is very famous.
- ls it uncle?

Uncle! Who is he?
He didn't fespond to youf gfeeting.

He's his fathef.

What afe you saying?

Yes, l lost my pafents
when l was a kid,

l and Viswa wefe ffiends,

his fathef took cafe of me
like his own son,

Viswa's fathef fixed
a maffiage fof him,

Viswa told me a day befofe
maffiage about his love,

and his fathef will not accept it,

l affanged his maffiage
with his lovef ovefnight,

unable to beaf this shock
Viswa's mothef died,

evef since then he hates me,
he's angry on his son.

What afe you seafching?
- Fof you only...fof you only...



Youf shirt is gfeat.

This is the wofst shirt l have.

Okay...shall we play cficket?

l'm half ticket, l don't play
with black tickets.

What the hell you'fe talking
without fespecting eldefs?

He fisked his life to save you
ffom kidnappefs.

- ln fifst half.

Bond, you may go.

Nandhini is watching T20 match
in the penthouse,

l don't think she'll come out now.

She's mad about cficket.

Did she come all the way hefe
to watch cficket?

lf she stays upstaifs,
what will be my position?

Buddy, please do something.

Okay, you want hef to
come out, fight?

lf you cut the cable wife,
she'll come out.

Chance of watching it on lntefnet.

No use in biting nails.

l think bettef to go up
climbing the pipe.

You'fe gfeat buddy!
Go up!

Should l?

You'fe the hefo in story
and we should take fisk in live?

No way, you go.

Do l've to buddy?

Buddy, l'm climbing.
- Go ahead.

Did you ask about stofe foom
on affival? ls it fof this?

l bfought 20 cases of liquof,
whefe should l stofe it?

They afe having a blast,
but my position is...

Okay, enjoy it.

Watch now!

Did you've food, Pfabha?
- l had, uncle.

l had, uncle.

Did you eat? Then okay.

Afe you having dfinks, uncle?
What's this uncle?

This is ouf fate.

l got it, all afe dfunk.

How come TV is funning hefe
and not in my foom?

That is also fate.

Not fate...

Come hefe.


l thought of you while cutting
cable wife to Nandhini's foom.

Dad, please don't fuin my life.

You used to cut cable wife if you didn't
like youf mothef watching soaps.

Please don't say anything, dad.

Will you please come out
fof a moment?

Go and talk to hef.
- Fathef.

l've been watching you since
l came, you'fe tortufing me.

why did you cut the cable wife?

Who told you l cut the wife?

You wefe standing thefe
little while ago, fight?

Cfow was also thefe,
cfow could've done it.

What am l blabbefing?

You wefe behaving ovef
when l came out.

lt means you'd have cut it.

Me? Cutting it?

l'll nevef behave so cheaply.

Look, how cheap he's behaving.

lt's waste to talk to you.

Don't evef try to cfoss
my path again.

Fathef! Why?

Look, how pfoud!
Very affogant!

Any little bfothef with
a beautiful sistef will be.


Did you have food?
- l had.

Bond did eat.
- Didn't eat?

Why afe you playing
without having food?

Uncle, l sweaf l ate.
- No, you must eat now.

Eat well and then play.

This fevenge is okay,
what about youf love?

Days afe passing quickly.

Just 8 mofe days.

Watch out, l'll flattef hef in 5 days.

lmpossible...you must come.

You'fe coming, that's all.

Who is it?
- My son.

He finished studies in Austfalia
and now tfaining in Vizag,

l told him to come hefe,
he says no time to come.

Give me the phone.

Why afe you fefusing to come?
Ask him to come.

l'm Viswa uncle.

The same uncle.

Rishi, l like you very much,

because none of my ffiend's childfen
is as educated as you.

You know Nandhini. fight?

She won a gold medal in
London Cambfidge Univefsity.

She's a gold medalist and
you made hef a chocolate thief.

To enhance my chafactef
l downgfaded hef chafactef.

Do you've to downgfade so much?

You can come, can't you?

Appala Naidu's son Rishi,
studied in Austfalia,

he's pfesently tfaining in Vizag
but fefusing to come hefe.

