Crayon Shin-chan: Very Tasty! B-class Gourmet Survival!! (2013) - full transcript

In the story, Shin-chan and the Kasukabe Defence Group members were supposed to go to the B-class Gourmet Carnival. But, just then, a mysterious person asked Shin-chan to deliver a sauce to the carnival.

A spring day, just like any other in Kasukabe.

A love story began between namaste and full bellies.

Shin-chan the Movie:

Ridiculously Tasty! B-class Food Survival!!

Kimi ga dashiteru chikara wa honto

The power you're unleashing is real

Kimi no honki no nan paasento

But how serious are you?

itsuka zenryoku hyaku paasento

One day, you'll be at full power

Sore wa tsukare chau kedo

But then you'll just be tired

Arigatou tte iu kimochi to

Whenever you are feeling thankful

Gomennasai tte iu kimochi wa

Or are feeling sorry

Chanto tsutaeta hou ga ii yo ne

Make sure you always let people know

Shoujiki ni nareru ka na

Can you become honest?

I'll be serious tomorrow

Ashita kara honki dasu kara

Nee nee nemu nemu gussuri shite kara no hou ga ii

I'll be better after a good night's sleep

That's right!

Boku no kimochi no hyaku paasento

I'll tell you, tell you

Todoke todoke kimi ni

All of my feelings for you

Sonna kimochi no nan paasento mo

But I haven't had enough practice

Renshuu ga tarinai kedo

With some of those feelings

Boku no kimochi no hyaku paasento

I'll tell you, tell you

Todoke todoke kimi ni

All of my feelings for you

Itsumo kawarazu genki de minna

Everyone will be full of energy

Egao ni nareru yo

And able to smile

We will!

Don Gourmeto! Pardon me, please!

Don Gourmeto!

No! Please!

Don Gourmeto!

Gentlemen, be elegant.

Now, let us continue the feast.

We are on our way to Kasukabe. There have not been any accidents so far.

Here is the guide, sir.



Bah! Those peasants are so proud to be B-class gourmets!

I will eliminate them all.

For the A-class gourmet!

For the A-class gourmet!

Ken Sauce

We are at Kasukabe, where the B-class gourmet festival is taking place.

We are at Kasukabe, where the B-class gourmet festival is taking place.

Now most of you know of the phrase

"class B gourmets"

- I want to eat those noodles.

- It defines many of the great afficionados.

Today, we'll have the traditional cheap cuisine.

The festival will open it's doors at 10 o' clock this morning.

Ridiculously tasty!

- Fast!

- And cheap!

B-class gourmet festival!

Get ready to eat!!

Mom! Dad!

t/n "Guruguru" means to spin around, while "me~", is a sound for a sheep's "baa"

They're celebrating the B-class

spinning baa festival here in Kasukabe!

- It's called the "B-class gourmet festival”.

- Get dressed, son.


- It's the frying monster who can't cook!

- Action Mask, I'm waiting!

I will not allow ... you to touch the B-class gourmet!

Ken Sauce!

We need some yakisoba!

Right away!

Teppan wa

The hot iron plate

Atsui suteji sa

Put it on to the heat

Hajikeru genki de

Super rich strips of meat.

O niku o yaite

You will get so hungry

Yasai wa

The veggies,

Yasashi-sa afure teru

You must not forget...

- So fresh!

- So fresh!!

Hosoku tatte futoku tatte

You will cut them well.

Men men men

Noodles, noodles, noodles...

Kogetsuku koto mo arukedo

Super hot, Super hot...

So hot that it'll burn your eyes.

Yuki wo dashite hera o furou

You gotta have courage and a spatula...

Sauce is love!

Sauce is love!

Sosu ga bokura o ai de tsutsumu

The sauce is full of love!

Sauce is love!

Sauce is love!

Shoku tte, tabete, waratte, ugoite ~

The final touches are done, I'm sending it out!

My yakisoba with my secret sauce is finished.

Action Kamen! It's Ken Sauce's Royal Noodles!

Looks delicious!

Delicious! Exquisite!



I'm at full power!

Action Kick!

You did it, Action Mask!

Thanks for giving me Ken's famous yakisoba!

A truly delicious mea-

I told you to get dressed.

I want to eat Ken's delicious noodles!

Well, you can start by eating a good breakfast.

You're going to miss the bus!

Did prices go up again?

Well, it's ruined...

Dad! I want to go to

the Kasukabe B-class gourmet festival!

I have to go to work, son.

Why do you have to go to work on such a good day?!

Someone could fill in for you!

On the other hand, I can get another dad to take me to eat noodles!

Yeah, son, but...

Dad, you're B-class!

That's not a compliment...

Stop bothering your father, Shin-chan.

Can you take me, Mom?

I can't. I have to take Hima to a medical check up.

We can go another day.

- Well, I wanna go now.

- Have a nice day!

Don't touch the B-class gourmet!

It's a saucepan who can't cook!

And finish it with an egg!

