Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) - full transcript

In 19th century Qing Dynasty China, a warrior gives his sword, Green Destiny, to his lover to deliver to safe keeping, but it is stolen, and the chase is on to find it. The search leads to the House of Yu where the story takes on a whole different level.

Master Li is here!

Master Li is here!

Shu Lien! Shu Lien!

Shu Lien! Li Mu Bai is here!

Welcome back, Master Li.

- How's everything?

- Fine. Please come in.

I can't believed you are here.

It's been too long.

It has.

- How's business?

- Good.

- And how are you?

- Fine.

Monk Zheng said

you were at Wudan Mountain.

He said you were practicing

deep meditation.

The mountain must be so peaceful.

I envy you.

My work keeps me so busy,

I hardly get any rest.

I left the training early.

Why? You're a Wudan fighter.

Training is everything.

During my meditation training,

I came to a place of deep silence.

I was surrounded by light.

Time and space disappeared.

I had come to a place my master

had never told me about.

You were enlightened.


I didn't feel the bliss

of enlightenment.


I was surrounded

by an endless sorrow.

I couldn't bear it.

I broke off my meditation.

I couldn't go on.

There was something

pulling me back.

What was it?

Something I can't let go of.

You're leaving soon?

We're preparing a convoy

for a delivery to Peking.

Perhaps I could ask you

to deliver something to Sir Te for me.

The Green Destiny Sword?

You're giving it to Sir Te?

I am. He has always been

our greatest protector.

I don't understand.

How can you part with it?

It has always been with you.

Too many men have died at its edge.

It only looks pure

because blood

washes so easily from its blade.

You use it justly. You're worthy of it.

It's time for me to leave it behind.

So, what will you do now?

Come with me to Peking.

You can give the sword to Sir Te yourself.

It'll be just like old times.

First, I must visit my master's grave.

It's been many years...

since Jade Fox murdered him.

I have yet to avenge his death.

And yet I'm thinking of quitting.

I must pray for his forgiveness.

Join me once you have finished.

I can wait for you in Peking.


- Okay. Pass.

- Thanks.

Let's go into the city.

Let's go!

Everything got here safely.

I'm much obliged.

Just doing my job.

Sun Security has been the best

since your father started it.

You're a credit to his memory.

- Thank you.

- I mean it.

This is Li Mu Bai's

personal sword...

a great hero's weapon.

He is the only one in the world...

worthy of carrying it.

It's too fine a gift.

I cannot accept it.

Sir Te, it has brought him

as much trouble as glory.

Help him to leave

these troubles behind.

Otherwise, he'll never

be able to start anew.

All right.

I'll act as the sword's custodian.

Governor Yu has arrived.

I must change.

You've always been so good

to Li Mu Bai and me.

Please accept our thanks.

Please do not be such a stranger.

You'll stay the night as my guest.

Now, Shu Lien,

tell me something,

and forgive me for prying.

Your father was a great friend to me...

and I think of you

as my own daughter.

Please, Sir Te, what is it?

Li Mu Bai giving up his sword

and his warrior days,

maybe he's trying

to tell you something?

- I don't know.

- Don't be coy.

I've always known about

your feelings for each other.

All these years, it's a shame...

neither of you is brave enough

to admit the truth to the other.

You're both wasting precious time.

I beg your pardon.

Li Mu Bai and I aren't cowards.

When it comes to emotions,

even great heroes can be idiots.

Tell me if Li Mu Bai is not more open

the next time you see him.

I'll give him an earful!

Sir Te said to leave the sword in here.

Who are you?

I'm your guest today.

I am Governor Yu's daughter.

This is Sir Te's study. You are here to...?

I was just looking

for a quiet corner.

I'm Sir Te's head servant.

And this is another of our guests.

It's heavy for such a thin piece of metal!

The handle is heavy.

And the blade is no ordinary metal.

Still, the sword

is the lightest of weapons.

