Captains Courageous (1937) - full transcript
Harvey Cheyne is a spoiled brat used to having his own way. When a prank goes wrong onboard an ocean liner Harvey ends up overboard and nearly drowns. Fortunately he's picked up by a fishing boat just heading out for the season. He tries to bribe the crew into returning early to collect a reward but none of them believe him. Stranded on the boat he must adapt to the ways of the fishermen and learn more about the real world.
There'll be none of that. No trays.
The Star-Telegram has you quoted
quite definitely:
"Before departing by plane for New York,
Mr. Cheyne stated...
"that the new equipment is to be provided
by the present bond issue."
The other papers have virtually the same.
What does the confidential bulletin say?
"Tuesday morning. Paris wires...
"the President will probably sign
the Bannerman Mining Bill today."
Van Wyck's London cable says:
"Conservatives will support
the new air program."
Tokyo: "Mr. Gordon's condition excellent.
Appendix had not burst.
"Our property loss in our tuna-factory fire
will amount to not more than $15,000."
8:45, Mr. Cheyne.
- Our guests still asleep?
- Yes, sir.
Reynolds will drive them
out to Connecticut at 11:00, sir.
- Well, let them sleep an hour more.
- Very good, sir.
- Will you be dining at home tonight?
- I don't know.
- You can call me at the office.
- Very good, sir.
Burns, give this to my son. Have him
call me at the office on a private wire.
Very well, sir.
Shall I waken them now, Mr. Burns?
No, Mr. Cheyne wants the dear things
to sleep an hour longer.
They can never wake up,
as far as I'm concerned.
Yes, Master Harvey?
Well, Burns said that...
Oh, here he is now.
Your breakfast will be ready
in the dining room, Master Harvey.
Yes, but...
Oh, very well.
It wants its breakfast in its rooms.
Prepare the tray.
Why can't I go downstairs
and eat my breakfast if I'm hungry?
Is that the way you act
in people's houses?
In people's houses,
they let you eat when you're hungry.
Well, you're my guest,
and you'll do as I say.
Besides, I bet you never had
breakfast in bed.
My mother has it, but it's sissy
for a fellow to have it, unless he's sick.
Who are you calling a sissy?
I'll take care of it.
Did you say I was a sissy?
I said some people might think
eating off of trays was sissy.
Well, let's get something to eat anyway,
huh, Harvey?
You heard me order it.
Go ahead, Charles. It'll be in your room.
You want to have some breakfast,
don't you?
I like to eat the way people eat.
Will mine be in my room?
Sure. Think we only got one servant?
Wait a minute, Pogey.
Why do you want to go around
making him mad for?
What if he is?
You just can't remember one single thing.
Getting my father to get his father...
to make him spend the Easter with us
was a plot, wasn't it?
- Yes.
- Come in.
Well, then, what do you want to go around
spoiling plots for?
I just wanted to make him feel
he owed you something.
- Could you get coffee if you wanted it?
- Sure. I just don't like it.
- Do you want some?
- No, I like cocoa.
Your father instructed me to give you this.
- What for?
- He didn't confide in me.
You're to telephone him, if you get up.
- Is there anything more you wish?
- Yes. You can fill my bath for me.
With pleasure.
We thought you were in bed.
No, and I'm going to eat mine
on that desk.
- Are you sorry Easter's over?
- I don't know.
Haven't you been having a lot of fun?
I guess so.
You're the one that's from Providence,
aren't you?
Why, I'd think a boy from Providence'd
be very happy to make a trip to New York.
I'm from way out in Indiana.
All right.
I've got a little brother that I bet'd be
happy to have all the luxuries you've had.
He can have my room.
Hello. Hello, Father?
Just a moment. I'll see if your father's in.
Morning, Son. What?
I'm going back to school now.
Yes, sir. $40.
That's it. I thought you might
have to stop for lunch somewhere...
before you get back to school.
You can treat the boys.
Have a good time, Son.
See you in June. Goodbye.
Goodbye, Father.
He's a wonderful boy.
He was 5 here.
I wish his mother had lived
to see him now.
10 years old and yet
he's one of the editors of his school paper.
Think of that.
Now, watch.
Sit up, Conrad.
Do you hear me? Sit up!
Sit up! Move.
This isn't the way
my Treasure Island looks.
It's the very first way
anybody ever saw Treasure Island.
Gee, it's very valuable, huh?
Sure. Would you like to have it?
- It belongs to your father.
- It does not.
My father gave it to me
so as I could have it when I grow up.
- You take it as a present, Charles.
- You're going now.
Gee whiz!
I'm glad you like the book, Charles.
Look, Harvey, maybe I oughtn't to take it.
That's all right.
That's just an act of friendship.
Sometime, maybe, you'll want to do
an act of friendship for us.
Oh, maybe we might like
to join the Buffaloes.
You're the president of the Buffaloes,
aren't you?
Yeah, but there's 15 other fellows
in the club.
Yeah, but when you get together
in Mr. Tyler's room...
and toast marshmallows and things...
you talk about who you're going to let in,
don't you?
I'm not allowed to tell what we do.
That's all you do.
You sit around Mr. Tyler's fireplace...
and talk about camping
and things like that.
Well, do you want to do
an act of friendship?
What if the others don't want you in?
Now look here, Charles...
you like being the president, don't you?
Certainly I do. It's an office of honor.
And what if you weren't
the president anymore?
- You can't do anything about it.
- Oh, yes, I can.
What if you weren't
at the school anymore?
I'm going to be at the school.
Harvey could buy the school
and shut it up. Couldn't you, Harvey?
No. That isn't what would happen.
Your father sells my father's automobiles
in Providence, doesn't he?
Well, then, do you think he'd like it
if you had a chance...
to do me an act of friendship
and didn't do it?
What if he woke up one day,
and my father took away...
all the automobiles he let him have to sell
and said:
"You're fired."
You know how many people
are out of jobs?
Millions of people.
And they're all hungry and in rags.
They can't send their sons to school.
You're not old enough to work...
so you'd have to go out
with your mother and father and beg.
And that certainly would be awful...
to have your mother sitting there,
all dressed up in rags...
and eating rotten bread
and things like that.
Wouldn't that be terrible?
Your father can't do that.
Now look, Charles,
I don't want him to do it.
I just say I don't want him to have to do it.
I know they won't let you in.
Monsieur Gattard will continue with...
second and third form French
on Thursdays...
which will replace Dr. Spitzer's
science section...
moved up to Friday afternoon.
That will give Dr. Spitzer
more time for golf.
- Thank you.
- That covers everything, gentlemen.
We'll reconvene at tomorrow night's
regular faculty meeting.
- Oh, Mr. Tyler.
- Yes, sir?
Harrison's doctor feels he needs
another month's rest.
Could you possibly take over
first form Latin?
Oh, I think so.
I thought you might like what added salary
the extra work would bring.
Well, that's very kind of you, Dr. Finley.
Did you get straightened away
from last winter's difficulties all right?
Yes, and now that
you've brought that up...
- I don't know quite how to thank you...
- Oh, don't mention it, Bob.
This ought to make things easier
from now on.
- Yes, sir. And thank you very much, sir.
- Glad to do it, Bob.
Hello, Charles. What's the matter?
Can Harvey Cheyne make his father
do anything he wants?
I don't think so. Why?
He says if we don't let him
and Pogey Williams and Alvin Savage...
join the Buffaloes...
- I'll have to leave school.
- What?
I don't know what to do with this.
He gave it to me.
It's awful valuable,
and he won't take it back.
He gave you this?
He says if he doesn't get in the Buffaloes...
he'll get his father to take away
my father's automobile business.
Well, that's absurd, Charles.
Well, he wanted to be
on the school paper...
and he got his father to give
a new printing press, didn't he?
So they had to let him on, didn't they?
- He's always...
- Come in here, Charles. Come in here.
Come on. We've got to set type up now.
- There isn't room for any more.
- What did he write?
- It's about his vacation.
- I want more than this in.
There isn't room for any more.
If you wanted more,
you ought to write it sooner.
Give it here.
Hey, give that here!
I want to write some more.
We told Mr. Tyler
he could read proof at 5:00.
I don't care. You treat me
like I wasn't one of the editors here.
Oh, you used "like" as a conjunction.
- I did not.
- Oh, yes, you did.
That makes 10 cents more
you owe to the dunce box.
Yeah, and you still haven't paid up
for saying "either, or"...
instead of "neither, nor"
down at the dining hall this noon.
I did not...
Come on.
You're awful slow with that proof.
- It's not ready yet, Mr. Tyler.
- Yes, so I assume.
You have half an hour.
Come here, Harvey.
I want to talk with you.
It's their fault it's late.
They wouldn't let me...
Harvey, I put that first edition
of Treasure Island in your room.
Oh, you did? Thanks.
It was a nice gift,
but Charles didn't think he ought to take...
such an expensive present,
and I'm inclined to agree with him.
Oh, that's all right. I want him to have it.
Why, Harvey?
Well, it's...
We don't need it. We've got lots of them.
Harvey, you know
that's a silly answer, old man.
- Well, it was an act of friendship.
- You mean a bribe, don't you?
- What's a bribe?
- A bribe's a dishonest gift.
A person who accepts it knows that
he must do something dishonest in return.
Be honest, Harvey.
All I wanted was to belong
to the Buffaloes.
Look, people give presents after
someone's been nice to them, don't they?
So what's dishonest with giving presents
before someone's nice to you?
Harvey, why do you think
you don't belong to the Buffaloes?
'Cause Charles don't want me in.
It isn't Charles that kept you out.
I kept you out.
What? You said you were a friend of mine.
I am, but sometimes
we have to do things for friends...
that we don't particularly like to do.
do you remember me saying it hadn't
been wise for you to tell the boys...
that you ought to be a member simply
because your father was so important?
