Connected (2008) - full transcript

A man receives a distressing phone call from a woman who has been kidnapped.

Wake up Grace!

Our super engineer

Boss, the deadline is noon today!

Where are your drawings?

Sleep is a luxury you can't afford!

It's all your fault!

Those little fingers in your robot...

are impossible to power...

they're too small to fit the wires.

But you're the miracle worker! You're Grace!

You'll find the solution! See you at noon?

See you. bye!

You taught me well.

Courage is the best solution

All problems can be solved

How can a man whistle and brush

his teeth at the same time?

He's brushing his dentures!


Which is the smallest island in the world?

A safety island on a busy road!

You're good

Mom. how about this one?

Why do birds fly south in the winter?

They don't like the cold?


Why do birds fly south? Because...

they can't drive?

You're so silly!

Why do birds fly south? I know

the flights are fully booked.

Wrong! All the other parents

get it right away!

You must too!

But there're two of them...

and I'm all alone!

I'll give you double the time then, bye!


Don't forget to pick me later.

I won't!



Bye Bye

Hello! Ada, I've got it!

What do you have in mind?

If we use a photo sensor

then reaction speed will be fast.

We won't need so many wires...

problem solved?

Wow! What inspired you?

Took a beautiful photo of Tinker just now...

The way the sun lit up her smile

Good! Gotta go! We'll talk later! Bye!

Sure! See you later!

Bye Bye

Ma'am! Help me!

I know nothing...

Ma'am! Help me!

I know nothing. Ma'am. please help me!


Please help...

Please don't kill me! Please...

Don't kill me! Ma'am

Help! Help!


You wanted to drive your son to the airport

Don't promise if you can't.

We can go ourselves

Yes, I know

Sis. I'm at work.

Don't you think I want to be there...

I was really busy just now...

Bob. you've got to take responsibility.

Yourwife's gone. When will you grow up?

We're off to Australia, and you may

not see your son for a long time.

Sis. I was really working!

Please tell Kit to come to the phone

OK,! But you've go to the airport

and say goodbye properly

I'll check-in first, but I won'twait long.

Kit, it's your dad.



Daddy is on the way to the airport

You go with Auntie Jeanie first.

I'll see you there

You're lying again!

You never keep your promises

You said mommy won't leave she left anyway!

Daddy swears I'll be there!

Trust me once more, please?

Take your time, so daddy can

catch up with you?

Let me speak to your aunt

Remember. A promise is a promise!

Yes! I know! I'll be there! Thanks! Bye!

There's nothing left!

Broke again?!

I've given you everything!

There's nothing left!

If I find're dead!

Stop! He's gone!

He doesn't live here any more

What are you staring at?

What are you doing? I'll kill you!

Stop! Leave me son alone!

He ran away, go find him!

Bitch, listen to me. I'm not leaving

until I get what your husband owes.

Nowthat he's gone. you'll have to pay up!

You knowthe rules


Let's go! Mommy

Just give me something?

Anything of value left?

I can't go back empty-handed

How did it go? Did you collect?

No. She is dead broke

Where are my keys?

I've got to get to the airport


Give me some cash?

I'll need to leave town right now.

What happened?

long story. This guy is after me

I bought a gun for protection.


Just my luck. no battery.

Hey. the gun is in your

Thank you for calling. Our customer hotline

is busy right now. please call again later.

Sir, you're such an experienced

detective, any ideas?

The whiff that cures all pain:

the smell of heaven!


This is definitely drug related.


The car was set on

fire at 3 a.m. last night!

West winds last night.

that's why the trunk is completely burnt.

You believe me?


Sucker! I'm just bluffing

Hey. what do you think you're doing!

Look! It's Supercop Fai! Salute!

What a coincidence! Fluke Zhang!

Who do you think you're!

I'm Detective Zhang to you!

Look at the stars, Tristar Zhang.

Let me introduce everyone

This is Supercop Fai. my old supervisor

He had many stars back then, now

he's directing traffic.

What are you doing here?

Guarding the crime scene

This is evidence. take it back to my office!

Sir, traffic is separate jurisdiction.

I don't mind if I get to go home on time!

Sir, give me an evidence bag


Your initials

Stripping your medals definitely

improved your temper!

