Conspiracy Chronicles: 9/11, Aliens (2019) - full transcript

It is widely believed that the 9/11 attack was an inside job - but by whom? Many believe it was a political ruse to instigate war with the Middle East and to justify removing many of our ...

(dramatic music)

- [Man] For 17 years, I served

as Assistant Deputy General

at the Department of Justice.

I worked essentially as the

chief operating officer.

In those years, I developed

a very close relationship

with the Deputy Attorney

General, who in many

private discussions

disclosed highly top secret

information that really

shook me to the core.

This intel related to the

existence of a secret society

you may know as the Illuminati,

an organization comprised of

the wealthiest one percent

of the planet, and for over 300 years,

they have been secretly

controlling all aspects

of human activity for the sole purpose

of serving their own hidden agenda,

to one day rule the planet

as a single world government.

The second alarming

revelation by this deputy

attorney general was the coexistence of

an extraterrestrial race

that has been on Earth

practically since the beginning,

monitoring the human condition

and orchestrating their own

dark and sinister agenda.

But the really interesting

aspect of all this

is that this alien race

formed a unified pact

with the Illuminati around the 1940s,

the purpose of which was

to maneuver mankind's path

to a deplorable stage of servitude.

What the one percent got out of that deal

is absolute immunity.

They're able to live out

their lives as they please

while the rest of humanity

faces a global act of genocide,

with the few remaining

survivors relegated to slavery.

Now when you bring up the 9/11 event,

the truth of the matter is

that it was an inside job,

but designed and orchestrated

not by corrupt factions

within the government as

the conspiracy theorists

would have you believe,

but by this unholy union

between the alien race and the Illuminati.

They control the planet.

9/11 was just one phase of their objective

to bring humanity to its knees,

and it saddens me to say that humanity is

on the brink of its darkest age.

(dramatic music)

- For years, there have been rumors

that there's a UFO coverup,

but that some of those

involved want to end it.

There are stories about factions within

the intelligence community

at war with each other

over the UFO issue.

Some want disclosure, others don't.

- [Narrator] The problem

isn't the existence of aliens,

the problem is the inescapable implication

that the government has

known about this for decades,

but lied about it.

It would be a constitutional

and legal nightmare,

and would fundamentally

undermine the credibility

of political leaders.

On June 24th, 1947, a

pilot, Kenneth Arnold,

saw nine strange craft flying in formation

over the Cascade Mountains

in Washington state,

traveling at a speed of well

over 1,000 miles an hour.

The media got wind of

the story and labeled

these mystery objects flying

saucers or flying discs.

Further reports came in

from other locations in

the United States and from

countries all around the world.

What were these strange craft?

What were they doing,

and who was flying them?

Then as flying saucer fever

swept across the nation,

in early July 1947, something crashed

in the New Mexico desert

close to an army airfield.

The name of this base was Roswell.

Wreckage from the crash was

gathered up from a local ranch

by military intelligence

officers stationed at Roswell,

then in an extraordinary turn of events,

the US military reached out to the media

and let it be known that they recovered

one of these strange craft.

A news release read as follows.

The many rumors regarding the flying disk

became a reality yesterday

when the intelligence officer

of the 509th Bomb Group

of the Eighth Air Force,

Roswell Army Air Field,

was fortunate enough

to gain possession of a disk.

At the time, the 509th

Bomb Group was the only

atomic bomb-capable squadron

anywhere in the world.

Roswell was arguably the

most strategically important

military base on the face of the planet.

Unbelievably, within 24

hours, the military issued

a follow-up report

claiming that the object

had simply been a weather balloon.

Could the military intelligence personnel

at this elite military unit

really have misidentified

debris from a weather balloon?

In 2007, Senate majority leader Harry Reid

quietly got together with

two like-minded colleagues,

both now deceased, Senator Ted Stevens

and Senator Daniel Inouye.

They instigated a program

known as the Advanced

Aerospace Threat Identification

Program, or AATIP.

To add to the confusion

about this project,

it's also been described

as the advanced aviation

threat identification program,

and the advanced aerial

threat identification program.

Irrespective of the title,

the brief was clear.

Investigate and evaluate

all aerial objects

and phenomena that might pose a threat

to the air defense of the United States.

In some cases, such objects

might be secret prototype

aircraft, missiles, or drones.

In other cases, they were UFOs.

The story that exploded into public domain

in the pages of The New York Times

occurred in 2004 off

the coast of San Diego,

and involved two navy air crew,

commander David Fraver and

Lieutenant Commander Jim Slate.

Each man was flying a

navy F-18 Super Hornet,

and in the middle of a

routine training flight,

the pilots were vectored

towards an uncorrelated target

that radar operators on board

the USS Princeton were tracking.

It was the latest in a series

of strange radar returns

that the navy cruiser had

detected over a two-week period,

and this time, commanders were determined

to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Fraver headed towards the mystery object

and spotted it just above the ocean.

The sea was white, as if it was boiling.

Suddenly the object accelerated

towards him before veering away.

Unable to see it, the

aircraft were vectored

to a rendezvous point some 60 miles away,

only to be told by an

astonished radar operator

that the mystery object had appeared

at the precise location

they were heading for

while the two navy jets

were still 40 miles away.

"I have no idea what I saw," Fraver said,

"but I wanna fly one."

"My gosh, there's a whole fleet of them,

"look at that thing,"

another unidentified pilot

loudly exclaims in a second video.

The footage was taken

by an advanced targeting

forward-looking infrared pod,

and in a humorous twist,

the makers, Raytheon,

rushed out a press release boasting about

how their technology was used

in US government UFO hunting.

(dramatic music)

- [Man] There has been a

concerted effort by hundreds

of government officials and

military officers to expose

the truth of this

extraterrestrial race coexistence.

