Cheers for Miss Bishop (1941) - full transcript

In old age, Miss Bishop reminisces about her life. A dedicated teacher, she spent her whole life teaching at Midwestern College. She never married when her first love married her cousin and another could not get a divorce from his wife. When her cousin dies giving birth, she raises the girl as if she were her own daughter and names her Hope. Throughout her life, she proved to be an inspiration to many students, many of whom move on to great things. On her retirement, many of her students return to say farewell.

Anybody home?

All there is.

Come on in, Sam.

So, I want to see.

Stopped by for a
second on my way home.

By way of an innovation.

Try it out.

Looking backward.

Great waste of time.

Have some sherry, Sam.

What happened to the
trustees' meeting yesterday?

I wasn't there.

Had to go over to Pretty
Prairie to see about some land

I'm buying.

More land?

You must own half
the state already.

Remember the day
you... you drove up

In your brand new
delivery wagon?

Do you realize that's
over 50 years ago?

50 years ago.

The day Midwestern opened.

Goodmorning, Chris!

Miss Bishop!

I've been promoted.

Chris, I can't stop.


Yeah, but I'm not just
a janitor no more.

Chris, I'm late.

I got so excited I forgot
my registration money,

And had to run all
the way home for it.

Yeah, but... I'm gardener now.

Oh, that's wonderful, Chris!


I know some some of have
walked miles to get here.

And that every day
for four years,

You'll have to walk those miles.

Through rain, sleet, and snow.

But I know this.

In the end, we'll pay
you for those hardships,

Because the end is wisdom.

Wisdom is first
cousin to freedom,

And freedom is the
glory of our nation.

And our people.

Let us pray.

Almighty, most merciful
God, here on free land

And of free air, we
have tried to build

A house for wisdom, free to all.

Look favorably upon
us, oh Lord, for today

We light a lamp of learning.

May it shine through
the years to come.

Wisdom is the first
cousin of freedom,

And freedom is the glory of
our nation and our people.

Doesn't that give
you a thrill, Mother?

Yes, Ella.

Your milk.

Nothing since breakfast.

Of course, it was
the way he said it.

So simply.

Oh, he had the most
wonderful voice.

The most wonderful eyes.

Is he married?

Oh, Mother, what
are we going to do

This romantic minded
niece of yours?

Come in.

Good afternoon, Mrs. Bishop.

Good afternoon, Miss Bishop.

Hello, Buddy.

Won't you have a cookie?

Oh, thank you.

Hello, Amy.

Hello, Buddy.

I guess you're busy, Amy.

No, I...

Yes, Buddy.

Amy, those peas for supper.

What was it, Buddy?

Not ice cream at the drug store?

Well, Miss Bishop, I
thought if anything...

Auntie, please...

I'll finish the peas.

Oh, Ella?

You will?

Oh, darling.

I need the apron.

Come on, Buddy.

Goodbye, Ellen.

Goodbye, Auntie.


Love is certainly
working wonders

With Buddy's deployment.

He'll be kissing our hands next.

Ella, you really shouldn't.

Amy's so boy crazy.

No, dear, just 14.

But you never acted that way...

That was different.

We were still on the
farm when I was 14,

And I was Pa's right hand man.

Remember how thrilled I used
to be when he'd call me that?

He was proud of you.

I was so proud of him.

Oh, mother, I've thought
about him so many times today.

He'd have been so happy.


Your father always said
education pays big dividends.

That's true, Mom.

Oh, with a college diploma,
I can teach anywhere.

Just think, you and I
may go to Kansas City,

Or Chicago, or
maybe even New York.

There's Sam.


Oh, Sam!






Wait till I tell you.

You don't have to.

Ma Bishop?


The apples didn't get in today.

Have 'em here first
thing in the morning.

Early, please.

Applesauce and pie.

First delivery.

Cross my heart, Ma Bishop.

All right.

Sam, always so reliable.

Faithful old dog tray.

I'm not too pleased
with faithful old dog

Tray at the moment.

You didn't come to hear about
the first day of college.

Just came about some old apples.


New apples.

September sweeties.

What a nice name.

What a nice world, Sam.

And you perched right
on top of it, huh?

The very tip top.

Are you sure you
don't want to enroll?

It isn't too late.

Look, El, see the
name on that cart?

Oh, I know.

Something of your very own.

Something you started.

Not just my own, El...

Good glory, Sam, I
know book learning

Isn't everything, but just wait.

I'll wait.

And the day you graduate...

You'll help me decide which of
the millions of teaching offers

I'll accept.

Like heck I will.

For a smart girl, you sure
have some mighty puddin' head

Notions, El.

Imagine figuring you're
cut out for a teacher.

Well good glory,
Sam, you don't think

I'm going to spend all
my life teaching, do you?

That's all right, El.

I've got scads of time left.

But someday, I...

Sam, dear... we mustn't.

I mean, don't you see, I...
I just know you too well.

Well, stop.



Stop answering questions
till they're asked.

Johnny, did you ever
notice some girls

Take an awful lot for granted?

Goodbye, El.

Goodbye, Sam.

I've got some
deliveries to make.

Legs up, Johnny.


Bye, Sam.

I guess there's no finer
man in the world than Sam.

Good glory, Mother.

Now Ella, I'm not gonna
be with you forever.

I'd like to see you settle down.

Oh, you're going to be
with me for years and years!

And don't worry, I
won't be an old maid.

I'll know when the
right man comes along.

But now all this...
There's so much to do.

Mighty becoming of El,
graduating, Ma Bishop.

She does look pretty.

She made that dress herself.

There isn't a girl in
the class can touch her.

Well, that's an
understatement, Dad.

There's not a girl in the
whole world can touch her.

There's not a really good
looking man in the whole lot.


Mr. Pins?

Please, the flowers?


Miss Ella Bishop, founder of
the Minerva Society For Girls.

First editor of the Midwestern
Crown, and now valedictorian.

Oh, Sam, my hat does
feel a little bit tight.

Well, if I remember right, you
were going to consult me about

Which of the many
teaching offers...

