Crossword Mysteries: Proposing Murder (2019) - full transcript

Tess dives into Logan's murder investigation.

Honey, you're early.

Hold on a sec.

Sorry I was late.

I left my lunch on the train

platform and when I headed back

to get it, I ended up

on an express to Flatbush.

Don't worry,

I'll order you lunch.

I owe you! Your cousin Elliot is

starting his internship

- today.

- Thanks for giving him a shot.

Maybe now he'll move off

my couch.

You know the internship only

pays a small stipend.

Sure, but maybe

he'll buy a futon!



Tess... Hi.

Hi! Ha! Ha!

- It's been a long time.

- Two months.

Yeah. Yeah.

I was going to call you...

Also, I was gonna call.

How are you?

Good. Yeah.

Really, really good.


- congratulations in order?

- Observant as always

and wrong. I've been out doing

errands for my sister's wedding.

Good! Good! I mean,

good for her! That's...

- It's awesome.

- Yeah!

Speaking of my sister,

Tess Harper, this is

- my sister, Angela.

- You're Tess?

Yes. Hi,

nice to meet you!

The pleasure's all mine.

Logan's told me so much

about you. But he didn't

mention how pretty

you were.

- Really?

- Yeah!

Don't mind her.

She doesn't get out much.

- Ha! Ha! OK...

- Look who's talking.

So... what brings you two down

to the paper today?

A favor, actually. Angela is

getting married next week.


I love weddings.

There's the dancing,

- the dresses...

- The drama, the expense...

- They're fantastic.

- Ignore my big brother.

So, we already sent in

our announcement to the

Sentinel, but getting a photo

in along with it, well, that's a

bit harder to pull off.

- So...

- So Angela and I

were wondering

if you could help.

Well... I can't make any

promises, but I'm certainly

happy to put in a word with our

Wedding Page Editor.

Thank you! I brought

along a photo option...

Good! Let's go to my desk!

Sorry. Just gotta put out

a couple wedding fires.

Garlands, bridesmaids...

what's next?

You know, these traditions

are important.

- Really?

- Do you know why the groom

always stands to the

bride's right?

Not a clue.

Because in the old days,

he needed his right hand

free to fend off back-stabbers.

Glad those days are over,

I'd never be off-duty.

I am off on more errands.

I should probably head back

to the precinct myself.

It was so nice to meet you,

Tess. Thank you for your help.

Of course! My pleasure.


- Thank you.

- Sure.

Of course. It's good to see you.

Good to see you.

- She's cute!

- Stop it. Come on.

Tess, meet my cousin Elliot!

Hi! So nice to meet you!

So happy to have you

- on the team.

- I'm a big fan of your puzzle!

So how can I help around here?

The fun part about this

internship is one minute,

you're researching igloos.

The next, medieval combat.

Well, I'm a history major, so

all that sounds like a blast.

Great. I just have to finish

this puzzle

and then we'll have a meeting.

Actually... you guys might be

able to help.

I am looking for a romantic

9-letter word,

second letter "H".


Turns out it's the most popular

holiday for wedding proposals.

Perfect. Thanks!


Let me show you to your desk.


Hi! Yes,

please tell Professor Clark

I'll be there in a minute.

Lyle, it has been too long!

I think the last time

I saw you was that exhibit

at the Mathematics Museum.

I know. But at least

I get to see you

each morning

when I open up my newspaper.

Speaking of which,

- I just finished today's puzzle.

- Same old Lyle.

Anything within reach is

a bookmark.

Unraveling the Beale Papers?

Sounds interesting.

Just a book I started.

So catch me up.

I feel like I haven't spoken to

you in forever.

Well, you're looking at a

tenured Professor of History.

Are you serious?

That is so exciting!


So what are you working on?

You're studying

World War 2 ciphers?

Or Navajo codetalkers...

- Nothing much really.

- "Nothing much"?

I just haven't had much time

lately for new research.

I've got a heavy teaching load

at the university.

And I've been seeing

a really special woman.

And, well, she's the one.

That's great!

Abby and I have been going out

for about a year.

And we have lots in common.

She's got me exercising.

Thanks to her I'm vegan now.

She's really great.

- She's beautiful.

- And you brought us together.

- Wait, I did?

- Last year,

I was at a cafe doing

your crossword,

and I saw a woman doing the same

crossword at the next table.

Next thing you know,

we're trading hints

and by 42-down, we had a date

set up the next day!

Tell me about her.

I wanna hear more!

Abby's a chef

and she just started her own

catering company,

and she teaches cooking classes

on the Upper West Side.

She's fun, kind, brilliant. And

we love doing your puzzle

together over brunch

every Sunday.

Which brings me to this...

This is gorgeous!

I mean that...

that is a diamond!

Abby's worth every carat.

From Witherspoon's, no less.

OK! This ring needs be

in a vault somewhere.

Don't worry. I keep it

somewhere very safe

till I'm ready to pop the


And, well,

that's where you come in.

I was wondering if there was any

way you could

hide my marriage proposal in

your crossword puzzle?

You know what? I'm always up

for a challenge.

So, you'll do it?

I'd be honored.

So the clue for Abby

is "Free with her advice",

as in Dear Abby.

And "Shakespeare to friends"

is "Will"

and the last clue

on the top line is

"Words with a nice

ring to them".

- So all together that's...

- "Abby, will you marry me?"


Excited to see

how this turns out.

Knock, knock!

- Hey, Dad! Got here fast.

- I was in the neighborhood

getting fitted for my tux

and I heard the call.

Right. I just didn't think you

wanted to go home

and get roped

into wedding planning?

Exactly. So, what have we got?

Stabbing victim's name

is Lyle Clark,

34. He's a college

history professor.

Neighbors hear any noise?

Any struggle?

No. We're canvassing the area,

but we got no surveillance

footage and no murder weapon


- Who found him?

- His girlfriend,

Abby Miller, 30.

Obviously, she's in shock.

They took her down to Grandview

for observation.

Behind you, I'd like you

to meet my new partner.

Detective Winston, right?

Still getting used to that

"detective" part.

Yeah, well, you know. If it

saves time,

I'll just call him "Rookie".

Hey, man! I've been

a patrol officer for 4 years.

Now, you're new to homicide,

so to me, you're a rookie.

Don't sweat it. I still call

Logan a rookie.

Yeah. Once a week.

I checked

the door jambs and the hinges.

No sign of forced entry.

Someone had a good look


But it's not robbery. There's

no way it can be. Look.

They left the laptop.

They left the phone.

So, a stabbing,

with no murder weapon?

Any household items appear

to have been used?

There is one knife missing

from this set.

Alright, let's let the

forensics do their thing.

Winston, I want you to check...

The victim's financials?

