Crossover (2021) - full transcript

Out of desperation, a struggling hairstylist turns to a charming drug dealer for a favor. Only to later find herself caught up in his hidden agenda.

(upbeat music)

(soft music)

- [Lena] My name is Lena and

that's my husband, Chris.

(police sirens)

Here's what I remember.

I was 30 years old carrying

my first and only child

and we just got married.

It wasn't long before he

was taken away from me.

I, I hit rock bottom and was

left to figure it all out.

(police sirens)

Now I'm here.

It's been five years since

my husband's been gone.

I spent all of our savings.

I lost my salon too.

So here I am back renting one

and I can barely afford that.

- [Terry] Hey mommy.

- [Lena] That's Terry.

So tired.

She's my closest friend.

I've known her for a while now.

She's been helping

with all of this.

You know what?

I think I'm gonna run out

and get something to eat.

That's what I'ma do.

- Yes. Can you grab

me something please?

- Oh no. You still

owe me from last time.

- I could owe you

hugs and kisses.

- Terry.

- Mm. You gonna leave

your bestie hangin?

- I'm about to run

out for lunch y'all.

Y'all want something?

- No, no thank you.

- All right. I'll be back.

Ah feels good in here.

Can I get my usual please?

- I got you.

- How you doing?

- All right.

- Hey, yo Black. What's good?

- What up, man? Hey,

let me get my usual.

You know how I do it?

- [Cook] I got you.

- I do believe I

was here before you.

- Oh, my bad.

I ain't mean to skip

in front of you.

Put her food on my

tab just because.

- No, I, I don't need

you to buy me anything.

- You might not want me to,

but I'm gonna do it

cuz I want do it.

- Thank you, sir.

- Wait, what you, hold on.

I know you hear me

talking to you. Hold on.

Why you in such a

rush? Pace yourself.

- What? You, you buy me food.

So you think I owe

you a conversation?

- I mean, I was kind of hoping

you'd pay me in another way.

- Oh. Okay. (laughs) Bye.

- Hold on wait.

I'm just playing.

Learn how to laugh.

You know what I mean? You

don't gotta be uptight.

I promise you.

- So what? I mean you think

you buy me a $20 takeout plate

and what?

- I mean $20. I mean.

- Oh, okay.

That's what we doing.

- Yeah.

- Okay. You know

what? I better go.

- How about this?

- I better. I better go.

- Look before you

go. Before you go.

I know you got places

to be. Before you go.

Here put your number in there.

- What is it, Black? Right?

I don't know you. Okay.

And honestly, to know me

is to know food is not gonna

get you my phone number.

- Well, if it makes

you feel any better,

I was raised to give

a woman what she want.

Look, I run the South side

and pretty soon I be

running the whole city.


They call me Black.

But since you won't give me

your number, just take mine.

How that sound?

Don't think too long. What's up?

- All right. Here.

- That's more like it.

And look, text me if you

need anything. Seriously.


You got it? Lock me in.

- Wait on it. Wait on it.

- B L A C K, all right?

Enjoy your food by the

way. Now you can leave.

Ay yo G. What's good

with that food, man?

- [Terry] All right.

You look better.

- Mm.

- What happened?

- Oh man.

So I got you some food.

- Oh, you love me.

Thank you mama.

- Ah shit, what time is it?

- Ooh, it is.

- What time is it?

- Almost two o'clock.

- Okay. Let me run to the back.

Hubby's gonna call me, okay?

- Yeah. Yeah.

- I'll be right back.

Here we go.

(text keys)


- Well dang, that was quick.

- Girl. Yeah.

He said he had to

call me back. So man,

I feel like these calls are

getting shorter and shorter.

- About a year to go, right?

- [Lena] Yeah.

I miss my baby and

Miles needs his father.

But he did say he might get

released a little early.

So I'm hoping, please.

- Nice. I know you happy.

- It's just, it's just so

hard without him, you know?

I just want my old life back.

- I know. I know you do.

And that means a

new location, ma'am?

- Oh yeah.

A new place. A new

life. A new everything.

- Right.

- Okay.

- You deserve it.

Oh, before I forget,

I gotta shoot out.

I gotta go handle

some stuff. So.

- You gotta leave

earlier again, Terry?

I better not catch you on them

streets, twerking and stuff.

(Terry laughs)

Be like, Hey a a a a.

- I'm not. Whatever

girl. Whatever.

No, I gotta go

handle some stuff,

but I will see you tomorrow.

And let me get my

stuff real quick.

But thanks for the food.

(smooches) Love you.

- Whatever. Be safe.

- Bye girl.

- All right.

- Man. What y'all think about

LeBron man and Michael Jordan?

- Man. Nobody stand LeBron man.

I'm an MJ fan, man. What

you talking about, man?

- That's right. MJ

all day over here.

- Man LeBron can

go. Y'all trippin.

- Nah, and Jordan got six rings.

- Man.

- Six rings. That's it.

- End of it.

(door chimes open)

- This dude is

6'9". Man be flyin.

- [Everybody] Yo,

Black! What's up?

- Good. What's good, partner?

- What's up man? How you doing?

- I'm doing good,

man. What's good OG?

- Doing okay.

- Yeah. Get me right real quick.

- I got you. I got you.

- Yeah. I need to get right

for the weekend. It's popping.

- [Barber] What's

up young blood?

- Nothin much OG. Get

me right. Get me right.

- [Barber] I got you man.

- Yeah. It's about that

time. You know what I mean?

- [Barber] Everything's good?

- Everything great,

man. Couldn't be better.

- [Barber] Yeah.

- Come on now. (door chimes

open) Don't doubt me.

- Okay.

- Oh my bad.

- Hey, how you doing?

- Got some company OG.

Oh yeah. Come here. Let me see.

- Hey daddy, what's up?

- How you doing?

- I'm doing well.

- Oh, you brought me something?

- I just wanted to give

you a little somethin.

Oh, let my OG see

you. (smacks butt)

Look at him. Your glasses foggin

up, your glasses foggin up.

- Come on Black. They

fog man, they fog.

- Thank you baby.

- Be ready tonight.

- Of course. Of course.

- We got slow

rollin working late.

Don't be late.

(door chimes open)

- See that?

(everyone cheering for Black)

Yo. I got. Hey, hands

down Black. Hands down.

- Oh, that's nothin.

OG, that's nothing, man.