You know, Sam, I haven't
had one answer to all

Those applications
I've sent out.

I expect it's too
early to hope to hear.


Guess so.

Well, I thought if you
knew of an opening in any

Of the schools around
here, uh... I mean,

Just the Prairie grade schools...

Well, I'm only just
back from my vacation.

Pretty busy with the fall
enrollments, and... yes.

And I'm trying to arrange for
a new member of the faculty.

A young woman to teach
freshman English.

A girl I've watched pretty
closely for four years.

An intelligent girl, I think.

Anyway, she seems to me to have
one quality which is mighty

Important to the
teaching profession...

She loves and understands folks.

President Corcoran,
do you mean... well,

Of course I know
you couldn't mean...

But I can't help
thinking you might mean...

President Corcoran,
do you mean...

Oh, dear, dear, dear.

There's a heap of
repetition in that sentence.

For a teacher of
freshman English.

I take it you're
going to accept?



Well, if I could... if
I could only... well,

President Corcoran!

I'm going to teach
at Midwestern!

I'm going to teach
at Midwestern!


I'm going to teach
at Midwestern!

Come on!

I can hardly believe it, myself!

Well, President Corcoran, I
went in to see him, and... oh!

Ah, Miss Straws is so sweet.

Good morning, class.

I want you please to devote the
first 10 minutes to the writing

Of a very brief theme on the
subject of my favorite season.

No, uh... I'll have them
write on some subject

That will teach me
something about them.

I've got to
understand them if I'm

Going to help them
learn anything.

Good lord.

Good morning.

Hasn't the teacher come yet?

I'm the teacher.

Oh... yes, ma'am.

I'm just as
frightened as you are.

Thank you, Ms. Smith.

Mr. Anton Radchek.

My life's ambition is
to be a great astronomer.

For since I can
remember, the stars to me

Have been comfort and
beauty, and like friends.

Thank you, Mr. Radchek.

Miss Minna Fields?

Except to get learning, I ain't
got no special life's ambition.


The class will
please come to order.

So it just occurred
to me, Minna,

That with that amazing
memory of yours,

You might be interested
in the librarian's course.

It would be an interesting
job, wouldn't it, Minna?

Oh, yes, Miss Bishop.

But... Miss Bishop?

Yes, Minna?

I... I have got a life's
ambition now, Miss Bishop.

It's to be just like you.

Professor Wicks studied
astronomy at Yale.

Both he and President
Corcoran have

Agreed that if a
student at Midwestern

Wants a course in
astronomy, he shall

Have a course in astronomy.

Oh, Miss Bishop.

Report to Professor
Wicks in the morning.

Oh, thank you, thank you.

I tripped.

Hail to Midwestern.

Oh, it's you, Sam.

Only Sam, huh?

And what rugged,
masculine hearts

Are you tearing to
bits tonight, Amy?

Larry Winslow.

And what makes you think
it's more than one?

It usually is.

Well, tonight it
just so happened

That Larry has a ticket,
and Buddy has a sleigh.

There they are now.

Larry, Buddy.



Oh, goodbye, Sam.

Oh, and Sam, I almost forgot.

Ella can't go with you tonight.

She's got a sore throat.

I beg your pardon, but I
shall have to remind you

Of to whom the sleigh
belongs, old man.

Oh, Buddy.

Ma Bishop?


Dr. Samuel Peters, coming
up to see the patient.

Come up, Sam.

Please get out the goose grease,

The turpentine, and
plenty of red flannel.

I smell like a paint shop.

But you'll be well
in the morning.

The magic touch
of old Doc Peters.

This pan... what?


Oh, Mother, I thought while
I was correcting things,

I'd just make some
maple snow candy.

That's all.

Professor Bishop my foot.

Goodnight, little girl.

Goodnight, Sam.

Oh, uh, thank you, and mind
you applaud loudly now.

Kind of got my mind set to hiss.

They sang "Believe
Me" in parts again.

Oh, Sam.

Oh, believe me,
if all those endearing young

Charms, for the heart that is
truly loved and never forgets.

Goodbye, dear.

Goodnight, El.

Goodbye, Sam.





Yoo-hoo anybody.

I'm locked out here on
the roof, and there's

No one in the
house to let me in.


Oh, uh, there's a ladder
right over there by the well.




That's right.

I've got it.

So silly, I put my
candy out here to cool,

And it slipped away from me.

So I got out after it, and the
window came down and locked,

So here I am.

Shall I come up all,
uh, fire brigade?

Oh, no thank you.

Uh, I'll come down.

I'll, uh, rescue the maiden.

Are you sure you can make it?

Oh, positive.

Oh, uh, that is
if you don't mind?

Oh, of course not.

I'll not only look the other
way, I'll close my eyes.

Now you can descend
with a prime eye.

And while you're descending
I shall make all sorts

Of encouraging sounds,
such as, uh, steady there.

And, uh, et cetera.



Can I look?

Well, I lost my slipper.

Oh, I've got it.

There it is.

Thank you.

Oh, no you don't.

Don't what?

Don't ruin the most time
honored romantic scene

In all the world of fairy tales.

Extend your tiny
foot, Cinderella.

Well, funnily enough,
my name is Ella.

I'm Ella Bishop.

And I'm the prince,
and the slipper fits.

So now it only remains for me
to carry you into the palace.

No, please, don't be absurd.

Now, don't you be absurd.


The candy!

You can't go plowing through
snow in glass slippers.

You'll catch your
death of pneumonia.

Then you couldn't live
happily ever after.

And you do want to live
happily ever after, don't you?

I want to be put
down here, please.

Oh, no, no, not on
a snow covered porch.

That's bad.


You know there's an
old legend about this?

Well, really?

Oh, but the candy!

Now, let me see.

Where were we?

Oh, yes.

Here we are.

Put me down this minute!

Right in front of the fire.

You know, when I save lives,
I save them thoroughly.

Thank you very much,
Mr. Delbert Thompson.

Oh, you're not
Cinderella at all.