You're just not used to handling it.

But I have had much practice.

As a child in the West,

a platoon lived with us.

They'd let me play

with their weapons.

The scabbard is so beautiful.

Beautiful but dangerous.

Once you see it tainted with blood,

its beauty is hard to admire.

It's 400 years old.


You said it belongs to...?

My friend Li Mu Bai.

He's given it to Sir Te as a gift.

Li Mu Bai! The famous warrior?

Why would he give his sword to Sir Te?

You're too young to understand.

- You're a sword fighter too?

- Yes, I am. But I prefer the machete.

Certain moves, however, call for a sword.


It must be exciting to be a fighter,

to be totally free!

Fighters have rules, too.

Friendship, trust, integrity.

Without rules,

we wouldn't survive for long.

I've read all about people like you.

Roaming wild,

beating up anyone who gets in your way!

Writers wouldn't sell

many books if they told how it really is.

But you're just like

the characters in the stories.

Sure, no place to bathe for days,

sleeping on flea-infested beds.

They tell you all about

that in those books?

You know what I mean.

I'm getting married soon,

but I haven't lived the life I want.

So I heard. Congratulations.

It's the most important step

in a woman's life, isn't it?

- You are not married, are you?

- What do you think?

No. You couldn't roam around

freely if you were.

You're probably right.


Go ahead, Governor Yu.

2 feet 9 inches long, 1.1 inch wide.

The handle is 8 inch deep, 2.6 inches wide,

7/10ths of an inch thick.

1.5 inches from ear to ear of the handle.

With seven rubies missing from the hilt.

You can tell the design dates back

to before the Chin era.

Engraved with a technique lost

by the time of the Han Dynasty.

Your knowledge is remarkable, Sir Te.

A sword by itself rules nothing.

It comes alive

only through skillful manipulation.

I see your point.

Please continue.

The Imperial Court isn't the problem.

With royalty and officials everywhere...

the Royal Guard keeps security tight.

But Peking is not like the West.

Here, you'll find all sorts of characters.

Proceed with caution

in your quest for law and order.

Don't depend only on the court.

Contacts in the Giang Hu underworld...

can ensure your position.

Be strong yet supple.

This is the way to rule.


Let me do it.

Please sit.

I've made you silk pajamas.

Do you want to change into them?

Put them down.

I heard you met Yu Shu Lien today.

Do you know her?

She's one of those people.

Your mother would not want you

consorting with her kind.

I'll socialize with whomever I please.

Don't invite danger

into your father's house.

- I'm tired now!

- Go to bed then.

Miss has grown up

and is getting married soon.

God knows what the future will bring.

It'll be just the same.

Enough, I'm tired.

Autumn is coming.

I'll shut the windows for you.

- Chilly, eh?

- Yes, Master Bo.

There's a thief!

Someone help! Stop him!

He's on the rooftop!

The sword's been stolen!

Stop the thief!

Stop him! It's Jade Fox!

We must avenge Mother!

Do something! He's getting away!

Return the sword, and I'll let you go.

You've been trained at Wudan?

You're mistaken.

We're just street performers.

We were rehearsing.


You were rehearsing?

Who are you trying to fool?

Where did that thief go?

Governor Yu's house!

Get down here!

Get down!

Give back the sword!

Sir Te awaits you.

I'm sure the thief is

in the Yu household.

- How dare you imply that?

- But I saw...


Has Governor Yu ever seen the sword?

Yes, though I doubt he's involved in this.

But the sword could be in his compound.

Then someone's trying to set him up.

We should inform Li Mu Bai.

- What is it?

- Madam Yu, someone's put up posters.

Let me see.


Jade Fox is in the Yu residence.

Someone's after Jade Fox.

Preposterous, looking for her here!


- Where are they?

- I don't know.

I haven't seen them in two days.

There's a Miss Shu Lien here to see you.

- Miss is busy right now.

