Confessions of an Opium Eater (1962) - full transcript

Gilbert de Quincey is an early 19th-century adventurer involved with helping runaway slave girls and victims of a tong war in San Francisco. Garbed in black from head to toe, de Quincey narrates his adventures. At the slave auction where beautiful Oriental girls are displayed in hanging bamboo cages, de Quincey befriends a tiny wisecracking female Oriental dwarf.

I ...

Soy De Quincey.

I dream, I dream.

From the opium pipe, I come into me
view a sailboat.

Its cargo: women.

Women robbed of all points
the mysterious East.

Your destiny and mine,

humans auction
in Chinatown.

In 1802, Thomas De Quincey,
without money or friends,

came to London in search
what everyone craves,

And what we give different names.

For some, it is a castle in Spain,
or a mountain to conquer.

For others, an image in a cloud
smoke or sleep hidden in a bottle.

About 100 years later
I, Gilbert De Quincey

came to San Francisco
with my own search.

The Chinese often say:

"If a man can for one day
found himself

have found their place forever
in the order of things. "

But what you can find a
when you have man himself,

no place to go?

However, you may have to
predestined to attend an appointment.

New offensive against the auction
human beings, read it all!

Nothing to see here, okay?
Move along!

When you drop the standards of the Dragon
this will be a hell.

Now, moving now!

- Read it all!
- No one will come today in Chinatown.

It opens new war!
New attack on human auctions!

The character of a man known
for their faults.

That morning I could almost hear
the sound of an abacus.

Like an old Chinese grandfather
Oceans my own accounts.

Have you good health.

Let the sun warm your way.

Are you interested in antiques?

In one especially.

- Call ... "Snake Moon."
- Ah! He knows his name.

I've lived with it from time to time.

We share the experience.

- Mr. De Quincey.
- Hon Ching Foon?


Due on Ruby Low,
She orders transmitted Ling Tan

- A woman?
- Ruby Low is a very beautiful woman.

Take the back door,
and see the house.

Low Ruby is there, mourning
a Chinese editor who was killed.

- George Wah.
- I thought it was his enemy.

The more we seek our enemies,
the more we take for Lambs.

I see the lamb.

There is a demon in the drunk
and a phantom in the poet.

Drunken demon and ghost
and poet, was me.

But for every man comes once
premonition of fate.

In the first moment when his
image passed before my eyes,

I was floating in the vastness

and she floated by my side chains,
inextricably linked ...

our hands, our minds,
the beating of our hearts,

unable to escape,
unable to separate.

Sinking ...

Sinking in the endless
depths of time.

I forgot the long sea voyage,

I forgot the pain, I forgot my mission.
It was the captivating perfume of incense,

or a feverish fantasy
dominated my brain.

Whatever it was,
I looked in a moment.

I knew that whoever she was,
or what might be.

This woman was a
target species for me.

I'm not that woman
light cigarettes.

Sorry, was a boost.

- You're late. Now is the time of the goat.
- I think it's my time.

Ling Tang is furious.

Confucius said that the superior man
blamed himself

and less blame to others.

And I, as I am much lower
I decided to bring my shirt.

Does your shirt?
Chain mail.

Yes Made in Beijing by Chen Hao.

Very soft and comfortable.
No knife can pierce.

- When will I see Ling Tan?
- Never.

No one has seen his face
more than a decade.

I convey his orders.

The message says that Hong Kong
are you looking forward to work.

It was ruined in the way
of the Empress.

Someone began to close bars
at the Peninsula Hotel

as if they had gone out of fashion.

And, after two bottles, more or less,
here I am.

Maybe I should return, if
is able to pay the fare.

I could not pay or entry
amusement park.

Your friend in the coffin,
might say:

"There is so much poison in the mouth of the cobra,
as in the heart of a woman. "

Chinatown has given back
Ling Tan

Three of the Tongs have spoken
against the sale of wives.

They have stolen the best
maiden last shipment.

War becomes the Tongs.
They are fanatics, madmen problematic.

Will he cause trouble?

And he was killed, Ling Tan wants
you deal with the rioters.

How did you do to the
Chi Hon Fong in Beijing.

It's strange, but he
fan or not seem crazy.

Not always easy to tell who
is mad and who is not.

- Who said it?
- George Wah.

The editor of the Gazette of Chinatown.
He led the Chinese Tongs,

trying to prevent our auctions.