- Seriously?

- That's normal for

me. That's light.

- Light?

- That's my weekday

chick. You feel me?

- Nah, you don't act

like that's your weekday.

That ain't. Come on

Black. Keep it real.

- Nah, I keep it real with

you. Look this right here.

This is what I'm

really after. Yeah.

- She alright, man.

You know, you know I ain't

but she outta your league.

I ain't even gonna

lie to you Black.

(everyone laughing)

I ain't. I'ma keep it

real with you Black.

She a little outta your

league and she kinda stuck up,

but I mean.

- OG, OG, OG, OG.

- At the end of the day.

- I know you the

OG and all that.

Let me tell you this though.

Ain't a woman on this earth

that's outta my league.

- Got you. Got you.

- She's perfect for me. She

might be outta your league.

What league you in? MLB?

(everyone laughing)

- Don't do me like that,

Black. Don't do me like that.

- I got another cancellation!

- Girl, I'm gone.

- All right, girl. I'm

right behind you. Damn.

- [Girl] Ms. Morgan's outside.

- Lena!

- Look, I know Ms. Morgan.

I'm gonna have your money.

Just gimme a couple days.

- A couple of days?

You're four months

behind on your rent.

And yet here you are

asking me for more time.

- Actually it's three

months and 28 days.

- Oh, don't play with me.

Don't do that.

Now you get me my money.

I don't want part of it.

I don't want half of it.

I want all of it. Or I'm

shutting this shop down.

You understand me?

Now I gave you time.

I gave it to you because

I believed in you.

I saw something in

you that I saw in me.

But you are not the

woman. I thought you was.

- Ms. Morgan. Don't.

- You're not a

woman of your word.

Now get me my money!

- I said, I will

have your money.

- I hope you do.

Because if you don't,

you won't have a shop.

So you make up your mind

because I'm going to do it.

(door creaks open) Get it!

(door slams)

♪ You, you, you, you. Say

you're freakin' baby. ♪

- [Robotic Voice]

This boy got a hit.

- Hey, sugar.

- You're late.

- I know. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

- You know I don't like

it when you're late.

- I know. I know. I'm sorry.

I was registering for classes.

I came as fast as I could.

You should be proud of me

knowing that I'm in school.

- School?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

What you think you about

be? A lawyer or some shit?

(laughs) Okay. Okay. Look.

I tell you what.

This should help you

with your little tuition.

That's what I thought.

Look, I know a spot

around the corner.

- All right. Let's roll.

Please don't.

- We need and admire your

beautiful bald head. The end.

How is that for a story?

- Mama. Can we read

it one more time?

- No. We'll read it

again tomorrow, okay?

- Okay.

- Okay.

Guess what?

- What?

- Daddy might be

coming home soon.

- Really?

- Really. And you

know what else?

- What?

- He's gonna be upset if

you're not getting any sleep.

Mhm. So get some sleep, okay?

- Okay.

- Okay. All right.

I'll tuck you in.

You got it?

Where's the other

one? There you go.

All right.

- Mommy?

- Yes, baby.

- I love you and I'm glad

daddy is coming back.

- What? You love me?

Uhuh. I love you.

(child laughing)

And that makes the two of us.

(smooches) Good night.

(soft music)


(text sent chimes)

(soft music continues)

(vibration of phone)

(text sent chimes)

This is where everything

started to change.

They say desperate times

call for desperate measures.

And I admit I was desperate.

- Hi. Yes, girl!

Everybody knows that I am

the superstar up here in

Lena's salon.

- Glitter, don't you start

that foolishness today.

- A a a y'all heard

what she called me.


I bring in high end clients

to the trenches. Okay?

Oh, and here's one

of my clients now.

Ladies, let me introduce

y'all to Ms. a Tiffany Fox.

- [Everybody] Hey.

- Hiya. Hi Glitter.

- Hey girl. I ain't

seen you in a while.

- I know I've been on the road.

But you have to come home

so you can get me together.

- Yes, because I don't know who

you been letting do your hair,

but you know I'm gonna

get you together.

I'm gonna get you to, I'm

gonna get you together.

- I'm gonna take this

outside. I'll be back.

- Oh, so we taking

private calls now?

- Shut it up Glitter!

(door closes)

- She worried

about taking calls.

She need to be worried

about getting her shop back.

- Oh, Glitter.

- [Woman] Glitter!

- That's none of your business.

- You defended her.

But you know Lena used to have

all the celebrity clients.

I'm the only one

still with mine.

- She's going through a

rough time. (speaks Spanish)

- Yeah. Well.

- Whatever she

said. I don't know.

- It's been too long.

Time to make somethin

shake, you know?

- Glitter!

- Shake shake shake sha

shake sha shake. Ay.

Shake shake shake sha

shake kitty kitty!

Shake shake shake sh shake.

- Focus on your client.

- Girl. Stop it.

- Hey.

I'm at the shop working. Yeah.

What you doing?

No. I don't, I don't

have any plans.

Where are you

taking me? (laughs)

Okay. I'll be ready.


(laughs) Oh. Mm. Mm mm mm.

(hip hop music plays)

- I got this. Of course.

Anything for you.

- Wow. This is nice.

- Yeah. I figured you

would like this place.

- How you figure that?

- Cause I'm dealing with

somebody with class and taste.

It's the way I like it.

- You right.

I know him over there.

- Oh yeah. Heavy.

- He actually used to work with

my husband back in the day.

- Yeah. Me and Chris

both worked for Heavy.

- What, what, what

did you just say?

- Me and your husband.

Both worked for Heavy.

- No, no, no.

I heard what you said.

Like what the fuck?

- Calm down. We are in public.

I didn't think it

was a big deal.

- Oh.

- Don't look like that.

- Ah.

- Don't make that face.

I ain't gotta be

in your life long.

I know where your husband is.

And by the looks of it

you too damn fine to be

stressing about anything.

If you really want me gone

after this is all over,

I'll be done out your life.

That's your call.

But in the meantime,

I said in the meantime.

You see him? That's our key.

How well you know him?

- I mean, we used to go

to school back in the day.

- See, that's exactly

what I'm talking about.


That's the easiest way to get

what you want outta somebody.

I bet he trust you too.

- What are you implying?

- I don't think you understand

what I'm trying to tell you.

Look, we gotta

strategize, right?

- I.

- Because you tired

of struggling.

