Dark Universe (1993) - full transcript

On its way back to Earth, the space shuttle Nautilus passes through a cloud of alien spores causing its sole occupant, astronaut Steve Thomas to transform into a blood-thirsty monster. The shuttle crashes into a swampy region of central Florida, creating a situation which threatens contagion and/or death to all who encounter the shuttle or its mutated pilot.

- I have now established
a geosynchronous orbit

over central Florida.

I'm sending fuel to the booster rockets,

and I will begin reentry
into the earth's atmosphere

in approximately nine minutes.

- Kendrick Enterprises
calling the Nautilus.

Steve, can you hear me?

This is Kendrick Enterprises
calling the Nautilus.

This is Rod Kendrick calling
the space shuttle Nautilus.

Are you out there, boy,
pick up your phone.

Don't you know who this is?

I know you're out there, I can see you.

The boys at mission control

have hooked us up a satellite camera,

and you're looking fine.

Do you read me?

- Sure, I hear you.

You're the guy who writes the checks.

- Very funny, very funny.

Look, Steve.

A few minutes, we're gonna
be landing this bird,

and then we're gonna give
that NASA a run for its money.

- Well let's see if I can get
this thing down first, huh?

- Look, Steve, I know
it's very lonely out there

in the universe, but I want you to know

that here on Planet Earth,
there's thousands of...

No, Steve, there are millions,

millions of people down here
that are pulling for you.

- It's getting pretty cold up here.

Beginning to be worried
there's something wrong

with the life support systems.

What the hell was that?

I'll call you back later, I
think somebody's at the door.

- Steve?

Steve, what's going on up there?

We lost you on the screen.

Looks like you headed in
some kind of meteor field,

but where the hell it came
from is anybody's guess.

Can you read me, Steve?

Steve, can you read me?

What the hell is going on up there?

This is Ground Control One
to Nautilus, do you read me?

You are coming in too quickly.

- Mayday, mayday!

This is Nautilus calling Earth.

Something's infesting the ship!


It's clogging the engines,

the life support system's shutting down.

- Steve, do you read me?

You are coming in too fast.

Steve, we've lost you on the screen.

- Whoa, look, it's a shooting star.

- You should make a wish.

- Okay.

Hey, that was pretty
close for a meteor, huh?

- Meteorite.

- Meteorite?

- Yes.

- Meteorite?

- Yes.

When a meteor enters
the earth's atmosphere,

it's known as a meteorite.

- You are such a wise guy.

- It's a meteorite!

- Well it was pretty damn close.

- You're serious.

- It's an osprey nest.

- This is it, the great outdoors.

- You know what your father
would say about this place.

Nice spot for a condo.

- Come on, Rich, just enjoy nature.

There's not a soul around for miles.

Doesn't it make you feel uninhibited?

- Damn it, Ann.

There's something in
those trees over there.

- Really, how exciting.

- Look, we came here to see some wildlife.

I'm gonna go take a close look.

Here, you might learn something.

- Rich, come here!

Rich, you gotta see this!



Hey, dick!

Rich, get your skinny ass out here!

- Hang on right here,
let me get that for you.

- Yeah, I seen you somewhere before.

You're that reporter
lady on TV, ain't you?

- That's me.


- Yep.

Well, if you're looking
for a guide upriver,

you don't need to go
looking for old Tom Hanning.

Hell, I'll guide you myself.

- Thanks anyway, but we want Tom Hanning.

How far in does he live?

- Old Tom Hanning, he's pretty
far a piece back in there,

but if he's still around,
we'll find him in there.

Nobody really knows if
old Tom is still alive,

and it's pretty rough country upriver.

You sure you wanna go there, little lady?

- Oh, I'm sure, I'm very sure.

- Mr. Kendrick, how
did the Nautilus disappear?

- What about survivors?

- Listen, I am at least as
interested as all of you

in finding out what
happened to my spaceship.

I appreciate your concern.

Unfortunately, I won't be
answering any questions

at this moment.

However, I have a prepared statement.

We at Kendrick Corporation built

and launched the space shuttle Nautilus.

