Dark Was the Night (2014) - full transcript

Isolated and threatened, a mysterious force hidden within the trees outside the small town of Maiden Woods, strikes fear in the townspeople as Sheriff Paul Shields attempts to overcome the demons of his past while protecting those that he loves.

Heads up.
You the last ones out?

I think Jesse's
crew is still out there.

All right, thanks.

- See you guys Monday.
- Driver: Later.

Jesse, come in, over.

What, are you guys going
for a record, out there?

Come on, Jesse,
it's starting to snow.

Look, don't think for a second

I won't hesitate to lock
you guys in for the weekend.

Stop screwing around, Jesse,

you guys aren't getting
overtime for this.

Help, help, help.

Damn it.

Are you kidding?


Come on, you guys.

This isn't funny.



Is that you?


I don't know.

I'm not seeing any
tire tracks, Ron.

A truck woulda left some.

I had 23 horses
yesterday, I got 22 today.

I'm no sheriff,
but best I figure

that means one's missing.

The gate's kinda low over here.

Could it've jumped over?

Been raising horses
on this land for 35 years.

Never seen one jump loose

without taking a section
of fence with 'em.

Just seems odd to
me that someone would

go through all the trouble
to steal one horse.

Take two men and a trailer.

Gates were closed?

And tied. I'm not an idiot.

So that's it?

I'm just out one
expensive animal?

I wish I could do more
for you, Ron, but...

I'm just not seeing
anything, here.

I'm seeing one missing horse!

Number 88.

Last night all my horses
wore numbered bridles,

like this one, and this
morning I'm missing number 88.

Number 88.

I'll keep an eye out.

I lose another horse,

you and I are gonna
have a real problem.

I wouldn't have it
any other way, Ron.

He definitely
left that gate open.


Careful, now.

The old bastard shot at
the last guy she dated.

Dad's here!

Hey, Dad.

What's up, buddy? How are ya?


Adam, wait.


He forgot his homework.


So New York's a big city, right?

Yeah, it's pretty big.

So why'd you leave?

It was too big. Too noisy.

Your, um, your mom's car's gone?

Yeah, she went to Florida

on one of those
Senior bus trips.

She was excited.

Adam's teacher wants to have

a conference with us next week.

She said they're on break,

so they can plan
around your schedule.


Paul, I, uh...

I've been talking to someone.

It's really helped me.

If you ever wanted
to go together...

I'm not the one
that left, Susan.

Ah, all right.


That's too much.

There we go, I'm just gonna...

Rub that off like that.

There you are.

When can Mom come home?

That's a tough question, bud.

Your mom decided to go stay
with Grandma on her own.

She can come home
whenever she wants.

But she says you
don't want her to.

Well, I think what
she meant was, um...

That we both have
things to figure out.

Is it because of Tim?

No, it's not because of that.

You understand?

Yeah, okay.


Are you all right?

Someone's in the back yard.


In the trees.

- Adam, come on.
- Really.

There's no one back here, Adam.

I swear!

You want me to go check?

Take your gun.

I don't need my gun.

Look, I'm gonna go back there

and I'm gonna prove to you

that there's nothing
to be scared of, yeah?

You eat up and stay here.

Anyone out there?

This is Sheriff Shields.

You're not in any trouble.

Just show yourself.

Donny: Hello? Can I come in?

Hey, boss.

Hey, boss, you okay?

The door was
unlocked, so I just...

I'm just fixing breakfast, here.


Susan buy him that cereal?

It's got fruit in it.

I don't think it counts if
it's made outta marshmallows.

Is Adam still asleep?


Have you been outside?

Come on.

What is this?

I don't know.

I woke up an hour
ago and saw 'em.

They look like hoof
prints from a horse.

It's hard to tell, but...

- Spacing's wrong.
- Yeah.

One in front of the other.

Like it's on two legs?

How's that even possible?

They were looking
in our windows.

A lot of houses near my
apartment have the same thing.

They go all the way
to your apartment?

They go all the
way through town.

Come on.

Yeah, it turned off.