Hey, Kazama-kun.

Make yourself some algae

Don't talk about that.

Check out what I found!

I've come to show you something really cool!




It's the guide for the B-class gourmet festival!

Ken Sauce's yakisoba with sauce!

- Did you go, Nene-chan?

I haven't tasted Ken's noodles though.

The line was huge, but..

I ate a takoyaki burger and some empanadillas!

I love croquette skewers!

And I like curry.

But the best thing there is Ken Sauce's yakisoba!

Action Mask gained energy when he ate it!

I thought you didn't like kids shows, Kazama-kun.

I... I saw it while scrolling through channels!

I wish I could go back to try them...

Ken Sauce's Royal Noodles...

Well, I'll ask my mom!

Let's go together!

Let's all go to eat Ken Sauce's delicious Yakisoba!

Good idea!

Huh? But...

Isn't the festival far away?

There's a bus we can take at the central station.

When will we go?

-Let's go today!


It's a weekday today,

so there won't be as many people at his stand!

But my mom won't let me go!

Well, don't tell them about it!

Only us? That's not right!

We can try the noodles and get home before dark!

Sure! We can tell them we were playing at the park!

Are you coming, Kazama-kun?

He won't because Tooru-chan's a mama's boy!

Of course not!

But the haute cuisine is more for me.

I prefer a good veal stew to yakisoba.

With or without sauce!

Going alone is like going on an adventure!

- An adventure of the Kasukabe Defense Force!

- Huh?! Wait for me!

- What an illusion.

- Wait!

- We'll be B-class eaters!

- I'll go without saying anything to my mom.

We'll say we played at the park after class.



One person per meal!

Whatever you want, pretty.


Come and try the most exquisite croquettes!

Rice with curry!

Delicious and tasty! Come and eat it!

I greet you, people of little taste.

My name is Don Gourmeto,

Chief of the the oganization of A-class gourmets.

What's Gourmeto saying?

Who is that?!

We are the defenders of quality ingredients,

3-star chefs, manners at the table

We are the true gourmets!

That is why we demand the immediate cessation of this fair.

Now, release the A-class gourmets.

What do you want!?

Did you come to taste my rice and curry that I prepared in my stand!?

No, we're preparing the best fideitos in the world.

We are the Sushi Masks!

Here's an example, the best black tuna.

Fresh, quality, fish.

Your fish doesn't impress me!

They stuffed sushi in my mouth!

Did you notice the softness of the tuna?


Don't just stand there with the face of a pamphleteer!

Why did you come here!?

Beef is all.

Steak Rider.

Idiot! You think I'm impressed with your dumb bike!?

Flambe time.



What are you doing, crazy!?

My place is full of very flammable oil!!!

See ya later, crocodile with style!

I went out to take Hima to the doctor.

Wait for me, and I'll prepare dinner as soon as I get back home

Remember to feed and take care of Shiro.

Now's my chance to go to the B-clas...

Gourmet Festival! How nice!

I'm here!


Why are you dressed like that?

That's what I say!

Isn't a festival like a carnival?

Not this one.

Is Shiro coming too?

Of course he's coming, I need to feed him!

OK, but remember to watch after him.

We're going on the bus.

I'm leaving it all up to you, Masao-kun. Our friendship is at stake!


Look how happy he is!

Well, hey, we're all here.

OK! Everyone, let's get on the bus to the B-class gourmet festival!

Let's march!


And put on some pants!


Those bullies took my place!

Croqueto! Are you okay!?

Damn! Four stands have already gone down!

And to think that we had come from all over the country

to celebrate this festival for popular palettes.

We're finished.

B-class gourmet chefs are the people's allies.

Careful, Ken. They might come for you.

Not if I have my secret sauce they won't. We will rise.

Secret sauce?

But, Ken, we can't just use the sauce to get us out of this!



Is that you Ken?

I'm leaving it to you.

We're counting on you.

This has to change, Ken

You're only supposed to call me when you need a favor.

The secret sauce is stored under strict security measures.

And what is the secret sauce?

It's an antique recipe.

It's an extremely delicious sauce that my ancestor invented.


The famous scholar Sanote Sa-son, made it with the perfect texture.

and a taste that noone can resist.

And did your family inherit the recipe?

The secret recipe of the sauce was passed down from generation to generation.

I, Ken Salson, am the 50th heir to the sauce recipe.

But, Ken!

They dismantled the beach bar and drove away the customers!

I don't think that just the sauce can fix it.

Yes, because the secret sauce...

is something exquisite.

With the sauce in your hands...

...we will survive.

Come here!

Hey, Kazama-kun!

When are we gonna eat yakisoba?

But, we just left the park.

Well, I'm tired!

How about we buy some goodies...

...from the neighborhood store?

Shut up!

Hurry, or we'll miss the bus!

Come on, Shin-chan

- Be careful, children

- Huh?

Purple Panties!

Did you see?

No, of course not!


We gotta hurry or we'll miss the bus to the festival!