Serves you right...

for all the hard times you gave me

You begged for it back then

What are you waiting for? Go!

I'm off.

Let's go!

Yes, sir!

Hello? Hello

Hello! Mister, help!

Help me! I beg you not to hang up!

Miss. please stop with the prank calls.

thanks! Bye!

Mister. please!

My name is Grace Wong.

I've been kidnapped

I don't knowwhere I am

It was very difficult to

make this connection

I beg you not to hang up

Miss, maybe you should

call the police instead?

Your kidnappers seem nice enough

They even grant you access to a phone

I'm telling the truth.

They smashed the phone.

It was very difficult to rewire

to get a connection

If you hang up,

I may never be able to call again.

Please, I beg you to please don't hang up.

Stay on the line

Miss. this is not funny. please stop. bye!

Hello Kit

Daddy, my flight is at 3:10pm

I'll see you at the check-in counter

Remember. don't be late!

I won't let you down

I promised to be there. right?

I'll see you at the check-in counter right?!

3: 1 Opm?

Yes, don't let me down again.

Yes! Yes! Bye K,it!

Hello... Hello?

You're still on the line?

Please hang up! This is annoying now

Mister! I've been kidnapped...

and I've seen their faces

They're going to kill me!

You're my last chance...


I know you're a kind-hearted man.

Just give me five minutes

Just hand your phone to a policeman nearby

... I'll talk to them.

OK,. five minutes!

Thank you!

Tell me, what's your name?

Call me Bob

Thank you, Bob.

Turn off your engine! Officer. I'm

Your driver's license and ID please!

This woman

Turn of your engine! Now!

This woman on the phone says

she has been kidnapped.

She asked me to file a police report.

Here's my ID Talk to her

I'm police constable badge number 2004.

How can I help you?

Officer, my name is Grace Wong.

My address is 125 Fulan Road

Console to PC2004

Roger, console send.

They're coming. please don't hang up!

Accident at the intersection of Eastwind

and Literary, go to location!

Got it! Going over there now.

Miss. hello! Can you repeat that?

Hello? Hello? Hello?


Hello? Hello...

Stop mucking around!

She asked me to help!

Wreckless driving and false report...

I can lock you up for that!

Sorry, officer. Sorry.

Drive careful

Yes, sir.


Hello? Hey


There's a police station ten minutes

away if you need to file a report

Thanks officer!

Where is it?

Hey! What game are you playing!

Hello! Hello!

What? I don't understand

Where is your brother?

I don't know.

Well. you must know your

brother's good friend



Where is Roy? Where is Roy?

I don't know.

What did they do? Why are you doing this?

It's very simple.

They've made a mistake They've been nosey.

Call him.

Stop it! Don't hurt him! Stop!

Call your brother!

Hi, I'm Roy

leave a message.

You knowwhere he is.

I don't

I really don't knowwhere he is

You leave me no choice!

You're crazy! You're a monster!

You've killed him! Why did you kill him!

Monster! Why?!

Your daughter is getting out of school soon?

No! Don't touch her!

Adorable kid

Please, I beg you!

Don't touch her

Tell me where is it, or

find your brother.

I'll pick up your little

girl from school now...


He's gone. Are you OK,?

Was that a gun shot?

They killed Joe.

You're the only one who can save us now.

Bob. I beg you

to go get my little girl.

Your daughter?

How far are you from Hongji Primary?

Not too far I think

Go fetch her now, they're going after her

Let me go to a police station and get help

They've got guns!

I need to get to the airport

They've left already

If you don't go. she'll die...

she's only six

In that case...I'll give it a try!

Thank you

Wait. let me look at the map

Bob. you OK?!

I'm alright.

I'm on my way.

Who are those guys? What happened?

What do they want with your brother?

What did he do to them?

I know he is innocent.

He just graduated from university.

We're just a normal family

I don't understand what's going on...

What about your husband?

Maybe he messed with the wrong people?

My husband is dead.

I'm from China. and moved to

Hong Kong to open a design firm.

Just a second, I've got another call

Hello? Hello?

Daddy. we're on the way now.

Auntie wants me to tell you

that we'll be at aisle B.

Aisle B! I know.

Don't forget! A promise is a promise!

OK,. OK! A promise is a promise


Hello? Hello?

I'm here at the school. Wait.

Which floor is she on?

