Conscious Contact: Full Disclosure (2021) - full transcript
For as with all things paramount to humanity's survival, when the issues and interests reach a boiling point, the masses will enact change. Are we truly alone? Or have we evolved to a new epoch in the annals of mankind's existence?
[typewriter keys clicking]
[gentle eerie music]
- Despite the human species'
exponential technological
advances over the
past millennia,
little or no progress
has been made
in the scientific
understanding of consciousness.
We are awake and aware
of our surroundings,
but is this phenomenon reserved
to our corner of the universe?
To each individual?
Or is it linked and shared
across all the cosmos?
The result of
quantum entanglement?
Are we truly
confined to written,
gesticular, and
verbal communication?
Or have we simply yet
slowly lost the ability
to communicate telepathically
due to atrophy?
And by we, I mean, you and me.
For there are some
who still can.
Their message, we are not alone.
- My name's Clifford Mahooty.
I'm a Zuni Pueblo Indian Elder,
and I am here to talk about
some of the subjects that
have been of interest lately,
primarily to the
and UFOs, paranormal activity.
I come from the Zuni Indian
tribe from New Mexico,
and I have an extensive
background in my teachings
about the star people,
the priesthood of the sky,
and all the different
activities related by them
or for them and with the
humans on the planet.
My awareness of this
started at a very young age.
I was born into a
medicine society
called the Galaxy Society,
also known as the Clown
Society or the Tricksters
or the Medicine Clown,
which is prevalent among
the American Indian tribes.
And throughout my years of
learning about my background,
I was not only born into it,
but I believe that my mission
was to actually look at,
into some of the activities
related to the star people
with the humans on the planet,
and of course, with
Mother Earth overall.
My scientific background
is that I'm an engineer.
I started science
at a very young age,
and throughout my
career I have worked
in some of the
most sophisticated
governmental systems,
not only in the government,
but also in the private sector.
The reason that I
am very interested
in the extraterrestrial
is that our tribe has
extensive knowledge
of the connection
with the Star People.
All our protocols of taking care
of each other on the planet,
of taking care of the planet,
were transferred
from the Star People
into the early human
stages of the Zuni people
and other Pueblos like the Hopi,
the Pueblo people
around Albuquerque
and Santa Fe, New Mexico,
and years later I started to
talk with other Indian tribes.
They also have the same
knowledge about star people,
of their connection with them.
The only difference
between, say, like the Hopi,
the Pueblo, and all
that is our language.
And also later on
I also looked at
the other Aboriginal
tribes of the planet,
whether they be in
Africa, like the Dogons,
or whether they be in
Australia like the Aborigines,
and all throughout the planet.
And they have the same concepts,
the same meanings of what we
are here on the planet for.
[gentle piano music]
- I've been a
professional clairvoyant
and medical intuitive,
gosh, for 31 years?
- Yeah.
- My goodness,
it's been a while.
I've worked for
three-letter agencies,
doing both murder and
missing person cases
for all over the United States.
And people called me because,
for reasons I don't
quite understand,
I had a real eye for
picking up details
that helped solve things
and provided more
input to investigators.
It was September of 2013, and
I'd been here about 10 days.
It was real close
to the fall Equinox.
We were watching "America's
Got Talent," of all things,
and had our favorite performers
that we were hoping would win.
And so when our favorite
performer did his bid onstage,
I turned to Otter and said,
"Wow, he was really good.
"I hope you wins tonight."
And suddenly there was
a strange male voice,
very loud, very clear
in my head that said,
"He was good.
"I hope he does win."
And the voice, for reasons
I didn't understand,
was not in the room.
The person, the presence
was not in the room.
I knew, I turned, and I
looked at the Sandia Mountain,
and the voice was coming
from a single spot
inside the mountain.
[people murmuring]
- Thank you all for coming here
to this beautiful setting for
one of the most
amazing announcements
I think the planet will hear.
This is Anjali who's
had direct experience
with these Beings,
they've come to her,
they've directed her to be here,
and she's gonna deliver a
statement from her experience
and also see what else
wants to be said today.
So thanks so much for
being here, Anjali.
- Hi, good afternoon.
Many of you know me by Anjali,
because that's how I
chose to come forward
with the Higher
Beings than I am here
to disclose to you about
today have called me
since I have become
aware of their presence.
[gentle intense music]
On January 21st,
2018, it was a Sunday,
I was sitting in a coffee
shop in Southern California.
I met two amazing people,
whom I have always referred
to as Wayne and Trisha.
Wayne approached me,
and after some time
we had gotten into a very
in-depth conversation
about consciousness,
of all things.
He had lymphoma,
I had, who knew,
didn't even know.