We explained that there are 1,000 Chinese men
in the neighborhood for every woman in China.

We explained that looking for a wife.
George Wah did not listen.

How I can send a message
the venerable ancestor?

Send it from here
George headed home.

¿On the basis that there should
no secrets to heaven?

Nor for Ling Tan
They are the same in Chinatown.

Does not.
I think you keep a secret.


Tell me yourself.

I'm not a Western woman.

I was born in a boat that sells fruit
in the river near Shu Chao.

- No need to wear false faces.
- I think you carry more expensive than ...

than there are stars
in the gutter after rain.

It is long since I have
chance to see me in sewers.

I dare say it has
a gold mirror.

Although perhaps I like more the other way.

Perhaps you can find out.

But remember, that when they drop the banners
Dragon, and when the war begins,

Sometimes men come together and clouds
their reflections in the sewers.


Born naked, and naked
leave the world.

Only the damned,
the eternal fugitive,

daily are separated from their neighbors,
naked spirit from start to finish.

In that lonely race I belong.

Man is immortal,
but some spend their entire existence ...

as if time were eternal.

This was the room of a
man who had faith.

A man who entered eternity.

And even now he was dead,
I envied him.

Hush, child.

Your tears will not revive the dead.

We have no time to mourn.

Do not leave me.

I must go.
You can not spend much time here.

I will seek a new hiding place for you.

- They will kill me.
- I hit, maybe, but not kill you.

Carry much opium to the auction.

As before, when Ling Tan
had young people around the kingdom,

that the emperor could choose a wife.

It was a great man then. Now it's old
Not sure what the old habit is bad.

Estate silent.
I'll come for you at the time of the rat.

When the auction starts, everyone will
too busy to look.

Why not make no auctions?

We tried. We prevented
auctions in many places.

But there are evils such as herbs,

- And what is this bad?
- Here the evil is Ling Tan

A cancer tissue that runs
healthy until they all rot.

Does that mean that nobody intends to
do anything to stop him?

We have done everything
men can make peace.

George Wah took the law into their hands,
and was killed for it.

I have so much fear!

When fortune is written

or water of all rivers in the world
can erase the ink.

But what was described to me?

In this world of fickle

What can be for everyone,
except to follow the path indicated?

- No. ..
- I will not hurt.

I am looking for a bad man.
No! No, please!

How did you come here?

- I was robbed of the mission.
- What mission?

- Hang Ahn.
- China?

I played in the courtyard of the mission
when I caught two men.

Had never seen.
I will not see anymore the mission!

I sailed along with many other girls.

We sailed to an island, and there
I was beaten with bamboo and with their feet.

I could not escape.

And said they would much opium
to sell at auction.

- What is your age?
- 17.

All my life I dreamed of America.

I learned English in the mission. I wanted to come
one day to America to marry.

I wanted to find a man
as George Wah.

And today I am in this way.
And George Wah is dead!

No one will oppose Ling Tan!
It will not stop the auction!

Where are the good men?
Since there are only evil men.

The human concept of good and evil
is like water in a tank.

Open a passage to the East
and east we go,

open to the West and go there.

Will I be up for auction?

The auction will be at the time of the rat.

Too late for a boy his age.

Want to help?
You're a good man.

I do not know how to thank you.
I appreciate it deep in my soul.

Save your gratitude for
when we know where we go.

I have much fear.

A journey of 1,000 miles begins
the first step.

Who knows? Maybe go to where
had to go from the beginning.

Do not want to turn around and return.
Come on.

Who are you?

I'm not a piece of
beef in a butcher shop.

It is uncertain whether a piece
beef or man.

It seems a man of many faces.
Take the Ling Tan Tattoo

You saw what I did before.
I do not understand what his flag.

The Hon Ching Foon, huh?

Do I have to label everything?

Can we not say that I am only
a student of Chinese philosophy ...

... Seeking the right path?

And what is the proper path?

The righteousness of our surroundings,
so that the eye can see, and walk forward.

Good truth.

George Wah met in a noble war
the waiting and talking like you.

- But you're late.
- Guess the password, what do you expect?

Ruby also hit the Low.
Low Ruby is very good.

For her it is very easy to bring here
a man who plays both ways.

And what you say.

George Wah said that you spent
arms to China. He liked you.

But I'm not sure whether
you honest.

Is a risk we have to take.
But do not forget that there is also a debt.

George told me.

While it may not be willing to
collaborate because George died.

