Cuck (2019) - full transcript

When a frustrated loner gains popularity as an Alt-Right vlogger, the online echo chamber turns his fears into a deadly rage.

At Valley

Credit Union of Van Nuys you'll find...

Looking from the top down,

dividing us,

pushing us even further apart

I just don't know...

In the name

of the father, please lord...

You hear a lot of talk about

diversity these days...

The male gaze has always

framed our media

and entertainment.

The US Army,

the army provides...

Has been in Los Angeles

real state for 30...

Acts of confused rooms

and professional victims

in our media

and our institutions

of higher learning

and at the core.

At the core of their little

horrified nightmare

bedtime stories

to scare their children

there's a villain

and that villain

is white and he's male

and he looks a lot

like you and me.

But the greatest threat

to our nation

is the fragmentation

of our people

with this false sense

of diversity.

The progressives have

lulled the masses

with the idea that

somehow we need

the influence of African

and Hispanic cultures

that we're not whole

without them.

That is the greatest

fallacy of the past century.

Diversity is merely a crutch for

the parasitic tendencies

that these cultures

have on our own.

The time has come that

we are at full capacity.

But these others rutting around

in whatever godforsaken

way they want in

their own country.

If we continue to play

games with our border

and immigration policy,

it will be the death knell

to real America.

So, are you ready to

take the red pill?

Or are you just another cuck?

Fuck, fuck!

God dammit!

If you bothered

watching the fake news video

which I do not recommend to...

Anyone with a brain,

please understand

this, they have a goal

or an obsession and that...

Get my smokes?

- What?

- Devil's been after me

for a cigarette.

No, Ma, the doctor said no,

you have to move to patches.

No, baby.

Come on, Ma!

Been about a job yet?

No, the the army

hasn't let me know yet.

Where's my checkbook?


Gotcha, fucker.

Come on.

Come on.

Today we're shooting with an M4.

I'm going to get me

some trespassers

and I think I've found one.

Fuck that fuck up.

Oh, buddy.

Don't forget about my chew,


That's mint.


That's mint, I said wintergreen.

Bad for you, the mouth cancer.

Your mother signed this check?

Because it

is 75 quote unquote psalms

before you get over that hump

and when you get over

that hump you keep going

you don't stop just

like our lord and savior.

Jesus Christ didn't stop,

didn't beg for mercy.

Lord Jesus Christ we are

not strong like him...

But we can strive

and all we can do is strive

and hope one day to

meet our salvation

in a meaningful way.

Commends us to start

determining Saint...

But it's just math,

80 percent of women are seeking

that top 20 percent of men

and if you want to compete

with the Chads

that's who you got to be.

Hey, 'scuse me.


What're you listening to?


Are you listening to music?

My name's Ronnie.

Fuck off.

Look, I'm sorry.

You know, you don't have

to be a fucking bitch.

You know what my grandpa

had? He had a pension.

But people don't even know

what that word means anymore,

they think you're talking

about some sci-fi gibberish.

You mean I can have a real job?

And raise a family, own a house?

Have a retirement without

all this bullshit.

Yeah that's how California

used to be.

California was about

farming and industry.

It was about the American dream.

Watch your fingers.

Not anymore.

It's all just a tax racket

to keep us broke.

Now they got the Muslims

trying to break down the door.

Demanding sharia law.

I had some Middle-Eastern

fella come in here

trying to Jew me down

on some brake pads

and I'm standing there,

I'm thinking

I live in the greatest

country in the world

and I got to stand here

and defend it

against this caveman

who thinks he's standing

in the middle of some third

world camel market or something.

Fucking, my friend,

oh my friend.

Yeah, yeah I know

what you mean, man.

That's why I want to serve.

That's why I want

to go to the army.

Well, they'll be lucky

to have you, Ronnie.

They'll be lucky to have you.

Well of course they're

all queers by now.

Think you got to be

transsexual to get in now.

Yeah, shit that's probably true.

- My friend.

- My friend.

Oh my friend, my friend!

What are you doing?

I said don't touch your

father's things.


I talked to your probation.

He wants you to get a job.

He's not my probation no more.

Well, he will be when

I make the call!

I said I was fixing the car.

With whose money?

It's your fucking car.