Going that way.

Probably just some punk
kids playing a prank, huh?

Yeah, why would
they come out this far?

Maybe it's an animal?

Could be injured.

I don't know.

Whatever it is,

it could still be
out there, come on.

Turned this way.


It sped up, here.


The tracks are
getting further apart.

Hey boss.

Better take a look at this.

They're gone.

They stop here,
and they just disappear.

It looked like hooves.

Some are bigger than
a horse's, but, um...

on two legs like a
person or a bear.

Okay, we're aware of it,

we're taking care of
the situation, okay?

Thank you.

How can I help you?


it does sound like a prank, I...

I'm just trying to be thorough.

Listen, nothing else has
been reported in the area.


I agree that it's nuts, yes.

Yes, but I...

I'd appreciate it if you
kept an eye out, as well.

This thing's got
people spooked, and...

A little bit of an explanation
would go a long way.


I appreciate it. Thanks.

Well, Forest Department says
that they've never heard

of an animal that could walk
that far on its hind legs.

Guy laughed at me.

You know, the people
are getting panicky.

I don't know how long we
can keep spinning this.

Yeah, whoever did this
has got a lot to answer for.

You still think it's a person?

I mean, those tracks, they
disappeared into thin air.

How is a person gonna
make three miles of tracks

without any other traces?

Doesn't make any sense.

Ah, don't let it
get to you, Donny.

That's exactly what
whoever did this wants.

Hopefully this just
all blows over.


You finish up the
paperwork on my desk?

Yeah, you got it, boss.


Paul! How are
you doing this morning?

I'm good, yourself?

Quite a little mystery we
seem to have woken up to.

Well, nothing mysterious
about a good prank.

Can I do something for you?

Oh, Jonah, my black
lab ran off last night.

And it seems I'm not the
only one missing a pet.

I'll do what I can to find him.

I really appreciate it.

- 'Kay.
- Very odd, animals

acting up the same night as
this little incident, yes?

Yes. Yes, it is.

Seen a fair amount of
Susan in church, lately.

I haven't seen you in some time.

There is no weakness
in mourning, Paul.

Accidents happen.

Turning to something
outside ourselves,

every once in awhile?

That just shows wisdom

in knowing where
to find strength.

The church and I are
here when you need us.

Thank you, Father.

Oh, and, uh...

People may seem a little
nervous, right now.

But they'll follow you
to the ends of the earth.

Just let them know
you're leading them

in the right direction.


Is everyone all right?

What's going on, Sheriff?

I'm trying to figure that out.

My dad's got some pretty
crazy ideas about it.

Yeah, for once that old
nut bag might be right.

I bet it's got
something to do with

those stories my
grandpa used to tell me.

About something
living in those woods.

It doesn't.

Well, what are we
supposed to do about it?

You don't have to do
anything, all right, we're...

We're working on it.

Oh, is that right?

Then tell me, why aren't
you out there right now

hunting that thing down?

'Cause it pays to think
before you act, Jim.

Claire: Well, what
if it comes back?

There is no "it", okay?

There is no "it".

Forest Department
said this morning

that there's no animal
that leaves tracks

like the ones that we found.

Okay, so that
tells me that we're

dealing with a
creative prankster

who's heard all the
great ghost stories

that our buddy Jim,
here, has heard.

Well, maybe it's that
new deputy of yours.


City guy,
thinkin' it's funny

to stir things up?

That's enough.


How's it going, Sheriff?

Oh, she's going, Earl. You?


You been out in
the woods, lately?

Into the trees?


Donny and I went pretty
deep this morning.

It's deer season.

But in the last
week I haven't seen

so much as one deer within
five miles of this town.

Never seen nothing like it.

All the animals just
up and vanished.


What do you think would
cause something like that?

It's hard to say.


an animal senses a threat,

they tend not to hang around.

A threat.

So you think an
animal left those tracks?

They don't look like any
animal tracks I've ever seen.

You take it easy, now, Sheriff.

Remember, we're all
still prayin' for ya.


- Hey.

