Combat Sixteen (2005) - full transcript

This film about A West German boy becoming acquainted with racism and nationalism when his family relocates to the East, I think is largely unknown outside of Germany. This is unfortunate, as "Kombat Sechzehn" is really a fine film, that possesses some powerful imagery and a unique style, as well as a positive message. 16 year-old Georg is forced to leave his home in the West, which means saying goodbye to his two loves; his girlfriend, and his Taekwondo team, something that is all-important to him. Now living in Cottbus, an economically depressed place where the people are not too fond of things like American culture and foreigners living in their country, Georg soon falls in with a group of angry mates. Together the group delves further into a nationalist way of thinking, and soon they are shaving their heads, ( in a delirious scene featuring drinking, bleeding and group-vomiting in a rainstorm to the tune of a nationalist anthem), and becoming a skinhead gang. This film deals especially well with it's timeless subjects of loyalty and friendship, and male bonding through violence and alcohol. Georg develops a particularly strong friendship with Thomas, an angry, intelligent kid. By the films end, Thomas and Georg have taught each other some important life lessons, about both physical and inner strength, and about self respect, as they grow out of the gang mentality and learn to think for themselves. The film has a certain right wing feel to it, so skinheads and nationalists should get a kick out of this. The song at the films end is performed by 'Boehse Onkelz', a German band that has never totally succeeded in distancing itself from the Nazi scene which they were involved with long ago. "Kombat Sechzehn" features some impressive, professional looking fight sequences, as well as a memorable soundtrack. And the acting, particularly that of Ludwig Trepte as the right wing radikal Thomas, is quite impressive. It might be difficult to find this film outside of Germany, but for those interested in the skinhead scene, or the current situation in Germany, this is worth tracking down.


Wake up, Georg. We're there.
- That's obvious.

Our new home.

That place?

No, this place.
- Gimme a break, Dad.

- It's orange.

It's red. - No.
- Red. - No.

Georg, it's red.
Red's my favorite color. Careful!

You're here at last! Give me a hug!
- Hey sis, how are you?

That's cool. From Jasmin?
- Yeah.


You never cared about that before.
- I didn't have to live with you before.

Hey, that's blue!
- Yes.

Blue. - That's much nicer.
- Light blue.

Ah, our young man is all dressed up.
What are you looking for?

Yeah where's the basement,
or the attic or the exercise room?

Or am I just stupid?
- There isn't any, Georg.

What do you mean?
- We don't have much room here.


I told you we'd have less room here.
- But not like this.

It isn't forever.

It's not easy for me either,
having my desk in the kitchen.

You have a place to work. I don't.
- I know your workouts are important.

Here's a list of the town's
martial alts clubs. Dad checked 'em out.

You know I'll pay your training fees.
Maybe you can be the state champ here.

Right The Polish champion.

You didn't tell him that
there's no exercise room? - Not exactly.

He would have flipped out.
It's tough enough on him already.

Sometimes I can understand
why Mom left you.

Ribs and sauerkraut?
- What?

Ribs and sauerkraut.
- No.

I'm not hungry.
- It really knocked you off balance.

No more training, no more Jasmin.

But don't give me that shit
about needing sympathy.

The winner is now qualified
for the Hessian State Championships:

Georg Beerbaum!

Future Hessian champs!


Who cares!
- I care!


This is our new classmate
Georg Beerbaum.

He comes from Frankfurt am Main.

We can get to know Georg
by asking him questions. - Hey, bastard,

why didn't you stay where you were?

My dad got a job here.
- Mine didn't!

Silvio! - How big's a penis gotta be
to give a West German penis envy?

That question was beneath our dignity.

Are you on the right or the left?

You don't really care, do you?

Have a seat, Georg.

I'd like to check your homework.

Tell us about Germanized foreign words,
Reiko. - Terrific!

I hope you like it here, Georg.
- We'll see.

Look how far she's made it.
- I'll bet it's retarded.

