Coronation Street (1960) - full transcript
The world's longest-running television soap, Coronation Street focuses on the everyday lives of working class people in Manchester, England.
Oh, I see you've got them
waiting on you, hand and foot.
They keep forcing Christmas treats
on me. What can I do?
Yeah, you're right, be rude not to.
It's a good job I'm getting out
today, that's all I'm saying.
Be glad to get home.
Well, you're in no fit state
to be by yourself.
You should come and stay with me.
No, no, honestly, I'll be fine.
I'll be the judge of that.
I'll go in with Bertie,
you can have my room.
OK, I don't have the strength
to argue.
The police are coming
to see me later.
What are you going to tell them?
I'm gonna tell them the truth,
that it was Peter.
I know you said that your attacker
smelled like whiskey,
but Peter isn't not the only one
who likes to have a drink.
You know that Gary's
under suspicion, too? No.
Yeah, the police are all over him.
It's mad.
Something about a body in the woods,
or something.
Look, I've got no time
for the bloke, you know that.
But it wasn't him, it was Peter.
He came to see me yesterday.
I know.
Trying to cover his tracks. Told me
not to point the finger at him.
That's fair enough.
You can't tell the police it was him
unless you're absolutely sure.
Think, think what this
is gonna do to Simon.
The whole family,
it's gonna implode.
He should've thought of that
before he put me in here!
Look, I know it's not
what you wanna hear,
but I've got no doubt in my mind.
It was Peter.
You know, we don't have to go.
No-one's forcing us.
We could just get in a car
and go anywhere we want.
Chester's nice at Christmas,
they've got lovely lights.
Very refined, is Chester.
We could do one of them boat trips
if we were feeling brave.
I wish.
You get to see all the backs
of those big houses.
How the other half live.
Funerals are for the living,
not the dead.
We're going for Yasmeen's sake.
I know. No escape,
not in the real world.
You know, no-one would blame you
if you stayed away.
I don't want to go really,
but I'd feel guilty if I didn't.
He was still my granddad.
Well, it's complicated.
I mean, you loved him once.
I imagine that you can't
just switch those feelings off,
regardless of what he's done.
Nah, you're wrong.
He means nothing to me.
The sooner that he's in the ground,
the better.
I just want this day
over and done with.
Is this today's challenge? Doing the
washing up as slowly as possible.
Trying not to clatter too much,
don't wanna wake Mason up.
Oh, no, he's spark out. He's making
his little snuffly, snoring noises.
Yeah, no, I know.
I recorded him on my phone.
Oh, listen, I'm gonna nip out
to the shops in a bit,
get a few bits and bobs.
Are you OK to look after him?
Yeah, sure,
I'll stick him in a pram,
take him for a run
around the Red Rec.
Are you loving it?
Even more than I thought I would.
It really makes you think,
though, doesn't it?
About what Leanne's lost.
All those little moments
that make up a day.
It must be killing her
to have nothing but memories.
Have you spoken to her?
No, I've left her a few messages,
but she's not got back to me.
It's a tough time, Christmas,
when you're living with a loss.
Yeah, well, at least
she's got Stella looking after her.
That's the main thing.
Oh, His Lordship's awake.
BOTH: I'll go.
Go on.
Oh, what's the rush?
You're gonna wear yourself out.
I like it clean.
Gran, it's clean enough.
You're right.
I thought you might've
changed your mind about today.
You know, doing all this for him?
It's nothing. You're a much more
decent human being than I am.
Mind you, there's something
to be said about seeing him buried.
Covered in a ton of earth.
Leave it, Alya, please.
Let's see him talk his way
out of that one. Alya!
I can't believe
you've put his picture on this.
Who'd wanna see his ugly mug?
It's the done thing.
We've got to do everything properly.
There's only one T!
"Gone but not forgotten."
They've spelt it wrongly.
I've been to see Adam.
He's getting out today.
Oh, I'm thrilled for him.
No Simon?
He's at a mate's.
