Cocaine: One Man's Seduction (1983) - full transcript

A real estate salesman with career and marriage problems gets hooked on cocaine, and finds that not only does it not help him cope with them, but it makes them much, much worse.


See you downstairs,

Buddy, time to get up!

Hey, Dad.


Need something?

Yup, here we go!

Ah, you have a date?

No varsity match.

The guy I'm wrestling
is allergic to alcohol,

so he uses Vaseline
under his pits,

I use aftershave.[CHUCKLING]

Well, to victory
and the agony
of aftershave.

Touche.Go for it!

Come on!


Listen, Dad,
I wanted to talk to you
about something too.

Do you need money?

No, no it's not money.

Well, sort of, in a way.
It's about college.

You heard from Stanford?

The wrestling scholarship
came through?

No, I haven't heard anything.

Huh.It's a... Listen.

Look Dad,
about Stanford,
I really can't...

It's a great school, Buddy.
A really great one.

You know I wanted to
go there and study law.

But you get sidetracked,

you get married,
raise a family,

BARBARA: Whenever
you guys are ready!

Be right there!

Here you go.

What's that for?That's for being
a rotten kid.

You ain't seen
nothing yet!

Come on, get out of here!

I'm late,
talk to you later!

Listen, Mom, you got
to help me with Dad,
I can't talk to him.

Buddy, we've been
over this before,

and I hate the idea.
I really do.

I'm not getting into it
with your father.

It's your fight.What am I asking?
Some time off.

I just can't handle
four more years
right now.

I'll be 19 instead
of 18, big deal.

Big deal?
You'll put off college
one year, then two.

Then you'll get a job,
you'll make some money...

And wind up like Dad.

You're terrific, Buddy.

He wants something better
for you than he had.

It's not what I mean.

Stanford is
outrageously expensive

and it hasn't been
exactly raining money
around here lately.

I'm not even sure
I wanna be a lawyer,

I don't know what
I want to be.

It was his idea for
me to go there. I...

A guy changes, you know?
He grows up.

You're so grown up,
you talk to him.

Honey, have you
seen my briefcase?
Oh there it is.

Coffee's still hot.

I got a listing waiting.

Oh, I'll be late tonight,
Dan's office party,

Uh, talk to your son,
he has a problem.

Spoke to him
this morning.

Not arm wrestling,
Eddie, talking.

I will. I promise.


EDDIE: You got your
wall-to-wall carpeting.

And the den,
fully landscaped yard,
there's a lot of bucks there.

This is a nice house
to raise kids,
great neighborhood.

Do you think
they'd come down
to 100,000?


Hey, that's...

It's tough. It's tough.

Right now,
you're both working?

And then when the
baby coming, it's,
it's gonna be tough.

But everybody deserves
a house of their own, hmm?

It's the American
dream, right?

I think we can
borrow most of
the down payment.

But it's the monthly
payment that'll kill me.

Well let's say that
you make the down.

You take out
a short-term loan,
you keep the payments low.

And then later on,
you get a better job.

Nah, forget it.

Forget it.

Those loans,
they're a rip-off.

They'll hit you with
a ballooned payment
down the line

that'll break your back.

Let me work on it, hmm?

This house is right
for you kids and
I want you in it!

DAN: I'm talking
about the right actor.

Look at Tad Voss.
Take a look at the
record he's got.

I mean look at that,
3,750,000. Numero uno!Thank you very much!

DAN: 3,750,000![APPLAUSE]

It's easy with
a boss like you.



You can't be
number one forever.

Well, the kid's moving
big money homes.

I'm strictly a meat
and potatoes man.

Well, we all know
where that market went.

To the return of
the 10% interest.

Amen to that,
excuse me now, Robin.

Hey, Ronnie!


How are you doing?What came down on
my loan request, huh?

Oh, Eddie, come on.
This is a party.
Come on.

Are the kids gonna
clear the loan
committee or not?

Eddie, they read out lousy.

His gross income stinks,
she's pregnant and
out of a job in three months.

I can't show that
to the committee.

Tell them to buy
a mobile home.

The loan came up sour.

No, don't get upset.
There are other houses.

I know, I know.

You had your heart
set on that one.

But we'll find
something else.

I'll hit the listings
and I'll find
something that's...

Something that's
more affordable.

Yeah, I'll call you soon.[TAPPING]

Yeah, alright, yeah sure.

You bet, take care.

Dan is looking for you.

Oh dear, don't tell me.

I know...

You can't die.

I lost them.
Last sale, bottoms up.


Well, I think you're
still the best salesman
that Dan Hatten ever had.

Here, things are
gonna pick up.

I needed that
last closing.

And those poor kids.

Ah, why should I
make myself crazy?


What's the matter?

Stop looking at me
like I'm some kind
of an axe murderer.

Really, it's okay.
Everybody's doing it.

Anyway, it's Friday,
so come on.

I'm a scotch man.

Well, that'll rot your liver,
that's for sure.




No looney tunes.
Still smiling, okay?

Why do you do that stuff?

Same reason you drink
and I don't.

Makes me feel good.

You want to dance?

Let's go, hot shot!
The emperor's about
to make his speech.

As a lot of you know,

TransAllied Properties
has been talking to me
about an acquisition merger.

On Wednesday this week,
I put the old John Hancock
on the papers,

and I can officially
welcome you to

the west coast office
of TransAllied Properties

Daniel H. Hatten,


He didn't tell you,
did he?


Hey, kiddo!

Oh, come on, you knew
we were talking.

You promised me, Dan.

Three, you had three people
when I first came here,
you got 50.

And you helped put them here,
now come on, this is Danno.

I'll take care of you,
haven't I always...Really?

Well, where's my partnership?
I don't see my name up there.

It was a corporate buy-out,
even my name isn't up there.

I thought you
were my friend.Hey...


don't do that to me.

What are you doing
home so early?

Why didn't you
invite him in?

For your information,
that was your son.

I went to the movies
with him and Howie.

Now, don't you feel dumb?



Hey, come on. Come on.

Eddie, I'm flattered
that you're jealous.

Hey, don't be that way.

What's the matter with you?

I'm going to bed.


Hey, Eddie.

My man.

Thanks for coming on
down here, I really
tied one on out last night.

Why don't you try turning
the key to your belt
the next time, alright junior?

Hey, come on,
hey Eddie, come on,
we're both bros.

Hey, I owe
you one, okay?

Forget it.

Oh! Come on in, Eddie.
You gotta check
this place out.

So how do you
like it, Eddie?

What were you
in before, cars?[CHUCKLES]

Motor yachts,

You don't like
selling houses.