I had recovered
from Guillain-Barré,
and yet I wasn't recovered.
We knew something was
lurking within my own DNA
without knowing
exactly what it was,
and he pointed it
out immediately.
He said it was
this, it was here.
It was all of the toxicity
in the environments that
I had been working in,
and literally the energy that
had been created around me
that had made me ill.
After some time he
and his wife, Trisha,
invited me to their home,
because he had
excavated a tunnel
into the side of the
mountain that is his property
after he had met what
he called aliens.
He said he had seen them.
He had seen their
craft up in the sky
above his mountain many nights,
and he had become obsessed
with finding out more.
And he said that he had
gone on top of his mountain
and that they had been there
and that they told him
that they were inside,
that they had a base.
And from that moment on, he
had one singular mission,
and that was to get
inside that mountain.
[gentle eerie music]
- The American Indian
people did not invent
any of this type of
rituals or procedures,
like on the religious side.
For example,
spirituality and religion
are confused a lot of times.
Ours is based on spirituality.
And religion, like the
other established religions,
are invented by a man
and not transferred
or given to us by the,
or at least the
extraterrestrial people.
So the star knowledge
that we have
is nothing that was made up.
It's always been with
us, all the protocols,
whether it be in
relationships with humans,
whether it be in connection
with mother nature,
were passed on to
us, or in this case,
the present term
used is downloaded.
They were downloaded to
us thousands of years ago.
So we have always had that
basic knowledge or that,
that information that has
been incorporated into our DNA
because the humans
are actually hybrids
of the space people based
upon what I have studied.
- I have been an experiencer
since I was
three-and-a-half to four.
I remember being at
my grandmother's house
and waking up and
watching a reptilian
walk through the wall and leave.
And it scared me to death.
And I can still describe it.
I could draw it for you.
But in '98, the experiences
really ramped up
when I saw what we call
a skipper ship now,
a small oval craft about
the size of a small plane
happened to be
hovering over a field
owned by Iowa State University,
full of cattle that they
were doing genetics on.
And I knew that because I
have a degree from Iowa State,
and worked in those
areas, but I saw the UFO.
It was very low, it was
hovering, it was silent,
and it looked like
there was a hatch open
on the bottom of it.
And I thought, that's cool.
I wanna see that closer.
And by the time I got
closer it had gone.
And I thought, oh, well,
that was interesting.
I saw him a UFO up close, cool.
So I contacted
MUFON, I reported it.
I thought nothing of
it until 10 days later.
I was asleep in my bed,
and suddenly I went from
deep asleep to very awake,
but I froze, I didn't move,
because there was
someone in the room.
And as I laid on the pillow,
I could see the bedroom
bathroom door, which was open,
and silhouetted was
a being whose head
almost touched the ceiling.
He was creamy white.
He had a very large head.
His eyes were very large,
almond shape, and dark.
His limbs were very
long and slender,
and he had the longest fingers.
And when he walked
across the room,
he took two strides
to go about 10 feet.
And I went [gasping].
I watched him
reach out like this
and stroke my husband,
at the time's, leg.
And then I watched him reach
out to try and touch me.
And suddenly I sat straight
up and I yelled at him.
I said, "What are
you doing here?"
And he jumped,
and he had the most
startled look on his face,
and he turned and he
bolted through the wall.
[gentle intense music]
- On Sunday,
January 21st of 2018
I entered a tunnel that
had been excavated by a man
with four people,
Wayne and Trisha,
and another couple whom they're
no longer in contact with.
After a few minutes of walking,
there was a light ahead of us.
And we began walking
a little bit quicker.
And when we rounded the corner,
there were two different
races of beings
that were standing there.
[gentle intense music]
There was a gray.
I do not believe
that he is organic in the
way that we understand.
Also not a drone in the
way that we understand.
But a body that holds a
consciousness that interacts.
There were also several
other beings that were
what we typically,
now I understand,
call in this
community tall whites.
They were all well over six,
approaching probably
six and a half,
maybe a little bit taller.
Warm, not cool colored,
a warmish white,
but their skin,
they're radiant.
They took me into a room
where I met
several of the
most amazing Beings
that are here.
[gentle intense music]
- Suppose you came face-to-face
with a Being not of this world.
What would you do?
Who would you tell?
[intense music]
- I'm sleepin' in the same
bed, in the same bedroom,
and suddenly there's
this tremendous pain
in the bone of my calf.
It was, I mean,
it was bone pain.
And I thought, oh, what's this?
I thought I had a charley horse.
There were four
Zeta-body-type Beings
standing at the foot of
my bed, surrounding me,
and one of them had
a device in his hand
that almost looked syringe-like,
and he was removing
it from the area
where I had had the pain.
