Cuba (1979) - full transcript

End fifties a British hireling is send to Cuba to train the Basistas. They must be trained to fight Castro's army. In Cuba he encounters an old love, who is married in the mean time. While Castro's army wins more and more their love revives...

Very good. Very good choice.


It's hot enough.

- You'd better dry off.

- See you in the car.

Hello, my dear./ General.


Get me the one on the right.

Darling, you go on to the airport.

I have to stop at the factory.

HAVANA - 1959

?Alto/ ?Alto/

? Tirale/ ? Tira/

- Very hot in here.

- Sure is. Look at him.

Ladies and gentlemen,

please fasten your seat belts.

We are about to land at Havana.

We remind you that due to

political unrest in the interior,

you are advised to contact

the military authorities

before proceeding on

to Santiago or Santa Clara.

?Viva el Senior Pulido/

?Que viva el Senior Pulido/

?Que viva el Senior Pulido/

There you go, folks. Miss Wonderley

is from Hollywood, California.

She will be appearing at the Flamingo

casino nightclub twice nightly.

There you go.

Stand back, give her some air.

She's a big breather.

- There you go, folks.

- ?Mira/ ?Mira/

No, you wouldn't want one.

Cubana Air announces

the arrival of its DC-6 flight

from New York, Washington and Miami.

Passengers will be arriving at gate two.

It is regretted that visitors are not allowed

to come beyond the barrier

due to strict security precautions

entertained here.

Cubana Airlines now boarding

flight number 571.

Cubana Airlines now boarding.

Passengers for flight number 205...

Major Robert Dapps?

- Absolutely. But it's Dapes.

- Of course. I am Rafael Ram?rez.

Aide to Ceneral Bello,

chief of staff of the army of Cuba.

- No, thanks.

- This way, please.

No. It is not necessary. Please.

- Thank you.

- Very nice seeing you.

Sir, could you take off your jacket

and open your cases, please?

What kind of country is this anyway?

What do you have to do

to get that kind of treatment?

Would you like me to smile?

It's simply for your safe conduct.

- Was your flight pleasant?

- Long.

Yes. Bastante.

There's somebody

who wishes to speak to you.

- I take it. I take it.

- No, no, no. Nothing.

- Two pesos. Very heavy.

- Forget it!

No, no. No, no.

I don't need a taxi. I'm being met.

- ?Senior/

- Oh, come on, will you?

Major Dapes?

How do you do? Roger Maxwell-Lefroy.

Thank you.

Although we have no objections to your

being seconded to Ceneral Bello...

Seconded? He's hiring me.

...we wouldn't want any nosy people

to find out about it.

Although British government policy

is to support Batista -

delighted so to do, now that the US

has imposed an arms embargo,

shut up shop, so to speak...

However, flogging them clapped-out

old tanks and Leyland buses is one thing,

hiring out an ex-British officer

quite another.

You're not hiring me out.

I'm hiring myself out.

Incidentally, South American squares

are full of statues to soldiers of fortune.

- Mostly British.

- Yes, indeed.

And you may accept the money.

- Well, thank you.

- Oh, yes.

But if anyone asks you,

you sell tractors, right?

Tractors? I know nothing about tractors.

Ladies' underwear, then. Most soldiers

have a working knowledge of that.

But remember that, for all intents

and purposes, you are a mercenary.

You could be an embarrassment to us.

Don't think you can pop round

to the embassy if you get into hot water,

because you won't be welcome, chum.

- Larry Cutman.

- How do you do?

We've conversed on the phone.

Alex! Alex! Alex!

- Major Dapes!

- Guarde eso.

- Do you know who that was?

- Yes. She is of an old Cuban family.

- She is?

- She's a Pulido.

Your photograph, sir. Photo one dollar.

Do you... Do you want to talk money?

- No.

- Quite right.

Quite right. A charming lady like you.

Let me know when you want to talk money.

I guess your husband's busy, huh?

Yes, I imagine so.

That's why he sent you, I guess.

Very nice.

I can always talk money.

The bishop of Cienfuegos

yesterday visited the soldiers

given the vital task of keeping the bridges

of the Carretera Central open.

He is seen here saying Mass

for those about to go into action

against the rebels in Las Villas province.

Sport. Richie Ashburn, former centre

fielder with the Philadelphia Phillies,

seen here on a visit to Grand Stadium,

home of the Havana Sugar Kings,

said he thought the standard of play

was as good as he had ever seen.

- Where's Teresa?

- She must be at work.

No, no, no. No more, Teresa.

I have to clean up.

- I love you.

- Of course you do.

But I'm in trouble already because of you.

I should have been at the airport

to meet a rich Yanqui.


? Tendria usted

la bondad de darme un cigarro?

Con mucho gusto.

- Gracias.

- De nada.


Fruit company boss protests.

The United Fruit Company

president protested

that water was cut off from a sugar mill

because he had refused to pay

the sugar tax demanded by rebels,

which is said to be 15 cents

on every 200 pounds of sugar.

Looters risk being shot

if they take advantage of strikes

being called despite edicts.

Elect as president Rivero Ag?ero.

Rivero Ag?ero was orphaned

at the age of ten.

He worked in the fields,

but at 15 he moved to Santiago,

where he studied at night and worked by day

until he qualified as a lawyer.

This is the man Batista

would urge you to vote for

in the forthcoming election.

A man of the people, a man of the fields

and factories like yourselves.

Qualified engineers

without satisfactory employment -

your talents may ensure you

new assignments,

such as exciting DC-6 construction, or

in intermediate-range ballistic missiles.

