Consequences (1995) - full transcript

Shomie comes back home from graduating from College. Shomie returns home to Oakland,California to find out; his good friends from High School have all went there different ways. Some for good and some for bad. Shomie meets Mia who attends the Local University college. Mia is involved in a Sorority that does positive things in the Oakland's community. Nuggi who Shomie was very close with is one of Oaklands biggest drug lords. With everything we do in life their will be Consequences.

(somber music)

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

Nugi's funeral was unusual.

Many people attended the wake,

but his personal crew

did the burial secretly.

Since Bazil, Hamid, Joshu,

and I grew up with Nugi,

we wanted to be present till the end.

(somber music)

- I'm really gonna miss you, Nugi.

- Unfortunately, Nugi wasn't alive.

The dollars come quick, but

the death rate is just so high.

- [Shoemie Voiceover] Nugi's personal crew

vanished from the scene.

Never to be seen again.

- I remember when we was youngsters

and those food stamps came out his pocket.

After that, he always said

he's gonna be the man with all the money.

- [Shoemie Voiceover] I was barely a teen

without a worry in the world.

The homies would always hang on Saturdays

for neighborhood ball.

- Shoemie, you ain't about

to get no more touchdowns.

Matter of fact, you ain't

even got to get the pass off.

- Yeah, all right then.

We'll see about all that.

This is for game, this is for game.

- What's that supposed to mean?

Now you definitely ain't scoring, Nugi.

- Hamid, don't even worry about it, foo'.

- That's tellin' 'em, Joshu.

- Man, shut up, Dante!

- Yeah, tell 'em.

- You scared or something?

Let's do this.

- Yeah, let's do this.

Hey Bazil, this is for

you, this is for you.

- Let's do this.

Ready, set, go!

- Go Nugi!

(boys laughing)

- Hey don't worry, boy,

we can't tell no one

where's your receipts.

(boys laughing)

(upbeat hip hop music)

- [Shoemie Voiceover] The girlies.

Nugi's main squeeze,

Deneena, in the middle.

As years went on, we all grew differently.

Nugi was at another level.

Nugi was big time now. He

ran a small strip joint.

It was his cover-up for the dope game

that he was involved in.

- Anybody want to fuck

with white in this town,

they gotta fuck with me,

you know what I'm saying?

- That's what I'm saying.

- Yeah.

- What's a dope dealer

with no dope, tell me.

- [All] Nothing.

- Nothing.

- That's right.

- All right, motherfuckers.

- I don't let that stop me.

(men chattering)

- Fuck this shit, man.

Let's just do this, man.

- It's gonna work, man.

- Aye, y'all chill.

(knocking on door)

It's that time, man.

- Niggas better hurry up.

- Just chill, man.

(light rhythmic music)

- [Shoemie Voiceover] Bobo and his boys.

They were the hit men of the

city and they were the best.

When it came down to

guns, he was a supplier.

Bobo and Nugi were real close,

they spent youth time together in CYA,

which is a jail facility

in Northern California.

Bobo was also from Oakland, the east side.

That's why him and Nugi were so close.

Common territory.

- Whatever you want to call it.

I cornered the market.

I was the dope dealer to the

motherfucking dope village,

you know what I'm saying

straight to your face?

- I know it.

- Making more profit than anybody.

- Hey man, look like Bobo here.

- Come on, man.

- Let me know what Bobo says.

- Mm-hm.

- Hey girl.

Yeah, bring it on over here.

God damn, it's on now, boy.


- [Man] Don't trip.

- Hey, what's up, Nugi?

- Hey, what's up, man?

- All right, cut.

- What's up, man?

- How you doin', man?

- All right.

- What's goin' on, baby?

- All right.

- What's up?

- You got that skill I need, baby?

- Yeah, I got all that, man.

- Ah yeah, no lyin'.

- Yeah, that's what I'm

talkin' bout right there.

- God damn.

(men chattering)

- Got some more where that came from?

- That thing's fat, boy.

That's what the fuck I'm talkin' bout.

(rhythmic music)

- Yo man, you got anything else?

- Aw man, you know I got

to have my personal, man.

You know I keep my personal with me.

- Oh no, man.

Keep your personal with you, man.

Gotta stay strapped.

- Yeah, you know that's right.

- Yeah.

- You know, it's all good.

- Ready for this shit.

- Appreciate that, G.

- You know.

- I love you for that.

- Okay.

- All right, you always come through.

Something good for me.

- I'll pick up the girls.

- Be tight, yo.

- Yeah, man.

Y'all be good man.

- All right.

- Check this out, man.

I've got a serious job

for y'all to do, man.

(rhythmic music)

- Aye, good clean fun.

Aye, y'all said you'd

make out your last check

until next month.

My brother come home, like slinging rock.

You know what I mean?

- Yeah.

- All right.

- I want y'all to go over here

and take care of the

motherfuckers who backstabbed me.

Don't come back here with no bad news.

I want y'all to come to

the spot about 11:00 AM

and bring them gats back, all right.

Y'all gotta stay on the

underground after this, okay?

It's all about 187's now.

Handle that business for me, young G.

- All right, man.

- All right?

- Consider this done.

- Okay.

- Yo man, go ahead and

get your straps, man.

- All right, man.

- Your baby girl.

- Take that.

- There you go.

- Aye, man, take it.

- Hell yeah.

- That's that good drip, man.

- Yeah, that's me.

- No prob, man.

- Hell yeah.

- Yo, take this, cuz.

- Something.

- Aw shit.

- Sup man.

- Girls once came already napped.

- Yeah, don't pass up this.

- Those funky fuckers.

(man laughing)

That done did that shit

to me, it's pay back time.

- Go on, man.

- Fuck that.

- You be okay?

(people chattering)

- I bet that nobody hits a five.

- Happy to.

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

Tonight was the night

that it would go down.

Nugi's new game.

- Yeah Bobo.

Yeah I guess it's your

lucky motherfucking day,

'cause here come the

motherfuckers right now.

- [Bobo] They coming through right now!

Man, we on that way right now.

- Bad move, man.

- Man.

Them niggas got catch up

on the white folks, man.

- Slow roll now, man.

- They caught up in that shit, you know?

- Oh well.

(men chattering)

- Hey check this out, partner.

Yo nigga, you the motherfucking nigga.

- Fuck that!

(gunshot firing)

- Hey, you got to lay

your punk ass down, nigga.

Don't move.

(intense rhythmic music)

- Hey, hey, they coming your way.

They coming your way.

(men chattering)

- [Shoemie Voiceover] It was on, big time.

You want big time?

Well Bobo will show you

what big time really is.

Street game?

You can't teach it.

You have to live it, then talk about it.

(gunshots firing)

(tires screeching)

- We're coming your way right now!

- Right now?

Yeah, we here right now.

(intense music)

- Freeze.

Nigga, where you going, fool?

Get the rope.

- Go and get the car!

Get the car, man.

(men yelling)

Get the car, get the car!

- Don't want to hear the fuck you saying.

- Nigga, a punk!

- Let's go, motherfucker!

(men yelling)

(tense music)

- Killer, you gonna kill me, man?

Don't kill me, man.

- Get in there!

- Freddy, don't!

- Do what he says!

(men chattering)

- Yeah, yeah.

(men chattering)

- The fuck you say?

Take them in.

Take them to the spot.

- Get out!

Get out!

Don't stop, motherfucker.

(man mumbling)

Get out!

- Get out.

- Step back there, punk!

- It's about time you gonna pay.

You getting nothing.

(gunshots firing)

(tense music)

(man laughing)

(intense music)

- [Radio DJ] I'm Debonair.

Good morning Oakland and Bay area.

Got something new for you.

You're tuned into KMOB 90.7.

It's 15 minutes after the hour of 7:00 AM,

and now back to more K-Mob music.

(intense music)

- Mm, what up, Oak town?

Man, it feels good to be

turning back to my roots.

Thought I'd never make

it back to this place.

(rhythmic music)

- [Announcer] Good morning, from KDEB TV3.

This is the award winning

AM Oakland morning news.

- [Sherri] Good morning,

I'm Sherri Gonzales.

Oakland Police investigators

are still searching

for at least two gunmen

who's sprayed an East Oakland house

with bullets just before

dawn this morning.

The home is on Birch

Street near 82nd avenue.

Oakland Police would not

release the name of the owners,

but they just say he is

a suspected drug dealer.

Witnesses say that they heard

a car screech to a hault

outside the home this morning.

- What the hell has happened to Oakland?

- [Shoemie Voiceover] My father

taught me how to be a man.

That's why it's been 11

years since I've been home.

The death of my mother

reunited my father and me.

I didn't want to lose him

without letting him know

how much I admire him,

because it's not about

reaching out over the phone,

rather than one's physical presence.

- Woo, it's a jungle out there.

I know better than that.

Oakland can be a positive city.

- Hey, what's up, Pop?

- Hey!

Boy, you still got your key, huh?

- Aw man.

It's good to see you, man.

