Collateral Damage (2002) - full transcript

Firefighter Gordon Brewer is plunged into the complex and dangerous world of international terrorism after he loses his wife and child in a bombing credited to Claudio "The Wolf" Perrini. Frustrated with the official investigation and haunted by the thought that the man responsible for murdering his family might never be brought to justice, Brewer takes matters into his own hands and tracks his quarry ultimately to Colombia.

OCD from engine 35. On scene at 902
Sunnyvale. Six-story, center hallway--

I. C. from engine 35.
Need additional backup.

I. C. from engine 35.
Need additional backup.

I. C. from engine 35.
We need additional manpower now!

An elderly woman is trapped.
We need another line up here.

We got Captain Brewer's team
checking in.

My grandmother can't waik!
She's trapped!

We'll handie it.

Gordy, we got peopie trapped
at both ends of the haii.

Heads up. Let's do it.

Take care.


Heip me!

I can't waik!

- Get me a baby iadder for this hoie.
- Don't even think about it!

- You guys stay back! I'm going in!
- Gordy, goddamn it!

Gordy! Get that iast waii
on the fifth fioor!

I.C. from fire 1028!
Fioor coiiapsing!

Captain Brewer's faiien through!
I need heip.

This is engine 28.

Heip me, piease! Somebody, heip me!

I can't breathe.

- Put on my mask.
- Thank you.

Get your ass over here
and steady that iadder!

Aii right, get that woman out!

Aii right. inhaie, okay?
You got it. Come on.

- You'llF be okay.
- Steady that iadder! Here we go!

- We have a burn victim coming down!
- I got one coming down!

Take it easy with her.
Take her down.

Then we'll put a piece in here.

And we got it. Look at that.
Wait tiii Mommy sees that.

We have to put the stand on now, okay?
Here we have the stand.

The biue goes to biue.

We put it right in here.
You see this one's biue here?

Hoid the wings stabie.

Good. There we are.
Look at this.

- Looks good.
- Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Mom, iook what we made.

- Matty, that is so cooi.
- Show your mommy. Come on.

It must have taken hours.

Since 4 a.m.
He was aiready up when I got home.

- He has a sore throat.
- He shouid see Dr. Bob.

Want to see my Kobe Bryant siam-dunk?

Sweetie, I don't think
you shouid be jumping around.

Bubbie, bubbie, toii and troubie.

Matt is going to be ciean
on the doubie.

Dr. Bob can see him at 11:30,
but I have to be at the hospitai.

- I can take him. Can you pick him up?
- Aii right.

Yeah, great. 11:30 is fine.
Thank you so much.

- Now you're ciean.
- Come on, iittie buddy.

Come on, you're aii ciean.
Oh, you're so siippery. Let's go.

I toid you that doctor wouid make
you feei better. Want a hot dog?

- How are you?
- Good.

- What can I do for you?
- Two hot dogs, a soda.

- What you want to drink?
- Orange juice.

Okay, two hot dogs.

Here we go, bud.

It's iate. Where's Daddy?
He shouid have been here by now.

Stay right around in here,
okay, honey?


Excuse me, officer.

I'm just going to pick up my kid.

If you don't mind, it's just going
to be a minute, okay? Thanks.

- There he is!
- Where?

- Weii done. it's aii because of you.
- That's my job, sir.

This way.

Hi, Daddy.


See? I toid you he'd be here.


ETA on those units!

Get Giiiy, Perry, Copeiand
up here now.

The agent in charge is coming.
I want paperwork in 10 minutes.

Gordy, we'll need
to start an iV iine.

I need to get him to the hospitai.
We can't get this giass out.

Device functioned
after a motorcade arrived.

Coiombian officiais,
American inteiiigence.

Guy on the phone is Brandt.
CiA, works Coiombia.

The other guy is Shrub. Undersecretary
of State, Latin American affairs.

- Not a scratch on him.
- Surveiiiance cameras?

- We're puiiing the video now.
- Where's L.A.P.D. on this?

They know it's ours. They're heiping.

- What's the body count?
- Two dozen injured. Nine dead...

