Conni & Co. (2016) - full transcript

A story about the lively and adventurous Connie and her best friend Paul, who has to decide between Connie and his cool new friends.

Hello pupils, parents,

teachers, and normal people!

Ready for the latest

from Neustadt and beyond?

Today, there's a lot at stake,

including cash. I mean, lots of it.


The new Chief Dog will be chosen,

and we're reporting live.

This is Mark from News Kids.

Everyone loves the Chief and his owner.

But Phil the dog, he's retiring,

and we can't wait to find out

who his replacement will be.

Will we hear the losers

and their dogs howl today?

Make some room!

Ten thousand dogs have applied

to be Chief.

These ten have made it to the finals.

We are about to find out

who will be the new Chief.

Nerves are stretched

to the breaking point.

And, in case you're wondering,

I've asked, and they really are all dogs.

This little guy here

seems to be incredibly calm.

For a Parson Russell, he's well-behaved.

Did you drug him?


He's just well-trained.

First, I'd like to say

thank you for your participation

in the audition.

It hasn't been an easy decision,

but we have a new Chief.

And it is...

Number nine.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Laurentius Belmonte IV.

The cap.

-Thank you.

-And the award.

-Thank you.


Why are you retiring as Chief?

Tired of the good life? Allergic to money?

No, Phil was fed up.

Are you thirsty too?

Too bad. It's empty, I'm afraid.

Oh, look. Yummy, yummy, yummy!

No, no, my boy!

We wouldn't want

our little Chief to get fat.


-Throw it to me!


Let's get out of here!

Headmaster Möller.

Sorry, I'm afraid that's our ball.

-That's kids for you!

-I know. That's why I don't have any.

Time to get out of this doghouse.

This dog owner is getting a villa!


I'm selling this old dump. Good evening, room service!

There you go, bon appétit!

Who are you?

And without a collar.

The usual.

Well, then, welcome to Schoeneweide Manor.

I'm Marianne,

and this T-shirt belongs

to my granddaughter Conni.

This better be an emergency!

Are zombies after you?

Could be.

Have a look in the mirror, Klawitter!

You'll be late

for your first day at the new school.

-Your grandma will pick us up soon.

-Darn it!

Darn, darn, darn it all!

-Darn, darn, darn!

-Good morning, sunshine.

Why didn't anyone wake me?

You yelled out twice that you were awake.

And you fell for that?

How long have we known each other?

Last chance to change our minds.

-A fish instead?


We're late. We'll do it after school.

Good morning, Klawitters!

What if my new teacher eats children?

If so, you can

take your sword to school tomorrow. -That may be too late.

-I'm in seventh grade!

-I'll be the lonely one with no phone.

-"The only."

I'll gladly tell your new classmates

what electromagnetic waves

do to my patients' brains.

I'd be less embarrassed

to go to school in underwear.

You have no toxic waste

under your bed either.

If you reach adulthood

without a brain tumor, you'll thank me.

I'll send a carrier pigeon, Dr. Mom.

-So much for "after school."

-How cute!

-Wow, where did he come from?

-How did he open the doors?

Is he for us?

-For keeps?

-If you're all right with that.

Someone left him

at Grandma's animal hospice.

He's staying here forever.

A tank?

-Cool ride!

-Yeah, don't you think?

-Here, put it on.


Who are you?

Good morning, sunshine.


-How's this for a senior citizen ride?

Where's your station wagon,

with the airbags?

Sold. An old timer needs a classic.

I might even get a tattoo.

Come on, climb aboard.

Did you think

she'd go easier in retirement?

She's 65. Does she have to go at all?

That's it.

-Here we go.

-Do you need help?

I got it.

You know Conni has a speech impediment.

She can't say "please,"

much less "please help."

And in you go. Here, take him.


-Have a good first day of school!


-Have fun!

Sweetie, it could be a pollen allergy. -Come by my practice after school.


You don't always get ice cream.

Only when your tonsils are removed.

But they're still gone.

Good morning, Lauren...

Laurentius? Laurentius!


Laurentius Belmonte!

Come back!



Well, seventh graders? Are you nervous?

-Not at all!

-Don't be silly!

The new school's much bigger.

More chance of meeting nice people.

More chance of meeting idiots too.

-Have fun!


Bye! And hop in there.

There he is,

the winner of the Big Chief Contest.

Our T. Rex Headmaster Möller.

-Good morning, Headmaster, sir.

-Yeah, yeah.

Congratulations on the contest...

How were your holidays?


Möller, yes?

Oh, hello.

No, the Chief never disturbs.


Screen test?

But you already filmed the dog.

Filming me! Without the dog?

Both of us together.

No, no, that's no problem.

On... Tuesday, yes. Already...