Then that's all I remember.
And then suddenly I
was put back to sleep.
And between the tall
creamy white guy
and the little gray guys,
that I now know were P'nti,
I had insomnia for
like two months.
I could not get to sleep.
I was afraid they'd come back.
I was, I didn't know
what they wanted.
I didn't know if they were
gonna take me somewhere.
I didn't know.
But, from then on, for
almost three years,
whenever it was
going to be a kind,
what I call now a
UFO-kinda night,
my calf would start to itch,
and I developed a rash about
yay big in the back of my calf
about three hours before sunset.
And that night, if
my calf was itching,
and turned into a rash,
then I knew that
I was gonna have
a UFO experience that night.
- Extraterrestrials
are those Beings
that came through
our solar system,
perhaps millions of years ago,
because there's no time
as the Indians would say,
you ask them when did they come,
and said the word that they
use interpreted into English
is since time immemorial,
which means a long time ago,
but we do not know exactly when.
Nobody does.
And all our prayers, all our
rituals, all our ceremonies
are based upon that concept.
It's based upon
long, long time ago.
Now there's another
concept that is
also part of the
extraterrestrial information
is the planet itself.
The scientists have
said, or have theorized,
that the earth has flipped on
its axis at least 13 times,
which would probably go
into billions of years.
Now, the American Indian,
at least my tribe,
the Zuni Indian tribe, has
said that we have gone through
three great catastrophes.
And we're now at the verge
of the fourth catastrophe,
which in this case will
be wiped out by fire.
The last one was by water.
As we all know, there's a
lot of references to it.
If you look at the Bible,
they also talk about
the Great Flood.
There's other Aboriginal tribes
that also talked
about the flood time.
And also right after
the flood was Ice Age.
And so there is,
there are a lot of
information that's out there.
The only problem
in the Zuni case
is that we don't have
a written language,
but we do have a oral history,
which is repeated almost
on a monthly basis,
if not, maybe in a daily basis
when our grandfathers
were still young people,
but we do know, or at
least my teachings is,
that if you take these concepts
in terms of time and
incidences and the history,
we know that it parallels
with the same information
as in the scientists
of other groups,
and also the timetables
of many books
that have been written about,
for example, the Holy Bible.
- The Zetas that talked to us,
the individual that
first spoke to me,
we didn't know his name
for almost two months.
And that first week when
he was talking to us,
I finally admitted to Otter
that I was hearing him.
I said, "You know,
"I hate to keep calling it
the voice from the mountain.
"That sounds kinda dumb.
"I'm gonna give it a nickname.
"Comes from the Sandia Mountain,
"I'll call him Sandia."
I completely forgot that Sandia
in Spanish means watermelon.
It's 'cause on the top of
the mountain there's stripes,
like on the rind of
a watermelon, and
he was listening.
He said, "Sandia, eh?
"Watermelon head, that'll work."
That was his literal
comment back to me.
And I turned and I stared at
that spot on the mountain,
and I went, "Who is this?"
But obviously he had some kind
of a quirky sense of humor.
We finally got brave enough
to ask him his real name
in November of '13.
And when I did it,
I said, "Sandia,
"I got a question for you.
"What's your real name
and where's home?"
He said, "Home is
the fifth planet"
"orbiting the further of the
two stars of the binary system"
"you call Zeta Reticuli."
"We call our planet P'ntl."
"We are the P'nti."
I said, "What's your name?"
I said, "What?"
- What?
- He said, "Tlkm."
I said, "Slower."
Like louder was gonna
work [laughing].
And finally I said, "Slower."
I said, "Tealkum."
He said, "That's close enough."
- In Sedona we have what
you call Bradshaw Ranch,
and Bradshaw Ranch is a
male and female vortex.
Okay, so the Greek
philosopher, Plato,
postulated that there were
64 platonic solids
around the world
and that they were in
the shape of triangles,
and that there
was an earth grid.
In the lines of the grid
are called ley lines,
and instead of them
being tic-tac-toe,
you know what I'm sayin'?
Up and down, side to side,
they're in the
shape of triangles.
And the lines of the triangles
are either electric or magnetic,
and that's true all
around the world.
And so where the electric lines
and the magnetic lines cross,
you have electromagnetic energy.
And we are
electromagnetic beings,
in that we think thoughts,
which you can measure
with an electroscope
that create electrical impulses.
And then the water in
our body is magnetic.
So, therefore, we are
electromagnetic beings,
and it creates a toroidal field.
So a field, it's
like two donuts,
one on top of another, from
your crown to your root,
from your root to your feet,
from your heels
to your backside,
your backside back up
to your crown again.
