Cardiac Arrest (1979) - full transcript

The "Missing Heart Murders" are plaguing San Francisco - dead bodies that turn up with their hears surgically removed! So a weak-stomached homicide cop looks into the possibilities of a black market for human organs, while across town a man must make a difficult decision regarding his wife, who needs a transplant...

(MultiCom Jingle)

- [TV Host] Eye witness
news with Dave McElhatton

and Lynne Joiner.

Joe Bartlett with weather
and Wayne Walker with sports.

- Good evening, I'm Dave McElhatton.

Although we not have official
confirmation from the police

department at this hour, we
do have inside information

on the city's latest
murder victim, another,

the third of those bizarre
killings that the police have

been calling the Missing Heart Murders.

Our reporter on the scene earlier tonight

wasn't able to learn much
in this attempted interview

with Detective Clancy Higgins

who is in charge of the investigation.

- No comment.

- [Reporter] Do you have
nothing else to say?

- No comment.

- Higgins has been very difficult.

That's as much as we can get
as we try to pursue the story.

(dramatic music)

(muffled background chatter)

- [Officer] Stand back for
your own safety, please.

There is nothing to be seen here.

Please stand back, stay behind the ropes.

Please stay behind the ropes.

Please go home, people, don't gather here.

There's nothing to be seen.

We have it completely under control.

Please stay back for your own safety.

Please stand back.

Please stand back for your own safety.

- Got us something on the
ropes about the garages?

- [Officer] Captain, we've got
a suspect outside room 207.

- We're on our way.

Come on, Wong, that's
the murder victim's room.

(suspenseful music)

- Captain.

(music swells and intensifies)


- Jesus, Higgins, the way you work.

- Okay one thing, he didn't
bring the body in that way.

I almost broke my neck
getting in by myself.

But I'll tell ya, I found
these surgical gloves,

dropped in front of the
hotel right in plain view

on the street in the middle of the crowd.

- Is that any way to handle evidence?

- Well if there are any prints,
they'll be on the inside.

Woman, huh?
- That's right.

Maybe you shouldn't look.

This one's been pretty badly cut up,

but not as bad as some of the others.

I think the killer was scared
off before he could finish.

- Done the same stuff, huh?

- Same M.O., the heart's missing.

(Higgins retches)

- Higgins, stay outta that bathroom!

We haven't dusted for prints yet!

(Higgins vomits)


If you so much as spoil one
lousy print, I'll have your ass!

(Higgins coughs)

- You got any gum?

- No.

- Listen, Captain, I think I
should get outta here and Wylie

and I should work out what
he's got and work on our plans.

- Oh, great.

But tell me somethin', Higgins.

What kind of cop pukes
every time he sees a body?

- A thin cop, I guess.

(Wylie giggles)

- Shh!

(man coughs)

For heaven's sake be
quiet or they'll find you.

I think they're coming here.

- Who'd you talk to?

- Well, the manager says
there's a lady down in 208

who heard the screams.

Is she still there?

Come on.

- Let's talk to her tomorrow, huh?

I don't feel like it tonight.

- [Wylie] Come on, let's get it over with.

Come on.


- [Woman] Who is it?

- Police officers, ma'am.

Detectives Higgins and Wong from Homicide.

We'd like to talk to
you for just a moment.

- [Woman] Surely.

But it'll take me a few minutes to dress.

- Yes, ma'am, take all the time you need.

(clunks and thuds)

- I hope you won't consider it impolite

if I ask to see your identification.

- Not at all, no no.
- Oh, sure.

- One can't be too sure these days.

- You're quite right.

- I already spoke with an officer.

- Yes, ma'am, we'd just
like to run over the details

one more time, if you don't mind.

It won't take very long at all.

- Alright.

- Thank you.

Ma'am, could I possibly
have a glass of water?

- Oh, certainly.

(water runs)

- Thank you.

Just tell us what happened, please.

- Well, I was frosting a cake,

for Clara's welcome home party.

She's the lady who had
been in the hospital.

She lives in the room across from where...

And I heard this dreadful scream.

(woman screams)

I naturally thought it was Clara.

It gave me such a shock that
I nearly ruined the cake.

That would have been awful,

because everybody loves my cakes.

Spice with chocolate frosting.

I bake it from scratch,
none of those mixes.

- After the cake, what
happened after the cake?

- Well, when I heard that scream,

I ran to the front door and I saw the man

running from that room.

He was in an awful panic.

Won't you gentlemen sit down
and have a nice big piece?

- No, thank you.
- We're gonna eat later.

- Oh well, um.

(man coughs)
(suspenseful music)

You're sure you won't
have a piece of cake?

- No thank you, ma'am,
and as a matter of fact

I'd really like to see
what's in that closet.

- Please don't arrest him,
he didn't do anything.

- You can put your hands down, sir.

- But I only took the
suitcase, I didn't kill anyone.

- That's right.

Duke Southwick was here
when I heard the scream.

- [Wylie] That's Southwick?

- Oh, you know this gentleman, Wylie?

- [Wylie] Yeah, he's the
guy that was picketing

in front of the hotel.

- Mr. Southwick, I am through warning you.

I'm going to call the police!

- Mr. Singh, you can't expect
an old man to walk up and down

the street like this.

- The least you could
do is dress decently.

Your attire is ruining my business.

- If you're so concerned
about how I dress in your

overpriced hotel, all you need
do is return my belongings.

- Ah but you should have thought of that

when you started this
socialist rent strike of yours!

- Don't you point your finger at me again,

or I'll cut it off!

- That's it, I'm going to call the police!

- [Wylie] The radio guys
were responding to him

when Mrs. Swan heard the scream.

- I can explain everything.

The only thing Duke Southwick
did that might have been

a little wrong was take the suitcase.

Better give them the suitcase, Elton.

- This is the suitcase?
- The murderer dropped it.

And then he ran down the hall.
- No kidding.

Jesus Christ, this thing is brand new.

- Goin' home?

- Most of the material
and I can go to Pandora's

and grab a bite.

- Higgins, it's crawling
with newsmen out there, so,

try to keep away from them.

The Chief's put a lid on this case

until we know a few more things.

- No comment.

- What's with the suitcase?
- Evidence.

The only thing that we
can tell from this is that

the guy we're looking for has a finger.

What about the gloves?

- Industry standard, used by
every hospital in the area.

- Terrific, that simplifies everything.

I mean so all we have to do
is check out every hospital

worker in 50-square-miles.

What do you think, Liz,
will it do any good to send

these partials to the Bureau?

- I've already done it.

I just hope that we can get
enough of that lower swirl

to make an ID, they're set up for that.

- Yeah.

No, that's a long shot, anyway.

- Mr. And Mrs. Gregory.

The test results weren't very promising.

As Dr. Kelly's diagnosis
indicated, you are suffering

from severe rheumatic
valvular heart disease

and according to our most recent studies,

your condition is deteriorating rapidly.

- But I feel fine.

You're releasing me
from the hospital today.

- I know.

We're releasing you today
because there isn't much

we can do for you here,
short of a transplant.

- A heart transplant?

- Now, I know that a heart
transplant sounds drastic,

but you're young and
otherwise in good health,

which is the key asset in
this type of procedure.

And my success ratio is very high,

so I see no reason for you to worry.

(lively flute music)

- Ow.
- You're dead, copper.

- From the looks of this, it
must be Inspector Higgins.

- Did you see that exhibit
of South American blowguns

and darts in the other room?

- Is that where you got that from?