Chance Dalmain,

we're excited to announce

the release of his new

book Threats and Promises.

First of all

it's an honor to back, Jim

and I think the true

credit for the book must go

to the loyal subscribers

that helped me

get this project off the ground.

What we're seeing more

and more of, Jim,

is the unification of

like-minded patriots

who've had enough of

the liberal media's

war on the American identity.

We're tired of having

minority victimhood

and trans hysteria

shoved down our throats.

But unfortunately that's

the battle that

has been brought to us

by these cultures

with their identities

that are so weak

that they have to construct

false narratives,

these lies.

Our company offers

a lot of discounts

to our drivers

who are able to work

high-traffic shifts.

Holidays, professional

sports, big concerts.

You find that driver's license?

Ooh, this is a state ID,

where's your license?

And social?

I think it's somewhere in here.

If you give me the number

I can look it up.

- Can I just mail it?

- Sure.

You know if you take out your phone

I can show you how to use the app.

I forgot my phone at home.

Well did you at least

bring your car?

Fucking bitch!

Hey, I got this clock, watch

and a pretty good knife.

The watch runs?

Uhm, I was hoping maybe

you'd fix it.

Buy, sell, pawn, no repairs.

Any way I can get cash

today, up front?


Is that real?

The Desert Eagle?


45, pretty isn't it?

- Hell yeah.

- Can I touch it?

Cash first, 1200.

Can you knock off

like two maybe?

Not a toy, 1200.

No, fuck!

Come on!

Ronnie, what did I say?

Just leave me alone.

- Did you get the job?

- No, 'cause your

car's a piece of shit.

Mouth, no obscenities

in my house!

I couldn't get the job!

'Cause your car!

The engine, it blew up

and now it's going to

they're going to take it away

and it's going to

cost a fucking fortune.

Oh, baby come here

and give your mother a hug.

You know, this wouldn't

have happened

if you were more responsible.


You know that you've

always been immature.

You probably got mad

and wore the car down.

It was a good car.

You think that this is my fault?


Don't you fucking dare.


Well sure, yeah

I feel like people

should be free to identify

however they want to.

The parameters of

gender should be based

on feelings and not science?

Well, it's not about feelings.

If I claim to

identify as a woman

can I get into women's shelters

and blame my social


on my menstrual cycle?

No, I'm not saying that at all,

what does this

have to do with anything?

So does he have access

to weapons, guns,

knives, anything?

No, no he's just angry.

Okay, same as last time.


Won't you have a seat.

- Hello, Ronnie.

- Sir.

You know why your mother

called me here tonight?

Yes, sir.

Y'know, frankly I'm...

I'm tired of getting

these calls.

You've been off probation

long enough,

what's the problem?

I'm just frustrated.

No one listens to me.

I feel like shit.

I'm listening to you

Ronnie, loud and clear.

Now, I could cite you for

a domestic, but I won't.

If you touch your mother,

that's a whole other story.

We clear?

- Yeah.

- Alright.

We haven't had a real man

in this house

in so long, thank you Officer.

Okay, if he has any

more outbursts

we can refer him to

county for a psych eval.

Having a job would help

him out a great deal.

He'll have one this week,

or you can take him in.

- Goodnight, Ma'am.

- Goodnight.

Fucking bitch!

I can't be fucking anything

I need to be!

This fucking country,

you fucking hear me!

I just get angry sometimes.

There's a lot going

wrong in this world.

Right now, right?

Lot of bad shit, huh?

In our country...

Today was a pretty

rough day for me.

I lost a lot of money

and I lost a car

and I lost a job.

But everywhere I go

there's illegals

and they're running the show.

They own everything.

And they look down on you.

My father was a real man.

He died.

In the Gulf War.

Back when America cared

about its heroes.

But now we got these

libtards running the show.

You can't be proud to be

white and male anymore.

It's not politically correct.

Everywhere you go people

try and tell you

what to be, what to think.

Well, you know what?

White men created this country.

We created this country.

But we're losing it, folks.

But as real patriots, we got

to have each other's backs.

Because I don't want to

lose this fucking country

to sharia or fag pride,

not on my fucking watch.

Everywhere you go people

try and tell you

what to be, what to think.

Not on my fucking watch!

