Conquest (1983) - full transcript

Italian sword and sorcery epic from splatter director Lucio Fulci loosely inspired from the Hercules mythos about two warriors on a quest and a vengeful demon who throws all kinds of nasty creatures along the way to fill scenes of gory violence.

(surreal music)

- You have chosen the path of

courage and sacrifice, Ilias.

A journey to the heart of a

very dark and evil domain.

Many blessings on you, son.

You are an example

of bravery among men.

Come back safely and

govern us with the wisdom

of your experience.

(surreal music)

The great Kronos, many

and many suns ago,

fought with this bow and drove

back the terrible creatures

that invaded our land.

And when he ran out of arrows,

the sun suddenly dropped

from the sky and entered

his bow in a ray of glory,

shooting out a deadly

hail of flaming arrows

at all of his enemies.

- It was magic, wasn't it?

- No, it was a sign that

Cronus had become a man.

Sooner or later, each

of us must face evil.

Some men retreat

and take shelter.

Others hold their

ground and fight back

even at the cost of their lives.

You have already chosen

your path, my son,

the path of courage and

sacrifice, the path to manhood.

Never waver from

it. Never turn back.

- No matter what happens, I

shall not forget these words.

- Fare thee well.

(surreal music)

(exciting music)

(surreal music)

(wind howls)

(man and woman speak

foreign language)

(woman chants in

foreign language)

(surreal music)

(woman chants in

foreign language)

(group chants in

foreign language)

(frightening music)

(group speaks foreign language)

- We have little for

Ocron, only this meat.

We give it to you. Take it.

(monster growls)

- We kill. We kill your people.

- Fever and hunger have

already taken too many of us.

- Ocron take away sun

from you, always night.

Dark. You all die.

- No, take me. I'll go.

- Ocron not take old man.

Ocron like young flesh.

(man whimpers)


(woman whimpers)

(frightening music)

(monsters growl)

(woman whimpers)

(monster murmurs)

- Very good. (laughs) Young.

Young and fresh.

Yes. (growls)

Good. (laughs)

(surreal music)

(woman growls)

(monsters grunt)

(surreal music)

(woman pants)

(woman moans)

(surreal music)

(woman gasps)

(woman moans)

(surreal music)

(arrow zaps)

(surreal music)

(eerie music)

(snake hisses)

(arrow thuds)

(woman screams)

(woman whimpers)

- That won't be bothering

anybody anymore.

(woman laughs nervously)


(woman laughs)

Nice way to show your gratitude.

(eerie music)

(monsters shout in

foreign language)

(suspenseful music)

(monsters groan)

(surreal music)

(Ilias groans)

(surreal music)

(men whimper)

(monsters growl)

(exciting music)

(men grunt)

(monster growls)

(exciting music)

(man grunts)

(exciting music)

(surreal music)

- Who are you?

- My enemies call me Mace.

- And your friends?

- I don't have any friends.

Do you know what this eye means?

It means every man is an enemy.

- So why did you save my life?

- I didn't save your life.

I saved this. (laughs)

Where are you from?

- From a distant

land. My name's Ilias.

- If you show me how to use

this, I'll take you with me.

- Where?

- Wherever our feet carry us.

(bird whimpers)

He's wounded.


(bird whimpers)

(mystical music)

(birds screech)

(surreal music)

(bird screeches)

He'll be all right.

- I thought you

didn't have friends.

- We were talking about

men, not about animals.

(birds screech)

(mystical music)

(man groans)

- He hold weapon, fly in

air and kill from far, far.

Weapon fly like wind, fast.

- Who is he? Where is he from?

- Not from here. Never see

before, young, dangerous.

He kill many, from far

with flying weapon.

Kill many, fast like lightning.

- Let me see him. Let

me see this new weapon.

(man groans)

(man screams)

Silence, you fool.

Capture this stranger,

Fargo. Get him.

I want him and his weapon. Go!

(monster grunts)

(mystical music)

(arrow thuds)

(man groans)

- I learn fast, don't I?

(gentle music)


(man whimpers)

(mystical music)

(man groans)

(mystical music)


When a man meets a man, you

never know which one will die,

but when an animal meets a man,

it's always the

animal that dies.

I'm on the animal's side.

- Isn't this an

animal you're eating?

- I didn't kill him.

- That's a pretty strange law.

- Not when you're hungry.

(branch snaps)

(eerie music)

- What's wrong?

- I heard something.

(mystical music)

- Probably animals

prowling for food.

- Probably men

looking for trouble.

(branch snaps)

Stay here.

