Christmas & Co. (2017) - full transcript

When all the elves get sick, Santa must find a cure on Earth to save Christmas. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
- Ho ho ho!

So what did he ask
this time, Max?

Eh yes. Big, big comeback
of the teddy bear this year.

He hums.


Wanda, listen to this.

"Dear Santa,

"bring me what you want,

Too cute, kids.

- The Sahara, it looks very deserted.
- Oh no.

- It says "Sahara Desert".

- Yes, but...

A guinea pig
is neither a pig nor a turkey.

- Santa, the desert is the desert.
Don't take me for a trumpet.

- No.

"A princess castle,
3 ponies,

"a magic cloud ..."

She asked for too many toys,

- She wants her mom

take care of her, that's all.
- Ah!

- Santa, it's our snowflake anniversary!

I want to see people.

- Yes.
But the Parisians ...

- I'm sure they are nice.
- They are...

- Oh ! Or Las Vegas!

- Hmm.
- this "hmm" annoys me.

It means that we will see

Next Christmas.

- I'm afraid we're light
in teddy bears. I will see

if we're not light.

- The discussion is not over.

- Yes Yes.

See you soon.


Soft music

Adventure music

Ho ho ho!

Adventure music



Where is Magnus?


- Go ahead.

- sorry.

- Sorry.
- Sorry.

- be careful!
- Michel!

I stand out, oh!

She laughs.

- Anyone has seen Magnus?

Where is he yet?


What is this little head?

Soft music


Funfair music


* -Jean-François is asked
in the plush department. Jean-François.

Since we all have
the same face,

thank you for presenting yourself
with a proof of face.

- Who is it for ?

- Hi, Magnus.
- Hello. Who is it for ?

- He asked us
to add plushes.

- But we don't need it!

He always changes things!

can't do it anymore.
I will "fight" him!

- Magnus! -Tell him. He's there.

Shall we make a point?

- Yes.

- So, are
we going on this?

*-Careful! Ouch!

Careful! ouch ! Careful!

- This is the plush
for Fatou, right?

- Yes Yes.

- Why not in blue?
- No. We don't change anything.

It is the work of an "super-leprechaun".

- We have time.
Christmas is the 25.

- On the morning of the 25th.

Before the kids wake up.

It's hot from the flute!
*-Careful! Ouch!

- In packaging,
they are at the end of the roll.

- I dunno. If instead
of making one toy at a time,

we made
100,000 teddy bears at once?

It wouldn't be silly.

- A toy is a good toy ...
- If it's happy

when we do it.
But less happy and more effective?

- Repeat to see?

- If, for example,
we imagine that ...

we make 100,000 scooters
at once.

Okay ?
We save time.

You see ?

- It's a good toy ...

- If it's happy when we do it.
But 100,000 dolls at once,


- I do not understand.

- If we do

100,000 fire trucks at once

not a truck ...

Magnus, focus.
We would go faster.

Play less to work more.

- It's a good toy ...
- If it's fun when we do it.

fart noise


* -Lucie is expected at the top.
Lucie is expected at the top.

- Children are
more and more demanding.

For example: Tatyana.
A princess castle, 3 ponies,

an Indian disguise,

a magic cloud ...
it's crazy!

- She just wants
her mom to take care of her.

Put a rubber band on it.
It was her mom's favorite game.

- They will play together.
Well thought.

- It's a job !

- And a rubber band is good.
It doesn't complicate.

- Colored pencils for everyone.
- Huh?

- I'm going.
Are you joining me at the packaging?

- Boss!

Groovy music


- Yes, there is time.

- go, go ! Go ! Go !


- go.


- We will never be ready!

- It's going well, all that.
- Boss?

I did the calculation of ...

Pencils for everyone,
it's not possible.

- Ah. Okay, put some gouaches.

- Ah well, no, no.

neither pencils nor gouaches.

- Watercolors? Paintings?
- No ! After...

He chatters and stammers.


- What's the matter ?
- I caught hot there.

- Wow, say so, yes. It's okay ?
- Yes. It's okay.

- Very well.

Magnus ?



Disturbing music


Wanda ?

Magnus ?

- Ah g


"the whole bench of leprechauns
will be hit."

- It's a fish bank.

- Why get sick now?
- I dunno.

- Oh yes !

There are 160,000 doors,

they were struck down

by bacteria.

- Did they make it?
- I find out with you!

They survived

thanks to a beverage:
plum juice

of Cockatoo.

- A "kakabou" plum?



"Fruit highly concentrated in vitamin C."

- They are 92,000 leprechauns.
We can't squeeze 92,000 juices!

It is a disaster.

It's not possible.

- That's what it takes.

- What?
- Vitamin C.

The plum is stuffed with vitamin C.
- well what?

- Go get 92,000 tubes.
A round trip, pif pouf.

- "Pif pouf"? Right here right now ?

- Yes ! You have to get
your fingers out of the hood!

- And why me?

- I don't know how to drive the sled.
You never wanted to teach me.

- Wanda, no. I don't know
how it is over there.

- You go there every Christmas.

- One night, by the roofs.
I meet no one.

The other nights ...
I don't know. People...

- They won't welcome you with
Nerfs. You give them gifts!

- Exactly. I give them
gifts, but from a distance.

"Where is he going? Mystery."

- I would love to see
even a new face.

Well. Come on, get ready.
I'm going to harness the reindeers.

- Wanda !

The door slams.

Fairy music


The reindeer craves.

- Oh, Dancer... Honey, honey.


- We should wait

and let them heal alone.
We will make the situation worse ...

- Trying to save them?
No, Santa.

- I didn't even overhaul the sled.

Stealth mode not working,
smooth skates

and a flat reindeer at the front!
It's suicide!

- you overreact.

- I do not overreact!
- But it'll be fine, Santa dear.

I believe in you.

Everyone believes in you.

- Everyone, I don't know ...

It is the first time that we will be
separated two nights in the year.

- Well. Come on.

Soft music


Come on.


You're beautiful like a sleigh.


Adventure music


Santa roars like a reindeer.


The reindeers roar.



Cockatoo plum is a fruit
that grows in Australia.



Let's go to Australia. They have
plum, they have vitamin.


By cutting through Finland,
we are there quickly.

Okay. So wait ...

He hums.

No !


Calling all the reindeers.
Check your vis-à-vis. We're going to

an area of ​​turbulence.



Distant cries


We have a big problem
with the stealth mode.

I'll try to...

Yes, no, not at all. OKAY...

We're going to land
near the big red toy.


Oh, oh, oh...

Hand brake

Lockout alarm



Uh ... well. Come on, go.
We're not going to hang around here.


What do you mean,
"vitamins are everywhere"?

I'm not going down.


Because there are people.

They all roar.
You tire me!

It's okay.
It's okay, I'm going. Ooh La La.

