Dark Planet (1997) - full transcript

Two sides, one known as the Alphas and the other the Rebels, struggle in a brutal war on Earth and in outer space. When a habitable planet is discovered in orbit around a star that is on the far side of a dangerous wormhole, the two sides mysteriously set aside their differences and send a joint mission to explore the planet. The mission of the starship Scylla is soon beset by political intrigue and treachery, jeopardizing not only the mission, but the lives of the entire crew.

>> [ rumbling ]

>> This is the Earth.

The year 2638.

Six world wars,

three of them in the last

200 years.

One-third of the population--

six billion people dead.

Radiation storms, disease,

famine claim another

one billion lives annually.

Two factions are still at war

for control of what remains.

Genetically-enhanced humans

called Alphas.

Mutants and non-altered humans

called Rebels.

This time it was called

This time it was called
"The Cleansing War."

"The Cleansing War."

>> Distance to contact?

>> Still running, sir.

20,000 meters. We're gaining.

>> Heading?

>> He's skirting the coast.

Probably heading for a base

in Tunisia.

>> Speculation is unnecessary.

>> Yes, sir.

>> Weapons officer,

intercept time?

>> 70 seconds, sir.

>> 70 seconds, sir.
>> Power up forward batteries.

>> Power up forward batteries.

>> Sir, we have two, I repeat,

two additional bogeys.

Three ships in all.

>> Hold your position.

Weapons officer,

prepare to fire, full pattern.

prepare to fire, full pattern.
>> Full pattern, sir.

>> Full pattern, sir.

>> Here they come.

>> Here they come.
>> Forward batteries.

>> Forward batteries.

>> Forward batteries.


>> They're stacking

their shields.

>> Full speed ahead.

Come to a heading of 2-7-0.

>> Yes, sir.

>> Commencing their attack run.

>> Commencing their attack run.
Brace for impact.

Brace for impact.

Brace for impact.
>> [ beeping ]

>> [ beeping ]

>> [ buzzer ]

>> Damage report.

>> Shields holding but barely.

We took over-pressure ruptures

in the port bay.

>> Ready on forward batteries,


>> Hold your fire!

We can't penetrate unless

we break their formation.

>> They're coming around

>> They're coming around
again, sir.

again, sir.

We're hit. Aft engineering,

section B. Casualties--

>> Evacuate forward sections

E-2 to E-4.

>> But the damage is not in--

>> Do it! Helm, at my command

come to a heading of 0-9-0,

maximum ascension.

>> Yes, sir.

>> Full power

to flank batteries.

>> Evacuation underway.

Estimated completion time--

15 seconds.

15 seconds.
>> Full speed ahead.

>> Full speed ahead.

>> Here they come.

>> Hold your course.

>> Sir?

>> Sir?
>> Hold your course.

>> Hold your course.

>> Sir?

>> Sir?
>> Hold.

>> Hold.

>> Sir!

>> Now! Full ascension!

>> Now! Full ascension!
>> Full ascension, sir.

>> Full ascension, sir.

>> Weapons, fire.

>> Weapons, fire.
>> Yes, sir!

>> Yes, sir!

>> Damage report.

>> Structural damage sustained

in evacuated areas only, sir.

No additional casualties.

>> Distance to Rebel target?

>> Last target fleeing,

now in range.

>> May I speculate, sir?

>> Go on.

>> Their communications are out.

They may be trying to surrender.

>> Noted.

>> Noted.
>> [ beeping ]

>> [ beeping ]

>> Priority transmission, sir.

It is a cease fire.

We are instructed to disengage.

>> Fire main batteries.

>> Fire main batteries.
>> Firing one and three.

>> Firing one and three.

>> Now, read me the message

>> Now, read me the message
we just received.

we just received.

Go on.

>> "Captain Winter is instructed

to disengage combat runs

and prepare for a priority


Top secret, sir.

Top secret, sir.

>> Set course for a low altitude

fly-by over the Tunisia


>> Course laid in, sir.

>> Course laid in, sir.

>> [ rumbling ]

>> [ rumbling ]
>> [ roaring above ]

>> [ roaring above ]

>> [ signal twitters ]

>> Sorry to wake you,

Colonel Brendan.

>> What is it?

>> We just received an automated

ground-based message for you.

Your operation has been

canceled. You are to report

immediately to Central

for new orders.

>> By whose command?

>> This is top priority.

Coded and verified. Out.

Coded and verified. Out.
>> [ signal twitters ]

>> [ signal twitters ]

>> Why did you pull me

off of combat assignment?

>> You're needed elsewhere.

>> A truce has been concluded

with the enemy forces.

There is no time to lose.

>> Please pay close attention

to your briefing, Commander.

There's a great deal for you

There's a great deal for you
to absorb.

to absorb.

>> Neural lock initiated.

5, 4, 3, 2...

>> Oh, no.

>> Oh, no.
>> Zero.

>> Zero.

>> All drives full reverse.

>> All drives full reverse.
>> Full reverse, now.

>> Full reverse, now.

>> Report.

>> It's got us, Hawke.

We're not pulling free.

We're on full reverse

and it isn't holding.

>> Don't fight it.

You can't beat the hole.

Give me full lateral power.

I'll take manual control.

>> You've got it.

Flame out. Drives one and three

are down.

>> Kill the remaining drive.

All I need is maneuvering power.

>> But the hole--

>> We're going through.

>> Through? It's only been done

with probes.

>> There's no other way.

Trust me, Cass.

Trust me, Cass.
It's our only chance.

It's our only chance.

>> No.

>> Watch your levels.

Let the hole do the work.

Put every last atom of juice

you can spare to the shields.

you can spare to the shields.
>> Oh, sweet mother...

>> Oh, sweet mother...

>> Try to calculate

our exit point.

>> All the instruments

are going crazy.

>> Give me anything.

Wait. Check gravitation.

>> It's off the dial.

>> Watch it. Tell me if it

goes flat for a moment.

>> Shields are crumbling.

Now! It is flat!

>> We're at midpoint.

Real space in T-minus

10 seconds.

>> Pressure dropping in EX-3.

We must have lost the shields.

We must have lost the shields.
>> Come on, baby!

>> Come on, baby!

>> All shields are out.

Power's failing.

The ship is breaking up.

>> We can do it. We can do it.

>> Hull is breached.

We're losing pressure fast.

>> Five more seconds.

>> Life support is under 20%.

>> Three seconds, two...

>> Three seconds, two...
Come on!

Come on!

Come on!
[ buzzing ]

[ buzzing ]

Good job, Cassian.

Good job, Cassian.
I told you we'd make it.

I told you we'd make it.

Damage report.

Oh, no. No.

Oh, no. No.