Up the stairs to the second floor.

Turn right!

Which classroom? What's her name?

Primary 1 A. her name is Tinker Fong


One more minute and they're out


I'm the headmaster, how can I help you?

Excuse me. I'm looking for

Tinker Fong of Class 1A

You're not supposed to be up here

Why don't you come

downstairs and register first?

I know but but talk to her mother!

This is an emergency.

Parent or not. we've

got to follow the rules.

Come with me This is very serious!


sir. just come with me downstairs.

Come with me to register first.

Sir, sir. what are you doing?

Sir This is very important


You just have to trust me,

this is very important

Sir, stop harassing our students!

Have you seen Tinker Fong?

She went downstairs

Tinker Fong!

Don and Michael...

come here! We've got trouble!

Tinker Fong!

What does she look like?

How do I recognize her?

She's 12m tall. She has a ponytail.

There are bunnies on her hairclip

There are bunnies everywhere

Tinker Fong!

Hey! Hey!

Hey help!

Hey! Stop! I've called the cops already.

Didn't you see two foreigners

just kidnapped that little girl?

Stop it! Security. over here!

I'm so sorry.

They've got your little girl

You're bleeding. Stop!

Please save her!

I'm on it! I'm right behind them.

Mom! Mommy! Mommy!

Are you OK?


You know how to drive or not?!

You're the one who needs a lesson!

You don't know how to drive!

You're kidding?!

You the one who crashed into my car!

You cut into my lane without warning!

Shut up! Shut up!

My bumper is totally dented!

Just call the cops!

There's nothing more to say

Cops? You think I'm scared?

Give me a second

Sorry! Sorry!

Excuse me! Excuse Me! I'm sorry!

You! Where do you think you're going?

Stop! Are you nuts! Stop!


Oh shit!

You want to kill someone?!

Someone is hurt, call the cops!

What? What's that? Stop!


Stop! Stop!

Hello? Are you OK,?

Bob! Hello!

Answer me, Bob!

Bob! What's going on?



Hello! Bob!

Bob! What's going on?




Bob! Hey!


Are you OK?

What a mess...

a big. bloody mess!

This guy is coming after me.

I bought a gun for protection...

Mister? You hurt? You're OK,! I'll help you!

I'll call an ambulance for you!

My head is spinning

Come! Slowly!

Hey. calm down! He has a gun!


Hello! Bob!


Bob. did you lose them?

They...couldn't have gone far!

I'm going now...


I've got to see my son!

I've got to see my son!

Bob! Bob!

Can you still see them?

I'm going towards the same direction!

What now?!


My phone is running out of battery!

What to do?

Wait! Wait!

I've got to see my son! It'll be fine!

I need a car charger!

Mister. sorry! Mister. excuse me!

Can I go first? I'm in a hurry!

Everybody here is in a hurry Get in line!

Get in line!

Ticket A108 to counter three please

Please, can I

have a car charger for this mobile phone?

Of course, sir! What's your name sir?

I'm out of battery I don't

have time hurry up!

Can I take a look at your phone?

For this model, we have a few car chargers

made in USA. Japan or China

Which one would you like?


Ok! Please wait!

US made... plain or patterned?

What's the difference?

Patterned ones have patterns! Many patterns!

With patterns

Good choice! Please wait!

There's Batman, Tweety. or Bugs Bunny,

which one would you like?


Let me see, let me see!

Batman - with lights or no lights?

I'll punch out your lights

if I don't get this soon.

Lights then!

Oh. one with lights is out of stock!

No lights?

Let me check

Calm down. I'm getting it now

Don't you have work to do?

You stood me up last night

I never confiirmed.

You did! You said you were

having dinner with me tonight!

I said I'd see! Get out my way!

What's there to see? Look at me!

We'll talk after work.

Stop torturing me!

All these girls want to go out with me

but I just want you!


Are you getting the charger for me?

I'm coming. I'm coming I'm getting it now.

T ake care of the customer first.

Everyday you say tomorrow, just say yes!

I dunno. I just can't decide

Yes you can! Charger!

Coming, coming just a moment!

Just say yes! I don't care!

Dine with me tonight!

I'll see how I feel!

There's nothing to feel. you feel good!

Please just promise me, say yes

I said I'd see!


How much is it?