In part, we did this to
show NASA how to operate

an efficient and
cost-effective space program.

Tragically, all evidence suggests

that the Nautilus and its pilot burned up

upon reentry into Earth's atmosphere.

We've called off the rescue operation,

and we recommend that all the
other agencies do the same.

- Mr.
Kendrick, can't you give us

more information about what happened?

- Did
the Nautilus go down

in the Caribbean?

- Tom!

Tom, damn.

Hey, Tom!

- This is gonna shoot great.

It's so rustic.

- Yeah.

- Hello?


- Excuse me.

Can I help you?

- Good morning.

You must be Judy Lawson.

- That's right.

- I seem to have the advantage over you.

I know your name, but you don't know mine.

I'm Frank Norris.

These gentlemen are my associates.

This is Jack Reese, and behind Jack

are Mr. Denning and Mr. Carlson.

- Excuse me, I don't
wanna be rude or anything,

but it's really early and I'm all wet.

- I can see that this is
not a good time for you,

but really, my business is rather urgent.

Do you mind if I have a
few moments of your day?

- Make yourself at home.

I assume you're looking for a trail guide.

Most people that come
out here usually are.

- You're not at all what I expected.

I heard, I heard crazy old Tom Hanning

is supposed to be the toughest
swamp guide in Florida.

Two-fisted gator wrestler, famous hunter.

I don't know if you can wrestle gators,

but you don't look like a day over 25,

and you sure as hell
aren't old Tom Hanning.

- Well I am Tom Hanning,

but the man you're
looking for is my father.

- Can I see him?

- Not in this lifetime.

He died last November.

But you know, he left everything to me,

even gave me my own
gator-wrestling certificate.

You wanna see it?

- This is great.

The biggest story of my
life gets thrown into my lap

and I have no swamp guide.

- I was raised here, I know
this area as well as he did.

- And I'm paying for old Tom Hanning.

- Well like I said, he's dead, I'm alive.

- Wait, maybe we can still
pull this out of the fire.

I'm Kim Masters, I'm a TV reporter,

and I've got some people with me,

and there's one of them
I want you to meet.

He's an archeologist.

- Well you mentioned payment, didn't you?

- Yes.

- Lead on.

- Mr. Norris?

What you have to say
is really interesting,

but you're gonna have to ask Tom about it.

- Thank you for your time,
Judy, sorry for intruding.

Aren't we, Frank?

Next time we'll phone and
save us all a lot of trouble.

- No, it's really no intrusion.

I'm sure Tom, he must be
around here someplace.

And we don't even have a phone.

- I think you'd have a phone out here,

at least for emergencies.

- No, we have a radio for emergencies.

See, Tom, he's not really
into modern conveniences.

We didn't even have a TV
set until a few months ago.

That's 'cause I kept nagging him about it.

I like to watch the news sometimes,

although Tom, he calls it propaganda.

Hey, there you are.

Get over here, wise guy.

Were your ears burning, I
was just talking about you.

- Who else would
you be talking about?

- No big ego problems here.

- Judy, this is Kim Masters, the TV star.

She and these distinguished
scientists want old Tom Hanning

to take them out into our swamp,

but they're stuck with the kid instead,

and damn it, they're just
no too happy about it.

- We're awfully sorry to
have bothered you folks.

- Kim.

I told you this was a stupid idea.

We can find the damn thing
with a helicopter flyover.

- No, because we probably
can't see it from the air,

and you know I have to be on
the scene when we find it.

- This boy scout isn't
gonna help us find anything.

- Well what are you looking for?

- Well, it could be the single
most important Amerin site

in North America.

We have reason to believe

that there's a large
Seminole Indian burial ground

just waiting for us to excavate it.

Some of the artifacts may date back

as far back as the 14th century.

So you can understand
why we, as archeologists,

are very excited and eager
about getting to them.

- If all you wanna do is go
in there, you don't need me.

Just start walking.

Only thing you need me for is
when you wanna come back out.

It's always easy going in,
but round trip is a bitch.