Kids, are you going to the B-class gourmet festival?

We want to taste Ken Sauce's yakisoba!


Where have you been!?

Huh, he must have gone into a building.

Come on.

What do you want?

I need a favor.

Take this to Ken at the festival, please.

What is it?

It's Ken's secret yakisoba sauce.

It's Ken's sauce! I wanna try it!

Don't even think about it!

What about with a spoon?

I said, "No"!


What about a straw?

I said, "no", damn it!

It's an extremely important secret sauce!

Also, if you try it like that...

What!?'ll die.

I'm lying.

Good thing that was a lie!

Well, she IS wearing purple panties, not trustworthy.

Don't judge people by their panties!

It doesn't matter what color their panties are.

But you looked at them too.

With the sauce, Ken can prepare his special noodles!

What's it made of?

I've only tried it once in my entire life.

But it was so good!

Are you okay?

Yes, I am.

It's just that remembering the rich taste makes me dizzy.

How rich is it?

He needs this sauce to prepare his noodles.

Will you take it for me?

- Clear!

- Huh?

Sure, since we're gong to the festival.

Just be careful not to spill it.

Roger! Shakyshaky! Shakyshaky! Shakyshaky!

I don't know if I should trust you or not.

Leave it to us!

As I am the captain of the Kasukabe Defense Force,

I'm very responsible!

I trust you.


I still have time.

There she is!

Stop right there!

- Give it to me! Give it to me!

- Stop!

I'm home!

Sorry, sweetie.

There was a long line at the pediatrician.




Did you take Shiro for a walk?

Since when were you the leader of the Kasukabe Defence Force, Kazama-kun?


He told me...

...that you were captain of the Kasukabe Defense Force.

- Oh yeah.

-You're right!

- Yes.

- Yep.

Hey, Shinnosuke, where's the sauce?


Why did you do that!?

We promised that girl that we would take the sauce to Ken!

Only you did.

Why didn't she take it herself?

That's true.

Something could stop him.

The Kasukabe Defense Force helps people, right?

You just wanna do it becuase you saw her purple panties.

No I don't!

The Kasukabe Defense Force helps people..

The Kasukabe Defense Force helps people..

...and maintains peace in the neighborhood!

Right here in the manual!

OK, captain.

Wait for me!

Maybe we should take turns carrying the pot.



None of you have any class.

Neither do you.

And you...

That cheap sauce.

Well, off to work.

Where's the bus we're taking?

It was the same bus Sauce Ken took.

Huh? The kindergarten bus?

Of course not. See?

Let's see... There it is!


It says "direct".

Yup, it's a mafia bus.

I think I caught a cold.

Excuse me!

Going to the B-class gourmet festival?

Yes, we are!

This bus will take us to the festival!

But, can I go pee first?

Me too.

Me too.


OK, me too.

Watch the sauce, Nene-chan!

These guys...


We're done!

Slowpokes! The bus is about to leave!

Shiro, come.

Shut up, Shiro. You're just a stuffed animal.

I'm gonna press the stop button!

Hey, that's not fair! I wanna press it!

How about we all push it...

- ...on three?

- What kids you guys are.

I don't care about it anymore.


Yes, Don Gourmeto?

The sauce is on a bus.

Get it back.

Don't lose a drop.

Wouldn't it be better if we just detroyed it?

Shut up!

That sauce holds much history behind it and is our future.

I would only destroy it in front of you.

Yes, Don Gourmeto. Forgive my impertinence.

I'll take care of everything.

Shin-chan? Shin-chan?

Where is he?

Where could he have gone without even eating?

Kazama's mom?

Mrs. Nohara?

- Is Shinnosuke there?

Well, no..

Huh? The B-class gourmet festival!?

That's what it says on the note he left.


Where...are we?

I didn't know that there were places like this in Kasukabe.

How did we get on the wrong bus?

We'd have to wait until 8 o' clock before we could get back to Kasukabe.

Huh!? Don't you know how late that is?

Did the bus driver say that we were going to the festival?

He said that we were going.

Are you sure?

I think we got on the wrong bus, cause if it was the right bus, we'd be eating Ken's noodles right now.

That's it.

Don't blame me for this!!

- Of course not!

- I didn't even say anything...


Hello, kids.

What are you doing here?

Where are your parents?

You see, pretty, it turns out that on the way to the B-class gourmet festival, we took the wrong bus.

Wanna some with me?

Are you lost? Poor kids...

My name is Shinnosuke Nohara. What's yours?


I'm on my way to the B-class gourmet. Wanna come?

A thousands loves!

We can't go with a stanger!

I was told to always follow pretty ladies.

By who?

My dad.

I'm so hungry...

I won't be able to hold until 8!

You hungry?

I have some delicious caviar.

Don't you want to?


We're so lucky!

When we arrive...

...We'll eat noodles!

Excuse us for tagging along.

It's OK, I'm going to the festival anyway.

Is yur name "Caviar", like the food?

Yes it is.

