Dancer in Danger (2022) - full transcript

An online dance contest turns deadly when an unknown assailant attacks and abducts a woman's teenage daughter. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[birds chirping]

Mom! We're home.

- Stay for dinner?
- What are you having?

- What're we having for dinner?
- 'tofu burgers.'

- My, why she like tofu?
- I don't know.

Uh, I bet my dad would
let us order pizza.

- Hey, mom.
- Hmm?

Can I eat at Lina's tonight?

- Homework done?
- Of course.

And it's not your
cooking, which I love..


It's just, Lina's house
is better for shooting

And this one's really important.

And why is that?

Well, for the past 10 days
we've been posting

Our dances on pixapost.

And this is the tenth
and final one!

And Reagan is crushing it!

Right now, she's tied
for first place.

Oh, that's exciting.
So, what happens if you win?

I get the title of charity
ambassador, which means

They donate 10,000 dollars
to the charity of my choosing

Which is obviously..

The happy feet alliance.

And a 10,000 dollar
matching scholarship.

Wow. That's big.
And how do you win?

Well, my tenth video needs
to get the most "likes"

And if that happens,
then pixapost pays us both.

A literal "win-win." I like it.

oh, my god. Reagan!

Your number ninth dance
just went number one!

- Oh, my gosh!
- Okay, girls.

This is where I'm gonna
really sound like an old person

But your self worth
is not determined

By the number of likes
that you get on a dance video.

- Mom.
- I'm just saying.

I hate that the world is defined

By the number of
"likes" that you get.

- I know you do.
- We all do.

Anyways, I'm very proud of you

With or without likes, or
scholarships, or any of it.

Honestly, Mrs. Humphries,
your daughter is a gift.

I'm like the klutziest
person on the planet,

But when she teaches me,
I can actually do it.

You know what? You should
be in the tenth video.

You know, like
a special guest star!

- No, absolutely not.
- Yes. Absolutely, yes!

Okay, we're leaving, but..

- Okay.
- Almost forgot.


This is interesting.
Look at this.

There's a dating app
on your tablet.

Who would've done that?

oh, Reagan. Seriously?

Come on. I made you
the sweetest profile.

You should check it out.

- Your catch!
- I love you.

Love you. Let's go.

Pizza! Pizza!
Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

'I found the perfect
song for our dance today.'

'just wait till you hear it.
It's gonna be amazing.'

You sure he's okay
with us being here?

Yeah. He's a divorced
chem teacher.

What else does
he have going on?

Dad, Reagan and I
want a pizza. Can we order it?

- Dad!
- Oh my god, lee.

Stop screaming. We've to hurry
before we lose the light.


Hey. What are
you two doing here?

I thought you were doing your
little dancey thing at Reagan's?

"dancey thing."
really, dad?

- Hi, Mr. Peters.
- Hey, Reagan.

- Uh, can we order a pizza?
- Uh, sure. Yeah, yeah.

Um, do your thing.
I-I'll order it.

- You okay?
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Just, um, you know deep
into paper grading mode.

So, wasn't expecting
a pizza dance party.

- Veggie supreme?
- Perfect.

- Got it. You girls have fun.
- Thank you.


So lucky, you get
pizza every night.

Only when I'm here.

When I'm at my mom's,
it's a lot of fish.

You ever miss them
being together?

Not anymore. It got really
bad with that court case.

They both just love you so much.

And I can't blame 'em. Even if
you do snort when you laugh.


Alright. You ready to do this?

I cannot wait
to see you win this.

Can't wait to
see us win this.

Reagan, no, no, no, no!

Now is not the time
to experiment

With me in a video.

Come on, please,
I really want you in it.

Plus, I need you there
for moral support.

We're doing this one
all in one take.

- No cuts.
- No cuts?

No cuts.

You with me?


Alright, insane person.
Let's do it.

Here we go.

Hey guys! This is it.

Number ten of the pixapost
charity challenge!

And today, we're bringing you
the real deal.

We're doing this one
all in one take.

No cuts, no gimmicks, no tricks,
so, you better buckle up!

We're hitting you with
the "seven rings mash"

That we've been working on,
and it's a little bit tricky

So, I brought Lina
here to help.

- Are you ready?
- Mm-hmm..

Here we go!
Five, six, seven, eight.

[music on stereo]

- Good!
- Whoo!

Oh, my gosh!
Okay, we rocked it.

No, no, no, no, no.
Don't even look at it.

- I know you.
- Are you sure?

Come on.

[crickets chirping]

[instrumental music]

[clanking at distance]

- Honey?
- Yeah.

- Oh!
- How'd it go?

It was great. My phone died
on the way home now.

So, I just need to charge it and
upload everything super quick.

Okay, well, it's getting late,
so, may be it can wait?

Um, yeah. No.

I'm just gonna charge it
and upload everything

And then I'll crash, okay?

Mom, it was so good.

We created something..


That's amazing.

[intense music]

- I can't wait to see it.
- In the morning.

Power outage.
Grab the flashlight?

- Um, where is that?
- Um, right here.


I'm gonna go figure out what's
going on with this breaker box.

I'll be right back.

[door creaking]

[intense music]

[school bell ringing]

Hey, Reagan.
Didn't you get my text?

- Well..
- Did you post yet?

No. Stupid power
went out last night.

I didn't even get
a chance to review.

- Are you serious?
- Yeah. And my phone still dead.

So, I'm gonna do a low key

Charge during study hall
and figure it out.

Such a rebel.


- Hey, Reagan.
- Hello, Samantha.

So, today's the day.

- You ready?
- Absolutely.

I'm super excited,
I'm gonna post tomorrow.

- How about you?
- Well, let's see.

I picked up three new
choreographers on my feed.

One from Willard studios
in new york. She's a big fan.

Also, child unity project,
my charity of choice

Just so happens to be
run by Charlene Allan.

Do you know
who she's married to?


Charlene Allan, director
of child unity project

Who, happens
to be married to

Geoffrey Allan!

The director of admissions
from Willard studios.

I've idea what
any of this means.

It means, if I win...