Thanks for taking him, tonight,

I forgot I volunteered
at the church.

No problem.

I took him to the park today.

The kids there were
saying it's the devil,

all this stuff going on.

Did it scare him?


It's been six months, Paul.

I need to know where you are.

Because it's not fair.

It's not fair to us, and
it's not fair to Adam.

Where are you?

I don't know.

I'll get him, it'll
be just a minute.



There's something out there.


Last night was one
thing, buddy, but...

Dad, look! Look!

Did you see it?

You stay here.

Lock the doors.


Come out, now, before you get
yourself into more trouble!








Are you hurt?

I heard something outside
the car and I got scared.

I'm never gonna let
anything happen to you.

Do you understand that?

- Earl: Here you go.
- Bar PatThanks, Earl.

You drinking to remember,

or are you drinking to forget?

I'll take another
and see where it leads.

How's it going
with Sheriff Sheilds?

He's a good man.


So how you likin' it?

The town, not my booze,

I know my booze is good.

It's different.

- Good kinda different.
- Hmm.

Lot of excitement,
tracks in the snow.


How much you know
about this place?

And them woods?

Yeah, my grandma, she
was full blood Shawnee.

Used to tell stories passed down

by our people for generations.

Oh, yeah? Stories?

Mmhmm, about them woods.

And what lived out there.

The spirits that
roamed in the trees.

See they, they say when
the white man came here,

he didn't respect the land,
or the spirits.

So they came after 'em.

Men, women, the children.

Do you, uh...

Do you believe the stories?

Well, when I was young,

there was a boy went
missing up in them woods.

They searched.

When they found him, his
body was 30 feet up a tree.

So let's just say,

I believe it enough to
keep my door locked.

You be careful, now, Deputy.

Wouldn't wanna
find you up a tree.

Claire: Hey, Earl.

Earl: Hello, ladies.

What'll it be?

I'm a little confused
as to why we're here.

When children
pick up a new word,

they tend to say it constantly.

It only gets worse
when they learn

we don't want them
to say that word.

Did Adam say
something offensive?

Mr. and Mrs. Shields...


- We're sorry.

About a week ago Adam
called another child a pecker,

and since then all the
children have been saying it.

We can't get them to stop.

But as I can see,
apparently, some people don't

view this as quite the
serious matter that it is.

We do, we do, I...

We're sorry, we'll talk to him.

It won't happen again.

There is one other thing.

What's that?

When he refers to Tim,

he always seems to
use the present tense.

"Tim is, Tim can."

Is there something
wrong with that?

Referring to
someone who is deceased

in such a way just
seems unhealthy.

I don't see how
that's a problem.

More times than not,
when parents separate

it's the children that get...

Tim is his brother.

My child can refer
to his brother

however the hell he chooses.

I beg your pard...

And you are not gonna
tell us how to raise our son.

Do you understand me?

Mrs. Shields, I...

Do you understand me?


I called you, before.

Is everything all right?


I was just calling to check in.

I was...

It's none of my business.

You hear that?

What the hell is going on?

Thank you.

I've never seen
anything like that.

Earl Everheart...

He came up to me the other day.

He said all the wildlife's gone.

Those birds were leaving.

It's closer to spring
than fall, they...

They're supposed
to be flying north.

And they were going south.

Did he mention
any of his theories

about what he thinks
might be going on?

I was at his bar last night,

he had some pretty crazy ideas.

Those are just stories, Donny.

And people have
been telling them

around here for a long time.

Earl was just
having fun with you.

But what if they're not?

What if there's something
wrong about these woods?

He said something about
his Indian ancestors,

they knew about a creature...

He's about as
Indian as you or I.

You really think there's a
monster in the woods, Donny?




These stories, they just sounded

a lot like what's been going on.

I don't know.

And then he mentioned
something about a boy.

He was out in the woods

a few years ago,
and then he went missing.

They couldn't find
him until they...

They found a body
up in the tree.


That boy was murdered, Donny.

No monsters needed.

Bad things happen,
'cause people let them happen.