It takes proportions!



I stuff it all in the hood
and we take off again.

We're not going to spend 50 doors on it.

Robin's elf!

- It will be fine ?
- It's okay.

- Are you sure ?
- Just one...



Rap Music


-1 euro, 1 euro!

- I have ! I have ! I have !
Crazy Love! Crazy Love!

Here, colleague!

Your suit is not bad.

- It's a little fleece.

- Why in green?
Do you work for an organic thing?

- Because my elves are sick.

- What are you ? Your...?
- My elves.

They all fell ill
suddenly. The 92000.

-92,000 elves?

- It seems that the vitamin
could cure them.

- Good news.

- But Christmas is in 4 doors.

- It's going quickly.
We don't realize. It spins.

- And my reindeers are exhausted.
I parked the sled on the roof.

- It's not easy
to park in the neighborhood.

- So here is.

- Yes Yes Yes.

- I dunno...

- Quick.
I'm working there.

- What do I do for my elves?
- You go to a pharmacy.

Do you see the green cross?
- Yes.

- It's a pharmacy. You come in
and ask for the elves department.

There is an special elves department.

- Thank you, Thierry.
- you're welcome...

- Nice people, actually.

- How does he know
my first name?


- Oh, that's it!

- Monsieur ?

- I'm looking for your elves department.

- OK, okay.
- elves...

We're working here.
The blouse is not a disguise.

- Great. So give me
92,000 like this.

- Of course. Yes of course.

Merry Christmas.

- No, but I want my vitamins.

I want to look after my elves.

- Put that down.

It's not possible !

- Like those. Christmas is in
3 doors. Carole, tell her!

- Do you know my name?

Did you follow me?
- When you were little.

- It's disgusting.
♪ call the police.

- No no no !

- Stop it. Stop.

- A madman returns the
whole shop. Come !

- That's enough.
Give me vita ...


Glass breakage

Have you seen this weirdo?

- We will avoid the use of tu.

- I told him
before he left in a spinning top ...

- We're going to get in the car.
Lower your head.

Take off your robe.

Oh dear !
♪ fed up of crazy one like this one.


- I do,
this kindof cars.

- Monsieur...

- I know,
I left a little quickly.

Come on,
but Jay had a problem.

* -Did you have a problem?
- No. Jay, my brother.

* -But we're at the table.

- I hurry.

* -Thomas ...
- Wait 2 seconds.

* -Maëlle, stop!

{Thomas ? 'Jay ?

- Yes.

- He said to me, "We're making a hat."
Two black, one red.

We have to find the red one.
Where's the red?

- here.

- Oh no.
The red is there. The black is there.

The red has been there from the start.
- Ah!

- Not bad.

- Class. It is super well done.
- Olivier.

- There, his colleagues yell:

"The cops !"
He leaves with my money.

- Thomas!
- I finish and I arrive.

- I was racked up
and I'm getting on board?

I am the victim.

- Shut up.

He will keep quiet.

- Your brother is a lawyer,
but watch out!

- Absolutely. Sorry.

- You're sorry
every week!

- Go on, go on.
- well, kiss. Ciao.

Small cat-cock.

- Olivier !

We do not choose our family.
- Oh indeed, no.

- He didn't sign.

He didn't sign, the ...

- This is going to be fun.

- It's not all fun, Olivier.

Soft music


Bring him in.

- Monsieur ?

- It's for you.


- Well. Uh ... name?

- Claus.

- First name?

- Santa.

- You were born...?

- Yes.

- No, yes.
When were you born ?

- Sorry. Oh !

There are 15,000 doors,
16 windows and 12 drawers.

So it must be

roughly 600 years, for you.

607 years ...

- Alcohol
and narcotics test.

- Will it help my elves?

- Direct narcotics.
- Yes.

- Open the mouth. Ah.

- Ah !
- No. "Ah."

- Ah!
- Here.

- It makes you want to ...

- Stop moving, sir.


Incomprehensible words

- I do not understand.

- You always play with

te z

- You liked the dolls ...

- Oh ! Why ?

(- He's still playing.)
- Are you playing stupid?

If you want to play stupid,
you haven't chosen the right person!

- But no.

- No, Stéphane ...

- You'll see,
if I played dolls.

You have company, Gisèle!

- What is happening ?
- I dunno.

The guy wants to play stupid.

- I can take care of it.

- Isn't that enough, your brother?

- Can I get out of there?

- He's sick.

- let it be.
He's tense right now.

You're tense, right now.

- This is a concern, anyway.

- Good evening sir.


Good evening.

I am...

I'm master ...
Thomas di Angelo.

I can be your designated lawyer to defend you.

- Defend myself against what?

- You understand ?
You are in prison.

- Yes. I know
what a prison is.

I make Monopoly.
Dices, a double and I'm going out.

We are at home with crazy people.

He speaks in Portuguese.

- Alors, Santa "Klaus".

- Claus.
- Why give this name?

- They asked me my name,
so I gave my name.

- Santa "Klaus".

- Claus, yes.

- OK.

So, what do we have?

"Refusal to present
identity document." You didn't have it? No ?

"Insults to agents."
Did you call them ... elves?

- No, it's because ...
I'm Santa Claus.

- Yes...

- I was talking about my elves.

I have 92,000 elves
who got sick.

I have to find

92,000 vitamins.

- I'll cut you off for a moment.

We will make it
much simpler.

I am here to help you.
- Ah!

- Looks like it's a joke
that went wrong.

- Okay.

- "I disguise myself as Santa Claus."

- Ah yes ?

- No you.
I don't disguise myself. You.

- Ah, me?
- That's what you will say.

You say,
"I disguise myself as Santa Claus."

- I'm Santa Claus.

- But stop saying that
because it doesn't help.

- But since I'm the ...

- It's your secret. You keep it
for yourself. Inside.

"I disguise myself as Santa Claus."

- I say it ?
- Say it.

- I disguise myself as Santa Claus.

- "Without bad intention."
- No. I love children.

- Yes. No, not at all.
We don't say that.

- I do not say ?
- We'll make it easier.

You say nothing, nothing.

The right to remain silent is called.

- I don't know this game.

- When you are asked questions,
you do not answer anything.

It's clear ?

Answer me. The game
has not started. It's clear ?

- I answer ?
- Yes.

- I get it.

- I'll take care of that.
See if it can work out.

- There, I can't go out.

If I make a double,

I will go out. I need ...
- It works.

- In my opinion,

it's a zodiacal thing

for decans, ascendants,
months, all that.

What sign are you?
- Libra.

- It's funny, for a cop.

- You would lend me your dice,

Gustavo ?

- How do you know
my real first name?

- Just 2 min.
- You're annoying.

- I swear,
he doesn't look mean.

- He is right.
And the narcotics are negative.

- It's the worst!

-2 seconds.
- I put it in the depot, period.

fuck !