- When you win.
- Yes.

When I win, not only will his
wife get a check and myself

A scholarship, he'll see
my application and bam!

I'm into Willard
and my future begins.

- Our future.
- Chaz got into vanderton.

- Big v.
- That's so "charitable" of you.

I've wanted to go
to Willard since I was 7.

So, this scholarship is
my ticket out of this town

And onto Broadway
in new york city.

Yes, we all know
where Broadway is

But thank you
so much, Samantha.

Which is where we're going
to spend our lives...Together.


Isn't that touching. I feel
myself start to tear up a bit.

Honestly, Samantha, I'm not
in competition with you.

I really do feel like there's
enough room for all of us.

'uh, not really.'

Sam and I want a future.

Her winning this challenge
solidifies everything.

So, don't get in my way.

Let's go.

- Okay, was that for real?
- Yeah.

- That really just happened.
- I don't know.

♪ I see I see baby ♪

♪ I see I see I see baby ♪

♪ come here come here ♪

♪ baby I'll be waiting ♪

♪ come here come here ♪

♪ I'm anticipating ♪

♪ what are you doing to me? ♪

♪ he kept me waiting
and waiting ♪♪

[indistinct whispering]

- What?
- It's literally your dance.

Like, you have to say something.

What the hell do you
think you're doing?

- I asked you a question?
- I'm not doing this.

Oh, I know what you're doing
and it's not gonna work.

- You're stealing my dance.
- No! I'm not!

So now you're a thief
and a liar now?

- What? No!
- I saw your phone.

The choreography is identical.

No. You guys are being insane.

- Yeah, but stop.
- Just let me look at it.


Stop! Aaah!

[phone thudding]

That was an accident.

Yeah. Thanks a lot.

Let's go.

I swear I will kill her if I
don't get that scholarship.

[instrumental music]

(female #1)
'thanks for coming in. We'll
work on your leg next week.'

'alright, bye.'

Just one second.

Hey, honey, what is it?
Everything okay?

Uh, yeah. Sorry to
bother you at work.

- Hey, Reagan.
- Hi, Jim.

- How's the dancing?
- Can you, can you? Thank you.

- Samantha broke my phone.
- Samantha from school?

Yeah. The one from
the dance contest.

I don't know what's gotten
into her

But she's just acting insane.

Okay, what happened?

Samantha and Mona think
that somehow I stole their dance

For my video, but that
doesn't even make sense

Because all we're doing
is re-creating dances

That already exist.


...She grabbed for my phone,
it fell and it shattered.

Oh, it doesn't sound
like she intentionally

Meant to break this..

Okay, yeah, but the point
is that it's broken

And I need it fixed, I need
to upload this video tonight.

You can just download
it from your

Icloud when you get
home on the laptop?

No, I can't. I tried that last
night and then my phone died

And the electricity blew and..

Mom, you just don't understand,
everything I've worked for

Is in this video,
and I'm so close.

And it would mean so much
to happy feet if I won.

And it could help you
with the burden

Of college and paying for...

I don't want you
to worry about that.

Okay, well, I am.


I will get it fixed. Deal?

I'll take it to the phone repair
place after work on my way home.


- I love you.
- I love you. Thank you.

- I'm sorry that I'm a pain.
- You're not.

- Okay, thank you.
- Okay.

- Everything okay?
- Shattered phone.


You know, she's just too
hard on herself sometimes.

Yeah, well, she's driven.

Whoever she gets that from?

- Whatever!
- Hmm..

[intense music]

you scared?

Did you get it fixed?

Oh, hi mom. How are you?
Oh, I'm tired.

Oh, well, you know what?
I did make you dinner.

You did? Yeah, I even took
the liberty to organize

Your whole closet based
on the latest trends.

Really? Did ya?
That's so sweet of ya.


Hi, mom. I actually
did make you dinner.

And the trends are gonna have to

Wait till the next
time I act like a brat.

Oh, you are not a brat, you're
the best daughter on the planet.

It's a bit of a stretch,
but I will take it.

And yes, I did drop it
off at tech-medi clinic.

It should be ready by
tomorrow after school.

Thank you, mom.
You're the best.

[phone ringing]

Oh, hey, Jim.

- Hi, Jim.
- Yeah, no.

Yeah, no, that's a great idea.

Sure. What time do
you want to pick me up?

I can't believe yearbook
took so long.

Right? And we don't
even get credit for it.

Still, looks good on
college apps, right?

- This is true.
- Alright. I gotta go.

But I will call you
when I get my phone.

- You don't need a ride?
- Nope.

- Mom gave me her car.
- Nice.

Alright, well. Let
me know when you post.

- You parked on the front?
- Yeah.

Okay. I'm in the back.
I'll call you soon.


[Reagan grunts]

[car keys clanking]


[siren wailing]

(female #2)
'okay, so, this attack happened'

In the parking lot
of the high school?

Yeah. In the back walk
by the bleachers.

And there was just
one assailant?

Yeah. From what I saw.

So, you said they
wore a ski mask.

Could you see if it
was a male or female?

Honestly, I couldn't tell.

The only glimpse
I got was of the hand

When he was grabbing
my bag, the gloves.

(female #2)
black, possibly leather?

Yeah and there was, um,
like a band.

Or a bracelet around the wrist.

Like a black bracelet
or leather maybe.

Okay, well, anything else
you remember, give me a call.

I will, thanks.

[door closing]

So, you really have
no idea who did this?

- No idea?
- No.

If I knew anything else, mom,
I would've told the detective.

I know. It's just you're
all I have, honey.

- I can't do this without you.
- I know.

- But I promise, I'm fine.
- I know.

But what if you weren't?

- I mean, what if it was worse?
- Mom, stop.

I promise.
I'll be extra careful. Okay?

I'm not going anywhere.

I had Jim pick this up for you.

What is this?

It's a temporary phone.

I can't handle not being
able to be in touch with you.

Especially now.

Will it teleport me
back to the 90s?

It's just a temporary phone
until you get yours back.

I'll take you tomorrow
after class.

Well, tell Jim
I say "thank you."