- I'll tell her.

Show her in.

Yes, Miss.

This spells trouble.

I have a guest.

This way, please.

I've missed you.

- How so?

- I'm bored.

You're doing calligraphy?

I'll write your name. Just for fun.

I never realized my name

looks like "sword."

You write gracefully.

Calligraphy is so similar to fencing.

Maybe it is. I wouldn't know.


Thank you for seeing me.

I hear your wedding day is near.

You must be overwhelmed

by the preparations.

I'm hardly doing a thing.

The less I think of it, the better.

My parents are arranging everything.

The Gous are a very powerful family.

My marrying one will be good

for my father's career.

You are fortunate to marry

into such a noble family.

Am I? I wish I were like the heroes

in the books I read.

Like you and Li Mu Bai.

I guess I'm happy to be marrying.

But to be free to live my own life...

to choose whom I love...

and to experience love

in my own way...

that is true happiness.

- Let me tell you a story.

- About you and Li Mu Bai?

Yes. Did you know I was once engaged

to be married?

- No, really?

- His name was Meng Si Zhao.

He was a brother to Li Mu Bai by oath.

One day, while in battle...

he was killed by the sword

of Li Mu Bai's enemy.

After, Li Mu Bai and I

went through a lot together.

Our feelings for each other grew stronger.

But how could we dishonor

Meng's memory?

So the freedom you talk about,

I, too, desire it.

But I have never tasted it.

Too bad for Meng...

but it's not your fault,

or Li Mu Bai's.

I am not an aristocrat as you are...

but I must still respect

a woman's duties.

Don't put distance between us.

From now on, let's be like sisters.

Then as a sister, let me wish you

happiness in your marriage.

What a godforsaken place!

Can't your father be appointed

closer to civilization?

Jen. Jen. Are you listening to me?

Let's go.

- Who are you? What are you doing?

- Father!

Wait! I'm a friend!

I don't care about your sword.

- Why were you spying on the Yus?

- I'm looking for someone. Jade Fox.

I'm a police inspector

from Shaan Xi, Gen Su district.

Jade Fox is a master criminal.

I hear she infiltrated the Yus.

She must have come with them

when they transferred here.

But with Yu's reputation,

I can't just go in and accuse her.

- This Jade Fox is a woman?

- Yes.

Then leave her to me.

Pardon me, but I doubt you can handle her.

My wife was quite a martial arts expert.

Jade Fox killed her.

So you see, this is personal.

Leave her to me.

- It's ready.

- I'm ready for anything!

Father first.

They're gone!

What does it say?

"We'll settle this at midnight

on Yellow Hill."

Good! The Fox is out of her hole.

Shu Lien, look who's here.

Sir Te believes it's a ploy

to cast suspicion on Governor Yu.

But something is going on

at the Yu household.

What have you discovered?

Jade Fox? Impossible!

You'd always suspected

she'd fled to the west.

I didn't think she'd dare

come back to Peking!

Is there any place safer

than under the nose of Governor Yu?

So I shall avenge

my master's death after all.

Be careful.

Sir Te requires discretion.

Official business is difficult enough.

Don't let personal feelings

make it worse.

And I don't know, even this poster...

could be some sort of trap.

- Did you see who posted it?

- No.

It says Fox is hiding at Yu's.

On the night of the theft,

there was a brawl near Yu's.

Were you involved?

It was Bo, Sir Te's man.

I hear he followed the thief to the Yus'.

- Have you questioned him yet?

- No, not yet...

But your men are watching over

Yu's compound?

No, I'd already sent them home.

You can blame me for losing the sword...

but please trust

that I'll get it back soon...

That's not what I meant.

I don't care about the sword.

What do you mean?

Didn't you come back here for it?

I didn't know it was

stolen until I got here.

Then, why did you come?

Well, we had talked...

Pardon my intrusion.

Master Li, your room is ready.

Thank you.

