Cyber Wars (2004) - full transcript
In the near future in the Asian city-state Sintawan, everyone's identity is recorded in the vast CyberLink. The only way around this is using illegal simulated identity implants (sims). A young bounty hunter who makes her living tracking sims, finds herself the unlikely ally of a police detective who suspects the CyberLink is being perverted for an insidious and deadly purpose.
Come on, Jules.
Come on.
Patience, Dash. Almost there.
Got it.
OK, Dash, you're on.
Thanks, Jules. You're the best.
I know.
OK, I'm in.
They can't see me.
You had doubts?
Got him.
He's here.
Almost too easy.
You sound disappointed.
What now?
I don't want to wreck
this guy's wedding.
Tag the sim.
I'll pick him up after.
- Uh-oh.
- What?
Bot, screaming down the pipe.
A bot? What kind?
Too early to tell.
Pipe cleaners, maybe.
The police.
It's coming fast, Dash.
Maybe you'd better rethink.
What was that?
Lost him, Jules.
Gonna have to do this
the hard way.
Or I'll cut your legs off.
This is Sector Control.
Don't move.
You've got to be kidding.
Put down your weapon
It's not a question.
Put it down now!
Aw, shit!
Don't run!
You're in danger of
enforcement action.
Yeah, yeah. Force me.
No cake for you.
Who are you, the police?
Don't insult me.
You're not police?
Who are you working for, then?
How much they paying you?
I can get money.
I can pay more.
Not if that's the best implant
you can afford.
Listen to me. I know people.
Yeah. They're the ones
paying me.
Hey, I'm hot.
You frazzed my coat.
I love this coat!
Put down your weapon.
Put it down now!
Get your scans off me.
Mackenzie. OS-503-GS-1.
You defied a police directive.
Mandatory forfeiture.
And you almost cost me my fee.
That was you inside
who crashed the shield.
This man is wanted for use
of an unregistered identity.
No kidding.
You will be required
to release him to us.
The hell I will.
I'm licensed. He's mine.
This is an Ident matter.
It's you half-bit
proto forces poaching me...
because you couldn't
get him on your own.
No one touches this lobe job
until my fee gets processed.
I don't care how it looks
to your boss.
Have him at processing
within the hour.
I'd rather go with them.
It's a thumb-spin, fellas.
Take off.
You hungry?
I'll put my faith
in the surveillance security.
Stabilization breeds potential...
the one certain thing
in the universe.
The cyber trade provision?
I've seen to it that Parliament
will defeat the provision...
provoking an 8% to 10%
market imbalance...
providing Entropolis
with the desired leverage.
I'm glad you approve.
You haven't mentioned
the internal matter.
I expect to make
an identification soon.
My fish, Davinder. Do you mind?
How has the matter
affected my status?
I'm afraid to say, Mr. Lau...
you have lost your ranking.
Find the person responsible.
OK, OK. Privacy mode.
Dash Mackenzie?
Who are you?
My name is Davinder Sandhu.
I can't see you.
How did you get my vid?
I'm interested in your services,
miss Mackenzie.
I don't do business here.
I understand, but the matter...
Vid, terminate.
Lock out that call.
Block all incoming.
You are too skinny, Dash.
I put in extra.
You working too hard.
What's this?
Today, we are celebrating.
Ah Kun? Ah Kun.
Tell Dash your news.
We have appointment
at the institute.
We've been saving for so long.
Now Ah Kun will have
a real eye again.
Piss off. I'm eating.
You're Dash?
I didn't believe it
when they said...
you only do business here.
You have to admit,
it is eccentric.
You again.
How did you get
my private number?
Of course you don't realize.
I work for Entropolis.
Then you know the rules.
Four weeks ago,
a high level executive...
named Edward Chan disappeared...
with information
that would be devastating...
in the hands of a competitor.
I'm not interested.
It's no simple lobe job.
You're the best.
I'll double your fee.
No need to be rude.
Well, now you're
getting the idea.
You, too. Buzz off. I mean it.
Hello, Dash.
You know who I am?
The big boss.
Must be some shit,
whatever this guy knows.
Quite. I know you, too.
I've enjoyed
your past work for us.
Have you ever heard of
a process called neuromorphing?
Some radical alternative
to simplants.