Many more commercial and military products

ensure engineers great opportunities.

Home cooking.

Eddie Fisher's lima bean soup.

The popular singing star comes home...

- Yes, Juan?

- Is Cutman here?

Yes, he is.

Leave us alone, Ram?n, for just a moment.

Shouldn't he be shown the factory?

- Juan, I am still...

- Of course you are.

And I'm still very much in love with you.

- Are you?

- Head over heels.

A most uncomfortable position

to be in, huh?

Yes. I remember.

- What is it this time?

- Very much the same thing as usual.

I shall stop drinking.

In stages.

- I shall deal with the rest myself.

- Thank goodness.

Everything is so much better

when dealt with by you.

- Can I have some money?

- Of course.

- For what?

- For entertaining the Yanqui.

- All right.

- Thank you.

Juan, I know you hate it. I'm sorry.

No, no, no.

I want you to do all this. I really do.

I'm not going to manage

unless you manage me.

I need you to do it all.


- Juan, I do want you...

- Cood.

Cood. It's settled.

Ram?n! You can come in now.

Mr Cutman. Did you have a good trip?

Senior Pulido.

- Sorry...

- Call me Juan.

- How is New York?

- Creat.

Let's get you settled into your hotel.

You must want to rest.

- No, no. I'm fine.

- Excellent. I'll show you a few things.

The minister for tourism

said he expected tourism to recover

as soon as the election showed the world

Cuba's democratic stability.

Three found hanged.

Three unknown boys were discovered

hanged in the Plaza de Armas.

- It's busy here.

- I'll take that for you.

- May I?

- No.

? Ha visto a un Senior muy alto

con un bigote que pas? por aqui?


You're required to register.

I want a room with water

which is sometimes hot.

If there's a bath to put it in,

I wouldn't mind.

Hello. Would you inform Ceneral Bello

that Major Dapes has arrived

and is at the Hotel Roma?

Yes, he knows who I am. Thank you.

- Do you have any luggage?

- Only what I'm carrying.

Without luggage

we require money to be paid in advance.

- How much?

- Whatever you care to give, sir.

No, no. No. Well, you're bigger than I am.

- Mr President...

- I am not.

- We are holding an election for president.

- Ceneral Batista.

You can live in the security of the

United States with all your family, sir.

You have a house in Florida, sir.

All you have to do is get out, hand over

to the new president, whoever he is.

He will be Rivero Ag?ero.

- You gonna lift the arms embargo?

- Me? Us?

I can only speak as...

We are not privy to the...

What do you want?

We are here

to investigate the financial affairs

of the Bur? de Represi?n

de las Actividades Comunistas.

We may not be able to continue support.

? Preparado?

Excuse me, I think there's a problem,

Ceneral Bello.

- I've lost the Englishman.

- Wait.

Nice one!

You better go find him.

I'm paying Dapes.

Cet the police to bring him.

- Sir.

- Nice to see you.


Your bash, Vicar.

- Where's the phone in this room?

- In this room it's downstairs.

- It is untrue that I'm not a good worker.

- Yes.

It's her.

She has the right.


- You tell her...

- What?

That I will not go.

Have her come in here.

- There will be a strike if I go.

- Will there?

- Almost certainly.

- You will go.

There are accepted ways of behaviour

in Cuba still.

You can't fire me.

If you don't go, I will make you go.


- What's that?

- He gave it to me.

It was my mother's.

Ram?n! Some money.

I will buy it from you. I'm sure that

you consider that you have earned it.

No. He never should have given it to me.

200,000 bottles a day.

That's terrific.

Do you get to drink any of it?

Anyway, it all starts with the sugar.

With your permission, I'd like to show you.

My father, Don Jos? Pulido, is one of

the wealthiest men on the island.

Rum, sugar, tobacco.

But we are quite separate

from the businesses run by my father.

I tell you this simply

so that you understand.

We don't need investment.

We, that is the cigar factory,

hope to encourage investment

so that we might expand.

- Would you like to meet my father?

- Yes, I would.


- My father?

- Senior Pulido is very busy.

Tell him I'm here with a friend.

I'd like to introduce him.

- My card...

- He gave instructions...

- Tell him.

- Senior.

Your son would like to speak with you.


Might I introduce Mr Cutman from New York?

You have met my daughter-in-law?

- I have. She's a very beautiful young lady.

- Yes, she is.

But my son is quite beautiful as well.

Handsome, charming. Like this pony.

- How do you like this pony?

- Very nice.

But I know nothing about horses.

Juan, how do you like this pony?

- It's good.

- Then I will buy it.

If there is one thing my son

knows about, it's horses.

It's the only thing he knows about,

which is why my daughter-in-law

runs my factory and Juan doesn't.

I hope he'll show you Havana.

It's wonderful.

He knows every casino,

every table and every bed in it.

He'd make an excellent travel guide.

As well as a jockey.

I'm not trying to insult my son.

I just want you to be aware of his talents.

Will you excuse me?

- Who the hell are you?

- Police.

- Ceneral Bello causes me to arrest you.

- Does he?

Hm. At once.

But... do you have any money?

Not for you, I haven't.

In that case, at once.

Radio Reloj. And now, news time.

The rebel threat has gone down

like cane in Las Villas.

Government troops are taking

scores of rebel prisoners.

Rum and coca.

Radio Reloj brings you news

every second of the day,

the time every minute of the day.




No more, huh?

- Well, what do you say?

- I say you are right.

- Where have you been today?

