Critical Condition (1987) - full transcript
Kevin Lennihan is a con artist. But this time he's framed and comes before a judge. By claiming insanity, he hopes to get off the hook. He manages to end up in a hospital on Governors Island, in New York Harbor for a mental examination. That night, a storm breaks out over the area, and the electricity to the hospital is broken. In the ensuing chaos that follows, Kevin is taken for a doctor, Eddie Slattery. Suddenly, he is in charge of a whole hospital.
You need
an inflata-date?
No, man. I'm here
on a business deal.
Do I look like I belong
in a place like this?
Can't you see
I don't belong here?
I can't see shit.
Hey, I'm sorry.
Hey, I love you, brother.
No sweat.
Has she got big ones
or little ones?
Very big.
she's not a she.
I need scratch and sniff
on these things.
Keep scratching
and sniffing.
Doing a little business
with the loan shark?
Hey, blindy. I'm
a legitimate businessman.
I'm here to do business
with Mr. Palazzi,
real estate,
if he'll finance my deal.
Laughed at you
at the bank?
Yeah. There was some laughter,
but that didn't bother me.
The spitting bothered me.
But they didn't have dildos
laying around the desk.
The man
will see
Yeah. That's me.
I'm on. Bye.
Hey, man, look cool.
Take some shades.
I don't want no shades.
Just take the smokes.
I don't want no smokes.
I'll keep the cigarettes
if that'll keep you
off my ass.
How do I look?
How the fuck
should I know?
The best part
of this whole bargain
is for
$50,000 down payment,
I get the whole building,
and I open my cineplex.
32 theaters, huh?
18 seats
in each theater,
but that's not
the good part.
Check this.
Dolby sound.
I don't know anything
about that.
Hey, it doesn't
matter anyway.
I'll tell you
what does matter.
If you manage
to open this cineplex,
not that I give a shit,
I will own 75%
of all the concessions
and 100% of all
the vending machines.
Now, the interest
on 50,000 is 100,000.
If you don't pay me
150,000 within one year,
we're going to collect
your collateral.
That's why
I come to you.
I'm not stupid. I didn't
go to E.F. Hutton.
I don't have
any collateral.
You're standing
on your collateral.
My legs?
John has
something for you.
there's a little favor
we want from you.
Our business has been
experiencing some,
uh, setbacks recently.
Consequently, there's
a lot of heat on us,
and our people are
being watched closely.
So we'd appreciate it
if you would just
take this package
to California for us.
for the little lady?
Lennihan, I got some
advice for you, hmm?
Don't be a jerk-off.
Well, I am a jerk-off.
I'm certainly
not a bag man.
Do I look
like a bag man?
The best in the country.
Yes! I will deliver
these diamonds for you.
You got no problem
with that?
No. I got no problem.
I'm ju-- a little tense.
I recently quit smoking.
I'm starting again
because it helps
relieve the tension.
I'm so tense right now
you could open a beer bottle
cap from my asshole.
I am talking tense.
What the hell's that?
He's got a fucking wire.
Wire? What--
Police! Drop them!
Nobody move!
Don't try it!
Hold it! Don't move!
Don't move!
You're a cop!
Not even a blind cop.
Fuck. Hey,
what are you--
You set me up,
No. I thought he was
a blind pervert!
I didn't know
he was a cop.
You're fucking dead,
No, pal. You're
the one that's dead!
They caught you with
a bag full of diamonds
and money!
They caught you red-handed.
Holy shit.
Can we talk?
[Cell Door Clangs]
You talked
to the judge, right?
You explained everything's
a big misunderstanding.
I'm going to take
you and Julie to dinner.
Kevin, I tried everything.
I didn't make a plea.
I begged for mercy.
You're going to
have to do a year.
Let's go.
A year?
This is
my first offense.
Couldn't you
get me probation?
I'll do social work.
Hey, how about this?
I'll cook for
runaway teenage girls.
I never said a word
about any
of your harebrained
schemes before,
not even
your offshore
shopping mall.
I thought
that was foolproof.
I had to do it.
I needed the money
for a down payment
on my cineplex.
The feds have been
looking for Palazzi
for years.
I should get a reward.
It was my stupidity
that got him busted.
You're sick.
You're really sick.
Hey, Lennihan.
Wait a minute, Harris.
10 years, no parole,
because of you.
I'll be in the machine shop
with my associates
waiting for you.
You're dead, Lennihan.
See you in the shower.
Ha ha ha!
Watch the shoulder.
Move it. Move it.
Mr. Lennihan,
please rise.
I'm asking you
these questions
to make sure
you understand
the consequences
of your guilty plea.
Are you currently taking
any medication or drugs
that might
impair your judgment
in entering
this guilty plea,
or are you suffering
from any mental illnesses?
That's it.
Plead insanity.
You're not crazy, Kevin,
you're just pathologically
You know that,
and I know that.
Mr. Lennihan, did you
understand the question?
Mr. Lennihan,
did you understand
the question,
you piece
of pig fuck?
Did you understand
the question?
Answer the question!
This man
stole my money!
He wanted us
to invest
in offshore
You think
you're slick
talking to a judge
like that.
He's been under
a lot of stress.
You're cheating
with my wife,
humping her
in my car!
And you, you slut.
You can't mask this.
You got
brown babies at home.
I'm looking
for justice.
There's justice
and injustice!
I'm part
of the justice
I'm not just.
No! Ah ha ha ha!
Get away!
get away from him!
That's not bad.
My client seems
to have had a breakdown.
This is absolutely
The court must show
compassion in this case.
All right.
I'll remand your client
over to psychiatric
observation for 21 days.
But if in that time
his insanity isn't
established conclusively,
he'll start serving
his sentence immediately.
Now what
do you see there?
Uh, my first grade teacher
after I cut her throat.
Uh, she was a bitch.
That's me
drinking her blood.
I put my hand in it.
Made a print
on the wall.
Thank you.
I didn't think
I'd ever see her again.
Do you want me to call
the security guard
Oh, no.
Please, not yet.
[Unzips Pants]
Mr. Lennihan.
Mr. Lennihan!
Oh, please.
Can I keep this card?
No. I don't think so.
Ooh, just a minute.
Just a minute.
Ooh! Heh heh!
Ahh. Ahh.
Thank you,
Mr. Lennihan.
Hey, I'm crazy, right?
Hey, come on.
Sit down. It's
hospital rules.
I know.
I think she's going
to send me to prison.
I don't think
she bought it.
I thought
we had her this time.
She's seen
a lot of scams.
We have to invent
a new approach
to insanity.
I was in there
trying to wank off.
I believe she was
wanking off, too.
Police chopper 43
to Empire General Hospital.
You sure it's safe
to land on the island?
Yes, but head back A.S.A.P.
Storm's building fast.
The big story
is Hurricane Sam,
a storm roaring
up the coast,
headed straight
for the Big Apple.
Traffic advisories
are in effect
on all highways.
Watch your leg.