What's all this, then?
Christmas presents
that don't make the grade?
Charity shop's going to make
a killing this year, is it?
I'm going away for a while, Daniel.
If you leg it,
everyone's gonna assume
you were the one who attacked Adam.
Including the police.
I don't care.
Well, you should. They'll come
after you, they'll lock you up.
They'll have to catch me first.
Please stay.
We can find Adam,
we can talk things through.
The last thing I wanna do
is see him.
I know that he's hurt you,
but you're not exactly innocent
in all of this yourself.
I can barely stand to look at him.
Or Carla, come to that.
They deserve each other.
Typical! Someone's scoffed
all the best ones.
Hm, I blame him.
Yeah, you know it was his turn
to do the washing up an' all.
He's not done the tap.
See, lazy as well as greedy.
Carry on like that, Barney, lad,
and I'll have to stick you in a pie.
You know, yesterday
was the best day ever.
But, now that
we're back together properly,
you do know that's it forever,
don't you?
You make it sound like a threat
rather than a promise.
Oh, no, it is. It is.
Because if you ever try and dump me
again, I will hunt you down.
Hm, it seems like you're joking, but
I know you actually mean every word.
I love hanging out with you,
you know?
Good, cos you're kind of
stuck with me now.
But I do get a bit bored sometimes.
I'm sorry it's not all
fun and fireworks (!)
Well, maybe I should
go back to work.
It's a bit soon, isn't it?
Dunno. Do you think I'd struggle
with only half a brain?
I don't remember that
being your exact diagnosis.
Well, you know, Roy's let me do
the odd hour here and there,
so do you think
he'd take me back properly?
There's only one way to find out,
I suppose.
This is a complete farce.
Head to toe in black.
You know if I was being honest,
I'd be wearing something cheery.
What, a T-shirt with a big,
bright yellow smiley face on it?
Yeah, and deely boppers.
A sequined fright wig.
D'you know, I can't believe
Yasmeen's going ahead with all this.
She owes that man nothing.
If I were her, I'd have chucked him
in a peat bog and have done with it.
As much as I hate Americanisms,
this might be the only thing
that gives her closure.
And me, too, hopefully.
Oh, flamin' thing!
Tim, let me do it.
I'm fine.
Try not to get wound up.
This is only a few hours
and it'll all be over.
Pretending that we respect him,
making out we're gonna miss him.
I hope he's rotting in hell.
Hmm, we could do turkey schnitzels?
What's that when it's at home?
You just coat it in breadcrumbs.
What you don't use the actual
slices of bread? Just the crumbs?
How is that better than a butty?
It's a good question.
I don't think you can do it
with cooked leftovers anyway.
Should I give Summer another shout?
She's taking her time.
Probably practising
her synchronised swimming.
She loves a long bath, that one.
My bladder's fit to burst.
I can just leave this here,
I'll see her tomorrow anyway.
No, no, no, wait.
She'll want to see you.
Oh, I'm starving.
What else have we got?
Er, ah, could do turkey stew.
There's a tin of chickpeas
going begging.
Times like this,
I wish we had a dog.
I give up. Thought you were meant
to be working at the helpline today?
Don't tell me
you've got bored of it, already?
No, I like helping out.
I'll volunteer
as long as they need me.
I didn't think you had
a charitable bone in your body.
I'm happy to be proved wrong.
You know what,
let's swerve the turkey.
Oh, right, Quality Street on toast
it is, then!
No! Come on. I'll take you down
to Speed Daal. Treat you to a curry.
Hopefully, it'll make up
for the other night.
Please stay. You're just making
things worse for yourself.
I just got your text.
What's this? You're guilt-tripping
me into staying, are you?
So, you were just gonna go
without saying goodbye to me, then?
No, Si, of course not. Look my train
doesn't leave for a couple of hours.
Where are you going to go?
I'm gonna stay with a mate
in Plymouth.
You remember Joe,
with the glass eye?