- I trust him.

He's lived here his whole life.

Besides, he's alive.

- Cracker?


Come here, boy.

Where are you, you damn mutt?

Damn it to hell.

Damn dog, oughta use his ass for bait.


Damn it, boy.

You eat when I tell you to eat,

and leave my damn traps alone.

Where are you, boy?


Cracker, boy.

What happened?

Oh, Cracker.

What the hell happened here?

What am I gonna do
without you, Cracker, boy?

- Hey, I thought I had one left.

Listen to this, golden sponge
cake with creamy filling.

You know, it's gonna be our
last taste of civilization

for a long time.

Hey, we're both reasonably
intelligent guys, right?

So how did we get scammed
into this little trip?

- Double time and a half, and bonuses.

Kendrick's pays big bucks for field work.

Hell, boy, I'd carry you into the swamp

for that kind of money.

- Well, ours is not to reason why.

- Ours is but to do or die.

- So these guys with the TV
crew, or are they archeologists?

- Good question, Tom.

They work for me.

Grunts, you might say, or packhorses.

They're what Napoleon used
to call cannon fodder.

Always willing to share in the spoils

of a successful expedition.

- Yeah, assuming you find anything.

- Hold it.

- Denning?

Hey, Denning.

- Huh?

- Is there a problem here?

- Did you hear something?

- I hear a lot of things out here.

Can you try to be more specific?

- I can't shake the feeling
that we're being watched.

- We probably are.

Something's usually out
here watching, waiting.

This swamp can kill you in
more ways you'd think possible.

You step off this path, you'll find them.

Snakes, alligators, even quicksand.

The swamp's one living, breathing thing.

It's almost like a complete entity.

We're just fragments of it,
just cells in an organism.

- Highly fanciful, but
an interesting theory.

- Oh, it's not a theory,
Frank, it's a feeling.

- Well I stepped off the path,

and I think I found something,

at least where something's been.

- What's going on here?

Thought we'd never catch up with you.

You guys machines or something?

- So what's the big discussion
you guys are having?

- Are we lost already?

- No, Tom was just telling
us that the hills have eyes.

- There're no hills out here, Frank,

it's as flat as a pancake.

- Tom, what's the matter?

- My father used to bring me here.

It's different now.

Something strange about it.

Sorry, just set up camp,
I'll figure it out.

- I'm getting eaten alive out here.

- Judy's got one of these on her end.

I can't reach her now, so
we must be out of range.

- Then we'll have to rely
on Carlson's radio set

if we wanna contact Judy.

- Is that a problem?

- No, not if we have time to set up,

I just wanna be ready for emergencies.

- I see your point,

but what kind of emergency
are you talking about?

What could possibly go wrong here?

- Sending fuel to booster rockets.

- Steve, I know it's very lonely
out there in the universe.

- You walk just a few
feet away from this fire

and you can't see your
hand in front of your face.

Has anybody seen Denning lately?

- He's probably gathering more firewood.

- Well, I'm gonna look for Denning.

- It just so happens
I've got some questions

for you, Professor.

You are a professor,
aren't you, of archeology?

- What do you wanna know?

- Well, for starters,
this expedition is looking

for a 14th century Seminole
Indian burial mound,

am I correct?

- Essentially.

- Well see, that's the thing.

There were no Seminoles in
Florida in the 14th century.

Arawaks lived here then.

Seminoles didn't come down
from the reservations up north

until the 18th century.

They teach schoolkids that,

now how come you didn't
know it, Professor?

You know something else?

This place was a swamp
when the Spaniards got here

in the 1500s.

It was probably a swamp
100 years before that.

Now why would Indians, any Indians,

put a burial mound in a swamp?

- I see your point.

- I didn't believe your archeology story,

and I knew you'd go into the
swamp no matter what I did.

See, I've got a vested interest

in seeing this place doesn't get trashed.

I live here.

So you either tell me what
you're really doing out here,

or I'll get Judy on Carlson's radio set.

She'll contact the authorities so fast

it'll make your head spin.

Shoot me, Frank, and you'll
never get out of this swamp.