[ groans ]

[ groans ]

>> [ gasps ]

[ sighs ]

A mission of this importance

should not be compromised,

particularly by the addition

of enemy personnel.

>> Rebel forces

are in possession

of the same information.

They would certainly fight us

every meter of the way.

>> Without a joint force,

we couldn't guarantee ever

reaching our destination.

And time is of the essence.

>> Why Anson Hawke?

>> Anson Hawke is the only man

who has navigated the Wormhole

and survived.

>> Your briefing implies that

luck played a significant role.

This man is worse than a Rebel,

he's a war profiteer,

not aligned to any cause.

He makes a mockery

of our efforts.

>> Captain Winter, the success

of this mission is crucial.

It must be performed under the

strictures we have outlined.

>> The Dark Planet must be


The real reason for the truce

must remain a secret.

>> Understand us.

You have been carefully

selected for this mission.

Your allegiance to our

command is vital.

>> We trust that you will do

whatever is necessary for our

whatever is necessary for our
cause to be successful.

cause to be successful.

cause to be successful.
>> Understood.

>> Understood.

>> Colonel, look this way,


>> Colonel Brendan began her

military service at the age of

seven in computer infiltration.

She was awarded Class-One

distinctions for valor

and ingenuity,

both on world and off.

She was given a ship's

command at the age of 23.

10 years later, she retired

her wings and became a colonel

in the Elite Forces Unit.

Thank you, Liz.

Nice to see you again.

I'll tell Niles you said hello.

I'll tell Niles you said hello.
>> Thank you.

>> Thank you.

>> Thank you.
>> General.

>> General.

>> What's wrong?

>> He's dying, isn't he?

>> Yes.

Rare disorder

of the lymphatic system.

Med-Corps can't find an antigen,

and the replacement parts

are scarce.

>> Off the record, General?

>> Of course.

>> I understand the particulars

of my orders, but why me?

>> You are ideally suited

to this situation.

I need somebody with brains

and loyalty.

Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but

I still believe in intuition.

>> Can we really

trust the Alphas?

>> We have no choice.

We've negotiated as many

precautions as time allowed.

The Stellar is a Rebel-built

ship produced with Mercedes.

It's fully automated and has

three backup systems which

shouldn't give you any problems.

You will share equal rank with

Alpha Commander Winter.

Each of you will choose

two crew personnel.

Rank and job description

is up to you.

>> I'd like to take

Lieutenant Byron with me.

>> Is he tough?

>> Yes, sir, and very creative.

>> I'll take care of him.

If I were you, I'd take the

other one from Med-Corps.

>> Personal defense?

>> Sidearms only.

Anything you want

below a Class-C.

We're trying to keep it simple,


>> My parents...

my entire village

was exterminated by an Alpha

ship commander.

He wanted to keep it

simple, too.

>> This damn war has killed

just about anybody of any worth.

What's right and wrong

is no longer the question.

Maybe this truce is a small step

in the right direction.

in the right direction.
But that is off the record.

But that is off the record.

The world is not always

what we wish it could be,

and wishes won't change it.

You are responsible to have

your men at Staging Area 16

at 0300 hours tomorrow morning.

And what you do between now

and then is none of my concern.

I have no doubt, Commander,

that you will do your very best

with this mission and ensure

the Rebel cause.

the Rebel cause.


Anson Hawke?

Anson Hawke?

I'm Commander Winter.

This is my helmsperson Salera.

I've been ordered to offer you

a full reprieve contingent on

your navigational assistance

on a joint Alpha-Rebel mission.

>> The war's over? Go on.

>> We're working under

a negotiated armistice.

>> Oh.

>> What's wrong?

>> What's the matter?

Are both sides tired

or desperate?

>> Your criticism is misplaced,

Mr. Hawke.

Your contribution

to the war effort amounts

to precisely nothing.

>> I did my part.

>> The Rebels are outnumbered,

but at least they fight


There's nothing I despise

so much as someone

who believes in nothing.

We'll see you in another

hundred years.

>> You don't think I believe

in something?

>> What do you believe in,

Mr. Hawke?

>> I believe in the future.

>> I believe in the future.
>> [ laughs ]

>> [ laughs ]

>> [ laughs ]
>> What's the mission?

>> What's the mission?

>> What's the mission?
>> The Wormhole.

>> The Wormhole.

You're still the only person

to have gone through it

and to have come back alive.

>> Why the hole?

>> If you accept, you'll sign on

>> If you accept, you'll sign on
as Astro Navigator.

as Astro Navigator.

>> If I get you through,

>> If I get you through,
I go free?

I go free?

>> My orders are to release you

to the Copia Project,

and independent agricultural


There you'll spend

the rest of your life

tending your vegetable patch.

>> One more question.

>> Yes?

>> What's so important

>> What's so important
about the Dark Planet?

about the Dark Planet?

>> I haven't said anything

about the Dark Planet.

about the Dark Planet.
>> You didn't have to.

>> You didn't have to.

>> You'll be briefed

on the starship Seylla.

Restricted and confidential

information will be discussed

with you, and I doubt if you'll

still believe in your future

still believe in your future
then, Mr. Hawke.

then, Mr. Hawke.

then, Mr. Hawke.
>> [ hatch whirrs ]

>> [ hatch whirrs ]

>> Rebel craft docked, sir.

Commander Brendan and two crew.

>> Preflight checklist?

>> Completed, sir.

>> Consoles?

>> Consoles are active.

We are ready to proceed.

>> Very well.

When the shuttle disengages,

set a course for the Tanazaki


You are cleared direct

to deep space and eight ergons

to deep space and eight ergons
light speed.

light speed.

Oh, and then, Salera,

you'll join us for the briefing.

>> [ computer beeps ]


Viral detection procedures

are concluded.

Rebel party emerging

Rebel party emerging
from decontamination unit.

from decontamination unit.

>> Commander Winter,

analysis concluded.

Brendan and crew on their way

Brendan and crew on their way
to you now.

to you now.

>> Commander Brendan, Rebel--

>> I know. We've met.

>> Liberia. Five years ago.

You executed the 114th

at Monrovia.

>> Executed?

Commander, keep your

priorities straight.

Personal grudges are

a mistake in such close


And I doubt you have

the stamina to make me

your enemy.

your enemy.
Are we clear?

Are we clear?

>> I'd like to tour the ship now

with my men.

with my men.
>> As you wish.

>> As you wish.

>> As you wish.
>> [ beeping ]

>> [ beeping ]

>> Why do you stare at me?

>> When were you enhanced?

>> I was 10.

>> How did it happen?

Were you forced?

>> The Alphas had taken over

our community.

My guardians

offered me to them.

>> Did you ever see your--

did you ever see your parents


>> No. Rebel missiles

>> No. Rebel missiles
killed them.

killed them.

>> You've done well, Salera.

You've risen quickly

in your rank.