Where is he ?

Olivier !
- Did you close?

- Yes. I'm not stupid!

* -Call to all units.

We're looking for a bearded man
in a green djellaba.

Bearded man in green djellaba.

- Sir?

A photo with the little one.

Put yourself there.

A photo

with Santa Claus.
- No!

The real one is in red.

- It is not a big deal.
As well.

She screams.


- Why is she making this noise?


- I want red!


- If you don't like children,
you don't do Santa Claus.

In Chinese
- It's not my fault, it's her.

She cries like this:
"Ouin ouin!"

- Before taking a job,
you must have the required qualities!

'Ms ä t à ll à : “ Q
LP IN ü LP IN !'\

- He's nasty.

Playful music


- Did you put the trampoline
on the list?

- Mom,
it's complicated to free us.

- Tornado Car.

- Every year,
we have this discussion.

* -Every year is Christmas.
Amélie, listen ...

- Are you okay, boys?

*-Come to the house.
- I'll call you back.

- We finished our list.
- Already?

Something is missing.
Here, kisses. Little kisses.

* -We make a turkey.
It's Christmas...

- Oh g

- a robot!

- I'll remind you, mom.
* -I know you're going to ...

- You had to come home early.

- Yes, but I had
a little mess.

It smells good.
- It's just soup.

- No, that's where
it smells good.

- Tu me passes un "curbouillon" ?

- Do you want a "cubouillon"?

- Tornado Car.

- I'm going to order
the flying fairy.

- Here.

at the police station,

there was an old guy,
the portrait of my father.

He disappeared, like that.

Isn't it crazy?

- Mom ?
* -No, it's uncle.

Your mother says you are not coming!

- Ah!

The list to Santa Claus.

With lots of toys.
Too much. You saw ?

- We said we would ask for
3 toys.

- No!
- No!

-3 is a lot.

- No!

- Maëlle, 3, that's a lot,

when it suits you.

* -Not the 3, the 24.

- We have room in the bedroom.

- That doesn't work.

* -I'm pissed off ...
- Uncle ...

- When you were little ...

- Can I call you back?

- You'll rewrite them
in the bedroom.

- No!

- It's 3 toys or the whip.

* -You're coming at Christmas!
- Kisses.


- In the bedroom.

The phone is ringing.

- How does Santa Claus get
into homes?

- he's magic.

- Magic ?
- Yes. Come on.

The cat meows.

Reverse beep

Santa brame.

Top, top, top ... TOP Ë



- I take off my Tornado Car.

What do you take off?

- I'm not taking anything away.
I want to keep my toys.

- You have to take it off.

If you put a toy in your heart,

Santa Claus is going to bring
it back to you because he sees in hearts.

- It makes no sense.

- No. You're wrong and I'm right.

- I don't believe you.

- All your life, you're never going to believe.

- I have the right not to believe you.

- I do not care.

I won't talk to you anymore.

- Is he right?

Soft music


Santa Claus,

I remove the flying fairy,
but I keep it in my heart.

Sleigh lock beep


- I'll try
to find you some snow.


- Me too, I'm hot.

"Quick, quick" ... How are going your anlers?

If the penguins were flying, I would have
8 penguins in front. It would be settled.

it was not there last year,
this little barrier.

Oh, Thomas !

- What the hell are you doing here?

- Well ... Oh, elf!

Ouch g

- How's it going sir ?

- It flies, a penguin.

- What's going on ?
- Nothing.

- It's Santa Claus.
- No.

Come on, you come home.

- Santa Claus, we've removed
gifts from our list.

- Oh no. You will have everything.

Mathis, la Tornado Car

and Maëlle, the fairy.

- Yeah!
- You know him ?

- Get them in.
- You know...

- Get them in.

Where do you know
my children's first names ? How? 'Or' What ?

- I know them all.
I'm Santa Claus.

Calm down.
- No.

If you’re still here in 1 min,
I’ll blow your teeth.

Did you understand or not?

(-Sure, it's Santa Claus.)

Don't believe my eyes.

(-It's the real Santa Claus.)

- You don't even realize?

- I realize very well!

- Mathis, he knows our secret.

- He has sonic eyes.

"Ho Ho Ho!

"I see in the heart
of Maëlle and Mathis."

In fact, did you pray
for the flying fairy?

- I did an experiment.
I put it in my heart

to check.

- So who was wrong?

- Me.

(-I knew it was him.
He smells like the cookie.)

(-We can go look on the roof.)

(He's there.)
(-Not without the parents.)

(-You must obey me.
I was born 3 minutes before you.)

- If we get punished,
it'll be your fault.

You'll get a whip from Dad.
And I will have none.

- Well. Come on.

- How did he get our address?

- I dunno. I gave him
my name to introduce myself.

He didn't look mean.
- It's the worst.

Each time, it's:
"He looked kind, polite.

"The neighbors love it."
And he slaughters people with an ax.

- He's going to kill anyone.

- He knows the
children's first names .

- I dunno.
He reminded me of dad.

- It's not much, 3 minutes.
- Yes.

- Well, if we get punished,
it'll be your fault.

They shout.

- Maëlle? Mathis?

- Santa Claus is on the roof.

- It's Santa Claus.

- He's the guy ...

With reindeers ...

- Thomas, I said
to Maëlle and Mathis ...


- Sir?

- I dried it.

Fairy music

- Thomas?
- Yeah?


- It's okay ?
- Yes. It's like dazzling.

- Santa Claus ?

Can we take a reindeers ride?

- No no no.
- Please.

- No way.


- No!


- Reindeer? Reindeer? Rennouche?

- Slowly...

- He really flies.

- Yes, it's a reindeer.
- Yes...

- Mathis, hold on.

- Hi!
- Mathis ...

- Hi Dad.
- Hi.

- Mathis, hold on to the mane.

- Looked. It's the Eiffel Tower.
- Oh yeah.

- Tell him to go lower.

Santa slab.
- We must go down.


- To the right.
- We want to do another round.


- We're going to bed.

- It was so good.


- Go to bed.


400% agree.

- A cookie ?
A glass of milk ?

- Yes. Almond milk, then.
I am lactose intolerant.

I feel like
it got hot at the start.

He was not well.
He is hot.

Suddenly, it was hot.
He passed out.

And I look around ...

A fish bank.

There is not one
who remained standing.

-92,000 elves
who fall suddenly ...

it's not common.

- well.

- And they need

vitamin C?

-92,000 elves
is not common.

- Wanda m'a dit "vitamine C".

So vitamin C. We're not going to
look for baboon on the ice floe.

Or 92,000 plums from Kakadu,
at worst.

So YOU ​​have a tube?

-92000 tubes, we don't need them.

- We'll find them.

- for? We need time.

- for collecting the money, already.

92,000 tubes of vitamin C
it's not free.

