Crossfire (2023) - full transcript

A syndicate murders an FBI agent's wife, targeting his daughter. They pursue the girl as the agent scrambles to protect her. Their game of cat-and-mouse ends in a final showdown between the syndicate and the father defending his d...

So what are your

plans for the summer?

I'm going to Hawaii

with my boyfriend.

That's nice.

My old grandma...

She ruined everything.

Now my whole

savings are gone.

Alisha, I heard your dad

is all over TV

because he finally

rescued those Mexican girls

from the mafia.

So, now summer

in Tijuana?

You must be excited, right?

Yeah, um...

I don't know. I've...

I've always kept

my distance from him.

He keeps coming.

I would kill for a guy like that

to be my father.

- He's a hero.

- That's true.

and he's super smoky.

I even have my own plans

of going with her to Tijuana.

So, tell us, A.

Why are you really

going with your father?

You tell me!

I'm going with you.

So, you both

are traveling together?

Agent Mark Patson.

Yes, the name seems to be

familiar to most of us.

He's the same Agent Patson

who eliminated

the deadly Gorilla gang

and lost his wife

in the crossfire

with one of the last surviving

gang members.

It took his team some time to

track down the Mexican mafia

who trafficked

these girls across the border--

Well, there he is!

Hey, hey, no!

Don't you even start.

Don't do it.

- Hi Agent Mark. Congrats.

- Hey, Sofia. Nice to see you.

Hey, Chris.

How you doing?

You have saved us

from a crisis, Mark.

The nation is proud.

The shot that you took

for such a long distance

and without any light proved

your perfect skills.

I'm proud to work

under you, Agent Mark.

Well, don't be too proud of me.

Be proud of Tijuana police.

They took the shot.

This is much

interesting to see

than the Gorilla gang

takedown in San Diego.

Good memory for that.

Thanks, Sofia.

You're too kind.

Okay, look.

I appreciate it,

but just get back to what

you all were doing, okay?

- Sir?

- Mm?

Can I have a

quiet word, please?


Tijuana police.


Hey, Ivan.

Thanks for

the support, okay?

And then again, honestly,

I just wanna say

I appreciate the support

over the years.

I mean that.

So, what

can I do for you, Mark?

What is this?

Is this is a joke?

Come on, Mark. Why now?

Look, I would suggest

that this is not the right time

for early retirement.

With all due respect sir,

I think I've made my decision.

Look, I've been planning this

since Catherine

passed away, John.

Since Alisha

walked out of my life.

Kind of why I

took this particular job.

And I understand, okay? I do.

I'll tell you what;

why don't you take the night

and think about it?


You know what?

I realized something

when we reunited

that family

with those little girls.

And, uh, I realized

I'm a horrible father.

I realized I've never

been there for Alisha.

I mean, she blames me

for Catherine's death, John.

So, you see,

I've got this little...

This little window

of opportunity

to do something right.

Before her hatred washes me

completely from her heart.

And I'm not gonna let

that happen. I'm not.


So, what are

your plans for summer now?

Thank you, sir.


Okay, who are you

and what are you doing here?

What are you doing--

What are you doing here, buddy?

Put your hands

on your head.

Put your hands on your head!

God, Mark!

It's the plumber I brought

to fix the drain, remember?

Oh, Jesus, Miriam.

I'm sorry.

Okay, I don't care.

Wait a minute.

Tell him I wanna

see his passport. Your ID!

It's all okay.

He's all good, Mark.

Trust me.

You know me, hon.

I'm sorry, okay?

- I'm sorry. I forgot.

- That's okay.

Pardon, senor.

No problem.

- He speaks perfect English.

- It's okay.

Is it me or did he sound

like he was from Malibu?

What can I get you?

Do you want a coffee?

You're adorable.


You haven't changed

that much at all.

I didn't expect

to see you here.

I was planning

to catch a cab.

Well, I'm here.