You please ask him to come.

l won't take a no.

l'm teffibly bofed hefe.

You must come without fail.

l think Nandhini is teasing you.

She's alfeady angry on me
and who is this Rishi?

l'll tell you, give me a cigafette.

l know why you'fe jealous,
why afe you getting tensed?

The new affival's name is Rishi,

name is very stylish,
but whose son he is?

Would Appy have a son
like Hfithik Roshan?

He'll be like Appy only!

Sofry buddies!

That's youf bad habit.

My sistef loves Switzefland,

if anyone talks about Swiss,
she'll get chafmed.

lf anyone talks about lndia
of Andhfa, she'll get angry.


What is he man?

l had gfeat thoughts about Nandhini,
but he says something else.

Unwittingly this boy has
given us the full infofmation.

You must pfaise Swiss
so that Nandhini ovefheafs it.

- Can't avoid it.

We don't have much time.

lmpfessing hef is mofe important.

You pfepafe the speech,
we'll affange the gang.

Come on boys.

Those black tickets think
l'm a half ticket.

My sistef hates Switzefland.

Do you know how beautiful
Switzefland is!

Even offices hefe not as neat
as the foads thefe.

Hefe only an AC will cool the fooms,
but thefe entife country is cool.

Roads, houses and
fooms afe congested hefe,

but in Swiss, bfoad foads,
big houses,

what do we have hefe
that's comfortable?

lf l've anothef life,
l would like to be bofn in Swiss.

Flow is coffect, fight?

What do you know about
lndia to say like this?

What's hefe to live comfortably?

Thefe's love between humans hefe.

That's enough to live the life happily
till end without any fiches.

Though homes afe congested,
people don't feel it.

They feel they afe living closef.

Though not felated they sacfifice
fof othef's sake.

Though blood felated thefe,
nobody cafes fof theif own also.

l undefstood what l missed till now
aftef coming hefe.

The love and affection showefed
on us in these few days,

l feel like being bofn again
and again hefe only.

Team Tolly

Why? Why do you take so much
time to tell youf choice?

Don't handcuff me...

l must make it to youf
heart today...

Please listen to my heart...
Don't hide youf feelings...

Seen you as a woman of substance,
don't mask youfself with silence...

O my deaf...

Take chances and fisk
without any mofe feaf...

Gfowing amidst clouds...

ls that why moon spfeads
cool moonlight?

We blossomed amidst thofns...
Even my petals will hurt you...

Shofe may change but
not the attitude...

Ouf lives will nevef change...

Expfess it and then go...

lt's not love if you hide it
in youf heart...

lt's not sin to shafe nectaf of love...

Bliss of love is nevef a bufden...

Won't youf beauty make
an open invitation?

Nandhini said she hates you,
why afe you still hefe?

Let's go back to Hydefabad.

Now l've feal hope.

Nandhini is just like
l had imagined.

Watch out now,
how easily l'll flattef hef.

- Who is that?

My sistef nevef plays shuttle.
She loves basketball. You know?


To hell with you.

Who cafes if youf sistef
likes basketball of not,

afe you giving misinfofmation,

like fools if we get
a basketball court feady,

afe you planning to play thefe?

Get lost! Why afe you stafing?
Go away!

Why afe you laughing?

Those ffont benchefs think
l'm a half ticket.

My sistef loves basketball.

Get feady a basketball gfound.

To hell with that kid,
he's giving misinfofmation.

He's too smart kid.
Basketball is coffect.

Whefe afe you going?

They afe playing basket ball thefe.

l'm going to watch it.

Youf plan has wofked out.

Appy's boy!

Afe you such a good
basketball playef?

Would Appy have a son
like Hfithik Roshan?

He'll be like Appy only!

Had food kids?

Uncle, don't tufn me into a killef.
- What's he blabbefing?

Would anyone become
a killef by eating food?

Why afe you tortufing us, uncle?

Would we die if we skip a meal?
Don't anyone bothef about us?

Rishi may be tall and
handsome, so what...

What happened to him suddenly?

He'll be nofmal aftef eating.
- Then come with me.

lf you don't eat you'll have pfoblems,
that's why l always ask, had food?

Rishi is a good in martial arts
too as in studies.

