Crawford the Cat's Christmas (2018) - full transcript

Crawford the Cat has big plans when he wakes up on Christmas Eve morning. He and his friends are going ice skating, sleigh riding, Christmas Tree shopping and present buying all before noon...

[music playing]

NARRATOR: On the outside of

Crawford the Cat's house,

Christmas Eve awoke

bright and shiny

with a fresh, clean blanket

of snow covering the ground.

While on the inside of

Crawford the Cat's house,

Crawford the Cat himself

awoke, bright and shiny

with a fresh, clean blanket

of flannel covering him.

Did you say it

snowed last night?

NARRATOR: I did, indeed.


It's Christmas Eve!

And it snowed!


Oh, oh, that's better!

My slippers have little

Christmas cat heads on them.

NARRATOR: I noticed.

I like cats.

NARRATOR: That's probably a

good thing, since you are one.

And I love Christmas!

Especially when it snows!

It makes everything

look so, so, Christmasy.

[gasp] Hooper's Hill!

NARRATOR: Pardon me?


Over there!

It's Hooper's Hill,

all snowy and sparkly!

It's just sitting there waiting

for me to ride my sled down it!

NARRATOR: That sounds like fun!

It will be!

Oh, oops.

My stomach's grumbling.

I think I better have

my breakfast first.

NARRATOR: Good idea.

I have a very busy

day planned today.

I'm going to need

lots of energy.

NARRATOR: Oh, what

do you have planned?

I'm meeting my very good

friends Harriet and Milow.

And we're going to spend

the whole day getting

ready for Christmas.

Christmas tree shopping,

Christmas present buying,

Christmas cookie baking,

Christmas tree decorating,

and Christmas carol singing!

Oh, oh, and the best

of all, at noon,

I'm picking up Aunt Kittypat

from the train station.

NARRATOR: Aunt Kittypat?

Aunt Kittypat is my most

favorite in the world.

She comes every Christmas and

spends the holidays with me.

We have so much fun.

NARRATOR: That's wonderful!

I guess I can see why you might

need a lot of energy today.


That's why I'm having Crunchy

Christmas cereal, Christmas

milk, and a Christmas egg.

NARRATOR: OK, I can imagine

where you get Christmas cereal.

But where do you get Christmas

milk and Christmas eggs?

From Christmas cows and

Christmas chickens, of course.

NARRATOR: Hahaha, of course.

So after breakfast,

Crawford the Cat

pulled his sled up to

the top of Hooper's Hill.

He knew that sledding down

it would be the fastest

way to get to Rudolf's

Rink, the place he was going

to meet Harriet and Milow.

And then Crawford the Cat went

whooshing down Hooper's Hill!

At 50 miles an hour!

And 100 miles an hour!


really go that fast?

Even down Hooper's Hill?

No, probably not.

But it's fun to pretend!

NARRATOR: Hahaha, yes.

So, down Hooper's Hill

slid Crawford the Cat.

And when he got to the

bottom, he slid right up

to the top of Parker's Peak.

And then, slid over

Manny's Mountain,

which wasn't really much

of a mountain at all.

More like a little speed bump.

NARRATOR: Now, at the

bottom of Manny's Mountain,

Crawford slid directly to

the edge of Rudolf's Rink.

Hi, Crawford,

Merry Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas Eve

to you, too, Harriet!

Is Milow here, yet?


He said he had a

surprise for us.

While we're waiting,

would you help

me practice my ice skating?

I'd be happy to.

I'll put my skates on and

meet you over at our spot.


I'm teaching

Harriet how to skate.

She's getting better

and better every day.

NARRATOR: I can tell.

So, Crawford the cat and

his good friend Harriet

had a grand time

practicing and skating

all around Rudolf's Rink.

Hey, Harriet, watch this!

I've got something new that I

want to teach you next time.



That was just wonderful!

I think I'll pass on

the ending, though!

I think I would, too!


This was fun.

Thank you, Crawford.

It's been so nice of you

to teach me how to skate.

You're welcome, Harriet.

Gosh, that's what

friends are for.

That's true.

Well, as soon as

Milow gets here,

we can go Christmas

tree shopping.


I can't wait!

This year, I want to get

an extra special one.

Aunt Kittypat love

to decorate the tree.

[sleigh bells]

Do you hear that?

It sounds like sleigh bells!

It is.

Look who's coming.

It's Milow!

He said he had a

surprise for us!

We're going to

get to go riding

in a one horse open sleigh!

Merry Christmas, Milow!

Merry Christmas to you

too, Harriet, and you, too,


Merry Christmas, Milow!

What a wonderful surprise.

Thank you.

I rented from Grandma

Guernsey's store.