(eerie music)

(monster growls)

- Well?

- Nothing.

(fire crackles)

(monster growls)

- Ilias, run, run!

(exciting music)

(monsters growl)

Over there, run!

(men groan)

(exciting music)

- Now where do we go?

- Nowhere, we're trapped.

(monsters growl)

(monster groans)

(monsters growl)

(monsters speak

foreign language)

(eerie music)

(snake hisses)

(eerie music)

- (gasps) Snake! Look!

(Mace chuckles)

- Ah, he's harmless if

he doesn't bite you.

Out you go, my little

friend, out you-


My friend, we're in luck.

He just showed us the way out.

(stone rumbles)

Let's go.

(man speaks foreign language)

(man groans)

(eerie music)

(man grunts in surprise)

- Come on, run, run! (shouts)

- In my country,

they punish you.

- They'd have to catch me first.

(cheerful music)

(Mace speaks foreign language)

(women and children exclaim)

Aza, food!

(cheerful music)

(woman speaks foreign language)

(romantic music)

- Who are these people?

- Just people. Aza!

- Is she your woman?

- She is every time I pass by.

You can have her

too if you like.

- Oh, it's all right.

- Take her sister, then.

(Mace speaks foreign language)

- Mace! Oh, Mace!

(speaks foreign language)

(cheerful music)

- Mm, good.

(cheerful music)

- Mmm.

(cheerful music)

(woman grunts)

(cheerful music)

- Uta.

(woman speaks foreign language)

(woman giggles)

(surreal music)

Ilias. (speaks foreign language)

(surreal music)

(woman giggles)

(woman speaks foreign language)

(weapon thuds)

(woman screams)

(woman whimpers)

(men scream)

(frightening music)

- Mace! Mace!

(weapon thuds)

(Mace groans)

(frightening music)

(Mace groans)

(eerie music)

- Ilias. Ilias, where are you?


(eerie music)

Ilias! Answer me!

(eerie music)

(birds screech)

(mystical music)

(monster speaks

foreign language)

(eerie music)

(monster speaks

foreign language)

(eerie music)

(bird screeches)

(eerie music)

(monster speaks

foreign language)

(Ilias groans)

(man speaks foreign language)

(man speaks foreign language)

- I take you to Ocron

alive. Ocron make you die.

- Ocron? Who's Ocron?

- Ocron rule the sun

and make night and day.

- That's not true. No

one can rule the sun.

(monster growls)

(mystical music)

(monster grunts)

(mystical music)

- Don't say a word.

(monster snores)

(monster growls)

(punch thuds)

(monster groans)

Get the bow!

(fire explodes)

(monsters exclaim)

(fire explodes)

(men exclaim)

(arrow thuds)

(man groans)

(men mutter in foreign language)

(exciting music)

(men shout)

(monster growls)

(punches thud)

(exciting music)

(monster groans)

(monster groans)

(Mace groans)

(monster roars)

(weapon thuds)

(exciting music)

(monster growls)

(Ocron sighs)

- Ocron does not

forgive those who fail.

(monster groans)

(eerie music)

(Ocron speaks foreign language)

(body thuds)

(eerie music)

Only great Zora can help me

stop the wanderer. Only Zora.

(Ocron moans)

No, no, go away, go away, go

back to your land, wanderer!

I won't let you

find me. Go away!

Don't come here. Go away.

Go away! No! (whimpers)

No, no! (whimpers)

No, go away!

(arrow zaps)

Zora, Zora, Zora, Zora.

Great king of darkness,

master of treachery,

light of all evil,

hear me, Great Zora.

Rise up from this creature's

spirit and take form.

Help me, oh great

slayer of souls.

Foul omens of death torment

me. Only you can save me.

Rise up, Zora, rise,

Zora, Zora, Zora!

(dog pants)


(eerie music)

- Why have you called me, Ocron?

- The darkest and most

dreadful creatures of the earth

are at your command, Zora.

Conjure them up from

the valley of evil

and order them to

stop the wanderer.

In return, I offer you

my body and my soul.

- Forever?

- Forever, Zora. Forever.

- Do you want him dead or alive?

- Kill him. Strike him down.

- I shall make him

suffer a thousand deaths.

- Mace, who were those men?

Who's their leader? Answer me.

(wind howls)

I want to know now.

Who is this Ocron, a man,

a woman, a creature, what?

(Mace grunts)

- Listen to me.

You just forget about her.

- How can I?

Innocent men, women and children

were slaughtered because of us.

- Everybody dies

sooner or later.

- Don't you want to get revenge?

- We already did.

- What about Ocron?

