Chintu Ka Birthday (2020) - full transcript

During US invasion of Iraq some illegal migrants are waiting to get back home to India. As one such family prepares to celebrate the 6th birthday of their youngest member Chintu, their kind-hearted Iraqi landlord lends them a helping hand. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Oh, it was the silly little apple
That brought us all our woes,

One bite that stole our right
To live there with friends & foes!

We had to leave, we Adam & Eve,
And there we lost the Land,

Her labor pains made a million Cains.
And the Garden?

The Garden got stone and sand!

They made the poor snake
into the villain, huh?

Your new clothes have arrived.

What else had you written on your list?


Papa has brought that too.

Everything is going to go well dear.

Don't stress your father too much.

Ask me for whatever you need, all right?

Go! Knock on his door!

How much longer will you bath for, Papa?

How much longer will you bath for, Papa?
We can't be late today!

♫All those who recite this prayer to Hanuman,
are sure to be blessed ♫

♫As is the claim of Gods, themselves♫

Say now, all hail to the Lord!

Come, come!
It's Mr. Chintu's birthday today!


Share it with all your friends!

And listen,
don't stress your mother too much, ok?

I'm here, right? We'll have a
spectacular birthday celebration!

How many toffees should I distribute?

How many?

Just enough so
I can have some in the evening too?

Two each will do love.

And if there are any leftover,
then we'll put them in the balloon at night!

And when we burst the balloon,
it will rain toffees!

And cake?

Shall I use my Third Eye to see?

Oh, I can see the cake!

And such a pretty cake it is!

And so delicious!

It is just waiting for
your sister to come collect it!

What’s this?

Waheed’s gift.

This is a gift?

This Waheed just loiters around on the streets.

I have seen him often, in those alleys by the bank.

This is the same kid who gave you
Saddam's hand as a gift right?

He is a big troublemaker...

Let's drop it...

Drop it?

He is coming in the evening right?

I'll talk to him.

What if someone saw us
with something like this?

How many friends have you invited?




Did you take Grandma's blessing birthday boy?

Go, go!
Don't keep her waiting.

You must have told him
to invite an whole army!

Of course. I told him to invite fifty!
We need to make up for last year too!

Chintu! Come, come, come.

What mischief have you been up to all day?

And only now you remember
to ask for your Grandma's blessings?

Actually, Papa reminded me.

Go, look what your sister has left for you!

She's been planning a lot.
Bring it here! I have to tell you about it!

Grandma! I'm not supposed to know.
That way the surprise will be more fun!

I know! This is part of the fun.

Let's see what she has written to you...

Do not stress Mama and Papa about the cake.

I will bring it on my way back from school.

Do not keep opening the fridge to look for it.

Do not touch it before it's time to cut it.

And do not greedily open the gifts before it's time!

Or you will be in for a beating!

Nevermind. Let's put this useless note aside.

She is pointlessly bullying my baby!
She doesn't know everything!

Let her get back, I'll scold her!

I think they're finally calling.

Oh, it's Chintu's friend...


No school today, Chintu!

But my sister already went in the morning!

Everyone has left long ago.

What happened Chintu?

Who was it?

What happened? Tell us.

The school's closed today too.

But your sister went this morning!

They've all been sent back.

-I should go and check.
-Try calling first.

-I can't get through
-You can’t...

Let me try...


Nothing. It's not even ringing...

Try call brother Mahdi maybe?

Papa has been promising this for over a month-

That I'll have a rocking birthday this time.

Sister planned a surprise for me,

Grandma made her yummy rice pudding,

Mom got me new clothes,

And yet again,
my birthday is going to be ruined...

If only we were back home in India...

When I was still a baby,

We lived in Bihar.

Papa was a water-filter salesman.

Girish Uncle was his boss,

He brought cheap filters from Nepal,
for papa to sell in India.

Then one day, Uncle learnt
about the water crisis in Iraq!

And he grew determined to help the people there!

'Cheap and Best',
make these words your chant.

And charm everyone with it!


And so my Papa landed in...


It was a different time back then.

Saddam Hussein reigned here.

He lived in a magnificent palace.

And if he didn't like something,
It would just get banned.