- Yes.
Because you have to buy them.

- Buying is. ...?

- Do you understand the concept
of buying, selling, all that?

- Say it again, to be sure?

- Do you have any money
to show him?

- Do you have that,
the papers, at home?

This is a paper
that costs 20 E.

-"Cost" ?
- With 20 E,

I can buy 10 tubes.

So to buy 92,000,
you need lots of blue papers.

This one is blue.
There are red, purple ...

I'm just telling him.

- Those who make vitamins
want money.

- Why don't they make

- Money is used for exchange

to buy or sell ...

- Pay those who work.

- Wait ...

- There, here ...
- We pay.

- Your elves,
you don't pay them.

- No.

- We, our elves, we pay them.
- Bad, but we pay them.

- This is to buy.

'This is to pay.

- It's to pay.
- Pay.

- Okay. And sell?

- It's the opposite of giving.

- To take.

- No.

- For example,

you want milk.

You go ...
- It's good.

'You can not

just take it.
You have to pay


The person

who made milk ...

There is ...
- Tick, tick, tick.

- It's not fair...

- Well. Uh ...

The best thing is that I go to sleep,
and tomorrow ...

You take care of it.
I come back to take them ...

- Tomorrow, maybe not.
- Not tomorrow.

- Come on, hop.

- Where did he go?


- It's good. Everything is in order.
We'll have them tomorrow.

Like what, it
was not that complicated.

Come on.

Santa slabs.

And to bed.

- We need
natural vitamin C for the elves.

- This is the first time
you say this sentence.

"We need
natural vitamin C for the elves."

- Otherwise, we take
92,000 plums from Kakadu.

I'll ask Rungis.

Come on, we're sleeping there.

He sighs.

- We have the real Santa Claus
on our roof.

- say it again.

- We have the real Santa Claus
on our roof.


- Is a reindeer who farted?

She laughs.

- There is nothing to do.

Thomas only wants the 4 of us
at Christmas.

My parents insist:

"Come and have dinner,
let's see the kids."

Impossible, for Thomas.

Christmas reminds him of
his childhood, his father.

- It's hell, for those
who have no family.

It’s terrible.
It's the period

peaks of depression.

- Yes I know.

- I'm not inventing. It's on the Internet.

Patti Page :
"Boogie Woogie Santa Claus"

- Do you have plums
of Kakadu?

- what ?
- Kakadu plums.

- "Kaka"? Not know.


- Come on! Hop hop, kids.

Another pharmacy.


But it's the 8th!

- Yes. A dozen more
and we go back.

- But no !

- Why are you crying ?

- We want to see Santa.

- I know.
But first, you have to buy

to save who ...?

- Elves. But we want to go
home to see Santa!

- We'll see it later.
Come on, let's go. Come on.


- Hello.

-92000 what?

- I know, it's funny.



- Why are you in green?

- Why aren't you red?

- Very clear at night.

- This is the day.

- Why aren't you red?
- Come.

- Hello.


- I'm talking to the reindeers.

Oh wait.

Tornado, how are you?
You look down.

Yes, you're hoarse.

It was time to leave.

Do you have my vitamins?

- Uh. ..
almost. Not all.

- Why are you in green?

- The time we organize.

Santa slabs


- They say something?
They ... Sorry.


- I heard.
When will it snow?

- It's snowing more, or 2 seconds
and it's hot.

He slabs.

Hot water.


- How we tell them

Hello ?

- On dit "houn houn".

-"Hon hon."
- No. "Houn houn."

-"Houn houn."

- No. You said,
"Do you want a yogurt?"


Suddenly, he wants it.

- Why are you in green?

- Why does it do that?
- Stop it.

- The real Santa Claus is in red.

- They don't see the colors?
- Yes. For us, Santa Claus ...

Finally, you are ...

It's ... uh ...

You are red.
From Coca-Cola.

- Is that red?
- You are green.

- Normally, you're red.

- Why is he following me?

- He's waiting for an answer.
So it is for you.

- I answered his question.
He constantly asks the question.

- We are going to go there.

Obviously, he's not a morning person.
See you soon.

We meet down.

What are you doing ? Oh dear !

- We're looking for vitamins
for Santa's elves.

- No no. You let me
put it away, kids.

-My zouzounettes!

- Hello!

"you're okay ?

I am in a rush.

- How many are there?

- It is off the mark.

- I don't have Kakadu plums.

I haven't slept enough.

- You have to buy ice
for his reindeers.

'are we going?

- What are you doing there ?

- Where did you return from?
- Over there. Let's go ?

- Did you escape
from the cell like that?

- No. I was in prison.
I had to make a double.

Otherwise, it's cheating.
- Yes.

'Is yva?

- Yes.

I rush.
I'm going to work.

- Thomas ?

'Is yva?

- Oh, that's it!
- Câlin.

- Well. Are we going or ...

- I'm going. Let's go.

- For your vitamins,

we can order them

900 by 900 on Amazon.

- I already flew over the Amazon.
Have never seen ...

- No, not the Amazon River.

It is an online sales site.

What word did you not understand?

- I understood
llclestll, "un", "de", "en".

Are we going?

- You only have that,
as clothes?

Playful music


It's not possible.

Hold this for me, please.


- Where are you going?
- Where do you go through the houses?

- Why are you in red?

- Go through the doors.
It's weird.

No no.

(-He ate it all.)

- The skin.

'The skin ?

- It's good
for the ice machine.

I put you 2 cases, 3 cases?

- I dunno.

- And don't talk to me about money!

- Thank you.

- What do you want ?

- So 92,000 tubes of vitamin C.

- No, no, Santa. Uncle.
Here is a fish shop,

not a pharmacy.

- They're not doing well.
They are not in good shape.

It lives in the water.

- Hmm hmm.

My mother, same. One day, tac!
she suddenly unscrewed.

- Yeah.

Its good

for ice.
We have the yogurts.

What else is needed?

- So ... Lichen, bark,
two bushes ...

- You should have told me that yesterday.

We don't find that here.

- And vitamins, too.

- Yes. We know that.

-3 fir trees, right?

- I take them.
- Where do I deliver this?

- Did you find
what you were looking for?

- Yes. My reindeers will enjoy.

are we going?

Amélie, are we going?

- Yes. Wait for me.
I'm working.

- But why don't we go?

- Wait for me.
There are some people.

- I'm going.

- But ...
- Amélie!

- I will be back.

2 seconds.
- Amelie !

'are we going?

- Chris, can you take care
of my uncle for 2 seconds?

Wait for me. I will not be long.
I come back and we leave. I arrive !

- What can I get you ?

Cheers. A small blow.

- Gérard! Gerard!

- Géra rd ...

You asked for
a light blue scooter.

- With a pedal.

- True or false ?
- How do you know ?

- But no ! But no !

- What do we say?
We say medium? Mentalist ?