Have some caviar.

It looks so delicious! Little black balls!

It's caviar!

They're roe from sturgeons, a type of fish. they're delicious!

What an ass, Kazama-kun!

I wasn't talking about your ass...

Isn't it delicious?

Every egg costed a lot of money!

Let's eat!

Not so fast!

First, you must learn how to appreciate its beauty.

This is natural caviar, from swimming sturgeons

of the Caspian Sea.

Each of the roes shine brighter than any precious stone.

It's bitter!

Like Kazama-kun's first love.

Don't mention my first love so soon!

Well, I'm not eating this...

Me neither.

Wait, I have something really cool.


He was going to put this in the noodles.

See? We can eat the caviar now!



The worst thing they could do was ruin a perfect dish

with the taste of mayonaise!


Are you a foreign driver?

It's scaring me...

Do you think we should get out of the car?

Thank you very much for your kindness.

It won't open.

Calm... Tranquil...

My mission is to take the sauce, and I can do it!

I am an A-class gourmet!

Simple mayo won't be able to mess with me!

Ma.... Mayonaise...



Don Gourmeto...

I found the sauce,

But the Kasukabe Defense Force stoppped me!

Did he squirt it on your face?

This wine is divine and perfect.


I hope you're up to the reputation of the A-class gourmets.

Yes, sir!

Are there forests like this in Kasukabe?

It doesn't matter, we just need to get out of here.

But... Is there any way out?

Hey, Shinnosuke!

I GOT IT!!!!!!!!

We need to keep the sauce safe!

What's happening?

I got it. It's good!

Complete! Assured!

We're lost...

No way...

I'm right.

Of course he is!

He got the joke.


Calm down. Thankfully, I brought a map.

- Really?

- Tooru!

-Thanks, Kazama-kun!

- Please stop...


It's a world map...

I knew it.

Kazama-kun's a big idiot.

And a mama's boy.

And what did you bring?

Everybody look!

It's a bunny!

And it's so soft!

Completely uesless...

I got water. And...

A rock.

Did anybody bring any food?!

I did.


Kantam Robo's arm!

And Bare-Butt Godzilla's butt!

- We can't just eat that...

- Huh?

What are you saying?

You're going to eat these?

No, we're not!

I asked for food!

Why are you showing me broken toys?!

Guys, it's okay if we don't have food.

We could eat noodles, right?


For once, Shinnosuke's right.

We're lost!

Who knows how many days we'll be in this forest?

Shut up. I'm trying to eat my Chocobis.

Why didn't you take that out earlier?!

Those are mine!

- Give it!

- Is there something in your backpack, Masao-kun?

I have...

A towel, my wallet...

We could split the Chocobis between the five of us.

I know about a man who got lost in these woods,

and survived with just some chocolate.

What's up, Shiro?

Animals are guided by their instinct.


They are able to return home from far away places.

Then Shiro knows where to go!

Good boy, Shiro! That's my boy!

Well, he's better than than Masao-kun.



To the police?

Aren't you exaggerating?

They didn't go to the jungle.

I called the fairgrounds, but nobody answered.

I have a bad feeling about this.

You can't come?

I can't miss work because of your feeling.

Buy me some take-out noodles!

- With lots of salt!

- Get it yourself!


Mrs. Nohara!

Sorry I took so long.

- It's nothing. Come on.


75% of the B-class Gourmet Festival is under our control.

75% of the B-class Gourmet Festival is under our control.

75% of the B-class Gourmet Festival is under our control.

We will transform it into an A-class Gourmet Festival.


There is just one problem.


The B-class gourmets are the allies of the people!

Ken Salson, eh?

But, Sushi Mask and Steak Rider are taking care of...

No. It's too much for them

Just keep an eye on the rebel post.

And hurry on remodeling the rest.


I will crush them.

- Sauce!

- Sa... Sau...

- Sauce!

- S... sau...


Shin-chan, stop playing chain words.


I've been holding the sauce too long...

Who has take it now?

Go, Masao. Bo-chan just passed it to you.

It's just super heavy.

I know how to make it lighter!

It's lighter now.

Don't do that!

Don't throw that away!

If I take this, it'll be lighter.

It's not good for the jar!

Huh? What is it, Shiro?

Do we have to cross?

Is this Kasukabe?

One, two, three!

One, two, three!

- Stop jumping!

- OK.

One, two...

Stop it!

It's only a joke.

It's not funny!

The big bridge just fell, just fell, just fell.

- The big bridge just fell, all 'cause of me.

-When will you shut up!?

Be careful.

Saved by the jar.

You're the reason I fell!

We're too much!

The jar's super heavy!

The bridge will break and we'll fall in the river!

Don't be such a chicken, Masao-kun!

- Get up!

- NO!!

We're kids, we weight less.

Exactly! As long as nothing's too fat...

Well, that guy's real fat!

It's like 20 people in one!

Do you want to cross?

No way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way!

We can just tell him not to cross so the bridge won't fall.