Already on it.

- Good!

- Your sister... Duty calls.

Good luck with that. I'm going

down to the hospital

to question the girlfriend.

First off, Abby, I just wanna

say how sorry I am

for your loss. And I was

wondering if you could

tell me when's the last

time you saw Lyle.

It was just last night.

We met up at a party

for the history department.

Lyle had been doing

research all day.

The last thing I said to him was

that I'd meet him at his place

for brunch this morning.

It's our Sunday tradition,

doing the puzzle.

And Lyle promised that

he would have a big surprise...

So you happened to go over

to Lyle's place, say, 11am?

I volunteer Sunday mornings

making breakfast

for the seniors at St. Mark's.

Sometimes it runs late.

Lyle, can I come in?


Did you notice anything

unusual lately?

Yes, actually.

He started receiving

those threats.

What do you mean, threats?

Over the past couple of months,

Lyle had been getting

these threats in the mail.

- OK.

- He said that

they were from

his ex-girlfriend, Bethany.

But he didn't want

to talk about her much.

You wouldn't happen to have

any of those notes, would you?

He always threw them away.

But I kept one.

Would you happen to know if

maybe anybody else might have

had a grudge against Lyle?

- It might be nothing.

- What?

There's this professor

in his department. Emory.

They were arguing

about something

- at the party last night.

- Arguing? About what?

I'm not sure.

I was across the room.

When I asked Lyle about it,

he said it was nothing.

But Lyle and Emory were both up

for tenure last month.

Just one opening.

And Lyle got it.

Is there anything else

that wasn't right?


No, everything was great.

He'd been looking at property

for us in Connecticut.

You know,

dreaming about our future


Thank you for your time.

And once again,

I am sorry for your loss. OK?

Nice work on the murder board,


Now, all we need is to get

some suspects up here.

Hey! What is this?

It's a note the victim

received. Better get that

down to forensics. Talk to

me. What do you got?

Well, this was found

in a bag on the crime scene.

Grocery store receipt.

Time-stamped at 9:32.

The girlfriend arrived at 11.

I called the senior center

where she volunteers.

Alibi checks out.

So our victim was murdered

between the hours of

9:45am and 11am. Meanwhile, I

got a team checking his office

on campus. Looks like it was


Somebody was obviously

looking for something.

What's that?

"Call TH."


Tess Harper.


- Logan? Is that you?

- Um...

Yeah! Yeah, it's me.

Listen. Something... This is

gonna sound very strange.

What is?

We just found your phone

number at a homicide scene.

Cause of death was loss of

blood from multiple stab wounds,

all in the upper torso.

Defensive wounds on the hands

and arms suggest

that there was a struggle.

This was broken off

in the fourth rib.

- The tip of the knife?

- A ceramic knife.

Their edges are harder

than steel,

but they're brittle

when twisted.

The fragment is too small

to identify the brand.

But this isn't your run-of-the-

mill consumer knife,

This is high grade zirconium.

First off, Tess, I just wanna

say how sorry I am.

Poor Lyle.

How was Lyle

when you saw him last week?

He was fine.

I mean, he seemed excited

and a little nervous. I had

never met Abby, but he clearly

seemed like he was

crazy about her.

The ring he got her, the

engagement ring was...

- was massive.

- Yeah.

We didn't find the engagement

ring on the crime scene.

And we do know

that he didn't propose.

Can you describe it?

I'd say it was probably

two or three carats.

It was a unique style.

It was

in a blue box

from Witherspoon's Jewelers.


Wow! That place isn't cheap.

Yeah. You know, I kind

of found that a little odd.

Honestly. I... On what an

associate professor would earn,

I feel like that would

be a year's salary at least!

Maybe it could have

been a family heirloom.

Maybe bought with some

family money.

I don't think Lyle's family

had money. He was a scholarship

student in college just like

I was. Work-study, loans.

You don't remember anything

different about him at all?

No! He...

He said he'd gone

vegan! I mean,

he looked healthy and,

he seemed excited.

- Was Lyle into cooking?

- Why?

The murder weapon was

a high-end ceramic knife.

- Rookie...

- Well,

I mean, he said

that Abby is a chef.

She probably have one of those.


Right. Yeah.

Tess, thanks for coming down.

OK? We'll take it from here.

OK. Thanks.

By the way... your sister's

photo will be in the paper

with her wedding announcement

next week.

That's very kind of you, Tess.

I appreciate it.

Thank you. I'll...

I'll be in touch.

- OK.

- Alright.

Strange what Tess said

about Lyle not having any money.

Especially when

his girlfriend said

he was out scoping properties

in Connecticut

- to buy.

- Well, his record is clean.

His worst offense is a parking

ticket last month.

You're gonna go talk

to the ex-girlfriend?

Yeah. I will.

She's a doctor.

She's in surgery all day.

I think I'll start with

the victim's mother instead.

It's all just such a shock!

Who would want to kill one of

the nicest guys in the world?

I'm just so sorry about Lyle.

I know how much he meant to you.

Something about it doesn't

make sense, though.

Lyle said he hadn't been

researching anything lately,

and research was his passion!

Why the sudden change?

People don't usually change

unless they have a reason.

- Maybe Lyle had a secret.

- Maybe.

And maybe it cost him his life.

It's... lovely!

Thank you.


when was the...

- the last time you saw Lyle?

- Last Monday.

He helped me pack up

some of the things here.

And when you saw him,

did anything seem different

about him?

Just the same sweet son

as always.

- So he grew up here, then?

- Yes.

It isn't much, I know.

I was raised up on a farm

in Connecticut.

Lots of space to play and run.

I always wanted that for Lyle.

But we were happy here,

all the same.

His grandfather was a corporal

in World War 2.

He was a codebreaker

for a while.

That's what spurred

Lyle's interest in history.

He found that photo

in the basement a month ago.

There's a lot of old

family things down there.

Do you mind

if I take a look?

No, not at all.

What's all that?

It's my friend Lyle's.

Some articles he wrote

on codenames

used in World War 2.

Some of the codenames

were so exotic.

"Operation Barbarossa",

"Operation Galahad"...

Hey, an enigma machine.

I did a paper on it last

quarter. It's like a typewriter

that automatically codes

what you type.

Not to distract you, but isn't

the Sunday Puzzle do?

Yes. You know what, maybe I

make the theme of the puzzle

World War 2 codenames.

That way, it's a...

nice tribute to my friend,

and I can make my deadline,

and still do my research.

I'll be back after lunch.

Hi! I'm looking

for any publications

by Dr. Lyle Clark

on codebreaking?


You worked with Dr. Clark.

Maybe you could help her.

Great. Hi!

I'm an old friend of his.

Tess Harper.