And I said the way to get in
was for you to be important...
to stand on your own feet...
not depend on your father
for everything you want.
My father gives me everything I want.
Did you talk this over
with your father, Harvey?
No. He's got more important things to do.
He's anxious for your happiness, isn't he?
- I'm perfectly happy.
- Oh, no, Harvey, you're not...
because you know you've been dishonest.
- Well, so were you dishonest.
- Now, Harvey.
Well, you took a bribe.
What are you talking about?
Didn't you find some money
in your room...
a couple of days
before Christmas vacation...
- lying on your table in an envelope?
- What?
Yes. Only it wasn't a bribe.
It was a present...
because I thought
you were a friend of mine.
- Did you put that $50 there?
- Yes.
I was going to tell you it was from me.
I thought maybe you'd make
the history exam easier.
You went to the dentist and came back
late, and I didn't get a chance to tell you.
- I had no idea it was from you.
- You kept it, though.
It'll be returned, Harvey.
I'm afraid you need a little sterner lesson
than I can give you.
What are you going to do?
I'm going to talk it over with Dr. Finley
and see what he thinks ought to be done.
You hate me.
- Where's Coventry?
- It isn't a place.
It means he can't talk to anybody,
and you can't talk to him.
You just have to pretend he doesn't exist.
And if he tries to talk to you,
you have to report it to a master.
What did he do?
I don't know. He's a fresh kid. That's all.
"Then spake King Arthur to Sir Bedivere
"Take thou there from my brand, Excalibur
"And fling him far into the middle mere
"Watch what thou seest
and lightly bring me word
"To him replied the bold Sir Bedivere"
- Well, what did Sir Bedivere say?
- That's all I was supposed to commit, sir.
Ten lines.
Does anybody know what Sir Bedivere
replied? We'll have to find out tomorrow.
I know what he said, sir.
Persons in Coventry do not speak
after a class is dismissed.
Kind of funny about Eddie
stopping where he did.
Yes. Yes, it was.
I guess I got a right to look at it, haven't I?
The only reason you got your old paper
was 'cause I got it for you.
You make me sick.
Punching somebody
isn't speaking to him, is it?
All you got to do is say
he tried to break Coventry with you.
Takes some people an awful long time
to learn something.
- It'll only cost $10 if you want to go back.
- I'm never going back.
- Why, Son. What's happened?
- I just got here.
I'm all right, I guess.
- What's the matter with your leg?
- Oh, it's all right, I just sprained it a little.
Here, here. Sit down.
- Yes, Mr. Cheyne?
- Ask Dr. Walsh to come in.
Oh, I don't need a doctor, Father.
- What's all this? Tar?
- It's ink from the printing press.
A little of it got on me. I left school.
Dick, I wish you'd see
if this boy of mine is all right.
- Well, well, son. Been in a fight?
- I fell down trying to escape.
Take a look at that right leg.
- What do you mean trying to escape?
- It doesn't hurt now.
- Can you walk on it?
- Yes, sir.
It was just a lingament or something.
I think you'll pull through.
- What happened to him?
- I'm trying to find out.
Why do you say you escaped, Harvey?
Because they had me prisoner
at the school. Nobody could talk to me.
- I guess they were scared I would talk.
- Who was scared?
That old Tyler and all of them.
- Who's old Tyler?
- He's a master.
He kept me out of the Buffaloes
and took a bribe.
- What bribe?
- I gave him $50 at Christmas...
to make the history exam easier.
And yesterday
I found out he wasn't a friend of mine.
- He fixed it so as I couldn't tell anyone.
- Let me get this straight, Son.
Do you mean to say
that a teacher let you give him $50?
- Yes.
- And then locked you up...
because you threatened to tell about it?
Yes, in the basement.
I had to fight my way out.
- Good heavens, what school is this?
- Green Hill, Connecticut.
- Does Dr. Finley know about this?
- Sure he does.
He's trying to keep it quiet, too.
He's scared
because you gave so much to the school.
It's very important that Dr. Finley
be at my house this evening.
- I also want to see that teacher, Tyler.
- Yes, sir.
Maybe you oughtn't have anything at all
to do with them, Father.
You just let me handle this, Son.
I bet they make up
some awful lies about it.
I must point out the extraordinary sums
of money that he's had at his disposal.
Very large sums for a small boy.
Well, the boy was confused...
bewildered, almost terrified
when he came into my office.
Your mere assertion that I give him
overlarge sums of spending money...
in no way seems to justify
the severe treatment...
to which he's obviously been subjected.
Mr. Cheyne, Harvey's "severe treatment"
came from no member of the faculty.
I've told you of his attempt to bribe
Mr. Tyler. Here's the $50, by the way.
Behind that lies a long list of infractions...
based on his attitude
that he's a special, privileged character.
His attempt to resist the normal, healthy
discipline of being put into Coventry...
brought no further discipline from us.
But it did bring him a solid bash
on the nose from one of his fellows.
It was a blow, I am sorry to say,
that any one of the other 120 boys...
in the school
would have been glad to deliver.
Well, in that case...
- have some coffee, Dr. Finley.
- Thanks.
Now, tell me.
This bash on the nose came from a Bison?
- A Buffalo. Wellman is a Buffalo, isn't he?
- Yes, sir.
Perhaps you will accept
some coffee, too, Mr. Tyler.
Thank you, sir.
Really, Mr. Cheyne,
Harvey is great material.
He's simply been misdirected, that's all.
Smart. Why he has a mind
as fine as any in the school.
Well, he certainly fooled me.
It seems that I have begotten
a sort of junior Machiavelli.
Perhaps it's not my place to say this,
Mr. Cheyne...
but it's simply because you and he
have never had any relationship.
To him, you're just a machine pouring out
money, a machine he's trying to imitate.
If you take time out from being a tycoon
in big business and spend more time...
getting to know your own son,
you'll realize...
I'm sure Mr. Cheyne realizes that
very clearly now.
I can see that the school would do with
a little more cooperation with me, yes.
But you gentlemen must realize...
that besides being
both father and mother to Harvey...
I'm tied up in my own work...
in matters that also relate
to his future welfare.
I suppose what you want from me,
Dr. Finley...
is permission to deal as drastically
with Harvey...
as his future conduct might deserve.
I'm afraid we'll have to leave that
in your hands for a while, Mr. Cheyne.
For the rest of the spring term at least,
Harvey will have to be rusticated.
"Temporarily canned,"
I believe the boys call it.
Well, that is news. And here I'm trying
to put you on the carpet.
It seems a bit thick...
after the printing press
and all your other generosities...
but for that very reason,
for the effect on the other boys.
Oh, I understand perfectly, Doctor.
You've no other course.
Well, Bob, if we're going to catch
that train, we must be off.
Goodbye, Mr. Cheyne.
I'm sure that when Harvey comes back
in the fall...
he will be a boy
that we can all be proud of.
Well, good luck.
My young Mr. Tyler is pretty intense,
but he's quite right.
You're rather a nice fellow for a...
What did he call you?
- A tycoon.
- Oh, yes.
Well, you're rather a nice fellow
for a tycoon.
So take the boy in with you
for the next few months, will you?
You won't mind the extra work.
If you give him a chance to live up to you...
we're liable to have
another splendid citizen on our hands.
- Good night.
- Good night, Doctor. Thank you.
Don't, Mr. Tyler, please don't. Don't.
Two hours ago, you might have
gotten away with that very nicely, Harvey.
From now on, it doesn't go.
That's all we'll have to say tonight, Son.
- Elliot, I am going to be a father again.
- Good heavens, Mr. Cheyne.
No, no, no, Elliot.
No, it's just that it seems
that smart little boys...
from so-called wealthy,
well-bred parents...
don't grow up very successfully
by themselves.
- lf you're speaking of Harvey, sir...
- Yes, I am.
- Did you get passage for next week?
- Yes, the Queen Anne on the 7th.
You wanted to go over
the London corporation papers...
- before you retire.
- Yeah.
Well, get a larger suite.
Harvey's going with us.
It seems that he's been...
- rusticated.
- Oh, I am sorry, sir.
Will you be taking a tutor along with him?
So how the deuce did you know
what that meant?
Frankly, I jumped
at an obvious conclusion.
Well, you're smarter than I was, Elliot.
No, no tutors.
I've got to get closer to that boy.
I'm darned if I know just where to begin.
Poor kid, maybe it's all my fault.
I don't know.
Oh, well.
I'll make it somehow.
If the radio tells them where every ship is,
why do they have to...
- Radiogram, Mr. Cheyne.
- Oh, thanks. What, Harvey?
I said, if the radio tells them
where all the ships are...
why do they have to keep on blowing
that old foghorn all the time for?
We're off the Grand Banks now.
A lot of small fishing boats out there.
Too small for a radio.
They don't want to hit any of them.
I bet this boat
could go right through one of them.
Why do they have to come so far out
from land to fish for?
This is where they get all the codfish
and halibut off these banks.
Those boys wouldn't believe
you own this boat.
I don't, Harvey.
I am just one of the directors of the line.
Well, you're the chairman,
so that's the boss, isn't it?
Look, Son, why don't you have
some fun with these kids for a while?
I've got a radio to send and then...
well, later on I'll pick you up, and we'll go
up on the Captain's bridge, huh?
Hear that?
My father's taking me
up to see the Captain...
when he gives him some orders, later on.
- Oh, bushwah.
- I'll play you both.
Can't you see we're already playing?
All right, then,
I think I'll get an ice-cream soda.
You can't.
The soda fountain doesn't open till noon.
Oh, no? We'll see about that.
Hey, Purser. Hey, you, come here.
Well, are you
the three important customers?
Yes. Have you any money?
- I've got a dime.
- That's not enough.
We'll have three chocolate
ice-cream sodas. Make them big ones.
You know we're not supposed
to open till noon, don't you?
You've got nothing else to do.
