Candyman (1992) - full transcript
Helen Lyle is a student who decides to write a thesis about local legends and myths. She visits a part of the town, where she learns about the legend of the Candyman, a one-armed man who appears when you say his name five times, in front of a mirror. Of course, Helen doesn't believe all this stuff, but the people of the area are really afraid. When she ignores their warnings and begins her investigation in the places that he is rumored to appear, a series of horrible murders begins. Could the legend be true?
CANDYMAN: They will say that
I have shed innocent blood.
What's blood for,
if not for shedding?
With my hook for a hand,
I'll sp/it you from your groin
to your gullet.
CAN DYMAN: I came for you.
GIRL: It's the scariest story I have
ever heard, and it's totally true.
It happened a few years ago,
near Moses Lake, in Indiana.
Clara was babysitting
for the Johnsons,
and Billy pulls up
on his motorcycle.
Now, she wasn't even
going out with Bil/y.
She was actually going out with
Michael for about six months.
But she always had
the hots for Billy
'cause he was like a bad boy.
And Michael was just so nice.
So, anyway, she decides
that tonight's the night
that she's gonna give Billy
what she never gave to Michael.
Have you ever
heard of Candyman?
Well, his right hand
is sawn off
and he has a hook jammed
in the bloody stump.
And if you look in the mirror,
and you say his name
five times,
he'll appear behind you
breathing down your neck.
You wanna try it?
GIRL: So Billy began.
He looked in the mirror
and he said...
No one ever got past four.
Not here.
Go downstairs.
I have a surprise for you.
GIRL: She looked in the mirror,
and I don't know why,
but she said his name
the last time.
She turned out the lights...
What he saw turned his
hair white from shock.
Killed her,
split her open with his hook,
and then killed the baby, too.
And Billy got away,
but soon after he went crazy.
My roommate's
boyfriend knows him.
So, when did you
first hear this story?
My friend heard it on the radio.
It's true. Sick, huh?
The babysitter
just roasted the kid,
like it was a turkey
or something.
So, what's the deal?
You guys doing a page on
serial killers or something?
Something like that.
Well, that's it. We're done.
All right. Thanks.
No problem.
See ya. See ya.
Seems like they're gettin'
younger every day.
TREVOR: Does anybody remember the
craze for the pet baby alligators?
DIANE: When they got
too large to keep,
people flushed them
down the toilet.
They live in the sewers now.
Some of them are 30-feet long.
TREVOR: Where did this happen?
DIAN E: Ln Miami.
They went blind and albino
from living in the dark.
DANNY: Sir, it wasn't
Miami, it was New York.
I read it in the paper.
Oh, well, then it must be true.
Why would Danny and Diane both be
suffering from the same delusion,
in two cities,
over 1,000 miles apart?
Let's face it, folks.
There are no alligators
in the sewers.
No, it's round the campfire,
it's bedtime stories.
See, these stories
are modern, oral folklore.
They are the unselfconscious reflection
of the fears of urban society.
The primordial reptile is then transformed
into this monster, right? Why?
Ah, the dashing professor.
The lovely wife.
Helen, you know everybody?
The créme de la créme. Harold.
Diane, Daniel, Stacey.
Hi. Hello.
So, keep up the good work.
Thank you for
the contributions.
Thanks. Bye. Awesome lecture.
See you.
See ya.
So you wanna tell me
about this girl?
What's her name? Stacey.
She could barely look me
in the eyes, Trevor,
and I swear she was blushing.
Well, I guess that's because
she's madly in love with me.
You know, all those bursting
adolescent hormones.
You don't really think...
No, of course not.
Good. I should hope not.
So, what's the matter?
you promised you wouldn't do
the urban legends lecture
until next semester.
You knew that Bernadette and I were
gathering data from the freshmen,
so why did you have to ruin it?
Honey, you're my wife
and I love you dearly,
but you can't expect me
to hold up their education
while the two of you complete your thesis.
I mean, be realistic.
I have a curriculum
I have to follow here.
Yes, I know.