I got you in deep.

- Don't be an asshole, Frank.

Put the gun away.

- I don't want to, but I'll
shoot you if I have to.

- No you won't, you left the safety on.

- Safety is on.

- Way to go, quick draw.

- Jesus Christ,
somebody get here quick!

Help, help!

- Safety's off now, be careful.

- I don't know.

He must've fallen, or
something attacked him.

- Nasty gash on the forehead.

Several lacerations on the
chest, but they're not too deep.

As an archeologist, I may be full of crap,

but I do know my physiology.

No sign of concussion.

Should be all right to
move him back to camp.

You just keep applying
pressure to the forehead,

and be careful.

- What the hell happened?

What the hell hit me?

- Come on.

Watch for that hole.

Come on, come on.

- You're still waiting for an explanation.

- You don't miss a trick, do you, lady?

- Do you know who Rod Kendrick is?

- Should I?

- He's a power broker.

He's a very wealthy man.

- That's impressive, is
this leading somewhere?

- Yeah, it is.

Mr. Kendrick was upset about NASA's waste,

so he decided to build and
launch his own spaceship,

the Nautilus.

Kendrick's a real do-it-yourself
kind of millionaire.

- That's great work when you can find it.

- The Nautilus ran into
trouble on the way home.

- Crashed into the swamp.

- Right.

How did you know that?

- Judy and I saw
something the other night.

It was like a shooting
star falling from the sky.

Go on.

- Well, Kendrick's not too happy
that his spaceship crashed,

so he sent Frank out here
to find out what happened.

- What is Frank, some kind of doctor?

- Sort of, he's an exobiologist.

- That's weird.

- What do you mean?

- Well, an exobiologist is someone

who studies extraterrestrial life,

and he's checking into an
American spaceship crash?

It's usually due to equipment failure.

- Or a pilot error.

- Yeah, but not alien lifeforms.

Does everyone in this
swamp work for Kendrick?

- His reach is long,
but it's not that long.

I work for myself.

- Well how'd you get the scoop?

- I cut a deal with Kendrick.

The official story is that
the Nautilus burned up,

there's nothing left,

and Kendrick doesn't want
anybody else out here

until his people find the ship first.

No military, no cops, nothing.

- So Kendrick usually gets what he wants?

He gets his ship, you get
your story, then what?

- Frank screens all information I get,

and then when Kendrick gives
him the okay, I run my story.

- That's censorship.

- Timing, don't be so naive, Tom.

This is a big story, the
biggest I've ever covered.

- So Denning and Carlson,
they work for you too?

- No, just Jack.

- Don't tell him a thing, Kim.

I wanna maintain an air
of secrecy around here.

Besides, why should old Tom

be the only mystery man out here?

- Tom, meet my producer.

- Charmed.

Oh by the way, you'll be glad to know

that Denning is still
alive, at least for now.

Frank said he's gonna be
okay, he just can't be moved

from camp for a couple of days,

so Carlson's gonna stay
here and watch over him.

- And the rest of us?

- The rest of us are gonna
go on a spaceship hunt.

- Is it just me, or is this
swamp physically changing?

Seems like every day
it's radically different.

- Things grow quick out here.

- Which reminds me, how in the hell

are we gonna find this spaceship?

It's gonna be so overgrown
by the time we get there

that we'll walk right over it.

It's probably a bird sanctuary by now.

How we gonna recognize?

- Well, I'm checking inside for survivors.

You coming?

- No, no, I get claustrophobic.

I'll just dig the fresh air.

- It's thick, almost spongy.

Orange color may be due
to oxidation upon reentry

into the earth's atmosphere,
or perhaps the heat of reentry.

- I don't give a damn
about the color, Frank.

What is it?

- That's what I'm here to find out.

So where's Hanning?

- He's inside, looking for the pilot.

- He's not there, and
there is no sign of a body.

- Maybe the body's incinerated, then.

- Maybe.

It's hard to tell with this
ground torn up like this.

However, I did see something
that might look like tracks

leading away from here.

- Really?