- Look at you, boy, you look good.

- Yeah.

- You done put a little

weight there too, huh?

- You know it.

You ain't looking bad yourself.

Man, you sure you're sick?

Or is that just your way of

getting me to come back home?

- Well, I wish my heart

wouldn't bother me.

It got so bad I had to retire

from the construction business.

It was just too stressful.

Oh boy, I wish your mother

was here to see you, boy.

She would be so proud of you.

- Yeah, I know, Pop.

Well yo, mom is in my heart,

and she will always be with me in spirit.

- Yeah, you right son.

Hey, let's help unpack your book bag

and get you settled in, boy.

- Sounds good.

That sounds good.

- I got up thousand things

to update you on, boy.

- Oh yeah?

- Oakland done changed a lot

since you been up there in Washington.

And the employment situation

around here stinks.

Boy, be glad you had a boss

who could hook you up

with a job the way he did.

- Yeah?

- Must pay pretty decent too, huh?

- We you know the superviser.

He the one that got me the job.

- Yeah.

- He's a pretty cool white guy.

- All white people ain't evil, son.

Just a few of them.

- I know, I know.

- Hey, a couple of your buddies

always stopping by here to visit with me

since you've been gone.

- Who's that, Pops?

- Oh, that boy on crutches.

What's that boy name?


- Joshu, okay.

- Joshua, yeah!

He always bring me some of

that music he producing.

And also your other friend, Habit, Hamid.

- Hamid, Hamid, yeah.

- Hamid, yeah.

Did you know that boy

with the police force now?

- Wait a minute, Hamid's a cop?

- Yeah.

- What about Nugi?

- Eh, I don't know about that boy, son.

I think he's into drugs.

- Oh no.

- Well you watch yourself around him.

He's what I call a, a consequence.

You are hard working young

man with a good mind.

You can go places, son.

Think so, Pop?

- Yeah!

- Thanks, man.

- Say, what happened to that

old girl you been having?

- Hey.

Hate to say it, but we broke up, man.

- Oh, well.

Life rolls on.

(men laughing)

My boy, come here, boy.

- Looking good, man.

- Yeah!

(serene music)

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

Man, she was gorgeous.

And she smiled at me, it's on now.

- Shoemie, what are you doing here?

- Ofelia, how you doing?

What's going on?

- What are you doing here?

You picking up food for tonight?

- Yeah, didn't I tell you last night

I was gonna pick up

something for the kids?

- Oh, you're right, I'm sorry.

I'll see you in a couple hours.

- Okay, I'll see you.

- Pork isn't good for you.

- Were you talking to me?

Excuse me, miss.

- That new man, huh?

- Were you talking to me back there?

- Yes, I was.

Hi, I'm Imani, what's your name?

- My name is Shoemie.

It's a pleasure to meet you, Imani.

I'm surprised a gorgeous

young lady like yourself

would take interest in what I'm eating.

Pretty nice of you.

Do you stay around here?

- You need a sack?

- No man, I'm cool.

- Actually, I go to school around here.

I'm a full time student at the University.

- That's good.

I graduated from University

of Washington four years ago

and I have a degree in sociology.

- Well this fall's gonna be my last year.

- Is it?

- Yeah, I can't wait.

It's good to run into a

brother who's educated.

- Is that right?

- So, are you on your way home to.

- [Shoemie Voiceover] Imani

had nice conversation,

and she was gorgeous.

- Excuse me ma'am, that's five dollars.

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

In the back of my mind,

I felt her attracted to me.

- Well um, I gotta go.

Myself, I'm on my way

to a meeting right now.

It's really nice talking to you.

- All right, you take care now.

- Have a nice day.

- Drive safe.

- Thank you.

What's up, man?

- How's it going, man?

- You know, I respect a man

who can take care of himself.

- Well, you know, Imani,

you're more than welcome

to come over for dinner.

I'm a pretty fair cook.

- Sounds tempting, but I can't tonight.

I'll tell you what, though.

I'll give you my phone number,

maybe we can get together sometime.

- Wait a minute, wait a minute.

You mean you don't have a boyfriend?

- Well, I broke up with

my ex about a year ago.

So I consider myself available.

- Okay.

- I'm not into games, though.

But you seem as serious as you are nice.

So, why don't you call me

when you have some free time?

I gotta get going now.

I'm late for a meeting.

- Well Imani, you to take it easy

and I'll see you around, okay?

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

Haven't seen my homies

from the old hood since I went away

to the University of Washington

on an athletic scholarship.

So I was more than curious to

see what they all were up to,

because time definitely brings on change.

Joshu and I had a common bond between us.

We both lost one parent and

understood each other's pain.

We shared empathy for one another.

- All right, man.

- Man, what's going on, man?

- Oh man, good.

- I'm cool.

- Good to see you, man.

- Come on, now.

- Yeah, surprise though.

- Yeah.

- What's up, man?

You over here starting your business.

- Oh man, still trying

to get settled in, man.

You know, it's kinda harsh

starting out from scratch.

All I have right now is my furniture, man.

- Oh shit, man.

You know how it is.

Making it good just takes

a little time, that's all.

- I guess you right, man.

So, what's up, man?

Are you gonna say I never seen ya.

- I ain't say nothing, man.

- We're tight, man.

- You know Joshu always did respect

your vision and your vibe, man.

Someday you're gonna become,

you're gonna win an American Music Award.

- Oh yeah, you know that?

- But tell me something,

Joshu, you ever get frustrated?

- And you know I do, man.

- Yeah.

- Sometimes get upset, you know,

my nigga I fall with the most,

you know what I'm saying?

The car wreck done

really fucked me up, man.

It still does.

- Yeah.

- But you know what?

That music is like my father.

God and his trials, you

know what I'm saying?

- Uh-huh.

- So how's your pop doing, man?

- Well you know, Pops is

getting on my case man,

about being better himself.

And telling me I should

be making my mom proud.

Speaking of which, I met

this lovely lady today, man.

- I feel you something, man.

I always go the death of our parents,

that's what always kept us strong,

you know what I'm saying?

- Right.

- So when's the last time

you ever seen your boy, Nugi?

- Aw man, I haven't seen

Nugi in a while, man.

How about you?

Have you seen him lately?

- It's been a while, man.

I hear he's the man, man.

You know what I'm saying?

- That's too bad.

- I always thought,

what'd it'd be like for the boys

to get back together again, you know?

- Yeah, just like the good old times.

- Yeah, old times sake.

'Cause who'd ever thought

that Hamid would become a cop?

- Yeah, that's the last thing.

- Bazil a construction worker.

Nugi, the deed man.

- Damn.

- Myself, a struggling ass producer.

- Naw man.

- And you Shoemie, psychologist.

Healer of all minds.

- I don't know about all that man.

Man, thanks for the promotion,

but I'm far from being

a psychologist, man.

- I don't think so, man.

You're the only person that I

know that helps and listens.

Most people just talk,

you know what I'm saying?

You also played a mean game of football

back in the day, too.

- I did.

But let me give you a

few compliments, man.

- Go on.

- You know, just before

your accident, man,

you was one hell of a

football player yourself.

But tell you what man, you

one hell of a producer.

This music of yours' kicking.

- It's delirious, right?

You know, when I was in high school, man,

I was on this damn cane.

So I'm a take a bow, you

know what I'm saying?

- [Shoemie] Right, I understand that.

- Oh, lit.

You know, you are definitely lucky.

If I was a man like you.

(knocking on door)

- Joshu, what's up, man?

We going or what, man?

You know what I'm saying, man.

Hey, I know you, man.

- [Shoemie] Hey, what's going on, man.

How you doing?

- Yeah.

You with the University of Washington.

- Right, I did.

- Yeah, you's a slot back.

I saw you in the Rose Bowl.

- Uh-huh.

- Yeah, you was raw.

Aye, aye didn't you go pro?

- I did.

I played up at, I played

up in Canada for two years.

- You did?

- With the Eskimos.

So, you know, now that's it.

- That's good, man.

You was raw, man.

I remember you.

- Now this year,

I think that we should really get involved

and do something positive

in the community.

You know, something

that has a real impact.

You know, something positive.

Does anybody have any suggestions?

- What about something dealing

with high school students?

- Okay, good idea.

- What about a learning

center for African history.

- Good idea.

What else?

- Hey Ash, well what about the homeless?

- [Shoemie] Imani Epsilon Phi Psi Sorority

at the University College.

The ladies represented

community involvement

and positive leadership among black women.

- Come on ladies.

We're gonna go by a process

of elimination here.

So we need to get as many

ideas up on the board

as we possibly can.

We need to get as many ideas

up here on the board as we can

so that we can eliminate

them down to just one

that we can all agree upon.

And if we don't get

participation from everybody,

then we're just gonna have

to go with what we have.

It seems as if only the senior

sorors are participating.

- She's cute when she's demanding.

- I see.

(women laughing)

- Well what about afterschool programs?

- Good idea.


- You know, I really like

that suggestion Val made.