Hey, Maggie.
What have we
got here?
Stucky, Joe.
Murder. Drugs.
He's a real animal.
Kicked the shit
out of him in his cell.
Put him
in the waiting room.
Got you. Come on.
♪ Home, home
on the range ♪♪
wasting your money
betting on horses.
The real bread
is in the stock market,
with the possible
of Monty's Dream
in the fifth.
I'm home!
Hi, Lennihan.
Hey, got you something.
Oh, thanks.
Wow, who is she?
Hey, this way.
What did
the shrink say?
The shrink
said strike three.
They won't let you stay.
They won't let me go.
They're going
to let you out.
Still think
you're a black man?
Say get down, blood.
No problem.
You're going to be fine.
You'll be home
with this guy.
You're fucking crazy, man.
Bouncy, bouncy. Boing.
Stroke. Stroke.
Hey, go get them!
Come on.
Watch that wave.
Damn it.
What is going on?
Do you
want to live?
If they
let you out today,
what you
going to do,
shake hands
with Sal Palazzi?
I don't have to remember
if I want to live.
You think I'm crazy?
A little wallpaper
would fix
this place right up.
Hi, Maggie.
Chambers is
looking for you.
Yikes, traffic
was impossible.
You have a pen?
He's hassling me
about everything.
That's because
he's having palpitations
about finally
putting me in charge.
It's not going
to be easy tonight.
A hurricane
won't spoil my debut.
Miss Atwood,
you're late.
We've got a lot
to go over.
Can Julie and Karen
stay on tonight?
It's not
your average night.
Every night
is average.
That's what
average means.
Why aren't
people sent home
when it's slow?
When is it slow?
Woof! Woof! Woof!
Box, the dog
is on my bed.
That's my pillow.
He's just guarding it.
He's not guarding
the damn pillow.
He's marking
his territory.
I'll mark
his territory.
Get your ass
off my bed!
Fido. Fido.
Fido. Fido. Here!
He ain't
no bad dog, really.
He tried
to eat me up!
Out to lunch, man.
Out there.
Woof! Woof!
The staffing chart
looks fine,
but who's
Dr. Slattery?
He's running
the emergency room tonight.
Very experienced.
Worked for me
at Woodhurst General.
This weekend
will be tough.
Let's see how you do.
Wasn't Maggie right
about those extra nurses?
Good administrators
don't take their staff's
point of view.
You know that, don't you?
Well...yes, of course.
Haven't had much luck with
these new walkie-talkies.
We should
send them back.
To Pic 'n Save?
Mr. Chambers?
Trouble in Psychiatric.
Lennihan's got them
climbing the walls.
I'll be right up.
Do you
want me to go?
I'll deal with this
on my way out.
I'll see you Monday.
You have a nice weekend.
Dr. Slattery was
going to stop by
he got started.
He must have got
caught in traffic.
Oh, Rachel...
run this hospital.
[Growling, Barking]
Come on, Lennihan.
Come on, boy!
Break it up in here!
It's some
territorial dispute.
The big dog took
the little dog's toy.
Lennihan, is that
the best you can do?
After reading what
you pulled on that judge,
I was hoping for something
more entertaining.
Dr. Hoffman already
sent me her evaluation.
You're off
to jail in the morning.
Don't try peeing
on my leg.
That won't
change my mind.
Escort Mr. Lennihan
to a locked private room
so he doesn't disturb
the real patients.
Oh, shit.
Leave him alone!
What's the matter
with you?
He'll die in prison!
Box, take it easy!
This is none
of your business.
Get back to your bed.
Make me.
You're making him
go to prison.
You're making me
go to bed?
Is that what
you're going to do?
You're going to make me,
You ain't going to
make me do nothing!
You ain't going to make
nobody do nothing,
we're on strike!
We're on strike!
We're on strike!
We're on strike!
We're on strike!
We're on strike!
We're on strike!
Excuse me.
Excuse me!
I'm touched by your concern
for Mr. Lennihan,
but unless you return
to your bunks immediately,
I'm closing this ward
and having
you all transferred
to a prison
for the criminally insane.
Not Dannemora.
They'll eat these
fruits alive there!
You heard
what Mr. Box said!
So everyone who prefers
this warm, safe hospital,
return to your bunks.
No! Nobody move!
Box, don't!
Nobody has to go
not nobody.
Box! Don't make it
bad for yourself.
Look. It's going
to be all right.
I fucked up.
I'm going to
the penitentiary.
You ain't going nowhere.
Nobody is going nowhere!
What are you trying
to pull, Chambers?
What happened
to the lights?
Man, you'll all die!
Get back
in your beds!
We got to stop this!
If you stay,
you're dead tomorrow.
Soup's on now, guys!
Let's raid the pharmacy!
Yeah! They got nurses
with big tits!
They're taking
Lennihan away!
Can't let
those guys loose
in the hospital,
Parts of the city
are blacked out,
but our grid is
totally wiped out.
Great. No power
on the island.
Nowhere to go but up.
All right!
Emergency generator
right on schedule.
That generator only
puts out half the power.
A lot of the hospital
still has no juice.
Tommy Pinto
fell off the roof!
Why was he up there?
Chambers sent him.
Where is Chambers?
Gone for the weekend.
Miss Atwood's in charge.
I fell off
the fucking roof.
Can you move
your legs
and neck?
Get him a C-spine.
Jack, call my wife,
will you?
Where the hell's
our E.R. doctor?
I can't diagnose
this by myself.
How do I get
a hold of you?
I can't stick around
giving out
a forwarding address.
I'm out of here.
Go to Chambers' office
and pick up your files.
Go upstairs
and make a right.
Make a right?
Rachel, don't
forget about the O.R.
What about
Chambers' lab?
It's got
its own generator.
Chambers spared no expense.
That's why--
Is there
anything else
you need down here?
Bring back
the two girls
you sent home.
Oh, shit!
Get me some
no oxygen pumping.
I need someone
to help me dress her.
Just go over there!
Where's Doris?
Where did she go?
Why should
the emergency generator work?
Nothing else does!
Get Maintenance
on the phone.
What phone?
It just went dead.
It is no more.
You clown!
I'm going to twist
your head off.
Dennis, what's the story
with the generator?
Checking it
out now, lady.
Great. I haven't
got Tommy's X-rays.
How long will it take?
Get off my case,
You'll know when
it's fixed, O.K.?
The generator
worked before,
so they'll get it
working again.
The E.R. doctor's
going to be here soon.
The most important thing
for us to do
is to get on
with the work.
Dr. Slattery?
Got me!
Edward Slattery?
Edward Slattery?
Thank God I found you.
I'm Rachel Atwood,
Arthur's assistant.
I know
the conditions aren't
what you expected,
but I'm doing absolutely
the best I can.
I'll find
the disaster manual
and see if I can
get some information.
Excuse me.
Oh, great.
This book isn't too old.
There's a chapter
on leeches.
I'll have to use
my best judgment.
Guess so.