For everyone!

But even the all-powerful Saddam
couldn't do what my Papa did.

To get everyone clean water.

And his legend spread far and wide.

Well done Madan!

When shall I send your family along?

Brother, would you mind sending
my mother-in-law along too?

She could help take care of the kids.

And so we came to Iraq.

Nani was Papa's biggest fan after that.

All because he got her, her first plane ride!

But there was one person,
who could not stand our happiness.

Our Great American Uncle.

A few days before my birthday,
he gave his soldiers marching orders.

And so, my birthday was...


Papa rushed to the embassy.

What's this?
A Nepalese passport?

Pretend to be Indian all you want,
your passport says you're Nepalese.

Brother, any way you can help us return?

Amazing! They made you Nepalese
and you didn't even realise!

How was it Papa's fault?
It was our American Uncle's doing after all...

He enjoyed it so much,

That he decided to leave his army behind.

Since then, they too have been stuck here.

Like us, the forgotten.

I’m sure it’s there.
My wife’s favorite piece of junk!

Please leave out the gory details
in front of Chintu.


On time for Chintu birthday!!

Salam waleikum brother Mahdi!

Waleikum salam!

I near the school when it bombing.


Thank you, brother Mahdi

How are you brother?

Very bad outside?

Very bad. Saddam, little snake.
This America, big snake!

Did you get the cake Lakshmi dear?


No cake in Baghdad today.

Not so loud, Mahdi uncle please!

The stores are closed...

God bless his soul!

Baker dead. Bakery damage.

Children enter, eat all cake,
over dead body baker.

Our bakery?

What did I just tell you?

No no, tell me what happened-

The star of the day!
The apple of our eyes!!

Happy Birthday dear!

-Did you get the cake Lakshmi?
-Namaste Grandma dearest!

-Let's see the cake!
-The cake isn't here yet Ma.

The one they made was terrible, right?

Yes, but Uncle Mahdi and I have a Plan B.

But Papa's Third Eye had shown
that the cake is really good?

Ah! My Third Eye is
failing me nowadays!

What is this Plan B you have?

Tell them, tell them our
grand plan!

Mummy, Uncle told me that
there is an old oven lying in the store room?

So why don’t we bake Chintu’s cake at home?

Of course, after all we know Chintu's taste best!

Your friends will gobble it up!

And watch, I will put up
beautiful decorations myself!

You shouldn't make empty promises.
Man should think before he speaks.

Chintu, nobody will stop this party.

Yes! Think positive and anything can happen.

-When'll the cake be ready by?
-Before your friends get here!

Come, smile for me.
It's going to be fine.

Why my neighbor,
Why don't you visit me?

Are you angry at me?
And is that why you don't visit me?

-Say "Thank you".
-Thank you!

Are you angry at me?
And that's why you don't visit me?


Little loose here…

Yours only!

OK! Go.

-I go?
-Go, go.

There.... There...

Near wall...

Near the wall are her things!

Where is oven?

Colour bink, carton big... Yes?

You see?

I can't find it, brother Mahdi!

Oh God!
I should have gone inside.

OK. OK... I come... I come...

There rats brother?

I found it! I found it!

My baby is all grown up...

It's Chintu's birthday, he is the
one who has grown older.

We found it ladies! We found it!

Hold on! Clean it first!

Yeah, bring me a rag or something.

You don't have to do everything.

Yes, let me do it!

Hold on, let's move it here...

Very old!

Red light... must red.

It's not turning on.

But she always baked cakes in it. Delicious.

When Lord Hanuman
went looking for the magical plant,

He didn't have a map, did he?

But he found a way, right?

He was the saviour, you are not!

Grandma dearest, don't worry,
Madan make oven good.

These are our saviours!

Hey, listen...

Don't worry. If your papa can't fix the oven,
I'll make you delicious Halwa.

Indian cake!

You don't have Halwa on your birthday,
you have cake. And Papa will fix the oven!

Chintu, get out!
I need to work here.

Let me have my way today at least.

-What do you have to do today?

Why kick him out?
Let him also see what you're doing!

If I let him see, it won't be a surprise anymore.

What's the need for a surprise!

