Consecration (2023) - full transcript
After the alleged suicide of her priest brother, Grace travels to the remote Scottish convent where he fell to his death. Distrusting the Church's account, she uncovers murder, sacrilege and a disturbing truth about herself.
[Rosary jingling]
-My brother used to believe I
had a guardian angel.
And I used to believe
in nothing.
But now I'm not so sure.
[Music fades]
[Electronic buzzing]
Now, can you see the TV
interference of the white noise
at the edge of the screen?
-[Keyboard clacks]
-What about now?
[Siren wails in distance]
[Keyboard clacking]
-[Inhales, exhales heavily]
It can be frightening,
a change like this,
but there is some cause
for optimism.
I studied under
an ophthalmologist
who's the very top
of the AMD field,
and I think he'd be
very interested in your case.
-I'm afraid we can't afford
to go private.
-He's a friend of mine.
I'm sure if I ask him,
he could accommodate you.
What he's achieved in that field
is nothing short of miraculous.
-Is that what I need, a miracle?
-No. You need a course of
and as quickly as possible.
[Horns honking in distance]
[Car door closes]
-It's the most aggressive case
I've ever seen.
-Any sign of cataracts?
-'Course. That'd be too easy.
You know, I'm starting to get
the feeling that you only come
see me when someone needs help.
-The perfect excuse.
-Only a recluse needs an excuse
to see their old friend
and teacher.
-I'm not a recluse.
-Hermit then.
-I'm not a hermit either.
-Alright? You'll do it?
-Alright, I'll do it.
-Love you.
-You're not even going to buy me
a drink?
[Doorknob rattles]
[Door closes]
[Cat meows]
Hello, Mr. Moo. Oh, darling.
[Keyboard clacking]
[Mouse clicks, e-mail swishes]
[Keyboard clacks]
[Wood creaks]
[Light switch flicks]
[Wood creaking]
Mr. Moo?
[Picture rustles]
[Ominous music plays]
[Telephone rings]
Uh, hello.
-[Scottish accent]
Hello, is that Ms. Farlo?
-My name's DCI Harris.
I'm afraid I've got
some bad news.
It's your brother.
His body's been found at
a convent here in Scotland.
-We're investigating the
possibility of a murder-suicide.
[Birds squawking]
[Woman singing in Latin]
[Brakes squeak]
[Engine idling]
[Seat belt clicks,
engine shuts off]
[Birds squawking]
-Let me just clear this up.
Have a seat.
So, we're still early days
in investigation.
Just piecing things together.
Would you like a cup of tea?
-When can I see him?
-He's with the coroner
at the moment.
-I want to see him.
[Telephone ringing]
-Hello. This is DCI Harris.
Look, I'm here with the sister
of one of the deceased,
Father Michael.
If you could let me know when
she can come see the body,
that'd be great, thanks.
In the meantime, how about I
drive you out to the convent,
talk you through what we know
so far?
So, Father Carol was visiting
the convent from Rome.
He was found murdered
in the chapel.
His torso sliced open.
Your brother's body was found
nearby on the rocks
below the ruins
of the old church.
So the working assumption is
that he killed Father Carol
and then he took his own life.
-My brother would never kill
Nor would he kill himself.
-May I ask how your brother
came to be involved
with such an extreme sect?
-I don't know.
I haven't seen him
for a long time.
What do you mean, extreme?
-They follow a hard-core reading
of the Bible.
It's fire and brimstone
and then some.
A few weeks ago, one of the nuns
claimed that she saw the devil.
She cut her own eye out.
She was doing the other one too,
but she fainted.
-My brother was devout,
not crazy.
-I'm not interested in religion.
[Woman singing in Latin]
There is but one God.
-And His shadow.
[Car doors close]
[Keys jingle]
-You must be Grace.
I'm Mother Superior.
There's no need to call me
if it makes you uncomfortable.
Sister will do.
-We meet under the most dreadful
But it is only by confronting
the devil that his grip
on us is weakened.