Well? So don't be mad at me.
look in the mirror
and say his name five times,
he'// appear behind you
breathing down your neck.
Can I clean the room?
Oh, sure. Don't mind me.
GIRL ON TAPE: So Billy began.
He looked in the mirror
and he said...
Candyman, Candyman... "
Candyman, huh?
Yes, have you heard of him?
You doing a study on him?
Yes, I am. What have you heard?
Everybody's scared of him
once it get dark.
He live over at Cabrini. My
friend told me about him.
Yeah, in the projects.
I live on the South Side, so I
don't know too much about it,
but my friend,
she know all about it.
Her cousin live at Cabrini.
They say he killed a lady.
Can I talk to your friend?
Yeah? What do you want?
Lady down here
wanna talk to you.
All right.
She comin'.
I'm Helen Lyle.
Pleased to meet you.
Henrietta Mosely.
And this is Kitty Culver.
Tell her what you told
me about the Candyman.
All I know was there was some lady
in a tub, and she heard a noise.
Do you remember her name?
I think her name
was Ruthie Jean.
And she heard this
banging and smashing,
like somebody was tryin'
to make a hole in the wall.
So Ruthie called 911
and she said,
"There's somebody comin'
through the walls."
And they didn't believe her.
They thought the lady
was crazy, right?
So she called 911 again, and
they still didn't believe her.
But when they finally got
there, she was dead.
Was she shot?
She was killed with a hook.
HENRIETTA: It's true.
Yeah, it is.
I read it in the papers.
Candyman killed her.
Yeah, but I don't
know nothin' about that.
Helen, this is sick.
This isn't one of your fairytales.
A woman got killed here.
That's not the half of it.
Now, that's Cabrini-Green,
not that you'd
recognize it today.
Yeah, no kidding. I won't
even drive past there.
Heard a kid got shot
there the other day.
Every day.
Okay, now look carefully
at this picture.
And then this one.
You spot it?
That's not Cabrini-Green.
That's this building,
Lincoln Village.
My apartment was built
as a housing project.
No. Yeah.
Now take a look at this.
Once it was finished,
the city soon realized
that there was no barrier between
here and the Gold Coast.
Unlike over there,
where you got the highway
and the "L" train to
keep the ghetto cut off.
Exactly. So they made
some minor alterations.
They covered the cinder
block in plaster
and they sold
the lot off as condos.
How much did you pay
for this place?
Don't ask. (LAUGHS)
Now wait till you see this.
Here's the proof.
The killer, or killers,
they don't know which,
smashed their way through
the back of this cabinet.
See, there's no wall there.
It's only a medicine chest separating
us from the other apartment.
Hey, hey, wait!
What are you doing?
There could be somebody
on the toilet.
No, the apartment's vacant.
Are you sure?
Okay. Now take a look.
BERNADETTE: That is amazing.
What? There's somebody in there.
I saw a light go on.
There's nobody there.
That's not funny.
That was not funny.
You didn't scare me at all.
Yeah, right.
You don't believe all that
nonsense anyway, do you?
I don't. Do you?
All right.
BOTH: Candyman, Candyman,
Candyman, Candyman,
Oh, you chicken! (LAUGHS)
You have to do it five times.
Go on. Go again.
BERNADETTE: I'm sorry...
HELEN: I did it...
Oh, Trevor!
What? Who were you expecting?
What time is it?
It's late, and I'm smashed.
Sorry I scared you.
What's with the arsenal,
We're only going eight blocks.
You're the one who got
us dressed up like cops.
I just said
dress conservatively.
Yeah, well, we look like cops.
Why are you trying to scare me?
I'm not trying to
scare you, Helen.
I just want you to think, okay?
The gangs hold this whole
neighborhood hostage.
Okay, let's just turn around then!
Let's just go back,
and we can write a nice
little boring thesis,
regurgitating all the usual
crap about urban legend.
We've got a real
shot here, Bernadette.
An entire community starts attributing
the daily horrors of their lives
to a mythical figure.
Now, if Trevor and Archie
were in on this,
do you think
they'd chicken out?