Many have issued sworn

testimonies before Congress,

and even provided tangible

evidence including videos

of mysterious aircraft

performing aerial navigations

that no manmade craft can achieve,

radar samples, metals and

alloys not from this earth,

as well as credible witness testimonies,

but the response from the government

was to sweep it under the carpet

as they were instructed to

do so, as well as the media.

That's why the public remains ill-informed

about what's really happening,

and this also paves the

way for unholy unification

to carry out the next

phase of their game plan.

- [Narrator] Faking an alien threat

is what the man who

developed the space rocket,

Wernher von Braun, allegedly

described on his death bed

as being the last card,

the ultimate way in which shadowy forces

would make their bid

to take over the world.

Because if 9/11 brought

us the Patriot Act,

which many believe was a tool to take away

various rights and freedoms,

then a faked alien invasion

could allow the Illuminati,

or whoever these

unseen forces of darkness may be,

to sweep away not just freedoms,

but the entire concept of nationhood.

The world would have to unite

to fight the common alien foe.

It would literally bring

about a new world order.

It sounds like science fiction,

but if it isn't, the

revelations about AATIP

may be a sign that the diabolical plan

is about to be put into motion.

(tense music)

- [Man] The history of the

Illuminati and its formation

is absolutely fascinating,

I would urge all people

to educate themselves about them.

Do the research, learn all that you can

about this very nefarious

entity that governs our planet,

because they are the

true enemy of the people.

They are our puppet masters

and we are completely

oblivious to that fact.

The one thing they do fear is exposure,

and if we can do that

then we can save ourselves

from virtual extinction.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] Across the world,

Freemasons were already

dividing into factions,

and the same is true of those in America.

In 1733, the Provincial Grand

Master of all North America,

Henry Price, granted a charter

to a group of Freemasons in Boston,

a most auspicious day for the Freemasons

as it was for the Knights

Templar and the Knights of Malta,

the 24th of June, Sir John's Day,

and this new lodge was to be

known as St. John's Lodge.

(tense music)

St. John was seen as equal

importance by many to Jesus.

A Freemason by the name of Adam Weishavpt

created a new Masonic order in Bavaria

called the Illuminati,

which was to catch the eye

of many, and still does.

There is no real hard evidence

that the Illuminati still exists,

but their influence on

the world stage was vast.

(tense music)

Jefferson spoke highly of Weishavpt,

and Washington wrote in a

letter about the Illuminati,

"It was not my intention

to doubt that the doctrines

"of the Illuminati had not

spread to the United States.

"On the contrary, no one

is more truly satisfied

"of this fact than I am."

(tense music)

This is clear evidence that

this highly secret group

had in fact spread into the USA.

And for what purpose?

We only have to look at the

worlds of Weishavpt himself

when he said "the

Illuminati will, by degrees,

"and in silence possess

themselves of the government

"of the states and make

use of those means."

A famous statement by

the Illuminati reveals

why history can often be confusing,

why sometimes it appears

there are two sides

when in truth there is only

one end result already planned.

The statement goes thus:

"it doesn't matter who

the people voted for,

"they always vote for us."

An interesting statement from a Jesuit

who created a Freemasonic group.

Patience is a virtue, and by 1850,

Freemasonry was on the increase again.

It grew from 66,000

members to over 200,000,

with 5,000 lodges nationwide.

By the time of the American Civil War,

it was so widespread that

both sides in the conflict

were often seen to join

in lodges together.

Following statement is

from a book entitled

The History of the York and

Scottish Rites of Freemasonry

by Henry R. Evans.

Into Freemasonry have been

poured the irritations

of the mystical schools of antiquity.

Particularly is this so in

the high degrees of the order,

such as the Scottish Rite,

where undeniable traces

of cabalism, neo-Platonism,


and other mystical cults

are plainly discernible.

I do not personally

contend that Freemasonry

is the direct descendant of the mysteries,

but that our ritual

makers of the high degrees

have copied the ancient

ceremonies of initiation

so far as the knowledge of

those ceremonies exists.

As we can see, the forging of

America was by the Freemasons.

Some stand out more than others.

It's time to take a look

at them in more detail

in order to unlock further secrets.

(relaxed music)

One of the most influential men

in the American revolution

was Benjamin Franklin,

a writer, scientists, philosopher,

and of course, Freemason.

And what of the Constitution?

28 of the 40 who signed the document

were known or possible Freemasons.

In London, he worked with

Sir Francis Dashwood,

the Chancellor of Exchequer

who founded a secret order

known as the Hellfire Club.

(relaxed music)

These links across a secretive world

allowed Franklin to manipulate the powers,

to spread word widely and secretly,

to enact plans created in private

between some of the most

powerful men in the world.

Revolution does not just

happen, it is in fact planned,

and masses cajoled into

behaving as desired.

Thomas Jefferson, a

Freemason, actually explained

in his preface to the

Declaration of Independence

what Franklin and the

Freemasons were actually doing.

When in the course of human events

it becomes necessary for

one people to dissolve

the political bands which have

connected them with another

and to assume among

the powers of the Earth

the separate and equal

station to which the laws

of nature and of nature's

god entitles them.

A decent respect to

the opinions of mankind

requires that they

should declare the causes

which impel them to the separation.

The great seal of the United States,

as seen on the dollar bill

itself, is a Freemasonic symbol

that openly states their purpose.

The unfinished pyramid is

the masonic trestle board,

explaining the task ahead of completion

is a Freemasonic role.

The 13 steps to the pyramid

are of mystical importance.

There are 13 stars, and the

Latin phrase has 13 letters.

The eagle clutches 13

olive leaves and berries,

and 13 arrows, what is the significance?

It derives from Genesis and is a nod to

the 13th tribe of

Israel, that of Manasseh,

whose symbols were an olive

branch and a bundle of arrows,

peace and war in balance.