I don't think it would offend him.

The great Fuagras... has arrived!



Excuse us!

Could you please stop stomping?

How about we fight?!

Shut up! All you need to do is provoke him!

What are you doing?!

Don't even think about it!

If he even steps one foot on this bridge it'll collapse!

Found it.

No! Run!


Fist slam!

Here it comes...





One, two, three, four, five, six, seven...

What's counting gonna do!?

Since you're so worried...

How about I make the call?

Don't be so stubborn. You'll lose no matter what.

Did they leave you again?

None of your business!



Yes, I'm here.

We're coming in right now.

But, there's something weird about this place...

There is a dress code here.

With a B-class outfit, you may not enter.

What's going on here!?

I'm here to get this child! I know that he's at the festival!

-I just want to make sure he's...

- You are holding up the line.

I would like you to leave., please

What are you doing!?

- Mrs. Nohara!

- Let me go! Let me go!

This way, ma'am.

I'll let you know if I find the kids!

Let me go now!

- That hurts!

- Misae!

- Stop it!

- What's happening!?




Kawaguchi, I'm leaving it in your hands.


But what about the meeting? It's today!

Someone can fill in for me.

Only I can be a father

We almost fell.

Who was that giant sumo guy?

The ogre of the forest.

He must've fallen in the water, I hope he's okay.

He's okay. Fat floats.

What's wrong, Shiro?

Did you find something?


I told you only to bark if there's a hot lady.

I wonder who it was...?



It's a hot spring!


Look, the monkeys are bathing.

They look so happy!

What are you doing in the water?!


I'm hungry...

Me too...

I know! Let's eat Chocobi!

We can't unless we ration them.

- Slacker. Slacker.

- Hold on.

- If we eat it now,

- Slacker. Slacker.

- it won't last very...

- Slacker!

Why are you the one to make decisions?

Because, I am the leader of the Kasukabe Defence Force!

Wha... What!?

I see a giant rice ball.

Wh... What are you saying, Shin-chan?

It smells so good...

A rice ball?

Wrong. It's not coming from Masao-kun.

Yeah, I'm not a rice ball!

What is it? It smells like sweet butter...

Buttered rice balls?

It's an omlet!

What's that doing here?

What's that black stuff?

It's a bit of a truffle.

It's an underground fungus. A rare treat!

But there's only one.

And it's tiny.

Let's all share it.

Yes, good idea.

Of course.

Between the five of us.

What a small little group you have.

The pig's talking!

Piggy-chan is very clever.

He can find anything with his nose.

He traces things very well

Who are you, mister?

I'm not a mister.

In my heart, I am a lady.

Let's just say it goes beyond gender.

But you're a man.

My truffle!

Same as the snack, black diamonds.

And the sausage sandwiches?

Hanging, hanging, hanging...

The truffle has a weird smell...

It smells like sweat.


You have the taste of monkeys.

You have no idea how wonderful truffles are!


My pigs are not fat like others.

Do you want to see what my dearest pigs can do?

What do you think of them?

They can stand up!

If you don't want anything to go wrong,

Show me what you got.

Here it is.

You were already naked!

I also have some gas to go with that.

I fart at you with love.

What is wrong with you!?

Now's our chance to escape!

Damn children...

Piggy-chan, don't let them escape!

I'm going first!

You idiot! You're spilling the sauce!

Here, put the lid on.

Do we really have to dress like this to enter?

This way, they'll stop criticizing me!

Did you even buy that?

All right! Find Shinnosuke!

Here you go.

Octopus Ravioli with béchamel sauce.

What the...?

Wait... Isn't this a popular B-class festival?

These are not normal children

It would be best to destroy the sauce as soon as possible

If you leave it in my hands,

-I'll take them with the jar.


My A-class gourmets haven't been able to catch simple children.


Don Gourmeto.

Two people claiming to be the parents of one of the children

have entered the premises.

I'll enlarge the camera's image.

Capture them and turn them into rhe A-class gourmets!

Those children must learn what good food is.

I'll look for them myself.

Let's go!




Over here please. Your food is ready.


We just came here to look for...

You child may be here.

I can't go anymore...

Why... does this happen to us?

I'm hungry.

I'm tired of this!


Stop that!

I want to go home too.

Don't cry! You're gonna make me cry...


What about your daddy?


And our grandparents...


And our neighbors...

Our neighbors!

Leave me alone!

If we didn't get on the wrong bus,

we would be eating Ken's noodles.

What are you saying?

Well, it was you who said there was a bus,

that directly took us to the festival.

Yeah, yeah.

It's all Nene-chan's fault!

If I knew this never would have happened!

Well, it's all your fault, Masao-kun!

We got on the wrong bus because you had to pee!

My fault?

You're the reason for everything wrong with the world, Masao-kun!

Bo-chan also had to pee.

It's not just my fault.

We... all went.

No, no!

It's all Shinnosuke's fault...

for suggesting that we go without telling our parents!