- With the Yanqui.


- We're taking him to dinner tonight.

- We are?

- I think we ought to, Alejandra. I...

- You are quite beautiful.

- Aren't I, though?

- Yes, you are.

I fired Teresa Mederos.

Cood. You are right.

She was becoming troublesome.


Juan, not again. Please. Not somebody

from the factory or the house.

I do promise. I do.

Dapes. Robert Dapes.

Until recently a major in the British Army.

Served in the war. Long-range desert

group in North Africa, Kenya and Malaya,

where he commanded

the Jungle Warfare School.

He's an expert in counterinsurgency

and has no political loyalties.

Not employed since resigning

from the army. Where is he?

- What's he doing here?

- I don't know.

- He was met by Ceneral Bello's aide.

- Yes, I know.

- You want something to happen to him?

- Yeah. Something.

After the election. I'll tell Castro.

The ability to read is a struggle.

Remember that to be literate

is to be liberated,

for nobody can ever fool you again.

Two words a day.

Start with "freedom". Start with "hope".

H-O-P-E spells "hope".

This is Rebel Radio.

Radio Rebelde. Radio Rebelde.

- Can I try?

- No. Next time.

Excuse me, Ceneral.

El comandante ingl?s.

Si. Dapes.

El comandante del ej?rcito ingl?s.

Mayor Dapes. Si.

- Major Dapes. Nice to see you again.

- Thank you.

Would you be so kind?

Please wait here.

Excuse me.

Skinner. Donald Skinner. Fellow exile?

- Dapes. Bob Dapes.

- Thought so.

- In...

- In?

- Line of business?

- Oh... tractors.


I fly aeroplanes, put out fires,

spray crops, that sort of nonsense.

Crop-spraying could really take off here,

when Bello puts the unions in their place.

He... is in the police.

You see he's all right and you'll survive.

One of the first things you do here

is to grease a palm or two, as it were.

And how much does one tip

the captain of police in Cuba?

- I usually give them all I've got.

- I see.

- Slightly less than New York.

- Yes.


Excuse me.

Major Dapes, Ceneral Bello.

Ceneral Bello, Major Dapes.

Major Dapes. Clad to meet you.

Sit down, please.

- Thank you.

- Sit down.

- You want to know something?

- Yes.

I guess I couldn't wait

until you got around to calling me.

I did call. I told them where I was.

That was very thoughtful of you,

but it was unnecessary.

- We would have found you.

- I wasn't hiding.

I'd decided to make my own arrangements.

- Beretta.

- Yes.

- You buying or selling?

- Both.

- Major?

- No, thank you.

Major, how long were you in Malaya?

Oh, an awfully long time.

- Yes, I know.

- I imagine you do.

You want to know something?

I met a man, an American friend.

I told him that I wanted

the best counterterrorists I could find.

He told me that I have to buy British.

So here you are.


You don't like money?

I don't like being without it.

- But you do like fighting, don't you?

- No, I don't like fighting at all.

- I try not to do too much of it.

- I do.

Have you done much?

Major, tell me what your favourite

weapon is and I'll get it for you.

- Brains.

- Brains. Yes.

You've got brains, right? Huh?

You see Ram?rez here?

Ram?rez is a junior officer.

He got brains.

Went to a military college.

They gave him brains.

With brains, very easy to get a promotion.

- We can make you a colonel.

- Thank you.

My friend Batista was a sergeant

until he got brains.

I was a corporal.

Then they had the revolution. The next

day I became a general with brains.

That's wonderful.

Some people stay corporals all their lives.

- Look at Hitler.

- Hitler... Cod rest his soul.

He was foolish enough to take on

Uncle Sam as well as the communists.

Yes. Right. That's the Second World War

in a nutshell.

- How are you going to do it?

- Do what?

- Beat Castro.

- Ah.

Minor factors can be taught in a month.

It's quite simple.

- Deny the enemy food, harry and kill him.

- What?

Harry and kill him.

Ambush him, rather than

wait for him to ambush you.

- OK. All right. What do you want?

- I need to see what you've got.

Perd?neme, Senior.

- Excuse me.

- Ceneral.

The parking meter detail.

- Did you get the money in England?

- Yes, thank you.

- I shall keep a record of my expenses.

- No, no.

Spend it. I want you to owe me.

Ram?rez here is going to

show you a good time.

I want to hear you got to do everything.

If he slips up again, you tell me.

I'll take care of Ram?rez in my own way.

Do you play golf?

What's your handicap? Have a cigar.

Major Dapes, I'm going to give you a pass

that will let you go anyplace

and see anything.

Only don't take too long, huh?

After all, we're fighting a war.

Yes, and rather badly I suspect, too.

See that Major Dapes

gets to harry and kill.

- There is something one ought to say.

- Say it.

You will only defeat someone like Castro

if you're right.

Is Castro right?

It's not the point.

Does Cuba think he's right?

When you're ready, Mr Dapes.

I expect to be called Ceneral.

It's important to call people

what they are, sir.

Major Dapes.

How do you work this?

- Marvin.

- Howdy.

- Ready to be beaten?

- You'll be lucky.

All right. All right.

- It's your day.

- It's straight set day.

- She's been practising.

- Oh, yeah?

Might put them off, huh?

- She's worked on her serve.

- She should have worked on her legs!

?Dos m?s/ ?Dos m?s/

The boots are good.

Yes, Batista promised the army

good boots...

in 1934, when he was a revolutionary.

They wanted very little else then.

What do you say about my on-court play now?

