Consolation (2010) - full transcript
An allegorical drama about a woman who wakes up on the morning of the last day of her life and her family are able to accept it.
(also consolation)
aren't you getting up
Nechama, I'll be in the garden.
Fine, Menachem, fine.
Hi, Grandma.
Yes, I saw you called.
I just...
Oh no, Grandma,
I totally forgot about it.
But I can't come over.
I'm sorry.
Grandma, I can'
I'll call you back, okay?
Thefea's kind of bitter,
isn't it?
is the cake in the oven?
Nechama? -What?
Did you put. the cake in the oven?
Oh...not yet.
in a minute.
be careful.
You don't want what happened
last time to happen again.
Does your battery need changing?
I talk to you,
but you don't answer.
My battery doesn't need changing.
And the tea isn't.bitter.
I took out the teabag
just in time.
I said it was kind of bitter.
Just a bit.
You have to know
exactly when to...
Forget it.
I've been calling you for
'minutes now and you don't answer.
What do you need, Menachem?
I can't find my white shirt.
Your white shirt?
It's in the closet,
on the left.
No. it isn't there.
No? -No, and it isn't
on the right either.
Maybe you forgot to iron it.
What are you doing?
I'm rearranging your shirts.
You don't wear these.
Yes I do.
When do you ever wear them?
-I wear them.
Nechama, what is it?
Easy, easy...
What's with you today?
we have to talk.
You realize you're talking
nonsense, don't you?
I know it's hard to believe,
but that's how it is, Menachem.
It's nonsense, Nechama.
-It isn't nonsense.
How can you be sure
about such a thing?
I don't know.
You just know.
Just like I knew
about my mother,
just like I knew about Ruti
before she went away,
just like I knew about
you and Nava Rosenbaum.
I'm not trying
to get back at you.
I had a dream,
and the dog...
Is this whole discussion
because of a stupid dream?
No, it isn't a stupid dream.
Well, enough.
I don't want to listen any more.
If this is your way
of punishing me
for something that happened
32 years ago...
Menachem, please come back.
Don't you feel well?
What is it? Chills?
I always have that.
No, I...
I know that today is the day.
I just know it.
I don't understand, Nechama.
I need you to believe me,
Hi, this is Ruti.
I'm a bit busy right now,
leave your name and number
and I'll get back to you
as soon as I can.
Have a great day.
Call me.
Thank you.
When can I go home?
We want to change
your medication,
so you'll feel better again,
and make sure it works for you
and you feel
like yourself again...
So you'll be staying with us
for a few more weeks.
Does it matter if I say no?
Good question.
Let's wait a little while
we'll see how you feel
in a few days.
Than1^ you, Yael,
you can wait outside.
All right...
Third suicide attempt...
I don't want to be here.
Try to sit.
Come on.
I really do think we can help you.
When you said before
that you want to die,
were you saying it out of anger
or... -It was real.
May I ask why?
Why do you want to live?
We're talking about you now.
It's obvious you're a student.
-It is, huh?
But still...?
If you could really see me,
you wouldn't have to ask why.
How do you really look?
Drop it.
-I really want to know.
Can I smoke here?
How do you look?
Clad in sackcloth and ashes,
. crawling on my belly,
Spit and blood and sperm
drip from my mouth.
Was that too heavy for you?
Donlget too upset,
I stole thatjiine from my aunt.
When her son was killed,
that's what she recited
over his grave.
Except for the part about
the blood and sperm,
that's really mine.
You know, for a second there
I could really
see you like that.
I mean, I still see
the cynical, strong Yael
who doesn't take any shit,
but... -I stole that line.
So as I said,
I really think we can help you.
I don't want to live.
Why should I want help
with something I don't want?
Yael, wait a second.
I saw the new girl leaving,
so I thought
maybe we can meet now?
We said two o'clock, Nissim.
Yes, but...
Why not now?
We can talk a little longer, no?
I'm sorry, Nissim.
Two o'clock. All right?
Hi, Grandpa.
No, it was off.
I'm at work.
No, I'm fine.
I can’t come today,
I told you.
What do you mean,
an emergency?
I wouldn't tell you
if'It wasn't important.
Yes;, yes, everyone is fine
But it's very important
that you come.
No, I can't tell you
over the phone.
You just have to come.
We're waiting for you.
Hi, this is Ruti.
I'm a bit busy right now,
leave your name and number
and I'll get back to you
as soon as I can.
Have a great day.
It's Mom again.
Please call me when you can.
It's urgent.
What happened, Menachem?
t stabbed me.
