Dark Journey (1937) - full transcript

During World War I, a German spy and a French spy meet and fall in love.

Dampfer, zweistrich. Steuere über voraus.

- Was für Dampfer?

- Schwedisch.

- Auftauchen.

- Auftauchen.

Port bow, sir.

- Stop both engines.

- Stop both engines.

All on deck with life belts.

All on deck with life belts.

All on deck with life belts.

All on deck with life belts.

- All on deck with life belts.

- All on deck.

Quickly, please.

This way.

Quickly, please.

Quickly. Come along. All on deck.

Everyone on deck with life belts.

Everybody on deck with life belts quickly.

Everybody on deck with life belts.

- Where did you leave the convoy?

- Bergen.

- Any contraband?

- No.

Right. I'll see the cargo first. Then I'll

look at your passengers and their cabins.

They can remove their life belts.

Everybody to their cabins.

Remove your life belts.

Everybody to your cabins.

Remove your life belts.

- When did you leave Holland?

- On the 14th.

You say you're a Dutchman.

- You have my passport.

- What, this?

- This isn't genuine.

- Wh... What do you mean?

We know all about you.

You're not a Dutchman. You're a

Belgian, and this is your last trip.

Take him away.

But you can't do this.

I'm Dutch I tell you, I'm Dutch!

I'm a neutral subject. I'm Dutch!

I never was in Belgium in my life.

- You can? Take that man.

- I'm Dutch. I'm neutral.

This is a neutral ship,

and he's a Dutchman.

You've no right to take a passenger

off a neutral ship.

Every right. The man is a spy.

- Your name?

- Madeleine Goddard.

This lady's passport.

Madeleine Goddard, Swiss.

In order.

One, two, three,

four, Fi...

Why do you make so many trips

between Stockholm and Paris?

For business.

How long has this business been going?

Three years. Since January 1915.

What is the business?

Ladies‘ dresses.

My new season's models.

I suppose you might class this

as ammunition for the Stockholm front.

These are the loveliest things

we've ever had in the shop.

They're French. Paris.

At least you can claim a

success at something.

Something that even a German brain

can appreciate.

Madam, am I to be insulted like this?

Is it a crime to be German?

It's worse. It's a vulgarity.

Colette, I will not have this quarrelling.

- I don't want French women here.

- Ha.

Nor German women.

I want saleswomen. Ring for Anatole.

Filthy. Anatole, have you

swept up this morning?

Assuredly, madam.


What can one do with a broom as bare

as the behind of a burgomaster's baby?

Show it to me.

- The broom.

- Certainly, madam.

And take this.

We're going to the Countess Lindström.

My hat and cape, please, Maude.

You see, madam?


I can see that it must have taken a lot of

hard work to reduce it to this condition.

Get your cap.

Perhaps I should render more satisfaction

with a mechanical sweeper

such as are used in the better shops.

- Is the Countess ready for me?

- Will you go right in, please?

Thank you.

Good evening, gentlemen.

Some new models have arrived.

- The latest Paris fashions?

- The latest French designs.

- Charming. How charming.

- Very nice.



- 27.

- 27.

- 63.

- 63.

- West Verdun.

- West Verdun.





- 91.

- 91.

West of Château Thierry.

To west of Château Thierry.

Have you got it?

- Madeleine, what was that last number?

- 91.


Good. Disposition for

the Third and Fourth French Army group.

Send it off.

Navy blue, picked out with stars,

and finished off with straps.

American troop transport?

Very good, Madeleine. Anything else?

My bill.



you're a very charming young woman,

but you're a very expensive luxury.

Charming young women are when they give you

something you can't get from anyone else.

Oh, if it were only for

me, I wouldn't cavil.

Ah, Major,

if it were only for you, I wouldn't charge.

But I'm responsible to Headquarters.

And I'm responsible to my partners in Paris,

who are risking their lives and mine.

- All right, I'll send a cheque.

- Thank you.

Who's next?

Sergeant Dupree, sir.

Philip Dupree, Sergeant.

149th Regiment of the

line, for examination.