Oh, of course, you'd know all about that.
I know everything about this ship.
I've been all over it.
- Meet with your approval?
- It's all right.
Crew would be glad to know that.
All right, drink them up, boys,
and don't take all day, huh?
There's no hurry.
We're going to have another.
- This will be enough for me.
- Me, too.
What's the matter with you?
I could have five or six of these.
- Yes, you could.
- You bet I can. Make another.
But I'll be glad to make them for you,
even though I know you can't.
Yeah, I'll show you.
There. You didn't think I could do it,
did you?
That's fine, you certainly surprised me.
I think I'll go meet my father now.
That's a boy,
and go and eat a great big lunch now.
Look, he's getting sick. He's gonna be sick.
- Uh-oh. I hadn't counted on that.
- I am not. I feel fine.
I can go and meet my father if I want to,
can't I?
Come on, I'll bet you anything.
Which way is it to the deck?
How do I get outdoors?
First to your right.
There he goes, come on.
He came out here.
Hey, Harvey!
You try run Manuel down, huh?
You big killer whale with smoke spout.
You try swallow Manuel
like he little smelt, huh?
That's all you ever got to say.
On the Isle of Fishamingo
Lived a chief called Bingo-Bingo
What's this?
That whale she have calf, huh?
Little bull calf, too.
All full of ocean inside.
Here. Here, come on now.
I pull you out of ocean, now you give some
of that ocean back. Come on now.
Give back.
Come on, give back.
Fifteen years I've been fisherman.
First time I ever catch a fish like you.
Hey! Aboard the vessel!
I bring you new kind of fish.
What'd you get?
I've got new kind of fish.
He got no tail.
He got pants on his dorsal fin.
- I think maybe he about 10 year old.
- Oh, it's a kid, ain't it?
Go on, tend your bell.
- But, Dad...
- You know better than leave your watch...
especially in the fog. Go on, tend your bell.
Lend a hand here, Olley!
I pump him out a little bit.
I guess maybe he need more pumping yet,
I think, huh?
Get a buoy-keg.
Roll him.
He must have fell off that liner.
Sure. He no like that big foolish...
He come visit Manuel.
He got more salt water in him, ain't he?
- Where is this?
- Oh, you's awake?
How's you feeling, boy?
I fell, didn't I?
- Did you pull me out of the water?
- No, Manuel, he fished you aboard.
Who are you?
I's Doc. I's the cook.
How does your throat feel?
- Awful.
- Always do.
Take some of this and you'll feel better.
Oh, that's worse.
- What smells so bad?
- Smells?
Ain't nothing smells bad around here.
Oh, you means the fish.
But they ain't got no smell.
Them's nice, clean salt fish.
70 quintals already done salted down
in that forehold.
Is this the bottom of the ship?
Well, where's my father?
Was your pappy overboard with you, too?
- Oh, this is some other boat.
- That's it. We done picked you up.
Oh, where are my shoes?
I've got to see the Captain.
Back here.
Here you is.
You reckon you're pert enough
to hop on deck?
You find the Captain
and tell him to come down here.
I reckon you're lucky
he didn't hear you say that.
- Where are my clothes?
- Here they is and they ain't dry.
- Boy, you...
- Where is the Captain?
Up on deck.
You sure is a tonic to yourself.
How do you do, son?
So you slipped from your mooring.
Going to stay with us awhile.
You look like a spring herring now...
but you're going to fatten up
before the fall.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Where's the Captain?
- How do I get to the Captain?
- You got to him.
- Well, how are you feeling, sonny?
- You mean you're the Captain of this boat?
That's the general opinion.
How long would it take you
to get to Europe?
Well, I don't know, sonny.
I never tried to sail there.
But I want you to take me there.
I've got to meet my father.
Well, that's a pity,
because I'm afraid it can't be done.
All right, then, take me to New York.
I don't think you understand, sonny.
We're working off the Grand Banks.
This schooner
is from Gloucester, Massachusetts.
We'll take you there
when we're through fishing.
I don't want to go to Gloucester.
You don't? Well, now.
- Is he the Captain?
- We let him think he is.
- Maybe he'd like to be captain, Dad.
- Oh, I don't know, Dan-o.
I know you want to get home, son,
but we're out here to catch fish.
We ain't going to leave here till we
catch enough to fill the fore and after hold.
Say, look,
my father is Frank Burton Cheyne.
Don't you believe me?
I don't doubt
you know your own daddy's name.
But we'll pay you if you take me to him.
Don't you want to make some money?
That's what we're hoping to do
catching fish.
But he's rich.
He can buy more fish than you ever saw.
Why, he owns the boat I fell off.
- You mean the liner?
- Yes, he practically owns it.
It might have been the fall that done it.
Dories in, sir.
Now you take it easy, son.
- Now you've got to listen to me...
- Dan-o.
Uncle Salters'll take the bell.
You take him down below
and let him bend on some of your clothes.
No matter what course we take, son,
you can't tack around like that.
Then you go and rest a little more.
- Now, what's your name?
- Harvey Ellsworth Cheyne.
Well, mine's Dan. Come on down below.
So, how'd you fall off that boat in a calm?
There was a storm coming down.
This morning? There wasn't no storm
this morning. It was a flat calm.
Well, I ought to know.
There ain't been
no more than a little swell all day.
Wait'll we get a rough day out here.
What do you call a rough day?
When she's putting
most of her cabin house under water.
Here, put these on.
Wait till you see some of the places
we go.
What places?
Stone Fence, St. Pierre's Bank,
Whale Deep, Virgin Rock.
Pop gets a ride along with the fish.
Folks say he thinks like a codfish.
Well, if thinking like a codfish
is gonna get me where I want to get...
I don't care how he thinks.
Pop don't make no hasty judgments.
Hey, these are the worst clothes
I ever saw. This stuff itches.
Wait'll you wear them for a little while.
They'll shrink to your tonnage.
- Round to port.
- Come on, get this stuff on. Dories in.
That's got nothing to do with me.
For those 850-pounders
They're more than out-floundered
- Did you bring them in better?
- Lean to port, man.
- Hey, Dave, hoist away.
- Starboard bin, and pull up.
Got plenty of coffee boiling, Doc?
- Yes, sir, Capt. Disko.
- Look at Long Jack.
He's got such few fish
they die of loneliness, I think.
You did better, maybe?
Wait till you see what I get.
I get fish with hair on him.
There my new kind of fish!
How you feel, little fish?
Hey, are you gonna cut up all these
old fish and stuff before we get going?
I want to get to my father.
Well, it'll be some little time, yet, son.
Easy on that salt, Henry.
- When?
- It's just like you said, Tom.
They're running kind of smallish.
- About three months, son.
- Three months?
When we head into Gloucester
with a full load of fish...
we'll help you find your folks.
- But I want to get going right away.
- Excuse me, son.
Was them sharks ravenous today.
Right stole all my gear.
- Hey, can't you understand me...
- Now, look here, sonny.
I've been close-hauling your problem,
and I want to help you...
but we've got our problems, too.
All of us here share in the fishing...
and heading back to Gloucester now...
we'd maybe lose all next winter's
daily bread for us and our folks.
You wouldn't want that now, would you?
Are you crazy?
I told you my father had more money...
Hoist away, Jack!
Are you going to listen to me,
or don't you understand...
Stand away, boy.
Hey, if you think I'm going to stay
on this boat for three months...
Now, look here, son...
I don't blame you none.
Now you won't me either
after the bile's out of your system.
And even if your daddy
was half what you say...
it wouldn't be right nor just
to gamble two weeks good fishing...
against a yarn give out by an upset boy.
But I am a fair-minded man...
and while you're aboard,
I'll pay you wages. $3 a month.
- $3...
- Now come on, sonny.
You start helping Dan
with them cod livers.
Here's a pair of gloves.
We wash them out first,
then we put them in there...
and after we get the bucket full,
then we put them in the barrel.
That's how we get cod-liver oil.
- You think I'd do that?
- Here, they won't hurt you, little fish.
Yeah, you heard pop's orders.
You're one of the crew now.
I am not and I'm not going to work on
this boat and nobody can make me, either.
Hey, Disko, you hear this?
Come on now, don't be scared, little fish.
You keep away from me.
All of you keep away from me.
None of you can make me do anything.
Hey, Disko. You got mutiny on board.
If you don't want to help, just keep quiet.
When I get off this boat, I'm going to
get my father to put you all in jail.
You're all kidnappers.
Well, I guess there ain't nothing else to do.
I'll bet they put you all in jail.
In jail for the rest of your lives,
and I'm going to do it, too.
You hit me.
Now you just sit there
and think about it, sonny.
Look at Manuel. He's saving fish
to sleep on. Catch up, there!
Hey, I do more work as you do
with your best girl's six brothers.
Who in the tarnation
laid that bucket there? Dag-diggit!
Now, mind what I told you, son.
You're too young
to be telling a crew of men...
what you'll do and what you won't do.
But you might as well
start in learning a few things.
You see that gurry?
Well, when you've hove
them fish heads overside...
you can come below and get some supper.
Until you do, you get nothing.
I'm not going to eat, either.
You do as you mind to about that.
Let it rain some more coffee, huh, Doc?
Fog's lifting. It'll be clear in an hour.
How is my little fish? Smiling and happy?
No, he's still sulking.
He's the orneriest kid I ever seen.
Maybe his papa's got so much money
he don't want that little boy no more.
- Maybe he throw him overboard.
- He sure spins a yarn for a kid.
- Aye, his papa own that boat.
- Yeah, interesting talker, all right.
Why, he's a good enough liar
to write books.
A rope's end, that's what I'd give him.
I'm telling you, it's the fall he took
that did it. It plumb distracted him.
My cousin Eben
back from Vermont was like that.
He fell off of a barn,
and he played with rag dolls for 30 years.
If you want what I think, as soon as this
fog lifts we'll take him into Saint John's.