I work at the Sentinel.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

I'd be happy to help.

OK, great. Thank you!

You're the crossword

puzzle editor.

He told me about you.

So you were in on Lyle's secret?

Lyle's marriage proposal?


But sworn to secrecy.

He was terrified that Abby

would find out and ruin

his big surprise.

- This place is a maze.

- If you ever get lost,

the red line on the floor shows

the way out.

So you were Lyle's assistant?

When was the last time

you spoke with him?

Saturday night,

at a department party.

He'd just driven back

from Connecticut.

Really? When was that?

Do you remember what time?

Must have been 8:00 or 9:00.

He'd been going up to

Connecticut most weekends. He

was interviewing some

World War 2 vets up there

for some research.

- Did you ever go along?

- No. No.

Lyle believed interviews went

best one-on-one.

How did he handle Connecticut

trips though with his teaching

schedule? I hear he had

a heavy course load.

Lyle? He was only

teaching one class.


I have a question for you.

Why all the questions?


It's okay. The lights are

just on motion sensors.

We better get moving then.

The victim's mother seems to

think Abby was after his money.

Well, Abby was planning to

visit Lyle

the morning of his murder.

That's where she discovered

the body. Now,

she is a chef and the murder

weapon was a ceramic knife.

That's all circumstantial

at best. It's no smoking gun.

Well, his financials came in.

Less than 3K in his bank


And no record

of a ring purchase.

What about his online stock

trading account?

There isn't one. But

the forensics report is back.

- That was fast.

- Friends in high places.

- Alright. What'd they say?

- Nothing much.

No DNA, no prints

other than the victim's.

That's odd.

No DNA, no prints,

no online stock trading account.

Alright, do me a favour.

Keep digging.

I'm here on campus now.

I'll be back in a couple hours.


- Hi!

- Hi! What are you doing here?

Just doing a little research

for a World War 2

crossword puzzle.

Just reviewing some things

that Lyle had written

on the subject.

Really? What's a 7-letter word

for going where one shouldn't?

Seven letters, that would

be... "Intrude"?

Exactly. So take the hint,

and don't.

You've got some crossword

skills after all.

And Tess, you do know there's

a handful of top libraries

in a two-mile radius,

but you decided to come all the

way over here.

Yeah. I wanted

a change of scenery.

Great! Perfect. Now, you've

had your change of scenery.

I'll walk you back to the subway

so you can go home.

- OK!

- OK!

I guess you don't want to know

the two big lies

that Lyle's TA just told me...

OK! Alright.

Lyle's TA, Clayton. He just

told me that Lyle drove home

from Connecticut

on Saturday night

- to go to a faculty party.

- OK. So?

So Lyle had Choroideremia.

It's a condition that can

cause nighttime blindness!

In college,

when we we're studying,

if we went out for pizza late

at night, I always drove!

Did his TA tell you why Lyle

went to Connecticut?

He said he was doing

interviews for his research.

Are you sure?

Yeah! Wait, why?


Logan, come on. I gave you

useful information.

His girlfriend mentioned that

he went up to Connecticut

for house hunting, not research.

Why am I telling you this?

Because I'm very persuasive.

- You think?

- Yeah.

There is something else

I wanted to tell you.

It was really strange.

When I saw Lyle, he said

he said he wasn't doing research

because he was teaching so much,

but he was teaching one class

this semester!

Well, thank you, Tess.

Now it's time to go home.

OK. You're welcome.


Of course!

As much as we love books,

so do pests that eat

the paper and binding.

But luckily conservators have

discovered that freezing books

is a great way

to eliminate pests

and leave the book unharmed.

Like this little gem.

This peacock has been stitched

onto linen

and placed

into a leather binding,

and all of it saved

by a freezer.

Now, moving on!

Professor Nelson?

I'm Detective O'Connor. NYPD.

- I left you a message.

- Yes, detective.

Glad to help. Detective Logan,

this is Christina Blake.

She's a guest lecturer this

semester on antique books.

Wow! It's a pleasure to meet

you, Christina.

I thoroughly

enjoyed your lecture.

Not only does she help half

the department

with her research, but she also


one of the finest antiquarian

bookstores in the state.


Speaking of which, I've got to

get back to the store.

But nice to meet you!

You as well!

Do you mind if we do this

in the gym?

I teach boxing

for at-risk youth.

- After you!

- Alright!

Poor Lyle, man. I still

can't believe it happened.

Were you and Lyle on good terms?

Yeah! Good friends,

not just colleagues.

I mean, we used to bounce ideas

off each other all the time.

And when the tenure committee

awarded him

the only tenure position,

that wasn't awkward, right?

Two boxers enter the ring,

only one emerges victorious.

It's not personal.

It's just the way it is.

I was actually happy for him.

It's just interesting because

I heard you guys had

quite the argument

at the department party

the night before he was killed.

Whoever told you that

got it wrong.

We were always animated

when we discussed our work.

But, now that he is gone,

you might get tenure

after all, right?

True, but that's not how I

would have wanted it to

go down, you know?

Where were you Sunday morning,

the day he was killed?

Actually, I...

was at a pancake breakfast for

the international students.

I gotta tell you, Emory,

that's going the extra mile

for the college that denied

you tenure?

What can I say?

I like to give back.

If you ask me, the good

professor seems

a little too good to be true.

So you think tenure literally

brought out the knives?

Maybe. Listen, do me a favour.

Check all the other staff

that worked with Lyle for me.

You got it. You still on


No. I'm actually

gonna do,

a look around the crime scene

one more time.

Call you in a bit.

Good luck!

I thought you were a vegan.


I need you to identify

something for me.


Is that the engagement

ring you saw?

- Yeah. That's it.

- Show her the page

you found... She knew the guy,

she might recognize it.

Do you recognize this?

No... I've never

seen this before.

It's obviously something that

Lyle wanted to be kept safe.

Bank account numbers? Safe

combinations... I don't know.

I wonder... Maybe it's a code.

Codebreaking was a huge part

of his research.

And if it is,

which one is anyone's guess.

There are a million ways

to code a message.

Do you mind if I...

maybe try to make sense out

of all this? Like with a copy?


What are you doing? Are you

memorizing those numbers Tess?


Fine. Winston, make her a copy

of the numbers?

Sure thing. Come with me.

I got the address of that

colleague of his, Christina.

- I'll text it to you.

- Alright, cool!

I'm still at the hospital

waiting to talk

to the ex-girlfriend,

so I'll be in touch in a bit.

- Alright.

- Bye!

Excuse me. I was wondering if

you can maybe just check again.

I'm sorry.

She's still in surgery.


- Here she is.

- Hey, Doctor, I'm

Lieutenant Logan O'Connor. NYPD.

You've been dodging my calls...