And you could also call
it your oracle field.
And the vortexes, they're,
once again, they're either
electric or magnetic,
and where these electric
and magnetic lines cross
you have electromagnetic energy.
And also couple that with
the fact that there is
mountain spring water
that flows underneath Sedona
in rivers and aquifers,
and it's highly conductive.
And then the red rocks are
full of quartz crystal.
They're full of quartz crystal.
So you know how you can have
a small piece of
quartz in a watch,
and now the watch is powered
by a piece of crystal.
It's called what you call
the piezoelectric effect.
And the piezoelectric
effect is that
if you hit a crystal
mechanically, it creates energy.
So if a small crystal
can power a watch,
how much could a mountain
full of crystal power?
[wind blowing]
- Before I
talk about the message
that they would like
to speak to you today,
I would like to talk about
the formation of a team
that will return to this tunnel,
and with me and the
owners of this property,
this team will enter the
base of these Higher Beings
with every kind of known
equipment that a scientist
could possibly get his hands on.
Those are the scientists
I'm looking for.
Transparency and full
disclosure and honesty
is the only thing
that I want here.
And I am looking
for those people
who can help us
all deliver that.
Because the beings need us
to be ready for contact.
- When you hear somebody
who's telepathic,
and that's their, if you can
call it, native language,
way of communicating,
you pick up other information
along with the message
that they're giving you.
You pick up the side thoughts.
And we knew that
his side thoughts
included others that looked
like him, that he wasn't alone,
but we waited for him to
bring up anybody else.
We weren't gonna press him.
We didn't ever want to
press him for technology
and give him the opinion
that that was more important
than learning about
them as a people.
We had a golden opportunity
to understand their culture,
because he was free
to chat with us.
- If you go back into the
old, the pharaohs of Egypt,
or if you come down here
to places in Mesoamerica,
Peru, and other places,
you have these skulls
that are elongated,
and those were hybrids.
And even to this day
there are hybrids
walking into the lives of,
or at least the planet that are,
they're breeding good ways
to take care of their people,
but eventually
they're gotten rid of,
because they're half alien
and they're half humans.
Now, the present-day
hybrids, or the,
what we call the
Rainbow Children,
they have advanced knowledge.
They can come, they're
here right now.
They've always been here.
The previous groups were
called, way back in the 50s,
they called them Blue Children,
and eventually turned
into the Indigos.
And then now they, then they
went into the Crystal Children.
Those, in my opinion, based
upon many, many studies,
not only historical,
but scientific, and
theological studies
is that these are
the ones that are,
even though they're
born of human mothers,
they were put on this
earth to lead us out,
if you wanna call it
that, or be leaders,
but they've always
categorized them
as not part of
the human society.
- Star Nations have been
exchanging seeds for millennia.
That includes animal
seeds, like eggs and sperm.
So they use the term blended
because they feel
it's more polite.
The Zeta-body-type nations
have interbred with each
other for millennia.
And it's hard to distinguish
some of them from each other,
the P'nti have button noses.
Some have no cartilage in
their nose structure at all
and just two holes.
- [indistinct] Flat, yeah.
- They have in common,
nictitating lenses,
retractable lenses,
like some of the animals
here on earth have,
like some fish
and some birds and crocodiles.
They have a nictitating lens.
We have them, too,
but ours are vestigial,
in the corner of our eye.
- They have that
special connection
with the Star People system,
and I'm still trying to
write these things up
before I go on to
the next world about,
because if I wrote
those back in the,
when I met them, nobody
would believe me,
but I did meet those
type of people.
And when I asked for their
guidance of certain things,
it doesn't take very long
for somebody to show up.
[static buzzing]
- With technologies
like Neuralink,
machine learning, and
artificial intelligence
evolving at an ever
quickening pace,
is it merely a matter of time
before man cracks the
ever-elusive nature
of consciousness?
Or will the answer
come from elsewhere
via a vision or a
message from outer space,
inner space, or even
the space in-between?
[gentle music]
- We have gotten so much
information from Tlkm
over the last eight years,
it'll just drop your jaw.
And when we had
been talking to them
a little bit more than
a year and a half,
one day we heard from
Tlkm, and he said,
"We understand you have
something called social media."
"Would it be permitted for
us to open an account?"
And I sat back and went,
"Okay, I don't see why not."
"As far as I know, there is
nothing illegal about it."
- [Interviewer]
Right, right, right.
- And so we started
translating their exact words
as much as we possibly could.
And Tlkm began
sharing on Twitter,
along with the other
two staff members
he introduced us to three
months prior to that,
Jrooti and R'hz or-
- Radar.