I don't wanna see you struggle.

You just wanna win.

And with me you will always win.

I got a plan.

Yeah. Let's get outta here.

Let's make moves.

Fix your face.

I got a plan.

- What was it about him?

I mean, everything in me

told me not to trust him

and there I was falling in love.

He was right though.

I had been down so long. I

just wanted to win again.

I wanted to be on top.

- Come on.

Come on. Lead the way.

So you have fun tonight or what?

- I wish I would've known

we were only gonna be there

for five minutes.

I wouldn't have worn this dress

or these damn heels.

- Stop complaining.

Don't complain.

I like it. I love to look

at you in that dress.

- I bet you do.

- You right about that.

- So. What's the history

between you and my husband?

- Me and Chris.

We like brothers.

- Oh yeah?

- Yeah. We both

worked for Heavy,

but it was Chris that

showed me everything I know.

To be honest,

me and Heavy really

ain't see eye to eye

and I figured why work for

somebody else and take orders

if all you really need is you.

So I left his organization.

Ain't nothing.

- And why y'all

don't speak anymore?

- I mean, to be honest, I came

here to spend time with you.

I ain't come here to talk

about Heavy all night.

Where Miles?

- Miles is at his grandparents.

Hm. That boy keeps

his mama going.

- Right. I see it.

- You know, I don't believe in

messing with my

husband's friends.

- I understand that.

But you know what else?

I think you should stop

saying what you won't do.

Cause you told me

you wasn't gonna,

you told me you wasn't

gonna call me, right?

(Lena laughs)

And yet I'm here, sitting

right in your living room.

- Yeah.

But that's not cuz I wanted to.

- Exactly.

That's what I mean, you

did what you had to do.

Don't apologize for doing

what you gotta do to survive

and take care of

your family, right?

Not supposed to be like that.

But look though.

From the looks of it,

I wouldn't guess you

was missing a thing.

So we staying out here all night

or you gonna gimme a tour?

(kissing sounds)

You lead the way.

- You ready for this?

- Of course. I'm ready.

(hip hop music playing)

Hope you got a plan B.

Talkin' about you don't

think I can handle it.

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

(kissing sounds)

- Last night was fun.

- Indeed it was.

- Oh man.

So babe.

- Yeah?

- You was talking about a plan

last night. What's the plan?

- Yeah, Heavy. He's our plan.

- What does Heavy have

to do with our plan?

- I want you to go back to

that club tomorrow night.

I want you to talk to Heavy.

Tell him you need 100K for

Chris while he locked up.

- What? 100k?

- Yeah.

- I'm not doing that shit.

No. Heavy is crazy.

If he finds out, he'll kill me.

- Relax. He ain't

killing nobody.

It's free money.

We gonna take that money

and make more money.

That is what you wanted, right?

- I mean, yeah,

but I don't have a good

feeling about this at all.

And it, Heavy's not

somebody you just roll up on

and have a conversation with.

- Nah, see.

Heavy will always let an

old friend get near him.

I mean, Chris was Heavy's prize

possession back in the day.

He did the most numbers for him.

When he see you,

he'll feel obligated.

Don't worry about it.

- I, I don't know.

I don't know about that.

- He trust you, but I

need you to trust me.

All right?

(smooches) It's gonna be okay.

In this together.

Ain't nobody got

you like I got you.

(church music playing)

(Terry sobbing)

- You're early.

You know, service

isn't until Sunday.

- This is the only place that

really reminds me of her.

- Yeah. Your grandmother

was a great woman, Terry.

She loved God and this church.

- I'm just trying to

make sense of this all.

- Well, you see that's the thing

because sometimes

God does things

that we don't always understand.

- She was on the

floor for hours.

No one knew.

I'd been saying that I was

gonna go by and see her.

But I was just so caught up

with what I had going on that.

- Listen Terry.

You've got to

forgive yourself too.

I mean a heart attack

is very unpredictable.

How could you know?

- If it wasn't for

her night nurse

she would've been laying there

still waiting for

me to come home.

- Your grandmother knew

that you loved her.

So don't question that and

certainly don't question God.

This is what you really

need to ask yourself.

What's really stopping you

from coming home now? Hmm?

Look. Tell you what.

Whenever you're ready, you'll

have all the support here.

We'll be here.

Better yet, He'll be here too.

♪ But I'll always

be with you, baby ♪

- Can I help you?

- Uh, I'm here to see Heavy.

- And you are?

- He knows who I am.

- Yeah, she's straight. She's

straight. She's straight.

- [Bodyguard] Cool, cool, cool.

- Hey.

- What's up?

- How you doing?

- How you doing?

- Good. Good to see you.

- Good to see you.

- I see a lot has changed

since high school.

- Yeah.

- And I love all of this you

doing with the club. It's dope.

- I appreciate it.

It's auntie spot though.

She had it for years.

- Oh, okay.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Just trying to get it to

the next level. That's all.

- I'm digging it though.

- Yeah.

What's up? What's on your mind?

- Um, can we talk in private?

- Yeah, we could.

We could do that.

Auntie, what's

up? Remember Lena?

- Hey, how are you?

- I'm good. How you doing?

- I'm doing good.

- Good good.

- You need something?

You straight?

- I'm straight. Y'all

have a good time.

- You too.

- All right

Hey play some more

Biggie, auntie.

- So um. (whispers indistinctly)

- Oh for sure. For sure.

I got you on that.

- Thank you.

- That ain't no problem.

- Thank you.

- Absolutely. Absolutely.

I got you on that.

And when he get out, tell

him I said what's up.

I'm waiting for him so we

can turn all the way up.

- Oh. Y'all know. Y'all

know how to turn up.

- Yes we do.

Sure you don't want

nothin to drink?

- No, I'm okay. I'm gonna run.

- Okay. OZ gonna handle

you tomorrow with that.

- Okay.

- It'll all be there.

- All right.

- Okay.

- All right. Let

me get outta here.

- All right.

- All right. Nice seeing you.

- Yeah. Wonderful to see you.


- Yeah?

- It was really good to see you.

- It's good seeing you.

There it was.

The moment I had

been waiting for.

I took my power back.

I knew what I was

doing was dangerous,

but really I, I didn't care.

♪ I ain't coming if

there's no deposits ♪

♪ I'm out of this

world, like a martian ♪

- I was able to pay

Ms. Morgan her money.

