Dante vs. Mohammed Ali (2018) - full transcript

Wolf dashes away again.

Who will win? Is it Wolf or Alexander

People along the waterfront
can't wait to find out who'll win.

A left, Alexander uses
a two punch combination.

Wolf keeps his guard up.

Wolf, what are you doing? Come on!

Wolf, what are you looking for?
Wolf, whar are you doing?

Wolf is just lowering his arms.

Come on, do something!

A left, Wolf dashes away.

He barely got away there.

Wolf is not engaging.

He turns away again.
Uhh...that was close!

Come on guys, do something!

They are still loitering.
When will this match end?

Wolf doesn't seem up to it.

[Horn ending the match]

Your eyes reflect in the surrounding green...

where darling buds gently
blossom on delicate branches.

You stand tall and
your eyes tell me:

[Knocking at the door]

"Come here and let me hold you"

- Wolf

- Occupied

I said "It's occupied".


- Wolf


Why didn't you fight?


Wolf, why didn't you fight?

- If you smile at the moon three times,
it'll smile back

- Wolf

Guess it's not doing it today.

Do you believe in miracles?

- No

What do you mean by miracle?

Something supernatural
that is caused by inexplicable forces.

- I believe in timing and precision.

Cut it out
- Mr. Realist

If you don't believe in miracles,
you're not a realist.

I vanished into thin air.

- So, I see

Come on, sit down.

- Look, a coin.

It's a wishing well.

Make a wish

- How could this have happened?
- He just had a bad day.

- It's a disgrace.
- It wasn't his fault.

- And Wolf?

- He has to start working.
- Take it easy.

- Now what?

- A rematch

- We will have a winner.

- Keep them on their toes,

and above all, keep them apart.

- Punch



This Sunday there will be a rematch
between Wolf and Alexander.

Rules are rules.
There will be a winner.

- Though angry eyes gaze down on me...

a drop of light shines

over wintery faces.

Though beauty slowly seems to fade...

in you I see a fire

that blinds the brightest of lights.

[door opening]

- Hey

Once I was in love too.

♪♪♪ ["Ombra mai fu" by Friedrich Handel] ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ Shadow never was ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ of a tree ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ dear and lovable ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ more suave ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ shadow never was ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ Of a tree ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ dear and lovable ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ more suave ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ dear and lovable ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ shadow never was ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ Of a tree ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ dear and lovable ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ more suave ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ more suave ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ instrumental finale ♪♪♪

- Do you like my leg?
- It's beautiful

- Do you like my shoulders?
- Everything about you is beautiful!

- Everything is too much.
How about my chest?

What do you think?

- Nothing is more beautiful.

- You're exaggerating!

- A perfect body.
- Cut it out!


- Alex


- Yes?

- What are you doing?

- I'm leaning. And you?

- I'm leaning too.

- Alex, would you come with me?

- Where to?
- I don't know. Away from here.

To faraway lands yet to be discovered.
Where streets are paved in poetry.

Where people lock in loving embrace
and move around in grace.

Where streams of colours flow across the earth
and they're right there for everyone to see.



- Alex, I really need to show you something.

Tonight! At the barn! At ten!
Near the big tree!

It's important!

- I'm the one who smiles at you,
I'm the who would die for you

I am Dante

♪♪♪ Shadow never was ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ of a tree ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ dear and lovable ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ more suave ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ more suave ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ dear and lovable ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ dear and lovable ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ more suave ♪♪♪

- Alexander, give me your hand.

♪♪♪ Handel's music carries on ♪♪♪

- Follow me, don't be afraid.

I know the way.

Let my light shine on you,
my beautiful Alexander

♪♪♪ Handel's music carries on ♪♪♪

- This is the way, the way to bliss.

Don't be afraid, take my hand.

[Music stops]

- Don't get distracted.
It's not much further, look into the light.

I'm Dante.

- Then I am Mohammed Ali

♪♪♪ Music ♪♪♪

Your eyes reflect in the surrounding green...

where darling buds gently
blossom on delicate branches.

You stand tall and
your eyes tell me:

"Come here and let me hold you"

Though angry eyes gaze down on me...

a drop of light shines

over wintery faces

Though beauty slowly seems to fade...

in you I see a fire

that blinds the brightest of lights.

I vanished into thin air

♪♪♪ Music ♪♪♪

- Hey!!



♪♪♪ Moving music ♪♪♪

- You are beautiful

♪♪♪ Moving music ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ Music ♪♪♪

- I'll see you at the boat

- I'm here to ask your son's hand
in marriage.

I don't need to see him.
I only came to propose.

- Wolf, come here.

I'm infected with the ultimate infection.
Queen of desease.

- What the hell are you talking about?

Wolf, from what planet are you?

- A great right hook from Alexander.

What a fight!

Alexander is in great shape.

Straight through Wolf's defense

A two punches combination, left and right, oohh...

Wolf is almost down.

Come on Wolf, get it togheter!

Everyone is eager to find out
who will win.

People on the side-lines
are watching in anticipation.

Who will be? Wolf or Alexander?
The rematch again...

- I'm in love with you.

♪♪♪ Dramatic music ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ Music till the end ♪♪♪