Brain surgery... the latest way
to beat the system.
The perfect way.
Quantum circuitry.
Only now there's no need
for the "sim".
Neuromorphing alters the actual
neurophysiology of the brain...
creating an entirely
original neural path.
Unlike simplants...
they're permanent,
will not fail...
and are impossible to trace.
That clean?
Like diamond to glass.
The ultimate sim.
Dash Mackenzie,
can you find a man...
who has become someone else?
You already have our files.
Good day.
Welcome, Dash.
Entropolis data file.
- Edward Chan, vice president...
- Edward Chan has disappeared.
- Regional operations...
- Internal investigation...
- Theft of classified materials...
- Highly confidential...
Changed his identity...
Platform one now boarding.
My dear members of the house...
the Cyberlink is a living,
expanding frontier
of lawlessness...
which we must tame...
before it grows beyond
our control.
Ha ha ha ha!
Minister Sundaram's death...
likely will doom passage
of a provision...
intended to increase regulation
of Cyberlink commerce.
Medical examiners have not yet
determined the cause of death.
You there! Stop!
How many more?
How many more?!
Put all stations on alert.
Crash bangs and ravers!
Do it now!
Police! Don't!
Nice catch, detective.
They were running deep,
all right.
Looks like they were trying
to take out the whole transit.
Managed to crash bang
half the grid as it is.
Wicked little bitches.
Don't ask me how they do it.
They're slipperier
than your typical street slime.
Or smarter.
It was like
they read my mind, Kate.
They knew I was coming.
I hope not.
These ravers are spreading
like cockroaches.
Arert cockroaches supposed
to inerit the earth?
Find your true link
with the Lord.
Experience his word
in hyper reality.
Get your hyperclip pass
into the temple.
Bless you, my child.
Hey, miss.
You look like
you could use a puppy. Huh?
Perpetual puppies...
never grow up.
Always adorable.
Come on, miss!
Got tarantulas?
Tarantulas not cute!
Buy a puppy, yeah?
I made extra sure...
no stain from the coolant.
Not one twitch, asshole.
Got it?
I know you. You're Ident.
Ha ha! I don't believe it.
Detective Huang.
No need for that.
Dash, wait!
Is that an official request?
If necessary.
It's not what you think.
- Embarrassing.
- I want to talk to you.
You want to make a case off me.
You're all the same.
I could have done that
two nights ago...
if that's what I wanted.
I'll talk. Wort cost you
anything to listen.
My time.
I know you've been hired
by Entropolis...
to find Edward Chan.
I admit, he looks pretty good
for a lobe job.
Looks even better if he's
peddling insider information.
I believe you're putting
his life in danger.
Heh. That's a new one.
For some reason...
Entropolis wants this
far away from Ident.
First they ran
their own investigation.
When that came up dry,
they went private.
It doesn't make sense.
I think they intend to kill him.
- Dash!
- I don't do that kind of job.
They only need you to find him.
Ask yourself...
why does a wealthy,
successful family man...
suddenly want a new identity?
His kids are stupid.
His wife's got stinking feet.
If life is so sweet,
why do the crime at all?
You sure he did?
Why would they want him dead?
Go back to the cop shop,
Have you made any progress?
Kind of late
to be in the office...
isn't it, Davinder?
I hadrt noticed.
What if I don't find him?
Why do you ask?
You've only just started.
It'd help if I knew
what he was selling.
That's out of bounds.
Then at least tell me,
whose head's on the chop?
Is it yours?
The Chan matter
is my responsibility.
Cheers, Davinder.
Vid, off.
Oh. Hello.
You... you want a room?
Sure. If this guy's in it.
He's expecting you?
Is he here or not?
Mr. Lim has good taste.
Well, we don't want
to keep him waiting.
First, you, uh...
sit over there.
Sit there.
If you'd like your skull
uncracked, shut up.
Don't hurt him.
Where's Mr. Lim?
- Not...
- Come on!
Not here.
Not for a month or two.
You know he's using a sim?
Outload the account now.
Jules, you're not
gonna believe this.
Where are you?
with the dolphins.
Dolphins? For real?
A marine biologist in Sydney
developed the interface.
They are so free.
We never should have
left the water.
Where are you?
Red-light district.
Sounds fun.