I will.

I like Jim.

You guys have known
each other for a while?


Go do your homework.


Yeah. No, I know.

No, no. She seems
pretty freaked out.

She even got me a burner phone.

I mean, I think she might
destroy the school

Tomorrow in her tirade.

(Lina on phone)
don't worry about
the challenge stuff.

You have until midnight tomorrow
to post. It'll be fine.

I can't believe Samantha
hasn't dropped hers yet.

[Lina chuckles]
as if she cares about
something charitable.

Yeah, well, right now,
I'm trying to figure out

Why I'm even doing this.

It's for happy feet, right?

I'm just glad you're okay.

Hey, do you ever think about
your dad dating again?

You mean, like with your mom?

Oh, my gosh. No.

I mean, I like your dad,
it's just..

They're definitely just friends.

No, I just meant..

I don't know it just seems like
my mom is lonely sometimes.

- I wish she had someone.
- 'yeah.'

I mean, I want the same
for my parents.

I love 'em both. I just
want 'em to get along.

Yeah. They'll figure it out.

If they could relax
for a second they'd realize

There's enough of me
for everybody.

Thank goodness because
I'd be lost without you.

Hardly. Alright, so I'll
see you at school tomorrow.

Actually, my mom has a meeting
with principal Jackson

In the morning to talk
about what happened, so..

Lovely. Alright so I will follow
the sound of tornado Beth.

sounds good. See you then.


[instrumental music]

[music continues]

Hey, guys. This is it.

I know you're expecting dirt

But this is a different
kind of "tea."

It's about truth. My truth.

Eight years ago, my
dad Andrew humphries and I were

In a horrible car accident.

He was the greatest dad
ever and..

Thank you for not yelling
at principal Jackson.

I am an over-protective mom,
not a heathen, honey.

Besides, they are
increasing security

So, I'd call that a win.

I mean, I get it,
I just don't want to be known as

"the girl who got
attacked", ya know?

But you were attacked

And we can't pretend
that didn't happen.

- Hmm. Yeah.
- Right?

Yeah, I know.


- Who's that?
- Samantha.

The girl that broke my phone?

Do you think she had anything
to do with the attack?

I mean, she's intense,
but she's not that intense.

Okay, well, just,
stay away from her.

And stay away from them.

Just stay home, forever. Please.

- I know you're worried.
- I am.

But can we turn it down,
just for a teeny bit?

- Okay. I'm trying my best.
- I know.

Thank you. I love you.
I gotta go.

I love you too.


- Oh. Hi, kyle!
- Hey! What are you doing here?

Other than mortifying my
daughter and creating enemies?

You almost sound like a parent.

No. Did something happen?

Yeah. It's a, it's a long story.

Oh, you wanna grab a coffee
in the teacher's lounge?

You don't have class right now?

- Free period.
- Yeah. I'd like that.


yeah. I'm just glad
that you're both okay.

- I mean, are you okay?
- No.

Honestly, I'm still
a little shook.

You know, it's like
the older I get

The more freaked out
I am about her safety.

Well, you almost lost her once

And then losing Andrew
at the same time, I..

I'd say under the circumstances
you're handling it like a champ.

Well, I don't know,
I guess.

I mean, does it get any easier?


I am also the dad who checks
on his sleeping daughter

At least six times a night.

How's Karen?

How are things with you guys?

Don't you guys have
a hearing coming up?

Yeah, she, uh, she pushed
for an extension.

Probably just to make
things more excruciating.

Tell you the truth, Beth,
I've been Lina's

Sole parent for nine years.

And Karen chose to travel
the world for her career.

Then all of a sudden
she just quits her job

And wants to take Lina?
I don't understand it.

No, I mean, I think she just
wants to spend more time

With her daughter
before she goes off to college.

Well, can't you guys
just work it out?

Well, apparently not without
a judge and lawyers.

Well, speaking of which,
I've got a, uh

Arbitration meeting next week.

Could put in a character
witness statement for me?

No, no, it'-it's fine.
I'll do whatever I can to help.

- Of course.
- Thank you.

And you know, if there's
anything you need

I'm always here for you.

- I appreciate it.
- You bet.

Okay. Back to the grind.

- Ooh.
- Oh, how's your knee?

Oh, it's stiff.

Who knew a torn meniscus
would take so long to heal.

Yeah, well. Have you been
doing your exercises?

[bell rings]

Saved by the bell.

Oh, hey.
Thanks for the talk.

It's nice to know I'm not
the only over-protective

Paranoid parent out there.

Oh, well you are
definitely not alone.

Hello? Did you hear
anything I just said to you?

Reagan. Hello.

Earth to Reagan,
what are you doing?

Look at Samantha's wrist.
You see that?


The attacker was wearing
a leather kind of band bracelet

Just like that.

Wait, look. Look-look-look.

[indistinct chattering]

Chaz has one too.

'can we take that
to the principal?'

- Or the police or something?
- I don't know.

But, I mean, it's
worth a try, right?

- Yeah.
- 'hey, Reagan.'

I just heard. I'm sorry
that happened to you.

Yeah, you look really
broken up about it.

- Nice bracelets.
- Huh, okay. Thanks?

We were just so excited
because Sam's likes

Went up like like a ton
in the past couple of weeks.

Mona, come on.
Reagan's been through a lot.

Hey, you're right.

Sorry, Reagan.

Oh, my god!

Quick. Grab your phone.

Let's go live and tag
the challenge, cool?

And...Yeah. Go.

Hey, guys,
sorry I've been mia

For the 24 hours,
but guess what?

I've got the t and I'm
gonna spill it tonight

Just before my unprecedented
number ten video drops.

Make sure you you tune in.
7 p.M. See you then.

What the hell was that, Reagan?

Guess you'll have
to tune in to see.

Whatever. You're all talk.

Thanks for the encouragement.

Oh, you want to be encouraged?

come on. Chaz, let's go.

He creeps me out.

Hey, mom. How was your day?

It was fine. Thank you for
answering my 16 phone calls.

Did I get you in trouble?

Not yet, but if that continues..