No, that's... And the contract?

Afterwards, yes. Great. Yes, goodbye.

Everyone said, "Don't buy stock.

They can lose value."

My investment can't lose value.

My investment has four paws.

And runs away!

Get your junk pile off

the teachers' parking space,

or did you get a degree over the holidays?

So how do you like it here?

It seemed different at open house. Nicer.

That was advertisement,

which is always a lie.


-You're a smartass!


Damned... Darned...


I have made a mental note of your faces.

Remember that.

In here.

Yes, Headmaster.

You are so dead, Conni!

-Good morning, companions!

-Morning, Mojo.

-Mark, what's up?

-Yasin, everything cool?

I know you. From soccer.

South Neustadt FC against FC Neustadt.

-You lost 3-0.

-That's right.

-Did you change schools?

-Looks like it.

I'm Mark. That's Mojo and Yasin.

Total tech whiz.

He can build anything.

Rockets, robots, pacemakers.

And that's Tim. Did you move?

No, our old school was shut down.

Have a seat.

Is it okay if I sit by the window?

You want to sit next to her?

Is she your girlfriend or what?

We're best friends.

Your best friend

is a girl?

How gay is that?

If you're gay, you're not into girls.

Maybe he is a girl.

Do you play Barbie together?





Poor Conni. Your lover doesn't want you anymore?

No more Paul and Conni.

Mark, you have to include this

in News Kids.

-"Ponni" broke up.

-Oh, God, how sad.

This table is taken. Get lost.

Is this seat free?

No... Sorry.

The seat next to me is free.

My name's Sybilla, but just call me Billi.

I don't like "Sybilla."


But everyone just calls me Conni.

I hate "Cornelia."

Have you seen our new teacher yet?

Mrs. Lindmann is said to be really strict.

I always have top marks.

I skipped a grade.

But it'll all be harder now.

My parents own a restaurant.

Do you have pets? My favorite color

is yellow. What's yours?

We're seventh graders now. Cool, isn't it?

-Good morning.

-Good morning!

Mrs. Vogel is on maternity leave.

I'm Mrs. Lindmann, your new teacher.

I teach math, biology, and German.

You must be proud to have made it

to the seventh grade.

But do not rest on your laurels

because everything

will be much harder now.

By year's end, some of you will realize

you may not be cut out

for upper secondary school.

There is a placement test

for me to assess you.

Take one and pass it on, please.


-You have 45 minutes.

A male Parson Russell terrier. Purebred.

With pedigree papers. Cost me a fortune.


-Be happy it's gone.

You're more of a cat type. I can see that.

I have an almost real Persian cat for you.

No, thanks.

Or a hamster.

Your cheeks give you away.

You're a rodent guy.

I even have one

that looks like your terrier.


You can give him another name, of course.

Parson, Russell, or Terry.

The dog was an investment.

I'll be repaid 20-fold

-if the beast's back by Monday.

-You're a breeder?

-Ever thought about ferrets?


People think 30 euros apiece,

but it's quantity.

They multiply like rabbits.

On that note, how about dwarf rabbits?

I just want my dog back. Got it?

Of course.

A loss is always a very sad thing.

How about a finder's reward?

How often should I pay for the mutt?

Can't you just put up this flyer?

I really only do that for customers.

All right, then I'll buy something.

I'll take a package of Happy Bones.

Good choice.


If need be, you can eat them yourself,

or you could give them to your hamster.

-Yes, that's enough.


Hang it up, okay?




You know, I have a bird...

I actually would've liked

to sit next to Conni.

All right, fresh meat,

you want to belong to us?

Then prove your worth!

-We've got something for you.

-Something really hardcore.



It's so cute. It's red...

It can't be as bad

as the look on your face.

Come on, drink your coffee.

It's far worse than I imagined.

It doesn't take a financial genius, Mom.

Spend more than you make,

and you get debt.

-And the money from the house sale?

-You bought the farm with it.

The repairs alone cost a fortune.

The animals are

eating you out of house and home.

Your pension pays

for animal feed and vet bills.

Yes, and now what?

The only chance I see to save your neck

is for you to sell the farm.

-And the animals?

-You hardly have money to feed them.

The quicker you get rid of them,

the better.

They're here because people wanted

to get rid of them!

This farm is their last hope.

Getting rid of the farm is your last hope.

I have to go back to the office.

Think about it, please. And soon, okay?



Hi, Conni.

Is everything okay?

He's not chewing it up.

He's just licking it.

I think he likes shoes.

Are we sure it's a male?

If I get an operation,

will I get lactosis?

No, dear. And it's called narcosis.


ALLERGY TEST SHEET It's about Jakob.

Remember the fish you caught on holiday?

The screaming,

Conni calling you a murderer,

and how you had to bury the fish?