Somebody's always
responsible, Donny.

Yeah, all good.

Thank you so much, Donny.

Yeah, my pleasure.

Actually, my dad was a mechanic.

I always thought I was
gonna end up being one.

Why didn't you?

After my mom left us, uh...

I spent so much time
in the police station

bailing my dad out.

Just, uh, figured I may
as well become a cop.

Has he told you?

About Tim?

I had taken Adam to a friend's,

and Paul was watching Tim.

We had one of those kiddy pools.

They think he slipped and
hit his head on the bottom.

I'm sorry.

I don't blame him, you know.

It was an accident.

It wasn't his fault,
it could've so easily been me.

The problem is,
he blames himself.

He doesn't think he deserves
what he has, but he does.

It's hard to make somebody see

in themselves what
you see in them.

I told you...

Claire: I don't want
you to get yourself shot!

I'm gonna handle
this right now, myself!

I'm gonna handle this
myself, right now.

Claire: Calm down, Dad.

Listen to the sheriff.

Hey, calm down.

Claire said that
you think something's

still bothering your horses,
that right?

Past few days, the horses
have been real uneasy.

Jumping around in the stalls.

But for the life of me, I
couldn't figure out what it was.

Till last night.

What happened last night?

'Bout 3 o'clock I
hear someone bangin'

on the side of the barn.

Beatin' the living
hell out of it.

- So tonight I'm ready for him.
- Claire: Dad!

Now, get outta my way!

Hey, hey, hey.

Now, what if it's...

What if it's one of the
neighbor's boys

just playing around?

Come on, gimme this.
Come on.

Come on. Good.

Those horses...

Are your livelihood, I know.

I know, Ron.

Now look, if you hear anything
coming from that barn,

you call me at home
and I'll come over.

We'll take care of
this the right way.



There they are!

Stand back.

Get back.


Yeah, boss?

You make sure that Ron
and his shotgun stay here.


- Hey!
- Get in, get in.

- Hey!
- Boss!

You okay?

What was it?

I don't know.

It's too dark.

Come back in the morning.


that this wall wasn't like
this before last night?

- No.
- Look at the mud.

I shoed all
the horses last week.

And these tracks
ain't got any shoes.

And look at this.

The size is right
for horse tracks,

the two cloven
halves are the same,

but this right here?

This ridge ain't normal.

It's like the hoof is divided
into three narrow pieces.

A hoof divided into three parts.

What purpose would that serve?

I haven't got the
faintest idea, Sheriff.

Ron: Before right now,

I didn't know prints
like these even existed.

Radio: A storm system
is making its way into the area.

Voluntary evacuation
protocol will be in effect

for Maiden Woods,
Smith, and Knobb's Run.

In other news, zoologists
from the State University

are baffled by the
sudden and unexplained

migration of wildlife
from the northeastern

forest surrounding Tanner.

Hunters looking to end
the season on a high note

seem out of luck this year.

Sheriff, this is Paul Shields

from Maiden Woods County.

Call me back when
you get a chance.

I wanna check with
you and your men

up in Tanner about something.

I'm working a theory and
I got some questions.

Hoping you can help.

Hey, Sheriff.

Mom? When are we going home?

Right after lunch.

I do have to run by the
store first, though.

I meant home with Dad?

Sweetie, let's not talk
about that right now, okay?

Why not?

- Adam...
- Just eat your food.

I don't want
everyone to be sad, any more.

Who's sad?

I see you crying sometimes.

You always pretend like
you weren't, but I see you.

Do you guys still
love each other?

Adam, I don't think
that this is the place...


But sometimes it's a little
harder than that, buddy.

Radio: In local weather news,

the storm front
continues to make headway

and should be in our neck
of the woods in 24 hours.

Local residents have already

begun evacuation procedures.

While not mandatory,
the Ranger Service

does recommend people
take such precautions,

as roadways will be closed,
and access to remote areas

Claire: You lost?

Radio: will be intermittent

over the course of the storm.

Oh. Coffee.

It's up front by the squirrel.