As real patriots we got to

have each other's backs.


My father was a real man.

Ronnie I am proud of you.

It will be the death knell

to real America.

Are you ready to take

the red pill?

Or are you just another cuck?

You've done this work before?

You know, I can push a mop.

What kind of job you had before?

No, I haven't 'cause

my mom's sick

and I take care of her.

But I put in for the army,

I want to end up there.

We'll start you off part-time,

trash and stocking the shelves.

Maybe later you make cashier.

Hey, I want to get some propane.

Hey there, I just bought

one of these,

can you load it up for me?

- Yes, ma'am.

- Ma'am?

Do I look that old?


Hold on one minute.

You look familiar,

do I know you?

I don't think so.

You live around here?

Well I'm actually...

Oh, I got to take this.

You forgot your receipt.

Thank you.

What's going on Ronnie?

You're quiet.

Eh, nothing.

Women or money?

How about both?


I just need to...

How do you fucking know if a

woman is interested in you?

Without fucking scaring her off?

- I'm serious.

- All right, I hear ya, well that's the game.

You got to hold yourself up.

Hold yourself up, really.

Women smell weakness a mile away

they don't like it,

zips 'em right up.

But it's on you.

Yeah but they're all

different now.

They are, they're all different they

think that all guys are out to fucking

be rapists or pigs,

I mean you just try

to say hi to 'em

and they freak out,

they even hashtag about it.

Ronnie, Ronnie listen to me.

You got problems with

women because

you got problems with yourself.

You get straight up here and

it is going to rain pussy.

40 days and 40 nights

I guarantee it.

I guarantee it!

Plop, plop, plop. All over you.

I guarantee it, man.

Ronnie would you come help me?


Yeah, Ma, just give me a minute.


Ronnie, get in here!

Look at her, the old bitch.

She won't ever let me alone.

She gets something out

of this, I swear.

I mean, women, they're

always trying

to get more comfortable

than they deserve.

While a man has to get out there

hunting for another job,

competing with other men,

she can just get lazy and soft.

They think they're entitled

to this shit.

But there are other

women who want to compete

because they want an alpha male.

So they paint themselves up

and they look like sluts

y'know, and then you look at

'em and they act all innocent,

but here is why you

got to be an alpha male,

because everywhere you go,

every culture

man, stronger than woman.

Women are weaker, women

are weaker so they need

a man to get them stuff.

Got to know what you're

dealing with.

Yeah, that's it, stay strong.

Patriots, stay strong.

Fuck yeah.


Yo, Reza!

What're you doing

in those books?

What if somebody wants to

come in and buy something?

I'm studying, but I think my dad

wanted you to change the heads

before you started mopping.

No, he didn't say shit to me.

I think you just fucking study

so you don't have to work.

It's the SAT I'm trying

to get into Stanford.

Oh, okay, you're going to

be Mr. Fancy Pants, huh?

- Yeah.

- Mr. fucking scholar, okay.

Well, you know what?

Condoms, I want some rubbers,

I have a hot date tonight.

I'm serious.



Do we get an employee discount?


Keep the change.

'Cause come tomorrow, you're

going to hear all the stories.



I'm going to get some big news.

Hey, Melanie... Hi Melanie.

Hi, Ronnie.

Hi, how are you, Melanie?

I'm Ronnie.

Well, it's Ronald but everyone's

always called me Ronnie.

Ooh, I'll have that.

Madame Butterfly tea, please.


So, I figure I just need

one more semester at Season.

I mean I could do another

semester but I really

want to push for UCLA,

they have a much better

program there and I dunno,

I just kind of want to

explore some place new.

Right now I'm just happy

that I can pay my bills

and I'm finally getting

to study what I love.

So what about you,

you seem kind of quiet.

I have a job and I'm

just kind of hanging out,

y'know like I can't complain.

Do you enjoy what you do?

Mmm, no, but I mean

who does, right?

Maybe you could find something

that you enjoy better.

I'd really like it if

I was in the military.

Special Ops.

I don't really know

much about that.

Why the military?

What do you mean why?

I'm just curious.

Well, because there's a

shitload of threats right now.

We're getting threatened

all the time

and nobody's doing anything,

so I want to

fight for our country

you know, they need men.