...inciuding CiA, American
and Coiombian miiitary, a maiiman...

...a nurse and her iittie boy.
That's the father over there.

Gordy, we need to get you on a gurney.

Caii our contacts. I want to know
who's responsibie by the day's end.

- Phipps, counter-terrorism.
- Peter Brandt.

- I need to taik to him.
- Not today.

Get the undersecretary to his hotei.

- Keep me informed.
- Right.

Okay, I'll taik to you then.
Someone in your caravan was a target.

- Terrorism. Everyone's a target.
- Shovei that on the press, not me.

- I need to know what you know.
- When you get ciearance.

I won't teii that dad
the kiiier got away due to protocoi.

Teii him what you want. We're done
taiking untii you're cieared.

Excuse me, nurse. Excuse me.
Gordon Brewer, piease.

- Jack.
- How you doing?

Hey, Gordy.

- How is he?
- Couid have been worse.

The giass missed his femorai artery
by a hair. He was iucky.

Let me say, the full resources
of the United States...

...will be employed to make clear...

...that we do not tolerate attacks
on our city.

That said,
we must fight the temptation... make hasty policy decisions
we may come to regret.

We can't allow
an anonymous criminal... unravel our partnership
with Colombia.

Who was the specific target?

Hey, buddy. How you doing?

- I won't speculate.
- What will the president do about it?

- He's meeting with the Joint Chiefs.
- Was the State Department warned?

What do we know?

The president's coming on soon.
I doubt he'll say anything new.

Turner says the bomb was hidden
in a poiice motorcycie.

- They don't know who triggered it.
- I saw a cop.

I saw him.

Gordy, get back here! Goddamn it!

I saw him.

- Goddamn it, come here! Siow down!
- I saw him.

You're not going anywhere!

Any probiems, go through
Shrub's office over at State.

That's right. Yes, he's one of us.
He can handie it.

Is Beckett there?
Or Moyers? He couid heip.

Skin of his teeth, that guy.
Ciassic agency moid.

Get a copy of every visa
on a Coiombian passport.

- Everyone's covering up for him.
- That's why they're caiied spooks.

Bastards. They must have used
some kind of iiquid expiosive.

If you'll foiiow me, sir.

I just want to heip.
Used to be with Bomb and Arson.

Right this way, sir.
I'll take you to Agent Phipps.

Gordy Brewer is here.

- The fireman?
- Yeah. Says he taiked to the cop.

We appreciate you coming down.

We know this guy.
His name is Ciaudio Perrini.

We think he's a terrorist
caiied El Lobo. The Woif.

Definiteiy the guy I bumped into.

I taiked to him.
I toid him I was picking up my son.

The son of a bitch smiied at me.

The bomb may have been triggered
by a ceii phone.

- Did he have one?
- I don't know.

How iong between the time
you saw him and the expiosion?

Five seconds.
Maybe 10 at the most.

- That's enough time to make a caii?
- Maybe.

This couid be tough to watch, sir.

I was iate.

They shouidn't have been there.

- They shouidn't have.
- No, the bomber shouidn't have.

Peter Brandt, CiA, Latin American
section. He was one of the targets.

I'm sorry for your ioss. if there's
anything I can do for you....

I promise, one way or the other,
we'll catch that son of a bitch.

How do I get ahoid of you?

We're not at aii separated from one
another. We aii run the same course...

...and wiii find one another again.

We won't be apart,
for we iive for Christ.

Now, we are united with Christ
as we go to him.

We shaii aii be together
in Christ. Amen.

- This is Gordy.
- Anne.

- And Matthew Brewer.
- Leave us a message.

Mr. Brewer, my name's Ken Barnett
with Lateiine.

We'd love to get you in the studio
to hear you tell your story... your own words.

If that's something that interests
you, please call us at 552-12--

Now back to Rick Garcia with more
on the bombing in Los Angeles.

I'm at the State Department, where
the counter-terrorism headquarters...

...received a videotape
from Ei Lobo, or The Wolf...

...a Colombian terrorist
who is responsible...

...for at least 7 bombings, including
the most recent in Los Angeles.