♪ They done woke me up

and got me started. ♪

- I'm sure she wasn't

expecting that.

♪ If it ain't bout money

- I was back y'all.

♪ Please don't make me

pull up where yo mom at ♪

- And a month later, my

husband was back, too.

- Ladies. Here.

- [Lena] Thank you, baby.

- That's for you.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

Terry, just want to

thank you so much

for looking after my wife

and holding down the salon.

- Always. Lena's my girl.

When she offered me

the job at the shop,

I couldn't turn her down.

I told her. Yep. I'll

be right there with ya.

- Did you finally put

your boy to sleep?

- Man that boy has

too much energy.

You know what he said to me?

- [Lena] What?

- He said, dad, I

was worried about you

when you were incarcerated.

- Incarcerated?

- Who taught him

that? That's your son.

- I, you know, oh my God.

Never a dull moment.

(knocking on door)

What was that?

- I invited one of

my homeboys over.

- Oh, I hope he cute.

- I don't know about

him being cute,

but I know he is my homie, so.

- Anyway girl. So yeah,

that guy last night loco,

like why was he?

What was he sayin?

- Babe. This is my boy Black.

Black, this is my wife, Lena.

This is her friend Terry.

- Okay. Pleasure

to meet you, Lena.

Nice to meet you. Terry.

- Have a seat.

Babe, Black.

He used to be my top earner

when I worked for Heavy.

- Mm. Okay.

- He went away, went

Upstate for a little bit,

came back what? About

a year and a half ago?

- It's been about a year or

so. But I ain't counting.

- [Chris] Yeah.

- Hm.

- Yeah. Yeah. That's

my protege. Impressive.

- [Lena] Mm.

- I learned it all from you.

This your day, man.

I'm just glad you home.

- Yeah, me too.

Its nothin like being home

around family and friends.

Terry, uh I don't know

if my wife told you,

but I was in prison

about five years.

Hope that doesn't make

you feel uncomfortable.

- Nah,

actually my ex-boyfriend's

currently locked up

and you know, I used

to work for him,

but he's gonna be away for a

long time. So it's all good.


- So what he's in for?

- Trafficking, robberies,

he did whatever he needed to

do to put food on the table.

- Wait a minute, what?

- [Terry] What?

- Girl you never told me that.

- I mean, it's not something

I'm necessarily proud of,

but a girl's gotta eat

though. You feel me?

- Black, man. You always

had the baddest shorties.

Always. I know ain't

nothing changed.

I know how you get down.

- Oh yeah.

- And they gotta

get their wigs done.

My wife, she's the best

hairstylist in the city.

- [Black] The best, though?

- [Chris] The best.

- I'm gonna take

your word for it.

I'ma have to bring my shorty

down to the shop one day.

- Hey. And by the way, if Lena

ain't there, I'm second best.

So I got you. Remember

Terry now, all right?

- Yeah I like that.

So yeah, Chris um

wheres your little mans?

- Little? Ain't

nothing little by him.

He's smart, man.

It's crazy how smart

that little kid is.

Look man I know you hungry.

Let me fix you something to eat.

- I was waiting on it.

I was waiting on it.

- [Chris] Yo. Don't come

late next time, man.

- I'll make it up to.

- You know, black

people always late.

Nah, it's all good, bro.

- Today's your day. Enjoy it.

(soft piano music)

(cell phone vibrating)

(Chris snoring)

♪ You know I'm flawed. You

know I'm flawed, baby ♪

♪ But you love me anyway.

You love me anyway ♪

♪ A lot of times I'm so

wrong. I know I'm wrong baby ♪

♪ But you love me anyway

- Damn baby. Good morning.

- Good morning.

How you doing?

- Better now.

You know how amazing

it is to see you

make breakfast for

me in the morning?

- Mhm. You know

I'ma put together

a little something

something for you.

- More than a little

something something.

(Lena chuckles)

I wanna thank you for

dinner last night.

Oh man, that food was amazing.

- I try.

- Ah, you do more than try.

It was also good to

catch up with Black.

Man, we haven't

talked for years.

I mean, you know, he put

some money in my books

and sent the occasional

message to me

through some of the

guys in the yard.

But, I think last night we

got back to where we belong.

- Babe uh.

I just want you to know that

life got really

lonely without you.

I mean, it was

just me and Miles.

And I felt like my whole

world was caving in.

One moment I have everything.

And then the next moment it

just was gone in a flash.

I mean, I'm even back

to renting my shop now.

I don't know. I, I just, I

feel like somewhere in between,

somewhere in between,

I fell outta love.

- Baby, I don't want

you to ever think that

I don't understand what

you've been through.

I'm thankful for every

visit, for every call.

I missed you and Miles so much.

But now that I'm back,

I gotta figure out how to

get us back to where we were.

But I'm out the game.

I ain't doing that shit no more.

I'm not going back inside.

I'm not doing anything to

separate me from my family.

- Chris, I.

- Lena. Look, you

gotta trust me.

You gotta let me handle this.



I got something

for you. (laughs)

- What is that?

- See.

- That's beautiful.

- When I was locked

up, I was in the Penn.

- Mhm.

- Every Sunday, this preacher

would come to the stop, right?

- Uh-huh.

- He would come.

He would talk to us.

He would always say, "Jesus,

keep me near the cross."

And I was like, "What

the hell does that mean?"

He said, "I can't teach

you how to find God.

But in time of trouble and hard

times, God would find you."

So when I was locked up

and I was going through it

and I was missing you and Miles.

That kept me sane.

It kept me alive.

You kept me alive.

I want you to have it.

- Thank you, babe.

(kissing sound)

- Love you.

- I love you more.

- I'm hungry.

- You know what I

was thinking too?

- What?

- Remember last

night at the dinner,

when Terry was talking all that

stuff about her ex-boyfriend

and the robberies?

I was like, what in the hell?

- Yo. That was crazy.

- In all my years.

Nah, seriously.

In all my years I've known

her, I've never heard that.

- Really?

- No I didn't, I.

Not a peep from her about

anything like that. Crazy, right?

- Man, you could know

somebody for a long time.

- A long time.

- Not really know them.

Life is crazy like that.

Cheers to us.

(glasses clink)

♪ That's another love story.

Can't get no love from me ♪

♪ Either I love money. And

I flipped the store makin ♪

♪ More hundreds

♪ What this ♪ want from me?