I didn't even want to go at first!

It's all your fault.

That's not true! You all wanted to come!

But, we didn't think that we would get the jar!

Everything that has happened has been bad ever since we got that stupid jar!

And you were only interested

because of the girl with purple panties!

You were ready, but now you're just useless!


The mission of the Kasukabe Defense Force is to help people in trouble!

But if we don't help them it results in

us just getting into a big mess.

That's fine...

We're disbanding.

If it wasn't for the Kasukabe Defense Force,

we wouldn't be here.

We're disbanding! It's over!

-What is that?


What the...?



-A children's menu!

- Three rice delights!

Get off, Shinnosuke!

Careful, don't push!


Stop that!

You're rude!

Welcome, Kasukabe Defense Force.

Who are you?

Do you know us?

Of course I do!

-Cool! We're famous!

-I am the person in charge of...

the A-class gourmet assotiation, Don Gourmeto.

-Don Corneto?

-Don Gourmeto, with a "gour".

I spite of your young age,

you managed to defeat three of our best gourmets

in this assotiation.

As a reward, you may enjoy this exquisite children's menu.

A children's menu!?

Hold on.

You have something to give me.

You will only be able to eat when you give it to me.

No, never!

Shinnosuke! We're being invited to a children's menu!

Don't be ungrateful!

Yeah, come on!

Well, it's true.

Here you go, my greatest treasure.

Cho-co-bi! But you can only have a few.

These jokes are over!

Give me Ken's sauce right now!

Ken's sauce?


It's Ken Sauce-san!

Of all of the people at the B-class gourmet festival, he's the only one still standing.

The special sauce that accompanies his noodles

is a major obstacle to our plan.

And what's the plan?

What's it about?

Listen, children.

Food is an art.

Cooks move synchronized like a metronome,

shaping the lines of art on the plate,

tasting it as if we are dancing in a ballet.

We are gourmets, we exist!

Compared to us. popular gourmets cook fast

and serve customers who eat fast.

That infamous custom must disappear!

-Those are manners?


The whole world will become A-class gourmets!

Will the noodles disappear!?

Even the sauteed noodles?

Of course.

That sloppiness has no place in this world.

Mister, have you even tried the sauteed noodles?

Of course not!

Is that rich?

Well, you don't seem to enjoy it that much.

It's for sucking your ass!

How vulgar!

It's provoking him.

I don't want anymore noodles.

I wanted to try Ken's noodles.

They have a lot of meat!

My mom's noodles have poached eggs!

Same at my house!

Misae sometimes puts in leftover rice from yesterday.


-We use vegetables at my house!

My mom uses shrimp and squid, the noodles tatle like the sea!

Silence! Those noodles will never taste good!



-Micchi, I'll save you from this.

-I'm a top chef.

I have my own progra...

- ...for television.

- No one can eat like this!

-Yoshirin, are you okay!?

-It's not that bad.

I've been looking for my...!

From now on, your parents will never cook noodles ever again.

Very soon...

they will be A-class gourmets.

Mommy! Daddy! Himawari!


Your parents may help us some time.

But, you are children, and you learn fast.

With the right instructions...

You will make great A-class gourmets.

Now... give me the sauce!

That way, you could taste the A-class children's menu.

I prefer noodles!

Me too!

Me too!

And me!

We all want yakisoba!

Let's take the sauce to Ken

and try his special noodles!

And the sauce?

Who had the sauce?

I gave it to Bo-chan.

Then me, Masao-kun.

Then me, then back to Shin-chan

Then me, to Shiro.

To Shiro?

Well, it was his turn.

But how did you give it to a dog!?

What are we gonna do now?

Woah, there's a sexy lady over there!

She has purple panties!

Don't escape!

We're in the air, there is no escape.


Go, go, go, go, go!

Where are we going!?

Run and punt!


Go, go, go...!

Let's keep running!


Let's go, Shinnosuke!

We'll leave on this!

Do you know how to use that thing?

We'll try!

I just want to eat...

Next stop, Kasukabe! Kasukabe!

Careful, you could break it!

There must be a manual or some instructions somewhere.

We don't have time to read that!

-Found it!

-We have to take off now!

Everyone, work the controls!


Just wait! I am the captain!

Wasn't the Kasukabe Defense Force disbanded?

Don't worry!

You were just blaming everything on the defense force!

Less talking, more moving!

I didn't say any of that.

-I didn't.

-Me neither.

It was you, Kazama-kun.

We're wasting time! Give me the controls!

Look there!

They're here.

Open, girl! Open!

It's moving!

Hold on tight!

An escape capsule was used without permission.

We suspect that it was the children.

We're flying!

I don't feel good!

We're falling!

Next stop, Kasukabe! Kasukabe!

What are you doing!?

Pilot the right way, Shinnosuke!


It popped off.

What did you do!?

Let's see, what happens

when the controls pop off...




Let's escape using the parachutes!

But there's only one!

You'll put it on and

we'll hold on to you!