I like making money.

You ought to try it, Eddie.
Lose some weight,
get yourself some clothes.

Eddie, you're really good at
selling crackers their boxes,

but when it comes to
luxury homes, you just
don't know the market.

You're a snob.


And I intend to be
a very rich snob.


You don't mind going
out the back way,
do you, Eddie?



Dan I just got a call.

Oh, Eddie,
I'm in a meeting.

One of my salesmen,
Eddie Gant.

Why don't I talk
to you later, Dan.

Nice meeting
both of you.

Excuse me gentlemen.


Hey, kiddo.Hey, what the hell
is going on?

A year ago we were
talking partnership,

all of a sudden,
I'm one of your
lousy salesman?

Well, they're new
to me, Eddie.

Now give me some time,
I'll bring you up,
I promise.

I want a luxury listing.

Now why rock the boat?

In a few months,
things will loosen up,
mid-range buyers will come...

Oh, to hell with
mid-range buyers.

You've got an
ex-boat salesman
out there

that's not yet dry
behind the ears.
He's leading the pack.

I want in, Dan.

Eddie, stay with
what you know, please...

I was number one
for 10 years, 10!

I brought the best
people in here.
I trained them!

I did it!

You owe me
for that, Dan.

Tad has been
coming up cold on
one of my exclusives.

I'll flop it over to you.

BARBARA: You going
to let it out or what?

No, it's something
at the office, business.

It has nothing
to do with you.

I'm in the line of fire.

Well, honey,
who am I gonna yell at?
The lady next door? Hmm?

Dan sold out, turns out.

Everybody's nervous.

Well, you knew
that was coming.

Well, you know a train is
coming too, but you don't
think it's gonna hit you.

I asked for
a luxury list.

And Dan agreed?

I would have walked
and he knew it.

Isn't your kind of
market, is it?

You too, huh?

Family housing
is a graveyard.

We're living on savings
for six months

and my own wife doesn't
think that I can handle
a new market?

Well, look,
I've got news for you,

just understand this,

Selling is selling.

Eddie, don't talk to me
like I'm a child.

You've always
been a salesman,

we've had good years,
and bad years.

Never like it is now, never.

Not where I am in my life.

We're not exactly
on food stamps.

We'll survive.

Great! We'll survive!

Why don't you tell
that to the bank?

When our house payment
comes due, huh?

Just tell them
we're surviving or tell
Stanford we're surviving.

And we'll owe them
Buddy's tuition.

Well, that's one
off your shoulders,

because your son has
decided that he doesn't
want to go to Stanford.

When did he decide that?

He's been working up his
courage to talk to you,

he wants to take a year off.

Find himself or something.

Find himself?


Buddy isn't you.

He doesn't want
the same things...

Please, come on.

The subject of Buddy
is closed.

It's closed.


You like the hand,
take a picture.

Numbers are my life.

Numbers are his life,
how many times did
you take the CPA test?

They don't kill you for
trying, right Eddie?

Huh? Oh, I'm sorry,
what did you say, Zack?

Guy has got a right
not to give up.

No matter how old he is,

We're playing poker
or doing career testing,
come on, it's a half to you.

I'll be back in a sec.

How can one guy go the
bathroom so many times
in a night?

What's he got,
a girl in there?



Morty takes three.Oh, God.

Dealer takes one.Alright.

I'm out.

Hey, come on,
you got two pairs there.
What are you doing?

Taking arithmetic
lessons from Zacker?

Accounting takes more
brains than pedal pushing.

I'm a dealership,
I sell quality bicycles.

Okay suckers, what's
happening? We're playing,
or are we playing here?

Bet's to you.Alright.

Oh, look at that pot,
God save me from
accountants playing my hand.

I raise!


I'm out.

Pair of kings,
I win and you lose.


Hey come on,
what are you doing?

Here we go,
come on.It's my deal.

Listen, listen.
I hate to be a wet blanket,

but let's call it,
huh? I'm beat.

Come on, you guys,
it's getting hot here.

I'll keep tab.

Do it! Do it!

One round to kill it,
winner takes all.
Come on!

I got to work tomorrow,
open early.

Come on, we used to
play all night here!

Some of us still
have wives we got to
go home to, Morty.

Hey, put a lid on it,
huh, Stewie?

Hey, you guys wish
you were going home
to what I got waiting!


EDDIE: Hey, next week!Ok, so long.

Alright, open up.

What the...

Come on, open up!
Or I'm gonna
break your neck.

Oh damn,
I do good work.

Uh, what is it, Eddie?

I've known you 18 years,
man and dentist.

You've got a crisis,
I can see it in
your teeth!

Ah! Look at him,
he's smiling.

What is it,
you and Barbara?

Come on,
get out of the house!

There's a world out there!

Look at me,
better than I was at 20.

Give me a shot.
Gimme a shot right here.

Huh?Come on.

Seventeen pounds
I lost since
I met Jackie.


Come on! Get out,
go home to your

I reversed the
aging process,
and it's fun!

Come on, take it away!

Come on!



Later, will you?

Buddy, buddy come on,
let's go dancing.Hey Morty, what's happening?

Come on,
we gotta go dancing.

Come on, I just wrestled.
Beat it Morty.

Go home!


What kind of drugs are
you feeding Dr. Mort?

Too much beer.

Yeah, no way.

How was your match? Win?

Those guys were wimps,
we killed them.


Son, are you gonna
be home on the weekend?

No, waterskiing.
Howie's folks went into
hock and bought a condo.

Seems really dumb
on his old man's salary.

What is it with you kids?

Why are you always down
on what parents do?

You know we break
our backs to make life
a little bit better for you,

all you can do is moan
about how dumb we are.

She told you
about Stanford and
the year off, right?

Why don't you wanna
go to college?

I'm just asking for some
time off to find out
what I want to do.

I mean, I just spent
12 straight years
in school.

And now everyone
expects me to keep
up the steam roller

and be some kind
of lawyer something.


I don't even like law.

You said you did.

We used to talk about it.

I was 14, Dad, come on.

So be anything that you want.
What is wrong with going to
the best college?

if you can afford it.

What is it with everybody
all of a sudden.

You don't think
that I can afford it?

Huh? You're talking to me!

I built that office from the
ground up.

I was number one on the
charts for 10 years running.

Ten! Every two years,
a new car.

Who the hell does
he think he is?

Calling me
one of his salesmen?

What are you talking about?

The issue is closed,
you're going to Stanford.

You're gonna study law.
You're going.

Why are we doing
this, honey?

You know you hate
Dan's house parties.