Before your brother
fell into darkness,
he was much loved by everyone.
-Fell into darkness?
What do you mean?
-It was a demon,
not your brother,
that killed Father Carol.
Your brother had the strength of
mind to fight it,
tragically taking his own life
in the process.
-So you saw my brother kill
-And what does that mean?
-The eyes of God are on us all.
-When you talk about my brother,
cut the bullshit.
-Grace! Mother, sorry. This --
-No, don't apologize for me.
Please show me where my brother
was murdered.
-Thank you.
-That went well.
-I don't like nuns.
-Ah. Okay.
You know, Mother Superior has
the right to stop police access
and hand this whole case
over to Rome.
-This land is owned by
the Vatican.
Technically, we're not even in
Scotland right now.
[Birds chirping]
His body was found...
on the rocks below there.
-Can you give me a minute?
Just be careful, eh?
[Water lapping]
[Door opens, footsteps]
[Sheet rustling]
[Door closes]
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Oh, why?
[Crying continues]
[Crying continues]
[Sheet rustling]
[Dramatic music plays]
It's not safe here.
Gracie, hurry!
[Thunder crashing]
[Footsteps approaching]
[Monitor beeping]
I see you.
-Thank you, Sister.
You may leave.
Hello, Grace. I'm Father Romero.
I'm here from the Vatican
because of this tragedy.
-Where am I?
-You're in a hospital.
-You passed out at the morgue.
[Monitor beeping continues]
-He was clean.
Michael was clean.
There was no sand on him.
They found him at the beach.
There -- There would've been
sand on him.
-Sometimes they clean the body
for the autopsy.
-No, there was no sand
in his hair.
There would've been sand
in his hair.
-I will look into it.
-Hey, what are you doing?
You have to stay in bed.
We've given you a sedative.
Please, get back into bed.
Father, you can't be here
She needs her rest.
-That's it.
Rest until we receive
your medical records.
-Is there anybody I can call?
-Family, perhaps?
-My mother's dead.
And my father's in prison
for killing her.
[Inhales, exhales deeply]
-I'll pray for them.
No prayers.
[Monitor beeping]
-No prayers then.
[Low ominous music plays]
[Birds chirping]
[Wind rustling]
[Horses approaching rapidly]
-Hide the witness!
-The child!
[Indistinct shouting]
[Clank in distance,
monitor beeping]
[Monitor beeps]
[Monitor alarm]
[Birds chirping, water lapping]
Just here.
[Brakes squeak]
Thank you.
-Would you like me to wait
for you?
-I'll be back this way soon
if you change your mind.
[Birds chirping, engine revs]
[Bed creaks]
[Bell tolls in distance]
[Bed creaks]
[Thumping in distance]
[Footsteps approach]
[Wind howling]
Can you take me
to Mother Superior?
Can you just point?
Jesus Christ.
[Footsteps in distance]
[Indistinct whispering]
-Where shall I go
from your spirit?
If I ascend into heaven,
you are there.
If I make my bed in hell,
behold, you are there.
If I dwell in the uttermost
parts of the sea,
even there,
your hand shall lead me.
Surely the darkness shall fall
upon me.
Surely the darkness shall not
hide from you
and the night shall be light
as the day.
[Speaking Latin]
[Nuns speaking Latin]
-Where are my things?
-The bread is fresh and warm
and made with love.
Please, join us.
-Where are my clothes?
-[Clicks tongue]
It's a gift of God.
-You concealed evidence,
didn't you?
You lied in your statement.
You're all liars.
-What is it that
you think you know?
-My brother was badly hurt
before he fell.
-And how did you come
by this revelation?
I just know it.
-You just know it.
-A feeling, or did you see it
perhaps in your mind's eye?
[Silverware clinking]
We live a disciplined life here,
and it's lunchtime.
Please join us.
[Sighs] I need my phone.
-It was the taxi driver who
pulled you from the sea.
Your phone was not blessed
as you are.
Please eat.
Your clothes are being dried.
[Clinking continues]
You are not as your brother
described you.