I wasn't avoiding you,


But we're understaffed

and I've had two gunshot wounds

and a burst appendix

this morning.

I understand. Maybe you could

share a little bit of

information with me about your

relationship with Lyle Clark.

We didn't have one anymore.

I relocated to New York for him

when we were dating.

Yeah. If I'd stayed

at my last hospital,

I'd be head of surgery by now.

But he dropped me and a year

later, he's got a fiancée!

Fiancée? I didn't realise

that was common knowledge.

He proposed in the crosswords.

As soon as I read Abby's name,

I knew it was from Lyle.

He's friends

with that puzzle editor.

Have you been in contact

with Lyle lately?

Not in ages.

Where were you Sunday morning,

between the hours of 10am

and 11am?

In surgery.

Do you know anything about

these notes

that Lyle has

been receiving lately?

- Notes?

- Like threatening letters.

No. Must've been from someone

with time on their hands,

- which I certainly don't have.

- Right. No. I understand.

Just a final question

then I'll let you go.

We found out that Lyle made

a pretty large purchase recently

a lot more then what

a professor can afford.

I don't know if you knew

if his family had any money?

Money? Please. Not a chance.

His family used to own a farm in

Connecticut. We went up

to see it once. But they had

to sell it some years back.

I gotta go. Sorry.

Thanks for your time!

Thank you!

- How goes it?

- Good. I've been doing that

research you wanted on

high-end ceramic knives.

They're used by chefs, but also

scuba divers

because they don't corrode.

Ceramic can be super sharp.

Look at this...

Thieves use ceramic shards

to break tempered glass.

It concentrates all the force

onto a tiny point.

Almost as fine as a diamond.

So interesting.

Good work, Elliot.

Look at these rings.

Who could afford those?

Who, indeed...

- Fancy meeting you here.

- Um! What are you doing here?

Just browsing, you know.

My Aunt has a birthday coming up

so I thought that I would,

you know, see if there was

something here

- I wanted to buy for her.

- A little pricey, isn't it?

What? No. They have plenty

of things in my price range.

- Really?

- Yeah, like this...

this diamond... stickpin.

It needs to be nice

for Aunt Candace, right?

Of all the jewelry stores in


you choose Witherspoon's?

OK, fine, I wanted to see

if they had any engagement rings

like Lyle's...

They don't have any rings

like Lyle's here.

- Yeah.

- Their rings are stunning.

Yeah, just like their prices.

Did you know that wearing

wedding bands

on the left hand dates back

to Roman times?


Yeah. They believed that the

vein in your the fourth finger

connected directly

to your heart.

You learn

something new every day.

Excuse me. I was wondering if I

could ask you a question

about an engagement ring.

I'm sure we can find you

the perfect ring

in your price range. Modern

bridal trends recommend

spending two months' salary.

But that's just a guideline.

Especially when you have

a fiancée as lovely as you do.

No, no! We're not

together. She and I are just...

Sweetheart, don't be

embarrassed. Between you and me,

he just doesn't trust

his own taste.

I'm the same way. I insisted

my husband and I selected

- the engagement ring together.

- Actually, I wanted

to ask you a few questions about

this engagement ring

that was actually purchased

at your store.

My goodness.

Is there something wrong

with the ring?

No! Not at all.

In fact, this is

one of the most beautiful stones

I've seen in a long time.

You just don't see diamonds

like this anymore.

So you're saying that this

ring was not purchased here,

- at your store?

- No.

This... looks to be

like an antique.

The diamond is Old European cut,

the most popular style pre-1920.

Where would a ring like this

come from?

If you want my opinion...

A museum.

- Really?

- Anything else?

Sweetheart, weren't you

going to buy me that stickpin?

Cash or credit?

Any luck figuring out what

those numbers are?

Not yet.

At first I thought

maybe they were phone numbers...

or social security numbers

but there doesn't seem

to be any pattern.

But so many hits come up.

The secret code Benedict Arnold

used, and the Beale Papers...

Get this. One Greek king

tattooed a message

on a shaved servant's head,

so when his hair grew back in,

the message was hidden.

Can you go back up for a second?

Beale Papers. Why does that

sound so familiar?

I just finished today's puzzle.

Lyle was researching

the Beale Papers.

But... what are they?

Apparently, in the 19th century,

a man named Beale was said

to have had a fortune in gold.

To find where it was hidden,

he created a special code.

Wait... A book cipher.

Can you click there?

The format's the same.

It's groups of three numbers!

You're right.

Elliott, I think we just found

the key to this puzzle.

So they're not related,

these two numbers?

- Strange.

- It's a book cipher!

- A book cipher? What's that?

- It's a book cipher.

It's a coded message

that uses a book

- as its key.

- So how does that work?

I'll show you. OK.

So say Person A

has a copy of a specific book.

"Law Enforcement

Procedures and Practices"?

The book itself doesn't matter

as long as Person B has a copy

of the exact same book too.

Can I borrow this

for just a second?

I'll give it right back. Thanks.

So now, we have a copy of the

same book, we can send

- each other coded messages.

- Tess, it sounds complicated.

No, it's really not.

It's simple.

You just replace

the words with numbers.

The first number is the page,

the second number is the line

on that page and then,

the third number

is the word's position

in that line.

For instance, 208-29-11...


And... 103...


- - OK.

- 208... Was that...

- 29.


"Proven" is the word.

And 103...


And 9. OK. Proven...

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Proven right.

So you think

you're proven right, are you?

It's a trick that

spies have used

since the Revolutionary War.

Now to crack the code,

you need to know exactly what

book was used.

Great! Do you know what book

he used?

- Unfortunately, no.

- So that narrows it down to...

- every book ever printed?

- But you know what?

Maybe... maybe Lyle left a clue

somewhere. There must be a clue.

- Excuse me.

- A book cipher...

- I mean, this is fascinating.

- Dad! We're running late.

- Sorry.

- Hey, Tess,

I'm surprised to see you here!

We're taking lessons

for our father-daughter dance.

That's so sweet!

Have fun.

And FYI,

the wedding is this weekend

and Logan still needs a date...

What Logan needs

is for the bride-to-be

to move along.

Bye, Angela...

- Awww. I love you too.

- Love you!

Ha! Ha! Bye.

It's against library policy

to disclose the books

our patrons check out.

Of course, I understand.

Lyle was a dear friend,

- and since he's passed, I was...

- I'm sorry.

Lyle and his bookmarks.

This is Detective O'Connor.

Leave a message.

Logan, listen, I found a receipt

for a book Lyle purchased.

"Anastasia's Stories

for Children", from 1941.

He paid 300 dollars for it,

so I'm assuming

it's something special.

I'm headed down

to the bookstore

where he bought it, so...