Today, it will be worse.

Yes, it will be a two-parent talk.

We'll pick you up. Bye.

But you have a new girlfriend. Not bad for the first day.

My teacher is a mean math freak.

Janette the Witch hates me.

I bombed the test.

And I lost my best friend.

You and Paul will make up.

I don't want to make up. He's dead to me.

It's dumb to say such a thing.

And you're not dumb, so don't say that.

Yes, Paul acted like an idiot.

And he'll be sorry.

But it won't end your friendship.

You know, when you're 12,

you think friends grow on trees.

But most of those apples are rotten.

You might find a handful

of good friends in your lifetime.

And the best ones are those

who know you at your core.

Was there nothing nice about today?

During break, maybe?

You didn't play any game,

like Heaven and Hell?

Only hell.

There you are.

Why the dour looks? Did someone die?

Oh, God, who died?

Well, it's like this--

Are you getting a divorce?

What? No, of course not.

Remember Jakob sneezing this morning?

Little snotnose.

Jakob has a problem with dog hair.

Then he shouldn't eat it.

It's not that easy.

He can't inhale dog hair

or come in contact with it.

He's allergic.

No! No way!

He's my best friend!

He belongs to the family!

-Jakob should move out!


This is your fault!

Why did you even bring him?

You're a doctor.

You should know about our allergies!

-I'll never forgive you.

-Me neither!

Can't you do anything against the allergy?

I've given him drops today.

But they have side effects.

Mostly fatigue.

Darling, you have to take ten more drops.

Strange. As if he recognizes these drops.

I'm sorry.

I can't take the little guy either.

The farm is already too much for me.

I don't even know how to pay

for the feed for the animals.

Should I give them the fish now?

You don't have to be afraid.

We'll find you the best home in the world.

And I'll always come visit.

I promise. Jakob, no!

Are you crazy?

If he doesn't have any hair,

he can stay with us.

He'll be so embarrassed

to be naked in front of other dogs.

Come on, Grandma is here.

What are you doing with the dog?

Do you want to give it a name?

-Will it come when we call?

-The dog didn't.

-Because he didn't have a name yet.

-How about Goldie?

How about

"Pointless Attempt to Comfort Us"?

-That's a bit long.

-The medicine is making me tired.

Do you want to feed him?

We should look to the future

and call him Fatso.

Record heat.

The hottest day of the hottest summer

in 20 years. It's 33 degrees and rising.

Elderly people, small children,

and animals

should stay in a cool place today.

Since it's so hot,

we'll play some cool music.

Good morning, Klawitters.

Where's Jakob?

He's in his room, crying.

It sure is hot today! At this early hour.

Aren't you going

to ring Paul's door today?

He's already left.

I do not understand!

The farm's here. So am I.

There's no flight risk, is there?

That's why your bank gives loans--

You have to understand.

You have a loan you can't pay off.

If you miss the next payment,

the farm will go to auction.

-Do you understand that?

-Yes, you'll take it all.

My advice is to act first

and sell it yourself.

This is not the final word!

My son always gets financing

for his projects, and he--

Now it's time for German.

It's so hot, you can drink something.

Who wants to present their favorite book?


The best scene

is when Aragorn is standing

before the Army of Mordor.

The Orcs outnumber them. And he shouts,

"For Frodo!"

and storms the enemy lines. Got it?

He knows he can't win,

but he fights to help his friend.

That's why The Lord of the Rings

is my favorite book.

Though you didn't read it.

-You weren't supposed to watch the DVD.


3,770 square feet, yes.

Garden and pool.

No immediate neighbors?

No children, that is?

No, I'm afraid I still can't.

Who else will present their book? Anna?

Well... What I like to read most is...


At least she knows how to read, birdbrain!

Superhero Conni to the rescue! Thank God!

Who elected you as official school bitch?

-Enough, you two!

-What's your problem?

Me? I have to always pick on weaker kids,

so I can feel better about myself!

Wait. That's your problem!

This has gone far enough!

Janette and Cornelia,

this is not a boxing ring!

What's going on here?

Klawitter and Hegenberg, in my office now.

That was an assassination attempt.

That's enough now.

I think it was the heat, Headmaster.

I'm very sorry

that we squirted you with orange juice.


We should Google it.

It could be a flaw in the packaging,

don't you think?

A packaging flaw?


You two are close friends, aren't you?

Yeah. Then I will do you a big favor

and allow you to give a report together.

You have one week.

Back to your classroom. Now move it.

How many animals do you have on your farm?

Thirty, counting the rats.

Well, make that 31.

I really need a new home

for this little guy.

Doesn't he look just like this?

As a matter of fact, he does.

What a stroke of luck.