Why don't you tell me when you're gonna do that.

You know I can't get to it, Marvin.

Do you think I can mind-read?

Stay up at the net. And don't poach.


- I knew it was you.

- Did you?

I'm Alejandra L?pez de Pulido.

Excuse me. If you don't mind,

we're trying to play tennis.



I'd like to... No.

Better still, muster a patrol.

- Ten good men.

- Ten?

It will be almost impossible to find two.

Does that include you and me?

It isn't usual to go off the road.

Isn't it? No wonder you never

get to know anything.

It's the only way.

Cet out, move amongst them.

Put your men on the paths

at five-yard intervals. All right?

Rafael, tell that idiot to shut up,

leave his nag behind and walk quietly.

Ap?ate del caballo.

You may tell my mother

that I am well, N??ez.

And give these to her.

Yes. Yes, you are well. Better, anyway.

We now eat more than one meal a day.

I am getting quite fat.

Bring Captain Ram?rez.

- ?Jefe/

- Shut up!

It's well used. How big is this plantation?

Some five miles.

If you're patient,

keep your sense of smell.

Sooner or later you'll pick up somebody

and they'll talk.

- Smell?

- Mm.

You can often smell a body of men

before you see them or hear them.

Especially if they're smokers.

Are you worried about

being late for the general?

He likes to show you off to his friends.

What happens if I don't show up?



Hold your fire!

?Vamos/ ?Por aqui/

Stop or I'll shoot!

Do you understand English?

I teach it.

It's a girl.

- I want to question her.

- Yes.

First you, then she is questioned

by the sergeant and each of the men

as many times as possible,

and a few days later

she is taken down to La Cabana and shot.

It would be much kinder to shoot her now.

I'm not going to hurt you.

I just want to ask you...

Cet down!



?Pare eso/

Who is he?


Mr Cutman is in room 214.

What do you mean, I'm not offering enough?

We are prepared to pay $10,000

for the whole goddamn operation.

Take it or leave it.

Right. Next, Skinner Air.

- What about some money?

- Hm?

- Money. Money.

- Do the bullets fit?

- What?

- Our guns.

Of course. They're 9mm,

which is what you asked for.

When we know they fit,

you'll be told and paid.

It's a pleasure to do business with you.


Mister... Skinner Airline is no answer...

- Please take your shoes off.

- Hello?

- Skinner no answer.

- Will you ring Skinner Air again for me?


Are you on the house, or do I chip in?

Everything is taken care of

by Senior Pulido.

I just have to show you a good time.

OK, we'll see what we can do.

Don't you Cubans realise

that time is money?

I do.


Hm. Stored in the premises

of Alejandra Pulido.

- And is she involved?

- Perhaps.

Whether she is or not,

she still has to be questioned.

I used to know her in North Africa.

If she is involved,

I can find out very quickly.

Don't worry. I don't like terrorists.

Especially ones I know.

Come on, come on.

- Cet me a cab.

- Si, Senior.

Come on.

- I've been promoted.

- Congratulations.

Batista has promoted everyone in the army.

There are no privates any more.

Now I'm a major too.

I'll buy you a drink.

You know that the situation here

is not so good.

I think you've come too late.

I was afraid of that.

You know, soldiering has changed.

It's not as... clean as it was.

I'm still proud to be a soldier.

Why not? It's an honourable profession.

It was.

- Ready for another boring evening?

- It'll be fun. They always serve peas.

Sorry we're leaving, Ceneral,

but Mr Dulles is sending us home.

I know.

- Hello.

- We're not going far.

- But we may not be able to assist.

- It's OK. I've got an Englishman.

Oh, Don Pulido! Hello, my friend.

Here. Sit down.

Sit down next to me.

All right, everybody. Please sit down.

You can start now. Pick your own seats.

You have enough room here? There you are.

It's pea soup.

Look out!

I don't know when I had such a good time!

I do, honey.

Is that to your liking? Very good.

This wine's really tasty.

Rafael, get some ambulances here.


All right, my love. We'll do something.

All right?

Here, let me have that cloak.


You unfeeling bastard.

- Fire number one/

- Number one, fire/

- Fire number two/

- Number two, fire/

- ?Puta/

- I love him.

Love! You lose your job.

I don't care.


- Your father would kill you.

- My father is dead.

No, your father is not dead.

I go every day to the prison to find out.

He's not dead.

Your brother should kill you.

Yeah, yeah. Julio. Julio?

You gonna kill me, Julio?

No, I'm gonna kill him... maybe.

No, Julio. No. Juan Pulido loves me.

- Where you get the gun?

- Co sell yourself to the Yanquis/

I'm gonna kill your pimp.

I don't have no pimp. I just got a man.

- You got a girl?

- I got a gun, Teresa.

- You couldn't shoot anybody, Julio.

- I hate him.

I'll give you some candy

and then you won't shoot my man.

I'll kill him.

Let me know when

and I'll tire him out for you.

?Puta/ ?Puta/

Co and spend the night on the Malec?n!

?Puta/ Let everyone buy you!

Oh, shut up!

I'm no puta/

And now, from Hollywood, California,

the Christmas show at the Flamingo

proudly presents, twice nightly...

- the wonderful Miss Wonderley!

- Sorry, fellas. They just got here.

Held up in customs.

I guess they must be pretty hot stuff.


?Por aqui/

Let's have a drink.

Let's have a drink.

- Look at this place. Where is everybody?

- There's somebody delicious.

We get drinks.

We get free drinks. It's in the contract.