I've got a sim, Jules.
I need you to make the architect.
- Send it over.
- Thanks. Here it comes.
Madame Ong requests you for tea.
Dash Mackenzie, there you are.
I apologize
for my hasty arrangements.
You will try not to mind,
won't you?
What have you got to say?
A bounty hunter.
It must be exciting work.
Right up there
with ineriting a megacorp.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
You must be thinking
of my daughter.
But I am the original.
Oh, that's right.
I am 94 years old.
My ongoing project.
Very expensive.
Do you like it?
It's all quite natural.
What do you want?
But I'll settle for Edward Chan.
I know you've been retained
by Entropolis.
I'm sure Joseph Lau is making it
his very cause to find the man.
You know, he was
quite handsome in his day.
What's Chan selling?
Will you help me?
I'm not available.
I can double his bounty.
Heh heh. How would that look?
I'm a professional.
There could be other benefits.
Get your own headhunter.
Hmm. But you are
already very close...
to finding him, aren't you?
Not close enough.
Wort you join me, Dash?
I'll think about it.
Oh, of course you will.
But I meant for a bath.
Like I said...
I'm not available.
Uncle Ban.
Some guy down here
wants to see you.
Looks like a cop.
Want me to get rid of him?
I come in peace.
I understand you...
high-profile case,
you could get a promotion.
I understand you...
free agent, can't trust anybody.
Trust is expensive.
That's not all.
Go ahead, detective.
Spill your guts...
if you dare.
I have no reason
to trust you, either, Dash.
You came to convince me
that someone in Entropolis...
wants to kill Edward Chan.
So convince me.
How do I do that?
No one else thinks so.
It's just you.
I need your help.
Everything I see, Dash,
is through a cop's eyes.
Except lately,
I feel like what I'm seeing...
is not what I'm looking at.
Like there's something
else out there...
right in front of me...
I keep missing.
But you're different.
You're on the outside.
And you're looking
for Edward Chan...
and he's part of it somehow.
Part of what?
I don't know.
Right. Well,
this is the part I know.
Everybody's looking for him,
and no one can tell me why.
Someone else has contacted you?
Why is he so important?
What did he do?
Who is it? Enticorp?
Well, I could tell you
this much.
They're holding digits
for what they want.
You're playing both sides, Dash.
I think we're getting done here.
Don't you care that
someone's life is in danger?
Or it's not your business?
How do you know
he's not dead already?
You still have your job.
It's just games.
Megacorp, Mata Hari, so what?
These people have nothing better
to do with their lives...
than to keep
reinventing themselves.
After the first few trillion,
what else is there?
And Edward Chan?
A coin that fell into a crack.
I'm going.
When was the last time
you saw a coin?
This waiting is ridiculous.
She always has to
make an entrance.
Especially tonight.
Announcing the arrival
of the First Hand Supreme...
the Honorable
Madame Ong Ai Ju.
My God. Is this
how it's going to be...
now that she's
in first position?
Makes you want to change
the rules of the game.
My fellow players...
don't mind
my little indulgence.
I am moved by this occasion.
I am very honored
to take first position...
Then get on with it.
Is something the matter, Joseph?
You're making this a mockery.
Why don't you act your age?
Such a sore loser.
No one loses the game.
Oh, yes, yes, yes.
The game never ends.
But not the players.
Let's get to business.
He's right.
Your stupid band
is giving me a headache.
Very well.
Since points
have been calculated...
we shall begin with arbitration.
Heya, Dash.
- Riley.
- That's right.
You remember.
Us headhunters
have to stick together.
- Time for a drink?
- I'm working.
Say no more.
Been busy myself.
Little India?
Turned a nice sim for her.
that was over a year ago.
Things have been
a little slack lately.
You wouldn't have a bone
for an old dog, would you?
Oh, sure. I understand.
Maybe I'll go in for an augment.
A memory enancement?
I could use the edge.
Got to keep up
with you young cubs.
You could fraz your brain.
Heh heh.
They used to say that
about brain booting.
Nowadays, everybody jacks in
to the Cyberlink.
I'll keep you in mind, Riley.
I appreciate it. Here.
You are talking
rhino shit, Amar.
And you know how angry
this makes me.
Listen to me,
you dumb little dog.
I'd better not
have to handle it myself.