Lessing Secondary School,

Headmaster Möller.

You have my what? Where?

Animal hospice?

I'll be there in 20 minutes.

Welcome to Schoeneweide Manor.


-You recognize this little runaway?

-Where did you find Laurentius Belmonte?

-My laundry basket.

This is an animal hospice.

I take unwanted animals.

-Great. Laurentius, let's go.

-Well, the bank doesn't think so.

It looks like the farm

will have to be auctioned.

-How very sad.


Come on. Well, thanks for the dog.

Everyone told me

I would need to provide a reward,

but thank God

there are still honest people. Goodbye.



Yes, I wanted to confirm

the appointment in two days.

Yes. Chief office, 2:00 p.m.

Yes, you bet we're ready.

Yup, thank you.

And are we ever ready! Piece of cake.

Is it ever hot today. Unbearable!

I can make the appointment

on Tuesday after all.

To view the 3,770 square-feet villa.

Yes, the one with the lawn chair.

Great. That's very nice of you. We need it. Is it ever hot!

I got a D on my math test. Darn it!

If you want to steal a car,

don't steal one from a teacher.

Some idiot locked his dog in the car.

In this heat!

It must be parents.

I'm sure they'll be right back.

I don't believe it.

That's my dog!

Dogs can't sweat. That's why they pant.

-I'll tell the secretary.

-That'd be great.


There's a dog in a car

out on the parking lot.

As long as it's not driving the car.

Damn, how do I make a PDF?

It's 86 degrees. The windows are up.

It's animal abuse.

Here's the license plate number.

Please do something.

Here. This is how you make a PDF.

I don't get how your dog got in there.

Right now, it's more important

that we get him out.

I think he's doing worse.

No idea if the secretary will do anything.

Should we call the police?

Crap! We don't have time for that.

We can't wait till someone does something.

Wrap it in this. I saw it done on TV.

Conni, you'll be kicked out of school!

If you want to leave, go now.

I won't be mad.

What's she doing there?

Cornelia Klawitter, don't you dare! Stop!

-Hurry. Open up.


Was that dog in the car in this heat?

He's totally hot, and his nose is all dry.

-He was in there way too long.

-For hours.

He could have died.

He needs shade. Hurry!

-Pour water over him!

-Water, quick!

-Hold it.

-I hope he doesn't die.

It doesn't look good.

Please, please.

Wow, a trashed car! What happened?

-Conni saved him.

-What's his name?

-He doesn't have one yet.

-What about Frodo?

-Oh man, Mojo!

-I like Frodo.

-That's the Chief. He belongs to--


Nobody moves.

The T. Rex. Oh, crap.

What happened here?

Who broke into my car? Who was it?

It was me.

And not a second too soon.

The dog could've died.

-The dog was still in the car?


Let's have a talk in my office,

Cornelia Klawitter.

Am I kicked out of school?

You're not kicked out of school,

and you won't get a misconduct.

Apologize to the Headmaster,

and all is forgotten.

-Go on. Say you're sorry.

-No, what for?

Oh, man!

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I waited

until the dog was nearly dead,

and I'm sorry

I didn't break the window earlier.



My name is Conni.


-One-day suspension

and a math test as punishment.

-Well done, Conni.


-Right on.

-Not bad.

Now just calm down.

She's a 12-year-old child.

Yes, she's 12. Twelve!

Our daughter is 12 and flipping out.

And you don't understand me?

First she gets a D.

Then she turns into Conni the Barbarian

and trashes her Headmaster's car.

I'm so proud of her.

-And you can be.

-But I'm not!

-Mom and Dad don't usually fight.

-I know.

Genghis Khan had reasons.

She saved a dog's life.

She didn't lead the Mongols to battle.

Why didn't she get help?

A teacher, the Headmaster, the police?

Why didn't she call us?

She's old enough to know

that you can't go it alone.

How is she supposed to work

with other people?

-What do we tell the Headmaster?

-That animal-hating jerk?


At least we know where she gets it.

-I'll take that as a compliment.

-It wasn't one.

You're more and more like my mom!

I thought we were fighting,

but you're just complimenting me.

-Will they get a divorce now?

-From me, perhaps.

Are you crazy? It's 5:30 a.m.!

-I need your help.

-Ask your friends.

That's why I need help.

It's a matter of life and death.

So your new best friends want to kill you?

I don't know. It's a dare.

I'm to jump the fence

at the old train depot. Wow, soon to be a major film.

-Who'll play you?

-Tim says a monster lives there.

He'd rather change schools than do it.

-Then don't do it.


You don't understand. You're a girl.

-No wonder men don't grow old.

-Will you help me?

Then we'll be friends again?


-So you'll sit next to me?

It's 1:00 p.m.

Have you been on the couch

since this morning?