Juan, should you be

leaving Alejandra alone?

Here. Look at that.

I don't understand it.

In Miami, we'd have packed the joint.

- What's with you Cubans?

- Has Mr Cutman called?


You're a Cuban.

What's the matter? You don't like broads?

I'm glad to hear it.

When Mr Cutman arrives, send him over.

Excuse me.

We get two per cent of every table.

Don't think we don't need it.

Everybody, but everybody,

in this town is on the take.


The ammunition does fit.


...does fit.

Pay Skinner... something.



Well, what?

Have we nothing to say to each other?

Yes. Of course.

I'd rather he didn't come at all.

Alejandra, I've arranged this so...

Where did you take him this afternoon?

To Father's mill, the rum factory.

- Why?

- To impress him.

Juan, you can't be satisfied

with what you have, can you?

The cigar factory is impressive enough.

- It only needs investment to be better.

- Yes, I am arranging that.

Cutman was impressed.


You are trying. I do love you for that.

Don't laugh at me.

Thank you.

- Hello there!

- Ah!

I guess we got delayed.

Dolores is very lucky. I got lucky.

My Cod, is Havana wide open!

We shot a little craps. Did you eat?

I'm lucky for him.

How nice. Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Champagne, right?

- Alejandra!

- What?

I will not sit down with that common whore.

- How dare you!

- It's the way it's done.

- Did you arrange her?

- Yes, I arranged it.

Did you?

Let me go! Cutman means nothing to me.

I can do without his money.

There's champagne here!

For Skinner.

Faites vos jeux. Faites vos jeux.

Number nine. Rouge, impair et manque.

Hello, Mr Dapes. You are early.

- I am very lucky.

- Are you?

- It appears I'm not.

- I like your photo very much.

- Oh! It's lipstick, huh?

- No, actually, it's blood.

Oh, shaving.

I like a man who shaves smoothly.


Major Dapes, I find the role of procurer

very distasteful to me.

- So if you don't like her, then...

- You don't like me?

But I am beautiful.

Yes, you are. It's just that

I try to avoid that which I cannot afford.

Oh! It's OK. You can afford.

Come. I take you to another casino

where I am very lucky for you.

I win you maybe

two and a half thousand dollars...

- We just bought some champagne!

- Yes, but you have not bought me.


- I must talk with you.

- I don't want to talk to you.

- You were a long time ago.

- Alex!


- Leave the soldiers alone.

- Rafael.

Mr Cutman. Shall we?


Take me back.

For a second time this evening,

a big hand for a big lady.

Miss Wonderley.




I must tell you.

You could be in very serious trouble.

We must have a talk.

Yes, we must have many talks.

It is lovely to see you again. How are you?

I'm well. And you?


- What sort of friends do you have here?

- Can't you do better than that?

Apart from your Wimbledon set.

I know. I'm sorry. You frightened me.

- But not now.

- I see.

What do you expect me to do now? Kiss you?

I see no reason why you shouldn't.

It's been, as they say, such a long time.

Oh, stop it! It seems like yesterday to me.


Would you excuse me a minute?

- Alex, about three hours ago...

- Robert.

- Did I ever know your second name?

- Of course you did!

- I did?

- You wrote to me. It got to me.

I can't have been

the only Robert in the army.

I should introduce you to my husband.

For that I need your second name.

- Juan, this is...

- Nobody?

Robert, for the life of me,

I can't remember your second name.


- My name is Robert Dapes.

- You must come and visit us.

Do you play polo? Would you like

to meet anyone in the government?

If there's enough money involved,

you can meet Batista himself.

What line of business?


Yes, go and get him!

What's going on? Come on, get up.

You, too. Up!

- Aimed at you?

- Yes. At me.

Do you know that young man?

Cood heavens, no.

I wouldn't even recognise him again.

- Did you get a good look at him?

- Cood enough.

Then you are in for a very long night.

Jorge Ortiz Ruiz.

What's all this about?

- They're waiting to hear.

- To hear?

- About those that have been arrested.

- Hear what?

Major, please.


Thank you.

They just can't account for $300,000

for the month of June, Spence.

I have some very suspicious

cross-entries here, Cary.

We're gonna be here for months.

These accounts are in a mess.

Well, they are experiencing a revolution.

I guess accounts do get out of hand.

No luck.

Thank you.

- Teresa, what are you doing here?

- My brother could kill you.

He's already tried.

Wait here, huh? Just wait.

Where's your wife?


Your husband was released some hours ago.

Yes, I know.

Come on.

Do you want to say something?

Or would you rather not?

Yes. I would rather not.

Why were you so upset at the tennis?

Yes, I was. You frighten me.

Because you threaten

to change the life I have.

How would I do that?

You already have.

I knew you would.

Where are we going?

Can't we just drive around

for a little while?

What have you been doing?

Living in Cuba. You?

Modern warfare.

Fighting people who hide grenades

in shopping baskets,

shoot up crowded hotels,

hack the legs off cattle

and leave them dying on their stumps.

That sort of thing.

- Your friends...

- I have very few friends.

Do they toss bombs around, shoot off guns?

No. You do that.

- Rafa!

- Si.

Take the posters down.

Put them on the truck at the back.

Are you married?

No. But you are.

That should be enough for both of us.

We're very happy.

I seem to remember, when I was once

deeply and ridiculously in love,

I was at the same time profoundly unhappy.

That was me.

I did that to you. I made you unhappy.

- I adored it.

- I didn't.

Am I still beautiful? You used to think so.

I seem to remember

you were very taken with me.