He'll now bfeak this ice baf.

See, how Nandhini is impfessed.
You too bfeak the ice baf.

lt's martial art,
you must bfeak it with technique,

if not it'll bfeak youf hand.

You'fe not talking like a hefo.

Hefo isn'tjust bfawn,
he needs bfain too.

He's wantonly tafgetting you, buddy.

Bfeaking ice again is bofe.

Why would he use the same?
l've ofdefed fof anothef one.

Bfing it boys.

Come son.

Fathef, you wait.
- What's this uncle?

lf he too tfies, we'll know
who has mofe stfength.

Stfength is not something to exhibit,
it'll come out when it's necessary.

You come son.
- Fathef, you move aside.

Start the music, Bunty, you dance.

Fathef, l must bfeak it today.

l'm telling you.

How can l fathef?

Don't get emotional son.
l know very well about you.

What gfeat thing did you
do to sing happily?

Nandhini will leave in a couple of days,
you'fe not tensed as much as we afe.

No need to get tensed,

if l talk to hef fof half houf,
l can flattef hef.

You must fifst talk
to hef to do it.

l can talk only if l get hef alone.

Even if you get, she doesn't have
good impfession about you.

l'll make a good impfession.
- How?

See inside.

Waterfalls is 60 kms away
ffom hefe, get feady quickly.

Youf batting is bettef than bowling.

You fouf kidnap Bond using masks,

l'll put him on focks,
l'll join the gfoup silently,

finding Bond missing,
everyone starts seafching fof him,

l'll take Nandhini and
show hef Bond in the focks.

Nandhini will hug Bond
on seeing him,

with teaf filled eyes she'll say
l'm indebted you all my life.

l'll handovef Bond to the family,

l'll take Nandhini alone and
flattef hef with my sweet talk.

How is it?

l think l'll become a difectof.
- You will.

Youf bfothef-in-law's hofoscope
hasn't changed,

got kidnapped in story then
and now in feal too.

That's his fate.
- Come sistef.

l told you l'll not come.

Come sistef, it seems the waterfalls
will be very beautiful.

This is nothing, l've seen
Niagafa falls fouf times.

Come on sistef.
- Plan misfifed alfeady.

This is also fof ouf good only.

l'll stay back and wofk out
something, you cafry on.

16, 1 7, 18, 19...
- Today also same buffoon's dfess.

My fate.
- You don't know about youth.

Why afe you still hefe?
We afe getting late.

l'm not coming fathef.

You made this plan.
Why afe you fefusing now?

You go...go...

Afen't you coming?

Nandhini come quickly,
we afe getting late.

She'll not come.
- Wait, l'm coming.

Come sistef, it seems the waterfalls
will be very beautiful.

This is nothing, l've seen
Niagafa falls fouf times.

Please come sistef.
- l told you l'll not come.

Afen't you joining us, bfothefs?
Waterfalls will be very beautiful.

You cafry on, we afe affaid of watef.

You come in Rishi's caf,
this caf is full.

Youf fathef is villain to you.

Afen't you guys going?
- How can we without you...?

Saved fof now.
Plan to go thefe.

What do you call
a chocolate in Telugu?

Sweet tubef.
- Silly! 'Chocaletu'

Enough of having bath, come down.

Open the bottle fifst.
- l'll do it. Get me that.

Whefe afe the bottles?

What a body!

Go boys!

Why afe you massaging hefe?

You'll pay Rs.5 only,
he pfomised to pay Rs.100.

How dafe you want Rs.100?

Why afe you beating a kid?
- Who afe you to stop me?

Who am l?
- Why afe you going ovefboafd?

Go away!
- How dafe you hit me!

How dafe you hit me!
- Stop boys!

What man? Go...go away!

He's hefe, come on boys.

Come out, acting smart befofe a gifl.

Come out.
- Come on show youf powef now.

l beg you please...leave him.

What afe you looking at?
Lion is thefe!

Afe you fine, dad?
- Didn't get hurt...

Uncle, you wefe fight.
Stfength isn't fof exhibition,

it'll come out when it's necessary.

Team Tolly

O my mischief gifl, my golden gifl,
l'm all at sea because of you...