You're a witch with the
gift of second sight.

No, I'm just a schoolteacher
of average intelligence

Who lives in a small
town where everybody

Knows everybody's business.

Oh, we all know, for
instance, that you were

A brilliant young lawyer,
that you're coming to live

With Judge Peters, that you're
to be his junior partner,

And underneath your
picture in your class book,

It said mad, bad, and
dangerous to know.

Well, uh, then shouldn't
you, in kindness,

Ask the junior
partner to sit down?

Oh, I'm sorry, I can't.

My mother's at a concert.

Oh, we must observe
conventions at all costs, huh?

At all costs.

Well, I'm glad to have been
of service, Miss Bishop.

Thank you very
much, Mr. Thompson.

I'll pay my respects to
your mother real soon.

She'll be delighted.

Oh, you've got one of
those new contraptions.

I'm crazy about them.

Oh, aren't they marvelous?

My pupils gave it
to me for Christmas.

Doesn't really work, does it?

Of course it does.



It's amazing.

You know, to listen properly,
one might sit down...

Oh, no, I'm sorry.


Well, I tried.

No harm done, huh?

No harm.



I'll call on your mother soon.

Oh, uh, in the
meantime, princess,

Your ruby necklace
is most becoming.






All join hands and
circle to the right.

Down to the left.

Long ways and back.

You know who's a little
out of sorts, Sam?

Del Thompson rushing
out, you mean?


No idea, honey.

Well, he's awfully
good looking, Sam.

Judging from the way you're
swarming around Ella.

Sure must be crazy about her.

Who isn't?

You've got to let me
take you home, Ella.

I know the prince should
take the princess home.

Well, this isn't
fairy tales, Ella.

It's real.

Salute your partner.


And I came with Sam.

Back, and swing your
partners to the right.

Having a nice time, El?

Wonderful, Sam.

Tell him.

Tell him what?

You look mighty pretty, El.

Tell him I'm in love with you.

Head over heels
in love with you.

Do you, Ella,
uh... Ella Bishop,

Take this man for your
lawful wedded, uh, husband?

Of course I do, you fool.

And do you, Delbert
Thompson, take

This woman for your
lawful wedded wife?

I do.

I now pronounce
you man and wife.

Now may I kiss the bride?

Please do.


It's like a dream.

The end of all dreams.

A house.

Red firelight.

A man you love.


I'm about through for
this time, Miss Ella,

And I expect you're glad.

Standing for fittin's
is mighty tiring.

Do you suppose
the time will ever

Come when you can
walk into a store

And buy a dress already made?

For heaven's sakes,
no, Miss Ella.

Mother... I feel like a queen.


Guard it with your life, Martha.

I will do.

I'd better help you.

Yes, Mother.

Oh, mind the trim.

I will.

Oh, Auntie, isn't it beautiful?

Yes, dear, but be careful
the way you handle it.

I'll take it upstairs.

Del's coming for supper,
and the bridegroom

Mustn't see any of the outfit
before the wedding day.

The most beautiful
bride in the world.


Amy, we're crazy.

I mean, what a crazy mistake.


Yes, of course.

Oh, Amy, thank you dear.

Put it up in the
stairroom with the dress.

Oh, Del, you shouldn't
have seen the veil.

Anyway, I hope it
isn't bad luck.

How could it be bad luck?

Del, I didn't mean
it that seriously.

You know you aren't
supposed to see the wedding

Finery before the wedding day.

Ella, why can't this
be the wedding day?


We can keep it a
secret until college

Is over if we have to, but...

How sweet.

I have to go to
Central Hall tonight.

A special meeting.

We're going to question
a pupil... a girl who's

Been accused of cheating
in an examination.

Yes, but why...

I know she didn't cheat.

And I'm the only one
who can help her.

Oh, Ella?


I'm going to have a game of
cribbage with Judge Peters.

Could you two drop me?

Of course.

What a moon.

I thought you were going on
the river with Larry Winslow?

No, I'm tired of wasting
my time on those children.

Get up, boy.

Come on.

Give my love to the Peters, Amy.

All right.

Thank you, Del.

Goodnight, Amy.

President Corcoran...

Come in, Miss Bishop.

I'm sorry to be late.

Not at all.

And so, much as I
regret the necessity,

I feel that on
evidence submitted,

Miss Fields should be expelled.

Miss Fields' paper contains
whole pages from the textbook

Reproduced word for word.

Minna, did you have a textbook
in the examination room?

Oh, no, Miss Bishop.

I learned by heart.


And are we asked
to believe that she

Committed an entire
textbook to memory?

Please, Professor Lancaster.

Why don't you ask her to
repeat what she wrote?

That would hardly be
proof, Miss Bishop.

She's had a week to...

Yes, an entire week.

Quite so.

Professor Lancaster,
what assignment

Did you give your history
class for tomorrow?

I asked them to
read the Declaration

Of Independence and
the Constitution.

And memorize them?

Certainly not.

Minna, have you read them?

Oh, yes, Miss Bishop.

I have read them and read
them for at least an hour.

Do you remember the Declaration?

I think so, Miss Bishop.

President Corcoran...

Miss Fields, do you mean
you could actually recite

The Declaration of
Independence after having

Read it for only one hour?

Well, I could try,
President Corcoran.

Very well, child.

Go ahead.

When, in the course
of human events

It becomes... necessary
for one people

To dissolve the political
bounds which have connected them

With another, and to assume
among the powers of the Earth

The separate and equal stations
to which the laws of nature

And of nature's
god entitle them,

A decent respect to
the opinions of mankind

Require that they should
declare the causes

Which impel them
to the situation.

We hold these truths
to be self evident,

That all men are created equal.

That they are endowed
by their creator

With certain inalienable rights.

That among these
are life, liberty,

And the pursuit of happiness.

We mutually pledge to
each other our lives,

Our fortunes, and
our sacred honor.

My, my.

I would have never
believed it possible.

Well, I admit the
pupil's possession

Of unusual mnemonic powers.

Under the circumstances,
I withdraw my charge.