What this ♪ want from me? ♪

♪ I don't want no company.

What this ♪ want from me? ♪

♪ I don't want no company.

This another love story. ♪

♪ Can't get no love from me

- Oh, yep. Go for it girl.

(music fades out)

- Lena. Ain't that Chris'

friend from the other night?

♪ What this ♪ want from me?

I don't want no company ♪

♪ You don't love me

like you used to ♪

♪ Don't ♪ me like you used to ♪

He out front.

- [Woman] Hi. Welcome to Lena's.

How can I help you?

- Yeah. Tell Lena

I'm here to see her.

- Just a moment.

There's somewhere

here to see you.

- Thank you.

I'll be right back, okay?

- What's good ma? How you doing?

- What are you doing here?

- Take it down a few notches.

Really I was just here.

Just pass by to see

how you was doing.

I wanted to give you a

little something. How Miles?

- Miles is fine. I'm fine.

And I guess it is

good that you pass by

cuz me and Miles

need some things

cuz Chris is still

getting on his feet.

- Right.

Well a real man

provides for his family

by any means necessary.

- Excuse you?

- Hey, I'm just saying.

- Okay. You know I'm dealing

with a lot right now, okay?

When Chris was away things

were a whole lot easier.

But now that he's

back, I don't know.

I just feel like the worst

person knowing that I was.

- Knowing what?

- Knowing that I'm in

love with the only man

my husband trusts.

And then you had the nerve

to come by the other night.

What the fuck was

that all about?

- Look, you know

what we gotta do.

Things keep moving like this.

You'll be able to get

out this small ass salon

into something more

fit for a queen.

Probably never have to work

again a day in your life.

- It is not that easy, okay?

And you can't keep

showing up to places

you know Chris is gonna be.

- Look, I'm gonna head out.

Try not to spend

it so fast as time.

Don't be scared. Take it.

- You always looking

out for me, huh?

I appreciate you.

- Right.

- Who's outside with you today?

- Oh, just a few of my boys.

You know I'm the biggest

on the South side.

You know I'm the

king. It's my palace.

You could be the queen.

You could run it with me.


But look tonight

everything's still in motion

and this drop I'm about to get,

change your life forever.

- Like I, I think that maybe.

- Stop stressing. Calm down.

Take your ass back to work.

(door closes)

- Hey baby.

- Baby, what you doing here?

- I got these for you.

- You got me flowers?

- Yeah. I wanna make you smile.

- Look at you.

- I miss you. (smooches)

thought about you all day.

- Thank you.

- Can I talk to

you for a minute?

- Sure.

- All right. Come on.

Well, I've been really thinking

about the conversation we had.

If I can't find a job

doing something else,

I'ma have to do what I gotta do.

- What? When did

you decide this?

- Today.

- Today?

- Baby. I can't

lose you and Miles.

And this is what it takes

to make you live the way

you wanna live, so be it.

I gotta take care of my family.

- Chris. I, I just.

- No. So listen baby.

Tonight I'm gonna

meet up with Black.

And I got some other

business to tend to,

but I want you to remember

I'm doing this for us.

- And you're meeting

up with Black?

- Yeah

Baby. Don't worry

about it. I got this.

- No. No and no.

I, I just don't have a

good feeling about this.

I don't, I don't have a

good feeling about this.

- You don't trust me?

- I just don't have a

good feeling about this.

- Baby. I got this.

Don't worry about it.

Look, I'm gonna be home late.

Wait up for me.

Wear something sexy.

Real nice. It's

been a long time.

I can't wait to be alone with

you and really enjoy you.

Trust me, okay?

I gotta go.

♪ Away from me. Tell me,

tell me what's on your mind ♪

♪ Am I really on your mind

when you're away from me? ♪

♪ Baby, tell me

what's on your mind ♪

(car driving over gravel)

- [Man] What up Bo?

- Not much, man. You straight?

- Yeah. No.

I mean you know how it is.

I just came home.

Pockets all fucked up.

Gotta take care of my family.

So I gotta do what I gotta do.

- Yeah. I hear you man.

But whatever happened

with you and Heavy man?

We put in a lot of work

with him back in the day.

- Word. I mean we talked.

He's talking about

making me top dog,

maybe running his

operation again.

- And you trust him?

- I mean, he's always

been straight to me.

I mean, it's all love.

- Man. Fuck him.

Let me show you what

I'm working with.

- [Chris] Really? Okay.

- Put you onto

something real quick.

Yeah. Take a look at that.

- What?

- Help yourself. Right there.

Real South side shit.

- Damn. This is what

you working with?

- Yeah it's what

I'm working with.

- Hell you was my number

two. Now you doing it big yo.

- You know I was thinking.

It's lonely at the top.

(gun fires)

(body drops)

Ain't no room for both of us.


(police sirens and somber music)

- All right. You ready?

Come on.

- Mommy. Where's daddy?

- Daddy had to leave

us again, baby.

- Why can't we go home?

- Well, because this is

gonna be our new home.

This is our new home, okay?

- Aw.

- Come on. Right.

(doorbell rings)

- Hey.

Terry, what the fuck

are you doing here?

- (lips smack) You don't

get to ask no questions.

You got my product?

- What is, what is happening?

Miles, baby. Go to the

car for me. Go to the car.

What is happening? Are

you messing with him?

- Look, thank you for doing

what I asked you to do.

You can leave.

- I can leave?

(banging on door) Open this

door. Black, open the door.

(banging on door)

Open this. Terry!

(Crying. Banging on

door. Somber music)

Open this door! (cries loudly)

I couldn't believe

this was my life.

I mean he used me.

I just betrayed my husband

only to be betrayed

by the person I

thought I could trust.

(knocking on door) Okay.


- [Detective Campbell]

Good morning, ma'am.

My name is detective Campbell.

I was wondering if you have

a moment for us to speak.

- Speak with you about what?

- We're currently investigating

a robbery that took place a

couple nights ago.

- Do I have something

to do with that?

- [Detective Campbell]

No, not exactly.

But you were seen with

someone who may be involved.

May I come in?

- Sure.

- You were seen at

the club, Flows.

And there was someone

sitting at the bar with you.

- Okay?

- His name is Quentin Rogers,

but you may know him

as the name Black.

What exactly were the

two of you discussing?

- That's your question?

What we were discussing?