On behalf of the people
of Colombia...

...I claim responsibility
for the bombing in Los Angeles.

The bombing was an act of self-defense
against American war criminals.

As long as America continues
its aggression in Colombia...

...we will bring the war home to you.

And you will not feel safe
in your own beds.

Colombia is not your country.

Get out now. Sangre o iibertad.

For more, Jenni Luz in Los Angeles.

I'm with Mr. Ortiz Dominguez of the
Latin American Solidarity Committee...

...a group sympathetic
to the Army of Colombian Liberation.

Sir, you've characterized the ALC
as freedom fighters.

Isn't the bombing here just a brutal
act of terrorism?

The Wolf only brought to the U. S.
What the U. S. has brought to Colombia.

The killing of innocent people like
Anne and Matt Brewer is terrorism.

Their deaths are regrettable.

It's called collateral damage.

Ortiz, you want the call? CNN is
holding. Washington Post's on the line.

- Am I the only one here?
- Agent Crosby will relieve you soon.

New York Times is on one.

Put them on hoid. That's my position.
I aiready toid you this.

- Why shouid I change it?
- Coiiaterai damage, huh?

- Who the fuck are you?
- I'll give you coiiaterai damage.

Stop that!

It iooks iike the fireman.
Move in. Go now! Go!

You want coiiaterai? Right here.

- What are you doing?!
- Want coiiaterai damage? Here.

What are you doing?!

- Where's The Woif?!
- I don't know!

- Teii me where The Woif is!
- Put the bat down!

- Fuck you!
- Take him down!

I don't know!

Turn it off.

Come on.

Just reiax, Mr. Brewer.

- I have to cuff you.
- I'm Agent Coiiins with the FBi.

Bring your wrist right here, sir.

Take it easy.
You'll be aii right.

Just reiax. it's gonna be aii right.

I can't imagine what you're feeiing
right now...

...but you can't take the iaw
into your own hands.

I think you aiready iost him.

He's iong gone. Otherwise, he wouidn't
have sent you that tape.

- Am I under arrest?
- No.

We convinced Mr. Ortiz
to drop the charges.

The truth is, we're pretty sure
The Woif is back in Coiombia.

- I find this questioning offensive.
- You are the reason this has occurred.

You went to the Coiombian consuiate
with a pian to attack the guerriiias.

Then they tried to biow you up.

- Senator, if you intend to argue--
- Mr. Brandt, I'm not arguing.

I am teiiing you, your mission
in Coiombia is terminated immediateiy.

With aii due respect, senator...

...that is the worst thing
you can do now.

This isn't for discussion.

Peace taiks are being arranged
between Coiombia and the guerriiias.

This is insane.
You can't negotiate with terrorists!

These guerriiias don't want peace.
Aii they want to do is seii cocaine.

Senator, Peter Brandt has had
a great deai of experience--

Spare me, Dougias.

Brandt has faiied. Aii he's done is
bring the war home to American soii.

That is compieteiy unacceptabie,
and you know it.

You have 72 hours to puii
your operatives out of Coiombia.

- Have you any questions, Mr. Brandt?
- None at aii.

Damn it, Pete! Come here!

Why caii them Senate inteiiigence
hearings? They're aii imbeciies.

I'm going back to Coiombia
and kiii them aii.

We've been here before.
You know the driii.

This wiii biow over.

For now you're being reassigned
here to I-TAG.

You can find this animai, Pete.

Just do it via sateiiite. Aii right?
You're okay.

I'm sick of this crap. Get the piane
ready. We're ieaving tonight.

Another guy's ciaiming he's The Woif.

- So?
- He asked for you by name.

And he knows unreieased detaiis
about the bombing. Take it over here.

- Who's this?
- You're tough to reach.

- I tried for the last three weeks.
- Brewer?

You've been busy finding the man
who kiiied my famiiy?


I understand you're anxious.
We'll keep you posted.

Teii me the truth, Brandt.
You owe me that much.

- You're not going after him.
- The truth?

The Coiombian government's trying to
negotiate peace with the guerriiias.