Please, lead the way.

This Fox doesn't care much

for punctuality.

Still no sign of her.

Enough! Show yourself!

Tsai, you dog!

You will pay for your stubbornness!

That's what you think, you old witch!

If you surrender now, you'll suffer less.

But if you resist,

I won't stop until you're dead.

Father! Let me avenge my mother's death!

You'll soon end up like her,

you little whore!

You'll pay for that!

She's going to paralyze you!


Tsai, you filthy mongrel!

An ambush!

- Father, are you all right?

- I'm fine.

Wudan should have gotten rid of you

long ago.

It's been a long time, Jade Fox!

You probably don't remember me...

but you should remember my master.

You infiltrated Wudan while I was away.

You pretended to be a nun...

stole our secret manual,

and poisoned our master!

Now it's time for you to pay!

Your master underestimated us women.

Sure, he'd sleep with me,

but he would never teach me.

He deserved to die by a woman's hand!

You stole the secrets

of Wudan's highest martial arts.

But after 10 years of training,

your moves are still undisciplined.

And today...

under a Wudan sword...

you will die!

- Disciple, we'll kill them all!

- Let's go!

Another one!

I must get rid of Tsai!

Who are you?

Why is the Green Destiny

in your possession?

- What's it to you?

- My name is Li Mu Bai.

The Green Destiny is mine.

Jade Fox can't be your master.

Where did you learn that "Xuan Piu" move?

I'm just playing around.

Tell me, who is your master?

- Let's go!

- We must kill them!

Let's go! Let's get out of here!

Let's go!


This is Tsai?

My father. Police Inspector from Shaan.

This should be reported to Governor Yu.

The victim is an officer.

You believe the killer is hiding out

in this compound?

I'd bet my life on it!

Come with me.

This needs to be resolved, and quickly.

I'll get into the Yu household and get her.

I'll ferret out Fox and her gang.

We must be careful. Yu is a court official

and in charge of security.

Any disturbance

will cast suspicion on him.

It might get Sir Te in trouble.

This is a delicate matter.

Sir Te, can you find some excuse...

to invite Madam Yu and her daughter?

What do you have in mind?

The best way to trap a fox

is through her cubs.

Madam Te is certainly spoiling us

with these wedding gifts.

She's being so considerate.

I'm sorry she's not feeling well enough

to entertain you today.

I heard Sir Te lost something.

And now Mrs. Te is not feeling well.

We know who stole the missing item.

If the thief returns it

I'm sure Sir Te will pursue

the matter no further.

That's good.

Sometimes the help can't keep

their hands to themselves.

It's very embarrassing.

Sir Te knows that even well-meaning

people can make mistakes...

that can bring ruin to themselves

and their families.

But don't be too lenient.

No mercy will be shown

toward the murderer...

who turned up in Peking.

- A murderer?

- Yes.

The very killer of Li Mu Bai's own master.

Last night, she killed a policeman

who had tracked her down.

A female criminal!

Now that's news!

You say she killed a policeman?

Yes, from the West.

He went undercover

and followed her here.

Maybe the murderer

and the thief are the same.

I doubt that.

This thief is very unusual.

And most likely smarter than a mere killer.

- Greetings, Sir Te.

- Hello, Madam Yu.

This is Li Mu Bai,

the renowned swordsman.

Delighted to meet you.

Miss Yu is soon to be married.


Why don't you come in?

- I'm standing guard.

- Come in. It's cold.

Come in. We don't have to fear

Jade Fox if we're together.

Isn't it a bit late to be out?

You've brought me the sword?

I'll do as I please.

- Where's your master?

- What's it to you?

Had enough flying?

You've got potential.

You've studied the Wudan manual,

but you don't understand it.

You need a real master.

Do you think you are a real master?

What is a real master

when nothing in this world is real?

It's the same for this sword.

All of it is simply a state of mind.

Stop talking like a monk! Just fight!