- I mean it.
- And lose two weeks good fishing, huh?
Better than taking a chance
on three months bad luck.
Now we have plenty sunshine
for Mr. Happy Face.
He's a passenger on a fishing schooner,
and you know that's bad luck.
What happened to the Orinoco last year...
when they took on the passenger
at Newfoundland?
On the way home, two men get killed
and they don't get hardly a quintal of fish.
- By golly, that true.
- My brother was on the Bedford...
There was a passenger
on the Dorothy Clemens...
when she got rammed by the liner.
Well, that's nothing.
There's lots of vessels
lost out of Gloucester...
never had no passenger on board.
I was a passenger on my father's boat...
and I never brought him no bad luck.
- Daniel, here...
- Your own son ain't being a passenger.
when we trawled this bank last year...
there was nothing but dories
loaded to the gunwales.
This kid comes aboard this morning
and look at today's catch.
Now, look here. Wait a minute.
- There ain't no passenger on board.
- Why not?
Well, I made him a member of the crew.
Well, it stands to reason if I'm paying him
wages, he ain't no passenger, don't it?
No, sir.
You can't just buy Jonahs off that way.
I hold, he's still a passenger
as long as he ain't done no work.
Yeah, and Jack's right.
Well, he'll work as soon as he gets hungry.
What's going to happen
between now and the time he does?
Now look here. I decided this.
Manuel's responsible for him being
on board. So you got to put him to work.
- Me?
- You got to, Manuel.
Yes, sir. Manuel, that's only fair and just.
- I stick his face in that gurry.
- You got to do it.
Please do, Manuel. We don't want
no Jonahs happenings aboard.
- You gonna do it now?
- I go stand my watch.
- I mean it, Manuel.
- All right.
I think I pay doubles for my mistake, huh?
Me, what likes kids like tub of rat poison.
And that kid, two tubs.
He just say one word to me,
I throw him right back to the fish.
Ah, the supper she is great tonight, Olley.
Doc has fish cakes like the stars.
I sure could stow away about a dory-load.
I never taste such fish cake.
And this raisin bread...
Just like cake.
Say, look, you could get me some food,
couldn't you?
- But I'm sick and I'm hungry.
- Go away from me.
- Do you want to make some money?
- Go away from me, I break your neck.
Why do you want to be a kidnapper?
Look, do me a favor, huh? Shut your face.
- You're just as bad as the rest of them.
- You crazy. Nobody bad round here.
You just bad luck.
Listen. Listen, you.
You clean up gurry little bit,
I give you a nickel, huh?
See, look,
I'm trying to give you $10,000, maybe.
You get out one of those boats
and take me back to New York.
You and me in that dory, huh?
Yes. How far are we from New York?
You want row a Nova lorque, now, huh?
Well, I know how.
I've been taught in school.
Now, look. You clean up little bit, huh?
Anything. Just so little work.
You want nice boat look nice, huh?
It's a dirty rotten little boat
I wouldn't even spit at.
Say, you... Say, this is finest schooner
out from Gloucester.
Jonah, for the last time.
You gonna work or no?
I'm not gonna have
anything more to do with you.
That is good here.
Hey, Jonah. Hey, kid.
Where you hiding?
Hey! What you doing?
- I'm going to New York.
- You what?
- I'm going to get away from here.
- Why, you...
- You keep away from me.
- Hey, you.
- Put down that oar.
- I won't.
Put down... Hey, put...
You bad luck, all right! You...
I can do this long as you can.
Oh, you crybaby, too, huh?
I am not.
No? Good. Now look...
- you still want row a Nova lorque?
- Yes.
- You still hungry?
- Yes.
Then come here.
Now. Now you can go below and eat.
That man said I could eat.
- Manuel?
- It's okay, he do some work.
- I did not.
- You clean something off deck, no?
- You made me do something.
- That was work.
That's fine. Sit right here.
- Yes, sir.
- How did you get him to do it?
He do anything for me.
Even break my leg, maybe, too.
Yeah, ho, little fish
Don't cry, don't cry
Yeah, ho, little fish
Don't cry, don't cry
Once Doc baked some biscuit
And throw them away
Next day no more fish
Come around boat to play
Yeah, ho, little fish
Don't cry, don't cry
Yeah, ho, little fish
Don't cry, don't cry
Said cabbage to fish cake
Who lay on one dish
I beautiful cabbage
You only poor fish
Yeah, ho, little fish
Don't cry, don't cry
Yeah, ho, little fish
Don't cry, don't cry
- Who's that?
- Me.
The food was awful.
But it was better than nothing, I guess.
If you hadn't choked me,
I wouldn't have had to kick you.
You kick me? I feel nothing.
All cleared up, hasn't it?
The weather, it's nice now.
- It was till you come up.
- Well, they sent me up.
No. No, I bet they ask you stay.
They said you wanted to show me
how to go on watch.
Nice fellows.
- All right. Go ahead, watch.
- How?
Just keep quiet.
Go someplace.
Go look for iceberg or boat or something.
Is that all there is to watching?
That seems like a lot of hooey.
What kind smart talk that "hooey"?
You better tell sailor's angel that
smart talk. He like to hear that, I think.
- Who's he?
- I guess you don't know nothing, huh?
Sailor's angel,
he fly around up there all time.
You watch here,
look out for 25 men below.
He watch up there, he look out for you.
You go sleep, maybe. He tap you
on shoulder with his wing and he say:
"Hey, Manuel, wake up.
What's the matter? I ashamed for you."
He very nice fellow. Everybody know that.
Well, nothing on the port side.
That fine. Anything on starboard?
No. Nothing on the starboard, either.
And nothing in the head.
That port, that starboard.
I bet I know a lot of things you don't know.
I know that's not French you're singing.
That's right. About 10 million people
know it's Portuguese.
- I bet you can't speak French.
- Right now I sorry I speak English.
What's this?
That's a boat, that's easy to see.
Yes, maybe your father come back
see if you good and drowned, huh?
Yeah, that boat's no bigger
than this one.
- What do you keep singing for?
- Because I like to sing.
- I've never heard that song before.
- Me, neither. I just make him up.
You can't write songs.
I don't write them.
I just find them in my mouth.
A song can't be any good like that
when you just make it up.
Say, that's best kind songs.
When you feel good inside,
like trade wind, she just come out.
O my beautiful lady
People learn songs.
Songs aren't just inside of people like that.
Say, sometimes a song so big and sweet
inside, I just can't get him out.
And then I look up at stars and maybe cry.
It feels so good.
Don't you never feel like this?
- No, I guess you don't.
- Nobody else ever did, either.
Say, my father, when he alive,
he made better songs than me.
And what kind of songs did he sing?
Songs about the sun and the sea.
Songs about the clouds.
Big songs about the wind and the storms.
And little songs, too,
about the tip of my mother's nose.
Oh, my father, he feel beautiful inside.
- Is that all he did, was sing?
- Is that...
My father was the best fisherman
in the whole Madeira Islands...
- and that's every place.
- Well, that's not so much.
How you mean, not so much?
Well, I mean, he didn't do much for you.
I mean, he didn't leave you anything.
He didn't leave...
He leave me this hurdy-gurdy
that his grandfather leave him.
He teach me how to fish,
how to sail a boat.
He gave me arms and hands and feet,
feeling good outside...
and he teach me how to feel good inside.
My father do all this.
He have 17 other kids, beside.
What else a father do, huh?
- Oh, I don't know.
- Say, listen, my...
Capt. Disko!
Capt. Disko!
That Jennie Cushman,
she is even now under our stern!
She come make you happy, I think!
The Jennie Cushman? I might've known it.
Yes, sir.
That's her nosy, long topmast
prying into our wake.
Hey, there! On the Cushman!
Where's that poor excuse for a skipper
you got aboard?
And who is it might be wanting him?
You know consarned well who wants him,
you bilge-raised haddock!
Well, if it ain't Disko Troop.
And me thinking
I was gonna fish here all alone.
Who passed you the word I was here
so you could follow me, Disko?
Now look here, Walt Cushman.
I'm sick near to retching...
at you using my brains
to catch a trip of fish.
Sailing under my wake
every time I find a good spot.
Why, Capt. Troop.
Now, is that the way for one gentleman
to talk to his colleague in commerce?
You're trailing me 'cause I can find cod...
where you can't find
half a pound of sick squid.
I'll do the fishing, Disko...
you just get out that checkerboard and
try to figure out how really smart you are.
So what, he beat you at checkers
last winter, huh?
Yeah, and he cheats at that, too.
He'll beat us into Gloucester
this trip, too, I think.
Oh, you think so, do you?
Well, now, listen to me,
I'm gonna tell you something.
I ain't so dumb.
Fussing around like that will make him
think the fishing is good here.
Then, in the morning,
when the fog banks roll in...
we'll sneak out and leave him sitting here
baiting big and catching small...
while we're out finding fish.
We'll have a full hold
and be tied up in Gloucester...
by the 1st of August,
and he'll still be out here...
floundering around, trying to catch fish...
or I'll look more like a halibut
than he does.
They sure are mad at each other,
aren't they?
No, no, no. They're not mad.
They just make it up.
They do that all time.
About everybody's crazy here.
You make up your songs,
they make up they're mad.
You got bunk, you better go below.
- No, I'd rather stay here.
- You go below.
- No, I'm gonna stay here and watch.
- I watch here. You go there, watch.
Go sleep. Do something.
I no understand you.
There's a place in my heart
For the one I love best
And I still keep her picture
Tattooed on my chest
Yeah, ho, little fish
Don't cry, don't cry
Yeah, ho, little fish
Don't cry, don't cry
Well, I stole a march on Walt Cushman
all right, I reckon, that time.
Yes, we did that, certain sure.
We did, you darned old farmer.
Go on, hold her to her course,
northeast by east.