Keep the change.


I've got the charger...

but lost the car. Wait T axi!

Taxi! Taxi! Taxi!

Stop! Stop!

Darling, where do you want to go...

for dinner?

How about hotpot?


Yes, but the smell gets into your clothes

How about something else?

You chose, I always let you chose

Hello? Stop! Stop your car!

How about sushi? Hello! Bob!

Whatever you want darling

Hello? Hello?


What? A phone? Hello?


Bob? What are you saying?

I'm not talking to you!

Mister. please give the phone to Bob

Are you nuts?! I have no idea

what you're saying.

Are you yelling at me?!

Darling, I'm not yelling at you.

I'd never yell at you...

Is this some promotional gig?

This is a new mobile model!

No. please don't hang up we're...

we've got a gift for you

Do you see a man running after your car?

Oh yeah!

That's it! He has a gift for you

Stop the car. he'll give you the prize

Definitely my lucky day!


What's the prize?

Let me see

Are you joking?

You chased me a few blocks

just to give me a charger?

Give me the phone!

Are you nuts?!

Hey! Which TV station is this?

Where's the camera?

Hey you! Get out of my car!

Your staff got into my car!

I'm gonna file a complaint!

I'll sue your company and you!

The phone is a prize! It's mine!

Give it back! Who are you yelling at?!

Sweetie, I'm not yelling at you.

This man jumped into my car.

I'll tell you later!

Darling, why don't you call the cops for me!

It's Bob.

Hey! Hello?

I've never hang up on my

girlfriend like this!

You explain to her!

Call her now! Explain to her!

She'll kill me! Now!

Oh! You call the shots now.

I'm sorry

Drive carefully!

Drive carefully!

I've just paid up...


It's Bob...

I've heard it all. Thank you.

I'll try to find them...

I can only try to catch up no promises

Don't watch that stuff!

Porn gives you STD!

You fixed my mobile yet?

Yes! A lunatic

Don't drop your phone into the sink again...

attacked the principal...

of a local school today and bit his hand...

tell us what happened Mr Yu

The man is deranged

He said a student is being kidnapped.

I told him I'm calling the cops

He bit me and ran away

The suspect then went

to a mobile service center

Mr Tong, can you tell us what happened?

He was very agitated at the time

He was really worked up.

He took out his gun and fired a shot

He paid $500 for a charger...

that costs $199...

and told me to keep the change

The suspect turns out to be a

generous robber who overtips!

Support Center

Hey. Lau? It's me!

Please check a phone number for me

The address is 125 Fulan Road

Sure, no problem

The number is...


Hello! How are you?


Ma'am, is your name Grace Wong?

Yes, how can I help you?

I'm PC2004.

We spoke earlier today?

I just want to make sure you're alright

I'm fine. I don't think we've spoken today.

Are you sure?

Of course! I'd remember

if I've talked to you

I'm sorry Some joker was

Never mind Actually. I'm off duty.

I shouldn't be here.

I should just get to the market

Is there a wet market around here?

Maybe I can ask my wife to

come and meet up with me

I don't do the shopping myself...

Your maid...

only men and maids go to

the markets these days...

my wife can't cook either

I'm sorry to disturb you. I'll run along now

Don't worry. you're just doing your job.

Bye Thanks!


We have a problem! A

cop came to check on us.

We need to hurry!

Got it.

Grace. I'm really sorry I

I think I've lost them.

I'll call the cops for you...

They're back. Don't hang up...

Tinker! Tinker!

Let her go.

She's only six. She won't say anything

She won't tell anyone.

I don't have time for this.

Give me what I want.

Where is it?

What are you looking for?

I'll kill your daughter if you don't tell me

I really don't know


I beg you...

I beg you...let us go...

I think something happened to my brother

He should be home by now

I beg you...

Since you know nothing,

then I'm really sorry

K,ill me! Let my daughter go!

Don't kill a child... please...


We just got a message, Roy had fallen

down the hills He is in Hospital.

Q,ueen Margot.

Q,ueen Margot Hospital

When I find your brother,

I'll arrange a proper reunion




My brother is at Q,ueen Margot Hospital

they're on their way already.

Bob. please save him!

Again, I'll try.

I'll give it a go!


I'm almost there What's your brother's name?