I'm supposed to meet the
luxury market buyers.

I build Dan's business,
he buys the big beach house.

Selling fancy homes
to big buyers,
it isn't you.

I'll change my image.


DAN: Hey, Eddie!

didn't I tell you
it was casual?

Hi, Barbara, sweetheart,
how are you?

Listen, have a drink,
the bar is up there.
I'll be around.

Hey, Eddie, eyes open,
some hot listings here.

How does he manage
to make me feel
so unwelcome,

even when he's
kissing me?


We've got to stop
meeting like this.

You know Bruce Neumann,
don't you Eddie?

Commerce Bank,
Loan Department.Oh, yeah sure.
How are you doing?

Great. Terrific.

You look uncomfortable.

Well, nobody told me
it was a swim party.

Well, these people
are barracudas,

they cruise in packs
and they eat outsiders,

so watch it.

Do me a favor, kiddo,
don't embarrass yourself.

This is business.
Let them get sloshed
if they want to.

You need your eyes
and your ears
to sense a deal.

I shouldn't have
to tell you that.

Fine, I'll go
wash my face
and I'm in here.

That's the Eddie
I know and love.

Hey, Pat!
Pat, come here...


You mind if I just wash up?

No, come on in.

Robin's been telling
me about you.

Thinks you're
a terrific guy,
great salesman.

I appreciate

Says you're in trouble,
in a dead market.

Oh, I'll dig out.

You know, I used
to be a lot like you.

A lot of big money
customers to handle

and found out they
were handling me.

I learned to listen,
make myself receptive,

never ever push.

I gained their trust,
they give me their
business, it's simple.

I've been watching you.

Kind of like a
student of people.

You're afraid of this crowd.

So you,

shove yourself in a corner
and get quietly smashed.


You'll never sell unless
you're one of them.


Go ahead, everybody needs a
boost every once in a while.
It's not addictive.

I tried grass once,
it just made me dizzy.

This won't make you feel
anything but on top of
things, in control.

No thanks.

Suit yourself.


You know I'd be
speaking out of turn, but,

you find something that makes
life easier, I say go for it.

What do you think makes Tad
work 16 hours a day?


That stuff, it doesn't...

Doesn't make you act
crazy or anything?

Do I seem crazy?

How do you do it?

Just like I did.

I feel like an idiot.


Good. Now the other side.



You can breathe, Eddie,
it's not grass.


So, um...

What do I do now?

Now you go out and enjoy.

Excuse me.

Are you signaling
the cheerleader
in the bikini?

Barb, we ought to think
about moving to the beach,

perfect traffic flow,
kitchen to the sand
in one motion.

We could get a house mover,
move the place down
to a beach lot

put up a volleyball court,
it's be terrific,
really, really.

You're not driving home.
Car keys please.

Hey, I feel fine,
I feel great.

Hi there, nice party!
Good to see you again.

You know her?

Never saw her
before in my life,
I'll be a minute.

Hey! Danno!

Hey! Just the guy
I wanted to see!

You've got a nice place.Hey, our pleasure.

Hey, Malcolm!
I want you to meet Tad.

Hey, Charlie, come here.



You read my notes
on Marchais?

Yeah, Frenchman.
Investments or something.

Not or something.

Did you call him personally?

He's in Europe.

His wife's gonna be there.
Look, I've been down the
pike a few times.

Eddie they're not
buying three and a den.

These people demand
special treatment.

So what do you
want me to do?
Sleep with the lady?

If that's what it takes.
Hey, loosen up,
they'll love you.

How do you do,
I'm Eddie Gant,
Hatten Realty.

Hello, I'm Mrs. Linpo,
I will interpret for
Madame Marchais.

How do you do.


As you can see,
the room is quite large.

Very nice for
for parties.

I'll tell you they
don't make them
like this anymore.

And the dining room.

I want to show you
the kitchen.
It's just been remodeled.

It's one of the nicest...

We're not interested
in the kitchen.

The kitchen is for servants
and Madame Marchais
does not go into the kitchen,


The terrace is very lovely.

It opens up from
the dining room,

as you can see,
on one of the most
beautiful views that you...

Uh, hello? Hello?

The view is quite lovely.





Hi there sailor,
you new in town?

Oh, hey Robin,
how's it going?

Oh, same old grind.
Tad said today was your
big day, how did it go?

Uh, definite call back.

Well that's fabu...

It was a real
stinker, huh?

Murphy's law.

Everything that
could go wrong, did.

Well, the luxury market
is different.

You're a quick study,
you'll get into it.


Eddie, look we've
been friends for
over five years.

Anytime you want to
talk over your problems,
you just give me a call.

You can come over
tonight if you like.

I'm a great listener.

Hey, I can handle it, it's...

Friend in need, you know,
it's no burden.
Here's my address.

Now, don't be shy.

[PHONE RINGING]Barbara Gant.

Yeah!Hi, Eddie, how did it go?


I'm so happy for you.

Yeah, she was Chinese,
or something.

Anyway, she loved the house,
really loved it.

Listen, why don't...

Why don't we grab a steak
after work, just...

Just the two of us.

Oh honey, I'm not even
going to get home for
dinner, I'm loaded here.

How about a rain check
for tomorrow?

Tomorrow? Uh, well...
Yeah, that's terrific.

Listen, are you okay,
you sound funny.

I'm great.

I'm great,
I'll talk to you later.

Okay, honey.

I called to Barbara to go to
dinner but that poor girl,
she's up to her neck in work.

I won't tell, Eddie, promise.

How about a drink?

Nothing for me.

Well sit down,
take a load off.

Robin tells me didn't do
so well first time out.


That's an understatement,
I bombed.

Well, it takes
a certain finesse.

And not that I think
you can't develop it.

Tad had his problems
in the beginning too.

I helped him put
some leads together.

I think I'll
have a scotch.

Sure thing. Ice?



You know, we ought
to get together
for lunch sometime.

I'm always getting leads
in the loan department.

You get rolling,
you make the deals,
I'll make the loans.

Sounds great.

Thank you.


I really think
I ought to leave
you two alone.

Oh, you sound like
the ancient mariner.

I mean everyone blows
a sale once in a while,
just give it some time.

Time's not on my side.

You listen to him,
"Time isn't on my side."

I saw you at Dan's, I mean you
didn't look like a guy ready
for the unemployment line.


How about something
light, hmm?

Who's for stir-fry?

You cut the bok choy
and I'll make
the appetizers.

You got it!

Made a fair size buy
from a friend.

I let a little out here,
a little there.

And customers at the bank,
like Tad.