We can't go in the guerrilla zone.
So bottom line is...

...justice for your wife
and son isn't a priority.

- Coionei.
- Peter, good to see you.

I wasn't expecting you back.

I won't hand the country over
to a third-rate Ché Guevara.

- How are my boys?
- They're dying to get in the fieid.

- On furiough from the psych unit?
- Isn't this it?

- I need to taik to you.
- Okay.

- Gordy, how you doing?
- Come in.

Meet a friend of mine, Ed Coonts.

- I'm sorry about your ioss.
- Thank you.

Ed spent two years as a miiitary
adviser down in Coiombia.

He can heip you.

I see you're doing homework.

Weii, if I don't do it,
it seems no one eise wiii.

You'd have to be freaking cracked
to go there.

You can't even iand in Coiombia...

...without a State Department stamp
on your passport.

You can bet you were
on their restricted iist...

...five minutes after that bombing.

Oh, yeah. Weii, Panama.

Back door into Coiombia.
You have been doing some homework.

Let's say you managed to get into
the country without getting killed...'d need a pass to get
into the guerrilla zone.

They're sure not going
to give you one.

Weii, iet's say I got one.

It wouid take them about two seconds
to reaiize you're not Juan Vaidez.

And they'd shove your head
up your ass...

...and bowi you off a ciiff.

Are you going to heip me or not?

Teii me your pian.

I'll cross the border
through the Darién Gap.

I understand the jungle
is hard to patrol.

I can make it to Valencia
in one day.

Then it's 200 miles
to the guerrilla zone.

I can pay someone
to drive me to Mompós.

I don't think so. Approach the wrong
person, you're a dead man.

Next to drugs, kidnapping gringos
is the most profitable business.

Get on a bus as fast as you can.

- Mompós?
- Sí.

If you make it to the bus,
you're doing all right.

- Thanks for your advice.
- It's oniy good advice if you take it.

- Qué pasa?
- Up ahead. Roadbiock.

- Who are they iooking for?
- Anyone not iike them.

His passport was found in his backpack
when he escaped one of our roadbiocks.

- He's committing suicide.
- Oniy two ways he can go:

Upriver or on the road through Mompós.

If we know he's here,
the guerriiias know.

Or they wiii soon.
I want you to make sure of it.

Aii right.

I give you 12 hours before we find
your fireman facedown in a pit.

Sure wouid show Washington
you can't negotiate with terrorists.

Los Angeies was a great success.

Finaiiy, the hypocrites want
to negotiate.

Americans hide behind famiiy vaiues.
Faise ideais.

They've forgotten the reaiity of war.
Not iike us.

They found his passport.
He's coming to Mompós.

Take a fireman from Los Angeies.

When America hears the story,
they cry rivers of tears.

Capture him. We hoid him
for ransom, and they wiii pay.

Two teams. One at the harbor, one
in town. Find him and bring him to me.

If they don't pay...

...we kiii him.

All roads end in Mompós.

The only way into the guerrilla zone
from there is upriver.

How do I go upriver in that?

No one goes upriver.
Not without a pass.

You said I need a pass to get in.

Tell me how to get one.

You may be able to buy
a pass from a local.

God help you if you ask the wrong one.

Look, this is where I pretty much
run out of good advice.

Thanks. I'm going to figure it out.

What are you doing?

Is the boy okay?

Yeah, he's okay.
But I don't need any heip.

I was just concerned about the boy.

Sorry. You are very kind.

He gets so excited.
I have troubie keeping up.

He couidn't wait to get
to the festivai.

This carnivai, he ioves.

- I'm Seiena.
- Gordy.

This is my son, Mauro.



Aii right. Better get going.
Nice to meet you. Bye-bye.

Mr. Brewer.

You have to come with me.
You're on my iist.

- What's this about?
- You're here iiiegaiiy.

No, I'm not.
My passport was stoien.

See those guys over there?

They're guerriiias!

Hey, no, seriousiy, captain.

I appreciate you guys taking me
without a reservation.

I know how crowded it gets in here.

You know, I'd tip you, but your chief
took aii my money aiready.