Roy Wong 18 years old.

Honey. why are we shopping here?

A change of scenery boosts romance!

When I retire. I want to open a cafe...

I'll cook...

you'll be the cashier

what do you think?


We can finally put your

culinary talents to use


How much is this salted fiish?

$68 per kilo.

Good choice!

This is most delicious!

My name is Grace Wong.

I'm fine. I don't think we've spoken today.

$68 please.

Do you want anything else?

What's bothering you?

Why don't you see if we need something else.

I have to make a call.

Can you give me a discount if I buy more?

Sure, sure!

Lau. it's me.

Can you give me that number again?

Sure, hold on.

The number is 37499035.


This is Grace. I'm not available right now

please leave a message after the tone.


She is a Mandarin speaker, Mandarin...

If something is bothering you...

go take care of it

What about you?

I'm not a kid. I can take care of myself.

OK,. finish the shopping.

When I come home, I'll cook dinner!


Thanks darling.



excuse me...I've a question

I'm looking for a patient name Roy Wong

When was he admitted?

This morning

This morning, Roy Wong, please wait.

Yes, he was...

really agitated

He then took out a gun

and snatched a car charger!

Did he take any cash?

Can you please hurry?

Just give me a moment.

As a professional customer service agent.

my instinct tells me that he's crazy

The suspect turns out to be a

generous robber who leaves a tip!

Stop! Don't move!

Don't move!


Don't move! Hands in the air!

Don't move! Police!

Hands in the air!


Hands in the air!

Hey! What do you think you're doing?

Don't move!


Put your hands behind your head!

Don't move! Hands in the air!

Senior Inspector

We're Interpol, sorry about

the misunderstanding

What's going on?


What's going on?

They're Interpol

I'm really confused now.

Who are the bad guys?

Interpol? That's impossible!

You've got to find my

brother, we'll know then!


Get up. let's go

What are you doing?

We're friends.

My leg...ouch! My leg!

You're in great danger

Some Interpol or kidnappers

are looking for you...

Excuse me miss

May I help you?

Where is bed number one?

Here. talk to your sister

and you'll understand...


Roy?! Hello!


You're not Roy!

Man. she's looking for Roy!

I don't have a sister.

How can you not have a sister?

You're not Roy Wong? Roy...

Just my luck...

I'm so sorry. I made a mistake.

Total my car last night

Over there

Thank you

Definitely not my day

I don't have a sister...

I've a brother...

So what if I don't have a sister...

Your friend died horribly

Do you want to join him?

Where is it?

I don't know.

Do you want your sister and niece

to end up like your friend?

Take me to it!

What are you doing? He can't leave yet.

We're Interpol He has information we need.

The police will explain later.

They've got him



Are you OK? Where is Tinker?

I don't know. They took her.

Are you OK? Roy! Sis! Sis!

Give me the camera

and I'll let your sister go.

I don't knowwhere it is.

I fell and passed out

I need to retrace my steps

to find my backpack

Go find it. No funny business.



Bob. are you there?

Where is my brother?

They're going up the hill

I'm not sure what they're doing

Are there a lot of people flying planes?


He likes flying planes here

Whatever they're looking for.

it's got to be nearby

You've got to get it first

If they find it, that's the end.

I think it's here.

Watch out! My plane is new!

No worries. I'm a pro!

Watch out! We're going to crash.

Found it!

Don't move! Come here!

Stand back

Here! Get down!

No! Please don't! Help!

Help! Someone fired a gun!

Honey! I'll love you for eternity...

and protect you always

Hey. hey!

What do you want?

Hey! Hey

Once I get to safety. I'll call you

Bob! Hello!


Grace. hello?



Hello? Hello...



Help! Help!

Someone help!

Help! Help! Anyone there?

Help me! Help!

Police! You're shooting at an officer.

Surrender your weapon

or I'll have to shoot you

The number you dialed is invalid

Please try again.

What are you doing?

You little bitch!

You still wanna play?

Do you want to play?

Sorry, if you don't want to die, don't move!

Tinker Tinker




Call out to me Tinker!




Mommy Mommy!


Tinker Mommy is coming!

Tinker don't cry mommy is here!

Tinker don't cry


Mommy Mommy!

Mommy loves you!

Mommy has come to rescue you!

Let's go! Q,uick!