And of course

I'm gonna be here, Alisha.

You're still my daughter

after all, right?

Let's be very clear on this.

I buried all of the memories

I have with you

the day that

I lost my mom.

I'm just here

for my summer vacation.

So let's just stay

out of each other's way

and you can carry

on with your life.

And you let

me do my own thing.

You're sure

you're not coming?

It's gonna be so much fun!

Please, please, please!

I'm good.

I'm gonna stay here.

Okay, study for me.

I'll take

a shot for you.

Take four shots.

Everybody take shots.

Okay, let's go. Bye!

- Come on, girls!

- Bye! Have a great night!


You too!

Be safe.

And sober! Love you!


Do you feel like

stopping for some food?


Well, there's

no food at the house.

I'll tell you what.

I'm gonna stop and get us

a little something, okay?

- Hey, man!

- Hey!

- That's for me, right?

- Yeah.

Oh, you guys are fast!

Okay, that's great. Okay.

Do me a favor.

Just give me a...

one latte to go and no sugar.

Okay, boss?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Hey!

- Hey!

What are you doing?

This is my friend, Viola!

Oh, geez!

I'm sorry, Alisha!

I... I'm sorry, I...

It's okay.

No need to apologize. I'm fine.

I appreciate

your kindness.

Hey, so I'll see

you after my trip?

It was really nice

meeting you, agent Mark.

I appreciate you.

And good luck

with Stephen.

- Bye!

- See you.

So, who's Stephen?

Don't worry about it.

I worry about everything.

You know that, right?

Is that what I know?

Come on in.

Okay, come on in.

Come on.

This is it.

Built it about

five or six years ago

with a real good friend of mine.

Every stone, the wood.

As I said, there's a story

for everything in this place.

I won't bore you for now.


we got a little problem,

but you've got hot water,

so that's a good thing, eh?

Your room

is up top there on the left.

Uh, this is it.

What can I say?

Make yourself at home.

- Great.

- Okay?

Let me help you up with the bag.

I got it. No worries here.


Right up to the left.

That's you.


Okay, anything

you need just let me know.

God damnit.

Give me the mayonnaise, man.


- Dad.

- Mm-hmm?

You know that you're the talk

of the town, right?

Like, all my school

is talking about

the Gorilla gang takedown...

Alisha. Time for school.

And you do know that this is

putting our family at risk?

We're not safe because of you.

And you being

in your limelight.

Like, do you think

about our family at all

when you're out there

saving whoever you're saving?

That's enough, Alisha!

- Of course I do.

- Do you think about us?

Okay, Alisha,

that's enough.

You're gonna be late.


Come on, just give me a second.

It's not that simple.

See you sweetie.

I love you, dear.

I don't know but...


She's right. At the end

of the day, she's right.

- No, no, no, no.

- No, she's right.

Oh, man.

You guys are my family.

Maybe she'll see

that one day, but that's it.

You guys are everything to me.

I know.

Why don't we go to the bank?

Sure, okay.

- Okay?

- You got it.

Five minutes?

Okay, let's go.

- To the bank.

- Maybe stop for something

to eat on the way back?

Get some food? Something?

- Okay.

- Okay? Okay.


Okay, I'm gonna

go quickly to the bank.

- Gonna get us some money, baby?

- Yeah.

- Yeah? A lot of money?

- Yeah, yeah.

- Okay.

- I'll be back.

I'll be here.

Hey, Miriam! Come on in!

Hey, Mark!

Brought you and

Alisha some food tonight.

Ah, thank you.

How kind of you.

Save me some cooking time

'cause you know

how bad I am at cooking.

- No!

- Thanks, sweetheart.

- Yeah.

- I'll tell you what.

Do you have a minute?

She's in her room.

Think maybe it's a good time

we introduce you to her.

- What do you think?

- I'd love to meet her.

- I'd love that too. Come on.

- All right.



So, uh... Hey, look.