As a matter of fact,

you were terrified that I was.

You got out of North Africa

faster than Rommel.

- Actually, he took his time.

- Admit it. I terrified you.

Yes, I admit it. I didn't know so much

passion could exist in one so young.

You were the most exotic,

breath-stopping creature I'd ever known.

Quite a danger to my health.

What with you and my colonel and

being shot at, I'm astonished I survived.

- Perhaps you didn't.

- Yes, I did.

By forgetting all about you.

And how did you recognise me?

You didn't forget me. You knew me at once.

Yes, I did.

And you haven't changed at all.

I hate coming to these filthy places.

I like these places.

I like you and I like places like this.

I used to bring someone else here.

- Who? You don't still bring her?

- Cood heavens, no.

She's my wife.

- When did you marry Juan Pulido?

- Five years ago.

- Any children?

- No.

He doesn't beat you,

or anything dreadful like that?

- What would you do if he did?

- Break his bloody neck.

- Would you?

- Of course.

- Want a drink?

- Yeah.

- Egg flip?

- There may be something wrong with me.

Apart from your memory?

I might be too ambitious. Too demanding.

In fact, I am.

Tell me this...

The only question you haven't asked me

is why I came to meet you.

Why did you come?

Look out!

Why did you?

With an overwhelming majority, Cuba

has elected Rivero Ag?ero as president.

General Batista has stated

that this will show the world

that Cuba is in the forefront of democracy.

Free elections

in a free country of the free world.

President-elect Ag?ero

has a hard task ahead of him,

but the people of Cuba are behind him

against communism and revolution.

He will take office as president at once

and will meet with the ambassador...

- Hey. It jammed again last night.

- You want a Coke?

- I don't have any money.

- That's OK.

We want an explanation, Julio.

My sister's honour's important to me.

It was the work of a Yanqui gangster.

My father,

who is in prison if he's still alive,

he would cut the balls from Pulido.

He betrayed my sister.

You had no right to do it.

You were given a task.

Which I did.

The money for the gringo Skinner.

And you were seen.

You can't stay on campus, Julio.

I've got to. I can't flunk my courses.

It doesn't matter.

There'll be no more courses.

Now Ag?ero is elected,

there will be a general strike.



If you want to kill someone.

The trigger mechanism jammed. Take the.38.

- Did you vote for him?

- No. Nobody did.

- Somebody must have done.

- Batista, who pays you.

No, I'm paid by Ceneral Bello.

Just as good.

You can be sure of your money.

Bello works the parking meters.

Batista pockets the lottery.

Don't you worry

about where your money's from?

If what you say is true,

it appears I come under "traffic offences".

It's true.

You don't get involved in any of this, hm?

No, I don't look too closely

at things that don't concern me.

Like having your factory used.

Robert, in Cuba every building,

every factory, every hotel

is being used in some way by someone.

There are things I know nothing about,

I don't turn stones over,

and so far my workers

have not had a strike.

Even a blind eye can be poked out.


I want you to come with me.


Where? You haven't thought about it?

It's only just being suggested to me.


With me.


- Don't play games.

- It's very short notice.

I don't see you for 15 years,

you turn up as if yesterday and say...

No. I can't go anywhere with anyone

on short notice.

I own a factory, and I do have a husband.

He would have to be told if I was

going anywhere, short notice or not.

I'm not asking you to go on a holiday!

Don't shout.

Robert, it's very nice of you,

and I know what you're saying.

But I don't really know you, do I?

You knew me when I was a silly girl of 15.

- 17.

- 15.

Who fell in love with

a handsome British soldier.

Do you know what I remember most

about you? Your knees.

You're being ridiculous.

I'm not. I'm trying to prevent you

from being ridiculous.

You're obviously not happy

with your husband.

- How do you know?

- Because you wouldn't allow me to...

I didn't allow you to anything.

- I made love to you.

- Very nice it was too.

- Yes.

- So?

- So... nothing.

- Nothing?

Nothing. Robert, please try to understand.

I have a house. I enjoy having it.

I enjoy having a husband who is a

member of a very important Cuban family.

- It's important to me.

- Rubbish!

Don't speak to me like that.

You're talking about things.

Factories, houses.

- Husbands.

- He means nothing to you.

How do you know what Juan means to me

or has meant to me? You don't.

If he means something to you,

you shouldn't be here.

- Don't pick that up.

- Don't shout.

- Then pick this up as well.

- I don't know what you're playing at.

- You're unhappy. You won't let me...

- Don't you have a job to do?

I'm going to do my job.

- Then I'll see you sometimes.

- No, you won't.

- I see.

- What did you say?

I said I see!

I'm buggered if I do.

Qu?date. Dame las llaves.

Wait! Wait! Stop! Stop!

- Cood morning.

- Cet out. I'm not hungry.

I'm starving.


Well... had a good night?

Like to buy an aeroplane?

Not there, old man. It's outside.

The whole of Havana's on strike.

Not the whole, not yet,

but it won't be long.

I had to walk up.

The elevator's out of action.

There you are, you see. Power cut.

Now, then, let's talk about my aeroplanes.

- How much?

- How much can you offer?

- They ain't worth nothing.

- They're going to be worth a great deal.

People are going to want to get out.

And they'll want to take out

their goods and chattels.

- Have you got a car?

- Yes, a pick-up.

Even better. Here's what I'll do.

I'll buy your aircraft, I'll buy the cigars.

We'll get the cigars out.

I'll buy the Pulido place.

We'll make a delivery today.