You want that I should
recite the Constitution, too?

Oh, no, no.

That was enough, my dear.



I saw you coming, so I waited.

Oh, it's too beautiful
a night for cribbage.

Isn't it a beautiful night, Del?

Yes, it is.

Beautiful night.

Oh, it would be heavenly
down by the river.

Could we drive down there, or...

Or what?

Are you afraid?

Mr. Berkely, the definition
of a transitive verb, please.

Uh, a transitive
verb is a verb that...

Come in.

Yes, Chris?

Good afternoon, Miss Bishop.

For me?

Thank you, Chris.

Excuse me, please.

I'm sorry, Mr. Berkeley.

I had asked you
for the definition

Of a transitive verb.

A transitive verb is a
verb that takes an object.

Can you give me an example?

To strike.

Name the principle
parts, please.

Strike, struck, stricken.

I mean, struck.

That will do, Mr. Bekerely.

Class dismissed.



Oh, Del, what is it?

Tell me nothing's happened.

I'm such a silly goose.

Something terrible, you said.

Tell me, Del.

Tell me nothing's happened.

It is terrible, Ella.

It's about... Ella, I'd give my
right arm to spare you this.

You must believe that.

Just what is it you
want me to believe?

Are you trying to make
it difficult, Ella?

I'm sure Amy will supply
all the lovely details.

Well, it was your fault, anyway.

If you hadn't left him for
a stupid board meeting.

It's not like I've
taken anything

You really cared a lot about.


Oh, I know what you're
thinking, but it isn't so.

I didn't plan anything.

It just happened.



You've got your school!

Criminy, El, you don't need
to be that way about it.

I have... I mean... I didn't
mean to do anything!

I'm sorry, that doesn't give you

Any license to treat me like

That's what you're doing.

You're treating me like dirt!

You will listen to me!

You're a teacher, aren't you?

Pretty smart, aren't ya?

Pretty smart, and
pretty smug, too.

Well, you left him alone, and
there was a moon by the river.

That's right!

There was a moon!

So now he's mine.

You understand?

You can't marry him!

He's mine!

Oh, Ella!


Ella, what are you doing?

What are you doing, Ella?

Ella, let me in!

Let me in, Ella!

I'm your mother!

Don't ruin the most time honored

Romantic scene in all
the world of fairy tales.

You're Cinderella.

I'm the prince.

The slipper fits.

What a beautiful moon.

So you'd
rather save her than me?

What a beautiful moon.

Drive with
me to Maple City tonight

And be married.

It's all your fault, anyway.

That's it.
Tonight we can be married.

Why not?

If you hadn't left him

For your stupid board meeting.

Tell him I'm in love with you.

Head over heels
in love with you.

We could be married.


Tonight, we could be married.

Tonight, we could be married.





Now, Del, do you take little Amy

Here for your
lawful wedded wife?

I do.



You heard that.

You're witnesses.

Well, guess that makes
you man and wife.

Oh, Del!

What do I owe ya?

Oh, uh, would
$0.50 be too much?

It's awfully early
in the morning.

Aren't you going to
kiss the bride, Sam?

You'll have to get a move on if
you're gonna catch the express.

Now see here, Sam...

I let you miss the milk train
so you could get married.

I don't like your attitude.


You make me feel like a
little... a little old...

I don't give two hoots
how you feel, Amy.

Neither one of you.

I'm just making dead certain
you don't humiliate El.

Anymore than what
you already done.

Busy, Miss Bishop?

Oh, President Corcoran...

I just received your letter.


Well, I thought it easier
to write it, you see?

Uh, Mother and I are going to
New York, President Corcoran.

It's an assistant
librarian's position.


Oh, I see.

Well, of course it is
a hard job, teaching.

It never pays much, and...

I know.

Lots of the time
it's a headache,

Wondering if it's worthwhile.

President Corcoran,
you can't feel that way.

You're inspired.

I mean, you give young people
courage and confidence.


Oh, I am trying.

You see, I heard Abe
Lincoln talk at Gettysburg.

And he talked sense.

You know, Ella, we've
got something here

In this country, the idea
of people being free.

But it's got to be taught
and re-taught, Ella,

To each new crop of youngsters.

The value of freedom.

Ella, your father
homesteaded on this prairie.

Remember what his
first corn looked like?


It was small and green.

You couldn't believe
it would ever grow.

That's it.

And human beings are
harder to raise than corn.

But when they're raised,
if they're raised right,

They're worth a lot
more per bushel.


Oh, you know, Ella,
it's a funny thing.

A college is made up
of bricks and mortar,

And students and teachers.

But it can have all those and
not amount to a hill of beans.

And then once in a coon's a
someone comes along with a god

Given gift for teaching.

You've got it, Ella.

That magic touch that
makes young minds

Open up and flourish.

I certainly didn't intend
to deliver a lecture.

Of course, Midwestern must
accept your resignation.

But are you sure your New
York library needs you

As much as our seed
corn here at Midwestern?

President Corcoran,
may I have that letter?

Hey, a ride home for me?

Get in quickly, El.

Sam, what is it?

It isn't Ma?


Not Ma.

But I'm afraid it's
going to be a shocker.

Amy's back.


She's gonna have a baby.

Is she alone?


Oh... oh, El, I'm frightened.

There's nothing to
be frightened about.

He just left.

He just went away, and
he didn't come back.

Well, he didn't know I
was gonna have a baby.

I was gonna tell him.

You should have told him.

He didn't love me.

He never loved anybody but you.

It's a tough decision to.

You need rest.

You will be kind to
me, won't you, El?

You're all I've
got in the world.

This is your home, Amy.

Go to sleep.

The water won't boil any
faster for you stirring it.

Why does it have to... you
know, does it always take?

For heaven's sake, Sam.

Somebody would think
you was having the baby.

Mrs. Bishop?

Mrs. Bishop?

Hot water, please.

Out of the way, Sam.

Boiled some more water.


Sam, quick!

A piece of wood
for Amy to bite on!

She's gone.