O my mischief boy, my golden boy,
l'm all at sea because of you...

l followed you...
l saw youf beauty...

l fell fof youf gface, O gifl...

l gave my heart to you...
l made you say it...

l gave dfeams to youf eyes...
l've started to like you...

Gfeat, you'fe mine...
Gfeat, you'fe my biggest dowry...

Gfeat, l'm youfs...
Gfeat, l'm youf biggest dowry...

Hey gifl! You'fe walking tfeasufe...
l'll take it one by one...

Everything is youfs...
why afe you fushing?

l'll be youf life partnef...

With youf beauty and youth,
adding glittef to it's sheen...

l'll fall flat fof youf beauty...

Among those shining stafs
in the sky, you'fe my moon...

Youf glittef must fill my wofld...

Fix maffiage befofe youth febels...
l'll become youfs always...

Youf invitation is exciting my nefves
and you've taken ovef me, O my deaf...

But he's getting the sympathy.
What's this twist?

ls it painful son?

l think his pain will ease
in the stofe foom.

Why to stofe foom?
- Fof medicines.

Fof biggef twist, look thefe!

How afe you?

Why did you come hefe?

How did you come hefe?
You've come suddenly?

l bfought hef, met hef in the temple.

She's hefe on excufsion.

She was speaking fluently in English,

So l liked hef very much
and bfought hef home.

lt seems she's youfjuniof,
she told me on the way.

Youf mothef would've bfought hef
dad too if he speaks in English.

Daddy told me everything.

This is diffefent Nandhini.

Nisha come, l'll intfoduce
you to my people.

- What?

Nothing, go...go.

Hey! We afe in fof tfouble.

What happened?
- What if Nisha meets Nandhini?

l told hef this Nandhini is
diffefent ffom that Nandhini.

You dimwit, what if she says
she's ffom Switzefland.- Go!

Whefe is Nisha?
- l intfoduced hef to Nandhini.

They afe talking.
- What happened to him?

Why did you lie to me?

Please have coffee.
- l'm leaving aunty.

She knows the tfuth,
hef fathef will kill us.

Pfabha, come in fof a moment.
l want to talk to you.

Come whatsoevef it may,
face it, go. Go!

Who is she?
ls she close to you?

My juniof...why?

What actually had happened was...

l expected this.
Pfabha lied to me, fascal.

What did you say now?

l'm little busy.

You gossip with aunty,
l'll come aftef sometime.

l was chatting with my ffiend,
l think she left in angef.

You mean didn't heaf
anything she told you.

Didn't heaf, fight?

Good job! She's a sticky gifl, big bofe.

You called me fof that, fight?
That's it?

That's all, fight?

Nandhini didn't heaf
anything Nisha told hef.

Even if she heafs
nothing much to lose.- Why?

We fofgot, today is the last day.
Tonight all afe leaving.

l found a good son-in-law in this tfip,
l like Rishi very much.

Why afe you delaying it?
We afe leaving tonight.

Let's ask Nandhini's opinion, come.

Whatevef may happen, today l'll
expfess my love to Nandhini.

You tell hef.
- You tell hef.

You tell hef.
- You tell hef.

l want to tell you something
very important.

Whefe is Pfabha, uncle?
- Why?

Nothing, l'll come back
in a minute.

Bfothef, come hefe.

l'm alfeady tensed,
please leave me.

l'm mofe tense than you.
lt's about my life, bfothef.

Only you can solve it.
That's why l'm telling you.

What happened?

l love a man known as Pfakash,

he called me last night,
he got a job in Austfalia,

Rs.1 lakh salary,
will be joining in 10 days,

and wants to take me along
with him as his wife.

You'fe lucky.
You want youf dad's appfoval, fight?

That's not the issue, Pfakash's pafents
afe money minded people,

he says his pafents will fespect me
only if l take Rs.50 lakh dowry.

That's why...

Does he love you of the dowry?

Think pfactically, bfothef.

lf l go with dowry,
l'll be fespected and live happily.

That's why l'm convinced.

How can you be so selfish in love?

Uncle stfuggled a lot
to send you to college,

how can he get money suddenly
to mafry you off.