Let's put it on Masao-kun!

No way, no way, no way!

This is safe! Stop complaining!

I don't care about this!

I'd rather be a rice ball!

I'd rather eat that rice ball

than splat on the floor!

Rice balls!







Let's go!




Don't propel yourself with farting!

Shinnosuke, now!

Is everyone OK?

I think so.

I thought we were gonna die.

Look, look!

It's beautiful!


Sure is.

All's hell that ends hell!

It's "all's well that ends well".

It is.

The children have fallen out of the capsule and are descending into the woods.

Shall we continue the prosecution?

It's not necessary. I know where they are going.

Let's go back, it's dinner time.

Someone get me off, please!

Come on you're just useless.

Just get me down from here!


Shiro, where were you?

He brought the sauce.

Good boy! That's my boy, Shiro!

I didn't know this was that important.

Surely, more villains will come for it.

Can you guys get me down from here now?

I want to try the special noodles!

My mom, my dad, and Himawari,

will eat the noodles with everyone!

That's right.

We have to help our parents.

They need to be saved!

We can't give the sauce to the bad guys!

We'll take this to Ken and save Kasukabe!

Wait! I'm going too!

I want to try the special nood...

Let's get to the Kasukabe B-class festival!

Kasukabe Defense Force!



It's too late. We should continue tomorrow.

Good idea.

What happened to Ken?

Do you have the sauce!


Hey you, what's happening?

Why are you here?

Is this how you make a fire?

I read it in a book.

The cavemen did it like this.

Shinnosuke, now! Blow on it!

Not in my ear!

If you had that, why didn't you take it out?


We'll sleep here.

It's like a little house!

If only we had food...

It's making my butt rumble...

It's "stomach".

I wish we had the Chocobi.


I have this.

A cracker!

Masao-kun, I thought you said

you didn't have any food.


I kinda forgot about it...



Thank you for your cracker,

it saved us.


We're lucky.

We have dinner, thanks to you!

Thanks, Masao-kun.


Let's eat!

It's the best cracker I've had in my life...

It's so good!

Masao-kun tried to hide it,

but it was inevitable.

Don't say anything!


Let's sleep.

The stars are so beautiful!

I didn't know that this looked

so good from Kasukabe.

There's that star, and that star,

and that star...

They look like noodles when they're all together.


You can even see a planet...

That's the milky way.

Stop talking about food.

Not like that, Gourmeto!

The fork is held upwards,

but to the side!

How many times have I said it?

Surely you can do it, son.

Yes, mom. Yes, dad.

However, we are in different times.

This is very rich.

Do you dare to try it?

My royal noodles are freshly made!

Royal noodles?

What are you doing, Gourmeto?

That food is pure sloppiness

Don't even think about putting such a

simple dish in your mouth

that doesn't even require processing!

Don't let me down!

Yes, dad.

They should ban these stands.

I can't believe he was right in front of the children.

We're closer than I thought.

I didn't know you could be so hungry.

I can only think of those noodles...

We have become... wild.

I don't know if they'll attack us again.

You got the sauce?

What if we think of a plan?

We'll improvise on the fly and that's that.

You just described your entire life..

I have an idea!

Why'd you give them the sauce!?

Now, the kids are in danger!

Help me!

What were you thinking!?

Why would you make kids do such a thing!?

You're irresponsible! What are they going to do alone!?

Someone help me!

Don't think you're going to get away with it!

Quiet... please.

They're molesting the prison...

I barely took off this sock off yesterday.

How cruel I am sometimes.

-You okay?


I still don't forgive you for what you did.

You shouldn't have given them the sauce.

I know.

Let's get out of here.

The children will have tried to reach Ken's post.

Mrs. Nohara!

Help us!

Micchi and Yoshirin!

Get me out of here!

With this way,

They won't know who has the sauce.

I don't care about the plan, I just want to eat!


Here comes...


Give me the sauce!

But we don't have it anymore.

We left it over there.


Excuse me, we're in a hurry.


Your backpacks are full!

What's inside of them?


Our dreams and hopes...

We are just innocent children!

We didn't eat what we're carrying.

Well said! I like you kids!

Come on!

Me too!

I don't believe a word!

One of the children has the sauce jug!

How? How did you decieved me!

If you give us the sauce,

We will accept you as A-class gourmets immediately!


-We want to eat noodles!

See you later.

Enough games!


You could give us the sauce...

Or we take it ourselves.

You asked for it.

Ken's post is behind these lines, right?


We're not joining in on this, can we leave?

Because my love for Micchi is not small,

but extraordinary!

Oh, Yoshirin!


If the B-class gourmets lose, we'll lose the love.

When they take everything, they'll go for us.

For the love!

We'll recover the B-class gourmet festival!


I'll look for Shinnosuke,

if there is danger, get out of there.

Wait for me, Hiroshi!




Where are you!?

Sow, sow, sow!



Look, two fish.

Let go of me, you coward!

Take this! Take this! Take this!