-How did he describe me?
Measured, full of grace.
-I'm glad that's
how he remembered me.
-He spoke fondly of you.
Disappointed, perhaps,
in your reversion to Christ.
-Indifference is the word
I would use.
-You do not believe
in miracles?
-A woman of science.
[Door opens, closes]
-Oh, sisters, please sit.
I'm humbled.
Mother Superior.
Ah, Grace, I hear the prayers of
thanks are in order.
-I'd prefer answers.
[Seagulls calling]
-The church dates back
to the 12th century.
It hosted
religious artifacts.
It was on the Pilgrims' Trail,
a beacon of light in dark times.
When it collapsed, they used
the stones for the new chapel.
They reasoned that the stones
had more godliness than
any new bricks could offer.
The founders call themselves
the Knights of the Morning Star.
They had a certain power
in the church.
Some say it was a dark force
that influenced even the nuns
in our convents.
But that's all
from the mystical past.
A fantasy, you'd call it.
[Clears throat]
This was the ultimate
When they returned
from their bloody crusades,
they would stand here
in front of this cross
and take a step back
for every sin
that they had committed.
The more steps they took,
the more sins were forgiven.
Some arrived as murderers
and left as saints.
-They fell to their death.
-God caught them.
[Dramatic music plays]
Luckily, I have only two sins.
Cake and coffee.
I spoke to Mother Superior.
She admits to washing
your brother's body.
She claimed to have done it
out of respect for him.
-Well, that's
fucking bullshit.
-I did report it
to Detective Harris.
-He wants to
speak to her again.
She'll answer all his questions.
Look, Grace,
a lack of transparency
has been a lingering stain
on the church's past.
I've come to reconsecrate
the chapel and the grounds
and bring them back to God.
Such a service cannot
be performed
on a foundation of lies.
You have the church's full
support, and I will help you.
-Thank you.
-I have something to show you.
[Door creaks]
[Door creaks, closes]
These are your brother's things.
I wanted you to be the first
to see them.
If you discover anything useful,
please let me know.
Please stay as long as you like.
It's the least we can do.
-Thank you.
-My condolences.
[Door opens, creaks, closes]
[Slow music plays]
-Grace had no memory of
her life before we adopted her.
But she would see things
no one else could.
She was always special.
[Thunder crashes]
[Pounding on door]
-Mrs. O'Rourke, open up!
Mrs. O'Rourke!
Coast Guard have called.
[Door opens]
-Whatever is it?
Tell me.
[Thunder crashes]
Tell me.
-Front part of the boat
was broken up.
Life rafts were empty.
-You should prepare
for the worst.
-What will I tell the children?
[Thunder rumbling]
-She has collapsed twice.
I believe the visions
have started.
We must act quickly.
-I am not scared.
I will take her on myself
if need be.
-You two, leave.
-You, stay!
And, you. You think you can
play games with the police?
-I told them the truth.
-That what?
A demon killed Father Carol?
If it was not for the insane
reputation of this convent,
you'd be arrested
for wasting police time.
-Perhaps it is our zealotry
that has protected us.
-Oh. So it was you.
-You should not
have given her that book!
-In that order!
And that chain of command!
It is, I -- I who decide
the girl's fate.
-And if you are wrong?
-What, you think attacking her
is the right thing to do?
-Two dead priests.
-You underestimate her power.
-[Wind rushes]
[ Wind whistling ]
-"The darkness
came into our lives,"
disguised as a miracle.
[Thunder crashing]
-Please don't let my daddy die.
I beg you.
Please. Please.
Bring Daddy home.
[ Thunder crashing ]
[Indistinct shouting]
[Thunder crashing]
[Wind whistling]
[Ominous music swells]
[Rain pattering]
-[Sobbing] Please!
[Indistinct shouting]
I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!
[Indistinct shouting]
[Young woman muttering]
-I will not let her take me.
[Young woman muttering]
Let the badness out.
[Flesh tears]
What have you done?