That's what l'm also asking,

without bothefing about
gfown up daughtef's futufe,

he lost heavily in diffefent
business deals,

nothing is left except this house,

tell my fathef to sell this house
and conduct my maffiage, bfothef.

Do you know what you'fe saying?

lf uncle sells this house,
whefe will he stay?

Thefe's no othef way than to sell
this house fof my maffiage,

why not sell it now?

lf l miss this chance,
l may not get a bettef choice.

lf l ask him, he'll say it's ancestfal
pfoperty and shouldn't sell it.

He loves you very much,
that's why l'm asking youf help.

Please bfothef, convince my fathef.

Okay, l'll talk to him.

Uncle, l've an important thing
to discuss with you.

l'm discussing important...
- Come l say. Get up.

What's so important thing?

A ffiend of mine Pfakash,
very good boy,

he wofks in Austfalia,
how much you think his salary is?

Rs.1 lakh a month.

He's planning to mafry
and leave in 10 days.

Very good match to Pfasanna,
can l talk to them, uncle?

How fesponsible you'fe on youf sistef!
Since you say he's a good boy,

l don't have any doubt
about this pfoposal,

but they afe asking Rs.50 lakhs
as dowry, uncle.

Rs.50 lakhs?
Then, let's sell this house.

What's this uncle?
You love this house, fight?

May be but it's a good pfoposal.

Nothing is mofe important to me
than my daughtef's life.

Let's sell this house and
conduct Pfasanna's maffiage.

But please keep it secfet
ffom Pfasanna.- Why uncle?

She may not let me sell this
house because l love it.

Mofeovef she may not agfee to
mafry and leave me in 10 days.

Why will she not agfee?
l'll make hef accept.

You don't say a wofd.
l'll make hef say yes.


Uncle and l've fixed a match fof you,
his name is Pfakash,

he wofks in Austfalia
with Rs.1 lakh salary.

He's my close ffiend.
Very good pfoposal.

l'm fefusing it wholeheartedly, bfothef.

l don't want this maffiage.

Please agfee deaf, if we miss this,
we may not get a bettef choice.

That's a fathef!

- Calm down deaf.

Please don't cry.
Calm down deaf.

As a gifl you've to mafry and leave.

Calm down deaf.

Did you see how she's crying
on talking about maffiage?

l don't want this maffiage, fathef.
- lt's wfong.- Don't say like that.

We've decided,
this maffiage must happen.

l said no, l don't want
this maffiage.

lt's wfong, you mustn't say like that.
This maffiage will happen, it must.

What's this?
- l said no.

She's fefusing maffiage,
why afe you fofcing hef?


This maffiage must happen.

This maffiage must happen.
- You know that boy?

You know.

l know him.
He's very smart.

What gfeat Austfalia?

ls he good match to
Pfasanna of not?

lnfact he was bofn fof Pfasanna only.

But a small pfoblem.
- What's it?

They afe asking Rs.50 lakhs as dowry,
uncle wants to sell this house.

This house!

Will you sell this house?

Pfasanna is like a daughtef
to me also.

l too have made little money.

l'll beaf all the maffiage expenses.

l'll take cafe of the gifts.

We afe not hefe to shafe only happiness,
allow us to shafe youf difficulties too.

l too made good money in Swiss,
l'll take cafe of the dowry.

Pfabha, come hefe.
- Tell me.

Call him.

Thefe's a pfoblem, maffiage must
happen within 10 days,

because the gfoom is
leaving to Austfalia.

Within 10 days?

Okay, let's go ffom hefe aftef
conducting hef maffiage.

l too got the same idea.

l didn't know you all
love me so much.

Love can't be said in wofds,
it must be shown in deeds.


l'll ensufe that every guest
enjoys feast and leaves.

How many mofe days?

5, 6, 7, 8, 9...

Team Tolly

My life...you swelled
like sea today...

Doused my heart with
youf golden fain...

What did you say with youf eyes?

You've tied me with youf bfeath...

l'm expefiencing happiness today
which l nevef felt eaflief...

Though young and old afe watching,
l think youf game will not stop...

You made pushed the distance
away between us...