What's this?
"Lennihan, Kevin."
Oh, Chambers
took care of that.
So let's go,
Dr. Slattery.
Go? Where?
To E.R.
You've got a herd
waiting for you.
Go. Start without me,
and I'll be right down.
I'm not an M.D.
I'm an administrator.
We've got
to go now, Doctor.
I've got to scrub up.
Doctor, are we ready?
Call me Eddie, please.
I'll call you Rachel.
Rachel, Eddie.
Eddie, Rachel?
Did Chambers mention
that I can't
stay very long?
I have things to do.
I'm going
to other hospitals.
Bring some plaster.
We got a broken leg.
Take care of it.
There's Maggie,
the charge nurse.
Tell her you're here.
I'll see Maintenance.
Check the light packs.
It's possible
they weren't recharged.
Put down
that pillow, Tony,
and take this lantern
over to the drug room.
Take the pillow.
You have two hands.
Maggie, she's stitched up.
I need someone
to help me dress her.
Gwen, help Dr. Joffe
with the dressing.
Don't talk back.
Just go.
Excuse me.
I have an emergency.
Dr. Foster,
what are you doing?
We can't run
an operating room
by candlelight.
I've rescheduled
all elective surgery
until the day
after tomorrow.
Things should be
fixed then.
the O.R. nurses
and orderlies
as you see fit.
That was
a close one.
Aren't you going
to help out down here?
Miss Atwood,
you're standing on
a malpractice time bomb.
I won't be around
when it explodes.
Nothing's wrong
with my head.
You've never seen it
from this angle.
I want to go home.
I got to check
on my Mercedes.
What do I do with
all these people?
Don't admit them
to our hospital.
Send them home.
You can't take that!
That's my ambulance!
Yo! I'm out of here!
Huh? Oh!
Oh! Aah!
The causeway's out!
The causeway's out?
Who are you?
Dr. Slattery.
Who are you?
Dr. Foster.
Doctor, we got
the same first name.
I want a ride back
to the hospital.
Hey, give me more
slack out there!
[Speaking Spanish]
This is a great
idea, Dr. Joffe.
Young Dr. J. is just
full of great ideas.
How many headlights
do you have?
You left your
stethoscope at home?
Thank you for the ride.
Hey, Doc, where the hell
is my ambulance?
I got it washed.
What happened?
Dr. Slattery?
Yeah. What's
your problem?
What happened?
The causeway
And the ambulance
Weren't you
treating the patients?
I was
treating patients,
and then
I saw the storm.
I knew we should
evacuate everybody.
That was
my diagnosis.
Shouldn't these guys
be driving the ambulances?
You're right. Uh...
what's your name?
Dr. Joffe.
Got out of med school
three months ago.
I got hemorrhoids
older than that.
You'd send people
out in weather
like this
first ascertaining
the risk?
If you didn't
want to get
your hands dirty,
you should have
went into law.
Me? I wasn't saying...
Dr. Slattery.
Dr. Slattery.
Dr. Slattery.
E.R.'s this way.
is probably home now
with his feet up,
a double scotch.
He loves them
double scotches.
I should call him.
No! Don't do that.
Oh, right.
Phones are dead.
Dr. Slattery,
here's what we have.
We have a roof worker
that fell down.
He hasn't been X-rayed.
A guy's been struck
by lightning.
We have a regular.
We have
an auto accident
with contusions.
We have a possible labor--
six kids, all here.
We have a broken leg.
We need a doctor
in the detox ward
because the medicine men
are screaming for medicine.
I can't pass myself off
as a doctor.
I couldn't pass myself off
as a lunatic.
This is easier.
None of these
assholes know
what they're doing.
Tell everybody
they got the clap
and give them shots.
Somebody will recognize
I'm not Dr. Slattery.
Nobody keeps track
of these emergency
They work a bunch
of shifts.
They make
their money
and disappear.
You're perfect
for the job.
Only if Chambers
doesn't show up.
I'll go to Psych
and check it out.
I'm a doctor.
I'm a doctor.
Doctor, we need
those dispositions.
Ladies and gentlemen,
can I have
your attention?
The problem with
the medical profession today
is too much buck-passing.
No shit.
You depend on me.
I'm moonlighting.
I do the business
and go.
Depend on yourselves.
You got good minds.
You're brilliant.
Screen those patients
for me.
Nurse, help him out.
Give me
your recommendations.
Remember what
Hippocrates said.
Now go to work.
Well, go to work!
Let's go!
Work, work!
One more time, Chambers.
What did you do
with the lights?
You're always keeping
us in the dark.
I don't know
what's going on.
Maybe the whole
city's blacked out.
Oh, yeah, right. Sure.
Suffering delusions
of grandeur.
Give me
the goddamn radio,
and I'll find out.
What will you do
with the radio, Chambers,
call in
the S.W.A.T. team?
Are we going to sit here
like this all night?
We'll sit
here forever!
We'll sit here...
just as long...
as I have my hands
around your scrawny
pecker neck!
Nobody is going to
send us to Dannemora.
Who said anything--
Shut up, fuckhead!
Oh, Dr. Slattery.
Dr. Slattery, please!
What seems to be
the problem?
Have you tried
prune juice?
Of course.
The last time
I went was a week,
and that wasn't
such a good one.
A warm bath does
the trick for me.
Doctor, she's taking
Dulcolax suppositories,
and nothing's moving.
She won't be able
to do it by herself.
We'll have to do
a manual disimpaction.
Get the manual.
What's that for?
Oy, not this again.
What's the matter?
You got to be kidding.
Dr. Joffe!
Dr. Joffe! Dr. Joffe!
Get over here!
It's an emergency.
Take care of it.
Boy's going to wish
he went to law school.
I need some more
Coming right up.
O.K., Joffe,
what is it?
There's no
diagnosis yet.
She hasn't been
examined, sir.
You haven't
examined her yet,
and you have
magic hands?
What will you do
with these magic hands?
Wash them, sir.
They were just up
Mrs. Nussbaum's
magic butt.
I've given you
the glamorous jobs.
Examine this patient.
I have lots to do.
Now examine
this patient.
Yes, sir.
Get your ass out here.
But, sir--
You disgust me, Joffe.
Go wash your magic hands.
Get your magic ass out.
Under the curtain.
Go, quick, now.
Go, go. Quick, quick.
Excuse me.
What a cute coat.
Why, thank you very much.
What seems
to be the trouble?
Oh, well,
it hurts all over.
and here...
and especially
Doctor will make it
all better.
Steth-- Cool off.
What do you hear?
Oh, I hear, uh...
I hear a little
tiny voice.
And it's saying,
"Eddie, you're one
lucky son of a bitch."
I just love a dedicated
man in medicine.
They just give so much.
It makes me want to give
them something back.
Yes. Dedicated.
That's me.
I'm a dedicated
I'm a real
dedicated doctor.
This is the best day
of doctoring for me.
I love caring men.
Oh, I care.
My friend's a cynic.