He couldn't save her.

Now, you get some
rest, Mrs. Bishop.

I'll drop by in the morning
with fever instructions.

Meantime, Stenna
will know what to do.


Goodnight, doctor.

She's a fine, healthy girl.

Holding a baby comes
natural to you, Miss Ella.

I'm going to call her Hope.

Very good.

Yes, very British.

Hope promised to be here before
midnight, and it's almost...

She'll be here, Ma.

The most dashing
boy in the world

Couldn't keep Hope away
from us on New Year's Eve.

So little Hopie's got a beau?


One of our outstanding
sophomores, President Corcoran.

Richard Clark.

Oh, yes, yes.

Fine boy, Richard.

Happy new year!

Oh, I'm so sorry
we've been late.

Oh, please, President Corcoran.

Hello, Richard.


Hello, darling.


Worried, Granny?

A little.

Hello, Uncle Sam.

Hello, Hope.

Aw, she ran here
every step of the way.

Was it a nice party, then?


And was she the belle
of the ball, Richard?

Ah, she certainly was, sir.


Stenna made us a very
special concoction.

What's it called, Stenna?

Swedish love.

In the old country, always
we drink at new years.

Then we say.

That means health,
happiness, and hooray!

She's here!


Happy new year.

Happy new year!

So, El, may it bring prosperity.

And common sense.

The world could use a little,
the pace it's going at.

El, honey?

I've waited a century.

Seems a lot longer.

Sam, dear...

Oh, stop.

Make a toast, Aunt Ella.

Let me think.

Uh, it wouldn't be
anything about Midwestern,

Of course, Miss Bishop?

Everything about Midwestern,
of course, Richard.

President Corcoran, you
once gave us a prayer.

May the lamp of learning
which you lighted then

Continue to shine brightly
through this new century.

Thank you, my dear.

Anybody hurt?

No, but I'm mad as a hatter.

You're an entering
freshman, aren't you?

Yes, ma'am.

Don't you know that
entering freshmen

Are not allowed to ride
their bicycles on the campus?

Yes, ma'am, but I thought...

You mean you
should have thought.

A pretty much to have
against you before you

Even get into college.

That is if I were
going to take the time

And trouble to report you.

Gee, thank you, ma'am.

I'm terribly sorry.

Well, I'm sorry, myself.

Shouldn't have lost my temper.

Come and see me when
you get homesick.

Central Hall, Ella Bishop.

Miss Bishop?

My aunt was in your first
freshman English class...

Yes, you can tell me all about
it when you come to see me.

Now scat.

And wheel that bike.

Yes, I will.

Thank you, Miss Bishop.



Oh, thanks.

May I come to your
office, too, Miss Bishop?

I have messages for you from
three of your formal pupils.

They took extension work
under me at Colombia, and...

You're John Stevens.

Who has been so looking
forward to meeting Ella Bishop.

Well, Professor
Stevens, we're so

Excited about having
you join our staff.

I had planned a very
elegant reception.

A little welcoming
tea in my office.

Very dignified.

Well, it's just tea
time now, isn't it?

Come along.

Has Richard come?

Not yet, darling.

Goodnight, Granny.

Goodnight, dear.



Sleep well.

Thank you.

And what are your plans
for the evening, ?

You and your freshman French.

You're dodging the
question, but I know.

Your beau's coming.

Hope, you really mustn't.

Oh, you don't have
to worry, darling.

When the kids at
college ask me if it's

A romance between
you and Johnny...

Please, Hope.

Well, do you object to
my calling him Johnny?

He shouldn't.

I used to call him dude.

But he's really
very popular now.

I think he's
terribly attractive.

Don't you, at all?

Hope if you've
any idiotic notions

About Professor Stevens and me...

Any customers for a sleigh ride?

Good evening, Sam.

The roads are slick,
the moon is bright...

And you are out
of luck, Uncle Sam.

I'm going skating with Richard,
and Aunt Ella is expecting...

Please, Hope.

Hello, Richard.

Is expecting Professor Stevens.

For an academic evening.

Come on, Richard.


Goodnight, children.

Is Stevens coming, El?

Yes, he... he's
bringing a new book.

Won't you stay and listen, Sam?

You could do with a
little brushing up.

Don't know why I never
had more feeling for books.

Wish I had.

Don't wish it.

I wouldn't change
you for the world.

You wouldn't marry me, either.

But you may yet.

Unless this fella Stevens...

Sam, I want you to help me.

I want to tell you something.

What is it, El?

Professor Stevens has a wife.

A wife?

She's in Virginia.

They haven't seen each
other for some time.

Well, why doesn't
he get a divorce?

Sam, how wonderful
to find someone

In Oak River who doesn't
shudder at the word.

El, if it's for
your happiness...

Thank you, Sam.

Excuse me.

Good evening, John.

Oh, good evening, Ella.

I'm sorry I'm a little late.

That's all right.

Good evening, Professor.

Hello, Sam.

May I?

Thank you.

I've been trying to persuade Sam

To stay and meet
your new friend.

Mr. Berry, isn't it?


The little.

I'm afraid it's a
little out of my class.

Now, uh, if it was Frank
Merriwell... Goodnight, El.

Goodnight, Sam.


Goodnight, Sam.

The meeting had only
one witness... a weaver.

And he said solemnly
afterwards, they didn't speak,

Rather just gave
one another a look,

And I saw the love alight
in their.

That's beautiful, isn't it?

The life of every man
is a diary in which

He means to write one
story, and writes another.

Would you mind
reading that again?

Just the last sentence?

The life of every man is a diary

In which he means to write one
story... and writes another.

I suppose that's true, isn't it?

We dream dreams, and... do go on.

Look at me, playing
hooky in Maple City.

If this is Maple City.

For a clandestine dinner.

And we'd both be dismissed
if they found us out.

And I love it.

Don't you?

Love it.

More than I can say.

I'd have to ruin it.

I had a letter
today from my wife.

I want to read you
just one paragraph.

Oh, no, John, not tonight.

It has to be tonight.