I mean most guys

in college today

are cucks anyway, you know?

- They're what?

- Cuck.

You know cuck, like a pussy.

That's a derogatory use of

that word, I find it offensive.

Pussy? Why?

Because you think

pussy means weak.

Anything a woman has

is less than a man's?

No, I got no problem with pussy.

I just mean that men

should act like men.

You know, I mean you

like real men, right?

Admit it, all chicks do.

- Chicks?

- What? I...

Nothing is untrue, what I said.

You really think that you're

going to support yourself

with this bullshit arts degree?

You know what, I think

you would've been

a lot more successful

if you'd have gone to college.

What is that supposed to mean?

We are not a match,

best of luck.

Wait a minute, you can't

go anywhere yet

I bought you this

fucking coffee.

I bought you this,

here no, look.

Let go of me!

You think

you're better than me...

Let go of me!

- She said, let go!

- Hey man!

Okay no, no, no,

I'm not a bad guy

I'm just trying to talk to her

but you're being

a fucking bitch!

You're being a fucking bitch!

And that's why college

is a breeding ground

for this liberal communism.

They're out to brainwash

people, folks

and they're succeeding

by turning

these women into

fucking feminazis.

Meanwhile, while men

are out there trying to

get real jobs that are

useful to society,

these women are tricked into

studying this useless crap.

What're you going to do with

a women's studies diploma?

Let me tell ya you're probably

going to marry a rich guy

like the gold digger

that you are.

You act like you're respectable,

well you don't have any

respect for average guys.

Fucking gold digger.

You work hard and wait

for the vultures.

You better believe it, patriots.

They cheat too, guy with

more money, nicer car,

bigger cock, bam she's gone.

And they get away with it,

they get away with it

'cause they got all

these guys who are

white knighting around them.

All these fucking losers who

are trying to defend them,

they want to fuck them,

but they make me look out

like I'm the bad guy.

Any guy who defends

feminism is a cuck.

He's a cuck or a fag.

That's it, that's all I got,

signing off, patriots.

Fucking bitch.

God dammit.

What the...?

No, get out of here,

no, I'm not dealing.

- What do you need?

- Need?

Ah, shut the fuck up.

Yo, Forrest Gump,

yo, watch the car.

Yo, you spraying my

shit on purpose?

Damn, fucked up the wax!

Look at that fucking sign.

What's it say?

What's it say, it says no

loitering on property.

Oh, that's your rule, Opi?

Why you calling me Opi?

Yo, clean that shit up, Opi.

Why the fuck you guys

calling me Opi?

Yo, clean this shit up

with your tongue, boy.

Why don't you go back to

Africa with your legs, boy?

Yo, what the fuck did

you just say to me?

You heard what I said.

Go back to fucking Africa.

You fucking nigger.

- Punk.

- Go back...


What the hell is going on here?

Man, you all right?

You niggers! You stupid niggers!

And you, the both of you

you fucking sand niggers,

you're not Americans

and you're ruining this

place, just get out!

You are fired, you hear? Fired!

Get off my property

before I call the police.

Go back inside.

What do you want?

Um, I was wondering if

you needed any yard work.


Oh, hey there.

This young man is wondering

if we need help with the yard.

I can do anything,

anything you guys need.

You know what, yeah,

yeah I think we

might have some work for you.

The flowerbed in the front, huh?

Yeah, we'll be out in a minute.

Just right, the one on the left?

To the left, the flowerbed.

- Hey.

- Hi.

I thought maybe you

could use some iced tea.


It's good, thank you.

You don't plant the planter.

Here, what you do is

you just give it

a little light squeeze...

and slide it

right out like that.

And you sort of loosen up

the roots a little

then slip it right in.


Yeah, just like that.

- Another one?

- Yeah.

Oh, let's do a purple one, okay?


It's kind of blue.

Perfect, oh that's great.

And just like that.

Do you have a girlfriend?

Not right now.

No? Huh, I'm surprised.

- Red one?

- Yes, please.

- Want more?

- Thank you.

Yep, gentle, gentle.

Now let's do a purple one.

You got it.

Thank you.


Bill and I think you're

pretty cool.

We're going to party tonight

if you want to join us.


We sometimes record it.