War of the Tongs
is very complicated,

Low Ruby and compel men know
to obey.

George may not be
the only reason that brings me here.

Yes, the vast fortune of Ling Tan!

The girls produce much opium.

A smart man like you
right side please,

and earn lots of money.

Is George sought fortune?

He fought many battles
against the auctions.

He said that if prevented tonight
would end all of Chinatown.

But George is dead
and we have very little time.

Maybe it's you who must discover
if a piece of beef or man.

Do you think then that I trust you?

I can count with you at midnight?

Let's look at both sides.
¿I can trust you with me?

Yesterday, when he spoke to the girl,
seemed to be his best friend.

But here in his costume party, and there
in your business, you look very different.

My friend, you must not be confused.

Good and evil go hand in hand
in the path of one person.

Maybe it's time to end
with the philosophy lesson.

And let me deal with my issues.

Where is the elder?

What old man?

Kill! Kill! Kill!

I have hungry ...

Do you like beautiful singers, sir?

I came from Beijing, and I know all
ways to make you happy.

Who are you?

I am the most beautiful singer
around Chinatown.

I have hungry ...

- Food, food ...
- It's crazy.

You've had a week ago.
Open the door. Here's the key.

- What happened?
- Look Gow.

Caused many problems to Ling Tan

He denounced the girls
who come by boat.

- Open the door, please.
- Why did you put in the cage?

Because I'm a bad girl.
Always run away from my husband.

Marriage bores me.
I like change.

Men go crazy for me.
Beautiful Chinese dwarf, very special.

I dance, I play the lute, I paint watercolors ...
Once they gave me $ 1,000.

To be a child,
have many dreams of opium.

You're a girl.

Once Ling So I bought for him
and all hated me.

Do you know him in person?

One summer I called Baby Doll.

It was an old man.
He said I was too young to wife.

I sold to a grower
Salinas sprouts.

I spent years cutting cabbages.

- How old is Ling Tan?
- Some 100 years. It is very old.

What happens to this girl?

There is no sense of humor. Cry
all the time, husbands hate it.

Where did you come?

I was kidnapped from my family,
do like 5 or 6 years.

Lies, was his father who sold it.

And why have you put in cages?

When a wife dies,
the man can remarry.

- Would you kill?
- Do not kill us. Just give us food.

If they kill us, our ghosts
haunt them forever.

It is nice that they chase a ghost
and wake up screaming at midnight.

So let one die

That's not the ghost haunts them
and sleep all night

comfortable with his new wife.

Many older men change
wife every 3 or 4 years.

Look Gow dying.
Is very sick now.

Not live long. It's an end.

You're a handsome man.

Want to see the most beautiful women

Get ready for the big ...
auction. All on sale. Come!

- It all started.
- How I can get?

Ah! You know that girl?
Do not get it.

It belongs to Ling Tan is the flower
of a thousand delights.

When the rat will sell them all.

- Show me the path.
- You can not go in there. It's dangerous.

Want to die in agony
the 1000 cuts?

I myself give to the road.

- If you've been, what I give?
- Your life.

My life? Not that!
What do I offer?

If I bring to the auction room,
Will you help me escape?

- Do not want to die here.
- I do not want to die there.

I know the road.
We'll go the bathroom.

The Mongols will do us apart
with their sharp swords.

We have already died ... many times.

The new girls are dirty.
You have to wash them and sell them.

To steal one of the girls,
has to go through.

The auction room is
behind that door

where there are men with swords.
You can not go over.

Maybe in two pieces,
but it is useless.

I know how. I'll show you how.

It causes a fight between these women.
You will not see you little. Ve

What do you want?

- A pipe.
- What? No pipe here.

Who would have said?

So what are those?
Bubbles ¿?

It's a hoax. All false.
Only snuff.

What are you doing?

- I smoke.
- There is no opium.

- Why does it smell like that?
- We burn incense.

Go you. I'll bring.

- Buying dreams tonight, sir?
- I pay by nightmares.

Would I then invited a nightmare?

Leave in peace pipe!

Did you smoke a pipe?
For smoke.

Like it?

It seems as irresistible as you.

- Do you like, mate?
- I hate, man.

And what has been here
not like it, friend?

For the auction.

No white man can get
the auction, friend.

How long to sell

What do you want a wife,
if you can have a pipe and dreams, buddy?

Did you note, my friend? Did you notice?

Should not oppose ... Do not fight.
To join. It is time the dog.