A helmsperson under

Winter's command is an...

enviable position.

>> I work hard.

>> I work hard.
My intelligence is high.

My intelligence is high.

>> But there must have been

others with more experience.

>> Mr. Hawke, it is absolutely

forbidden for an officer and his

subordinate to have a sexual


Violation of this regulation

Violation of this regulation
is punishable by execution.

is punishable by execution.

is punishable by execution.
>> I see.

>> I see.

>> [ door opens ]

>> Hawke is a renegade bastard.

His navigation of the Wormhole

His navigation of the Wormhole
was sheer luck.

was sheer luck.

>> You better pray it wasn't,


>> And who are you?

>> I'm that bastard you seem

to know so much about.

>> Anson Hawke,

I'm a Commander on this mission,

and I expect to be addressed

as such.

>> Of course.

Yes, sir.

>> You seem to be annoying

>> You seem to be annoying
everyone, Mr. Hawke.

everyone, Mr. Hawke.

everyone, Mr. Hawke.
Let's get on with the briefing.

Let's get on with the briefing.

This is our objective--

Wormhole 762.

A high inertia black hole

in the Tanazaki system.

Three years ago, an Alpha force

attempted to navigate 731,

a Wormhole of less

gravitational mass.

>> We weren't briefed on this.

>> It was to be a top secret

military option.

Disappear down the hole

and avoid pursuit.

Or hide a fleet on the other

side and burst through

with a surprise attack.

>> It's of no importance.

>> Because the mission failed.

The ship was crushed before

it even reached the midpoint

of the hole.

>> As I said,

it's of no consequence.

>> Reinforced ships

and Class-A computers

won't do the job.

In the hole, it's the

intangibles that come into play.

>> Such as?

>> The feel of the ship

when you're in the hole.

The navigator's moves

before there's a problem.

Neural computers are reactive,


They can spot what's wrong

and try and correct it,

but by then it's too late.

The hole is one big ride.

You have to go along with that

ride and trust your instincts

to get you through.

>> You're juggling a lot

of unknowns, Mr. Hawke.

>> I've studied the Seylla.

I've flown her.

She reacts well.

She reacts well.
>> That's not what she meant.

>> That's not what she meant.

>> I've looked at your

medical reports.

>> An Alpha medical report.

I've seen it.

They think I'm nuts.

>> Are you?

>> Are you?
Are you nuts, Mr. Hawke?

Are you nuts, Mr. Hawke?

>> I lost a crewmember

flying the hole.

She was my wife.

There hasn't been an hour

in the past five years

I haven't thought about it.

>> You've resisted all

>> You've resisted all
behavioral reconditioning.

behavioral reconditioning.

>> You mean a brain wipe?

Robots do not make good

Robots do not make good
human beings, Commander.

human beings, Commander.

>> Can you get us through

the Wormhole...

the Wormhole...
and back?

and back?

>> I don't know.

I remember going in,

I remember going in,
but I don't remember coming out.

but I don't remember coming out.

>> This is our objective.

It was long suspected from

the gravitational pull within

the Wormhole that there

was a star in close orbit,

with a planet.

This has now been confirmed.

Mr. Hawke's Nav-computer

recorded the sphere.

>> Shields are crumbling.

>> In fact he used it

to slingshot around it

for his return.

Data retrieved from probes

indicate that this world

is inhabitable.

If it is, it will be the first

planet ever discovered capable

of sustaining life outside

of a controlled environment.

So, this mission boils down

to two basic questions.

Can the Dark Planet be reached?

And can its environment

And can its environment
sustain human life?

sustain human life?

Have you have anything to add?

>> Only that my crewmen and I

will carry out our duties

in good faith.

And I trust

that you and your crew

will do the same.

>> Our superiors negotiated

the peace for this purpose,


I think it's time for us

to put our suspicions aside.

>> Agreed.

I saw that Beta holds

are restricted.

I'll need access

to all areas of the ship.

>> I'm afraid that when

the drive was engaged, we

suffered serious MDM leakage.

The Beta holds are contaminated,

and as you know, they cannot be

purged while in flight.

Oh, I have the duty to report

a casualty among my crew.

>> You lost one of your two


>> Yes. He was our physician.

>> Have you asked Command

for a replacement?

>> No. Unless you object,

I didn't think it was necessary.

There's still your doctor


>> I'll have to verify

this event.

this event.
>> As expected.

>> As expected.

>> Where was this man


>> Beta hold, Corridor B-5.

>> Beta hold, Corridor B-5.
>> How did it occur?

>> How did it occur?

>> I was completing

the flight list.

I powered down the drives

and had reengaged them

when the event occurred.

The ship's backup systems

contained the leak

to Section B-5.

>> It's MDM poisoning,

Commander, no doubt about it.

Once he inhaled the gas,

his whole system seized.

He had probably

less than 15 seconds to live.

>> Then you're verifying

the Alpha report?

>> Yes, Commander.

>> I'd like to study the event

in the ship's mem-banks.

>> Of course.

Now if I have allayed

all your fears,

I would like to return

to my report.

Salera, freeze the body

for autopsy on our return

to Command.

Also we shall need new

computations of ship's stores.

>> Sir?

>> With reference to our

>> With reference to our
diminished crew.

diminished crew.

>> Commander, are you familiar

with the bead game Samadhi?

>> Yes, it's a game of art

and spirit.

>> We have six hours

until we reach the perimeter.

I loaded the game

on the computer.

I thought we may get to know

each other, have some fun.

>> I have no intention

of playing games with you,

of playing games with you,
Mr. Hawke.

Mr. Hawke.

Your presentation was very

impressive, but I don't trust

war profiteers any more

than I trust Alphas.

>> Even jackals have to

make a living.

make a living.
>> You put that very well.

>> You put that very well.

>> You put that very well.
[ classical music plays ]

[ classical music plays ]

[ classical music plays ]
>> [ speaking faintly ]

>> [ speaking faintly ]

>> [ loud beep ]

>> Medical log

of the starship Seylla.

Helmsperson Salera reporting.

Dr. Theodore Templeton

was cryo-freezed for autopsy

at 1300 hours.

Log complete.

Log complete.
>> [ beeping ]

>> [ beeping ]

>> [ beeping ]
>> [ hissing ]

>> [ hissing ]

>> How long have you been

>> How long have you been
a telepath?

a telepath?

>> I don't know what you're

talking about.

>> You read my thoughts

on the bridge, Salera.

Tell me.

>> Mr. Hawke, it is my duty

to report all conversations

that I have with you and Rebel

personnel to Commander Winter.

For your own welfare,

For your own welfare,
leave me alone.

leave me alone.

>> Have you ever seen

>> Have you ever seen
an unaltered human before?

an unaltered human before?

>> What do you mean?