What is the world gonna need?

Havana cigars, right?

Radio Rebelde. Rebel Radio. Why?

Why has Ag?ero been elected?

You did not vote. You stayed at home.

But Ag?ero was elected because

the election was rigged by Batista.

What can you do? You can strike.

A general strike is called.

This is the voice of revolution from the

men and women fighting for a free Cuba.

The end is near. Very near.

Batista soldiers are moving against us

but cannot win.

They will be defeated by us and by you.

Strike. No telephones, no transport,

no work in the factories.

Support the revolution.

Tell us, Batista,

are you leaving now or later?

We know you have five aircraft standing by

for those pimps, pushers, prostitutes

who are faithful to you.

Tell us, Sergeant Batista...

Jes?s promised me there would be no strike.

Where is Jes?s?

?Maria, v?monos/


Ah, Ram?n.

I think we've got a...

Very well, I will go to the rum factory first

and then I will come to you.

And, Ram?n, lock up everything

and remove the money.

Everybody throughout Cuba has stopped work.

That is apart from servants, of course.

- I phoned Senior Pulido and...

- You had no right to do that, Ram?n.

I can handle this.


Your husband was shot this morning.

He lasted a long time.

Yes, he did.

I must tell Julio.

Co on.

Co on!

Co on.


Keep your stupid old mouth shut, woman,

do you hear?

We're fighting for you.

One thing I'm certain. She's not involved.

What's the drill?

Try to get her as far away from the factory

as possible, before anything happens.

Old man Pulido should be told.

He will be able to help.

?Ven/ ?Ven/ ?M?s/ ?M?s/

? Todo el mundo, fuera/

Follow me!

?Sigan/ ?Sigan/

Line them up! Line them up!

?Vale/ ?Vale/

Next. ?Arriba las manos/

Nothing, eh? Next.

?Levanta la barrera/

Shoot him! Shoot him!

Over there!

- Why were they shot?

- They tried to escape.

- From what?

- From being shot.

- How did they know they were rebels?

- They tried to escape.

- Wouldn't you?

- Yes.

- Are you a rebel?

- If I try to escape.

Wasn't it the same in Malaya?

- No, it wasn't.

- You're here to teach us.

I am not working...

- It's over, master.

- You're meant to be in charge!

?Huelga/ Down with him!

- Who dared to allow...

- They dared to.

- What will you do?

- Me? Nothing.

I'm here merely

to take your leavings, Father.

Your houses, your old factories,

your old mistresses.

How dare you talk about

your wife in that way.

You would think he'd be the last drunkard

that will ever be in Cuba. Look at him!

You load the truck, I'll go do the deal.


But sure...

What is this, Labor Day?

Co on.

Seniora Pulido!

Just name the price, I'll buy the works.

The factory, every goddamn cigar you got.

It's no problem.

This very day I intend to fill a plane

full of your cigars and fly to Miami.

All you gotta do is tell me how much.

You can stay here and run the factory

for me until the whole shoot collapses.

All I want is two planeloads a day.

- I bought the trucks, the planes...

- Mr Cutman.

There's a man behind you with a gun.

Oh, dear. Um...

- Agh!

- Shh! Quiet!

- I will shoot this woman.

- I don't doubt that you will.

Search him.

Search him!

- With this you can go anywhere?

- Can you read?

I read law at university.

I'm not in the least surprised.

You can't use it without me.

There's a bad likeness stuck to it.

- You'll come.

- Where?

- Load the guns.

- Where are you going?

- To Santa Clara, to Fidel.

- They are for the city.

We were told to wait here.

- I'm taking them to Castro! You come too.

- Ah!

So you can say "I was a Fidelista"

before it is too late for Fidel to notice you.

I shoot her first if any of you try anything.

Put the guns in the truck

and cover them with cigars.

Get up.

Is there enough fuel to get me to Miami?

- Si, Senior.

- Right.

- But the water dump tanks are full.

- Doesn't matter. I'll drop it out on the way.

Have a... whatever you drink.

?Gracias, Senior/

You're driving very badly.

Perhaps you're not used to driving

such an expensive car.


Why are you fighting

for a country that's not yours?

I will fight for any elected government

that makes me an offer for my services.

Would you fight for someone

who paid you more?

No, I would never fight with a gun

to overthrow a legitimate government.

So you decide

which governments are legitimate?


Oh, Cod. Cuerrillas.

- Dame.

- No, but...

- El arma. Si.

- I'm...

They will come out at us

from the cane fields.

I told Batista our soldiers were too tired

and did not want to fight.

- That is a fair assumption.

- We'll see.

We must hold on to the gasoline depot.

We must not lose that.

- Have you any interest in oil?

- Yes...

I am going to speak to Castro.

I will say to him "You got to get rid of

the communists in your army."

"If you don't make a deal,

I'm going to harry and kill."

- Harry and kill. You know what I mean?

- I know what you mean.

We're full. Switch the flow onto six.

- What?

- Switch the flow onto six.

Juan, take a look at this. Come here.

Get up! Come on!

- ?Por favor/

- Get up!

Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco. Probando.

Here we go.

If Batista's soldiers wish to surrender,

they will be well treated.

I repeat,

if Batista's soldiers wish to surrender,

they will be well treated.

It is not a disgrace

to surrender to your own revolution.

There is no honour in living a lie.

If you die now,

you will at least die a free man.

Come home. Come to us.

We are you, you are us.

Stand still where you are and listen.

When you take prisoners who have fought

for the revolution, you shoot them.

We, however, do not intend to shoot you.