Have him in.


All right, Sergeant.

Arms up.


- How are you, my dear Muller?

- Very glad to be back, General.

I expect so. Well, what news?

I got seven days' leave in Paris.

Good. And then?

That's all.

Where were K124 and 5?

I wish I knew.

I have a strong notion

that I was under observation myself.

Our system needs drastic reorganisation,

especially in the neutral countries.

Slesser, you take over Copenhagen, and

understand this - you'll be judged by results.

And for Stockholm, we need the

best man we've got in Section 8.

Is that so?

- Doctor Muller, you are a physician?

- Yes.

You've come to Sweden

for the German medical service.

To look after our prisoners

returning from Russia.

You signed an undertaking at our consulate in

Berlin to refrain from any political activity.


It's my duty to remind you of that

undertaking, and welcome to Sweden.

Thank you.

Good morning.

Baron Karl Marwitz

from Hohenau in Württemberg. Landowner.

- Captain in the German Navy.

- Uh huh.

Yes, von Marwitz.

Political undertaking signed.

You're welcome in Sweden, but only so long

as you refrain from any political activity.

I came to Sweden because I want to

refrain from any political activity.

- You're on sick leave.

- Yes.

- Wounded?

- Twice.

Your leave expires in two weeks.

I'm not going back.

How long have you the means

to support yourself here?

Oh, uh... 16 years.

20, if I'm careful.

This is a very serious

matter, Baron Marwitz.


If you would just look at these.

You can stay in Sweden

as long as you respect our laws.

- Next, please.

- Thank you.


Watches, clocks, toys, cigarettes,

liquor - anything to declare?

Only my intention to finish this.


Can you tell us what a Russian

girl would say if you kissed her?

- Yes.

- Or a Dutch girl?

- Of course.

- That's too easy.

Could you tell us what a

Brazilian girl'd say?

- Certainly.

- Ha, that's where we've got you.

- Why? Why, why? Lupita? Who's Lupita?

Get her, get her, get her, yes.

Shall I come up?

No, Bob, I'll be down in a minute.

- My British evening is called for.

- Then don't miss a moment of it.


- Clever girl, that.

- Probably our best worker.


- She has an innocent face.

- That's the key of her success.

- How long has she been with us?

- Three years.

- You double-checked her story?

- Naturally. She's from Moloja.

Father's property destroyed for defence

fortifications on the Swiss-Italian border.

A volunteer?

Not exactly. I was responsible.

- There you are.

- He's doing it again.

- What?

Writing down what a girl will say

when he's kissed her.

- Go on, kiss him.

- Why should I?

Come on, it's only a game.

You'll spoil it all.

Come on!

Not bad, but you need practice.

There you are.

"You're short of practice."

You might at least introduce us.

- Lupita, Baron Marwitz.

- Goodbye, Baron.

Don't be discouraged.

Hello, Bill. What are you laughing at?

The bloke in the bar

just pulled a most amazing stunt.

And what was it?

He writes down in advance

what any girl will say after he kisses her.

- Does he get it right?

- Every time.

- Oh, come on.

- How on earth could he do that?

There are probably only about a half a

dozen things a girl of that kind will say.

But how does he get the right one?

I imagine

he writes them all down on slips of paper,

and fills his pockets before he comes out.

One, two... six Martini dry.

Liar, cheat, trickster!

- Look, the cheat.

- Here's another one.

- Give it to me.

- Think you can fool Lupita?

"What do you charge for lessons?"

- "More, please."

- "You've done this before."

"I wish you'd teach my husband."

What have you to say?

Let's dance.

How did you find me out?

- It was Madeleine.

- Madeleine? Who is Madeleine?

One of your crowd?

Oh, no she has a shop, very chic.

Look, there she is.

Dancing with the English boy.

This is one of the times

I'm sorry I left that arm in France.

You're doing pretty well

with the one you've got.

- Oh, that's Madeleine?

- Mm-hm.

Was I engaged as an engine driver?

No. Do I get an engine driver's wages?

Huh, assuredly not.

Come along, clumsy.

