Cumbia callera (2007) - full transcript
Framed by the high mountain chains that surround the city of Monterrey (Mexico), three youngsters live passions and dilemmas, roaming between the steep slums and the luxury districts, crowned by the irresistible rhythm of the "colombia regiomontana".
This is ""X-E-CUMBIA"" AM radio
your ""Colombian"" station in Monterrey
With 1 5,000 watts of power
Broadcasting from the
capital of northen Mexico
direct from our unique
""la Silla"" mountain!
Bringing you
the taste of ""Colom bian"" m usic
T o the gang in Fomerrey 22,
""la raza"" in lndependencia ""barrio""
La Campana, La Risca
for the ""Colombia"" crowd in Guadalupe
here we go!
The night is near
and the stars dress up the skies
The night is near
a cumbia night of beauty
The night is near
and the sun starts to hide
A beautiful moon rises
Iighting up the darkness
By the beach
by the sea
the night is for dancing cumbia
By the beach
by the sea
the night is for dancing cumbia
She waits for sundown
holding her emotions
So they can dance and enjoy
this cumbia of the night
If I take bus route 50
I cross the lndependencia
then I pass next to
La Campana hill
I'm going to "Revolucion "
to see if I find my loved one
The distant notes of an accordion
are Celso at La Campana
rehearsing a new song
"Revolucion Proletaria "
is a beautiful neighborhood
And my baby shines her light
Iike the early morning sun
And if I don 't find you at "Revu "
I'll look for you in Sierra Ventana
Covered with tattoos
is the body of the city
Signed by "El Amaya "
and som etim es by "El Prozac"
The violence am ong the gangs
so com m on in this region
I'd like it to end
with all my heart
And get them dancing
when they hear my song
N eto, th is is Fabiola,
Letty' s sister i n-law.
I have a gig for you on Saturday
a first com m union.
You have to dress nice
and can"t step on the altar.
Give me a call the num ber is 83
38 46 23
I"m waiting for your call.
How"s it goin".
I was waiting for your call.
That fat chick from the wedding
is hasslin" me about her video.
I hope you finished
because she's pissed off.
She says she won"t pay you.
Call her, tell her it"s ready.
OK, But finish it.
Call me back, dude.
When "la cumbiamba " starts
she shows up
moving her hips
full of life
Everyone checks her out closely
waiting for the moment
to fuse all their bodies
in the wheel of the "cum bion "
Everybody surrenders
to the charm of her dancing
And if she don 't love m e
my heart is lost
Hel lo.
When I sing from the soul
I always look happy
My soul m ight be torn apart
but my faith is still strong
The accordion that keeps m e company
is a gift from God
The sorrow that I feel
is a thorn in my soul
Wail, accordion, wail
because your song brings joy
to those who hear my voice
and your m oving agony
F ol low the bus, please
The stars in the sky
witness my sorrow
They inspired this song
to give me some comfort
The mountains of my land
are an echo to my voice
The only thing I lea ve behind
on the day that I die
Wail, accordion, wail
because your song brings joy
to those who hear my voice
and your m oving agony
I'll open my heart
to win your love
I'd give you the sky
its stars and com ets
I'd give you the full moon
and the blue of the seas
With a chorus of sirens
every evening at sunset
If you give me your love
I'll give you everything
I'll open my heart
to win your love
Every October night
and the most beautiful sunrise
And all I want you to give me
is the beauty of your body
Don 't share it with anyone else
because I want it for myself
The most beautiful thing in the world
is your pretty face, woman
Getti ng off!
Som e lousy pri nce!
I know this love is forbidden
I know I should be faithful
But even if I love him madly
there 's another man in my life
and in my thoughts
I'm not sure this a whim
or if I'm just confused
or if I love them both
I can 't live without their love
With them I find happiness
From one I steal
pure and honest love
From the other I steal heat
passion and kisses
With one I find joy
and m om ents of happiness
With the other I ha ve a hom e
for a very long tim e
The heart can 't be ruled
it falls in love on its own
without asking who
If I fell in love
with a second person
it's not my fault
Because I want them both
I love them both
I can 't stop loving them
Two roads in my life
divide my heart
One is a very good man
who lives with m e and loves me
The other is a forbidden love
because of social class
he is not like m e
But I can 't live without their love
They both make m e happy
The heart can 't be ruled
it falls in love on its own
without asking who
I fell in love
with a second man
that's not my fault
Because I want them both
I love them both
I can 't stop loving them
When the drums beat
the ritual begins
We dance among the people
that makes them vibrate
Slowly the afternoon dies
but the sun refuses to set
Because the moon is jealous
and refuses to com e out
Your dancing beautifies
the very hea vens and skies
And I'll keep dancing
so you know I love you
You know
I always dream of you
I always think about you
And I can 't forget you
You 're deep inside
my thoughts
I can 't live without you
without your loving kisses
I need you and to survive
I need your warm th
Walking the streets of the barrio
I see our nam es
we drew in love
swearing to love each other
You 're my reason for living
even though I know it's hopeless
Because I know a new love
you 've already found
However, my love
I still love you
Because you 'll always be
my greatest love
P lay it for h i m.
Th is is the Lam b of God
who washes away
the si ns of the world
H appy are those
who are called to his supper
Lord, I " m not worthy to receive you
but say one word and I " ll be healed.
Body of Christ.
See you tomorrow.
Look, Cori
these little earrings.
They're for you.
Over here.
Ready ""Calilla"".
Let"s go ""Y eyo"".
We"re ready, is this OK.
No, go to the back, please.
Is this OK.
Behind the chair.
That"s good.
I"m ready.
whenever you are, OK.
One, two, three.
I don 't know what's in a cumbia
that it's made me fall in love
With a beautiful little "chola "
I'm dying to kiss her
She 's so mysterious
with all her charms
She should touch me with her hands
and look at me with her eyes
I feel like I'm falling in love
whenever I see her dance
Oh, Cori, ha ve mercy
and fall in love with me
T ake care, g uys.
See you, N eto.
Than ks, C h i no.
N o, thank you.
And you know, OK.
If you need another song.
I ' m there.
Hey, what"s up!
Are you OK.
How can you not know who"s it is!
What do you want.
Why did you come.
You want me to fuck you.
It figures.
You wanna beat up a woman.
I just came to invite
you we"re making a video.
What"s it to me, guys!
I look for her in the barrio
all covered in graffiiti
I'm falling in love
and she lives in the hills
And if you give me your love
I'll leave my sorrow behind
Oh Cori, ha ve mercy
and fall in love with me
I don 't know what's in a cumbia
that's made me fall in love
with a beautiful little "chola "
I'm dying to kiss her
She 's so mysterious
with all her charms
She should touch me with her hands
and look at me with her eyes
I feel like I'm falling in love
whenever I see her dance
Oh Cori, ha ve mercy
and fall in love with me
Canavati Cantu, Ru perto
And you?
I was told to wait i n I i ne.
What"s wrong with you.
F ucking whore!
What the fuck
did you say to him!
I gave him my key
so he could pick-up some CDs.
The nosy bastard saw it.
Are you sure.
Come with me.
Come with me.
I"m com ing.
How about a beer.
We ran out of beers.
I"ll get a six-pack.
How about some smokes, dude.
What"s this.
You've run away from me
with this hot beat
The color of your shoes
makes you stand out in the crowd
You're like a goddess of the barrio
with those Converse I saw you in
And that m ust be the secret
that makes you dance like that
Like a goddess of the cumbia
it is you who I adore
And you 'll be my religion
even when I'm in my gra ve
And th is goes out to my buddy
from la Cam pana ""Colom bia""
here am ong us, dude