John, I know I was never
the right wife for you,

But to consent to
a divorce would

Mean to deny the faith in
which I've been brought up.

I can understand.

But what... what about us?

Yes, what?

Ah, a special wine for the lady.



Should know, but I don't.

It's a little
Italian town, Orvieto.

It's sunny and warm.

It's flooded with warm sunlight.

I remember once
seeing a begger there

With a beautiful
flower in a ragged hat.

He was perfectly happy.

A beggar with a flower
in his ragged hat?

And sunlight.

I stayed there for
weeks and weeks.

I ate chestnut bread
with the peasants

And drank the new wine,
and I was perfectly happy.

And I went on to Rome.

I did everything the guidebook
said, but it wasn't the same.


Ella, why can't you
settle for Europe in June?

Why can't I join you there?

Ah, a special
dessert for the lady.

Checko, it's too beautiful.

I... I simply can't.

I could sail first,
and join you in Italy.


Ah, a special
flower for the lady.

Thank you, Checko.

And goodbye, my dear.

Ella, please.

We've had three wonderful
hours in Orvieto.

There are people who never go.

There's no time here in Orvieto.

Can't we stay?

Dreams are the only realities.

Oh, my darling, is
it asking too much?

Too much?

Or too little?

I don't know.

I only know that I'd
stay oh so gladly, John,

If I could follow my heart.

But you and I being as we
are... there'd be tomorrow.

And sometime we'll be glad we
spent just this little time

In Orvieto, and didn't
try to go under oath.

I must catch my train.

I know you'll understand,
I'd rather go alone.

But come with me to the door.

Flower for the lady.

Wonderful lady.

It's been perfect.

All of it.

Haven't you forgotten something?

Forgotten something?

A kiss.

A special kiss for the lady.


Though you're a teacher.

You said you're someone to carry
a beacon for boys and girls

To see by.

Well, carry it!

It took him three solid
hours, and he ate two pens,

And the better part
of a pen holder.

But he wrote the theme.

Why, there's Mr. Peters
and his horseless carriage.

Whoa, darn you!




Somebody herald it off, will ya?

Get a horse!


It's here, El.

Come to take you home.

Sam, is it safe?

Why, sure.

If you keep her speed
within a reasonable limit.

Well, gotta wind her up.


Up aboard!

Say, fellows, uh,
will you give her

A push when I give
you the signal?

Yes, Mr. Petes.

We'll give you a push.

Sure, we'll push your
horseless carriage.

Stand back, everybody.

Ready, El?

Hat on tight?

Oh, Sam, how thrilling.

Thank you so much.

Well, what do you think
of Uncle Sam's automobile?

I saw it this morning.

But look, Aunt Ella.

A wedding gift for
Richard's mother.

The wedding isn't
for two months.


Oh, Richard, how lovely.

Come on in, all of you.

We'll have some of
Stenna's elderberry wine.

All this excitement
calls for a celebration.

Oh, I've got a class
meeting at 6:00, Miss Bishop.

Oh, just for a minute, Richard?

Oh, what a shame.

As president of
the senior class,

I suppose you do have
to be there, don't you?

Yes, I...

Like me to spin
you out, Richard?

Oh, gosh, Mr. Peters...

Hop aboard.


There's a knack to this
cranking business, El.


There he is.

Without a horse.

Oh, they are
lovely, Hope darling.

And you shall have the most
beautiful wedding dress

In the world to do
justice to them.

The most beautiful wedding dress

I ever saw was Carol Allen's.

What was Carol's dress like?

It was her mother's.

It was the most
gorgeous white satin.

So many girls get married in
their mothers' wedding dresses.

Hope... come up to my
room with me, dear.

Oh, Aunt Ella, it's the
loveliest thing I've ever seen.

You can have it made
over anyway you like.

There are yards of material.

Oh, but I wouldn't have
it changed for worlds.

It's... it's so quaint.

Sort of in the heirloom class.


And it's so bridal.

But it was never finished.

No, it was never finished.

Oh, Aunt Ella...
Aunt Ella, darling,

I somehow never
thought... was it for you?


I know I shouldn't ask,
but was it... well, you know,

I always thought that you
and Professor Stevens...

Married in that fashion?

No, dear.

No, of course not.

But he did resign so
suddenly last year,

And so many people thought...

So many people have so many
wildly romantic thoughts,

M dear.

But do you like the dress?

Oh, I couldn't have dreamed a
dress I'd rather be married in.

Unless... why, you're
not old, Aunt Ella.

Not really old,
and... are you sure?

Yes, darling.

I'm sure.

Excuse me, ma'am,
but do I have to pay

The entrance fee to register?

No, any time this month.

All you have to do in there
is just sign your name.

Or, uh, make a cross.

Thank you, ma'am.

I ain't got no money
until next week.

To get me a college
education, my pappy

Is selling two of
the finest ginny

Mules in the whole
state of North Carolina.

Let her shine.

I sort of suspected
you were from the south.


What's your name?

John McRay.

But you can just
call me Snapper.

I'm Ella Bishop.

I teach freshman
English, and you

Could do with a little, Snapper.


I reckon I could.

Ella, you're looking bonny.

President Corcoran.

Oh, yes.

Scotland as beautiful
as you remembered it?

Just as I remembered it.

Even to the misty,
moisty weather.

And Brussels.

The exposition.

Well, I had rather sad
news in Brussels, Ella.


Yes, I'd arranged to
see John Stevens there.

You remember Stevens?

But just before we
were to meet, he

Was killed in a
train wreck in Italy.



Ella... I never knew.

No one knew.

I'm so sorry.

Ella, come to my office.

Sit down.


Not now, thanks,
President Corcoran.

You sure?

God bless you, child.

The door.

Thank you, ma'am.

Miss Bishop!

Is that true?

Is President Corcoran resigning?

The Clarion usually
prints the truth.

But who's gonna take his place?

Who could take his place?

So long as I am president
of this university,

I must insist upon my ideas.

I demand certain changes
in the curriculum.