Two weeks of work, and you want
me to show it just like that?

Do you ever feed anyone a half-cooked meal?

How do you make something so beautiful?

Do you want to learn?
Papa’s birthday is around the corner.

I think...we're done!

It should work now.

It's all thanks to this screwdriver!

My wife bought it after all.
Everything works if she is around.

Hail Lord Hanuman!

It works! Let's get the batter!

Mom may say what she wants,
but you are the real saviour!!!

It was nothing.
Just disassembled it and put it back.

Another raisin for luck...

And now Lakshmi will bake the cake!

What happened?

Well? Do you approve Madam?

I just hope the power doesn't go out.

It definitely won't, don't you fret!

Relax! Smile a little-

We gonna have cake! Yum Yum Cake!

Love comes from God,
not through me,

The trick is not in my hand.

Love comes from God,
not through me,

The trick is not in my hand.

We sing this song in prison, for enjoy.

But you are not playing it!
We sing this song in prison, for enjoy.

But you are not playing it!

Where did you get this Oud?

Omar gave it to me.
Before they left for Syria.

Omar’s father was my colleague.

We survived torture together.

In the prison, they poisoned our food.

Released snakes in the cells.

And rats!

Hell be to Saddam Hussein!!!

I still get nightmares of rats
chewing me up.

Was there no way to escape?

How do you think I get out?

No one can pin me down.

Neither that bastard Saddam,
nor these crazy American dogs!

Above the palm trees,
I've got a friend up there

Why pose with it when you can’t play?

Because I look good holding this.

Like Elvis Bresley!

Above the palm trees,
I've got a friend up there,

is it the shine coming from her cheeks,
Or is it the moon shining from above?

Looks like we'll have the good fortune
of seeing you in a saree today.

Are you tired?

Too much work, is it?

Don't worry, I'll not do anything
when it's your birthday!

Can't believe he turns six today!

And Lakshmi, she acts older than me...

You know what I think?

It’s time for a 'Mintu'.

It is time...for a small...'Mintu'

It is time...for a small...'Mintu'


You don't like the name?

How about 'Pintu'?

Take us home first.

That's bound to happen.

We will get the call today.

But first give me a confirmation...

Mintu? Pintu?


Just a second.

We're discussing something
urgent over here!

Hardly urgent...

If you leave me hanging,
I'll have to bring it up in front of everyone!

We’ll see!

What do you think?

Can you please ask mom?

There will be another place...

At least ask him...

After all these years
you are still so formal with me.

I don’t want the decor to be changed.
But that doesn’t mean there can be no exceptions!

Thanks brother Mahdi.

Until my wife return,
this house is your house, dear sister!

House head always woman.

We give the world to men

and see what they do!

Chintu! Stop gaping
and get me some tape.

Go go go! I don't have all day.

Attention! Attention!

We bring good news!

On this special occasion,

Chintu's mom, Sudha,
is going to sing us a special song!

What’s this now?

Did you know Mr. Chintu?

When you were tiny, your Mom used to
sing quietly while bathing you.

No, no, that was Grandma!

She's sleeping, what if she wakes up?

Let her wake up!
A nightingale has nothing on her.

Mummy, today you can't say no!


High five!

The stage is ready.

And we are waiting.

Cultural program from India!



O little Koel, my dear bird,

Please drop a couple of berries,

O little Koel, my dear bird,
Please drop a couple of berries.

If they are unripe, I'll smack you,
Drop some ripe, black berries,

O little Koel, my dear bird,
Please drop a couple of berries.

My child and your child
Both look so adorable,

My child and your child
Both look so adorable,

Both have anklets in their feet,
So drop some ripe, black berries,

O little Koel, my dear bird,
Please drop a couple of berries.

The Nightingale.

The only difference,
Dear birdy, is the two fathers,

Your hubby's skin is black as coal,
While mine looks like white ash,

Your husband has a melodious voice,
While mine is tone-deaf,

Your husband has a melodious voice,
While mine is tone-deaf,

But both still are sweethearts,
So drop some ripe, black berries,

O little Koel, my dear bird,
Please drop a couple of berries.

Down, on the floor!

Lakshmi dear, shut those windows!