- Then tell me where Jade Fox is!

- On guard!

Real sharpness

comes without effort.

No growth without assistance.

No action without reaction.

No desire without restraint.

Now give yourself up

and find yourself again.

There is a lesson for you.

Go ahead.

Why should I?

You need practice. I can teach you

to fight with the Green Destiny.

But first you must learn

to hold it in stillness.

Why do you want to teach me?

I've always wanted a disciple

worthy of Wudan secrets.

And if I use them to kill you?

That's a risk I'm willing to take.

Deep down, you're good.

Even Jade Fox couldn't corrupt you.

Wudan is a whorehouse!

Keep your lessons!

You're home late. Or should I say early?

Why are you still here?

You killed a policeman.

You should leave!

You will ruin my whole family.

They wouldn't have found me

if you hadn't stolen the sword.

Like a little girl,

you thought stealing would be fun?

You, too, are responsible

for that death. Come with me.

You don't want to waste your life

as the wife of some bureaucrat.

Denied your talent.

- As master and disciple, we will rule.

- I'll never live as a thief!

You're already a thief.

That was just for fun.

How can I leave?

Where would I go?

Wherever we want.

We'll get rid of anyone in our way.

- Even your father.

- Shut up!

It's the Giang Hu fighter lifestyle.

Kill or be killed.

Exciting, isn't it?

- I owe you nothing.

- Yes, you do!

You are still my disciple.

You think you've been teaching me

all these years from the manual?

You couldn't even decipher the symbols!

I studied the diagrams.

But you hid the details!

You wouldn't have understood,

even if I had tried to explain.

You know

you've gone as far as you can go.

I hid my skills so as not to hurt you.

If I hadn't seen you fight with Li Mu Bai,

I'd still be ignorant

of all you've hidden from me.


I started learning from you

in secret when I was 10.

You enchanted me

with the world of Giang Hu.

But once I realized I could surpass you,

I became so frightened!

Everything fell apart.

I had no one to guide me...

no one to learn from.

Believe me.

I've a lesson or two left to teach you!

The sword is back. Are you happy?

I admit, getting it back makes me

realize how much I'd missed it.

But it's not your sword anymore.

You gave it to Sir Te.

True. But I must borrow it

for one last mission.

Jade Fox must die at its edge.

Shu Lien. Did you know what you

were hiding when you covered for that girl?

My job was to get the sword back

without embarrassing anyone.

I wasn't about to ruin her life,

or her father's.

You did your job well.

But this girl...

I saw her last night.

I knew she would intrigue you.

She needs direction

and training.

She's an aristocrat's daughter,

she's not one of us.

In any case, it will all be over soon.

You'll kill Fox and she'll marry.

That's not for her. She should come

to Wudan and become a disciple.

But Wudan doesn't accept women.

For her, they might make an exception.

If not, I'm afraid she'll become

a poisoned dragon.

It's not our concern.

Even if Wudan accepts her,

her husband might object.

I thought by giving away the sword,

I could escape the Giang Hu world.

But the cycle of bloodshed continues.

I wish there were something more

I could do to help you.

Just be patient with me, Shu Lien.

- Lo?

- Jen!

You shouldn't have come.

With all the traffic

on your rooftop these days,

it took me a while to get in here.

I can't wait any longer, Jen.

I was wrong to let you go.

Come back with me.

You'll be happy in the desert.

You'll be free there.

You have been looking for me

all this time?

Jen, stop playing with it.

I won't break it.

It's Dark Cloud!

Dark Cloud is coming!

Dark Cloud is coming!

Dark Cloud is coming!

Lower the shade, don't let them see you!

Don't touch the women!

Let's go!

Come get your comb.


Hurry back to your mother.

She's mine! Leave her to me!

- Come and get it!

- Give me back my comb!


- Let's stop a moment.

- Give it back!

You're tired. You need rest.

Your horse needs water.