- Listen, those darts
are coated with curare,

which is really a deadly weapon.

I mean, those things will
kill you deader than hell.

- Well, given the choice,

I think I'll go with my 38.

- I'm not so sure because if
a 38 hits you in the shoulder,

you can still come back.

But if one of those things
hits you in the big toe,

you're done for, there's
nothing you can do about it.

- Okay, you take your
straws and your dart.

I'll take my 38, 25 paces
opposite ends of the hall.

- [Higgins] (chuckles) You're on.

- Look at this.

Somebody you know?

- Yeah, see these guys killed each other

for thousands of years, without any 38s.

They did a pretty good
job of it, too, sometimes.

- Yeah, I bet.

But that poison you're talking
about's 100 years old, huh?

- I don't care.

I bet it's still as strong as
it was the day it was made.

- A bet? Okay, 10 bucks.

- Okay, I'll tell you what, tell you what.

You're on for 20.

- Alright.

- Alright.

Where's this woman we're supposed to meet?

- I think that's her right now.


- Inspector Wong?
- Right.

- I'm Dr. Tucker, sorry
to have kept you waiting.

- Oh, no problem.

This is my partner, Inspector Higgins.

- How do you do?

- Since you telephoned this
morning I've found several

interesting items.
- Terrific.

- As you can see, there were
quite a number of cultures

that did engage in just the
sort of ritual cannibalism

you asked about.

Now according to the
literature, they believed that

consuming the heart of your
enemy gave you his strength.

- But according to this the
only tribe that still practices

this ritual is in Borneo.
- Yes, that's right.

- But you don't think any of
these people from Borneo or

some group like that could
be running around loose here?

- Oh, you thought that some local group?

Oh, no, I'm sorry.

- Well it's interesting to
know how widespread something

like this is, you know?

- Mm-hm.

- I guess it's not surprising though, huh?

There's no act so vile you
can't find some human being

to perform it for you, right?
(Tucker chuckles)

- Yes, well, I'm sorry,

but if there's anything
else I can help you with--

- Well yes, ma'am, as a
matter of fact there is.

You know that exhibit in the
next room of the South American

blowguns and the darts?

We're working on a case right
now that involves curare,

and I wonder if we could
borrow one of those darts

and have it tested at the
police lab, we wanna see

whether the curare is still
active after all this time.

- Well, um--

- We'd take very good care of it,

and it would be very
helpful to the police.

- Well (chuckles) I suppose
it might be interesting.

- Appreciate it very much.
- Thanks.

(moody atmospheric music)

- I'm sorry for the interruption.

I'll try and get through
this as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions,

please don't hesitate to ask them.

- Right, thank you, doctor.

- You see, the body
has a defense mechanism

which rejects any protein
substance different from its own.

What you see here magnified
many thousands of times

are these defense mechanisms
which we call antibodies.

These antibodies are produced
by the body in reaction

to any foreign proteins which
come into contact with it.

We call these foreign proteins antigens.

Now what this means quite
simply is that an organ

which has been transplanted
will be rejected by the body

unless the antigen materials
are minimized, that is,

the transplanted heart
must come from someone

whose body issue is similar to your own.

We determine this by a process
called tissue-matching.

- Is it a difficult process?

Does it take a long time?

- [Doctor] Uh, the process itself, no.

Finding a suitable donor, yes.

We usually have to wait
for a donor to come along.

These are usually accident
victims or perhaps a suicide.

Once we locate a donor with healthy organs

that match your own, we
operate on a moment's notice.

- Okay.

What are my chances for survival?

- I'd say that at your age and
general physical condition,

your chances of making
it through the operation

are excellent.

However, if you're referring
to our chances of finding

a suitable donor, I'll have to be blunt.

That pretty much depends upon luck.

(moody atmospheric music)

- See, those were North
American Indians in that

place where we were.

I think mainly they didn't
use poison darts as such.

They used to chew and
bite each other to death.

(Wylie laughs)

This is great.

- Hey, watch where you point that thing.

- I thought you had $20
that said it was harmless.

- Ah, don't worry about it.

Where do you wanna go eat?

- I got some sandwiches
here from Pinoli's.

- Pinoli's?

- Yeah
- Sure.

- I thought you'd go for a free lunch.

- Ah, well you know.

- Let's go.

If it was a cult, it wouldn't
be anything really historical,

you know, nothing real,

it'd be somethin' some maniac made up.

And I don't think it's a
group of people like a cult.

I think it's one guy and
he's got a reason for it.

And that's what I need,
I know there's a reason.

What do you want, roast
beef or roast beef?

- Roast beef.

- Good choice.

- It's the same, alright.

The same level of anesthetic.

- Right.

Loads of it.

Needle marks all over her body.

A couple in the neck, even.

She's dehydrated, no food and
very little drink for days.

- Same cuts on the stomach.

- Yeah, doctor says those
gouges in the stomach

were made by a knife.

And the same knife stabbed
three times around the heart,

but the heart was removed
really neatly, as usual,

with something really small
and sharp like a scalpel

or a stiletto.

- You know, what I don't understand is,

how he got her into that hotel.

I mean, she must have been
stoned out of her brains.

- Don't be simple-minded.
- Oh, here it comes.

- She didn't walk in there,
she was carried in there!

It's a different woman.
- Will you hold on?

We got two witnesses who saw him check in.

- We got two people who
said they saw a hat.

That's all they ever really said.

Yes, that's her hat.

- Good afternoon.
- Afternoon.

- May I help you, please?
- Yeah, I'd like a room.

- [Singh] Please fill out
the registration form.

- Certainly.

- [Singh] Thank you.

Mr. And Mrs. Eaton.

- Yeah.
- Room 207.

I'm sure the accommodations
will meet with your approval.

I'll have the bell man bring up your bags.

- Oh that'd be nice, thank you very much.

- No.

Not that's alright, we can manage.

- Fine.
- I guess not.

Thank you anyway.
- Enjoy yourselves.

- We will.

- It's simple, they
checked in, he killed her.

The old woman heard the
screams and saw him split.

- Scream.
- What?

- She heard a scream, not screams.

- Alright, he heard a scream.

And he left the suitcase behind,
so what about the suitcase?

- It's in the report.

The only prints on it are
yours, mines and Southwick's.

- Okay so it shouldn't
be too hard to trace.

- Terrific.

Well I'm going back to
the hotel and I'm gonna

talk to those people and
I'm gonna look around.

There's gotta be somethin'
there that tells me

how that body got up there.

- Damnit, Clance, we know how
she got in there, she walked!

- You mean it walked, 'cause it was dead!

- Ah, Jesus.

- [Clancy] Well you don't have
all he answers, my friend.

- The only thing close
to an answer we have

is that damn suitcase.

You've been reading too much
Sherlock Holmes or somethin'.

- Sherlock Holmes my ass.

You're the smart detective,
you got the degree.

You're the one with
the scientific methods.

I'm just a dumb clop playin' the angles.

- Agreed.

- Yeah, the only thing I got to go on,

are my judgment an my instincts.

- Okay, go on your instincts
and your judgment and retire.

I'm gonna go check the suitcase thing.

Have a sandwich.

- We both call it at four, alright?

- [Wylie] Yeah.

(bluesy guitar music)

- I can't remember the man.

We get people comin' here all
the time, goin' and comin'.

I'm not very good at remembering faces.

- Come on, anything, height,
weight, color of hair,

eyes, scars, you know, stuff like that.

- No, nothin'.

I'll be right with you, ma'am.