- Mr. Rogers has a um,

history of finding the

most beautiful women

and using his charm against

their vulnerability.

It is not long before

he has these women

doing anything that he says.

Look. I'm just trying

to figure out if

maybe he mentioned anything

about something he's tied into.

Or maybe he tried to

coerce into anything.

- Cops. Everybody's

guilty, right? Hmm?

But if you must know, no, he

invited me out for drinks.

And what he was discussing is

taking me out on another date.


- Have you dealt with Mr. Rogers

in any other capacity?

- [Lena] No, I have not.

- Hi buddy. What's your name?

- Miles.

- I love that name.

What are you up to?

- Come here, baby. Come here.

I need you to go up to your

room and finish playing with

your toys, okay?

I'll be up there in

a second. Go ahead.

- I love kids.

- Yeah.

- You have a beautiful son.

- Thank you.

- Listen. If anything comes up,

would you just give me a call?

- You know what?

I'm fine. Actually.

I'm a big girl and

I can handle myself.

- I'm not saying that you can't

take care of yourself, Lena.

But I'm trying to warn you

that this guy is

really dangerous.

So be careful.

♪ Welcome to the future

- I just wanted you to know

that everything we set out to do

it's already in motion.

Chris, no longer a problem.

And I hate it had

to be that way,

but what was I supposed to do?

I knew Chris was

gonna come home.

Jump right back in the

streets with Heavy.

I knew Chris was gonna take

over Heavy's operation next.

I knew that. I knew it was

only a matter of time before

Heavy got Chris to

try to take me out.

I couldn't let that happen.

Truth be told better

his life than mine.

Look little bro.

I love you.

And I ain't gonna forget

what they did to you.

I ain't having no

mercy on nobody.

Now I'm gonna take over

the North and South side.

Just like we planned to do.

♪ And it's hard to

connect with people ♪

♪ 'cause I ain't

a people person ♪

♪ Gotta do what you gotta do

♪ You gotta do

stand on your own ♪

- Shits crazy.

- What's up Bricks?

- What you saying? What he want?

- Hey boss, I got

somebody for you to meet.

- So you just think it's

okay to bring anybody into my

establishment, man?

- Nah, this my boy, RJ. He

trying to join the family.

And he said he got some

information for you.

- Where you from RJ?

- From the South side.

- South side? So

what do you do, man?

I ain't never heard of you.

You a hustler?

Dope boy? You rob?

- Well, I do a little something.

And I was hoping

you can put me on.

And I think I got

some information

that might be valuable to you.

- Man, we don't need new people

in here dropping off gifts.

- Look guys no disrespect,

but the streets they talking.

Black, he running stuff on

the South side right now.

Word on the block,

Black took his main

man, Chris out.

And I know Chris from the North.

- Yeah, I know Chris

very well. Black, too.

Chris would've been hit me

if something was going down.

What's your angle, man?

- Yeah, where you

getting your information?

- I'm just telling

you what I know.

- So you expect me

to believe you bring

your black ass in here

and give free information?

- I was hoping you

have a spot for me.

I mean it's the least I

could do to pay my gratitude.

I'm trying to be down

with y'all. What's up?

- Yes, well. Show him around.

- You got it, boss.

- Man, keep your eyes

on that dude, man.

Somethin about him. I just

can't put my finger on it.

- Go upstairs now and then look.

- Yes. Mhm. That's right.

Hey, slow down


- Yeah baby. Le Le I'm

back here in the kitchen.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Where's my grandson?

- He went upstairs.

- Okay. What's wrong with you?

And why do you have

that look on your face?

- What? I'm good.

- Come on Lee Lee. You know

you can't hide from me.

I had you.

I was talking to your

sisters this morning

and they said they

hadn't heard from you.

- I've been busy.

- Too busy for your family?

Come on, Lena.

Stop making excuses

for yourself.

- I'm not making

excuses, first of all.

And I'm, I don't know.

I just feel like a lot in

life I've disconnected from.

- Well, it sure

hasn't stopped you

from bringing my grandson

over here every other day.

And you need to make sure that

that baby is spending time

with you. He needs his mom.

- Oh so now you give

parenting advice?

- I beg your pardon?

- I'm just saying

I've watched you ma. You

tend to everybody else

but yourself.

- That's what a mother does.

- So the bruises go a

long with it too, huh?

You know, growing up I

watched you and daddy.

And you know what I said?

I would never allow a man to

make me feel the way daddy made

you feel, weak.

- So that's what

we're doing today?

That's what we're doing today?

So you're miserable and you

think you're gonna come up here

in my house and make

me miserable too?

That's not gonna

happen. Listen, baby.

I had you and your

sisters to think about.

And I know that your father,

God knows he was not the best,

but I stand behind every

decision that I made back then.

And now.

- Yeah.

Did you ever once think what

you were teaching us though?

- What I was teaching you?

- Yes.

- If anything,

I taught you and your sisters

how to be strong and how to

fight for your family.

- No. No ma.

- I that's what I taught you.

- No. What you taught us,

you taught us how to pretend.

That's what you taught us.

You know what? Look, I

matter of fact, you right

I'm not doing this today.

I'ma get outta here.

I need you to watch Miles

for me for a couple days.

- My grandson is always welcome.

- Good. I need to

go to the shop.

- Lena, Lena.

- What?

- Listen, your father's

not the man he used to be.

He is not. And I, I

know that he hurt you.

He hurt a lot of other

members of his family.

But baby, he is a changed man.

He really is.

And before you start looking

at everybody else's mistakes

and, and judging everybody else.

Maybe you need to take a

closer look at yourself.

Why don't you do that?

- Bye mom.

♪ Wait, stop it.

It's time to pop. ♪

♪ I'm lit on fire, but

ain't nobody hot like this ♪

- Ain't nobody messing

with this. Y'all ready?

I got four deuces.

Hey man. It's my bread.

That's what I'm talking about.

Yeah man, yeah man, there we go.

All my money.

- [Man] Always winning.

- Yeah. That's just like

take candy from a baby.

Listen man. Listen.

Time to listen.

Don't get mad at me.

Get mad at the PPP loan people.

All right let's go, man.

I'm about to bet 800.

I gonna see where your hands

is at man. Let's do this.

- Make it a right man.

- Oh, you ain't saying nothing.

You ain't saying nothing.

- Chief, I need to holler

at you for a minute.

- What you wanna

holler at me for?