Serves her right, the slut!
- That's what I say.

Here he comes.

- You didn't answer my question.

What question?
- Right or left?

I always get an answer.

Not from me!


Got a light?

Should I act normal and smile?

Don't smoke so much.

Listen, we'll meet this afternoon
at the Platz der Republik,

in the old arcades.
Just you and me, okay?

Forward march.

What do you want from him?
- I don't want him to get beat up.

The clubs here are absolutely
primitive. - Really?

That's tough. - The coaches too.
They're not even up to par.

Then train on your own.
- I don't even have an exercise room.

My dad might know a coach out East.
We won't leave you in the lurch.

Heard anything about the championships?

I don't know if you can take part.
Dad's still working on it.

Hey, I gotta go. We'll chat tonight.

Okay, see you tonight.

Get over here!

Who does this guy think he is?
- You'll never get outta here, bastard!

"The Warrior's true goal is peace."

You really got balls, man!

I like that.

Come here, you cunt!

Hey, bastard! That's enough!

Any more questions?

You all right?

We're gonna recruit him.

Georg, want to come along
and see Anke's apartment?

No, I'm busy.

How was school?
Any nice chicks?

I'm chatting now. I'm busy.

If you want to join us,
the address is on my desk.

I'd be glad to have you come.
And Anke would be, too.

George, I'm sorry
I never asked you about any of this.

Yeah, well,
I guess there's nothing we can do.

It was nice at Anke's last night.
- It was nice here, too.

I watched porn movies all night.

You got into my stuff, huh?
- They're only rated X.

What happened to your eye?
- I earned some respect.

Respect? - Yep.
- You're a step ahead of me.

Beerbaum Oh, Mr. Krasnik!

Yes yes

The presentation was great yesterday.
Yes, no, of course

It was a fantastic success.

Light blue is much better.
Just a minute, please.

Georg, answer the door.
- Sure, Dad. - I'm back.

Yeah? That's great.

That's great yes.

A funeral parlor in Eisenhüttenstadt.

What do you want?

Quite a show
you put on yesterday.

You're all right.

Hi, I'm Georg's father. And you're ...?
- Thomas Thiess.

We're in the same class.
- Who did you guys mess with yesterday?

Just a few jerks from school.
- Why don't you go inside?


We still got time.

I'm afraid I don't. See you later.

No smoking here.

Sorry, old sport.

Wow, "The Alt of War."

As if you're familiar with it.
- My grandad gave it to me.

First edition from 1939.
- Really?

This thing is over 1,000 years old
and as German as the strategems.

The 36 strategems,
the alt of taking advantage.

"Show up where you aren't expected."

But "hide your sword behind your smile."

Let's go on talking
about the crisis in Iraq.

First, let's consider
what motivated the USA

to go to war twice in Iran.

- Iraq. Silvio has prepared

a report on the topic which will serve
as a basis for our discussion,

ladies and gentlemen.

The Crisis in Iraq.

Every day we hear about assaults against
US agencies and soldiers in Iraq.

People on both sides keep dying,
although the war ended a while ago.

Bad news is business as usual
- The place is full of jerks.

Any news from the coach?
- A closer look at US foreign policy

I miss you.
- reveals that the so-called

world sheriff America
has already waged two wars against Iraq

to topple the dictator Saddam Hussein.

But after September 11 they couldn't
understand why everyone hated them.

Spirit combat.

Americans are arrogant,
self-righteous fatties

who think that their damn way of life
is a blessing for the whole world.

That attitude
determines their foreign policy.

Do you personally know any Americans?

No. - No? - Is that a problem?
- Yeah, just shut up, okay?

Hey, I got my own opinion.
- You do, huh?

Like I said. - Do you also think
all Germans are Nazis

who wear lederhosen and yodel?

Maybe you got no idea
- Thank you, Silvio. Sit down.

If you want to say something, then
speak up. - I have nothing more to say.