>> I mean up close,

in the flesh,

so you can smell him.

Have you ever breathed

the same air as a natural,

unenhanced human

unenhanced human
since becoming an Alpha?

since becoming an Alpha?

I didn't think so.

>> I fail to see the import--

>> You are highly trained,

Salera. Very intelligent.

Anybody can see that.

But you have so little

life experience.

>> So here you are,

a natural, unenhanced human,

and in spite of your experience,

inferior-- both physically

and mentally.

And lacking in the general

aspects of decorum

and deportment.

>> A woman's got a right

to be curious, even an Alpha.

>> I have work to do.

>> I have work to do.
>> [ computer beeps ]

>> [ computer beeps ]

>> [ computer beeps ]
>> Curious of what?

>> Curious of what?

>> Curious of what?
>> You are a woman, aren't you?

>> You are a woman, aren't you?

>> You are a woman, aren't you?
>> I am.

>> I am.

>> Answer my thoughts, Salera.

>> [ beeping ]

>> Anson Hawke,

please report to the comm.

Mr. Hawke, you are needed

on the comm.

>> I've never had a man

inside me.

inside me.
Do you understand?

Do you understand?

Please, Mr. Hawke, just...

Please, Mr. Hawke, just...
go to the bridge.

go to the bridge.

go to the bridge.
>> [ door opens, closes ]

>> [ door opens, closes ]

>> Well, Mr. Hawke,

>> Well, Mr. Hawke,
does that look familiar?

does that look familiar?

Set course.

>> Setting course.

Delta 1-9.

Delta 1-9.
>> Ahead 3/4, all engines.

>> Ahead 3/4, all engines.

>> Belay that.

>> Sir?

>> What is it, Mr. Hawke?

>> Slow engines one-quarter.

Salera, do a detailed sweep

of the region. I'm picking

something up out there.

>> Sir, I'm reading...

self-propelled mines.

self-propelled mines.
>> Ours or theirs?

>> Ours or theirs?

>> Rebel manufacture, sir.

>> How long to disarm?

Well, get Brendan up here.

>> Plugging in.

>> Engines one-quarter.

>> Engines one-quarter.
>> Yes, sir.

>> Yes, sir.

>> I confirm.

They're Rebel mines.

Not set for this quadrant.

They must have drifted--

but that's unlikely.

>> What do you mean?

>> They have been altered, sir.

>> How?

>> Unknown. I've no way

to disarm them.

>> Well, your Rebel mines

are between us and the hole.

How large is the field?

>> The mines surround the hole

to a depth of 200,000

kilometers, sir.

>> I'm reading approximately

>> I'm reading approximately
100,000 mines.

100,000 mines.

>> Mr. Hawke?

>> Head straight for 'em.

Rebel mines are sophisticated.

Too sophisticated.

They'll read evasive maneuvers

and attack.

Head straight at them,

they'll back away.

They'll think we're space junk.

>> Commander?

>> I don't know. I've never seen

that maneuver before.

>> Look, now, you can have me

navigate, or you can drop me off

at my tomato and cucumber


But you can't have both.

But you can't have both.

>> [ beeping ]

>> This is the Commander.

Shut down main reactors.

Dump all excess heat.

Reduce hull temperature

to absolute zero.

to absolute zero.
Down-cycle life support.

Down-cycle life support.

>> Now what?

>> Now what?
>> We wait.

>> We wait.

>> We're nearly blind like this.

>> It's scanning us.

>> Shouldn't we low-power

the reactor, at least put

the weapon systems back on line?

the weapon systems back on line?
>> Turn on one more thing and...

>> Turn on one more thing and...

>> As long as we drift

and use little energy,

we should be safe.

>> Can't the mines sense

the energy we're using now?

>> Hawke?

>> We'll find out.

>> You claim to have done this


>> I was kidding.

>> I was kidding.
>> You are a bastard, Hawke.

>> You are a bastard, Hawke.

>> You've been lucky this time,

Hawke. But don't you ever

Hawke. But don't you ever
gamble with this mission again!

gamble with this mission again!

>> This is the last of

>> This is the last of
the hot tonic.

the hot tonic.

the hot tonic.
>> Flavor capsule?

>> Flavor capsule?

>> Flavor capsule?
Thank you.

Thank you.

>> [ cup rattles on floor ]

Don't worry, it cleans itself.

>> Automatically.

>> Maint-systems activated.

>> Maint-systems activated.


>> Maybe we got lucky.

>> Maybe we got lucky.

>> Maybe we got lucky.
And maybe not.

And maybe not.

>> They've locked onto us.

>> Three bogeys--No, four.

>> Power up all drives.

>> They've armed themselves.

>> They've armed themselves.
>> Incoming!

>> Incoming!

>> All energy to the shields

until the drives come on line!

I want us out of here!

>> Yes, sir!

>> E-T-A?

>> Two minutes.

>> Not fast enough.

Eject a paddle.

Eject a paddle.
>> Paddle ejected.

>> Paddle ejected.

>> All I did was buy us some

time. Reactors?

>> Still coming on line.

>> Incoming.

>> [ alarm beeping ]

[ beeping stops ]

>> These damn things will bury

us. Prepare the clipper for

launch. Tear down the reactors.

>> Belay that!

>> I'm gonna lure the mines


>> No, Mr. Hawke,

there's no contingency.

>> I concur. Your navigational

skills are needed at

the Wormhole.

>> I'm not trying to get myself

killed. I'm just trying to get

us out of this mess.

>> I have three mines tracking

us, sir.

>> I'm the only one that stands

a chance at succeeding.

>> Mines incoming, 10 seconds.

>> Okay. It's either one of you.

And 100-to-1 that person dies.

>> Seven seconds.

>> I'm the only one expendable!

>> Four seconds.

Two seconds.

>> Eject the paddle.

>> Eject the paddle.
>> Paddle ejected.

>> Paddle ejected.

Seven mines incoming, sir.

Impact in 60 seconds.

>> How many paddles left?

>> One paddle remaining.

>> I'm asking your permission

to launch the clipper with me

at the helm.

at the helm.
What is your command?

What is your command?

>> 45 seconds.

>> I hope you're the pilot

you say you are.

you say you are.
>> [ door opens and closes ]

>> [ door opens and closes ]

Prejudices die hard in war and

peace, don't they, Commander?

>> If either of us went,

our duty would be compromised.

Power down the reactors!

Power down the reactors!
>> Yes, sir.

>> Yes, sir.


>> Yes?

>> Nothing, sir.

>> Nothing, sir.
He's on his way.

He's on his way.

>> This is the stupidest idea

yet, Hawke. Seals complete.

Disengage clipper.

Winter, don't try to contact me

once I'm off. One sniff that

you're alive, and they'll be

back to finish us all.

back to finish us all.
Disengaging now.