Just for personal use.

If that's...

cool with you?

That's it.

Yeah, go ahead, come

here, darling, it's okay.

You like to watch?

Yeah? Me too.

Oh, that's it. Touch yourself.

Come closer, Ronnie.

That's it.

Go ahead, play with yourself.

On your knees.

Yeah, oh yeah.

Oh, let me see.

Oh, that's it.

Take your shirt off.

That's it, that's it, baby.

So we really like you, Ronnie.

You like to party with us?


We shoot a lot of our parties.

Mainly for my VIP crowd,

you know just stuff like

you did tonight.

You get paid.



Two, three times a week.

All you got to do is

follow the script.

Can you do that, Ronnie?

Can you follow the script?

Baby, I've been worried sick.

It's some darn girl, isn't it?

- No.

- Some little thing

- you've been seeing.

- No.

Did you have a good day at work?

Yeah, yeah, it was good.

Work's good.

I'm sorry, I cannot help you.

Please, I need

the money, please.

These are too old, they're crap.

I try them,

they all work, I swear.

I have better ones in my store.

Ten dollars, it's okay.

I said no.

Please I need the money.

Excuse me, do you speak English?

Do you speak English?

He said no, he doesn't

want your shit.

That means get the fuck out.

You still got the Deagle?

I brought cash.

Sold it earlier today.

Shit, guess it's not

my lucky day, huh.

Well, what about that?

How much?

So, I've been reading

some of your comments

first of all thank you,

a lot of patriots

enjoyed my last video

and I just want to say

that I did it for you guys.

I'm worried, I'm worried about

the safety of this country

as we get more and more

of these immigrants in.

We're not only seeing

them take over stores

and neighborhoods, but they're

actively threatening us

and trying to make us afraid.

I mean, okay here's

what happens,

see, the liberal presidents

that we've had, they

slowly started giving

more and more and more of

these special snowflake rights

to people who don't belong here.

Everywhere you look

you got liberal cucks

screaming about black

rights, Muslim rights,

they say we're to blame,

that we owe them something.

They stir shit up these days

because they know

that the liberal Jews are

going to print anything

that attacks real white

American men.

So you best believe I'm

going to stand my ground

if I... if I need to.

Look, I'm not racist I just know

the difference between a

black person and a nigger.

Now the Muslims... don't

even get me started

they come in like rats, you

just blink and they have

taken over everything,

every single store,

they think that they're

better than you.

Makes their day to look down

on a real American.

Just because you got an

upgrade from goat-fucker Syria

that don't mean that you can

come here and try and take away

the freedom that we made

for ourselves, for this country.

You try and come over,

take it away from me?

Not on my fucking watch.

Sayonara, bam!

That's it.

Signing off, patriots,

stay strong.

Yeah, that was pretty

fucking good, you fucking...

You come here...

Not on my watch.

Not on my fucking watch!

Never look

in the camera, Ronnie.

So let's do it just

like we practiced, okay?

- Yup.

- Okay.

And action.

Honey, I've been thinking.

Oh, yeah? What? About what?

About last night.

You didn't leave me satisfied.

I didn't?

You lasted two minutes tops.

I think it's getting worse,

and your dick is too small.

So you know you friend

Jack from work?

Well, I invited him

over to show you

how pathetic you are.

Hey, sugar. Hey, buddy.

- Look at all this ass.

- Ooh, yeah.

Let's get you

out of these clothes.

Yeah, oh yeah.

That's what a real

cock looks like.

Ah, baby.

Yeah, baby, suck it.

That's right, baby.

Suck it, baby. Suck it, yeah.

Oh, suck that dick.

Oh, baby.

I want to fuck, take this off.

Show me. Oh, yeah.

- Fuck you, baby.

- Oh, yeah.

Fuck that ass.

Get it up, honey.

Can you get it up?

Can you do it,

can you get it up?

Oh, yeah. That's a real cock.

Oh, oh yes!

Oh, that's it!

Oh, I'm coming!

Look at that pathetic

little thing.

Look at you, you're nothing,

you're so sad, you're such

a pathetic little man.

Oh, yes.

Oh, yes, yes.

This is unreg,

38 special with a 58 range.

Didn't do nothing,

it's called a burner.

