Curse of Bigfoot (1975) - full transcript

A group of high school students on an archaeological dig discover a centuries old mummified body in a sealed cave. Removing the mummy, it soon comes back to life, revealing itself to be an inhuman beast that terrorizes a small California town.

NARRATOR: It happened

2 million years ago.

In steaming swamps and

prehistoric jungles.

[birds cawing]

The earliest man-like creature

walked the earth, not human,

more beast than man.

A monster of evolution.

It walked across

the eons of time,

slowly changing,

becoming more and more

human, more and more advanced.

Until, in the Pleistocene, just

thousands of years ago, man

himself emerged.

But the change from beast

into man was not a steady.

And sometimes, primitive

man would find his life

threatened, terrified by

the appearance of a monster

from the past.


[dog barking]


Scotty, stop it.

What's the matter

with you tonight, huh?

You're making enough

noise to wake up the dead.

There, now, will

you please finish

that and go back to sleep?

Must you bark at

every jackrabbit?

Scotty, if you're good

for the rest of the night

and don't awaken anyone

else, I'll promise to take

you hunting with me tomorrow.

And you can chase all

the Jackrabbits you want.

[dog barking]


Andy, will you get

the lights, please?

But, God, Mr. Whitmore, you

stopped it at the best part.

Well, you get the idea.

[classroom chatter]

Here we have the classic example

of the Hollywood monster.

The movie studios

turned out films

like these by the hundreds back

in the '50s and early '60s.

Werewolves, vampires, monsters

created by atomic radiation,

creatures from outer

space, they all

did their part to paralyze the

kids at the Saturday matinee,

and to give the girl

an excuse to move

as close as possible to the

boy at the drive in theater.

Now these horror films of

the '50s seem corny today,

and just as unbelievable

as the ancient sea

monsters we've been studying.

But don't get the

idea that monsters

are a thing of the past.

All of you have seen recent

films about the devil,

and demon possession,

even the film

about the great white shark

was a monster story of sorts,

a modern day sea monster.

These films manage

to give all of us

a few genuine moments of fear.

Yes, man has always

had his monsters.

Very real.

And sometimes,

most unexplainable.

Well, class, today, we're

concluding this study

of the supernatural,

of powers and beings

outside the reality of nature.

So I've invited a guest

speaker who should

be arriving in a few minutes.

This man is a science teacher,

as well as a widely read author

and a recognized authority

on the phenomenon

of the Abominable Snowman,

or as this creature's

known in North America,

Bigfoot, of present day, mind.

NARRATOR: The search for these

giant, man-like creatures

started with the discovery

of mysterious footprints,

huge footprints, which

obviously were not made by any

know form of human life.

These initial discoveries

were made mostly

in the snowbound regions of the

world, parts of Alaska, Canada,

most often by mountaineering

expeditions in the Himalayas.

In 1951, the well-known

mountaineer, Derek Stapleton,

was returning from an Everest

reconnaissance expedition.

Derek was waiting out a store

at base camp number three close

to the northern edge

of Menlung Glacier.

Now, this man was a

professional photographer,

as well as an educated

scientific investigator

and mountaineer.

The giant footprints in the

snow photographed by Stapleton

were published by

newspapers around the world.

For the first time, the public

came to know of the existence

of a giant man-like

monster which

actually exists

in the Himalayas,

a monster known as

Yeti, or Bigfoot.

Within two years, the

reports of giant footprints

deep within the wilderness

areas of the world

spread from the Himalayas

into North America itself.

In May of 1956, a man by

the name of James Hunt

not only discovered footprints

along the muddy banks

of the Fraser

River near Alberta,

but Hunt actually

sighted the Bigfoot

monster running into the woods.

Unfortunately, he had

no camera with him.

Many people here in

America said he was crazy,

that the footprints were fake.

But over the next

few years, reports

continued throughout Canada,

Washington state, Oregon,

and even into California.