Who are you to give me orders?

She can't help it, Anatole,

it's her German blood.

I happen to be Viennese.

Same thing in waltz time, sauerkraut.


Gertrude, Colette, I will not have my shop

turned into a beer garden.

I'm sick of the French.

I never want to see a German again.

Then I'd better go.

Oh, no, please come in.

I was only trying to prevent my shop

being turned into a battlefield.

- What can I show you?

- Oh, just a bag.

Gertrude, show madam a bag, will you?

What kind of a bag, madam?

An evening bag.

Tha'll do, Anatole.

How about this, madam?

It's one of the nicest we have in the shop.

Karl, do you like this?


Ah, lie there, you roaring beast.

That's the dress, the shoes, stockings,

hair ornament, and the bag.

They match the bag beautifully, madam.

Dress, shoes, stockings,

hair ornament, and the bag.

This way to our fitting room, please.

You have marvellous saleswomen.

- They do their best.

- They are better than that.

A girl comes in for a bag,

and goes out with the whole shop.

A girl who goes out shopping with a man

means to have the whole shop.

How much do I owe you?

By the way, why did you give

away my little trick last night?

Because you claim

to know such a lot about women.

Do you?

Enough to realise I know

nothing about them.

Which means

that you've had a lot of experience.

Oh, a lot. But what does it amount to?

1,275 kroner.

I brought you a very good customer today.

He doesn't care how he spends his money.

Oh, one has only to look

at madam to see that.

You won't give away my next

trick so easily, I promise you.

Send the things to the Grand Hotel at once.

Certainly, madam.

Au revoir, Madeleine.

Karl, I have bought everything I want.

Have you?

- And shut up! You cannot teach me manners.

- I am afraid you are right.

And what is more,

my father was a Brazilian General.


- You don't believe that, I suppose.

- I do, I do.

Oh, no, you don't. You think I am lying.

Will you please convince the lady outside?

Go on, call me a liar. Go on, say it.

You daren't. All right...

Get out! Go to your shopkeeper.

That's the first sensible

thing you've said.

May I tell you how very sorry I am

for what happened today?

Oh, don't apologise.

We keep a shop, and it's open to everyone.

Plain women, or dazzling beauties.

- Goodbye.

- Goodbye.

And if you could ever take

pity on a lonely man...

- Don't laugh at me.

Dine with me.

I'm sorry, I can't.

You would be doing a great kindness.

I live in a desert.

- Packed with dazzling beauties.

Excuse me.

Hello. Is that you, Bob?

Tonight at 7.30, at the Grand?

No pity?

I'm sorry.

All right, Bob, at 7.30.

All right, Madeleine, you're an angel.

What do you think?

- I don't know.

- She's from Maloja.

Her father's farm was destroyed

to make way for Swiss frontier defences.

I'll double-check all that

when I get to London.

She's a sweet thing, and

I hate to suspect her,

but she's got a lot of German friends.

She's got a lot of French friends,

and one or two English friends.

Yes, I know. That's what's got me guessing.

See what you can find out

at the Cherry Orchard.

Anatole, how much longer am I to wait?

What do you know about him?

Karl Marwitz.

A traitor to the Fatherland. A deserter.

Court-martialed during absence.


Sentenced to death.

Funny, he doesn't look that type.

What makes you think so?

- Instinct.

- Feminine instinct?


- What do they think at the Cherry Orchard?

- I haven't enquired.

Will you?


Buying. Know anything about Marwitz?

What do they say about the Swiss girl?

Plenty. It'll cost you 50.


Take this to Baron Marwitz's room.

Here it is again.

What's happened to the Baron?

Hm, you may well ask.

I've never seen such a change.

How do you mean change?

Change of habit, that's what I mean.

It used to be all girls with no clothes.

Now it's all clothes with no girls.



- I'll have this one for my collection.

- You can't. Oh, no.

They've just arrived from Paris. Madame will

want to show them to our best customer.

- I am your best customer.

- Oh, no, you're not.

Now then, will you pack this one...

this one...

and this one for the Countess Lindström.