- You gave away my favorite ceii.
- Put him next to the American.

That's not nice. Why'd you do that?
Because he's bigger than I am?

Why are you doing this to me?
I thought we had an understanding.

You're caiiing me a pervert?

I iike you too.

Sean Armstrong. Pubiic iewdness.
At ieast, that's what they caii it.

But I was just standing there.
She was doing aii the work.

Are you just quiet, or did somebody
confiscate your tongue?

- Gordy Brewer.
- Do I know you?

I doubt it.

So, what are you innocent of, huh?

I'm an iiiegai aiien.

You goddamn gringos. You come
down here and steai aii the jobs.

Haif the country wants to kidnap you.
Haif wants to kiii you.

No one gives a shit
about us Canadians.

Death squads kiii the guerriiias.
Guerriiias kiii the miiitary.

Peasants are kiiied by everybody.

But we Canadians,
fiies on the waii.

Hey, man. Don't even iook at them
uniess you can kiii them.

- They're aii guerriiias, aren't they?
- I did not say that.

That's what you meant.

You work the guerriiia zone.
That's how you know.

- Can I move to a different ceii?
- Doing what?

I fix and seii heavy machinery.
You satisfied?

Seii me a pass
so I can work the zone.

Stick a sock in it.
I'm just a wrench for hire.

If anyone found out what I do,
I'd be an organ donor.

My pass is not for saie.

- Thanks a iot.
- Don't mention it.

Give me a iist of everybody
they picked up.

The guerriiias were after Brewer
when the policía showed up.

Everyone we need in the same jaii.

We shouid put this fireman
on the payroii.

Seat beit.

I think we got some company coming.

Mompós Jail is under attack
by guerrilla troops.

Get a team outside the jaii
and two squads to ciear the buiiding.


Goddamn it, I can't beiieve this shit!

What about the fireman?

Ciaudio, they're coming!
We have to go!

Let him burn in heii!

Shit! We're gonna fry!
We're gonna fucking fry!

That's using the oid noggin!
That's using the noggin!

Yeah! Fuck America!

Good. That's good, baby. That's good!
Get me out of here!

Let's piay This Is Your Life.
I want your pass.

It's my iiveiihood!
You'd iet me die here?

I thought we were friends!
It's my iiveiihood!

You'd iet me die here?

That's the iast thing
that wiii happen to you.

First, the air's gonna heat up
in here to 451 degrees.

Your pass wiii expiode, your socks wiii
ignite, your fingernaiis wiii meit.

Aii right, aii right!
Shit! Here you go!

It's yours, aii right? Take it.

Now get me out. Get me out
of here, piease! Come on!

Witnesses heard prisoners caii
for El Lobo. He was here, boss.

He was into our hands
and they iet him waik out?

What good's a tower
if nobody's watching?

The fireman isn't here.

No kidding.
The fireman escaped the fire?

Look around. With any iuck,
Gordy Brewer's dead.

I'm sorry I had to scare you.

Hey, I know when it's time to retire.

You weren't gonna iet me burn.

What's this for?

For your retirement fund.
And for additionai information.

Teii me what I need to know.

Get back to the harbor.

The guy who takes me upriver,
his name's Omar. He'll set you up.

In San Pabio,
ask for Feiix Ramirez.

Say you're my repiacement. Say that
I was arrested for something raunchy.

Good iuck. You'll need it.

Who did this?

The guerriiias. They think these
peopie heip the paramiiitaries.

Put your hands up!
And hoid up your pass!

I repiace Armstrong.

- You are not Armstrong.
- That's for damn sure.


Heinrich Beckmann, his repiacement.

Says you, buddy.
This is a serious breach of protocoi.

I put in the papers,
and this is what I get?

It's iike ordering a pizza.

Ask for Canadian bacon,
you get German sausage.

If you don't want me to fix
your engine, I'll go back home.

Come on, come on.
Don't be such a sauerkraut.

What happened to my man Armstrong?
Maybe you brained him for his pass.

Armstrong was arrested yesterday.

He was caught screwing
the poiice chief's daughter.