Zai? I'm looking for someone.
Someone else,
or someone not yourself?
Looking for a new identity,
Looking for an old one.
- You are police?
- Strictly private.
Show me your license.
I've heard about you.
You're getting some reputation.
My contact says there's
only a couple of people...
who carry this quality
of architronics.
I see it's deserved.
Name your price.
Giving up clients
is bad for business.
Look, the guy went neuromorph.
This doesn't even matter now.
It's about time
I looked into that.
Then my job is gonna be harder.
Well, you could make it easier.
I might be able
to help you there.
No, not him.
Never seen him before.
Yeah, that's it.
Do you know her?
Could be our paths crossed.
You're in the database.
Got me there.
Very well.
As a courtesy...
courtesy to be paid in full.
I need a name.
Chan. How does that sound?
It sounds good.
But something tells me...
Mr. Chan purchased
more than one.
I spend most of my time
pickir around for scraps...
if you know what I mean.
I take it to mean
your paths crossed recently.
Name's Riley.
You'll remember me?
She was here about an hour ago.
Left with some guy.
Chinese, I think.
Yeah. Chinese.
OK. Thanks.
Don't forget me.
Welcome home, Sylvia.
You have two new messages.
Right there.
Watch the hands.
Edward Chan?
Don't shoot me, please.
I won't shoot you
if you don't run.
You will anyway.
But I haven't said anything,
I swear.
I could have, but I didn't.
Where's the mistress?
Where's Sylvia?
She doesn't know anything.
I'll give you a million dollars.
Two. Just let us disappear.
I won't kill you.
But I will take you to them...
unless you tell me
everything you know.
The headhunter's waiting
in the other room, detective.
He is Edward Chan.
Wrong face, right DNA.
Mistress, huh?
Next to the last call on the vid
was Citicab.
She took a taxi.
Let's find her
before someone else does.
What you got, Vic?
Edward Chan had a mistress.
She was buying a new face
before running.
Running from what?
Let's hope she knows.
Ah. Dash.
Did you do it, Davinder?
Are you responsible?
Your account has been credited.
Dash, you look like shit.
But I have happy thoughts.
Take a look at this.
My scrubbers can't touch it.
Killer crypto, all right.
Crypto? Not garbage?
Crypto meant to look
like garbage.
You don't see stuff
this good too often.
Want me to have a crack at it?
Be careful with it, OK?
Police confirm Edward Chan
had changed his identity...
but admit they don't know why.
What's this about, Dash?
Didrt you miss me, detective?
A friend of mine
has something to show me.
It might interest you.
What is it?
He wouldn't say over the vid.
It means a lot coming from him.
He decoded a data clip.
Which I took from
the girlfriend's bungalow.
You did what?
Damn it, Dash!
How could you be so stupid?
Coming or not?
Hi, Dash.
Glad you could drop by.
First time ever, I believe.
I, uh... brought somebody.
Don't worry.
He only seems flatland.
Julius Kui, Detective Huang.
find a seat.
He's total biomech?
I live in a universe...
without beginning or end.
It's good to see you.
She likes to keep me busy...
solving all sorts of puzzles.
Nothing like this one, though.
You broke the encryption?
Do you have any idea
what this clip contains?
Just that a man may have died
for what's on it.
Not now.
I can't play now.
Later. OK?
I'll find you.
Join me inside.
First, I'll show you
what you're supposed to see.
Now let's peek
behind the curtain.
These are
comprehensive delineations...
of megacorp transactions.
Which megacorp?
Not one. Five.
The five largest in Sintawan.
So Chan was involved
with industrial espionage.
Except nothing here
is particularly sensitive.
Then why the crypto?
What if I told you
that these five companies...
make up the total infrastructure
of the Cyberlink?
Tells me we've discovered
the potential...
for a powerful consortium.
Between rival corps?
By cooperating
on an infrastructural level...
they create the perfect
playing field...
for their competition.
You're talking about
controlling the Cyberlink.
Yes. Technology that connects
all of society.
The playing field.
You don't know the half of it.
An overview
of the interrelations...
of thousands
of strategic maneuvers...
between the five companies
over time...
as they wage corporate war.
The stock and commodities
urban development.
You can break it down
any way you want.
OK. Show us your stuff.