Miss Bishop, for the
past three months

You reported more students
than any other two

Members of the faculty.

That usually means bad teaching.

Well, I admit that lately I
hadn't had the same interest

In my classes or my students,
but I... now see here,

President Watts, if you're
asking me to resign...

I'm not.

I know from your past record
how valuable you can go ahead,

Or it can slump to nothing.

It can't remain as it is.

A hobbledehoy in father's
cast off clothes.

President Watts, I
won't listen to anymore.

A hobbledehoy.

I'm sorry that's all you heard.

Good afternoon, President Watts.

Good afternoon, Miss Bishop.

After 25 years of teaching, you
dare tell me I'm a bad teacher.

Well, you can go ahead
and ruin Midwestern,

But you're not going
to humiliate me.

Hobbledehoy in father's
cast off clothes.

That's what you said.

Well if this college was
g for President Corcoran,

It's plenty good enough
for you, Mr. Watts.


President Corcoran?

President emeritus.

Or is it emeritus?

I always meant to look it up.

Sit down, Ella dear.

Sit down.

I've been meaning
to come and see you.

Oh, I should have come to
see you, now that I'm retired.

You're the busy one.

I... oh, President Corcoran!

Why, Ella, bless you.

What's wrong, my dearie?

What's wrong?

That man, Watts.


Oh, so that's it.

He called me a bad teacher.

Did he now, eh?


Do you know what he
said about our college?


He said it was
a... a hobbledehoy

In father's cast off clothes.

He did, eh?

A hobbledehoy in father's
cast off clothes?


Well, that's pretty good, Ella.

But President Corcoran...

Well, he's right, my dear.

He's right.

You see, you and I
knew it from the first.

And so naturally it
looks big to us now.

It is big.

It's magnificent, compared
to what we started with.


But we are too
close to it, Ella.

Now, Watts has come in
with a fresh viewpoint.

Fresh is the word.

All this talk about
modern message.

What Midwestern needs, Ella.

Why, even you, my dear, could
do with a bit of modernizing.

Oh, I'm not
criticizing, my dear.


No, no, no.

I know they you've got
a heart, and a mind,

And a spirit as potentially
young as the spring itself.

President Corcoran,
what you don't

Know about handling people.

Me, an old maid, youn as spring.

And me loving.

And loving Midwestern too, eh?

I do love Midwestern.

Then help our driving
friend give what she needs.

Watts is a driver, Ella.

That's why I picked him.

You picked him?


He was my choice.

I believe in him.

But I believe, too,
he's going to need

A lot of the kind of help
that you can give him.

And will.

I expect I will.

I expect I'll get to be
fresh and driving, myself.


President Corcoran, I'm
going to get an automobile.


Well, why not?

Wouldn't that be a help
in modernizing myself?

Well, it' be a fine start, Ella.

A fine start.

Well, I must be getting
back to my fire.

These old bones.

Let me walk along with you.

No, no, really.

Thank you, child.

No, I'd really rather not.

I can find my way
along this river

Road in complete darkness.

Whereas for you, it's
just the wrong direction.

So you take the high road,
and I'll take the low road.

And I'll be in
Scotland before ye.

I will.

Goodbye, Ella.

Goodbye, my dear.


You take the high road,

And I'll take the low road.

And I'll be in...

President Watts!

I'm sorry, President
Watts, but you

Wanted me to learn
modern methods.

President Watts, a month ago
I was a crotchety old maid,

But I'm not one any longer.

Least I hope not.

Will you take an apology?


Then praise be that's
straightened out.

Thanks to James Corcoran.

Do you mind?


Why Miss Bishop,
I love him, too.

Then keep on doing
something for me.



That way.

You've no idea what it does
for that rock rib jaw of yours.

Rock rib?

The passing of President

Corcoran was a great shock.

Then, the
following year I lost mother.

And with Richard and Hope
living in California,

Sam was the only
one I could turn to.

Good old Sam.

He's beginning to
show his years, too.

Well, why shouldn't we?

Hope and Richard have
been married for years.

Hope's finally had a baby.

It's a girl.

Named Gretchen.

Mighty fine looking child.

Wonder what I did
with Hope's scrapbook?

Might as well start right now.

Hope says I'm to enter her
name at once in Midwestern.

I'll never forget the Armistice.

Gretchen had her first
tooth the same day.

Then the country went dry.

But that had absolutely
no effect on Gretchen.

Gretchen and Midwestern
were both growing.

She's six years old now.

The Depression was going
good by the time she was 14.

Everyone had
troubles those days.

Gretchen's were boy troubles.

It's hard to realize that Hope's
little Gretchen is old enough

To be a sophomore at Midwestern.

Hello, baby.

Are you always this late?

Hello, Gretchen.

Aren't you surprised to see
your favorite grand niece?

I haven't bothered you in ages.

I'm not surprised at
anything these days.

What's the matter?

Parent trouble?

Plenty of it.

Pour me a drop of that
Sherry, will you, Gretchen?

Oh, they don't like this,
they don't like that.

One solemn irate citizen.

You know the type.

I am a taxpayer.

Caught his son reading "Mein
Kampf" and blamed it on me.

What's on your mind, my pet?


What a nove

This is.

For one thing, he's married.

It's a man I met in Chicago.

He's quite a well
known explorer.

Can't he...

Oh, she won't.


It wouldn't be an open scandal.

I could go along as a
member of the expedition.

Secretary, or something.

Oh, Aunt Ella, you can't know...

I could sail
first, and meet you in Italy.

I think I could understand.

Almost anything, but about this,

You've been content
to stay in one spot.

But I've got such a
yearn to go places.

Magic carpet places.

Rich, exciting, and warm.

It's a little town in Italy.


It's sunny and warm.

Flooded with warm sunlight.

It... it must be your
own decision, dear.

It's a big step to
take, of course.

But it's been taken
many, many times.

Doubtless often happily.

Many times unhappily.

There's just one thing
you must consider.



You'd be cutting yourself
off from motherhood.

That's what's stopping me.