- Yeah.
His nickname is Radar.
So, Jrooti, Radar, and
Tlkm all were sharing.
- A couple things
that we wanna ask.
You don't ever wanna
tell them what to do,
but you wanna ask them,
so can you have power up or
vanish or change direction?
Those are the
first three things.
And the CE5 basically
means it's telepathy.
So it means you made some kind
of mental contact with them.
So when we're not telling
them, but we're asking them,
can you, I always say can
you or please, I love you.
Can you please,
can you power up or vanish
or change direction?
And when they do it,
and it doesn't happen
every single time,
but it happens almost
every single time.
[gentle intense music]
- They have been with
us from the beginning.
They have been where we are.
Everything goes through the
same cycle of consciousness,
development, and
recognition of itself.
They have been where we are,
and they have been
guardians of our process.
When every form of
consciousness coalesces back
into the pure light,
it remembers fully
and begins to learn how to
create its own creation.
And, therefore, it watches.
It watches other expressions
of creation learning,
because they only
want to understand
how to make their own.
- In 1971, the P'nti along with
a number of other Star
Nations signed a treaty for,
it was a 50-year treaty.
And that treaty asked
the Star Nations
to not share technology
with the general public,
to not allow themselves to be
photographed or videotaped.
But the treaty
didn't say anything
about an experiencer like myself
drawing what she experienced.
So, Tlkm said I would
like you to begin drawing.
And I hadn't drawn
anything in 40 years.
And the P'nti sent me an
art teacher named Mim,
and Mim has taught me over
the past three or four years
to go from very rudimentary
to the drawings
that you see now.
I did not take any art
classes to learn to do this.
I learned my art from an
extraterrestrial art teacher.
I am not makin' this up.
[gentle music]
[insects chirping]
- Despite our common makeup,
mankind's brief history
on our tiny spinning rock
has shown we are
incredibly diverse.
Through this
diversity our species
has seen stagnation and growth,
poverty and wealth,
peace and war,
for, as with all things
important to our survival,
when the issues and interests
reach a breaking point,
the masses will enact change.
[crowds murmuring]
- I have had an opportunity
to talk about the interpretation
that the Hopi and the Zunis
talk about in their prophecies,
whether it'd be 9/11,
where they'd be bringing
in the terrorists
from other parts of the world,
these were talked about
way long time ago.
And if you look at the Hopi
and the Zuni prophecies,
they talk exactly
about this thing.
They also talk about
the web that we have
in the computer world.
They also talk about the
things that will be happening.
They talk about famine.
They talk about deviation
from spirituality
going into organized religion.
And so these are all
part of our system
that has been in existence
for a number of years.
And the source of
that information
is from what we call
our Star Ancestors.
[gentle music]
- North and South Pole
are traveling faster
than we've ever seen them
travel into new places,
and it's possible for us
to develop two North Poles,
one South Pole.
- And two South Poles.
- Or two North Poles
and two South Poles.
- Both.
- And then it weakens
the magnetics.
And our influence from
this turbulent area
becomes stronger and
affects life on our world.
Life on the surface can be
effected by giant tsunamis,
but also the cosmic rays
become extremely dangerous
for any plant and animal life.
And the P'nti and
other Star Nations
took people underground for
an extended period of time
until we passed
the turbulent zone.
And they brought us out
when it was safe again.
That's in the history of not
only the Zuni Star Nation,
or Zuni Indigenous culture
and their oral history,
the Hopis.
But if you go to
other places on Earth,
people were instructed to
build a very large boat.
You know the Noah story.
And the Iroquois were
instructed to build giant canoes
at the same time.
And so Indigenous people
attempted to help them
in order to get them to survive
whatever cataclysm happened
in their geographic location,
and the Star Nation that had
jurisdiction over that area
was the Star Nation helping.
- This cycle of learning
is coming to an end
because humanity's
consciousness is evolving.
The way that consciousness
forms and creates matter,
which is just energy manifest,
something that they want
to help us learn to do
as we evolve.
All consciousness begins
and ends in the same place,
from what they call the
source of all light.
- We are now at the 500th year
of the introduction of
what we call the white man.
And we are also at the
end of that span of,
they can only last so much,
and the other group that
is very fierce right now
is what we call the
Dark Force People.
The Dark Force People
are those rich people.
The people that have,
in Zuni they call them
the witchcraft people
that practice benevolent
systems upon their own people,
and even among themselves.
So we're at that stage,
and these are all
the things that are
put into the concepts of
why we're gonna go into that
end of the world situation.
It's not gonna be an
invasion from other sources,
from other solar system,
planets, or universe.