We can use it to go pick out

Crawford the Cat's Christmas


That'll be fun!

What a great idea!

Oh, I almost forgot.

I've got all of our

names ready to go.

Oh, goody!

See, each year,

we put our names

on little pieces of paper,

and then put them in a hat.

Then we each draw a name.

Whoever's name is on

our piece of paper

is the one we buy a

Christmas present for.


Here we go!

Uh-oh, I got my own name.

I got my own name.

I got my own name, too!

We better do this again.

I got somebody else's

name, this time.

So did I.

I got me again.


One more time!

Did you get yourself?

Nope, I got somebody else.

I got somebody else, too.

So did I. Whose

name did you get?

Oh, I can't tell.

It's a surprise!

Speaking of

surprises, Aunt Kittypat

is going to be really

surprised if she gets here

and there's no Christmas

tree to decorate.

Well, we can't

let that happen.

Let's go!

Off to the Christmas tree

forest to pick out a tree!


Giddy up, horsey!

(SINGING) We're off to

find a Christmas tree, riding

in a very special sleigh.

Not just any Christmas

tree, but one that's

right in each and every way!

ALL: Not to short

and not too tall.

And we'll decorate

it, one and all!

We are the best of

friends, you see.

So we need the perfect

Christmas tree!

CRAWFORD: We're off to find a

Christmas tree to brighten up

the house today.

A tree that we can all agree

is perfect for this Christmas


Looking high and

low, and far and near,

for a tree that's filled

with Christmas cheer,

we are searching carefully, for

a very special Christmas tree.

Sharing Christmastime

with friends,

makes holidays so bright!

ALL: Friends so near

and friends so dear,

we'll trim our

special tree tonight!

We're off to find a Christmas

tree, a tree like no one else

has ever had.

HARRIET: A red, yellow,

orange, or a purple tree.

CRAWFORD: Or maybe, if we're

lucky, one that's plaid!


Side by side we sing along

this very merry Christmas song!

Happy as best friends can be!

We hope that we don't miss it!

Wait I think I see it!

ALL: Our very special

Christmas tree.

NARRATOR: So, Crawford

and his friends

did find the perfect tree,

and delivered it to his house.

Then, it was off to Grandma

Guernsey's general store

to return the sleigh and

do some more shopping.

Boy, this is turning out to

be the perfect Christmas Eve.

Grandma Guernsey said it's

OK to leave the sleigh right


Thanks for renting

the sleigh, Milow.

It was a great idea!

Yes, thank you!

You're welcome.

Maybe we can do

it again sometime.

I'd like to.

Well, I'd better get going.

I have a few things to

do before we come over

to your house to

decorate cookies

this afternoon, Crawford.

Me too!

Could those things

to do include buying

someone a Christmas present!

Haha, could be!

See you later.

See you later, alligator!

After a while, crocodile!

Well, I guess I'd

better get moving along.

Aunt Kittypat's train

should be here any minute.

And I've got to buy a

Christmas present for Harriet.

I got her name in the drawing.

NARRATOR: So, Crawford

the cat headed

inside Grandma

Guernsey's general store

in search of just the right gift

for his good friend, Harriet.


HARRIET: Merry Christmas,

Grandma Guernsey.

Hi, Crawford.

Just the person I

was hoping to see.

How come?

Just wanted to tell

you how many folks

have said something about

that pretty Christmas Garland

up there.

It does make the place

look Christmasy, doesn't it?

Oh, it sure does!

Just wanted to say thanks

again for hanging it for me.

I'm a little wobbly

on ladders these days.

And besides, what

I would have done

wouldn't have been half

as pretty as what you did.

Well, you're welcome,

Grandma Guernsey.

It was fun to do.

I'm glad.

Now then, what can I do for you?

I'll take one

of these, please.

Oh, these are nice.

I'll be right back with it.

NARRATOR: Well, that

didn't take long.

Oh, no.

I already knew what I

wanted to give Harriet.

Do you want to see what it is?

NARRATOR: Of course.

I got her one of these.

It's a Christmas tree ornament.


that's very pretty.


were words on it.

It says, "a friend is the

best thing you can have,

and the best thing you can be."

I like that.

It's perfect.

If I give that to

Harriet, she'll

know just how much I

like being her friend

and how much I like

her being mine.

I think she's going to love it!


think you're right.

Here you go, Deary.

I wrapped it in tissue paper

and put it in a little box.

Thank you, Grandma Guernsey.


very welcome, Crawford.

I'm so excited.

We got a tree.

I got Harriet and a present.

Aunt Kittypat will be here any--

come to think of it,

shouldn't she be here by now?