Being from Oakland myself,

I think we should do something

like an afterschool program.

In fact, I got a little brother

who's involved with the East

Oakland Boys and Girls club,

and he was telling me that

his basketball program

is about to be cut.

Uh-huh, because there's not enough money.

If programs like this get cut,

then the kids involved

have no alternatives,

which I believe in itself

would lead to drugs and crime.

- That's true.

- That's true.

- You know, that's true.

I can really relate to that.

- You know, actually I think

that's a really good idea.

I say that we can take a

vote on that right now.

Good, so it's confirmed.

Afterschool programs it is.

- Hey Bella, won't you go give me

something to drink, all right?

- Okay, be right back.

- Excuse yourself.

- Come here, doll.


Yeah, you like that, don't you?

Give me a little sugar, say bout that.

- How you ladies enjoying the party?

- Oh, we're enjoying it.

- That's good, that's good.

Check this out,

I got some VSOP in the

house if you ladies down.

- Sounds good to me.

- Good to me.

- That's good, after you.

All right.

- Bobo, hey Bobo, how you doing?

- Hey, what's up Gigi?

What's this about?

What's going on, huh?

Check this out, I want y'all

to come strip from my brother.

He supposed to come home

up out the penitentiary.

- Okay.

- And I want y'all to come strip.

- Okay, (indistinct).

- Okay, you down?

- I'm down.

- Okay, here y'all get y'all

something real freaky like,

you know?

- All right.

- Yeah, get y'all something.

Real sexy like, all right?

- Okay.

- Y'all gonna do your thing?

- Of course.

- Okay.

- Don't we always?

- All right.

- Okay.

- Sit down.

- Hey bro.

- Hey, what's up, dude?

- My man right here.

- Oh yeah?

It's Antonio Feliz.

- How you doing, dude?

Yeah, I seen you nice and comfortable

in my favorite chair a little while ago.

- Well, it's the best.

- Who's that you got with you there?

- Ah, this is.

- Lucy.

- Lucy?

How you doing, Lucy?

You look good.

What's up, G?

- Yeah, we talked about, man, we got,

he gonna give us 10 G's

long as he gets 50 down.

- 50?

Can you guarantee me that same processing

and packaging as always?

- Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.

- That sounds tight.

It's your world, man.

All right.


- Well, goodnight baby.

Ready when you are.

- Okay man.

Go get yourself a dream, man.

- All right.

- It's all good.

- All right.

- Say dude, hey man.

You think we can trust

these motherfuckers?

I trust your judgment man,

but I don't like white people, man.

- I did my homework, man.

- Did you?

- I did mine.

It's all good.

- All right, man.

Tight, man.

Say man, relax man.

You handled your business, man.

We gonna get you that house in The Bahamas

you always wanted, all right?

- You know that's right.

- Okay, dude.

I'll see you, man.

- All right.

- All right.

Come here, dog.

Come here, come here.

- [Shoemie] Nugi occasionally

would have private parties

for his people that work for him.

- Yo man, that's right, man.

I heard Shoemie's back in town.

- No shit?

You heard Shoemie's back in town?

- Yeah man.

- Aw man.

That's my homie, man.

I love him.

I always knew that motherfucker

was gonna come back to the Oak.

But when he do catch up with us,

he'll be surprised to see

how we run this undergrad

around here, it's tight, shit.

- Man, Shoemie's back?

Oh now that's a special man, right there.

- Oh here she comes.

- Even back in high school.

He had his head together.

He always had his head together.

- Yeah.

- Remember, Nugi?

- You right about that.

- One,





(phone ringing)

- Hello?

Oh hi, Shoemie.

How are you doing?

I'm glad you called.

Oh no, that's just my sorority sisters.

We're just wrapping up a meeting.

(people chattering)

- Bye, Molly.

- Bye.

- Hey, I was wondering if,

you want to go to the movies or something.

Maybe we can go down

to Fisherman's Wharf

of something like that.

How's that sound?

- Okay.

Yeah, that sounds good.

- [Woman] Imani, call me.

- Uh-huh.


Well yeah, I am a little bit tired.



Well I'd definitely like

to get to know you better.

Okay, Sunday.

Sounds good.

Goodnight to you, too.


- Yeah.

(lively music)

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

Imani and I hit it off big.

We had so much in common

and we shared many interests.

My degree in psychology had paid off.

I was managing director of a group home

of six kids in Oakland, California.

I was able to set this up

through my former college,

University of Washington,

graduate program.

- It's too bad to see Oakland

don't have the Raiders, man.

- Yeah, they never should have left, man.

Never should have left.

- Good morning, Stan.

- Good morning.

- I'm starving like Marvin.

- Hey, fella, how you doing?

- Get in there.

- Sup my negros.

- Hey, there he is.

- What's up, white boy?

- What's up.

- Good morning, Sophia, my angel.

- [Sophia] Why don't you

take your hat off, Stan.

- May I enter?

- Yes you may, Alton.

- [Counselor] Hey, no skating

in the hallway, today.

- Why?

- Tomorrow maybe.

Not today.

Come on, let's go in for breakfast.

- Where's Sherman and Jake?

- Oh they upstairs.

I don't think they want

to go to Marine World.

- Is that right?

Tell you what,

I'm gonna go upstairs and

I'm gonna go get them.

- I'm going to eat.

- Let's go.

- Good morning, may I enter.

- You sure can, after you

put your skateboard away.

- Morning.

- Hey Jim,

where's Sherman and Jake?

- [Jim] Oh, Shoemie went

upstairs to get them.

They'll be down in a minute.

- Man, I don't want to go

to no dang Marine World.

- Let's do something stupid

so we won't be able to go.

- Hey, I heard that.

Looks like we need an

attitude adjustment here.

No matter what you say,

you're going to Marine World.

If you want to bring attitude with you,

just have to face the consequences

as soon as you get back.

- But that's no fair,

Marine World's boring.

- Regardless of what you say,

you're going to Marine World.

And you'll have a good time.

- But Marine World's for kids and punks.

- Oh, okay.

Is that right?

Sherman, have you ever

been to Marine World?

- No.

- How bout you, Jake?

Well then, how can you judge Marine World,

or anything else for that matter,

if you've never been there?

The bottom line is that it's educational.

And I think you guys will learn

a thing or two about animals.

Now, regardless of how you feel,

the fact that Marine

World's on our agenda today,

you're going.

Now let's go downstairs and have breakfast

and try to have a productive day.

Are you fellas down with that?

- [Both] Yes.

- All right, give me a high five.

Let's go do this.

Let's go.

- [Shoemie Voiceover] Incredible.

All the homies from the old school,

we all hooked up at Bazil's house.

- Where you get this from?

- Perfect USDA choice.

- Technology.

- What's up, man?

You all squared for some minutes, man?

(men chattering)

- You smoke weed, you always be tripping.

- No no, you the man.

- Check it out, check

it out, check it out.

Classic football stories.

- Aw shit, here we go again.

- Remember the time when Shoemie

dropped the touchdown pass.

(men chattering)

The fourth quarter of the city game.

- Yeah, but who won the game?

- Well let me finish, man.

- Say man, let's not forget.

What did we hold them to, what?

Seven points or something that game?

(men chattering)

- That's right.

The new school, you know what I'm saying.

- I don't think you'll

ever let us forget that.

- Yeah yeah.

- We know.

- You know we shocked everybody with that.

I don't think anybody

expected us to pull that off.

- No.

- Everybody got off, everybody got off.

Although Shoemie, you did

drop the touchdown pass.

- You play too much, man.

- You were all state,

but if you held on to the

rock you'd be All-American.

- Yeah, but that's why I went pro, fool.

- I'm telling you.

- Caught my ass.

- Yeah.

- Say man.

- Keep talking that smack, man.

I'm bout to leave you here.

- Give me that.

- Man, come on.

- Give me that.

- God damn.

- Aye yo, y'all think there was gonna be

some women at this party, man?

And more importantly, you

won't let me spring my case.

(men chattering)

- That makes me wish two things, man.

- What's that?

- One, that I didn't have to work tonight.

And number two, that I wasn't married.

(men laughing)

(men laughing)

- I wouldn't even trip.

Man, you got a good job and

a wife who's down for you.

You can ask anyone.

- What a kick ass mood.

- You know man, I don't know

what I'm thinking about.

I guess I'm just tripping.

There it is, I'm tripping.

- Fine hunnies in this gig, tonight.

- You know it.

- Squares, probably.

- But you know, there's this one sorority,

beautiful women, man.

I can guarantee you can

pull me some women there.

(smooth music)

- Hi y'all.

- Hi.

(people chattering)

- Hey, so what's the cover?

- $20.

- Can you read?

- $20?

- Mm-hm.

- I thought there was a

part going on up in here.

That's bullshit.

- Oh, okay.

This is a fundraiser, okay?

This is a sorority fundraiser for the.

- You know what?

- No, no don't interrupt me.

I am not finished.

You are holding up the line.