In a second.
(SIGHING) All right.
Yo, G, what's up?
What's up, man?
You wanna wait here for me?
Well, then let's go.
Check them out.
HELEN: And lock the car.
MAN 1: Hey, now. Whoo!
Want somethin', baby?
I got it for you.
MAN 2: Say, yo, mama. Come over here, baby.
Come on, come on.
Yo, baby.
Which way you goin'?
Just going inside.
MAN 1: Y'all can't come up in here.
MAN 2: Can't come up in here.
Excuse me, y'all can't
come up in here.
Who you lookin' for?
Just going up to
see a friend of ours.
Sure you're
not the police, huh?
MAN 3: Look like Five-O to me.
Ask blondie where she goin'.
Who she goin' to see?
Who you goin' to see?
Let's take the stairs. Come on.
Where you all goin' there?
Heads up, people! Five-O comin'
up the back door! Police!
It's okay.
They think we're cops.
They're not going to follow us.
Hang on.
Look at this.
Oh, this is great.
BERNADETTE: "Sweets to..."
HELEN: "The sweet."
"Sweets to the sweet."
Hurry up, Helen.
Let me just get the door.
Jesus, Helen.
Here it is.
Don't go in there.
Come on, come on.
Jesus, it stinks.
See, I was right.
The layout is identical.
Which means that the
bathroom is over there.
What's the problem?
A woman died in there. Leaveit.
It's all right.
There's nothing to see.
Wait a minute.
This is where he crawled
through, right?
Well, we found it. Let's go.
Wait a second.
Okay. Hang onto this.
I'm just gonna go through,
and when I get back,
we're out of here.
You gotta be kidding.
Oh, come on. It's just
a derelict apartment.
What if somebody's
packing drugs in there?
You're just gonna apologize
and give them your card?
All right. Let's listen.
HELEN: There's nobody in there.
But hurry up. Be careful.
Give me the camera.
You got five minutes.
Okay. Five.
Damn it.
Bernadette! Sorry. (GASPS)
Iran out of film.
I've gotta go back.
No way. You can't
believe what...
No way, Helen.
We're out of here.
Hey, what y'all doin' in there?
We're just leaving.
You here for the sweet?
We're not cops.
We're from the university.
Well, you don't
belong here, lady.
You don't belong goin' through
people's apartments and things.
My name is Helen Lyle
and this is Bernadette Walsh.
We're doing a thesis,
and we were wondering if we could
just talk to you for a few minutes.
Here. This is my card.
My baby. Come on.
Come on. Let's go. Come on.
You know, whites don't
ever come here,
except to cause us a problem.
Believe me, that's not
what we want to do.
(SOFTLY) Let's go.
So you say
you're doing a study?
What you gonna say?
That we're bad? Hmm?
We steal? We gangbang?
We all on drugs, right?
We ain't all like them
assholes downstairs, you know.
I just wanna
raise my child good.
He's a beautiful little boy.
He's all I got.
What's his name?
I'm Anne-Marie.
Anne-Marie McCoy.
Nice to meet you.
I'm sorry we disturbed you.
We'll just get out of your way.
It's okay.
I don't mean
to be rude. It's...
The white folks
that come round here
ain't too handshakin'
with us, you know?
Hey, what you doin'?
HELEN: Let me help you.
Making a mess here, huh?
Thank you. Thanks.
You got kids?
No, but I'd love one. Hey.
Got my eye on
this one, big time.
Yeah. They're not
gonna get him.
You wanna know
about Ruthie Jean?
They all been here, you know.
Newspapers, cops, case workers.
They all wanna know.
I heard her screamin'.
I heard her right
through the walls.
I dialed 911. Nobody came.
Nobody came.
Everybody scared.
He can come right through
these walls, you know?
I'm scared.
Scared for my child.
They ain't never
gonna catch him.
If they saw something
they liked, they'd point.
They thought
it was rude to point.
What did they do?
They went... (GRUNTS)
Spat over people.
It's quite extraordinary.
Be nice. I am being nice.