It soon became apparent that

Bigfoot was not just a hoax.

Something was there, leaving

giant footprints deep

in the wilderness.

Bigfoot was real.

Whatever it was, wherever these

giant creatures came from,

it was obvious that they were

becoming as serious about us

as we were about them.

In many logging camps

throughout the northwest,

workers reported sightings

of huge hairy creatures

watching them from the woods.

Man was invading

Bigfoot's domain,

moving into the virgin forests,

cutting trees, taking over

what had always been

the hiding place

for these mysterious monsters.

As modern man cut

into the wilderness,

Bigfoot was forced to retreat

deeper into the timberland.

And as progress forced

Bigfoot out of his homeland,

more and more evidence was found

which proved beyond a doubt

that there were many

of these creatures

here in North America.

More footprints were

discovered, as well as

strands of long black hair

tangled in tree branches, hair,

which, when examined

by scientists,

proved to have come from

some mysterious creature

previously unknown to man.

Of these discoveries, very

few educated observers

would still deny that

something was really out there.

There was an incredible

man-like monster actually

living in the north woods.

Just a few years ago, in

the wilderness of Oregon,

two employees of a

larger lumber mill

set out late one afternoon to

visit a favorite fishing spot.

As it turned out, these

two men were destined

to become the first unfortunate

persons to encounter

Bigfoot face to face.

John, look at that.

What is it?

Let's stop.

Larry, where are you?


Don't drive him off, John.


You expect us to

believe all of this?

Thomas, Shakespeare once

said, through "Hamlet,"

"There are more things in heaven

and earth, Horatio, than are

dreamt up in your philosophy."

Class, one of the biggest

errors a man might make

is to disbelieve

what he hasn't seen.

To think that there are not evil

powers or fantastic creatures

just because you personally

haven't experienced them,

could result sometime in

a dreadful consequence.

Now, now, save any

questions you might

have until Mr. Mason arrives.

He once had an incredible

firsthand experience

with Bigfoot.

And I want him to tell

you the story himself.

Well, while we're

waiting, let's review.

See if you remember

the names of some

of these ancient sea monsters.

Anne, can you tell

me about this fellow?

Uh, let's see.

That's one of the dragons from

the 16th century, I think.

Um, he was a flesh eater and

supposedly grew to a length

of about 30 feet or more.


Now, who can tell me

about this fellow?

That's a griffin.

It's a flying bird monster.

Back legs of a wolf, front

legs of a hawk, like claws.

And it would swoop down to catch

its victim, usually young kids,

and it would just

tear 'em apart.

And it would just eat

everything except their shoes.


When the griffin got

you, all they'd ever find

was your shoes.


All right, Danny,

that may be true.

But I want you to

tell us is just

where and when did the

legendary griffin its start.


He was invented in the

1400s by the Germans.


I wonder.

I wonder, young man,

if the ancient griffin

was really invented, as you

say, by some demented mad man.

Roger, thank you

for coming today.

I wonder if I should have come.


I want to introduce to you a man

who has spent much of his life

as a teacher and as a

highly respected scholar.

He's written several books

on the subject of Bigfoot.

And his actual

story, experience,

incredible experience, with

the giant man beast of America

is an amazing story

he's so kindly

agreed to tell us about today.

I believe-- I believe I

owe all of you an apology,

especially you, young man.

Your teacher has been very kind

in introducing me as a scholar.

I'm thought by many people to

be nothing more than a mad man,

or a liar, if you will.

15 years ago, in a high

school much like this one,

I was teaching science

to a group of students

not unlike yourselves.

Five of those students,

three boys and two girls,

were especially fascinated

with the study of archaeology.

So I arranged a field trip.

As a result of that field trip--

Three of those students will

spend the rest of their lives

in a mental institution.

One girl cannot

speak to this day.

She can only stare

straight ahead in shock.

She's totally unable to

communicate with the world

outside her mind.