It's gonna be done by ourselves
within our own communities.
This is exactly what I learned
when I was about 10 years old
when one of the medicine men,
I heard when I was 10 years old,
and said, I remember him
saying in our own language,
interpret it and say that
there is no white man
or any other group will
come into our village
and destroy us
because we are gonna,
we're the ones that
are gonna destroy us
from our own homes
and our own systems.
And I still remember that
quote since I was 10 years old.
It was the earth humans
who requested the secrecy.
It was the earth humans who
requested the five decades
in order to increase the
awareness of the general public
that Star Nations even existed.
- And they-
- And they were
not fiction at all.
They were real, they
were palpable Beings.
Many different cultures
have visited this planet,
and the P'nti informed
us that on any given day,
somewhere between 75
and 80 separate cultures
are visiting our world.
75% of those are in the ocean.
This is a water world.
The Star Nations come because
we have an abundance
of water here.
We take it for granted.
Where you find a water planet,
you find life, and
very diverse life.
- They explained something
about the evolution and growth
of consciousness
through learning.
And they used a word called
density that I didn't,
I didn't understand that.
They were trying to wake me up.
They were saying to me,
"The veil is very heavy."
"Wake up."
In the first and
second densities
consciousness is learning
about its environment.
It's learning that it exists
in a whole,
as part of one.
When the consciousness matures
for third density learning,
it is placed in an environment
that is conducive to a
sensory learning experience.
They say that this,
the third density is
the density of choice.
It is where we,
we learn to remember who we are,
where the seed of our
consciousness has originated,
and which path we want to
go down to explore that.
They say that this
is what we chose,
each and every one of us,
as a unique expression
of the one source of creation,
that each is an expression
of that creation,
which is also the Creator,
that we move through
consciousness learning
and coalesce at each stage.
We bring what we have learned
from each density into the next,
and we began to further coalesce
as we return back to our
purest form, which is light.
These Beings can travel on light
because they are the light.
[gentle bright music]
- It was by coincidence
that I just found myself
getting back into this topic
at a really interesting
time in Ufology,
when of course the
New York Times article
had been out for
a couple of years.
They had just announced the
existence of the UAP Task Force,
and everyone was
awaiting their report.
It was...
And so there were
a lot of people
who were joining #ufotwitter
at the same time I was.
So it was just a
very exciting time
to be rediscovering this topic.
I definitely think that there
were interesting aspects
of the report, like the
fact that aside from
maybe one of them,
they weren't able to explain
almost all of these sightings.
And like you said,
the fact that we,
that the report said we
don't think this is our tech.
This isn't foreign tech.
We don't think there's a
natural explanation for it.
But I understand why
people were underwhelmed,
because this report dropped
while I was at work,
and I took a break and
I read it in 15 minutes.
It was like six to
eight pages, I think.
And for a government report,
that's almost unheard of.
There was also a fairly,
a really interesting
report about UAPs
that came out of France
I think a couple of weeks
after the UAPTF report
So, yeah, I think that there
is a lot of
interesting information
coming out about this topic
and not just in the U.S.,
even though that tends
to be where a lot of
the focus is in a lot
of these online spaces.
My instinct is that they can't
all have the same explanation.
I feel like there
may be some that are
some sort of natural phenomenon
that we just can't identify
because the video's
not good enough
or the readings
aren't good enough
or some of it is probably
just errors in the
data collection,
even though I think
that everything that
was in this report
was captured on multiple
sensors, like radar, video.
And I mean, maybe some
of it isn't from Earth,
who knows.
- No Star People or no
spaceship gonna land
and take us away from
what we had created,
that they're only observing
is because they gave us,
what we call our free will.
We're the ones that
have to decide.
They're not gonna come
over here and interfere
because those concepts
were already put in place
in the beginning.
We can ask for a guidance,
but we have to do it
from the individual,
as a group, and so on.
- We learned from the P'nti
that when they come to
visit anyone in their homes,
they have a protocol
they have to follow.
And their protocol
is cause no fear,
do no harm,
leave no trace.
And they have the ability
to put you to sleep.
They have the ability
to pick a memory
from your life experience
and portray themselves as,
not say a Zeta-body-type,
but maybe an old
friend from high school
or an animal that
you're not afraid of
like a four-foot
tall bunny rabbit.
So, the scream
memories are something
that we deal with a lot.
And now that we understand
that part of the
reason they do that
is they don't want
you to freak out.
- So what we have
now here on Earth
is we have two things that
are occurring simultaneously.
We have natural cyclical
changes of this earth
as it moves into its own density
and becomes a fourth
density environment.