Well I'll be sure to check that
out when I have the chance.

But first, there's a few preliminaries

I like to take care of
before I go crashing

into the cockpit, swamp boy.

Kim, you and Jack are free

to take any shots out here you want,

but for the time being,
the cockpit's off limits.

- You remember when I
said I found some tracks?

It's my guess something came through here,

from about the direction of the ship.

Something big.

- Oh, that's your guess?

You said it yourself, it's hard to tell

with the ground in this condition.

- Three, two, one.

Like Icarus in Greek mythology,
who flew too near the sun,

only to plummet to Earth, so
has Rod Kendrick's brainchild

met a similar fiery fate.

But questions remain, and
only time will tell...

What the hell are you doing?

- Thought I saw something moving

on the ground over there.

- I thought you said you
knew what you were doing.

- I do.

Before I became a producer,
I was a primo cameraman.

Let's begin again.

- From the beginning?

- Well, wait a minute.

All right, we'll take
the last bit from here.

It'll cut together, trust me.

- What last bit?

- The question.

- But the question remains?


Three, two, one.

But questions remain, and only
time will tell the answers.

This is Kim Masters for Current Copy.

- Okay, that's it, cut.

Sheer poetry.

So where are fearless Frank and Tonto?

- Off gathering moss.

- How fitting.

You know, I've got some
tape left in the camera.

How about if we shoot some dirty pictures?

- Then there would be
incriminating evidence.

- Evidence of what?

- A crack news woman shouldn't be sleeping

with her producer.

- Who said
anything about sleeping?

I'm not the least bit sleepy.

- And neither am I.

- Hello.

Let's stay away from this
orange stuff, shall we?

- You're just all macho, aren't you?

- Well, come on, here.

Damn shirt.

Come on.

Well you know how I am with buttons, Kim.

- Need some help?

- You better watch yourself, lass.

I'm just a wild man in the great outdoors.

- A little early, aren't you, Jack?

- What the hell is going on here?

Stop, enough.

Now what are we gonna do?

- Well first, we put his pants back on.

So how is he?

- I hate to move him,

but there's not much we
can do for him out here.

He needs real medical attention.

- Yeah, well there's something
I want you to see first.

And there's more of that inside.

Inside, Frank.

- We really shouldn't stay

in here too long, you know.

- We won't, Frank.

This mold, or these
spores, as you call them,

where does this stuff come from?

- I really can't say.

- I'm not some fat ass bureaucrat

you can play games with, Frank.

Where do you think it comes from?

- Outer space.

I wish I could be more specific.

- This is a cockpit, isn't it?

- Yeah.

- Do you notice anything
unusual about this place?

- The spores are more concentrated here.

- It looks to me like this stuff
came from outside the ship,

attacked the ship.

And now it's taken root,

and it's spreading throughout the swamp.

This shit is flourishing, Frank.

- Let's get out of here.

It's unlike any substance
I've ever come across before.

It has unusually thick
consistency, like cake.

- So you're surprised by its properties,

but you're not surprised it's
out here, are you, Frank?

- No.

Based on the last transmissions
from the Nautilus pilot,

Kendrick expected something alien.

That's why he sent me out here.

Aliens are my specialty.

- And so now this alien
something has taken root

in the swamp, and it's growing.

- There's something else
that's bothering me.

That creature that attacked us,

it was covered with these spores.

It's as if they're an agent

for rapid, uncontrolled mutation.

It's as if these spores had
taken over that creature's mind.

- What information do you have

on a possible crash site?

- Listen, there is a very small chance,

and when I say small, I
mean a very minute chance

that there may be part of the spaceship

someplace in Florida.

- Have you found
the ship's flight recorder?

- No, we're not looking for
any mysterious black box

that's going to answer
all of our questions.

And I resent you think that I'm trying

to hide some of the information here.

You know that I am the kind of a fellow

that lays all of my cards on the table.

It's just that, it's
just that I wanna explore

all possible angles of
trying to find my spaceship.