There's a spring up here.

Well, there used to be!

What's your name?

I'm Lo.

The Hans call me Dark Cloud.

I'm not that tall or that big,

but I'm quick as lightning.

My comb!

If you like that arrow,

I can make you a bow.

Great for hunting wild chicken.

They're delicious.

You need to eat. Understand?

Then you'll have the strength to fight.


You're eating too fast. Slowly.

You've got quite a temper.

It's better this way.

You coward!

Still in a bad mood? At

least you're speaking.

What's your name?

- Phei!

- Phei?

I didn't think the Hans

had names like that.

Relax. If I had wanted to,

I would already have done it.

You must be dying for a bath.

Fresh water's hard to get here.

But I managed to bring some up.

You can wear my clothes

when you are done.

They're clean.

Don't worry.

I'll sing, so you'll know where I am.

After the bath, you'll be calmer.

No more hitting on the head.

- All this trouble for a comb?

- It's mine.

It means a lot to me. A barbarian

like you wouldn't understand.

Not true. I can use it

to pick fleas from my horse.

By the way, I'm a real Manchurian.

I'm sorry, I guessed wrong.

I thought you were a Han.

Give me back my comb.

I don't take orders from anyone.

Give it back.

One night, when I was a boy,

I saw a thousand shooting stars.

I thought, "Where did they all go?"

I'm an orphan.

I used to look for stars alone.

I thought if I rode to the other end

of the desert, I'd find them.

I've been riding in the desert

ever since.

And so the little boy

became a fearsome bandit.

He couldn't find the stars,

so he stole my comb.

Out here, you always fight for survival.

You have to be part of a gang

to stand a chance.

Slowly, your gang becomes your family.

All that Dark Cloud stuff

is just to scare people

and make my life easier.

So, you are still that little boy

looking for shooting stars.

I am a man. And now I've found

the brightest star of all.

Your father's men are looking for you.

They're still out there, circling closer.

Let them look.

It is trouble for me.

Don't send me back.

You must decide.

You might get tired of this life.

You might begin to miss your family.

If it were our daughter,

we'd look for her, too.

She would miss us.

Jen, I want you to be mine forever.

I will make my mark on the world.

I will earn your parents' respect.

We have a legend. Anyone who dares

to jump from the mountain,

God will grant his wish.

Long ago, a young man's parents

were ill, so he jumped.

He didn't die. He wasn't even hurt.

He floated away, far away,

never to return.

He knew his wish had come true.

If you believe, it will happen.

The elders say,

"A faithful heart

makes wishes come true."

Keep it safe.

Return it to me

when we are together again.

I will.

If you don't, I'll come after you.

And I won't let you off so easy.

Wherever I went,

someone always recognized me.

I really tried.

Later, I heard you came to Peking.

I was afraid I'd never see you again.

So I came.

I can't let you marry.



- Don't ever come back.

- So, it's over?


We heard noises.

It was just a cat.

You think Jade Fox will show up?

She out there.

But I doubt she'll show herself.

We'll keep our eyes open.

Sooner or later, she'll come for the girl.


Come with me!

Let me go!

You're mine! Come with me to the desert!

Jen! Come with me to Xin Jiang!

- Tell me. Where is Jade Fox?

- Come with me. Hurry!

You thought she'd give it all up

and go back west with you?

- She's mine.

- Either way, you are no good to her dead.

With the Gou and Yu clans hunting you,

you'll soon be in their hands.

I don't care anymore.

If you truly loved her,

you wouldn't say that.

Don't you want to see her again?

All right. I'll write you an introduction.

Take it to Wudan.

Wait there for news from me.

All right.

When will this end?

They take it, they put it back,

they take it again.

My home is turning into a warehouse.

Come in.

- Speak.

- Jen has run away.

Gou found the wedding chamber empty.

Governor Yu requests your assistance.

You know the Giang Hu underworld.