I'm gonna stay with him.
There's gonna be no-one there
to care enough
to stop you from drinking
and you'll end up on another bender.
No, no. That's not gonna to happen,
OK, I promise you.
Yes, honestly.
Because if I start, I know
I won't be able to stop. Promise.
Dad, I hate
what they've done to you.
You can't let them drive you away.
Hey, I'm not gonna be gone for long,
I promise.
I just wish I could come with you.
I'm gonna hate
being stuck here by myself.
I would love nothing more than that.
But Leanne's back soon.
She needs you.
I know.
Si, I hate leaving you, I do.
It hurts me,
but believe me when I tell you...
..I don't have a choice.
Oh, hey, how's he been?
He's such a perky little bloke.
Nothing seems to phase him.
Aw, well, that is because
he feels so at home with us.
Ah, I see you've given the
credit card a bit of a hammering.
Yeah, well, I tried
to cover all the bases.
Get a good mixture of things, so,
educational, entertaining, daft.
A puppy that does a back flip?
Oh, it yaps, as well. Puzzles
to help develop spatial awareness.
Oh, and, yeah, the cutest teddy!
That is cute. What does he do?
Does he talk? Wee? Clap his paws?
Well, she's cuddly! I think that we
should call her Mabel.
Yeah, I think
she looks like a Mabel.
Dare I ask how much all this cost?
Hey, look, we are helping Mason
to make memories.
You can't put a price on that.
He's not stopping with us for long,
social services
made that very clear.
Yeah, I know. That's why
I'm making the most of him.
And, you know, when he does go home,
we'll be welcoming
other children into our home
and all this stuff
will come in handy.
Well, yeah, kids love stuff.
Oh, I have missed that little face.
He's asleep.
Well, he won't mind
if I sneak a kiss then, will he?
Don't wake him!
All right!
'Oh, we got this one, as well.'
'You like this one, don't you?'
'I think you like Mabel.'
It's so good
to see you up and about.
You say that like you mean it.
Of course I mean it.
Daniel said you came
to visit me in hospital.
Sat by my bedside for hours.
Playing the part
of the dutiful wife?
I thought that ship had sailed?
I was worried about you.
D'you want a cup of tea?
Yeah, go on.
Must've been tempting,
me lying there, all helpless.
Why, what do you mean by that?
I'm just surprised
you didn't take the opportunity
to put a pillow over my face.
You're gonna think
I'm a right soppy mare,
but I was stroking your hair
and I sang you a song.
With your voice, it's lucky
I survived to tell the tale.
Er, hey, you! My Fernando
has brought a tear to many an eye.
I missed you.
I've missed you.
You know you, you really hurt me
when you slept with Carla.
But I've been far
from blameless myself, so...
You're not telling me
you've slept with someone else, too?
No! I wouldn't do that to you.
I'm saying, I've made mistakes.
And when I realised
I was in the wrong,
I've done everything I can
to put it right.
I know what you've done, Sarah.
You've talked to the police,
haven't you?
Told the truth about Gary.
Tipped them off about the woods.
PHONE PLAYS: 'Walking On Sunshine'
Switch it off!
I hope no-one notices.
Are you still fretting
about that typo?
For goodness sake, Gran.
He was a stickler for detail.
He'd be absolutely furious.
GHOSTLY: You couldn't even
get that right, could you?
Stupid cow.
Oh, Tim says
we should go without him.
Well, where is he?
He didn't say.
Is he meeting us there, or what?
ALYA: I feel like pelting his coffin
with rotten eggs.
I bet there's some dog muck
in the ginnel, that'd do.
Are you OK?
You don't have to
go through with this, you know?
GHOSTLY: Are you going to be dancing
a merry little jig on my grave?
I, erm...
..I need some water.
I'll get it for you.
I'll get it.
I'd like a minute or two alone.
The cars will be here in a minute.
I'll see you there.
I'll walk, I need some air.
Eventually, I realised
that everything
you said about Gary was true.