She's still alive.

- What about Ocron?

Hmmph, Ocron.

(wind howls)

I don't bother her.

She doesn't bother me.

That's why I'm

still here, alive.

- [Ilias] Where does she live?

- Ocron lives far from here.

Beyond the great mountains.

I'll leave you

there with your bow.

I've never been

beyond that point.

After that, you're on

your own, all right?

(wind howls)

I'll get some more wood.

(wind howls)

- Too many people have suffered.

Ocron has to be

punished for her crimes.

(Mace grunts)

- Ilias, give it up.

There's still time.

Ocron is too strong for you.

- No, I can't. I'd be a coward.

Let's go hunt for some food.

- [Mace] No one here

would ever fight Ocron,

only a stranger like you.

Your land must be a

very strange place.

- No, not at all.

Where I come from, all

men can live in peace

according to the law set

down by our ancestors.

You know, I'm sure

you'd like it there.

You don't always have

to search for food.

We make it grow close

to where we live.

- Really? You must be

proud of your people.

- I am. I can't wait to go back.

- You should go back.

Ocron is too powerful.

(bird screeches)

- No, wait.

- What's the matter?

(birds screech)

- Birds are flying

towards the water.

- What does it mean?

- It's not good.

(eerie music)

(monster chuckles)

- Get down.

(arrows zap)

(monster growls)

(arrows zap)

Go, go, c'mon, go!

(suspenseful music)

(arrow thuds)

(Ilias whimpers)


(somber music)

(Ilias whimpers)

(Ilias whimpers)

Easy, easy.

- I'm dying. I can feel it.

(somber music)

- It's a small wound. You'll

get better in no time.

- Don't lie to me, Mace. I

can feel the poison already.

- I won't let you die.

There's a small valley near here

where a magic plant grows,

a plant that's more

powerful than any poison.

- I don't have much

time left. Hurry.

(somber music)

- The water will carry

us faster than our feet.

We'll get there

before the sun sets.

(somber music)

(Ilias whimpers)

- It's too late. Look. (groans)

- It's swelling.

- Hurry, Mace, it's going

through my blood. (screams)

- Be strong, Ilias, be strong!

(somber music)

(bones crack)

(Ilias whimpers)

(eerie music)

I'll leave you here and

go to the valley alone.

It's faster.

(somber music)

I'll be back with the magic

leaves before the sun rises.

(eerie music)

(bone cracks)

(eerie music)

(wolves howl)

(bone crackles)

(Ilias groans)

(eerie music)

(water burbles)

(eerie music)

(blood trickles)

(Ilias groans)

(foreboding music)

(animal screeches)

(foreboding music)

(Ilias whimpers)

(foreboding music)

(monster growls)

(eerie music)

(zombies growl)

(frightening music)

(Mace groans)

(zombies growl)

(frightening music)

(zombies growl)

(wood thuds)

(zombie growls)

(eerie music)

(Mace grunts)

(zombies growl)

(eerie music)

(zombies growl)

(weapon thuds)

(zombie growls)

(eerie music)


- Mace, Mace, hurry.

- As you wish.

- Mace.

(weapon thuds)

(man groans)

(men grunt)

(weapons thud)

(eerie music)

(Zora groans)

(Mace gasps)

(Zora laughs evilly)

(eerie music)

- If you don't stop the

wanderer, Zora, I'm doomed.

- He won't go much

further. I promise.

- Don't fail me like the others.

Set loose all the dark and

evil creatures at your command.

Stop him quickly

and strike him dead.

Remember, much will be yours.

- It will be done, Ocron.

(somber music)

- Hurry up and leave while

you still can, Ilias.

- I'm not leaving. I'm

running away, let's be honest.

- You're a lucky

man to be alive.

- Come with me.

- No, Ilias.

- Life is easy.

We have long haired beasts that

help us work in the fields.

You'll like it

there, believe me.

- I can't leave this

part of the world.

- Why not? You're alone.

You have nobody here

waiting for you.

- I was born here.

Your land may be

better than mine, but

I would always feel

like a stranger.

- Here, take it. I won't be

needing it where I'm going.

- But it belonged

to your ancestors.

- You saved my life. I want to

give you something in return.

- No, this weapon is still

too dangerous for this land.


(somber music)

(zombie moans)

(zombie moans)

(zombie moans)

(zombie chirps)

(zombie chirps)

(eerie music)

(monsters scream)

(Mace groans)

(monsters shout)

(Mace groans)

(suspenseful music)

- Where is your friend?

- I have no friends.

- You lie. I will

make you tell me.