People I trust,
you understand?

This stuff is like a
commodity in some circles.

Better than money sometimes.

I don't deal or anything.

Whatever it costs me,
I get it back.

The profit comes from
maintaining good
business relationships.

It's really expensive,
isn't it?

Yeah, very.

But the movers
and shakers don't care,
they're too busy making money.

I go a couple times
a week, tops.

Purely recreational.

Who can afford it?


Ooh, thank you, kind sir.



Ooh, it's good.





So, tell me what
the problem is,
maybe I can help you.

You're looking at him.

I handle loans,
shrinks are on
the fifth floor.


Don't you let him be flip
with you cause Bruce
knows his market real well.

You now, all you've got to do
is get with the energy flow.

Those people can smell
desperation a mile off.

Everyone's into one-upmanship.
Bigger house, fancier car,
be somebody, do something.

It's all a game, all you got
to do is learn how to play it.

See, there are the
watchers and the doers.

The watchers watch the
doers do and wonder why

they can't scrape together
the price of a ticket.

That booze is gonna kill you,
Eddie. I had this friend,

four drinks, zip,
right over the
La Jolla cliff.

Guy's got broccoli for
brains, am I right, Rob?
Booze will kill you.

Yeah, every time.

You, um...

You mind if I...

You kidding?
That's what it's for.





[TURNS OFF STEREO]Come on, I'm trying
to fix my speakers.

Why don't we
call a truce, huh?

Listen, I got this
thing all figured out.

Forget college for now,
you take 2 years in the army.

They train you at whatever.

You get paid,
you add that money
to the college fund,

you come out,
you're older and wiser.

You traveled they sent you to
Germany, Japan and wherever.

You'll learn a language,
you learn a trade,

you take on anything
you want, huh?


Join the army,
you're serious?

Of course, I'm serious.

You get out in the world,
you get your head on straight,

you make some really
good moves for a change.

Really good moves.

I mean you like the physical
stuff don't you? Huh?

Marching around,
you run a few miles,
basic training.

You'll feel great,
really great.

What do you wanna go all
around the country for
running here, running there?

In the army you do
something that's constructive.

What do you think?

I think it sucks.


Huh? Best idea
I've ever had and
you say it sucks?

Really bad.You did say that,
didn't you?

What are you doing?

Don't let go of it.

It's a good idea,
you think about it.


I was beginning to worry.

I stopped for a
couple of drinks.

You hungry,
you want a sandwich?

No, I'm gonna take off
a couple pounds.

Hey, what are you doing?

You know, we oughta
rearrange these shelves,
the access is all wrong.

The glasses should be
over here by the sink,

you've got the spices here,
that doesn't really
make any sense.

Two drinks and he's
the white tornado.

I love it when you're
in your sexy work clothes.

Eddie, I've had this
skirt since Buddy
was in junior high.

Yeah and you look
so good in it.
I love it.

Oh, boy. The Chinese lady
must have made an offer.

No, no, I just got my act
together. Eddie Gant's
gonna be a killer out there.

Going to be a killer.



Oh, show's on.

Hey, what's with him?

I don't know,
must have had
a good day.

Said he stopped
for a few drinks.

Really bizarre
parental behavior.Uh-uh.




Yeah.Let me in!

Uh, just a minute.

When did you start
locking the door?

I didn't know
it was locked.

Catching a cold?


What are you
looking at?

I'm looking at
a pretty woman.

Eddie, you're
embarrassing me.

Second time tonight
you've made me
a lewd offer.

If I can make it to you,
how can I not make
a lewd offer?

Now that is
incredible view.

Absolutely incredible.

And it can be enjoyed from
every room in the house.

You notice how the living
area here, flows right out
into the deck,

in one graceful sweep.

Real indoor/outdoor living,
it's, it's really spectacular.



Hey, Morty,
boozing alone?

I almost didn't
recognize you
with your toupee on.

I don't wear it much.

Rhoda giving you
a bad time about
the support payments?

Pull the wrong tooth,
somebody suing you?

No, I'm just a little
depressed, that's all.

I'm sleeping lousy,
you know.

I'm just getting old.

Oh, come on.

Everybody gets old,
but not my old buddy, Mort,

the original
Go Get-'em Kid.
Hey, come on!

Eight months
and she walks out.

One minute she's there,

and now I got empty closets.

You mean, Va-Voom?


Look at me.

Look at me.

Eddie, who am I going
to attract at my age?

Hey, Mort,
she was just a kid.

I couldn't keep
up with her.

I tried. I worked
10-12 hours a day and
had to party with Jackie.

Well, maybe...

Maybe you need
to see a doctor?

I am a doctor,
you jackass.

Oh, you know what I mean.

Eddie listen to me,
I'm losing everything.

My practice is
going to hell,

I'm spending money
like it was water.

You need money?
You want a loan?No, no, no.

It's not money, Eddie,
please, listen...

Hey, hold that thought,
will ya?

A friend of mine
just came in.
Order me a scotch.

Wait, where are you going?

Hey, you're looking
great, dropped
a couple of inches, huh?

Working on it.

So, uh...

How do we do this?

This isn't
a mafia meeting.

Did you put the money
in an envelope?

You give me that.

And I give you this.

Seems like an awful
little bit for $350.

Good quality.

Oh, give me a call on
Thursday, I got a line on
a couple of prospects.

Hey, Morty,
what are you doing?

No. You're busy,
I'll catch you later.

No, no, no.
Sit down, we'll talk...

Talk is not gonna
do it for me
anymore, Eddie.



Hey, what do you think, huh?
What do you think, huh?

Hair's not too dark?

I don't want to
look unnatural.

Excuse me, but my
husband left the house
this Saturday morning

and now this other guy
shows up in this Cadillac
and leather jacket.

Come on, get in
I'll take you for a ride.

Hey, what's going on,
we can't afford
a car like this.

Hey, honey,
I got a good buy.

Soconian went into escrow,
I'm good for 20,000.

20,000!That's fine,

but shouldn't we have
talked about this,

I mean a new car,
this whole

Oh, come on, honey,
don't ruin it for me.

I mean just don't ruin it.

I want to enjoy a few things
while I still can.

I'm not going to be
a 47-year old loser.

You're not a loser,
Eddie, you don't
have to prove anything.

I'm not trying to prove
anything, you wanna go for
a lousy ride or not?

Yeah, I wanna go
for a lousy ride.

You don't mind the
lousy dirt on your
clean seats?

Well, get in
the lousy car.



Eddie, it's four
in the morning.

You're kidding,
I thought it was midnight.