I think that any woman who's
half a woman... oh, forgive me,

Aunt Ella.

And besides, you had
mother to bring up.

Yes, darling, I had your mother.

I remember the first time
I had her in my arms.

She was practically brand new.

She was crying.

I was terrified to pick her up.

But I did.

She stopped crying, and
began making little contended

Peeping noises, like a chicken.

That was so satisfying.

The feel of her was, too.

That warm little
body against mine.

But it wasn't the same.

Couldn't be, could it?

Bless you, my flesh.

Those are thrilling
words, Gretchen.

One slightly used magic carpet.

Thanks, great aunt.

Don't mention it, grand niece.

Any time.

I'll come to you, don't worry.

Then now I'm off
to keep the dinner

Date I rather thought
I might cancel.

With Buzz Wheelwright.

China, and wreckless romance.

And now with charcoal broiled
steak at Jake's.

With Buzz Wheelwright.

It needn't be Buzz Wheelright.

It probably won't.

But at least he's a
date for this evening.

So long, lammy pie.

Goodbye, toots.

Oh, there I go again.

I will not live in the past.

To the future.


Sit down, Sam.

Can't, El.

I did, I probably
couldn't get up.

Besides, I'm expecting
three more old

Bachelors for dinner and bridge.

Old bachelor.

Doesn't that give you
a twinge of conscience?

Oh, Sam.

Well, anyway, if you
feel like a hand later.

I might, at that.

Well, if you do, just...

Just holler Sam.

Just holler Sam.

I will.

Hope to see you later, El.

Goodbye, Sam.

My dear President Crowder,
you're quite right.

I'm over 70, and I've
been teaching long enough.

You don't know how much your
cooperation means, Miss Bishop.

If I were in my
60s, you wouldn't

Find me so cooperative.

I wouldn't be.

President Crowder, when
you came here a year ago,

There were some people who
felt that... that no one could

Fill the shoes of
President Watts.

Some of them even
got a bit excited.


Yes, I do.

Well, I wasn't one of them.

I learned years ago that no one
is irreplaceable at Midwestern.

So, we've come to
the end of the term.

But Miss Bishop, there's so
much I'd like to say to you.

Don't, please.

We've both outlived our
usefulness, I guess.


In here, dear.

Aunt Ella, haven't you
even started to dress?

I'm not going, Gretchen.

Aunt Ella!

I'm sorry, dear.

I just decided.

After all, I've... I've
been to 51 alumni banquets.

51 times have I sat through
an hour of bad food,

And three hours of bad speeches.

It's no good, toots.

You're not fooling me one bit.

Darling, I know
how you must feel.

Sort of the... well, the end of...

If you do know
how I feel, you'll

Run along like a good child.

Have a good time.

Leave me here with my...
Well, my New Yorker.

I want to catch up on
some Broadway plays.

Now that I have leisure,
I may get to New York yet.

Sorry, lammy pie, but
you've got to come tonight.

Gretchen, I absolutely...

For a reason.


Aunt Ella.


How'd you get here?

We flew in from California.

We wanted to surprise you.

Like homing pigeons.

We decided we just couldn't miss

The last banquet at old Central.

I had no business
leaving, Aunt Ella,

Bu no business
could have kept me

From going to this
banquet with you.

And Buzz has commandeered
his papa's chauffer and all.

Yes, Buzz is in on it, too.

I'm afraid I am, Miss Bishop.

So now, Miss Bishop,
will you hurry and dress?

Well, I expect I will.

I'll help you.

Hope, darling, this
hair can't be right.

Oh, the rush.


Your hair looks perfect, toots.

And you are.

Aunt Ella, you look regal.

And here's the final touch.


An admirer.

Oh, Gretchen.

You don't know what a thrill
I get out of a florist's box.

These are from Buzz.

He was going to produce
them in the car,

But I thought it might be better
for you to pin them on here.


Gretchen, do you know...

I know we've got to hurry.

Stick them on.

No, Aunt Ella.

No, not at the waist.

Here, on the shoulder.

Much snappier, yes?


I must, above all
things, be snappy.

You've got something
there, darling.

Here's your wrap.

Miss Bishop, may
I have the honor?

President Crowder, I...

All for you, baby.

Now, stiff upper lip.

Hail to Midwestern.

And now, one of
our first pupils.

Anton Radchek,
astronomer extraordinary.

Winner of the Nobel Prize.

Mr. Radchek.

Ladies and gentlemen, friends,
I'm sure that Miss Bishop will

Remember the day when I, a
simple farmboy, said to her,

My life's ambition is
to be a great astronomer

Because since I can
remember, the stars have been

To me comfort and
beauty, and like friends.

Or, uh, if she
doesn't remember that,

I could manage to trip
over another chair.

United States senator,
Senator John McRay.

Miss Bishop, uh, probably
won't remember a senator,

But if you just call me Snapper.

And I'm sure she'll never forget
the day that, uh, I announced

English ain't what I come for.

Miss Minna Fields,
world famous historian.

My ambition in life is still to
be just like you, Miss Bishop.

For your irreplaceable
gift of human sympathy,

And because you
exemplify to all of us

What the American spirit can be,
your university bestows on you

The highest degree in its power.

I can't thank you.

Won't even try.

I'll only say that... that
I've had a long life,

And in that life,
I've seen the brave,

The gallant, and the kind.

They keep coming on, the
best in this country.

So now, old Central and I
are retiring to make way

For modern buildings
and methods.

It seems an appropriate
time to quote

The words of our great founder.

Words that inspired
us when Central Hall

And I were both
very, very young.

Wisdom is the first
cousin to freedom,

And freedom is the glory of
our nation and our people.

So here's to our nation.

She's young, she's
growing too fast,

She makes a lot of
mistakes, but somehow she

Does manage to keep
her people free.

May she always.

Take me home, Sam.

Good old.

Always thinking of me.

Sam, if there's a question
you've been wanting to ask me.


Don't you go answering any
questions 'til they're asked,


I've got scads of time now.

All the time in the world.

All the time in the world.