[Knife thuds]
[Exhales sharply]
-[Gasps] Fuck!
-Mother will wash your filthy
mouth with soap and water.
-[Breathing heavily]
Are you okay?
I knew you would find
my secret hideaway.
Do you like it?
Please don't tell.
I come here
when I have dark thoughts.
The statues, they guide me.
What does it feel like --
to be a good person?
-What do you mean?
-I think I might be
a really bad person.
-No, you're not.
You're not.
I need to make a phone call.
Can you -- Can you help me?
Do you mind?
[ Dialing ]
[Line ringing]
-John. It's Grace.
-Grace! My God. I've been --
I've been so worried.
You don't answer your phone.
Y-Your office
hasn't heard from you.
-Michael's dead.
Oh, God. Grace, I'm so sorry.
What happened?
-He's, um --
He's been murdered.
-Oh, my God. Where are you?
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm fine. I --
I'll explain more
when I see you.
I just, um...
Actually, John, I'm not fine.
Can grief cause blackouts
and hallucinations?
-Uh, y-yeah.
Well, it's a complicated
emotion, Grace,
but usually there's
an underlying disorder.
There's a neurotransmitter
A-And that's not you.
What's going on?
-I don't know.
Maybe it's just being here,
but I feel like I'm losing it.
-Are you hallucinating?
-You need help, Grace.
-Where exactly are you, Grace?
I'm gonna come find you.
-I have to call you back.
-Grace? Grace?
[Receiver hangs up]
-Tell me, child.
What is it you have seen?
-Stay away from me.
-The visions are memories
from your past and your future.
[Woman singing in Latin]
Do you mind not doing that?
-It's okay.
Do you know when
I'll get my own clothes back?
-Mother says we must first
erase the filth from them.
-[ Chuckles ]
All the same, I'd like them.
That's my brother's journal.
-Mother says all men are dirty.
I knew a man once.
-Did you?
-Our bellies rubbed together.
He was so dirty,
we made black snakes appear.
Don't tell Mother.
-I won't.
-Why did you clean the body?
-He had crabs on him.
Feeding on him.
Tiny crabs.
I washed them off him.
Made him clean again.
Presentable. To God.
Whatever it was
had possessed him
to do those...evil things
had left him.
[Door closes]
-Father Carol lies dead,
but you decide to carry
Grace's brother from the beach
and wash his body?
-On your own.
-On my own.
-13-stone man.
Just popped him
on your shoulder.
-Are you suggesting I'm lying?
-I know you're lying.
And if this goes to court,
the prosecutor will prove it.
And what now maybe it feels like
nothing more than protecting
your colleagues
will become a crime.
A Christian act
will put you in jail.
-As we speak, a battle is raging
between God and Satan.
The light and the darkness.
A Christian act
should never be punished.
-The devil lurks
in the shadow of temptation.
Mother Superior doesn't want
her nuns to forget it.
-So it would seem.
-How was your night?
-Good. For the most part.
-Did you get a chance to look
through your brother's things?
-I did.
I assume you looked
at his journal.
-I did.
Um, seems to be written in some
ancient language, I think.
-No. It's, um...
It was a childhood code.
Can you translate it?
We started using it
right before our mother died.
You know, he would've
written it like that because
he didn't want anyone else
to read it.
-Except for you, of course.
What you told me about your --
your parents and, uh --
and now your brother,
such -- such trauma
at such a young age...
-I've tried very hard
to forget my past.
Now that he's gone
and he's not coming back,
I guess the memories
are all I have.
-Perhaps the journal
can be helpful.
-It is. It's just painful.
But it is helping.
I just don't believe
my brother killed himself.
-Nor do I, Grace.
-"We never spoke of the events
that happened,
but they forever shaped us.
Mount Savior shaped us.
Grace tried to protect me from
the darkness, but it is back."
-[Breathes deeply]
-Ah, it's a miracle
you survived the storm.
How are Anna and the kids?
-Oh, they're away staying
at her mother's for a few days.
-Oh, that's good.