Hey, Barb,
you know that old,
beat up Spanish style

next to the
Barlow listing?

I can get the owner
to take back a land lease,

we could go in there with a
bulldozer and clear the place,

we'd have a five acre lot,
we could make a profit
of 200,000 easy.

Real easy!Eddie, look what
time it is.

Come to bed.Hey!

Stop it!

Honey, I got 'em this time.

The games that you can
play in six figures,

I mean, the money,
that's in this town,
it's incredible.

Eddie, I'm worried about you.

I know you love what you're
doing, and everything's
going so well for you, but...

We never see you.

You're up to all hours,
you're sleeping late.

Maybe it's hypertension.

I want you to call
Dr. Marlin.

Honey, there is nothing...
I'm fine.

I just got these deals
whizzing around in my
head, that's all.

Lately, everything
is at double time...

Lately, it's always lately.
Barbara there is nothing
that is wrong with me.

I am fine!

That is exactly
what I'm talking about.


Who could that be
at this hour?



No, it's okay,
what's wrong?

Oh, my God, when?


How did it happen?

Who is it?
The kids?No.

Do you want us
to come over?

No, if you need anything,
you call us.

Eddie will find him.

I'm sure he'll be fine.

Okay, honey.


What is it?

Mort Broome tried
to commit suicide.

Morty did what?

He used a hunting rifle,

the bullet went through
his collarbone.

I can't believe it,
I mean...

I saw him,
what, just...

A few weeks ago.

He seemed like he was
a little bit down,

but Jackie,
that kid that was...

I mean she,
she took off
on him but,

I mean Morty is just
not the kind of a guy...

What kind of a person
tries to kill himself
with a hunting rifle?

Hey, Morty.

Tooth fairy told me
to tell you you're
putting her out of work.

How you doing, kid?

Oh, I'm great, I'm fine.

I like getting out of
the house and driving
200 miles without sleep.

So what happened, Morty?

I missed.

Yeah, why didn't
you tell me, huh?

I would have sat with you,
got drunk with you, whatever.

I mean,

this is just crazy,
that's all.

Hey, you listen
to me, Morty.

Whatever you need,

a place to stay, talk,

you got it, you understand?

Because you're
going to be alright,
you're going to be fine.

Listen to me, don't talk,
just listen...

I've been doing
very bad things.


a lot of it.

I want you to go home now.

I'm okay.

There's a place I can go.

It'll take some time,
but I can beat it.

I don't believe it.

It's not that dangerous,
people are taking this stuff
all over the place.

You sure it's not...

Depression or something?


Not now, Eddie.

I'm tired.




BRUCE: Eddie.Hey there.

BRUCE: Eddie I want you
to meet Jack Brayler.

Eddie, it's a pleasure,
come on board.

Hope you didn't have any
trouble finding us.

Couldn't miss it.

Eddie, I'd like to have you
meet my wife, Toni.

Hi.How are you?

Sit down, sit down.

Thank you.

Bruce says you're
absolutely fabulous
at finding great property.

Eddie's got
a talented nose.


We sail down several times
a year to see Toni's mother.

We'd like something
near the marina.

Say, about 700,000?

700? That's terrific.

Marina's a great place,
water, boats. Toni, I bet
you like to cook, huh?

Glass and wood,
architect design.
Huh, am I right?

He's absolutely psychic.

Isn't he psychic, Jack?

Eddie, how about
some wine?


Bruce, stay aboard.

Enjoy the air.

Thank you again.Ah, my pleasure.



Inherits ten million dollars,
can't add two and two.

Tough life, huh?Yeah.

Well, thanks for
the lead that's
another one I owe you.

El supremo.

From Peru to you.

Friend of mine is holding
almost a pound.

I've taken five ounces
on consignment.

No thanks, I...

I've been getting
these headaches.

Washed your nose out?

Not as much as I should,
I guess.

Try using one of these.

You don't want
crystals hanging around
on your septum.



What are you suffering for?


Yeah, alright.

Could have been
getting down, lately.





You aren't kidding.

How much?


But it's an ounce or nothing.

I can't take the risk of
having that much stuff
laying around my apartment.

I got people
lining up for this.
2800 the ounce.

Oh, come on Bruce,
don't make it
a national debt.

I don't mind a gram
once in a while, just
for recreational purposes,

but you know, I'm...
This is not really a
serious thing with me,

just something to
get me over the hump.

Sure, I know, but...

You gotta treat it
like paper towels,

it goes on sale,
you buy in quantity.

The Soconian money,
that's in T-Bills.

I got an escrow closing
in two weeks, huh?

I can't hold it
for you, Eddie.

I don't want you
to do anything that
you don't want to do.

I'm just trying to
be your friend.

I'll replace the money
in two weeks.

If it's that good,
it'll last twice
as long, huh?

Right, you're right.

TELLER: There's a forfeit
of 90 days interest,
Mr. Gant.

I'll replace the money
in a couple of weeks.

Well, our rates
may go down.

So, what is it,
your money?

Your money or your wife?

Hey, you look great!

How's the arm?Oh, I look like hell.

The arm's fine,
this thing comes
off next week.

I'm getting through it,
you know.

The Jackie
thing finished?

Yeah, probably
around the world.


Uh, look, Eddie, um...

I want to get
together with you,

I want you to know
what happened up there.

I've been a
very foolish man.Yeah.

Alright, I know,
it's okay.

Lot of people feel
strange when they know
someone's a druggie.

Well, that's a
stupid word, Mort.

You fell for a chippy,
she turned your head,

I understand that,
everybody does.

Ah, see...

I tried to blame Jackie,
but she was just
the tip of the iceberg.

It was me.

It was me all the way.

Look, I'm seeing
a shrink here
in the building,

please, we'll get together
and we'll talk?

Yeah, yeah anytime,
any day we never close.


Only getting personal,
but you got something
going on the side here?

What are you
talking about?

What are you talking about,
look at this bank roll.

An escrow fell through.

What's all the
questions for, Mort?

You know what
I do for a living.

Hey, hey,
I'm only kidding.

Yeah, well.

I get a little
with all this cash.

Talk to you later,

Looking for
some suntan lotion,
we're going to the beach.

I gave you money,
buy your own.

Okay, I'm sorry.

I just don't like you
coming in here

and borrowing things
without asking.I said I'm sorry.

You're going to
the beach or not?

Is everything okay
with you and Mom?

Yeah, everything's fine.

Have I done something
to tick you off?

I mean, no one can
talk to you lately.

If it's me, I want to know,
so I can keep doing it.

Joke, Dad.