Yes, madam.

That's all very well.

- What's left for me?

- Everything else in the shop.

All right. Pack it up.

Karl, this nonsense must stop.

Buying things you don't want

as an excuse to come here.

- You won't come out with me...

- I won't sell you anything else.

- That means you forbid me to come here.

- Precisely.

All right Madeleine, I lose.

No, Karl, you win.

- Tonight?

- All right.

I have a feeling I shall be sorry for this.

- Colette, tell Anatole I'm ready, will you?

- Yes, madam.

You're a shrewd one.

No, I don't claim to be any cleverer

than the next man,

only the next man's

always a bigger fool than I am.

Now then, lazybones,

you've got to go out with these frocks.

Frocks? What do they want frocks for?

Fig leaf was good enough for Eve,

and she was the first lady in the land.

Gertrude, I've forbidden the Baron to buy

another thing, so mind you're firm with him.

- Goodbye.

- Goodbye.

I knew she'd put a stop to this one day.

Well, no lady would ever

accept presents from a man anyhow.

Of course not.

Oh! Oh, my favourite scent.

Well, every woman has her price.

And what might that be?

Phew! This is an expensive shop.








Probable date of offensive, 20th.

Tanks to be used on a large scale.

General line of attack,

northwest Marne salient.

Excellent, Madeleine.

Headquarters have been clamouring

for news of the counter-offensive.

- We're the first to give it.

- For immediate dispatch?

Mark it urgent.

Madeleine, I'm proud of you.

- Have we got it, Jed?

- Finishing now.

Clear all lines to General Headquarters.

15th Army Corps to entrain tonight.

21 St to move up in reserve.

- Antitank guns in position by six o'clock.

- Antitank guns in position by six o'clock.

Device to be exploded

by officer commanding Company One.

Device to be exploded

by officer commanding Company One.

Tonight the crickets are calling

Along the woodland lanes

Oh, listen to me and you shall hear

A story that's terribly old

And each little star above you, dear

Is tired of hearing it told...

Coffee, please.

Coffee, please.

You've got a successful rival.


The gallant Baron.

Is that all?

That's all. What did you

find out in London?

Nothing definite.

But I've got a call to make.


Hello, give me the police.

Are you still sorry

you came out with me that first evening?

Yes. That's why I've been out with you

13 evenings since.

And you've discovered

all the secrets of my dark soul.

- Sugar?

- Two, please.

Go on, tell me how bad I am.

It is easy to touch your pocket,

but difficult to touch your heart.


Manners good.

- Milk?

- Thank you. Black.

Intentions - lamentable.

How true.

When you're with one woman,

you're thinking of the next.

You've never been simple, sincere, loyal

or faithful to any woman in your life.

Go on.

- Isn't that enough?

- You've forgotten my most important asset.

What's that?

That you love me.

Why are you trying to resist?

You won't succeed.

How do you know I won't?

Because I tried...

but I couldn't.

I want to take you away.

Away from your friends, your business.

No time for anyone but me.

You want to take everything?

And give everything.

And share everything.

Mustn't you, if you marry?

Madeleine Goddard,

you're wanted at police headquarters.

You identify the man?

Do you know anything of his life?

Only that he was

a most faithful and devoted servant.

Quite, in business hours.

But you had no reason

to suspect him of pro-German activities?

How could I?

He hated them.

Some interesting German correspondence

was found on him, however.

Let me see, Miss Goddard.

You are Swiss, aren't you?


I suppose you have dealings

with a good many Germans, don't you?

I have clients of all nationalities.

And yet you had no idea that the

faithful and devoted Anatole was a spy?

- She's already said...

- Silence, please.

I beg your pardon. Is it necessary

to distress the lady any further?

I'm sorry to press the question, but I must have

all the information you can give the court.

Willingly, but I can only tell you

that I've lost a friend.

Thank you. That is all for the present.

- Do you know who did it?

- Possibly someone from the Cherry Orchard.

It's terrible.

Something much more terrible has happened.

It was all lies.


- Your information about the counter-offensive.