I know. I'll chill out.

Hey, Jim and I had got
Chinese food for lunch.

We brought you back
some kung pao chicken.

Mmmm. You and Jim, huh?

That's enough. Come on,
let's go get your phone.

Oh, mom, I can
go get it myself.

Absolutely not.
I will take you.

[phone ringing]

Hey, Jim.

What? Is she okay?

Did she hear a snap?

Okay. Yeah. Just come grab me.
Sounds good. Thanks.

Is everything okay?

A client, she fell
down her stairs.

She's at the hospital.
Jim's gonna come and grab me.

Is she okay?

She's in her 80s. I don't know.

Listen, you can go
and get your phone.

But I need you
to call me the moment

You step into
that phone shop.

I promise.
I'll be fine.

- Okay. Be careful.
- I will.

- Promise?
- Promise.

- Love you.
- I love you too.

[intense music]

[engine starts]


- You need help there?
- What are you doing here?

Oh, just wanted to make sure you
got your video in on time?

Oh, no. You dropped your stuff.

- So, you guys stalking me?
- Relax.

I know the guy
at the fro-yo shop.

All the free non fat I can eat,
thank you very much.

- I gotta go, babe.
- Call me later.

Shouldn't you be prepping
for your big announcement?

Right, it's almost 7:00.

Shouldn't you be getting ready?

I was coming to get my phone.

Oh, no, and the shop's closed.

Oh, shoot.
What are you gonna do?

Aside from being eliminated
from the competition?

Are you guys always just so..

Where are my keys?

- Did you guys take my keys?
- Don't look at me.

Why would we have your keys?

Okay, look. This is actually
serious to me.

This isn't about clout
or popularity

Like it is for you guys.

This organization
means something to me.

So, can you guys just
give me back my keys.

Whoa, Reagan you need to chill.


- She'll call mommy again.
- Let's see.

- Good luck with that.
- You're done.

- You just don't know it yet.
- Leave me alone.

Look, I know you won't
recognize this number

But when you get this,
pick me up on Walden

Heading towards
my house from main.


[tire screeches in distance]

(Beth over phone)
'hey Lina, did Reagan
stop by your house?'

- 'have you heard from her?'
- no.

I haven't talked to her
since this afternoon.

Okay, um..

Can you do me a favor? Um..

'can you go to the phone shop
on Walden?'

She was supposed
to be back an hour ago.

She took the car there and..

'I don't want to leave just
in case she comes back.'

- Of course.
- 'I know.'

It sounds
like I'm being paranoid

It's just with the attack
and everything

I just feel worried
that she might not...

(Lina over phone)
'it's not a problem.'

She was probably just eager

To get her stuff online.

- I'll bring her right back.
- Thank you.

(Reagan over voicemail)
'look, I know you don't
recognize this number'

'but when you get this
pick me up on Walden'

'heading towards
my house from main.'

[intense music]

I don't understand.
The car is here, but she isn't.

it says they closed at 6:00.

She wouldn't have
made it here on time.

'so, where is she?'

Excuse me.

Sorry, we're closing.

Please. Can you just
take a look at this?

Look at this picture.
She was here about an hour ago.

- I don't think so. Busy night.
- Please.

This is my daughter.
She didn't come home.

Look, lady. I'm sorry
but I haven't seen her.

Okay, wait. Just-just wait.

Here. This is my number.

If you remember
or hear anything, please.

I think we should
call the police.

That's what I'm gonna do.

Listen, you go home.
I've got my keys...

No. I'm gonna stay with you.

Honey, please. It's okay.

If you hear from her,
just let me know.

- Okay. I will.
- Alright.

Hi, detective barrows.

Can you call me?
It's an emergency.

[intense music]

[music continues]

Hey, guys, sorry I've been
mia for the past 24 hours

But guess what?
I've got the tea

And I am gonna spill it tonight.

Just before my unprecedented
number ten post.

Make sure you tune in.
7 p.M. See you then.

Hey, guys.
It's me. Samantha b.

Up next is my latest video
for the be kind challenge.

Make sure you subscribe
here for more.

Well, after all that, I mean

No big announcement
and no tenth video.

- Talk about anti-climactic.
- Yeah.

- You're pretty much a lock.
- Told you she couldn't hack it.

"find your keys," Samantha b.?

What are you talking about?

On Reagan's post, you wrote

"find your keys yet, loser?"

What did you mean by that?

Look, lady. I don't
know what you want...

I'm Reagan's mom.

And I wanna know what
you meant by that post.

We didn't mean anything by it.

Yeah. We were just having fun.

What did you mean by
"the keys," Samantha?

- She dropped her purse...
- yeah, and we took her keys.

- But it was just a joke.
- Where is my daughter?

- What do you mean?
- How would we know?

the last time we saw her was
outside of the fro-yo shop.

- You were there?
- But we didn't do anything.

You took her keys.

Give her the keys, Mona.

- Sorry.
- Seriously, it was just a joke.

Reagan didn't come
home last night.

detective barrows is gonna
be in touch with you ladies.

Seriously? I mean, we didn't
mean anything by it.

- I'm sorry.
- Sorry.

'I mean it, we're sorry.'

Oh, my god!

What are we gonna do?

Hey, Beth!

Hey. What's going on?
Are you okay?

- I don't know. I...
- what happened? What's wrong?

- You haven't heard?
- Heard what?

Reagan is missing.
Lina hasn't told you?

No, she was asleep
when I got home

From my conference last night.

What-wh-what do you mean
missing? What happened?

- No. I can't. I just-I can't.
- Okay, come on.

Let's go talk inside, okay?

So, is there anywhere
else she could've gone?

Your house, it's the only
place that she goes.

- Nowhere else? A boyfriend?
- No.

She doesn't have a boyfriend.

Unless she's keeping
one from me.

- Did you two have a fight?
- No. Never.

And you talked to Lina?

She doesn't know where she is.

She went to go pick her up last
night and Reagan was gone.

Anything else at all?

Samantha and her friend.

They stole her keys.

They were the last ones
that saw her.

Samantha Barnswood?