Well, great.
I'll see you around then.
-Oi. Maybe you will.
[Softly] Maybe you won't.
[Crow cawing]
[Door opens and closes]
-[Softly] "Try this key.'
[Man shouting]
What'd you do to me?
[Cage rattling]
-[Speaking indistinctly]
[Door closes]
-Make it quick in there!
-[Doorknob rattling]
-No! [Screams]
[Man screams]
[Young woman screams]
[Flesh tearing]
-What's happened?
What's going on?
Where are ya?!
Where are you?
It's your own fault, Grace.
-[Blow lands]
[Women singing in Latin]
[Indistinct conversations]
For the consecration.
-It's beautiful.
-But the spiritual well-being
of the church
is not my primary concern.
-Michael discovered that
this convent tried to adopt us
when we were young.
I have no memory of it,
but I think it's what's
brought him here.
-I don't know
anything about that,
but Mother Superior
told me that, uh...
Would you excuse us, please?
That your brother came here
in search of the truth
about the relic.
-The original church
used to house a relic.
-So -- So where is it now?
-Well, there was
an earthquake in '93.
The cliff subsided,
and the ocean
claimed the crypt
in which it was kept.
Uh, look, in all honesty,
I'm quite happy that it's gone.
The Crusaders,
their worship of idols,
and their quest for power
has given the church
a-a bad reputation.
They have books here
on that exact time in history
if you care to read them.
-I should.
-Grace, Michael,
this is Father Jacobs
and Sister Dianne
from the Mount Savior Convent.
They're here to take you
to a special place --
for children like you.
-Do you have
her birth certificate?
-She doesn't have one.
She took her
adoptive parents' name.
-Here will do.
Get out. I said get out!
-What are you doing?!
-Come on! Get --
-Come on! Out!
-Michael! Michael!
-There is but one God.
[Muffled shouts]
-Please stop! Please!
[Horn blares]
-Father Romero thought
you might want this book.
-Thank you.
-Leave now.
-Of course, Sister.
-You must leave.
[Indistinct whispers]
The Knights of the Morning Star
guard the relic.
[Indistinct whispers]
[Horse snorting]
-Take this wicked child.
This vessel of darkness...
There is but one God.
[Light switch clicking]
-Where is the relic?
What are you trying to protect?
-I don't know where it is.
-You are lying!
More weight, Sisters.
-More weight!
-Take him. To the ruins.
It's time he made his peace
with God.
[Footsteps approach]
-Hello, child.
-What are you doing?
-Do not fear me.
I am but a lamb.
It is you who are the wolf.
Accept God into your heart.
-No, no, please!
[No dialogue]
Please help!
[Body thuds]
You want to tell me
what's been going on out there?
I read your notes...journal.
You never actually told me
you lived around these parts.
-I know why they killed him.
-People around you do seem
to die, don't they, Miss Farlo?
Or is it Miss O'Rourke?
Adoptive mother, dead.
Stabbed by father.
Adoptive brother, dead.
Now a fucking nun,
who also happens to be a witness
to your brother's suicide.
Now she's dead.
-If you read my notes, you'd
know why Michael was there.
He was chasing
some sort of missing relic.
It was very powerful
and important.
And I think
they were afraid of it.
They were trying to use Michael
to find it,
and he wouldn't help them,
and now they're using me.
-Do you know who you sound like?
You sound like them.
"A missing relic."
[Door creaks]
-Soon night
will give way to day.
We shall cast out
the wicked deeds of darkness
and defeat his shadow
with the armor of light.
[ Bell tolling ]
-[Singing in Latin]
[Bell tolling]
[Singing fades]
-Let's go.
So, your friend
Father Romero called.
He's got a nun who claims
she saw everything
and confirms your side
of the story.
-She's lying,
because we were alone.
-What can I say?
Friends in high places.
-I can go?
-Pending further inquiries.
Look, I don't want to see you
around here again, right?
Go home,
grieve for your brother.
You understand?
-Are you still holding
Mother Superior?