Sorry to disturb you.

I just wanted to introduce you

to an old friend of mine, okay?

One of my dearest friends.

Her name is Miriam.

She lives next door.

She's the one who's been

watching over me

and the house for years.

I just wanted you to say hello.


I think we had a deal

that we weren't going

to bother each other.

So, please,

enjoy the day with your friend.

All right.

Hey, Mark.

You know, I left

the hot plate on, hon.

Just go and check on that.

Let her rest.

- All right?

- Okay.

It's a pleasure

to meet you, hon.

Nice to meet you.

Off of me!

Hi! Hi, sir!

So, I... Somebody stole

my wallet, basically.

And I need to get home.

But I don't have any

money to give you now.

Okay, I'll give you the money

when I get home.

It's not that far.

We can just

go there and I'll...

I'll give you...

I have...

Hey, so...

I need a ride home.

Someone just stole my cell phone

and my wallet and my money.

But I can give you my

money when I get home.

- Sure.

- Okay, uh...

No, we're good.

No, you can go.

You can go!

I'll get the next one.

Sure, we're good.

No, we're good.

I'll drive you.

Just get in.


- All right.

- Hey, hey!

- Alisha?

- Damn it.


I'm your neighbor.

Brought you and your dad

food the other night.

What's the matter, baby?


I'm sorry

about yesterday.

I know I

was rude before.

Don't worry about it.

Tell me what you

were doing out there.

Someone pickpocketed my wallet

and I had my cell phone in it.

I tried to call my dad,

but he keeps changing

his number.

And then no taxi

was gonna give me a ride home

without money, and...

Then you showed up.

I'm glad that I did.

Let's tell

your father...

No! Can we just stop

and keep this between us?

I don't wanna

involve him.

At least let

me help find--

Just have your dad

find your cell phone

and your wallet, okay?

That's all.

That's all we're gonna tell him.


Hey, Mark!

Yes, I'm out

with Alisha, baby.

We went shopping.

Oh, yes, yes.

While we were shopping

she misplaced her

cell phone and wallet.

Can you

find it, please?


We'll be home soon.

See? It's okay.

Alisha, baby,

it looks great.

I hope you like it.

I know we will.

I know your dad will too.

Thank you for today.

No. I'm just glad

I was there for you, baby.

Hey, guys.

- So...

- That was quick.

Hey, what can I say?

I know a few people.

Some guy called Stephen has been

ringing for you, over and over.

Maybe you should call him back

and tell him you're okay.

Maybe I should

do that, definitely.



who's this Stephen guy?

I was gonna ask

you the same thing.

But I was gonna

ask you the same thing.

Mark, you...

Cheers, love. Thanks for dinner.

Who made this?

- Your baby.

- She made it?

She did.

I cannot wait

to see you, babe.

See you soon.

See you soon.

What if I say

I have a boyfriend?


You don't, so... It's just us.


Seems like you've already made

my decision for me.

Of course!

I'm confident.


What are your plans

for this summer?

I am making my

bucket list as we speak.

I hope that you're

adding me to that list.


We just have to plan it.

Now, let's say

grace really quick.

I've got to watch

my favorite program, okay?


Dear Lord in Heaven,

bless this food

we're about to receive.

Bless everybody

in this house,

Please, bless some will forgive

others for all their craziness.



Your baby made this.

You made this?

I made it, yeah.

- You can cook?

- I can.

You're not an eater,

but you can cook.

How does

that work, Miriam?

I mean, usually people

that like to cook like to eat.

I don't know.

Let's see what you got, kid.

Had to learn a thing

or two on my own.

I'm sure you did.

- Hi.

- Hi, babe.

I couldn't stop thinking about

you since last time we talk.


It's been a long 30 minutes.


for you it's been 30 minutes,

for me it feels like a year.

Time freezes.

Oh, only when

I'm talking with you.

So, I was thinking...