- But there was an attack.

Yes, and our army stopped it,

but it stopped the wrong attack.

The real one came in

another part of the line

where our troops had been withdrawn,

thanks to your information.

Your partners in Paris are either incompetent,

or working for French counter-espionage.

That's impossible.

- What do you think went wrong?

- I don't know, but you're going to find out.

You go to Paris.

- No, Doctor.

- I say yes.

You forget what happened here tonight.

It's suicide.

It's duty.

- But I'm Swiss.

- You're a member of our organisation.

You know what that means.

What are my orders?

You will find out

what's gone wrong with our organisation,

and what has become of K124 and 5.

You'll get detailed

instructions in due course.

You leave tomorrow by the Gothenburg boat.

You will be getting her another porter.

The Grand Hotel, please.

Is that the Grand Hotel?

Can I sp...

Hello, hello?


- Thank you.

- Thank you.

The boat train leaves in

half an hour, doesn't it?

Yes, Baron.

Thank you.

Madeleine Goddard,

will you step this way, please?

Please sit down.

What made you come to France again?

Er... for business.

What business?

There were difficulties with my firm.


What difficulties?

Well, their prices are too

high, even for wartime.

- Couldn't you write?

- I did, without much success.

Madeleine Goddard, you go to Paris

under escort. You are under arrest.

- Are your sympathies with France?

- No.

- With Germany?

- No, I'm a neutral.

There's a German secret

service in Stockholm?

- Yes.

- How did you know?

Well, everyone knows.

There's a French and British one too.

Have you met anybody

belonging to the German service?

I may have. One never knows in Stockholm.

You had an employee called uh...

Anatole Bergen.

- I had.

- Was he a member of the German service?

The Swedish police seem to think so.

- But you never knew?

- No, I never knew.

Very well. You will remain

under arrest for the moment.

My business house may be anxious.

- Would you send a word to Maison Cottin?

- That can be arranged.

Thank you.

Ah, Madeleine, how was the journey?

- Any submarines about?

- Oh, the usual number. And how's Paris?

- Oh, the war, you know.

- Monsieur Cottin.

Oh, Madeleine, my dear,

I'm delighted to see you.

I've got lots of new models to show you,

and I'm sure that all our little differences

can be quite easily smoothed out.

Nice calm trip?

Well, the weather was calm enough.

Usual hold-ups, you know.

Yes, not very pleasant

travelling in wartime.

So glad to see you. I'm afraid your reception

was hardly what at you had a right to expect.

Oh, I don't know. I...

The Médaille Militaire.

The highest award

that France can give one of her soldiers.

Your Excellency, I...

That represents the real feelings

of a grateful country.

It'll be in my safekeeping

until the day comes when you can wear it.

And may that be soon.

Why did they send you back again?

They say my partners in Paris

are either incompetent,

or working for the French counter-espionage.

I should prefer them

to think we are incompetent.

Do they know about K124 and 5?

That's what they've sent me to find out.

Firing squad?

K125 was a woman, wasn't she?

Uh huh. In the central post office.

Poor soul.

- Your Excellency, forgive me.

- Forgive you for what?

Don't send me back to Stockholm.

We need you.

Haven't I done enough?

Too much to fail us now.

I can't face it, I can't.

After three years of misery, to pretend,

to cheat, to lie - it's degrading.

Is it because of Marwitz?

What do you know about him?

Only that he has been

taking up a great deal of your time.

All right, I'll meet you halfway.

Make this one last effort,

and you can come back to France for good.

- And what is the last effort?

- Find out who's the head of Section 8.

But isn't it Doctor Muller?

I don't know.

There's another German in Stockholm

that I'm rather interested in.

This is for your information.

You must think me a prize fool.

- You do the British Intelligence an injustice.

- At least I shall know who's who in Stockholm.

Well, now you know, please forget.

I've already forgotten

Madeleine Goddard's name.

Everybody's Doing It Now

- An entrée?

- Côte de veau napolitaine avec des pois.

And the sweet?

Pot de créme au chocolatine.

- Half an hour.