He says tell everybody
they have the clap
and give them a shot.
Can you imagine that?
You wouldn't have
to tell me that.
Oh, no?
Because that's
why I'm here.
I already have the clap.
[Zips Up Zipper]
Dr. Joffe!
What the hell
are you doing, Doc,
building a wall?
No. This is
the latest technique.
When the cast
is real big,
the bone sets harder.
You're going to like this.
This is good.
I'd like you
to do me a favor.
When you take
this cast off,
I'd like my ring back.
It's in here, see?
This is good.
This will set good.
Dr. Slattery,
could I see you
for a moment?
Dr. Foster,
take over for me!
There's an emergency!
[Speaking Spanish]
Try this for size.
[Speaking Spanish]
Excuse me, Doctor.
Nurse, this could
be serious.
Excuse me, Doctor.
Why don't you
just go weigh
You have
the pressure--
Well, no wonder.
It's an '82 model.
They should have
recalled these.
Anything else
I can do for you?
That's the woman
who's here for treatment.
She's her cousin.
Could have something
that runs in the family.
You never know.
Have them both X-rayed.
She says
her husband left her,
and it hurts all over.
X-rays won't
show anything.
You see?
It won't hurt.
Look. See?
Excuse me.
She's not crying
What did he say?
He said my husband
is no good anyway
and that he thinks
that I have a nice--
You know...ass,
and that maybe we'll
go dancing tomorrow night.
[Men Shouting]
I thought we
had emergency power.
Where the hell
is it?
They're restoring it.
I've got four nurses.
How many do you need?
I'm keeping people
alive by hand.
I could use at least
three per bed.
Oh, God. I'll get you
everybody I can spare.
There's a patient
with a D.B.T.
He threw a P.E.
He could have an M.I.
We know
how serious that is.
I need
a second opinion.
Is that why your parents
worked so hard
to send you
to medical school?
My parents are wealthy.
Would they be interested
in a little cineplex?
$50,000 down--
Your opinion's
as good as anyone's.
I'm counting
on you today.
Don't let me down.
Thank you, sir.
You're great.
What are you doing?
a first-year intern
make that diagnosis
That's an
engraved invitation
to litigation.
Precisely the issue
of Blowfield
vs. St. Jude's,
a settlement
of $3 million.
What are you
trying to pull?
what is the matter?
This guy's gone crazy.
Miss Atwood,
your emergency generator--
Forget about it.
You'd need a miracle
to get juice in that
by the morning.
Morning? People are
being kept alive by hand.
That can't
go on all night.
What can we
do tonight, boss?
We've been after
Chambers for months.
I didn't
hear anything--
This is a joke.
People will die
here tonight.
She only wants
to know what it costs.
You've been running
this hospital
into the ground.
pointing the finger
at Rachel,
that will fix
the generator?
We need people
up in I.C.U., right?
We can't spare
anybody from here.
We'll get people
somewhere else.
That's easy to say.
It's easy to do, too.
Follow me.
Eddie, what
are you doing?
Just a minute.
I'm a master of persuasion.
Ladies and gentlemen...
can I have
your attention, please?
We need your help.
What is he doing?
I been here
five hours.
What's going on?
This is
our head orderly Louis.
Get to know him.
And, remember
when you were kids
and you had
your temperature taken?
What is he
talking about?
Tonight's going
to be your turn,
a chance to help
your fellow man.
to the doctor.
He's been sent here
by some
law firm.
You can't have
patients working
in a hospital.
Look, I'm your doctor.
I'm going to prescribe
for you...exercise.
It's good for
the cardiovascular system.
It'll help you.
You'll walk--
iEscuchen el doctor!
If anything
we'd be liable.
I don't have any choice,
do I?
Well, this
is anarchy.
Do I?
You need
most of all.
Come on.
I'm no doctor.
I know you're not,
but you need
Watch the kids.
Come on up.
Come on up.
Thanks, Eddie.
It's my pleasure.
Get me out of here.
Let's go this way.
I.C.U. is this way.
Follow me.
Follow Louis.
Where are you going?
To I.C.U.
You're an emergency
room doctor.
Eddie, the orderly
will take them.
Tony Pinto's feeling
tingling in his legs.
I'm really worried.
What do you
think it might be?
Who knows without
a CAT scan?
What happened
to the cat?
there's no power.
The lights are out.
I know where
some lights are--
the helipad.
They got
their own
That's fine,
but who will move it?
The medicine men
in Detox. They're
sitting around.
I'll go get on it.
I'll take care of it.
They won't
listen to you.
Thank you, but remember,
administration's my job.
Miss Atwood.
She won't listen.
That woman has no idea
what she's doing.
We're talking about
a class action suit
against this hospital,
and you're
encouraging it.
What kind
of gypsy doctor are you?
Is that
a formal accusation
or libelous hearsay?
My lawyer's on call
24 hours a day
to take care of nitwits
like you.
You'll be on your ass
like white on rice.
I wasn't
suggesting anything.
I accept your apology...
this time.
I'm sorry.
Get with Joffe,
help him with Tommy Pinto,
and move your ass.
Dr. Slattery!
I'm going to pee.
I don't need
a second opinion.
I know how to hold it.
Do I need
a second opinion?
He doesn't need
a second opinion.
[People Chattering]
Mr. Stucky.
You here for the cure?
Yeah. They let you
out of prison?
I scammed those suckers
in the joint
with "my leg is falling off"
How am I going
to get out of here?
I don't know, man.
Can I have
your attention?
I need my meth!
I'll get you
all the drugs you want.
You two over there,
this involves
you, too.
Get me off the island.
Come on.
Let's go.
Now! Now!
Come on,
So this is
an out of the ordinary
and a highly
unusual request,
but this is
a highly unusual situation,
and we really do
need the manpower.
I thought this was
supposed to be
a drug program,
not a job program.
Ain't that right,
So just
give us our dope.
♪ My girl likes to
party all the time ♪♪
Take it easy
before you
wear this stick.
Tell them again.
The man's serious.
You done woke him up
from his nap.
Come on.
I got
a program, too,
but I got good news
and bad news.
The good news is
I got the methadone.
O.K., O.K., O.K.
What is
the bad news?
You'll have
to work for it.
That's terrible.
Rachel asked for help
and you jaw-jacked her.
Well, I won't take
no jaw-jacking
'cause I'm
going to split.
I didn't come here
to work, Doc.
I came to relax.
I can't work.
Praise the Lord!
He can't work!
Hey, man!
Hey, come on, man.
What's the matter?
Hey, Doc, I thought we
were junkies, not flunkies.
Well, you thought wrong.
Thought you had to piss,
but you had to shit.
Now, listen to me!
Do we have a deal?
Say yes.
Yeah. Yeah.
You guys have
made an important
career decision.
♪ The junkies
on the go ♪
♪ The junkies
on the go ♪
♪ Hi-ho,
the methadone ♪
♪ The junkies
on the go ♪♪
Hup, 2, 3, 4.