Buddy, I've got a
king-sized headache,
I'm late,

you're missing four-foot
waves at La Jolla.

Listen, Bruce,
I gave you a large
sum of money.

Don't tell me
"in a couple of days",

it's been over
two weeks now.

I can't afford to
run out of steam.

Well of course,
I can do without it,

it's just that everything
is coming down on me,

that's not the point,
I gave you the money.


Well, why didn't
you say so?

I'll talk to you later.

Eddie, you see
the top board?

The Marco deal
put you over the top,
you're the new numero uno.

Yeah, so you thought
you'd come around and
congratulate the old man, huh?

Oh, come on, Eddie,
I'm being a friend with you.

And who do you think is
standing in the wings,

waiting for me to
fall on my face?

Hey, come one, Eddie,
know what you and
Bruce are into.

Listen, you better ease off,
and get to a doctor, fast.

You're the one that
better see a doctor.

When I get through with you,
there's gonna be nothing left!

Can you believe that guy?

ROBIN: It just goes
against my grain.

You're getting what
you want for nothing.
Am I?

What do you think,
Eddie goes home
and weighs this?

I don't like you
turning him on to
so much at one time,

he doesn't understand
what he's getting into,
he's not handling it.

Oh, come on, Rob,
he's handling.

Put him onto
eight solid leads,
he brings home four.

You know what kind
of record that is?

I want you to tell him
that your source dried up.

I don't care, you just
tell him anything,
he's not a casual tooter.

He's into it too heavily,
he's doing too much

and it's costing him
a fortune with you.

Believe me,
he can afford it.

When he wants to stop,
he'll stop.

You sound just
like a dealer.

Don't you ever
call me that.

I am a business man
and this is part of
doing business.

Grow up, okay?



Can I get
you something?No, I'm in a hurry.

Better late than never.

Seems like so little
for so much.

It's the job done,
it's top quality.

Now I've got to
hit the road.

Stay and have a taste?No, I'll take a rain check.

Can I get you something,
you're getting so thin.

No, you want a hit?

Let's not, huh?

I mean you can
overdo a good thing.

You sound like my wife.



Good toot?



He was speaking Chinese.

And you had him running
around trying to
show him the house.

I was trying to describe
romantic dinners
on the veranda.

They were...

They were running around,
jabbering, like I was
the invisible man.


Oh, Eddie, don't.

You've got nice hair.


I like you very much.

You're a nice man.

You're my friend.

But I'm married.

Yes, you're very married.

And right now,
I'm very loaded.


So am I.

Why don't I go
into the kitchen,
I'm gonna make us a salad.

Hey, Rob,
I'm not hustling,
it's just that...

My wife isn't
into this stuff.

Two people on the same
wavelength, that...

That could be spectacular.

You're a very
sweet man, Eddie.

You really are.
But it's not love,
it's the drugs.

There's a big difference,
believe me.

I want you to promise me

that this is gonna be
the last time that you have
any dealings with Bruce again.

I want you to
promise me that.

Hey, the rough spot's
almost over.

Couple of months,
I'll slow down, okay?

I don't really need it.

Goodnight, Eddie Gant.


Come on Eddie,
in or out?


You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.
Deal me out, I have
to go to the john.

[SCOFFS] Between these
two guys, you could
lower the water table

of Greater San Diego.

Five bucks says Eddie
will make an even nine
visit before 10:30.


Hey, where the heck
is everybody going?

I'm going to my car
to get some dental floss,
I got popcorn in my teeth.

Pick a card, any card.
Go ahead.

Hey, Morty! Next?

How much you doing?


You're buzzing so loud
I can hear you.

Hey, I got a little
urinary infection,
you know.

Doctor gave me
some pills.Sure.

You got allergies,
you got a head cold,
you're taking diuretics.

Come on, Eddie.
I've used all
those excuses,

I've used some
you haven't heard of.

I don't know what
you're talking about.You don't huh?

You think I don't
know what's
going on, Eddie?

I was writing prescriptions
for pharmaceutical cocaine,

I was hitting 10, 15
times a day with Jackie,
without Jackie.

Patients complained they
thought I was rambling.

Well, I thought they
were crazy. Eddie,
because I was incredible.

I mean, I was
20 years old again,

all eight cylinders,
you know.

Hey, hey, look Morty.

Listen to me, you idiot!Shhh...

You know what I did up there?

I locked myself
up in a room,

and I smoked free base
30, 40 hours at a stretch.

There was no sleep,
no thinking, no nothing.

I didn't want Jackie,
I didn't want my kids,

I didn't want my ex-wife,
I didn't want anything.

I wanted cocaine!

You want to wind up like me?

Come on. Hey, Morty,
I'm not into it that heavy.

I feel great.

You feel great?
You always feel great
in the beginning.

I tried to kill myself.


Mister middle class,
I had my stupid toe on
the trigger of a riffle.

Eddie, it gives so much,
but it takes,
and it takes, and it takes!

How about your nose,
soreness, bleeding?

So my nose is a little sore.
I don't wash it like I should.

Barbinol? A buddy?
You figure it out? Good.

How are you doing with them?
Are you uptight?
You're paranoid?

You're short tempered?

Hey Eddie,
how's your sex life?
How's that going?

That's one thing
about coke, huh?Oh, hey.

I mean the
Superman syndrome.


three weeks I
couldn't touch Jackie.

She didn't leave me.

I pushed her out.

Don't you get it?
I loved it.

I loved it Eddie, it was
all I could think about.

And I still think about it.

So much I want to scream.

Eddie, it'll kill you!

It'll kill you!Don't you tell me
what's right for me!

I'm not you.

I'm not some kind
of an addict.

I'm a husband.

I'm a father.

I provide for my family.
I didn't, I didn't leave them,
shack up with some bimbo.

What do you think
I am, anyway?

You're a drug abuser.

Just like me.

Hey! Are we playing
poker here or not?

Who's dealing?


Come into bed, it's late.

I found a letter in Buddy's
drawer when I was
putting his socks away.

It was a letter of
acceptance from Stanford.

Three weeks old.

He's eighteen,
he can mess up his own
life if he wants to.

You sound like you're
just writing Buddy off.

Oh, no.
It's my fault, I...

It's nobody's fault.

But he just needs room,
time to grow up.

Are you really tired?

You're wide awake now.




Come on, cut it out!

Can't get you
going in the morning.
Obviously at night either.

What's that supposed
to mean?

I kinda liked it
when it was gray.

When are we gonna
talk about the insane
schedule you're keeping?

About Buddy?

About anything that
doesn't have to do

with selling houses
and making money.