I'm more interested
in the forest than the trees.
You see,
I was able to isolate...
a number of
distinct paradigms...
repeated over and over again.
Tactical patterns.
Then I searched for anything
which might correspond.
I found one match...
an ancient Chinese game,
Wei Chi.
The board game dynamics
are more simplistic...
but there is
a definite correlation...
between the tactical
formations of Wei Chi...
and the strategies
of the five companies.
But the clip's just a game.
No, it's not.
We are.
He's right. It's all
a gigantic game to them...
our lives.
What kind of a game?
These megacorps are manipulating
the course of our society...
and everyone living here.
Social engineering
for entertainment.
That's crazy.
They're manipulating us.
Bullshit. That's bullshit.
It's the Cyberlink.
They have total control.
They're using it
to circumvent...
conventional law and order
leaving in its place...
an illusion.
Then nothing is what it seems.
Nothing at all.
There's never been
anything like it.
The perfect system.
You could even say beautiful.
What is wrong with you?
These people
are playing with our lives.
I gave them Edward Chan.
He stumbled into the truth.
This data was his insurance
if they found him.
And now it's ours.
We'll use it to stop them.
That won't work.
Why not?
How can you prove
the existence of the game...
when there's no distinction
between it and reality?
It's in the clip.
You just showed us.
It's nothing...
a scorecard,
a reflection of a shadow.
Then go into the link...
find where it starts,
and root it out.
I can't.
Look what happens to people.
is as far as I am willing to go.
Edward Chars mistress.
Davinder, what is it?
I didn't know
you were coming up.
Thanks for the lift.
Call security, I kill him.
Try to leave, I kill him.
I thought our business
had concluded, Dash.
Yours, maybe. Not mine.
What's troubling you?
The game, that's what.
I know about it.
Well, in that case,
how can I help you?
You can stop it.
I could withdraw
from the competition...
but I am only one player
among many.
It's in the link.
You can pull the plug.
No, it can't be done.
It's fully integrated
into the system.
They're inseparable.
I control my life, not you.
Now, now.
Every day, we're affected
by decisions we're unaware of...
made by people we don't know.
Not the same.
Isn't it?
All our lives are governed
by forces beyond our control...
economics, politics, nature.
It's been like that
since primitive man.
All that's changed is that
we no longer call it God.
I'm fond of you, Dash.
How can I make you feel better?
You can die.
It was once when a god
took human form...
they were called avatar.
In the link, we are all avatars.
And humans aren't.
I let you catch me.
You lost, mister?
You saw what happened
back there?
One truck, one woman...
nasty sound.
- You know her?
- No. Just another meat mother.
Then why run?
You scorched and torched a very
serious seek and destroy, mister.
Lots of planning wasted.
I remember you from the tube.
You were smart in the tube,
Not so smart tonight.
If you didn't know
the dead woman...
you couldn't know I'd be there.
Finding you, that was good luck.
Finding them...
only have to think.
You're linked.
But it's your own link...
out of the system.
That's how you elude us.
Bioelectrics, mister.
Pure interface.
No more cybertalk.
One body thought.
Like sharing thoughts?
How does it work?
What am I thinking?
Time to jam slam!
- Aah!
- First chaos, then order.
- New order!
- Raver order!
Let me show you something.
You see?
Even I can't control everything.
The cancer has metastasized...
into nearly every organ
in my body.
This cryonic cocoon has slowed
my metabolism to a standstill...
while I continue
to live my life in cyberspace.
the disease cannot be
held at bay much longer.
All my life, Dash...
I have fought in the street
for scraps.
I fought for all this.
I have fought,
and I have won...
time and again...
until there were
no more challenges...
won'thy of my talents.
Until the game.
It's all I have left...
the greatest challenge...
my last battlefield.
It's sick.
Sintawan is utopia...
no homelessness...
no unemployment.
Our citizens have
all they need and more...
all possible
because of the game.
What of a few
sacrificial pawns for that?
It will never end.
Had I died holding
the First Chair...
I would've been honored forever
as the best.
But now, in my final hour...
I've been brought down.
I'm sorry, Dash.
No one can ever know
about the game.
Now put your hands on me.
Nothing feels better
than flesh on flesh.
Davinder, not like this.