I'm being very nice.
So how are
the two most beautiful
graduate students
getting along, then?
Trevor tells me you've been
dabbling in my favorite subject.
Well, I can't wait
to review your data.
I think I can fit you
in tomorrow morning.
We're not ready yet.
That's precisely the moment at which
I can be of greatest assistance.
Before you disappear down
a path to academic Bolivia.
TREVOR: I think I've been there.
Actually, Purcell, we're
about to bury you.
Helen... What?
I'm sure we're gonna have something
for you in a week or so.
It's just that we only
went to Cabrini today...
Candyman country.
Well, if you're after
the hook man, Helen,
you really must read the paper I
wrote about him 10 years ago.
You do know the story,
don't you?
Then how are you
going to bury me?
The legend first
appeared in 1890.
Candyman was
the son of a slave.
His father had amassed
a considerable fortune
from designing a device for
the mass-producing of shoes
after the Civil War.
Candyman had been sent
to all the best schools,
and had grown up
in polite society.
He had a prodigious
talent as an artist
and was much sought after
when it came to the documenting
of one's wealth and position
in society, in a portrait.
It was in this latter capacity
that he was commissioned
by a wealthy landowner
to Capture his daughter's
virginal beauty.
Well, of course,
they fell deeply in love,
and she became pregnant.
Poor Candyman.
The father executed
a terrible revenge.
He paid a pack of brutal
hooligans to do the deed.
They chased Candyman through
the town to Cabrini-Green,
where they proceeded to saw off his
right hand with a rusty blade.
And no one came to his aid.
But this was just the
beginning of his ordeal.
Nearby, there was an apiary.
Dozens of hives
filled with hungry bees.
They smashed the hives
and stole the honeycomb,
and smeared it over
his prone, naked body.
Candyman was stung
to death by the bees.
They burned his body
on a giant pyre
and then scattered his ashes
over Cabrini-Green.
Anne-Marie ain't in.
Are you sure?
Yeah. She said you'd be back.
What's your name?
Well, listen, Jake, maybe
you can help me out.
I wanted to find out about
that woman who got killed.
Do you know
anything about that?
Her name was Ruthie Jean.
I don't know nothin'.
Did anybody else talk about it?
You know, it's okay
to talk to me, Jake,
'cause I'm not a cop.
So nobody's
gonna get in trouble.
I can't say nothin',
or Candyman'II get me.
Candyman, huh?
You scared of him?
I ain't scared of nobody.
But you're crazy
walkin' here on your own.
It ain't safe around here.
Yeah, I know.
But I don't scare
too easy either, Jake.
You know,
you don't have to tell me.
You could just show me.
And if you show me where Candyman
is, I'll make you a promise.
It'll be our secret.
Unless you're too scared.
Somebody building a bonfire?
Yeah, for the party.
In there.
Candyman's in there?
My friend Charlie says so.
A boy got killed there.
Who was he?
Ain't sure.
Charlie tell me he was weird.
He was crazy?
No, a retard.
His mom was in the store.
And the boy needed
to go to the bathroom.
His mom was takin' her time,
choosin' this, lookin' at that.
So the boy started moanin'.
His mom get mad at him.
Sent him across the street.
His mom was at the Checkout.
She hears her boy screamin'.
There's a big tough guy.
He runs over to check it out.
JAKE: Come out of there
shakin' and cryin'.
He only been
in there five seconds.
Come out of there and
his hair turned white.
I mean, it turned white,
just like that.
Was the boy murdered?
He's lying on the floor in a
pool of blood, holdin' himself.
They found it floating
in a toilet.
Can't fix that.
Better off dead.
Did Candyman do this?
Listen, you wait here
for me, okay?
Oh, excuse me.
I'm done here.
I'll just get out of your way.
Listen, I don't want to
interfere with your business.
I'm not a cop.
I'm from the
University of Illinois.
I'll just get out of your way.
Hey, come on! Let me go!
Look, you're not
being very smart.
My colleagues know where I am
and they're expecting me back.
Now let me go!