- Got a little situation

I need to handle.

Need to take care of ASAP.

- How that concern me?

- I'm gonna take out an army.

I need something to do it with.

- Yeah, you do.

- Let me get my

hands on something.

- Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

Fellas. Pardon me a second.

Let me holler at my

man Black real quick.

So you tell me you supposed

to be a businessman

and you can't buy

protection for yourself?

- You're absolutely right.

I'm not saying you're wrong.

You're right. That's

why I'm here for.

That's what I'm coming to you.

- Hey Black I just

gave you some last time

for the last situation you had.

- Chief come on man.

You know that was hot.

I had to toss that.

- So you mean you toss my shit

and you got the nerve to

come back and ask for more?

- Don't even worry about.

You don't even gotta worry

about it. I got money.

- Oh man. It ain't

about the money.

It ain't about the money.

It's how you be moving

around here man.

- I understand.

- Listen, man.

I don't know.

But since I love

your little brother,

like he was a brother of me.

That's the only reason

I'm doing this for you.

- I respect that.

- And you got this

detective chick

running around here asking

questions about you.

- Nah. You don't even

gotta worry about that.

- Like don't don't be

bringing him around here

deuces up my shit.

- Nah. Nah.

- Alright.

Hey Matt.

Get Black whatever he need.

- Hey yo Chief, I know

you don't wanna hear it.

- Yo man.

- I highly appreciate this.

Now you going outta

your way for me.

Thank you for real.

Wouldn't be possible

without you, all right?

- Yeah all right.

Stupid. Dummy.

(door creaks open)

- [Lena] Terry, you got

some nerve bringing your ass

up in here.

- I've been calling and

texting you with no response.

- And you wasn't

going to get one.

I suggest you pack up

all your little shit

and take your little

trifling ass out of here.

- Really?

- How long you been

sleeping with Black?

- I'm not sleeping

with Black Lena.

- Bullshit!

- Lena, I work for Black.

Okay? I work for Black, Lena.

The other night when I

was over by his place,

I was just getting ready for

a high end client. That's it?

Nothing happened.

- Take that too.

- Lena, sit down.

It's time for you

to know the truth.

- No, I'm not sitting down.

What the fuck do

you have to say?

- All right.

Remember the other night when

you had us over for dinner

and I mentioned my

ex-boyfriend to you?

What I didn't tell you

is that Black and my ex,

they know each other.

They used to do

business together.

And I was part of

that merchandise.

Lena I've been prostituting

since I was 16.

- You've been doing what?

- Yeah.

And I can't tell you how

many men I've been with

or what they made me do.

- So is that why you

keep running outta here

all early every day?

- No, that's not all.

I was accepted into a nursing

school program a while back.

I'm two semesters

away from finishing.

- Why you never told

me this till now?

- I didn't tell you because

for the first time in my life

I can see the finish

line, you know?

I just didn't wanna

speak too soon.

Okay. I get it.

Lena, Black ain't a good person.

He uses every woman

to get what he wants

the same way he used

you to get rid of Chris.

A few years ago, Black's

little brother Twan was killed

doing a night drop for Heavy.

Black blames Heavy for getting

his little brother killed.

This ain't the life

for me no more.

I moved here from Mexico

to be here with abuelita.

She's dead.

There ain't nothing else

here for me no more.

So I'm transferring schools.

- Terry. Listen.

I'm sorry, okay?

I'm sorry I treated

you like that.

I'm I'm sorry I

wasn't here for you.

- I know your heart chica,

but take it from me.

Get out this life.

It ain't worth it.


I gotta go.

- Terry.

You are always welcome here.


- Thank you.

(Machine whirring)

- Black!

- Just the person

I wanted to see.

What'd you find out?

- Man, I found out everything.

- Everything?

That's what I'm talking about?

Who the connect?

- Some white boy. He go

by the name Stevenson.

Say he outta Orange County.

- Stevenson?

- Yeah.

- Orange county?

I don't know. That don't

sound too familiar to me.

You got his info?

- Yeah.

- Let me check this out.

Hm. It look legit.

- Yeah.

- So how many dudes Heavy

got running with him?

- I mean he running with

three, so we should be good.

- Three?

- Yeah. I think we're good.

- That ain't too many.

All right.

So here's the next part of this

I need you to get 'em all here.

Cause at this point

they trust you.

- Get 'em here how?

- Figure it out!

Cause when you do, I'm gonna

lay 'em all out one by one.

- Wait, wait.

So you going to kill them?

- You asking a lot of questions

and I don't like that.

- Black. I just don't remember

that being part of the plan.

You got the connect.

Ain't that enough?

- It's never enough. RJ.

It's bigger than that.

You look nervous.

- I'm good.

- Got a reason to be nervous?

- I'm good man.

- Look RJ. RJ don't make

me shoot you in your face

and throw your ass in the

trunk of one of these cars.

Look you either with

me or you're in my way.

What it's gonna be?

- I'm with you

Black. I'm with you.

- You with me?

- Yeah, I got you.

- Don't be another

person in the way.

Ain't no bullets

in it. Look at you.

You a little sweaty

man. Fix your shirt.

Fix your chain. Oh you shining.

You getting too much money.

Hey RJ. You doing a good job.

I catch you later my man.

He gonna get his ass smoked.

Hear that OG?

But yeah, like I was saying.

(door creaks open)

- We're closed,

come back tomorrow.

- Lee Lee.

So this is famous

Lena's hair salon?

This is nice. This where

all the money coming in?

Oh man.

Yeah. I like this.

- What are you doing here?

- You know what I'm doing

here. How your mom's doing?

- No, I don't know

what you're doing here.

- Well, Chris came home.

He was supposed to

run all this for me.

Maybe I get a salon

too and get that money.

What you do with the money?

- What, what money?

Chris got all that money.

- That's a lie.

Word on the street is you

giving money out to Black.

You're funding his operation.

- There is no me and Black.

What are you talking about?

- You know the worst thing

I hate about a person?

Becoming a liar.

(cocks gun)

- Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.

- Let me tell you something.

- Okay. Please don't hurt me.

- You got 24 hours

for a hundred grand.

If I don't get my money bitch,

you'll never see your son again.

(Lena crying)

You understand what

I'm saying to you?

- I got it. I will have

your money. I'll have it.

(door creaks open and closes)


Oh my god.

- What's good homie?

