Capri-Revolution (2018) - full transcript

With Italy about to go to war in 1914, this is the story of the encounter between a goatherd called Lucia, the commune of young Northern Europeans led by Seybu and the town's young doctor on the unique island of Capri.

This island

appears and disappears constantly,

and everyone's view of it

is different.

In this world that is too well Known,

it's the only place that is still

virgin and which always waits for us,

but only to slip away again.

Did you find the goat?

Where had it got to?

Below the ridge.

Vincenzo, let's go.

Dad, see you later.


What are you doing today?

I'll take the goats out to pasture.


It's nothing.


I hear there's a new doctor

on the island.

Tomorrow I'll go and see him,

I want to ask if he'll come up here.

And how will we pay him?

You don't have to pay him,

he's a state doctor.

Let's hope for the best...

Thank you.

- Vincenzo.

- Carlo Rocco, pleased to meet you.

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

Lucia, make yourself decent.

Make a coffee for the doctor.

Good morning, Don Michele.

You're the doctor?

Good morning.

Dad, come here, come here.

Leave him sitting there.

Now take a deep breath.

Have you noticed blood coming up

when you cough?

Maybe once or twice.

Pull your vest up

and take another deep breath.

Take a seat, Doctor.

Thank you.

What Kind of life

did your father lead?

He used to work in the fields...

...then a friend who'd moved to Naples

convinced him

to take a job in a factory.

He left the island and

went to work in Bagnoli.

Which has cost him his lungs.

I wish he hadn't gone, Mum...

It was supposed to be some place,

this factory...

And what can you do?

We'll have to get a medicine

sent from Naples.

It's new, and it's expensive,

but I'll see if we can

get it without paying.

And when's this medicine coming?

Who's going to pick it up?

If you can't go right away,

my brothers will go to Naples!

Won't you, Antonio, you'll go?

Lucia, be quiet,

let the doctor speak.

I'll contact the hospital today,

and as soon as I get a reply,

I'll get it here as soon as possible.

Hey, Lucia, you're a bit moody,

what's the matter?

Leave her alone, she's tired.

That's true, she is tired!

She goes off with those goats

and I've no idea where she gets to.

I look for her when I finish

in the field, but I can't find her.

Do you want to tell us

where you get to?

The goats want to go

behind the mountain.

And you don't know how to make them

go somewhere else?

The grass must be tastier there.

How many times have I told you

not to go past the mountain?

Those cursed devils are there,

the filthy wretches.

I don't know why they don't get rid

of them, fling them all in jaill

But why? What are they doing wrong??

Don't you dare!

And that painter, in his own country

he was put in jail, that's the truth!

And they'd have done well

to keep him therel

What's going on, who are these people?

Never mind, Mum. These things

have gone on for ever here in Capri.

All these perverts

infesting the place.

And tomorrow make sure I see you

when I look for you at midday.


If I have to make a bushing,

I take the parts,

put on a bearing and a cover...

.and that's it ready.

Yes, it's ready.

But I would never think

it's only the fruit of my labour.

Before putting it together, I'd to go

to the smelter and the turner.

And we couldn't have done any of this

without the engineer and accountant.

Who keep the books and put

the results into the bosses' pockets

and so on, for ever.

We all run about, we go from one

to the other, help each other,

and the result of everyone's activity

is the bushing.

The work of the whole factory

is reflected in the bushing,

embodied in the collective experience

of 10,000-12,000 people.

These are the names of the comrade

workers coming tomorrow on the boat.

One of them is very ill,

they beat him badly in prison.

I'll keep him at the surgery

till he's better.

Thank you for everything you do

for us, Doctor.

It's an honour for me.


...these comrade workers' papers

will be credible but not perfect.

The authorities will have other


They're all excited about the arrival

of electricity!

But anyway

I'll go to the port to get them.

I'll try to avoid any checks.

Come in!

Doctor, excuse me.

I'm going to go to bed.

I've left you some water

and made the bed. Everything's ready.

Do you need anything else?

No, Assunta, on you go. Good night.

- Good night.

- Thank you.

Watch, into the muscle

without moving your hand...

Like that.

Otherwise you risk breaking the needle.

In two days,

at the same time, another one,

then another after another two days.

Don't forget to disinfect the needle.

I'll leave you some alcohol,

but the best thing

is if you hold it in the fire.

All right?

- Can you read?

- No.

I've managed to arrange

for some nurses to come to the island

to teach the girls here

to do their job.

Would you like to learn?

I have to watch the goats.

But do you know what a nurse is?

A nurse is a kind of doctor,

she looks after sick people...

Bit by bit, you could learn to read,

and maybe even get a job at the

hospital when they finally build it.

It's a good profession!

Thank you, Doctor, for now I just

want you to make my father better.