Boogie down.
You, keep
your end up.
Get out
of my face!
We don't talk
to our doctor like that.
I can give you
shock treatment,
clean your brains out
if you got any.
Now keep it up
and see what happens.
If someone needed
to get off the island,
like, say they were
going to get killed--
I mean, they were sick--
could they use that boat?
I have the key,
but you can't
do anything
when it's like this.
Yeah, but
when it's nice.
Yeah, it's possible.
Good to know.
All right, men, let's go.
Who said anything
about Dannemora?
Where do I sign?
Lights out at 10:00,
cable TV...
[Bell Rings]
and dirty movies.
Sodas whenever
we want them.
with bigger tits.
[Ring Ring]
A wonderful idea.
Well, that should
be no problem.
Anything else?
No? Terrific.
Now, don't sign this...
if you don't want to.
Now, if I
can just have
that radio back.
What did you
do to Lennihan?
Me? You all saw
what happened.
You sent him
away to Palazzi...
or to medical
We're next!
We're next!
Woof! Woof!
We're next!
Wait a minute!
Wait a minute!
I can see
you guys are
too smart for me.
I'm going
to level with you.
Lennihan was
an undercover
for the board
of health.
The board of health.
Oh, you're just
too good, Chambers.
You really are.
What do
we do now?
What do we do?
We gag that maggot
before I rip
his lying lips off.
Woof woof!
Woof woof woof!
You could puke a buzzard
off a gut wagon.
[Engine Starts]
you're our hero.
I am?
Way to go, Doc!
That was great, Jack.
My toaster's
on the fritz.
You can
fix it tomorrow.
Your oven, too.
We're not out
of the woods yet.
Dr. Slattery,
someone here says
he works for you.
You'd better
see him.
I'm busy.
Show me where
the Demerol is,
and I'll Ben Casey
my own ass.
Get me Dr. Joffe.
Good luck.
You're supposed
to be working.
Hey, Doc. Doc.
Don't waste your time, man.
Help those people
who can be saved, man.
Throw me in bed
and forget about me.
To make sure my last days
are comfortable,
keep me
highly medicated.
You-You know
my condition.
Yes, I do.
You're suffering
from a severe case
of full-of-shit-ness.
Would you give me that
in layman's terms?
I'm checking you out.
No, I told you, Doc--
Ow! Ow!
What is that, man?
I don't like
the way that sounds.
No shit.
I don't like
that one either.
Did you
just experience
a sharp pain?
No, a blow job.
What do you think?
How's the patient,
Can I vote?
I'm feeling
pretty groovy, actually.
I just can't do
that kind of work
because of my hernia.
Dr. Joffe, check this man
for a hernia, please.
Great. Another
one of those
glamour jobs.
O.K., drop trou.
[Cough Cough
Cough Cough]
He seems fine.
Squeeze harder.
Sometimes it's inside.
I am coughing, man.
I'll cough up
a fucking lung
if this guy
will let go my balls.
But, sir--
We're trying
to save a life!
should I schedule
immediate surgery?
Yes. We'll check him
from the inside out.
No, we don't!
I want to work!
I want to work!
Dr. Joffe,
he's cured!
Rachel, Dr. Joffe,
uh, that will be all.
And, Joffe--
I know, sir.
Wash my hands.
Eddie, I never really
had any doubts about you,
even though
your colleagues
thought, uh--
What did
my colleagues
Let's say
you hung in there
when the shit
hit the fan.
That's because I'm
a shit-in-the-fan dodger
from way back.
I got into medicine late.
What did you do
I sold real estate,
made investments,
property, land.
I was doing pretty good.
I had a lot
of investors.
was going O.K.
One day I looked
at myself in the mirror,
said, "Eddie, this ain't
the life for you."
I went
to medical school.
Oh. What school?
What's it like
running a hospital?
I mean,
being in charge
of everything,
like the food
and the strawberry
Jell-O's and things
like that.
I'd like to speak to you
about the strawberry Jell-O's.
I want them
strawberry Jell-O's.
If you can believe it,
tonight's my tryout
for the job.
Hey, Rachel...
you're doing a great job
running this hospital,
and you're a lot
prettier than Chambers.
Thank you.
I got to fix food,
Miss Atwood,
Miss Atwood.
This is Mary in I.C.U.
It must be 110
without air conditioning.
We've got to do something.
I'll take care of it, Mary.
Don't panic. You fix
the sandwiches.
I'll go up to I.C.U.
with Mary.
Thank you.
[Speaking Spanish]
Hey, you
goofing off again?
Trying to mobilize
everybody for I.C.U.
We're moving
the helicopter
into the lobby.
Blow air up
the elevator shafts.
Say "ah."
To the lobby,
Come on.
Let's go.
Can you get it
through the door?
Don't worry.
It's foolproof.
I'll take a sandwich,
that's what I'll do.
Pull! Pull!
Come on, men.
We almost got it up.
One more time.
1, 2, 3.
Oh, my God.
Eddie, you said
it would fit
through the door.
Well, it's close.
I've got to get it
by the elevator shaft,
then I'll blow air
the whole hospital.
These guys will help,
because I only need it
up the steps.
Right, men?
You'll give it a try?
One more time!
1, 2, 3.
you did your best.
Get them to I.C.U.
Guys, follow me
up to I.C.U., O.K.?
Anybody here know
about choppers?
Sir, I am a expert
in choppers, Doc.
The Slicks,
the Sikorskys,
all of the Hueys,
the "A," the "B,"
the "C," the "D" model,
Airwolf, Blue Thunder,
and this one here--
the Huey 500 D.
I know this sucker
backwards and forwards.
You wouldn't
bullshit me?
No, I wouldn't
shit you.
Get in.
Well, you see,
I was a chopper mechanic
in the big
Asian vacation.
Never got
off the ground
because of my fear
of heights.
But if you put somebody
behind that stick,
I can definitely
show you how.
Eddie, we don't
have time.
We've got to evacuate
the I.C.U.
Any volunteers?
Bring it on up.
Easy, now. Easy.
Too much
left pedal!
Ease your side
stick forward!
My what?
Your steering stick.
A little more
up-and-down stick!
Are you talking
about my dick?
I hope he knows
what he's doing.
No sweat. He told me
he owns one of those.
O.K., O.K., O.K.
That's it. Easy.
Up, up, up.
It's a piece of cake.
Slow! Slow!
[Machine Gun Fire]
Oh, shit!
That's the 50s!
Left! Left!
I'm turning left!
Are you freaking out?
Rocket fire!
Evade! Evade!
What? Evade what?
This ain't Vietnam!
To the right!
To the right!
You fucking crazy?
Oh, shit.
They blew up my stash.
Oh, God.
I'm out of drugs.
You stoned fuckhead!
How do I land this thing?
Don't land!
Take it up!
Back to base, man!
The pad's too hot!
Take it up!
Take it up!
Don't land!
The war's over,
you fuckhead!