Be careful out there.

Got you, you fucking nigger.

And, action.

I thought you said

you were married.

I could never stay

married to a man

with a dick that small.

But I thought you liked the

car that I bought you, baby.

Well, Antonio here loves

bending me over the hood.

That's right, baby.

This is how a real man

bends her over the hood.

Yeah, oh yeah! Yeah.

Oh like that, like that, yeah.


- Get down by the bed.

- What?

You want to get paid or what?

Don't chicken out on me, Ronnie.

And, action.

Oh, yeah, that's it.

Are you ready, baby?

- Yeah, baby.

- You there?

- Yeah.

- Uh huh.

Ready, I'm ready, yeah.

And, right in his face.

How do you like that dick?



It was a shock, I know!

Ronnie, look at me!

You and me, we're a team,

right, you understand?

We just, we got to have

each other's backs.

But I didn't sign up for that.

But you're great at what you do

and we need you.

Listen, we need to just

spend some time together

just you and me, don't we?

Yeah, yeah.

So tomorrow Bill's going

off to Ventura.

Come on over for a drink, okay?

Okay, good.

You did great, you did great.

- Thank you.

- See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.

You really think it's funny?

Well, you're either in AA or

some sort of religious kook.

So which one is it, Ronnie?

Oh, it's neither,

I just don't

like the way that it tastes.

Well, we're going

to change that.

Salt, tequila, lime,

gimme your hand.

Lick, drink, suck.

Are you okay?

The first one's always

the roughest.

Can I kiss you?


You want to do some crystal,

it'll straighten you out?

No, I'm okay with the drinks.

Let's go outside.

- Can I tell you something?

- Yeah.

You can tell me anything.

I want to do something

else with my life.

Maybe get out of LA.

Yeah, me too.

I could take you away, I could

take you away from all this.

What do you think?

I really like you, Ronnie.

Do you like me?


Have you ever been with

a woman before?


Uh, ooh!

I love you.

I love you.


How'd you sleep?

- Fine.

- I bet.

Candy probably gave you

a little something.

Gave you a free one, huh?

Yes, sir.

Well she might've given

it to you for free

but that's my wife.

Look, it's not...

You want me to fuck you up?

- No.

- Then you got to pay.

Okay, how much?

200 bucks.

Can I get you a check?


Go on, Ron, why don't

you get your clothes?

Can't you do

something about these guys?

There's nothing I can do,

I try to tell these guys

don't come in with...

- He's a fucking clown.

- I know, there's nothing I can do about it.

Excuse me, are you a veteran?

- Yeah.

- What unit?

54th battalion, Afghanistan.

- Where?

- All over.

That's a First Gulf War uniform,

you look a little young, bud.

Stealing valor there, junior?

Hey, I'm talking to you!


So a lot of people think

that conceal carry holders

are scary,

yeah they think they're scary,

well, you'd be right to

be scared of this.

That's a fucking 38 Magnum,

it's real.

Has enough power to

kill a grizzly.

That's why the liberals

want it banned, yeah.

But here's the thing,

when the shit hits the fan,

when the real bad guys take over

you're going to want us

on your side.

When the time comes you're

going to be begging us for help.

But here's the thing, we

don't have to do anything

for you liberal cucks.

You tried to take away

our second amendment.

So when the fire comes,

you're going to burn.


Hello friends, especially

all my SoCal subscribers.

I am really excited

to let you know

about this event coming up,

it's going to blow your minds.

Of course, if you're

all up to date

on current events

you've already heard

the good news.

Our president will

be down in Anaheim

to talk about immigration

and laying that spiritual

foundation for that wall.

Of course, there's going

to be plenty of protesters

waving their commie signs.

That's why we need you

and your support

to show up as well.

I'll be there myself,

promoting my new book.

Advance copies are in, might

have a few extra to hand out.

I'm really looking forward

to meeting everyone there.

All my fans,

all those channels that

I personally subscribe to,

we are gaining ground

in Washington, friends.

I think it's only fair

that we show our solidarity.

There's a link

in the description below,

I hope to see you there.

We're introducing

to you a product

that all the stars in Hollywood,

California are using.

All those people with

the convertible down,

wind in their hair,

flying down the ECH.