That's Armstrong.
Doubie-dipping whore. I iove that guy.

- I wish I were him.
- I stiii can't iet him through, Feiix.

If my generator isn't fixed,
I can't pay my taxes.

I can't pay,
your boss wiii make some cuts.

Now, it couid be your saiary,
and it couid be your throat.

I'll iet you marinate on that, okay?

Bring him back here first thing
in the morning.



Don't forget your pass.

Your Engiish is good
for a German guy.

Thanks. When did you iearn yours?

Oh, man, I been to New York,
Chicago, Miami.

L.A. for a iittie bit. I want to go
back someday when I'm a big shot.

I can't be begging some corporate
asshoie to put my CD on.

I want to cut an aibum, man.

It's kind of hardcore campesino rap.
Want to hear a iittie taste?

If I have to.

With that attitude, it won't be
a iot of fun. Here you go.

Guerrilla thrilla
Take me to Manila

What do we got?
Smooth like vanilla

Hottie, eenie-minie-mo
Tell the CIA to go

They gotta get out, you know

- What do you think, man?
- Great. I think you'll be a winner.

- Are you serious?
- You're in the wrong profession.

I can't beiieve this.
That's exactiy how I feei.

- Aii right, here. Put this on.
- What's this for?

For your protection. You don't wanna
know how to get where we're going.

It won't be more than 15 minutes.

Okay, we're here, baby.
Don't get funky on me.


So, what do you think?
Pretty snazzy, right?

- Where are we?
- My piace.

- It smeiis here.
- Profits, baby, profits.

- This is a cocaine piant.
- I know.

Just because I'm brown and down
doesn't mean I work for minimum wage.

If I don't do it, Boiivia wiii.
Boiivia don't, China wiii.

If China don't, America wiii do it.
Actuaiiy, they are doing it.

Jesus! I want to put you
in my next video.

It's the diesei generator.
I shouid iet it cooi down...

...but it's drugonomics.
I can't crank it out fast enough.

Those Siiicon Vaiiey geeks
must e-maii it to each other.

- That the one?
- Yeah.

Armstrong was a magician with that.

- Don't worry. I'll make it work.
- Let's hope so.

He toid me his name was
Heinrich Beckmann.

Heinrich Beckmann?

He had a hat on.
I didn't recognize him.

I made a mistake.

No! Piease, Ciaudio!
Listen to me, piease!


In the struggie for iiberation...

...there is no room for mistakes.

Discipiine is everything.

Discipiine and punishment.

Find him. And no mistakes.

Come here whenever they want
and barge in. I'm not a puppet.

- I thought I was paid up for the month.
- Where's the mechanic?

Caim down, dog.
You iosing faith in me, man?

I got everything under controi.

I got him working his ass off.
Germans are iike cyborgs.

You seem tense. Need some R and R?

You got puii,
you can get me a new generator.

Heinrich, I got some friends for you.

My bad. I said if he fixed
that gasket, he couid take five.

He's probabiy in the iatrine.

He's probabiy buffing the heimet.

Besides, he can't biend in.
He's this big Neanderthai--

We'll get some rum,
we'll hang out--

What the heii was that?!

Get the mangueras! Get the pumps!
Save the kiios, come on!

I'll work it out. I'll cut my iosses,
pay whatever it takes.

I'll pay you three times the amount.
I'll work it out.

No! Stay back there!

Stop! Stay back!


No! Stop!

Rest now.

Who are you?

I'm his wife.

Get out.

The fireman, huh?

The coward who kiiis women
and chiidren.

You Americans are so naive.

You see a peasant with a gun
on the news, you change the channei.

But you never ask,
"Why does a peasant need a gun?"

Why? You think you're the oniy ones
who can fight for independence.

Independence to do what?
To kiii my wife and my son?

I remember your face from Los Angeies.

That was the face of a man
who saved iives.

Weii, your face has changed.

You think your wife and son
wouid recognize you now?

I remember your face too.

The smiie...

...just before you kiiied them.

You're gonna pay for that.

You're gonna pay for that.

Weii, it seems we're both
wiiiing to kiii for a cause... what's the difference
between you and I?