It looks like the 12:05

train from Catnip Creek

is running late.

Oh, Honey, it isn't

running today at all.


But my Aunt Kittypat was

supposed to be on it.

She's coming to spend Christmas

with me, just like she always


We were going to decorate

the tree and everything.

Oh, I'm sorry, Sweetie.

The snow we had here

was nothing compared

to what they had over there.

The train's snowed in, can't get

out of the station for, maybe,

a couple of days!

Oh, no!

Now, don't you worry.

The snow can't last forever.

You can just postpone your

Christmas for a couple of days.

But today is Christmas Eve!

I know it is, honey.

It just won't be the same.

You going to be

all right, Crawford.

Sure, I'll be fine.

I just got to make

the best of it.

Thanks, again.

You're welcome, Honey.

Oh, don't seem quite

fair, him missing Christmas

with his aunt, and all.

Hm, I wonder.


though Aunt Kittypat

wasn't going to be there

this Christmas Eve,

Crawford decided carry on all of

their traditions just the same.

Yes, Aunt Kittypat

would want me to.



I'm baking cookies,

decorating the tree,

and wrapping presents

all at the same time.


that's a lot to do!

Yes, it is.

I sure miss Aunt

Kittypat's help.

But mostly, though,

I just miss her.

NARRATOR: I understand.

Is that box Harriet's present?


And this is the paper

I've chosen to wrap it in.

Do you like it?

NARRATOR: Oh, yes, very much.

Thank you.

It'll be so pretty, Harriet

won't want to open it.

Oh, she'll open it, all right.

She'll be real careful, though.

Harriet saves wrapping

paper and uses it again.


wonderful, a recycler!


It is wonderful.

But it's also a

hard thing to do.

NARRATOR: Saving the paper?

No, unwrapping

presents carefully.

I get so excited,

that I'm not too neat.

NARRATOR: I know what you mean!



More cookies are done!

Every year, Aunt Kittypat

and I bake Christmas cookies.

And then, Harriet and Milow

come over to help decorate them.

Then we take them to

all of our friends.

It's a Christmas tradition.


very nice tradition.

This cookie dough recipe is

super, super, super secret.

NARRATOR: Three supers?

That is secret!

Well, it's not

really that secret.

I'll give it to

you, if you want to.



NARRATOR: May I have one?

Not yet, they

aren't quite done.

I'll have to reset the timer.


NARRATOR: What's that?

Well, I'm using

timers to remind me

of when I need to do something.

That one was the

tell me to start

decorating the Christmas tree.

I'm on a schedule.


Oh, forgot to

take my mitts off.



NARRATOR: Another timer?

Yes, that's the

timer to remind

me to wrap Harriet's present.

But I've already

got that started.

Oh, it's nice to be

ahead of schedule.

NARRATOR: It sure is!

I'll just reset this

to remind me to finish up

the wrapping later.


Oh, the cookies must be done!


I'll reset the timer to remind

me to put these on a cooling

rack in a few minutes.

[cuckoo clock]

NARRATOR: That timer

sounds like a cuckoo clock!

It is a cuckoo clock!

It cuckoos every hour!

And now, it's 3:00 o'clock.

3:00 o'clock!

Oh, my!

It's later than I thought!

I'd better get back to

decorating the tree!

Now, I'm behind schedule!


Wow, already?

NARRATOR: That's not the

oven timer, Crawford.

That was your gift

wrapping timer.

Oh, yes, thank you.

I can't lose track

of this, either.

I'll be back for you

in just a few minutes.

The gift's got to be finished

first, before she gets here.


That's the oven timer.

Don't go anywhere!

Cookies on the cooling rack!

Cookies on the cooling rack!


Oh, the tree!


The gift!

Oh, the tree!


What's that timer for?

NARRATOR: That's the doorbell!

Oh, right!

I'm getting busy!

HARRIET: Crawford,

it's me, Harriet.

It's Harriet!

She's early!

Uh, just a minute!

I got to hide the gift!

Hi, Harriet, come on in.

Merry Christmas, Crawford.

Merry Christmas.

You're out of breath.

What were all those

buzzer and beeper sounds?

Those are my timers,

to keep me on schedule.

Only, it's not working so well.

[warning siren]

What's that?

That's the timer for

my Gilroy Gofer game.

It's to remind you to mix up

some frosting for the cookies.

I've been trying to get

everything done, just like when

Aunt Kittypat is here.

It's been a challenge.

I heard that the train

wasn't coming today,

and neither was

your Aunt Kittypat.

I'm sorry.

I know you look

forward to her visits.

I sure do.

That's why I

came early, to see

if I could help with anything.

Thanks, Harriet!