Hurry mom!

Let's go!

Mommy! Mommy they're coming!

Mommy! Let's go!

Hey! Focus on the planes, not me!

What is that?

Tong, pack up the drugs and

dispose of the bodies!

Hey! You!

They saw us! Run!

Hurry! Run! Faster...

Who were you talking to?

A stranger. Honest

You told him to intervene!

Please let them go

You can do whatever you want with me.

If you leave now. you still have time

Did you think you can win?

I never play to lose.

I won't kill you

I'll kill those you love.

For the rest of your life

you can remember how your

daughter and brother died...

The phone is smashed...

I can't reach him anymore

If a loved one dies.

perhaps you'll do the right thing

Roy! Roy!

No! No!

Tinker! No!

No... please!

I don't know howto fiind him!

I really don't know how to find him!


Hello! I want to speak to Grace NOW!

And you are?

Your father!

It's none of your business

T ell Grace to come to the phone.

It's you You're the one who took my camera?

I don't want to talk to you!

I want to talk to Grace! Now!

You want your video?

The one shows you killing these people?

Let me talk to Grace.

You're not calling the shots here!

Give me the camera or I'll kill them all

You're not calling the shots either

Tell Grace to come to the phone...

or I'll take the video

to the police right now.


Mister. wait a second.

Bob. it's me.

Grace? Are you OK?

Thank you

Not yet I'm in a lot of trouble also

The cops are looking for me

I'll tell them to go to

take you to the airport

I'll think of something by then.

Got it!

I need a favor from you.

If anything happens to me

please tell my son

that for once in my life

I've done what I set out to do.

What next, Mr Hero?

Go to the airport now. I'll call you

The door was pried open

We found jewelry on the victim

Wow. what happened?!

Killing an Interpol agent

How do you plan to explain this?

Sir, someone kidnapped

the owner of this house.

She's probably in great danger

Who do you think you are?

You're not a detective anymore

In fact, you're under investigation!

You've seen the place

Obviously something is wrong.

You WERE my supervisor

Stop telling me what to do.

There must be more of them.

Are you one of them?!

You two broke in to rob the house

Killed the maid

Your partner got greedy

so you killed her too?

That's my theory

For old time's sake.

I'm not locking you up, PC2004...

Even if you've

nothing to do with this

an off-duty cop trespassing

on private property

You'll lose your last medal

You don't have anymore to lose

Take another statement

Make sure it's satisfactory

Yes, sir.

Commander Wong is here.

Fool. why not keep

him waiting until midnight?



Daddy! Where are you?


I need to rescue someone. I'm on my way

Wait for me! You understand?

You're lying. You're not going to make it

It's almost time!

I'm on my way...

I'm rocket speed...

Let me talk to him

No show again?!

I'm giving you five more minutes.

Next time. you'll have to fly out to see him




Little Zhang. Master Fai here...

I thought I told you to file a statement?

Where are you?


I've solid leads that link the burnt car...

missing house owner.

and dead Interpol agent

It's none of your damn business

Get back here right now

You believe me?

You knowwho's behind all this?

Not yet, but I'd find out soon enough

You believe me?

You've got evidence?

Yes Do you believe me?

I believe you What do you want?

A salute for Master Fai!

Master Fai

You're an asshole.

Airport. Hurry Don't screw up

I'd call you if I need you


You watch your mouth!

If it wasn't me, you'd have nothing.

I think he took the camera.

You better find him!

See you at the airport.

Robin. wait for my order



We're here. Where are you?


Of course we brought them

How do you want to do this?

Go to Parking Lot 2,

I'll tell you what to do

No problem.

Drive them to parking lot number two.

Give me the camera and I'll let them go!

I want to speak to Grace.

Friend. listen...

there's nothing in this for you

You know who we are...

there's no way you can win

It's time! We've got to go!

Let's do a deal

Tell me how much and

I'll see what we can do.

Let's talk about this face-to-face.

Let's meet!

OK, boss. I've got them

here in the parking lot

We're here. What now?

I'll tell you after I speak with her!


Hold on.

Bob? It's me We're at the parking lot

Hello? Hello?


Are you here yet?

Yes! You found them yet?

Not yet Its confirmed

that the suspect is here.

Did you bring a full team?