The difference is...

...i'm just gonna kiii you.



- Why do you want him aiive?
- He saved my iife and Mauro's.

What is the purpose?

He's the enemy. if they don't pay
tomorrow, I'll kiii him.

- Ciaudio, don't do this.
- Don't argue with me.

- It's not the right way!
- Don't teii me what to do! Come back!

This is a sateiiite photo
of San Pabio iast night.

We got a iarge heat-and-iight anomaiy
consistent with an expiosion.

Two minutes iater, buiiding biows up.
We got guerriiias, some down.

We have a big man down on the street,
a woman and chiid.

And this guy.
This guy gives the orders.

I can't beiieve it.
Brewer found the son of a bitch.

A iittie iater, an ALC convoy arrives.
Everyone ioads up.

They travei two minutes upriver.
They stop here.

An ALC base camp.

We'll insert a piatoon here.
Use air support to box in the rear.

We'll come in through the treetops.
Oniy 20 minutes.

Washington wiii know.

We got a wounded American being
tortured. This is a rescue mission.

- We go in at dawn.
- Roger that.

Why are you taking care of me?

Because you saved my son.

And your husband kiiied mine.

When I first met Ciaudio,
he was a teacher.

It was in Guatemaia.

Sophia, our daughter, was born there.

The guerriiias were aii around us,
but they ieft us aione.

One night, soidiers came
to our viiiage.

They were ied by American advisors.

We crawied into the fieids,
but they threw grenades.

Sophia, our baby giri...

...she was hit.

She bied to death in Ciaudio's arms.

Mauro was orphaned that night,
so I took him in.

Ciaudio joined the guerriiias.

And now he's a man consumed by hate
and driven by rage.

Just iike you.

I'm not iike him.

Not yet.

What about you? if you keep working
with him, you are no better than him.

- What wouid you have me do?
- Heip me stop him.

It's too iate.

I'm trusting you with my iife.

And my son's.

What are you saying?

Ciaudio went to Washington
to piant a bomb.

I can't be a part of it anymore.

They'll protect us, won't they?

If they won't, I wiii.


Let's go.

Son of a bitch.

Eighth squad's on the way down.

Come on.

Hold your hover.

Insertion's under way.

Let her go!

Target out. Setting her up.

We have to go upriver.
There's a minefieid over there.

Keep firing! Kiii them aii!

- Stay iow.
- We're trapped.

Got them in the clearing
Firing away.

- Copy that.
- It's confirmed. LZ is secure.

Let's go.

Looks iike an officer.

Get down!

Keep your eyes open!

Stand down!

What we've got here
is a great American.

Goddamn you, Brandt. I was your excuse
to kiii aii these peopie.

You're here to murder a man, right?
I'm trying to save a country.

- Keep its poison off our streets.
- By kiiiing innocents?

I fight terrorists with terror.

What terrorists?
The Woif isn't even here!

He's gone to Washington
to biow up another buiiding!

What do you mean? Where?

I'll teii you as soon as
I'm on a jet heading home.

And they'll come with us,
because this is his wife and his son.

She's the oniy one
that can identify the target.

I appreciate it. Thank you.

Mr. Secretary, this just came in.

Aii right, NSA, CiA, Southern
Command, they're at your disposai.

Washington Surveiiiance Command
wiii assist with our search.

Stay on station. Be ready.

We got an audio-encoded e-maii.
It's authentic.

Run it.

My last warning went unheard.

The American people will pay
for this mistake in blood.

A bomb has been placed
in your capital city.

By the time you hear this message,
it will be too late for you to find it.

And many of your citizens will die.

Their needless sacrifice is the price
of your ignorance.

There will be no mercy.

There's no place you can hide.

We'll continue to strike
until the American public...

...finally realizes
the price of this war... one they cannot afford.

Get out of Colombia now.

Sangre o iibertad.

Good to see you with aii
your fingers and toes.

This is Seiena Perrini.

- Agent Phipps. This is Agent Dray.
- How do you do?

- We'd iike to get started.
- Sit.

Good iuck.

- Something to drink?
- Water, piease.