I'll call you back.

- Can I help you?

- Yes. I'm looking

for an old collection

of children's stories.

It's sold out online

and my intern

has called every library

in the city, no luck.

I had a friend

who purchased a copy here,

so I was hoping that maybe

lightning could strike twice.

Ooh, sounds like a challenge.

What's the book?

"Anastasia's Stories

for Children".

It's an old storybook. 1941.

I don't have a copy,

but let me see what I can find.

I have a few tricks

up my sleeve...

That's very kind.

Thank you so much.

- I'm Christina.

- Hi. Tess.

Your shop is...

It's so unique...

Thank you!

I always loved antique books.

I have them on every subject.

Do you do bookbinding as well?

Yes. This is my ER

for damaged books.

A lot of my patients

need mending.

- I can imagine.

- When I moved in,

this place was a restaurant,

so I kept the walk-in freezer,

cause freezing books is

actually the best way to kill

any insects or mold spores that

might be present.

That's so interesting...

So you get rid of the bugs

and don't harm the books.

- Exactly.

- So do you really think

you might be able to find a copy

of the Anastasia book?

I can't promise anything,

but I'd be happy to try.

I'd really appreciate that.

Let me get my card.

You write the crosswords

for the Sentinel? How exciting.

It can be.

It's also a lot of work.

So please call me

if you find out

any information on the book.

Really, thanks for your help.

Tess texted me this picture

this morning.

Lyle's girlfriend Abby,

and his T.A. Clayton.

Looks like they're having

quite the cozy lunch...

Meanwhile the phone records

came in.

The day of his murder,

the ex-girlfriend Bethany

called Lyle five times.

Short calls, a few seconds.

Hang up calls maybe.

It's interesting,

cause Bethany told me

she hadn't been in contact

with Lyle in ages.

Also, I've been tracking

the money.

Turns out the victim's Mom

was facing

foreclosure on her house

up until about a month ago,

when suddenly

the mortgage was paid off.


That's a big chunk of change.

I've got it! I've got it.

I figured out how to decipher

part of the message!

Here, I'll show you.

The key is

an old children's book.

I don't have

the actual book yet,

but I found a few pages

of it online and I was able

to decode part of the message!

I mean, there are a lot of gaps

but... it's a letter

from Lyle's grandfather

to Mildred about jewels.

They're buried on or around

their old farm.

It sounds like it could be

in more than one place.

That could be worth

tens of millions today.

If I could just find

the whole book

I could decode

more of the message,

and maybe help identify

who killed Lyle!

Good work, Tess.

Good work.

Is that Lyle's

grandpa's uniform?

- Yes, it is.

- These patches and medals

could tell us a lot about him.

Can I take a pic?

- Yes.

- No.

- What?

- What?

My codebreaking

just established motive.

- Possible motive.

- Come on, Logan.



You know... Maybe Lyle found

some of the jewels,

and that's where the antique

engagement ring came from?

But you think

there might be more out there?

We need the entire book

to figure that out.

OK, look. I'll go

by Lyle's office and his condo

and do some snooping around,

but I don't remember seeing it.

Well, one thing's for certain.

Millions of dollars are a lot

of reasons for murder.

It is.

Am I going to see you

at Angela's wedding?

I understand that Logan

doesn't have a date yet.

You're going

to Angela's wedding?

The groom's parents are on

the advisory board of the opera

- with me.

- Of course. You know everyone.

Honey, are you OK?

You've hardly spoken a word

since the bridge.

Sorry I'm not

better company today.

You're always

my favorite company.

But if you want to talk

about something, I'm here.

It's just there's one thing

I can't shake...

- Abby, Lyle's girlfriend.

- The chef you told me about...?

Yeah. Lyle was head over heels

in love with her.

But when I saw Abby with

that grad student yesterday...

It just... I don't know,

it looked really suspicious.

You're thinking that maybe

they had something to do

- with Lyle's death?

- Maybe they were involved

and they wanted

to take Lyle's treasure

all for themselves!

Do you think it's possible...

Is it possible that Lyle

could have deluded himself

about Abby this whole time?

It happens.

Well, the murder weapon

was a high end ceramic knife,

something a chef would use.

Abby's a chef, she probably

owns knives like that!

You're right.

Tell Logan,

because I'm sure he's gonna want

to check that out.

That would require

a search warrant

and he doesn't have

enough evidence to get one.



Unless I happen

to meet up with Abby.

With a potential murderer?

Come on, Tess!

I don't want you taking

those kinds of risks.

I'm not gonna be wandering

down some dark alley.

She teaches workshops

at a cookware store

- on the Upper West Side.

- Where they sell knives.

I could sign up for a class.

What's the worst thing

that happens?

I burn a soufflé?

Please, Tess.

I don't want you going alone.

- Please.

- So come with me.

OK. If that's

what it takes

for me to keep my eye

on you... I will.

Well, thanks for...

for meeting me.

I appreciate that.

How long did you know Lyle?

Since grad school,

and we stayed in touch.

To be honest this store

isn't exactly profitable,

so Lyle helped me

supplement my income

- with work here and there.

- What sort of work?

Lots of things.

Helping find articles he needed,

helping him organize his notes.

I helped him research

his last couple of books.

Do you know if anyone

would've had anything

against Lyle?

Lyle was the nicest guy

you could ever imagine.

But Lyle did said his ex Bethany

had been threatening him.

Apparently things

were pretty bad between them.

And where were you last Sunday?

Right here.

My store is open on Sundays,

and I was working.

Well, thank you for your time.

How's it going

over there, Elliot?

Trying to figure out

that military uniform

is harder than it looks.

I've identified the easy ones...

Bronze Star, Purple Heart...

What's that white patch

with the gold stars?

The "Fighting Badgers".

I wonder what that could be...

You know, sometimes

people call first.

Yeah, sorry. The patch on the

uniform is from a special

tactical unit in the war called

the "Fighting Badgers".

It turns out in the last days of

the war, they were stationed

near a castle where a bunch

of jewels went missing...

A legendary trove of jewels

that belonged

to a very wealthy family.

So Lyle's grandpa must have

found the jewels

and brought

them back after the war?

Exactly. Maybe that's what

Lyle was looking

for up in Connecticut.

Right. That's my next stop.

I tracked down the

property records

on the old Clarks family farm.

Turns out it's near a place

called Thompson's Mill. They

sold the property off years ago.

OK, so maybe we follow

Lyle's path

and we figure out

what happened to Lyle.

"We"? Tess, you're

not coming along.


OK, fine. It's fine.

I'll go up there myself

and look around,

disturb some evidence...

Don't you have work to do?

I could work in the car

if you let me go with you.

Fine. OK.

- I just...

- Let's go.