-It's no day off. You're suspended.

-I helped Gran this morning.

And this afternoon, I'll do my test.

Are you very mad at me?


My boss is an idiot, a real fool.

But I can't sock him

because I feel like it.

You can't just trash

your Headmaster's car!


-A car is no toy.

That's not why I did it.

-The dog would've--

-I have to go back to work.

But I don't think it was a heroic act.

X... X...

I have no idea.

Three-fourths? I'll never get it.

...even go to your own funeral.

Do we have to do this?

Can't we just play video games?

Want to be one of us or not?

You can always play Barbie with the girls.

Come on, you can do it.

Jump the fence, grab the star

off the Mercedes at the end of the tracks.

Then you come back. Got it?

So why are you all

nearly crapping your pants?

-Paul, Satan.

-Dogs that bark don't bite.

Dogs that bark don't bite.

Tim has a dog phonia.



The wolf that one hears

is worse than the Orc that one fears.


What? The Lord of the Rings

fits every situation.

No, sorry.

Yasin, what's this?

I made it for Mark.

A head cam that feeds to a mobile

so we see what you see.

-Cool, dude!

-So you can post it on YouTube.

"Boy eaten by hell hound." Great. Nonsense. You can do it.

What's it going to be? Man or mouse?

Don't get anything bitten off!


Paul, say hi to Satan!

Faster, Paul. He's catching up!

That is one big dog!

-Dogs that bark don't bite.


Where's the damn dog? Behind him?

Run faster! Faster!

Damn it! What should we do now!

-We have to help him.

-Are you mad? It'll eat us too!

Faithless is he that says farewell

when the road darkens.

Shut up!

That's it, Satan. Good dog.

You said you didn't want to help me.

You didn't deserve it,

but you wouldn't survive a day without me.

So much for "man or mouse."

-I would've managed alone too.

-Is that how you thank me, idiot?

Just be happy you didn't eat him.

Idiots don't taste good.

-We have to call the police.

-Then we're done for.

Inciting suicide or something.

We didn't do anything!

The damn mutt killed him.

Hey, guys.

-Are you okay?


Follow what may, great deeds

are not lessened in worth.

Shut up!

-What about Satan?

-He won't be scaring anyone anymore.

We welcome you, companion.



Look out!

Nothing like a pool on a hot day.

The kids are sure having fun.

Action around the house keeps you young.

How long will that take?

You've been at that alarm system

for hours.

You just have to enter the code,

push the pound key, and it's done. Works for the front and back door.

No one will get in.

Or out.

What happened?

I gave him some pizza,

and now he's not waking up.

Kobie, the fish is dead.

Maybe he's just pretending.

Poor guy.

We can build him a little coffin

in the shed.

Okay, cool.

-That was my finger again!


Hello? Yes, the fish I bought yesterday.

It doesn't sleep belly up, does it?

I didn't think so.

Do you have an identical one by chance?

I know you're already closed,

but this is an emergency!

Five minutes.

A zombie fish!

He was dead, Dad. I swear!

I got a new one.


So... So... So you're not sad.

The fish was meant to console you

because the dog had to go.

-But the fish is dead.

-You weren't to know.

And if Grandma dies?

Will you get us a new one?

Stop exaggerating.

You know there's a difference.

Yeah, people have rights,

but animals don't have any!

But an animal is no toy.

Get that into your head, Dad!

Where's Goldie?

Calm down. Tomorrow is the screen test.

Then we get the contract,

do some adverts, and that's it.

No jumping through burning tires.

Have a nice day.


-Hi, Billi.

-Hi, how are you?

I can't wait to do my report

with my best friend Janette tomorrow.

I have to show you something

you'll like less.

Did you know there's a news blog

on our school website?

Mark is the reporter.

This is a story from last week.

We are about to find out

who will be the new Chief.

Nerves are stretched

to the breaking point.

The owners' nerves, not the dogs'.

There he is,

the winner of the Big Chief Contest.


He's the new Chief Dog?

Our T. Rex Headmaster Möller.

But why is he lying there

as if he's in a coma?

This was in T. Rex's bag.

If you zoom in on it...

That's allergy medicine.

My brother had to take it

for his dog allergy.

My mom says it makes you tired.

I Googled it.

It has even more side effects.

Why is T. Rex giving it to him?

Parson Russells never keep still.

And now Frodo is the new Chief

and is supposed to do advertising.

He's got to sit still all the time.

We have to save him. Now!

-We need help.

-From everybody.

I'll call the alarm.

Meeting at Tim's boathouse?


If we manage to steal Frodo,

we must hide him

until they stop looking.

They'll check my house first.

I have five siblings.

We don't even have room for lice.

And we live in a tiny apartment

above the restaurant.