Anybody else?

Come here!

Stay down, bastard!

"The greatest achievement is to defeat
your enemy without a battle."

Hi, Thomas

Pick up his things
and apologize. Okay?

But we just wanted to
- No buts.

Pick up his stuff. Now.

I'll count to ten,
before things get bloody.



three. - Nice and orderly.
Especially the German folders.

Six nine


I think you forgot something.
- Yeah, what's the magic word?

Sorry, I didn't mean to.

Sorry about that.


Today was the first demonstration
against the building of the new mall.

Georg, could you turn that off!

Oh shit!

I can't work with that noise!

There are loads of clubs in town!
I didn't give you that list for nothing!

There are exactly 5 taekwondo clubs
in town, and they were all crap!

Crap? Hey, don't
- Stop! Watch out.

What's wrong with you? Damn it!

Sorry, I didn't mean it that way.

I'm just not getting anywhere.

He loses body parts, and the cleaning
lady collects 'em, so nobody notices.

Then they freeze Schröder´s fucking
parts and make 'em into pizza later.

That was a good one.

Schröder's eyes stink like puke.

Hey, Thomas. Where are you going?

What do you want this time?

"Follow the rules
and become familiar with the enemy

until you can triumph
in the decisive battle."

Am I the enemy?
- One can never know.

What's your problem anyway?

You guys really piss me off.
I don't belong here, and I never will.

There isn't even an exercise room.

The old Reichsbahn shed,
crammed with all sorts of shit.

It has to be disposed of.

What do you think?

What do I have to do?
- Teach me a few moves.

You got the best view of town
from up here.

What a surprise. Hello.

This is Georg. He's new in my class.

I'm Gisela. It's nice to meet you.

Want anything to drink?
- No time. We gotta get going.

Is anything wrong?
- No, everything's fine.

I have the key.
Let's go before you grow roots.

Good bye.
- Bye.


Isn't that a bit ridiculous?
- Why's that?

It looks really cool, doesn't it?

If you say so.

You need to learn some basics first.

Stand and greet.


What's up?

I'm looking for
- Can I help you?

Hey, what a surprise.

What're you doing here?
- Food!

Good boy.

You seem to be getting along okay.

Yeah, I'm okay. The exercise room
is real cool. Now I can practice again.

Not like with the Devils and Jasmin,

but it's okay.
- You can't practice alone. - Sure.

You know how ridiculous that is.
- Hey, it works.

"When your goal is clear,
and you're determined."

Have you checked out Slubice?
- In Poland? - Exactly.

Forget Poland. Thomas has already had
three bikes swiped.

I know what I'm doing.

Jab and pull back. Try it.

Either do it right or not at all.

Come on.

Now pay attention.
Open up, right hand jab,

left hand jab and kick.


Reporting to duty!
- Sorry.

Practice is over.
- Just a second.

I'm the one who says when it's over.

Comrades, greetings from Daniel.

Hey, what's going on here?

This place is real cool.

Thomas told us
you're gonna teach us karate.

I never said that.
- Why karate?


Hey, listen

These guys are my friends.
Got a problem with that?

I do if it's during practice.
- Hey, Philip!

Since when do the Japs have runes?

Hands off!
- Fucker!

- You bastard!

Have a beer.

You bum!


There are some basic rules.
Just like in capture the flag.

Kissing ass isn't one of them.

Man, you got no brains at all!

I'm sick of doing the thinking for you.
- So now we're not good enough for you.

Want a beer?

Are we gonna practice tomorrow?

"When you think you're somebody,
you stop being somebody."

Taekwondo is more than just a sport.

What a loser.

Hey, cool it, guys.
I'm not doing this for fun.


Let's not forget why we're here.

Nobody's home right now,
so leave a message. Bye.

Hi, Jasmin. It's me, Georg.

I wanted to wish you a happy birthday,
and all the best.

I hope you win the state championships.