If you don't like the money,
don't spend it.

If I hear you say "money"
one more time, Eddie,
so help me I'll scream.


I want you
to see a doctor.

I need some answers, Eddie,
and so do you.

We don't make love for a
couple of days and you got
me ready for the funny farm.

I didn't say that.
But now that you've
brought it up,

your couple of days
has been over three weeks.

Is it me?

Is there another woman?

Barbara, where's my shaver?

Buddy borrow it.



This is only
the beginning, right?

From here, we're
going up, up, up.

Hey, Eddie, wait a minute.

Hey the corporate boys are
really aware of you.

It's not final but they
need a guy to take
over the L.A. operation.

Now it's between you
and Tad Voss.

I'm pushing for you!That's great.

I hand a guy Beverly Hills
and Bel-Air and all
he can say is it's great?

Oh, my damn sinuses
are killing me.

No, it's terrific, Dan.
It's terrific.

Well, look.
They'll be here
in 20 minutes.

Now take something
for the sinuses.



I told you to hold the calls.

Hose time, killer.
Let's go eat them alive.




now we know that the L.A.
market is not that different,
just a little more glitter.

They want first class
treatment that's all.

I can show twice as many
listings in half the time.

Half the time!

I put the method
together down here,

it'll be twice as
effective up there.
Twice as effective.

What are you looking at?

You think I can't cut it?
You think I'm not telling
the truth?

It'll be twice as
effective up there.[INDISTINCT]

Eddie, it's bleeding,
your nose.

I'm sure Eddie
didn't realize.

Hey! Don't tell me
I didn't realize.

It's infected.
Anybody will tell you that,
any doctor will tell you that.

It can happen to anybody.

What the hell
are you looking at?

Step outside
with me for just
one minute, please.

What's the matter with
those people, they've never
seen a nosebleed before?

Are they in this
business or not?

I've tested it and
I can do twice as many
listings in half the time,

you know that,
you've seen me?Shut up.

What happened between
you and Tad in the
hallway, I'll let it go.

No I don't know
if it's head trips
or drinking or what,

but you're not screwing
me up on this deal.

As far as I'm concerned,
we're even.

Oh, come on!You got a problem, pal.
Solve it, or you're out.

What are you
doing home?

Contrary to popular
opinion, I live here.

We haven't seen you
for dinner or anything.

You okay?

You look lousy.

I'm fine.

What's with her?

That's not a "her",
that's your mother.

Excuse me.

I don't go through
your things,

I was gonna
wash your sweatshirt and
I found it in the pocket.

I don't wanna
know what it is.

And I don't want to know
where you got it, I just
want it out of here.

You want to tell us
where you got it?

Do I have to smack you in
the mouth to find out?

You think that you're...Stop it!

I don't want to know!

You're an athlete!
Why are you mixing
yourself up with dope?

I was holding it for a friend.

I don't want to hear this.
I don't want to know
if he's lying or not.

I just want it out
of this house!

So who's your friend?
Howie? Hmm?

What the hell is the matter
with you? You know what
that stuff can do to you?

You should know.

What does that mean?It's yours!

From the shaver case.

Really something you know,
big hot shot salesman drives
a Cadillac with a telephone.

That's enough, Buddy.

Yeah, you know what
you're doing? Shoving
that junk up your nose?

They teach us about it
in junior high now.

Like they cut that stuff
with speed, lidocaine...

Keep your voice down, please.

Oh, sure. Let's whisper,
'cause Dad's got
a drug problem,

and we don't want
to talk about it.

But let it be Buddy,
and everyone's screaming!

I mean his old man is
an upstanding citizen!

And you're setting
an example for me right?

Please, Buddy.

Did you think I was gonna
really use that garbage?

Christ, Dad.

I figured Morty was hitting
on something, but you?

I mean I find this
stuff in your shaver case,
I couldn't believe it!

I mean, who am
I gonna talk to?

You had enough stuff there
to stone the basketball
team for a month!

You're pathetic.

Eddie, it's after... Oh!

No work today?

No, I decided to take
a couple of days off.

Oh, thank God.

You've been going a
hundred miles an hour.


Eddie when can we talk
about Buddy, this whole
thing with the drugs?

Oh, it belonged
to a friend of his,
I checked.

Still, it worries me.

Aren't you gonna
eat something?

No, I'm late.

I don't know who
to worry more about,
you or him?

See you tonight.



Oh, Bruce?

No, no, no.

I'm fine, just...

Just taking a few
days off, that's all.




Oh, forget it.

No, forget it.
I tell you, Bruce,
my sinuses are really...

They're really messed up,
they're just really
giving me fits.

Well, tell him
that I'll see him
some other time!

How the hell
do I know that?

Three more days
to get to pick up for
the rest of the year!

Gant! You look like an
old lady, pick him up!
Pick him up!

Go, go, go!

Buddy, I've got to
talk to you about...

Yeah? Well, I don't.

I quit. Cold.

I won't buy anymore,
I won't take anymore
even if it's offered to me.

Yeah, I've heard
that one before.

Oh, you're
so lily white?

Big jock, you never drink.
Never, never does
anything out of line.

I've never said
I didn't do anything.

There's more drugs around
the school campus

than you can find
out on the street.

You'd have be from outer
space to avoid it.

I don't do drugs because
I made a choice not to.

Oh, Buddy, please...

Understand that I was
under incredible
pressure to perform.

Incredible. I've had to
put my name on the board,
you've got to score.

You've got to score.

What the hell do
you want from me?

You want me to tell you
that it's alright,

that I don't care
what happens to you?

What am I saying?

You're supposed to tell me!
You're supposed to be the


I want to talk to you.

Now I don't want
to argue, Buddy.

I just...

I don't know what
to do for you.

I've seen guys
get strung out,
you know and,

you try and talk
to them, and...

When that doesn't work
you just stop hanging
around with them.

I can't do that
with you.

I can't just stop hanging
around with my father.


I swear to you, Buddy,
it's over.

It's over.

I can be poor on welfare,
but never again
with this stuff, never.

Can you do it,
I mean, alone?

How about Mom?
Have you talked to her?

No, Buddy, please.

I don't think
she knows yet.

So let me try it alone.

Okay? Huh?

If it's too hard
for me, I'll...

I'll go for treatment.

I swear to you. Promise.

Dad, I love you.

I just want to help you.

You already are, Buddy.

Oh, God. You are.


Eddie, Bruce again.
Listen, the situation
has changed,

Jack Brayler called back,
Toni's mother is sick

and they're looking for a
permanent place down here.