- I'm missing a clue for gold.

- What some hearts are made of?

Wow. Thank you.

Just making friends

everywhere, aren't you?

So how's the wedding

planning going?

It's fine.

Although I'm a little stuck

on coming up with my toast.

Well, do you like the groom?

Yeah. Yeah, he's fine.

Once he passed the background

check. What?

Come on, it's marriage.

It's forever, right?

Well, you should probably

start by saying

what a perfect couple they are.

And then tell a funny story.

Maybe not about the

background check.

Yeah, leave that part out.

So tell me, what would

your wedding be like?

Lemme guess, your vows would be

filled with crossword clues?


I think mine would be...

I don't know, something simple.

Like a country wedding.

Come on. What, you? No.

I grew up outside

of Greencastle, Indiana.

You do not strike me

as a country girl at all.

I'll have you know I owned

more rubber boots than heels.

Yeah, my dad was a teacher,

and we had a small farm.

I know how to milk a goat.

Of course you do.

So Mr. Baxter, I was wondering

if you had any visitors on

the property recently that were

looking around asking questions?

Besides yourself, Detective?

Usually the teenagers try to

spook the cows, but last month

I chased two fellas off who were

digging a hole in my field.

Strangest thing.

You wouldn't mind showing us

where they were digging,

would you?

This way.

Careful of the Foxtail barley

or you'll never

- get it out of your clothes.

- Yeah.

Too late.

They were digging right here.

When those two fellas saw me,

they tossed their things in a

truck and were gone

- by the time I got close.

- Is that one of them?

That's him. And

the other guy was tall.

- Skinny, too.

- What about that guy?

Yep. That's the other guy.

Someone else has been here

recently too.

- What do you mean?

- Just last week,

there was someone else

snooping around in my field.

Could you describe them?

Couldn't see 'em, it was too

dark. If you need any more help,

I'm happy to talk later, but

I gotta check on the cattle.

Appreciate your time.

Thank you.


That obviously confirms Lyle

and Clayton

were up here treasure hunting.

And that Clayton lied to me.

He said Lyle always made

the trip up here solo.

And whoever that third person

was snooping around,

I can guarantee they were

treasure hunting too.

Thanks for letting me tag along.

Did I have much of a choice?


- OK, good night.

- Good night.

Hello? Yes, this is she.

You have the book? Great!

How late are you open?

I'll be right there.

Forensics found DNA traces

on the envelope

- the threat was sent in.

- That's good.

Let's see if they can match it

to Bethany, because I also found

a DNA sample

on her water bottle.

Will do. Um, how did

your day in the country go?

It was great. We confirmed

Lyle and Clayton were up there

treasure hunting in Connecticut.

- "We"?

- Yeah, we. I took Tess along.

- Interesting.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- Nothing. Nothing.

- She's an asset to the case.

Yes. Good thinking. So, got a

date to your sister's wedding?

Angela keeps bugging me

about it.

Why don't you ask Angela

to bug me about it?

But you won't talk

to her about it.


What's up, bud? Still no leads

on how the victim's mom

- got her mortgage paid off.

- Let me ask you:

if Lyle did find the jewels, how

did he turn them into cash?

I don't know. Diamonds are

worthless without a buyer.


How does a straight-

arrow guy like Lyle

find someone to fence diamonds?

Anastasia's Stories

for Children...

I'm sorry, if you got a call

the book should be up here,

but I don't see it.

It must've been re-shelved.

Here are the call numbers.

Okay, great,

- I'll go check in the stacks.

- But hurry...

- We're closing in ten minutes.

- Sure.

Eight two three...


You told me you were going

home to work on a puzzle!

I was, until the library

called that they found the book!

You do realise we're dealing

with a murderer here, Tess?

- Yes! I've been very careful!

- Careful? Careful would be

not mixing yourself up

in any of this at all!

OK, fine, message received.

Who could have called me

if it wasn't the library?

We traced the call

to a burner phone.

Someone was trying

to set you up.

Someone who doesn't want

anybody else finding the book.

I don't know yet.

I don't know.

Look, did you notice

anybody trying to follow you in?

No, I mean... no, it was late.

And there were people.

There was a guy on a bicycle,

there was a student film crew...

Alright, let's just, let's get

you out of here, alright?

Thank you.

- Alright, what have we got?

- Tess doing okay?

Yeah, she's fine. It could

have ended differently,

but she'll be fine.

Listen, I might have an idea

on how Lyle sold some

of those diamonds. You

remember on Lyle's record,

that parking ticket

from last month?

It's not the ticket that

matters. It's where he got it.

When I was a patrol cop,

this was my old beat.

- Yeah, on Long Island.

- Right.

Alright, let's check

the CCTV footage with the

time of the parking ticket.

Maybe we'll get lucky and see

- who he was meeting and why.

- Exactly.

You remember this guy?

No. Don't remember him. Sorry.

Really? Because he's got

a parking ticket right

outside your store here,

- three weeks ago this Wednesday.

- Doesn't mean he came in here.

True. That's very true.

Although we do have footage

of him actually walking right

through this front door.

The photo's hard to see...

Maybe you'd have better

luck putting your glasses on?

Now you mention it,

he did bring some jewelry in.

A ring and a bracelet,

all diamonds.

- And you bought them?

- Of course not.

Mr. Richards, we both know

that you've been charged twice

in stolen merchandise

cases, so come on.

And never convicted. Those

times I was the one who was

cheated, which is exactly why

without the papers to prove

he owned them, I would never

make that mistake again.

- So you never bought anything?

- How could I?

Without documentation?

I don't hear a no.

Then no.

I didn't buy anything.

And that is how we make

tapenade easy.


Thank you. So,

we'll take a short break

and then we'll move on

to eggplant parmesan.

- That sounds good.

- I'm gonna say hi.

- Everything looks delicious.

- Thank you.

I'm Tess. I was

an old friend of Lyle's.

- This is my aunt Candace.

- Pleased to meet you.

We were so sorry

to hear about Lyle.

Tess. Lyle talked about you

all the time.

We really loved doing your

puzzles together.


You must think that it's odd

that I'm working, it just...

it helps me get my mind

off of things.

Of course.

That's understandable.

Actually I haven't left the

house since it happened.

I thought it would

do me good to get out.

Sure. Wow, these are some

knives. Ceramic?

Nothing better

for paper-thin slices.


Um, excuse me just a moment.

Well, she lied about not

leaving the house.

I saw her with Clayton

two days ago.

Come on, you're the


What do your instincts tell you?

Well, when people lie,

they usually reveal more

than what you actually asked

for. Which is what she just did.

Wait, she's coming back.

I need you to distract her.

Tess, don't do

anything crazy, please.

We're in a room full of people

and this is important. Please?