And don't forget me, okay?

All the best.


I'm on the guest list.

It's my sister's
- Exhibition. I know.

Now you can go.

The boys are all naked down below.

Exactly. But the boys all get
a little ribbon

to preserve their mystery.

In pink!

Do you have your ribbon on?
- Georg, it's cool you're here. - Hi.

This is my brother from yesterday.
- Hello. - Hi.

Hello - You have to excuse Peten.
She's drunk again.

And you aren't? - Nope. You like it?
- It's cool, isn't it? Say it's cool!

There's our professor.
We gotta say hello. - Sorry.

I didn't know you like alt.
- I don't actually.

Too bad actually.

It isn't your thing, huh?
- Well, not exactly.

Cool the way you stood up to Thomas.
Not many guys would dare.

Be careful he doesn't sucker you.
- What do you mean?

Thomas isn't he isn't stupid.

At least not as dumb as his gang.

He suckered me, too. It took me a while
to find out what an asshole he is.

You used to go out with Thomas,
didn't you?

A long time ago.

Before they pulled that shit
with the refugee center.

Hold on. Jasmin, how are you?
- Great. - Be right back.

I'd love to be with you now
- I'd like that, too.

I have bad news for you.

I don't know how to tell you.

Dad did everything he could,

but your dad canceled your membership,
and you're not a Hessian resident.

You realize what that means, don't you?

Did you hear me?

Don't fuck around,
Georg, please! Hello?


That's how it works.

We're a liberal party.
And alt unites people.

What're you doing here? You weren't
invited. You don't understand alt.

Are you crazy? I'm talking to you!

Some guys like you
are lying outside the door.

They're playing the game
"Toothless Polack."

I'd reconsider if I was you.
- They won't hassle us now.


We're in the same class.
Come on, let's go.

It's nice here.

I'm not gonna ruin my body

But booze is okay.

Hey, what's wrong?
Did your old lady break up with you?


You'd rather be in the West.

You gotta meet Jasmin.
She's really cool.

She really goes wild when she fights.
- So

Have you laid her yet?


Sorry about this afternoon.

It won't happen again, okay?

It's just the two of us
from now on. - I don't care.

Why's that?

Because I'm one of you now
from the Eastern Zone.

I can't become
Hessian state champion.


A knife in the back

put an end to your heroic deeds

on the field where we now pick flowers,

hallowed by your blood immortal!

Fallen comrade immortal.

Fallen comrade immortal.

Now for today's highlight,
to decide the 2005 Hessian champion.

A no-show counts as a defeat

Georg Beerbaum,
take your position.

Please take their position immediately!

Final call for Georg Beerbaum.

Only tourists can enter Germany.

Everyone else should be expelled.

Foreigners cause trouble:
drugs, theft, unemployment.

Georg Beerbaum, get in position!

I know the day will come.
And though the way is long,

Germany will return,

and we'll march to eternity.


It's so disgusting when German women
screw around with niggers.

It's so unaesthetic somehow.

Good morning, comrade. Time to get up.

You speak German, too?
- Nope.

He's okay.
Come on over when you feel better.

Cheers, comrades. Dig in.
- Pass the rolls.

Cheers! - I need a few comrades
to put up posters.

Against the German-Polish mall.

10 euros an hour.

It's proven that the mall will destroy

German shopkeepers' livelihood.

Who can put up posters?

If it helps the cause

What other operations?

Posters and handbills first

Everything else will be done
according to the people's will.

What about you, Georg?
You want to help us?

Hey, Georg! Hold on!

Don't you wanna eat with us?
- Not really.

I don't want anything to do with them.
- Listen

Daniel's the only guy
who gives us a homeland.

He helps us.
- Is that a good reason to play fascist?

You should read this. Maybe then
you'll realize we aren't Nazis.

No, thanks.

We're 10 kilometers away from Frankfurt.
Do you really wanna walk?

I don't like that guy.

He isn't your type.