But I tell you, he was in a real hurry.

- In a hurry how?

Nervous, twitchy or did he just move fast?

- Very nervous, didn't even wanna wait

until I verified the credit card.

Kept tellin' me "it's good, it's good."

Finally I said "look
mister, it's only good

"when the bank tells me it's good.

"Either you wait until
they verify the purchase,

"or you pay cash."

- So he paid with cash?
- No, suddenly he found time.

- Why the hell didn't you tell me he paid

with a credit card?
- What's the difference?

- The difference, look,
unless the card was stolen,

which I doubt, his name and
address are on the receipt.

You got a copy of it somewhere, right?

- That's right, that's right.

I'll take me a minute to find it, though.

The wife usually does the books.

(suspenseful music)

(blaring vacuum)

- Fred?

Fred, come here, quick, the car!

- What is it, babe?
- I don't know, come here.

- I'll get him.

(suspenseful music)

- At least let me in the room
to clean it, then maybe I--

- Uh, no, my orders are
that nobody except for a few

Homicide cops gets into this room.

There's somebody that you might talk with.

- Yes, sir.
- Policeman Higgins.

You're just the man I wanted to talk to.

Perhaps you can tell me how
you expect me to run a hotel

with policemen everywhere.

It's ruining my business.

- There's only one policeman
anywhere, Mr. Singh,

and he's right here and as
soon as I go in the room,

and check things out, then
we'll take the sign down

and we'll all go away.

- Do you know what it costs
to keep a hotel room unrented?

- Well I can tell you this, Mr. Singh.

The longer you and I stand
here talking, the longer

it's gonna take me to get
in there and get to work.

Duke Miller.

- Right.

It's been a long time, Inspector.

- Yeah, I met you at old
man Higgins' funeral.

- Ah, God rest his soul.

- What are you doin' here? I
thought you were in northern.

- Beats me, I guess they're
short of manpower at central.

Pulled off me off my
beach shift into here.

Yeah, it's too bad about the gal.

That's a little bigger than
more than just a picture

in the paper.
- You mean you know her?

- Oh I can't exactly say I knew her.

She was mugged a couple of weeks back.

Pearson asked her something,
I responded to the call.

I don't remember it exactly,
she was pretty shook up.

- Was she beat up pretty bad?

- Not too bad, you know,
a couple of minor bruises,

a puncture wound on her arm,
frightened more than anything.

- Well it's like any other town.

It can be pretty tough at times.

Listen, you know this is
pretty much wrapped up.

I'm gonna go in there
and take a look around.

Why don't you take off?

I'll straighten it out with the captain.

Good to see you again.
- You too, Clancy.

See you around.

(dramatic music)

- Frederico Etoni, you have five--

- [Fred] Antoinette, get down!

Get down, keep your head down, please.

I don't know what the hell's going on.

They got the wrong house, I
don't know what's happening.

- What do you mean they
got the wrong house?

They know your name!

What you been doing?

Running around with Rita again?

(Frederico speaks foreign language)

- Frederico Etoni!

You have five minutes to
throw down your weapon

and come out with your
hands over your head!

- Antoinette, please stay down!

I tell you, I don't know
what they're doing here.

- Oh Christ, will you do something?

(suspenseful music)

Oh my god, the kids.

The kids will be home
from school any minute.

- [Wylie] Etoni, come out with
your hands over your head!

Hold your fire, hold your fire.

He's coming out.

We have our man here.

He's coming out.

We'll bring him in.

(moody atmospheric music)

- [Officer] If I'm home late
again my wife will kill me.

- [Fred] That's exactly what happened.

The body was in the
room when we got there.

- Why run?

- I was scared.

I never thought you guys
would be able to trace me.

When Janice screamed, I saw
my whole life falling apart.

My marriage.

My job.

I couldn't do anything else but run.

- The woman backs his story.

- Oh, Christ.

I mean you could have come to us.

I mean don't you read the papers?

They were full of stories
we were lookin' for ya.

Then the shotgun, what was that all about?

- I was scared.

I never thought you guys
would be able to trace me.

And as far as the gun, I saw
you poking around my garage.

I thought maybe you were a car thief.

Next thing I knew there
were cops everywhere.

- Well, I guess this
changes things around.

I guess you're free to go.

- Free to go?

What am I gonna tell my wife?

My neighbors.

The way you guys dragged
me away from there?

What the hell am I gonna tell 'em?

- Come on, Fred.

We'll do the best we can.

It's been an embarrassment to all of us.

- Wylie, you should have given me a call

before you brought an army over there.

- I got tired of asking you for help.

I got a Board of Inquiry
hanging over my head.

I don't need you on my case.

- Listen, if it's a Board of
Inquiry, you know that I'm

gonna back you, I mean, that's
what partners are for, right?

- Yeah.

(melancholic music)

(phone rings)

- I have to get to the phone.
(phone rings)

- [Caller] I can arrange for your wife

to get the heart she needs.

- Could you repeat that, please,
I'm not sure I understood.

- [Caller] I said that I can arrange it

so that your wife gets a new heart.

If you're interested.

- Who is this?
- Never mind who I am.

And don't be in such a hurry
to believe all that stuff

about tissue matching.

The doctor tells that story
to everyone because there

just aren't enough hearts
to go around, it's kind of

a supply and demand situation,
if you know what I mean.

It's really a matter of
moving your wife's name

to the top of a list.
(blaring train horn)

Or would you rather be
leaving it up to chance

the doctor suggested?
(blaring train horn)

Look, if you're interested
we can meet and talk it over.

- I need a few days to think that over.

- [Caller] I'll give you
until tomorrow afternoon.

You wait for my call then.

(engaged tone)

- You wanna pour me a cup?

- Uh.

Doctor said no caffeine, didn't he?

- I don't think one cup of coffee's

gonna change the course of history.

(coffee pours)


- Yeah, hon?

- What if I've lost my luck?

- Were you listening on the extension?

I think he's an extortionist.

We should probably call the police.

- And what if he's telling the truth?

What if there are lists?

I wanna know why you didn't
tell me about the phone call.

(Leigh sighs)

- Well, I didn't wanna broach it with you.

I didn't wanna upset you, hon,

until I had time to think it over.

You know I'll do everything I can.

Oh come on, who are we?



Huh? (chuckles)


- [Clancy] Well, Sun Lin, I
don't know how to figure it.

I've got three bodies with no
hearts, and no other clues.

- Your questions reminds
me of the time during

the Second World War.

The authorities were looking
to uncover a smuggling scheme.

They came to me and said
they can't understand

what this man is smuggling.

All we find when we open
the jars is mineral oil.

It's not illegal to import mineral oil.

They never realized it was the jars.

Very valuable Chinese artifacts.

Which to the unaccustomed
might look ordinary.

- I never thought of that.

Black market.

- I wasn't talking about black market,

but of the obvious things
which we never notice.

- That's the obvious thing
that we haven't noticed.

Goodbye, my friend.
- What's the hurry?

- [Clancy] I have to go, I
just thought of something.

- There are no priority lists.

I wish there were, for
your sake, but for myself

I'm thankful that medicine
still hasn't come to that.

What a burden that would be.

Sit down there, let me tell you something.

There's no way of speeding up the process.

- I don't understand,
how do people get hearts?

There are people in Texas, there
are people in South Africa.


What I'm trying to tell you
is that, we're fortunate.

We have...

We have a good business and,

and if we need to fly
anywhere or, do anything--

- Dianne, Dianne listen to me.