There may yet be time
to win back my ranking.
you only thought
you wanted to live forever.
- Detective.
- Huh?
Wake up.
- Cockroaches.
- Detective.
Yeah, yeah,
cockroaches everywhere.
Come on, wake up.
Well, there doesn't seem
to be anything broken.
What happened?
I was careless.
H-how did you...
You called me.
I'm still getting over
the shock myself.
Joseph? You've led a mouse
into our house.
An accident, I admit it...
but one which may prove
to be exciting.
How so?
Instead of some
I propose that
we integrate the concern...
into the game as a wild card.
We can't compromise
the secrecy of the game.
Well, of course not.
The player who is successful
in the capture and removal...
of these elements from the field
earns a handicap.
I see what he means.
They'll win an advantage.
That could be exciting.
I know what
you're up to, Joseph.
Any rule changes must be
agreed upon unanimously.
Sounds like great sport.
I say we do it.
Does the First Hand agree?
Why not?
what have we here?
It's not your home.
You could leave,
get out of the country.
Not my style.
you think they'd let me?
Anyway, it's nobody's home.
It was all jungle
and wild animals...
before people came.
Everyone here is
from somewhere else.
Is that why you are?
Plenty of other places
you could've picked.
Wrong number, Vic.
You don't know
anything about me.
I know Elijah Mackenzie
was a small time hustler...
in the big net commodities.
Your father, Hong Kong,
Seattle, New York.
Just you and him.
What happened there?
You were fourteen.
Look, it's my job.
I'm sorry. I should have
mentioned it sooner.
Not bad.
But I'd hate to
spoil it for you, detective.
You'll just have
to keep guessing.
He's jacked.
The interface closed out
while he was still inside...
Hot wired?
His mind is gone.
No, that doesn't happen anymore.
There are safety protocols.
How could this happen?
He found a way into the game.
You couldn't let it go
after all.
They flamed his files.
I might be able to find
his last destination...
through the bureau interpart.
Ah, Jules.
I'm sorry.
No clearance?
- Kate, what's going on?
- Vic?
- I'm red status.
- What?
For God's sake,
are they coming for me?
Calm down, Vic.
Give me a minute.
Someone did this, Kate.
They're in the link.
There's no legitimate order
here, Kate.
Probably some kind of glitch.
Why don't you come on in?
We'll get it fixed.
Come on in.
We have to go.
What's red status?
Here they come.
No! It's not their fault!
Out of the way!
They won't shoot into the crowd!
Get down!
Out of the way!
Come on!
Police officers! Move aside!
We don't have much time
on the other end.
The original data clip
is at my place.
Somebody will be waiting.
Yes, Joseph?
You've been busy, Ai Ju.
Over already?
How disappointing.
You know how much
I hate disappointing you.
Beware bandits, Ai Ju.
I like the feminine touch.
It's you.
I know a place where we can go.
There might be answers.
You have to trust me.
Lo-tech village.
Hi. Ha ha.
My friend here is promising,
but stubborn.
It's the nature of hybrids.
They need coaxing.
- Hello, uncle.
- Hi.
Come on, follow me.
Uncle Hui was an engineer.
He designed a lot of
the cybertronics still being used.
Oh. Before going primitive.
You're not hungry, Dash?
No, it's good. It's nice.
we brought something
to show you.
It's all here in the clip.
I left that world behind.
I thought you could
look at the data.
All around us...
untold millions of species
of animals, plants, insects...
microorganisms smaller
than the eye can see.
In all of that...
only we humans
have forgotten why we exist.
Now we have virtual reality,
hyper reality...
confusing us even more...
to the point
that what is not real...
is no different than what is.
This game,
if it's what you say...
is an understandable result
of the path we have chosen.
We did it to ourselves?
Oh, that's great.
Auntie Mei paints them.
They're brilliant people.
Tough to live up to.
I never had that problem.
I can tell.
It is a sickness.
In all of us, there is...
Seven emotions, six desires.
But in these gamesters,
they are imbalanced.
Desire has grown out of control.
It gives them power...
real, but some
would say rootless.
Then you believe
we can stop them?
Best I can tell...
the contest is to attain
and hold the highest rank...
by outstrategizing
the other players.
this is not the actual code.
What about a virus?