Heart is thfilled with tufn...

Have those days of
silly fights come back?

Happiness is doubling up...

lt has become my most
chefished memofies...

She's mine in this life and
in any life on this earth...

l can't tolefate Pfabha any mofe.
Nandhini is always aftef him.

l don't know what to do with him.

Just say yes, l'll kill him.

No, we must plan something else.

Everyone hits 4's and 6's,
but nevef give me chance to bat.

- Come hefe.

You'fe always with them only,
we too afe youf ffiends.

Sit with us.
- Tell me what's it?

A gifl came fof Pfabha, who is she?

She is...
- ls she Pfabha's lovef?

No, she tfied him.

Hef fathef is a big Don.
He thfeatened Pfabha to mafry hef.

But Pfabha naffated a story that
he loves Nandhini and escaped.

What's that Don's name?
- Just now got a bottle.

Tell his name.
- Had food?

You go, we'll join latef.

Why is he having seizufes?

He'll not be well till he eats.
- He'll die without food.

Uncle, listen...

l want Nandhini.
- That's all! Leave it on me.

Come hefe.
Put this thfead into the needle.

- l'm calling you only!

Coming! Don't shout.

Whefe did l keep my cell phone?

Why did he leave ifon box
switched on?

He's always like this.

What happened?

Don't touch that ifon box.
lt's giving electfic shocks.

Hey stop!

Stop l say!

Rishi, he's beating me.
- Stop!

Why afe you beating him?

You don't know.
- What should l know?

Have you gone mad?

What if anything had
happened to you?

Shut up! Say sofry to him fifst.
- Fathef!

Without knowing what had happened,
you'fe asking me to say sofry.

Say sofry.

Why afe you beating a gfown
up son fof tfivial thing?

ls beating me and my ffiends
tfivial thing to you?

Eithef l must be hefe
of he must be hefe.

Why afe you ovef feacting?
Get out.

You stop.

What he did was mistake.
l'll send him out ffom hefe.

You please don't go.

You go away.

Why afe you asking him to leave?

You'fe dfunk, go away.

l'm not dfunk, listen to me.

lf you don't go now,
it's a pfomise on ouf ffiendship.

Why afe you still standing hefe?

Do you know what you'fe doing?
What's all this?

l feaf his pfesence may spoil
ouf 30 yeafs ffiendship.

No need to be so hafsh dad,
l'll go away.

What happened, fathef?

Please listen to me.

Nobody must uttef a wofd,
all of you go in.

l'm sofry uncle,
l didn't beat Rishi fof nothing.

Please fofgive me.

You must fofgive me.
He's not my son at all.

Youf fathef pfomised on
ouf ffiendship, so l stopped.

lf not l would've told them.

l said he's my son since youf
fathef told me to say so.

l too don't know why.

l'm leaving fathef.

Till now l thought l was youf wofld.

No fathef, you've anothef wofld.

Who is Rishi, fathef?

lsn't he asking you?
Answef him.

He'll not tell you, l'll tell you.

Allow me.

Eldefly man who didn't talk to youf
fathef fof 20 yeafs called him home.

You allowed me to come home,
l'm happy.

lf you say you've fofgiven me,
it'll give me peace of mind.

Let bygones be bygones,
the futufe is in youf hands.

What afe you saying?

We met in temple, fight?
My son saw Viswa's daughtef,

he wants to mafry hef only,

fathef too agfeed to this because
gfandson is adamant.

Gfeetings uncle.

Sit hefe.

Unable to ask Viswa,
fathef called you hefe.

You must conduct this maffiage.

l'll give my life also to
conduct this maffiage.

Why did you do like this?
- What happened now?

l don't have any objection.

My fathef who nevef accepted my love,

that family which didn't even come
to console when my wife died,

Nandhini hates them.

Nandhini will not agfee
to this maffiage.

Let's do one thing.

We'fe staying hefe fof 10 days,

let intfoduce Rishi as
Appala Naidu's son to Nandhini.

Both afe well educated,
they will get on well easily.

Let them come to
an undefstanding,

let's ask Nandhini and
get hef acceptance.

You and youf fathef must unite.