My father always said there
were two things in life

that money couldn't buy,
health and happiness.

I always thought that
he was making up excuses

for his own personal
shortcomings but he was right.

You must have patience.

If fate wills you a new
heart, you'll have it.

- I will not be patient!

I've been patient all my...

(chuckles) How can you not
understand what's going on here?

You told me yesterday that I'm gonna die!

And you're telling me now to be patient?

Come on, doctor.

(somber orchestral music)

- I'm Norton Williams now what
in damnation's going on here?

- I'm Clancy Higgins, doctor.

I know I'm intruding and
I'm sorry but I didn't think

you were taking me very
seriously on the phone.

- Inspector I told you this
morning in no uncertain terms

that I'm a busy man and I don't have time

for such foolishness.

- I understand it, sir,
I only need a few minutes

of your time and it
could be very important.

Now, you must know about
the heart murder cases.

In fact, I think it would
be very interesting to you.

Well, I've been working
on that case for months.

It's very confusing.

I've gone through every angle.

Gang killings, weird occult
groups, that sort of thing.

But this morning, I had an idea about

a black market in human organs.

I have to know if that's possible.

- The answer is no, impossible.

I find the entire idea both
appalling and insulting.

- [Clancy] Why?

- I don't have time to get into the whys.

I have patients who need my care.

Inspector, you'll just have to trust me.

We're talking about
complex medical procedures,

not a simple appendectomy,
complex procedures that need

years of medical training to understand.

- Okay doctor, I tell you
what, since you can't answer

my question, maybe I'll have
to call a press conference

and just ask the world.

- If this crazy idea of yours
ever got out to the press,

it would set organ transplant
surgery back 50 years.

- Look at it this way, if I'm
crazy enough to think of it,

I'm crazy enough to
call a press conference.

- Alright.

I'll give you some time.

Meet me outside the intensive
care unit in about 20 minutes.

- Thank you very much, sir.

- Richie!

Richie Walker!

- Harvey Nichols!


It's good to see you, man.

I didn't recognize you.

- Yeah, I didn't recognize you either

with all that hip glitter on.

- What you talkin' about?

Guess this comes from goin' to
med school in the southwest.

It just kind of grows on
you, you know what I mean?

So what you into, man?

- Well I, uh, I couldn't
get into med school.

So I took the only job I was
halfway qualified for, I,

started driving a city ambulance,

did that for a couple of years
and managed to save enough

money to buy this rig and here I am.

The last time I heard, you were, uh,

you were studying criminology over at Cal.

- Ah no, I got outta that one, yeah.

I figured it's easier catching
microbes than criminals,

you know what I mean?

You look like you're doin' okay here.

- Yeah, yeah, I'm still
paying for this thing, though.

You look like you're doin' alright.

- Well, I'm doin' okay.

Residency's a far-out thing

but not where the bucks are
concerned, you know what I mean?

So my old lady and I got a
little business on the side.

It's workin' out.
(car horn honks)

Ah listen, I really liked talkin' to you.

It's great seein' you and all that,

but I think my old lady is
getting a little impatient,

you know what I mean, I got to go.

Take care of yourself.
- Yeah, I'll catch you around.

- [Richie] Right.

- That guy looks like
he's doin' alright, huh?

- Yeah, he always did pretty good.

Pretty good-lookin' old lady, too.

- Yeah, check that one out.

Where'd you know him from?
- Knew him overseas.

- What, in the service?
- Yeah.

- Was he a doctor or something?

- We were on the medevacs together.

- [Friend] Oh, yeah?

- Nice-lookin' car.
- Yeah.

- Hey.

Didn't you years ago,
didn't you work in that

grocery store out in Terre Haute?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, I remember you
were just a kid then.

What ever happened to that
old woman, is she still alive?

- No, she died a couple years ago.

- Yeah, the place is still there.

The same name, I saw it the other day.

Well, who was that guy
you were just talkin' to?

The guy with the Cadillac.

- Oh, Richie Walker.
- Richie Walker.

What's he do?

- I guess he's doing some
sort of residency here.

- Ah ha.

- We were in Vietnam together,
see we were in the medevacs.

- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.

- Inspector Higgins.
- Oh doctor, hi.

I guess we can talk now, I'll
just put this thing away.

(somber atmospheric music)

- Leigh.

The caller didn't say what
time he'd call today, did he?

- No, he didn't.

Hell, he might not even call.

- I wanna talk to the caller.

- Um.

Baby, I don't think I can
deal with that choice.

- What are you talking about?

You said yourself 100
times that a little money

under the table isn't unusual!

- Not--

- It's just a matter right
now of putting a little grease

on the wheels and make the
whole thing go smoother.

- That's different.

- How is that different than
you spending all that money

to make your way to the top?

- Dianne, we're not talkin'
about paying off some electrical

inspector or some other
clown with a big ego problem.

There's a lot more here.
- What?

What are you talking about?

- We're talkin' about murder.

- Oh, come on, you can't be sure of that.

- No, well...

- I think putting my name
up on the list is a lot

different thing than murder.

- Well I'm not so sure
that's what this is.


I'm sorry, I,

honey, I'm thinking we
should be calling the police.

- Oh great, great idea!

And then what do we have?

We have a petty criminal
who's arrested before he gets

a chance to put my name up on the list!

And he spends the rest of his
life in jail while I spend

my life, is that what you want?

- No, that's not what I want,
what are you talkin' about?

- I'm talking about that I wanna live.

That's it.

I wanna be in my house,
I wanna be with my child,

I wanna be...


(phone rings)

(phone rings)

- Come here.


Yeah, go on.

Yeah, I understand.

Yes, I'll be there.

(phone keypad chimes)

- The Mayor's office, please.

Dr. Norton Williams.

No, his administrative
assistant will be fine.

Hello, Josh.


I've just had a curious visitor
from the police department.

Higgins from Homicide.

He has a notion about the
rash of heart murders being

connected with, get this, a
black market in human organs.

I don't think we can afford
that kind of publicity.

- Hi.

I want double-dip, one mocha almond fudge,

and one mint chip on a sugar cone.


Hey, hey!


That's a police vehicle!

- You son of a bitch!

- Alright, I'm sorry about last night.

I was busy, I was working.

- Yeah I know, I saw you on television.

It was cute, "no comment."

- I guess you cooked dinner
and everything, right?

- I made you squid!

- Squid?

- [Woman] You don't like squid, huh?

You wear a tie like that.

- Tiffany, what about my truck?

What am I supposed to do?

- I don't know, Clance, maybe
I'll give you a lift home.

(both laugh)

(upbeat piano music)

(suspenseful string music)

- [Caller] I'd like to
invite you up for a drink,

Mr. Gregory, but, under the circumstances,

I don't think that would be wise.

Shall we get down to discussing our little

business arrangement?

- Well since you're not gonna
invite me in, this might be

as good a place as any.

- [Caller] As I said on the
phone, I can arrange to have

your wife's transplant
surgery any time you want it.

How does that sound?

- Sounds like it's gonna
cost me a lot of money.

- [Caller] But worth it,
Mr. Gregory, worth it.

Now I think the price is fair, $200,000.

- How do I know I can trust you?

What kind of guarantees do
I have that you'll deliver?

- [Caller] For the answer of
that question you'll just have

to wait a minute, Mr.
Gregory, someone's coming.

I appreciate your caution.

Under the mat you will find an envelope

with your instructions.

Please read them carefully.