-My mom.

-My dad. No.

My dog phobia?

-What about Yasin?

-He's grounded.

He blew up his little sister's

Barbie house with a chemistry set.

Crap. No hiding place, no rescue.

Okay, I'll do it.

Frodo can stay here at the boathouse.

He's a small dog.

It's not like he's going to devour me.

-Now we just have to free Frodo.

-I found something.

The Headmaster's house is online.

It's for sale.

Are you going to buy the house

and hope he forgets the dog in it?

There are photos of it online.

And a floor plan.

Ground floor, living room, kitchen.

Stairs to the bedroom, bath, and office.

But how will we get inside?

There's a projecting roof.

I could climb up.

Why you?

I'm a reporter.

We're always deployed in a crisis.

He has an alarm system

with a motion detector.

The secretary hired the company.

You can't climb through the window.

-Well, I guess that was it, then.

-I know the code.


Holy crap! How did you manage that?

Can you read people's minds?

It was pretty hard.

You are heaven sent, thank you!

Upgrading your PC is easy.

Just don't save your passwords

in a file named "Passwords and Codes."

Not mine, the Headmaster's.

The Headmaster's?

He may change the code.

So we have to rescue Frodo today.

And hope a window's open.

But even if it works,

how can we get to the alarm system?

We can't go inside before it's off,

and we can't turn it off from outside.

Nobody can fly?

Darn it to hell!

What? Won't it work?

It will, but only if I do something

that's really, really hard.

Commit a crime?


What do you want?

You want to call me a mouse again?

I need your help.


You can say it after all.

You can actually ask for help.

Only in an emergency.

We're freeing Frodo, at midnight.

Will you come?

Are you crazy?

You'll get kicked out of school

and go to jail!

-Where's Paul?

-He'll come.

-When? Without him, the whole plan--

-He'll come.

Who are we waiting for?

You wouldn't survive a day without me.

What's the plan?

We'll tell you in a sec. Let's go!

The upstairs window's open!

Fly in and trigger the alarm

on the motion detector.

Give me the copter.

Great plan. Then I'll be arrested.

Nonsense. You land

the quadcopter at a concealed spot.

We'll wait

until T. Rex is sure it's a false alarm.

He'll reset it and go back to bed.

You switch off the alarm

with the copter, and we can go in.

How's it supposed to fly

through a dark house?

-The thing doesn't have eyes.

-Yasin, are you done?

Okay, the camera

has a basic night vision function.

I got it from some old army binoculars.

I'll send the images to Mark's phone.

There isn't much time to use

the special finger,

but I hope it hits the keypad.

-If the time is correct.

-It is.

-It's my dad's atomic clock.

-How cool!

Okay, we know the distances in feet

and the speed of the quadcopter

in seconds.

With our calculations, Paul can fly blind

if Yasin's camera isn't enough.

-And I have the plan of the house.


-Now it's up to you, Paul.

-You're all nuts.

We're all going to jail.

Perfect! He didn't see the copter!

Phase one completed.

Good evening, gentlemen. Come in.

I didn't find anything.

Probably a false alarm.

It's been 20 minutes since the cops left

and the lights went out.

He shut the curtain,

but luckily the window's still open.

I'd say T. Rex is sleeping soundly.

Phase two, cracking the alarm system.

-Paul, start the quadcopter.


This'll never work.

I didn't even practice. What's that?

A chain. And behind it

is something that looks like bars.

Something is moving behind it.

Do you guys see it?

Crap! It's Frodo! He's locked him up

in a cage and chained it to his bed.

That is so sick.

We know where he is.

We just have to turn off the alarm.

How? It's much too narrow in there!

And I can't see a thing.

I see you. I can guide you!

Do exactly what we say. Take off now!

-Right, through the door.

-In four seconds.


Down the stairs.

-Ten seconds, and you're downstairs.


And... Now!

Go straight ahead. Then stop.

-I can see the alarm system.

-The code starts with a nine.

-Bull's eye!

-Now, one.

Now, it's just five, then the pound key.

Crap! Five is right in the middle,

and my hands are wet.

Five and pound key.

We did it!

Was that it? Do we know it's turned off?

We'll test it.

Get your drone out. I'm going inside.


-I'm doing it.


You really want to climb up there alone?

-You're just a girl.


I can do whatever you can do.

And besides, Frodo is my dog.

And... I'm equipped

for emergencies!

I can transport Frodo

and keep him from barking.

You didn't think that far ahead, did you?

After all, you're not a girl.

Ready for phase three.

-What happens in phase three?

-Hopefully, a miracle.

-She's inside!



-What's Conni doing?

-I think she's looking for something.

Great! She turns on her light

in T. Rex's bedroom!