(dramatic music)

In the latter years thou

shalt come into the land

that was bought back from the sword,

and is gathered out of many people.

Against the mountains of Israel,

which have been always waste,

but it is brought forth out of the nations

and they shall dwell safely, all of them.

They shall dwell safely there

in the land of the free.

The eagle itself is evidence for this,

for it is biblically the

destroyer of serpents.

The all-seeing eye is

that of the Freemasons,

and their grand architect,

all-seeing, all over the world.

The seal of the United States is boldly

full of Freemasonic symbolism,

stating the new world order

in Latin for all to see.

They make no apology for

it, and why should they?

As in the later Spanish revolt,

itself blatantly

orchestrated by Freemasons

and aided by American money,

they were proud to have bought

the land back from the sword,

so they shall dwell safely once more.

Spanish flag itself would also

become a Freemasonic symbol.

So what does all of this mean

to the secret world of America?

(dramatic music)

As it stands today, there are

over 15,000 lodges in the USA.

That's almost half the total

lodges in the entire world.

There are three million members,

that's more than half the

total of those in the world.

The majority of those members

are active community leaders,

whether business, banking, law,

religion, media, or politics.

(dramatic music)

They are still there at

the heart of Washington.

They still sit on the

boards of big corporations.

They still control the finances.

This land that steers the hearts and minds

of billions through movies,

media, politics, and money,

was influenced from the very beginning

by a sincere group of men fleeing tyranny

and hoping for a new world.

Over time, they have influenced the world

and played many games of

revolution to assist brothers

in far-off lands achieve the same.

(tense music)

If we are still in doubt about

the influence the Freemasons

and the inner sanctum

of the Illuminati play,

then let us remember the words

of one 18th century Freemason

who was so shocked by

the global conspiracy

that he put it down in black and white.

(tense music)

John Robinson, a professor of philosophy

at Edinburgh University

so disliked the purposes

of the Illuminati that he said

"an association has been

formed for the express purpose

"of rooting out all the

religious establishments

"and overturning all the

existing governments.

"The leaders will rule the world

"with uncontrollable

power while all the rest

"will be employed as tools of the ambition

"of their unknown superiors."

But ultimately, it is not

democracy to have a secret

organization at the heart of government,

religion, and the powerful business world.

(tense music)

- [Man] One of the most

disturbing aspects of the pact

formed by the alien

race and the Illuminati

were the terms of their agreement.

In exchange for immunity

and shared technologies,

the aliens would have clearance to abduct

thousands of men, women, and children

every year for their

own scientific research.

While many of these abductees

were safely returned

to their lives with little

memories of the incidents,

the majority of the rest were

extinguished and disposed of.

(dramatic music)

Now, the government did know about this,

they even formed a treaty in 1954

signed by none other than

President Eisenhower.

It the known as the Greada Treaty,

which gave the alien race

the freedom to abduct people

in perpetuity, meaning

it continues to this day.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] Over the

years, hundreds of thousands

of UFO sightings have been

logged and investigated,

some by government

programs, others by civilian

research groups such as MUFON.

While many of these sightings involved

UFOs seen at distance,

others have been decidedly

up close and personal.

There are some cases where it's claimed

witnesses got so close to a UFO

that there were physical effects,

and sometimes even injury and illness,

burn marks, suspected radiation sickness.

(dramatic music)

- [Man] Simply being

taken against your will

is frightening enough, but

what if our own government

is aware of abductions and

are powerless to prevent it?

Or even more frightening

is the theory that

they are in league with the aliens

and have signed treaties

to allow humans to be taken

and used as the aliens see fit.

If the government is aware

of the abduction phenomenon,

would it matter to an abductee?

A troubling and persistent

phenomenon has been occurring

throughout history to people

on Earth for centuries,

the belief that they are

being taken by beings

from some other place,

perhaps outer space or another dimension.

These people have real memories

of being taken secretly

against their will by

apparently non-human entities

and subjected to complex physical

and psychological procedures.

There are famous modern cases such

as the Betty and Barney Hill abduction,

the Charles Hickson and

Calvin Parker abduction,

and the Travis Walton abduction.

However, for every

well-documented abduction case

on record, there are

hundreds of less-known cases

where people have

experienced alien abductions.

- Abductee has been used

a lot over the years

to explain how some unknown intelligence,

it might be extraterrestrial,

it might even be

from another dimension or another time,

that these entities

have come to take people

against their will, do things.

They take them away, they

do things to these people

that are very unpleasant

and the whole thing

leaves the person that

went through this type

of experience very victimized,

but the term experiencer

is a bit more loose.

It is just indicating that

somebody's encountered

an intelligence, but not

necessarily been traumatized

by it in all cases, not necessarily

been taken in all cases,

just they've come into contact with it.

The term contactee actually

was another term that was used

back in the '50s, a

little bit in the '60s,

that kind of a thing,

it's no longer in vogue,

but experiencer is I think

the proper term for it,

because not everybody's

taken and those who go

are not always taken against their will.

(relaxed music)

- [Narrator] The late

professor John Edward Mack,

a respected Harvard

University psychiatrist,

was asked to investigate

an experiencer's case,

and became so perplexed by the phenomenon

that he devoted a

substantial amount of time

to investigating additional cases.

His desire was to understand

objectively what is going on.

Professor Mack eventually concluded

that the only phenomenon in psychiatry

that adequately explained

the patient's symptoms

in several of the most compelling cases

was post-traumatic stress disorder.

This would imply that the

patient genuinely believed

that the remembered frightening incident

had really occurred.

- These people have

been examined by myself,

they've been tested psychologically,

they are of above-average intelligence,

they are of sound mind,

they've been show as of

superior mental

functioning by the testers.

So there is not indication of any kind of

psychiatric condition

that can account for this

that I've been able to find.