Why now?
It was seeing you, lay there,
in that hospital bed.
I was so scared.
Yeah, you're not the only one.
Well, I know we're over,
but the idea of losing you for good,
it was just unbearable.
Same goes.
Nothing like a near death experience
to focus the mind.
I thought it was time for me to show
where my true loyalties lay.
So, I made the call.
About Rick's body.
I didn't just do it
because I felt bad about the past,
I did it because I am convinced
that he is the one who hurt you.
It's time Gary paid for all
the terrible things he's done.
I need to speak to you.
It's Peter...
Can I just stop you there?
He's told me never to darken
his door again, you know that.
Adam's woken up.
And he's convinced that Peter's
the one that attacked him.
What's Peter had to say for himself?
Well, he's packing his stuff,
he's doing a runner.
Yeah, that's how
he deals with things, he legs it.
We can't just let him go.
He's in this mess because of you.
Yeah, Daniel... You dropped a bomb
in the middle of my family.
The least you can do is help me
to sort the fallout.
How many times?
Listen, he won't listen to me...
If we can just get the two of them
in the same room to talk it out.
Because the minute the police are
involved, that's it, it's game over.
You're wasting your time.
Don't you think that we've
been through enough as a family?
If you don't care about any of us,
at least spare a thought for Simon.
I wanna help.
OK, but who am I to go wading in,
laying down the law?
I mean, you've said so yourself,
haven't I hurt them enough?
Just forget it!
I'll just have
to sort him out myself.
PAUL: Oh, hot date
at twelve o'clock.
BILLY: Who's that?
It's Ajay,
he's the manager of the helpline.
Todd doesn't waste any time.
All right?
Yeah, you?
This is Billy, my boyfriend.
Billy, this is Ajay.
Pleased to meet you.
Yeah, you too.
So, er, what did you get
for Christmas?
Better than a pair of socks
and a selection box, eh?
So, are you two an item, then,
or what?
Give us chance.
I've only known him two minutes.
I've had my beady eye on you
since day one.
Not sure if I should be flattered
or scared.
This is so typical of you.
What? Volunteering at a helpline so
you can make a move on the manager!
That's not very Christian
of you, vicar.
I thought you'd have
an ulterior motive.
You got me. No flies on you.
You know, I actually thought puppies
were the cutest creatures
on the planet,
but it turns out
babies are the best.
You just wait
until they turn into toddlers
and then you can get them
to do errands for you.
Oh, so that's why
you want to foster,
cos you want to have
an army of little helpers!
Our Les had me and Leanne
run ragged.
"Make us a cup of tea, Toyah.
Do us a butty, Lee."
Right I'm just gonna check
on the little fella.
Oh, I tell you what,
we should train Mason
to sweep chimneys
while he's still nice and small?
Yeah, it's all good, thanks.
What, today?
IN OTHER ROOM: 'You just
don't wanna go to sleep, do you?'
No, it's, erm...
I just hoped we might have him
for a bit longer than that.
Yeah... Yeah, of course.
You're right, it's...
It's just as it should be.
Back to his mum.
'We need to tuck you back in
'cos you've made a right mess,
haven't you?
'Yes, you have.'
There you are,
your name is added to the rota.
Looking forward
to taking a break for a bit.
I fancy being a kept man.
In your dreams.
We shall be closing early
this evening.
I have a fascinating
documentary to watch
featuring the
Trans Siberian Railway.
Nice one.
It's always been a dream of mine to
travel from Moscow to Vladivostok.
Omsk, Ulan Ude, Siberia...
Roy, Roy, can I just stop you there?
Stop saying words that are making me
feel like I'm going mad.
Siberia! You'll need your thermals
packed for that trip, Roy.
It covers 9,259 kilometres,
that's 5,753 miles, over seven days.
Are you tired?
No, I'm bored.
Honestly, I feel like I'm falling
asleep standing up, like a cow.
Well, why don't I find you
something to do, to wake you up?