I'll die in this
Don't land!
Don't land!
All right!
Way to go!
Nice job!
I'm going
to grab his heart
and pull it
out of his ass.
You get
the Distinguished
Flying Cross, Doc.
Help! Help!
Cough. Good.
It's going to be fine.
It's going to be fine.
He was having a fit.
Well, it worked.
What do you think?
I'll wake up any minute
and laugh my head off.
You can't
go to sleep now.
There's work to do.
Got to get
the generator going
and bail out
the basement.
Your troops
look wasted.
Do what you
got to do in E.R.
I'll take care
of my troops.
Thank you.
I'll be right back.
Don't forget
about me.
These X-rays
are meaningless.
You need
an artist's sketch?
No, a CAT scan.
We can't, Doctor.
There's no power
Dr. Slattery!
Tommy Pinto has
an epidural hematoma
of the spine.
The longer
we wait to operate,
the greater the risk
of paralysis.
He's jumping
to conclusions.
No, I'm not.
We don't have
the proper information--
The symptoms
are obvious.
What else
could it be?
It could be--
Let's just say,
for argument's sake,
he needs
an operation.
We don't have
an operating room, do we?
We don't?
No. There's
no power up there.
It's inconceivable
to perform that kind
of delicate surgery
here in the emergency
room, isn't it?
I mean, would you?
No, I never have.
The air is filled
with bacteria, germs.
It's not antiseptic.
We can't expose
the central nervous
system to a lawsuit.
What if we
can't restore
power in time?
Pull yourself
Wait! Wait!
Shh! Shh! Shh!
act like doctors.
What's wrong
with you guys?
Hey! Will
somebody tell me
what is going on?
Would you
look at Tommy?
He won't even
look at him.
It's not my domain.
It's your domain.
Yes, it is.
I'm only
the intern.
I'm a surgeon.
I never talk to patients--
Until after--
before surgery.
You have
to go in there,
Dr. Slattery.
Dr. Slattery!
Dr. Slattery!
Listen, I'll go in.
I'll look at him...
Thank you, sir.
You're welcome.
Hey, Doc.
How you doing?
So how you doing,
Tommy Pinto?
So what's
the story here?
The story is...
you should have
used a ladder.
you a diabetic?
What's your
favorite flavor?
That's mine, too.
They just don't put
enough reds in here.
You're welcome.
Hey, Doc.
Can you look
at my legs?
I can't feel nothing.
That's bad, isn't it?
It's not as bad
as you think it is.
We'll just put a heating pad
on for a couple days,
and it'll be O.K.?
You're a lucky man.
I mean, you could have
fallen off a roof
anywhere, right?
But you fell off here
at the hospital.
There are a lot of good
people around, man,
that are going to
take care of you.
So you're
going to be fine.
You're going to be fine.
Hey, Doc, you're not
bullshitting me, are you?
Doc, what
do you think?
Eddie, what's up?
You see...
I've been getting
a free ride.
Some man down the end
of the hall,
if he doesn't get
an operation,
he may be crippled
the rest of his life.
I can't keep
this bullshit up.
But you have to.
I know how
worried you are.
I'm not who
you think I am.
You'll get
the O.R. going.
Listen to me.
Every time
we've been up
against the wall,
you made us
believe anything
was possible.
You made me
believe it, too.
Yeah, I could, uh--
We could try.
O.K., let's try.
Did we get
in those boxes?
Yes, uh,
they're right here.
Great. The anesthesia
equipment is working.
Check this beat.
Nice stuff.
I mean, it's great.
Here we go,
Dr. Foster.
Very romantic.
This is what you
brought me up here for?
You expect me to operate
under these conditions?
Who are you people?
Miss Atwood, you are
an incompetent fool.
Everything you've done
has jeopardized this hospital.
I won't be a party
to your criminal behavior.
Dr. Foster!
You son of a bitch,
she's trying to help.
I'll break nine
of your fingers,
but I'll leave one to shove
up your pompous ass!
Can you operate
or not?
If something happened,
I'd have no defense.
You'll leave him
because you're afraid
you'll get sued?
Are you a doctor or some
chickenshit bureaucrat?
Why did we
go into medicine
in the first place?
Since becoming a doctor,
I've watched the medical
profession go to hell.
We aren't treated any better
than fly-by-night mechanics
or shoddy
house builders.
If the customer
isn't happy,
they haul us into court.
Where is the deference,
the trust?
The trust?
You're a penis head.
We're doctors!
People come and say,
"Doctor, help me, please,"
and we help them.
That's power.
You'll let your lawyers
scare you out of that?
We got the greatest jobs
in the world.
We can park anywhere!
loading zones--
No tickets.
We get aisle seats
at the theater.
There you go.
Is there a fire?
What's going on?
I have no choice.
are we going?
Chambers' research lab.
This is
a mutiny.
What are
you doing?
Nice shot.
Watch your foot.
What is this,
the cafeteria?
I suppose you
think that's funny.
This is
criminal behavior.
You can't--
This is breaking
and entering.
Miss Atwood!
Can this generator
light the O.R.?
I--I--I don't
see why not.
My God!
What is Arthur
going to say?
No. This is Arthur's baby.
This isn't
Arthur's baby.
This is
Arthur's baby!
This is an emergency
I've got to deal with.
Stop! You're throwing
your career out the window.
What is
your problem?
It's a risk
I've got to take.
Right, Eddie?
No! Stop!
Miss Atwood! Aah!
Oh! What are
we doing?
What about it,
Dr. Foster,
can you perform
the operation?
Oh. What a mess!
The power's on,
so can you?
Anything to get
out of here.
I'll get it moved.
Dr. Slattery, I'd be
pleased to have you assist
me in the surgery.
♪ Mmm ♪
♪ Mmm ♪
♪ Mmm... ♪♪
Dr. Slattery.
We have to go.
I know, but I'm
not yet, uh...
They're waiting for us.
Dr. Slattery.
Germs? Germs?
I'm just trying
to get sterile.
Sterile enough?
I don't know
if you've done this.
It's a challenging
Without the CAT scan,
we can't pinpoint
the hematoma.
A lot of spine
may be exposed--
a very delicate
From the symptoms,
it should be
between T-9 and T-10.
Doctor...I don't think
I'm the man for this job.
I don't understand.
I don't want to know.
I don't care
who you are.
Send Joffe up here,
keep your hands
in your pockets,
and run this hospital.
Thank you, Doctor.
Do we have enough
I.V. fluid?
I need a hand.
Get these kids
out of here, please.
Please get these children
out of here!
[Speaking Spanish]
Doctor, she's
fully dilated.
She's having a baby?
Yes. It come out
like a gum ball.
Rachel, hold her hand
while she bear down.
O.K., dear.
Yes, come on.
She's got my arm.
Push. Push.
Take deep breaths.
Good girl.
Oh, she's a good girl.
There was a head.
It went back up,
but it was a head.
O.K. Good girl,
good girl.
Breathe slow.