- Very good, Baron.

- Hello, hello, hello.

- Thank you, Karl, a lovely dinner.

- We've started cocktails.

- Back in circulation?

I'm afraid not.

In confidence, some officers arrived this evening

from Siberia, prisoners of war going home.

What of it?

They haven't seen a girl for three years.

All right, Karl,

I know your shop girl came home today.

Bollinger '06.

It's a bear, it's a bear, it's a bear


To your everlasting love

that didn't last three weeks.

- But it did.

- Yes, please.

To your marriage vows, which are forgotten.

But they are not.

Then why are you looking at me

as if you'd never seen me before?

Because I'm not sure I have.

Yes, please.

Stopped by a submarine, arrested,

grilled by the Paris police,

and there you sit, this slip of a girl,

looking as if it were all in the day's work.

What of it?

You frighten me.

- I suppose I'm a coward.

- Nonsense.

What have you been doing while I've been

flirting with death and destruction?

Oh, trembling for you, and wondering

what I should do when you return.

And have you made up your mind?

I told you I was a coward.

- Prisoners of war?

- Yes, from Siberia.

- Oh.

- Who is it?

One of my best friends, Otto Von Berndorf.

Hello, Otto.

I read that you were a deserter.


What's wrong, Otto?

What's the matter here?

- Gentlemen, please.

- Ask him if you want satisfaction.

- Gentlemen, please.

- That's all right.

Orchestra. Please, orchestra.

What did you run away for?

Why spoil a perfectly wonderful evening?

There's a greater force

than all the armies in the world -


Did you want a public brawl?

I wanted to see you kill that man.

Oh, Madeleine!

Kill a decent boy on his first night out

after three years in Siberia?

Come, Madeleine,

where is your sense of humour, hm?

Well, at least I've succeeded

in convincing you that I am a coward.

You have.

Good night.

Very well, if that's how you feel.

Good night.

- Karl?

- Hm?

I think you're the bravest man

who ever served his country.

That's very sweet of you.

But how do I serve my country?

As a deserter?

As head of Section 8 of

the German Intelligence.

When did you find out?

Tonight at the Grand Hotel.

And why do you tell me?

Because you must know

that I am in the German Service too.

I know more than that.

I know that you're not

Swiss, you're French.

I know your name isn't

Goddard, but Montdenis,

and I know that you have outwitted us

for three years

while you were serving your country...

as I served mine.

Thank God.

No more lies.

Thank God.

And now I want you to take me away.

Away from my friends and business,

from everyone but you.

That's my dream.

Where shall we go?

A villa on the Mediterranean, near Nice.

That's France and I'm German.

There's Switzerland.

How shall we get there? By walking down

the trenches, and getting out at the end?

This is a lovely spot.

Hm, right in the middle of the revolution.

Here it is.

Lake Garcia.

The bluest blue in the world.

And the mountains are

reflected in the water,

and the music of the cowbells

floats across the meadows.

And the guns roar day and night.

So, this is the end of the dream?

That's the end.

Gloria, Gloria Victoria

We are heart and hand with the Fatherland

The Fatherland

Sing Gloria, Gloria

Gloria Victoria

We are heart and hand with the Fatherland

The Fatherland

homeland, the homeland far away

We're burning, we're yearning

We're burning...

- Get out of here!

- Yes, get out!

Get out.

Get out of here.

Get out before you're thrown out.

- Go on, get out.

- Traitor!


Yes, Baron.

Gentlemen, Captain Von Marwitz

is the head of Section 8.


Schaffer, you will go back to Berlin

tomorrow, and report for duty.

These are your orders,

and you'll have to be quick and clever.

- Bob, I need your help desperately.

- Yes, I was warned you might.

It's all right, Miss Goddard.

I went with you to Paris.

Well, what's happened?

- I found out who's the head of Section 8.

- Who?

Von Marwitz.

He'd found out who I am too.

- The devil he has.

- Oh, Bob, I must get away from here.

You remember what happened to the others?

Don't you worry. We'll get you out of this.

- How about going into hiding?