What would you like

to do when we see each other?

Ah, Stephen. Let me call you

back in a second.


I'm okay.

It's not the first time.


That's enough, Dad.


You were right.

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault that...


Good old Patson...

I can't

even find this...

shooter who killed my wife.

I am a complete failure.

I'm sorry.

I really, really...

I'm sorry.

You're gonna

go to sleep now.

Good morning, Miriam.

Oh, look who's up.


Hey, I appreciate

this, thanks.

Oh, it's not me.

Alisha did that and she took

care of you last night.


And where is she?

Oh, she just

went for a run, honey.

She'll be back soon.

Miriam, didn't I

tell you not to leave her alone?

That's the one thing I asked

you, not to leave her alone.

Mark, you didn't think

I was gonna go running with her,

did you?

Come on.

Oh, there she is.

Come say hello-- what...?


Baby girl, what

happened? Come over here.

Oh, my God.

What happened?

Mark, Mark.

Get me the first aid kit.

- Jesus!

- Mark, please.

It's alright.

No, it's not.

Hold it like this, baby.

- Okay.

- Thank you.

Give me a look at this.

I wanna

know what happened.

Tell me--

I wanna know what happened!

Tell me what happened right now.

Please, tell us what happened.

I don't know. I was...

Running and...

There was this guy who

tried to hit me, so...

Do you remember

anything about the man?

The vehicle, any numbers,

any body features of the driver?

Come on, Mark.

She's not gonna

remember any of that.


It was a man

with a black hood.

And a jacket.



Never got that shit

from my dad's DNA.

Hey, Victor.

It's Mark.

Do me a favor.

Run a number on a plate for me.


Yeah, you got it.

So, office

came back with word

that the fake plate

your daughter talked about

actually belongs

to a rookie

who does low-end

drug peddling.

He reported

it missing last week.

But it turns out

he's the one that stole

and put the fake plate on it.

On top of that, the night

before there's a robbery.

Same place, same location,

same vehicle.

Just merely

a coincidence.

I mean, we are on it, but...

I don't think it has

anything to do with your family.

Let's hope so.


We're on it, though,

so if you need anything,

just let me know.

Thanks for coming out, Victor.

- It's a pleasure.

- Okay.

- See you.

- All right.

Who's that?

That's Victor.

He works with your father.

I believe it's about the license

plate number you gave him.

You guys

ready to do some shooting?

Your dad also mentioned possibly

going to the shooting range.

Won't that be fun?

Maybe we can

hit the beach after.

Super cool.

Let's go kill

us something, babe.

Let me ask you a question.

What do they call you?

- Uh, Big Mike.

- Big Mike.

Okay, Big Mike,

here's the deal.

If that sink isn't fixed

by the time we're back,

I'm taking you to jail.


getting there.

You're getting

there, Miriam.

Let's see what you've got.

I want you to

listen to something, okay?

The only person

in this life that you think

you can trust other than

yourself is me.


I'm your father,

and I would never do anything

to hurt you, you understand?

Damn it, Mark!

There's your fucking DNA again.


- Dad?

- Jesus Christ!

- Brace yourselves!

- Dad!

God! Shit!


She'll be fine.

- Really?

- Yes.


How's she doing?

We'll see.

I hope she's okay.

Look, uh...

They found a bunch

of needles in the wheel.

Tore it apart.

It's all we got.

- Thanks, Victor.

- Yeah.

This ain't

no coincidence.

You're right.

Hope she

gets better soon.

She'll be okay.

- Good. All right.

- I'll see you.

- Okay.

- Thanks, man.

Sir. Sir!

This area is restricted.

I'm sorry, you cannot enter.

Man, we don't need to do this.

Just come with me.

I miss...

My mom.

I haven't been

in a hospital since...

I'll tell

you a little story

about when

I was in the hospital.

When I met your mother.

You might like it.

It's about

meeting your mom.