Go for it, Roy.
I shall start you off
on some light, simple duties.
Table wiping, cake serving,
that type of thing.
Yeah, I'll be your first customer!
Cake me up!
OK, you are on. Where's me pinny?
You're off, then?
Yeah, just run away, leave
everybody else to fix your mess.
You need to stay here and you need
to face up to what you've done.
Daniel, I've done nothing wrong!
I've been in this exact same
situation before, when Tina died.
And they point the finger at me
and I had nothing.
I had no alibi. I had no defence,
I had no nothing, OK?
I can't go to prison. Not again.
I'm not waiting for them
to come for me.
I'm leaving while I still can.
Well, what makes you so convinced
that you're gonna go to prison?
If you've done nothing wrong,
like you said...
Just leave it, Daniel, please.
Did you attack Adam, or didn't you?
What? You can't even look me
in the face any more?
You did it, didn't you?
Just admit it, Peter!
It's not here, where is it?
Hey, the ambulance will be here
any minute.
Don't worry, you'll be at
the hospital before you know it, OK?
You're gonna be all right.
Where is it?
The gardens on Victoria Street,
opposite Weatherfield tram stop.
It is urgent. You need to hurry,
he's doubled up
and he's bringing up blood.
I don't know why,
but I just had to come out to look.
To see if it really happened?
That I haven't dreamt
the whole thing.
Sorry, dreamt isn't right.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
It's why we have funerals, puts
a full stop on it and helps to heal.
Yeah, I suppose.
I couldn't face it.
Nah, me neither.
I know I was the one pushing for it,
saying a funeral's important,
but at the end of the day...
Being there, listening
to the service,
it wouldn't be right.
Would you like to come in?
I mean, please don't feel obliged,
you don't have to, it's just...
I thought you might...
Yeah, I'd like that,
if that's all right with you?
Of course.
Gary could have smacked me any time,
why wait until I was in The Bistro?
Where there weren't any witnesses?
Right, so, Maria said he was with
her, but now she's taken it back.
Who is gonna have a bigger motive
than Gary to hurt you?
Peter. Honestly,
the look in his eye that night,
the hatred he had for me,
he could've killed me.
Not Peter, no.
He was so angry about me sleeping...
Look, put it this way,
he made no secret of his delight
in me being in hospital.
Look, I'm not arguing that he might
have wanted to hurt you,
but I don't think he would do it.
I don't think he could,
not to you, you're family.
Whereas Gary...
Well, we both know
what he's capable of. True.
And I'm convinced
he moved Rick's body that night.
He wouldn't have had time
to attack me and move Rick's body.
That's what Gary said,
but I think he could.
Be in two places at the same time?
No, he tried to kill you,
then he goes off to the woods.
Why would he do that if
he was concentrating on moving Rick?
To buy time. To shut you up.
To stop you going to the police.
And what will he do next
to keep us quiet?
I thought that seeing him
buried would be the end of it.
I know he's dead, I saw it.
It's silly...
What is?
You'll think I'm mad.
No, no. I won't. I promise you.
There are times that...
..I see Geoff.
He was here on Christmas Day,
carving the turkey.
What d'you mean,
like, a ghost or summat?
No. But in another way, yes.
It's like he's...
He's in my head, under my skin.
It's the memory of him
that haunts me.
You see, I said you'd think
I was mad.
No. No, no, no, no.
I hear his voice telling me off.
Not rinsing the dishes properly
after I'd washed them,
not putting the laundry away...
Not keeping the remote controls in
the right order or the right place.
I hear him all the time,
whispering in my ear
and I thought the funeral
would put an end to it...
But now I think...
..I might...
I think he might be...
..with me for the rest of my life.
I'm... I'm so sorry.
No, no, no, no, I'm sorry,
you shouldn't
have to listen to this.
No, no, no, no, no.
It's good...
No, it's good
that you're telling me this
because it helps me to understand
why I didn't go today.
Because, more than anything,
after everything he's done...