Take your nickel and dime back over.

- I know that cover

couldn't cover you ass.

- Maybe.

- Hell no.

- Okay.

Thank you.

(people chattering)

- Girl, this party is live.

You see that guy in the black jeans?

- You know, nobody back

here's looking this good.

You know what I'm saying?

- Girl, don't ever (indistinct).

- You're so negative.

- It's good that I'm

very picky with my men,

like you guys should be.

(woman laughing)

- Well, y'all better come on

before we miss all the action.

- All right.

- Now y'all don't be

too fast out there now.

- Good evening, ladies.

- Hi.

(people chattering)

- Y'all coming in?

- We'll be in there later.

- Y'all got some ice for this here?

- You know you can't bring that in there.

- Uh-uh, uh-uh.

- Uh-uh brother, come here.

(smooth music)

- Man I hope this party's

hitting man, shit.

- I dig this spot, man.

- We gonna have to get post up.

- Hey, well you keep walking with a limp,

you'll never bail mean.

Come on, Joshu, you got here.

Let's scope the place out first.

- Man, what the fuck you talking about?

- Never mind, Joshu.

Look, I'm going this way.

I'll check you all later.

- Yo, peace.

- Yo man, there go my girl right there.

- Where?

The one in the black right there?

She fine.

- Let's walk.

- Who is that with her?

- Hey Imani.

Oh hey, good to see you.

- Oh, you too.

I'm sorry, this is my friend, Tish.

Tish, this is my sissy.

- My friend Nugi, Miss Imani.

- Hi Tish, how you doing?

- I'm gonna come over

here and talk to you.

(people chattering)

- Thank you.

(people chattering)

No, I don't.

Oh really?


Uh-huh, yeah right.

- Excuse me, we're gonna.

- Okay, see you guys later.

- Take care.

Nice to meet you.

- Nice meeting you, too.

- Can I buy you a drink?

- Well, I usually don't drink, but, sure.

Sure, you can buy me a drink.

- Yeah?

- Nothing too strong though.

- How bout some gin and juice?

- No, I don't think so.

- Oh you not with that?

- Nuh-uh.

- I'm sure we can find

something that you like.


- Aye, what's up, babe?

Make a dippy outside?

- Excuse me.

- I was going to dance with

you but you are extremely rude

and you have no manners.

- Damn.

Still try, brother can't

even get a dance in here.

- Ooh, how you doing, ladies?

Doing all right.

- I'm so glad you came, Shoemie.

- [Shoemie] Oh yeah.

- I was really hoping you'd make it.

You're not gonna believe this,

but I had a conversation

about you with my mom today.

- [Shoemie] Is that good or bad?

- It's good.

I asked her to explain to me

how I can be attracted to

a man I hardly even know.

You know I'm attracted to you, right?

You seem to be the type of man

who always has everything under control.

You're educated, and you're handsome, too.

- You know, Imani, I

appreciate the compliment.

What are you trying to say?

- [Imani] Well I know you

don't know me that well,

but I was just hoping

the feeling was mutual.

- Yes it is.

You know, I just want to

call you all day and night.

You stay on my mind, it's like.

You know, Imani, you're like

a dream come true to me.

You're intelligent, beautiful,

and that really turns me on.

- You know what?

The feeling is mutual.

- [All] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Go, go, go, go, go!

(people laughing)

(smooth dance music)

(people chattering)

- Champagne?

- Ah, yeah.

You know what?

I don't even want to drink it.

- Why?

- Well I don't want you

to feel like you have to.

You know, another time.

You know what I'm saying.

- I'm not that kinda girl.

I hardly know you.

- Champagne, hot tub.

It could be real good.

Take you home and slide you back.

- Awful good sounding, maybe.

- Don't worry about it, baby.

Sure, don't worry about what

these people out here think.

You gonna have a good time.

- Are you sure it's gonna be all right?

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

The party was cruising.

All the boys are getting them dates.

Everyone was having a good time.

Peak game.

Nugi hit it off big with Tish.

She fell right under his influence.

- All right, go do what you gotta do.

I'll be right here waiting for you.

All right?

Ha ha ha!

(crowd partying)

- [Shoemie Voiceover] Bazil

really hit it off scoring

with two fine bisexual

ladies in the sorority

that my girl, Imani, was in.

Doesn't happen often, but it happens.

- [All] Hey, ho, hey, ho, hey, ho!

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

Joshu wasn't as lucky

on the female side.

But the jam they're listening to is his.

(people partying)

(smooth music)

♪ I slip and slide and dip and dive ♪

♪ I know that maybe if you can ♪

♪ Then you will find, you will find ♪

- That was a nice party for me, boy.

I had a good time.

How bout you, girl?

- Yeah, that's about right.

Surely I can trust you having a good time.

- Oh, come on, you can trust me.

- What girl was having this?

- What?

That must be Kilo's.

That nigga had some bitch up in here.

You know you the only woman I

have bent over this hot tub.

♪ Promise you ♪

♪ Assume the position soon ♪

♪ Lay on the bed ♪

(tense music)

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

23rd Ave was my old hood.

Man, I see things haven't

changed much in the big O.

The night's seem different.

Nugi and I were on our way to

a sorority jubilee function.

(sirens blaring)

- [Officer] All right,

I'll call this one in.

- No, no, no, no.

Hold on, hold on.

I know these guys.

Let me, let me take care of this.

I'll be right back.

- All right.

- Let's see your license, sir.

- That sound like.

Ah, it's Hamid, man.

- Oh!

- You ain't got nothing

better to do, motherfucker?

- Shoemie, man, you gotta

watch yourself, man.

You bringing heat on yourself,

plus you making my job harder.

- What's up, Hamid?

Hey man, I'm glad it was you, man.

- Yeah, well you know, we family man.

- Right.

- We got to watch out for each other.

- Man, come on, get him there.

I got to get back to work.

Hey Nugi, man, check yourself, man.

You slipping, please.

- Man, don't tell me nothing.

Man, I'm not slipping.

I got my business handled.

Man, don't you got something better to do

rather than mess with us.

Trying to have a night on the town.

- All right, man, all right.

I'm out of here.

- All right.

- Hey, peace, Hamid.

- Throw they crap out in the trunk.

- I tell you, that Hamid's

a down brother, man.

- Shit man, he a sell out.

Come on, man.

I can't respect that, man, come on.

- What are we doing?

- Yeah, everything's fine, man.

It's all good.

- All right, well look,

we got gang bangers on Fruitvale, man.

- All right, well let's hit,

let's handle it, let's handle it.

- Like to thank you all

again for coming out tonight

in support of Epsilon Phi Psi's

first annual jubilee celebration.

- Yeah, let's do it.

I'm trying to see you again.

- Hey, what's going on, good looking?

How you doing?

- I'm fine.

- You looking good.

- I'm surprised to see you here tonight.

- Aw, you know I'm gonna

try and be anywhere

you are with your bad self.

(people chattering)

- Hi.

- Imani.

- Hi.

- Hey babe, how you doing?

- Oh shoot, I'm so glad you could make it.

- It's good to see you.

- How are you?

- Oh, I'm okay.

You look good, baby.

- Why thank you.

- I know one thing.

You gonna have to coach me for this thing.

- You'll survive.

There's someone I want

to introduce you to.

- Okay, that's fine.

- Imani, I haven't seen

you in a long time.

I won't ask where you've been.

- Shoemie, this is Marian.

Marian, this is Shoemie.

- Nice to meet you, Marian.

- She's the one that's

responsible for tonight.

- Oh, okay.

- [Marian] Thank you for coming out.

Did you bring any friends?

- Yes I did.

- Oh, well great.

Well you guys enjoy yourself tonight

and talk to you later, okay?

- Thank you.

- Hi Imani.

- Oh, hi.

- Who do you think you are

not returning my calls?

And then when you do

decide to call me back,

it's late at night.

- I guess you're not happy

with what I'm doing for you?

- No, I guess not.

- Come here, give me a little kiss.

- No, and you said you were a businessman?

Yeah, well real businessmen

run their businesses during the day,

not at three and four in the morning.

- I didn't see you complaining

when I had you bent over that hot tub.

Come here and stop tripping.

- Excuse me.

You know what?

I thought you were cool.

You know what?

But you ain't.

You know what?

I wish I never would've

gave you the time of day.

- Aw shit, it ain't gotta be like that.

You stuck on yourself anyway.

Fuck you, bitch.

- No.

- Don't you ever try and hit

me in your god damn life.

Get the fuck away from me.

- You know what?

You gonna regret this.

- Fuck you.

Thanks for sucking my dick.

That a bitch.

- And remember, each one, teach one.

- All right.

- And now.

(audience applauding)

The brothers of Kappa Alpha

Psi Fraternity Incorporated,

are here for your entertainment.

(audience applauding)

- What's up, boys?

- K-A-Psi and.

(feet stomping)

(men chanting)

- Imani, can I please speak to you?

Alone, please.

- I'll be back.