That's right, we're

looking to transform

your life into a new

deluxe system.

Ronnie, my smokes.

Yeah, you want to be in it?

Fuck yeah, you want to know

what really pisses me off?

What offends me, all

these fucking sissies

who care more about safe

spaces on college campuses

than our right to

say what we want.

If you want a safe space,

stay the fuck home.

You got any more?

Don't pay

attention to the trolls.

All these fucking libtards

are all over the place.

And this place is

a fucking snake pit.

They're marching,

screaming, you can hear 'em.

Amping up for their own

little snowflake rights.

I have my papers and

I did it the right way

and I'm here

in the United States

and I'm extremely patriotic.

I love our president

and I just think people

who are not from this country

should, you know, leave.

They just think they

can sneak in,

like that's not right, you know?

Thank you.

Patriots, live update,

I'm down in Anaheim

you wouldn't believe

these libcucks down here.

But Mr. Dalmain called

on us, so we've come.

There's a lot of people who

are flat out anti-American.

That's it for right now,

signing off, patriots.

Signing off in this.

Get whatever

you want, it's on me.

Thank you, you sure?

Oh, absolutely.

I don't often get the chance

to meet subscribers who

have their own channel.

So, you're trying to spread

the word about real America?

Trying to tell what's gone awry?

Yes, sir, I mean that's

why I pretty much

started my channel, you know.

All the problems we're

facing, immigrants, all that.

Yeah, I think you

follow my views on

identity-forming cultures,

the systemic

watering down of

the white nation state.

How I see it, we got to

have real patriotism.

You know, cause otherwise

anyone could come in here

and take this country away.

To be honest with you,

I am sick of the blacks

and the Muslims, they're

telling us what to do.


Yeah, you're quite astute.

I can tell that the anger

in your videos is real.

I'm sure that's part of

what makes 'em so popular.

Thank you, Mr. Dalmain.

Let me ask you

a question, Ronnie.

How far are you willing to go?

What do you mean how far?

Well, our country, it's shifting

not just in terms of politics

or morality, but culturally.

Europeans are the creators.

They stoked the fires

of art and industry.

But now we're losing the

battle on a population front.

All these Africans

and Pan-Asian peoples.

Hispanics, they're here to stay.

We're in need of a great

cultural revolution.

It's theirs or ours.

It takes an iron will to

build a great civilization,

and a small lapse in faith,

that could cost us everything.

Faith in like God?

In our identity, our principles,

the DNA of European nations.

And when it comes down

to fight for that identity,

where will you be?

Will you fight for it?


Good man.

I'm eyeing these chili fries.

- Hello.

- Mrs. Palicki?

Who's this? -This is Shirley

from Valley Credit Union

calling on behalf of

the fraud department.

- What?

- Your account has

been flagged

for suspicious activity.

Can you please verify

a recent check?

Well, who was it made out to?

William and Candice McKenny.

Says here computer help.

Well, thank you, thank you

very much for telling me.

Did you authorize the check?

- Goodbye.

- Mrs. Palicki?

Hey, you, eat trash.

I'm sorry, what?

You nasty thrifter whore!

What the fuck is wrong with you?

What did he pay you for?

Calm the fuck down, lady.

What did he pay you for?

I don't know what you're

talking about.

My son, Ronnie, what

did he pay you for?

What did he pay you for?

You nasty whore!

Ronnie, come back to me.

Ronnie, Ronnie...

Next stop, Fullerton.

Arrival in ten minutes.

I need you.

Do you like me?

You said it was for

your VIP members.

You could've blurred

out my face.

Drop it, you got paid.

You fucking lied to me.

What do you want from us?

I... I want you.

In exchange for the videos

I want you to fuck me

the way that I want.


You did it before.

I was high, I needed you to keep

making the videos, that's all.

But you fuck any type of guys,

fucking niggers and spics.

I fuck who I want!

And in case you haven't noticed,

you're not exactly my type.

You fucked me!

And you're a fucking

escort, you advertise.

I can get you money.

I will never fuck you, cuck.

Cuck, I'm not a cuck.

Sure you are.

What kind of a real man

takes it between the eyes?

Why are you being a bitch to me?

Just stop being a fucking bitch.