He wants to find her

and keep her from harm.

Sir Te, leave this to us. Don't worry.

What can I serve you?

This cup is dirty.


What's your name?


It's young Master Long. My apologies!

I'm Iron Eagle Sung.

And this is my brother in arms,

Flying Cougar Li Yun.

What brings you to Huai An

and where are you headed, Master Long?

Anywhere there's action.

In that case,

perhaps we could be of assistance.

Don't bother.

You don't seem to understand.

So what if I don't?

We have ways of helping you

to understand.

Are you related to Li Mu Bai?

He is my defeated foe.

Have some tea.

Shu Lien.

The things we touch

have no permanence.

My master would say,

"There's nothing

we can hold on to in this world."

"Only by letting go

can we truly possess what is real."

Not everything is an illusion.

My hand, wasn't that real?

Your hand,

rough and callused from practice.

All this time,

I've never had the courage to touch it.

Giang Hu is a world of tigers and dragons,

full of corruption.

I tried sincerely to give it up,

but I have brought us only trouble.

To repress one's feelings

only makes them stronger.

You're right, but I don't know what to do.

I want to be with you.

Just like this.

It gives me a sense of peace.

Please follow me.

- I want a clean room.

- We have plenty.

- Your order?

- Steamed whole cod, bite-sized meatballs

a little starchy, but keep the sauce light.

Shark fin soup, mixed vegetables,

and some warm wine.

Sir, I have to order them

a bigger restaurant.

Hurry, then.

That's him.

I am Iron Arm Mi.

I heard a true master has arrived.

I have come to seek a lesson.

You asked for it!

What kind of Iron Arm are you?

You have amazing technique!

I am Flying Saber.

Are you related to Southern Crane?

Southern Duck?

I don't eat anything with two feet.

Who could remember

such long-winded names?

Li Mu Bai is your defeated foe,

and you don't know

his master Southern Crane?

Who are you?

I'm Shining Phoenix Mountain Gou.

Gou? I hate that name.

It makes me puke!

Too bad you're named Gou!

You'll be the first to feel my sword today.

Hold it! Don't you know Monk Jing?

A monk, in a place like this?

You need a lesson.

- Who are you?

- Who am I?

I am...

I am the invincible Sword Goddess.

Armed with the incredible Green Destiny.

Be you Li or Southern Crane,

lower your head and ask for mercy!

I am the desert dragon.

I leave no trace.

Today I fly over Eh-Mei,

tomorrow, I'll kick over Wudan Mountain!

We politely asked for a friendly match,

but she showed no respect and attacked us.

Everyone came by to teach her a lesson.

Her sword was just too powerful.

I've traveled everywhere,

but never met anyone so uncivilized.

She kept accusing me of being

Gou Jun Pei's brother.

Who is this Gou, anyway?

Her husband.

We're close to your headquarters.

Go home and check in.

- What about you?

- I'll look around and catch up later.

Not a bad idea. Tonight we'll get

a good night's sleep at headquarters.


Mistress, you're back.

It's you!

How is everything here?

- Fine.

You've been gone a while.

- Yes, and I leave again tomorrow.

Did your wife give birth?

- Yeah, a baby girl.


- I'll be happy if she's

half as strong as you.

- Mrs. Wu.

- You're back!

- How's the arm? Still sore?

- Much better.

You've been gone so long.

Li Mu Bai is coming to stay the night.

I'll go and make up his room!

Sister Shu Lien.

Here, you must be in proper attire.

I'm just borrowing some clean clothes.

I'm not staying.

I'll give them to you.

I was just passing by

and wondered how you were.

You, sister...

Look at the trouble you've caused.

Now you know what

Giang Hu life is really like.

If you think of me as your sister,

let me give you some sisterly advice.

You can run from marriage,

but not your parents.

They forced me to marry!

Go back to them first.

Then you can decide about Lo.

You know about Lo?

He really loves you.