- Okay.

- Oh God!

Nugi makes me so sick!

- What happened between you and Nugi?

You're so mad.

- Oh, well,

basically I just told him where he can go.

You know, I really love my black men,

but ooh, they just irk me.

Ooh, I swear.

He is so self centered.

All he cares about is himself.

- You don't need that.

- Oh no.

Girl, he thinks he is all that

and I am just not having it.

You know, uh-uh.

I don't even know why

Shoemie hangs out with him.

- [Men] K-A-Psi, and.

(feet stomping)

- Goodnight, ladies.

- Bye.

- Did you enjoy yourself?

- Yeah.

- Bye.

- I don't know.

He's always talking about

some loyalty with brothers.

Whatever that means.

- Oh, please.

Well girl, I'm gonna get ready to go home.

I am really tired.

I just need a hot, warm bubble bath, girl.

Just to calm my nerves.

- All right, well you

take care, all right?

- I will girl.

I'll talk to you, okay?

- Okay, all right.

- What's going on with your friend?

- I don't know.

Nugi, you know, he's a little hard headed

but he'll be all right.

Here, take my jacket.

Well I'm glad you came,

I had a really good time.

- Yeah, I did too.

Even though I didn't get to

spend much time with you.

- Well um, I gotta go help clean up.

Call me when you get home.


- Call me.

- All right, see you later.

- [Speaker] Good evening,

ladies and gentlemen.

- [Group] Good evening.

- I'm glad to be here.

And especially in honor

of these beautiful black young women.

(audience applauding)

Thank you.

I would like to spread a little knowledge.

Something I think that every

human being should know.

But first of all, this is not about race.

It's about the understanding

about the color of the face.

- [Shoemie] What's up, man?

You all right?

- No man.

Shit nigga.

Say man, I ain't got time

for these silly hoes.

Man I hate this.

Man, I didn't have to waste

my time coming to your shit.

- Yo man, look here.

Let's roll on to the lake and

go to my old spot and talk.

Just like the old times.

- All right, man, that sounds good, man.

Let me finish this joint.

Man, you want some?

- No man, I'm good.

I don't need that.

- Aw shit man.

You don't smoke or drink or

do none of that shit, man.

You make me feel guilty, man.

- Yo man, I wouldn't even trip, man.

I got a lot on my mind these days, man.

That right there just fucks me up.

I'm on a mission.

- What mission?

Getting Imani?

I bet you aint' even kissed her yet.

- Oh, there you go.

Of course I have.

- Oh yeah.

How come I think you lying?

No playing, homie?

- Nah man.

But you know what?

Screw it, man.

Yeah, aw man.

- [Nugi] Hey man, I always

like it out here, man.

It's always peaceful and shit, you know?

- [Shoemie] Nice, fresh air.

- Get my mind off them bitches and shit.

- Tell me something, Nugi, man.

Do you have any fears?

- Ah Shoe, I ain't afraid of nothing, man.

What you getting at?

- I don't know man.

Do you ever think about tomorrow?

- Ain't no tomorrow, man.

It's all about today.

I know what you getting at, though.

You just shocked at how

I'm living, ain't you?

- Nah, brother, I ain't shocked.

I'm a little surprised.

I didn't know you were

involved so deep in the game.

From what I understand,

you're pretty large out

there in the streets.

- Gotta do what I gotta do.

Say man, remember when

you got on the plane

to go to UW, man?

Remember what you said to me, man?

- Okay, yeah, yeah.

- You said something about consequences

and about being the best at whatever I do.

- Right, right.

I do remember.

- I'm just an example of that, man.

- I do remember.

I do remember, man.

We would go to Center Park.

- Yeah man.

- [Shoemie] Man, we was

knocking clowns out.

- Yup, I remember that shit.


- [Shoemie Voiceover] In my

first summer out of high school,

we would go to the park in East Oakland

and participate and bet on boxing matches.

We made a lot of money that summer.

And occasionally some punk would jump up.

(people chattering)

(people yelling)

- Come on, punk.

(people chattering)

- Round three.


(people yelling)

(punch landing)

(people yelling)




The winner.

(people yelling)

- Get your ass.

Come on, Paul!

Come on, come on.

We'll get another motherfucker.

Good bye, bitch, good bye.

- Behind the street, behind the street.

Put the gun down, put the gun down.

- Yeah, what's up?

Get behind me, Nugi.

(people yelling)

- Man.

- I remember that shit.

- But you definitely took

it the wrong way, man.

I just expected better from you, man.

On another hand,

a brothers gotta do what

he's gotta do to survive.

- Say man, it's like

hard die out here, Shoe.

You know I got my tombstone

already laid out, man.

- Come on.

- I accept any and all consequences

that lay in the path that I chose, man.

This is what I do, man.

I don't give a fuck, man, it's what I do.

When I'm tired of this.

Man, let's go.

- Yeah, I'm a little tired

myself and I'm ready to go home.

- Shit.

The night just begun for me, homie.

You know what I'm saying?

- [Shoemie Voiceover] I don't know.

Something felt different

about this moment, and night.

I guess we can't relive the past.

We wish.

But as time goes on, we

all grow differently.

(tense music)

- You right here?

- Yo man, thanks for the ride, man.

I can walk home from here.

- All right.

Everything all right, man?

- Yeah.

- All right, dude.

- Take it easy.

I love you, man.

Call me tomorrow, something.

(phone ringing)

(dramatic music)

- [Shoemie Voiceover] If I

ever felt distant from Nugi,

now was definitely the time.

- Hey, hey check this out.

You called me, and I

ain't even hearing that.

You got me, you got me three weeks ago

and I ain't even hearing that.

- Angela, call the police.

You gots to go, you gots to, see ya.

Go, she's calling the police.

Peace, gotta go.

- Man, cracker.

It ain't even like that.

It ain't even like that no more.

I ain't doing nothing for you.

- Antonette, why are we stopping here?

Andrea's right up the street.

- Oh, don't worry.

This is a good place to eat.

- Okay.

- Don't worry, it's safe.

(people yelling)

- How you doing there, ladies?

- [Both] Fine.

- It's pretty late, damn.

Check this out, get an order

and I'm gonna ring y'all up.

- Okay, a Vin's burger

with mustard and

mayonnaise and large Coke.

- I'll have the same, without mustard.

- You want the special, man,

with these burgers, boy.

That's all good.

I'll tell you what ladies,

in like three minutes.

everything will be ready and

y'all pay me later, all right?

Sounds good?

- All right.

- All right.

Kind of rough out there.

Y'all should hang out in here with me.

You know what I'm saying?

(dramatic music)

- Ah, man.

It's the wrong day.

Oh boy.

- Hey, y'all looking good over there.

I'll be back.

- Could you spare a dollar?

- Get your ass off me.

- Well you're a fine piece of shit.

- You're pathetic.

Go back up under your rock.

- You going to hell!

- Go back up under your

rock and leave me alone.

- You know what?

I could be, I could be

your guardian angel.

- This man a player.

What's up, player?

- Get outta here.

- I been seeing you around something.

- You have homeless people out here, man.

All right, I'm your customer.

What's up, man?

What's up, G?

- Working hard, G.

She's gonna take your order,

I'm just gonna ring you up.

- Oh yeah, you looking good

with them little nice

fingernails right there.

That's all right, though, check this out.

Give me about two cheeseburgers,

order of fries or

something, a little soda.

Put plenty of salt on it.

Put some extra sugar in

that soda, all right?

- I'll tell you what, player.

In about three minutes it's

all gonna be good and ready.

- All right.

- Pay me later, huh?

- Hey, man,

I'm gonna get at these little

snow bunnies out here, man.

- I feel you, man.

- All right, dude.

- Dang.

Hey, what's going on, good looking?

My name's Nugi, what's yours?

- Heather.

- How you doing, Heather?

And what's your name, good looking?

- Hi, Antonette.

- Oh yeah?

- Uh-huh.

- Would you be interested

in coming to a party at my club next week?

- Are there men there like you?

- With men like you?

- Oh yeah, plenty.

You'll enjoy yourself.

- Oh, look at them white

bitches over there.

- [Shoemie Voiceover] Thug niggas.

Mookie and company.

They don't care about nothing.

When it comes down to kind heartedness,

no such mean to them.

- Hey, that that motherfucker Nugi.

- Fuck you, bitch.

- Ain't that that motherfucker, Nugi?

Look dude, look.

Ain't that that motherfucker, Nugi?

- Aye man, that's Nugi, man.

- Look, man.

- Hold on, hold on.

- Man, what's up?

Man, what's up, man?

- Gonna get that motherfucker.

Get that motherfucker, man.

Don't even trip.

- What's up, man?

- Don't even trip.

- What's up?

- Fuck that motherfucker.

- Man, we're getting whooped, G.

We'll get it and wack him.

We gonna get that motherfucker.

- How you wanna do it, then?

- Go get that motherfucker.

- We gonna do it your way then.

How you wanna do it?