Disengaging now.

Disengaging now.
Come on.

Come on.

>> Ejection procedure


>> Better work.

>> 14, 13, 12,

11, 10...

>> Better work.

>> 9...

7, 6, 5,

4, 3, 2,

4, 3, 2,
1, zero.

1, zero.

1, zero.
>> Hawke!

>> Hawke!

>> How long--

[ clears throat ]

before we clear the field?

>> Um, at the current rate of

drift, four hours, sir.

>> I'll be in my quarters

studying the Wormhole

on the Nav-simulator.

Any help you can give me,

Commander, will be... welcome.

Commander, will be... welcome.
>> [ door opens and closes ]

>> [ door opens and closes ]

>> [ door opens and closes ]
>> Will you miss him, Commander?

>> Will you miss him, Commander?

>> Will you miss him, Commander?
>> [ door opens and closes ]

>> [ door opens and closes ]

>> [ beeps ]

>> Commander.

You wanted to see me?

>> Has Winter tried to contact

his command?

>> Negative.

All comm frequencies have been

silent since we left

Earth's orbit.

I checked to make sure

it was still operational.

Maybe the Alphas can be trusted

Maybe the Alphas can be trusted
after all.

after all.

>> Do you remember Reykjavik?

>> Your first field command.

>> I lost my ability to lead

that day.

>> We've been through too many

missions together, Commander.

You held your position.

You were the only one that did.

You made the difference.

>> I underestimated the enemy's


>> Is this about Anson Hawke?

>> No.

>> No.


I thought I knew who he was.

>> And now?

>> I underestimated him.

My briefing did not prepare me

for what he demonstrated today.

Before this war,

he was a schoolteacher,

taught philosophy.

He dabbled in hydroponics.

I wish I had taken the time

I wish I had taken the time
to get to know him.

to get to know him.

>> [ groans ]

>> [ groans ]
[ breathing heavily ]

[ breathing heavily ]

[ breathing heavily ]
[ groans ]

[ groans ]

>> Warning. You have

entered a contaminated area.

Please evacuate immediately.

Warning. Please evacuate

immediately. Warning.

Please evacuate immediately.

Warning. Please evacuate


>> [ gasping for breath ]

>> [ gasping for breath ]

>> [ gasping for breath ]
I should be dead by now.

I should be dead by now.

>> We'll reach the Wormhole

in about two hours.

Maybe you should get some sleep.

>> No. With the ship powered

down, this is the ideal time

to get to know the enemy.

>> Meaning?

>> Meaning it's time I stop

underestimating people.

Winter has asked my suggestions

for flying the hole. I'd like to

think he was being sincere.

Don't worry. I'm just gonna

stretch my wings a little.

I'll be careful.

You're a champion, Byron.

>> Champion?

>> Champion?
>> It used to mean something.

>> It used to mean something.

>> It used to mean something.
>> [ men chatting, laughing ]

>> [ men chatting, laughing ]

>> [ men chatting, laughing ]
[ chatting ]

[ chatting ]

>> Returning from patrol,

Captain. Everything's clear.

>> Attention.

Warning. You are approaching

Warning. You are approaching
a contaminated area.

a contaminated area.

>> Hawke!

>> I see you missed me.

>> You're alive.

But the contamination--

>> There is no contamination.

Winter's got a squad of

stowaways down there, sitting,

polishing their hardware.

>> For what?

He'll use them to take over

the ship once we get through

the Wormhole.

>> That's what I thought,

but that's not what bothers me.

>> What do you mean?

>> There's something else

>> There's something else
down there.

down there.

>> We've cleared the minefield,


>> Power back up!

>> Power back up!

Lay in an approach course

for the hole.

>> Yes, sir.

>> Yes, sir.
E.T.A. one hour.

E.T.A. one hour.

E.T.A. one hour.
>> Good.

>> Good.

>> Good.
I'll be joining you on the conn.

I'll be joining you on the conn.

>> We must have cleared

the minefield by now.

>> We'll be needed on the bridge

soon. How far is it?

>> Just up ahead,

but the hold is sealed.

>> I'm not hard-wired as

>> I'm not hard-wired as
a fashion statement.

a fashion statement.

>> Won't they notice when

somebody tries to access

the hold?

>> This is a Mercedes-built

ship. The systems are

sophisticated but slow. I can

always stay one step ahead.

always stay one step ahead.
>> [ beeping ]

>> [ beeping ]

>> What were you dying of,


>> You're very direct,

Mr. Hawke.

It was cerebral fever.

I'm a mutie.

I'm a mutie.
>> I never used that word.

>> I never used that word.

>> I keep underestimating you.

>> What happened?

>> Med-Corps removed the

damaged section of my cortex.

Psy-Corps analyzed my potential

and implanted the necessary

computer to be useful to

the cause.

>> Your cause or theirs?

>> My cause is theirs, Hawke.

I wouldn't be alive without


>> You're been fighting your

whole life, haven't you?

>> Yes.

>> Have you ever just...

sat on the damp earth

and listened to things grow?

Made love under the stars

and howled at the moon?

>> I have no such appetites.

My life has a purpose.

>> Winter's life has purpose.

Salera's life has purpose.

Did you know her entire

community was destroyed

by Rebel night raids?

>> The Alphas have exterminated

billons of defenseless people.

We're just digits to them, to be

added, subtracted, and divided.

You cannot possibly compare us

to them.

>> You're reciting, Commander.

The side of angels is seldom


>> And doesn't that apply

to you, too, Mr. Hawke?

You were a captain in a Rebel

Insertion Squad, weren't you?

>> I was a Grade 15.

>> One of the highest

and most prestigious.

Insertion is the business

of death. You didn't achieve

your distinction without getting

blood on your hands, did you?

On your last mission, you were

inserted behind enemy lines

and disappeared. Why did you

desert your command, Mr. Hawke?

>> I didn't like who I'd become.

Like I said, robots don't make

good human beings.

>> You've had luxuries

most of us can't afford.

You were born without disease

and lucky enough not to carry

any recessives, either.

I was a Freakie Birth.

Children born like me were

thrown in the garbage pile,

alive. My parents begged

a Rebel squad to take me.

a Rebel squad to take me.
I owe them my life.

I owe them my life.

Now it all makes sense.

>> What is it?

>> A Benedict.

It's deployed like a satellite,

then it jams telemetry on

the narrow bands.

They're not that sophisticated

against new navigation systems.

>> Unless you were forced to

come in on a very narrow


>> Like entering a Wormhole.

>> With this in orbit, Winter

will control access to the hole.

>> And the Dark Planet.

>> What is so important about

>> What is so important about
the Dark Planet?

the Dark Planet?

Still can't trust me?

