Dans le vent (1963) - full transcript
Documentary about the 1962 capes fashion, from the designing process by the stylists of "Elle" magazine to photo studio to the women wearing capes in the street.
- The Eiffel Tower, Paris.
- And the face of Paris girls!
- Paris girls have hats.
- And ideas! The latest is...
The cape.
A Paris girl's dream.
Would he like me in a cape?
Plain colored.
No, check.
No, plain.
In check, and with a cap.
No, plain. No cap.
Say, do you love me?
I want some boots.
With laces, and shiny toes.
And a fur hat.
That's it, what I want on my head
is a whole cloud of fur.
Do I like coats with fur?
Not bad.
Do you like fur?
How about caps?
I love caps. Love them!
Love them, caps are great.
Caps are super.
We interviewed three Paris girls.
Monique Gouarat, 20.
I work in a perfumery.
Do you buy clothes in Prisunic?
Rarely. Everyone does though.
It depends which one.
Prisunic in Paris are sensational.
My local one in Blois-Colombes
is pretty hick!
Do you follow fashion?
Yes, but not to the letter.
I don't like to be standardized.
- Capes?
- No.
Not because they're in fashion.
They don't follow your curves.
Fitted coats look better.
Marie-Christine Racine, 20, student.
Claude, 23,
salesgirl at Galeries Lafayette.
Why do you follow fashion?
I like to be with it.
If there's anything new in Paris,
I want to know about it.
Do you earn enough to follow fashion?
Not enough, no.
- How do you manage?
- We get by!
- How?
- We ask our parents!
- Do you spend a lot?
- Yes, I have all I need.
Do you spend a lot on fashion?
Quite a bit.
All my pay goes on clothes.
It's absurd.
Why absurd?
Well, it's not the only thing.
Actually, it is!
I can't resist.
How much do you spend on clothes?
Not a lot.
For the simple reason
that I don't have much!
Even a sweet and simple dress
costs 20.000 francs
and I don't have that.
Often, if I'm dying to buy a dress,
I buy myself the fabric because
I don't have 20.000 francs.
What does valuing clothes entail?
- Finding ideas!
- But where?
In magazines!
Here's the pompom girl
we saw earlier:
a cover girl,
in a photo studio.
The photographer is the man who says:
"You're cruising with Onassis,
"your coat flaps in the wind."
You're thinking: "Well, that's life!"
This is Fouli Elia,
star photographer for a big magazine.
Look ahead, like you were doing...
Now to the left...
Right, I mean... More...
That's it.
Fouli Elia strives to capture
the flicker of an expression,
pursued by a fluttering eyelash.
But he can mesmerize his victims.
Stop, stop...
It's a cover girl's job
to look at herself in the mirror.
This one is Boxie.
She's Austrian.
A model is judged by
her beauty and humor.
And who is this third person?
Fashion editor Nina Dausset,
curling a collar.
She picks the clothes
you'll be wearing two years hence.
She assesses...
supervises the photography
and modeling,
applying a flick to the hat,
cowboy or Garbo, as required.
Nina is a member of
the fashion commando group.
Ten sub-editors
at a woman's weekly.
In the center is Annie Rivemale,
their boss.
Peggy, Lison, Dany, Jeannette,
Carmen, Micheline and Marie-Th?r?se
all wear boots.
Is it a uniform?
No, therein lies the story.
Three years ago,
a pair of English boots walked in.
Our leader, Claude Brouet,
had to have a pair.
She ordered them from London
and wore them.
No one else in Paris wore boots.
She was getting looks.
What does a fashion editor with feet
and head full of boots come up with?
A Slavonic charm issue!
Maestro of the layout, Peter Knapp,
oversees this Russian Ballet.
A pinch of folly, two pinches of reason,
ten pinches of genius.
Who's supervising?
Manager H?l?ne Lazareff,
all critical eye and Slavonic charm.
She knows how to balance
moderation and explosiveness.
Is this number too wild?
You never know.
She said: "The spell is cast.
You'll be the Boyars of the Boot!"
The spell was cast.
This conspiracy launched boot fever
among Paris women.
I'm for boots.
I bought some.
They're warm and practical
but not so attractive.
I couldn't say.
How about you?
Any views on women's boots?
- Do you like them?
- Yes.
I don't like them at all.
I think they keep you warm.
Warm but not very elegant in Paris.
This is a tricky problem for me.
Nothing at all.
They're modern.
They're modern and sporty.
They're nice.
- You're for them?
- Yes
It's cold, I don't blame them.
It suits them, keeps them warm.
They're a kick in the pants!
Subtitles: VECTRACOM