The things that they wrote on
her social media were so mean.

Well, I mean, you know, Samantha
she's a little self-obsessed

But I, I can't imagine her
being dangerous.

Someone is trying to hurt Reagan

And I don't know what to do.
I called the police.

They say that it's too soon
to send out a search.

Okay, well, we'll
just put together

Our own search party. Okay?

I'll put the word out
and come by your place later.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome. Hey.

Everything's gonna
be fine. I promise.

help find Reagan. We need to
stand together you guys.

Make sure she makes it back safe
to her friends and family.

Take a ribbon. Remember Reagan.

Help find Reagan.

We need to make sure
she makes it back safe

To her friends
and family. Take a ribbon.

- Remember Reagan.
- Remember Reagan. Thanks.

- Okay, Mona.
- Ouch!

- What? What'd I do?
- Nothing.

Oh, my god, Mona!
What happened?

We were just practicing catches
and cheer this week.

You haven't been
to practice in weeks.

- Why are you lying?
- I'm not.

You've been weird and shut
down for a long time, like

I don't know what's going on.
Help find Reagan.

And follow me, Samantha b for
updates on how you can help.

'help find Reagan.'

We need to stand together, guys.

Oh, hey, hey, here you are.

'help find Reagan.'

My best friend Reagan humphries
has been missing

Since last night
and "some people" think

That giving out green ribbons
just makes up

For months of online
stalking and harassment.

'if I had been the last
person to see Reagan'

'I wouldn't be promoting
it with green ribbons.'

Samantha b is out for herself.

Please do not fall for it!

And I'd think twice about having

This kind of person
as an ambassador.

Remember Reagan.
Remember Reagan.

It's really important. Remember
Reagan. Remember Reagan.

Remember Reagan.

You're disgusting.


[eerie music]

[intense music]


What the hell is this?

It's the truth. I'm sure you
wouldn't recognize it though.

You're basically accusing me
of having something

To do with Reagan disappearing!

Do you?

If you blow this challenge
for me, I swear, I'll...

What? Make me disappear?

Don't play stupid, Lina.

Daddy's not here
to protect you and I know

You're tired of playing
second fiddle to Reagan.

What are you talking about?

She's prettier, smarter

And more popular than you.

You hang out with her
for the status.

I mean, face it.
You're a clout chaser.

Maybe you made her disappear.

- She's my best friend.
- Sure.

Just like Mona's
my best friend.

But there's always
a number one and a number two.

Right, number two?

- Just shut up!
- You better watch your back!

Stop looking at me.

[metallic clanging]

[intense music]


[music continues]

Please. Please just, please
just tell me why I'm here.

I don't understand. I don't..
Please, please, let me out!



[instrumental music]

Honestly, thank you. Thank you
so much for making these.

Hey, it's the least I can do.

You have a huge support system.

There's already search party
from the clinic looking for her.

I know, I just..

I don't know what she's going
through, right now. So..

- She's gonna be fine.
- Yeah.

Someone, somewhere
must've seen her.

Any word on the cell phone yet?

I've sent it out to a data
recovery specialist and, um

Haven't heard back so..

Okay, so do you guys wanna
start in your office,

And then, on at the main street.

Yeah, that sounds good.

'hello, Beth?'

Hi, honey, I'm here.

Hey! Sorry, I'm late.

Um, I can handle these!

All of 'em?

Yeah, I put out a post online

And everyone wanted to help.

I've half the school
waiting in the parking lot.

Oh, honey, thank you so much.

I don't know
what I'll do without you.

We're gonna do this.
We're gonna get her back.

Come here.

[instrumental music]

Okay, alright, I'm taking these.

I will see you guys later.

- Okay, hon.
- Okay.

Come on.

Let's go find her.

you're not alone
in this, Beth.

where do we start?

I'm here to help you.

I took this picture of her.

I wanna be the rock you need.

I did her make-up
for the first time.

we're gonna find her.

come back to me, Reagan.

Alright, I'll get some more
printed on my way home

And then I'll cover
my neighborhood with 'em.

Thank you for being here.

I'm here with you.

As much as you need me to be.

This isn't happening, is it?

She's at home,
everything's fine.

This isn't real.

I don't know life without her.

I can't do life without her.

Beth, you're not
gonna be without her.

We're gonna find her.

- What is that?
- Ah, man.

'you got a ticket, huh?'

It's her school I.D.

What-what is it?

- What does it say here?
- Don't read it.

- Let me see.
- Don't read it, Beth.

Beth, don't read that.

Beth! No, it's-it's not true.

- No!
- It's not true, Beth. Beth.


It's not true. It's not true.

[Beth crying]


[instrumental music]

Look, I don't-I don't know
what you think that I saw

But I really didn't.

I promise I didn't see anything.

Wait, no, please,
please, please.

Please, come on!


Someone help me!

Hey, you.

Hey, dad.

'I thought you might
actually eat'

'if I brought you some pizza.'

How you holding up?

Honestly, I feel awful,
like I'm stuck somewhere

Between crying and screaming.

I just want her back.

Yeah, I know you do.

She kept saying she had this
big secret she was gonna reveal

And I have no idea what it was.

Like, what if it put
her in danger somehow?

I can't imagine Reagan being in
a dangerous situation, can you?

The only thing I can think
of is this stupid contest.

Samantha's been
like a crazy person.

The whole thing just
brought out the worst

In everyone except Reagan.

And do you really think Samantha
would do something like this?

I don't trust her, dad.

She is the one with the most
to gain

From Reagan disappearing.

She was so proud
of that last dance

And I got to be in it with her.

And now no one's
ever gonna see it.

We're gonna find her, okay?


I promise.

Come here.

[instrumental music]

I love you, kiddo.

Love you too, dad.

Eat your pizza.

[engine revving]

'thank you.'

You know, you really
shouldn't be alone right now.

I'm fine.
I just need a minute.


Well, I'm five minutes away.

So if you need anything,
just call me.

- I will.
- Okay.

Thank you.

- Text you in a bit.
- Alright.