He's a fighter, like me.

Daniel's right.
He's just gonna cause trouble.

You're just pissed, 'cause he won't
train you! - What's your problem?

Hey, comrades!
Show some discipline! Sit down!

We aren't going to risk our spirit
of comradeship for something so trivial.

If that guy causes trouble,
you're going to pay for it. Got it?

Going to Frankfurt?

Got drunk? Fell asleep? Left behind?

I'm Martin. I like to chat when
I drive. I'm a communicative guy

You can talk to me. I'm a social worker.
One of the good guys!

Nice to meet you. I'm Georg.

It must be a shock.
You're feeling just fine,

until you realize
that I'm a social worker asshole.

How shitty is that?

What I really do is take boys and girls
from detention centers

and teach them that this fucking world
can be real cool if you work hard.

I get 'em to train a bit,
and it works wonders.

Everything okay?

You'd be really good
if you didn't keep thinking about

the mistakes you just made.

Hey, I've got a coach now.

He's totally nuts, but
- Where were you?

I was practicing - Damn it! Why
do you think I bought you a cell phone?

Do you realize how worried I was?
I nearly called the police!

Jasmin called at least 100 times!
What's wrong with you?

I turned my cell phone off.
- Turned it off!

Then give it back
if you aren't gonna use it!

I have enough trouble with the mall!
Don't cause me any more, okay?

All you think about is your mall!
- Look at you!

- Have you been taking drugs?

Who was that guy?
- My new coach.

What? That was your new coach?
- Yeah.

But what do you care? You aren't
interested in my sport anyway!

All you ever do is worry
about your fucking mall!

You don't give a shit about me!
You even canceled my Devils membership!

Yes, you did!
And you didn't even tell me!

Thanks to you I can't become
state champ! Thanks a lot!

Not in that tone of voice!


You really must hate your father.

"When your opponent is hot-tempered
- "... try to provoke him."

"Attack him when he isn't prepared."

Are you crazy, Georg?

That's willful damage to property

Your sister?
- You're Thomas, aren't you?

Great friends you've made.
- Come on, calm down.

He's my father, too!

He's waited his whole life for this,
and you want to ruin it for him?

He's ruined my whole life!
- Gimme a break. You're only 16.

Dad isn't going back to Frankfurt.
I hope you realize that.

Maybe you should talk to Dad,
instead of to guys like him!

I'll send you the bill for the posters.

Eeny, meeny, miney, mo,
not a cent for fascists, no!

Their arguments aren't
that far-fetched. - Hey

Now you've really lost it.

Heil Hitler!

During the last election,
the leftists tore down our posters.

But we made sure
that they wouldn't do it again.

After all, the constitution guarantees
freedom of speech.

Hey, I gotta go.

What about practice?
- I'll give you a call.

Where did you get such an idea?

I was just helping a friend
-A friend?

Georg, you're old enough
to find yourself real friends!

And if they don't share your opinion,
they're the wrong friends?

You aren't working for those Nazis
anymore! Understand?

Understand? And that
- Thomas

Shut up!
- It's no joke! They're dangerous!

Why are they dangerous?
- Those people are dangerous!

Thanks, Dad. Thanks a lot.

You stay outta this!

Hi, Thomas. It's me, Georg.
Platz der Republik in 30 minutes?

At your place? Okay, great.
See you.

Is that where you hang out?

Platz der Republik,
with the rightwing hooligans?

If you don't want
anyone to listen, don't talk so loud.

What, you gonna tell me
that they're total Nazi assholes?

Just a minute. I'm talking to you.

I taught 'em a lesson right at first,
and since then everything's great. Okay?

That's awesome.

They burned down a refugee center
2 years ago. Luckily no one was killed.

Why don't you do a little research
before you start playing the hero.

Everybody knows better.
I'm fed up with this shit. - Okay.

Okay. You're old enough
to choose your own friends.

Here are the training times.