Breathe slow.
Good girl.
Good girl.
You're doing well.
Another one is coming!
You know
what to do.
You've done
this before.
Good. Good.
Oh, another one!
Push now.
Oh, my God!
It's coming!
It's coming out.
It's a baby!
Doctor, catch it!
Oh, my God.
It's a baby boy.
It's a boy.
It's a baby.
It's a baby.
It's a baby.
We could use suction.
It's a baby boy.
Look at the nuts
on your baby!
you cut the cord.
My God, baby.
Hold him.
You should be very
proud of yourself.
Doctor, would you mind
giving him back
to Mommy now?
Good girl.
You're a good girl.
You did well.
Here's your baby.
That's your mommy.
It's my baby.
Thank you, Doctor.
Thank you.
You're a good mommy.
You got a good
baby, too.
You act as if you've
never seen one.
Oh, I've seen them.
Every time I...
deliver a baby, it's...
it's like
the first time.
It's a baby.
worked out great.
He's fine.
Thank you, Doctor.
Thank you.
You deserve
a victory cigar.
What's your
favorite flavor?
Red! Shit!
I'll never get one.
You saved
his life, you know.
Me? You did.
No, you did.
A team effort.
You and me a team?
We make a good team.
Doctor, E.R.
Yeah, I--
Do you really
like moving
from hospital
to hospital,
never getting to know
the people you work with?
Is that a proposal?
It's an offer.
Well, I have been thinking
that I should...
be more serious
about my career.
O.K., junkies,
change shifts!
Shit, man!
Hey! Where the hell
did he come from?
Hey, man! Get up!
Come on! Help me
turn him over!
Give us a hand!
Help me here!
Hey! We got
a dead cop.
He washed in
from the ocean!
Call the E.R.!
Get a doctor!
The guy's dead.
Who was he?
That cop
who brought me in.
You killed him?
There's got to be
another key
for that boat.
You're in on this.
Hold the light.
New Yorkers woke up
after the biggest storm
in a decade
to find
widespread damage
and parts of the city
still without power.
This cop was strangled.
Have you seen a man
with blond hair,
blond beard,
and prison denims
since the blackout?
Please, girls,
think again.
I left him
in the radio room.
Wait a minute.
Why would
someone come back
if he's trying
to escape?
You kill a cop,
you try
to get away fast.
He's been dead
10 hours.
10 hours?
Causeway was
still in then.
It didn't go
until I tried
to escape--
I mean
Then there's
no problem.
He left when
the lights went out.
You don't
believe that.
I'll radio
the city police.
Rrr! Rrr! Rrr!
Come on, Box.
I go free, you go free.
You'll come next week
for dinner,
meet the wife and kids.
I ain't got no clothes.
I'll lend you
some of mine.
We'll let out
the shoulders
a little bit.
Miss Atwood,
come in, please.
Miss Atwood,
come in, please.
You'll never guess
where I've been all night.
I've been held hostage
in the psycho ward.
When you have
a free moment,
do you think you could
come up and let me out?
Oh, God!
Uh, yes!
Miss Atwood's
a witness
that I agreed
to these demands
of my own free will.
"Nurses with
bigger t--"
Just open
the door, Rachel!
Hold it!
I want Lennihan.
This guy makes me crazy.
Get me Kevin Lennihan!
I thought
we made a deal!
Kevin Lennihan.
I want him here.
Who are you
talking about?
Kevin Lennihan.
He's black like me,
in his late 30s
with a mustache.
He ain't crazy
like us.
Now, where is he?
Tell him he's gone!
Can you
describe him more?
He used to be
in real estate.
He owned
his own helicopter.
He ain't bonkers
like us.
He just acted that way
to stay out of jail.
He's crazy,
all right,
but just about
them damned
especially red.
Box, listen!
He didn't stick around.
Shut the fuck up,
He didn't
run out on us.
Listen to me, lady.
Either you bring
Kevin Lennihan
down here,
or sunshine here
ends up part of
the parking lot!
Now do you
get that?
Yes, sir.
Rachel! Talk
to these people!
Shut up, or I'm
going to feed you
to goddamned Fido!
Psst. Psst.
Mrs. Harwood,
no, ma'am. No, ma'am.
You know our condition.
Get it out of here.
Give her some juice.
How are we doing?
Fine, thanks.
I'll tell Dr. Joffe
you're O.K., O.K.?
He's going into law,
you know.
Hey! What's the game?
It's craps.
We're playing
with dice.
Mr. Lennihan.
Cheating you!
Mr. Lennihan.
How could you?
Stolen jewels
are one thing,
but you delivered
a baby.
What was going on
in your mind?
What if
it was breech?
A hundred things could have gone
I would have
been responsible.
You took
advantage of me.
I'm in trouble!
I'm history
in this hospital!
I tore open the front door
because of you.
I blew up
Chambers' lab!
I took all the risks.
You had fun playing
with people's lives.
Don't call me Rachel!
I'm Miss Atwood.
Think about where
you would have been
without me.
You made me believe
anything was possible.
You'd have fallen
on your face without me.
I don't deserve
this shit!
You deserve jail,
which is
where you're going
after you get your friends
to let Chambers go.
For what? You have
a heart bypass
Maybe a little
brain surgery?
Are you fucking crazy?
I'm not gonna let Chambers go
if they're sending me
to jail anyway.
If you want him out,
we have to make a deal.
Nobody goes
to Dannemora--
Nobody, especially Box.
I want your word on that--
No one goes to Dannemora.
but nothing
for you, right?
Wrong. I'm getting out
of your hospital.
All I want is to just bolt,
and I'm out of here, O.K.?
Now I know
who you are.
You're Lennihan.
Nothing for
nothing, right?
Call it like you see it.
Is it a deal?
This is what
you wanted,
isn't it?
Woof! Woof!
Lennihan! All right,
Lennihan, my man!
I knew he was
coming back!
What the hell's
going on?
I agreed
to two conditions--
He gets
safe conduct,
no one goes
to Dannemora,
then he'll get Box
to let you out.
It's a deal.
Look at you, man.
Eight hours ago,
you was a dog.
Now you're a doctor.
You make me proud
to be an American.
This reunion
is very touching.
Unless you really
want to get touched,
shut the fuck up
and get out of my face.
You got a way
with people, Box.
Chambers wanted
to let me out,
but I didn't think
it was a good idea.
No, not this way, Box.
probably right.
Yeah. Yeah,
you're right.
Man, you really
trust her.
She's a stand-up lady, Box.
Your word is gold
with me, Bubba, gold.
This is where I was headed
before I took a detour.
Had some fun,
made a friend.
Why is she
so pissed off at you?
I can't get it.
I do.
But you handled
everything like a pro.
I'm not a pro.
I'm a bullshitter,
just like she said.
I'm full of shit.
Get out of here, you,
and don't come back!
That bastard's
not getting away.
We made a deal.
Stop being a fool.
He's not getting off
this island.
A man's escaped from Psycho.