- We say Father ...

- You have to go there.

- Oh g




- You are my brother.

- Here.

- My Christmas Tree

King of the forests

My Christmas Tree

King of the forests

Dramatic music




To laugh


- It is complicated.
I can pay you with a TV.

- But this is concealment.
Have I already charged you?

- No. Thank you, bro. It's cool.

- Stop doing your bullshit.

- That's what I said to myself:
"How old are you? You have to stop."

Amelie is not the job?
The Russian with whom she works?

There is her daughter's birthday .

But children
love magicians.

Ask her !
- No.

- If she says no, she says no.

- She'll say no.

Was with Jay.

He is in trouble.

- Like always.

- Did you see for
your client's daughter's birthday ?

- I am going to ask.


This is
the most natural vitamin C.

92,000 vitamins,
that's about

45 cartons.

- How much does it cost ?

That's all ?

- It's a box.

- Is that cardboard?
But how are we going to pay for this?

- with your motorbike.

- Oh no.

- You'll find another one.

- I've been saving for 3 years.
It's NO.

♪ Don't wait for next Christmas.

- You can't drive.
- But it doesn't drive itself.

- What is it made for?
- It's to be looked at.

- You're saying nonsense.
There are priorities.

- What about your home savings plan?
- No.

- Can we think?
- No!

It's for my
flower shop , no.

I'm stuck
between your stuff, the toys ...

- So I sacrifice myself
for your space?

- There is no such money.

- No in-between?

- No, not on this subject.

- Do you have my vitamins?

- It takes time to ...
- To buy from those who pay, yes.

Well. In short.

I go from seal to donkey ...
You did not send me

your letter, you?
- No.

- Don't be late.

- Can we give it to you?
- No. you mail it.

- OK.

- It's been 5 times that
she throws the blanket.

She starts again.

Her mom tells her

"You don't throw",
but she throws it.

His mom gives her back.

She says to her "Don't throw it away",
but she throws it away.

- You don't know
the kids, actually.

- It is contradictory
to your profession.

- I know them.
It sleeps, it has tidy lashes,

it breathes gently.

- No, but that's during Christmas night.

-During the day it's not the same.

A child,

it screams, it cries,
it scratches its face,

it sucks ... a pebble.

- At night, it's the same.

I order.
- Yes.

- It's endless.
She's not tired of throwing it away.

- Maëlle, Mathis! We're going back!
- Come on!

- They don't answer
when we call them.

- They are children.

- Anyway, they won't come.

- Lets' go !

He's a good magician.
Yes, I send you his contact.

You will not be disappointed.
I'm sure of it.

- You'll see,
he's going to be great.

- Here is a child,
with tidy lashes!

- Is it going well?

Why are you doing this?

I took 1 hour to fall asleep!

- Sorry. Sorry.
- We dont do that.

- Sorry.
- Fool!

- No, nanny.

Didn't mom tell you?

No, we will not succeed.

- This is good.

The delivery of the order
is validated for tomorrow.

- Because I am working.



'are you going? I go ?

Are you going?

- You don't understand!
- I'm trying !

- We explain to you all the time
and you understand nothing!

- You tell me: "We don't give."

- What's going on ?


Santa keeps
shouting at Maëlle.

- He doesn't understand money.
- I do not understand

why we don’t give.

Why all these things,
these things ...

The "zeuros", the "roros".

- We don't argue
over money.

It's not important.

In bed.

- Shall we play Monopoly?

- I always lose at this game.

- Who gave you candy?

- Not at all.

- Put it away and I'll
read you a story.

- He doesn't understand anything,
it's not our fault.

- Maybe he's
a little stupid.

-2 doors! His mother the lute!


- I dunno.

It costs I don't know what.
I understand nothing.

Stop. No, no, no.

Try to ...
No, listen to what you're told!


Not all at the same time.
One at a time. Come on, I listen to you.

You go.


Bad faith !


So everyone
decided to make me ski?

- They'll call
until we come.

You know.

- I have a gastro.

- We tell them that every year.
- It works.

- We have to find something else.
- Do you know what we're going to do?

We tell them I'm sick of him,

of your father

who humiliates me at chess.

Ta tante,

I touch your face,
I fiddle with you. "Aren't you shaved?"

I do not shave.

Your sister, her cleavage,
but wait.

The "pechos", she gives them to me
in the face.

Is it 125 V? I can't take it anymore.
It bothers me a little.

And your grandmother, with
her big 1.30 meter cigars.

Is smoke Chernobyl?

- We are going to say
that you have a gastro.

We ring.

- Brother, brother!


- Yeah!

- You call me before you come.

- I'm super excited.

I got your message.

Thanks for the job.

It is not well paid.
- Jay ...

She is a client of Amélie.
You are doing something good.

- Absolutely.
I'm going to be the magician of her life.

Shall I show you
what I have planned?

- No.
- Not bad.


- My loves !

A magic trick ?

- They won't sleep anymore.

- It's okay. I will put them to bed.
-2 minutes.

- Yes.

- We're ready!

- Wait.

What do you got here?

Is it a play?

Not bad.
Shall we make it disappear?


- Blow on it.

You blow on it.

Dad too.


Otherwise, it does not disappear.

1, 2, 3. Where is she?

- How did you do ?

- Part ?

She's there.
There is a rubber band.

- OH...

- Don't show or there is more magic.
- There is no magic.

- Yes, there is magic.

- You have finished

to write to Santa Claus?

- But we didn't post it.

- Is that so ?

- He was the one who told us.

- Santa Claus
from the post office told you ...


- The real one ?
- Hop hop.

- He's on the roof.

- It is true ?

- You can look.

- It's not true !

- In bed.
- He's really up there.

- Jay, I have a lot of work.

- What is it on the roof?

- Huh? Nothing.

- You do "huh"
when you lie to me.

- Huh? Whatever.
Please come.

- I know.
You grow ...

- But no ...
- You're a genius.

What an idea !

I will see.

- Stop.

Jay ! Jay !

Stop ! There is nothing !

- It is over there ?

You’re hiding something.

Where is your weed
- We are going down.

- Where's the little lamp?
- Jay, come on.

Come please !
We are going down.

- You got serious.
- But no.

- "Chill", a little.

- I "chill".
- No, you "chill" nothing. Breathe.

You lack a little fantasy
in your life.

- Shit.

- I forgot my hood ...

- No no no.

- What are you doing ?

- I'm going to get some vitamins.
Do I have to tell you in Morse code?

- We ordered
45 boxes.

- I need 92,000.

- These are not the same scales.

- It's the iceberg who doesn't care ...

- Of?
- Who gives birth to an ice cube.

- Thomas?
- Hold on.

Where are you going ?
- I dunno. Elsewhere.

Do you know what will happen
if the kids don't have toys?

- Non.