-Do you understand?
-She's the one
who's responsible
for my brother's death.
-I'm keeping Mother Superior in
for further questioning.
Now go.
[Engine starts]
[Buzzer sounds]
[Indistinct conversations]
[Exhales sharply]
-Hi, Dad.
-I'm not your dad.
Your dad's in hell with two
horns sticking out his head.
-Why did you do it?
-Do what?
-Beat me.
Starve me.
Lock us in cages.
-I took you in.
I tried to love you as my own.
It was hard.
Because you're the devil's own,
aren't you?
I should have killed you.
Instead I kept you in a cage
to hurt no one.
-You killed Mom.
-I died in the storm.
-Michael's dead.
-Bring him back.
-Save him like you did me.
I should've have drowned
with the others.
-What do you mean?
-You called on someone
that night.
It wasn't God that answered.
The darkness took me!
-We all prayed for you.
-That's a miracle.
That's for fucking sure!
Just like the day I found you
wandering on the beach.
10 years old.
All alone.
Wet. Shivering.
Someone had thrown you
in the sea.
Threw you away to die.
Except you don't die! Do ya?!
Stop it.
-What's it feel like?
Your whole life,
wherever you go,
death and destruction.
It follows.
It's your shadow.
You could have
saved your mother that night.
But you didn't.
-You know why?
'Cause you might be in here,
out of the way!
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Look at me!
-I appeal to you,
therefore, sisters,
by the mercies of God,
to present your whole being
in the living sacrifice.
Holy and acceptable to God.
Do not be conformed
by this world,
but be transformed
by its renewing of your mind.
But by this test, you may
discern what is the will of God
and what is good.
-Anyone call from the convent?
-They may be glad
to be rid of her.
-[ Breathing deeply ]
-What aren't you
telling me, Mother?
What did you want with him?
You mentioned a relic.
Was Michael hiding it from you?
-[ Chuckles ]
He's such a stupid man,
DCI Harris.
Do people not tell you that?
-More than you might think.
[ Chuckles ]
-Michael was not stupid.
He was a man of God.
He was brilliant.
He found the relic
and he was to return it to us.
God's will in motion.
But Michael did not
understand its power.
Very dangerous.
She must be purified, cleansed,
contained once more.
-You think the relic is
not a thing, but a person?
You think Grace is the relic?
-I know Grace is the relic.
And so does she.
Does anyone know where
Father Romero is?
-Blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my inequity
and cleanse me from my sin.
-Do you know
where Father Romero is?
-Mother said you would be
our downfall.
-[ Gasps ]
[ Crack, scream ]
-It's here!
-[ Screaming ]
-God, forgive me!
I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!
-Meg, wait!
-Protect me from the demon!
-I won't hurt you.
-Mother thinks me fragile.
But God's gift fills me
with strength to do His bidding.
I will not let her take me.
We must forsake our own evil
or be devoured.
-Let the badness out.
[ Whimpers, gasps ]
-What have you done?
-I'll get help.
-Stay away from me.
[ Groans ]
I can feel the sin leaving me.
Come on.
-I'm bleeding!
-Come on. No.
-I'm bleeding! No!
Make it stop!
-I'm bleeding!
-Okay. Alright.
-Please don't let me die.
-I can help you.
-Plea-- Please don't let me die.
Please tell them I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Please don't let me die.
-It's okay. It's okay.
It's me, isn't it?
-Please make of me
all my powers of soul and body,
my whole life, death,
and eternity,
whatever most pleases thee.
Oh. Grace.
-Stay back.
My father was right, wasn't he?
There's something wrong with me.
[ Crying ]
I think I'm cursed.
I see things.
Meg is dead.
And I've -- I've seen it before.
I couldn't stop it.
I-I know it's impossible.
-You're not cursed, child.
You're blessed.
-I just want it to stop.
Can you help me?
Banish the darkness.
Be filled with His light.
-Can you make it stop?
Come, child.
Don't be scared.
Join our sermon,
and you shall be absolved.