Yeah. Um, Abby? Since we're

here, could you please help me

pick out the best possible...

Omelet pans for cooking

omelets? The copper ones.

- I'd be glad to.

- Great.

- You stole a knife??

- I'm trying to help!

After what we talked about at

the library, you stole a knife?

I told you to be careful!

You said the murder weapon was

a high-end ceramic knife.

Maybe this is from the same set!

And I'll have forensics

analyse it, but if this was

the murder weapon, you just


and compromised the evidence!

Sorry to interrupt.

Check this out.

Mildred's loan was paid off by a

wire transfer from an account

in the Caymans. But a few days

after Lyle's death, there was a

second exchange. Guess what

names were on the account?

- Who?

- Clayton and Abby.

OK, so who funded the account

in the first place?

Galaxy Jewelers, probably in

return for fencing the diamonds.

Also, I got those phone records

back. Clayton and Abby exchanged

a dozen calls in the days

after the murder.

- What about before?

- No.

Well, that's interesting.

I guess Clayton's got

some explaining to do why his

name is on an account

in the Cayman Islands

and he's up there

at some farm in Connecticut,

digging for treasure.

I know you.

You're Bethany, right?

I think we met that time

at the mathematics museum

when you were...

With Lyle. I remember. You're

his friend who writes the

crosswords. You wrote the

proposal crossword for him?

- I did, as a favour.

- That's nice.

I never understood

his obsession with puzzles.

I'd much rather spend my Sundays

training for triathlons

than filling in boxes.

He always loved puzzles,

even in college.

Yeah, he was a kid

who never grew up...

Seems like a lot of people

are gonna miss him.

Thought I'd add

something of my own.

I guess it finally sank in.

Thanks for meeting me here.

Mrs. Clark's out

at the store. I've been

helping her with the move.

That certainly is nice of you.

She's a nice lady. And Lyle

was everything to her.

I think it's time you leveled

with me, Clayton. See, we know

you have a record. We also know

you were working at the library

when Tess was attacked, because

it happened during your shift.

- I wasn't there.

- Really.

I snuck off to the gym

to get in a workout.

Any witnesses

to corroborate that?

Nope. But I ran my gym card

when I got there.

Who knows, maybe you gave

your gym card to a friend.

Meanwhile, we saw you and Abby

alone together privately

this week on campus.

You saw us?

Sure did. And you lied to us

about not going to Connecticut.

You see, Clayton, the owner of

the farm saw you with Lyle.

Now, we both know Lyle can't

drive at night, right?

Obviously, you must have

driven for him.

Who knows? Maybe you killed him.

You've got this all wrong,

I didn't kill anyone!

It looks pretty suspicious.

It looks like you and Abby

were gonna share quite

the windfall

if you found all the jewels.

- Look, I know this looks bad.

- Then convince me it isn't.

- I owed Lyle my life.

- Really?

I was in and out of juvie and

headed straight for prison.

I got a job sweeping up at the

library. Lyle helped me put

together an application and

get into college.

And in return, you'd help him

search for the diamonds?

Yeah. Lyle found the cipher.

Once he got his hands on the

Anastasia book, he had the key

to decode it. That's how we

found the diamonds.

But the larger cache is still

out there somewhere,

and that one is worth millions.

You do realise that those

diamonds you're fencing

belong to someone.

That's a felony, Clayton.

Unless of course

you can provide me

with a little more information.

Look, Lyle just wanted

a small cut of the jewels,

- to help out his mom and Abby.

- OK.

He made me promise that if

anything happened to him,

I would find the rest of the

jewels and return them

to their rightful owners.

Some wealthy family in Europe.

Did you introduce Lyle

to your diamond fence?

I stayed in touch with

some of my old friends.

Why don't you explain to me

how you created this account in

the Cayman Islands with you and

Abby's name on it?

Yeah, we got that little bit

of information from the IRS.

I gotta tell ya, you got quite

a handy background in forgery.

I set up the account with cash

from the first jewels we found.


That's why I was meeting Abby,

to tell her about it.

But she didn't want the money;

she said that we should tell the

authorities. Lyle made me

promise that Abby would be cared

for if anything happened to him.

What do you mean if anything

happened to him?

Someone else was looking

for the jewels.

When we were up at the farm,

we saw another car.

Lyle was convinced we were being


I don't care if

you believe me or not.

Just make sure Abby doesn't

get blamed for anything.

We'll be in touch.

What have you got?

News from forensics.

The DNA on the envelope

matches the DNA

on Bethany's water bottle.

Fantastic. Well,

that confirms it, doesn't it?

Bethany wrote those threats.

How'd it go with Clayton?

Logan! Come on.

OK, fine, I suppose I owe you.

Because Clayton did confirm

your story about the missing

World War II treasure,

and he also confessed about

going up to the farm with Lyle.

You're welcome.

But he also insisted that

he was only helping Lyle

and Abby's totally innocent

in all of this. We also got

the lab results back on Abby's knife... the

ceramic doesn't match the murder weapon.

So where does that

leave things?

Well, it means we have a suspect...

Hold on a second.

What's up, bud?

Really? OK, I'm on my way.

- I've got to go.

- What is it?

A break in the case. I hope.

- Talk to me.

- It was found by a jogger.

A package wrapped in plastic, with a

ceramic knife that has blood on it.

- We'll see if that blood matches Lyle's.

- Bethany's apartment

is minutes away, and according to the

neighbours, she runs the trail every day.

Post an officer on her until

we get the lab results back

on that knife. We may

have found our murderer.

- Logan.

- Hi.

- What are you doing down here?

- Well, I have some news.

Bethany is in a four-hour

surgery as we speak,

and I've got officers waiting outside

the OR to arrest her when she's done.

- Bethany, really?

- Yeah, test results came back on the knife.

Tested positive for Lyle's

blood. And that hair

that was on the package

matched Bethany's DNA.

Her alibi didn't clear at all.

She said she was in surgery

all day Sunday, and she wasn't.

She called in sick.

So that's it?

- That's it. Yeah, we got her.

- Wow.

So you keep a record of all permits

for student film projects,

- correct?

- Yes, they're required.

And a film permit would tell you where and

when a certain project would be filming

- on campus?

- Yes, it's University policy.

Great. Do you happen to have a

permit for a student film project

that was filming on campus

this week, perchance?

- Only one. I'll make you a copy.

- Thank you very much.

The movers are almost finished.

It's odd to see

this place so empty.

The memories you have here

can't be packed up.

They'll stay with you,

even in your new home.

- Good news?

- Something I've been

looking for.

Have you ever heard of an old book,

Anastasia's Stories for Children?

Of course. That was my

favourite book as a kid.

- Funny you should bring that up.