..I was worried that I might cry.
That I'd sit there
and I'd cry and...
I wouldn't be able to help myself.
And I'd not forgive myself for that.
Tipping off the police was brave.
Brave or stupid.
There's no way they could know
it was me who called, right?
Crimestoppers is anonymous.
Even so, you worry, don't you?
Because if the police knew it was me
I could be charged, too, couldn't I?
It's not going to happen, I promise.
Listen, while we're talking
about the big stuff,
I just want to say that...
what happened with Carla
should never...
Look, I know we...
Please, let me finish.
It should never have happened.
I'm never gonna forgive myself
for hurting you.
I've made some mistakes
in my life, but...
Well, we can't go back in time.
We can just... carry on, yeah?
Yeah. I'd best be making tracks.
The police are coming
to see me in a bit.
When I was a kid and I fell over,
he was the one that picked me up.
He always looked after me.
He always made me feel safe.
I remember once, when I was little,
when I was really little,
he carried me the whole length
of the golden mile on his shoulders,
through all the illuminations.
And he bought me this,
I dunno what it was...
a plastic walking stick,
full of sweets.
I sat on his shoulders,
scoffing the lot of them,
looking up at the lights
thinking I was on top of the world.
And I was.
And that's what he did,
he always made me feel
like I was on top of the world.
He was my hero.
A lifetime of good memories.
All bad ones now, aren't they?
Everything he's done and said...
No point remembering the good ones.
But despite all the bad things...
..we both loved him.
I'm stuffed. I was thinking
we could get some dessert?
Have you got hollow legs,
you, or what?
I'm a growing lad.
Is that right?
What about you two?
Seen anything you fancy?
No, I'm all right, ta.
Yeah, me, too.
Come on, have a coffee with us
or something.
You were telling me
about the helpline.
Was I?
How long have you been there, now?
Two... No, three years. Wow.
Time ticks on, doesn't it?
Plus feeling like you're there 24/7.
At least you've got people around
you who are equally committed.
It's the same in your business,
isn't it?
Dealing with the struggles
and hardships that people face.
Well, it's... You've got to learn
to switch off, haven't you?
It's not easy,
but you can't take it home with you.
That's our golden rule,
don't get involved.
Oh, and we can safely say
that Wonderwall
is his favourite song of all time.
Yeah, I heard you.
It was, er...
Look, I need to speak to you.
What, about my singing?
Mason's social worker called.
His mum's had the op now and
she's ready for him to come home.
That's good.
Yeah, so they'd like to come
and collect him.
Well, they can't.
I mean, yeah, I get that
it's a short-term placement,
but I just hoped
we'd have a few more days with him.
Look, we knew it could be like this.
We don't get to decide
when a child moves on.
No, I know.
Well, that's great for Mason, then.
Really great.
Hey. Oh, you're blanking me now?
You should be grateful
I'm not smacking you one.
Is that right, big man?
I wish you'd never
come out of hospital!
Simon? D'you know what?
You're a liar and you're a cheat.
Ah, that's exactly
what you spray-painted
across the front of my office?
Yeah. Too right!
D'you know what?
If it wasn't for you two,
my dad wouldn't be drinking
and he wouldn't have left!
OK, enough.
Peter's gone?
Come on. You can do one an' all.
Pathetic little man.
Mr Barlow?
I'm Dr Chen,
apologies for keeping you waiting.
No problem.
I've had a look through your notes
and noticed you have a history
of varices? Yeah.
Blood vessels in the oesophagus.
It's all down to my drinking.
That's right, isn't it?
Varices are caused
by the scarring of the liver.
Not uniquely, but, yes,
more often than not by alcohol.
Given the way you presented at A&E,
I strongly suspect that the varices
may have ruptured.
Well, can you fix them?
I'll do my best.
I've booked you in
for an immediate gastroscopy.
We'll put a small camera
down your throat
and have a look at what's going on
and if it is, as I suspect, varices,
then we'll deal with the bleeding
there and then.