As the instructions indicate,
you are to place the money

in escrow in a numbered Swiss bank account

with the provision that the
money is to be transferred

into another account, mine, on
the day following completion

of your wife's surgery.

My bank will notify me of the transfer.

Goodbye, Mr. Gregory.

- I'll need some time to raise this cash.



(upbeat piano music)

- That was a great ride. (chuckles)

- Feel good?

- You're completely out
of your mind, you're nuts.

- Completely nuts.

(both laugh)


- Come on, Higgins.

You're holding up traffic, I see.

- That's not all he's holding.

- Yeah but the meters are running, huh?

People are double-parked
on Poke Street right now.

- What are you doin'?
- Taking this.

- Listen, I'm gonna try
to call as soon as I can,

but this one is a bitch and
I'm workin' hard, so it's--

- Oh, Clancy.

- Hey, Higgins, how you doin'?
- How you doin', Goody?

- Goody's okay, Goody's
been over the truck.

It's perfect, it's clean,
what the hell's wrong with it?

- The glove compartment don't work.

- What?

- The glove compartment don't work.

- You had this thing towed
because of a glove compartment?

I don't believe you.
- It's busted, it don't work.

Every time I hit a bump or slam the door,

the glove compartment opens
and the radio goes on.

- Well, listen, every other cop I know

has a radio safely fastened
underneath the dash, right?

And you need a glove compartment,

you need a button activating on the door?

What's your story?

- I guess I'm just peculiar.

But listen, don't put it down.

That thing has saved my
ass a number of times.

- Yeah but it's 18 times we're
doing it, what is it now?

- Now it's too loose.
- Now it's too loose.

- Yeah, I told you.

Every time I hit a
bump, the thing goes on.

- Okay, I told you I got a lot
of stuff here, transmissions,

a lot of stuff, two hours,
we'll take care of it all.

- Okay I'll tell you what I'll do,

I'm gonna go over and
have some coffee, right?

I'll be back in about 20 minutes, see ya.

- 20 minutes? Hey, Clancy!

- So, how you been since
the last deal we made?

- When was that? Oh, yeah.
- A year and a half?

Is that what it was, 18?

Yeah, a year and a half.
- Uh-huh.

- Exactly a year and a half,
we did very nicely on that.

- Did you?
- Yeah we made a lot of money.

- Glad to hear it.
- Opened up a whole new area--

- Oh, hang on a second.
(phone buzzes)




And the transfer will be made
by our Swiss correspondent?


Thanks, Foster.

Money will be in Switzerland
by the end of the business day.

- That's great, Doug, I appreciate it.

- Look, if you're gonna make a killing,

I'd like to be in on it.

- I'm not gonna make a killing, Doug.

If it was anything you
could make some money on,

I'd be sure and let you know.

- Miss Chaney as I live and breathe.

- What you workin' on?

- Running a comparison for DiNapoli.

He hit the jackpot.

A perfect match.

- The liquor store murders.

- Mm-hm.

- You see, that's patterns,
that's what I'm talkin' about.

That's what we keep looking for, you know?

You get similar patterns,
you get similar markings,

you get similar M.Os, that's it.

- You only had one single
similarity to go on, just one.

- We do.

- You don't.

We got that partial print back
from the Bureau, negative.

- That's not what I'm talkin' about.

Our pattern in this
one is that this is not

your ordinary maniacal killer.

This guy is deliberate and
meticulous and that's our guy.

- The perfect description
of my mother, maniacal,

deliberate, meticulous.

- Okay, you get to question her.

(phone rings)

- Yeah, he's here.

Higgins, it's for you,
some woman named Swan.

- [Clancy] Swan, Mrs. Swan.

Wylie, I gotta go.

- [Wylie] Will you hold
on a second, please?

- Oh, you better return this.

It is curare, it's deadly,
it could kill an elephant.

- It's 100 years old.

- 40 seconds and it stops
your muscles moving.

There's no antidote, it
puts your heart to sleep.

It's a lousy way to go.

- You owe me 20 bucks.
- Next pay check.

Hey um, I thought we were gonna
work together on this case.

- We are working together on this.

We agree to split the labors.

You handle clues, I handle motives, right?

She might have an important
clue, she's a nice lady.

Say hello to her, bye.

- Yes.

Oh, Mrs. Swan.

Yes, I remember you.

(suspenseful music)

- Walt Miller here, I'm on 1-18

and I think there's something going on.

I'm gonna go check it out.

Listen, you call me on the
phone in five minutes, got it?


(phone rings)

(phone rings)

(phone rings)

(phone rings)

(phone rings)

- [Clancy] Uh-huh, well
those fool-proof safes.

- Don't touch it.

Lab guys haven't finished
dusting for prints yet.

- What's up?

- I found these in the
night-watchman's pocket.

- [Clancy] So what?

- So after talking to
everybody around here

I find that he doesn't smoke,
and Dr. Burns here says

that this place doesn't use
this medical supply house.

- Okay so we check the other
doctors in the building

to see if they do.

Junkie, right?
- Right.

- [Clancy] How much stuff
did he take, doctor?

- Oh, some prescription
blanks from my desk.

Some morphine, a couple
of mild barbiturates.


- Let's have a look in there.

Young guy, right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- (sighs) Why here?

- Right. Why did he come into this room?

He could have left the other door, right.

What's that?

Doctor, could you answer
a question for me?

What's this?

- This?

This is a medical history record.

- Yeah, that's what it says.

I just happened to find it
sitting in the machine there.

I was just wondering if--
- Oh, really?

I don't know what it was doing
there, we don't copy these.

These are confidential.

We use that for billing.

- You mean you didn't have this copy?

- Oh no, certainly not.

We only do that under
extraordinary circumstances.

- Doctor, could I borrow
this for a couple of days?

I'll bring it back.

- Why don't you make a copy?

- Right.

We'll make a copy.

- Hey.

Hey, how you doin'?

Take care of that for me.
- That'll be a minute.

- Alright.

Some problem, man?
- No problem at all.

I just have to call
over to the other store.

We don't have that quantity,
500 tablets, on hand.

It's no problem we'll have the
other store just run it down.

- No no, just get it, you
know, my old lady's sick.

You know, I want it for
her, so just get it.

- [Clerk] I understand, this
kid on a bicycle runs it--

- What?

No no, no bicycle, man,
come on, bring it in a car.

I can't wait, you know.

- Right down by car.
- She's sick, man.

- I'll have to call.
- My woman.

Yeah, make the call.

Make the call.

- Hello, I have a
narcotics emergency here.


It's a man with a phony prescription.

He's obviously under the influence.

- [Clancy] It's weird
about that doctor's office.

Really weird.
- Doctor's office?

- Not the doctor's office but
I mean, this junkie, right?

Everything looks like a
junkie but it's too pat.

What junkie is so neat that
there's no fingerprints?

That place was broken into perfectly.

I think the night-watchman
was just a fluke.

- Yeah and that photocopy has
a lot of holes in it, too.

- Yeah, listen, tomorrow morning,

check out the guy whose
name is on that photocopy.

Maybe you can some find something for us.

- Yeah.
- Five-henry-seven.

- Yeah, this is
five-henry-seven, go ahead.

- Proceed to pharmacy to (mumbles).

May be related to your working 187.

- 10-4.
- Alright.

I'll get us there in three minutes.

- Everything alright?
- Perfectly alright.

Just be a few minutes.

- I want this stuff and I want
it over here now and quick.

I can't wait, man, and she can't wait!

Now you get it over here.

- It's on its way, there's
no need to excite yourself.