- Why's that?

Not too long ago,

Lyle asked if my father used to read

me any special book growing up.

So that explains why Lyle's Grandpa

chose that book for the key.

Because it was his daughter's

favourite book.

I'm headed down to

a bookstore right now.

I think they have the book we need

to help us find the diamonds.

- How'd the interrogation go?

- It was good.

Bethany obviously admitted to sending the

threatening letters and those phone calls to Lyle.

But she insists that she had

nothing to do with the murder.

So how does she explain

the hair on the murder weapon?

She can't.

Seems like everything is

wrapped up in a nice bow for me.

Maybe... But I don't trust

perfectly-wrapped presents.

When I'm right, I'm right.

- How's that?

- Take a look at this.

This is the student film footage I told

you about the night Tess was attacked.

Guess who gets

a nice little cameo

in the background,

following Tess into the library?

There she is. Watch this.

- Boom.

- Emory.

- Yeah.

Think you can

hold down the fort?

- Yeah.

- I'm out.

All that proves is that I went

to the library that night.

Really? At the exact time

that Tess was attacked?

- Coincidence.

- Is it a coincidence

that the department said you never gave

back your key when Lyle got your office?

Didn't I? Who can remember?

I think it was you that

ransacked Lyle's office, Emory.

The lock wasn't broken. Someone

who entered must have had a key.

Were you looking for something?

I have no idea what you're

talking about. And unless

there's some sort of specific

charge... there's the door.

OK. Well,

I'm sure you'll be hearing

from me again.

- Hi!

- Hi! You got my message.

Yes. You have the book?

Yes, I managed to find a copy

after all. It just came in.

- Christina, thank you so much.

- No, of course. Book's in the back,

but I have something to show you

first. A real treat.

The world's very first

crossword puzzle,

published December 21st, 1913, in

the New York World. Diamond shaped.

I'm familiar with it.

This is amazing!

Have a look.

I'll be right back.

I mean, this crossword

is just... it's incredible.

Foxtail barley.

You're leaving already? But

I have the book that you wanted.

- Yeah, I can come back later...

- No!

Winston, do me a favour,

run a quick search on Bethany

and that bookseller, Christina Blake,

and see if anything connects them.

- You've had the book all along?

- Of course. And you have something

that I have been searching

for too. The cipher?

The book's of no use

without it. I knew Lyle

all those years and he tried to cut

me out of my share of the jewels.

So it was you at the farm,

tailing Lyle and Clayton...

Yes! Emory told me

about the jewels!

Lyle had gone to him, asking about unsolved

thefts during the war. Emory had written

some articles on it, so it didn't take him

long to figure it out. But when I went

to confront Lyle about it, he thought he'd done nothing wrong!

I found you the book

that helped you find them!

- I'm just taking back what my family deserves...

- What about what I deserve?

After everything

I've done for you!

I lost it. I only

wanted what was mine...

I found Lyle the book

and he didn't tell me it was

the key to millions in jewels!

And after all I'd done to make

him look good with his research!

So I grabbed a knife from

the kitchen and... I just...

I didn't mean to kill him.

Things just got out of hand!

And then I searched everywhere.

I found the Anastasia book,

but I could not

find that cipher!

So you framed Bethany

to cover your tracks.

She'd been sending threats

to Lyle, Lyle had told me

all about it!

But you have the cipher.

I saw a copy in your wallet

when you gave me your card.

So may I have it now,



- So, what have you got?

- I checked social media and university records.

Bethany and Christina were

roommates in grad school.

And I just got some hits on

marathons they both ran in.

They're in the same

runners club.

Wait, wait. Tess said

she was going to a bookstore...

What if that bookstore

is Christina's? I gotta go.

Thieves use ceramic shards

to break tempered glass.

It concentrates all the force onto a

tiny point. Almost as fine as a diamond!


- What are you doing here?

- What do you mean? I'm here to save you!

- I saved myself.

- You OK?

Yes. Christina killed Lyle!

- I know. Do you know where she is?

- No. I know where she's headed.

So it's a 3-hour drive up to the farm in

Connecticut and she left about 20 minutes ago.

That puts her somewhere around

Riverdale by now. Are you OK?

- Yeah, I'm good.

- OK, I'm going right now.

Logan? It's Winston.

I got that info for you.

She's in a 2018 grey sedan,

license plate 9A21ER.

Put out an APB.

She's been spotted over

on the Saw Mill River Parkway.

Copy that. I'm almost there.

Police! Hands where

I can see them.

Get out slowly.

Christina Blake,

you're under arrest

- for the murder of Lyle Clark.

- I just wanted what was mine!

So why chase Tess down

at the library?

That was Emory's idea. He

ransacked Lyle's office too.

We just needed the cipher, and Tess had

it in her bag but she wouldn't let go.

Read her her rights.

So how did you guess that

Christina might be behind it all?

Bethany said that she actually visited the

farm with friends when she was in grad school.

So Christina obviously would have

known the location of the farm.

And Bethany's DNA

was on the knife.

She got a strand of hair from her

baseball cap to try to frame her.

- And what about Emory?

- He confessed right away,

trying to save his own neck.

I mean, obviously Emory and Christina

were working together. With Lyle gone,

Emory would of course get tenure

and Christina would get

a bump in pay

of millions of bucks.

Poor Lyle...

It's just, you know...

he had his whole life

ahead of him.

Tess, I'm really sorry about

what happened to your friend.

Thank you, really.

Thank you for everything.

Thank you.

You're welcome. So am I

on the team now or...?

- Not yet.

- OK.

Well, I hope you get

some rest and you're able

to actually enjoy your sister's

wedding this weekend.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

About that, I...

I thought maybe you wanted to...

come with me?

Go to the wedding?

Yes, the wedding. No...

Yes, of course, the wedding.

You know I don't want to,

like, interfere...

OK, hold on a second. You

interfere with everything

except, what, an invite to a

wedding? Are you serious?

I'd love to go.


By the power vested in me

by the State of New York,

I pronounce you

husband and wife.

Well, I predict

a long happy marriage.

- Yeah, they do seem really happy.

- Not as happy as I am,

- now that this wedding hoopla is over.

- Alright, all you wallflowers,

come on down! It's time for

everyone to get up and dance.

Candace, would you

care to dance?

I would love to, Captain.

You two, it's not a wedding

until everyone dances, you know.

So... Shall we?

- I thought you'd never ask.

- OK.

- After you.

- Thank you!

Hold on.

- It's the precinct. I gotta take this.

- Logan!

It's your sister's wedding!

One dance.

OK, fine. Let's do this.

You know the foxtrot?

Of course. It's just like a

crossword. Two down, one across.

- You lead.

- Good.

Closed Captioning by SETTE inc.