[intense music]

[door creaking]




[music continues]

[music continues]




[breathing heavily]


[siren blaring]

(male #1)
'...On you and your
neighbor's property.'

Give me a call there if there's
anything I can do for you.

Or if there's any
other issues again.

We will. Thank you,
officer Cartwright.

Have a good night.

You okay?

Sorry, that was really
stupid question.

You wanna go inside?

I need to be alone. I'm sorry.

Beth! Beth, wait!

Wait? Wait for what?

She's gone,
and she's not coming back.

Don't give up, alright?
This isn't...

Why did I let her go?

- Beth.
- I should've gone with her.

I knew it wasn't right.


I let this happen.

This is not your fault.

Oh, but it is!

It is my fault.

No, it's not, Beth, alright?

You're an amazing mother.
I've seen it for years.

You're the most
incredible mother

That anyone can ever ask for.

And one mistake
just takes it all away.

That's not true, Beth.

But it is true.

I'm sorry.

[instrumental music]

[latch clanging]

Please. Please just-please just
tell me why I am here.

I don't understand. I don't know
why-why you're doing this.

Please, just tell me.
Just, I don't understand.

Wait, wait. Please!
Just let me go!

'well, remember Reagan.'


'okay, you're good,
you're good. That's good.'

'remember Reagan,
take a ribbon.'

Remember Reagan,
take a ribbon.

Okay, we need more people, like,
it's class time, ain't it?

- Yeah-yeah. I'd be good though.
- Okay, yeah.

Hey, remember Reagan.

And follow me at Samantha b

For updates
and how you can help.

- Just pose.
- Ready for the update.


Hey, guys, it's me, Samantha b.

We are still
looking for Reagan.

Please keep your eyes
and ears out there.

And remember, take your ribbons,
and remember Reagan, okay?

- 'no, that was perfect.'
- remember Reagan.

I surely have a couple left.
Remember Reagan.

And follow me at Samantha b
for how you can help.

Why are you doing this?

You didn't even like Reagan.

Well, you think
you've cornered the market

On caring about people?

Remember Reagan, take a ribbon.

What does that even mean,
remember Reagan?

You're acting like she's dead.
What are you hiding, Samantha?

Look, I have double
the followers you do

And they're helping spread
the word about her.

So maybe instead
of fighting, we should be

Working together on this?

Oh, now you wanna be a team?

Um, hey.

Oh my god, mo,
this isn't about you, okay?

It never is, is it?

What are you talking about?

Sometimes, you're
just so clueless.

I'm clueless?

Really. Film your own posts.

Fine. I will.

And I'm not clueless.

I notice you sneaking off
with your new boyfriend.

- I see things, Mona.
- Whatever.

Fine, enjoy you're
nonexistent little life.

You're unbelievable.

Oh, come on,
stop playing the saint.

Excuse me?

Whoever took Reagan didn't like

What she was doing, and now

You're doing exactly
the same thing, so...

So what?

If I were you, I'd watch myself.

Is that a threat?

You're over your head
and out of your league.

Remember Reagan.



Oh, yeah, I'm out of ribbon.
She was so rude though.

[instrumental music]


Oh, ms. Humphries.
I have your stuff.

I'm so sorry for the delay.

I picked up your phone
from corporate last night.

They had to do a
deep dive data retrieval

Which can take some time.

I understand.

Were they able
to get it working?

Yes and no.

Good news is, they were able
to get the phone working

And the hardware
is fully functional.

The bad news is most of the
files were not salvageable.

What do you mean?

Typically with damage of

This sort, recovery is unlikely.

This is literally a matter
of life and death.

My daughter is missing,
there might be something

In this phone
that saves her life.

Please, is there
anything you can do?

Please. Anything.

There may be one
thing I can try.

Give me a couple hours and let
me see what I can do, okay?

Thank you.

Of course.

- I'm on my way to school now.
- Okay, I'll see you there.

Lina, you're not
supposed to be in here.

Samantha threatened me.

Ah, give me a minute. What?

She told me that if I didn't
stay out of her business

I'd disappear just
like Reagan did.

- She said that?
- Dad! It's her.

It's definitely her.
She did something to Reagan.

And I think Mona
is in on it too.

Lower your voice.

Honey, those are some
serious allegations.

Well, this is a
serious situation.

I know.

Okay, um, I'll pick up
with this later, okay?

Come on.

Just had to squeal
to daddy, huh?

- Shut up.
- What?

Like I'm gonna get expelled
for hurting your feelings?

No, but hopefully
you'll get arrested

For whatever you did to Reagan.

- You're crazy.
- And you can't stand not...

Ladies! That's enough.

Hey, what'd they say?
Is everything okay?

What's your problem?

Lina, is everything okay?

Yeah, just waiting on my dad.
He's in the principal's office.


Mrs. Humphries, can I help you?

Yeah, I need the combination
to Reagan's locker?

May I ask what for?

I'm here to collect her
belongings. Is that a problem?

The police informed us that
it was to be sealed

Until further notice.


Hey, Beth,
what are you doing here?

I'm here to get the combination
for Reagan's locker

But apparently I can't

Because the police
have sealed it.

The police requested
that it remain sealed

Until they can examine it.

- I'm her mother.
- Okay.

I'll take care
of it, alright?

Thank you, Carla.

And you two can go
back to class

And I'll take your phones
till the end of the day.


Or unless you wanna be

Thanks, a lot, dad.

What is going on here, kyle?

We need to talk.

[bell ringing]

Yeah, we need to talk.

So apparently,
Samantha threatened Lina.


- This is crazy!
- Unheard of.

Kyle, honestly,
do you think Samantha

Has something to do with this?

I don't know,
without evidence

It's irrelevant either way.

I need to get into
that locker, kyle.

She might have a
journal in there.

Okay, well,
I'll see what I can do.

Kyle, I'm not waiting
for the police.

Okay, just give me a little
while, I can pull her file

With the combo when they're
gone for the day, okay?


- Thank you.
- Everything's gonna be fine.

Okay, I'd meet me
back here at 6 o'clock

I'll leave the side door open
near my office, okay?