- Hey man, I'm not
excited, are you excited?

- No, no.
- I'm not excited, okay.

Then just get it here, man.
- It's coming down.

- Okay well I don't have all night long

to wait for this, man!

So just get it here, I can't wait!

- Now you won't have to.

- Huh?

Hey, hey!

I'm cool, I'm cool.

I'm cool, it's alright.

Hey, I didn't do it, I didn't do it.

I won't do it again.

- Where'd you get the scripts?
- Huh?

- The scripts you brought
into the drugstore!

Where'd you get 'em?

- Oh, I found them in an
alley, in a garbage can.

- Where?

- Where, what, in an
alley in a garbage can!

- Come on, you can do better
than that, man, think!

- Yeah you better remember
because somebody was killed

taking those scripts and
you're facing murder one.

- Huh?

Hey hey, look, I didn't kill anybody, man.

I found those things.
- Where?

- I found them in a
garbage can over behind

that new medical building
on California Street.

- Who put 'em there?

- I don't know, man, some dude.

I know I'd never saw--
- What'd he look like?

- I don't know, man, it was dark!

And he ran down the
alley, he had the pills

and the prescriptions
stuffed in a paper bag

and he took the stuff and he's runnin',

and he threw them in the garbage can.

Then the guy got in the car and
he drove away, that was all.

- So what did he drive away in?

- Huh?

- What kind of car?
- It was a Cadillac.

It was a Cadillac, yeah, it was a Caddy.

- What color was it? I gotta know.

- A red, yeah a red, that's what it was.

- I'm gonna make a phone call.

This is five-henry-seven.

I need a make on a young
resident at County Hospital.

Dr. Richard Walker.

He's believed to be
registered owner of a 1975

Cadillac Convertible,
license number 4MS LEE.

Got it? I need his address.

I'll be in my truck.

- Come on, let's hit it.
(frantic piano music)

- You'd think somebody would be home

in a big building like this.

- What do you wanna do?

- That must be his place
right there in the middle.

Let's go in there.

- Why don't we call the manager?

I'm already in trouble.

- To hell with it, we'll go
in now while he's not home.

The fire escape's chained, look,
I know how to get in there.

- You're crazy.

- Come here.

Just turn your back to me.

Just turn your back to me like that.

All I'm gonna do is step on your shoulder.

- Not on this jacket you're not.

- Alright, look.

- [Wylie] Just pull the lever,

and I'll catch you when it comes down.

- Yeah okay, I can get up over here.

Oh shit, it's him.

(tires screech)

- Stop right there or I'll
blow your god damn head off!

You stay there, too.

- Can I help--
- Shut up!

Now don't move or I'll shoot
your friend in the head!

Don't move.

(muffled radio chatter)

Are you a cop?

(muffled radio chatter)

Are you a cop?

Man, I thought I blew my cover, stand up.

Are you a cop?

- Yeah, I'm a cop.

- Well, so am I.

- [Captain] How the hell did you and Wylie

get in that situation?

- Well I'll tell you this,

that kid is a great undercover narc.

He really had us fooled.

When we threw Wylie up against that truck

and the radio went on,
I thought we were dead.

- You know what, you might as well be dead

for all the action we're
getting in the heart case.

And what the hell were
you doing up there anyway?

- We thought we had the killer

at the doctor's office the other night.

- Why are you bothering with that case?

You know it's simple, it's a junkie.

He'll lead himself right to us in time.

You know what? You guys
are really buggin' me.

First your partner
instigates a near-shootout

with an innocent bystander,
then the both of you come

within a hair of gettin'
your brains blown out

by an undercover narc
and god knows what else.

You should be on the heart case only.

Come on, I gotta go upstairs.

- Olderman, we are on the
heart case only, that's what

I've been trying to tell
you, the cases are related.

And Wylie had some trouble with that guy,

but he was no innocent bystander.

That guy was withholding evidence

and it took good police
work to smoke him out.

- Well you tell me how
the cases are connected.

- Alright, in a lot of ways.

For example, that night-watchman.

He had a pack of matches
from a medical supply house.

That doctor doesn't subscribe to it,

neither does anybody
else in that building.

- He could have swiped the
matches from the hospital.

Junkies will steal
anything, you know that.

- Yeah well that's why I'm
going up to that hospital

to check it out.

- Hey, you're under orders to
stay away from that hospital

and they come from upstairs.

- Are you telling me the
City Hall can come down here

and interfere with what we do?

Well do we go out and interfere with them?

Yeah. (chuckles)

Well screw 'em, I'm goin' out there.

- Higgins.
- Yeah.

- Higgins, you'd better stay away!

You're playing with a political football.

- Yes, coach.


- How did you get in here?
- Through the chimney.

- Why all the pressure, doctor?

What are you trying to hide here?

- Get out of here.

You can't just break
into my office like this.

Who do you think you are?
- Don't get tough with me.

Because I'm a cop and you're in trouble.

You know what's gonna happen
if you keep bullshittin' me?

I'm gonna book you for murder!

- Murder? You can't be serious!

- I'm perfectly serious, I'm
talkin' about four counts

of suspected murder, doctor
and I'm gonna put you

so god damn far away that
your friends in City Hall

won't be able to find
ya, much less help you!

- Look, I'm sorry about the pressure, I,

there's nothing going on
here, I was only worried about

the bad publicity.

- Alright, you were worried
about the bad publicity.

You can stop worrying about
the bad publicity, doctor.

Are you ready to cooperate with me?

- Yes, I am.

- Alright, fine.

You're gonna take me on a
little tour of this hospital.

You're gonna show me all the
labs, all the operating rooms.

I'm gonna meet all the doctors,

I'm gonna meet all the technicians,

I'm gonna know every single
step and detail of every single

transplant surgery you've ever done.

Okay and the other thing I want,

is I want one of your
hospital paging devices.

You know, it hangs on your belt,
and I'm gonna get hooked up

with you so the next time
there's a donor, I wanna know,

I wanna be hooked into the system, okay?


(jaunty flute music)

- (chuckles) That's cute.


You know, you look kinda cute today.

- (coughs) Thank you, madam.

- And you're drinkin' like
a regular Irishman, too.

- No, I'm drinkin' like
a regular Frenchman.

I'm drinkin' wine.

- [Tiffany] Oh yeah.

- That's what I really am, you know.

- What do you mean?
- My real parents were French.

- You never told me that.

- Did I never tell you that?

Old man Higgins adopted me when
their restaurant burned down

on North Beach.

- You know, I really like that,
that's cute, you're a frog.

(both laugh)

- Well, I was raised Irish

- Salut, Pierre.
- Salut.

- Chin chin.
- Chin chin?

- It's Italian.
- It's Italian, alright.

I hang around North Beach
enough to be Italian.

(pager rings)
Oh, shit.

- What?
- Please call the hospital.

- That's the hospital, I gotta go.

- What do you mean it's the hospital?

- I told you that's what I
had this thing for, Tiffany.

- Oh for Christ sake, Clancy, my god!

- I'm sorry, it's business.

I gotta go to the hospital, I'm sorry.

- Clancy?
- What?

- Aren't you forgetting something?

- [Clancy] Alright, alright, sorry.

- Viola.
- Oh my god, okay, bye bye.

- Is that Frank?
- I think it's his brother.

- [Woman] What's going on here?

- [Man] I don't know, he
was into drugs for a while.

- [Man] Yeah, I think he OD'd.

- [Woman] Oh, drug abuse again?