- Neither do I. If it is,
we are on the brink of an apocalypse.

- Calm down.
You overreact.

- Thomas ?

'Me ?
- Yes !

- Who overreacts here? You.

- I'm calm!

- You are completely ...

- I'm calm !
- No ! No !

- Thomas?
- What? Go ahead.

Santa slabs.

- Thomas !

Thomas ?

He screams.

- What I told you ...

Are you okay, Jay?

He slabs.

For delivery,
the minimum is one day.

- How does it work,
your country?

- It does not work.

- To request toys,
there are people.

I ask something,

You understand that I am ...

- But I understand
perfectly, Santa.

But be patient.

- Okay.
- It's clear ?

- OK.

Who is he?

- He's my brother, Jay.

- Your brother ?
- Yes.

Good night, Santa.
Good night to you.

He screams.
- It's weird.

- Take the doors, Santa.
- Sorry.

He never wrote to me.

That's what I don't understand.

- He was little
when our parents died.

Since then, he has believed much more.
He believed much more.

No, Santa.
The doors.

- The doors ?
- Yes.

- He was flying.
- Huh?

- He was flying in the air.
There was no cable.

They were sort of
inflatable reindeer with hair.

- They were reindeer.

- Yes, reindeer.

- Tell no one.
- Of course.

- Swear it.
- No but...

Look ...
Was it really Santa Claus?

- I have the impression that it is.


- It's crazy.

- Keep it to yourself.

- Absolutely.

- Say "I swear".
- I swear.

You're a full-time lawyer.


- Hey!

- It will shit.

- Go away. Right now.

- I'll ask him for an apartment
with cash in the drawers.

- What about world peace?
- next year.

- Good night.
- Tell him.


He sighs.

'Yes ?

Sad music



- I'm losing the north.
We never

been separated more than 2 nights.
It doesn't suit me,

to be alone.
- It would make me vacation.

- To be alone ?

- Oh there ! My brother, my wife,
his parents, the children.


- Hmm...

- It's not easy.
- To be with people who love you?

- No, that's not
what I want to hear.

You never had any problems.

-well yes.

- Yes, but apart from your elves.

- Ah not.

- Is this your first problem
in 12,000 doors?

- In 15,000 doors.

Not obvious, my life.
- We exchange when you want.

- Which is good,
with these problems ...

- This issue.

- It's because it makes me realize
that everything does not happen magically.

That we have to fight
for the people we love.

- It was Miss France's speech.
Word for word.

- He is right.

- She.

Ah yes.

Jay will write to you.
He will ask you for an apartment.

- No, I don't do that.
- No.

- Barbie's house, would that suit him?
- Yes Perfect.

- The letter to Santa Claus is there.

Hop, no more letters! Where is it ?
Is that the letter?

Ah no, that's it.

Look. Dad plays sports.

- It's okay ?
- DAD !

- Hi, Jay.
I am in a rush. It was ?

- They're waiting for you to post it.

- Come on.
- You are watching us.

- I'm looking at you.

- For the show ...

- I do not have the time.
- Dad!

- Do the least bad.


- I'm looking at you.
You rock. Okay, Jay?

Yeah, Amélie?
No, I'm fine. I'm with Jay.

The show is going to be great.
- Yeah.

You have to see that.

- We say goodbye.

- Goodbye, uncle.

- Besides, I cleaned the roof.

They poop everywhere.

Not the kids. The reindeer.

- Give me back my comforter!
- It's mine.

- I don't want screams.

There are little zigotos
who want to eat pancakes.


- "Everyone at the table."

- "Everyone at the table!"

She screams.

- Go through the doors.
We gave you the keys.

- Yes Yes.

- Tired of making a mess.
- Hello, Santa.

- Leave it, I do.

- So, the pancakes?

- Too beautiful !
- That's what I want to hear!

* -You're gonna bite!

* -You're going to die!


- But it's completely crazy.

You are in a crazy world.

- Because at home,
everyone is normal?

- Yes. We have a bipolar bear,
but otherwise ...

* -I broke your teeth ...

He sighs.

Me, my elves ...

- Santa !

It's not all
about your elves.

"Your elves ..."
♪ would love to have elves

who go at 3 am to Rungis
in my place.

For shopping, for cleaning.

It's not by magic
that everything is done at home.

It's not the magic goblins.
Do you see goblins?

- No.
- No. Who is it

- I dunno.
- It's Amélie.

She would like to get her nails done
by reading a bitch magazine!

Here, my dears.

- Thank you.

- What...?
- You were a little relooked.

- Sorry. Excuse me for existing.

We ring.

- Merry Christmas, Santa. Vitamins!

- It's your vitamins.

- Thank you.

- It's not too early.

- Thank you.

- So...

It's funny to open a gift.

- And There you go.

- It's not the same.

- Stop it. Goodbye.

- It's not the same.

- Do you have your vitamins?

- It's not the same.

- Thomas and I are going out.
- Where are we going out?

- I dunno. I want to move.
You will babysit the children.

- He can do nothing!
- It's my domain.

- There are 2 doors, you thought
it was just sleeping.

- There is 1 door and I suspected.

- Can you cook pasta?
- Plasticine?

- No, pasta to eat.

He imitates it.

- We will order

- I'm calling Jay. Jay?

Listen. You have to come and babysit
the children.

Listen to me. Now.

- We agree,
we are in bed at 9 p.m. max.

- OH NO !

- We'll do it again.

We agree,
we are in bed at 9 p.m. max.

- It's good.

Kiss Kiss.

Come on, kiss.

- There are 80 ...
- If there is a problem,

you press twice.

Once, twice ...

And there ... There. It's ringing!

- Oh yeah.

- Teeth and in bed.

- The teeth ?
- They know.

Good night.

- Wow!

Good evening, children!

Icona Pop : "I Love It"

- Oh, shit.


It's ready. Come on, at the table.


- Thank you.

- Chocolate mousse ?


- Still hungry ?

- What's this ?

- It's a dessert.
- No thanks.

Pet noise





- I'm going to get mad.



- Aren't you fed up
with endless superhero movies?

Already on the 5th, they blow everything up.

- There, they will all meet.

They say,
"It's almost the end."

- Farka, it won an award in Cannes.

- It's "depressed" in Cannes.
We're going to shoot ourselves.

-4 pennants. He won 4 things.

Yes, on the poster,
there is a hanged knot

with a dead tree,

but you have to go beyond that.

They have what, there ...
Horrrorrrious, otherwise.

- No.

- Well. What do we do ?

* Electro music


- That one ?

- No, not that one.

- Ah, that one?
- No.

- that?

- that?
- No, the white one over there.

- here?
- Yes.

Straight ahead, North Pole,
and right, I live there.

- Oh ok.


Say, it's far from here.

- Santa ?

When you leave tomorrow,
you will say goodbye,

even if we sleep?