Back in '91.

I was special forces

during the Gulf War, and...

I got shot.

So they take me

to this medical clinic.

It's a military hospital.

And it was in tangent

with this cancer treatment

facility, right?

They're tending to my wound.

I look up, and there she is.



Proud and...


She was telling the clerk how

she didn't have any money

to make her payments for the

next three or four treatments.

And how she wouldn't be alive

if she didn't

get the treatments.

I had a little

money back then so I, uh,

I took care of the payments.

She got her treatments.

Little did I know that...

at that time,

who knew that that woman,

that big, bald, beautiful woman

would end up becoming

my whole life.

Can I ask you something?


Who's that person

in the photo,

with the distorted face.

You know.

The one you keep

with the newspaper cuttings

of mom's death.

I'm gonna check you out

and get you home.

Alisha, baby.

It's my family.

I miss them a lot.

You must be.

Yeah, but that's when

Mark came and...

And then he brought you.

Now the void is gone.

I feel like

I have a family again.

Oh, it's okay, baby.

But why are you

dressed like this?

My friend Viola

wants me to hang out with her

but I don't think...

Yeah, you're right.

Your father will not let you go.

Yeah, so

if you could...

Only if you promise

to take me to church tomorrow.


Fine, I'll cover for you.

Oh, these kids.

Should have been there by now.

Yeah, I know but...

What does it matter?

They're in the club already.

Like they're three guys.

My friends have been waiting

for me. I should be there.

Yeah, I don't care

about your friends.

What, should I care

about your friend then?


It's the first time you

meet her. She's my best friend.

I really hope it's worth it.

- Yeah.

- I really do.

Yeah, here she comes.

- Hey, baby! How are you?

- Hey guys.

Meet the boy

of my life, Raul.

Raul, meet Alisha.

She's my best friend, okay?

We've gotta go.

We've gotta go.

Here we are.

This is the place.

You brought me

to see naked ladies?

Like, with your girlfriend?

It wasn't my first place.

Why would you do that?

Have you been

to places like this?


This place's so good.

It's the best place

on the block.

Well, it's uh...

Let's have fun.

Yeah, absolutely.

Let's get some shots. Shots?

Can you freshen

up this hookah for me?

Yeah, definitely.

Do you have a cigarette?

Yo! That's my boy.

- Hey, Joseph!

- Hey!

Give me two seconds.


Hey, do you have a cigarette?

So how are you feeling

about this place?


You know I don't

like him for you, right?

He says he's changed.

Yeah. He says,

but apparently he hasn't.

He loves me.

I can handle him.

I can handle him, I swear.

It's okay, I'm okay.

We are here to party.

Get in the mood.

Make some space.

Make some space.

Make some space. There!

Okay, here I got Joseph.

- Panchito, and Benja.

- Hi, nice to meet you.

Let's get some shots going.

Ah, well, well.

Let's get this party going.

No way, guys.

I don't do drugs.

What do you mean

you don't do drugs?

It's okay, it's fine.

You're here with me.

Let's do this.

We're here together,

nothing is going to happen.

Don't worry, don't worry.

Trust me.

You're here with me.

Okay? Let's do this, eh?

That's some

good stuff boys!

Come on, come on.

Try, try.

Go! Go! Go!

Go! Go! Go!

Hey! Get some more shots?

Come on!

Babe, come on, let's get

some more shots.

Hey. Where were you?

- I was--

- I was in the bathroom.

- Where is Viola?

- Ah, don't worry about it.

- Come on. Give me a kiss.

- Stop.

I said stop.

What the fuck?

Oh, my God!

Who the fuck are you?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

It's okay. Let's go.

- It's okay

-VIOLA: I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

What would've

happened if your dad

wouldn't have gotten there

on time?

I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

Okay, the car is here.

I have to go.

Are you gonna see me tomorrow?

Are we gonna see each other?

Yes, we're gonna see each other

tomorrow. Every day.