In fact, when one abductee hears the story

of another abductee, they react with shock

because they don't

wanna believe it's true.

They would rather believe it's a dream

or a form of mental

illness than that this is

something real because it's so shattering

to their notion of reality,

and that's happened over and over again

among the people I've been working with.

- [Narrator] The Hindu

Mahabharata describes weapons

reminiscent of guided

rockets, beam weapons,

and nuclear devices being

used in an ancient war

between alien races,

technologies that from their description

could only be advanced

propulsion systems as well.

(tense music)

During medieval times,

tales of the succubus

and other fairy creatures are reminiscent

of extraterrestrial visitations.

In fact, throughout history,

references to aliens,

gods, or other beings

having come from the stars

are quite common.

Many researchers today are beginning

to piece together a

theory that we ourselves

may be the product of alien intervention.

Humans could be a hybrid

created by the extraterrestrials

and left here on Earth to be monitored

in some long-term experiment.

(tense music)

- But there are species

that-- (clears throat)

- I believe that the government knows

so much more about this phenomenon

than they're letting on that even

finding out the tip of the

iceberg of what they know

is gonna put people in shock,

but (sighs)

as I'm actively involved

in the local MUFON chapter

in Michigan, we get currently

about 200 sightings a year

just in Michigan, and that is enough

to fill your plate several

times over with UFO cases,

so to me, it's almost at a point where

I don't care what the government knows

and what they're hiding,

I've got an embarrassment

of riches here with

the number of UFO cases

coming in to our local chapter.

You know, I don't need them

to try to hide anything

because it's all just flowing freely now.

People are talking about what's

happening to them openly.

- [Narrator] While alien

abductions did not achieve

widespread attention until the 1960s,

there were many similar stories

circulating decades earlier.

These early abduction-like

accounts have been dubbed

paleo-abductions by UFO

researcher Jerome Clark.

In an 1897 edition of the

Stockton, California Daily Mail,

Colonel H.G. Shaw claimed he

and a friend were harassed

by three tall, slender humanoids

whose bodies were covered

with a fine downy hair.

Colonel Shaw reported that these beings

tried to kidnap the pair.

The 1955 publication

of Harold T. Wilkins's

Flying Saucers Uncensored declared that

Carl Honreth and Wilbur Wilkinson,

who had claimed they

were contacted by aliens,

had disappeared under

mysterious circumstances.

Wilkins reported his

speculation that the duo

was the victims of alleged

abduction by flying saucers.

A wave of contactee cases

emerged in the 1950s as well.

These individuals claim to

have been contacted by aliens,

however, the substance

of contactee narratives

is often regarded as quite different

from alien abduction accounts.

Widespread publicity was generated

by the Betty and Barney

Hill abduction case of 1961.

The Hill incident was

probably the prototypical

abduction case and was perhaps the first

in which the claimant described beings

that later became widely

known as the Grays,

and in which the beings were

said to explicitly identify

as extraterrestrial origin.

(tense music)

Proving alien abductions is difficult

without obvious physical evidence.

When an experiencer is returned,

all he has to prove his encounter

are the fragments of memories

left intact by the aliens.

Though throughout the

history of UFO studies,

countless cases have occurred

that do indeed present physical evidence.

Many are not aware of this,

or the facts of a case are simply ignored.

Details in each case often are the proof

and encounter happened, but

even with specific details,

we're left with the account

and the sincerity of the witness.

California podiatrist Dr. Roger Leir

claims to have removed alien

implants from patients.

Alien implants is a term used in ufology

to describe a physical object

placed in someone's body

after they have been abducted by aliens.

Claimed abilities of

the implants range from

telepresence, mind

control, and biotelemetry,

the way we tag wild animals for study.

As with UFO subjects in general,

the idea of alien implants

has seen very little attention

from mainstream scientists.

- We found in several cases that they

put out an electromagnetic field

measurable on a Gauss meter

of about six milliGauss, and

if anybody's into electronics,

you may know that's a pretty

strong magnetic field.

When they're taken out of the

body, they don't do anything.

Also on an instrument called a trimeter,

we get a mid range reading

on a combined scale,

an electrode scale, a magnetic scale,

and that's also a pretty strong reading.

We have an electrical

engineer that we use,

and he has designed a special probe

that's connected with an oscilloscope

so we could read the waves

and see what it looks like

and he says it is a good indication

that there's something going in

and there's something coming out.

So obviously, these objects

are in communication

with somebody at some distance.

- [Man] Since the 1940s, there

have been countless sightings

and even physical encounters

with the extraterrestrials

by ordinary citizens.

Thousands of videos and

photos have been taken,

the best of which have been

confiscated by the government

and never released to the public.

See, the last thing the government wants

is public disclosure about

the alien presence because

they fear the sociological

repercussions that would follow.

If the people knew that an

advanced race superseded

our government, it would

lead to social upheaval.

I mean, why answer to a government

that really wasn't in charge?

The consequences of the truth

could lead to social disorder.

That's why there's been

a decades-long effort

to suppress the truth.

- [Narrator] Sightings

have been caught on camera

in Chile, Bolivia, and

Brazil, and it's fair to say

a lot of people are losing

their minds over them.

The latest of these sightings was filmed

in the Chilean capital of

Santiago, with four glowing orbs

seen hovering above

skyscrapers in the city.

It has been viewed over 100,000 times,

and has split the online community

on whether it's actually genuine.

Commentators on YouTube were

quick to give their opinion,

with many believing that an alien invasion

is in the cards, while

others simply thought

it was either military

planes or helicopters.

Neither seems entirely convincing.

This came after more eerie footage emerged

earlier in the month in a

rural neighborhood in Bolivia

where a giant flying

saucer was captured on film

above mountains in El Alto,

a city in the northwest

Bolivian region of La Paz.