We bless you,
vessel of true sight.
Blessed Michael, archangel,
defend us
in this moment of conflict.
Be our safeguard
against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God restrain him.
We humbly pray.
And do thou,
O prince of the heavenly host.
Thrust Satan down to hell
with those other wicked spirits
that wander through the world
for the ruin of souls.
Grace of Aaron,
do you admit to your sins
and seek to be cleansed by
the Holy Spirit?
-I do.
-There is but one God.
-And His shadow.
-Consecrate her.
You're ready, child.
[ Indistinct whispering ]
-She must be contained
for eternity.
Her power is a threat to Christ.
[ Birds chirping ]
-In the tomb, you shall not age,
preserved forever in God's love.
-[ Crying ]
[ Whispering continues ]
-Seal the crypt.
Dear God,
let her dwell once again
and bring the weight
of all heaven upon this tomb.
And protect me
from my spiritual enemies.
[ All gasping, screaming ]
-So, that was your plan,
just to bury me in a tomb.
What ever happened
to forgiveness?
-Christ died
for the sins of man,
not to forgive
the sins of a fallen angel.
[ Spits, groans ]
[ Breathing deeply ]
-Is that what I am?
-You're the darkness
that proves the light.
That's why you hate God.
That's why you
lost touch with your brother.
It is him you should ask
for forgiveness.
It's him!
[ All screaming ]
Hello?! Anyone here?!
-Please forgive me.
Please, don't do this.
-It's the only way.
That's just some bullshit
they filled your head with.
Hocus-pocus, remember?
-[ Gasps ]
[Woman struggling]
[Seat belt clicks,
truck horn blares]
-We'll bring her here
by her own volition.
No harm is to come to her.
-Dear God, let her dwell once
again in your house
and bring the weight of all
heaven on this tomb.
[Nuns screaming]
It's him you should ask
for forgiveness.
It's him!
[Nuns screaming]
-Return to God, my son,
return to God.
[Candles crack]
The demon is here.
-I knew you would
try to save me.
-I love you, Mikey.
I'm so sorry.
Would you forgive me?
-For what?
-For leaving you
in the darkness.
Hiding who I am,
hiding from you.
-You're here now.
-I can save you.
-Like you did Dad?
No! Don't.
-I have to do this.
But God will catch me.
You are good, Grace.
[Wind howling]
[Slow music plays]
[Dramatic music plays]
Did you find her?
-No sign of her, sir.
[Seagulls calling]
-You think you've got it
all wrapped up, don't you?
Father Romero conveniently
going back to Rome.
You might fool the CPS
but you don't fool me.
[Birds chirping]
Tell me one thing.
How did you get under her skin?
You know, what is it
that you do up here
that would make someone like
Grace want to kill themselves?
-Grace is not dead.
-What are you talking about?
-She has incredible power
and she will use it for evil
until she's stopped.
[Water lapping]
[Indistinct conversations,
silverware clinking]
You alright?
-Sure? Been through a lot.
-I'm sure.
-How's the, uh, the therapy
coming on?
-Well, as a survivor
of traumatic events
both past and fairly recent,
the official answer is supposed
to be, um, day by day.
-But to be honest,
I'm quite shit at therapy.
I don't really trust my memory
of those times,
and, um, healing
used to be just forgetting.
But I'm realizing that my body
actually remembers things
that my mind just can't,
so I am trying.
-Yeah. That's progress.
[Both laugh]
-Put it this way --
I'm not going to go anywhere
near a church anytime soon.
-Well, I saw your patient,
the old lady
who was going blind.
-Oh, good.
How is she?
-Well, she had perfect sight.
She only kept the appointment
not to be rude.
She said it was a miracle.
She said you cured her.
-[ Chuckles ]
[Horn honks, tires screech]
My brother used to believe
I had a guardian angel.
And I used to believe
in nothing.
But now I'm not so sure.
[ Woman singing in Latin ]
[ Ominous music plays ]
[ Woman singing in Latin ]