- Shit, what you got

left on that thing, man?

- I got like an

(indistinct) left, really.

- Okay. Okay.

- I gotta (indistinct)

for the whole thing.

- Oh, so you need

another 18 for that 36?

- Yeah, soon as I get

straight I got you.

- Okay. Yo who that right there?

- All right man.

So what you got?

What you got on that thing, man?

I gotta go see Heavy yo.

- I got five right here.

- Oh five? Oh, lemme get that.

Oh let's see what's up with

this dude right here, man.

Watch out. Watch out. Let me

see what's up with this dude.

- What's good homie?

(gun fires)

(tires squeel off)

- What's going on mama?

- Hey dad.

- Hey little man.

You getting big.

And you shining. Okay.

I see your work.

- Go play Marcus.

- Okay.

- I'll talk to you in a few.

- Okay.

- That's my little

man's growing up fast.

I got something for you, mama.

- Now what is this?

- It's money. I give

you some every week.

- Yes. Yes you do.

And I never once questioned you.

But I should have asked

you a long time ago

where is this money coming from?

You look at me, Black.

The streets are talking

and I don't like what

I'm hearing about my son.

The murders. Is

that you doing that?

- Ma, I told you don't

be listening to that.

- Tell me the truth,

Quentin. Is it you?

- I told you.

How long Twan been gone Ma?

- Mh-mm.

- How long?

- Don't you do that.

Don't you put your

brother's name into this.

- My brother is the

reason I am the way I am.

When they took him, he took

a piece of me with him.

I don't give a

fuck how they feel.

- (slapping sound) Don't

you raise your voice at me.

- I'm sorry, mama.

- You're going about

this the wrong way.

Do you really think your brother

would want you doing this?

Do you?

I'm warning you Black.

The knife cuts both ways.

And if you don't stop, you're

going to get yourself hurt.

I've already lost one son.

And what about him?

He needs you to be his father.

Quentin, do the right thing.

- I had been calling

Black over and over

knowing I needed to get

this money to Heavy.

I must admit I was shocked

when he actually showed up.

I just don't know

what to say Black.

- Oh, you don't?

You don't gotta say much.

It's a hundred

grand in that bag.

It's enough for you to

pay Heavy back and more.

(unzips bag)

- What about you?

- What about me?

I got a big drop tonight.

It's too hot down here

for me to even stay.

Even if I wanted to.

So I'm gonna go grab my son

and I'm outta here

by tomorrow morning.

I'm heading Upstate.

- Your son? You got a son?

- Yeah, my son.

- Take care of yourself, Black.

- Definitely.

- They the new Bonnie

and Clyde, huh?

- Man it's only been 24 hours.

She out here moving with this.

- I'm telling you,

she's in on it.

I'ma handle this.

- Nah, I got this one.

(car pulls up)

(somber music plays)

(police sirens and

indistinct radio chatter)

- Oh, I was just texting you.

- Oh yeah? It's all there?

- I got your money.

- Yeah just the way I like it.

- Yeah. It's all there.

- Yeah. Yeah.

That's what I'm talking about.

You know it was never just

about the money, right?

You know money's important,

but you know the one thing I

never liked that you be doing?

- Yeah?

- Showin no damn respect.

(gun fires and Lena screams)

- In the end we

both paid a price.

(indistinct radio chatter)

Black was sentenced to

10 years for trafficking.

But me?

I paid the ultimate price.

(car horns honking)

- Hey, welcome back.

- Hey.

- Are you dining

alone again tonight?

- Nope. Not tonight.

- Okay. Look at you. I'll be

back in a few minutes then.

- All right. Thank you.

It took you long enough.

- We did it.

- (laughing) I know.

- Oh man. You're so amazing.

(music begins)

♪ They didn't believe in

me. Said it was fantasy ♪

♪ Look at me now, I'm

in the Benz, all black ♪

♪ I just hopped in the foreign

♪ I'm tourin, I

ain't lookin back ♪

♪ They didn't believe

me when I said I ♪

♪ I was bout to crossover

♪ I was bout to crossover

♪ I can't trust

a soul out here ♪

♪ I swear, I done lose

my soul out here ♪

♪ We been through a

lot of pain out here ♪

♪ Cause I'm playin a game

that's made for me to lose ♪

♪ And I refuse

♪ Never thought I'm

immune to pressure ♪

♪ I wouldn't be here if

it won't for the effort ♪

♪ Now it's trips overseas,

I'm enjoyin the weather ♪

♪ I'm enjoyin the weather

♪ They say it's lonely at the

top, I could get used to this ♪

♪ You'd be surprised what

they would do for this ♪

♪ I've been crossin over,

ain't nothin new to this yeah ♪

♪ Didn't believe in me.

Said it was fantasy ♪

♪ Look at me now, I'm

in the Benz, all black ♪

♪ I just hopped in the foreign

♪ I'm tourin, I

ain't lookin back ♪

♪ They didn't believe

me when I said I ♪

♪ I was bout to crossover

♪ I was bout to crossover

♪ He won't even see what's up

♪ Plottin on his wifey. If

he slip, he getting touched ♪

♪ They call me Black, and

that's the color of my heart ♪

♪ It's in my blood

♪ Gotta do better than niggas

for niggas to show you love ♪

♪ I made it, then I blew that

♪ They actin like they know me

♪ Askin where I

went to school at ♪

♪ True that. Two gats

♪ Catch him at his desk

and make him scoot back ♪

♪ Your life is in my hands,

and you gonna lose that ♪

♪ You niggas is my sons and my

life is like the Maury show ♪

♪ That's the way

the story goes ♪

♪ When you trustin

all these hoes ♪

♪ That includes the main and

the one you fuckin on the low ♪

♪ Yeah I got that powder for

your nose and I'm touchin gold ♪

♪ Never scared I won't let

them put no fear in me ♪

♪ Told 'em I was comin, but

these niggas wasn't hearin me ♪

♪ This here a conspiracy I

mean that shit sincerely ♪

♪ People never tend to be the

person they appear to be ♪

♪ Didn't believe in me.

Said it was fantasy ♪

♪ Look at me now, I'm

in the Benz, all black ♪

♪ I just hopped in the foreign

♪ I'm tourin, I

ain't lookin back ♪

♪ Didn't believe

me when I said I ♪

♪ I was bout to crossover

♪ I was bout to crossover