We have him. We have Frodo!



Phase three completed.

Ready for phase four?

Dogs that don't bark don't always bite.

Dogs that don't bark don't always bite.

Dogs that don't bark don't always bite.

Dogs that don't bark don't always bite.




Okay, here she comes.

Good evening, Grandma.

Good evening...

It's the middle of the night.

And you look

like the burglars' union on an outing.

-Can we spend the night? You know--


I know nothing,

and I'd like to keep it that way.

Are the police after you?

Are your parents worried?

No, we lost the cops

and lied to our parents.

No problem then. Come in.

"Dear Grandma,

you're the best person in the world.

Thanks. I love you. Yours truly, Conni."

"So cool that we didn't

have to sleep in the mud.

You're so wickedly awesome.

Best regards, Yasin.

PS. I'm supposed to tell you

we ate the cake in the fridge,

and nobody has any money

to pay for it. Sorry."



Cornelia Klawitter!

Klawitter! Where is he?

Headmaster, sir, what on Earth?

I know you're behind this.

Where is my dog?

Perhaps in your car?

Conni, this is serious. Theft is a crime.

You are risking more than you can imagine.

This time, you'll be kicked out of school,

and I'll see to it that no other

respectable school takes you.

You cannot threaten a 12-year-old girl.

Or give me drugs to keep me calm.



They want to see you.

I know

your little girlfriend stole my dog.

If you want to stay in this school,

you better talk.

Where is he? Who has him?

I'm afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs.

I am afraid of dogs.

Yeah, yeah. Next.

Oh really? You have a dog?

Yes! Dog!

I... I...


This would never happen with a hamster.

Hamsters are such chill animals.

Are you asking me because we're African?

Do you think we ate your dog?

Totally racist!

Maybe he ran away.

My aunt once had a dog, and he ran away,

and we looked everywhere.

In my uncle's garden,

but he wasn't there either.

In the shed, but he had run away.

Then some people saw him

in the woods, but he ran away again.

And to this day he's never come back.

I can tell you right now

that I know nothing.

Conni hates me.

She'd never tell me anything.

I can confirm that.

We've heard from all the kids.

Now I can continue with my class.

Just a moment, Janette.

This is a letter to your mother.

A D in biology.

As I see it, this is the famous straw

that breaks the camel's back.

You know where she'll send you.

-St. Brunhilde Girls Boarding School.


I don't have to send off the letter.

We could come to an agreement.

-You improve your mark by mid-year.

-That would be great.

Wonderful. Well, then?

Where is my dog?

-I really don't know.

-Then find out!

You have until tonight.

The mutt has to be on camera

tomorrow morning. Got it?


-We have to find the dog.

-Hi. Shall we do the report?


The report we have to do as punishment.

I really need an A.

-Is your room upstairs?

-Looking for anything in particular?

Do you have anything to eat?

Hello? Anyone here?

Tim? Hello?

Are you there?

Crap! What's she doing here? Damn it!

Hello? Where are you?

She's not looking for me.

We'd better get out of here.

Hop in. Come on. Please, hurry up.


Come on, we don't have much time. Quick! -Hello?

-Come on, hop in. Please!

It'll make everything easier.

Damn it, just hop in there! Please!


Where are you?


Won't you get in trouble

if you eat ice cream before dinner?

Only with my stomach.

The Headmaster could've gone to jail

for what he did to that dog.

Would've served him right.

When you smashed in the car window,

weren't you...

Weren't you afraid of what could happen?

Like getting kicked out of school,

not being able to study,

your parents killing you?

Yes, I was.

And my dad is still really mad at me.

But it would be worse

if I was mad at myself.

If I knew what was right but didn't do it.

That's worse

than your parents being mad at you?

You clearly don't have my parents.

Conni Klawitter.

What? Oh, damn! No!

Don't bring him here. Think of something! Schoeneweide Manor, the animal hospice?

How about that as our report topic?

It belongs to my grandma.

I should've thought of that.

I'll call her right away.

Headmaster, sir? I know where your dog is.

Yes. But you can't send

the letter to Janette's parents.


-Saskia knows about Frodo.

-You have to take him.


Yes, Grandma.

That's right. It's for a report.

About you and the animal hospice.

We'd like to come right away.

You're safe here, Frodo.

I'll call you right back, Grandma.

Bloody hell!

All right, Paul, you're in for it now.


-The Headmaster is on his way.

He's downstairs.

-Darn it.

-Crap! Frodo has to get over to me.


-No idea, but hurry up!

Come on, Paul. Think of something.

-About time!

-Headmaster Möller!

I want to see Paul.

Your son has stolen my dog.

He would never...

Stop. What are you doing?

Frodo, thank God!


Conni? What's taking so...


We freed Frodo.