So is it true?
You're from New York City?

Ah, yeah.

I've always wanted to go
there and ride the subway.

Most people wanna go
see the Statue of Liberty.

Well, I'm not most people.

The subway's not
really that great.

It's full of bums
and pickpockets.

Well, no wonder you left.

So why'd you come here?

Oh, you know, just...

Change of pace.

Well, normally
I'd say this town's

pace-deprived, but lately...

Yeah, yeah, it's not
exactly what I expected.

So you'll be leaving us, then?

Nah, I just found the coffee.

Who knows what
I'll find tomorrow?

Hey, Donny, is your radio on?

Yeah, boss.

Need to clear
a deer from the highway

at marker five.

We'll have to come pick
it up tomorrow, some time.

Maybe it died of loneliness.

- Earl: Here you go.
- Thanks.

Earl: What can
I get for you, Stu?


You take care of that deer?

Let's find somewhere to talk.

I think we're thinking
about this the wrong way.

I think that deer was all...

Who knows?

Other deer were gone,

that one wasn't.

It looked older.

Maybe it couldn't keep up,

maybe all the other
ones left it behind,

I'm not really sure.

Hey, you're losing me, boss.

Ron Jenkins' missing horse.

We thought Ron
left the gate open.


I no longer think that's right.


The claw marks.

First I thought it
was coincidence,

or part of a
well-thought-out prank.

Deep cuts on the
tree in the forest.

I mean, it meant nothing
to me at the time.

Just now, that dead
deer on the road...

It had four razor sharp
cuts right through its body.

Same ones?

Same size.

Those stories you heard...

I'm not saying that they're
all accurate, but...

I think we might be dealing
with something that's

not easily explained.

A few years ago I saw on TV,
they caught this giant fish

off the coast of
Taiwan or somewhere.

They thought that this
thing had been extinct

for like, millions of years.

Then, bam, there it is.

Right under our
noses the whole time.

Swimming around in the ocean.

So what I'm saying is, maybe...

Maybe this thing that
we're looking for,

maybe it's always been here.

And we're just now noticing it.

So why now?


Sheriff Paul Shields.

You boys any closer
to finding out

what's running
around in them woods?

You know, I don't
normally see you in this,

this fine establishment.

'Course, I see your
deputy in here enough to

lower my confidence.

- Can I hit him?
- No.

Everyone around here trusts you.

I can't figure out why.

Man can't even protect
his own family.

Now, can I hit him?

I'm still deciding.

You boys
have a good evening.

We got the utmost faith in ya.

Go get me a beer, dude!

Let's go.

I think it was a bear.

That fast?


You know, it's kinda
funny you never asked me.

What you shoulda asked
me in our interview.

You know, why a
guy from New York

would come out here to
basically the middle of nowhere.

You got shot, Donny.

That's reason enough for me.

I know what it's like, to uh...

Have people always telling
you that it wasn't your fault.

I don't need to
know anything else.

Do you ever pray?

I mean, I never used to pray.


When I was on that gurney,

and they told me that
my father died...

You know, things had been
going so well for me.

I was moving up in the force,

I had a nice girl.

Ever since then,
I've been asking God why.

But, uh, now I think
maybe I know why.

Maybe I wasn't where
I was supposed to be.

Is this where you're
supposed to be, Donny?

Is this where God
told you to be?

We all have a purpose.

Ours is to protect people.

Maybe there's somebody here
I'm supposed to protect.

There you go.

Or maybe you're
supposed to protect me.


Please! It's after me.

It's in the woods, behind me.


We'd been hunting
for a few hours.

Hunter: Hadn't seen anything.

And then we came upon something.

And we started tracking it.

It had to be a deer.

We thought somehow it just
wandered right past us.

Then what happened?

It was fast, so fast.

Hunter: It got Manny, first.

Then Ryan,
he was screaming in pain.

Did you see it?

I don't know what I saw.

We'll start searching for 'em.

Hunter: Don't bother.

They're already dead.

Assuming that there
is some sort of animal

in these woods that's
never been discovered,

how could that be possible?