She heels over so much.
Well, leave her heel. You ain't steering
no mowing machine, now.
Heave that lead, Manuel.
He think he got hold stern end
of cow, maybe, huh?
Hey, kid. Hey, wake up.
Come on, wake up, little fish.
Hey, wake up, wake up.
Somebody think you dead,
they have celebrations.
So that's your tub of rat poison.
You tucked him in his little bunk
last night, huh?
What do you mean?
This foolish kid, he bother me.
I don't know. He fall asleep,
pulled tarpaulin over him, I guess.
And me, I look all over for this.
You did, huh? I suppose
he pulled your coat around him, too.
I look for my coat, too.
- So you stole my coat, too, huh?
- Why, no, l...
Sure, he stole it right off your back.
So big tough fisherman is gonna
throw him back to the fishes, huh?
Some day, I think I...
Ten fathom.
Thanks. Thanks for covering me up
with your coat and everything.
That's all right.
Would you by any chance be showing
any blue pebbles from the bottom?
I never did thank you for saving my life.
I ought to thank you for that, all right.
You feel better this morning, huh?
I guess so.
Well, when you got it figured out,
you come and let somebody know, huh?
Blue pebble, she is.
By golly,
I think that Disko know this ocean better...
as I know inside my shirt.
- Are you fishing now?
- Sure.
I fish for bottom, so she don't fish for us.
Go away with your foolish questions,
which don't have no brain.
All right, then,
if that's the way you feel about it.
Fifteen fathom and clear away!
By golly, I beat you this time.
He who has a daughter
Oh, what a terrible man
Oh, what a terrible man
Speaking in his native lingo
He said, "Marry Bingo-Bingo"
Oh, what a terrible man
Oh, what a terrible man
He will bring you beans and sorrows
Yes, I know about his morals
Oh, what a terrible man
Oh, what a terrible man
Bingo-Bingo came to woo her
Brought a lot of presents to her
Oh, what a terrible man
Oh, what a terrible man
Dag-gummit, of all the consarned...
What's the matter, farmer?
Think you're sticking hogs?
This dad-bitted boat keeps bouncing
around under me, of all...
- What you laughing at?
- Him.
- Well, don't laugh.
- Why? Everybody else did.
It's all right, they got right to laugh.
They know how chop bait.
- You know how?
- Doesn't look like anything.
Go ahead, chop. Tail first.
Try it again, harder.
You fish for sperm whale, maybe.
Don't laugh. Beside, you laugh no good.
Like seagull.
I guess I want to do something.
Yes, but you wanna do
just what you want to do.
I tell you what you do.
You go below in galley and help Doc.
You carry slops.
You sweat in galley like Dan did
before you talk about being fisherman.
- Go on now, go on.
- All right.
You think Manuel soft with that kid, huh?
You think 'cause I catch him
I let him still be Jonah, huh?
Not on your livings.
Kid, he drive me crazy.
Think I break his neck.
- Spit.
- What?
- Spit first.
- Why?
You'll find out.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
- You go out fishing?
- Sure, sometimes me and Uncle Salters.
Who goes with Manuel?
Nobody. You don't see him
baiting a trawl, do you?
- You mean, he doesn't fish?
- Sure he does. He fishes hand line.
He ain't used a trawl
or had a dorymate since his pop died.
- Did you start fishing with your father?
- Sure, that's natural, ain't it?
Get your dories ready!
Come on, boys, step lively.
Get your dory to the rail.
Lower your dory to the rail.
Keep well to the westward, Tom.
We'll head straight down the road
as soon as we got all the dories spilled.
Come on, get her in the water.
Don't crack that one on me. Ease a little.
- Thank you, Uncle Salters.
- Manuel, he all set.
Here's a hook.
Isn't it too rough to go out
in that little boat?
- What do you mean?
- I mean, to go out alone.
I not go alone. Five minutes,
I have 100 fish keep me company.
I mean, wouldn't it be better
if you had someone to row, maybe?
Who I get to row? Doc? Disko?
You very foolish this morning.
Well, I rowed a boat at school.
I could row...
Oh, I see. You row this boat, huh?
What you know about boats
when you cannot even chop bait?
I know lots about boats, see?
I know that's the jib,
and that's the jumbo...
and that's the fore rig,
and that's the fore topmast...
and that's the foremast,
and that's the triadic stay.
That's the main topmast,
and that's the main mast...
and that's the main rigging,
and that's the gurry kit.
That's the Duncan Street,
and anything else you want to know?
Where you learn all this?
I read a book on it in Capt. Disko's cabin,
and I don't care who knows it.
And you can go row your old boat
all by yourself.
I wouldn't go out in it for anything.
By golly, that's smart kid.
About time to break his neck, ain't it?
I got no time break necks.
I got fishing to do.
Lower away.
Hard alee. Stand by the headsail!
Twenty-eight fathom.
She's shoaling fast, Capt. Disko.
We're getting to her.
Twenty-six fathoms, bottom rock.
We're on the bank. Let go your anchor.
Tie up your jib and jumbo!
Stand by your foresails.
Bait them snug, boys,
bait them for home and mother.
- This fog is going to lift for you.
- Well, that's something.
Oh, what do you care, Jack?
Pop could find fish in a graveyard.
There's a run of cod on this bank...
that Walt Cushman
won't know nothing about.
Ahoy there, on the mud scow.
Whose anchor chain is that a-rattling
like it's full of rust and roaches?
Well, if it ain't Disko Troop.
Did you spring your fore stick
trying to follow me, Disko?
I suppose you'll deny
I showed you the road to this spot...
a year ago this very day,
you cross-eyed mackerel.
You want to row over
for a game of checkers?
Fishing is mighty sparse here.
We'll never sink under the weight
of fish we been catching.
Well, I ain't doing so good myself.
I can lay it to your presence, maybe.
He's lying, the same as me.
He's a plank deeper in the water
than he was the last time we seen him.
I think that Walt Cushman,
he smart fisherman.
Maybe we better sail after him
all time, huh?
Well, boys.
You gotta start in filling fish from now on.
That meddling buoy-tender's
near as full up as we are.
We'd be way up around Virgin Rocks by
now if it weren't for picking up Jonahs.
He's been working mighty hard, Mr. Jack.
I don't think there's much Jonah
left in him. Honest.
Or we might fill faster
if our Jonah-catcher...
would throw away his hand line
and bend on a trawl for once.
You don't think I catch as much fish
as you, huh, Jack?
I ain't saying that.
Maybe you just bump your head on bunk
when you get up this morning, huh?
Or maybe you Portuguese just don't know
nothing about trawl-fishing.
I tell you what I do.
I take Jonah kid with me tomorrow.
I fish hand line, I show him same time.
I bet you we bring in more fish
as you and Nate toguessers.
"Toguessers." Speak English, will you?
More fish as me and Nate together.
More fish than you and Nate together.
Reckon we take that, Nate?
You mean I'm going to be your dorymate?
I mean nothing of kind.
You just sit in boat and be Jonah.
I do fishing.
- I'm going out with Manuel in the morning.
- That's fine.
Did you say you'd like to bet
a little something on that, Manuel?
Oh, you think you scare me on bet, huh?
I tell you what I do with you.
I bet you my brand-new
safety razor I buy last Christmas.
98 cents, mail-order house, I...
You put up 50 cents piece.
Brand-new, this year's.
That's a wager.
You sure
you didn't bump your head, Manuel?
I no bet on sure thing. I bet on myself.
Just as good.
I guess I didn't mean what I said
about going in your boat.
Make no difference what you mean.
You in it now.
I'm awful glad I am, Manuel.
I don't think I'll be a Jonah, honest.
What your name? Harvey?
Well, I gotta call you something.
I'll call you Harvey.
Oh, that's better.
You no laugh like seagull now.
Come on now, I feel tired.
You gotta help row.
Really? Gee!
Put in the pins.
Put the oars in the pins.
We gotta go someplace.
Now, when I say three, you row.
All right. I'm ready.
One, two, three.
That fine school you go to,
you row on your back, huh?
I was too anxious, I guess.
Never mind anxious,
you leave me be anxious.
Now, come on.
One, two, three. Row!
We get someplace.
Bottom of the ocean, I think, maybe.
Now we fish.
Well, go on. Bait your hook.
How you think you gonna fish
sitting there looking at me?
You bait just like you row boat. Here.
Look, you must put barb all way through.
Like this.
Otherwise that fish he spit that out
six, seven times when he feel something.
You know this fish, he don't go to school...
he don't know French,
but he pretty smart, too.
Now drop him down to bottom.
Then pull up about six inches, maybe...
so he look fish straight in eye and say,
"Look here. I got corn beef and cabbage."
Hey, I've got one.
You got new idea, maybe, too, huh?
What you think,
we just feed fish free here for nothing?
I guess I was too anxious again.
I told you,
stay away from that anxious business.
Let the fish be anxious. Here, look.
One, two...
now it's in his mouth.
Now up he comes.
Gosh. Can I take him off the hook?
We got no time for that.
We don't know this fish personal.
- Hey, I've got one now.
- All right, pull him up.
Don't let him stay down there
and tell all other fish what going on.
Pull him up! Hey, wait a minute. Hey...
you gonna bring fish up see you,
you going down to see him?
- Pull him up!
- I will.
Oh, the boat tipped and I...
Oh, he got off.
How you expect catch fish,
falling on your backside all time?
Bait your hook.
Don't look like
they was jumping in your dory.
I wait till I get
soft place for them to land in first.
I'll catch the next one.
You'll beat Long Jack and Nate.
Don't you worry.
He won't get your razor.
You think so, huh?
Nothing going on here now.
That fish, he have meeting down below.
He tell all other fish
there's something not so funny going on.
Has your father been dead a long time?
Six year, next month.
Seem a long, long time.
How did he die?
He drown off Cape Sable in storm.