Piece of shit.

I feel like I've been stabbed!

And you have

every right to feel that way.

Momma, it's okay.

You worthless little

piece of shit!

- Stop.

- I didn't raise a thief.

You never had any job,

I didn't raise a liar!

Okay, okay, okay.

You're okay.

Sit, sit down.


did you write the checks?

- Yes.

- Can you tell me what for?

Go sit in jail,

you stupid little thief!

Stealing from your mother

like some beggar,

is that what you are?

You're not my son,

go rot in there

like some smut whore!

Small in the eyes of God!

Not my son, not my son!

Thanks for the ride,

I'll pay you back.

No, no don't worry about it.

You don't belong in

a place like that.

You're going to be

all right, Ronnie.

You going to be all right.

Whatever comes you just

take it like a man.

You're going to get knocked

down and you're going to get

knocked down again

and you just keep getting up

and keep swinging.

- Alright?

- Yeah.

- You all right?

- Yeah, thanks.

See you around.

I'm sorry, momma.

- They let you out?

- Yeah.

Baby, baby,

I've been so worried.

Oh, you can't keep doing this.

You've got to be good, you've

got to be good, Ronnie, please.

You're probably starving, huh?

You need your mom better

make you some food.

Get you something to eat.

Here, come with me.

See that's what

a real man looks like.

I could never stay married to

a man with a dick that small.

But I thought you

liked the car that I bought you.

Look at that

pathetic little thing.

You're so sad, you're such

a pathetic little man.

Oh yes, oh!

I sometimes highlight the people

who mistakenly consider

themselves our peers.

The shitlord you're

about to see,

he stalked me at the convention

just this past weekend.

He called himself

a true patriot.

Well, ladies and gentleman,

let me introduce you

to TruePatriot89,

otherwise known as Candy's Cuck.

That's how a real cock looks.

Get it up, can you get it up?

Hey, little buddy.

How do you like this dick?


oh yeah right in his face.

Where do these losers come from?

Is this a mole trying

to weaken our force?

Maybe the virtue signaling left

will accept this kind of

behavior, but we won't.

He's a nutcase and

a definitive cuck.

In every sense of the word.

Ronnie, Ronnie stop! Stop!

I'm going to phone Dixon,

now you're going to get it!

Your father would be ashamed!

- Hello.

- Candy?

It doesn't need to be like this.

What the hell do you want?

Just listen to me, I...

I really like you.

And I really want

to be with you.

And me and you can just

get out of town.

Just leave together,

Bill doesn't love you.

You can't possibly love him,

he's using you

and he's a pimp and an asshole.

I'm a really nice guy

and I just want you to...

I just want you to

give me a chance.

I'm going to give you

a chance, okay?

And I suggest that you take it.

- Bill.

- Candy.


What the fuck, Ronnie?

Who's the cuck now?

Ronnie no, no!

No! Fuck!


What the fuck?

What the fuck is this?


We're closed!


Ronnie, what are you doing?

You don't have to...

Ronnie, please don't

kill my son, Ronnie.

Ronnie, please don't shoot!

Ronnie, don't shoot!

Come out with your hands up!

Come out now!

Get down!

So I wanted

to shoot this video update

for the die-hards who

watch my channel.

I haven't really talked about

myself too much on here.

But I wanted to share

what's going on with me.

Last night I had the

opportunity to meet

one of my personal heroes.

Hello, Chance.

I never thought that

he would actually

take the time to get

to know me, but he did

and for the first time

I feel like

someone's actually

listening to me.

And all of you, all you patriots

who keep subscribing, guys,

that means the world to me.

Thank you.

I feel like I could do anything

and like we are going to

change the world, you know.

I mean, man, this year

has been like the best.

I've learned that

in life you got to

go after what you want

and you can't let anyone

tell you what you can

or what you can't do.

You just go for it.

There's one more thing.

I uh...

I got a sweet lady

in my life right now.

And she sees me for me, and...

I can see that she needs me.

And you know, maybe

I need her too.

'Cause love hasn't always

been an easy thing for me.

But... but...

I'm trusting myself

that maybe she is the one.

So wish me luck guys, kay?

And I also hope things are

good for you out there too.

Stay strong, patriots.

Go catch some waves.