The clip shows an unusually shaped object

flying through the sky before disappearing

and then reappearing in the clouds.

It was uploaded to a UFO spotting website

dedicated to gathering

evidence of alien sightings,

and has now been shared worldwide.

Cynics believe that the footage is a hoax

to increase online traffic

for the filmmaker's website,

and has simply been created

by using a digital editing program.

Believers were given yet

another chance of hope

in southern Brazil too,

with a very similar looking

UFO appearing in their skies.

The Express reported

that a woman named Marmel

posted the picture online showing another

blurred disk shape in the sky,

which she didn't even notice

while taking the scenic photo.

Could this be evidence that

the Cochinas are returning?

(tense music)

South America has some of the most amazing

UFO encounters on record.

Especially remarkable is the sheer variety

of the sightings which range

from straightforward accounts

of flying objects to abductions, landings,

cattle mutilation, as

well as contactee accounts

and strange beings that emerge

from oddly-shaped craft.

In addition, there are

particularities to these sightings

that are uniquely South American twists

to the tales that are to be

found on no other continent.

Undoubtedly, the best

known of the South American

encounters occurred in 1957.

A Brazilian farmer by

the name of Vilas Boas

was working in his fields with a tractor

when he claims he was abducted by aliens

and taken aboard a spacecraft.

There, he claims to have had intercourse

with a beautiful fair-skinned girl

with high cheekbones, a very pointed chin,

and vivid blue Chinese-type slant eyes

who stood about 4'8"

high without her helmet.

The case was thoroughly investigated

and researchers admitted felling impressed

at the clarity of Boas's evidence.

In the ensuing months and years,

the details were checked

and rechecked by dozens

of separate people without

revealing any contradiction

in the nature of the farmer's story.

As such, it merits its notoriety

as one of the most riveting

abduction accounts on record.

In August 1962, for example,

there was an incident

that made even the Boas case look tame.

Unfortunately on this occasion,

the victim did not

survive to tell the tale.

(tense music)

Briefly, the facts are these.

On the 19th of that month,

two glowing red spheres

the size of footballs are

reported to have flown

over the hut of a poor diamond prospector

named Rivelino Marta de Salva.

Later, two aliens approximately

1.5 feet in height

entered the hut and peered at

the family as they lay in bed.

The next day, one of the

man's sons was surprised

to discover two strange

balls outside the hut.

One was entirely black and

the other black and white.

When the father came out to look at them,

they apparently rose up

at him and enveloped him

in a cloud of yellow smoke.

He was never seen again.

Shortly afterwards, the son

was reported to have been

taken into custody by the Brazilian army,

some say as a means of silencing him.

Another astonishing

encounter occurred in 1973

near the town of Catanduva, Brazil.

The '70s were to prove the heyday

of South American encounters,

and this is perhaps one

of the most sensational.

A traveling salesman returning

home in a torrential downpour

suddenly found his car

radio cut out on him,

followed shortly afterwards

by the engine of the car.

Almost immediately, a

blinding beam of blue light

then shone down from

above and overwhelmed by

a great sense of heat, the driver panicked

and fled from the car.

The salesman was later to

testify that his vehicle

became transparent and

his skin began to burn

as he lapsed into unconsciousness.

Hours later, he was discovered

spread eagle in the road

by people in a passing

car who called the police.

Taken to a hospital, he

was quickly discharged,

but later strange blotches

developed on his abdomen.

The examining doctor's opinion was that

they were caused by strange rays.

(upbeat music)

The amazing corollary to this

story is that a year later,

the same man disappeared for six days

before being found over 500 miles away,

sitting on a hill completely soaked.

He later claimed to have

been abducted by aliens,

and medically examined aboard a UFO.

This as before, doctors were

impressed by his lucidity

and were happy to pronounce

him fully compos mentis.

(tense music)

In 1965, around 50 Indians

of the Toubou tribe

were astonished to see three tall beings

emerge from two saucer-like

craft that came down

close to the Argentinian town of Formosa,

near the border with Paraguay.

The beings appeared to have

luminous halos around their

bodies, and the Indians knelt

down and worshiped them.

Witnesses speak of verbal

contact being established

with the aliens who

informed the Indians that

the space people would eventually

come in greater numbers.

An Indian who made a close

approach to the craft

was warned off and eventually

the beings returned

to the craft, which took off

in a dazzling burst of light.

Police who hurried to

the scene are believed

to have taken numerous

photographs, which are reputed

to show at least three landed

saucers and five aliens.

Beings that emerged

from an egg-shaped craft

assured a local hunter that before long,

the whole world would come to know them.

The hunter, named Felipe

Martinez, claims to have

met the aliens on no fewer

than three occasions.

The first time, in 1949, he ran toward

a hovering object

revolving above the trees,

only to be paralyzed by a

mysterious burst of energy.

From a door in the object,

a small being then

descended down a ladder.

Standing no more than a meter in height,

the being was described

as wearing a helmet

and clothes like a diver's costume.

In an interview, Martinez

claims to have been taken

aboard one of the alien vessels,

which oddly was piloted

by a crew of four beings

around a meter in height,

and another blonde-haired

being just over six feet tall.

He claims to have been

placed in a space suit,

but this had an alarming

effect on his heart rate

and the suit was quickly removed.

Conversation with the aliens

was slow and difficult,

but according to Martinez,

the aliens' name for their craft was Sil.

In 1963 in Parana State, Brazil,

a crowd of onlookers was

amazed to see a bright,

zinc-colored object descend into

flames of a major forest fire.

Even more astonishing was that

after a quarter of an hour,

several tall beings were

seen to emerge from the craft

and strode around in the

flames completely untouched

by the furnace-like heat

that surrounded them.

Even more perplexing was

the fact that the beings

seemed intent on collecting charred rocks

and other material from the fire

which they then took back

to the waiting spaceship.