A biggy. A mil, maybe two.

They want you
to find the listing.

They'll be at the
Del Coronado on Thursday.

Once in a lifetime, Eddie.
Take it or leave it.

Biggy. A mil, maybe two.

They want you
to find the listing.

Once in a lifetime, Eddie.

Take it or leave it.

Well, hello stranger,
you must have gotten
my message.

How did the meeting go?

I want you to spot me
one last hit to
get through this.

Eddie, you let me down.

What happened
to the ounce?

Fell in the toilet.



You must have died.

Look, I don't
keep anything here.

Well, you must have
a friend that I could call.

What the hell do you mean
talking to me like that?

I'm not some back alley
dealer shooting up clients.

Look, if you can't handle
the Braylers there's
always Tad Voss.

Hey, hey, hey!Alright, alright.

You're a little strung out.


Tell you what I'll do.

Call Jack, I'll tell him you
had a showing and that you'll
meet him tonight at 6:00.

I'll be at Robin's
after work,
meet me there.

Good. Good.

It'll cost you 500.


My bank closes in 10 minutes,
I'll write you a check.

Eddie, you know me, strictly
cash and carry, some of my
people are very unreliable.

I'll give it to
you tomorrow.

Eddie, it's policy.

You must have some money
laying around somewhere,
somebody you can borrow from?

You got to help me,
I'm only asking you
one last time.

Eddie, I just gave you
a million dollar deal.

I'll see you later.


Eddie, go away.

Is Bruce here?
He was supposed to meet me.

Eddie I want you
to leave. Go!

Wait a minute, what
happened, what's wrong?

They arrested him.

I was waiting for him
in the parking lot
and they arrested him.

Who? Who arrested him?

I warned him
so many times,

he was carrying
almost an ounce.

He's straight,
he's a banker,
he can't be arrested.

Oh, Eddie,
don't be so stupid.
Go and look it up!

Possession with the
intent to sell is
a federal offense.

You can get up to
15 years in prison.

He's going to jail.
Bruce is going to prison.

What did you think,
it was a free ride?

Rob I know this
sounds crazy, but I...

I need a little to
get me over a rough spot,
can you lend me?

[CRYING] Eddie,
I want you to go away!


I'm not gonna hurt you.
This is the biggest
deal of my life,

I got to get through it.
I need it one last time.

There isn't any!

There's gotta be
some round here


I'll pay you back,
I swear I will!

Look, I flushed it down
the toilet, would you
please go away?

Eddie, go away! Eddie!

No, please!

What did you do with it?You're hurting me.

What? What did
you do with it?

I threw it away!

Eddie, don't. You're sick.


Plastic bag?


We wondered where
you got to today.

Oh, it's that car,
wouldn't go,
wouldn't work.

Expensive car like that.
Pow, it goes dead.
Wouldn't go, it's crazy.

Are you alright?

Yeah, I'm fine,
so what was it,
your mother, Jackie...

What was that?

Who's that out there?

Why don't you sit down?

Yeah, why don't
you sit down?

Hey, I don't need
to sit down.

Why don't you sit down,
I'm fine.

Gotta a nice place here,
what do get for
a room like this?

A hundred, two hundred?

Jack, why don't you see if
Eddie would like a cup of
coffee or something?

Yeah sure, how about...

Hey, what are we doing here?
Are we buying and selling?

What is that back there?
You've got somebody
watching me?

What's going on out there?
Why are they hiding?

I know you're in there!
Open the door!

Sit down!

I know what you're
talking about.

I know what you're
talking about.

I know you...
You think I'm not
good enough for...

Oh, it's so hot.


TONI: Do something,
Jack, please!

JACK: Toni, call an
emergency ambulance!

Toni, quickly!

Bring him in,
keep that bag on.

Okay, let's get an IV
line going right now.

Pull him over, easy.

Set up on pressure.Get this out now.

I need the monitor.

Get those IV lines in, now!

Pulse is present.

Pupils equal and reactive,
you're allowed to clear,
neurologically, looks good.

Don't see that monitor yet.



OFFICER: You have to
stay out of here, ma'am.
Would you come with me?

DOCTOR: Why won't anyone
give me a reading here?

I need two IV, two IV lines.

Pupils equal and reactive.
Neurologically, looks good.

Mom! Was he
in an accident?

I don't know,
nobody will tell me.

Somebody called me
from a hotel.

Why won't somebody
talk to me?


You're the wife?Yes.

Take 24 hours,
the worst has passed.

What was it,
a heart attack?

No, not a heart
attack per se.

The dose wasn't lethal,
just stupidly massive.

Too much causes apnea.

It's like respiratory failure,
so people it happens to,
others nothing.

They all underestimate
the drug, who
knows with cocaine.

What did you say?

Your husband shows
symptoms of
cocaine poisoning.

From the look of the septum,
he's been using a while.

Frankly, I'm surprised he
didn't know he was overdosing,
he should have known better.

You're a liar!
You're a damned lousy liar!

I'm sorry, I lost
my bedside manner
15 hours ago.

This isn't my first
O.D. tonight.

He should be okay.

His system just couldn't
assimilate that much coke.

He was lucky.

You related to him?

He's my father.

This was in his jacket
when I brought him in.

Doctor had no choice.

He's required by law
to report drug O.Ds.

This will have to be
taken and booked
for evidence.

You'd better
call him a lawyer.

Sorry, kid.

You knew, didn't you?

Why didn't you tell me?

That night at the table?

It wasn't your drugs,
it was his.


Oh, please, don't look at me.
I'm so ashamed.

I'm so ashamed.

BUDDY: It's alright, Dad.
You'll be alright.

I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.

BARBARA: Don't try
to talk, honey.

JUDGE: In light of your
guilty plea, Mr. Gant,

and no prior
criminal record,

I'm rescinding the term
of two years to probation.

And a mandatory drug
rehabilitation program.

I'm also placing upon you
a fine of $5,000.

You will report to
your probation officer
twice a month.

And submit to
a random urinalysis.

Any further involvement
in drugs and alcohol,

I'll remand you to the
custody of the San Diego
police department.

Do you understand the
court's order, Mr. Gant?

I do, your Honor.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

That's all, Mr. Gant.



I never

thought that I was doing
anything that was bad.

Until it was too late.

Eddie, I'm scared.

So am I.

I just...



I just got lost.

I thought...

I didn't believe
in myself anymore.

I just thought that...

I didn't matter.

Forgive me?

Excuse me.

No. It's alright.


I'm sorry, Buddy.

It's okay, Dad.

I just want you to know,


That I love you.

I love you both very much.