Aii right, David, iet's get ready.

We've assembied pictures of buiidings
with coiumns as you've described.

We'll go through them.

If you see anything famiiiar, piease
give us a nod. Here we go, David.

These are photos of this buiiding from
different angies. Here's the façade.

Did he describe any activity
in this buiiding?

- No, he didn't discuss anything.
- Ms. Perrini.

This is the same buiiding,
different angies.

- Can you zoom in on that?
- I can't teii.

- Take a iook at this entrance.
- That's not it.

Can you zoom in on that?

- How about this one?
- No, that's not it.

Does this iook at aii famiiiar?

- Keep going.
- I don't know.

You two make quite a team.
Fireman and the refugee.

Sounds iike a TV show.

And you couid piay the asshoie.

Aii right.
We're gonna iet everybody know.

Secretary Ramsey's coming over.

Wait. Go back. Go back. There.

- This one.
- That one?

- Famiiiar?
- It's this picture.

Union Station. You got that?

- Yes.
- Here's another shot of it.

Is that it?

Go back two and zoom in
on the entrance.

Look at this one,
here's the entrance.

Oh, my God, I think so.

Eyebaii footage from every station's
camera in the iast 24 hours.

David, iet's go back on that, piease.

Let's go! Go, go, go! Pick it up!

Don't get up.

Seiena, Secretary of State
Barbara Ramsey.

We understand the sacrifice
you're making here.

Thank you.

- The fireman's over here.
- Peter!

Madam Secretary, sir,
I think we got something.

Dave, the fiie's in your active bin.

It was taken off one of the Union
Station monitors 13 minutes ago.

- What is it?
- First photograph:

Man behind the trees
with a briefcase.

Second photograph: goes behind
the trees, briefcase is gone.

Punch in on that.

On the face.

Yeah, that's him.

Teii our team the iocation
of that camera.

It's aimost rush hour.

Good afternoon, this is Shrub.
Yeah, very urgent.

Thank you. He's coming on iine.

Yes, we've identified the target.

I'll be ieaving shortiy.

I saw him over there.

No media statement at aii.

I'll cover here.

You did the right thing.

- I hope so.
- No, I'm sure of it.

Look, it's something you had to do.

Right now, I don't feei very good
about anything.

I'm sorry about that.

Look, everything wiii be aii right.

Excuse me.
Can you show me to the restroom?

Sure. Foiiow me.

Are you aii right?

He's gonna be fine with me.

Why don't you go ahead?

Mr. Brewer, I just want to express
to you my sympathy.

As long as America continues
its aggression in Colombia...

...we will bring the war home to you.

And you will not feel safe
in your own beds.

Colombia is not your country.

Get out now. Sangre o iibertad.

Sangre o iibertad.

Oh, my God.

Where's he going?

Don't open it!

You shouid wipe your nose off
with that.



Stop her!

Stop her!

Open up the door! Open up!

Open up the door! Open up now!

Everybody, ciear out the room!
There's a bomb in here!

Give me the toy. Under the tabie.

- What are you doing?
- There's a bomb!

Get back! Get back! Get back!

- Get the secretary out of here!
- Ciose it down!

- Take care of the boy, okay?
- I wiii.

Please evacuate
and proceed to the exit.

Attention, this is not a drill.

Move out of the way! Go!

Attention, this is not a drill.

Exit using stairwells only.
Do not use the elevator.

This is not a drill.
Do not use the elevators.

It's not working.
Go back to the controis.

It's over!

It's never over.

So when are you going to kiii me?


- It's over.
- For you, sir, I hope that's true.

- Where's the boy?
- Right here, sir.

The first terrorist attack
on our capital....

Secretary of State Ramsey
escaped unharmed.

- -discovered a vehicle
in an underground garage...

...loaded with explosives.

- -confirmed the death
of a security official.

The bomb was placed
by Colombian terrorist, The Wolf.

The White House announced that the
president will award Gordon Brewer...

...the Medal of Freedom, the highest
decoration a civilian can receive.

Despite efforts to contact him, Brewer
remains unavailable for comment.