>> This is a black-out mission,

Mr. Hawke. Strictly "need to

know." Are you with me or not?

>> Let's go.

>> Find Byron.

He'll know what to do.

I'll get back to the bridge

and determine whether to seize

the ship before or after

you get us through the hole.

>> Be careful around Salera.

She's a telepath.

>> How do you know?

>> I asked.

>> She's very beautiful.

>> So are you, Liz.

I'll see you on the bridge.

>> [ weapon fired, thud ]

>> [ weapon fired, thud ]
[ weapon fired ]

[ weapon fired ]

>> Commander Winter?

>> This is Winter. Status.

>> Security's been breached,


Brendan and Mr. Hawke found

outside Beta hold C-2.

>> Hawke?

Bring him to the bridge

and Brendan to my quarters.

Restrain them.

Mission is go.

Mission is go.
>> Roger. We are "go" mission.

>> Roger. We are "go" mission.

>> Roger. We are "go" mission.
>> [ alarm buzzes ]

>> [ alarm buzzes ]

>> Drop the weapon!

>> Drop the weapon!
Get on the deck!

Get on the deck!

Get on the deck!

Kiss the floor!


>> Uhh!

>> Uhh!
>> [ door opens, closes ]

>> [ door opens, closes ]

>> [ door opens, closes ]
>> Shackle him.

>> Shackle him.

And check the others.

Then secure the Beta hold

and await my orders.

>> Yes, sir.

>> Yes, sir.
>> [ door opens, closes ]

>> [ door opens, closes ]

>> How did you get back into

>> How did you get back into
the ship?

the ship?

You and Brendan were working

together from the start,

weren't you?

And these Rebel mines were just

a setup to get you outside

the ship, huh?

[ sighs ] I don't have

the luxury of developing a

conscience right now, Mr. Hawke.

One of you will talk.

>> What makes you think you can

trust me to get us through

the hole?

>> I don't trust you.

That's why we'll navigate it

together. We're 30 minutes

from the perimeter.

Check the coordinates

with Salera.

with Salera.
>> [ door opens, closes ]

>> [ door opens, closes ]

>> I support my captain's

actions, Mr. Hawke.

>> So you didn't know?

>> So you didn't know?
>> I await your orders.

>> I await your orders.

>> Is the prisoner secure?

>> Yes, sir!

>> The Beta hold.

Did you go into it?

>> I'm a prisoner of war.

I demand--

>> Your war is over.

You demand nothing.

[ snaps fingers ]

[ snaps fingers ]


The terms of the armistice

grant me plenipotentiary powers

to use force to ensure ship

safety if I can determine

that it has, in fact,

been threatened.

So just answer my questions,

and I promise you you'll feel

no pain.

no pain.


>> [ moans ]

>> [ moans ]

>> Pain.

>> Pain.
>> [ screams ]

>> [ screams ]

>> [ screams ]
>> Pleasure.

>> Pleasure.


>> Uhh! Uhh!

>> Uhh! Uhh!

[ screaming ] No! No! No!

No! No! No! No!

No! No! No! No!
>> Pleasure!

>> Pleasure!

>> Pleasure!


How long have you known Hawke?

How long have you known Hawke?

You're going to answer

my questions.

my questions.
>> [ groans ]

>> [ groans ]

>> How long have you known

>> How long have you known
Anson Hawke?

Anson Hawke?

Anson Hawke?
>> Screw you.

>> Screw you.

>> Screw you.
>> You'll die this way.

>> You'll die this way.

>> You'll die this way.



>> [ screams ]

>> [ screams ]

>> [ screams ]
>> Check the door.

>> Check the door.

>> Commander, the ship

is secure.

is secure.
>> Time to die, Byron.

>> Time to die, Byron.

>> Powering down.

>> Powering down.
It'll take a few seconds.

It'll take a few seconds.

It'll take a few seconds.
>> [ whirring ]

>> [ whirring ]

>> [ whirring ]
>> [ groaning ]

>> [ groaning ]

>> Emergency! Open up!

Damn it! Open up!

Damn it! Open up!
Got to get him to sick bay!

Got to get him to sick bay!

>> [ whirring ]

>> [ whirring ]
>> Come on, Byron. Come on.

>> Come on, Byron. Come on.

>> Come on, Byron. Come on.
Come on, Byron.

Come on, Byron.

You feeling better, buddy?

You feeling better, buddy?
>> Yeah.

>> Yeah.

Collect their weapons

and comm links...

and get dressed.

and get dressed.
>> Yes, sir.

>> Yes, sir.

>> Yes, sir.
>> [ door opens, closes ]

>> [ door opens, closes ]

>> Unit One, is the hold secure?

>> All secure, sir.

>> Unit Two, do you read?

>> Roger, Commander.

We're in position, sir.

>> And Unit Three?

>> All clear, Commander.

Brendan is secure.

>> All units, prepare for entry

into the Wormhole.

We are going in.

We are going in.
>> Unit One, out.

>> Unit One, out.

>> Unit Two, out, sir.

>> Unit Two, out, sir.
>> Roger that. Unit Three, out.

>> Roger that. Unit Three, out.

>> Salera, are we ready?

>> Coordinates set, sir.

ETA four minutes and counting.

>> Winter, when this is all

over, would you mind telling me

what it's all about?

I'm sure Salera would like

I'm sure Salera would like
to know as well.

to know as well.

to know as well.
>> You want something?

>> You want something?

>> Unplug her.

>> Uhh! Got it!

>> Set her down now.

>> Come on, Doc. Come on.

Okay, Commander.

Come on, Commander, breathe in.

What, Fletch, what?

>> Her neuro response is low.

>> What?

>> She's cataleptic.

Massage her heart.

>> Come on, Commander.

Come on.

Come on.
>> Clear!

>> Clear!

>> Final thoughts, Mr. Hawke?

>> Mr. Hawke, I need final


>> Good job, Cassie.

>> Good job, Cassie.
I told you we would make it.

I told you we would make it.


We gotta keep the ship

perpendicular to the axis.

There's a midpoint where there's

no gravity. We gotta keep

the ship vertical.

The exit's the hardest

to navigate.

>> What do you mean?

>> We can't let it slip 1/10

of a click off course.

The gravitation will tear us

to pieces.

The rest is up to me.

Shields up.

I'll take manual control.

>> [ whirring ]

>> [ beeping ]

>> I have a craft approaching!

100,000 meters and closing fast.

It's a frigate, M-Class

killer ship. No identification.

She's running dark.

>> Open up a frequency.

>> Yes, sir.

No response. She's jamming us.

>> Shields.

>> Shields are coming up.

>> Speculation, Mr. Hawke?

>> I know what it is.

It's a hunter-killer vessel.

It wants this ship.

It wants this ship.
They're not gonna ask nicely.