Never doubt that monsters exist.

They do.

Right here, in North

America today--

There are creatures that

are known simply as Bigfoot.

They were known to the

Indian over 100 years ago.

And they're still alive today.

But let me start at the

beginning of my story.

NARRATOR: In museums

and universities

throughout the

world, archaeologists

are learning more each

day about prehistoric man.

Archaeologists are highly

skilled specialized scientists.

They know where to

look, what to look for.

And occasionally,

they make a discovery

of tremendous importance.

This is a story of

such a discovery.

It began a year ago,

not in a museum,

but on the campus of a high

school in the southwest.

Five high school students

and their teacher

met with Dr. Bill Wyman, curator

of the Lincoln County Museum,

an outstanding archaeologist.

These seven people

were planning a trip

to the small town of Ivanpah.

Their purpose, to

help the museum

excavate and uncover the ruins

of an ancient Indian campsite.

Not one of these

seven ever suspected

that they would soon

make a startling,

terrifying discovery.

Well, come on, hurry up.

Come on.

Grab your sleeping bags.

Don't leave 'em here.

Is this where we're

going to sleep tonight?

Here you go, Joey.


Whose house is this?

This belongs to one of the

museum association members.

No one lives here

right now, so he lets

use the place whenever we want.

All right, just come on

in for a few minutes.

Sharon, look at these.


Mr. Wyman, are

these sort of things

you found on your expedition?


As a matter of fact, this is

one we found in some ruins

just last year.

You can put your sleeping

bags out on the floor.

We'll straighten up

tonight when we get back.

Shall we go?

Excavation site out

here, out here some place.

Nice shirt.


DR. WYMAN: This really

looks like Indian country,

doesn't it?

MALE STUDENT: Boy, I'll say.

LINDA: Look at those rocks.

I'll bet you find quite

a few Indian petroglyphs

up in this area.

Yes, this company was literally

dotted with Indian campsites

at one time.

Mr. Mason, what

are petroglyphs?

Oh, well, petroglyphs

are Indian rock writing.


Come on with me and

I'll show you some.

Well, there we are.

Boy, look at those.

These technically

aren't petroglyphs.

Petroglyphs are Indian

writings that have

been scratched into the rock.

These have been painted on the

rock with berry juice stain.

We call these pictographs.

Well, what do they say?

Can you read them?

We've been able to

figure most of them out.

They tell of the

history of a brave

Indian tribe, one that lived

around here thousands of years


There were two chiefs in the

tribe, many, many braves.

They hunted the deer and the

rabbit with bows and arrows.

And they believe tat

the sun and the rain

were powerful gods

who were continually

fighting each other.

Gee, how can you tell all that?

We have to study these

symbols a long time.

Basically, though, this is just

to big primitive history book.

Say, Bill, let me

get a picture of that.

Wonder if you'd

just point at that?

All right.

Then the rest of

you be looking at it.

I'll get it from over here.

That's a rabbit.


The ear there.

Yeah, interesting.

Bob, would you kneel down there

and be looking at the rock?

Now that's good.

Just look at the

rock and hold it.


Got it.

Now I guess we

better get to work.


But where's the excavation?

Right back this way.

This is where we've

begun excavation.

What sort of thing do

you suppose we might find?

Well, that's

pretty hard to tell.

The only thing we've

located so far-- well,

here, I'll show you.

These are pieces of

old Indian pottery.

And these are prayer sticks.

Prayer sticks.

DR. WYMAN: Mhm, at least

that's what we think they are.

Prayer sticks were used by

some of the ancient tribes

as religious symbols.

They actually buried

them with their dead.

You mean we're going

to dig in a graveyard?

Well, that's possible,

though I doubt

if we'll locate any bodies.

These prayer sticks may be

over a thousand years old.

Say, do you think

we'll find any bones?

With everything being this

old, it's very unlikely,

but it's still possible.

Of course, it's also possible

we may not find a thing.