- [Man] I think so.

(siren wails)

(tires screech)

(ominous music)

- Higgins, come on!

Higgins, you made it, good.

This is a drug overdose with a donor card.

I'll remove the heart is operating room A,

while my team prepares the
recipient in the adjacent O.R.

You'd better get into greens and scrub up.

(somber string music)

- [Clancy] Can I take this off now?

- Of course, there's no danger now.

- Doctor, I owe you a
couple of dozen apologies.

I mean I had some funny
ideas but anybody who can do

what I just saw you do in
there couldn't possibly be

involved with the thing I'm
investigating and I apologize.

- It's all pretty straight-forward.

- What an experience.

- What I was worried about primarily

was the bad publicity involved.

You see, heart transplant surgery is still

a very controversial subject.

- Well I'll tell you what,

if there's ever anything I can do for you,

then don't hesitate to call
on me or the department

for that matter, I mean
anything like that.

- Well thank you very much, Inspector.

I really appreciate that.

- Where's that pain you told me about?

- Down, more to the left.

- In here?
- Mm-hm.

- Mm-hm.


Okay, turn.

You've been taking care of
yourself, huh? (chuckles)

- Saw your daughter yesterday, Frank.

- Sylvia?
- Mm-hm.

- You know, she's been
giving me a lot of static.

Wonders why I have so many
policemen for patients.

Says I'm contributing to
police brutality. (chuckles)

- They're payin' their bills, aren't they?

- Oh yeah, I'm not complaining.

- Kids are the same all over.

Mine don't like doctors.

- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.

Tom refers to the whole bunch as quack

and fast-buck-guarders and
times I may agree with him.

- You know the first thing
they teach us in medical school

is how to shut up a
patient with a thermometer.

You know I found out last week you can

take your temperature with those things?

It's true.

Well I suppose you're
following that diet I gave you

last year, aren't you?

- Mm-hm.

- How about smoking?
- Mm-hm.

- Look, I can only tell you what to do.

I can't do it for you.

You know what will happen, don't you?

(phone buzzes)

Yes, Dr. Lang.

Yes, he is.

It's for you.

- What?


Come on, fella, let's give us a break.

Let us do some work.
- Goodbye.

- Come on, come on.

- Hey, come on!

Same M.O.?

(ominous music)

- [Captain] But this one's a young one.

Were you able to get a hold of Clancy?

- Yeah, he should be here soon.

- I hope the lab guys are through

and the coroner's taken the
body out before he comes.

I can't stand another one of these scenes.


- Hey.
- Yeah.


- [Wylie] You eat dinner yet?

- No, Tiffany was just
putting it on the table,

when I took your call.

- Well maybe you still don't wanna look.

- Maybe you'd better not, it's
not necessary, we've seen it.

You don't have to look, okay?

- You're afraid I'm gonna puke,

after what I saw this afternoon?

Nothing could make me puke,
I've got a cast-iron stomach.

- Forget it, Clancy.

You can look at the coroner's photographs.

- Look, I don't like
photographs, Olderman.

I like the real thing.

Oh, shit.

- Hey, give him room.
- Oh, Jesus!

- What the hell's the matter?

- Norton Williams took
that heart out today.

That was the operation I watched.

- Get this done quickly.

Have to tell the family.
- Yeah.

- You're right.

That's incredible.
- Yeah.

- The records show an organ donation, but,

that chest cavity is in intact.

- Yeah, listen.

Would you get a report
about this to Olderman

as soon as you can and don't tell anybody.

Keep it quiet, alright?
- Certainly.

- Thank you.
- Right, right.

- The heart you took out was
from the latest murder victim.

- But that can't be, you were there.

- Yeah, I was there and
you were there, doctor,

but it wasn't the same body,
somebody switched those bodies

and it has to be somebody
who works in this hospital.

- But how?

- I don't know how.

But I think I know why.

(muffled radio chatter)

- Hey, you better move that truck.

You're not supposed to block the drive.

- That's alright, I'll be
gone before you guys are.

Is Harvey around?

- Yeah, he's in the office.

- Harvey Nichols?
- Yeah, come on in.

- Hi.

We talked for a few minutes
the other day at the hospital.

- Yeah, I remember.
- My name is Clancy Higgins.

I'm with Homicide.

I wonder if I could talk
to you for a few minutes.

- [Harvey] Oh, have a seat.

- I was there yesterday when
you brought in a young girl

for a heart donation, now look, Harvey,

that room was rented to a
young man named Will Malaly

and it was him that the landlady
called the police about.

- You know, that is strange
because I thought the landlady

said there was a man up
there, so when we got up there

there was a woman and we found
the donor's card and we had

to get out real fast and I
didn't give it a second thought.

- Yeah, she said it took about 20 minutes.

How come you got there before the police?

- Oh, well we had a transfer
in that neighborhood, and we

got the call on the radio and
we just zipped right on over.

- Listen Harvey you're around
that hospital quite a bit huh?

- Oh, sure.

- You know a lot of the doctors

and the interns around there?

Is there anybody around
there who has been spending

too much money lately, you
know, they put on a big show.

- No, not that I've noticed.

- I wonder if you could do a favor for us.

- Sure.
- I'm gonna give you my card.

And what I'd like you to do,

wait, I got a card, wait a minute.

What I'd like you to do is
to watch out for anything

kind of strange that
happens around the hospital.

Just if anybody seems to
be spending a lot of money,

that kind of thing.

Could you do that?
- Sure.

- You can me on that number any time.

You see, that girl you brought
in wasn't a drug overdose.

She was a murder victim, so
this is pretty important.

We're very interested in this.

- Yeah, sure, I mean, anything I can do.

- I'd appreciate it, thanks a lot.

(phone rings)

- Clancy, glad you called.

Hey, things are really breakin' loose.

The coroner went back
over the reports and found

in every case there was
some kind of needle mark

which could have been the
results of a blood sample.

- Jesus Christ, Duke Miller
said something about a

puncture wound, right?

You see it's so damn simple.

It was there in the reports all the time.

- Yeah I know it seems obvious.

We should have made the connection.


Yeah, they just came in.

They don't look too extensive, so hold on,

and I'll see what they tell us.


All the victims reported
being mugged only a few days

before they were murdered.

All incidents were noted on the computer

as random street crimes.

- Random my ass.

Listen, Wylie, check with Dr. Burns.

See if any of our victims
were ever her patients.

- Is this all he gave you?
- That's all he gave me.

- Okay.

Thanks, Al, huh?


Yeah I just got a report
from Mike Servantes.

You know the guy whose
name was on the photocopy,

Tom Moore, well he was mugged last night.

- Ah-ha, you see?

Alright, where is he?
- He's in St. John's Hospital.

- Okay.

Hello, sister.

Tom Moore?


My name is Clancy Higgins.

I'm an inspector with Homicide.

How you doin', Tom?

- Well, I'm having a hard time
getting a job and I really--

- How do you feel right now?

- I feel real shaky.
- Yeah.

Tell me about the
mugging, how it happened.

- I'm walkin' through Valencia
Park last night, late.

Some guys comes, hits me
in the back of the head,

knocks me down, breaks
my only pair of glasses.

Next thing I remember I
wake up in an ambulance.

- [Clancy] Mm, he get your money?

- I don't have much money.

I don't know why he'd do it for that.

- I don't think he was
after your money, Tom.

I think he was after your blood.

Can I see your arms?

I don't think you're a
junkie, Tom, don't worry.

I just wanna check something.

There it is.
- What?