- Yes of course.

- Phew.

We ring.

- Oh hi. Jay.
We met, last night.

- Ah, Jay. -Oui.

Nice to see you.

You are a legend.

Sorry, i am late.

What happened ?
- It's the kids.

'Mä lus ““ ä Ü The SSQ
r] tn}' gt] Q r] Q

I would like your opinion.

- Sure ?
- What I'm going to do tomorrow.

Magic tricks.

- I do not have the time.
It must load all that.

- In the sleigh?
- In my hood.

You hold it for me?

- Yes.

Playful music


- Jay, come closer.
- What?


Are the boxes disintegrating?
- They're still here.


- More...


- We're having dinner with your parents.
- I thought about.

We don't care, this Christmas dinner.

Cry of relief

I'll tell them that you have
a big gastro, explosion type.

- She is huge.

- We're going to make a simple dinner,
me and you, with the kids.

- Light, light, light ...


- Not, not.
- Yes.

- I need to sleep
at least 2 hours.

What does that leave us with?
A quarter of an hour ?

What are you gonna do to me


- Household chores.

- Household chores ?



- Go ahead. Go to bed.

I go...


- Santa, wake up.

It is the 24th.
It is today.


Did you sleep well ?

- The toys will not
be distributed on their own.

- Let's go.

- Where's my hood?

Have you seen my hood?

- No, but Santa ...

We're in bed!
- Where's my hood?

- It was in the living room.

- No, she's gone.

- Get out. I put on a pair of underwear
and we will find it.

Come on! Get out!

- It does not disappear,
the hoods!

- I know ! I come !

the drama queen !

- No ! No it's not...

It's not crap!
Children boo.


I can also do that.
Close your ...

- That's great ! That's great !
- Its good. Calm down.

- Something stronger.

I'm going to bring up
Santa's hood.

- Wow!

- It's Santa's hood.

He gave it to my grandmother
before she went to the stars

from cancer.

We need

of a volunteer.
And it will be Tatyana!

Tatyana !

We applaud Tatyana!



- Tatyana!
- It's good, it's good.

- Your name, Tatyana?

- Tatya na.

- Great ! Tatyana, you're ready

to travel to the land of toys?

- Yes.
- A...

two three !

- Wow! Well done !


He's laughing.

- It worked !

Is it magic or not?
- Great!

- Shall we make it reappear?

- Are you hot? Are you sure?

YOU are shoes?

- Yeah!

- Yeah ... Come on.

Let's go!

And hop!

Little laugh

Come on, Tatyana. Come on.

Tatyana ?

- Where's Tatyana?

- Where's Tatyana?

- Where is she ?

- Where's Tatyana?
We're going to go get it.

The tour is not over.

Stay seated. Stay seated !

We're going to get it.

Come on.

- Shall we get it?
- There are up to 3. One ...


The children are screaming.

- Is it wrong?

Where are you, darling?

In the hood?

She speaks Russian.

I geocalize you .
Mother is there. Do not worry.


- Yeah, Jay?
It's not the moment.

- I have a little hassle there.

- I too have a problem.

Haven't you come across
an old person with a beard?

No ?
- I'm sorry.

'Yes ? What?

- Do you know where Santa is?

- He disappeared. His hood too.

- I have the hood.

- Did you steal it?
* -Eh?

Didn't sting anything at all. Hold on...

* I can't hear you anymore ... Hello ...

Hello? Here.

- Fuck, I'm going to kill this guy!

- They've led me by sleigh
from the start.

"Yes! We will have
your vitamins!"

Take me for a snowflake!

You must stop believing
in reindeers that do not fly.

We don't care about your problem.

- Merry Christmas !
- Merry yourself.

Why are you stubborn, too?

If I don't deliver, the world wo
n't stop turning.

Breath of the wind


Where are they, people?





Why am I in red?

- Do you want fun?

If you like fun,
I have a Carambar joke.

Good. I have the little cloud
that makes rain-rain.

I watered you!

I have all the jokes that exist.

A Smurf gets a bruise,
but it can't be seen.

- What is happening ?
Why is there no one left?

Where am I ?
- But where were you?

Where were you ? Hello? Hello?

It is sadness everywhere.

Because you didn't deliver your toys.

Since you haven't delivered your toys,
it's forbidden to play.

No laughing.
But, I don't care.

I am an egg. Cat!
No right to touch up his father ...

Christmas !

He imitates a sea lion.

-4 doors ...

There is not anybody ?
Are we no longer allowed to play?

no longer allowed to play ...

Dramatic music





- You don't exist anymore, Santa.


He screams.

- What is happening ?
- It's nice.

- It's ...
- Yes, Olivier!

- Yes. Yes.

- We must act quickly.
Christmas is in a drawer.

- Yes, and my ass on the dresser.


- Steph?
* -Yeah, Thomas.

We found your bearded man.
He needs a good lawyer.


- I will iron.

We haven't finished our little ...

Hein ?

Christine, briefing.

- Never mind, if it's cheating.

Dramatic music


I lost my powers.

I lost everything.

- Guys.

Are you aware of the stakes?

Everyone knows

what he has to do?

Who takes care of the log?

- Santa? Santa, I'm sorry.

It was my brother
who stole your hood.

But it does happen.

- It's all screwed up.

- No, it's not screwed up, Santa.
Santa, it's not screwed up.

We're going to take care of the cops.

He blows.

You cross the walls,
and we meet outside.

- No. I lost my powers.

I don't have vitamins.
It's too late. Everything is screwed up.

- The hood is coming.

You take care of the elves,
and presto, the toys.

- Wanda believed in me.
♪ don't go back.

- Now's not the time ...
- Write to someone else.

- We don't let go.

- It's finish. I stop.

- Are you going to change your career
at 607?

- Exactly.

- What will you do?
- Something else.

I can be a sled driver,

reindeer trainer, ventriloquist.
- Whatever.

Santa !

- "I am the hand puppet.
And you, who are you?"

I am ventriloquist.
"It's really well made."

I know.
- Is that the number?

- "My lips don't move."

- Fuck!
- "Ouch!"

- We thought we weren't going to
make a log this year.

- No log?

- No. We change a little.

Brou ha ha

- Christmas is a log, right?

- "I am Coin-Coin."

- You are a champion!

Come with me.

- Hold on.
- We have a big problem.

'What? Wants to go out.

- It must.
I also have a problem.

- Ah, whelks.
Good idea, whelks.

- I don't eat it.

- You will not eat it.

-"What do you want to do ?"

Stay in prison.

- Some dices ?
- Who is it?

- Do you have dice?
- Oh sorry.

Wait two seconds.
I look for.

Yes Yes. No. I think
I left them there.

- Continue.

- Hey, hey.

(Put it away.)

- You forgot

to sign the minutes.

- Looked.
I make the pen disappear.