It's sure we won't find

anything if we don't get busy.

What are we supposed to do?

Yeah, what do we do?

Let's start digging.


Say, Bill, look at this piece

of pottery that Bob found.

You just found it, Bob?

Yeah, over there

in the digging.

That's a good pottery fragment.

I want to take this back

to the museum with us.

Keep up the good work.

By the way, what time is it?

20 after 12.

Getting a little late.

Lunch time.

Oh, boy.

You boys ready for lunch?

Boy, you said it.

Good, I'll get us

what' s in the truck.

I'll give you a hand.

All right.

Well, everybody hungry?

What do you know?

I finally made it.

Well, we have sandwiches

here for everybody.


Johnny, this is yours.

All right.

Roger, this is yours.

Oh, good, thanks.

And here's Sharon's

and Linda's.

Oh, thank you.


Well, I suppose you see

now why most people don't

like this part of museum work.

You mean the food

or the digging?

The digging.

By the way, did

we find anything

of value today, Mr. Wyman?

Oh, yes.

For instance, this rock.

This was used to grind up

seed to make flour for bread.

Notice the worn edges on it.

And this pottery, we'll

take it back to the museum

and study it more carefully.

I think we can tell

exactly how old it it.

More prayer sticks?

Mhm, more prayer sticks,

Say, Mr. Mason--

What is this rock?

Why, I don't know.

I haven't seen anything

quite like this.

I found it over there

where we were looking

at those Indian pictographs.

Ask Mr. Wyman about that.

Say, Bill, take a look at

this rock that Norman found.

Where did you find this?

NORMAN: Over there

where you showed

us those Indian writings.

SHARON: What's wrong with it?

Nothing's wrong.

This might be an eolith.

NORMAN: What's that?

A very, very old tool, one

used by ancient people's.

This is by far the oldest

thing we've found here.

Let me see it.

Could you show us where?

Sure, it was right over there.

It was right around

here somewhere, just

lying on top of the ground.

I picked it up for a souvenir.

I collect rocks.

You collected a

good one this time.

Well, I don't

see anything else.

All of these are

just plain old rocks.

You know, it seems funny that

it would be lying just on top

of the ground, doesn't it?


Unless it fell.

Up there.

Maybe it fell from up

there and rolled down.

NORMAN: Yeah, it looks like

there's a ledge up there.

Let's go up and see.

All right.

We'll have to find some

other place to get up though.

We'd never make it from here.

I think I'll stay down.

Me, too.

Need a climbing

rope from the truck.

I'll get it.

The heck of a ways down.


Boy, isn't that a long drop?

That's Sharon and

Linda down there.


Let's see.

Are we above the spot

where the rock fell?

Over there.

Let's look around down here.

Look at these.

It doesn't look as

if we're going to find

any of those rocks around here.

I can't even see that

small ledge from here.

Do you?

No, un-unh.

Let's see.

We were standing down

there, by that thick brush.

Hey, what's this?

It's a stone

tablet of some kind.

Wow, this is

really [inaudible].

Yeah, but what?

Do you recognize

those markings, Bill?


No, those are strange to me.

They look rather

primitive, don't they?

They look older than any

other markings I've ever seen.

Were they made by

Indians, do you think?

No, not these.

These are the types of

markings made by cavemen.


Perhaps as ancient

as Pithecanthropus

erectus, the earliest

known species of ape man.


Seems to be sealed along

the edges here in mud.

Yeah, it's not by rocks.

Try digging it

away over in there.

Be careful not to hit the rock.

How are we going to get

it back to the truck?

We're going to carry it back.

You think we can get it out?

Here's the bottom edge.

All right.


Let's try lifting it now.

Boy, whoever put that in

there wanted it to stay.

Well, this isn't ordinary mud.

Why, it's a clay with

some sort of resin added.

It's really hard.

Maybe if we use the rock

hammer to pry up on it.