Wait a second,
I need a bandage.
Nechama, are you planning
to tell her?
I mean...
Are you going to tell her
today that...
You know, that today you...
I think so.
Maybe you should
think about it first.
You also said
it was important.
You think we shouldn't?
I think you should
think about it.
You shouldn't upset her
for no reason.
it isn't "for no reason."
Yes, I know
that's what you think.
If it happens, it happens.
It'll also scare her
if you tell her.
Maybe we should leave things
as they are.
Just so we'll have
a nice day together.
Neta’le isn't a little girl
Yes, I know.
But it's better this way.
Isn't it?
Yes, it's the right thing to do.
Now that she's finally
coming over...
'll call her in a minute.
We don't want to nag her.
It's the right thing to do,
Dr. Tsur?
Hjey, Neta'le.
Comg in, come in
Well, how did it go
with Yael?
It isn't easy.
I don't think she'll want
to go on with the conversations.
Have you read "The House of God"?
It's a must-read for anyone
who wants to work in a hospitals.
a great line that the doctor
says to his students,
"What's the difference
between life and a penis?"
"Life is always hard."
Dr. Tsur, I'm sorry,
I have to go out
for a little while.
Aren't you supposed
to be here till five?
Neta, I take in students
who are prepared
to work hard.
I know. It's..
It's an emergency.
I see.
It's my grandmother...
She’s sick.
I understand, Neta.
The oven...
That's the door, Menachem.
We'll spend
a nice day together.
She's at the door.
Is everything all right,
What's going on?
Everything's fine.
Then what...
What was so urgent?
Are you all right?
We're just fine.
It smells like
something's burning.
Oh, the cake...
-Oh, Grandma,
how many times have I told you,
you don't have to do that.
And I can't stay long.
I dropped everything to come.
I'm at the hospital today.
I totally forgot
was supposed to come see you.
Neta'le, you know I don't mind,
but it's hard on Grandpa...
-I' forgot.
So what was the phone call about?
I thought Grandpa had
something urgent to tell me.
... Menachem..
One second.
We never see you.
You haven't come by
for two weeks.
We wanted to make sure
you're all right.
Okay, I...
I'm fine,
but I'm in the middle of work.
-And here's the cake.
I thought there was more time...
Well, it's a tiny bit
but that's all right.
Neta is asking
what was so important.
Neta, it's...
the house.
The house.
Grandma and I were talking...
and we decided..
to give it to you.
Not now.
After we...
But not in the near future.
Not at all.
So you don't have to worry.
Thank you, really. I thought
there was something wrong.
Well, it isn't
an ordinary decision.
You don't say such things
over the phone.
No, of course not.
It's just that I thought...
I thought it was
something urgent.
e wanted to make you happy.
Thank you.
Thank you, really, Grandma.
Wow, thank you so much...
Not that I hope
it happens soon, but...
But it's great to know that...
But the most important thing
is that you're well.
Don't force her.
Don't force her if
she doesn't want it, Menachem.
'm not forcing her.
But still..
It's fine.
But you don't have to bake
every time, Grandma. Really.
And I'm not crazy
about yeast cakes.
What do you mean?
They're your favorite.
Yes, when I was five.
Have you spoken to Mom today?
No, she's busy with
the new exhibition.
I think she'll be hard
to reach until Sunday.
How's work?
Are you still
with those nuts?
Yes, Grandpa, and I wish you
wouldn't call them that, okay?
We spoke about this.
But that's what they are,
isn't it?
I mean, you work in a nuthouse.
Are you volunteering?
I'm ve/y sorry...
-What's wrong?
Thanks for the cake and.,
the house,
but I really have to go.
Can't you stay a little longer?
I'll call you, okay?
I want to talk to you.
But I...
I'm going to die today.
I'm going to die.
What do you mean, "die"?
Do you mean physically or...
the way you feel?
'm going to die.
What's with you today?
I mean, really.
If this is some kind
of sick joke...
No, I don't have much time,
there are people
who need me there.
It's no joke.
So when she comes
can you tell her
we're looking for her?
Yes. Thank you.
Isn't there anywhere else
she could be?
I'll try another number.
Can't you call from here?
All right...
Hi, Jesus, it's Neta.
I really need to speak to Mom,
So can you please tell her
to call me? -"Jesus..."
I've never heard of him.
It's urgent.
-Neither have I.
Maybe it's someone
from the gallery.
Who is that?
I don't know,
someone she works with.
Where did you get
his number?
Grandpa, what's with
the interroqation?