Without a vector,
an unassigned metavirus...
probably wouldn't get through
the first immunobots.
Julius got inside.
He found the back door.
If it's complex,
think simple, right?
Simply said, it is a game.
Nobody wins.
What kind of game is that?
The fundamental principle
of any game...
to win.
And Lau's dying to do it.
So, what are you getting at?
If someone won,
wouldn't it be the end?
But it doesn't end,
so no one can win.
Unless we tell it
somebody's won.
Hmm. Good, good, good.
The concept must still be there
buried in the programming...
a protocol delivered into
the primary application...
instructing it...
whoever ranks highest has won.
Remind the system
what it already knows.
It just switches off.
It crashes,
and it takes the link with it.
There's no predicting
what will happen.
First chaos...
then order.
First chaos, then order.
They were right.
Uncle, can you write
the protocol?
I think so.
Let's bring it down.
Penny for your thoughts.
You don't have a penny.
That's five cents.
OK. You drive a hard bargain.
Guess I have to
make a wish instead.
Where's the rest
of your family, Dash?
Somewhere in your file,
I'd imagine.
Don't know.
- Don't have any?
- Same thing.
How long did you look
for your father?
Until I knew he wasrt there.
Your turn.
What was your wish?
Enjoy the swim.
Hui? Oh, no.
You stay with him.
The protocol?
You got him.
I think that's all.
I'm sorry.
My, my.
You're a pretty one.
What treasure
will you bring me?
Fly for daddy.
You son of a bitch.
Sorry, Dash.
I reckon we all have
to make a living.
Who are you working for?
Call them.
Tell them the job's done.
Uh... Riley here.
- Well?
- Mission accomplished.
Now what?
You tell me where your buddy is,
or I'll twist your head off.
Well, sounds
entirely reasonable.
Hey, Dash.
Uncle Ban. Can we come in?
We need to use your node
to go into the Cyberlink.
- Cyclops?
- I can't explain it right now.
I was worried.
I've been calling.
Somebody looking for you.
Who, Uncle Ban?
Do you like it, Dash?
It fits.
He never uses it.
We need two headsets.
Only one. It's ancient.
It's no good.
We need to go in together.
- Hey.
- It's not safe going in alone.
Where are you going?
I want to do it here.
It's better this way.
If something goes wrong...
there's one of us left to try.
- Then I'll go first.
- No.
I'm used to being on my own,
Besides, you have to go back
to the island.
I can help. I know the link.
Maybe next time.
Just watch yourself in there.
You watch me...
on the vid.
Let's try "J" for Julius.
Where are you?
I don't know. A data file.
Must be every business
in Sintawan.
I'm gonna look around.
Turn right.
Dash, you got to watch out.
Moles and snarebots
are gonna be coming.
He's right.
You probably set off every
bell and whistle in the system.
Jules was here. He found it.
He knew I'd try. He knew.
Turn that way.
What is it?
A sign from Jules, I think.
Yes? You come for medicine?
I don't know. Maybe.
Maybe? Don't know?
It's a medicine shop.
I'm looking for a friend.
No friend here.
You try somewhere else.
His name's Julius.
Do you know him?
How about the game?
You know the game?
Thanks, Jules.
You could've made it easier.
The medicine, Dash.
It has to be the key.
Let's try again.
I don't feel well.
I have formulas for digestion,
for blood, for anything.
What if I have my own medicine?
Special formula?
This formula is dangerous.
- You should not use.
- I don't have a choice.
There is always choice.
Maybe the formula
will release the syndrome...
and maybe it will kill
the patient.
Just show me what to do.
That's it.
Hi, Dash.
Don't be shocked.
Is it you?
It's almost me.
I'm an agent, left here
in case you made it in this far.
I knew you would.
I suppose it also means
I didn't make it out.
Been here long?
Ah, you look good, Dash.
You don't seem like an agent.
Julius wasrt
your average programmer...
but I am limited
to anticipated parameters.
He found the primary app.
Is this it?
He left you to show me.
So sorry.
You can't go any further.
Ha ha ha.
You're here to stop me?
It's too dangerous to go on.
They're monsters, Dash...
terrible and real.
I can stop them.
I have a protocol
to end the game.
They can't be stopped.
Forget the game.
How can you say that?
You know what they're doing.