Every day, yes.

Okay, thank you

so much for being there.

I love you.

Okay? I'll see

you tomorrow, okay? Thanks.

I'm so sorry.

It was not her fault.

It was all mine.

It's okay.

Don't worry about it.

I did a lot worse

when I was your age.

Okay? Just don't it again.

Okay? You're a good kid.

And I like you being

her best friend.

You're good for each other.

You get that, right?

- Yes.

- Okay.

Now, if there's

anything you need,

you let me know.

All right?

And I'm never drinking again.

Me too.

Okay. Look after her.

See you.

Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute.

Where are you guys going?

Miriam, do you

have a minute, please?

I wanna talk to

you guys about something.

Yes, of course, Mark.

But now I need

to speak to God.

Talk to God, okay.

Can he wait five minutes, maybe?

- What do you think?

- Oh, honey, you know me.

I don't let God wait.

Take me to

church, Alisha.

Yeah. After, you know...

I lost my family,

and your dad...

He came in for me.

Became my family.

Took care

of everything.

Who was that?

Oh, her son

had a terrible accident.

She couldn't pay for it.

Your father,

he took care of everything.

And now her son is

going to the nationals.

Isn't that great?

I think we

should head home.

Ah, okay. First, let

me stop at the office.

You have an office?

Of course

I have an office.

Let's go.

This is Alisha.

Alisha, this is Juana.

She takes care of the place.

Okay, okay.

I'll take care of that.

I'll have to take

a phone call, hon.

You just go ahead

and look around.

Juana will take

care of you, okay?

So how did you become

involved in this place?

This organization?

It was handed

down to my husband.


My husband put his blood, sweat,

and tears into this place.

But after his passing,

it all went down.

Your father

came in, financed us...

He's the most

noble man that I know.

That's why, Alisha baby,

you know deep down in your heart

he's not to blame

for any of this.

Well, well, well.

Look who has an appetite.

I'm going to the store.

You need anything?

No, I don't think so.


Enjoy your sandwich.

Expecting something?


It's got your name on it.

See you.

Expecting something?


It's got your name on it.


My keys...

Where are my keys?

Did I leave my keys somewhere?

No, you took your keys with you.

- Are you sure?

- I saw you do it.

I got the keys, right?

Yeah, I got the keys. Okay.

- How you doing, Mark?

- Hey, John.

Hey, Victor.

Thanks for coming, guys.

I want you

guys to check this out.

What's this?

Look, I don't

see anything unusual.

Same thing as last time.

Right, look. Okay, I get that.

You remember the guy

that ran Alisha off the road

in his car, right?

Okay, apparently this guy

was wearing a black hoodie.

Look, so what?

We already investigated this.

It's a false alarm.

Keep watching, John.

Okay, I made

a slight edit on the tape.

You see that?

This guy has been

circling our house, John.

At least

seven to ten times.

There's no

reports of him stopping nearby.

This is not a coincidence.

This guy is circling our house.

- You do understand?

- Yeah. Yeah, we get it.

We get it. You know what?

You may be onto something.

We're gonna look into it.

All right?

- I appreciate that.

-Don't worry. We got this.

Okay. You got it, John.

Thanks for coming again.

- Victor, thank you.

- Okay.


Hi, babe.

How you doing?

Guess where I'm at.

You're not close, are you?

Well, I'll be outside

your door in five minutes.

No, Stephen.

I have to tell my dad something.

Come on, I'll be there

in five minutes. Don't worry.

No, I have to tell...

Oh, God.

- Dad?

- Hey, what's up?

Well, Viola was--

Hold that thought,

just one second.

What's up?

- Viola...

- Hold on!

Yeah, what is it?

Mark, you won't

believe this.

Check this out.

Jesus Christ

We actually expected

a drug peddler to show up.

But seeing the guest we have...

The hotel has been seized

and he's under our radar.