All right.

Try it.

I'm sure you won't break it?

No, it won't break.

OK, Bob, pull.

I think it moved a little.

Not much.

Let's try it again.

Maybe if we lift up on

it while the boys pull.

All right.

I'll count to three

and everyone pull.

Ready now?

One, two, three, pull.

What's that?

What happened?

NORMAN: What happened?

Wait a minute.

Hey, there's a hole down there.

Wish we had a flash light.

Can you see anything?

Well, it looks like

it might be a cave.

What are you doing?

I'm going down inside.

So am I.

Me, too.

We can't all go in.

Well, I'll stay up here.

Will you stay up

here too, Roger?

Well, all right,

but you be careful.

All right.

Come on down.

I'll go first.


Now get a good

grip on that rope.

It's pretty solid.

Wait for a minute now.

Let your eyes get

accustomed to the darkness.

What kind of cave is this?

Natural formation?

Probably so.

But it looks as if

these cracks in the wall

have been sealed up.

With what?

Look, pottery.

These are perfectly preserved.

What's inside?


Not ashes of a person?

Somebody cremated?


These are wood ashes.


We'll take these jars with us.

Be careful not to

spill any of the ashes.

Look, this one has

writing or something on it.

Those markings are similar

to the ones on the tablet

up above.

What is it?

What did you find?

There's a body over there.


It's a mummy covered with mud.

What a find.


How can we get it out?

We're going to need some

more ropes from the truck,

and some boards to tie

it and hold it flat.

Let's go.

How'd you like the ride?

Boy, I am glad

that's over with.

Something tells me

Bob doesn't think

much of our new passenger.

Well, it's the first time

I've ever ridden with a mummy.

I'll open the door to the shed.

We'll leave it there tonight.

You mean we're going

to put it in there?

Wouldn't want to leave a

mummy outside, would you?

Suppose it rains.

Be careful bringing it in.

I'll get this end down here.

OK, I'll get here.


Bob, you get that

corner over on that side.

Linda, will you move

that box, please?


Swing it around, Andy.

Can you take it there?

Watch it.

Where do you want it?

Well, I'd suggest you

put it on this trunk.

Be careful.


Who could've thought we'd

ever find any thing like this?

Easy, now.

OK, sit her down.


Are you going to dig

it open and look inside?

I'm afraid if we try opening it

here, we may destroy something.

Yes, sometimes just

exposing a body to the air

will cause it to fall apart.

That's OK.

If that happens, Bob will

sew the pieces back together.

We'll take it to the museum the

first thing tomorrow morning.

There, we can examine

it more closely.

You know, you people have

done a wonderful thing today.

This could prove to be

the most significant


discovery of our age.

I can't get over

how well-preserved

this is, perfectly preserved.

And I think I know why.

Because it was

sealed in that cave?


Not-- not exactly.

Do you remember the vapor

that shot up out of the hole

when we pried the

stone tablet loose?

Do I?

I'll say.

I thought we'd

had it right then.

I believe that some

ancient tribe buried

this mummy, not just

thousands of years

ago, but hundreds of thousands.

They were very primitive.

Their writings and pottery

were a show of that.

And yet, these people

have found the secret

of truly preserving the dead.

But how?

They combined certain amounts

of various woods and resins

that were present on

the earth at that time.

They put them in

those earthen vessels

we found and burned

them in a sealed cave.

The smoke in and the incense

have the power of preserving

whatever was in the cave.

So that's why the jars we

found were filled with ashes.

And that vapor that

escaped from the cave

was a preservative

smoke hundreds

of thousands of years old.

Well, that's my theory.

I could very easily

be wrong though.

Hey, it moved.

What moved?

The mummy moved.



It did.

It moved its hand.

Looks like your story

got through to Norman.

I didn't mean it was

that well-preserved.

I'm not kidding.

I'm sure it really did move.

I was looking right

at that hand and it

just moved, just a little bit.