(zombie speaks foreign language)

- [Father] Sooner or later,

each of us must face evil.

Some men retreat

and take shelter.

Others hold their

ground and fight back

even at the cost of their lives.

You have already chosen

your path, my son.

The path of courage

and sacrifice.

(somber music)

- [Ilias Voiceover] No

matter what happens,

I shall not forget these words.

(somber music)

(bird screeches)

(somber music)

- I ask you one more time.

You answer or I make you die

in water. You have no choice.

You are a fool to

give your life.

Tell me where your friend

is and I'll let you go.

Where is he?

Answer me.

- Mace, I'm here, Mace!

(zombies growl)

I've come back. I'm not afraid!

(surreal music)

(bow hums)

(arrows zap)

(monsters screech)

(triumphant music)

(arrows zap)

(monsters screech)

(arrow hums)

(monster screeches)

(monster grunts)

(monster screeches)

(Mace screams)

(water splashes)

(monster screeches)

(arrow hums)

(monster groans)

(eerie music)

(water splashes)

(Mace groans)

(bow hums)

(arrow zaps)

(monster screeches)

(suspenseful music)

(Mace whimpers)

(water splashes)

(dolphin whistles repeatedly)

- Mace, Mace!

You're alive.

(Mace coughs)

I never thought I'd

see you again, Mace.

- Yeah.

- Why did you come back?

- I owed you a favor

and I've got something

to settle with Ocron.

(Mace groans)

Ocron lives beyond those

mountains, doesn't she?

- [Mace] Yes.

- Let's go then.

- No.

I think it's better if we

travel during the night.

We still have to cross

too much open ground.

We'll rest now.

(rock crumbles)

(Ilias whimpers)

(Ilias screams)

(eerie music)

(monsters growl)

(Ilias screams)

- Mace, Mace! (screams)

Mace, Mace!

(eerie music)

- Ilias, Ilias, Ilias.

(monsters screech)

(eerie music)

(monsters growl)

(monster screeches)

(suspenseful music)

(Mace grunts)

(creature screeches)

(Mace grunts repeatedly)

(creature screeches)

(eerie music)

(Mace grunts)

(bats screech)

(Mace whimpers)

(bats screech)

(Mace screams rhythmically)

(bat screeches)

(blood drips)

(eerie music)

- Ilias.

(eerie music)

(Zora laughs)

- Zora, the great slayer

of souls, light of all evil

has kept his word, Ocron.

The wanderer that once

tormented your visions

can no longer harm you.

I have dispelled the dark omen.

- So I see. Good, good.

You have worked well, Zora,

and soon you shall

reap your just reward.

But now while his

flesh is still warm,

I shall open his temple

of secrets and devour him.

(Ocron speaks foreign language)

(monster grunts)

He too will not escape his fate.

(eerie music)

(Ocron gasps)

No, no, Zora, you

haven't killed him.

You have slayed his

body but not his soul.

His spirit lives on and mock

me with eyes that do not see.

I am not redeemed yet.

The wanderer can still

fulfill the omen.

(somber music)

- [Ilias] Where I come from,

all men can live in peace

according to the law set

down by our ancestors.

(somber music)

Too many people have suffered.

Ocron has to be

punished for her crimes.

(somber music)

- [Mace] Ilias, give it up.

Ocron's too strong for you.

- [Ilias] No, I can't.

I'd be a coward.

(somber music)

Mace, I dwell in your spirit.

Take up my ashes

and anoint yourself.

The power that Kronos gave

to me through his magic bow

will now pass on to you.

(somber music)

- [Mace] Revenge. Revenge.

(people weep)

(eerie music)

(people speak foreign language)

(eerie music)

(Ocron speaks foreign language)

- Ocron, I've come

to avenge my friend

and to punish you for all

the suffering you've caused.

Today, the sun will

rise without you, Ocron.

(eerie music)

(people exclaim)

- Stop him, Zora.

(Zora groans)

Get him!

(suspenseful music)

(monsters growl)

Kill him!

(suspenseful music)

(monsters growl)

(bow hums)

(arrows zap)

(triumphant music)

(monsters groan)

(bow hums)

(arrows zap)

(monsters groan)

(people exclaim)

(body thuds)

Fools, you've all betrayed

me. A curse on your souls.

(dramatic music)

Zora, Zora, where are

you? Don't abandon me.

(triumphant music)

(bow hums)

(arrow zaps)

(Ocron growls)

(eerie music)

(bow hums)

(Ocron screams)

(eerie music)

(wolf howls)

(wolf howls)

(eerie music)