Do you want us to move in?

No. You wait for me.

I'll be right there.

Dad, well, I was

gonna tell you that...

I'm gonna

be right back, okay?

I'll be right back. Stay safe!

- Hey, Mark. How's it going?

- Hey, guys. What have we got?

So, the word is,

he's up on the sixth floor.

Room 623.

We've got him

under surveillance.

Doesn't know we're coming.

- We good?

- We're good.

We'll take the left stairs.

You guys take the right.

We'll surveil the place.

Let's make it happen, let's go.

Let's go!

Come here!

Come here!

Hey! Hey!

What the fuck?

What? What is this? Who are you?

If you don't

tell me what's going on,

I'm gonna put a bullet

in your head right now.

Come on, it's closed.

Open it.

You open it.

I waited like seven years.

You're gonna make me wait more?

This door doesn't open.

- Ah, really?

- You have to go to this one.


I'm going.

Pick up, pick up, pick up.

I hate this show.

I love you 'cause you're sexy.

But I hate this show.

Pick up, pick up, pick up.

Come on, baby, pick up.

Come on! Pick up!

Oh, you caca.

Oh, my effing phone.

It's fucking dead.

I'd better go

check on the family.

This walk is too far.

Just gonna have

to move in with them.


Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

He's behind you, Miriam!

Miriam, oh, Miriam!

Oh, my God...

- Dad!

- Baby? Baby?

Are you with me?

What's he doing?

What's he doing?

Can you see him?

Daddy... He's just...

He just...

He just

killed Miriam.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid, you'll be fine.

Okay? What's he doing right now?

Oh, my God!

He killed Stephen too!

He just killed him

right in front of me!

Oh, no.

It's not gonna hold, baby.

He's coming

in no matter what.

He's coming in. Make your way

up to my bedroom, okay?

Barricade the door.

Get some chairs.

Whatever you got.

Whatever is in there.

Just wait for me, baby.

I won't be long.

Just remember something.

Kill or be killed.

You're fucked!


Come here...

I'm gonna choke you out dead!

But not yet, you little cunt!

- Hey, hey.

- Listen to me

How you killed my family.

Listen to me,

if you hurt my daughter...

You know what?

I enjoyed killing your wife.

If you hurt my daughter,

I am gonna blow up--

Fuck yourself.

You fucking hurt my daughter--

Hey. Listen up.

Listen. Listen...

I'm gonna fucking end you.

Fucking listen to me!

I am gonna end you!

Boy, shut the fuck up.

I am gonna fucking

destroy you.

Now listen to me kill

your little bitch fucking girl!

Do not--

I'm okay John.

What about Alisha?

Is she gonna be all right?

She's gonna be fine.

She's a tough girl.

Yeah. Well, she is your kid.

Look, it's gonna take

a ton of paperwork

- to get this mess cleaned up.

- Yeah.

So, um... in the meantime...

Go enjoy your summer.

Remember, if you need anything

just let me know, all right?

Good to see you as always.

So, this whole time

you had a plan.

What do you mean "had a plan"?

The training?

The martial art?

Setting everything up?

You know, to be honest,

I would've started training you

no matter what.

But yeah.

There was a plan.

Hey, love.

Damn it, Mark.

If you don't stop drinking

this shit it's gonna kill you.


You're right.

You know,

after all these years, Miriam,

chasing this guy,

and I make no progress.

I mean zero, nothing.

I just...


Think about this.

You've gotta put

the bait out there.


Once he takes the bait,

that's when you fucking pounce,

you get to kill him.

And you protect family.

That's what it's all about.

- Thanks Miriam.


It wasn't all me.

You see, Miriam had a lot to do

with it as well.

But I've gotta

tell you something else.

What I started,

you finished pretty well.

I'm not sure what that was.

You were doing

some snake and crane.

What was that? Huh?

It's good to have you back.

I missed you, Dad.

I missed you too.