- Shit, the right way.

Right way, motherfucker.

- How you wanna do it?

- We gonna creep up on this motherfucker.

- Hell yeah.

- Know what I'm saying?

- Yo Haj, is that like, order ready done?

It's all good.

Aye, excuse me, miss!

Miss, your order's ready.

- Yeah, I like women like you.

Yeah I like this blonde hair, looks good.

- $4.90.

Want your change?

- Nah, that's okay.

- You sure?

- Yeah.

- It's all good.

Have a nice night.

Thanks for coming to Vin's Burgers.

See you soon.

- Yeah, you good looking.

Thank you for that number.

I'll call you tomorrow

about 10 o'clock, okay?

- Okay.

- You make sure you be there.

- I will.

- Sweet, I love that, I

love that blonde hair.

You too.

All right, I'm gonna see y'all tomorrow.

What's this?

The little red, little

red riding hood right here

Blonde ambition.

Material girl, all right.

- Yo, player!

- My shit ready, man?

- Yeah, bro.

It's all good.


- Good man, keep the change, man.

Give baby something for her nails, man.

It's all good, bro.

- All right.

All right, dude.

- Okay, come to Vin's Burgers.

(tense music)

- Aye, Nugi!

- What's up, homie?

- Nugi, come here!

- What's up, who's this?

That you, Jay?

What's happening, dude?

(gunshots firing)

Oh, oh!

(gunshots firing)

(gunshots firing)

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

It's all fun and games

to Mookie and company.

I guess when you're in the game,

you can never let your guard down.

'Cause if you do, it

may cost you your life.

(sirens blaring)

- My God, Nugi!

What are you doing?

- Yeah, I got a victim here.

- Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, I want to talk to you, man.

I got some questions to ask you.

You're a witness.

(sirens blaring)

(phone ringing)

- Hello?

- Oh man, good.

Thank God you all right, man.

Wait, Shoemie, Shoemie,

Nugi's dead.

Yeah, he was shot here

at the burger stand.

Man, it was a drive by shooting.

Yeah, I thought you, I though

you were here too, man.

I thought you were, I

thought you were here, man.

Man, look look, I gotta go.

I gotta go.

I'll talk to you later, man.

I'll talk to you later.

All right, bye.

- All right.


(somber music)

(phone ringing)

- Hello?


You ain't gonna believe what happened.

Nugi was shot.

- What?

Are you okay?

I'm coming over.

No, no, I'll be right there.


- No no no no.

I don't want you coming out this late.

- I'll wait for you.

Be careful.

- All right, I'll be there.


- I love you.

(somber music)

Take your jacket off.

- Oh man.

- I'm sorry your friend died.

I'll be your best friend now, Shoemie.

Let me host you tonight.

(crickets chirping)

- Hey Son, you go visit

your mom and sister yet?

- Not yet, but I'm on my way over there.

Oh, so that's how come

you're all smacked out.

- Nah, my girl's giving

a fundraiser tonight.

- That's nice.

You know your auntie always worrying me

about you coming to visit her.

You know she always was crazy about you.

- Yeah, I miss that lady.

But she's so different from

mom, but I still love her.

- Oh son, I miss your mother.

Oh, I wish she was here now.

- Yeah Pops, you know,

you miss your wife and I lost my mom.

- Yeah, she was a wonderful woman.

She was everything I wanted for in a wife.

Son, you go on and visit your auntie,

and you and your lady friend

enjoy yourself this evening.

- Thanks, Pop, I appreciate that, man.

Thanks for being there.

- Son that's what fathers are for.

And son, I want to thank you, too.

All right.

- All right, I'll see you.

- All right.

- Bye.

(crickets chirping)

- I'll tell you,

I hope my Aunt Velda ain't up here

drinking with her friends.

Oh well, brother's gotta

do what you gotta do.

- [Shoemie Voiceover] Pops persuaded me

to go in to visit my Aunt Velda.

She was crazy about me.

(people chattering)

- Aunt Velda, how you doing?

- My Lord, my nephew!

Oh baby, oh gosh.

- You're looking good.

- Come on in, baby.

(people chattering)

- Girl, tell us about that.

- Ooh, girl, I never had a wonderful time.

(people chattering)

- Hey girls!

This is my nephew.

- Ooh!

(people chattering)

- Baby, what's your name again?

- Shoemie.

- Oh, so nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

(people chattering)

- Take my card and call me, baby.

- Go girl.

- [Shoemie Voiceover] I think alcohol

was definitely working at about 180 proof,

because these beautiful black

women were extremely horny,

which made me extremely nervous.

(people chattering)

- He just came to say hi.

He'll talk to y'all later, okay?

- You take care, ladies.

(people chattering)

- That boy is fine.

- Yes, you, high five.

(people chattering)

- Man, I tell you, there's

some horny women in there.

I tell you what, if there's

fundraising jumping off,

I'll be back.

- I think the party's going

real well in there, isn't it?

- I know, you know what I want to do

is thank those sorority girls.

For having this thing.

- I know.

(people chattering)

- How'd y'all even get in?

- Baby, what's happening?

- I only came to see you.

- I don't want to see you.

(people chattering)

- Just leave.

(people chattering)

(man speaking in foreign language)

- Tripping.

- Hey, aren't you guys with the sorority?

- Yeah, we are.

- Hi.

- We want to thank you for

having this great party for us.

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

Epsilon Phi Psi Sorority

is throwing a party for the rec center

to show the youth they care.

Imani was the contact for the function.

- These are some really nice trophies.

- Oh, thank you.

So Imani, what are you

majoring in this fall?

- Political science.

- So you plan on getting

involved in government work?

- Yes, well I think I

can make a difference

within the judicial system.

Eventually, I want to be kind of judge.

- Confident are we?

- Yeah well, I'm pretty disciplined.

I think I have what it takes.

- You know, Imani,

I really appreciate it all

what your sorority has done

to keep the afterschool programs going.

Now we have to work on improving them.

- It's our pleasure working

with these students.

We enjoy helping to

keep the programs alive.

They need to use their

time constructively.

With all the drugs and

violence out there these days,

they really need a neutral zone.

- That's real nice.

Let's go outside

and see what these knot

heads are doing, okay?

(crickets chirping)

- Hey, you got my money?

Bitch, hurry up.

Give me all that shit.

- Fuck you.

(people chattering)

- Hey what's up, brother.

- Hey, what's up, player.

What up, man.

- What's up, boy?

- Damn man, what's up, man?

- Good to see you, man.

- Damn, it's good to see you, man.

- What's been up?

- Oh, you know me, man.

I've just been out here, you know,

just laying ball on these streets.

You know, taking care of business, man.

- Right, right.

- What's been up?

- It's good, man.

You know me, I'm just trying

to do the right thing, man.

- Aye, man.

Did you hear what happened to Nugi, man?

- Tragic.

You know, I was with that

brother right before it happened.

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

Curtis is my little partner.

I coached him in basketball at the center.

He was awesome.

He won us several city championships.

He and his friend, Mookie.

I sure did hate to see talent wasted,

and I felt I could help Curtis,

because he always took

my advice in all issues.

- Think man,

you just have to decide

what it is you want.

Just go for it, man.

- Man, I don't know, man.

- When was the last time you seen Mookie?

- Aw man.

I ain't seen that motherfucker

in hella long, man.

I heard he off that shit, though.

Now he's running around with

some crazy stanky bitch, man.

Some bitch, man.

Oh, and to top the motherfucking cake,

I heard was with the

motherfuckers that shot Nugi.

- Oh no, Mookie?

- Hell yeah.

- No shit?

- Little bitch.

- Damn.

Man, I thought you boys were homies, man.

- Was.

- When you were younger,

it was just, you were, man,

buddies, man, brothers.

Hey, I guess things have changed, man.

But I'll tell you one thing, Curtis.

You still my boy, man.

You still my boy, man.

- Thanks, man.

- Look man, my girl is given a

fundraiser here tonight, man.

So I know she's probably looking for me.

- All right, man.

- Man, you take it easy, man, and be safe.

- All right, man.

- All right.

- Sounds good, man.

- Y'all take it easy, man.

- Aye man, aye man.

Aye man, aye man, take

down this number, man.

Take down this number.

- All right.

- Got this on a set up already.

Just press code 5-5, man.

I'll call you back as

soon as possible man.

- Okay.

- All right.

- Alright, good seeing you, dude.

- All right, man.

- All right.

- All right, peace, man.

Man, that's my homie, man.

He's old school, man.

That's my partner, right.

- Yo man, I don't trust him, man.

- Don't trip, man.

(people chattering)

- Aw shit.

- This motherfucker, man.

- Aye man, don't even trip.

Hold up, I got this, I got this.

You know, you sure, man?

- Yeah, watch this.

- We got your back, man.

- What's up, Curtis, man?

I ain't seen you in a while, man.

- Man get the fuck up off me, man.

Man, what's wrong with you.

- Man!

- Think about this shit, nigga.

Fuck that bitch!