The pen falls to the ground.

- And you ?

Are you all right in your room?

Because you're there
for a little while.

- Why are you laughing ?

How did you do it?
- I will explain you.

He sighs.

- So ?
- Crumble.

- Well, crumble. Yeah, very good.

- Red fruits.
- Apple.

- OK.

(-We're going to get in there.)

- Well, Tatyana?
- Who are you ?

- I am nobody.

- The Russian girl !

- What?
- The Russian girl !

Run !

- Why ?
- I will explain you.

'Tatya that!

Shit shoes!

Come on, faster!

- Where the hell are they? The !

* -Thomas, Jay,
take me back to jail!

- Olivier, I'm going up front.

- I'm sick, in the back.

- I do not care.





She speaks Russian.

- Come on!

Adventure music


- Hurry up.

Tatyana rit.


- What's this ?
- A little girl.

- What? You kidding ?
- Above all, don't help me.

* -Gently, with my hood!

* -Is it your hood?

* -So you are Santa Claus?
*-I was.

* Can you get us out?
*-Out of the question.

* -Will you deliver more toys?
* Leave me alone, everyone!

- To the left. Thomas, come on!

She speaks Russian.

- Why are they putting up barriers?

- Come come.
Trust me !

- Stop right away!

They cough.

- Jump, Jay. Now !

- Olivier !

- But what ?
- Tatyana!

* - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome
aboard the Bateaux Parisiens.

She speaks English.

She speaks Japanese.

She speaks German.

- Yeah, Daniel. Steph.

We have an escape
and a kidnapping.

- Do not worry.
They will take dear.

- Yes, crumble,
but we don't care!

Send reinforcements!

* -But gently!

- It does not work.

- Santa, what are we doing?
* - I don't know.

A hood
is not for putting people.

We don't offer people to people.

I'm not moving.
* -I want to see my mom.

- She wants to see her mom.
Come on, get out. Be nice.

* -I'm not nice.
- You are the friendliest of the coolest.

You are Santa Claus.

* -Apply to the Easter bunny.
- It exists ?

- Santa, you remember,
you said to me:

"You have to fight
for those you love."

* - France Gall's speech, right?

- Miss France.

* -No matter. I'm not moving from here.

There will be no Christmas this year.
End of the story.

- Santa...

I have no flying reindeers.
I don't go through walls.

I don’t have millions of kids
waiting for me, I just have 2.

But I would do everything for them.

Because they believe in me,
because they count on me.

Because I love them.

Over all.

Santa, think of Wanda.

You can't let it go.



* -Santa?
*-What now ?

* -Who is he, Wanda?


- Come with me.

- What?

♪ have toys to deliver.

Adventure music

- Let's go.

- Call Amélie.

- Now ?
- Yes now.

- Come on.

- See you in there.

*-Stop moving. I see nothing.

- Don't touch anything.

* -Give me my reindeer.

- You stress me out!
I pass you which one?

* -Ralph the reindeer.


accent * - National police!

Stop this boat!

Santa slabs.

- Hey, Jay. Where are you going there?

- Not over there.

- From where ? They get on board.

* Slabs


* The guide speaks English.

- We are looking for 2 types.
One with a cape.

With an old man.

- Who looks like Santa Claus.
- Not at all !

'Tatya na!

My darling.
- Mom !

She speaks Russian.

I missed you so much.

- Thank you sir.

- Santa.

- Barbara.

- There, Olivier!

- Steph! That's crazy,

but this guy is Santa Claus.

- Move away !

You'll see !

- Hold on.
Frankly, there is an air.

- Il ya un air?

- Yes.
- But Olivier Legennec!

Stop believing
what everyone is telling you.

We work and have coffee
together every day.

You're Starsky, I'm Hutch.

You're Ponch, I'm Rello.
We are the Cordier, judge and cop.




- It was so good !

* - Above your heads,

Santa's sleigh.

She translates into English.

- Excuse me.

Excuse me.



- Put the hood behind.

- What are you doing ?



- Olivier, was it Santa Claus?

- Thank you !


'The bridge !

- It's okay, it's gone



Amélie, hold the reindeers for me.

I don't know what's going
on with stealth mode.

- No!


- Straighten it!

Straighten it!

- Careful !

Fairy music





Laptop ringtone

- Hold on.

- Hello? Uncle ?

I don't think
we're going to be able to come.


- Wow!


Anyway, see you on the 31st.

- No, not New Years.

- I can not hear you.

They roar.

We enter a tunnel.

See you.


- Hello?


- Like every year.

Fairy music


- Oh, Santa Chou !

What is this coat?

Oh that is.


Santa and Wanda moan.


Thomas coughs.

- No, I'm fine.

They are friends. It's Thomas,

Amélie and Maëlle and Mathis.

- Maëlle and Mathis.

So is it you?

- We have very little time left.

- Oh g

- Come on.

- There is not one
who has the same head.

- I put
the vitamins in it.

Why are they not there anymore?

I had put them on!

- Yes.
- Yes.

- But why are
there more vitamins in there?


Dramatic music


I failed, Wanda.



- Wait, Santa.


Soft music

- This is our letter.

- Dear Santa, we don't want
gifts this year ...

- Because your elves are sick.

So since you need
a vitamin to heal them,

we send you one.

- We hope they get better.

- We give you big kisses.


Adventure music


- A single vitamin
healed them all.

- You were right, Santa.
A real fish bank.




- Everybody is ready ?

- Yes.

- Open your eyes.

Soft music


Fairy music


(-Do not touch. Do not touch.)

Soft music


Happy music


Soft music


The elves applaud.



(-Where's our letter, Santa?)

- She's over there.

- Wow!
- Is that the green star over there?

- Yes.
- Green is my best color.

- I like children,

At first, I didn't like it very much.
- Why ?

- I thought
it was weird.

I don't know ... It doesn't obey.

It poses a lot of questions,

That makes noise.

It screams, it cries.
- Yes. Exact.

- Merry Christmas, my love.
- Merry Christmas.




- It's funny, it's snowing.

- Yeah, it's snowing well.
- Yeah.

Happy music




Soft music


- Doesn't it feel weird
to watch people sleep?

- No, I'm fine.

- Yeah.

Come on.


- For our snowflake wedding,

where do you want to go,
Mrs. Claus?

- Here to start.

- Ah. Yes, indeed,
there, for sure, there are people.

- Oh, caribou!
I've finished my film.

- It is not serious.
We will go buy some.

- "Buy"?

- I will explain you.

Sia : "Santa's Coming For Us"


Patti Page :
"Boogie Woogie Santa Claus"


Fairy music


Soft music


Subtitling: ECLAIR

- Yeah, Amélie, I ...


Sighs of disappointment

- That's crazy.

- Will I try again in 5 minutes?
- AH!

- We start, it will make them come!