Wave come at night
and wash him overboard.
- Didn't they find him?
- No.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- What you sorry about?
Well, I mean your father.
They didn't find him.
What they need find him for? He all right.
Well, but, drowning out in the ocean,
all alone at night...
Well, what's trouble about that?
That fine way.
The Savior, he take my father
up to fisherman's heaven...
up with all his old friends.
Quick he take him up. Quick.
Just like I pull up this 35-pound fish.
The Savior, He see my father
all tired and wet down there in the water.
So he light the harbor buoy and he say:
"Come on up, old Manuel...
"I so happy you come up here
to help us fish."
And my father, he say, "Thank you.
"I very happy to come up, too.
"And maybe I show you something
about fishing up here, huh?"
And then they all laugh.
And the Savior,
He put his arm around my father...
and He give him brand-new dory to fish in.
You think they really fish in heaven?
Why, sure they fish in heaven.
What else they do?
The Apostles, they all fishermen, I think.
You remember that Simon, called Peter?
Remember that time when...
he don't catch no fish in the sea of Galilee?
And the Savior,
He stand on the shore and He say:
"Simon, you throw your net
on the right side."
And Simon, he throw his net
on the right side...
and he catch so many fish,
his net, it almost break in two.
I think the Savior, He the best fisherman.
But my father, he come next.
And not fishing like this. Oh, no, no.
Fish bite all time.
When no more fish,
the Savior, He make more fish.
He make more fish. He make more bread.
He make more wine.
And at night He stand watch
all by Himself.
He say:
"Good night, fishermen. You tired now.
"Go to your bunks.
"And no snorings, please.
"Good night, Manuel's father."
Oh, that very nice place.
Sometimes I think I go there right now.
Then I say, "Now, whoa, Manuel.
"You gotta be better fisherman first.
"That Savior, He only give dories
to first-class fishermen, like your father."
So I keep on fishing. I no hurry.
I know my father keep place for me
in his dory.
Hey, sleepy-face, look.
- You log on a bump.
- Oh, say. I didn't...
Easy now, easy. He's a big one.
And stay off your backside, you hear me?
Come on, pull him up.
I'm trying to...
You want Manuel help, huh?
I think you get blisters.
Blisters good for fishermen. Come on.
Pull him up, pull him up.
- Hey, what's this?
- Yeah.
- Pull him up. Pull him up.
- What is he?
He's a halibut.
Big, like mainsail, huh?
The boat tipped again.
Gosh, I told you I'd get one, didn't I?
By golly.
My little fish catch fish bigger than he is.
I feel my whiskers disappear now.
I told you we'd beat Long Jack and Nate,
didn't I?
Sure, we beat everybody.
Manuel and his little fish,
they beat everybody.
We make fisherman out of you,
huh, little fish?
What chicken-livered squid done this?
Easy, Jack, them hooks!
Hey, Long Jack. What's the matter?
We were putting out our second tub,
and Jack was snagged overside.
He might as well
have fastened to an octopus.
- Get him a knife.
- Cut him off.
Nate, I think
you need new dorymate, maybe.
One what's good fisherman.
Maybe next time you get one
what ain't old lady...
what gets all mixed up
with knitting needles, huh?
- That Long Jack, he is mad.
- I knew he would be.
That will stop him fishing for a while,
I guess.
What you mean you knew?
When I heard you betting last night
with Long Jack...
I sneaked up on deck
and tangled up his trawl.
What you do?
Sure. I put some knots in it
and took a lot of bait off the hooks.
What are you going to do?
You still alive and strong, huh? That good.
You go back. You tell other fish:
"Manuel ain't got no fisherman in his boat.
"He got no dorymate. He just got cheat."
And I no catch big, strong, honest fish
like you that way.
Tell them good and loud.
Oh, but, Manuel, I just wanted us...
I just wanted you to win. That's all.
Well, what have we got here?
What's the matter? I don't remember
hoisting no signal to come aboard.
We lose something.
Something we never have, I think.
This kid, he no like our way fishing.
He want come back.
Manuel, won't you listen?
You give him hand, maybe.
He got no way cheat himself overside.
Come on, son. Kid, come here.
Don't like fishing, son?
What happens... What do you do when
people don't speak to you around here?
Now, you have to settle that yourself, son.
I'm skipper to a crew,
but I ain't dry-nursing them.
I don't take no part in squabbles.
They settle that between themselves,
just like everything else.
Whatever's foul between you
and Manuel...
you will have to free and clear yourself.
Hey, Doc.
Yes, sir, that sure do beat all.
- What was he saying about me?
- He don't say nothing about you.
Just got a new funny story, that's all.
You should have come
aboard this morning, Jack.
These things are worked in
pretty deep now.
And lose a day's fishing? No, sir.
That's what somebody expected me to do.
No yellow-livered job is going to keep me
from doing my share...
or winning a bet, either.
I can pull this one through, Jack...
but I'm afraid
I'm going to have to cut the others.
Here's the bet, Jack. I pay prompt, huh?
I'll take it 'cause I won it fair and square.
That's a sight more than you tried to be.
You crazy, Jack.
You don't think I fouled your trawl?
That trawl fouled itself, maybe?
I been handling trawl
for 20 years, Portegoosie...
and I never seen line snarl itself that way,
except by human hands.
Well, maybe you too anxious
to win bet, Jack, huh?
Maybe you no keep your mind on things.
Listen, Portegoosie.
Either you or that kid done it.
It stands to reason.
If I found he put
his Jonah flippers into my trawl...
I'll wind him twice around the capstan
and break him off short.
I think you put hooks in yourself
so you got chance to drink more rum, huh?
You call me a cheat?
Jack, you talk too loud,
you drink too much rum, huh?
I'll discover right now who done it.
Or, by thunder, I'll cut hooks out of you
where there ain't none.
Jack, you hurt your arm.
Don't, Long Jack, don't.
It wasn't Manuel. I did it. I did it last night
while you were having supper.
But I didn't mean you should get the hooks
in your arm this way.
Honest, I didn't.
I just thought we'd have a little fun
and win...
- Why, you sneaking little...
- Jack, what you do?
You keep out of this, Portegoosie.
Oh, Long Jack, what do you worry about?
He admit the whole thing
like regular grown fella.
He say he sorry. Everything all right now.
Nothing's all right till I beat his ears off.
Get out of my...
- You touch that kid, I tear you apart, see?
- Yeah?
Me, Manuel talking. I tear you apart, see?
So don't get me mad, Long Jack.
I get all crazy and sick inside.
All right, start cutting, Disko.
Maybe he cut picture of your girl
out there. Huh, Jack?
I am telling you, Manuel,
keep that kid away from me.
He's a...
He's a Jonah,
and you'll find this is only the beginning.
What's the matter, little fish, you sleepy?
- I'm so ashamed, Manuel.
- Sure.
We all got be ashamed once.
So we don't do things again
what we got be ashamed of, see?
Yes, but you not speaking to me...
and those hooks in Jack's arm...
Jack, he very tough man.
All fishermen have hooks in them.
Oh, sure. Two, three, four hooks.
My father,
he have hook in his arm right here.
And three year later, he think
he have pimple on back of his neck.
You know what was it?
Hook coming out.
And my father, he say, "So that's what's
been in Denmark all this time, huh?"
That fine.
There's a school of fish
Way down deep in the sea
Where the little fish
Studied geography
My father, he teach me this song.
And I put your kind of words to it.
There they write on a slate
And they read from a book
Learn to run with the bait
Then just leave them the hook
I got to sing every time I get mad.
It drive those flying fish
out of my stomach, do you know?
Yeah, ho, little fish
Don't cry, don't cry
You'll be a baleia
Baleia, that mean big fish...
like whale, you know?
With fins and a tail
To help you sail
And maybe some wings
To help you fly
Yeah, ho, little fish
Don't cry, don't cry
Yeah, ho, little fish
Don't cry, don't cry
Here's Disko. Cod must be coming.
Hello, friend!
- Hiya, James!
- Come on over.
There the Blue Gill.
She's from Gloucester, same as us.
And there's the Elizabeth K. Brown. She
sail good when the skipper he is sober.
There the Flying Swan.
She drag her anchor all time.
Everybody comes here and fishes last...
because it's the biggest
and best bank, huh?
Sure. Only some come too soon,
some come too late.
Disko, he come right with codfish, see?
- Say...
- Look, look, look!
There Virgin Rock I tell you about.
Now watch, watch, she gonna roar.
Say, that's the bottom of the ocean.
Sure. She get lonesome sometimes.
She come up for a little look around.
Yes, sirs, by thunder, there she is.
I think that Jennie Cushman
she filled with fish already.
She beat us home, huh, Disko?
He got here too early.
The real run ain't started yet.
By this time tomorrow, we'll be fishing
72-hour stretches, hand line.
The cod will be covering
this bank like herring.
Walt Cushman beats me into Gloucester,
I'll hang myself with an eel.
Hey, at the wheel, there. Downwind!
All right, up, up, up. Hurry.
Pick it up. That thing's squirming.
Bring him in, Danny boy, bring him in.
In case some of them ain't expecting this.
We're full up and ready for home.
Hey, little fish, that's for us. Disko say
we all full up and we go home. Come on.
Hey, pitch up that last fish, Manuel.
Then you and Harvey's
going to take me a-visiting.
- Hey, Daniel?
- Yes, sir.
As soon enough hands come aboard,
tell them to turn to...
- and heave up that anchor short.
- Yes, sir.
Hey, aboard the vessel.
Would anyone on the Flying Swan be
wanting to send any mail to Gloucester?
We got sickness aboard.
We're heading for home.
Go on, Disko Troop.
You and your sickness.
You're just crowing, that's all.
No, we all catch too many fish, too soon.
We all sick about it.
Well, some of the lads
expected you, Disko.
You could mail those, if you will.