But you have to put together
your own schedule. See you tomorrow.

See you.

You were right.

About what?

About training
Philip and Reiko couldn't handle it.

I don't understand
why you hang around with them.

They're my friends.

We've known each other for ages.

I'd never dump 'em just because
they aren't as smart as you.

We've been through a lot together.

Like burning down refugee centers
and stuff like that?

What do you know?

You come crawling over
from your sheltered life in the West,

acting all cool, and I'm supposed
to trade in my buddies for you.

You must be fucking nuts.

Why would you torch a refugee center?

A refugee center? My ass!
It was a fucking Polack whorehouse!

My father went there every day!
You got no idea what it was like!

So you burned down a brothel?
- My dad even took that Polish slut

to the store!
Multi-cultural bullshit!

Eastern European assistant, my ass!

Six months later, he deserted me
and my mother! Abandoned us!

You've no fucking idea what it's like!

Yes, I do. My mother deserted us
- It's true!

I caught 'em fucking in the back while
my mom was working in the store!

So that's why
you burned down the refugee center!

Listen here!
We won't put up with it anymore!

Not us!

The national resistance
is in charge here!

Georg, pack your things.

Go on! Run off with your fucking daddy,
you fucking pussy bastard!

You got no idea what comradeship means!


Who cares!

I care.


Hi, Georg.

How are you?

I'll go get the others.

Shit happens.

How long have you been together?

Since you left.

But I

Fuck it!

It's good to see you.


A knife in the back
put an end to your heroic deeds

on the field where we now pick flowers
hallowed by his blood immortal.


Fallen comrade immortal!

I know the day will come.

And though the way is long,

Germany will return,

and we'll march to eternity.


"Seal up the mouth of outcast ..."
- "... outrage ..."

"Till we can clear these ambiguities
and know their spring, true descent.

Meantime forbear,
And let mischance be slave to patience.

I am the greatest, able to do least.

Yet most suspected, as time and place
Doth make against me of this murder;

And here I stand, both to impeach
and purge, Myself condemned

And myself excused."

Reiko and Philip, go on reading.

What the fuck! - No way!
- What a shame you joined the assholes!

"What a scourge is laid upon your hate,
That heaven kills your joys with love."

"A glooming peace this morning brings.
The sun, for sorrow, will not show:

And I for winking at your discords too
Have lost a brace of kinsmen:

All are punish'd."

That chick really
knocked you off your feet.

I just don't know what to do.

I don't know who I am.

What should I do?
Become a Nazi? I don't know.

If I fell for a chocolate honey,
she'd really bring me down.

Only if you let her bring you down.

What's going on? - I'm getting serious
about my parental responsibilities.

What're you looking for? Drugs? Alcohol?

Maybe some Polish porn movies?


This, for example.

Nazi propaganda.
Did you get it from Thomas?

Who cares where I got it.
You ought to read it yourself.

The daily press
prints even more bullshit.

Do you have any more
of this propaganda?

I just borrowed it to find out
what it's like. That's all.

And you just shaved your head
to find out what it's like?

Are you gonna yell, "Niggers go home!"
and burn down refugee centers

to find out what it's like?

Yeah, exactly.

Get outta here!


Was that German enough for you

This is a martial alt.
It has to do with mental maturity

Get lost!

Okay, it's the invasion
of the ultra leftist slime!

And half the world has been destroyed
by their cyber bacteria,

with their tentacles and suckers,

that live on their huge mohawk hairdos.

And one last desperate scream echoes
throughout the old Germanic galaxy:

"Save the world! Join Odin's
intergalactic Northern Fleet!"

Northern Fleet!

"At that moment, when an army faces
the abyss - "... it can triumph

with one mighty assault."
-And pure violence is the answer.


"The greatest achievement

"... is to defeat the enemy
without a battle."

You won't get anywhere without violence.
- And those who forget

will pay the consequences.
Right, Reiko?


Is it from the Polish market?