- See that?

Somebody took a blood sample out of you

and it wasn't the hospital, Tom.

Tommy, I don't wanna scare
you, but I'm gonna have to.

You read about the heart murders, right?

- Yeah, sure.

- Well, each one of those victims,

just before they disappeared, was mugged,

and each one of them had
a blood sample taken.

We think you're next on the list, Tom.

(suspenseful music)

- Mike Servantes said to give you this.

He said it's important.

- Can you hold on a sec?
- Yeah.

- Yeah, can you patch me
through to five-henry-seven?

- [Radio] Five-henry-seven,
a telephone interconnect.

Go ahead.
- This is five-henry-seven.

Go ahead, Wylie.

- Clancy, Dr. Williams just
gave me the names of three

patients whose blood type could
possibly be tissue matches

with Moore's and one of
them really sticks out.

- Hey, Wyle?
- Hold on a sec.

- Here's the information you wanted.

- Thanks, huh?
- Yeah.

- Okay, here's our guy.

Gregory, 7783 Steiner
Street, you got that?

Okay I'll see you there.

(somber string music)

- Okay.

- Can you tell us who the
man was who contacted you?

- No, I can't.

He uh, called over the phone twice,

and I had a meeting with
him on California Street

in an apartment building--
- What apartment building?

- 1173 California.

- [Clancy] Now what do you mean
you had a meeting with him?

- [Leigh] Well I talked to
him from outside the building

through the intercom.

- There must have been a buzzer number.

There must have been a number on the room.

- Yes.


- [Clancy] He either stole a passkey

or he's just good with locks.
- Yeah, right.

- Well look, call this
Mrs. Davis in New York.

- Mrs. Davis?
- There it is, yeah.

See if she's got any
relatives out here who might

be using the place but that's ridiculous.

Also, get the lab up there
for dusting but you know

damn well that son of a
bitch is too slick for that.

- Alright, so what's the next move, huh?

- Well.

We know he wants Moore.

So we do a little trolling
with Moore, that's all.

We'll put Moore out and tail him.

- Do you think it's
safe for us to tail him?

I mean we've been hanging around
that hospital a long time.

- Yeah you're right, Wylie.

We'll put DiNapoli and Brewer on it.

I'm gonna get this son of
a bitch if it kills me.

- [Weatherman] 37 degrees
and cloudy, San Francisco.

This is KEST.

- Aw Moore, come on, look
he's goin' shoppin' again.

- I know, the guy's making
a hobby out of this thing.

- Three times this week.
- Pain in the ass.

- [DiNapoli] You know, my
wife and I figured out,

you should always keep your
shopping down to one day a week.

That way you save money, you
make a list and you stick to it

and you don't, you know--
- You figured that out, huh?

- Hold on.
- Yeah, gotta hold on.

Wait a minute, I gotta back up.

Just a second.

Keep an eye on him.

- So wait a second, I'll tell you what.

Why don't I just go in and, uh...

- No, wait a minute, I gotta go in--

- I gotta go in and shop okay?
- Shop?

- [DiNapoli] My wife
forgot a couple of things.

- You just gave me the lecture about--

- [DiNapoli] I know, I know,
just don't worry about it.

(suspenseful music)

(Tom whistles jauntily)

- [Man] Don't say anything or you're dead.

Just turn around and take
my cart and start walkin'.

- [Wylie] You know we should have covered

that tail ourselves.

- [Officer] Hi, Clance.

- At least we know the
ball's in his court.

It's his move now, he's
gotta make the next move.

- Oh, so now he gets to kill the guy.

- Look, I...

He's not gonna kill Moore,

until he gets another body to substitute.

As long as we're hooked
into the hospital network,

then we'll get to the
accident first, right?

- No way, we can't cover
that much territory.

- Listen, Wylie.

Have you seen my wallet around?

- Your shield.
- I lost my shield.

(Wylie sighs)

- You lost your shield again.

- I mislaid my wallet again, right.

- You seem to be losing a
lot of things these days.

You know what I mean?

- One of these days I'm
gonna lose you, partner.

I'll be in the truck.

(muffled radio chatter)

(truck approaches)

- Hey, did you hear anything?

- Yeah, it sounded like
somebody pulled into the drive.

I'll take a look.

It's that cop Higgins.

- Okay, relax.

Look, I'll handle everything.

You go outside and stall him for a minute.

I wanna make sure our friend keeps quiet.

Hey and remember, none
of your shenanigans.

- How you doin', Harvey?

- Well Officer Clancy, what
brings you to my humble

establishment on this fine day?

- I'm not really Irish,
listen, last time I was here,

I took my wallet out and
I haven't seen it since.

Did you see a wallet around?

- No, I haven't, what about you?

- Yeah, I thought you guys
might have picked it up and just

thrown it ina drawer or somethin'
not knowin' what it was.

- Well, we did a little bit
of cleaning up this morning,

but we didn't find anything.

- This thing ain't too comfortable, is it?

- Well it's like any mattress,
the firmer the better.

- Yeah.

I'm always losin' these damn things.

(suspenseful music)

Hey, can I have a cookie?


Oatmeal, huh?

Pretty good.

- Look, if we find your wallet,

we'll certainly give you a call.

- Yeah.

Listen, you haven't seen
anything around the hospital?

- No.

- I got a couple more stops
to make in this wallet trail.

I'll see you, Harvey.

See you, uh, Jamie.

- Take care, Clancy.

Well, he's gone.

- Hey, you believe that story?

He's onto somethin'.

And maybe we ought to
back off for a while,

at least until the heat's off.

- No way.

I want one more.

That makes it an even million dollars.

And when the time is
right, we make our move.

- I don't like it.
- Look, there is no way out.

You wanted out before
we grabbed the last one

and I got that one through, didn't I?

- Yeah but we didn't have
that cop nosin' around here,

not with that phony wallet story.

Hey, how come you didn't give it back?

- You never know when a
badge might come in handy.

- You know, I can't
believe there hasn't been

a traffic fatality in the last 24 hours.

- Aw Jesus, what kind of a
trap is this we got anyway?

We gotta wait for the
bait to walk into it.


We don't have to wait for the bait.

Look, if you want a bear--

- You set a bear trap.

- We can have a bear trap in the morning.

(siren wails)

Where's Tom Moore?

- What?
- Where's Tom?

(suspenseful music)

Look for Tom Moore, he
might be still alive.

(muffled shouting)

- You have the right to remain silent!

- He killed the night-watchman!

- Alright, I want you girls outta here.

I want you outta here.

Just get out before you get hurt.

Come on, walk.

Just keep walkin'.


(gun fires)

(gun fires)

(suspenseful string music)

(music intensifies and swells)

(Harvey groans)

- [Wylie] Clancy!

Where are ya?


- [Clancy] Over here!


- Clancy!

Where are ya?

Where have you been?
- Where have I been?

- Are you alright?

- Yeah it's alright, he winged me.

Listen, you better get a medic over here.

I hit him with a curare.
- Get a medic over here, now!

- What about Tom Moore, did you find him?

- He was inside the gurney.

- Inside the gurney?

- [Wylie] Underneath the gurney
in a cut-out piece of foam.

- [Clancy] Is he alive?

- [Wylie] Alive.

Doctor said he's gonna be fine.

- Jesus Christ, what a day.

- [Wylie] And you got him with the dart?

- Yeah.

- God, you're tough. (chuckles)

- You owe me $20.

- Come on, let's get you cleaned up.

(moody orchestral music)