Ihear you're lookin'
for Candyman, bitch.
Well, you found him.
We hear you're looking
for Candyman, bitch.
VALENTO: Step back.
Number four, step forward
and say the line.
We hear you're looking
for Candyman, bitch.
VALENTO: Step back.
Number five, step forward
and say the line.
We hear you're looking
for Candyman, bitch.
VALENTO: Step back.
Take them out.
He's number five.
Good work.
How'd you catch him?
We swept the place.
We start from the top floor
and work our way down.
That way you can
flush them all out.
Whole of Cabrini's
locked down now.
You're very lucky
to be alive, Ms. Lyle.
Did he kill Ruthie Jean?
No question.
Killed that poor kid as well.
He ran the Overlords.
Oh, we knew everything
about him.
Only reason why we didn't
bring him in before
because we couldn't
find anyone to testify.
We can't protect them down at
Cabrini-Green, and they knew that.
What about
the little boy, Jake?
We don't need him. We have you.
Hey, Jake.
Listen, I just wanted to
thank you for saving my life.
I wanna go home.
We'll get you out of
here right away, kid.
You did good.
You said it was our secret.
You lied.
It still is, Jake.
You won't have to go to court.
Candyman will get me.
Candyman isn't real.
He's just a story.
You know, like Dracula
or Frankenstein.
A bad man took his name
so he could scare us.
But now that he's locked up,
everything's gonna be okay.
Candyman ain't real?
Slow down!
You're supposed to
be the invalid here.
No, it's much better. Look. See?
It's much better today.
Yeah, it looks great.
Come sit down.
You haven't eaten already,
have you?
No, of course not.
Okay, good.
welcome back.
Thanks. Let me see.
I'm so glad you're okay.
I would've totally freaked.
Yeah, but you know what bugs
me about the whole thing?
Two people get brutally murdered
and the cops do nothing.
Whereas a white woman goes
in there and gets attacked,
and they lock the place down.
Yeah, I know,
but this was a bad guy.
You got him put away.
That's all that matters.
Oh! I've got
a surprise for you.
You're not gonna believe it.
The pictures. A friend of mine
in the photography department
managed to save most of them.
I'd written them off.
The camera was smashed.
That's not all.
I've been talking
to some publishers,
and there's a lot of interest
since you made the local section.
We're gonna be published.
All right. So I'll come over tomorrow
at 9:00, and we'll get started, right?
Yeah. Okay.
Who is that?
Who is that?
I came for you.
Do I know you?
No, but you doubted me.
I'm sorry. I have to go.
No need to leave yet.
But I'm late.
You are not content
with the stories,
so I was obliged to come.
Be my victim.
Be my victim.
I am the writing on the wall,
the whisper in the classroom.
Without these things,
I am nothing.
So now, I must
shed innocent blood.
Come with me.
No, no! No! No!
You bitch! You bitch!
Stay back! Stay back!
Where's my baby?
Where's my baby? No!
My baby!
You murderer!
You... No!
Stop! Please, stop! Stop.
Now, stop! Stop!
Police! Open up!
All right, hold it right there!
Back away! Now!
Look out, look out!
Remove your sweater.
Drop it and
slide it over to me.
Take off your brassiere.
Can I please take a shower?
Oh, God.
Drop it, slide it over to me.
Lift up your arms.
Lift your left breast.
Your right.
Remove your underwear.
Can I please speak
with Detective Valento?
Remove your underwear.
Ms. Lyle, you're under arrest.
Do you understand?
Please let me explain.
Do you understand?
Yes, but...
You have the right
to remain silent.
Do you understand?
This is crazy. I was attacked.
Respond to the question!
I understand.
At approximately 10:00 p.m.,
Anne-Marie McCoy
returned to her apartment.
She discovered her dog
with its head cut off.
She cried for assistance,
at which point you attacked
her with a meat cleaver.
You were still in
possession of this weapon
when the arresting
officers came to her aid.
DETECTIVE: Where's the baby?
I don't know.
You're sick.
VALENTO: Before I ask
any further questions,
would you like to have counsel?