They're not gonna ask nicely.

We're out-gunned.

Running is useless.

>> Can you outmaneuver?

>> Not for long. This ship is

designed for the hole,

not combat.

>> How did they get through

the minefield?

>> 10-to-1 they laid it.

They're moving between us and

the hole. Give me all the power

you can.

you can.
>> They're firing.

>> They're firing.

Shields holding, barely!

>> Hawke, buy me some time!

>> You better think of something

fast, Winter.

>> Pain.

>> No! No!

>> Easy. Easy. You're safe.

You're safe. You're safe.

>> It's okay, Commander.

You're safe now.

You're safe now.
The worst is over.

The worst is over.

The worst is over.


>> Am I really okay, Doc,

or did he scramble my brains?

>> Your heart rate's a little

high. Blood pressure's up there.

Other than that, you're stable.

>> Don't count on it.

How long was I unconscious?

>> Half hour.

>> Status?

>> We're at the perimeter

of the hole, but we're under


>> What?

>> Pirate vessel with

ship-killing systems on board.

>> Have we been able to get

an SOS to Central?

>> Negative. All frequencies

have been jammed ever since

Winter took over the ship.

>> [ rumbling ]

>> What now, Commander?

>> Winter's got Hawke up on

the bridge?

>> That's affirmative.

>> We're taking out

>> We're taking out
the Benedict.

the Benedict.

>> I'm running out of tricks


>> Brace yourselves!

>> [ rumbling ]

>> Hawke saw eight troopers


>> Affirmative.

>> We took out three.

>> And you said there were three

guarding the hold?

>> Yeah, that leaves--

>> Yeah, that leaves--
>> Two.

>> Two.

>> Structural damage on levels

two and four.

Forward batteries are charged,

ready to return fire.

>> Everything you've got to

forward shields! Hawke,

get inside their perimeter!

get inside their perimeter!
>> Ahead full.

>> Ahead full.

>> The hold is just beyond.

>> The hold is just beyond.
>> Cover me.

>> Cover me.


>> Doc!

>> Doc!

>> Doc!


>> Commander!

>> Commander!

>> Damn it!

>> Damn it!


>> 2,000 meters and closing.

>> Hawke, watch it.

They'll manage another salvo.

>> Incoming!

>> [ rumbling ]

>> Drop shields.

Maximum power to engines.

>> Shields falling.

>> We got about 20 seconds

before their guns power out.

Hawke, get us inside their

Hawke, get us inside their


>> He's in there too tight.

>> Give me your weapon.

My arm malfunctioned

My arm malfunctioned
during the seizure.

during the seizure.

during the seizure.
Cover me.

Cover me.

It's all clear, Commander.

Come on.

>> Get down!

>> Get down!
>> Uhh!

>> Uhh!

>> Uhh!
>> [ weeping ]

>> [ weeping ]

>> 1,000 meters. They're still

backing, towards the hole.

>> We're inside their perimeter.

>> The instant they pull

lateral, fire.

lateral, fire.
>> Yes, sir.

>> Yes, sir.

They're pulling away!

They're pulling away!
>> Fire!

>> Fire!

Shields up!

Shields up!
>> We're going in!

>> We're going in!

>> Material in O-5 is

>> Material in O-5 is


Gravitation is flat!

Gravitation is flat!
We're nearing the exit!

We're nearing the exit!

We're nearing the exit!
>> [ inaudible dialogue ]

>> [ inaudible dialogue ]

>> [ inaudible dialogue ]
[ inaudible dialogue ]

[ inaudible dialogue ]

[ inaudible dialogue ]
>> We're losing power!

>> We're losing power!

>> We're losing power!
>> [ beeping ]

>> [ beeping ]

>> Unit One, do you copy?

>> Roger, sir, that's affirm.

>> Status report. Over.

>> We're in place.

We have five dead.

Three remain in hold.

At least two enemy caught.

>> Hawke has escaped from

custody and is on his way

to you now. The Benedict must be

to you now. The Benedict must be
guarded at all costs.

guarded at all costs.

I'm beginning countdown

and systems check of

and systems check of
the satellite now.

the satellite now.

Launch will occur in

10 minutes.

>> Attention.


The Benedict system is now

activated. The satellite will

launch in T-minus 10 minutes.

Please evacuate Beta hold

and assume emergency positions.

Attention. The Benedict system

is now activated.

Please evacuate Beta hold--

>> Probes. I want them sent

to the planet surface,

and I need atmospheric

and soil analysis as soon as

you get them.

>> Yes, sir.

>> [ beeping ]

>> Hull breach. Decompression

imminent on C Deck.

>> Seal off all affected areas.

>> Yes, sir.

>> [ buzzer blares ]

>> Uhh!

>> Uhh!
Oh! Oh!

Oh! Oh!


[ gasps ]

[ gasps ]

[ gasps ]
>> Liz?

>> Liz?

>> Liz?
Brendan, do you copy?

Brendan, do you copy?

Brendan, do you copy?
Liz, come on!

Liz, come on!

Liz, come on!
>> Hawke, is that you?

>> Hawke, is that you?

>> Yeah.

I'm on my way to you.

>> Don't say another word,


Channels are open on all decks.

They can hear everything

we say.

>> I know.

>> Hawke?

>> Yeah?

>> Yeah?
>> Be careful.

>> Be careful.

>> Be careful.
>> Hawke out.

>> Hawke out.

>> Receiving preliminary

analysis on the probe, sir.

>> Well, what is it?

>> Sensors show carbon,

nitrogen and water.

With oxygen, too.

Richer than on Earth.

And hydrogen.

Soil probes show worms

and microorganisms.

Planet is habitable

Planet is habitable
and life-bearing.

and life-bearing.

and life-bearing.
>> Override seal.

>> Override seal.

>> Stop right there.

Turn around. Slowly.

Turn around. Slowly.
Drop your gun. Now!

Drop your gun. Now!

Raise your hands.

Raise your hands.
>> Drop to the deck!

>> Drop to the deck!

>> Drop to the deck!


>> Uhh!

>> Hawke!

>> Hawke!
>> Come on!

>> Come on!

Go! Go! Go!

How much time?

>> Six and counting.

>> Six and counting.
We gotta stop it.

We gotta stop it.

>> Unit One, status.

>> They're inside. We have

a defensive perimeter around

the Benedict. They won't get

through it.

through it.
>> Take them out.

>> Take them out.

>> Attention. Danger.

The Benedict satellite will

launch in T-minus five minutes.

launch in T-minus five minutes.
>> Can you stop the countdown?

>> Can you stop the countdown?

>> Cover me?

>> Cover me?
>> Go.

>> Go.

>> Can she do it?

Answer me!

>> Yes, sir.

I can keep overriding her

commands, but this Benedict's

own fail-safe system will

eventually take over.