Let me smoke this motherfucker, man!

- Hey Curtis, come on now.

- Fuck with that.

- Yo, man.

Put down the gun.

I'm a kill this motherfucker!

- It ain't worth it, man.

- Fuck that!

- Aye, get your boy, man.

- You killed my partner, man!

- Curtis, put down the gun, man.

- Fuck that, man.

- The consequences ain't worth it, man.

- You gonna die, bitch!

- Put down the gun.

- Man, what's up, punk!

- Come on inside.

- Man, you gonna die, bitch!

What's up, man?

- Come on, Curtis.

- What's up, man?

Fuck that, man!

- It ain't worth it, man.

- Aye back up, y'all.

- The roll is on their way, man.

- Back up!

- Come on.

- [Curtis] Wait a minute,

come up off of me.

- [Shoemie] Put the gun down, man.

- Fuck that, man.

- Get your boy.

- [Curtis] Aye yo, back up!

Hurry up, nigga!

- [Shoemie] Come on, put the gun down.

- [Curtis] Come on, hurry up, nigga.

- You done started some major problems.

- What's up, motherfucker?

Fuck you, nigga.

Fuck you, nigga!

Get up outta here, nigga.

- Can't kill me, motherfucker!

- [Curtis] Back up!

Fuck that, man.

(sirens blaring)

Hey, popo, go!

- Let's go.

- [Shoemie Voiceover] Not

to call him a detriment,

which Officer Limon was.

- What's going on here, man?

- Aw man, it's over now, man.

Nobody was hurt.

♪ Heard Becky at the mall ♪

♪ She wearing it too ♪

♪ Pump it, pump it, pump it ♪

- Can you calm down, I'm

trying to get the address.

- Oh shit.

- That made you want to, pop that, hey.

- Can I talk to you for a minute, man?

Off the record?

- Yeah.

- Look man, there was almost

a shooting here tonight.

The guys involved were the

same guys who shot Nugi.

I convinced these guys

that another murder was

senseless and they left.

- Did you see what they looked like?

You see what kind of car they driving?


- Man, they had guns everywhere, man.

All I seen is the car was white.

- You said these same

guys who killed Nugi?

How do you know that?

- Made, me and Curtis had a conversation

prior to this incident even happening.

- Curtis?

Where is Curtis at now?

- Curtis is inside, man.

- He's inside there?

- Yeah.

- Can I talk to him?

- I don't think that's a good idea.

- Okay man, I'll tell you what.

You tell Curtis to call

me as soon as possible.

- Hey ese's, what's happening?

- What's up?

- What's up, man?

- A little excitement tonight, huh?

(people chattering)

I'm not puto, man, I'm Officer.

- Man, who you calling a puto?

(people yelling)

- Aye, I'm not gonna say

this again, all right?

I want you guys to shut up.

I'm gonna run your ass.

Get over here.

- Let go.

- Wow, man.

(Officer speaking in foreign language)

- What, what?

(Officer speaking in foreign language)

- Shoemie, you lay low, man.

You getting way too close to all this.

- Damn it, man.

How I'm a lay low, man?

All these brothers trying

to kill each other, man.

Already killed Nugi.

- Limon, let's go.

Let's get out of here.

- Sure.

(smooth music)

- Shoemie, you a real hero tonight.

You know, it's been a long

time since I seen you last.

As a fact, I think the last

time I saw you was on TV,

returning punts for uh, UW.

- Is that right?

- Yeah.

You know, I've heard nothing

but positive things about you.

- Well you know,

I'm just hanging in there

trying to do the right thing.

That's all.

- That's good, my brother.

- Shoemie, what happened out there?

- Oh, Shoemie.

I didn't know, you know Imani.

- Oh yeah, this my baby.

- Is that right?

- Yeah.

- You know, Shoemie was a member

of the youth basketball club at one time.

- That's right.

- The one that I coached the championship.

- You never mentioned that.

- Yeah, well.

- You know what?

I think we oughta go on inside.

- Okay.

- You know, Imani,

Shoemie was one of the more promising kids

to come out of the club.

It's no wonder he's your boyfriend.

Come on, let's go on inside.

(smooth music)

- Yeah, I'm glad you got here.

- Yeah, you can say that again.

- I'm glad everything turned out okay.

You know, you really make me see,

there's something special about you.

- No, not really.

You know, I just think about

things before I do them.

- Well what about that gun scene?

- Oh man, you got me right there.

I was scared shitless, actually.

But, can I take you where I

always go when I want to think?

- Sure, I'd love to go.

- Let's go.

♪ As I break niggas off at any cost ♪

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

Mookie and his partners

love snorting coke and

taking amphetamines.

- Plant this shit.

Bitch, you gonna hit it.

- [Man] That's what I'm talking bout.

- [Man] She ain't shit, she ain't shit.

- [Man] You our partner.

- There you go.

- Yeah.

Nice shit, that's what I'm talkin' bout.

- There you go.

- Hell yeah.

- Snort that shit.

- You know.

(people chattering)

- [Man] Aw yeah, that shit real gorgeous.

- [Man] Yeah.

- [Man] Great ass party huh?

- [Man] Look at her, she can't handle.

- Fuck y'all, y'all still ain't shit.

- [Man] Fucking bitch.

- [Man] What she talking bout?

- [Man] Fuck you.

- Y'all, y'all still ain't shit.

If y'all was shit, y'all,

y'all be that spinning hustle shit.

You know that Russian roulette.

- [Man] Shut the fuck up.

- No, fuck y'all.

- God damn movie.

You know what I'm saying?

- Y'all ain't.

(people chattering)

- [Mookie] Are you down?

- Hey motherfucker, I'm

fucked up like crazy.

- [Mookie] Are you down?

- No, fuck that shit.

(people chattering)

- [Mookie] Are you down or what?

- Let's do that shit.

- Down like a motherfucker.

You know what I'm saying?

- As a matter of fact, I'll

do that shit first, nigga.

(people chattering)

- [Woman] Yeah, uh-huh.

- [Man] You down like a motherfucker.

(gun clicking)

- Nothing.

(people laughing)

You try this shit, boy.

- [Man] Damn, you done

fucked up now, nigga.

This is low key.

- Low key hot.

(gunshot firing)

- Aw shit.

- Get the fuck outta here.

Come on, that nigga dead!

(woman whimpering)

- Mookie.

(woman crying)

- [Shoemie Voiceover]

Mookie didn't realize

the foolish game of roulette.

Cost him his life and no one cared.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] Good morning.


This is the award winning,

AM Oakland Morning News.

- Good morning, I'm Sherri Gonzales.

- Look fellas, the case should be done.

I gonna go warm up breakfast.

- All right.

- All right.

- See the Raider game this weekend?

- Hold up, hold up.

I'm listening to this right here.

- A 20 year old man is dead this morning,

following what Oakland

police investigators say

was a deadly game of Russian roulette.

It happened on the corner

of MacArthur Boulevard

and 90th avenue about midnight last night.

Witnesses say that in the

time before the shooting,

the young men and four companions

had been smoking a drug

known on the street as sherm.

Authorities say that the drug sherm

is similar to the hallucinogenic, PCP.

Police identified the man

who died as Mookie Williams.

Witnesses say that

Williams and his friends

decided to play Russian roulette with the.

- What's the matter?

Did you know the guy or something?

- Yeah, he's a kid I used to

coach in elementary school.

- That's too bad.

- Yeah.

- It's too bad.

That's, that's tragic.

- That's the consequences for now.

You know, guys get involved in drugs.

- That's why we got our guys.

- Yeah.

But main thing is that

me and you work hard

to take care of our boys here.

That's the main thing.

- Yeah, that's right.

- So we got a job to do.

- You got it.

You got it.

- Good morning, Shoemie, good morning.

I'm starving like Marvin.

- What's up my black boy, Shoemie?

- What's my name?

- Shoemie.

What's up my white boy jam?

- Hey listen.

You know, I don't like that.

Don't call me white boy no more.

Give me five minutes in the corner.

Make it 15.



- Good morning, people.

I've got the bait.

- Alvin, I told you about the head set.

All right.

- Theo, don't.

Hey, give me that skateboard.

(people chattering)

- Magic, it's Magic.

- Shoemie, what's up?

Who's the better basketball player?

Magic Johnson or Michael Jordan.

- Aw man, that's a hard question,

but we're dealing with

two superior athletes

and I think both of them are good.

But I do know one thing, both

of you guys could be better.

- Yeah right.

- We live in a group home.

- And our parents don't even want us.

- Oh, that's not true.

You guys can be anything you want to be.

All it takes is dedication and

prayer, and sky's the limit.

- Are you telling the truth?

- Fellas, look at me.

I played pro ball for two years,

have a real estate license,

I'm climbing the ladder in my field.

It's not easy, but it can be done.

- I'm glad you work here.

You make me feel good about myself.

- I'm glad I can be here to

teach you guys a few things.

And as long as I'm here,

you have any questions,

don't be afraid to come to me and ask.