Now don't you think, if
I thought my spaceship,

the Nautilus, was laying
in some swamp in Florida,

that I would be the first
one to go down there

and check it out?

- What information
do you expect to find

in the swamp?
- Mr. Kendrick,

what about Steve Thomas, and
where is your search team?

- As soon as I get a hold of
Carlson, all bets are off.

We're gonna have Judy
notify the authorities,

the military for starters.

- Fair enough.

- Hey, that's my story
you're talking about,

and Jack and I didn't risk our asses

to come all the way out
here and throw it away.

I cut a deal with Kendrick.

- This is too big for Kendrick.

We have to drop this news blackout

and let people know about the danger.

- I just hope it's not too late.

Swamp's poisoned already.

It's worse than that.

It's possessed.

- This is an invasion, right?

Like the little green men?

- No.

It's little orange spores.

- Carlson, come
in, this is Tom Hanning,

can you read me?

Come in, Carlson.

- Carlson, radio!

Carlson, radio!

- Carlson, this is
Tom Hanning, do you read me?

- Carlson here, go ahead.

- Carlson, listen,
Jack Reese is injured.

You need to get in touch with Judy.

- Can do.

- Listen closely, this is important.

Judy has to contact the authorities.

We've got mutations out here,
a lot of bad things going on.

- Okay, gotcha.

I'll get Judy to notify
somebody right away.

- What the hell was that?

What's going on?

What the hell is out there?

- Denning!


- Carlson, Carlson, come
in, this is Tom Hanning.

Do you read me?
- That's coming from the camp,

you know it is!
- Frank, we don't know

what we're up against.

I've never had military training,

but one thing a good soldier never does

is split his forces in hostile territory.

- We already made that mistake.

- And we're not gonna do it again.

- I don't like this at all.

Do you believe in vampires, Tom?

- Supernatural beings that
drain the blood of the living?

No, the only vampires
ever known were people.

- Then explain the condition
of these bodies to me.

- What do you mean?

- Mummified corpses, not a drop of blood,

a drop of fluid left in them.

- You're not joking.

- I wish I were.

- What's that in his hand?

- Do you have a knife?

- I don't even wanna
know what you're doing.

- Kim, go into my backpack

and get me one of those
specimen jars, please.

Here, hold his hands steady
while I get these last few.

With all this talk about the Nautilus,

it seems we forgot
about the missing pilot.

- Yeah, people usually forget
about the foot soldier.

What was the pilot's name?

- Thomas, Steve Thomas.

- Unless I'm mistaken,

Mr. Thomas has left us a calling card.

- Strange, Jack said the
swamp changes from day to day.

It used to be so alive, but
now it's like a ghost town.

We know what those spores
do to small animals.

The big question is, what do
they do to people, huh, Frank?

- The spores, as I've come to call them,

are totally unlike anything
I've ever encountered before.

Either this is the most
molecularly-unstable life form

yet discovered, or,

or the drastic tissue
changes observed are guided

by some unknown intelligence.

Also, there's the unusual
presence of human blood.

Oh god.

Oh my god.

Careful, that's acid!

- Right, Frank.

Better start a fire.

- This just keeps getting stranger.

- Burn this jacket and anything else

that might've gotten infected.

- More wood.

- That's enough, Frank.

- Jack, I didn't hear you come up.

You don't look so well.

I think Frank should take a look at you.

- Hey.

Where the hell is Jack?

- I feel like I could
wash my hands for hours,

scrub them raw, and they'd
still be contaminated.


- I can't help but feel

that there's some sort
of guiding intelligence

behind everything that's happened so far,

and that somehow these
spores are sentient.

- It's evil.
- Not necessarily.

- Tell that to the dead
men on the ground, Frank.

- We don't understand why this substance

behaves the way it does,

or what brings about
these drastic mutations,

but where there's intelligence,

there's hope for communication,
for understanding.

- So whatever killed Denning and Carlson

just needs a little understanding?

What do you wanna do,
take it to lunch, Frank?

Ask it about its childhood, huh?

Go ahead, go ahead, it's still out there!

- I'm afraid I know too
much about it already,

at least more than I wanted to know.