It will no longer be compatible
for third density experience,
which is what they say these
human biotechnology
bodies give us here.
We have been through
this cycle long enough,
and it's time for
the next stage.
- We asked Tlkm about
languages, and he,
and how common telepathy was
as a means of communication
in the galaxy.
And he said, well, gestural
languages come first.
Telepathic languages are
the next most popular.
Verbal languages follow that.
And then visual languages,
or light languages,
like you see fish
in the deep ocean
that can light themselves up.
- Mmhmm, okay.
- All right, that's a,
that's a light
language and pulsing.
Deep space individuals
also have light languages.
- The poor people in this
country are without any shelter.
They can't take
care of themselves,
but we're feeding our enemies.
This is the prophecies that
the grandfathers told me,
and we will go into a famine.
So these are the things
that I'm watching.
I was hoping that they were
wrong, but they were not.
So, these are,
this is the reason why I
won't quit talking yet,
because as long as you're the
lone voice in the wilderness,
hopefully somebody
will come and help you.
- The Beings that I
am in contact with
refer to themselves
as The Council.
They are guardians
over this world,
because they were asked to be,
and they are
fulfilling their duty,
allowing us our free will
to explore and to learn
without remembering who we are
so that we can return,
recognize ourselves,
and experience the full
breadth of consciousness
again and again and again.
The problem is is that this
is a polarity situation
where, boy, we
have really, really
forgotten what we're
doing here, guys.
And we're destroying
ourselves and our world,
and we're trying to go
out beyond our own borders
into space as if we are ready
to be space-faring species
lovingly contacting
other worlds.
- There are friendly
extraterrestrial nations
visiting our world,
have been visiting our
world for millennia,
who are here to help us
through the earth changes
that we see beginning now.
We may have our world being
in what I generally call
a mell of a hess.
And we're heading for a very
turbulent area of the galaxy.
The Star Nations are very
aware of what it can do
to our entire solar system.
And they're lining up
outside of Neptune's orbit
with hospital ships to help.
They've come to help.
They're not negative.
They're not gonna eat you.
They might tease you.
They might blow a raspberry
in your ear or call your name,
but they're not gonna hurt you.
And if you choose to learn
how to interact with them,
they're cultural explorers.
They love learning
about your life.
What do you make?
What do you cook?
What do you do in
your spare time?
What do you love?
That's your culture.
And that's what
they wanna learn.
They're cultural explorers,
and they wanna save
the best of that
so that if we do end
up in a mell of a hess
that our culture still survives.
- You must recognize
that we are all connected
and that needs to
frame every decision
and every intention that
you set in your life.
Consciousness is much more
complicated than we think it is.
They want us to grow.
They want as many
of us as possible
to be ready for the next step
and to be ready to
accept them without fear,
without threat of
violence, but hand in hand.
[gentle piano music]
- The universe is both
homogenous and isotropic.
Simply put, if you peer in
any direction far enough,
it all looks the same.
Could this shared uniformity
lend credence to
shared consciousness?
If we are all but stardust,
do we share a quantum link
stemming back to the
creation of the universe?
- This is a physical disclosure,
and it is a
consciousness disclosure.
And what I mean by that
is that these Beings
do not speak language,
they do not use
words like we do.
Their mouths do not
move and they make sound
and begun to speak to us.
Everything they do is what's
called conscious communication.
I want to differentiate that
from the misunderstanding
that this is telepathy.
This is not telepathy.
I don't know what that is.
I don't do that.
I think that might be what
I'm trying to talk about
without not setting intentions,
not being super clear 'cause
conscious communication
is so clear.
It comes with everything.
It's like
a download.
We can all understand that.
Like an image, you get
an image in your mind,
and it comes encrypted with
all kinds of information
that immediately just
downloads into your brain.
And it includes intention.
So, you know.
You know.
And it includes emotion.
I have experienced
nothing but love,
sometimes humor.
Very, very kind
and gentle beings.
It is a fuller,
more accurate,
more highly evolved
form of communicating.
And guess what folks,
it works with all of
the Higher Beings.
It works with all of them.
- I could tell you right now
what Otter and I have learned
about 10% of it has gone out
to the public on Twitter.
90% of it has not.
And not that we're
trying to hide anything.
It's just that there's so much.
And the download she
describes, we have experienced.
You wake up feeling like
your brain is jello.
I mean, you become exhausted.
You wake up exhausted.
Your brain feels
like you've learned
an encyclopedia of
information within hours.
A whole new language overnight.
And yet, because
it was given to you
in an alpha, theta,
or delta dream state,
trying to remember it
when you come back to
waking consciousness,
it's hard because it's like
trying to remember your dreams.