Relax! Don't do anything without my order!

T ong, you were closest to him

What does he look like?

I was behind him.

Chinese, dark hair, glasses.

brown jacket, 1.8 meter tall.

What's up?



Satisfied? You spoke with her.

Now give me the camera

and I'll release them.

I'm calling the shots!

I'll tell you what to do!

You can see the car.

Tell them to turn towards the exit

Roll down the window and I want to see them

Turn the car towards the exit.

roll down the windows

Search the departure area.

He has a view of the parking lot

Copy! Copy that!

Get out of my way!

Turn the car around

Turn the car around

He's on the move Try the opposite direction

Happy now?

Stop jerking me around.

See the patrol car parked straight ahead.

Let them go.

Once they get inside.

I'll give you your video.

No deal

Goods must changed hands at the same time.

I'm calling the shots!

If you don't let them go.

I'll take the video to the TV

station and get it broadcasted!

Let them go!

Let them go.

Tong, I've got him.

He is heading back towards the escalator,

in the lobby!


Miss. what's wrong?

Officer, help!

Let go!



A gun!

Let go! Let go

Police! Run!

Out of the way!

Get down! Down! Now!

Get out of the way!

Get out of the way! Get out of here!

Hey! Fluke Zhang!

Drop your weapons!

Drop your weapons!

Drop your weapons!

Drop your weapons!

Drop your weapons!

What are you doing?

We're Interpol He's our suspect.

We found the drugs.

We knowyou killed the dealers

and stole their goods!

Drop yourweapons!

Lock them up and take them to the car!

Sir, I've the video showing

they killed those men!

There are three hostages in the car park.

We've rescued them, don't worry

Master Fai, thank you.

Lucky bastard!

Yes! Yes!

Jack. take Fai here to the first aid

station and get him cleaned up.

Yes, sir.

Try not to cut me off the next time...

you see me drive by

Everything's fine now

Where's the evidence?

I hid it in the men's room.

Sorry, police at work, no entry.


How's are the hostages doing?


Officer, what's happening?

Officer Officer

It was none of your goddamn business

Why did you have to interfere?

Miss Wong, please wait.

Detectives are on their way

Shut up! Stay still!

Must be hard reporting to Zhang?

Which precinct are you from?

When did you join the force?

Forgot to give this to Zhang...

Hey. it's evidence

Go. just go

Terrible manners


You knowthe game...

Russian roulette?

You lose. you die!


Help! Help!

Fluke Zhang, why did I trust you!

Get down!


Want to be a hero huh?

Here's the truth...

I'm the one who serves true justice!

I kill drug lords

They deserve to die!

Show your face!

Call me a fluke?!

Why can't you just let things be?


This is the heroic death you're looking for


You recognize this?

The video of you serving justice!


Guess this takes us to over time

I lose, give it to me.

I'm sending this to the police. I'm

I'm taking you down with me

Time's up!




Miss. are you alright? We're cops!

Call an ambulance!

Yes, sir.

You, guard the scene.

The others come with me

Thank you

Keep the press out ofthe way!

It's you! Stand up!

You're under arrest for robbery!

Turn around!

Your hands behind your back


Hey. Fai! What are you doing?

He's one of us.

One of the good guys!

Let him go.

Yes, but I've got to follow protocols...

What protocols?! Let me handle it...


But what?! He's a good guy! Go now!

Sorry sir.

Thank you

Thanks for believing in me

No need to thank me. Just doing my job!

See what you've done

looks like I'd be on along medical leave

Good business for my doctor

Look. I should thank you

Years of pent-up anger

all purged now

Feels great

Looks like my stars and

medals are coming back

Thanks for sending the video to the police

You go bask in the limelight

I need to run home to cook my wife dinner

let's not meet again

Hey. one more thing... what do you do?

I'm a debt collector...

Batman is a more suitable calling!

This is a live broadcast from the airport

According to our sources,

this man has been secretly...

helping the police since early afternoon

It's daddy!

It's daddy! It's daddy!

Look! It's daddy!


Bob! Thanks for saving me and my family

Thank you

I made a promise

Thank you

Thank you

You won't take my call again. will you?

If you're calling for help, no thanks!

If you want dinner.

I'd consider...

Kit! Kit!

Daddy! Daddy!

Kit! Daddy!