Then I'm free to go?
We'll probably want to keep you in
for a day or two.
OK, thanks.
Sorry, Doctor, if you do manage
to stop the bleeding,
is there a chance
that it could happen again?
If he drinks again,
yes, undoubtedly.
So, last orders have been and gone.
Over the next few months
we'll be monitoring your liver,
assessing it's functionality.
Sorry, functionality?
Are you saying my liver's
on it's way out?
I'm afraid that liver failure
is a distinct possibility, yes.
So, Banksy... do know you can't go round
vandalising public property,
don't you, right?
It's nice of you
to look out for Adam. No, I'm not.
I'm looking out for you, actually.
Si, I mean it.
You know my dad's gone
because of you and him.
I know. And don't even try
blaming him for what you did.
I'm not. There's no excuse
for me hurting your dad.
It's completely your fault.
It is, yes, you're right.
And look, you know,
I know you hate me,
but I'll tell you this,
you don't hate me
as much as I hate myself right now.
Si, honestly,
and I'm not just saying this
to get into your good books,
I'm saying it because
I really want to help.
I want to help you, OK?
And if you need me at any point,
or you need to talk
about this or your dad...
I bet you're gonna miss him?
I know I will.
I feel like this is all my fault.
Chasing you and blaming you
for attacking Adam.
I didn't attack Adam.
I believe you.
It's just, well,
with you trying to run away.
Well, I'll explain to everyone.
And I'll explain about this.
No, no. No, Daniel, I don't want
anybody knowing about this, OK?
That's one of the reasons
I was leaving, because I was ill.
Well, only family.
No, no-one.
But, Dad, Simon...
Daniel, please, no-one.
They'd never forgive me.
I'll never forgive you if you do.
I don't want them
seeing me like this, OK?
You need your family
around you right now.
Really? Is that right?
Yeah, when Sinead died
you wouldn't let me be by myself,
this is no different... No, it is.
It's completely different.
I've done this to myself.
Are you being a martyr?
I'm not being a martyr.
Dad and Simon would want to...
Yeah, I know, I know.
OK, look...
Fine, OK...
Just give me a few days
to think about it. Please.
You'd better not be fobbing me off.
I'm not fobbing you off.
Now, you go home, all right?
And in the meantime,
Daniel, please, you tell no-one. OK?
Now go. Go.
Are you sure I can't get you one?
No, I'm fine.
Oh, are you all right?
I'm fine.
Well, I called and text,
but you didn't pick up.
Sorry, I had my phone on silent.
OK, when you both didn't turn up
to the funeral, well...
We've been right here.
Sally not with you?
She's next door, she's with Ryan.
I'm sorry I didn't make it
to the funeral.
Gran, you don't need to apologise.
Did it all go to plan?
Yeah, he got the send off
he deserved.
Did they play Hi-Ho Silver Lining?
That was his favourite song.
Do you have an Order Of Service?
Erm, yeah, I did...
Oh, I must have left it in the car,
or dropped it getting out.
I've got one, I'll get if for you.
No, it doesn't matter.
Tim and I have been saying goodbye
to Geoff in our own way.
Our first placement
and our first goodbye. Yeah.
Job well done.
We should... Erm...
It's good he's back
with his mum again.
I'm glad we got a photo.
We'll have to get an album, you
know, like they said at training.
Be nice to have a record, won't it?
Something to look back on.
I think I'll go out.
Oh? Yeah, I just fancy a walk,
you know, clear my head.
OK, do you want me to go with you?
No, no. Erm, no.
Honestly, you stay here, I'm fine.
What are you doing here?
I just, erm...
I thought I'd walk you home.
We only live round the corner.
I'm hardly gonna get lost, am I?
Yeah, well, I was just being nice.
I had nowt else to do.
All right, fair enough.
I'm joking. Oh, forget it.
You all right, Roy?
You all right?
Yeah, all fine. Thank you.