I had the time to run some tests

on that tentacle we found on Carlson.

This was before everything happened.

Whatever it was that killed
Carlson had human DNA.

- Are you saying that
thing is Steve Thomas?

- The pilot of the Nautilus.

And according to my tests, he's anemic.

- Denning and Carlson's
bodies were drained of blood.

So Thomas sucked them dry
for the red blood cells?

- Doesn't make any sense.

If you and I needed more red cells,

it wouldn't do us any good to drink blood.

Blood has no nutritive value.

- Yeah, but he's not
completely human anymore,

either, is he?

We've lost a lot on this damn expedition,

we'll lose a lot more if
we don't keep our heads.

Now I'm no exobiologist,

but there's something about
alien intelligence I do know.

We won't find any common
ground to connect with it.

- Why are we even discussing this?

This swamp is infested,
it needs to be purged.

Why don't we just torch
this whole damn place

and let it grow back pure?

- Are you suggesting that
we nuke central Florida?

- Look, right now we've got one job,

to stay alive long enough
to warn people about this.

And before we can tell anybody,

we've got a lot of miles to cover.

Right now, we're still
too far out of range

to reach Judy on the handset,

so as soon as it's daylight,
we hit the trail, okay?

- Steve, I know it's very lonely
out there in the universe,

but I want you to know
that here on Planet Earth,

there's thousands...

No, Steve, there are millions,
millions of people down here

that are pulling for you.

Steve, what's going on up there?

We lost you on the screen.

Looks like you entered into
some kind of meteor field,

but where the hell it came
from is anybody's guess.

This is Ground Control One to Nautilus.

Steve, do you read me?

You are entering the
atmosphere too quickly.

Steve, come in!

Do you read me?

You are coming in too fast!

You are coming in too fast!

- Well, the more light the better.

This fire needs more wood.

- Don't go too far.

- Are you kidding?

First twig I see, I'm stopping.


Right behind me, it's coming right in!

Here he comes.

- It's not working.

No, it's not working!

Get out of here, go!

- Get the flashlights out, Frank.

- Jesus Christ.

- Steve!


Steve, respond, we lost you on the screen!

- Get out of here, go!

- Jesus!

Just go, Christ.

- We got a reprieve, I don't
know how long it'll last.

- This time it's not catching us unawares.

- Okay, Tom, I'm just waiting
for some kind of explanation.

Okay, I'm just waiting,
whenever you're ready,

you just fire away, you just
let me know what's happening.

It's a hell of a time to
give up smoking, damn it.

- Head for the treeline.

- Shit.

Oh god, we gotta get him out of there!

- Where are you, you son of a bitch?

- Tom dropped this before he went inside.

I think if anybody has a weapon

that can kill this monster, it's Tom.

- Hey, we could torch the thing.

- This thing was created in part

by reentry into the earth's atmosphere.

If that didn't cook it, then
this thing isn't gonna do it.

- Why don't we just douse
the thing with gasoline?

- 'Cause we don't even have any gasoline!

- There's one thing we haven't tried yet.

That thing used to be Steve
Thomas, a human being.

- It will never fly, Frank.

- Probably not, but I have
to give him that chance.

- He didn't give us a chance!

- Steve.

Steve Thomas.

Steve, I'm sorry.

We didn't know.

- Frank.

It's up to us now.

- Marsh gas.

- I thought Frank said that wouldn't work.

- The swamp is full of marsh gas.

It's a long shot, but it might work.

The gas is flammable.

- Now!

- No, it has to get closer.

- Come on, you son of
a bitch, come get us!

- Kim, get out of the way, damn it!

- Steve Thomas!

Suck on this!

- You're damn right we're
gonna launch another shuttle.

Look, I admit we made some
mistakes with the last one,

and we're probably going to
make some different mistakes

with the next one.

Now we learned some very valuable lessons

with the tragedy of the Nautilus.

It is a dark, dark universe out there,

and it is humanity's job
to shed some light on it.

Humanity has been very good to me,

and this is my way of
giving something back.