And stay with Grandma.

They won’t even let me have
your cake in peace!

Happy Birthday once again, my child!

May Allah bless you
with all that your kind heart has desired.

Where you go, brother Mahdi?

You OK?

Help me please!

Calm down!

What happened, brother Mahdi?

Grandma dearest. Help me please!

I’ll explain everything once they’re gone!!

Take this.

Tell me there are no rats in here!

Let me see.

Open up!

Who is there?

Welfare check!

That’s how you pull 'em out.

What took you so long, buddy?


You guys got a party going on in here?

Yes, actually, it's Chintu’s birthday, my son-

Could you please stand back a little bit?


Happy Birthday!

Make it a good one.

Say "Thank You".

Thank You!

Is everything fine, Sir?

The car bomb that went off a little bit ago?

You know anything about that?

Yes... no, no.

We got shocked also!

Very bad!

How's it looking?

It's kinda funny!

Let’s check their IDs.

That won’t be needed...

What’s your name?

My name is Madan Tiwari, Sir.

We are Indian.

Madan in Indian means 'God of Love'.

Kamdev? Like in Kamasutra?

My daughter, Lakshmi, 'Goddess of Wealth'.

My mother-in-law, Sarla Devi. Sweet,
innocent and very simple, also goddess.

Those are water filters, Sir.

I sell water filters.
“OK Pure” - cheap and best!

Want to see?

Bulb is fuse…
but you have light.

Till last year I had very good business.

But this year, not so good.

Weapons of Mass Destruction, finally!

Rats, Sir! There are many rats.

Keep multiplying everyday!

Rats! I fucking hate rats!

I'm just like you! I also hate rats!

I think they're harmless.

We might've shook 'em
up a little bit, but that's...

Hold on.

Is that what I think it is?


You do not remember?

He wouldn't know.
He was busy training troops in Georgia.

It's his first week in Iraq.

Oh! Welcome to Iraq, Sir!

America attack Iraq last year,
all Saddam statues got broken.

Chintu got this hand
as a birthday gift from his friend.


He was once a member of Saddam party!

No shit!

Saddam's Party!

So even the kids here
idolised Saddam Hussein?

No, no. Chintu idolises Lord Hanuman.

He failed in Arabic.

Saddam had a rule. All children who fail,
join party, you pass.

Very strange days!

Days are still strange, man.

Strange days are here to stay.

But I am so proud of my son.

And my daughter, Lakshmi!

She's topper of the class.

Who the fuck do you've hiding in there?

I want all of you to turn around, now.

Facing the wall!


Who the fuck are you?

Stay the fuck down!

Double-check the room.

Don't fucking move!

Stay the fuck down!

Take him away.

We don't know him!

He's innocent.

Am I gonna find anything?

You have anything on you?

Is he part of your family?

- Stay quiet mom! Relax!
- What are you saying mom!

You have no idea
what's coming your way, you American dogs!

Sayyid has given his command.

Don't give me a reason!

Wait... I can explain...

On the fucking ground! Now!

It's a mistake! See, there's a mistake!

Say one more motherfucking word,
and I'll blow your goddamn head off!

You stay where you are.


There really is no such
thing as civilians in Iraq!!

Blaster Main, this is Fireball 1.

Requesting pick up of two detainees at the
Barbie house near big mosque. How copy? Over.

Copy, two detainees in custody. Over.

Copy that.

Route is clear.
Fireball 6 in route to location. Over.

Copy that. Over and out.
Let's Go.

Shut up!

Yeah, Jackson will be all right.
We'll be rolling out soon.

We're requesting a change
of location for pick-up.

This place is a fucking maze.

These locals are getting
a little froggy. Over.

Fireball 1, we are assessing
the situation now. Break.

That was a second vehicle
that went off.

We're going to find another way to get
to you and this may take a while. Over.

We also have two detainees,
how copy? Over.

Negative. You cannot get out
with the detainees.

Standby for alternate location.
Blaster Main, out.

We're fucking trapped!

Welcome to Bum-Fuck Iraq!

Don't worry, Sir.

Stay here as long as you want.

Our house is very auspicious.

All neighborhood houses
get bombed, broken.

Never our house.