Lucia, come with me.

Lucia, your father is very ill.

But you're giving him

the new medicine!

Yes, of course.

I hope there'll be some improvement,

that he'll be able to live

a little longer.

But you have to be aware

of the situation.

Give him the injections

like I explained,

and let's hope that he reacts well

to the treatment.

Doctor, we trust in the Virgin Mary.

Let's trust in science. Goodbye.

Is it true that you're a devil?

What are you saying??

I'm not afraid.

The devil can't do anything to me!

I'm not a devil.

I'm a painter.

Paint with this, then!

That's disgusting!

Who are these people?

Where are they?

In India.

Are you Indians?

We love India.

Careful with that!


He died just after you left.

I'm sorry.

Neither the Virgin Mary nor science

could do anything.

It's not through dance

that he'll help her.

Come with me.

This is my temple, my church.

That is my God.

Do you only eat vegetables?

Marcus is a diviner.

He can find water underground,

using his hands.

But only if Sascha comes as well!

My name is Luca,

but Seybu renamed me Citrus in honour

of this island full of lemons.

I'm from Ticino,

and so I speak ltalian.

You don't know where Ticino is?

It's In Switzerland.

In Ticino we speak Italian.

Whose children are they?

Karl, Ruth, Johann, Katharina...

and Rosa who's not here now...

They're sort of everyone's, really.

That's Seybu's wife,

she's called Nina, she's German.

I really like her.

His first companion tried to poison him.


She thought he was crazy.

Everyone thinks he's crazy.

They persecute him.

I don't know how long he was in


He refused to do military service

and got at least a couple of years.

And then we're put on trial

because we go about naked.

And why do you go about naked?

Because it's natural.

That dress you're wearing,

can't you feel how heavy it is?

It's a cage.

Will you be able to carry

all of these??

Of course.

We'll put the rest in that storeroom.

Don't worry, nobody will touch it.



Would you do me the honour

of coming to lunch next Sunday?

I'll do you

the most delicious rabbit on Capri.

Thank you, I don't eat corpses.

Really? And why not?


Lucia, you're 20 now.

You need to get married

before you're an old woman.

And you and Vincenzo

who're older don't?

We're talking about you.

I've seen how Don Franco

looks at you in church.

He's a respectable man,

a widower with no children.

You'd be a queen in his house.

Dad would never have made me

marry him!

Mum, say something...

Lucia, you can't keep watching the


You're grown up Now.

Don Franco isn't bad.

He has a nice house,

a good shop...

We could get a good house out of it

in town.

I spoke with our neighbour. Their

youngest can look after the goats.

Next month he'll start with us and

you can get yourself sorted out.

I've always looked after the goats

and I don't want to change!

Don't dare raise your voice to me

For now, just clear the table.

Then we'll talk again.


What are you doing here?


Why don't you come and eat with us??

No, tonight I'll stay here.

Leave me alone.

Leave me alone...!

The causes of this war aren't simple,

but there's no doubt

that Germany provoked it

with a frightening tenacity.

We have to react.

What I mean is victory for the

Central Powers would be a disaster,

it would mean dictatorship

throughout Europe.

All freedoms would be reduced...

Doctor, what can I say”?

I know nothing about politics.

You know what my good fortune is?

Not having too many worries.

At my age,

I'm not going to be called up.

I don't think that armed troops

will end up here,

and, as to provisions, I have friends

at the port in the black market.

So whatever is required, we will


For your family too, Donna Maria,

should we remain on friendly terms.

Lucia, bring the goat.

Don Franco, when friendship is born

over a good meal and a nice glass

of wine, it's always a good omen!


Let's have a toast!


- This is a good wine!

- It is!


Doctor, when you have a moment,

could you come and see me?


- Better in the afternoon.

- All right.

- Doctor?

- Thank you.

Pass the plates.

- It took all night.

- I like it that way, wild.

The nicest bit for Don Franco.

- Mum, some goat...

- A little.

- Thanks.

- You're welcome.

It smells lovely, Donna Maria!

Not for me, Vincenzo.

Jesus, why not?

I don't eat corpses.

Lucia, what are you saying?

I don't want to eat goat.

Or chicken...

...and not even pork.

Don Antonio, is your sister

a little soft in the head”?


Don Franco...

Don Fra'...

Come here!

If you touch me, I'll kill you.

You're a disgrace.

But I know who's twisting you

this way, it's that putrid painter.

What's he paying you, huh??

Where do you hide the money

he gives you to strip naked?

He doesn't give me anything

and I get undressed only when I want.

I'm free, you understand? Dad's dead

and you can't tell me what to do.

You're a whore.

You have to leave me alone.

I'm not like you.


Come on, Lucia, get undressed

and do a dance for us!

Good morning.

Good morning, I'm Nina.