You will be released, handed over to the

Cuban Red Cross and returned home.

Those who are criminals,

guilty of crimes of torture, murder,

you know who you are.

You may hide, but you'll be found.

The depot!

Tell the tanks that the gasoline depot

is swarming with Fidelistas.

Chambelona Red? Over.

I hear you. Over.

Major Dapes.

That's right.

- You said he was to be killed.

- Be quiet.

This is Colonel Leyva.

You are to attack the gas depot. Over.

Chambelona Red.

- Major, you are a paid soldier.

- Of course I'm bloody well paid.

We're not paid.

- You're not soldiers.

- OK.

But though we aren't soldiers,

we're fighters.

And we are winning.

- We'll send the Yanquis home.

- I can't wait.

We'll fight the parasites

that feed on the people.

The Church, gangsters, soldiers.

Soldiers are the worst parasites.

- Don't talk to him. Kill him.

- We're not killing anyone.

- I'll kill him.

- Would you care to try without a gun?

- Cive me that!

- No!

I brought guns to you!

We did need guns, but now we need brains.

You go away and rediscover yours.

It isn't easy to be given a gun.

We make it a privilege.

What do you intend doing

about thugs like him?

It might be more to the point

to ask what they intend to do about us.

Cet down!

Cutman, you can drive a car.

Then you can drive a tank.

No. What are you doing?

You want to go home? Then come on!

Pull it back! Come on!

Come on! Cet out!

Hey! Look out!

Come on!

- It's just the same as a car.

- But mine's automatic.

Where's the goddamn wheel?

What are you doing?

- Pull on the sticks!

- What?

This is Colonel Leyva.

Do you hear me? Over.

- Cot him!

- Who?

Cet us off the road!

There's another one coming!

- Stick!

- Pull the left lever!

- Stick!

- Yes!

I can't see anything.

Keep it going.

You're over-revving.

Change gear!

You're flooding it!

Can I help?

Make bandages out of this. That way

you won't ruin your nails, sweetheart.

Pull! Pull!

Pull! Pull!

Come on, move! Cet us going.



Cet them! Shoot straight!

Come on! Shoot!

?Burro/ ?Burro/ ? Ya/ ? Ya/

- Shoot them!

- ?Manos arriba/

?Hemos ganado/

Cutty, come on.

Come on! Move!

Quickly! Hurry up!

- You'll roast in there! Come on!

- I can't!

Back! Co back! What are you doing?

- Come on!

- They're gonna bomb us!

Uh? Uh? Must have been one of ours!


We've done it, Spence.

I never thought we would.

- We got them to balance.

- Sure have.

Do you want to go out

and see something of Havana now?


Take the other one! This one's mine!

OK, but quick. Bello might come back!

Quick, let's go!

Pack your things as quickly as you can.

It'll take time to clear you with the British

Consulate and arrange your ticket.

I'll send the car back from the airport.

Where has she been, my wife?

With you?

Yes. She's been with me.

- Am I expected to take her back?

- No, you're bloody well not.

- Where are you taking her?

- Out of Cuba.


Cuba won't change.

A few people will leave. My father

will go away for a while, so will Batista,

and then they will both come back.

And once again Batista will get his face

on the front of Time magazine.

Whatever you say, I want her out of here.

Stop talking about me as if I'm not here.

Robert, you don't understand.

I don't want to leave Cuba. Ever again.

I regard those years spent away

as lost time.

There was nothing,

and I include you, Robert,

nothing that made them memorable.

No, I cannot go with you.

Stay here with me.


I know what I've done to you and me.

But if you take me away from here,

I wouldn't seem the same to you.

- You don't understand, do you?

- You're right I don't understand.

I don't understand you or him

or his father or even myself,

sitting here bloody well discussing...


Cet in.

I'll send the car back.

It's up to you.

What do you think will happen to you?

Mind your own business, Senior.

Thank you. That seems

a perfectly reasonable reply, chum.

It's not like you to be so unselfish.

It's not like you to notice.

Where are the keys to the sports car?

In the car. Where are you going?

For a drive.

You will be back?

Pan American regret to announce

that all scheduled flights are cancelled.

You will be informed

when aircraft are available.

Please hold on to your tickets

and await further information.

Hey, sweetie, come here.

Thank you.

There are no prospects of any

further flights in the foreseeable future.

Passengers should not leave the airport.

Seats will be allocated

on a first come, first served basis.

- It's Batista!

- Running away!

He is going again! Look!

Batista! ?Bandido/

The ship must be sinking.

Cubana Air. The excess baggage

regulations will not be waived.

Please make sure you are only carrying

that which is absolutely essential.

No! Leave it! Come on!

The forces of the revolution

are on their way to Havana.

At their head is the man

they call "El Caballo", Fidel Castro.

They arrive in buses, carts,

anything with wheels.

It has taken seven days

for this march up the Carretera Central.

- Mummy! Soldiers!

- Keep quiet and come with me.



Everybody, make a line here, please.

Those who want to go, you go.

Please take your cases

and pass through customs.

This way, please.

Air Cubana passengers.

Would all ticket holders please move

in an orderly manner towards the gate?

Cive this to Alex Pulido if she shows up.

I can't wait.

We talk to his comrades,

the men who have fought with him

since 12 men came to Cuba

and took to the Sierra to start the fight.

At the palace

Fidel is reported to have said

that he does not need such a place.

He hopes the people of Cuba

will keep an affection for the palace...

Tickets ready, please. Tickets!

Fidel! Fidel!