You'll understand.

Norman watches television a lot.

But I'm not kidding.

Don't tell your story now.

Wait until later

on this evening,

just before we go to bed.

Well, I think, right

now, at any rate,

we should all eat dinner.

Good idea.

I could use something.

But seriously, it

was a great trip.

Boy, it sounds like it.

This day certainly

did go by fast.

I only wish I would

have gone with you guys

when you climbed up those rocks.

That was quite an experience.

And where were we?

Waiting down below.

Well, when I looked

up and saw that ledge

and that sheer

cliff, I always feel

a lot better on solid ground.

So next week,

all the newspapers

are printing big stories

about how we found

a mummy, maybe even magazines.

MR. MASON: Well,

what's wrong with that?


They'll all be asking me

what I did, what happened,

what did I do when I

first saw that mummy

lying there in that

cave, like it has

been for thousands of years.

And what am I

going to tell them?

That I didn't do

anything because I

wasn't even in the cave.

I was too afraid to

climb up on the rocks.

Well, you weren't alone.

I can see the pictures on

the front of the school paper

of you guys prying

up that stone thing

and all my friends

asking me where were you.

Tell 'em you took the picture.



Boy, I'd sure go

for a bottle of pop.

The country store is

open until 9 o'clock,

if you want to walk up there.

How far is it?

If you cut through

the orange grove,

it isn't far, about

a 10 minute walk.

There's a well-worn path,

so you can't get lost.

Want to walk up?

Sure, sounds like fun.

Anybody else want to go along?

So you plan on bringing

in the rest of those jars

for a closer look, don't you?


Well, then, I think

I'll stay here.

I think I'll go outside

too, get fresh air.

Yes, don't feel you

have to stay inside.

The country up here

is pleasant at night.

I'm too tired to go anywhere.

It's sure that

if I go out there,

something important

will happen here.

And if I stay here, they'll

probably find flying saucers.

By the way, you can bring me

back a bottle of orange pop

if you want.

Where's the dime?

Come on, dig it out.

And $0.03 deposit,

unless you want

me to have to drink it there.

Some people are

natural born tightwads.

Are you coming?

No, I'm going to conserve

my energy and stay here.

What's wrong, Norman?

The mummy's in the back.

It's what?

Look, Norman, this

is just about--



It ran into the grove.

What was it?

How could it be?

Come on, Bill, we've

got to do something.

Boy, it sure is a nice sky.

The moon's so bright, you

don't even need a flashlight.

I love the country at night.

Don't you?

Look at the stars.

There must be billions of them.

Living in town all the time,

I guess you never realize

how many there really are.

Wouldn't it be

great to live out

here instead of in the city?

Boy, I'll say.

Shall we cut through

the grove again?

I guess so.

We found our way the first time.

Boy, there's not

much light in here.

If we stay on the

path, we'll be OK.

Yeah, if we can

see it well enough.

You go down to the next

house and warn them.

I'll get Johnny and

Sharon and meet you here.


What's happening--


Thought I heard something.

What's that?

Something's coming.

Let's get out of here.



When you weren't at

the store, I figured

you'd be on the way home.

Is something wrong?


Let's get out of the grove.

Come on.

Oh, yes.

No, the children are all asleep.

What time do you

expect to be home?


Early in the morning.

We're all fine.

OK, bye.

[glass shattering]


Hello, Bill.

Walt, it's good to see

you, especially now.

I just came from

the Mitchell Ranch.

Walt, this is Roger Mason,

a teacher at the high school.

How do you do?

WALT: How are you?

And this is Johnny,

one of his students.

Hi, sheriff.

WALT: Hello, Johnny.

We were up digging at

the Indian site yesterday

and that's where we discovered

the cave and the mummy.

Bill, of all the weird

stories I've heard,

this is the strangest.

If it weren't you boys,

I wouldn't believe it.

How do you account for it?

I can't.