Carlo Rocco, good morning.

Can I offer you some tea?

Thank you, gladly.

Markus, can you bring some tea?


Thank you.


..from the most persect...''


- Perfect.


What does that mean?

Do this.

There, you're imitating me.

When you copy something

you have in front of you.

"From the most perfect imitation...

...of nature."

Hear me, o, Queen

Jove's daughter,

with the many names,

Archer, August, Bremaland fitana

You break the chains

You unleash madness

You long to hunt, wandering by night


Welcomed, liberator, of manly form

Orthial who hastens birth

Happy huntress of wild beasts

You wound the stags

Powerful queen

Eternal fruit

Cydonian,mutant flower

Saviour goddess,come!

The initiates are devoted to you...

- See you tonight.

- Don't forget.

Because it'll blow down

in the first storm.

Citrus, open the window, please.

- Are you too hot?

- Yes...

.but I'm shivering.

Do you have a recurring dream?


Tell me about it.

I dream of my brothers.

We are arguing above our land...

...where there's an overhang.

I insult them and they chase me...

But at a certain point...

...they lose their balance...

.and fall below.

I look over desperately...

.and call them...



But nobody answers me.

I never see them again...

Thank you.

Where am I ?

Why have you brought me here?

You need to be looked after.

You're looking after me.

Lucia, how do you feel?

Is it true that you all make

love with each other?


Not the way you think.

That's what people say...

I make love

with three fellows as well!

If they find out at home,

they'll kill me!

Thank you, Carmela, you can go.

How long will I have to stay here?

It depends on how you are.

You have internal damage,

it needs to heal.

How long?

I don't know, like I said,

but at least a week.

Stay calm, it's serious, dangerous,

it's not something to rush.

The nurse told me

that you like cyclamens.

Do you want me to read you something?

I can read on my own.

Lucia, when you're better,

you'll need to have some protein.

A little chicken at least...

You're very weak.

You want peace and justice

for human beings.

But what kind of human beings are we

if we feel no compassion?

Have you ever killed a chicken??


It trembles.

All right, I'll leave you in peace.



Assunta, please, can you take

Don Domenico to the door?

- Thank you, Doctor.

- Goodbye.


Girl, are you all right?

Right, ladies, today we'll learn how

to measure someone's blood pressure.

This is a sphygmomanometer.

It has a glass pump

containing mercury.

Let's put the strap

above the bend of the elbow.

Higher up, I said.

That's it.

This is a stethoscope.

This is the bell of the stethoscope,

which we place beneath the strap

to listen to the pulse.

What are you doing here?

I don't want to be treated with those

poisons. You need to look after me.

- Come inside.

- No, at the temple, you and me.

It's so peaceful.

Everything seems to have stopped.




Hurry up!

They're waiting just for you!

Why are you going”? Disobey the order!

You'll be killed like beasts.

You can disobey, you can rebel!

You have to rebel!

There are ships

taking illegal immigrants to America!

Antonio, Vincenzo, I'll come with you

as well. Let's go to America.

Even in your madness, you're a disgrace.

Are you not thinking of Mum?

Who's going to stay with her?

But, of course, what do you care?

You wouldn't be with Mum

even if you stayed here, would you??

You have too much to do,

you have to change the world.

I don't want you to be killed,

and I don't want you to Kill

poor folk like yourselves.

You want to go and look death in

the face, you think it's beautiful?

I can't stand this!

I love you, I'm your sister.

You are no longer our sister.

We've repudiated you,

do you understand?

Lucia, you're good as dead for us.

You know why l'm happy to leave?

To stop seeing people laughing

at me in the village.

Now go away.

You make me!sick:

Are you happy now??

The war that you so wanted is taking

all the young men of the island!

They're leaving for a just cause.


Enough of this selfish individualism.

What are you lot doing, what are

your chums doing for their country??


I was never convinced by your ideas,

but I thought you were intelligent.

But you're a coward as well!

You're not leaving,

you're not putting

that bloody uniform on.

What is it, is your family helping

you, or your position as a doctor?

Here are my call-up papers.

I'm leaving next week, as a volunteer.

Other people don't give a fuck

about our work!


You're so beautiful.

What, rather than scolding

or castigating me...

You're all I have left.

The war has taken your brothers away,

did you see?

But I knew you would come back,

I knew all along.

You've always been a good daughter,

even if you didn't want

to get married.

You make me feel all funny,

dressed like that...

What can I get you?

I'll get a little water.

- Do you want some?

You need to drink, please,

it's important...


I'm not a good daughter.

You were unlucky with me.

But I need to be free.

I know, Lucia...

I've always known.

When you went out at night,

I noticed...

...but I pretended I was sleeping.

And I went with you in my thoughts...

It seemed to me

I was out there with you.