- Okay. Yup.
- 6 o'clock, side door, okay?

Yup, okay.

[instrumental music]



- Hey.
- Where have you been?

I just skipped fourth period.

Wait, were you with
your secret boyfriend?

What do you want?

I swear if you say one more
demeaning thing, I'm done.

- I'm never demeaning to you.
- Oh, really?

My non-existent life.

Oh, come on, seriously?

Is it that hard for you
to apologize?

Fine, I'm sorry, okay?
But this is an emergency.

I need to post something,
like right now.

I'm done helping you.

Come on, Mona.
I need your phone. Please?


I know I can be a jerk
sometimes, okay?

But I need you.

Thank you.

I just need to
record something.

- How do I look?
- Fine.

Hey, everyone!
Just checking in.

Still waiting on the results
from the challenge.

Keep sharing, keep wearing
those ribbons for Reagan.

On the positive, this tragedy
may have sparked a romance

Between a certain
single mother, and our

'ever so popular chem teacher.'

So remember, with every negative
there's always a positive!

Keep your heads up.
Subscribe and share!

How'd I sound? Like kinda
somber, but uplifting?



I know you're lying. What's up?

[phone ringing]

"boo" wants to know if
you're still on for tonight?

Sam, Sam...

Time for me to find out who this

Secret guy is, what do ya think?

- Hello.
- Sam, Sam..

Hey, hey, I'm sorry.
Yeah, I.. No, I know.

I'll call you back.


What are you doing, Mona?

I mean, this is
completely insane!

Sam, I've done everything
for you my entire life.

So please don't tell anyone.

- No, but he's...
- a what?

Sees me for me?

Doesn't think I'm your
Samantha's second?

I know what you
say behind my back.

This is wrong, Mona.

You have to end it!

See, this is why I don't
share anything with you.

You don't know
what I'm doing through.

And all this stuff
with Reagan...

Wait. What stuff with Reagan?

- Nothing.
- What do you know, Mona?

Oh, my god, I'm getting blamed

And it's been you
this whole time!

No, I'm telling the cops.

- Sam, no...
- let go off me.

[Samantha screaming]


[instrumental music]

Sam? Sam?

[instrumental music]

[phone ringing]

Hey, Beth, it's Lina.

Hey, Lina, what's up?
You got anything?

Well, today, at school, I saw
Mona wearing a black bracelet

Just like the one
Reagan described.

'and I just pulled up
a couple of pictures'

'they all have them.'

Mona, Chaz, and Samantha.
They're identical.

It's Samantha. I know it is.

She's the only one
to gain from this.

Beth, Samantha's
in the hospital.

She's in the hospital? What?

I don't know. I'm
heading over there right now.

'I'll meet you at your
place afterwards.'

Alright. Thanks.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[music continues]



[intense music]




[music continues]



'Beth, wake up.'

'Beth, wake up.'

'Beth. Beth wake up.'

Hey, Beth, wake up.

- Hey.
- What happened?

I was late, you didn't
leave the door open.

I had to call Carla to get
a new set of keys.

We heard screaming.

Are you okay? What happened?

Reagan's locker.

Somebody already went through
it. It wasn't you?

No, it was me. I-I think
I found something that...

Okay, we need to get you
to the hospital, okay?

Carla, will you
help her, please?

I'm gonna call the police.

Alright, there's been an
attack at the high school.

It's gone! Her notebook is gone.

What is it?

Someone must've known that

We're gonna be here tonight.

Ah, I need an ambulance please.

We really need to
get you to a doctor.

No! I'm not going.

Wait, Beth-Beth, what are
you doing? Where are you going?

I need to get
to Reagan's phone.

No, Beth. Honestly, wait,
you can't. Beth, wait. Beth.

[instrumental music]


[engine revving]

Oh my god, you scared me.

I heard a car.
I thought you were Beth.

I was here looking for Reagan.

Is Beth here? Is she home?

No, I can't get a hold of her.

She's not answering her calls.

- I need to talk to her. No.
- Are you okay?

I was just at the
hospital, and Samantha

Told me something about my dad.

And I have to find him,
and he's not home.

I need to talk to Beth.

Okay, alright, come in, come on.



Hi. Sorry, I'm late.
Did you find anything?

Not as much as I hoped.

But I was able to get something.

Thank you.

[instrumental music]

Hey, Robby. Robby.

I told the police everything.
I don't know what to tell you.

So you said that you saw
Samantha and her friend, right?

- Mona.
- And Reagan wasn't here.

It was just the two of them?

- I...
- Robby, please.


My daughter means
everything to me.

And she went missing here
last night.

I'm asking you
as a mother. Help me.

Samantha's friend, Mona,
she came back last night.

- She was with this guy?
- Who? What guy?

- I don't know, he just...
- he just what?

He threatened me.

He told me if I said anything

To the police, he would hurt me.

That's all I know.

Detective barrows, it's Beth.
Mona's involved.

Mona, and someone else, a man.
Call me when you get a chance.

Please call me immediately.
It's an emergency.


Oh, my god, kyle!

You had me so worried.
What the heck is going on?

It's-it's Mona. She's involved.

I talked to the guy at
the fro-yo shop, and he was...

Relax, take a breath, okay?
Breathe, breathe.

I grabbed Reagan's phone.

There's something on it.


It's not very clear,
but it seems like

Mona might be involved.



[instrumental music]

So, it dawned on me
that there would be

A location on Reagan's phone.

Alright, so this is not my
forte, but I know that

Beth's tablet is connected to
her phone, and Reagan's phone.

I just can't figure out
how to get in.

It's "tofu."

- Tofu?
- The password.

Because Beth loved it,
and Reagan hated it.

It was a thing with them.

Okay, I'm in.

Do you know
what we're looking for?

Anything she may have posted
before she went missing.

This is new.

Hey, guys, this is it.

I know you're expecting dirt

But this is a
different kind of tea.

It's about truth.

Eight years ago, my dad,
Andrew humphries and I were

In a horrible car accident.

He was the greatest dad ever,

And that was the day
that I lost him.