How could it go
unnoticed for so long?

I don't know.

What if it's like

your prehistoric fish
that we talked about?

Maybe it's adapted
to its environment.

Maybe it's learned how to hide.

What if it's smart enough
to know that we're a threat?


To know to avoid us,
till it has no choice.

That'd be a very
dangerous animal.

Earl: 'Bout time.

It's this way, fellas.

Oh, no.

How the...

Earl: Yeah.

No animal I know of
kills like that.

Any tracks?


It's too cold,
the ground's too hard.

You boys get outta
these woods right now.

What? Why?

Come on, Paul, it's the last
two weeks of huntin' season.

Whatever did this is
still in those trees.

Yeah, that's
exactly why I wanna...

We're gonna handle this, Jim.

You understand?

No one from town's
allowed into these woods.

We make sure everyone is in
their house before nightfall.

Okay, Sheriff.

You got that, Jim?

I understand what you're saying.

No, I do, but what
I'm telling you

is that people have been

attacked and killed
in our woods.

Two dozen men armed
enough to get a handle

on this in 24 hours,
that's what you're saying?

I have your word?

Yeah. Yeah, you too.

The coroner's gonna have

a hell of a time getting
those bodies down.


What'd the Rangers say?

24 hours.

At least most people
left 'cause of the storm.

We'll be fine in town.

We'll make do.


Radio: With no
sign of letting up,

the storm system continues
to pound the local area.

The Ranger Service
encourages those

in the storm's path
to stay indoors.

Record number of
evacuees from Smith,

Maiden's Wood, Knobb's
Run and Tanner,

have flooded the southern
parts of the state.

Currently, local
passes, roadways,

and even sections
of the state highway

remain closed until
further notice.

For more updates on
the storm, stay tuned.

Hey, it's me.

Um, I just wanted to thank
you for taking Adam tonight.

He was scared with the storm,

and all that's been going on.

Being with you
makes him feel safe.

I love you.

Hey, finished my rounds.

Most of the town evacuated.

- Good.
- What's going on?

I'm gonna show you something.

I put a call into the
Sheriff up in Tanner,

when I heard the news said
the wildlife migration

affected them, as well.

He sent me this.

Two weeks ago, a crew of loggers

went missing just
outside of Tanner.

I think that the logging

it forced the animal
south towards us.

All these years,
it's been able to live

in these remote
parts of the forest.

There's a police report for
two missing cattle in Tanner.

And then two days later,
yours truly.

Number 88.

Ron Jenkins' missing horse.

So the foresting, it just
flushed it out right towards us.

And there's...

There's no more
forest to the south.

- So it's trapped.
- It's threatened.

I think it's fighting
for territory.

Sit down.

Get caught up on this stuff.


I keep a camera
out in the woods,

so I can keep track of
the larger bucks at night.

It has an infrared sensor.

Records any movement
when it's triggered.

What are we looking for, Jim?

You'll know it when you see it.


That was it.

It coulda been a deer.

Yeah, that's what I figured.

Till I looked at the footage.

I looked closer,
and caught this.

I'll leave these with you.


Yeah, I'm gonna
head out too, boss.

You notice the cell
service is down?

Always happens during a storm.

All right, I'll see you
in the morning, boss.

Adam: Dad!

What was that?

Get in the bathroom, now.

Get up, come on.

Get into the tub. Get low.



Hey, boss, you say something?

I think there's interference
from the storm, or something.

Donny, it's in the house.

It's in the house.

I'm coming.

Hold on, I'm coming.

Stay here.


Just stay down.

Lock this door as
soon as I step out.

Okay? It'll be fine.

Donny! You all right?

- You all right?
- Yeah.

Did you see it?

It just knocked into me.

All right, let's gather
everyone left in town.

We'll stay at the church

You all know about
the tracks found

going through town, this week.

Yesterday, we discovered
the bodies of two men

in the woods just
outside of town.

Now, what left those tracks
also killed those men.

A lot of people
have long believed

that something
lives in our woods.