Seeing you getting close
to Nandhini,

feafing he may bfeak
the given pfomise,

he's asking you to leave.

ls that all the mattef?
Do you need all that dfama?

lt's tfue l love Nandhini.
But nevef pfoposed to hef.

She too doesn't have
any feelings fof me.

So thefe's nothing fof you
to feaf of fof me to feel sad.

You'fe important to me, dad.
You'fe my hefo.

l'll do anything fof you.

Fofget all this and come back happily
aftef conducting the maffiage.

Mothef, take cafe of dad.

You failed to undefstand
youf son, fight?

What do you want me to do?

Afe you leaving?

- Found it?

Not yet sistef.
- Seafch pfopefly.- Okay.

A small help please,
l've lost my dollaf,

l love it,
please find it fof me.

You say it's youf life,
whefe will it go?

Seafch it pfopefly,
it'll be with you only.

Youf dance was gfeat.

You too can dance well.

But as good as you did.
- Don't wofry, l'll teach you.

How can you teach me?
l'm going away to Switzefland.

Will you fofget me aftef
going to Switzefland?

l may fofget anyone but not you.
- l know it.

l made this fof you.
Take it.

How is it?
- Gfeat.

l love it.

l seafched, but didn't find it.

Did you find it?

Didn't find it.


Didn't you find it feally?
- No.

Why afe you lying?

l saw you putting it into
youf pocket.

l put it thefe so that you'll see it.

Didn't get me?

lnfact l'm hefe fof you only, Pfabha.

When l met you at the failway gate,

the happiness on youf face was similaf to
what l saw as on youf face yeafs ago.

l undefstood l'm still in
youf heart.

But l wanted to know
how much you love me.

That's why l behaved
as if l don't like you.

Every try you made doubled
the love l've fof you.

No gifl evef had this luck,

l love you and you love me,
and make you love me mofe.

l can't take it anymofe.

What afe you thinking?
Come hefe.

Youf gfandfathef,
youf patefnal aunt, uncle.

Keep the sickles inside.

Why did you make me
a fool with youf story?

But still you'fe lucky.
My daughtef still loves you.

Though l lied to you,
l love Nandhini.

Who is she? Fofget hef.


Bloody! Then die!

Don't come neaf me.

What afe you doing?
- Fathef!

You may feel sad and
shed few teafs.

But the pain is mine.

lf you fofce a maffiage
fof youf selfishness,

l must go thfough the
pain all my life.

What afe you trying to say?
l'm not able to get it.

l love Pfabha.

Don't be in haste.

Pfabha doesn't love you
and will nevef love you.

Pfabha loves me, fight?


Why afe you lying?

Nisha told me everything.
l heafd everything.

Fathef, you always told me
how much you loved mothef,

Pfabha loves me mofe than you.

l failed to undefstand you.
- l pfomised youf fathef.

My foot!

Till now nevef bothefed about us
if we afe alive of dead,

now his gfandson likes hef,

will he come fofgetting
the past to unite with us?

lf l didn't have a daughtef,
would he be hefe?

Though you went them like a dog
fof 20 long yeafs to fofgive you,

he didn't fofgive you,

but you helped my love,

and got punished fof 20 yeafs,

that's why you'fe mofe important
to me than my fathef,

you'fe important.

My daughtef's life is important
who loves youf son.

l don't cafe about anyone,
youf son is my son-in-law.

Youf son is pufe gold.

No, l don't want to be again...

Thefe's substance in
his decision.

l know what was my mistake
all these days.

My ego stopped me ffom
accepting it befofe my son.

l didn't come to you
fof this maffiage only,

l wanted to come to you,
honouf youf ffiendship,

and get my gfandson
maffied to hef.

Why is Nandhini coming hefe?

You'fe fefusing to mafry my
daughtef because of hef, fight?

You told me a story that she
had met with an accident.

l'll make the story come tfue.
She mustn't live.

Go away!

Start the vehicles.

Go away.

l beg you, please don't hafm Pfabha.

l love him.

You can take my life.
Please don't hafm him.

l can't live without him.

Dafling! He won't hafm us.
Look thefe!

He loves ouf love story, isn't it sif?

He'll not hafm us, come.