Can we get a handshake on that?

- Okay.

- All right, let's we'll

get something to eat.

- [Shoemie Voiceover] It was important

to teach the youth morals

and values at this age.

- Okay you guys, bow your heads.

- [Shoemie] Let's do it.

- Thank you Lord, for the food

that's put in front of us.

Our friends, our family,

the roof over our heads,

and let's take a moment

to think about those

less fortunate than us.


- Amen.

- Okay, let's eat.

- Amen.

- Okay get some pancakes and

start passing them around.

Take one each, one each.

- One each?

(people chattering)

- [Shoemie Voiceover] Oakland, California,

the city by the Bay.

Even in the hood, sometimes

it was so peaceful.

(smooth music)

♪ I remember when I was

young buck coming up ♪

♪ From the Oak where things was right ♪

♪ For a G like me I had

to possess a damn dance ♪

♪ That would help me some ♪

♪ And its a ring at the numbers G ♪

♪ And we really did

not care to throw 5-6 ♪

- [Shoemie Voiceover] Oakland

streets, Bobo was now the man.

Big time hit man.

Bobo knew who killed Nugi.

The word was on the street

of who attacked him.

Things were about to get very ugly.

♪ One by one we fought off, at what cost ♪

♪ Another young G's life

has just been lost ♪

♪ I dedicate this to my dead G's ♪

♪ Niggas that was down with me ♪

♪ I dedicate this to my dead G's ♪

♪ Niggas that was down with me ♪

♪ Another brother of

mine just met stretch ♪

♪ Now me and my niggas will

come ride and retaliate ♪

♪ On them boots that smoked my nigga ♪

♪ And rough send memories to my true six ♪

- [Shoemie Voiceover] After

the Epsilon Phi Psi sorority

had a fundraiser for them,

the kids seem happier and

at peace with themselves.

- Sorry, sorry, sorry.

I wanted to apologize.

I had too many, you know,

snappers, brewskis, I'm sorry.

I do no dumb.

- Trying to be better with this.

(people chattering)

- All right, take care.

- Thank you.

- You know what, Diana,

I think that those guys

were not so bad after all.

- Yeah, but they can't be too intelligent.

Did you see how they said sorry?

- Guys, since there's gonna be

so many jobs available for the teenagers,

I think maybe we should like set up

a application and interviewing workshop

down at the Boys and Girls Club.

- That'll be a good thing.

- Yeah, that's a real good idea.

- This is a victory for

the City of Oakland.

It was you, the citizens of this city

that made this dream a reality.

I, along with the city

council wish to thank you,

the people, for your support.

We're making changes

in the right direction,

and it's only going to get better.

Those of you that wish to

sign up on the job list,

please put your name and

address on the bulletin board.

Again, thank you for attending.

- [Announcer] Good evening, from KDEB TV3.

This is the award winning Nightly News.

- Good evening, I'm Sherri Gonzales.

We begin tonight with the story

of Oakland City officials

and residents coming together

to fight the growing problem of violence

and drug dealing in this city.

Tonight more than 3000 Oakland residents

packed a neighborhood forum

meeting in central Oakland.

The mayor spoke and told

them that the young people

must have viable alternatives to hang.

- Yeah, I knew that all the time.

- Positive part-time jobs

for Oakland's teenagers.

In addition, the mayor said a petition

signed by over 50,000 Oakland residents

will be sent to Sacramento.

The petition demands

the $1 million to start

new afterschool programs

and to continue to support

those already established by the mayor.

- It's what we've been

needing all the time.

- [Sherri] Businesses and

thousands of city residents

have already pledged to

match the $1 million.

- Y'all, it's about time

y'all make that change.

- A little later on this newscast,

we will have, with the mayor,

from the scenes of that town

meeting in Central Oakland.

- Fellas let's, let's

go get something to eat.

- That's real good right about now.

- Before we leave, let's

say a word of prayer.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- Father God, I pray that

you be over this grave.

Just watch over Nugi.

God, none of us know which

direction we're going,

Father God, when we leave here,

and we do pray that

you tell us Father God.

So many, in so many ways,

how to be right before you.

God I pray for Nugi's soul.

I pray that the rest of us, Father God,

can always remember him in a good light

that he shed in our lives, God.

Just like Shoemie was saying,

think of the positive things.

God it's so clear that

we gotta stick tougher,

stick tighter together.

God, we appreciate just this time,

being able to come here

just to reflect on him,

and we do miss him so much.

And it's in Jesus' name that we pray.


- Amen.

- [Shoemie Voiceover] I

guess when you're in a game,

you can never let your guard

down because if you do,

it may cost you your life.


(smooth music)

♪ Yo ♪

♪ Once upon a time in everybody's life ♪

♪ Faced with choices ♪

♪ And if you make that wrong choice ♪

♪ You gots to deal with the consequences ♪

♪ Here we comeski ♪

♪ The plots where come like niggarupt ♪

♪ I got to do my part to sense my ghetto ♪

♪ Where I grew up here with

three of my best friend ♪

♪ Joshu, Hamid, and Nugi the OG ♪

♪ Shit, back in the days,

we used to hang out ♪

♪ But we're all grown up and

we went our separate routes ♪

♪ Damn, it's kinda strange ♪

♪ As I look to the past to

see how we all changed ♪

♪ The brother get enough for the rest ♪

♪ I'm about to explain but

we be close to this verse ♪

♪ That I kick with a swiftness ♪

♪ That gets kinda deep so

you best pay attention ♪

♪ To the story that I speak ♪

♪ About real life drama

in the gangsta mob ♪

♪ It's all about the

choices and decisions ♪

♪ And knowing when to deal

with life's consequences ♪

♪ Yo, you gots to deal

with the consequences ♪

♪ 'Cause then you're knocked

off it's a major factor, yo ♪

♪ You gots to live with the consequences ♪

♪ In the City of the Oak,

it's a major factor, yo ♪

♪ You gots to deal with the consequences ♪

♪ 'Cause then you're knocked

off, it's a major factor, yo ♪

♪ You gots to deal with the consequences ♪

♪ In the City of the Oak,

it's a major factor, yo ♪

♪ Now my homie Nugi

became a big time player ♪

♪ Mister every shine, dope high roller ♪

♪ Too much name in the ghetto ♪

♪ And he had so many bitches

you would call him a gigolo ♪

♪ Believe it or not he

was on top of all that ♪

♪ And if he ever had any funk

he'd call buck's scores trap ♪

♪ And he would show up right on time ♪

♪ With some black Mac-10's

and a couple of Tek-9's ♪

♪ The smell of jealousy was

flowing through the town ♪

♪ So this player here named Mack ♪

♪ Might have to light Nugi down ♪

♪ Well me myself, I stayed

active in community ♪

♪ Working with the youth

with my girl, Imani ♪

♪ Trying to keep my boy

Curtis out the game ♪

♪ Where we avoided all the struggle ♪

♪ Hard H in the town ♪

♪ That we brothers were faced with ♪

♪ So before you make that choice ♪

♪ Think about the consequences ♪

♪ You gots to live with the consequences ♪

♪ 'Cause if you're no right,

it's a major factor, yo ♪

♪ You gots to live with the consequences ♪

♪ In the City of the Oak,

it's a major factor, yo ♪

♪ You gots to live with the consequences ♪

♪ 'Cause if you're no right,

it's a major factor, yo ♪

♪ You gots to live with the consequences ♪

♪ In the City of the Oak,

it's a major factor, yo ♪

♪ Now with Sweet and Joshu sitting home ♪

♪ And them Laser walking

through the rope ♪

♪ Where my nigga got stuff

that we used to do, damn ♪

♪ Thinking about my dead homie ♪

♪ And how we had everything about ♪

♪ when his was still kinda lonely ♪

♪ Back to the brother named Mack Psy ♪

♪ He was running his like the

bitch nigga like hella 40 ♪

♪ Striking on the streets

on how he bucked Nugi ♪

♪ To me it's one of the hardest

parts of this hit movie ♪

♪ I guess we got the

Bobo supply the strap ♪

♪ Retaliation on his mind,

time to twist his cap back ♪

♪ No frills no thrills ♪

♪ They put the plug in the front ♪

♪ And took the group of rock to the hill ♪

♪ In preparation of a plan

that's assassination ♪

♪ Seven shots to the back,

that's how they have to spray ♪

♪ They made their own decision ♪

♪ Now the young G's gotta

live with them consequences ♪

♪ You gots to live with the consequences ♪

♪ 'Cause if you're no right,

it's a major factor, yo ♪

♪ You gots to live with the consequences ♪

♪ In the City of the Oak,

it's a major factor, yo ♪

♪ You gots to live with the consequences ♪

♪ 'Cause if you're no right,

it's a major factor, yo ♪

♪ You gots to live with the consequences ♪

♪ In the City of the Oak,

it's a major factor ♪

♪ Things happening not for consequences ♪

♪ Film and record by Mario Bobino, peace ♪