Stop that!

Is this the sauce in here?

Leave her alone!

Drop Nene-chan right now!

I'll take the sauce!

Stop your nonsense!

The sauce is mine!

There's nothing there!

I have it.

I don't have it!

We got everyone, and it's not here.

Stop, Masao-kun! He'll puree you!

Let's eat those noodles...


I will not... surrender!


Where did you come from!?

We are... the Kasukabe Defense Force!

Let's do this!


What are you going to do with that B-class bitch?



P-Piggy-chan, what are you doing!?

Don't you see how little class they have?

Stop that!

I won't be delicate just because you're children!

Stand still!

Let's go.

I will crush you with love.

Go, go, go, go!

It's not even deforming!


Get off of me!

-Come on, let's go!

- Yes!

Bo-chan! Kazama-kun!


See you never, calliar lady!

It's caviar! Get back here!

Noodles with sauce! Noodles with sauce!

Noodles with sauce! Noodles with sauce!

Noodles with sauce! Noodles with sauce!

Noodles with sauce! Noodles with sauce!

-Noodles with sauce!

-There's the entrance!

Noodles with sauce! Noodles with sauce!

Let's find Ken's post!

It's at a tall tower!

This is better than I thought!


What if they catch us!

We have to be discreet.

Noodles with sauce! Noodles with sauce!

Noodles with sauce!

-Noodles with sauce!

- Tooru-chan!





Mommy... See you later!


We have found the children with the sauce!

The Kasukabe Defense Force is heading towards Ken's post!

Noodles with sauce! Noodles with sauce!

Noodles with sauce! Noodles with sauce!

-Noodles with sauce!

- Shinnosuke!

Darling, it's Shinnosuke!

I'm a little occupied...

Come with me, Nohara-san!

They're here!

Protect the children and sauce!

There's a lot off commotion over there.

But no one's coming.

I can smell the sauce!

Noodles with sauce! Noodles with sauce!

Noodles with sauce! Noodles with sauce!

They have it!



Mom, Dad, over here!

I'll eat noodles and come back!

What are you doing? Give that sauce to an adult!

Ken-san! They're coming!

With the sauce, we can win.

That sauce..

Belongs to us! The sushi masks!

A masked pair? How romantic!

Too soon, Nene-chan.

Well, it's true!

Sauce, please!

As expected, they're married.

Let's go!


Did you bring the sauce?

We all brought it!

Time to prepare my royal noodles.

The iron plate is on the top floor.

Give me the sauce.


Not one more step from you!



Be quiet, please.

This hurts my senses.

Give it now.

We won't!

For what we did, we're not going without noodles!

Silence! Children should obey adults!


If it weren't for this sauce,

The B-class gourmets would be gone.

No one will ever try the royal noodles.


It's... empty?

Hey! The jar's empty! It's not here...

We have the sauce!

We put it in our water bottles

to protect it!

It's because it was heavy...


Even if you have the sauce,

Ken can't prepare his noodles in his current state!

You're just kids, you can't cook!

We'll make the noodles!

Do you know how?

We saute them on the grill and put on sauce.


Okay, i'm hungry.

And we came for the royal noodles!

I made instant noodles once.

They're not gonna make it.

It's impossible!

Are you going to let them waste your sauce, Ken-san?

Maybe it's too risky...

But, that's what being a B-class gourmet is all about!

Prepare the noodles of hope, kids!

Kasukabe Defense Force!


I must stop them.

I will never forgive such insolence.

You will pay.

The hot iron plate, put it on to the heat

Teppan wa atsui suteji sa

Super rich strips of meat

Hajikeru genki de

You will so hungry

O niku o yaite

The veggies

Yasai wa

You must not forget

Yasashi-sa afure teru

So fresh!

You will cut them well

Hosoku tatte futoku tatte

Noodles, noodles, noodles...

Men men men

Super hot, super hot...

Kogetsuku koto no arukedo

So hot that it'll burn your eyes

You gotta have courage and a spatula...

Yuki wo dashite hera o furou

Sauce is love!

The sauce is full of love!

Sosu ga bokura o ai de tsutsumu

Sauce is love!

The final touches are done, I'm sending it out

Shoku tte, tabete, warate, ugoite ~

Sauce is love!

Royal noodles will never set you aside

Yakisoba wa kimi no so wa iru

Rich royal noodles, you got them prepared.

Ao no utsui u demo daijoubu egao wo sosu de

Let's eat!

I will not... eat that!

What a tick...

Oh, open your mouth.

No! I'm an A-class gourmet!

-It'll spoil my tastes!

-It's for me, then.

I am a gourmet with a fine...


-Say, "Ah"....

I knew it!

I knew it!

It's delicious!



They'll taste better if we enjoy it all together!

So good...

You'll notice the cabbage I put in.

And my onion!

We allow all to eat these noodles!

The best thing is the sauce!

Those noodles...they're special!

It's for sucking your butt!

It's "sucking you fingers".

But it's the same!