The Headmaster keeps him

on drugs in a cage.

It's really not easy for me

to ask my friends for help.

We're not even friends,

but I need your help, Janette.

Please. I'm taking Frodo

to the animal hospice, okay?

Frodo, stop!

Frodo, wait!

Where are you?

But Headmaster, sir! Would you wait?


-Will you hush!

Hey, Janette! Where's my dog?

Your friend Saskia said

he's inside there, but he isn't!

Conni has him.

-She lives there?

-Yup, she hid the dog there.

I couldn't find him. He's so small.

That was a trick, right?

-Is Conni going to the hospice?

-Yup. Now she has a head start.

Pretty cool.

I'll have it embroidered on my uniform

when they send me to St Brunhilde's.

Can you alert the others

before he figures it out?


You must think I'm stupid.

Am I some kind of fool?

Klawitter, huh?

I knew I've seen that name.

Animal hospice!

I should've figured that out.

That little punk will be sorry.

I'll take her down a notch!

Klawitter, you little brat, where are you?

Frodo! Frodo! Frodo!


Bad idea. It's all wet.

Klawitter! Where is my dog?


-Who should I contact?

-Everyone you can reach.

Okay, Facebook update,

Twitter news, school bulletin.

Text all mobiles.

Phone chain to all Neustadt LAN numbers.

Each year in Germany, 15 million pigs

and three million cows are slaughtered,

for the most part,

under heinous conditions.

Cows are stunned

with a bolt gun fired at the head.

Conni? In danger?

Not that dog again!

-God, Conni!

-Can I take my sword?

What? Okay, I'm coming.

Alert, Conni and Frodo in danger.

Reinforcements needed.

Animal hospice, 2 Mohnfeld Street.

-In danger?

-At the animal hospice?

For Frodo!

Klawitter, damn it!

Stop right there, you thief!


I'm so fed up!

That was my house, and that's my dog!

Stop where you are, damn it!

Stop, I said!

Stop, you little brat! Stop where you are!

Still up to it!

-Give me the dog!

-Why are you doing this?

You know

Frodo isn't a good advertising dog,

-or you wouldn't drug him!

-The dog cost a fortune.

He won the casting. Now he's the Chief.

And he's going to buy me a villa.

I want my peace and quiet!

Do you understand, you brat?

Stop! Stop, Laurentius!

Stop, I said! Laurentius, stop!

This will have consequences,

Cornelia Klawitter.

Very nasty consequences!

-Turn that off!

-The dog stays here!


-This barn belongs to Schoeneweide.

It's private property.

-You're trespassing.

-You'd better leave. Alone.

Go play fireflies somewhere else!

-We're not playing!

-And we mean it!

The dog stays here. With us!

You little brats, you don't really think--

For Frodo!

Get away from me! Get out of here!

For Frodo!

For Frodo!

I want my villa! I want my peace!

No more children!

Easy. Easy now.

Everything's going to be fine.

That's Chief. He has to do a screen test.

My investment. My money.

-Of course. But now let's go.

-The screen test's tomorrow!

-Let's go inside first.

-My investment!

-How could we have been so wrong?

-Your daughter is remarkable.

She gets that from her mother.

And her grandma.

I didn't have a choice, Dad.

Someone had to save Frodo.

You're right.

We have to stand up

for those who don't have rights.

Now I get it.

Hello, Mr. Chief.

-We need your help.


My name's Conni. I go

to Lessing Secondary School in Neustadt.

And these are my friends

at Schoeneweide Manor,

an orphanage and nursing home for animals.

There are eight million cats,

five million dogs,

and three million rodents

living as pets in Germany.

There are thousands of animal homes,

but not enough for all the animals

that are abused, tormented,

or just unwanted.

The law says that animals are objects,

but the law says nothing about

the really important things in life.

Like sticking up for your friends

or defending the rights of the weak.

That, you have to find out on your own.

Animals are people's best friends,

and it would be nice

if people would be

animals' best friends too.


And that's why for each package

of Chief Dog Cookies sold,

10% of the profit will go

to the Schoeneweide Manor Animal Hospice.

Chief. Only the best for our best friends.

Happy Bones. What are you doing

for your best friend?

And? How did you like the film?

Yes, well... Does this mean that...

It means Schoeneweide Manor

now has a sponsor.

The farm won't go to auction?

It's no longer necessary.

This is a new source of income.

Yes! Thank you.


Thanks, Dad. You're the greatest.

Did someone mention cake?


Where did all our shoes go?


-And jump!

-And jump!

Children? Here? Why?

Why are there children here?

Yes, it's the fourth grade

from the local school.

They come to our clinic

twice a week to read to us.

Isn't that nice?

Otherwise, our patients would get lonely.