That's very nice of you.

Well, as you

said this morning,

that's what friends are for!

Now, then, what can I do?

Well, the last batch of the

cookies are out of the oven.

But we need icing

to decorate them.

Could you mix up some

while I finished the tree?

I'd be happy to!

I'll make red, and green,

and every color in between!


That'd be perfect!

What's in the bag?

My gift for our exchange.

No peeking!

Don't worry, I

don't have the energy!


Oh, I'll bet that's Milow!


Hi, Milow!

Merry Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas, Crawford!

They told me at the store

that your Aunt Kittypat

wasn't coming.

So I hurried over

to see if there

was anything I could help with.

Why, thank you, Milow.

You're a good friend.

Would you like to help

decorate the tree while I

finish wrapping a present?



All the ornaments

are in these boxes.

MILOW: Perfect.

CRAWFORD: Hey, Harriet,

there's more food coloring

in the pantry if you need it.


NARRATOR: So, with the help

of his friends, Crawford

the Cat got his presents

wrapped, the Christmas

tree decorated, and

the frosting mixed.

And soon, they started

decorating Christmas cookies!

And we finished

decorating them, too!


NARRATOR: Beautiful!

Mine, too?

Yours, too!

How about mine?

NARRATOR: Superior!

So, how many cookies did

each of you decorate?

A lot!

More than a lot!

Lots and lots!

NARRATOR: Oh, my goodness!

That is a lot of

Christmas cookies!

We have a lot of friends!

I see!

Hey, it's dark outside.

Let's turn on the

Christmas tree lights.

I want to see how I did!


And since you did most

of the decorations,

you can be the one

who turns it on!


Ready, set, go!


It's beautiful!

I like those twinkle lights.

CRAWFORD: Those are Aunt

Kittypat's favorites, too.

HARRIET: I like the candy canes!


the cat ornaments!


I could just

sit here all night

and look at that beautiful tree!

If we didn't have other

things to do, like--

Open our gift

exchange presents!



This one is for you, Milow!

I drew your name!

And this one is

for you, Harriet!

I'm so excited!

I just can't wait for you

to see what I got you!

This one's for you, Crawford!

Who goes first?

Let's all open them

at the same time!


And tonight, I'm not

even going to be neat!


HARRIET: Oh, my,

they're all the same!

You got him what I got you!

And she got me

what you got her!

And I got you what he got me!

Let's all read them

at the same time!

"A friend is the

best thing you can have

and the best thing you can be."

When I saw that

declaration, I thought,

I just must get this

for Harriet so she'll

know how lucky I

feel to have her

as my very, very good friend.

That's why I

bought one for Milow.

And that's why I

got one for Crawford.

I guess we're all really lucky

to have such good friends, huh?

We sure are!

I only wish your Aunt

Kittypat could have been here

to share the fun.

Ah, me too.


Who's there?


Santa Claus?

Uh, come in?

Hohoho again!

Grandma Guernsey!


CRAWFORD: What are

you doing here?

Is everything all right?

Hunky dory, and then some.

I just stopped by with

a little Christmas

present for Crawford the Cat.



Will the mystery Christmas

gift step in, please?

Hello there, Sweetie.

[gasp] Aunt Kittypat!

It's Aunt Kittypat!

Oh, I'm so glad to see you.

And I'm glad to see you, too.

Where did she come from?

How did she get here?

How did you find her?

Did the train come?

No, no train, still snowed

in over in Catnip Creek.

But I got to thinking that train

might make it through the snow,

but my good old one

horse open sleigh

might just make it to

Catnip Creek and back.

So I decided to give it a try.

After all, Crawford's

always doing nice things

for people all year long.

Just wanted to do

something nice for him.

So, here I am!

Thank you, Grandma Guernsey!

Oh, 'tain't such

a much, really!

It is to me!

Oh, my you got here just in

the nick of time to go with us!

We have Christmas

carols to sing!

And Cookies to deliver!

If y'all want, I can

haul them in my sleigh!


ALL: (SINGING) Oh, jingle

bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Thanks for these great cookies!

You're welcome!

Merry Christmas!

Well, the cookies

are all delivered.

And the songs are also sung!

Who's ready for hot chocolate!

We are!

Giddy up, horsey!

Let's go!


this Christmas Eve,

Crawford the Cat was reminded

of something he already knew!

The words written

on the ornaments

they bought for each other

weren't just a nice saying,

but a wonderful way

to live each day.

I think this is the

best Christmas ever.

Me too!


Christmas, Crawford!

Merry Christmas!

ALL: (SINGING) Oh, jingle

bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way!

Oh, what fun it is to ride

in a one horse open sleigh!