Secure the grounds.
The causeway's out.
He can't get off the island.
He's got to be
hiding in hospital.
Forget the grounds.
Turn the hospital inside out.
If he suffers
bodily injury
being recaptured,
nobody will be
That's a promise.
Everybody asked you
what to do, not her.
You had all
the great ideas.
She's a hard-ass.
I don't want to hear no more
about that lady, please.
Just untie me. I don't want
to take the dock with me.
I'm trying to get
this boat to run!
We needed the air.
There was no
You couldn't
tell a doctor
from a psychotic
con man?
Calm down.
We heard what
you've been through.
Terrible. Terrible.
But console yourself.
No matter
who Slattery was,
we didn't lose a single
life here tonight.
That's what's important.
You won't think
it's so important
when you're spending the rest
of your career in court.
What are you
talking about?
We can justify
We? What do you mean, we?
You were the senior
physician here!
Don't do this to me. We have to
stick together.
You went over the wall
on your own.
Don't expect this hospital
to share your liability
in disregarding
basic procedures!
But the situation
was such that--
You're looking
at a blizzard
of litigation!
Anyone walks out of here
with a common cold
has a good case
for malpractice!
roaming the halls,
prescribing diets...
dismembered ambulances,
and a helicopter
in my fucking lobby!
Oh, my God.
Why did I ever
become a doctor?
I could've been
a lawyer.
Given the shape
this hospital is in,
I don't see
what other choice
Dr. Foster had.
You'll be asking
yourself that question
for years
when you're
practicing medicine
in a small town
in Idaho.
You're finished
in this city.
These people
will thank you--
Fuck off!
You don't know what
you're talking about!
Thank you for your professional
opinion, Nurse Lesser.
For your performance
you'll be
back on the wards
emptying bedpans.
This is totally
uncalled for.
These people did
what had to be done.
If you insist on treating
these people like this--
I will resign.
That's the first helpful thing
you've done all night.
Go clean out
your desk.
[Fire Alarm Rings]
Keep going!
Keep going!
It's not your problem!
Ah, shit!
Get back! Get back!
Jail, remember?
The fire's
in the laundry room.
God, what next?
False alarm!
Be careful, please!
The fire's out back!
The fire's out back.
Get everybody out front!
You're going the wrong way!
Check on Tommy Pinto,
make sure he's O.K.
Please, go up to I.C.U.
We may have to evacuate.
All right,
everybody move it!
Get all these people
out in the front.
We may have to use
the front for fire victims.
Everybody move it!
Nobody's moving.
What's going on?
Do as he says!
Dr. Slattery,
great to have you back.
I'm Kevin Lennihan.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you,
Hey, Louis!
Pull out the hose!
Come on!
Get it straight!
not backwards!
It's hot, man!
I know, but hang in!
Don't give up on me now!
The exits are
in that direction.
Calm down.
The key to the boat!
The key!
I don't have it.
Don't lie to me.
Here, take them.
You come along
for insurance.
Give me more line!
Stay with it!
Him! Now he's trying to
burn down my fucking hospital!
Attention! Security!
Bring weapons
and sharp objects.
I've got you now!
Incitement to riot,
kidnapping, arson--
Fuck you!
Way to go, Chambers!
Sir? Sir. Miss Addison's
stuck in the basement.
Get this maniac.
He's not a doctor!
Why should they
listen to you,
huh, Chambers?
Arrest him.
That's an order.
Are you deaf?
Lennihan saved
your hospital.
That's right!
He's right.
You people
are as gullible
as the half-wits
in the psycho ward!
He's conned you all!
I'm a con man, huh?
What are you?
You've conned
these people
into believing you could
run this hospital.
They're scared
and pissed off at you.
You know why?
I'll tell you why.
You never let them
use their own minds.
Every time they do,
you come down on them.
They don't know how to deal
with it, so they panicked.
You've got some good people,
some real stars.
Besides that,
you got a great hospital.
This is a last-ditch
insanity plea.
You're telling me
how to run a hospital?
Industrial accidents!
Preventive maintenance is
the key. If you'd used that,
Tommy Pinto wouldn't have
went on the roof in a hurricane
and damn near
killed hisself.
Accidents happen.
Emergency generators!
They went out.
Chief administrator's
You tell him, Doc.
Nobody's interested
in these wild
Radio, TV, newspapers.
I know people
in the media.
They'd be glad to print
this kind of story.
These people here got
a lot of wonderful stories
they'd be willing
to tell the press.
You bet!
You don't want
to get her started.
Please help me, someone!
Security! Chambers!
I'm in the boiler room.
Stucky's after me.
He's still
on the island?
Oh, Christ!
Give me that.
Cover the grounds!
Who's Stucky?
Oh, my aching balls.
O.K. Let's do it.
Louis, I need help!
Can you hear me?
Send me up somebody, quick!
Aah! Oh.
Come on!
The key.
The key!
This is the end
of the road.
I don't think
I need you anymore.
No. Please, no.
We got the place surrounded.
Permission to move in.
[Using Different Voices]
I got the rotten bastard
in my sights.
Permission to fire.
Get that fucking
helicopter out of here!
Woof woof woof woof woof!
Awoo! Awoo!
Hey! I hope you guys get him
when they come out the door!
If they come out the back,
we got him.
What if they go back
in the hospital?
We can't have that!
Nobody's guarding the hospital!
Hey, this is Big Daddy
with a big 10-4.
What about the girl?
Fuck the girl.
We kill everybody.
No! Please!
Shit, sir!
Move it!
Which way
to the boat?
The door,
over there.
Rachel, run!
Get out!
Get out!
[Generator Cranking]
Come on! Come on!
You black bastard,
I'll kill you!
Rachel, get out!
Come on, get over here!
Get out, Rachel!
Where's the boat?
Over there.
Rachel! Rachel!
Damn you!
I'm gonna get
that motherfucker!
I'm O.K.
Woof! Woof! Woof!
Woof! Woof!
Woof! Woof! Woof!
Woof! Woof! Woof!
Come on! All right!
[Generator Starts]
Woof! Woof! Woof!
Nobody kicks my dog,
Oh, shit!
Motherfucker! Die!
You fucking
wimpo doctor!
I am not a doctor!
We some bad black
ain't we?
Damn right, Bubba.
You all right?
Take care of him!
Not them. Him!
All right.
Come on, Stucky!
Let's say your files
were destroyed in the fire.
You're free and clear.
You can start all over.
I like
the sound of that.
Get out of here,
Damn, Bubba.
You the man, Bubba.
You the man, Lennihan.
You take it
easy, Fido.
Why the hell couldn't you be
Dr. Slattery?
I wish I could be
who you wanted me
to be, but I'm not.
I think
that you might be...
Mr. Lennihan.
Would you like to have
dinner with me tonight?
I'd like that.
Very much.
Eight hours ago, I was
a lunatic in an insane asylum.
Now I got a yacht.
I met a nice lady.
Proud to be
an American.