What you need is rest
a little, and dream ...

Among the dreams of the dark idol,

monstrous phenomena
continually developing,

savages, barbarians, capricious,

to immeasurable darkness, to be
confined for centuries in secret chambers.

De Quincey, the idol,
De Quincey, the pagan priest.

Be cleansed.
Be sacrificed.

What is the dream,
and what is reality?

If life can sometimes be a nightmare
Can not life be a nightmare?

I heard men's voices,
or a strange imitation

of men who emerged
the jungle of my imagination.

Was opium,
or was this the reality?

Was he dead, or just beginning to live?

I escaped the wrath of Brahma
through the jungles of Asia,

hated by Vishnu
knowing that Shiva waits,

buried for 100 years with all
the indescribable viscosities.

Help! Help!

Help! Help!

Help! Help!

You're very clever,
but not enough.

- Sorry to disappoint.
- I'm not disappointed.

I knew what the flower garden
and willows. I know the men.

All are equal in reality.

All except George.

George ... was my enemy.
You look like George.

The line between love and hate is very thin.
The enemies can become lovers.

George Wah said the same thing one day.

But what is love?
The attraction of a body by another body.

Does that mean to you a man?

That's all women means
for man!

But for a woman as Ruby Low,
a man may be capable of almost everything.

Snap my fingers and any
man I like mine.

However, it took was a snap
to attract a. .. George.

And killed him for it.

George brought his death! It was stupid,
because for a while I loved him.

He thought I was weak.

Do you think that would change this for some man?

Do you think I risk losing the
fabulous treasures of Ling Tan?

Emeralds of the Lost City,
Jewelry of the Ming dynasty,

Lethal Weapon gold of an emperor,
Opium paid in blood and human lives.

This is power, fortune! I buy one
army to return to China.

I was born on a boat that sells fruit!

Will govern a province!
I have room for the Emperor's feet!

- Valiente dynasty is building.
- Poor slag from the beach!

What can a man know as
empires you?

Nor about dynasties.

It has no kingdoms, nor dreams,
and realities. Do not own anything!

For you, call the destination
is to invoke the cloaca.

Mine is the fate of China!

I love you, Ruby.

This auction, and the girls that sells ...

Will it be for the destiny of China
or yours?

George Wah told me that once,

after we had swum in ...
forbidden waters.

But why talk about George?
George is dead.

And we live.

In life, very rarely happens ...

... That a man and a woman
hear the call ...

eternities together.

It often happens in life ...

a man and a woman discover the
remaining half of their own beings.

When I first saw you,

I felt long ago,

whispered in the wind together,

and we lit the moon,

to you and me.

He is now in the Hall of the Hours
Kindly me.

How many hours benevolent been here?

Now is the time of the rat.

Have you ever woken up?
Have you had good dreams?

I had a horrible dream.

- After the auction
not have bad dreams. Will ...

I know.

I'll be dead.

It is a fool.
We will all die.

But fools die before.


- When does the next train to the afterlife?
- Soon neglect.

It is a good espresso, which makes no stops.

Look, a beautiful girlfriend awaits.

Soon after selling all the girls,
send him on a long boat trip,

two hours of the safest.

- Want to see the sale of girls?
- Do not miss it for me.

Go ahead, go have fun.
I do not mind waiting.

Are you funny. No I have to go.

I can see it from here.

It may be your friend.

Tongs and honorable gentlemen,
you worship the beauty.

The celestial have searched the East.

Consider tonight
have been transported there.

Here, obtained in all
Points East

hope your honorable attention.

It is the finest merchandise
human eyes have ever seen.

Kublai Khan himself, whose warriors
toured three continents in search

of beauties for his master,
could not have done better choice

this flower of Burma
with the nuance of southern China,

whose exotic beauty is unforgettable.

These guys are having
big, huh?

- A head!
- Two!

Listen to those voices.

What have they done to deserve it?

Know you could be there.

Sitting in those velvet cushions,

that refined eating ginger
looking the goods.

Take the key!

Brought from Tahiti by boat.

This Polynesian flower collection
to delight you.

Am I going to buy soon?
I have fear.

- A head!
- Two heads!

- Three heads!
- Three and a half!

- Four heads!
- Five!

Six heads!

We now offer a copy
with the verve of a mare.

Exquisite in its fire and attractive.

A challenge for the man
tasteful and informative.

This beauty is worth 5 heads
for everyone.