It will interpret the sporadic

countdown as an error and shut

the satellite down before


>> No, it won't.

>> No, it won't.

>> Hawke!

>> The bay isn't sealed.

The entire hold will


Everyone will be killed.

>> Open the hold doors, now.

>> You cannot murder your

>> You cannot murder your
whole crew. I will not allow it.

whole crew. I will not allow it.

whole crew. I will not allow it.
You'd kill me, too?

You'd kill me, too?


>> Winter's gonna depressurize

the hold.

>> Can you stop him?

>> I can override any computer

function, but I can't stop him

from just throwing a switch.

from just throwing a switch.
>> Uhh!

>> Uhh!

>> We gotta get to that airlock.

Can you patch into the

navigation systems from here?

>> Sure.

>> Do it.

>> All set.

>> All set.
>> Get ready.

>> Get ready.

>> Hyah!

>> Uhh!

>> Attention.

Evasive lateral attention.

Evasive lateral attention.
Evasive lateral--

Evasive lateral--

Evasive lateral--
>> [ buzzer blares ]

>> [ buzzer blares ]

>> [ buzzer blares ]
>> Uhh!

>> Uhh!

>> How much time?

>> How much time?
>> Less than four minutes.

>> Less than four minutes.

>> Less than four minutes.
>> [ inhaling, exhaling ]

>> [ inhaling, exhaling ]

>> [ inhaling, exhaling ]
>> You okay?

>> You okay?

If we can decouple the launch

doors, they won't open.

The satellite will explode

when it smashes into them.

>> Danger. Danger.

The Benedict satellite will

launch in T-minus three

minutes. Please evacuate

the Beta hold immediately.

Danger. Please evacuate

the Beta hold immediately.

Danger. Please evacuate

the Beta hold immediately.

the Beta hold immediately.
>> Come on.

>> Come on.

>> Come on.
Almost there.

Almost there.

Almost there.
Let's get out of here.

Let's get out of here.

Give it up, Winter.

We gotta get out of here.

This place is gonna blow.

>> No.

The Benedict has a fail-safe.

With the doors compromised,

it won't launch.

>> You've lost it, Winter.

>> You've lost it, Winter.
It's gotta stop.

It's gotta stop.

>> Danger. Danger.

You now have T-minus one minute

You now have T-minus one minute
to evacuate the Beta hold.

to evacuate the Beta hold.

>> [ buzzer ]

>> Danger. Danger.

You now have T-minus

30 seconds to evacuate

the Beta hold.

28, 27, 26, 25, 24,

23, 22, 21, 20.

19, 18, 17, 16, 15,

14, 13--

Launch in 10, 9--

>> Winter.

>> 6, 5, 4...

>> Oh.

>> Oh.


>> Hawke!

>> Hawke!

>> Hawke!
>> Can you help her?

>> Can you help her?

>> Can you help her?
>> Hello, Mr. Hawke.

>> Hello, Mr. Hawke.

>> We're friends now, Salera.

>> We're friends now, Salera.
It's just Hawke.

It's just Hawke.

It's just Hawke.
>> Okay, Hawke.

>> Okay, Hawke.

>> I think it's time you told us

why we came to this planet.

why we came to this planet.
>> Put us in orbit.

>> Put us in orbit.

>> Put us in orbit.
>> Orbit established.

>> Orbit established.

>> This tape has been

prerecorded to be played for

the crew of the Seylla upon

reaching stable orbit of

the Dark Planet.

What you are about to hear has

only been known to your

commanders Winter and Brendan

and to the governing bodies of

the Alpha and Rebel forces.

>> Eight months ago, Rebel

units utilized chemical agents

in the defense of Mauritania.

Such agents were designed to

remain active for a short time,

usually less than a few hours.

This time there was a mutation,

caused by interaction with

biological weapons employed by

the Alpha opposition.

>> A viral organism was

produced which is not

restricted to human or even

mammalian life.

It acts as an exterminate,

destroying everything down to

the soil bacteria.

The organism is now airborne

and has distributed itself

over all continents.

>> Neural computer projections

indicate that Earth will be

indicate that Earth will be
uninhabitable in two years.

uninhabitable in two years.

>> Attention.

Attention. Please prepare for

a live transmission.

Attention. Please prepare for

a live transmission.

Live transmission initiated.

6, 5, 4,

3, 2, 1, zero.

>> Captain Winter?

>> This is Hawke. Anson Hawke.

I have Commander Brendan with me

and Helmsperson Salera.

>> Hello, Liz.

>> General.

Commander Winter is dead.

He broke the truce by bringing

a satellite onboard and died

with his squad trying to defend

it. I regret to report two

casualties among my crew.

>> Distressing. The mission

must take precedence.

>> Since your departure,

the virus has killed over

one billion people,

one-sixth of the population.

By our best estimates, we'll be

able to save less than half

that number. Earth eventually

will not be able to sustain

those who stay behind.

>> As a result, an uninfected

military contingent, comprised

of both Alpha and Rebel forces,

will be sent to you to begin

recolonizing survivors on

the Dark Planet as soon as

possible. This undertaking is

nothing less than starting up

a whole new world from scratch.

Class systems, population

distribution as to age,

genetic background, military--

>> No!

>> Hawke?

>> They're sending a war

machine, Liz. A system oriented

more towards death than life.

They've already destroyed one

world. They're capable of

destroying this one as well.

>> What are you saying?

>> I don't know.

But maybe it's time to see what

being human really can mean.

The Benedict is operational.

A legacy of your own deceit.

I know Winter was not acting


We have the chance to make this

planet the haven it should be,

free of your politics

and your war.

>> You're being naive, Hawke.

You'll never get away

with this.

>> Oh, I think he will, Harry.

>> I have two intelligent,

dedicated and beautiful women

with me. They represent the best

that both worlds have to offer.

Between us, the Benedict, and

the Wormhole, we can stop you.

The survivors will come in

peace, in partnership,

and in friendship...

or they won't come at all.

>> And so?

>> And so finally,

>> And so finally,
the war is over.

the war is over.

Don't take too long getting

Don't take too long getting
used to it. We'll be in touch.

used to it. We'll be in touch.

Funny. It doesn't look so dark

Funny. It doesn't look so dark
anymore, does it?

anymore, does it?

Salera, set coordinates

for landing.

Liz, one-quarter speed ahead.

>> Course plotted, Hawke.

>> Ahead one-quarter power.

>> The stars are shining,

>> The stars are shining,
and the day is full of promise.

and the day is full of promise.

and the day is full of promise.
Let's go home.

Let's go home.

>> On June 4, 2638,

the starship Seylla landed

on the Dark Planet.

My name is Salera Elizabeth

Hawke, and I was born

Hawke, and I was born
12 months later.