It's a pleasure
to be postman to you, Benjamin.
Why don't you
sign up with me next season...
and get home before the snow flies?
I know what you're going to say, Disko.
I don't want none of your sarcasm.
We heard your bell and saw your flag.
I hope you founder with all hands.
It's nice to have your good wishes, John.
Hey, Disko.
If our new baby is born before I get back...
talk Molly out of naming him
Hubert will you?
- She wants to call him Hubert.
- Another baby, Martin?
Well, you ought to stay at sea all the time.
That's what he do if he stay on this boat.
Hey, there! Aboard the Bluegill.
Any mail for Gloucester?
Kind of late starting the crew,
ain't you, Disko?
Well, I just thought
I'd like to carry your mail, Peter.
We just come back from rowing our mail
over to the Jennie Cushman.
- That's a poor attempt at a joke, Peter.
- Yeah?
Does that look like a joke?
Why the sneaking sand shark.
Never ring a bell nor nothing.
Never give us no sign
he was going to swing off today.
Get back to the vessel.
Give me them oars.
- But I can...
- Well, go on then. Put your back into it.
Hey, aboard the vessel.
- Get that anchor in!
- Hey, what's eating Disko?
- Is he liquored?
- Aye on that. It's the Cushman.
Pull up your foresail.
Hey, Disko. Here comes the Cushman.
You don't think I took it for a waterspout,
do you?
Hey, get that anchor in.
A-heave, a-ho. A-heave, a-ho.
A-heave, a-ho. A-heave, a-ho.
Goodbye, Disko. What's the matter?
Have you run aground?
You haven't any mail for Gloucester,
have you, sir?
If you'd save your wind to fill your sails...
you might keep us from passing you.
- We're going to race the Jennie Cushman?
- Sure.
Come on. This fine kind racing business.
You got that
backside anxious business, huh?
You gonna row or swim
to Gloucester, maybe.
This fine time diving and swimming.
Put your back into that windlass.
You don't think that anchor's
going to float up out of the water, do you?
Sway up on them halyards...
and you needn't be afeared
of parting them.
Wipe down them dories.
We're going to bury her nose this trip.
I can't work with this in me.
Pull it through, will you?
- Start hollering. Nobody hear you.
- I haven't the time.
Now stick that in your face
and suck blood out.
Anchor all clear.
Get it aboard and cathead it.
On your main halyards now.
Sway up that mainsail!
Come on, sway her up.
Two blocks is where I want to see her.
Come on!
She's got a good lead on us, Capt. Disko.
Yeah. Got his topsails set already.
Running like a scared sardine.
I'll climb over his stern rail
or sail the bottom out of us.
She's stepping now.
Just look at this lady go.
It's awful heavy going, Disko.
If a big one ever hits her
when she's heeled over like this...
Don't you worry about this little lady.
She can take care of herself.
I told you so. Now what'll I do?
Ease her off a bit. Give her a hand.
She'll right herself.
Disko must have
picked up an engine someplace.
Yeah. Well, wait till tonight.
I'm shortcutting across Franklin Shoals.
He won't dare follow me with his draft.
- Six fathom.
- Six fathom. Yes, sir...
he's taking a shortcut across this bank,
and thinking I'm going to get scared...
and swing her off. Well, I'll cut shorter.
Five fathom.
They're feeling for the bottom, all right.
- Five fathom.
- He can do it with that hull of his, Disko.
But we draw more water
than the Cushman, don't we?
I know what water we draw.
You keep her to it.
Three-and-a-half fathom.
Hey, Disko, you ain't been looking down
the neck of a jug again, have you?
Now listen here, farmer,
I can draw 16 feet of water...
and not find bottom, can't I?
I ain't ripping out no keels,
but I'm going to beat Walt Cushman...
into Gloucester and that's all there is to it.
So don't you swing her off.
Why, I know this bottom
as well as my wife knows her own kitchen.
- You keep her to it now.
- I'm with you, Capt. Troop.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
I'll bet old Walt's hot under his hatches.
- Shake your bustle, little woman.
- Yes, sir.
Manuel, we're gonna pass them soon.
Oh, sure. That Disko, he pass anything.
He half porpoise, I think, huh?
What are you doing?
I figure up how much
I get my share fish in there.
If market price good, say four-and-a-half,
five cents pound, Manuel, he get...
By golly, I gonna have lots of money.
And with my $3 a month,
I'll have $9, won't I?
Sure. We very rich men, now, huh?
We have fun spending it
when we go ashore, you and me, huh?
- What will you do ashore?
- Well, first I gotta go church store.
You know, where you buy
a crucifix and Madonna and things.
And I buy a little two-place
gold candlestick I see there...
that I take to church, and I light candles
for my father's birthday.
3rd this month, August.
Oh, that's very nice, Manuel.
Not so nice as my father
should have, maybe.
It's nice in small way.
I think maybe I light candle for myself, too.
- I have few bad thoughts this trip.
- You never had any bad thoughts.
- Oh, sure.
- What were they?
- I forget them now but I have them I think.
- Then what will you do?
Oh, then I get dressed up.
Oh, I go to get nifty suit.
You know, purple-colored.
Oh, very nifty suit.
With cloth-topped shoes to match,
you know? And big pearl buttons.
And then I get new tie
with big yellow flowers.
Then I walk up and down Duncan Street,
and I say, "Hey, girls, girls...
- "hey, look, look. Manuel is in town."
- Girls?
Oh, sure. Beautiful girls.
I got maybe five, six girls in Gloucester.
I tell each one I like her best.
You gotta tell big lies to girls...
- to make them happy.
- You don't go with the girls?
Oh, sure I go with girls.
Every man go with...
I guess maybe you're right.
- I don't go with girls.
- I kind of thought you were kidding.
Oh, sure, sure.
That girl business is all kidding. Sure.
I think maybe I gotta do
some more kidding from now on, huh?
Here we talk all time about what I do.
What you do?
You talk to your father on telephone, huh?
You tell him you live and happy, huh?
My father?
You forgot about your father
what own that big boat you fall off...
and he think maybe you swallowed up
by shark or something.
Oh, well, I don't know.
You don't know how happy he be, huh?
- Oh, I guess he'll be glad, all right.
- He leave his skin, I think.
He hug you to pieces and take
those pieces back home with him, huh?
But I don't want to go back home, Manuel.
You don't want go home?
Well, I mean...
What do you mean, little fish?
I want to stay here with you in Gloucester
and go out fishing again this way.
You want be fisherman?
I want to be a better fisherman
than Tom Platt or Dan.
I want to be as good as you are.
As good as me, huh?
Oh, that very nice, little fish.
But how about your father? He come, too?
Oh, well, I could see him between trips,
if he wants to see me.
What you mean,
if he want to see you, little fish?
Oh, well, he's got his business
and everything. He'd be all right.
I want to be with you, Manuel.
My little fish.
If you all want to see a boat what's going
to be passed, come and see one.
Hold her to it, Manuel.
We'll lay her right alongside them.
It will be the best boat from here in.
I'll take a reach for his beard
as we pass by.
Them topsails will carry away
if we keep this up.
I'll take the lower spars out of her
before I'll let Walt Cushman...
work the windward of me.
She's driving now.
Yes, sir! Walk along, little girlie.
They're coming now, Walt!
I guess they got us.
No, he ain't! There's more than one way
to open a clam.
Stand by to come about!
What's this? Disko, he coming about.
For more funny business, I think.
Why, the calm-weather coward!
Can't take an honest licking.
Try and bluff me, will he?
Stand by the main sheet!
Steady, Manuel.
Now watch him jump and holler
when he has to give way.
I'm gonna cut plumb across his bow!
- Give away to her, Disko.
- Well, I ain't giving way, neither.
- You've got to budge.
- I'll budge like a barnacle.
She'll cut us down, sure.
- Steady as you go!
- Hold her to it, Manuel! Don't lose an inch.
Land sakes, Disko, here she comes!
Hard to starboard!
I had the right of way, you old beach goat!
- You must have mislaid it somewhere!
- Still riding anchor, ain't you?
Well, we ain't to Gloucester yet.
I'll do more than keep you in sight, Disko!
Capt. Cushman is a sailor
But he should have been a tailor
Oh, what a terrible man
Oh, what a terrible man
Cushman might have been a grocer
But a first-class seaman, no, sir
Oh, what a terrible man
Oh, what a terrible man
Poor old Walt broke his jib,
and he's checking his topsails.
You'll best do the same, Disko.
That main top'll go if you don't.
Well, since you're such a nervous galoot,
and we got old Walt licked to a frazzle...
I'll mind what you say.
Go aloft with Jack, Manuel.
Stand by to try the topsails.
I go up to get a little air, I think, maybe?
Want to luff her first?
I'll luff her when you reach the masthead.
Somebody open window
and let in nice breeze, eh, Jack?
I'll bet Manuel is the best fisherman
in the whole fishing fleet, isn't he?
Stand by to clue up the fore topsails!
- Step lively up there now!
- Slack away below!
Hey! Look out for yourselves!
- Watch it!
- Manuel!
Jump down!
Luff her, Nate!
In heaven's name, Nate, luff her.
I can't, she's jibing!
Hold fast, Manuel!
Manuel! Manuel!
Get a dory overside!
Are you all right, Manuel?
Can you work free?
Capt. Disko!
We'll get you out of this
in a minute, Portegoosie!
He says he's good as dead. Gone.
He knows it.
Why, Doc? Why?
He's stove in.
All the bottom half of him's gone.
But he don't want the kid to know.
You're all right, aren't you, Manuel?
You aren't hurt, are you?
I all right, little fish.
What's holding up that dory?
Disko, don't put dory overside!
You hear what Doc...
But we've got to free you, Manuel.
No. I say don't put dory overside!
What's he mean?
What's the matter, Manuel? Manuel!
Hey, Harvey! Harvey, mind the boy!