- A head!
- Two heads!

Beauty and fire, a combination
that is priceless.

Provide four, at least.

Just an old has so much money,
and only one young person should be with her.

- Let's Dance!
- Get her out to dance!

- No pujamos up to dance.
- We will not offer anything up to dance.

- They dance!
- Get her out to dance!


No, with velvet.
Do not marquéis skin.

I know how you can escape! We hide
between the laundry. No one will see.

And China will finish in a laundry, right?

No, this is a family of North Beach.
They are very good, will help.

- Thanks, but no.
- Still looking for the girl?

And will soon sell new husband.

Better care of yourself, baby.
I have yet much to do.

How silly and stupid you are!
You will be given the death of 1,000 cuts!

Just show me where the bedroom
Low and Ruby then you can go.

Why do you want rid of me?
Did not I care right so far?

I like her mom.
I have adopted.

- Do you still want to go with Ruby Low?
- Yes

Well, I'll take.
Also I'm having so much fun!

No hair!

- Thief! Scammer! Fake!
- Brothers! Sure you do not have hair.

And what else can you keep
home to a beauty so fiery?

Thief, Cheat!

We do not cheat if Ling Tan
were here!

- The fourth of Ruby Low.
- Where?

Desátale feet.

Lord! I believed him dead.
As to Gow.

- Can you stand?
- Yes

Caramba! How many fireworks! Is the Day
Independence or Chinese New Year?

No. We will play to follow the first.

Do as I,
take out the rockets and Abrantes.

The Hon Ling Tan

Are you gentlemen
fighting for a slave?

Should the house be disturbed ...

... By the shouts of men
they do not feel ...

Respect for themselves ...
or their brothers?

- But this is a fraud!
- It is no fraud!

The commodity is worth what was asked for it.

- It's broken!
- Is a damaged flower ...

... Because he dropped a petal,

or a tree less beautiful
by fall out a sheet?

There is a leaf.
It lacks all the hair.

The ancients taught us ...

the body is divided into eight parts.

Head, arms, hands,

torso and legs.

- What's the deal?
- The Hon Wah Chan offered four.

The eighth is half of four.

the price is reduced to three and a half.

Sold as the honorable Chan Wah!

Okay, wait there, but watch me.

When you see a sign like this,
Take this torch.

Turn it on and turn the lamp
gunpowder. Do I understand? Careful.

You better get out of here
before you fly to pieces.

And miss all this?

I enjoyed both
I fell into a washing machine in Salinas.

If I leave the ancestors, tonight
go with you. By making friends.

Sure. But now that you can escape.

Escape ¿?
Where do I was going to escape?

What a circus?
What a haven for Chinese dwarf?

I care for you.

And now, the jewel of the collection.
A rare commodity in this market.

With the best record.
Educated at a mission. So young and tender.

From as high purity
is proper for a knowledgeable article.

If you were the celestial kingdom,
not find a better wife.

It has the charm of youth,
the innocence of the first ...

and the hidden fire of the woman who
know it will be a treasure.

A real challenge for man
good taste that is able to accept only the best.

The lotus flower itself!
A flower that appeals to any human.

- Three heads!
- So you bid! Worthwhile.

- Three to go!
- I see five.

- Six!
- And a half! - And three quarters!

- Seven!
- And a half!

Fifteen heads?

- Dude, you're too old for this flower.
- It will be a widow before the wedding!

Fifteen heads is a good deal.

You show wisdom, an elder brother.
It will give you heat in your old age. Sold!


- This is not opium!
- What do you not?

- Stop the old!
- Stop!

Fight! It's time to escape!
Follow the old!

George Wah!

No more treasure Ling Tan
Low and Ruby can not buy an army.

George, welcome to life.
Take this.

Stop this woman!
Out of here!

Let's go now!

This way, follow me!

The sword of evil will melt in the fire.

Now we can start from scratch.

The slave trade ends
in these ashes.

Come on.

Here they come.

Down the drain.

Sun and Moon are shooting like arrows.

Say hello to the ancestors.

Until ...

... Then.

A struggle, agony is dissolving.

When she clings to me,
shame the nightmare is over.

And she, despite what has been
now it's just a woman in my arms,

subjected to an unknown journey.

Every passion has disappeared.

We leave all unrighteousness.

Was it a dream of the poppy,

or was, finally, really?

Now I go back to the sea,

Were these the muddy waters

and the gates of paradise?