The doctor said that I would
probably never walk again.

But my physical therapist
and my mom

Had a different plan.

I hurt so badly.

And I wanted to give up
every single day.

But my mom, Beth humphries,
wouldn't let me.

So she contacted happy feet
alliance, 'cause she knew that

I was gonna need
help fighting this.

And they introduced me to dance.
And I fell in love.

And then I learned how to stand,
and then walk, and then fly.

So, no matter what happens
with this challenge

I just wanted to let
everyone know my "why"

And about the angels
at happy feet.

They saved me.
Them and my mom.

So, this is one's for you, mom

And for all the kids
who wanna learn to fly.

[instrumental music]

What are you doing?

I'm posting it.

- This needs to be seen.
- Yeah.

[instrumental music]

Mom! Mom!

'mom, mom, mom!'



oh, my baby!


Oh, honey, I'm so sorry!

- Are you okay?
- It's okay!

Honestly, are you hurt, baby?

No, no, I didn't get hurt.

You tell me. You can tell me.

- You promise me.
- I promise.

I promise, I'm okay!

- I love you.
- I love you too.


You're Samantha's friend.

Mona. I have a name.

Mona, right.
Where are we, Mona?

Under the bleachers,
before they kept funding

This is where shop class was.

And why are you doing this?
Where's kyle?

Everything would have been fine
if you just deleted that video.

It was destroyed with my phone!
No one saw it!

What video?

The last challenge video.

The one we recorded
at Lina's, she thinks

'somehow we recorded her.'

Recorded her doing what?

Your daughter caught me
coming out of kyle's room.

Okay, and what were you doing
in kyle's room, sweetie?

We've been seeing each
other for awhile now.

And no one was supposed to know,
and then you ruined everything!

Kyle is an adult,
you're-you're teenager.

We're in love.

No, you're too young to be

Involved in something like this.

This, this is kidnapping.

I didn't mean that
to go this far.

I-it was supposed to be simple.

I just wanted to be with him

And then people kept
getting hurt, and it...

Shh! Honey, it's okay.

It's not your fault,
okay, sweetie?

It's okay. Just help us
get out of here.

And we're gonna help you.



It's him.

Give me the key.

we have to let them go.

- We can't-we can't get in that.
- Look, hey, look.

- It's too late for that, okay?
- It's not.

What do you think,
the police are just gonna

Look the other way?

I don't-I don't know.

Let's not forget, it was you
who pushed Samantha.

- You know that was an accident.
- No, no.

It doesn't-it
doesn't matter. Listen.

You wanna be with me, right?

Yes, I do, I do.

Let me handle this, okay?

'everything's gonna be fine.'

I need your face, please.

[dramatic music]


It's recording.
It's-it's recording.

- Get out.
- 'okay, okay.'

Hey, dad.

- Hey.
- Can I have that?

Yeah, yeah, here's your phone.

I was gonna do
a little dance myself.


Had you deleted this in
the first place

Would have made things
lot easier.

What, I didn't know.
I never saw it.

Oh, you didn't?

Then what was this big reveal
you were talking about?

There wasn't anything. That was
something completely different...

Now, you weren't planning
on ruining my reputation?

Destroying my life
with my daughter?

- No. I swear! Why would I...
- no, no? No?

Kyle, that is enough.

Beth, I did not wanted
to come to this, okay?

But I will not
lose my daughter.

And you're gonna take mine
away from me, instead?

She was in the wrong place
at the wrong time, okay?

I-I tried to fix it.
I told her exactly what to do.

'I'm not doing this.'

'oh, I know what you're doing'

'and it's not gonna work.'

So you're thief and a liar now.

- You're insane.
- Yes, let me see it.

- Just let me look at it.
- 'stop, god.'

And then again in
the parking lot.

Check that out.

She was nervous about
you walking home now.

Yeah, I know she is, but...

Hey, you.


Need a lift?

- Gettin' home?
- Yes, thank you so much.


Well, they're just kids,
they're teenagers.

You can't do this.

- You're being crazy!
- Oh, I'm being crazy?

- Yeah, you're being crazy.
- I'm crazy.

I'm crazy for trying to save
my life with my daughter.

No, crazy would
be doing nothing.

Please don't.

Don't do it. Please, kyle.

When I saw that you opened
the locker

I had to do something, right?

All for a journal with nothing
in it, which forced me

To call Carla for an alibi.


Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come. Come.

[intense music]


Go, go, go, go, go!

Yeah, I'm okay.


[music continues]

Now what?

Alright. Come.


Honestly, Beth, there's
no good end to this.

Please forgive me. I'm sorry.


No! No!


Reagan, Reagan, drop the gun.

Don't do it, baby! Don't!

Do not make me hurt her.





- Kyle.
- Baby, let's go!



[instrumental music]

Hey. It's okay.

It's okay.
Shh, it's gonna be okay.

What do you think
they're gonna do to her?

It's hard to say.

'she did help out
in the end, some..'

'maybe they'll give her
a break.'

- Hey.
- Hey.

♪ oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ oh oh oh oh ♪

Have you talked to Sam?

Yeah, actually I saw
her at the hospital.

She was surprisingly pleasant,
and she's still getting

A scholarship, so I'm happy
for her and for Chaz.

Thank god they made it a draw

Otherwise who knows
what she would've done.

Yeah, exactly.

Hey, congrats.

Your "my why" video seems
to just keep going.

You're officially global!

I guess so.

Oh, and I forgot
to tell you, uh

Happy feet asked me to teach.

- No way!
- Yeah.

That's amazing!

Like, you're gonna need backup.

Backup? You're my co-lead.

I'm down if you are.

- I'm Reagan.
- And I'm Lina.

And this is our version of
the oh na, na, na.

- Ready?
- Um-hmm.


alright, that's crazy?

Who's ready to eat?

Do I spy a guest star?

Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no.


I need to see this.

[indistinct chatter]

No, no, no, no.

[indistinct chatter]

♪ everything's
gonna be alright ♪

♪ I'm still runnin'
in the human race ♪♪

[instrumental music]

[music continues]