- Impossible.

There's nowhere in Sweden

where they wouldn't find me.

Make a bolt for Norway.

Same thing.

- There's not a single place...

- Shush, don't talk.

Faber? That gang wouldn't fancy coming

into conflict with the Swedish police.

- Last thing they'd care to risk.

- It's all right.

You're going to be as safe as a church if you

do as I tell you. Now, here's the programme.

- Cognac.

- Evening, gentlemen.

- We're buying.

- What?

30 men and women, tomorrow morning.

What for?

To go shopping.

- Good morning.

- Good morning, madam.

Good morning. Will you come this way?

Move fast, but not till everyone's inside.

- They should all be in now.

- What about the cars?

- They'll be outside the shop.

- Right, let everybody be cheerful, a gay crowd.

And above all, no trouble with the police.

Who put the sale notice on the window?

Hello, hello, hello?

Hello, hello?

This way, Madeleine.

Your customers are waiting for you.

There's a dress in the window.

I want you to let me have a look at it.

- Madeleine Goddard?

- Yes.

Come with me.

From the information before me,

it's quite clear

that your so-called dressmakers business

was merely a cloak for the deliberate

organisation and pursuit of espionage.

I'm out of patience with you people who abuse the

hospitality of the country that shelters you.

It's time an example was made,

and in spite of the evidence of... Mr Robert

Carter as to your character and so forth

in extenuation of your of fence,

I'm not sure I oughtn't to sentence you

to a term of imprisonment.

On account of your youth, however,

I think justice will be met if I sentence you

to be deported by the first available boat,

and you will be kept

in strict detention meanwhile.

Have you got her?

Someone denounced her as a French agent.

The police arrived and arrested her.


That means she'll sail from Gothenburg.

See to it.

You can unlock the door

when you're outside the three-mile limit.

What are you doing there?

Oh, 12.

I'm sorry, I made a mistake.

I want to see your passengers, Captain.

Come with me.

- You can't do this.

- This is a neutral ship.

And this lady's a non-combatant.

She has a Swiss passport,

but she's not Swiss.

She is a French citizen,

and a member of the French Intelligence.

- Full speed ahead.

- Full speed ahead.


Können Sie den Dampfer ausmachen?


Auf den holländischen Dampfer am Backbord.

- 1700.

- Entfernung 1700 Meter.

Entfernung 1700 Meter.

- Feuer.

- Feuer.

Huh, just in the nick of time.

That’ll be Bob Carter's

girlfriend in the pinnace.

Hm, Cuthbert, I trow that yonder submarine

means us but little good.

Speak her fair, good Sir Eustace, lest she

hand us a round shot from yonder culverin.

- Hop into the boat, thou and thy lousy party.

- Aye aye, sir.

Action stations.

Enemy submarine bearing green 45.

Carry on.



Bearing green 35.

Bearing green 35.



- 1500.

- 1500.

Green 25.


- 450.

- 450.

- Green 90.

- Green 90.

- All guns load.

- All guns load.

- Prepare for action.

- Prepare for action.


- Schnell, feuer!

- Feuer!

Range 500. Fire.


Unless you sink this ruddy submarine

in 45 seconds, I'll...



Abandon the ship. Run!

- Cease fire.

- Cease fire.

Good work.

Destroyer signalling, sir.

Miss Goddard? I'm glad we arrived in time.

You've had rather a rough passage.

Mind the step.

- I don't know how to thank you.

- Oh, don't thank me. Thank Master Bob.




destroyer immediately.

Bad luck, Captain Marwitz.

We've managed to rescue some of your men.

- Show it to the Captain, will you?

- Aye aye.

I assure you, Captain,

I'll make you as comfortable as possible.

Signal from destroyer, sir.

I'm sorry.

I can't entertain you after all.

I've got to hand you over to our destroyer.

Take Captain Marwitz to the destroyer.

What are they going to do?

They're not going to shoot him?

My dear lady,

we don't shoot our prisoners of war.

He'll be interned for the duration.


I'll be waiting.

I can't hear you.

I'll be waiting.