Some people remember their
dreams much easier than others,
especially if it's the very
last dream of the night,
but others get a download
and feel like somebody
has filled up their brain
like you fill up a hard drive,
but they don't
know what's on it.
And it surfaces slowly but
steadily over time naturally.
It surfaces more if you reenter
that same state
of consciousness,
that meditative state,
that alpha theta state,
you can retrieve those
memories much easier
than in normal waking
consciousness state.
- We have forgotten
that we created this,
and that this is our very
own experiment for learning.
We have forgotten
that we are all
from the same consciousness.
The veil is so
thick and so heavy
we believe that we are
singular individuals
and that when we do this
thing that we call die
that is the end.
Or perhaps we just go
a heaven or a nirvana.
Well, heaven and nirvana is
returned to the pure source.
It's pure light,
pure consciousness,
and you are always
on the path to that.
- But in order for the next
world to come in a peaceful,
the way it's supposed to be,
there has to be a clearing.
There has to be a...
We have to go through
that time of cleansing.
The people has been
asleep for a long time,
especially with this country.
And I can honestly tell you,
this started about
the time when Kennedy,
President John F.
Kennedy, was assassinated.
So that's way back in 1963,
when they started
this whole effort.
And I have been very observant,
and I have studied
these things from the,
from many different
angles, the scientific,
the historical, and the
references that are made
in many scriptures,
religious scriptures.
[gentle piano music]
- Bible, Job 4:15 to 18.
A spirit glided past my face
and the hair on my
body stood on end.
It stopped, but I could
not tell what it was.
A form stood before my eyes
and I heard a hushed voice.
Can a mortal be more
righteous than God?
Can even a strong man be
more pure than his maker?
[gentle piano music]
- I realize that there are
things that we don't understand
and that there may be
explanations for phenomena
that right now seem ridiculous,
but sometime in the future
we may have a better
And also this is a topic
that for many people
it isn't just curiosity
and investigation,
it's something very
spiritual to them.
- Koran 2:31.
And he taught Adam the
names, all of them.
Then he showed them to
the angels and said,
"Inform me of the names of
these, if you are truthful."
- I would recommend that
you pray or you meditate,
whatever you want to call it,
do it with an open, kind heart.
Ask for acceptance
of our oneness
and our connection
to one another.
Seek to better understand
your own existence.
Seek to elevate your
conscious connection
to all other expressions of
life and the creator here.
And then whatever your
spiritual philosophy
you already got it.
You got it.
- Like some people
that I've talked to
aren't really
invested in whether
there is scientific evidence
or whether this is real
in a physical sense,
because to them it is more
spiritual or religious,
and what matters to
them more is sort of
how it guides their life
and how they feel about it
rather than what
science discovers,
and you don't,
and you can't really
argue with that.
Everyone has their own
religious and spiritual beliefs.
[gentle piano music]
- If you have a friend
in a town next door,
and suddenly a tornado
comes and levels that town
and they have a disaster and
their community is in trouble
and you know it, where's
the first place you go?
You go to your friend's
house, don't you?
- [Interviewer] Yeah.
- Okay, you go to
the people you know,
and you help them first
because you care about them.
The P'nti are no different.
If you make friends
with a P'nti,
if you make friends with any
of the helpful Star Nations,
and there are a
plethora of them,
then your chances of
being assisted by them,
they'll come to you to talk
because you've talked
to them before.
It's no different.
So there are benefits to
having friends in high places.
- [Pilot] There's a
whole fleet of 'em.
- [Reporter] This morning,
a report that the government
cannot explain those
mysterious objects
caught on video by the military.
- So what you've seen is what
those Navy pilots saw in 2004,
and there have been some
300 sightings since then.
And I've talked to those pilots,
and they know they
saw something,
and their radars locked onto it.
And then all of a sudden
it was here on the surface
and then it's there.
And they don't know what it is.
And we don't know what it is.
We hope it's not an
adversary here on earth
that has that kind
of technology.
But it's something.
And so this is a mission that
we're constantly looking,
what, who is out there?
Who are we?
How did we get here?
How did we become as we are?
How did we develop?
How did we civilize?
And are those same
conditions out there
in a universe that has
billions of other suns
in billions of other galaxies?
It's so large, I
can't conceive it.
My personal opinion is that
the universe is so big,
and now there are even theories
that there might
be other universes.
And if that's the case,
who am I to say
that planet Earth
is the only location
of a life form
that is civilized and
organized like ours?
- With mainstream media coverage
and confirmed UFO
leaks acknowledged
by the U.S. government
rising steadily,
is humanity finally ready
for conscious contact,
full disclosure?
[intense music]
[gentle music]