I didn't wanna alarm any of
you until I knew for certain,

but tonight it attacked my home.

A few weeks ago,

a logging camp opened up
90 miles north of here.

We believe that it drove
the creature south,

looking for a new home.

With the animals on the
run, it's looking for food.

And it found us.

It's strong.

It's fast, and it's smart.

But I believe that we can
get through this together.

So we're gonna stay here,

As soon as that storm passes

and the roads clear
in the morning,

the Forest Department will have

Rangers crawling
all over these woods

to hunt this thing down.

How many Rangers, Sheriff?


All we have to do is get
through the night, and we will.

How do we know it
won't just find us, here?

It's a trap, like a
bunch of damned rats.

This church, it's our best
and only option.

It's strong, it's defendable.

Once morning comes,
you'll be safe.

This is where we need to be.

Ah, thank you.

Is it that bad?

Oh, no, it's uh...

It's just a precaution.

You never were
a good liar, Paul.

That's all right, I gave it up.

Good man.

Situation like this,
most men start drinking.

You don't seem too worried,

Ah, worrying never added
a day to anybody's life.

You know what happens
after a forest fire?

Land comes back stronger.


I guess I'm drinking
for both of us, huh?

Adam wanted to
draw, he was bored.

So what are we drinking to?


Sometimes that's all you got.

I guess hope is
what we'll roll with, huh?

- Hey.
- Hey.

How you doing?

You were good out there.

I'm serious, Paul.

They believe that
you can protect them.

That no matter what happens,
they can trust you.

I can't protect these people.

I couldn't protect Tim.

It wasn't your fault.

He loved you so much.

He wouldn't want you to be sad.

I've been...

I've been seeing him, lately.

He's there
and then he disappears.

I feel like I'm going crazy.


He just wants you to know
that everything is okay?

I shoulda been there.

I shoulda protected him.

I am so sorry, Susan.

I'm so sorry.

I shouldn't have moved out.

I shouldn't have let you
think that I didn't need you.

Because I need you, Paul.

Adam needs you.

These people need you.

- Mom!



It's okay, here, come on.

Come on, come on.

I gotcha. Stay with...

Everyone away from the
windows and the door.

Just stay calm.

Stay calm, everybody.

You think it's gonna hold?

No, I don't.

The basement...

It was a shelter
in the 60s, right?

Yeah, but it's jam packed.

I don't think we'll all fit.

It's gonna have to do.

Come on!
Everyone downstairs, let's go.

Let's go!

Come on, now, let's go, quickly.

Go, go, go. Go.

Watch your step.

Come on, guys. Quick!

Donny, get these rifles ready.

Lock and guard the door.

-Wait, wait,
-What's going on?

Where are you going?

Those doors aren't
gonna hold much longer.

Don't go.

It's gonna be okay,
the doors are gonna hold.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Buddy, come on, give me a hug.

Where's my hug? Come on.

Where are you going?

I gotta take care of you
and your mommy, all right?

But you gotta do me a favor.

You look after her
while I'm gone.


I'm going up with you.

That's what I'm here for.

Donny, someone's
gotta stay down here

and protect these people.

Earl and I'll do it, Sheriff.

Earl: Your deputy's right.

You going up there alone

isn't doing anybody any good.

We'll hold here.

I won't take my
gun off that door.

Come on.

You hold that door.

Yes, sir.

Stay close.

It stopped banging.

Come on.

It's inside.

This is the only
way out of the hall.

Stay here in case
it gets around me.

Are you sure?

Just don't let it
leave this hallway.


It's okay,
it's okay, it's gonna be fine.

- Donny!
- Donny: Boss!

In here.

What happened?

It is fast, I didn't even see...

You all right?

I shot it. It's hurt.

Go get it.

Go get it, I'll be fine.

You need to go
protect the people.


It's me,
open up. Open the door.

It's safe.


Oh, he's okay!

You okay?
- Yeah.

Everything's gonna be fine.

It's over, now.

What is it?

I shot it in the shoulder.

I took a whole chunk out of it.