This done, the craft then

departed as silently as it came.

Witnesses described it

as a basin-shaped craft

35 meters in diameter and

around eight meters in height.

This occasion, two young

hunters came across

a luminous machine around 10 feet wide

hovering just two feet from the ground.

Four or five beings were

seen to emerge from the craft

and then attempted to drag

both the youths inside.

Fighting them off as best they could,

one of the young men lashed

out with his rifle butt,

bringing it down on the

head of one of the aliens.

Incredibly, the weapon

broke into fragments

as if it had struck on a rock.

Finally managing to

break free of the aliens,

both youths ran off to summon police,

who later reported signs of a struggle.

As in the previous incident,

both youths required hospital

treatment and remained

in a highly agitated state

for some time afterwards.

(dramatic music)

In Argentina, the year

1965 brought a series

of abortive abduction

attempts where aliens

attempted to take people by force.

The national press

published numerous reports

of these incidents, which bear evidence of

a widespread trend of

which relatively few cases

were adequately investigated.

Of those that were, an

incident in the province

of Corrientes tells of five luminous craft

observed flying low overhead.

One vessel proceeded to

land near a farm house

and five beings around two meters tall

were then seen to emerge.

On their heads were instruments

giving off flashes of light.

The focus of the beings'

attention was immediately

directed at the farm house.

Forcing their way inside,

they attempted to overpower

the owner and drag him away.

Fighting the aliens as best he could,

the farmer eventually broke

free of his attackers,

who fled when other villagers

rushed to his assistance.

Several days later, the aliens returned

and attempted to abduct another man.

Once again, villagers turned out in force,

firing rifles which, although

not able to injure the aliens,

was sufficient to drive them away again.

The association of Latin

America with sky visitors

who arrive from the stars

goes back thousands of years.

To native Indian cultures,

these beings brought with them

the rudiments of civilization,

initiating major developments in science,

agriculture, astronomy, and masonry.

By the shores of Lake Titicaca,

the ancient ruins of Teotihuacan

bear a mysterious reflection

of those ancient beliefs.

Here, the imposing Gate of the Sun

contains enigmatic hieroglyphs

that some have interpreted as

advanced astronomical data.

The best-selling author Erich von Daniken

found the place highly

indicative of alien influence.

He wrote "what does legend say

"about the mysterious

city of Teotihuacano?

"It tells of a golden ship

that came from the stars,"

he continues, "what titanic

forces were at work here,

"and to what end?"

Von Daniken concludes, "what

secret does this city conceal?

"What message from other

worlds awaits its solution

"on the Bolivian plateau?"

(dramatic music)

Equally evocative of mysterious influence

are the Nazca Lines etched

in the Peruvian desert

close to the town of Ica.

Here, dead straight lines traverse

the desert for dozens of miles.

Other shapes include

depictions of monkeys,

whales, and decorative birds.

At ground level, the patterns

are barely perceptible

and only really become apparent

when viewed from the air.

Since the antiquity of the lines goes back

thousands of years, the

question has been asked

and re asked, why would an ancient people

go to such immense effort

to construct a line system

only visible from the air?

Who was meant to see it?

Inevitably, von Daniken saw

the answer in terms of aliens.

He interpreted the lines as markers

or landing strips for alien spacecraft.

While this may appear a

far-fetched explanation,

the Indians of that area have other ideas.

Their traditions frequently

make mention of strange visitors

who descend from the

sky aboard fiery craft.

Visitations which they insist

have carried on down to present day.

(tense music)

There has always been a connection

between Native Americans

and beings from other

parts of the universe,

referred to as star people

or visitors from space.

In Utah's Nine Mile

Canyon lies the heaviest

concentration of rock art in the world.

These depict beings that appear to be

not quite completely human.

They can be seen next

to a disk-shaped object.

Other beings of a more human form

are raising their hands to

these beings near the object.

Near Christina Lake,

British Columbia, Canada,

there is a picture of a

white disk with black wings

hovering over four human

figures on their knees.

There are lines coming

from the top of the disk

which could be rays of light.

Longer, more irregular lines come down

from the bottom of the object.

A rock painting at Cayuse Creek, Idaho

depicts what appears to

be a cone-shaped rocket

with smoke or flames trailing behind it.

In the cone is a humanoid figure

apparently holding on to the inner walls.

A pictograph near Kootenay

Lake, British Columbia

also shows an enclosed vehicle

holding a single humanoid figure.

It depicts what appear to

be sections of the vehicle

and two objects closely resembling

retractible legs for landing.

Numerous depictions of egg-shaped

objects with wavy lines

emanating from them have been found.

These could be an effort to

show the object in motion,

or some sort of light or heat.

If this were to depict the sun,

lines would typically be found all around

the circumference of the circle.

In these cases, they came

only from the bottom side.

In certain Cherokee

legends, it's said that

their people originated in

the Pleiades long, long ago.

They claim to have come to this world

as star seeds to bring

light and knowledge.

If the stories are true,

then modern-day Cherokee,

as well as other Native Americans,

and many of us with Native American blood,

contain Pleiadian genes.

- [Man] The one government

agency that contains

the most extensive knowledge and evidence

of the alien presence is NASA.

The amount of data collected by them

since the 1960s is absolutely staggering,

and many people have been killed

in the name of protecting the secrecy,

but in the ensuing years,

very credible testimonies

have surfaced by NASA whistle blowers,

including some of the

astronauts themselves.

The one revelation in

particular that NASA has

intensely guarded from the public

are the bases on the

dark side of the moon.

Immense, domed bases that have been there

by their estimate for thousands of years,

and I know they're there

because I had the privilege

of seeing the images with my own eyes,

and it's really frightening stuff.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] A former NASA

astronaut, Dr. Brian O'Leary,

stated that there is abundant evidence

that we are being contacted,

that civilizations have been visiting us

for a very long time,

that their appearance is

bizarre from any type of

traditional materialistic

western point of view,

that these visitors use the

technologies of consciousness.