I have only a theory that

the smoke and the vapor

in that cave must

have caused the body

to lie dormant or asleep for

possibly hundreds of thousands

of years.

When we opened up the

cave and let the air in--

I told you I just

came from the Mitchell

where the girl was

killed last night?

I covered the body as

soon as I got there.

But some of the neighbors

had seen it first.

Story's going around

that there's a bear

come down from the mountains.

One of the windows

was badly smashed.

The door of the shed where we

put the mummy was smashed too.

Let's have a look at it.

This mud?

It's like the lab man found at

the body, this funny red stuff.

The mummy was sealed

with mud just like that.

It broke out of its wrappings.

What's it look like now?

We don't know.

We just caught a glimpse of

it as it ran into that grove.

DR. WYMAN: It stood erect,

but was larger than a man.

That's as much as we could tell.

Last night, after it killed

a girl, one of the neighbors

said that he shot at something

running into the grove.

The orange and lemon groves

in this part of the country

are so extensive, the thing

could travel for miles

and never leave the

protection of the trees.

Let's go look at the place that

you say it run into the grove.

It looks as if it's

been along here.

Over here.

Look at the broken branches.

Why, there's blood

on the ground.

Isn't it?


I think we've found

the spot where

the creature stayed last night.

But what's the blood trauma.

Well, my guess is the fellow

who shot at it last night

must have hit it.

What makes you say that?

Because this isn't

ordinary blood.

This is too dark in color.

He told me he had hit it,

but he must've missed it.


Because I saw the

gun that he used.

It was a large caliber.

Three shots from that

would've stopped anything.


Well, it's sure that if a

hunting rifle didn't stop it,

that revolver of yours

wouldn't do much good either.

And it's too dangerous

trying to track

it down through these groves.

You have an idea?

Well, maybe we can lure

it into the open field.

It's worth a try.

That should just about

do it, shouldn't it?

Yeah, un-huh.

Now let's set those

cans of gasoline

around where we can

get at them fast.

All right.

I'll show them where.


Where we can get at them fast.


Now be careful.

Yeah, that'll be good.

I got all the meat

scraps they had.

How are we going to

know when it's coming

so we can pour off the gas?

Oh, we'll situate

someone up the road

to see through the trees and

give the signal went it comes.

We can use the radio

telephone in my car.

And I have portable

unit in the back.


Now let's hook it up down here.

You push this

button down to talk.

And let it up to receive.

That way, you'll be

able to communicate

with the telephone in my car.


See, Walt, you take your car

and station yourself on the road

down here.

Just a minute.

Who's going into the

grove with the bait?

I thought I would.

Why you?

I was going to do that part.

Well, my idea.

That's a mighty

dangerous idea too, Roger.

You don't know where

that thing may be hiding.

All right, let's draw

straws between the two of us

to see who goes in.


The one who gets the

shorter strong has the job.

Why three straws?

I'm in on this too.

Well, looks like I win anyway.

I'll be down by the road.

And I'll be on this radio.


You're more apt to

need this than I will.

We've got this all ready.


Well, I'll be back

in a few minutes.

Be careful.

Sheriff's ready.

He's got a good view through the

grove from where he's parked.

Yes, we've already

communicated with him.


Now all we do is wait here

until it comes out of the grove.

Been a half hour.

[radio static]

This is Bill, Walt.

See anything yet?

Nothing yet, beginning

to look as if this idea

isn't going to work.


wait another 20 or 30 minutes



Yes, Walt?


something [inaudible].

I'm going to take a closer look.

Hold on.

You better be careful.

WALT [ON RADIO]: You'll hear

from me within a minute.

It's been almost three minutes.


Come in, Walt.

Something's wrong.

Come on.

Bring along those

pliers, Johnny.

Better grab that gasoline, too.

There's his car.

Take it easy now.


Wait here.




Put the gas on it.

For God's sake, don't miss.

Get down.