You wise-ass 'God of Sex'!

What are you even doing here?
In this house? In this hell!

We'll go home soon, Sir!

My father is talking to a
minister in Delhi.


We are waiting for his call.

Listen. You might say
I'm a mean son of a bitch or somethin'...

Coz I look like one.

But I don't think you'll be
going home anytime soon.

You hear that?

This place is like a black hole, man.
Ain't nothing going up outta here!


They said we can't move
out, not with these two.

And I'm not gonna just sit up in here
while the action is outside, man.

You thank your gods that it's
your kid's birthday.

I'm normally not Mr. Nice Guy.

You can't do that!

Listen sweety, I'm just doing this
so that both of us can get outta here!

Your goodness saved you, brother.

But I'll need to think of something else,

To get rid of these bastards!

Could you give me that chorus again
in English, please, Sir?

Your goodness saved you, brother.

But I'll.

Not singing now, are you?




Open it quickly, Chintu!


We come for Chintu Birthday Party!

Best friend! Girlfriend!

She go to school
you destroy this morning.

Very danger outside. I die outside.
Here I eat cake.

Hey, Louis! Wassup my nigga!

Salaam waleikum, American Boy!

But we gotta come up with
another name for me!

You come for birthday party?

Sort of!

I got something for you - What?

Here you go.


You don't tell him about me?


Chintu dear! Happy Birthday.

Zainab, show him your gift!

Now you'll give us
my favourite candy.

You know this kid?

Who this kid?
Ask your Mommy if I a kid!

You remember that movie from the
other night? 'Bang Bang Busty Woman'?

Come on, man! You loved it.

Anyway, thank him for that.

He's our little angel in this
motherfucking desert.


Where is he?

Where the fuck...


What you got?


He is gone.


I said he is fucking gone.


I'm going to get him.

Fuck. Stay there.

Go, Go! Amreeka! Yalla, yalla!!

Fireball 1, the rest of Fireball has moved ahead
and is pushing them East of your locaition.

Be advised you are now
at the rear of the convoy. Break..

Sappers will be in route to you
when the route is clear. How, copy?

Lima Charlie, Blaster Main.

Jackson! This is Reed. How copy? Over.

Jackson! This is Reed. How copy? Over.

Is he a bad man?

Doesn't matter. He is American.

Get me some cotton and antiseptic?
He's wounded.

What is he playing at?

You could have let him die! But no!
You want to be a saint!

Mom, maybe you should go rest...

What do you think is going to happen?
You'll smile and fires of hell will cool?

Stop talking like you're
the only one suffering!

Fine! Go help the man
who wants to kill us all.

Do you even think before you speak?

Or do you just like to blame Dad
the moment something happens?

Is this how you speak to your elders?
Such insolence!

Mom! What do you want?

To go back home? To live peacefully?

You think we don't want that?
We don't want the safety of our home?

Let's drop it...

No, let me finish.

You are telling my daughter to behave?

Have you ever heard her talk
back to me? Or her Dad?

Or anyone else? Have you?

You shouldn't have spoken
to your Grandmother like that.

Haven't we discussed this?

She did nothing wrong.

The old lady needs a taste of her
own medicine from time to time.

Oh my God!

Hey, it's OK... We can fix this!


There must be something we can do?

Something that can hold six candles
and a knife can slice.

That's what a cake is after all...

Lakshmi, listen...

No matter what happens,

Chintu will celebrate his birthday!


Here, this will help!

Who all in your family, Sir?

Your father must be really
proud of his soldier son.


Government job.

Good security.

Who was the Haji you were hiding in there?

Sir, he is the landlord of this house,
Hassan Mahdi.

He's a very sweet man.

You know, he travelled from Najaf
just to come for Chintu's birthday.

I don't think he knows anything
about the bomb-blast.

You don't think!

Then why did you let him hide in there?

We don't know! After you knocked,
he behave like that for the first time.

Like a scared child.


Why do you think he was so afraid?

You're a damn fool if you think
you can trust these fucking locals, man!

You see the look of this house, Sir?

It was made by Mahdi's dear wife.

He hasn't seen his wife
for thirteen years.

He still believes she is alive.