(BANGS TABLE) Yes or no?
(STUTTERING) I would like
to make a phone call.
TREVOR: I'm sorry,
we can't take your call.
Please leave a message
after the tone.
Trevor, are you there? Pick up.
It's an emergency, Trevor.
Pick up the phone!
I've been arrested.
I'm at the 18th District.
Can you please come pick me up?
That's it.
Do you know what time it is?
3:00 a.m.
Oh, God.
There's gotta be
another way out of here.
ATTORNEY: Cover her face.
Don't say anything.
Just have to walk to the car.
TREVOR: Okay? That's it.
All right. Here we go.
You'll be fine. Stick with me.
REPORTER: There she is!
There she is!
Just keep your head down.
All right, people. Back off. Back off.
We have no comment.
Absolutely no comment.
Nothing to say.
We have absolutely nothing to say!
No comment!
My client has not been
charged with a thing!
information has indicated
that baby Anthony was abducted
and may still be alive.
The blood may have
come from the dog.
A suspect was released this
morning after questioning,
and I guess we'll just have
to follow this one as it...
Well, at least they didn't
mention your name. That's good.
Now, they haven't charged you
because they think
they'll find the body.
Which means, I'm afraid, they're
shooting for murder one,
but I don't think
they have a chance.
Do you think I did it?
No, nobody believes that.
But it's crossed your mind?
ATTORNEY: Is there anything,
any detail, however small,
that you can recall
that would help us
substantiate your
version of events?
I blacked out.
I don't know what happened.
I just woke up in that place
and there was blood everywhere.
Can I get you anything?
Are you sure?
Look, honey, I was supposed
to go over to the campus
and pick up some work.
I'm concerned about leaving
you alone, though.
I'll only be about 20 minutes.
Where were you last night?
I was here. I was fast asleep.
I thought you were
with Bernadette.
Look, honey,
I'm gonna stand by you.
We're gonna get
through this, okay?
I'll be right back.
Believe in me.
Be my victim.
Come on.
Do you believe in me?
Keep away from me!
I have the child.
Allow me to take you, or
he will die in your place.
Your disbelief destroyed the
faith of my congregation.
Without them, I am nothing.
So I was obliged to come.
And now I must kill you.
Your death will be a tale
to frighten children,
to make lovers cling
closer in their rapture.
Come with me and be immortal.
Bernadette, go.
Helen, honey, it's...
He's here.
Go on! Get out!
(SOBBING) Oh, no, no, no.
Trevor, he's here.
He's here. He's here.
Don't let him kill me.
Trevor. Trevor!
Hey, hey. Trevor!
Take her outside.
Hold me, Trevor, please?
Why do you want to live?
If you would learn
just a little from me,
you would not beg to live.
I am rumor.
/tis a blessed condition,
believe me.
To be whispered about
at street corners.
To live in other people 's
dreams, but not to have to be.
Do you understand?
HELEN: Please, God,
don't let him kill the baby.
Where are you going?
No, you can't leave me here!
I can't defend myself!
What do the good know,
except what the bad teach
them by their excesses.
Allow me at least a kiss.
Just one exquisite kiss.
Listen, he's under the bed!
Bring me 1,000 mills.
Listen. He's here.
He's under the bed!
No. DonT
She's coming around. Morning.
I'd like to speak
to my husband.
So would I.
There we go. What time is it?
Where are we going?
We're going to Disneyland.
Clyde, open it up.
Winley? Clyde, open it up.
What the hell are you
all doing back there, huh?
A little reading? Huh?
MAN: Freak.
Dr. Burke? DR. BURKE: Yes.
Ms. Lyle, I'm Dr. Burke.
I'd like to speak
to my husband.
I'm sure we can
arrange a visit.
A visit?
Have I been committed?
Do you really think these
restraints are necessary?
this is a writ of detention from
the state attorney's office.
Now, for the past month...
We've been stabilizing you on
a heavy dosage of Thorazine.
You probably remember
very little, or nothing.
Get me my attorney.
I'm working for your defense.