No, not out here. Go back.
You're all right, aren't you?
You aren't hurt, are you, Manuel?
I all right.
Get that dory in the water.
I can't do nothing, Disko.
He's fouled in the backstay.
The drift's tightening, Disko.
You'll have to cut him loose,
or it'll take him in half.
We ain't cutting loose
unless it's going to help you free Manuel.
You cut him away, Disko, you hear me?
Get me an ax!
No, Capt. Disko. No!
You cut that line, it'll carry him under.
We can't just keep him out there
till the line saws him in half.
Get me an ax.
I sorry about race, Disko.
You beat him next year, huh?
Now listen, little fish...
I go now and fish with my father.
You remember I tell you
he keep seat for me in his dory.
What are you talking about?
You're not going. We'll save you.
We have good times together,
eh, little fish?
We laugh, we sing, so you smile now.
Come on, smile.
Long Jack can fix it. You'll be all right.
See, Manuel?
Manuel, he be watching you.
You'll be best fisherman ever, little fish.
No, no, Manuel. No.
Well, goodbye again, Harvey.
So long, sailor.
Going down to get your pay, Harv?
I guess so.
You're leaving too, huh, Long Jack?
You'll begin to grow whiskers right soon,
and I thought maybe this might be...
a good thing for you to start in with.
Thanks. Thanks, Long Jack.
You've just got fuzz now, but if you start
scraping them off they'll toughen up...
and get like... Get like...
Fair weather, Harv.
Goodbye, Long Jack.
I got everything, I guess.
Yeah. Say, Dan, these clothes...
I guess I kind of wore them out some.
Oh, that's all right.
Well, Dan, I'd like to keep them...
but I can't pay you
out of my pay yet because...
well, there's something I sort of
wanted to do. So I was just thinking...
There ain't no hurry. Your pop can settle it
with my mom when he gets here.
Say, is he really flying out here
all that way? All in one day?
I guess so.
You sure got the laugh on all of us...
him having all that money
you said he had and everything.
Say, Dan, when somebody...
I mean,
when something happens to somebody...
what do they do
with the rest of their things?
Their family get them, I suppose,
or whatever kin they have.
Well, did he have any kin?
No, not that anybody knowed of.
If someone liked someone a great deal...
and he didn't have any kin, that would sort
of make him a kin almost, wouldn't it?
And, well, if they had something like
this, for instance, that wasn't worth a lot...
I don't know, Harvey.
You better ask Pop about that.
He'd know more about that.
Well, boy, come to get your pay?
There you are,
our deal when you signed on.
Fisherman's Home?
Yeah, that's where the poor and old
and crippled of us...
set on a sunny porch
and try to out-lie each other.
Manuel would want it that way.
You wouldn't have a better idea,
you think?
Well, he wanted to get a candlestick
for his father with two places.
How much would that cost?
Oh, $2 or $3, I reckon. Here.
Oh, then that's all right.
I have enough.
What'll you do with the rest
of Manuel's things, Capt. Disko?
Oh, we'll send them up along to the Home,
I guess.
Does this have to go?
Why, no, Harvey.
I thought maybe you'd like to keep that.
Your daddy will be here directly.
You're kind of stretching to see him.
Ain't you?
Yes, sir.
When are you going out fishing again?
Oh, in about six weeks,
when we're shipshape aloft.
Well, will Dan go, too?
No, that's the winter season.
Dan'll stay here ashore, school.
Then you'll need someone
to take his place, won't you?
Yes, sir, I need a good hand
to take Dan's place.
Well, I was thinking...
Maybe I'm not quite good enough yet...
but Manuel said I was getting...
Manuel said...
Well, son?
Well, Manuel taught me so much,
I know I could.
And if you'll take me along, I'll...
Well, now, there's nobody
I'd rather sign than you, Harvey.
But ain't you kind of forgetting...
all the lost time you and your daddy
have to catch up with each other?
You'll want to berth alongside him
for some time to come, won't you?
- Yes, sir, but...
- Harvey!
...he has lots to do.
And I like being a fisherman.
I've been thinking about it.
I want to be as good a one as...
I mean, I want to stay here with you
on the We're Here.
Harvey! Hi, Harvey! Where are you?
It's Father.
There's your daddy now, ain't it?
Yes, sir.
So if you'll tell me now
- whether I can...
- Harvey!
Hello, Father.
Harvey, Son.
Well, well. My boy again.
So you see, Harvey,
by leaving early tomorrow morning...
we can get the sleeper plane
out of Boston.
- Yes, sir.
- You'll like the sleeper plane.
It's great. Big berths and everything,
just like a Pullman.
- I know. But, look, Father.
- What?
I was thinking that if...
Maybe I could go somewhere on a boat.
All right. I was going to put the yacht up
for the winter...
but we might take her out
and go to Bermuda.
I didn't mean the yacht, I meant the...
Oh, well, I don't know.
Well, you see,
the plane would get us to the ranch...
in time for the rodeo after the roundup.
You'd like that, wouldn't you, Son?
But there's no fishing out there, is there?
The best trout fishing in the world.
And if I do say it myself, I can teach you to
cast a fly wherever you want to put one.
Yeah, I read about that kind of fishing
once in a magazine.
Manuel said that any fish
that ate a bug was some kind of a frog.
Who's Manuel? He sounds like
a pretty funny sort of person.
He's the man that picked Harvey
out of the water.
Well, I certainly want to meet that man,
Capt. Troop.
- Where is he?
- He's dead, Mr. Cheyne.
Where are you going, Son?
Just out. I'll be back in a little while.
- Don't you want me to go with you?
- No.
I mean, I'll be back in a little while.
Really, I will.
Well, I guess that's all the vittles.
Will you come in the parlor
and chat a while?
Where was he going, Capt. Troop?
Oh, I reckon he has
a couple of errands to do.
Will you have a pipe?
I got some pretty fairish tobacco here.
- No, thanks.
- Have a chair.
That was fine pie, Mother.
Thank you, Discobolus.
I'll leave the dishes awhile.
Dad, is this boom set in here just right?
Well, let's see now.
Capt. Troop, tell me, that hurdy-gurdy...
and the razor, were they Manuel's?
Yes, they was, Mr. Cheyne.
He must have been a pretty fine man.
Harvey's a fine boy now,
the kind of boy I'd always hoped he'd be.
Yes. They was real dorymates,
Mr. Cheyne.
Yes, I had that chance once.
I'm afraid I threw it away.
Now that I got the chance again, I...
Well, I guess I'm just getting
what I deserve.
Well, as long as you set your course
a little too late...
maybe Manuel sailed it for you.
But that don't say
you can't sail it after him.
You're still the boy's dad, man.
A boy is never too old not to need a dad.
You just hold a hawser out to him.
Someday he's going to lay onto it
and pull you right into his heart.
And when you do get in there, you'll find
Manuel mighty satisfactory company.
Yes, sir.
Sure you won't change your mind,
have a pipe, Mr. Cheyne?
No thanks, Capt. Troop. I...
I think I'll take a little walk,
if you'll excuse me.
Yeah, why don't you do that?
Stroll up by the church, maybe?
Yes, it's mighty pretty there
this time of evening.
That one is from Manuel to his father.
Yes, my son.
And that one is from me to Manuel.
Do you think they're good enough?
I only had $9.
Oh, I know they are.
- What do I do now?
- Would you like to kneel here and pray?
- Can I say anything?
- Anything.
Do you have to stay here?
No, my son.
I guess you have
an awful lot of things to do...
taking care of everybody.
Look, if it is that way,
the way Manuel said...
could you fix it so someday...
there'll be an extra seat
in Manuel's father's dory...
with him and Manuel?
Because I just got to be with Manuel.
I got to.
I guess that's all I wanted to ask.
So, please.
Harvey, Son.
I just wanted to get out in the air
for a little while.
Go ahead, Son, let it go. I know about it.
- I know about Manuel.
- Please, please go away.
Harvey, we haven't talked much before,
have we?
But we can start now.
We can talk this over.
We can talk over everything from now on,
can't we, Son?
You better go up to the house.
I'll be back in a little while.
- Really, I will.
- No, let me stay here with you.
Maybe I can help.
Come here to your dad, Son.
I don't mind your crying.
Please don't get in this boat.
This is Manuel's dory. Manuel's and mine.
I know it hurts, Son,
but you won't always feel like this.
Just think, tomorrow you'll be
on that big sleeper plane.
Before you know it, you'll be flying right
over the tops of the Rocky Mountains.
I don't want to go anywhere but here.
I want to stay here...
and go fishing, the way Manuel did.
- I want to be where Manuel is.
- Harvey.
Son, won't you listen?
- I'm lonely, too.
- Please, please go away.
I'll be all right,
if you'll please let me alone. Please.
And so we are met here today...
facing the open sea
on three points of the compass...
to pay tribute to the men
who have sailed from this port...
and gone down to that sea,
never to return.
For three centuries...
women and children of Gloucester men
have stood upon this shore and cried:
"There go the ships."
This year, as every year...
there are those that have waited in vain.
It shall be ever thus. In years to come...
women of Gloucester
shall watch and wait...
sending their prayers and faith
to men over the horizon.
Men whose every day
is one of life and labor uncertain...
but men of strong faith in themselves...
in their ships...
and in the God who is on land and sea.
So to those of these men...
whose last resting place
is beneath the sea they loved...
we pay our humble tribute...
as we cast these wreaths and flowers...
upon the waters of their outgoing tide.
George Appleton.
William Barry Chester.
Allen Robert Case.
Zachary Benjamin Dennis.
Winston Ellery.
Michael Farnsworth.
Manuel Fidello.
Harry Gunderson.
John Frederick Ethram.
Newt Ellison.
Dave Miller.
Henry Barkell.
Thomas Walton.
Augustus Nelson.
Phineas Sawyer.