Are you nuts? What the fuck?
- Georg speaking.

We don't buy from Poles!

We got our pride!
- Hey!

We made that rule together.
Or did you forget

who brainwashed your old man?
That stinking Polish cunt!

Where's the train station?
- What's up?

That way, on the left

What's that jerk doing? - Who knows?
Maybe it's his chick from the West.

I've been wanting to meet her.
Sorry about that.

It's okay.

You look like shit. Things aren't
going well, huh? - It's alright.

I was worried about you.

That's not what it looked like.
Dennis, of all people!

I know, I should've told you. But
- How long can you stay?

Maybe they're already gone.
- No, we'd have seen 'em. - There he is.

Do you know those guys?
Are they going to cause us trouble?

No, I don't think so.
Come on, they're friends of mine.

She really is black.
- It's okay. - Friends of yours?

Are you nuts?
- Things are a bit different here.

Look, it's a real bimbo chick!

No women.
- Hey, Georg

Do you smell that, too?
It stinks here.

Georg fucks niggers!

So what's it like?
- Georg fucks niggers!

Hey, mudhoney!
- Leave her alone.

Let's go. - Okay.
- No, we gotta clear something up.

Hands off! - I'm sick of you!
- Don't touch me, whitey!

Come here, you little cunt!
- Hey, asshole!

Hey, come on!
- Shut up, the bimbo's gone!

Comrade, you're one of us!
-And we don't hump niggers.

Let me go! - Hold on!
- Jasmin! Wait!


We'll let him clear it up alone. Okay?

You're getting soft!

You're no longer the Georg
that I knew.

Back in Frankfurt you went after a guy
who insulted me like that.

And now? Now you even
hang around them yourself!

You've no idea what this place is like.
You don't have to live here.

That doesn't mean
you have to become a Nazi.

What are you doing here?

I wanted to save our friendship.

Friendship? You're doing just fine.

You have the club, you're gonna be
state champ, you have your Dennis

But you're still my best friend.

That's why you fucked me over? At least
people here know what comradeship means.

Fine, then I'd better get going
before your fascist buddies hassle you.

It's real shitty having
a bimbo chick as a girlfriend.

Get lost! Piss off!

Get lost!

I need this.

Go and fight with your friends!


In 15 minutes.

Got it.

The money for the posters just arrived.

I'd be glad to have you come along.

Mix some more glue.

Here you go. - Hurry up.
- Down here, too.

Some more over here.
- We did that already.


It's good I can rely on you.
It went well with our new comrade, huh?

Are you one of us now?
- It was a private matter.

Germany is a private matter.

How long did it take?

2 hours?
- Exactly 2 times 2 hours.

How come Philip is the new contact?

We can't tolerate
any more mistakes. That's why.

He can teach you a thing or two.

Comrades, duty calls!

Sieg Heil! Heil Hitler!

The Northern Association thanks you.

I don't wanna ever see that again.

Don't ever do it again.

How about playing another round?
Anyway, I need a drink. - Cool.

Then pack up the posters.

Go ahead and do it, then.

Hey, ladies. ls everybody cool?

Got a problem?

Don't be afraid. It isn't real.
It's just paint inside.

So Germans like you
can feel safe again in public.

Hey, are you crazy?

You're completely drunk!

You're no longer fit
to be a leader anyway!

What's wrong?

Niggerfucker, friend or cadre.
That's what's wrong.

I think it's time to make a decision.

That kid is capable of learning.

But your psycho-snob from the West
he'll never make the grade.

Head shot.
- It's my turn. We made a deal.

I only hit the neck.

Head's gone. My turn.

Shut up! I need a drink!

Anybody got a beer?

What the fuck! It's empty!

Who's this fat pig?

A fucking Jew.

You can tell by the star.
- Gimme that.

Real funny, you fat pig.
- Got a problem shooting at Jews?

Finish him off.

Hey, leave him alone!