They'll never let you out.
It doesn't matter.
Let me go, Julius.
You don't understand.
I can't protect you anymore.
I don't need your protection.
I don't want you to go.
Look what happened to me.
You're not Julius.
You're just a fucking program.
Dash, no.
Don't blame yourself.
You know me.
I had to try it.
I made my own choice.
I know Julius.
He would've let me
make my own choice, too.
You have to accept
my commands, don't you?
Can you piggyback files?
OK. Show me.
I don't believe it.
Not another one.
Looking for me?
Oh, my. How interesting.
Joseph, look who's here.
You said the wild card
was out of play.
I can't explain.
Maybe our guest can.
- Why are you here?
- I've come to play.
This is turning out
to be more entertaining...
than I ever imagined.
My dear girl, you don't have
the qualifications to play.
You don't know me very well.
You remember my friend?
May I rest in peace.
- What is this?
- A protocol...
designed to put an end
to your little game.
Hit it, maestro.
What are you waiting for?
Get out.
Dash? Dash!
It's spreading through the link,
recoding the system.
It can't be stopped.
Game over.
You little bitch.
You may have succeeded in
ending the game, young lady...
but one thing is certain.
When the system closes out,
you'll have a front row seat.
Can't do it, Vic. Vic?
We can still see.
So what?
I can't go in after her!
I can't do anything!
I can't leave.
Something's wrong.
I can't exit, either.
Is it you, Joseph?
Are you doing all this
just to take revenge on me?
You give me
too much credit, my dear.
Which one of you is doing this?
I am.
The reason none of you can exit
is because I won't let you.
More of your mess, Joseph?
What are you doing, Davinder?
Taking control.
Hello, Dash.
It's a surprise
to find you here.
I know the feeling.
You mean to kill us?
Can't your augmented
intelligence add it up?
I've been playing the game, too,
behind the curtain, shielded.
How can this be happening?
You played the players.
Thank you...
but none of this
would have been possible...
without your twist, Dash.
I never would've dreamed
of the protocol.
Glad I could help.
When the system
has run its course...
and all of you are dead...
I'll reinstate the game
and play alone.
What's the point of the game
without competition?
Play with us, Davinder, openly.
You're incapable
of understanding.
You human abominations...
with your bioenanced bodies
and augmentations.
I don't give a damn
about rank and status.
I want the power.
I can't stand for this.
We have to do something.
I've beaten you
with my common human brain.
Let her out. Let her out!
Now I'll leave you all
to oblivion.
Let her out!
She's not part of it!
Why don't you
take off the headset?
Because she will die.
It's your fault, Lau.
You've condemned us.
This is a good one, Dash.
I thought you might prefer to
spend your last few minutes...
in less hysterical company.
I hope you don't mind,
but I wish to stay jacked.
I want to enjoy
what's happening inside.
Entropolis. I'm at Entropolis.
Vic! Entropolis!
No one touch that headset.
Davinder, what do you say
we call it even, you let me go?
I can't risk freeing the others.
You're just like them.
The stars are blinking out,
It's the end.
Look what's happening.
Then we leave as we are.
Oh, no.
Stop it. Somebody stop it.
Heh heh.
How did Chan get on to you?
The mistake which so profoundly
affected the game wasrt his...
but my own.
If I hadrt used him,
they would've discovered me.
Edward Chan was innocent?
Baby crash bang.
Your new activities.
We approve.
Not me!
I'm next.
I'm next!
He was very strange.
And so, Ai Ju...
our affair,
which began so long ago...
finally ends.
You should've walked away
when you had the chance.
It wasrt your job
to ask questions.
Heh heh heh heh.
Heh heh heh.
I'm afraid you'll be
leaving shortly.
Vic, if you're here...
if you can still hear me...
I want you to know that...
- Let her out!
- I won't!
Damn it!
I don't know what to do!
- Vic, please.
- I have to unlock the system!
Look, don't worry.
It's OK.
This isn't my style,
either, but...
I love...
Ahh! Uhh!
What is it? What happened?
The Cyberlink crashed.
The whole system's gone.
Everything's... gone!
You're real. How?
Julius. The agent, I mean.
All along, he was there
to bring me out the back door.
Hey, Vic...
Iook what we did.
Welcome home.