Come back to Peking with me.

We'll find a solution.

- Where is he now?

- Li Mu Bai has made arrangements.

- Li Mu Bai?

- He sent him to Wudan Mountain.

You're working together to set me up!

I'm leaving!

How dare you accuse us!

I always knew you had stolen the sword!

I've done nothing

but protect you and your family.

And you've repaid me

with nothing but contempt.

Li Mu Bai himself spared you,

and all you do is insult him.

We wanted some peace

and you've ruined it all!

You're no sister of mine!

What do I care?

Friendship is not real, anyway.

But I wonder,

how long could you last as my enemy?

Put the sword down.


Everyone out. Shut the doors.

Fine, the friendship is over.

Don't touch it!

That's Li Mu Bai's sword.

Come and get it if you can.

Without the Green Destiny,

you are nothing.

Don't be a sore loser.

Go ahead. Take your pick.

I'll wait.

Go ahead.

Give me the sword.

Take it!

Stop it!

You don't deserve the Green Destiny.

Not another lecture! On guard!

- Let's end this here.

- Only the sword will settle this.

I only let you go because

I wanted to see the real you.

What do you know about a true heart?

- What do you want?

- What I've always wanted.

To teach you.

All right. If you can take back the sword

in three moves,

I'll go with you.

Give it back!

- Kneel!

- Never!

Then you have no use for the sword.

Sooner or later,

they'd drag you back to Peking.

Your parents will never accept you again.

But why go home?

We've gone this far, we won't stop now.

You'll always be my Lady.

At last, we'll be our own masters.

We'll be happy.

That's the most important thing.

All we have left is each other, right?

Lie down and rest.

She's crazy. You should have killed her.

I didn't have the heart.

Well, Li Mu Bai can do it.

Is it me or the sword you want?

You've been drugged.

Where's Jade Fox?

What happened?

Jade Fox drugged her.

How did you get here?

We followed Jade Fox.

And so you die.

And so shall you!

A poisoned needle!

You deserve to die,

but the life I was hoping

to take was Jen's.

Ten years I devoted to you.

But you deceived me!

You hid the manual's true meaning.

I never improved,

but your progress was limitless.

You know what poison is?

An eight-year-old girl, full of deceit!

That's poison.


My only family...

my only enemy.

You can't die!

Tell us what poison you used!

You can't die. Tell us the antidote!

You can't let Li Mu Bai die!

- She used Purple Yin.

- What?

Purple Yin Poison.

It goes straight to the heart.

It's the same poison she used

to kill my master.

My blood will soon reverse its flow.

There's no antidote.

That can't be!

Everything has an antithesis!

Why not this?

The antidote exists. She taught it to me.

The formula is simple,

but it takes time to prepare.

Trust me.

As you have helped me, let me help him.

All right. Hurry.

I will hold on as long as I can.

Take my horse and go to the compound.

Give this to Mrs. Wu.

She'll help you. Hurry!

Spare your energy. I'll be back!

Where is Mrs. Wu?

Stop it!

Shu Lien told me to show you this.

Let her in.

Mu Bai, hold on.

Give me some hope.

- Shu Lien.

- Shh.

Save your strength.

My life is departing.

I've only one breath left.

Use it to meditate.

Free yourself from this world

as you've been taught.

Let your soul rise to eternity

with your last breath.

Don't waste it for me.

I've already wasted my whole life.

I want to tell you with my last breath.

I have always loved you.

I would rather be a ghost,

drifting by your side

as a condemned soul,

than enter heaven without you.

Because of your love.

I will never be a lonely spirit.

He's gone?


please take this sword back to Sir Te.

Now you must go to Wudan Mountain.

Lo awaits you there.

Promise me one thing.

Whatever path you take in this life,

be true to yourself.


Do you remember the legend

of the young man?

"A faithful heart

makes wishes come true."

Make a wish, Lo.

To be back in the desert, together again.