They say Saddam Hussein killed all Shias,
including women, children!

And some say he was a great man.

Who knows what is the truth?

My personal problem is very small.

But what this country is going through...

Good thing I bought these
cookies yesterday, huh?

We'll add butter, honey, and dates to it.

And then freeze it.

It may not be a cake.
But it will definitely look like one.

We had been planning this for
so long... Now it's all ruined.


Don't be like that...

What will Papa say if
he sees you give up now?

It's not ruined, not yet.
We are still trying. Dad is still trying!

Watch! Chintu will be smiling when he cuts
his cake. And you, you will burst the balloon.

Even Grandma will fill her
stomach with the cake.

Let's hurry up now!

Chintu! I have some good news
to cheer you up!

The school is totally destroyed now.
When Americans start a job, they finish it!

And it happened on your birthday.
All your friends will remember this.

Check this out.

Not before cake-cutting.

Mahdi Uncle gave that to me.

I still don't know what it is!

We put our life to risk
to reach here.

And he hardly cares
about your gift!

My sister has asked me
not to open it before night.

You turn six today!!

You are a man now!

How can you let your parents
and sister boss you?

No? Then we'll leave right now!

Without eating the cake?

How did you manage that?

You still doubt my contacts?

I have many American friends now.

Billy, Steve, Martin...


Charlie showed me his night-vision goggles.

You know, you can look through
the clothes of girls!

He has promised to take me
to America!

Once I go there, I'll be rich,
and powerful, Insha Allah!

What? You thought I'll keep selling
hash and blue films all my life?

Did you watch the DVDs I gave you?

My parents said
it was a bad thing!


That was not
'My Friend's Hot Mom!'

I will never give you something like that.

You have to grow up man!
Come on!

What was there in that CD?

I want you to see that...

The camp of a secret Mujahid group.

Their training.
Videos of suicide bombers in action.

They need their voice to be
spread all over Iraq.

So I'm their man, to distribute it!

If that American
soldier watches all this...

He will shit in his pants.

Those CDs are in that room.

If he spots it
he will hit Dad again.

Reed, this is Jackson! Over.

Reed, this is Jackson!
How Copy? Over.

Yes, this is Reed.
Where the fuck are you, man?

Go, go!

It has been a fucking massacre out here!
We got lucky we weren't out in this shit.

What about the Haji?

On my way back now. See you in a minute.

Reed! You got me?

Roger that! Over and out!

Chintu, go, your Grandmom is calling...

Let me explain that, Sir!

You lying motherfucker!

Get in here!

In here NOW! On your knees!

You too! In there, in there!
On your knees!

- What in the hell is going on in here, man?
- I'll show you.

Take a look at their home video collection.

Son of a bitch!

Who do these belong to?

Your wife?

Is it your son?

Or is it your daughter?

Or is your whole fucking family working
for these insurgents?

Don't be so fucking touchy
over some DVDs, all right?

What the fuck did you say?

Whose side are you on, man?

- Don't you fucking question!
- You went after the Haji, right?

What happened?

I lost him.

You lost him!

This reminds you of something?

They are cutting our
throats out there, man!

They're beheading us like
fucking perverted animals!

Why would the insurgents
give these DVDs to them?

Your smart ass knows
this place so well, right?

You tell me!

Think about it.

They hide the Haji. For all we know
they probably helped him escape!

As a matter of fact, they probably
helped build the fucking car bomb!

They treasure the hand of Saddam
as if he were some fucking God.

You want me to keep going?

I can keep fucking going, man!

Our fucking brothers die for you!

You fucking “civilians”
just go help these terrorists!

Listen, they're not even Iraqis, man!



Then what the fuck are they doing here??

Say something.

You got nothing?

All right!

Don't do this, man!

Don't fuck yourself to
save someone else's ass!


Happy Birthday, Chintu!



Just tell me who these belong to.

I'll let you have your
perfect birthday party!

I swear!

I'm not a bad guy!


Important... India.

He tell?


- Hello!
- Hello Sudha!

- Namaste Mom.
- Where's Chintu?

He's right here.
How did the meeting go?

Let me wish Chintu first!

You know I'll break you, right!