We have to assess your
ability to stand trial.
you've been charged
with first-degree murder.
Why don't you tell me what
happened in your apartment?
The night you were admitted,
did the killer appear to you?
Murderer! Murderer!
Murderer! Help me!
He's here! He's under the bed!
I don't understand.
Help! Please! He's here!
Help me! Help me! Please!
He's under the bed.
He's under the bed...
That's not possible.
MAN: Bring me 1,000 mil/s.
I'm not capable of that.
No matter what's going wrong,
I know one thing.
That no part of me,
no matter how hidden,
is capable of that.
I can prove it.
H ow?
I can call him.
Candyman, Candyman,
Candyman, Candyman,
You're mine now.
Tonight our congregation
shall witness a new miracle.
NURSE: Dr. Burke?
Dr. Burke!
Dr. Burke!
Dr. Burke, please answer.
Dr. Burke!
WOMAN ON PA: Code nine,
Ward B-5, stat.
Code nine, Ward B-5, stat.
MAN: Check the west wing!
All clear! Right!
Let's go! Go, go!
We have a direction
on this one?
HELEN: Please be home, Trevor.
Please be home.
Get out of my home.
TREVOR: What's the matter,
sweetie pie?
Did you make
another little boo-boo?
What are you doing here?
I live here. Remember?
Call the hospital.
Don't touch the phone.
What's the matter, Trevor?
Scared of something?
I hate the color scheme.
What were you gonna do, Trevor?
Wait till I got out
before you told me?
You knew I was never
coming out, didn't you?
I think we should
call the hospital.
Go on.
Go on.
Is that what you wanna do?
Call them.
(SOFTLY) I'm not a murderer.
I'm not...
Trevor, you were all Ihadleñ.
It's over.
RECORDED VOICE: If you'd like to make
a call, please hang up and try again.
They will all abandon you.
All you have left
is my desire for you.
You came to me.
The Child...
We had a deal.
Surrender to me now,
and he shall be unharmed.
We have a bargain.
And I'm afraid.
Do you fear the pain,
or what is beyond?
The pain, I can assure
you, will be exquisite.
As for our deaths, there
is nothing to fear.
Our names will be written
on a thousand walls,
our crimes told and retold
by our faithful believers.
We shall die together
in front of their very eyes
and give them something
to be haunted by.
Come with me
and be immortal.
You're mine now.
It's time for a new miracle.
Lt was always you, Helen.
It was always you.
He's here.
HELEN: I'm coming.
It's okay.
BOY: Check it out, man.
MAN 1: What happened?
MAN 2: They got
Candyman out there!
JAKE: Candyman's in there! I saw
him go in there! I saw his hook!
The Candyman's in there!
I saw his hook!
I knew you'd come.
Burn him.
Burn him! Burn him!
Burn him! Burn him!
Burn him! Burn him!
Burn him! Burn him!
Burn him! Burn him!
Help! Help!
Burn him! Burn him!
Burn him! Burn him!
Help! Help me!
You lied to me!
CANDYMAN: We must be on
our way now, you and I.
Our bones will soon be ashes,
and we shall never
be separated again.
HELEN: Let me go.
Icannot We are already dead.
Come back to me!
Come back!
PRIEST: We commend to Almighty
God, our sister, Helen,
and we commit her body
to the ground.
Earth to earth, ashes
to ashes, dust to dust.
The Lord bless her and keep
her and give her peace.
God of holiness and power,
accept our prayers, on behalf
of your servant, Helen.
Do not count her deeds
against her,
for in her heart she
desired to do your will.
May Almighty God bless you, the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
MAN: My God. Look at that.
PURCELL: Trevor?
STACEY: Trevor?
What is it?
Trevor, are you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Aren't you hungry?
No, I'm okay.
I'll eat a little bit later.
I was gonna make us
a nice dinner.
Okay. Whatever.
Hey, why don't you help
me make the salad?
Okay. I'll be there
in a minute.
Oh, Helen.
What's the matter, Trevor?
Scared of something?
My God, Trevor?