They use toroids, they use

co rotating magnetic discs

for their propulsion systems.

That seems to be the common denominator

of the UFO phenomenon.

Prime ministers, chief

cabinet secretaries,

and NASA astronauts all

testifying to the truth that

thousands of ordinary people

across the globe know as fact.

Aliens exist, that they have

and are visiting our planet.

The head of the Air Command

Academy of Air Defense

has gone on record, he said,

"yes, there were particularly

mysterious occurrences

"during military practice.

"At times, targets appeared

on which fighters in the air

"or radars set for anti-aircraft

missiles trained on them,

"but it was difficult to

determine what they were exactly."

We try to take into account

the problem the UFOs.

Quite a bit of interesting

material has appeared,

and it's perfectly obvious it

needs to be studied in earnest

and that it's necessary

to address this question

on a government level.

Right now, you're more and more inclined

to believe that UFOs exist.

Military men are not usually

disposed to speculation.

(tense music)

They report the facts, every fact.

They give location, heights, speeds.

They rarely express

such ideas about aliens,

and yet, here we have seen

men with high integrity,

intelligence, and experience.

They all believe that there

is some form of alien life

invading our very air space,

and even the space around planet Earth.

The world's largest and

most powerful organization

with the biggest array of technology

ever known to man is NASA.

They too know the truth,

and they are covering it up.

Recently, the number

of known alien planets

has increased by 60%.

NASA's very own Kepler space telescope

has discovered over 1,300 new exoplanets,

many of which they claim

might very well contain life.

Paul Hertz, director of

the astrophysics division

at NASA said, "most stars in our galaxy

"have planetary systems,

and a reasonable fraction

"of stars in our galaxy have

potentially habitable planets."

Recently thousands of

people cried cover-up

when NASA's International

Space Station live feed

was cut suddenly just as a

UFO passed in clear view.

The object was a horseshoe shape

and nobody has come forward

with an explanation.

Later footage recorded by

people not working at NASA

reveals a ship leaving

the Earth's atmosphere

and docking with another UFO,

neither of which are NASA's.

Scott Carpenter was a

test pilot and astronaut

at NASA for many years.

He said, "at no time when

the astronauts were in space

"were they alone.

"There was a constant

surveillance by UFOs."

(dramatic music)

Colonel Buzz Aldrin

was with NASA for years

and one of the first men

to set foot on the moon.

He was a national hero.

He saw and experienced things.

These experiences affected him.

He had a nervous breakdown.

At least, that's the official story.

(dramatic music)

Author Fred Steckling claims

that Aldrin was silenced.

The reason was very simple.

Aldrin saw alien bases on the moon.

It is claimed by hundreds of investigators

that actually close-up

photographs of the moon

have been tampered with.

They have been airbrushed to

remove what is really there,

hidden from our sight.

It is a stated fact that all

photographs, then and now,

are vetted by NASA before

release to the public, why?

Aldrin claimed that they

were not the first people

to set foot on the moon.

Somebody or something

had been there before.

Alien vehicles flew within 50 feet

of a US space vehicle

for one full Earth orbit,

and then the AV departed.

Again, while Aldrin was present,

Buzz Aldrin had a nervous breakdown.

Because of these events, and

the pressure not to talk.

There have been 22 deaths, many

suicides, at JSC in Houston.

No astronaut who has seen AVs or ETs

is allowed to talk about

it, even amongst themselves.

If they do and are

caught, they may be fired,

publicly humiliated, imprisoned,

or have all pensions and

future salaries taken away.

Buzz Aldrin himself said,

"there was something out there

"that was close enough to be observed,

"and what could it be?"

Mike Collins decided he

thought he could see it

in the telescope, and

he was able to do that,

and when it was in one position.

(dramatic music)

What we do know is that

there are literally

thousands of pilots, both

military and commercial,

who have witnessed UFOs

visiting the Earth,

and not just above the atmosphere.

A woman known as Jackie

recently came forward.

Her name is being kept a

secret for her own safety.

She claims she worked for NASA

and that she actually

witnessed humans on Mars.

Through the live feed that

goes directly into NASA,

she saw humans in space

suits walking on the planet.

Here's what she said in a live interview

on Coast to Coast Radio,

"that old Viking rover

"was running around, then I

saw two men in space suits.

"Not the bulky suits we normally use,

"but they looked protected.

"They came over the horizon,

"walking to the Viking explorer."

When she saw this, along

with six other colleagues,

they immediately reported it.

We ran upstairs but they locked the door

and taped paper over the

door so we couldn't see.

My question is, were they our guys?

None of her colleagues

have ever come forward,

but there are hundreds of

reports of secret space programs

starting right back in the 1960s.

In 2005, an ex-employee of the

Defense Intelligence Agency

began leaking classified information

about an alien exchange

program called Project Serpo.

The ex-DIA employee stated

that it was one of the aliens

known as EBE1, and even helped

organized a special team

of humans to visit his

home world known as Serpo,

in the Zeta Reticuli system.

This happened in 1965,

and the team stayed on Serpo until 1978.

Two died there, two stayed on the planet,

and the rest returned.

All have died due to radiation poisoning.

There is a man who worked for

NASA as a spacecraft operator

at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

He was involved in over 650 missions,

including the Mercury

and Apollo expeditions,

and the space shuttle period.

His name is Clark McClelland,

and it was during this time

on the space shuttle mission

that he witnessed something very strange.

(tense music)

According to McClelland, he

was monitoring the mission

from his desk at the Kennedy

Launch Control Center

when he saw something.