They're friends.
I met him when I was there.
s he Jewish?
Menachem, "Jesus."
I'm going outside to smoke.
It just came out.
She should know.
Yes, she's very helpful.
How do you feel?
I don't know.
And your "feeling"
Still have it?
I can't make it happen faster,
I'll be here a little longer.
Yes, I know.
Well, can you tell Nissim?
Can you apologize on my behalf?
The religious giuy.
Just tell him I'm...
I'm sorry..
That next w£ek...
I might even make ii.t tomorrow.
What's going on, Grandpa?
I didn't want to ask
in front of her,
but is she 'all right?
Are there any signs
of dementia?
Memory loss or anything
Has she ever mentioned
hearing voices?
Riituals, things
sft© fewer did before9
She isn't crazy, Neta.
you don't really believe her,
do you?
Just because she says
she has a feeling
doesn't mean
it's going to happen.
Maybe it's a subconscious wish.
It's true she's seemed unhappy
for the past few years
Reading a few books
doesn't make you an expert
on your grandmothers life
Not at all
I'm just trying to understand
we have to talk about this
and figure out
what she's trying to tell us
She says she's going to die, Neta.
But how does she knew?
I don't know.
I've heard of people
who know such things.
I don't know,
but your grandmother knows things.
Is that Ruti?
You can go if you like.
it's fine.
Don't be silly. It's fine.
I didn't know about the cake.
What a waste, all those years..
You never said anything.
Go away.
Go away.
Hi, Galia.
No, it looks like
I won't make it today.
No, I can't.
So will you talk to him?
So lead the group
by yourself.
You're always saying
that I get in your way,
so for once it's all yours.
You're pruning everything.
There won't be anything left.
But this is how
I always do it.
Do you want to drive somewhere?
I don't know.
Should I make you some tea?
Enough with your stupid tea!
I'm sorry, Menachem,
I'm so sorry.
All I did was offer her tea.
"Tusedays with Mori" (Also teacher)
This is a book
I'm reading now, Grandma.
It's about exactly
what you're going through.
I don't think I'll Jjave time
to read it..
It's about someone
who's about to die
and how he prepares for it.
How much time does he h
-A few months.
The thing is, he has
all sorts of insights,
and he uses the time he has left
to talk about them.
I'm not sure..
that I have "insights."
Then maybe you can
just tell us something.
Something about your life,
I don't want to die.
Maybe it's just your head
or your soul telling you
that you're having
a ha’rd time now.
It isn't real, Grandma.
That's right.
It's just a feeling.
It could be a mistake,
that what you're feeling
is a mistake.
Maybe it's someone else.
Someone else is
going to die today,
and it isn't you.
It isn't you, Menachem,
that I know.
You can come out, Menachem.
Are you all right?
You know, Grandpa thought...
that I shouldn't tell you,
that it would only...
make you sad.
No, I'm glad you told me.
What do you like?
Because maybe...
maybe there's still time?
Maybe I can make it for you?
Grandma, forget the cake.
What does it matter now?
I don't know
why I mentioned the cake.
The cookies were just fine.
Yes, Grandpa bought them.
I can feel my dog all day.
My dog, you know.
That isn't your dog.
It's probably
the neighbors' dog or something.
I know, I know.
'm talking about my dog,
I've had him
since I was a baby.
Wolfie. A smafU handsome dog.
With eyes like...
Such beautiful,
kind, wise eyes.
You never told me about him.
He went everywhere with me.
To my friends' houses,
to school.
He never let me
leave him behind.
Once we went on vacation..
He chased our train
for two whole days.
Who did?
Wolfie, our dog.
What do you want to do
with the clothes?
I dontt know.
Well, you don't
have to decide now.
You know, Neta'le,
I wasn't a good mother
to your mother.
That's okay,
she isn't so great either.
Scrambled eggs... (also bullshiter)
Scrambled eggs?
-Scrambled eggs.
That's what you used to make me
that I liked.
Scrambled eggs? -Yes, you put in
milk and... - Soda water.
Soda water.
Yes, there was something
special about it.
I don't know... I liked it.
Scrambled eggs.
Go away.
Do you know where
I keep the iron?
Yes, you showed me before.
(But I don't know how to use it.
I wish I could cry.
All day I try to cry,
but it just won't come out.
if we hug...
then maybe
the tears will come.
It was just...
just an idea.
e don't have to.
Come here, Grandma.
That helped, didn't it?
There's no trick
that can help.
I'm going upstairs, (also up)
I want to rest.
Hi, Mom.