You used to clobber guys for that.

What do you mean? We still do!
- Hey!

Hold on, guys!

Are you on his side?
Come here, asshole!

I'll take care of it, okay?

That bastard.

Here, is he good enough for you?

If you're a real man, you gotta shoot.

Come on, shoot, you bastard.

I told you it'd work.
- What a cool operation.

I got the posters.
- I didn't think

We can put 'em up everywhere.
- Let's get drunk, okay?

Got a cigarette?

How much money you got?
Back when we were putting up posters

That's howl like it, man.

We're gonna get so drunk
50 euros.


Hey guys, I'm looking for the disco.
I'm deejaying tonight.

That hippie disco!
- It's off limits for spastics!

What music is that?
- Got some beer?

Hey, don't touch me, you pig!

Did I miss something?

You wrecked my posters!

Shut up!
"Strength will defeat weakness!"

Leave him alone!

Let him go!
- Is he a friend of yours?

Can I hit both of 'em?
- Come here, you pig!

What's up?

Come here, you fat pig!

He's running away!
-Get him!

Come back here, you bastard,
or I'll open fire!

Hey, whose side are you on anyway?

Come on, man.
That guy isn't getting away.

Come on!

We're gonna beat the shit outta him.

You leftist swine!


Come back here!

What kind of sportsman are you anyway?
- Just shut up!

Fuck off!

Come here, you fucking leftist!

Come here!

Come here.
"The Warrior's true goal is peace."

I'm gonna kill that fucking bastard!

Run past me! Keep running!

No, stop! Not that way!


How do you like that?

Kick him!

The fucker deserves it!

You commie bastard!

Why were you running from us?

Come here!

I can't stand hippie fucks like you.

Give me a hand!
- Get down!

Get him up there!

His hands!

Teeth on the tiles!

Hold still!

Come on! - Do it!

Have you had enough?

Let's go. get up!

Open wide!

Come on, Thomas.
- Do it! Penalty kick!

Sidewalk stomp! Come on!

Do it!

Do it!
- What are you waiting for?

Come on, man!

Fucking traitor!

If he moves, blow his head off!

He marched through a storm of bullets
with the wild courage of the north,

through storms and thunder
he proudly carried the heroic banner.


fallen comrade!

Fallen comrade!

A knife in the back
put an end to your heroic deeds

on the field
where we now pick flowers

hallowed by his blood immortal.

Fallen comrade immortal!

Fallen comrade!

I know the day will come.
And though the way is long,

Germany will return,

and we'll march into eternity,
with arms of steel.

Drink, man, drink!
Maybe you'll wise up again!

Fallen comrade immortal.


"Young Son, it argues
a distemper'd head

So soon to bid

good morrow to thy bed."

Are you okay?
- Don't ask.

Hey, man! Don't fuck me over!
What the fuck's going on?

Hey, that's one of those fascists.
We don't want him here.

Calm down.

Hey, Martin.

I wanted to ask you
if I could join up again.

Get warmed up. I'll be right there.

If you really want to,
you can move a mountain.

If you really want to,
you can make giants small.

If you really want to,
you can heal your wounds.

If you really want to,
hours become seconds.

If you really want to,
you can learn to fly.

If you really want to,

you'll learn to love yourself.

If you really want to,
you can go the wayless way.

Be yourself, believe in yourself.

Truth must be experienced
and never taught.

You are what you were,
and you'll be what you do.

Begin to love yourself,
and you'll find what you seek.

Everything you want to know
everything you seek,

you'll find within yourself,
for you are what you do.

Feel your wounds,
and be aware that you're alive.

Find yourself
before you rot away inside.

If you really want to,
you can change your life.

If you really want to,
you can learn to forgive.

If you really want to,
you can believe in yourself.

If you really want to,
you will open your eyes.

If you really want to,
big things become small.

If you really want to,
I will be beside you.

If you really want to,
you'll build a ladder to the moon.