I'm gonna break one of you.

Quick, give your respects to grandmom!

Namaste, Grandma.

May you have a long life
my darling. Happy Birthday!

How's the day going?

It's going really great grandma...

What feast has been laid out for you?

Here, your grandpa wants to wish you.

It seems your entire gang of
friends is there. Noisy brats!

Yes grandpa! They've all come...

Hello, Dad.

What happened to Chintu?

Dad, Namaste!
Did you get to meet the minister?

Let's talk tomorrow?
You guys must be partying today!

Of course we are partying!
But tell me what happened at the meeting?

What do I tell you, son!

They say all Indians from Iraq
have been evacuated.

I showed them your social
security card. Everyone's photos.

I even told him I could
put you on call with him.

But he said he was busy with elections!

And that I should come back later.

We waited all day just to speak with him.

What more can we do?



What is he saying?

I don't know. He's just gone quiet.

Chintu, no... it's okay...

It'll be okay...


Please, come with me.

Where're you going?

Now you want to come and talk?
After all of this?

You stupid motherfucker!

- Stop!
- What the fuck is his problem!?

What the fuck is going on?


I cannot bear it any more.

All my son wanted was a happy birthday.

Even last year...

You arrest me!

Put me in jail.

I understand Sir.

You are here also
to do your job, no?

It is all my fault only.

My family is suffering because of me.

Why are you doing this?


My Chintu is crying on his happy birthday.

It is wrong!

So wrong!

I only want ten minutes.


Let Chintu cut his birthday cake.

And then you take me away!

I want my family to see that whatever
happened today, Chintu still cut his cake!

I know you are not bad people.

And when you see that I am
also innocent, you will free me.

No, no. That's not how this works!

Ten minutes!

They've decided to leave.
I insisted they have the cake first.

Let's go!

Don't just stare at me! Come!

It's time to celebrate Chintu's birthday!

Papa, we won't give him any cake.

No no, don't think like that.

He has also suffered because
of our Great American Uncle.

We'll give them some cake,
they'll also enjoy your birthday!

All set?

It's just a power-cut.
We've got candles, right?

Will you tell me what's going on?

Of course, I will.
As soon as we cut the cake!

A little higher.

I should be able to reach it!

Is this fine?

Oh! The cake's here!

Bring it on!

Well, what do you think?

You see Mr. Chintu!
Looks like a festival in here, doesn't it?

Soon we'll celebrate
all festivals back home!

Even the knife looks decorated, no?

Come on. Blow them out!

Now sing it in Arabic?

So? How's the cake?

I'm so glad none of them came.
We will eat it all by ourselves!


Brother, Mahdi here.

Yes, brother... Very bad network.

Those dogs still there?

Listen to me quickly brother.

I am going with them.

Please take care of my family.

What the hell! No brother...
They kill you!

I will come back soon brother.

Don't go brother.
If you go, never come again...

OK Sir!

I'm ready!

Blaster Main, this is Fireball 1. Over!

Fireball 1, this is Blaster Main. Over.

How we looking out there? Over.

Fireball 1. Route is clear. Break...

Convoy is resuming its way to you now
for detainee pick-up. Over.

Disregard detainee pick-up.

It's just two of us now. Over.

That is a solid copy Fireball 1.
Convoy is returning now.

Continue to link up with the
rest of Fireball. Blaster Main, Out.

Let's go.


Kamasutra! You keep your
head down and stay safe.

And you get your family
out of this hell-hole, ASAP.

Reed! Slow down soldier, I'm coming.



It's okay.


Waheed says, Saddam
has many clones of himself!

What are clones?

Meaning, he may be gone.

But there will be more like him...

Perhaps Waheed is right, dear.

There used to be a demon
named, 'Blood Seed'

Whenever his blood touched the earth,
a new 'Blood Seed' would be born.

Hence no one could kill him.

Then, Goddess Kali appeared,
a bowl in hand.

She killed him in a way that
all his blood stayed in her bowl.

Not a drop fell on earth.

And that's how Blood Seed was vanquished.

What a story, right!
The bowl solved the problem!

Papa is right.

We'll return to India soon.

And your birthday will
surely be celebrated at home!