Here's his statement,

"I, Clark C. McClelland,

"former spacecraft operator,

space shuttle fleet,

"personally observed an

eight-to-nine-foot-tall ET

"on 27-inch video monitors while on duty

"in the Space Kennedy Center

launch control center.

"The ET was standing

upright in the space shuttle

"payload bay having a discussion with two

"tethered US NASA astronauts.

"I also observed on my monitors

the spacecraft of the ET

as it was in a stabilized, safe orbit

"to the rear of the space

shuttle main engine pods.

"I observed this incident

for about one minute

"and seven seconds,

plenty of time to memorize

"all that I was observing.

"It was an ET and alien star ship."

Here's what he said,

(tense music)

"the Pentagon owns NASA.

"Some of the Department

of Defense missions

"I participated in were top secret.

"Those missions carried TS satellites

"and other space mission

hardware into orbit

"where several crews met with ETs."

He claims that the US government has been

keeping this secret, a

long-standing military alliance

with aliens for decades

in league with the human exchange program.

Edgar Mitchell was the sixth

man to walk on the moon.

He was a highly intelligent man,

top astronaut, and American hero.

He states quite openly

that very high-ranking

military officials saw alien ships

monitoring the 1940s

nuclear weapons tests.

The CIA and NASA are covering

up what they all saw.

The Russians say that both Buzz Aldrin

and Neil Armstrong saw spacecraft

moments after landing on the moon,

and that they relayed a

message back to mission control

that two large objects landed near to them

and were observing them.

They even state that Aldrin

took color footage of the UFOs

from inside their module

and continued filming

when Armstrong went outside.

According to Armstrong,

aliens actually have

a base on the moon and

humans were being warned off.

Radio hams with their own

VHF receiving facilities

bypass NASA's broadcasting outlets

and picked up the following

exchange from the moon.

- [Man] Mission control calling Apollo 11.

Apollo 11, these babies

are huge, sir, enormous.

Oh my god, you wouldn't believe it.

I'm telling you, there are

other space craft out there

lined up on the far

side of the crater edge.

They're on the moon watching us.

- [Narrator] Armstrong

later said in an interview,

"it was incredible, of

course we had always known

"there was a possibility.

"The fact is, we were warned off.

"There was never any question

then of a space station

"or a moon city.

"I can't go into details except to say

"that their ships were

far superior to ours,

"both in size and technology,

"and boy were they big and menacing.

"No, there is no question

of a space station."

(tense music)

- [Narrator] The

sociological impact resulting

from the attack on September

11th, 2001 is so far-reaching,

it's impossible to measure its magnitude.

Our civil liberties have been compromised,

the expansion of surveillance

and invasion of privacy

upon the citizens continues to this day,

but most importantly,

the event opened the door

for the Middle East invasion.

The one part of the

world that the Illuminati

has no governing power

over is the Middle East,

and until they have

complete global control,

they can't proceed to the next phase

of the one world government.

- [Narrator] Many of

these theorists believe

the attacks were part

of a false flag effort

to allow the federal

government to easily enact law

like the Patriot Act

that would pave the way

for consolidating totalitarian

control over the populace.

Building Seven was next to the towers.

It too appears to have been

destroyed by demolition,

but it was not hit by planes.

In fact, it should have

little to no damage at all.

Building Seven housed

field offices of the SEC,

FBI, CIA, NSA, among others.

It contained tons of

information on corporate fraud

that could collectively have

constituted major crimes

that would have put many individuals away

for a few hundred years.

Building Seven also housed

several intelligence

and law enforcement agencies,

and the New York City office

of Emergency Management's

Emergency Operation Center.

If you want to get rid of

any evidence of conspiracy,

Building Seven would be a

crucial target for destruction.

If fire caused Building Seven to collapse,

it would be the first

ever fire-induced collapse

of a steel frame high rise.

Building Seven's collapse

was not mentioned

in the 9/11 commission report.

It took the federal government

seven years to conduct

an investigation and issue

a report for Building Seven.

In addition, 1,700

architects and engineers

have signed a petition calling

for a new investigation

into the destruction of Building Seven,

specifying that it should

include a full inquiry

into the possible use of explosives.

Numerous witnesses say the

possibility of demolishing

Building Seven was widely

discussed by emergency personnel

at the scene and advocated

by the building's owner.

Why was it so important that this building

be destroyed during the 9/11 event?

Similarly, the offices

that were the target

of the missile that struck the Pentagon

were those of several auditors digging in

to 2.6 trillion dollars in

missing or untraceable money.

(somber music)

In addition to the Twin

Towers and Building Seven,

the World Trade Center

complex included buildings

three, four, five, and six.

Compared to Building Seven,

all of these buildings

were severely damaged,

first by falling rubble

from the Twin Towers and then by fires

that burned for hours.

Although these buildings

were in critical condition,

none of them collapsed.

Was 9/11 a false flag event

intended to hide a litany

of corruption and criminal

activity of of government?

Was it intended to generate enough fear

in which the government could

set into motion the erosion

of our civil liberties

and create a police state?

Since 9/11, our police now look far more

like a military than officers,

having received surplus military equipment

from two wars due to 9/11.

We have seen the creation

of Homeland Security,

the TSA, and the Patriot Act,

all as a result of this

one event, and as of date,

we have discovered the NSA can and does

spy on every American citizen.

Are we living under a new wold order?

Look around and you decide.

- [Man] If you do your

research you'll discover

that pretty much everything

I've been disclosing

is already out there.

A lot of witnesses and whistle

blowers have come forward

and have released what

they know to the public.

The truth is sitting right in front of us,

you just have to read

through the misinformation

and hoaxes perpetrated by our government

to throw the public off the trail,

but for the future of

our kids and their kids,

we must act now.

These malevolent powers

secretly controlling our planet

must be exposed, pulled

out of the shadows,

and into the light so that we as a people

can exist in a world full

of hope and prosperity.

(dramatic music)