Yeah, apart from me
nearly smacking a customer
for moaning about his egg.
Apart from that.
Honestly, "I'd like a fried egg,
not poached."
And he reckons
the customer's always right!
Honestly, I said to him,
"Listen, pal,
"there are people starving
all over this world, all right,
"so get a grip, it's just an egg."
And then I said to him,
"And by looking at you,
"I bet your heart's happy
you're not having a fried egg."
Anyway he gave me a really good tip
because he respected my bluntness.
Look, don't feel obliged
to finish cleaning the tables.
I can do that.
Great, nice one, Roy. Thanks.
So, what are we saying, then,
same time tomorrow?
Er, well, the rota's
a little full tomorrow.
Oh, right. OK, I see.
But why don't we view this week
as a short holiday
before you start work in earnest
next week?
Yeah? Really? Oh, great. Thanks.
Thanks, Roy.
I didn't realise it'd gone dark.
The police will be here soon.
Well, I've just come back
to get Bertie's hat.
I'm picking him up from a play date
and it's got really,
really cold outside.
Have you decided what
you're going to say to the police?
I don't know.
You don't know what you're gonna say
or you don't know who attacked you?
I don't know what I'm gonna say.
Please don't tell them
that it was Peter.
Even though I think he did it?
But you don't know that.
Innocent until proven guilty?
He didn't do it, I'm sure of it.
You know I am sick of people
trying to tell me
who did or didn't try and kill me.
Why, who else
has been speaking to you?
I'm sorry, OK?
But you didn't see who did it,
so you can't just say
that it was Peter.
It had to be him.
Don't tell the police that, please.
Give me one good reason
why I shouldn't.
That'll be them.
He's ill!
He's ill?
He's in hospital.
He's got internal bleeding
because of his drinking.
They think he might
have liver failure.
He made me promise
not to tell anyone,
but if you're gonna go and tell them
that you think it was him, well,
that'll push him to drink and...
And he could die.
I mean he would die.
So, what if he's guilty?
He just gets away with it?
Yeah, you're right, Adam.
If he's guilty,
he should go to prison
where he can die alone in a cell.
You do that Adam, you do that.
Hey, how are you doing?
Good, yeah.
Have you been crying?
Oh, I got a little bit upset
and then got angry with myself
for being upset.
I mean, what our Lee
had to go through losing Oliver.
This is nothing. Nothing.
Do you wanna... I don't know,
do you wanna do something?
Like what?
I dunno, we can grab some food, we
can watch a film, whatever you want.
Thanks, though. What are you up to?
Oh, this... Work, more work.
Good, yeah, well,
you get back to that
and I'll tidy these things away.
No, we should do that together.
No, no, honestly, I'm fine,
you crack on.
What do you fancy for tea?
Chicken nuggets.
I was thinking of making
something a bit special?
Chicken nuggets are special.
Hm, I suppose.
With chips and peas.
Your wish is my command.
Thank you for helping me.
You're my wife.
We're, like, properly married now,
aren't we?
Yeah. Properly married.
You know, maybe we should
have a honeymoon or something?
Er, yeah.
We could do it this week,
while we're both off work?
Er, we might need
a little bit longer to plan it.
Not if we don't go too far.
You know,
we could book into a posh hotel.
You do know
what I'm getting at, don't you?
City centre?
Oh, erm...
I mean, you know,
we could do it now?
They're not all won't be back
from Audrey's till later.
Sorry, am I being
inappropriate again?
No. No, no. Erm, you're, erm...
You're being
very appropriate, actually.
All right then. Come on.
I'm pleased to see you out of
hospital and on the mend, Mr Barlow.
Do you think you're able
to talk about your attack?
OK, so, in your own time,
just talk me through
the events of that night
and, specifically,
the last thing you can remember.
Let's just cut to the chase,
shall we?
And talk about who tried to kill me.
You think you know who attacked you?
I think it was, erm...
..Gary Windass.
Subtitles by ITV SignPost